HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140041 Ver 1_Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs_20210817CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> FYI Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -----Original Message----- From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 4:56 PM To: 'Tsomides, Harry' <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs Hey Harry Yes, since you aren't getting the site repaired until next spring and there are several repairs, we'll need monitoring for one additional year, so closeout would be 2023. (Sorry to deliver the bad news.) Thanks Kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -----Original Message----- From: Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 5:15 PM To: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: [External] RE: Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs Hi Kim I assume you mean the monitoring year 2022 by "next year before close out"; meaning the earliest we could close this out would be 2023. Is that correct? Depending on how the permitting goes, being trout waters we will likely not be able to do these repairs over the winter therefore looking at spring 2022 construction. I am just trying to get a sense for additional monitoring services from Wildlands. Then, I guess we will have to decide what will be in the scope of work for them in 2022, they charged us quite a bit for the extra work in 2021 but we can figure that out later... Thanks! ================================== Harry Tsomides Project Manager Division of Mitigation Services NC Department of Environmental Quality Tel. (828) 545-7057 Harry.Tsomides@ncdenr.gov 5 Ravenscroft Drive Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message----- From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) [mailto:Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 1:12 PM To: Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Thanks Harry. I talked with Todd and he agreed that we didn't need an adaptive management plan since it's DBB, and since we already issued the NWP3 for repairs, you should be all set. We may not require additional monitoring as long as you can show the culvert repairs are stable through a couple bankfulls, which you should be able to meet in the next year before closeout. Photo documentation will also be helpful. Thanks kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -----Original Message----- From: Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2021 4:41 PM To: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Cc: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs Hi Kim, Good to talk with you earlier today. Attached are a few files which clarify the direction we are headed in with this upcoming repair on Little Pine III. This Design-Bid-Build project is currently in Monitoring Year 6 (2021). This will be the third round of repairs and is the result on ongoing wear and tear in some sections of the project that we feel like need attention to properly present the project for close out (TBD). Attached (chronologically) are: 1. IRT Site Visit minutes from 2/23/2021 (DMS) 2. Todd's follow up email 3/1/2021 3. Set of scoping maps and photos from May 2021 (DMS) 4. Phase III Repair Concept Plan dated 8/9/2021 (EPR) Following the IRT meeting in February, I walked the entire project and photo-documented and mapped several stressed areas in addition to the two clogged/undersized culverts (see scoping maps and photos). Then in May, with that in hand, DMS (Paul, Tim and I) held a scoping meeting with EPR (Jake Byers) to get a consensus on what should be included in EPR's scope. The field meeting was held in order to observe two culverts that were discussed during the February