HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131045 Ver 1_Application_20130927� � � q �; � E� S C A R O L I N A S, L L P °Setting the Standard for Service" �. Geotechnical ^ Construction Materials = Environmental � Facilities "cRe9�s�e-�e�9��ee��9F��,F.,o,e September 25, 2013 Ms. Karen Higgins NC DWR. 401/Wetlands Unit 512 Nurth Salisbury Street, Archdale Building — 9T" Floor Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Subject: Pre-Construction Notification Applications Request for 401 Water Quality Certification, Buffer Authorization and Isolated Wetlands Permit Proposed AICDZ Road, AICDZ Sewer Line and Project Swordfish Alamance County, North Carolina ���1 I'f T'T, ECS Project 09-23183 "---�� -- � ^-------, Dear Ms. Higgins: Please find five copies of the Pre-Construction Notification Applications for the above referenced projects. The overall purpose of the project is to provide road access and sewer/water services to the approximate 1,200 acre Alamance Interstate Corridor Development Zone (AICDZ). Additionally, an approximate 1,000,000 square foot distribution center, parking areas and landscaped areas will be constructed on an approximate 190 acre portion of the 1,200 acre AICDZ (hereby referred to as the Swordfish site). Impacts to streams and wetlands are cumulative for the purposes of permitting thresholds and required mitigation for the proposed AICDZ road, AICDZ sewer line and development ot the Swordfish site. However, due to separate permit applicants, individual PCNs are being submitted to the USACE and the NCDENR-DWR for the AICDZ road, AICDZ sewer line and Swordfish sites. ECS requests the following permit applications be considered cumulative for permitting and mi4igation thresholds: On behalf of the N.C. Department of Transportation (N.C. DOT), I am requesting that a 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Authorization be issued to authorize buffer impacts and the permanent impact to 396 linear feet of stream channel and 0.17 acres of wetlands. The attached AICDZ Road Permit application and associated exhibits provide details pertaining to the projecUimpacts. On behalf of the City of Graham, I am requesting that a 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Authorization be issued to authorize buffer impacts and the temporary impact to 258 linear feet of stream channel and 0.13 acres of wetlands. The attached AICDZ Sewer Line Permit application and associated exhibits provide details pertaining to the projecUimpacts. On behalf of the City of Mebane, I am requesting that a 401 Water Quality Certification and Isolated Wetlands Permit be issued to authorize the permanent impact of 0.91 acres of isolated (Section 401) wetlands. �mpacts to Section 404 jurisdictional features are not being proposed in the Project Swordfish application. The attached Project Swordfish application and associated exhibits provide details pertaining to the projecUimpacts. --�___� �R��L�ObG SEP 2 7 2013 481� KogerBlvd., Greensboro,NC 27407 • T:336-856-7150 • F:336-856-7160 • ww ECS Capdol Sernces, PLLC • ECS Camhnas. LLF • ECS i.enlal, PLLC • ECS Flonda LLC • EC5 Mid-AtlanYc LL"C • EC5 Mitlwui, LLC • � 3 - 1�� 5 Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification PC Form A. A licant Inforffiataon ; ;� � - 1. Processing ` ��` ;�;': 1�. 1 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Y� - Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit �� 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 39 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? � Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express � Riparian Buffer Authorization 1e. !s thi� notificatior. solely for ths recerd For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record onl� for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � Nc 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitiga±ion � yes ❑ No c�f impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: AICDZ-Proposed Road 2b. County: Alamance 2c. �Jsarest municipality / town: M�bane/Graham 2d. Subdivision name: ' � 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state U-5538 project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: The proposed road crosses portions of parcels that are owned by multiple owners, View Attachments 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if ��%j� applicable): _ � t�l 3d. Street address: 3e. City, state, z�P: p 2 7� 3f. Telephone no.: 3g. Fax no.: D � ' �eI&�' 3h. Email address: Page 1 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent � Other, specify: N.C. DOT 4b. Name: Chuck Edwards 4c. Business name (if applicable): 4d. Street ad�ress: PO Box 766 {127 East Crestant Square Drive) 4e. City, state, zip: Graham, NC 27253 4f. Telephone no.: 336-570-6833 4g. Fax no.: 336-570-8873 4h. Email address: cnedwards@ncdot.gov 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Bradley Luckey 5b. Business name . ECS Carolinas, LLP (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 4811 Koger Boulevard 5d. City, state, zip: �reensboro, NC 2i407 5e. Telephone no.: (336) 856-7150 5f. Fax no.: (336) 856-7160 5g. Email address: bluckey@ecslimited.com Page 2 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1 a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): Multiple Owners, View Attachments Latitude:36.0�47796 Longitude: - 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): 79.316641 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: NA - Linear Project- 11,600 linear feet acres 2. SurFace Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to gack Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: WS-V, NSW 2c. River basin: � Cape Fear Page 3 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The site is a linear road corridor providing access to an approximate 1,200 acre site that has been designated as Alamance Interstate Corridor Development Zone (AICDZ): The site consists of a portion of a mobile home park, wooded land and fields. Surrounding properties contain residences, a mobile home park,wooded land and fields. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: In July 2013, the N.C. DOT delineated the proposed road corridor (with the exception of one stream/wetland crossing) during the preliminary planning process and for completion of an alternative's anaylsis. ECS delineated one stream/wetland crossing for the proposed road corridor in August 2013, prior to its design. Approximately 0.5 acres of wetlands were delineated within the proposed road right of way. The proposed road and right of way will permanently impact 0.17 acres of wetlands. 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: In July 2013, the N.C. DOT delineated the proposed road corridor (with the exception of one stream/wetland crossing) during the preliminary planning process and for completion of an alternative's anaylsis. ECS delineated one stream/wetland crossing for the proposed road corridor in August 2013, prior to its design. Approximately 2,500 linear feet of stream channel were delineated in the vicinity of the p'roposed road corridor. A total of 396 linear feet of stream channel will be permanently impacted by the proposed road. Of the 396 linear feet of stream channel, 172 linear feet of stream channel (0.0060 and 0.0117 acres of stream chan�els SG and SK, respectively} have been det�rmined to be unmitigable by the USACE. 3d. Expfain the purpose of the proposed project: The overall purpose of the project is to provide road access and sewer/water services to the approx.imate 1,200 acre AICDZ. Additionally, an approximate 1,000,000 square foot distribution center, parking areas and landscaped areas will be constructed on an approximate 190 acre portion of the 1,200 acre AICDZ (hereby referred to as the Swordfish site). Impacts to streams and wetlands are cumulative for the purposes of permitting thresholds and required mitigation for the proposed AICDZ road, AICDZ sewer line and development of the Swordfish site. However, due to separate permit applicants, individual PCNs are being submitted to the USACE and the NCDENR-DWR for the AICDZ road, AICDZ sewer line and Swordfish sites. This PCN documenfs impacts to waters of the U.S for the proposed road portion of the project. The purpose and r,eed of the proposed AICDZ road is documented in the attached Alternative Analysis. Additionally, anticipated vehic�lar traffic for the first portion of the AI�DZ, which includ�s the proposed Swordfish site, has been estimated by the N.C. DOT to be approximately 2,100 vehicles a day. FurEhermore, average daiiy trafFc counts for existing Swordfish distribution centers that are 403,000 and 402,300 square feet have been determined to be 648 and 643 (including 190 and 187 average truck trips per day). A similair size distribution facility (837,000 square feet) to the one being proposed on the swordfish site has an average daily traffic count of 771 (including 315 average truck trips per day). Based on the N.C. DOT estimated vehicle tra�c and review of traffic counts for similair Swordfish distribution centers smaller than the one being proposed, the proposed road is necessary for efficiency, economics and logistics of the Swordfish distRJbtion center and future industrial development within the AICDZ. Additionally, with the majority of Swordfish distribution center's vehicle traffic being truck traffic, and the proximity of two schools, a day care, a church, a community park, a mobile home park, several residential neighborhoods and various commercial/retail facitlies in proximity to the AICDZ/existing roadways that border the AICDZ, the proposed road will provide the most direct access to Interstate 40/85, thus, eliminating severe safety concerns from the utilization of the exisiting road infrastructure. Page 4 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The site is an 11,600 feet linear road corridor on new location providing access to an approximate 1,200 acre site that has been designated as Alamance Interstate Corridor Development Zone (AICDZ). The site consists of a portion of a mobile home park, wooded land and fields. Surrounding properties contain residences, a mobile home park,wooded land and fields. , Construction of build�ng the linear road on new location will involve c!earing/grading ths easemen#s and installation of culverts and stormwater devices. Construction of the road will unavoidably impact six streams and two wetlands. RCP and ASP culvert pipes will range in size from 42"-72". The DOT right of way width has been minmized to the most practiacble extent possible and is being proposed to be approximately 60 feet. Headwalls/endwalls of heights ranging from five to nine feet are being constructed at the stream crossing locations. All dewatering activities/temporary pump around systems will be located within an area (10' of the right of way) that permanent impacts will occur due to construction of headwalls/endwalls. � Haulers, loaders, excavators, cranes and other heavy equipment will be used to clear and grade the easement and install the proposed road. Coffer dams will be installed in each of the construction areas and water will be pumped around to prevent sediment from entering the stream. All dewatering within the construction area will discharge into a filter bag to avoid sediment from entering downgradient streams/wetlands from the proposed impacts. Level spreaders will be used for diffuse flow where erosion control measures discharge into the riparian buffers. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) in the past? I Comments: Partions of the proposed road corridor were � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown v�rif�d �y Mr. Andy lr'�'illiams-�SACE ard �Vls. Sue . Homewood-NCDWQ in August 5, 2013. Mr. Andy Williams- , USACE and Ms. Sue Homewood visited the remainder of the , proposed road corridor on August 27, 2013. 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? � Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who de!ineated the;urisdictional areas? Name (if known): N.C. DOT (Deanna Riffey, Rachelle Agency/Consultant Company: ECS Carolinas, LLP Beauregard, Tyler Stanton, Amy James, Jim Mason) and pther: N.C. DOT ECS Carolinas, LLP (Bradley Luckey, David Brame and � Michael Brame} 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. 5. Project History � 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? • 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. ,� 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? � Yes ❑ No 6b. If yes, explain. The first phase of the AICDZ road consists of approximately 8,750 linear feet of road that connects Trollingwood- Ha�elds Road to the 190 acre swordfish site and the eastern portion of the AICDZ. The second phase of the road consists of approximately 2,850 linear feet that will provide access to the westem portion of the AICDZ. Additional phases or extensions of the proposed road are not planned or anticipated at this time. Additional impacts to streams and wetlands, outside of those proposed in the AICDZ road, AICDZ sewer line or Swordfish permit app�ications, are not being proposed at this time � Page 5 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): � Wetlands � Streams - tributaries � Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction Page 6 of 17 . PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 2. Wetiand Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetiand impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 � P❑ T Fill Freshwater Marsh � Yes � Corps <0.01 ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 � P❑ T Fill Freshwater Marsh � Yes � Corps 0.17 ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetiand impacts 0.17 2h. Gomm2nts: The proposed road wi!I permanantl� impact 0.17 ac�es of wetlards by fill. Additionally, O.OGO acres of stream SG and 0.0117 acres of stream SK will be permanantly impacted by culvert/rip-rap/fili for the proposed construction of the roadway. �Ir. Andre•�v 1rVi�iiams cfi the JSl�CC nas �e�erriined ihai �hese stream impacts are unmitigable. Thus, 0.0177 acres of USACE unmitigable stream channel will count towards Nationwide Permit thresholds. DWR has determined a 1:1 mitigation ratio for stream channel SG and due to stream channel SK being classified as ephemeral, DWR will not require mitigation for stream channel SK. 3. Stream Impacts If there are p2�e�ni�! o� ir�term�tte�t stream impacts (i�cludirg tem�arary �mpacts) p�o�os2d on the site, `hen conplete ihis question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 14 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) I (�N�? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P � T Culvert UT To Back Creek � PER � Corps 2 41 (SA) � INT ❑ DWQ S2 � P 0 T Culvert UT To Back Creek � PER � Corps 5 86 (SB) ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 � P � T Culvert UT To Back Creek � PER � Corps 3 81 (SC) ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 � P❑ T Culvert UT To Back Creek ❑ PER � Corps 2 16 (SH) � INT ❑ DWQ S5 � P❑ T Culvert UT To Back Creek ❑ PER � Corps � 85 (SK) � INT ❑ DWQ S6 � P � T Culvert UT To Back Creek ❑ PER � Corps 3 8� (SG) � INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 396 3i. Comments: A total of 396 linear feet of stream channel will be impacted by culvert. Of the 396 feet of stream channel, 178 linear feet of stream channel (Crossing 3-SG and Crossing 5-SK) has been determined to be unmitiable by Mr. Andrew Williams of the USACE and will not count towards stream Nationwide Permit thresholds. A total of 0.0177 acres (0.006 acres of stream SG and 0.0117 acres of stream SK) that will be permanantly impacted by culvert/fill for the proposed construction of the roadway will count towards wetland impacts for permitting thresholds Page 7 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version Stream Crossing 1(SA) is impacting 4 feet of intermittent stream channel across Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road due to the installation of a junction box and headwall. The remaining 37 feet of impact at Stream Crossing 1(SA) is due to installation of culvert in the perennial reach of the SA stream. All dewatering activities/temporary pump around systems will be located within an area (10' of the right of way) that permanent impacts will occur due to construction of headwalls/endwalls. 