HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131127 Ver 1_Application_20131022Coi•ps Submittal Covei• Sheet Please provide tl�e following info: L Project Name NCDOT No. 17BP.14.R.58 (Bridge 83 on SR 11071 2. Name of Propci�ty O�vner/Applicant: NC Departuient of Transportation 3. Nauie of Consultaut/Agent: N/A *Agcnt au�horization needs lo be attached. 4. Related/Previous Action ID number(s): N/A 5. Site Adclress: N/A G. Subdivision Name: N/A 7. City: Rosivan 8. County: Transylvania Counlv 9. Lat: 35.13376° N Laig: 82.81814° W (Appros Prqject Center) 10. Quadraugle Name: _Rosman (35082-B7-TF-024) 11. Waterway: Browns Mill Creek (C Tr ) 12. Watershed: French Broad River (HUC 06010105010030) 13. Requested Action: X Nation�vide Permit # 14 General Permit # Jurisdictional Determivation Request Pre-Applieation Request The following infomiation will be completed by Coips office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assign number iu ORM Begin Date Authorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Description/ Nature of Activiry/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Key�>�ords: PnT McCaoRl' GO\'f.R\OR ;� � �i�, ry��° '�:��.���� STATE O� NOR"I'H CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OT TRANSPORTATION OctoUer 22, 2013 Ms. Lori Beckwith, NCDOT Regulatory Pioject Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers I51 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Aslieville, NC 28801-2714 AN7�1-ION\' 1. �I�ATA SECaEIAItY Subjeet: Natiomvide 14 Permit Application Replace Bridge No. 83 on SR 1107 (E�st Pork Road) Over Browi�s Mill Creek with T Double Barrel ReinYorced Concrete Bos Cuh�ert Transylvauia Count�� WBS Element No. 17BP14.R.58 (Minm• Permit Tee $24U.00) Dear Ms. Bcckw�ilh: Tlie North Carolina Depariment of Trausportation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace the su�jeet bridge. "Cl�e exisling bridgc is a single sp�ii, 20' W x 20' L tiuibcr su•ucture on stecl I-beams �l�itli tiiuber posts aud Tbutments. Tlie ne��v sU�ucture �vill be a 2 a 10' W� 6' H� 42' L double barrel reii�forced concrete box cidvet on eaistu�g location. Tlie culvert ��vill be on a 90 degree ske�ti� ��vith a slope of 0.36%. A foot ��vide sill ���ill be located oue foot iuside both the upstrelm and downstream end of each eulverl. Ttie top of the low flo��v sills/bafFles will inatch the stream bed elevation in tlie lo��v Ilow chaimel of the stream (thal���eg). Au off-site detour ��vill be used to convey traffic dariug consh uction. 1'l�e project ��vill also iuclude some minor approach �vork on tl�e e�isting roadway. 1 a�u enclosing a PCN applicatiou, Rapauos Jurisdictiou�l form, �EP aceeptance letter, SHPO forms, pla�i sheets slio���i�ig the proposed �vork, a marked couuty map, a USGS qii�d mep and photogrlphs. The North Carolina Natar�l Heritage Database was checked for rcca•ds of threateued aud endangered species. "fhe database lists 49 species for Transylvania Count}� that have federal stahis. The bog turde (Gl���ten�ys nruhlenbergir) is listed as threatened due to similarity oY Tppearance to the listed northern bog turtle. Eight species, Carolina Northeru Piping Squirrel (Glnrrconrps ,sabrinttr colornhrs), Appalacl�i�u elktoe (Alnsnridon�a rm�ene/in�an), niountain s�a�eet pilcher plaut (Sm•rnce»in ri�brn ssp.,jonesii), sm�ll ��vl�orled pogouia (Isoh•icr nter/eo/oirfes), sprcading avens (Geiun rndinhmi), swamp pink (Helonin.s baAnla), Virginia spiiaea (Spiraea rirginiman) and rock gnome lichen (Gynrnodermn linem•e), are Iisted Ts either threatened or endaugered. fourleen�h Division Oflice Telcphone: (82R) 53G21d1 253 Nebstcr Rond. Sylvn, �lorth Carolin� 25779 Ca�: (S28) 58C--0043 Bridge No. 83 — Transyh�ania County Page 2 October 22, 2013 Virginia spiraea is tl�e ouly tlireatencd or endangered species fouucl within a five �nilc radius of the project "1'hcre are also records for the bog hu•tle ��vilhin the five inilc radius. VirgiuiT spir�ea is found ott tlie French Broad River, appro�imatel}� si� river miles downstream of tlie project area. Accordiug to thc U.S. Pish and Wildlife Service, Virginia spiraea oecurs along rocky, flood-scoured riverbanks in gorges oi• canyons and on maiutained i•ights of wa}�. Gravel and rocic bars that provide li�bitat for the Virgiuia spiraea arc lacking at tl�e pi'o,ject location. The Appalacl�iau elktoc is fouud in sh�eams witli ��vell-o�ygenated sheams �vith modeiate to fast flowiug ��vater. The Appalachiau elktoc iequires stable relatively silt fi•ee subsu'ate d�at is gravelly or rock. Tlic Appalachian elktoe records in the area are fi�om relatively large sUeams, the Prendi Broad River, Little River and Mills River. There are no records for the smaller tribut�ries of these su�eanis. Browi�s Mill Creek is much smaller tt��u streams that are occupied bp the Appalachian elktoc. The Carolin� nortliern flying s�uirrel, the rock guane lichen, and spreading avens are species that are lound in habitats at relativcly liigh elevatiou. IIowever, the rock gnome lichen cau occin• at lo�a�er elev�tiai i�i deep goiges i�i areas of l�igl� humidity. The project is approximatel}� 2200 feet elevation, relatively flat �ud most of tlie liabitat I�as been disturbed. Tlie loGV elevation site is not suitable for the Carolina northern t7ying squirrel aud spreading avens. Additionally, the site lacks the vcrtical rock sttbstrate required by the rock gnome lichen. Swauip pink and mountain sweet pitcher plant are species that are found in saturated soils. "I�hc bog tiirtle Tlso requires ���etlands. The projcct vicinit}' is highly distut'bed aud wetlaud habitat is lacl:ing at the project site. The small �shorled pogouia gcnerally occurs in open, dry, deciduous �voods mitli �cid soil �ecording to the U.S. Pish and Wildlife Service. However, it is also known to occm• in a variety of habitats in North Carolin�, including along streams. Although the adjaceut forested areas may have some poteutial to provide habit�t for tl�e small �a�horled pogonia, most oti tl�e I�abitTt at the project site has been disturbed by tlie roacl, maintained shotilders, residential yards and a pTStiire. Only iniuimal amounts of lhe forested area will be disturbed for this project. The project is limited in scope. Erosion aud sedimentation co�ih�ol measures will be implemented to ininimize potenlial to adversely affect downstream aquatic habitat Teri•estrial liabitat has been distarbed siguificautly at the project site d��e to ro�d right of way, a resideutial }�ard and pasture. Habitat is lacking for tlie listed threatened and endangered species and none were obseived during the field seoping process. For these reasons aud those discussed above, ��ve recommend a"no effect" determinatia� for threatened and endangered species. Tl�is project was reviewed b}� NCDOT's Human Eiiviromuent Uiiit in 2012 lor potential affects to l�istorical �rchitecture and archaeology. lt was determined that no survey ��vas required for hislorical architectare. A survey ��v�s conducted for arcl�aeolog}� and it was determined tliere �a�ould be �io effect (see attached fonus). Bridge 1��0. 83 — Trans}�h�ania County Page 3 October 22, 2013 NCDOT best mauagement practices will be used to minimize and coutrol erosion and sedimentation on lhis project The constrnctiou foreman �vill revie��� all erosion aud sedimentation control measures daily to ensure erosion and sedi�uentation are being controlled effectively. If the devices are not functioning as intended; the}' will be replaced inunediatel}' �vith better devices. impacts to Waters of tl�e United St�tes Bro�vns Mill Creek (DWQ Class: C, Tr) is sho�vn on the USGS topographic map as a pereunial stream. The channel is ���ell defined with a substrate primarily composed of cobble, gravel and sand/silt aud is approrimately 13 feet in width. Browns Mill Creek Flows approximately 0.2 mile to the Prench Broad River. The Frencli Broad River meets the definition of a Traditional Navig�ble Water. For these reasons, we believe Bro���us Mill Creek is a Relatively Ycrmanent Water and is under the jurisdictiou oY tl�e U.S. Arury Corps of Eugineers. in order to construet the project, it will be necessary to impact waters of the United St�tes in the Frencl� I3road River Basin (HUC 06010105). Speciticall}�, NCDOT is requesting lo replace Bridge No. 83 ���ith a RCBC. The impacts are listed in tl�e table below. Sitc No. ���sting Condition Proposed Conditim� Net Statimt Im �acts Sitc 1 20' W� 20' L Singlc Sp�n 13+09 to Timber Bridge 2 a 10' W x 6' H x 42' L RCBC 42' 13+21 Site lA Free Flowing Stream Tntpervious Dike Tnd Flo��� 125' Diversion Free Flowing Streaui and Consh'uct Floodplain Bencl� and Site IB Riparian Area Riprap Bank Stabilization (hilet) 25� Free Flowing Slream aud Construct Floodplain Bench and Site 1 C Riprap BTiilc Stabilization 35' Riparian Area (Outlet) Total Permnuent Sh•eau� liupact - Culvert 4L' Total Per�ua�ieut Sti•eam I�up�ct fbr Floodplaiu Beuches and Ba�ilc Stabilizatiou 60' Total Tentpo�•a��}� Stream Lup�ct for Iuipei��ious Dilce aud Flow Diversio�i 125' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting authorization under Sectiou 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed with tlie consU'uctiou project outlined above. By copy of tl�is letter, I am askiug Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordivator, of tlie North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to conunent direcUy to you concerning tlie 404 Natiomvide Permit i'equest. I am also requestuig authorization under Section 401 of the Cle�n Water Act fi•om the North Carolinl Department of Environment and Natural Resotu�ces (DENR), Division of Water Bridgc No. 83 —"1'rails��h�auia County Page 4 October 22, 20] 3 Resources (DWR). In addition, I �m asl<ing Ms. Chambers and Mr. Ben DeWit, Roadside Em�ironmeutal Field Operatio�is Engineer (NCDOT), to coininent directly to me concer�iing tl�is permit request. Ifyou have an}� questions or need additional iuformation, please contact me at (828) 536-2141 or Mr. Josh Deyton, PE, �t (S28) 485-2131. Your early revie��v aud consideration ��vill be greatly appi'eciated. Sincerely, ��� �� Mark S. Davis Divisia� l4 Euviromneutal Supeivisor Enclasures ec: Ms. Amy Chlpman, Division of Water Resources — DENR , Raleigli Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fisli aud V��ildlife Service, Asheville Ms. Marla Cliambers, Western NCDO'1� Revie��v Coordinator, NCVJRC, Oakboro n9r. Josl�ua B. De}�ton, PE, Division 14 Bridge Manageuient Engineer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, GI, Roadside Environmeutal Field Operations F_ngineer, NCDOT � � i,�,� O�O� W AT F��G C�Y Office Use Only: Corps aclion ID no. DWQ projecl no. Forin Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification PCN P'orm A. A > >licaut Iuform�tiou 1. Processin� 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from lhe Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1d Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all thal apply): � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdiclional General Pennit ❑ 401 Water Qualily Certi(ication — Express ❑ Riparian Bu(fer Aulhorization 1 e. Is this notificalion solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigalion � Yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, atlach the acceptance letter froin mitigalion bank or in-lieu fee program. NC Ecosystem Enhancement Proyram (EEP) 1 g. Is the project located in any of NCs twenty coastal counlies. