HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03557_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 F eb 1619 05:43p ClearwaterWeti Drilling 82$-622-7244 P WELL CON§jNVCTION 12EC0 (GW^�1.. For internal Use n►y: t•Wcll C,nntraett r Infbrmation: LANES - rrtot xo n to 'Veil CrnlUddtx Name to fe. V1(C�Wcll C\/n1nC,naJ�g�or�rCeKi6cotron 1Wtmt'� �{�n DD 11 i1N OR 1 l lR 7tl[ t f6 in. Cnmpnny Name 6.�SR CA$1NG OtR EM=— tbrraral etwed-too 2.tYdi Comtrnction Petattitlt: S-31 M ,Y, ntuat!taR Ta MA[FAIAL i,(aY rd!n/r/i11MAlu wall ennrrrper/aa porAlOs(<.w f11C,Calmly,S(af4 rierr"Ce,era) ft. 11t. In. I Weil ihir(ched[vdl use): ft• � fn watersp l Well- 17.m ppy araoM TA n sL6r9tZB tctcrtas 18RtAt. Agricultural DMunicipal/Pubfic f) aR, rt. Geothcrtnat(I'ioating(Conting Supply) �Rcgidentinl Water Supply(single) tr ia. tndusirial/C,ommercutl DResidenriat Wafer Supply(shared) 18.GRatPr . irN ation rP MAT6 L sAs gR?t D4AMOO" 94091l►ntcrSupplywelis A40nitoring Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer IteellW DGroundwater Remediatim !9,if�K St SAMUGRAVBL A PAC Ita h1e t1u oMge Md Recovery E3Saiinity Balker OM MAT L ICnl1A r.N�Ka AquiterTcq []StnnnwatcrDminagc L'•'a'peritnental Technology E)Subsidence COIN n- a• Geothermal(Closed Loop) Dander 2fF.f)RII.LiP(G LOG at►adt as Caxrthermal Heatin Conlin Return) Other(explain undor 1i21 Remarks) tV0>K TO 44 4,hateWdl(s)Completed `T WclltlN/� v ft. ft. �' l tw 5u.Well 1acaH rt_ nn: r - T� c� 96-- �t?6 u(t' Facility:'(hvncrName ) kcility i00(ifappllcalk n n_ Ph.1col Address,City,and 7.ip re -64 2t.RF.MARK.S County Pared rdantification No.(PINT) Sb.Latitude nod Ionolude in degr'eetlininutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (�3 t (ii%von Geld,one letgong iA sui6cicru) 22.Cemrication: f,,la(src)the welt(s)�Pttrmnnent or ©tTemporarp :Mena ire nfCsrtifial WdlContrnwar DAIe r 1:V a!}mlog 1)r1s,6)rnr. die 1uc8(4 mas(Warr)cvnrlraarrl nt accrordanrr i.is this A repair to an existing wail: MYcs or oNo v frb 15.t.yC'tC 02C.010D nr 1SA NCAC.;07C.'.011/0 F'di CmuYrnrsinn SratrllarQe mn1 that c Ir'ddsisnrgpolr.f111atrrbratvatwillanaarnulnni,(frirmallan rrlalon,fbatxt)1uxgfjbc topyn(l/darrxnrrihacbftwprotl&dmdwwerlowner. repair rmder Gil ramnrkt sc u=ornn t1v harkofflux/bmi• IL Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprahc/DPT or Caned-i oap Geothermal Wells having fiesAme Tou may use the back of this page to provide additionni well silo derails or well t MIT11ctian, N I OW-i is needed. l icata TO-fAL NUMBER or%.slls congtnmtion details. You may also attach additional pages ifn=waty, dell{�:�- 9.Total'well depth below fan_d Surface; (R.) 2.4 I9r Alf Wells: Suhmh this form within 30 days of comptelion of well tnrreulNplc�rrH.elisrnlid pllu fd�enart(Bran{ok-3(n�2!!l►'onrls�+li 1W) CnnYttMitmto the f0110ITiag: statie wanes'levSl below top of easing: _(ft.) Division of Water Resources,lnibrmatlon Prwessing tlahlt, if"VlffrAtr:l hrdviveawny,Inc"-•' 1617 Mail Service Center,Raldgb,A1C27699-16t7 Bomholed►ameter: (in.) 24b.T iwM-c'op Veils: i'n addition to sending the form to Ole allmvs in 249 12 Wet;rnnstrneflon method: above,sho submit one copy of this'lorm within 30 days of cornplado t of well wnstmetion to the folrowinr, t i C.auae-,mt;n,rabic,direct push,etc.) Division ofV4ater Rrsaurce%Underground lq(ation COMM)ftogmM POR WATER SCPPi V WELLS ONLY: 1 G36 Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2709-1636 13a.Yield(gpel) Method of test: .24c, lior Water Sppefv&laleetlan Wei In addition to sanding Itte form to the nddrsss(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 34 days of 13h.Disinfection type, •Amouet: oDraptclion of weil constmcdon to the ema ty health department of the county whore congirected. VnnnC;W-i North CowifnnDep ronentoflin0rdrununalQtrdtity•Divis,nnof Water Rosonrems Reviged2Xldalb