IRT site visit, consider potential culvert treatments from EPR's perspective, and reach consensus on potential additional repair areas to undergo design and construction later this year and early next year. In summary: * Out of the 13 areas I noted and mapped (yellow numbered boxes), 11 of them are planned for some level of treatment as noted in the EPR Adaptive Management Plan repair memo; * Two additional small areas were added to the repairs at STA 328+10 (minor bank erosion near a culvert repair) and a J-hook boulder that has dislodged on Little Pine Creek at STA 120+50); * The effort will include fencing repairs along crossings (as discussed at the February IRT visit) and planting again along a 2020 repair haul road; * A full set of draft construction plans and project manual will be prepared for the usual informal contractor bidding process; in addition to design detail these will show the planting plan, species etc. to be planted along the haul road and following new repair-related disturbances, in addition to the fencing plan. If you have any comments on the EPR concept plan or the site in general just let me know. I plan to walk the site again next Wednesday with Paul, with concept plan in hand to make sure no even newer areas have emerged, and to review Jake's plan in detail. Thanks! ================================== Harry Tsomides Project Manager Division of Mitigation Services NC Department of Environmental Quality Tel. (828) 545-7057 Harry.Tsomides@ncdenr.gov <mailto:Harry.Tsomides@ncdenr.gov> 5 Ravenscroft Drive Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ो琡蘱칐䌚浘㧄倷᷂�ཽӢ衁๑䐢ꅒ∏䤴冉☮�᎝蓢褶䘑䔪굘姄冋㡅ឹӣ象蹑䘲챘⋝柴再㚮�ᯝ蓣扱ꛑ䜹秄冏㻮꠫ῩѤ邁๒䡂൙팡缄ኑ䘮�⌝蓤銑≈䥅ⴹ駄劓乮핉钡蹒䩒䵙虁늒嚦�⭝蓥隱챒䪅榹맄劗廮�ⷉ飁๓䱢赙사᎙昮�㎝蓦科⨓䵩굙�厛빭䧍㞹ӧ鳡蹓乲敖ꜷ厝皮�㯝㳗黨츓佺龍ፔ緊�㿽רꀁൔ켬৊ॅ咡蘮푐䄥疨ꈑ乔冊ⵚ칅ၭᒣ蹮�䜽שㄡ橔劑䵚⥅咥ꎬ䩒䭙藩꘱칔厚୒ꥋ㦵咧黮�㱽엩꠿๕咢赚䆝ᖩ꘮�厝 蓪ꥷ䙕喪굚姅㖇굎�垽׫걡嚮촺楅喭嫖寙藫깱칕㢺�歝秅喯뻮홗嶟낁๖壂౛泅蜅嚱옮�挝늉世姊ⵛꗂ嚲칦�朽׭䶡溶嫑䵛ꥅ䢵틞뭚歝藭뚱쵖�槛맅嚷�饑潁ծ룁๗峢썓깭줵垹�妜䕮뫏乗巪굛쥵톝ុ�瞽﷮볚踗廲쵛ួ�篝෬뻪츗忺ឿﻮ�翽෩샺༘怂൜ʦᣁد�茝⻦숊优愊ⵜ዆ᣃ๯�蜽廣쐚輘戒䵜⋶ᣅᚯ�譝軠옪켘挚浜�㈦ᣇữ�载컝젺༙搢赜�䉶ᧉ☯�鎝ớ쩊伙攪굜�뽅᧋⹯�鞽蛛챒輙昲최힙戮᧍㚯�鯝 