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1h. Is the project located wilhin a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Inforrnation 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 83 on SR 1107 (East Fork Road) over Browns Mill Creek 2b. County: Transylvania 2c. Nearest municipalily / lown: Rosman 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State ��BP �4.R.58 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis(c�ncdot.qov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if differen[ from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Olher, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Slreet address: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Slreet address: N/A Sd City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Properly identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude 35.13376 Longitude: -82.81814 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Naine of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Browns Mill Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Qualily Classification of nearest receiving water: DWR Class: C, Tr 2c. River basin: French Broad River (HUC 06010105) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe lhe exisfing condilions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of lhe project at the time of this application: The general landscape cover is forest with a mosaic of forest ancl open felds in the immediate vicinily of the bridge. The land use is primarily rural residential and agriculture. 3b. List the total eslimated acreage of all existing wetlands on lhe property: N/A 3a List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (in[ermiltenl and perennial) on the property: N/A 3d Explain the purpose of lhe proposed project: To replace a structurally deficient and functionally obsolete timber bridge. 3e. Describe lhe overall project in detail, including lhe type of equipment to be used: Traf(ic will be detoured off-site. Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed. Water will be diverted around lhe construction area using an impervious dike and flow diversion. The old bridge will be removed. The bridge will be replaced wilh two 2@ 10' W x 6' H x 42' L reinforced box culvert (RCBC) on exisfing location. The culvert is on a 0.36% slope and sills and baffles will be installed to ensure aquatic life passage, especially during periods of low flow. Equipment to be used indudes a lrack hoe, dump Uuck, cranes, paving equipment, pumps, diversion pipe and various hand lools. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / � yes � No ❑ Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: N/A 4b. If fhe Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determinafion was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of lhe Corps jurisdiclional determinalions or State determinations and atlach documenlation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. N/A Page 3 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page �l of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were cornpleted below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � SUeams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Welland Impacts If lhere are wetland impacts proposed on the sile, then complete this question for each welland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland iinpact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tein orar T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wellaud impacfs N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Irnpacts If there are perennial or intermiltent sfream impacts (induding lemporary impacts) proposed on the site, ihen complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3 a. 3 b. 3 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3 f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impact Slream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impacl number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermiltent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) pNT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Fill - Culvert Browns Mill Creek � PER � Corps 13 42 ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion Browns Mill Creek � PER � Corps 13 125 ❑ INT � DWQ S1 B� P❑ T Floodplain growns Mill Creek � PER � Corps 13 25 Benches (Inlet)) ❑ INT � DWQ S1C � P❑ T Floodplain growns Mill Creek � PER � Corps 13 35 Benches (Outlet) ❑ INT � DWQ S2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h.'Pot�l Permanent Sh•eam nnd Tributary hnpacts - Cuh-ert a2' Total Permanent Stream Impact for Ploodplain I3enches and Riprap I3aidc Stnbilizntion 60' Totnl Tempm•ary Strenm Impac� for hupervious Dilcc nnd C'low Diversiou 125' 3i. Comments: Page 5 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the AUanlic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impacl Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent(P) or Tein ora T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P�T df. Total opeu water imp�cts N/A 4g. Comments: No open water impacts 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake consUuction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland hnpacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavaled Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 St Tutal N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, pennit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construclion: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian bu(fer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If an impacts require miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of lhis form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleinan 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Stream name miligation (syuare feet) (square feet) or Tem orar T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P � T N!A N/A � Nos N/A N/A B2 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Totnl bidfer imp�cts N/A N/A 6i. Commenls: N/A Page 6 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitic�ation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize lhe proposed impacts in designing project. The bridge is being replaced on lhe existing locaiion and an off-site detour is being used to minimize impacts during consVUClion. The culvert length is the minimum needed to meet current design stantlards. Sills, baffles, and floodplain benches are being installed to help maintain aquatic life passage. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Erosion and sedimentation BMPs will be installed prior lo construction. Water will be diverted around the work area to prevent sedimentation of downstream aquatic resources during construction. 2. Compensatory Mitiyation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does �he project require Compensatory Miligation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 26. If yes, mitigntion is required by (check ell �hat apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which miligation oplion will be used for this project? � Payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) ❑ Permitlee Responsible Miligation 3. Canplete if Usin� a Miti�ation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigalion Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purohased (attach receipt anci lelter) Type N/A Quantily N/A 3c. Comments: N/A A. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Pro�ram 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Yes 4b. SUeam mitigation reyuested: 42 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland iniligation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigalion requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Comple[e if Usin� a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permiltee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed miligalion plan. N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version 6. 8uffer Mitic�ation (State Rec�idated Riparian Birffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact wilhin a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires miligation. Calculate lhe amount of miligalion reyuired. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigalion (syuare feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitic�ation required: N/A 6g. If buffer miligation is required, discuss what type of miligation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 8 of 11 PCN Forin — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Mana�ement and Diffuse Flow Plan (requireQ by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project inGude or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of lhe NC Riparian Buffer Proteclion Rules? 