HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03566_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 PA Feb 151905;43p GlearwaterWeliDrilling •' ' ' W IG GONS ION)(tECO I (GW_I l For lntelrini Use oty: t.wc'ilt'.onsrxernr lnformatlon: �. - Well Conn ela Now f i0. it. NC WCit CaMM001 Catificatlon Ntrtnttcr R C R1biG for e /) ` r, ` tin I r1 tR�M I P. 'flit M^ATCIWL �J/I, Y it; �Z % t l P I (� Cfwmp"n,Wamr. 6.lNt+f6R C NC tM t z•Well Comttrnatinn Permit k: 0 D ft. ft 6n. id'vitliaP141wbletnullCanarrtrcrinnparm0x(lye IJK Canrx�!Sraln Yarlancv crc_l s� 3.1vr1i irgC(cheek well rise- TZt3C N Witter Supply we": kneel rr► n sea u Agricultural �MmticipnUPuhEic () Ae n. i" Geothermal(t4eatingrCooling Supply) ffRalitential Wa%.Suppry(single) R tt• to IndustriatlCnmmercial Resideriftl Water Stipple(sharod) & irti otion a � COMMA •crst n o Nrm�'1'nter: n• }uFply WA � . t\4onitoting Recovery UT tt� fa injec:tton Wdl: —n: {t, Aquifcr)teebt c E30ranndwnwrltemediation 14 p(dp/GRAt�BLFA �, tat•#•►toa AquiferStorgc:firdRecovery DSnlinitySorrier � Aquifer Test [38tnrmwater Drainage R Experimental Technolaw r3sumidcnec Contmi Geothermal(Closed Loon) 13Traccr .t1Altd IOC ew Ciantilemma!(Hentietp�Cooti(n>;��Raurn) 7Otheriexplain uttdcr i121 Rcmarits} �j TO -7 ft, a,Date Weq(s)Completed:UL .`!�'Well iDq.—,-- J ft. .40.Well i,nwinn: F3dffty)0%"mrXmn(.- Facility[Oil(tfnliplicebtr) IL r `� ('1111iPill Addm.4,Cl, ,and+Ta'p ft � li AR , Caumy Ptnrct ldemittcation No.(Pit+) 5h.Latitude and longitude in de mm/min»res/seconds or decimal drgrecs: (ii wgtl Geld,nn+:tttt% is soil' cn1) D n (;f tffi ion: thewdl(a) Pirrttenent or DTPmpnrary Spnetnranf(kttrficdwetlCnmrnetor Dnre �.,,/ p.tlmiall rhhr farm,1 hPrrAV c.wfJfj+rho:thr ttw,7(,0 Wo fwmv)f0 n WJW!b ocrnMo.•nr ?,iy thiF a repair to nn oxisting fuel!: ones or No bent iSA Y-r..4r?02C.0100 or MA N(.AC PX.000 Well Cwtrrrnctinn Uraralaala mid ohm Irrhlr is:I repefr.fill awkmwn to,Jl•roaaremllnn h(/nrmarinnmal eaPlan,the rur)prr nf,ho "•M)y ofsh!s nt rrrd NachreR(lratidialla 1JY!wr!!nwnei. r.;%nir soda c71 re04*SCdhat ar oalfic ham-n(fhti jam). 23.Sfte dkW m or additional!Vail dee411s: R-For GeoProhe/ill f or 0osei%4A tp Geotbermal Wells having the same 'tr xt msp usa ilia back of this page to provide additions)Weil site deWla em w0l txnsmtction,only I G%1•I is needed. fndicwq TWAL NUMBER ofurlis +:on.9wiction details. You mayalto ettash addifimel pages if nocmry. driNui• •_—_ ---•--- ;�itiiial�_ Ai.�l�j�$!crsows A j�T'101 well depth below land surbet: _ 00 2.1a.For All Wells: Submit this knit within 30 das%of completion of well l�arnn)hipfewelltlitrMldirPrhrrfd ¢rrtnr(eramph 3r�iT!!R'mrdc�n11007 wilmi tiontoThefollmThm 111.StIltic Witter iewcl below top of essing: (fry) Divit(oa of Water Resources,fro rmatlon Procesft Unit, 1f im/rrltnrrlsatn)mcaslrrg tnr".••( 16!?lt)IaR Service CenMi',Wtdgh.MCa71i�-i61? 1 i-Ronehoie diameter: /�(i�n.)J� p� 241►Fm Ialecti�on,n wane: In addition to sending ft form to the nddrm in 24a f 2 !Yell cRnatrnCtinn methnd� � ►,1 fig rd>ove,Ow submit one copy of this fm m within`30 days of comple0m of we]t (;c,m)ge•,MW .rabic,4irarA pttsh,ctc.i construction to the following Dlvislon of Water Rtaottrerc,Underground injection Centr'el Progrnm. TY?tt WATER St:PPY-V WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Savlee Cam w,WOO,WC 7.7094636 13a.Yirid(gig) .)� MathrW of teat: ! roe.For Willer Burney&tteieelian Wdtia In addition to:amuling The form to the ndlimm(es) abnvt:, also submit one copy of thi¢ farm within 30 days of jib.t)rslnfection type: e�mtnmt completion of well a►nsunetioa•m the'cmaily health tle(nMant of the county _11e otin9tntEnd. IrmnCal+�t NcvlhCnmlfnnl]apnrmtone.�irin.•Icnnmrnmt Qanlhy-i)ivrstnn oft'Waert Rc9aun;ec Revigetl2 X!2Rtti