칪켙机풝犞᧏㻯�鿽囓큺༚桂൝튡舞᫑䘯�ꌝ廛퉚会楊ⵝ튥語᫓乯�ꜽ풁輚橒䵝킩驦᫕嚯�ꭝᛌ횪켚歚浝쪭닖᫗ᜫ㰀㏧h㹸ᙈ哘ᘾ좱슆ᯙ是�겝嘶�佛浪ᵝ皴�寛湯쵦랱ٷ�轛洤짽壝玛뵮믝蛷샱랛潹鯞继�뿽ۮ༜炂൞롧ܗ峡蘯�싹睸作喊↮磅ᧇ峣鵮繱윹߹捔犏䴾柳⥇Ჟ閗�쭝蓹잜玚浞㏇᳧黯�虽靴ཝ璢͚뫎䤷巩꘯鹅펑蝺九ꤞ𥉉姇勫ꞏ뻵ힽ߻罡瞝皱쵞ﯙ�鷬뚧��켝瞺㯨瞗巯뻯흷�ཞ㛂ŏ糡襇廱ꌭ罸蟼 ꍌ秇ⴿﳥ駇幡쵗�˽螞竒䵟훩ꎇỵ횯�굜圽콞篚ⵕ緬릷廷�꼧ݾൟ笯觿ﻱ쥇䧹뽼蟾䓑㟟緩굟ﻵૂ鿺�㟟ﱖ輟绲쵟翱忽�滋睿ﻱ콟緺翽劉忿罿￸ǰ ﰄ䔭瀀 ᇰ⌁﯀ᕰ뀁ĝ⃰ș⤰뀂ȭ㯢瀂̱㥰뀃<㔐х䥰倀у冰々ﵔ佰瀅՝惰僺ٛ椰뀆杰ݵ硰郴ݳ膰〈罰瀈ࢍ郰郮ঋ餰뀉靰થꡰ部ણ놰》꾰瀋஽샰郢಻줰뀌�잰෕�郜ී『򉎰瀎໭탖࿫擄뀏폼စࡱᇑဃᆱㄑ츔ཱ焑ᄝ⃱釋ማ⤱넒젬➱ጵ㡱퇅ጳ䆱ㄔ쉄㿱焔ᑍ僱ᇀᕋ失넕뵜坱ᙥ桱醺ᙣ熱ㄗ띴澱焗᝽胱ᆵ᡻褱넘늌蝱ᦕ顱᧽ꆱㄚ욤鎑焚᪭냱ㆪ᮫뤱넛Ꞽ랑᳅족᳃톱ㄝꋔ콑焝ᷝ놟ớ넞鳬῵㆚ῳƲ㈠霄ム爠‍ჲℋᤲ눡鈜ᝒ ∥⡲늏∣ㆲ㈣贴⽒爣⌽䃲늊␻䤲눤行䜒╕塲犅╓憲㈦艤忒爦♭烲犀❫礲눧絼矒⢅衲牻⢃醲㈩碔迒爩⦝ꃲ㉶⪛ꤲ눪玬꟒⮵롲牱⮳솲㈬臄齱爬ⳍ탲⶿�눭櫜휲⻥鉧⻣㈯旴爯⿽ó犎ニळ댰稌﯒ㄕᡳ㍞ㄓ↳㌲嬤ΐ猲㈭ン獙㌫㤳댳圼㜓㑅䡳厳㐇决㌵汔䎳猵㕝想ፐ㙛椳댶둬佳㝵硳鍥㝧膳㌸䦄罓猸㢍郳鎵㥳餳댹府讳㪥ꡳ鍂㪣놳㌻뚴鞳猻㮽샳퍗㲯줳댼Ǎ뭳㷕�㍓㷇㌾㟤�猾㻭匵㿫盧댿㏼䀅ࡴᐱ䀃ᆴ㑁⸔ྔ瑁䄝⃴琬䈛⤴둂⨬❔ 䌵㡴㐨䌳䆴㑄♄㼔瑄䑍僴䕋头둅⅜埔䙥孴㑆䙩燴둃䝭礴둇䜟絴㑈㾅致瑈䢍둈䦑饴㐼䦕ꆴ㍊䦧ꗴ둊㢭ꥴ䮵橳†㾀䃠␈ഖ萇慂롐㙤༝䒈兢ꐸⵖ谗捆롑盤Ἵ䢐剤␹䶖鐧敊륒뙤⽝䲘卦ꐹ淖鰷李륓㽽傠周┺贖ꑇ楒메㙥依咨啪ꔺ굖걗歖멕盥徽墰噬┻춖둧浚뭖뙥濝岸坮ꔻ뱷潞뭗ȯ�墰☼ഗ쒇煢뱘㝦輝擈奲꘼ⵗ첗獦뱙矦鼽棐婴☽䶗풧番뵚띦꽝泘孶阹椃�睮뵛뽽烠屸✾贗祲빜㝧쾝瓨嵺Ꜿ굗筶빝俥�磰幼✿춗絺뽞띧糸彾ꜿﳷ罾뽟产Ǽ쀁Ⲑ ̍Ⴡᕌ섅沐ܝჂ▌숉겐ଭჃ㗌쌍Ꜽ偀䗼쐑ⲑፍᇅ啌씕沑᝝ᇆ斌옙겑᭭ᇇ瓌䓊�ώወ蔌젡Ⲓ⎍ዉ镌줥沒➝ዊꖌ쨩첋⩻ዋ뗌쬭⾽Ꮜ씌찱ⲓ㏍Ꮝ핌촵쒏㚯Ꮞ츹겓㯭Ꮟ켽㿽ᓐԍ꽁綳䌉ᓑᕍ텅涔䜝ᓒ▍퉉궔䬭ᓓ释千伽ᗔ䔍푑ⶕ卍ᗕ啍핕涕Ꝝ闓敽홙궕孭ᗗ痍흝彽ᛘ萍囉ᴶ掍ᛙ镍�涖枝ᛚꖍ�겖戝훚뗍�澽ៜ씍�⶗珍퇅�涗矝៞�궗篭៟懋彵翽ᣠԎ⺘茍ᣡᕎ�庘蜝ᣢ▎꺘謭ᣣ㗎랍游輹᧤䔎⺙鍍᧥啎�静᧦斎꺙魭᧧痎쎝皹齹᫨蔎 ⺚ꎍ᫩镎횥Ḉꞙ᫪ꖎ꺚ꮭ᫫뗎杳�꾽ᯬ씎⺛돍ᯭ㕌湛럝ᯮ꺛믭௯�뿽ᳰԏ⾜鰍籯ᔿ澜윝ᳲ▏꾔쨓ᳳ㗏켽ᷴ䔏椷῝퍍᷵問澝흝௶⾯꾝�᷷痏񒛷蔏⾞ỹ镏硼弞Ỻꖏ﫩꾞廎녯ﯭῼ씏ﳱ瞏´핏ﷵ澟῾�ﻳ꽟ﯭ῿�﷚老๐䀂൘ॄ큮Ԃ�̝蓠舑乐䄊ݖ ᦴ傃๮�ܽӡ刡扐䈑䵘⥄傅ᚮ푂ो琡蘱칐䌚浘㧄倷᷂�ཽӢ衁๑䐢ꅒ∏䤴冉☮�᎝蓢褶䘑䔪굘姄冋㡅ឹӣ象蹑䘲챘⋝柴再㚮�ᯝ蓣扱ꛑ䜹 秄冏㻮꠫ῩѤ邁๒䡂൙팡缄ኑ䘮�⌝蓤銑≈䥅ⴹ駄劓乮핉钡蹒䩒䵙虁늒嚦�⭝蓥隱챒䪅榹맄劗廮�ⷉ飁๓䱢赙사᎙昮�㎝蓦科⨓䵩굙�厛빭䧍㞹ӧ鳡蹓乲敖ꜷ厝皮�㯝㳗黨츓佺龍ፔ緊�㿽רꀁൔ켬৊ॅ咡蘮푐䄥疨ꈑ乔冊ⵚ칅ၭᒣ蹮�䜽שㄡ橔劑䵚⥅咥ꎬ䩒䭙藩꘱칔厚୒ꥋ㦵咧黮�㱽엩꠿๕咢赚䆝ᖩ꘮�厝蓪ꥷ䙕喪굚姅㖇굎�垽׫걡嚮촺楅喭嫖寙藫깱칕㢺�歝秅喯뻮홗嶟낁๖壂౛泅蜅嚱옮�挝늉世姊ⵛ ꗂ嚲칦�朽׭䶡溶嫑䵛ꥅ䢵틞뭚歝藭뚱쵖�槛맅嚷�饑潁ծ룁๗峢썓깭줵垹�妜䕮뫏乗巪굛쥵톝ុ�瞽﷮볚踗廲쵛ួ�篝෬뻪츗忺ឿﻮ�翽෩샺༘怂൜ʦᣁد�茝⻦숊优愊ⵜ዆ᣃ๯�蜽廣쐚輘戒䵜⋶ᣅᚯ�譝軠옪켘挚浜�㈦ᣇữ�载컝젺༙搢赜�䉶ᧉ☯�鎝ớ쩊伙攪굜�뽅᧋⹯�鞽蛛챒輙昲최힙戮᧍㚯�鯝칪켙机풝犞᧏㻯�鿽囓큺༚桂൝튡舞᫑䘯�ꌝ廛퉚会楊ⵝ튥語᫓乯�ꜽ풁輚橒䵝킩驦᫕嚯�ꭝᛌ횪켚歚浝쪭닖 ᫗廯�꽽껉�༛汢赝좱슆ᯙ是�겝嘶�佛浪ᵝ皴�寛湯쵦랱ٷ�轛洤짽壝玛뵮믝蛷샱랛潹鯞继�뿽ۮ༜炂൞롧ܗ峡蘯�싹睸作喊↮磅ᧇ峣鵮繱윹߹捔犏䴾柳⥇Ჟ閗�쭝蓹잜玚浞㏇᳧黯�虽靴ཝ璢͚뫎䤷巩꘯鹅펑蝺九ꤞ𥉉姇勫ꞏ뻵ힽ߻罡瞝皱쵞ﯙ�鷬뚧��켝瞺㯨瞗巯뻯흷�ཞ㛂ŏ糡襇廱ꌭ罸蟼ꍌ秇ⴿﳥ駇幡쵗�˽螞竒䵟훩ꎇỵ횯�굜圽콞篚ⵕ緬릷廷�꼧ݾൟ笯觿ﻱ쥇䧹뽼蟾䓑㟟緩굟ﻵૂ鿺 �㟟ﱖ輟绲쵟翱忽�滋睿ﻱ콟緺翽劉忿罿￸ǰ ﰄ䔭瀀 ᇰ⌁﯀ᕰ뀁ĝ⃰ș⤰뀂ȭ㯢瀂̱㥰뀃<㔐х䥰倀у冰々ﵔ佰瀅՝惰僺ٛ椰뀆杰ݵ硰郴ݳ膰〈罰瀈ࢍ郰郮ঋ餰뀉靰થꡰ部ણ놰》꾰瀋஽샰郢಻줰뀌�잰෕�郜ී『򉎰瀎໭탖࿫擄뀏폼စࡱᇑဃᆱㄑ츔ཱ焑ᄝ⃱釋ማ⤱넒젬➱ጵ㡱퇅ጳ䆱ㄔ쉄㿱焔ᑍ僱ᇀᕋ失넕뵜坱ᙥ桱醺ᙣ熱ㄗ띴澱焗᝽胱ᆵ᡻褱넘늌蝱ᦕ顱᧽ꆱㄚ욤鎑焚᪭냱ㆪ᮫뤱넛Ꞽ랑᳅족᳃톱ㄝꋔ콑焝ᷝ놟ớ넞鳬῵㆚ῳƲ㈠霄ム爠‍ჲℋᤲ눡鈜ᝒ ∥⡲늏∣ㆲ㈣贴⽒爣⌽䃲늊␻䤲눤行䜒╕塲犅╓憲㈦艤忒爦♭烲犀❫礲눧絼矒⢅衲牻⢃醲㈩碔迒爩⦝ꃲ㉶⪛ꤲ눪玬꟒⮵롲牱⮳솲㈬臄齱爬ⳍ탲⶿�눭櫜휲⻥鉧⻣㈯旴爯⿽ó犎ニळ댰稌﯒ㄕᡳ㍞ㄓ↳㌲嬤ΐ猲㈭ン獙㌫㤳댳圼㜓㑅䡳厳㐇决㌵汔䎳猵㕝想ፐ㙛椳댶둬佳㝵硳鍥㝧膳㌸䦄罓猸㢍郳鎵㥳餳댹府讳㪥ꡳ鍂㪣놳㌻뚴鞳猻㮽샳퍗㲯줳댼Ǎ뭳㷕�㍓㷇㌾㟤�猾㻭匵㿫盧댿㏼䀅ࡴᐱ䀃ᆴ㑁⸔ྔ瑁䄝⃴琬䈛⤴둂⨬❔ 䌵㡴㐨䌳䆴㑄♄㼔瑄䑍僴䕋头둅⅜埔䙥孴㑆䙩燴둃䝭礴둇䜟絴㑈㾅致瑈䢍둈䦑饴㐼䦕ꆴ㍊䦧ꗴ둊㢭ꥴ䮵橳†㾀䃠␈ഖ萇慂롐㙤༝䒈兢ꐸⵖ谗捆롑盤Ἵ䢐剤␹䶖鐧敊륒뙤⽝䲘卦ꐹ淖鰷李륓㽽傠周┺贖ꑇ楒메㙥依咨啪ꔺ굖걗歖멕盥徽墰噬┻춖둧浚뭖뙥濝岸坮ꔻ뱷潞뭗ȯ�墰☼ഗ쒇煢뱘㝦輝擈奲꘼ⵗ첗獦뱙矦鼽棐婴☽䶗풧番뵚띦꽝泘孶阹椃�睮뵛뽽烠屸✾贗祲빜㝧쾝瓨嵺Ꜿ굗筶빝俥�磰幼✿춗絺뽞띧糸彾ꜿﳷ罾뽟产Ǽ쀁Ⲑ ̍Ⴡᕌ섅沐ܝჂ▌숉겐ଭჃ㗌쌍Ꜽ偀䗼쐑ⲑፍᇅ啌씕沑᝝ᇆ斌옙겑᭭ᇇ瓌䓊�ώወ蔌젡Ⲓ⎍ዉ镌줥沒➝ዊꖌ쨩첋⩻ዋ뗌쬭⾽Ꮜ씌찱ⲓ㏍Ꮝ핌촵쒏㚯Ꮞ츹겓㯭Ꮟ켽㿽ᓐԍ꽁綳䌉ᓑᕍ텅涔䜝ᓒ▍퉉궔䬭ᓓ释千伽ᗔ䔍푑ⶕ卍ᗕ啍핕涕Ꝝ闓敽홙궕孭ᗗ痍흝彽ᛘ萍囉ᴶ掍ᛙ镍�涖枝ᛚꖍ�겖戝훚뗍�澽ៜ씍�⶗珍퇅�涗矝៞�궗篭៟懋彵翽ᣠԎ⺘茍ᣡᕎ�庘蜝ᣢ▎꺘謭ᣣ㗎랍游輹᧤䔎⺙鍍᧥啎�静᧦斎꺙魭᧧痎쎝皹齹᫨蔎 ⺚ꎍ᫩镎횥Ḉꞙ᫪ꖎ꺚ꮭ᫫뗎杳�꾽ᯬ씎⺛돍ᯭ㕌湛럝ᯮ꺛믭௯�뿽ᳰԏ⾜鰍籯ᔿ澜윝ᳲ▏꾔쨓ᳳ㗏켽ᷴ䔏椷῝퍍᷵問澝흝௶⾯꾝�᷷痏񒛷蔏⾞ỹ镏硼弞Ỻꖏ﫩꾞廎녯ﯭῼ씏ﳱ瞏´핏ﷵ澟῾�ﻳ꽟ﯭ῿�﷚老๐䀂൘ॄ큮Ԃ�̝蓠舑乐䄊ݖ ᦴ傃๮�ܽӡ刡扐䈑䵘⥄傅ᚮ푂ो琡蘱칐䌚浘㧄倷᷂�ཽӢ衁๑䐢ꅒ∏䤴冉☮�᎝蓢褶䘑䔪굘姄冋㡅ឹӣ象蹑䘲챘⋝柴再㚮�ᯝ蓣扱ꛑ䜹 秄冏㻮꠫ῩѤ邁๒䡂൙팡缄ኑ䘮�⌝蓤銑≈䥅ⴹ駄劓乮핉钡蹒䩒䵙虁늒嚦�⭝蓥隱챒䪅榹맄劗廮�ⷉ飁๓䱢赙사᎙昮�㎝蓦科⨓䵩굙�厛빭䧍㞹ӧ鳡蹓乲敖ꜷ厝皮�㯝㳗黨츓佺龍ፔ緊�㿽רꀁൔ켬৊ॅ咡蘮푐䄥疨ꈑ乔冊ⵚ칅ၭᒣ蹮�䜽שㄡ橔劑䵚⥅咥ꎬ䩒䭙藩꘱칔厚୒ꥋ㦵咧黮�㱽엩꠿๕咢赚䆝ᖩ꘮�厝蓪ꥷ䙕喪굚姅㖇굎�垽׫걡嚮촺楅喭嫖寙藫깱칕㢺�歝秅喯뻮홗嶟낁๖壂౛泅蜅嚱옮�挝늉世姊ⵛ ꗂ嚲칦�朽׭䶡溶嫑䵛ꥅ䢵틞뭚歝藭뚱쵖�槛맅嚷�饑潁ծ룁๗峢썓깭줵垹�妜䕮뫏乗巪굛쥵톝ុ�瞽﷮볚踗廲쵛ួ�篝෬뻪츗忺ឿﻮ�翽෩샺༘怂൜ʦᣁد�茝⻦숊优愊ⵜ዆ᣃ๯�蜽廣쐚輘戒䵜⋶ᣅᚯ�譝軠옪켘挚浜�㈦ᣇữ�载컝젺༙搢赜�䉶ᧉ☯�鎝ớ쩊伙攪굜�뽅᧋⹯�鞽蛛챒輙昲최힙戮᧍㚯�鯝칪켙机풝犞᧏㻯�鿽囓큺༚桂൝튡舞᫑䘯�ꌝ廛퉚会楊ⵝ튥語᫓乯�ꜽ풁輚橒䵝킩驦᫕嚯�ꭝᛌ횪켚歚浝쪭닖 ᫗廯�꽽껉�༛汢赝좱슆ᯙ是�겝嘶�佛浪ᵝ皴�寛湯쵦랱ٷ�轛洤짽壝玛뵮믝蛷샱랛潹鯞继�뿽ۮ༜炂൞롧ܗ峡蘯�싹睸作喊↮磅ᧇ峣鵮繱윹߹捔犏䴾柳⥇Ჟ閗�쭝蓹잜玚浞㏇᳧黯�虽靴ཝ璢͚뫎䤷巩꘯鹅펑蝺九ꤞ𥉉姇勫ꞏ뻵ힽ߻罡瞝皱쵞ﯙ�鷬뚧��켝瞺㯨瞗巯뻯흷�ཞ㛂ŏ糡襇廱ꌭ罸蟼ꍌ秇ⴿﳥ駇幡쵗�˽螞竒䵟훩ꎇỵ횯�굜圽콞篚ⵕ緬릷廷�꼧ݾൟ笯觿ﻱ쥇䧹뽼蟾䓑㟟緩굟ﻵૂ鿺 �㟟ﱖ輟绲쵟翱忽�滋睿ﻱ콟緺翽劉忿罿￸ǰ ﰄ䔭瀀 ᇰ⌁﯀ᕰ뀁ĝ⃰ș⤰뀂ȭ㯢瀂̱㥰뀃<㔐х䥰倀у冰々ﵔ佰瀅՝惰僺ٛ椰뀆杰ݵ硰郴ݳ膰〈罰瀈ࢍ郰郮ঋ餰뀉靰થꡰ部ણ놰》꾰瀋஽샰郢಻줰뀌�잰෕�郜ී『򉎰瀎໭탖࿫擄뀏폼စࡱᇑဃᆱㄑ츔ཱ焑ᄝ⃱釋ማ⤱넒젬➱ጵ㡱퇅ጳ䆱ㄔ쉄㿱焔ᑍ僱ᇀᕋ失넕뵜坱ᙥ桱醺ᙣ熱ㄗ띴澱焗᝽胱ᆵ᡻褱넘늌蝱ᦕ顱᧽ꆱㄚ욤鎑焚᪭냱ㆪ᮫뤱넛Ꞽ랑᳅족᳃톱ㄝꋔ콑焝ᷝ놟ớ넞鳬῵㆚ῳƲ㈠霄ム爠‍ჲℋᤲ눡鈜ᝒ ∥⡲늏∣ㆲ㈣贴⽒爣⌽䃲늊␻䤲눤行䜒╕塲犅╓憲㈦艤忒爦♭烲犀❫礲눧絼矒⢅衲牻⢃醲㈩碔迒爩⦝ꃲ㉶⪛ꤲ눪玬꟒⮵롲牱⮳솲㈬臄齱爬ⳍ탲⶿�눭櫜휲⻥鉧⻣㈯旴爯⿽ó犎ニळ댰稌﯒ㄕᡳ㍞ㄓ↳㌲嬤ΐ猲㈭ン獙㌫㤳댳圼㜓㑅䡳厳㐇决㌵汔䎳猵㕝想ፐ㙛椳댶둬佳㝵硳鍥㝧膳㌸䦄罓猸㢍郳鎵㥳餳댹府讳㪥ꡳ鍂㪣놳㌻뚴鞳猻㮽샳퍗㲯줳댼Ǎ뭳㷕�㍓㷇㌾㟤�猾㻭匵㿫盧댿㏼䀅ࡴᐱ䀃ᆴ㑁⸔ྔ瑁䄝⃴琬䈛⤴둂⨬❔ 䌵㡴㐨䌳䆴㑄♄㼔瑄䑍僴䕋头둅⅜埔䙥孴㑆䙩燴둃䝭礴둇䜟絴㑈㾅致瑈䢍둈䦑饴㐼䦕ꆴ㍊䦧ꗴ둊㢭ꥴ䮵橳†㾀䃠␈ഖ萇慂롐㙤༝䒈兢ꐸⵖ谗捆롑盤Ἵ䢐剤␹䶖鐧敊륒뙤⽝䲘卦ꐹ淖鰷李륓㽽傠周┺贖ꑇ楒메㙥依咨啪ꔺ굖걗歖멕盥徽墰噬┻춖둧浚뭖뙥濝岸坮ꔻ뱷潞뭗ȯ�墰☼ഗ쒇煢뱘㝦輝擈奲꘼ⵗ첗獦뱙矦鼽棐婴☽䶗풧番뵚띦꽝泘孶阹椃�睮뵛뽽烠屸✾贗祲빜㝧쾝瓨嵺Ꜿ굗筶빝俥�磰幼✿춗絺뽞띧糸彾ꜿﳷ罾뽟产Ǽ쀁Ⲑ ̍Ⴡᕌ섅沐ܝჂ▌숉겐ଭჃ㗌쌍Ꜽ偀䗼쐑ⲑፍᇅ啌씕沑᝝ᇆ斌옙겑᭭ᇇ瓌䓊�ώወ蔌젡Ⲓ⎍ዉ镌줥沒➝ዊꖌ쨩첋⩻ዋ뗌쬭⾽Ꮜ씌찱ⲓ㏍Ꮝ핌촵쒏㚯Ꮞ츹겓㯭Ꮟ켽㿽ᓐԍ꽁綳䌉ᓑᕍ텅涔䜝ᓒ▍퉉궔䬭ᓓ释千伽ᗔ䔍푑ⶕ卍ᗕ啍핕涕Ꝝ闓敽홙궕孭ᗗ痍흝彽ᛘ萍囉ᴶ掍ᛙ镍�涖枝ᛚꖍ�겖戝훚뗍�澽ៜ씍�⶗珍퇅�涗矝៞�궗篭៟懋彵翽ᣠԎ⺘茍ᣡᕎ�庘蜝ᣢ▎꺘謭ᣣ㗎랍游輹᧤䔎⺙鍍᧥啎�静᧦斎꺙魭᧧痎쎝皹齹᫨蔎 ⺚ꎍ᫩镎횥Ḉꞙ᫪ꖎ꺚ꮭ᫫뗎杳�꾽ᯬ씎⺛돍ᯭ㕌湛럝ᯮ꺛믭௯�뿽ᳰԏ⾜鰍籯ᔿ澜윝ᳲ▏꾔쨓ᳳ㗏켽ᷴ䔏椷῝퍍᷵問澝흝௶⾯꾝�᷷痏񒛷蔏⾞ỹ镏硼弞Ỻꖏ﫩꾞廎녯ﯭῼ씏ﳱ瞏´핏ﷵ澟῾�ﻳ꽟ﯭ῿�﷚老๐䀂൘ॄ큮Ԃ�̝蓠舑乐䄊ݖ ᦴ傃๮�ܽӡ刡扐䈑䵘⥄傅ᚮ푂ो琡蘱칐䌚浘㧄倷᷂�ཽӢ衁๑䐢ꅒ∏䤴冉☮�᎝蓢褶䘑䔪굘姄冋㡅ឹӣ象蹑䘲챘⋝柴再㚮�ᯝ蓣扱ꛑ䜹 秄冏㻮꠫ῩѤ邁๒䡂൙팡缄ኑ䘮�⌝蓤銑≈䥅ⴹ駄劓乮핉钡蹒䩒䵙虁늒嚦�⭝蓥隱챒䪅榹맄劗廮�ⷉ飁๓䱢赙사᎙昮�㎝蓦科⨓䵩굙�厛빭䧍㞹ӧ鳡蹓乲敖ꜷ厝皮�㯝㳗黨츓佺龍ፔ緊�㿽רꀁൔ켬৊ॅ咡蘮푐䄥疨ꈑ乔冊ⵚ칅ၭᒣ蹮�䜽שㄡ橔劑䵚⥅咥ꎬ䩒䭙藩꘱칔厚୒ꥋ㦵咧黮�㱽엩꠿๕咢赚䆝ᖩ꘮�厝蓪ꥷ䙕喪굚姅㖇굎�垽׫걡嚮촺楅喭嫖寙藫깱칕㢺�歝秅喯뻮홗嶟낁๖壂౛泅蜅嚱옮�挝늉世姊ⵛ ꗂ嚲칦�朽׭䶡溶嫑䵛ꥅ䢵틞뭚歝藭뚱쵖�槛맅嚷�饑潁ծ룁๗峢썓깭줵垹�妜䕮뫏乗巪굛쥵톝ុ�瞽﷮볚踗廲쵛ួ�篝෬뻪츗忺ឿﻮ�翽෩샺༘怂൜ʦᣁد�茝⻦숊优愊ⵜ዆ᣃ๯�蜽廣쐚輘戒䵜⋶ᣅᚯ�譝軠옪켘挚浜�㈦ᣇữ�载컝젺༙搢赜�䉶ᧉ☯�鎝ớ쩊伙攪굜�뽅᧋⹯�鞽蛛챒輙昲최힙戮᧍㚯�鯝칪켙机풝犞᧏㻯�鿽囓큺༚桂൝튡舞᫑䘯�ꌝ廛퉚会楊ⵝ튥語᫓乯�ꜽ풁輚橒䵝킩驦᫕嚯�ꭝᛌ횪켚歚浝쪭닖 ᫗廯�꽽껉�༛汢赝좱슆ᯙ是�겝嘶�佛浪ᵝ皴�寛湯쵦랱ٷ�轛洤짽壝玛뵮믝蛷샱랛潹鯞继�뿽ۮ༜炂൞롧ܗ峡蘯�싹睸作喊↮磅ᧇ峣鵮繱윹߹捔犏䴾柳⥇Ჟ閗�쭝蓹잜玚浞㏇᳧黯�虽靴ཝ璢͚뫎䤷巩꘯鹅펑蝺九ꤞ𥉉姇勫ꞏ뻵ힽ߻罡瞝皱쵞ﯙ�鷬뚧��켝瞺㯨瞗巯뻯흷�ཞ㛂ŏ糡襇廱ꌭ罸蟼ꍌ秇ⴿﳥ駇幡쵗�˽螞竒䵟훩ꎇỵ횯�굜圽콞篚ⵕ緬릷廷�꼧ݾൟ笯觿ﻱ쥇䧹뽼蟾䓑㟟緩굟ﻵૂ鿺 �㟟ﱖ輟绲쵟翱忽�滋睿ﻱ콟緺翽劉忿罿￸ǰ ﰄ䔭瀀 ᇰ⌁﯀ᕰ뀁ĝ⃰ș⤰뀂ȭ㯢瀂̱㥰뀃<㔐х䥰倀у冰々ﵔ佰瀅՝惰僺ٛ椰뀆杰ݵ硰郴ݳ膰〈罰瀈ࢍ郰郮ঋ餰뀉靰થꡰ部ણ놰》꾰瀋஽샰郢಻줰뀌�잰෕�郜ී『򉎰瀎໭탖࿫擄뀏폼စࡱᇑဃᆱㄑ츔ཱ焑ᄝ⃱釋ማ⤱넒젬➱ጵ㡱퇅ጳ䆱ㄔ쉄㿱焔ᑍ僱ᇀᕋ失넕뵜坱ᙥ桱醺ᙣ熱ㄗ띴澱焗᝽胱ᆵ᡻褱넘늌蝱ᦕ顱᧽ꆱㄚ욤鎑焚᪭냱ㆪ᮫뤱넛Ꞽ랑᳅족᳃톱ㄝꋔ콑焝ᷝ놟ớ넞鳬῵㆚ῳƲ㈠霄ム爠‍ჲℋᤲ눡鈜ᝒ ∥⡲늏∣ㆲ㈣贴⽒爣⌽䃲늊␻䤲눤行䜒╕塲犅╓憲㈦艤忒爦♭烲犀❫礲눧絼矒⢅衲牻⢃醲㈩碔迒爩⦝ꃲ㉶⪛ꤲ눪玬꟒⮵롲牱⮳솲㈬臄齱爬ⳍ탲⶿�눭櫜휲⻥鉧⻣㈯旴爯⿽ó犎ニळ댰稌﯒ㄕᡳ㍞ㄓ↳㌲嬤ΐ猲㈭ン獙㌫㤳댳圼㜓㑅䡳厳㐇决㌵汔䎳猵㕝想ፐ㙛椳댶둬佳㝵硳鍥㝧膳㌸䦄罓猸㢍郳鎵㥳餳댹府讳㪥ꡳ鍂㪣놳㌻뚴鞳猻㮽샳퍗㲯줳댼Ǎ뭳㷕�㍓㷇㌾㟤�猾㻭匵㿫盧댿㏼䀅ࡴᐱ䀃ᆴ㑁⸔ྔ瑁䄝⃴琬䈛⤴둂⨬❔ 䌵㡴㐨䌳䆴㑄♄㼔瑄䑍僴䕋头둅⅜埔䙥孴㑆䙩燴둃䝭礴둇䜟絴㑈㾅致瑈䢍둈䦑饴㐼䦕ꆴ㍊䦧ꗴ둊㢭ꥴ䮵橳†㾀䃠␈ഖ萇慂롐㙤༝䒈兢ꐸⵖ谗捆롑盤Ἵ䢐剤␹䶖鐧敊륒뙤⽝䲘卦ꐹ淖鰷李륓㽽傠周┺贖ꑇ楒메㙥依咨啪ꔺ굖걗歖멕盥徽墰噬┻춖둧浚뭖뙥濝岸坮ꔻ뱷潞뭗ȯ�墰☼ഗ쒇煢뱘㝦輝擈奲꘼ⵗ첗獦뱙矦鼽棐婴☽䶗풧番뵚띦꽝泘孶阹椃�睮뵛뽽烠屸✾贗祲빜㝧쾝瓨嵺Ꜿ굗筶빝俥�磰幼✿춗絺뽞띧糸彾ꜿﳷ罾뽟产Ǽ쀁Ⲑ ̍Ⴡᕌ섅沐ܝჂ▌숉겐ଭჃ㗌쌍Ꜽ偀䗼쐑ⲑፍᇅ啌씕沑᝝ᇆ斌옙겑᭭ᇇ瓌䓊�ώወ蔌젡Ⲓ⎍ዉ镌줥沒➝ዊꖌ쨩첋⩻ዋ뗌쬭⾽Ꮜ씌찱ⲓ㏍Ꮝ핌촵쒏㚯Ꮞ츹겓㯭Ꮟ켽㿽ᓐԍ꽁綳䌉ᓑᕍ텅涔䜝ᓒ▍퉉궔䬭ᓓ释千伽ᗔ䔍푑ⶕ卍ᗕ啍핕涕Ꝝ闓敽홙궕孭ᗗ痍흝彽ᛘ萍囉ᴶ掍ᛙ镍�涖枝ᛚꖍ�겖戝훚뗍�澽ៜ씍�⶗珍퇅�涗矝៞�궗篭៟懋彵翽ᣠԎ⺘茍ᣡᕎ�庘蜝ᣢ▎꺘謭ᣣ㗎랍游輹᧤䔎⺙鍍᧥啎�静᧦斎꺙魭᧧痎쎝皹齹᫨蔎 ⺚ꎍ᫩镎횥Ḉꞙ᫪ꖎ꺚ꮭ᫫뗎杳�꾽ᯬ씎⺛돍ᯭ㕌湛럝ᯮ꺛믭௯�뿽ᳰԏ⾜鰍籯ᔿ澜윝ᳲ▏꾔쨓ᳳ㗏켽ᷴ䔏椷῝퍍᷵問澝흝௶⾯꾝�᷷痏񒛷蔏⾞ỹ镏硼弞Ỻꖏ﫩꾞廎녯ﯭῼ씏ﳱ瞏´핏ﷵ澟῾�ﻳ꽟ﯭ῿�﷚老๐䀂൘ॄ큮Ԃ�̝蓠舑乐䄊ݖ ᦴ傃๮�ܽӡ刡扐䈑䵘⥄傅ᚮ푂ो琡蘱칐䌚浘㧄倷᷂�ཽӢ衁๑䐢ꅒ∏䤴冉☮�᎝蓢褶䘑䔪굘姄冋㡅ឹӣ象蹑䘲챘⋝柴再㚮�ᯝ蓣扱 Thanks! Harry Tsomides Project Manager Division of Mitigation Services NC Department