1b. If yes, then is a di(fuse (low plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Commenls: N/A 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does lhis project reyuire a Stormwater Manageinent Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative descriplion of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250 ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this projecl? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-irnplemented stormwater managemenl prograins ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Proc ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has ihe approved Storinwaler Management Plan wilh proof of approval been atlached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does lhe Stormwater Management Plan meet lhe appropriate requiremenls? � yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submiltal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does lhe project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" lo lhe above, does lhe project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmenlal Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1a If you answered "yes" to ihe above, has the clocument review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, allach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval lelter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violalion of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Welland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the viola�ion(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on pasl and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water qualily? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cwnulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If ya� answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project is limited in scope and involves the replacement of an obsolete timber and steel bridge. This mantainance activity is not expected to result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 4. Sewa�e Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment melhods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 10 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endanc�ered Species and Desic�nated Critical Habitat (Corps Reyuirement) 5a. Will this projecl occur in or near an area wilh federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS conceming Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Ofiice you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habilal? North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and onsite invesligation. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essenlial fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would iinpact Essential Fish Habitat? N/A-There are no marine or estuarine communilies within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Reyuirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area fhat the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., Nalional Historic Trust designalion or properiies significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your sile would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was submitted to lhe North Carolina Department of Transportation's Human Environment Unit for review in 2012. It was determined that no survey was required for historic architecture. A survey was performed for archaeology and it was determined the project would have no effect on archaeological resources (see aitached forms). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? � Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: The NCDOT Hydraulics Unit coordinated the design with FEMA to meet FEMA requirements. Sc. What source(s) did you use to make the (loodplain determination? North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis, � Divisiou 14 EnviroumeutTl Supecvisor �,� � h� �� •�� �� ApplicanUAgent's Signature Date ApplicanUAg2nCs Printed Name (AgenCs signaWre is valid oniy if an authorization letterfrom �he applicant is provided.) Page 11 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version � Ecosystem Mr. Mark S. llavis NCDOT Division 14 8nvironmental Supervisor North Carolina Departmenl of Transportalion 253 WebstcrRoad Sylva, Norih Carolina 28779 Dear Mr. Davis: PROGRAM SeptemUer 10, 2013 Subjec�: EEP Miligation Accepta��ce Letter: . 5 � �EI� 1 2 Znt3 "°fl������� .4�1' Division 14 Project, Replace Bridge 83 over Browiis Mill Creek on SR 1107, "Cransyh�ania County; �VI3S Llement 17BP.14.R.58 'Phe purpose of this letter is to notify you that ihe Ecosystem E�ilinncement Program (EEP) will provide Ihe compensatory stream miligation for the subject project Based on tl�e infomiation received on September 9, 2013, the impacts are located in CU 06010105 of the Freneh Broad River basin in d�e Southeru n7ountains (Sl4) Eco- Region, a��d :�re as follows: Prcuch Broad 06010105 S111 Impacts Cold 42.0 Slre�m Cool I Wann I Riparian 1Vetlnnds BufFer (Sq. Fl.) ^Non- Coastal Zanc 1 Zone 2 This impnc[ and associatcd mitigation need werz under projected by lhe NCDOT in lLe 2013 impact data. EEP will convnit to imp(cment sufticient compensnlory stream mitigation credits lo offset tlie impacls associated with this project as delemiined by Ihe reguletory agencies using the� delivery timeline listed iu Section F3.c.iii of the N.C. Depar[menf of Enviroument and Nahiral Resources' Ecosys[em 8�iliancement Program In-Lieu Fee I��strumenl dnted July 23, 2010. If ihe above referenced impact amount, are revised, Ihen tliis mitigation acceptance letter �vill no longer be valid a�id n ne�v mitigaliou accep[ance le�ter �vill be required from EEP. 3420. If you have any ques[ions or need addilional ii�fonnation, please coutact Ms. Beth llamion al 919-707- Sincerely, ���� �. ., (', �,, `�. James B: Stanfill LGP Assct Management Supervisor cc: Ms. Lori Beckwith, USACE - Asheville Regulatory Field Office n4s..4�uy Euliss, Division of \Vnfer Quality, R'ii�ston-Salem Office Mr. Josh Dey4on, P.E., NCD07' - Division l4 Bridge Program Enginccr b[s. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT - PDF.A File: SR 1107-Bridge 83-Division 14 7Zesto�irc9... ��uu;civcy... P�otecti,ve9 oac� sta.t� 4�'�� NCDENR Nortli Caiolina Ecosystem Enhancemenl Program, 1652 Mait Service Cenler, Raleigh, NC 27699-1G52 / 919-707-8976 / hltp:l/portal.ncdenr.org/web/eep N dl � � � O (� � � 6 � a � 9 � � `g � � O @6° � v � O 't� 6a.. � � N O f� � d � � �� � ? P�i c 1 � � � � �� � P�9 � � � � bA � � / N ' iw J C V - 2`'/ � � ` � �N J F � I L L V% rl i YW tl � ` � O L W J LL G I i C. ' � ` WC ( -. 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Bridge 83 —Transylvania County from Bridge F=:'. 2 �/� .. ;,=!;i':� �� - , � �;-, ;,::, , �� r � ' I:, ;: =, � ;: ;,;� ` ;� � ,,; � � - ,��. _ �:s.> ,, - � x'! ','', ' �:;; � :.,�� < i� i � ,;:i : �;` � Lool<ing Downstream from Bridge i —r. �_- , _ ; �. r I +,, '� . + ' ��'� I � �' � � � I n .. i ,�a ��� � V��' i a�%� � i�/, � � '�� �� ,�`• , � � ' 1 �� .'i. � � f i i ( f' _ ' ��, �� . . ' f � '\. n - � � p. : � , "� �� � ? � �� � � �� �,, � ` `` � �' , �. ,. i ;. , � _ � � � ;-� �� � i . � �� , � k7� r/F i'1r i A.. : i.�� ,'. � 1 � ;� , xpGx�; _ ' 1 . -, � ' t �T �",p]� �F, �!! . � ', f � i ` _.,ir�ii �i � ;t• ►"''�r� ; '�� ' . '� n � � ��1 I f - �.�( h `� �r; .� ,i i • i � �'����� i . � � `�s.d ! { t} \�-' `�I ' ' ;�� i ;i � �5 � e�':� ' . . � rt�+:• / ; � 4''�`�; �., � , .-��- - „a �,.�i, . �"�i� r ' ; ' / �. i � . ' . n '1`;,, �� . - y. i i . ii �'v"� ' 1+.... ' .+id , . F ' �/J+�j�� � '�r i _:i. . . . , : �`� :�� .�l,.l i � % ' i �'' 1 r - • . � �� � � ��'� � � ��� . ty'yl� 1 I '�� I i... � - . � ' . .A . i.' rf �`l -'• � . � . ' . � f �- -�.� . , 1 l 1'� .1. � �a�/� . ' � r. ( / `/ J _, j; Bridge 83 —Transylvania County �3 Lool<ing Downstream Yhrough Bridge ' � ` � �I� )i_ l� V 1 \ I 1 1\ll`1` I !% 1 � 11 /� I , 1 l II,'`',�1/1�`\;��,\. I .��� 4 --'�1 � � . .. . 1 . �. II {�` . � � i ( I'�I��e � I i ( 1 � . . 1 ;;� r'`. � � .. 1 -��.. ��� �\.�•. I ,n I i _ {, .:� ✓ ! r . . ' �ii ' I/ % ,�.; � /, _ .. � ) . .� %. } . .. / .. /� ,,. � . �� :�t � .' J��F . _ ,. � . � � ry i . �s � � �i � x� _`r -(' 1 � ,'�� � _- 1:' _ _ / _ i�.. ,' /:.. � 1 i•� r � 1 � t i c�.;.-. .t� , . � � / r �i..s`A i r '. f, : ( i � � . � j . �� ' . � < ' �� /� �j�Y ' +� ` > ) ,� -. �'�� � ! � + , � __ ' _ .. . F . -J±�`'w ��"`�. _ �'�� ,�_-.��! r'.'� Looking Upstream throu� � ��, � . �!�a'r.,��. . _,,..., � ,.>.'. c i e _ �-•_ - _ � =—r :. �.-� : �.;,,,; .._.. _ - .- Y ... F . . � . _ ."� V—i — � �� io �.�p'4�+J4.9`�_ _ : {t� .1��'" �_ _- a ._,�1 � 4 _ �j��y � ��,v Y4' _ _ . . �n.� ` . y �.', � yrt, �,; ' �... ". . _ l__� � � .�. '� � _ � _ - ' ' .. �4"��� �, �� . ' }.. _ _ _ _ ' .. _V ... . � - ::1. .. , ' "',. . � �.. . . _ _ , . . . . y_ J Bridge 83-Transylvania County 4 Habitat Downstream Side of Bridge ; - � , ;- , , ;;:< < ;, : , ;: ,; l ,.; , , ; � , ": ' ,1� �t � �F;?; � y/ '�� � ,':. I ' � > r � � .. . �?�� � � d5 ��.:` ' t . 1 - � }�. � /� 1 i / � ! '> t `t S y`" • . . � I; 1 . .�. . .'iY,l➢r � �? 4�` � .r 'i �7 \� � i, 1� � t � � �r �� el�� � �� � ii '' _,; ..idt a ��!;� Y < < ' •''� , `:� , ' a: .. I ��- I� � ..1'� �.1�. i� J� p,,F. � _ � l� t�, c_. t ti � y.v ,�'t i . i , '. , � � p': ' g'lr. � -: is�� � e ���: 7� � � � �� � � w� �t� �;i , ' -i• ��,. �! {, �\• � t t�� .. �'.'� .. � �.,'.�i •.i ___ IeTn :": 9 � '-��j.^.'� '�:,�' Habitat Upstream Side of Bridge ��- �. - ` , , — - � i f+�`` ;:�, ,, `, i . -.Y �t. / ` . ' C ' �, j .. . 1 ' ' '/� � � �� .31 '. f 1 ."'� � f � 1 � � 1 1 � � � (�n—` h� ����• � j ' �� if� _- .:� I q / It y�'I� � ' .. 51 i -;...� ,x. ���:ti 1 ' r t, ... -` �, � � ' ,'"� ,r;� S, f . 1 "i:. � . .. . i.ib,�F , ,_ . �e.. .� . � . ._ .- ,IC.�,'�.. ,,� !;'!,'. . ,,1 . , i'� . �(:: � APPROVI?D dURISDICT[ONAL DE'PCRiAIINATION ROR�I U.S. Army Cm�ps of �nginccrs This form should be coinpletcd by follo�vin� Uie instructions provided in Sec�ion IV of Ihe JD I'orm Insh�uclional Guidebook. SECTION I: RACICCROUND ]YI'ORIIATIOY A. REPORT COA7PLETION DATE ROR APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETGRbi]NATION (JD): B. DISTRICT O�PICE, I�'[LG NAiA�IG, AND NU�IBCR: C. PROJECT LOCATION AND BACICGROUND INPOR�]ATION: Bridgc S3 on SR I 107 (E�st Pork Road) Statc:NC Coun[y/parish/borough: Transylrenin Ciq�: Rosman Center coordinntes of si�e Qa�/long in degree deeimnl formaQ: l.al. 3�.I3376° N, Long. S2.S IS 14° �V. Universel 'I'r�nsveise �dercator: Name of nenrest �vaterbody: Bro�sns n9ill Creek (C'17) Namc of ncarest Traditionnl Navigablc Nn�cr (TN\V) lnro �vhich �he squntic resource tlo�vs: Prench 6rond River Name ol' �vatenslied or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 06010105010030 � Check if nmp/diagram of revie�v m�cn m�d/or potentinl jurisdic�ionnl nrcns is/are nanilnble upon rzquest. ❑ Check if other sites (e.g., offsite mitigntion sites, disposal sites, etc...) ara nssocioted �viUi this ac�ion and are recorded on a difterent Ip form. D. RCVICAVPERCOR\1EDP'ORSITrEVALUATION(CHGCI<ALLTHATAPPLY): � Oflice (Uesk) Deterininntion. Dnte: September 19, 2013 � Field lleterminetion. Dn�e(s): Noveinber I>, 201 I SECI'ION ]I: SU111iA7ARl' OP' �INDINGS A. RHA SCCTION 10 D�T�IL�IINATION OR JURISDICTION. Thcre Are no "nm�igaGle �rniers oJ'Ure U.S." �vithin Riaers nnd Hnr6ms Act ([iF{A)jurisdiction (ns dcTned by 33 CPR part 329) in the review area [Reqi�iredJ ❑ lVa�ers subject to �he ebb and Ilo�r of the tide. ❑\Vn�ers are przsently used, or have been used in �he pas(, or inay be susceptible for use �o �ransport in�orstata or foreign eoinmerce. F,xpinin: . 6. C1VA SECTION 404 DCTCR�i7NATION OC' JURISDIC'1'ION. Thera Are "u�alers ofUre U.S." �vi0iin Clean AVater Act (CAVA)jurisdiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 323) in the revie�v area [RequireclJ l. R'nters of the U.S. a. Indicn�e preseuce of wnters of U.S. in revie�v m�en (checl< nll ihnl npply): � ❑ 7'NVVs, including �erritorial seas ❑ VVetlands ndaceut to TNNs � Relntively permnnent �rnters� (RPIVs) �hnt ilow directly or indirectly into 91J�Vs ❑ Non-RI'�Vs that Flow directly or indirectly in�o TNVVs ❑ VVeUanUs directly ebulting RPVVs that (low direc�ly or indirecUy into TNNs ❑ \Vetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPIVs thnt Oow directly or indiroctly into TN�Vs ❑ Netlnnds ndl�eent to non-RPVVs thnt flo�v direcUy or indirectly into "INNs ❑ hnpoundmen�soCjurisdiclional�vaters ❑ Isolnted (interslnte or intrasta�e) �vaters, including isolated wetlands b. Identify (estimnte) size of �vntcrs oC the U.S. in Hie reviee� aren: Non-�retlnnd �vnters: I�0 linear feet: 9�vidth (ft) and/or nerzs. \1'etlands: ncrzs. c. Limits (boundm�ics) ofjw�isdiction based on: Established by OIi�V141. Elevatioii ofestablished OHV1�I (iCknown): . 2. Nan-regulnfed �rnfersAretlnnds (checic if �pplirnblc):' ❑ Po�antially jurisdictional waters and/or wetlands �vere assessed �vithin ihe revie�v area and detenuined to be notjurisdiction�l. Gsplain: ' Bo�es checked belo�v shall be supported by comple�in� �he appropria�e sec�ions in Section III belo�r. ' Por purposes of this furm, an RP\V is Aefined as a IribNary tha� is not a TNR' anA �hat typicnlly Flo�vs yenr-round or lins coNinuous Ilow at leas� "seasonally" (c�., typicall}� 3 monlhs). ' Suppotlin� documenfntion is prescnlcJ in Scction III.F. 9CCTION 111: C1VA ANALYSIS A. 'fMYs.\ND\VETLANDSADJACENTTOTN\Vs Thc ngencics �cill nsscrt jurisdiction orer TMVs nnd �retlands adjacent to TN\Vs. ICthc nqimtic resow•ce is n TN\5', complete Sectimi III.A.I nnd Srction IIl.D.I, only; if ihe nquatic resow'ce is n wellnnd ndjncent to n'f�11', complete Seelions ]ILA.1 and 2 nnd Section IILDJ.; otl�cr�rise, see Seetion III.6 belo�v. 1. 'I'n`�V Identify TN\V: s. Summarize ra�ionale supporting dc�ermination: 2. R'etlnnd ndjnccnt to TN�1' Summnrize r�tionnlc supporting conclusion that ��°etland is "adjaceM". Ii. CHARACTERISTICS OT TRI6UTAR1' (THAT IS NOT A TN�V) AND ITS ADJACG�'P 1VCTLANDS (IF ANl'): This seeliou swmm�rizes informntion rogarding ehm�ncteristics of thc h�ibutm�y and its adjncent weflxnds, if nny, aud it helps dotm�ininc whether or imt the stmidards forjw�isdiction established under Rnp.�nos hnre been mef. The �geneies �rill nssertjw�isdiclion orer non-novignble h�ibufnries of TN1Vs �rhere the tributaries nre "relntiraly permanent wnfcrs" (RP\1's), i.c. tribufm�ics tlmt typicnlly ilo�r yenr-rowid m� hm�e contimmus Oou• al lenst sensonally (e.g., typicolly 3 months). A�retland tli�t directly abids nn RP1V is also jurisdietionaL If the nquntic resom�ce is not a TN�V, but hns yenr-rnm�d (perennial) Oow, si<ip to Section IILD.2. If the nquntic resource is n wetlnud directly nbutting a h'ibutnry �ril6 perenninl Ilow, sl<ip to Section III.D.4. A wetl:ind th:it is ndjacent to but thnt does not directly nbut an RPR'requires n significant nexus evnluation. Corps districts nnd EPA regious will inchide in the record nny avai�nble informntion thnt documents Hie e�istenee of n significnnt nesus behveen n relatiroly permnnent h�ibulnrp thnt is not perenninl (nnd its ndjnccnt wetlnnds if any) nnd n trnditionnl nnrignble water, even Ihough n significnnt nesus finding is not required ns n matter of Imv. If the wnterbodp' is nol nn RPR', m� n�reHand direcfly nbutting nn RPAV, a JD �vill require additiminl dntn to determine if ihc wnterbodp hns n signifcnnt no.rus with a T�V. If fhe h�ibutary has adjacent �vetlands, Ihe significmit nesus evaluation must consider the tributsry in combinntion wilh nll of ifs ndjncent wetlnnds. This significnnt nexus eraluation Wnt combines, for nnnlylicnl pw�poses, the tributnry nnd all of its ndjncent wetlnnds is used whether the review nren identifed in the JD request is the tributanS m• its adjaeent weHands, or both. ICtheJD eovers n h�ibidnry �rith ndjncent wetlnnds, mmplete Seelion II1.6.1 Cm� ihe Iribulnry, SeeUon III.B.2 fm� nny onsite wetlands, nnd Section Itl.[3.3 fm� nll wetlands adjneeut to Ihnt h�ibutnrp, both onsite nnd of(si�e The determinntion �rheH�er n significnnt nexus exists is deterroined in Seclion ]II.0 bclo�v. L Chnrneteristics of non-TN�Vs thnl �ow directly or indireclly into TNV1' (i) General Aren Conditions: \\'ater,hed size: Picl< List Draiinage area: Pick List Arerage annual raintall: inches Arernge nnnual snowfnll: inclies (ii) Plq�sical Chnracteristics: (a) Itelationshio ���ith TN\1': ❑ Tributary flo�vs dircctly i��ro 7N\V. ❑ Tributnry flo�vs through Pide List tributaries before entering Ti ]\V. Project �ra[ers are Picic List river miles from'INl1'. Prolect waters are Pick List rivcr miles fi�om RP\V. Project �vnters are Pid< List aerial (slrnight) miles Gom TD]\\'. Projeet waters nre Pidc List acrial (straight) miles h�om KP\V. Prolect wnteis cross or serve as sinte boundnries. E�plain: Idenlit'y flow route to TNVV`: Tribulary stream order, if kno�vn: ' No�e thot (he Instruc�ional Guidebook cantains additimial inCommlion rzLarding s�vnles, di[ches, �vashes, nnd erosion�l fcanires �enerally and in �he arid lVes�. ' Flo�e roulc can bc desc�ibcd by idenliCying, e.e., lributap� a, �vhich Oo�rs tlirough llic covicw are�, fo (lo�v info tribu�aq� b, �vhich Ihcn Ooa�s into'fNVV. (b) Gznernl Tribu�nrv Cher�cteristics (dieck all that applvl: 'Pributmy is: ❑ Nntural ❑ Artificinl (man-made). Hxplaiu: ❑ �denipuleled (innn-nitcrcd). Explain: 'Pributaiy properties wi�h respcet to top of bnnk (estimnte): A�-erage wid�h: 1'ee� Average depth: fcet Average side slopcs: Picl< List. Primary tribWaq� subs�rnte composition (check all Ihat apply): ❑ Silts ❑ Sands ❑ Conerete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Cmvel ❑ \duck ❑ Bedrack ❑ Vegetntion. Type/%co��er: ❑ Other. Esplain: . Tributap� condition/s�abili[y [c.g., highly erodine, sloughing banks]. Explain: Prescnce of rmi/riftle/pool coinple�es. Explaiu: . Tributmy geometry: Picl< List Tributniy gradient (approaima�e average slope): % (c) Plo�l•: TribWary providcs for. Picl< List Estimn�e nvernge mm�ber of ilo�v events in rerie�v arza/year. Pielc List Describe ilo�v regime: . Other inl'ormation on durntion nnd volume: . Surface Flow is: Picl< List Cheracteris(ics: Subsurfacc flo�v: Picl< List. F,xpinin Cindings: ❑ Dpe (or other) test performed: . Tributary has (check nll that npply): ❑ ded ond bnnks ❑ OHV1'V46 (check all indicn�ors thnt npply): ❑ clear, natural line imprzssed on the b�nk ❑ chnnges in the character oCsoil ❑ sheh�in� ❑ vegetntiom m�tted down, benl, or nbsenl ❑ lenf li��er dis�urbed or �vnshed a���ay ❑ sediment deposition ❑ �vatcr staining ❑ other Qist): ❑ Disconlinuous OHNn�I.' Gxpinin: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence of litter and debris destruction of terres�rinl vegetntion the presence of �vrack line sediment sortin� scow multiple observed or predicted Oow even�s abrupl change in plan� convuunih, Iffnetors other thnn �he 01IAVi�l �rere used lo detom�ine lateral extent of CAVAjurisdiction (check all that npply): ❑ liigh Tide Line indicn�ed by: ❑ blean High Na�cr iAdnrk indicntcd by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objcets ❑ survey to n��ailnble datum; ❑�ne shell or debris deposits (foreshorz) ❑ physical mnrkincs; ❑ physicnl nmrkin�s/ehnrncteristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in rege�n�ion types. ❑ lidal gnugcs ❑ other Qist): (iii) Cliemical Chnracteristics: Characterize tributaiy (e.g., �vater color is clem�, diseolorzd, oily film; �vater qunli[p; general wntershed cheracterislies, ete.). E�plain: Iden�iCy specific pollutants, if'I:no�vn: . �A natural or man-madc disconlinuity in �he OH\1�M docs not ncccssarily severjurisdic�ion (e.�., �rhere tlie stream �einporarily Flo���s underground, or �rherz Ihe OH\VM has been removed by dcvclopmcnt or �gcicultu�al pmctices). \Vhera [heca is a breaA in �he OHWn-t lhal is unrelal�d lo the wate�botly's Flow regime (e.�., Flow oezr n rock outcrop or thmugh a culvzrt), the ngencies �cill laok (ar inAicntor of Oore abuve and below �he brenk. 