HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05386_Well Construction - GW1_20211013 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD >�orinn dusxtsxrv; 7M fam cm be used for sik*or mWtiple mils i 1.Well Contractor information: , Stefan Smith rR M DMCRtPrtrrY 1V3576A dl Contractor i tarns �C� 1 �}��� s4.oaat.+ xrJ arirhsklahsedsiiefl OR : NcWdIcamctorceflirlizinNurber FROM. TO DTA. 7ntGKiViSS MAWMIAi. SASDACCO Inc 3tv^� t $Glt-� 0 11. 13 (L 1° la. SCE-40 PVC r' it, NG R iNG; 1�eriai9tlesFd!" (an>tKtl�y`Niale FROM TO DTAMP.TSk Ti11CKAFSS MA)ERiAL 2.Wr3tConstrntdmPerfnitit: 50000079 ti. fl. l ut al)oppUr able volt prrmlts(i e.Cmnty,Stair•Vnr owe.I40Cdcn rrr.) tt. p. iah. 3.Wdl,Use(ctheck.vrell use)' t7 Water SupplyWdl: FIrAM "M DIA=91t T nx TInC.iT MS MATP,RW ®Agriatlhlr8l l.lMimiapall!'ubiic 13 (L 23 fh 1° ins 010 SCE-40 PVC OGeotl►ermal(lieatin�otfling Sttppiy) @Residential Water Sttpp>y{single) A. rt. la OlndttS[rial/COnlnktriai L7Residential Water:Supply(StNned) cRolir FROM I TO ,MATERW. 09tA IriTMBfltOD@AMOttNT O ig lion fi. rL Non:Water Supply Well: ®Monhorin l�R4r0� Injection etl: h. . fit 0Ailu'rfer111ccilatge 00roundvmlerRemedlation rR A ar OAguft Storage and RccovvV i7SalinityBarrier TO L panriar%h �srrinrre f n 11 IL 23 ft. SAND #2 ❑AquiferIlest ❑S(ommaln I)Wtogc Mixtimcntai Trchnetogy 0Subsidcnce Contmt R. ft. 29 RnA NG tfeM re Biitd*i11 �edF<3fi+cccsta n. ocleothenrmi(Closed Loop) OTrdcer ,FROM ITO DT�LTttPrI01 4wTar.hprle _ avanck d�aele. OGeothennal(Reati oli Remm) odder at under#21 Remafs) 0 ll. 18 (1, Silt 18 th 23 (i. Sandy silt 3.Date Wetl{s)Completed: 8/31/21 Wdl ID#B-8 ft, ft. 5r.Weil Location: tt. f, Shell Oil Products, US ft. (t. Fac17iiy;K)nncr Name Facility TDa Cif apptimbli) 101 W. Woodlawn Rd., Charlotte,, NC, 28217 R, 04 Physical Address Ciq.and Zip 2t Mecklenburg 16903203 Temp well for groundwater grab sample. C.rmssnr l�Art;ttldrrt13r6GpfiSti No,(Mtd) Sb.Latimite and tungitodc in dcgree stminutc0sceonds or decimal degriecsr 22.Certifrcatnn: of O$Il etd,ow talilor@ is sldnekm) 35.178765 N 80.884073 W 9/28/2021 �iSmt afC .. WettConttactor Date 6.is(Yrc)tbt)t7ell(s3): t7Pertlranem at zTemporary ll r�fgnins Mh fbrm.1 hereby nrrdf}that Aw>nellls)*ft(whir)rowtftwed bo-earths er 04.15A AFC4C 03C.t)1W or I SA NCAC 02C.02%)W eU Cbmrrrkem Smadtlyds and dig a 7.Is this a repair to an o11l.Sting weW 01a or RING raprojfh£r:re+r�rnd bus l�reia pnn&ied tndr#rot mtmr. ll thls is la rrpMr,,f£t7 nut krrm+n>.mU pro+artrtrcttaa)itfotrrxetton:�rd rxyhalrr Liar tts?fNrr rf the- reMirwderd277 r maris srctian Bran the hoot:qff ibis form: 23.Site diagram or additional eelldetalls: You mWAtse the bast;of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.Numberef avib constructed: 1 construction details.You may also attach additionalpagta if necessi n°. For tmWpfe Jn/eedon or nrM-revsrer jWpJ}uW1s OA'CY"Ith dnf some soashWffmn,vau cmT nibenh ano form S1lBCNMAL INsT[)moNs 9.Total well depth below land surface: 23 {n,) 2Aa. ii1or AIi Wells: Subic it (his Arm within 30 dpy's of completion of,,tell 7 for,nib4ptrwUsHaafl;trpdaffdifferrr;(eraple,-3@200'amdlolay) constriction to the following: 10.static waterierel below top of easing {g.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing knit, If Heuer kvrl iraben c nalnd wx"+" 1617 Mail Sen iec Center.RaIcW ts1C27649-1617 t i.so diameter:2.25° On.) 2I6.Far tnieetion Wells Oi`Ii.Y: Ilto addition t0 sending the fame to the addns in 24o above. also submit 7a oolw of_this fort within 30 days of connrietion of well 12,Well cDtlsti7Tctlon widbvd; DPT eonatuction to the following! (Le.aim:mtaryy,cabie iiimx pm li.dc.) Division of Water Rcsanrccs.Uh derVMuml Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 hail Service Cinter.Raldgh,NC 276994636 1 134L Vicki(gpm) Method oftest; Ur-For WaterSRp&&tnleetlni lilts: Also submit one cols} of tots forth within 30 days ofcotuptetionof 13n.Disinfection type: Amount: well constriction to the cowry health depvrima, of the comic whore constructed. FormG%V-1 i�anhCasolln Dq�arihrc7uofEenfmmnc�atadAlstaealAcsomtxs-DhisionafRratcrR RuaiscAAugust2013