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GW1-2021-03572_Well Construction - GW1_20210823
828-622-72,,41 P•1 Feb 151905,43p CleatwaterWeliDrilling W EI.L COMM RECOR.ID f GyV-11 I or intcmni Use Only: I.Well<Antmtor in oration: ^. - `,� K WA EONE6 D89 lost Well Catl"Clor blame fit yG well i ell Illy�or�,C1e ttiifftolionn Numbs •$Qp 1 ER CAS1lVG Lisi1D1 a lm.,an.Y C L c �Y �11 1 uaQat m rn� •tt t nu►\J � I. II`� � it it. _ �� ;�. � crimpony,Warne i 6.ttVNBR CASINGOR:'PUSINC Hmraut ll..�..,►�. yt QT�P1S67i 'PSICk'NeSS NATFNAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: TO It fi: in. i,isi all npplicahle well cmwtrtrellon pwmits li,111C4,Ctratrly,59ate,Varlama, tt. �• �- 3.1Yd1 itsc(cheek wdl use): 1ZSCRB1ilM TRIP CAL Water SoppIl9Well: tgnont ro Agricultural �Mimicipitl/pu6iic (j aR. tt. °" Geftofflal(kieatingiCoal}ngSupply) residential Water Supply(single) 11. ladusiriallcommerou+l DResidenrial waler Supply(shal 1s;.4=iff .� D&AtW001rr ROM TO :ylA L SA7 lrrl Ition �.---- -- - n. O EL Q Non-Water Supply WcIL- monitol nRecovery it. fc Injection Well: n. ft. Aquifer Recharge QGroundwatctlicmcdiatioa -its PAC to hfe Rom TO T< '. e>titrtncr.Ma TatacrltoQ Aquifer Storage and Recovery° [3•Siilinity f3ntriea - n Smnrnvlttcr Drailragia It„IL Aquifer Test � -- " R. Experlmental Techmlogy subsidence Control m r0 Geothermal(Closed Loop) 13TcaccrDRILLING LOG adttteh � PRO39 Geottietmal Kcatin Gail Return)( DOther(e%� ttttdcr#21 Remarks) ' it. fr -A "WellIDY R� 1` 11 Oil rnt< A.Hate weti(A)Cpleted• u Well Location- 1 n• I nD fR• t+�°` L•Y °� M��issa F-4 P 111 f - n. I arilitls�OwnerN c - Facility Do(ifapplicahle) J I � �reel� Pre exye 128 1& P steal Address,City,and Zip Q a5 38 Cimay Parcel Cdamif catitm Na.(PIN) 5h.Latitude nod!oagitade in degreesltnlauteslseconds or decimal degram (it�o one lstgonl:in suitcicrtt} nI o .Ce t on 5o'4a.Di, Ja� �Qa � ��glo �� 30 ureefCertirmtWcl►CantmctarDolO A.Is(are)the well(s) mneat or DITempornry , W,(weu eaa»acrA In actiardomeO Mtbixthrm.f hi-mhvrxmljymob uP .v 1N x arle 1S.t ti!'AC.'01.1.0100 or 1.fA,YCAC 02C.0100 Wrtl C11010w"'Srnndar&mn1 thin a 7.Is this a repair to an existing wail' Yes or IKP nnpv njrlrfr rsrnnl has ntrm pnitdderf la the wdi nwttrr. Mtht,i<:,rc1wlr.,/tllnurknnwntu.:lf.:Onunvdnuri>tjnrmallonmrdrapraiirthenan:n n�rhu rrrcir tinder 421 remnn@r.=I"nr(m ifla hurl'njthl a.(nmt. r�glm diagram or edditlonal tvel!detaiLv: You may use ilte back or this Vega to',provide add;tionnl well stile derails or well S.ftor GeoproheMPT or Closcd4Anp Geothermal Wells hawing the same ct)rAtnutioo details. You may also attach addlftimal pages if pmessaty. csmslntction.only I GW-I is needed. fadicato TOTAL NUMBER Of—]Is drillctl:�_."._ _ -----" W O� �A,(��I}'ol tm�Cl'R_ lam ?.Total well depot below land surface; (D•) 2'In.For All Wells: Stthmit t)tis fLr»t lttithin 30 dtt,�s of completion of well Far nwhiptc wells Usr at;deprhr jAf rrmu(exampk-101110'mad s�3t[ 1001 comtrurdiM 10 the f011tNvft: 10.Stolle wata•level booty tap of t9siag: (ft.) Divi16171�d SO co���R*I gh.WC276"_lfi?1fit, 1f xwtar rnsrr is rrhava caring•me"•" I I.Rotzhoit diameter. (in•] Zgh.For iwf ctioa 3Eq tr io addition to sundials the form Io dil ttddfcaa in 74a `m , �, ,• a--`� strove,obo submit one copy of this form wilbin 311 days of completion of well 17-f,Vell constraedom metbad: V Tt JLyI'( amsitttction to the fallowing: (i C.mrae-,mmtwy.male,(fired pusb"Ac.) Div;slon ofVllster Reawreet.Underground Injection Contra]Program. (n/I (� 1636 Mail Service Ceni Rateigb.NC 2709-1636 1�OR WATER gI pptY WELL ONLY' 13a.Yield(gran) 5 Method of test. `^ ` 11c. For Watar SnedY&llajlxtlott�_t i7 in addition to sanding the farm to the address(es) abnve, also subrnu one copy of this rotor will 30 days OF ci)api¢tion of.veil constgactian to the'com►ty hell deaatimenl of the county 1311 Disinfection type: —--- �1t0tmt' where constluemd. t+ant C.W-t Alergt C hrofin I:)M tlaont.tt 1: .1t intagi l Cont y-Division of Water Rastnuees Revined2-22 lot 6 I I i Date. Well Case: Wellft ©off 01 4a3 Name: aa S fo btr M6'SSk PDY- Address: sm e- Pump has been installed, well head ready for inspection. Sigh: X14 �--