'Ibid. (iv) Biological Charactcristics. Chamiel suppm�ts (clied< all thnt npply): ❑ Ripnri�n cm�riAor. Cher�uteristics (typc, nveragz ��•id�h): . ❑ �Vetland fi�inge. Chnracteristica: . ❑ Iinbitat for: ❑ Pederally Listed species. E�plain tindings: . ❑ Fish/spmvn nrens. Explain �indinos: . ❑ Otlier enrironmentally-sensitive species. Esplain findings: ❑ Aquntic/�vildlife diver�ily. Explain fiudings: . 2. Chnrncteristics of ���cllnnds ndj�cent to non-TN\V llint Ilow direclly m� indirecfly iu�o T�R' (i) Physicnl Chnrncferistics: (a) Gcncrnl �Vctland Charnc�eristics: Propeities: 1i'etland size: acres VA'etlnnd p�pe. Explain: . 1Ve�land qunliq�. Ezplain: . Projecl �veUands cross or serve as stnte boundaries. Esplain: (b) General Fluw Relationship �vith Non=1N1\4 Plo�v is: Picic List 8xplain: . Surface Ilo�v is: Picic List Chnracteristics: Subsurfnce Flo�v: Picic List Gxplain lindin�s: ❑ Dye (or other) test performed: . (c) Ne�l�nd Adj�ccncv Determinntion with Non-TNVV: ❑ Uirzctly abutting ❑ Nol directly abutting ❑ Discrete �vetland hydrologic connection. E�plain: ❑ Ecologicnl connec�ion. Esplain: . ❑ Sepnrntecl by berndban�iec Explain: . (d) Prozimih'(Relationshi� �o TNR' Project �vetlends are Piel< List river miles from TN\V. Projcm �vatcrs arc Picic List xerial (svaight) milcs lYom TNV1'. Flo�v is �}om: Picic List. Cs�imn�e approximatc location of �vetland as ���ithin �he Yiele List (loodplain. (ii) Chemicnl Characteristics: Cimnicterize �velland system (c.g., wnter color is cleai} bro�en, oil film on suri'ace: water quality; general �vntershed charncteristics; c�c.). 6�pinin: . Identif}�spccilicpollWants,ifkno�vn: . � (iii) Biologicnl Ch�racteristics. Nellnnd supports (cl�ecl< oll tlint appl}�): ❑ Riparian bull'er. Charactcristics (q�pe, average �vid(h): . ❑ Vegetation type/percent covcr. Cxplaii�: . ❑ 1-Inbitat tbr. ❑ Nedernlly Listed species. Esplain findings: . ❑ Fish/spa�vn areas. Esplain tindings: . ❑ Other environmenlally-sensitivc species. Esplain findings: ❑ AquaticAvildlife divcrsity. 8apinin findings: . 3. Characteristics of nll wetlnnds adjacent ta the tributnry (iPnny) All �retland(s) being considcrcd in the cumulative analysis: Picl< List Approxima�ely ( ) ncres in to�nl are being considered in the cumulati��e analysis. for each ���e�land, specify the folloa�ing: DirectlY �buls? (YMl Sizc (iu neres) Directl�� abuls? (Y/IVl Sizc (in acresl Summarize oveinll biologicnl, ehemicnl and physical funetions baing perfonned: . C. SIGNIrICANT NERUS DETERII�IINATION A signillrnnt necus nnnlysis �rill nssess the �o��• choracteristics and functions oPthe lribidnry itself m�d tlic functions perfm�mcd by nny wetlnnAs ndjncent to the h�ibutmy to determine if they significnntly nCfecf the chemicnl, physical, nnd biologicnl intogrity of n TNR'. Ror ench of the follo�ring situntions, a significant nesus exists if the tribidnrg, in combinnfimi with nll of its ndjncent �rellnnds, hns more ihnn n specidntive or insubstantial eCfect on the chemicnl, physicnl nnd/or biologicnl integrity oPn TN\5'. Considerntious �rlicn evnlunting signific�ut ne�us include, but nre not limited �o thc volume, duration, and frequency of t6e ilo�r oP�vater iu the h�ibidar}� and its prozimity to n TN�1', nnd the fimctious perfm�med b�• the h�ibutary �nd nll i(s ndjncent wetlands. [t is not npproprinte to determine signi�cnnt nexus based solcly on any specific threshold oPdistnnee (eg. behreeu o tributary aud ils ndjocent �ve�lnnd m� behvecn n tributary and tlie'CMV). Simil�rly, the fnct nn ndjncent wetlmid lies �vitliin or outside of n Iloodpinin is nol solcly determinative of significnnt nexus. Drnw connections behreen the festw�es documented nnd thc effects on tho TMV, ns identifieA in the R�yimros Guidnnce nnd discussed in the ]nstructionnl Guideboolc. �nctors to consider inchide, for e�nmple: • Does the �ributaq�, in combination �vith i�s adjacent �vetlnnds (if nny), hnve the enpaeity to cnrry pollu�ants or (lood waters to "I'N1Vs, or to reduce the amount of pollutan(s or flood wateis renching n"IT\V? • Does the tributnq�, in combination �vi�h its adacent �vetlands (if any), proride habitat and lifeeycle support functions for tish nnd other species, such as teeding, nestine, spa�vning, or rcaring poung far spccics thnt �re present in �he'IN\V? a Does �he Iributaq�, in eombi�mtion with its nci_IOCent �vetlands (if any), have Ihe capacity to tmnsfer nutrients and organic carbon that supportdo�vns�renm food�vebs? • Does tha tributaq�, in combinntion �vilh its ndlacent we�lends (if any), hnve other relalionships �o the physical, ehemienl, or biologicnl intcgrity of �hc'1T\V? Note: the abore list of eonsidernfions is not inclusive and otlier funetions observed or lu�own to occw�should be documented below: 1. Significnnt nezus findings for non-RP�V thnt hns no adjaeent n�eHands ond Flows direetly or indireclly into TN1Vs. Explain ❑ndings of presence or absence of significnnt ne�us belo�v, based on lhe h�ibutap� itself, then go to Scction ]LI.D: . 2. Significnnt nexus findings fm� non-RPAV niid its adjacent �retl�nds, �vhere the non-RPVV tlows directly or indirectly into TNVVs. Esplain tindings of prese�nee or absence oFsignificant nexus belo�v, based on the tributm}� in eombinntion �vith t�ll of its adjacent ��°etlnnds, ihen go to Section III.D: . 3. Significnnt nesus (indings for �retlnnds ndjacent to mi RPVA' but thnt do not directly �but the RP\V. Explain lindings of presence or nbsence of signilicant nesus belo�v, based on Ihe tributap� in combination �vith all of its adjnecnt wetlnnds, then go to Section [II.D: . D. D�T�RD4INATIONS OP JURISD[CTIONAL I�'I�DINGS. TH� SU6JECT VVATERSAV�TLANDS ARC (CIiCCIC ALL THAT APPLI�: l. TN�A's nnd Adjncent �Vetlnnds. Check ell that apply and provide siza estimates in revie�v nrea: ❑ TN\Vs: linear fee( �vidth (li), Or, ncres. ❑ \Ve�lands adjncen[ to "fN1Vs: acres. 2. RPR's �hat Ilow direclly or indireclly into TN\1's. � Tributaries of TDl\Vs �vhere tributaries q�picnlly Flo�r year-round are jurisdictionnl. Provide dete and rationala indicating �hat lribu�ary is perenniel: I3rowns �dill Creek is sho�vn on the USGS topogrnphic mnp ns n perennial slream.. ❑ Tributaries of'IT\V �vhere tribu�aries have eontinuous flo�v "seasonnll}'' (e.g., typicelly �hree mon�hs each }'em�) are jurisdictional. Data supporting this conclusion is provided nt Section I II.L3. Provide rationale indicating that tri6utaiy flo�vs scasonally: . Proridc cstimates for jurisdic�ional �caters in the revie�v nrca (check all �hat apply): �"I'ributmy �vatcrs: l50 linear fcct 9 �vidth (fi). ❑ O�her non-�vetland ���ntcrs aeres. ]dentit)' �YPe(s) o(�va�ers: . 3. Non-RPR�sa thnt llo�v directly or iudireclh� into TNR's. ❑VV�tcrbody tha� is not a TNVV or an RPAY, but Flo�vs directly or indirectly into n TNN, and it has a signiticant nexus �vith n "fNVI' isjurisdictionnl. Dnta suppm�ing Ihis conclusion is pro��idcd at Section IILC. Provide es�imn[es for jurisdie[ionel �vaters within �he rzvie�v nrzn (check all tha[ applp): ❑ Tributai}� �v�ters: lineer feet �vidth (ft). ❑ Other non-�vetlend �vaters: acres. Identify type(s) oCwater: . d. R'etlnuds directl,y abutting nn RPVV that Ilow directly or indirectly into TN�1's. ❑ Wetlands direc�ly nbut 2PAV nnd thus are I���'isdictional as adlacent �vetinnds. ❑\Vetlnnds dircetly abuttin� nn RP1V �vhere tributaries rypicnlly flo�v ycar-round. Provide data nnd ratiouala indicating thnt �ribu�nn• is perenninl in Section IlLD2, nboae. Provide rntionnle indirn�ing �hnt �vetland is AirecOy abutling nn RPVV: . ❑ 1Vc�lnnds directly abuuing an RPVV �cherc �ribu�nrics q�pically Ilo�v "seasonally." Provide dma indicating that tributa�}� is seasonel in Section III.B and rntionnle in Seclion III.D.2, above. Providc rn�ionnlc indicnting thnl �vetland is directly abutting an 2Y\V: . Provide aereage estima�es Lorjurisdictionnl wetlands in the revie�v nrea: acras. 5, AA'etlnndsadjacent to but not directly nbutting an RP�V thnt ilow directly or indirec�ly into TN�Vs. ❑ 1Vetlends �hnt do no� diretly abut an RPR', but �shen considered in combinalion �eith the Iributaq� to �vhich lhey are adjneent and �vith similarly situnted edjacent �eetlands, have a significent nexus �vi�h a"I'NVV are li�risidictionnl. Dntn snpporting this conclusion is provided at Section III.C. Provide acreage estiinntes forjurisdictionnl �vztlands in Ihe review area: ncrzs. 6. AVetlmids ndjncent to nou-RPV1's tliat (lo�r directly or indirectl}� into'I i�11's. ❑VVetlands adjacent tu such �va�ers, and have �vheu considered in combination with �he tributflp� to �vhich �hey �ra n�jacent and with similnrly situated adjacent wctlnnds, hnvc a significnnt nexus �vi�h a TNN arejurisdic�ional. Data supporting this conclusion is proeided n� Sec�ion III.C. Provide estimates forjurisdictionnl �vetlnnds in the rzvie�v arca: acres. 7. Impoundmenls ofjw�isdicliounl wafcrs.' As a genernl rule, the impowidment ofnjurisdictionnl tributnry remainsjurisdictional. ❑ Demonstrnte thnt iinpoandment �vns created fi�om "�vaters of the U.S.," or ❑ Demonsh�ate thnt �vn�cr meets the cri�eria for one of the rntegorizs presented abovc ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstrate that �vater is isola�ed �vilh a nexus to conmierce (see F, below). C. ISOLATED �INTERS7'ATL OR IN"PRA-S'PATG] R'ATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATGD \VETLANDS, TH� USE, DCGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION OF R'HICH COULD AP�EC'P [N'I'ERS'I'ATC C0�7\iCRCC, INCLUDING ANY S[7CH VVATGRS (CHCCK ALL THAT APPLY):10 ❑ which are or eould be used by interstate or f'oreign travclers for recreational or other purposes. ❑ from �vhieh tish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in inter>�ate or foreign commerce. ❑ which nre or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. ❑ Inlersta�e isoln�cd �va�ers. Explain: . ❑ Other faclor,. F,xpinin: . Identif,y water body nnd summnrize rntionale suppm�ting de�ermin�tion: "Scc Foolnolc N 3. ' To comple�e Ihe nnnl}5is reler lo the key in Sec�ion III.D.6 o(Ihe Instmclional GuidebooA. 