of Environmental Quality Tel. (828) 545-7057 Harry.Tsomides@ncdenr.gov 5 Ravenscroft Drive Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Original Message From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) [mailto:Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 1:12 PM To: Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Thanks Harry. I talked with Todd and he agreed that we didn't need an adaptive management plan since it's DBB, and since we already issued the NWP3 for repairs, you should be all set. We may not require additional monitoring as long as you can show the culvert repairs are stable through a couple bankfulls, which you should be able to meet in the next year before closeout. Photo documentation will also be helpful. Thanks kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Original Message From: Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2021 4:41 PM To: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Cc: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Little Pine III (94903) - Phase 3 repairs 2 Hi Kim, Good to talk with you earlier today. Attached are a few files which clarify the direction we are headed in with this upcoming repair on Little Pine III. This Design -Bid -Build project is currently in Monitoring Year 6 (2021). This will be the third round of repairs and is the result on ongoing wear and tear in some sections of the project that we feel like need attention to properly present the project for close out (TBD). Attached (chronologically) are: 1. IRT Site Visit minutes from 2/23/2021 (DMS) 2. Todd's follow up email 3/1/2021 3. Set of scoping maps and photos from May 2021 (DMS) 4. Phase III Repair Concept Plan dated 8/9/2021 (EPR) Following the IRT meeting in February, I walked the entire project and photo -documented and mapped several stressed areas in addition to the two clogged/undersized