HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03770_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 828,622 72+41 p'I I'eb 161906;43p Clea►waierWell Drilling CO$.>��GW^�l . rFnr Intctnnt Use sty: WELL CONSTRUt�TI01' I<2L 1. � tGtntraetmrintbttaottan: _ ��Ef)Nt3S � r' OL�'S loeoa To '-- well i.«tvad«Novae RC 1tV6 w. Mc well Cam mov Cetti6cation Ntmrber tstt�M To ► ie. ` Cnmpnny Nnma ti.1 RC•O pL► x1A L 2.1Va11 Cttnatrrtalion Permit 73 H. iJsr rd!vr(rliorNrlu well rxunstnto►lon Jra7ArRs(!.v tNC Cvrrnry.8tafa Ym ttrnce,Cart) n• R 3.NUI 11.1c(chins*veil nse)-- 7. t UL M A wstersupplywelt. 0• Agricultural OiVlGnicipaUPubilc (? Goot7tettrtnt(Iicating/Coollttg Supply) esidentialWatcr Supply(singtc) ii- N• Industrial/Commercial ;dpttia(WaterSupply(shartxt) tg, 11T mA toot irtlluitm tt. p• 1� Nva-W ntttr Supply Well. p• fir. mouitoli Resovety Injection tt" R• Aquifrrltediarp DGrourtdwnterRcmcdiatitrn 39 N L p > tx�rtttm AquiferStoMpomudPCWVtIy 13StdinityAonia yt- a AquifcrTcst OstnmtwmDrainage Laperimental Tceltltolov 13Subsidence Control Geothermal(Closed Ltvtp) Dauer yt TO � GeutermN Hoatin inI Retuml Olher Gin under f#21 Rcmrtrlrs) ft. 11 _ 2 ft. li�L4 a.1►atewdt(sl Cnmpteeed: Well IDfI . it R - Sa.WNlLncrrNnn: , r ti�/ L ( n � '1�C� l J 7 F eiFt�:'rltcnct ttamt FAtY 100 KIVPlicaLlrl R , � r 11cu d hit Oft S�'1C� 'L1 rt. `'` c�fln Physieal Address City,and Vp _ ��G'�C��S Uhl __ ��. R • C,tansy Pareei idomilfcatinn Na(PiN) .ib.Lgtltade and lonjpOe in degrMIJminattslsecaads nr decimni drgrees: ;2+Ce dnn: // (if%vol frem,me IArlaaa iA soinrlantq ' 1 _ J�� Q3S- `1131P C� ti 7`-L I SLR �.- ;Snao we of tkttificA WdlCarttaotar Oa1c A.is(arc)the Well(6)4PermaaCM ar .mar$lie,tet1 rum trt arunrAancr !;u a11t►tltu;tHrx fhrn, I hrr2hv esrrtlfi (� t � u.r1hn)X..AJAo or 15A NCAC.07C.(lTltD Weft CraWrtrrsmn yranddrdt llRrl thm a 7.b 110s A repair to an existing Walt: r3Xes or Me eap�r vfrlds"TV"]ha*'m Pm'*d Jp the weft O Mlrr. l,rtldr Is a repair;,#1J muknown IWO•wnstrnctrou irl(i+rmartrurmrd arpkdq nce nnrare njdre rvoir under 121 rvmarb a%Wim arm do.'bOd-O f1100mr. 2x Site dla6rsm or Addidowl wail dtmt1b, you ay Lisa the tack of this page to provide addidoltnl titdl site debail4 or well m R.Bor Geoprabeffipror Closed-IIARP Gecdb4r=i Welte bav"%the%m a cimtW�dvill . Yau May a1BD attach additional p9�if 9000OW rxmsinrctian,onh 1 C.W 1 isrseeded, rndicata TOTAL NtiiMBF.It crf++,tlsRi�� ' !t 7rnlat wellsl M halow land surlltae: / { (1R.1 ��IA. (rt�r all Wills: Submit this form within 30 days of twpitnitm of We11 inrmnU/ple+nt!/.e/ieratidoprJtr:jd�Nyrt(rxtrmitM-3(�1+1!!it'ond�alfn�I ellfl titmtotllefplmft- 11i.Static abler level odour top of easing" ___,___(RJ lhlvidon of Water R"Wee%1 %M adon Pray Ohm Ualt, 1b17 Aid Sarvkc Center,it4It�P-XCx7894-16t? !J nph!r(atv!f Jat7lYtee eating,IGL'"•••i)� i • in ad81tiod to mnditrg the farm 0 due ttddront in 24n iA_ilotrhWedtameter• (In.) ;bdh.�t!£.(��' ' nyo<,e,also submit one Dopy oP ihiB form w1Adn 3i1 days of eompiedcm of rpol 12.WL41 a metrneddon method: t ►J - — —_ mmMction ro the fallowing: t (i e.aMer,votary.enble,slims gush,ctc,) _ mvty(on Or water Remirce%Underglround lejm ton CoRtrul ftogram. FM VYA7'ER fd PPt V WELLS tNVLY: 1636 MAiI 9ervtoe Cer ,mr,Ratctgb.NIC 276994636 �( lac Rnr 1`Jatcr 4;tt�it:�c raioetloe Weir In adtGNan to sunfift iht farts tun Mcthotl of task o submut one 13a-Yield(0m) --'-1`— ebe addl�ss(es) Gbm4 als Copp of lid$ form whilln 30 days of temptation of Nvdl consuurxion i the cotmty boalth depatlmgtt of the mmutY 13h.Disinfectio �` ' ' -`_ Am°�R ©L�w� �tYtx� wttm'e conatrtteme. Faun GW-I North Caroifnnt�apnrtmnnrofIin+IrtiamrnmtQrtallty-OMS-urnoPWaterft mn:al Retrlaed2-242a16 will6 r�ll� r WIN gr . . rertifita��Qn Owner: PAddress : �� ' QNew h Well: r nit: pair: I hereby certify that the abo all County Well rules. referenced well vuas group aPP 'ance in accordance with Well Driller: � — C',0w 5 Signed: Certificate#: Date Grouted: Construction: Grout; Total Depth: �j SV Type. Mu"0- (asing Type: `�+- Pe i _ Thiclmess: (Y)�Gt--{ � g Depth. Depth. 6Q Dia meter U, Weight/Thick: Drive Shoe: GPM: t i