10 Priar lo asserling m� declining C��'A jurisJirtian based solely on this rntegmy, Corps Disfricls �rill elernle Ihe nclian lo Corps and 6PA IIQ fm� reric�v consislenl �ciih Ihe prncess dcscribcd in lhr Cn�ps/6PA D/eaiorrmdn�u Regnnlin� CII'Ai1rlJurisdicliai Fo!larvii ; Rnpmms. Provide estimates for jurisdiclional �caters in the revie�c area (check all thnt apply): ❑ Tributaq� �caters: linear feet widtli (li). ❑ Oihcr non-�vctlnnd �ratcrs: ncros. Identify type(s) ot ���nters: . ❑ VVetlnnds: ncres. NON-JURISDICTIONAI, \VATCRS, INCLUDINC �\'6TLANDS (CHCCI{ALL TH.\'1' APPLI'): ❑ II potential u�etlands wzrz assessed �cithin the revien� area, ihese areas did not mect thc criteria in the 1957 Corps of Enginee�s \l'dlnnd Dclinc�tion Manual nnd/or appropriatc Regional Supplements. ❑ Rerie�r nren included isolntcd �vn(crs �vith no subs�nntial ncxus to in�ecs�a�e (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior lo Ihe lam 2001 Suprzme Court deci+ion in "SII'ANCC;' �he revic�v aren �vould have been regulated bas-ed solelv on the .`��ligraton' 13irA Rule" (\-113R). ❑AVaterss do not mee� �he "Significtux Vesui' standard, �chere nuch a findine is required forjurisdiclion. Esplain: . ❑ Other. (c�plain, if not covered above): . Provide ncrenee estim�tes for non-jurisdietionnl ���alers in the revie�v aren. �rhere the sole potential bnsis ofjurisdiclion is �he NIBR faclor, (i.e., presence oF migrntory birds, presence of end�ngered species, use of�ra�cr foi irrigated agriculture), using hest professionnl judgnrent (chcck all that apply): ❑ 1�'on-�vctland �c�tcrs (i.c, rircrs, strcnms): lincnr fcct �cidth (�i). ❑ Lnkes/ponds: ncrcs. ❑ Other non-���etland �v�ters: acres List type of ayu��ic resourcz: . ❑ \Vetlaudx acres. Provide acrenge es�imntes for non-jurisdictionnl ���alers in the rcvic�v aren �hnt do not meet the "Significmit ve�us � stnnAnrd, whcre such a finding is required Cor jurisJiction (check all tliat epply): ❑ Non-���ctlnnd �catcrs (i.c., rivcrs, stmnms): linc�r tce�. ���idth (Il). ❑ Lnkes/ponds: ncres. ❑ Other non-wetland �calers acres. List type of uquatic resouree: . ❑ AVcllnnds: ncres. SG.CPION IV: UA'1'A SOURCCS. A. SUYPORTING DATA. Data rerie�red Cor dD (checl< nll that apply - checked i�ems shnll bc included in case Ille m�d. �chere checked nnd «qucstcd, approprintcly rctcrcncc sourccs bclo���): �Adaps, plans, pbts or plt�t submitted br or on hehalf of the aipplicnnt/consultnnt: . ❑ Duta sheets prepared/subiniued by or on behalf of �he applicant/cons�Jtant. ❑ Oftice concurs with data shcets/dclinrnlion rcport. ❑ ORice does not concur �cith datn sheets/delineation report. ❑ Dam sheets prepared by Oie Corps: . ❑ Corps navieable wa�ers` smdY: . ❑ U.S. Geologicnl Survcy Hrdrologic Atl�s: . ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC nmps. � U.S. Gcoloeic�l Su�rcy map(s). Citc scalc S quad nnme: 1:2d,00Q Rosinan. ❑ USDA Naturnl Resources Conservntion Service Soil Survey. Citntion: . ❑ Na�ional �vetlands inventoq� map(s). Cite name: . ❑ Statc/Locnl ���c[land im�entoq� map(s): . ❑ PGMtVC12\d maps: . ❑ 100-yenr I'IooApinin 8levntion is: (Nntionnl Geodectic Vehical Datwn ol 1929) � Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name i Date): . or � Other (Name C Dme):Project si�e: Seprember 26, 2013. ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date ol response Ictter: . ❑ Applicnble/supporting cnsc la�v: . ❑ Applicnble/supporting scienlifit lilerature: . ❑ Otlier in(ormation (plense specity): . 6. ADDI'I'IONALCO\I�IEN7'STOSUPPOR'I'JD: NO SURV�Y I2�QUII2�D FORM PROTCC'I' INI'ORMATION Projec[ No: {vBS A'o. F:A. No: 17BP.14.R.58 N/A Federnl (U,SACL) Permi� Reguired? Po'ojeclTrackirigNo. (hiternnl UseJ 12 U8-0054 Counq�: Transylvania Docrunen7: MCC/Attachment G ('a�ndrng: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Pernri�T}pe: TVA Pennit Projecl Descriplroir: Replace Bridge No. S3 on SR 1 107 (East Fork Rd) over Bro�vn Mills Creek with a bridge shuchue on existing location. SUMMARY OI' CULTiJI2AL R�SOURC�S I2�VIEW Brief descripiion of revietv r�clivities, results of revreiv, aiid couclusio��s: Review of HPO quad tnaps, HPO GIS infonnation, historic designations roster, and indexes was unde�taken on August l4, 20I2. I3nscd on this review, there are uo existing NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties iu the AreT of Potential Effects, which is 50'from the cei�terline each �vay nnd 200' from cach end of the bridge. In the nordtwest qnadrant of the project location is a c. 1947 one-stoq� frame house (PIN 8552-85-7890). The housc is unremarkable a�id not National Register eligible. V✓est of c. 1947 house is a house built a 19G0 (PTN 8552-SS-4679-000) that is unremark�ble aud not NR eligible. 7'here are no other sh'ucttu'es within lhe APE and no survey is required. Iu addition, Bridge No. 83 is not NR eligible based on the NCDOT Historic Briclge Iuventory. If design plans change, additionll review �vill be required. Brief Liylmrtrtior+ of ivh�� d�e nvrtilrrLle i� formr�lion provrdes n relinble Lnsis for rensoi��bly predrelntg thnl there m•e f�o rrru�(er�lified hislorrc properlies rn tlre i1PE. HPO quad maps and G1S infonnation recording NR, SL, LD, DE, aud SS properties for the Transylvania County survey, Transylvania GIS/Ta� information, and Google Maps street view are cousidered valid for the purposes of determiuing the likelihood of historic resources being present There are no National Register listed or eligible properties withiu the APE and no survcy is required. SUPPORT DOCUMI;NTATIOA' See attached: Maps. TINllING BY NCDOT CULTURAL 12� � ROr�SSIONAL NO SURVEY REOU IIZED ARCHAEOLOGY IS"fORICARCHITBCTURE (CIRCLEONG) / L Itural �csources Specinlist .SVo Sinva�� H.quireA"Jmrn�a'Adinm' Dnmpmrniiau Yraje�ls ns OimlifirAin IAe 100] Progiornrnmio Agrrarnrm. XCUO7'Ard�arolo�� �4� Nismiic ibdiile<nnu Gionps � 6 ��6� � � F �. ,� p I n '� 9I E �5 � l+s-- r _ _.- � Y t� - � � a �� y �� . f _, �. r � .� r � � � � ! + � -�� ;;°'- -. ; � . �M �` i�� ; ;. i �:. � v� t_ i _ ''-.1 � f;� ��� 11�_. • (j _ ✓ `J I' �„ �u `�,i' � ��a '• �� 1 1 � , , ���' ll � I.%ti + �� � � 1 _ � i � 1. .- � \ � �'�\ , `,'\ L \ _� � r(,! `� � �. +. � .d� . ) )�� , �,. � :'', .` �� ���y + � � ��� �� � .�,�� ��� � � � M � . �. `�, ' i �: '� �, �� yQ , � t �� 1�-1 r� I � E,� y .-. � � , -�-::_� � -.�, r � � .! � � \ ��I - `.,4-��. ��\ \ � �� �� - ' ��.` • 1 I r""�:.:� � ` � .'ti� �� �.�^�a I �r - r � ` � . IY ♦ ,,l `["�.`_ ' ', •�� '� � I . � � - '�.,- -, � � i �' :�_ � ._ .` Ta , ' `� � 1� '� �,L�/�'��5' `��^� � ', �'•] 1'e. . f'♦ � ��� L'� 4'i '_ . ,p� ��C �Y)�. �7 i ` 1 l`)n'{ t�G • � ��iA ` . �,',�i F� I� C�i . . �< <!'i :`.'.t-.. . �• • � 1 ' ^ . E'?� �`1 il -.� ..� � S + "w_ niJ'1 -'�'' t.r ft , -ti;l� j. 0���►'. . . V ` i;) �si � \ ,��' iS 1 • `\`. O �•�; . � (�, , .�.,_ �.,�. �� .� � , ... ,�� � ; p�,, ,:-�.. � � ,� i , \ j �C_ _ , �� ��i _ ("'1 � , _ :. � � . �iir�..._�_ �.' � ���'S��/,f.l l� l A ' � �I� \ � �°r• � • '� ? �` i �, '�y;,�in� �� 1ti. ' u '-+ l ` l. ..� , J �� ; �r� 'I' (� �I , • r 't � � .��, , f: ,� m _, �i � .�, �. , v'- ; � r,. d.�! F � � ' 'r ��* ;�� + r' i r• ��-� t��i'� � �:. `•t-.`�'� .�!�, � L � � •. �r� _ _ � -~z �''_�i?i, _`±��. __ � . � , . � 1� . �� `�. I i � � ;,� /�� _"` 1 t' ", /� �' �,;r � , � :(� � ? , . �Y � �y; ,f/ )� �l �� l9� Ja.f,. , , ,r„�� , r , \, �( �, �, ,;c�•. �\ ��`' � • : � � ��`�< ��1��' /l,����,� / r� � V�,�?; � 1 ' , �r( l� � `ji-,:i ���,: :, `\� ����� �% ; � � 1� , %% `°,'=� , .�/� �� �� � , �f `�; z/i ?' � l,l, � . D V\, 1� 11 G ' <<` i i� �� ,��,, �� �� \ � � �ll .JJ � . 1 �. � .�\, . " , . �� il �,,,:. f;,�j ,� li � � r �� ,,:�, ; ��: .;��'� ��� . � � • . .�� • � � � "(;, � ' - �`. ;� » ,,; , �, , / �� f i� � I� �1 I r. l� � ' . � � � � , �)�� � '�f f �i0, '� I/ „v�, I�� - ���,r ,� N 1'rojeei Locntioi�. C,00glc i47aps. 11,-08-OOSA i i :� � � � y "�.,.:- _ _ „ it�, �/ ���� il ,i �a „ A HPO GIS Website. ••�\'o Snmq' ReqnirM"Ionn farhfivar7tnuspa(nliwr Prnjrr6 nr Oimlrfied iu Ibe 100714ogrnrnnmlic ASrrr�nenl. XCUD7'drdrnralo�� X� Hi�loric d�aAilrUw t Grm�ps 12-OS•005�1 Google Maps Street View, Ioolciug wcst. C. 1947 Louse to lef't. Bing MRps Birds �ye Vicw loolcing south. '•�1'o Sinre}� HaqvircA"/onn for,Vinw''l'inn�pwlaliwi Projer�s ns Ounl�eAin Ihe 200] Yrograuimnlrc d8rtenienl. A'CDOT iL'dmzolo��.@ Hinoric Ardiilrclura Grmipn Projec! Trocking h'o. (lnrenrnl Use) �2-�g-��54 NO PREHISTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRE�ENT/AFFECTED FORM PROJ�CT INFORMATION ProjeclNo: Bridge 83 {vBS No: I'. A. No: l7BP.14.R.58 n/a Federnl (USACE) Per�nr! Reqarrerf? Ca�i7ly: Documen(. Transylvania Minimum Criteria Document Fuutiir�g: � State � Yes ❑ No Permi( T}pe: TVA ���.�' � SfP l ) 201Z ❑ Federal �������'���i� �� �9 PROJGCT DGSCRIPTION: Replace Bridge M83 over 6roivn dfi!!s GeeA Creek ou SRl707 in Trntisylvnnin Cotu�ty, Norlh Cnroliun. The presen( bridge ivi!! be repinced ivilh « ueiv strtrchue an U�e �.ris(iug locnlio��. H is rtnficipnled 1hn( Ilre praposed coiuhucNoii ejjorl rvrll ydilize ru� oJf-silz delonr durii�g ro�ulrnction nefiviltes!liereby inini�uizruglhe ejjecls !01lre sr�rrot�ndi�ig /nnd srvjnces. Therejore, Uie cousbuclioii joalprinl is tudikely /o erlend Ge}�o�+d the erisling Ailclrlines. The nrc/rneolooicnlAren ojPotenlrnl Ejject.s (APE) jor fhe projec( inensures AOOjt. iu lengUi (200jbjron+ enclt bridge end-poii�f) b�� /OOjr. rir widrh (SOjI. !a[ernllyJroni ench side oJlhe SR/!07 eeuler-line). SUMMARY OF rINDINGS Tlre Nor�h C'nrolii�a Depnrhnen! of TrmispartaJion (NCD07) renreive�! ilie se�bject project anr! �le�ermrne�l: Historic Architec[m•e/L,�ndscapes ❑ 'fhere are no National Register-listed or Study Lisled properties within the projecPs arca of potential effects. ❑ There are no propertics less than fifty years old �vhich are considered to meel Criteria Consideration G williin the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the projecCs area of potentinl effects. ❑ "fhere are properties over fifly years old within Ihe area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. ❑ All properties grea�er tha�� 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered and all compliance for historic architechu'e with Section 106 of the Na[ional Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been conipleted for Ihis projecl. ❑ There are no historic properties present or affected by this projecL (Attnch any »otes or docmnenls as needern Archneology � There are no N�tionTl Regisler-listed or Study Listed properties �vitliui die project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeologicnl invesligalions are required for Ihis project. ❑ Subsivf�ce inves[igations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface urvestigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified Archaeological sites located within �he APE have been considered and all compli�nce for archaeological resources with Seclion 106 of �he Na(ional Historie PreservTtion Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this projecl. � There are no his[oric properties present or affecled by [his projecL (A�mcf� mry no�es or docamren�s as neederQ "A'o Hisloric Pmprnirr Piosrm"(orm/w l.finor Tmnsponolion Projrus or Ovnl Jied irr Ihz 1001 Programmaiic Agseement. NCDOT Ardrnrolog� R� Nismrlc Aichiiequre Graups sun�n�nizY or cvLTU�L �souxc�s �v�r�w Brief descrip�ion of'review activifies, results of'review, and conclusimis: A map review and site file search conducted at the Office of State Archaeology on Tiresday, August 13, 2012 determined that one previousiy recorded archaeological site (31TV63II) is located within the boundaries of the defined APE and several additional prehistoric site locations are positioned wi[hin a mile radius oF the improvement locale. The sw�face collection of N�e site produced one lithic tertiary flake, six lithic shatter fragments, and an historic whi[e-glazed earthenware sherd. No furdier worlc was recommended for 31TV638 (Wetmore 1993). Histm�ic sh'ucture locatlons reveal patterns of settlement and occupancy across a landscape. These important resources and the archaeological deposits oken associated with them aid in disclosing muLed histm�ies and forgotten details of past lives. There(ore, examination of National Register of His[oric Places (NRHP), State Study Listed (SL), Locally Uesigna[ed (LD), Determined Gligible (DE), and Stn'veyed Site (SS) properties is crucial in esCablishing and then pro[ec[ing the location of no[eworthy historic occupations in rela[ion to contemporary construc[ion impactareas. Overall, this work established [hat no existlng NRHP listed properties were located in the APG Several surveyed site Iocales have been documented directly to the souNi and east of dte project area, signaling a generalized his[oric occupation of the this vicinity. Topographic, his[oric, and USDA soil survey maps (Ro), and historical/archaeological reference materials were inspected to assay environmental, cul[ural, and other factm's that may have residted in past occupation within [he project limits. Aerial/project photos were also utilized in determining the level of modern, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type dis[w�bances which may have previously destroyed a� dismantled unknoevn archaeological deposiLS or featw-es within and sm�'ounding the APE. All environmental and other indications point to a moderate to high potential of past occupatimi/visi[ation of the project area. Survey of the 6ridge 83 project area in Transylvania County, North Carolina was accomplished on August 22, 2012. First, a reconnaissance investigation of tl�e entire project area �vas conducted. This served to identify any above-grounA archaeological m� historical remains and to determine the location and extent of subsurface inves[igation necessary for project compliance. The E3ridge 83 project study area is typiFied by residential areas of distur6ance along the northern portion of the subject road, and agricultural lands to the south. For this reason, shovel testing was only conducted in the relatively w�distm�bed southern quadrants. The southwestern quadran[ �vas in mature corn growth at the time of swvey and the southeastern quadrant was characterized by a grassy ROW which p'ansitlons into a substantial cultivated garAen plot. In order to gauge the level of subsw�face disturbance and determine if any 31TV638 site deposits extend into the 6ridge fi3 APG, [wo shovel test pits (stp) were excavated within each of the relatively undishu'bed project quaArants. The [est pits were placed approximately SOR from the SR1107 centervline at SOft and ISOft from tlie creek. A typical stp excavated in [he sou[heastern quadrant cousisted of a First soil strahnn cmrtaining 10YR5/3 (brown) sandy loam to 10cmbs. 7'he second strahim was 2.SY6/4 (light yellowish brown) sandy loam wid� some very minor day content to 30cmbs atop a third s[ratum containing 2.SY7/1 (light gray) d�y clayey loam to 45+cmbs. No cultural artifacts, feah�res, or deposi[s were documented. A total of Five shovel test pits (three radials) were excavated in the southwestern quadrant [o delineate [he houndaries of 31TV638 to lhe APE foofprint The shovel test pits excavated at 150f[. and 200ft. fi�om the creek along Che original ROW h�ansect returned a single lithic Flake from each location. The hvo radial s[p's dug to the west and closer to the core occupational area were sterile of cultural material. ln all, only hvo prehistoric lithic artifac[s were recovered during [he smvey. A typical stp consisted o(a first soil zone typified by 10YR4/2 (dark grayish 6rown) sandy loam plow zone to 25-30cmbs over a secmid stratum 10YR2/2-3/2 (very dark grayish brown) loam with some minor clay content to 60-65cmbs. The second sh'ahim appears to consist of an old hydric soil component and not a buried A m• other cultw�al soil hm�izon. A revisit site form has been completed and submitted to the OfFice of State Archaeology. The current survey work confirmed H�at subsurface portions of 31T'V638 indeed extend into [he projec['s APE, Uu[ these deposits are disturbed, insignificant, and ineligible for listing on the NRHP. No further wm�k is recommended fm' 31TV638 or any other APG land sm�faces affiliated with the Qridge 83 project "IJO Hisrodc Piaperlies Piesrni "Jorm/os M1linor Ann�pmmiiai Projeus ns Ounli�rAin iGe 10D1 Pruernrnmoiic Agrz.miem. NCD07'AsrFaealog}� & Hivait drdiiiecnve Grmips Since the replacement effort is anticipated to be diminutive in scope and because the project is unlikely to impact the areas beyond [he existing right-of-�vay, signiFicant cultural deposits eligible fm� listing on N�e NRHP will not be aflected. No further work is recommended for this rwal, state-fimded bridge replacement as proposed. SUf'PORT DOCUMiNTATION See attached: Map(s), Previous Survey Lifo, Photos, Correspondence, Photocopy of notes from swvey. Signed: ����� �Z Cultmal Resources Specialist, NCDOT "No Hieloric Piopznies Prcsam"/wmJor hlir+o� Trnns➢nnmion Vrojrcn m� Q'mlilyd irt Jir ?00] Piogrnmmnric Agiremrnl. 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DATUTA OF igpg �ridge �3 � SR1107 � 12a4��0054 a l�r�r�sylv�ni� ]If . � 1�.:<1�1♦ - �� a..:.�-�'�L:a. 1�':1:)�.-.[nol� x.�-.�iM1:�ii,1�.::)I����I�arv..� i...• _ �.- �.�n-ii+�.li�11 (.• •• • •. . � rtvnRn.ni•�- w n:iY.'iw:'.✓t�-:v[[-n'�evG�] . 11)..�fv:-�[�t.al� M1::�I�-:���C4i��E�ly:-f�lif:�lx>P�ii.eaC<T�-��! � l.';' f t �-a� fw�'1 [�.+�SS7 •' �� , ��11'!):iC.E.�-�[4�:�r� atl �4 � : xeard-o vw ycr+nn r...sJ..-]i iYt�� ::r.Il".� �li il'�� 1 /, \ 1'.0):!.��� P �\�n������ r s��� TlAlISVi.^:iiiw"���i%•'•. -._�.�v.n�n..0 � r..::�:.,, .. -. i. 'if?�a�. .n .,v.,i. v;..� .-� -��.-ncu: .n.n . u .� �;I . CepltlgF12011 E5�.A1 M13fYS �eservaU. AY.nAig 13 301I 1209:Y2 Pld. .. . '0^0 v 1 � � � ��/I� ��� ti � U W O � � � � A � U �� O V See S/,�et 1-A For Index of Sheets Sce Sl�et 1-8 For Co�e�tlonalSymbols V ll d�1ll JL1 �L d\�u`l�� vAu`1���"a�+ THIS IS A PARTIAL CONTROLLED-ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. GRAPHIC SCAL&S 20 �0 0 7�0 q0 PLANS 20 �0 4 7�0 40 i PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) DESIGN DATfI ADT 2013 = 1,160 ADT 2033 = 2,170 DHV = WA % D = WA % T = b % " V = 40 MPH ' TTST = WA DUAL 6°/ FUNC CLASS = MINOR COLLECTOR SUBREGIONAL TIER PROJECT LENGTK LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT 776P.14.R.58 = 0.070 mi. LENGTH STRUCTURE PROIECT 17BP.14.R.58 = 0.000 mi. TOTAL LENGTH PROJECT 176P.14.R.58 = 0.070 mi. ta NCLl7( ln Me 0/flce aI� ' moffa}t G nlchol R/CHT OF II�IY DATE:I TIM REID P.E. Marcit 7 2013 PRO�ccr c.�cineik LETTING DATG: TRENT HUFFMAN, P.E. November 19 2013 rxo�ccr ocsres cccceccx fI}'ORr1 UL7CS Rln ROm� �➢Y .TIJ 19 �• 17BP.14.R.58 rtmrwe urwo �^ �� �ry O� 2�2 ROADI{'d1' UESIGN GNGA'ECR P£ 90% PLANS �1 e PRSLIMINARY PLANS ro nm us roa wvec u LPI:II\ 0 Rk1Y1'EO W J(IpC 58 DETAIL A TOE PROTECTION �NOIb XaIQ OQ illt �.\ �EF siove FJ I I d d= OS H. ���� 6= VARIES GROUND Type of liner= PSR/A FROM STA.13+25 TO STA.14+30 RT �.. i c ,:. O ueu. �' � cx oif[�: .zne q Ii3SEN D.SYGNiEL � / CT G9 0 PG FJ � � �:iE'�tii�:j�(i �5( N �l _ _�.r.: _iz � . / nro .,\` � � I 3 � �t.r / � � c � +/ �, � � j ��,e \ }� /� \�\\\�- �WVEAYV� ���/ /i/�.. � / �-� �\\/ % �� � /" � �. / p� , .�� \\\ ��\ . ' �� i/ j � . \ � ' � ��� i% � ae !„ � � �\\\\ �\ \� F� FFR \\ � �� O b��` y m r c�vsrRUCrtoN � `�,w , ;�' o �. \� POC STA II+OOL1� �p- � ^ � � F � � �. \ � ,ro BEGIN PR0.IECT pBPl4R5B \5` .....' ° o -L- POC STA II+�Q7 �P Tqe_ �� --... DETAIL F n�.umne-0wcui uroor w�sais �nis� 1 �mi ro xa'e7 B«S:fill Bolh BarreL w�h fLOOD !fn( LoneAmlbrin PWN � R Sha To <ka'0' R�pop �� � eeNCN-� � �u �F�ooc PWN HIGH iLOYI BA0.REL � � � � iovi aow e.u.eci ��� �_ Slll i� iv� •NOTES: � � PIAN VIEYI � � If BED M1l4TfRIAL BEIWFEN SILLS IN THE NLVERT SHALL PAOVIDE A COMINUOUS lOW Fl0\'I CIWJNEl.1HE M4TEAIAL SHALI BE NAiURAL AONE \vrtN A GPAOATION SIZE Sl'.UWt TO THAT OF C1A55 B RIP RAP.BED M4TE0.V.6 SUBIECT TO APPROVAL BY THE FNGINfER 1�SILLSBAiFLES ARE i0 BE lA Ft.\VIOE, VST SEPARAiEIY AND ATIACHED BY UOWElS. 3�TOP OF lOW FIOVI AlL58AFFlES SHOUID IMTCH STREAN BEO ELEVATION W lOW FIOW CMANNEL OF SIRFAM. �THAI\VEG� d� CUSS B GP RAP M4Y BE USEO TO SUPPIEIAEM NAIUPAL BED r.weaw 5) DO NOT SEI ELEVATION OF HIGH SILI ABOVE OANK NlL 6) iHERE Yllll BE A Slll IOCATED 1.0' INSIOE BOTH THE UPST0.FPl.1 d �O\VNSTRENA EN� OF fACH BARAEL ]) SILL IN HIGH FLOW BARREL WILL 6E 2.5 Ff. HIGH. SILL IN lOW FIOW &43RE1 \4111 BE 1.5' R.HIGH. Ld!I� IOYi"Jt C�l G}5 Po E52 �'��/ 35 LF OF OUTLET �j ; CIWJNEI VdPROVEHIENT ;' SEE DEfAIL E(STA. 13+09 LT -L-) i� EST 40 CY DDE EST 55 TONS CIASS 'll' RIPRAP •f EST 50 SY GEOTE%TILE ' !,� �\\� �F .