culverts (see scoping maps and photos). Then in May, with that in hand, DMS (Paul, Tim and I) held a scoping meeting with EPR (Jake Byers) to get a consensus on what should be included in EPR's scope. The field meeting was held in order to observe two culverts that were discussed during the February IRT site visit, consider potential culvert treatments from EPR's perspective, and reach consensus on potential additional repair areas to undergo design and construction later this year and early next year. In summary: * Out of the 13 areas I noted and mapped (yellow numbered boxes), 11 of them are planned for some level of treatment as noted in the EPR Adaptive Management Plan repair memo; * Two additional small areas were added to the repairs at STA 328+10 (minor bank erosion near a culvert repair) and a J-hook boulder that has dislodged on Little Pine Creek at STA 120+50); * The effort will include fencing repairs along crossings (as discussed at the February IRT visit) and planting again along a 2020 repair haul road; 3 * A full set of draft construction plans and project manual will be prepared for the usual informal contractor bidding process; in addition to design detail these will show the planting plan, species etc. to be planted along the haul road and following new repair -related disturbances, in addition to the fencing plan. If you have any comments on the EPR concept plan or the site in general just let me know. I plan to walk the site again next Wednesday with Paul, with concept plan in hand to make sure no even newer areas have emerged, and to review Jake's plan in detail. Thanks! Harry Tsomides Project Manager Division of Mitigation Services NC Department of Environmental Quality Tel. (828) 545-7057 Harry.Tsomides@ncdenr.gov <mailto:Harry.Tsomides@ncdenr.gov> 5 Ravenscroft Drive Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 4