� / �` 1 � A �� j iftWT BIVFEfl ci1�r,. � a «oo co isro w « N FLOODPWN BENCH � � NIGH FIOW BAR0. �. � SEE DETAIL F .,,,,y. «es<a � r DETAIL B TAIL DRCH �N011o Scale] Nawol No rol cro��d 3y D 3�\ Ground d 8 D= 2 FI. d= 1 FI. rvihen B u< 6.U' B= Y fl. ypo oltiner= PSRA1 FROM STA.14+66 LT TO STREPh18ANK N g "�+ � RIPRAP PAD EST 4 TONS CtA55 'I' � E5T 70 SY GEOTEXTILE �� ,=ss � et � a� � / /^\ V � �LF= "� `^� � 'i.� si � � � � � � � �s„ � i ) � �: -� .lf � .S j. , �� l_� � J'--,,, � u. >Nti:,,c:.� J/ \ \'� � � � s� � - "'`<�.... � _ j . / �e�_c� �� -. '+.,..,..,s=.F: � �'' :'v �f�Tj • i. R Pi��;A � ���� �� � � �l� So�SOiA�� � � \ �!��� ' ����� �IEO� (, ����I� , _� � _"'" � � "' ".'. '�i�� .. �� ��:� . � �;r � 3 ` W... � . � ��`�i�a\ �� DETAIL D INLET CHANNEI IMPROVElAEMS � eui m xd,l Yroposed Fbodpbin Pmposed 6.awa6on +{ 0. O Ea<walion Ex Gr_�d I Voc &. Gromd i I -- 1.59 IN.wI LSd IMnQ Cbss II RipwP Oars 11 P'prap Propoeed Grovnd 1.5d Q.W� �low Flow Chonne� NLVERT WLET CHANNEL IOOKING UYSTREPFI STA. 13+09 RT -l- DETAIL E OUTIEf CHANNEL IMP0.0VEMENTS (Novo kek� fbodplain Pmposed BeMh Proposed 6cwalion � � Litwalion c..c.o��d3 0 1.59 Ufu.� � �. Gwmd Cbss 11 Ripmp Closs II Rlpmp 1.Si QAnQ Pwposed Graand �low Fbw Chonnel7 ee P/SN2 2 Q 10'�Y 6'H �' �� / � THaR SKE\'/=90' S. `_, I/ •, &.FFFA �� ��: ,� �� /�' � ���'l�i� � + /� j'. f / .� r �� .4��///, f") ��, C /' ,/f-�� �rGf9s :� �C /r�� 3 �. i3,i / O �. % EOiIAlO !. EYELYN SfG1ULAI:J W t?l FC 6GJ DETAIL C SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH �Nano scobl ( Nmvml q.1� < franl crovM 7.� F�o��e ot<6 d D Sbp� Min.O= 1 FI. g Mw. d= 1 FI. olLiner= PSRh1 B= 4 F. FROM STA.14+66 TO STA.14+90 RT \� �\ ; V TAIL DITCM, SEE DETAIL STA 14+66 TO STREA i � q�5 �� o � o�- o � / LOW FIOW BARREL SEE DETAIL F ��`25 LF OF INLET CHANNEIIMPROVEMENT SEE DEfAIL D(STA 13+09 RT -1-� E5T 30 CY DDE E5T 33 TONS CIA55 'll' RIPRAP \EST 30 SY GEOTEXTIIE TROIR BUFFER \ {- PI Sio 10+83Ai PI SYa 13N6A PI Sta 15+9772 �= 905'l6T(LT) �= 44'D'556(LTl �=7102'039 D= 57B'562' D= 2422'S23' D=!4'l8'Il6' t= asn� c= ia� t= ia�.ac r- s3.a� r= svvc r- �a_n• R= IA45JY R� 235.O1Y R= 90058' e= Ex/51 e= 4D% e m Exlst OS = Exls7 OS = 30 MPH OS = E�sf [N4FYFFA � Q:G6'fR w �or rn .o! waz.xrc�w� � � , �� , .�\v\F �.. :L�`r3/ "H '� �\,z� �':\,.� „ f.,f �.. � � r�, i l,�- � .f9 - r!�o.v - •., i'\ �JSr / � 417R4C � iswow \ � � ��.�, r-.r "• � j F»Si AH i' I � oo s aw ��� wn aw '� \ oi °- i �/ \ ,f-.fr � '° o ' ,J-.�.,f.F,r�.s^ '' �� ��//_i �"f END IXJNSTRf/GTION p �%" � � ..J= � � -L- f�1.^ STA 15fGVD0 / i � _f' � � %�- END PR0./EGT /78P19R58 =;-' y� j_ � .00.w {- PoC STA l4+S01X1 � ]5'A� c o�g Zy , SPpE0. SPECL4L CUT BASE DITCH, � _�� sEe o�a� c \t�'£ STA 14+66 TO STA 14+90 RT F'� REIdOVE 18' CMP �TOE 7ROTECTION, SEE DEfAIL A STA 13+45 TO STA 14+J0 RT CFJ2AL0 taOI�MY REESE na mro za aR�ocE sEAT Po�nt North East Elevation p[I R592.3112 fi59]55.133t 21�1.98' �pal 525`.69.6329 B59]3Zt590 2181.4)' SEI 5?552.1i92 BSW59.9o50 21B1.46' 5y� 52SVJ.99E3 B59]4L25]I 98235 BRIDGE DECK Poini Nor:h � East Elevot�on [LI 52355)A4J3 658J32.6E^." 2t04.: S' [L2 5e55E2.9?80 E56)5).°0>0 2103.°+' �1 525548.C3J3 356)40.93J5 [1�9.OL (A(1 D2 525°S]dSIV 859)?5.653> 216z.1'L C�3 526iJ2A€.^8 859J55.921I 218a21• 09 Sn5525233 B5dJ602369 2183.6i' � ii WING SLOPE FOR 2:l FILL 4 =5 Gl � yCTS. n� I I I �I �� s] FILL q z 0 H � QZUW Q HWK m FZ�Q � �3Jm I �SUI� � "�NHO e ^ r � L CONST.JT. O W w •9 B3 Q FACE N CONST. JT. '—' 3"0 MEEP NOLES (J ]0'- 0°= CTS. EXTERIOR IYALL INTERIOR WALL CULVERT SECTION NORMAL TO ROADWAY OADWAY FILL SLOPE 2:1 I I MING SLOPE FOR 2:1 FILL 3m s m� y�' A100 BARS (J 9° CTSr BOTTOhI OF ROOF SL �� A300 BARS [d B" CTS.- TOP OF ROOF SLAB �m � PART PLAN-ROOF SLAB P z ASSERALEO BY � C.POMELL pATE � �Zi20�2 � a c�cKEO er � u."IxTERS DATE � a<����� SPECIAL � o DESIGN FliGINnEA OF RECOR� � M.11IlITEflS pATE t �� �RA�N BY � R4PH 0 U'AENM000 OATE � V�Y Yi11 cxecKCO ar �.00. �..m++sov onTe :•ur nii STANDARD PART PLAN-FLOOR SLAB ILVERT END ELEVATION CONST.JT. FLOOR SLAB WI11G FOOTINC� DETAII CONNECTION OF WING FOOTING AND FLOOR SLAB WHEN SLAB IS THICKER THAN FOOTING ,,,, moffatt R nichol Itic 45i M1LlCCL ECN vxkwTM�.u.w: z pl9 e1-1536 PYC l�l-1]69 f�r �.•`�l0 cMp( �°: : za,�tu,o��>°; � }" a sEAL g - : � 0264]1 1 � ; s,.{�:�.r; in;;�%/-'��,'; %y�`((�.E ••W�H`�..••' PROJECT N0. 17BP.14.R.58 TRANSYLVANIA CoUNTY STATION: 13+09.40 -L- surz or wnix cwaw DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BARREL�STANDARD DOUBLE 10 FT. X 6 FT. CONCRETE BOX CULVERT 90° SKEW 1971 STD. N0. CB12 SHEET N0. C-3 � :o RIGHT ANGLE SECTION OF BARREL THERE ARE 116 "C" BAftS IN SECTION OF BARREL. LOOKInG IIPSTREAI.1 ASSEP0LE0 0Y � C.POeELL DATE � ������� CHECItED 8Y � til. MINTERS DATE � 09/20U �RAIIN BY � LW IO/99 CNE[KEO BY � ftXM 0]/00 ROOFING FELT TO PREVENT BOI:D ITYP.I ELEVATION �e6 DOWEL (TYP.IAT MA%IMUlA SPACING OF CULVERT SILL DETAILS Il00KING IlPSTftEAM1 .1ITTE� iT.JOINT J �. S OF 30 LB. ft00FIKC FEIT TO PREVENT BONO ITYP.1 SECTION THROUGH SILL $ DOWElS lAAY BE PUSHED INTO GREEN CONCRETE AFTER SLAB HAS BEEN FLOAT FINISHED. BAR TYPES ALL BAR �DAENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT. ,", moffatt R nichol 1<If �`� AU4,Pr+N �VIE 1(0 ui3�reo-uzsviceE nisiei'-as'nr.r TOTAL REINFORCING STEEL 12,663 LBS SPLICE CHART 8AR SIZE SPLICE LENGTH A200 •5 P-9' Aq00 '6 2'-3" Bl �9 i,_9• 83 '9 1,_9• Cl �9 1'-9' PROJECT No. 17BP.14.R.58 TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY STATION: 13+09.40 -L- SHEET 9 OF 5 SiAIE Cf MJiIN CM�'lW DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION vuuw DOUBLE 10 FT. X 6 FT. :>"i��C0.4��`•�•: CONCRETE BOX CULVERT : Op% ESS/O✓ 9'� : a;Q�3 -�� e - 1 SEAL = � Wo433 � ' ':i'�Fh�„���E?f,�,: REVISIONS SFtEET 1: '.'fF<F�E�`w�•f°: w er� o�ic w er� oiru �-Q '9••,•,••,�",,•,• t 7 1Pla AWRWYAL R:FpNVAt10Y Al:D C0.VPlliAlpM1S NYDNOICG:C I�iYADS ppAWAGE AHEA f�A1 LK SO.M. __ _ - .... - . _ ---- -- hC00T DISCxARGES i0 USE� _____ ---. ._... ___ __-- _ __. PEGtl! Y� RIffiAL IISGS BLIF FUGE 12009 51581 �P� �989 PSCHAALE R£AI01 _ _ — —_ __ _ . . _ . . - _- _-_.._ Oo 129BI(OA) -32124 cfs Oe =��0 fs — _ . ___ _- _--_ -_-_ Q (398110A) 443AS�cfs Q� = UO cfs __ _ - _ .. . .. _.__ . _- — ___ 6 f491(041 53296 t p= 550 cf . — - _.. . _"_-.' _ -- — . — -_ _- Oo. ISi5110P1 =6}9,g cfs qw_._650 cf . __ _.-- ____._ .. __"--___- 6�_ (i991 WRl 68145 cfs. . 6.a =. 900 cts ...._. __ __. ._.. ...._. .... _._._ ifVS PPOJECT Ftt1015 SI% REGONAL TIEfl GtYpELLffS SITE OATA �yy�e M�a 116 54.� __ 5 ___ LOAN / FEL� S.MiYEY ___ m'.veasn [?�XHBFOAO ___ �� �e� ___ RII41L__ strem [t+�n:anm �wca u irouL x+pt o.�xfr �a�e`. e�ci __ C: TFWi_ ____ __. oa�a on [+�s�Uq s�ru:�ire �'� '�3� �a 20'-6'1 TIVBEP iL00R Q'1 1 BEA4S E.6YSiYN1BFR�C�PS/TJIPCR�POSTS h SLLS c A'--0 CY3.� �� �xls Vot Ibt lo._X..Vae b _. Ppt _ wm a� ibu.�vaa W u�a d So-v�. UPSTRFA.I: STPUCTURE 8102W __fe;8' i TW6EF_ER9CE ..__ OORKTPEPU: CO'SLUEIKE FITH FREI.CH 6fl0A� RIVEF - -_ .__ . ........ _ _ - _ - Lc� S�o�lm h _. WA ___ _ _._. _ Fc`�s1 0� PtarG . IV/A_ _ _.- ._ ....... uac neai s__N/A_."__ _ c.i.rs eote- H/A ___ __._. Lrw-encr N/A _...._._ ��st�r�rf�hv f.mn.rt AC00� ER��GE IA'NiENphYE IWIEO POSS!bLE OYENiOPPi.G oate _ 1969 p�v.'��86� Esi vre¢7540 y qES�DENi- OT -T ABOVE RO v� aeta 68 Yfi VAfl EVEl1T5 )2i8d / 23 71ES'OdfF 035E%VCU Oi-FO vxwe a� eareA� �OOe ??] E�� �rey.)�0 .x u AEYOEHI-h0 OBSF9vF0 OT .�,w.+exe_3 ?A IM/0 = 12 (EIEV = 2183.45) OBSERVEO -I'DELdW �ECR 2R93� -' Abvice'e HY Oev. �E$GN MT'/� I.0} IELEV__ 21§2q'�_ x�re�to�x Wtr.:e 6a .__. 0.05- 0.05- vvnrq e n��eit o.e OJO _ mvrm 0.035 _ x�t Oa. O.p__ psiotxa v�oa EEIp, $ItlNEY, rooa Sroay � Siafus R/A __ n.�ou.cy [atm'YZO! ___. r„oe s�wy n>>r.auM� 11/A _v.s� rs ea..�um rt<e.cy HL�-��+rt..� rooe.oY._I+/�_ OES G•1 OATA x�traos'�avetroe U5G5 PURAL REGRESSp4 EWATq11S (20�9 A591 . -... _ _ _ - __- —. yo-a[o oes� uetMe MEC PAS YENSA`I 4i0 lOB%9P58:PRJ1 _ _ _ Des•mlo..ma� uq _35 �� 3.6 � b�_.�A. � O�p_421'_� tr� 5.4' C I£CPAS XS IS<I ' HaF Cul�rd M'e� Cm1�N P.erain Yze \ i�'ve d Ne �ni0 K�. [C d°�� �� M L5� µV. 6 a nooe r�'� a N aPN/A�nO iL00pnAY PFESEIII 9 T Fi/5 � 62 fi/5 ��nei re tr rcu� �N VEFI 4/5 9�5_R4� �vd uw.+N v iry upl. _...IO/5 c x5 Il9 _' eorUea Ou r �to�rof�m L1A55 tlRPRAP FOF SiflEAF9At:f STABlRATIGI _ ,__ _. I�FORNATqY TO 6E SNONII QI RA! S IfR04 HEC PAS XS 2031 Ws'p�: Madwsa _ 4�0 e �r a v 25 YEAfl pe. 2829 .... ¢osa moa� D w..Tp� 650 _ f a, fre� Y !ro.K [b ..- 24i9 5 ., mrr�wcM� w�.nrrw- ]00__ _a�.z Fr a r >OOYR _ o,... 2656' CULVERT SUBVEY & HY�RAl1LIC OESIGN FEPORT ��� K[.[£➢L9ilElll Lf l0.LlV(PIIRJ'1 [t�'FH fF H}�/YS xiiruu�:s wi _ x[q w [. a v� om µ�. SF9i0083_ rrolm� r.� _ Ii8P.l9 R.SB.. ...... . vrol. S�Wkn . R+09A__L" ___ m _ m[ain�v THPIISTLY�.lA__" 51rom_ aROTN$PLLCREEI(..._______sfruno.. 09l °: fh pW.a� ..5.9 tl0i.___ _.__ Eebae� Htl_RB w__ Sfl b31 ___ m 2a W'II x 6'H flLBG US �EPTH Oi BUflYI r; Pece-:aY_<0 SirvaMa .. . �2.5'H AL Cl ItCN ROM 9ARREl1 H �' ._ ._ -__ . _.____ _ _ - __ _- _ ��� ������ 20 FL CIEdR fiORONAY � e.w<_��.�erJ nam t vi ce.oy ..I11' SHOLLOFfI PL _..$H011L�EN Pil_ ♦ 90' _. _.. . aF P<ca-n..vdeO locoM1m Is M1b. V Po.N Sfram frw 6�e1h9 Uo»ry _ _ __ _____ � BV IINOflIHB'G - 525528 EASiCf^ 6581]16LA.12�B1]I L-,31.A'FTI G B�cl� Wk Is .__ __' .. _ .!!_ . _ __ __. _ RR SPXE N 8'MALILT ___ pev. YiB2.6Y pa���ryAVp_6B _�__ a, ie-parary tree:�+q OGL SIiE_DfLIXWV_ ___ _______ .... �' � . . . . ,�; � e � � �� � i � y. I ` :, � l� t--'s- �� 9 J ���j •,I m! � t' ��`���T � i1 � l � i � F �/ _ , .� �.:.ij � i j �'-. � .�-� i -a ,� � , ;. t . . , > i ,J.,_ . ; Ij�� r 0� (`L I F.��1_GRRO ' , � o:'v»oe> .11„I'�UII���.L �III,IIOL_ xap5'C/�l1%'�Z,y�; pote _Ln0/20�2_ �:. �... .r a e JEff PF4K PF - - � (�0 9111 �f : rr 1+�m GREG OAICRH u,P E � �� p��'�� p r g � . _- p QIN£`' p't' � wb�b.� er� � ..i ----_Pr .. ar a`� l - ,w.Y/..+9n�`' ., ��l/