4. Open Water Irrepacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem ora 01 ❑POT 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑POT 04 ❑P❑T �f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: Open water impacts are not proposed. 5. Pond or Lake C�nstruction If ond o� lake constru�tion ro ased, then com lete ti-�e chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 Sf. Total 5g. Comme�ts: Construcied ponds or iakes are not being proposed for ihis portion of the site. 5h Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes � No If yes, permit ID ro: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: Page 8 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer tmpacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list ail buffer impacts below. If an im acts re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico � Other: Jordan Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora T im act re uired? 61 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 62 ❑ P O T ❑ Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 20,233 15,699 6i. Com;rents: The pro�csQd road �Ni!I impact vegetative stream buffers at 5 stream crossing locations �1/:ew Tabfe '!, N�w Roadway Improvements, Sheet 1 provided by AWCIq. The road crossings have been designed to cross as near to perpendicular as possbile, g�vzn topographic canstraints. With tha exceptio� of Stream Cressing 3(SC), the road �rossings have been designed to impact less than 150 linear feet or 1/3 acre of riparian buffer (in accordance with "allowable without mitigation" activities for r�ad crossings of streams ard other surface waters in the NCDENR f�ed Book, Jordan Lake Buffer P.ules}. Due to the location of Stream Crossing 3(SC) and proximity to the convergence of streams SC and SD, 22 square feet of Zone 1 buffer and 618 square feet of Zone 2 buffer is considered a parallel impact and will require mitigation (in accordance with "allowable with mitigation" activities for road crossings of streams and other surface waters in the NCDENR Red Book, Jordan Lake Buffer Rules). However, the buffer impacts from Stream Crossing 3(SC), including the parallel portion of buffer � impacts, has been designed to impact iess than 150 iinear feet or 1/3 acre of riparian buffer. Stormwater from impervious surfaces located within the riparian buffer will be treated with appoved DOT BMPs and level spreders to ensure that diffuse flow is being maintained through the riparian buffer. D. Impact Ji!stification and Mitigatior� 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. NCDOT evaluated the `do-nothing° alternative, the "improve existing" alternative, and a new location alternative to meet the purpose and need of the proposed project (attached)t. Based on this evaluation, the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative is to construct a new location access road from Trollingwood-Hawfield Road just south of the I-40/85 interchange through the AICDZ. Option D has been further re-deisgned to minimize the number/extent of stream crossings and wetland impacts. Impacts to stream SA and wetland WA has been minimized by shifting the connection of the proposed road and Trollingwood-Ha�elds road further to the south. The revised design has shifted the SC stream crossing to the north, to avoid impacts to SD and SE streams/buffers. Additionally, the revised Option D is aligned such that impacts to wetlands WB and streams SI are avoided with minimal impacts to stream SH and SH/SI buffers. The roadway has been shifted to the north to avoid impacts to streams SF and SJ and their assoicated buffers. The proposed roadway has been designed to cross streams at locations that the streams are relatively perpendicular. Furthermore, construction of headwalls/endwalls at heights ranging from approximately 5 to 9 feet have been designed to minimze impacts to streams and their assoicated buffers. Slopes are being proposed to be 2:1 or less from the toe of slope in the areas of the proposed wetland impacts. The site (linear portion of the AICDZ) contains approximately 0.5 acres of wetland and 2,500 linear feet of stream channel. The proposed road corridor is approximately 11,600 feet in length. The proposed road has been designed to avoid the remainin 2,100 feet of stream channel and 0.33 acres of wetlands. The ro osed road has been desi ned to avoid and Page 9 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version minimize future impacts to streams/wetlands/buffers associated with development of the larger AICDZ tract. d' t th h t f t h' 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or mirnmize the propose impac s roug cons ruc ion ec niques. The clearing limits will be staked and silt fence will be used. Temporary coffer dams will be installed upgradient of the proposed culverts in an area that wiil be permanently impacted by construction of headwalls/endswalis. During construction, water will be pumped around the construction area into sediment bags prior to being discharged downgradient of the construction area (View Sheet Number 5 of New Roadway Improvements generated by A1NCK). Upon completion of culvert installation, the temporary sand bag coffer dams will be removed and stream flow will be diverted th�ouah the culvert. Following construction, disiurbed slopes will be stabilized with permaneni seeding, matting and temporary slope linings. BMPs will be implemented during construction activities to avoid sediment discharge into downgradient streams and wetlands. All flow directed into buffers will be diffuse flow prior to entering Zone 2 of the buffer. Diffuse flow will be achieved by the use of level spreaders or other approved BMP per N.C. DOT practices. A Temporary "Creek Culvert Crossing - Pump Around" for Culvert Installation note is included on the Plan Sheet 5 generated by AWCK, included as an attachment. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): � DWQ � Corps I❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option �ril! he used for this � Payment to in-lieu fee program project? ❑ PerrriiQtee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 311 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: � warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): 640 square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres Page 10 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4h. Comments: Stream Crossing 1-SA (east) Crossing 1-SA (west) Crossing,2-SB Crossing 3-SC Crossing 4-SH Crossing 5-SK Crossing 6-SG Permanent Impacts (feet) 4 37 86 81 16 85 87 Total 396 **All DWR mitigation is 1:1 ratio. Stream Mitigation Requested to EEP: 204 feet (2:1) = 408 fe�t 107 feet (1:1) = 107 feet Impacts Requiring USACE Mitigation 4 37 86 81 16 0 0 224 USACE Mitigation Ratio 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 1:1 0 0 Impacts Requring DWR Mitigation*" 4 37 86 81 16 0 87 311 There will be 0.17 acres of unavoidable wetland impacts for U-5538 (AICDZ Road) debited from the Bryan 3oulevard/Horse Pen Creek (attached wetland debit ledger). Due to the location of Stream Crossing 3(SC) and proximity to the convergence of streams SC and SD, 22 square feet of Zone 1 buffer and 618 square feet of Zone 2 buffer is considered a parallel impact and will require mitigation (in accordance with "allowable with mitigation" activities for road crossings of streams and other surface waters in the NCDENR Red Book, Jordan Lake Buffer Rules). However, the buffer impacts from Stream Crossing 3(SC), including the parallel portion of buffer irnpacts, has b2en desigi �ea io impact less than i 50 linear feet or 1/3 acre of riparian buffer. Buffer mitigation should not be required for the remainder of the buffer impacts due to stream/buffer crossings being designed in accordance with "allowable without mitigation" activities for road crossings in the NCDENR Red Book, Jordan Lake P.iparian Buffer Rul�s. 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 11 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires � Yes ❑ No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation �equ;red. ' � 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 Parallel Road Crossing 22 3(2 for Catawba) 66 (Crossing 3-SC) Zone 2 Parallel Roac Crossing 618 1.5 927 (Crossing 3-SC) 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 993 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). Payment to approved in-lieu fee fund (N.C. EEP acceptance letter attached). 6h. Comments: Due to the location of Stream Crossing 3(SC) and proximity to the convergence of streams SC and SD, 22 square fest of Zone 1��f�er and 618 squars feet of Zone 2 buffer i� considered a parallel impact and will reGuire m�tigation (in accordance with "allowable with mitigation" a�tivities for road �rossings of streams and other surface waters in the NCDENR Red Book, Jordan Lake Buffer Rules). However, the buffer impacts from Stream Crossing 3(SC), including the parallel portion of buffer impacts, has been designed to impact less than 150 linear feet or 1/3 acre of riparian buffer. Buffer mitigation should not be required for the remainder of the buffer impacts due to stream/buffer crossings being designed in accordance with "allowable without mitigation" activities for road crossings in the NCDENR Red Book, Jordan Lake I Riparian Buffer Ftules. I Page 12 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes ❑ No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow pian included? If no, explain why. Comments: Concentrated stormwater from the proposed impervious surfaces of the road directed towards stream buffers will be diffuse flow prior to entering Zone 2 of the buffer. Diffuse flow will be achieved by the use of level spreaders or other approved BMP per N.C. DOT practices. If diffuse flow is not maintained throughout ❑ Yes � No the riparian buffers during construction activities, then periodic corrective actions to restore diffuse flow will be designed to impede the formation of erosion gullies and ensure that diffuse flow is maintained throughout the riparian buffer during construction activities (See attached Stormwater Narrative). 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the ovzra!! percent ��perv�ousress of this pra;ect? 41 % 2�. Does this proj�ct require a Stormvrate� h9anageme�t Plan? � Yes ❑ N� 2c. If ihis project DGES NOT require a Stormwaier Management Plan, explain why: . 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: A stormwater management plan will be submitted with the diffuse flow plan and will include a commitment for a timely submittal, review and approval prior to project construction. Impervious surFaces associated with the proposed roadway will be treated through N.C. DOT approved BMPs including vegetative swales/ditches. Level spreaders will be used to mainiain difFuse fiow through riparian buffers ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local governmenYs jurisdiction is this project? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes � No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes � No Page 13 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? � Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? � Yes ❑ No F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval- letter.) � Comments: Based upon the determination of the N.C. �70T, a Programmatic ❑��s � Ivo Categorical Exclusion (PCE) will be required to satisfy NEPA requirements. The project wiil be processed as a State Minimum Criteria Checkiist that requires no circulation. . 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Ru�es (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ SurFace Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 26 .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit a�plicatic�n? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWt� Requirementj 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. Due to the minimal transportation impact resulting from this access road, this project will have low to moderate influence on land uses and stimulate growth within a confined and planned for industrial development zone. Any future development which, with or without the project, potentially impacts jurisdictional resources will be subject to regulatory permitting requirements. Furthermore, any development within the FLUSA will be subject to the Jordan Rules and requirements of adopted ordinances, land use plans and zoning regulations. Although change in land use and an associated increase in impervious surface is anticipated, the presence of Phase II stormwater regulations, which stipulate post-construction stormwater treatment, and the implementation of Best Management Practices during construction, wifl further mitigate potential water quality effects. A secondary Indirect and cumulative screening analysis was completed and is included in the CIA report in the Appendix of the attached N.C. DOT Alternatives Analysis. Page 14 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Cleariy detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Wastewater will not be generated by the construction of the proposed road. Wastewater will be generated by the proposed development of the swordfish site and associated impacts are addressed in the AICDZ sewer line PCN. Page 15 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFI�JS cencernir�g Endangsred Species Act � Yes � No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFVIIS Field Office you have contacted. ❑ Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? ' � As of September 22, 2010 the USFWS does not list any federally protected species for Alamance County. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essent�al fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. lNhat data sources did you use to determ�ne vyhether your site would impact Essential Fish Hab�tat? NMFS County Index. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Culturai i2esources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal • governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carclina history and archa�alagy)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? A previous intensive archaeological survey [Office of State Archaeology ER # 97-8950, (Cassedy, Daniel F. 1997)] covered the a�chaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for this project, a p�oeosed ne�v roadway i�cludirg any associated construction easements. As a result of [hat repor'ting, no archaeological resources were ideniified that were considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Please see the attached "No National Register of Historic Place Eligible or Listed Archaeological Sites Present or Affected Form" prepared by the NCDOT Archaeology Group dated August 5, 2013, as part of the Programmatic Agreement for Minor Transportation Projects. Compfehensive histo�C architectura� survey of Alamance County (under the direction of the SHPO) is extensive (1978-9, 1989-90, 1991-2, and 2001-2) and illustrates, as do the county GIS/tax records, the absence of critical historic buildings, structures, and landscapes in the APE. NCDOT Historic Architecture's onsite investigation of the National Register-listed Hawfields Presbyterian Church (AM 7) vicinity for PA project 12-03-0051 (VNBS No. 7C.001019) in June of 2012 confirms this finding. The current APE does not intersect the nearby, National Register-listed Kerr-Scott Farm (AM 464) and Henderson Scott Farm (AM 497). Please see the attached "No Historic Properties Present or Affected Form" for PA projecf 13-03-0072 (Addendum) dated August 6, 2013 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Wi�l this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: The proposed road and right of way are located outside of the 100 Year Floodplain. 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? NC Floodplain Mapping Information Systems, online map (attachment). Page 16 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version ./',/ Bradley S. Luckey �� 9/25/13 ApplicanUAgenYs Printed Name Appli nt/AgenYs Signature Date (AgenYs signature is vali nly if an authorization letter from the applicant . is provided.) Page 17 of 17 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version PARCEL IDENiI�ICATION NUMBE�S AND LAN D OWN E RS AICDZ-Proposed Road Parcel ID Owner 159502 � Scott Ma o Properties 159503 Scott Mayo Properties 159585 Phillips Nell Kimrey 159661 Rowland RIlen 160190 Interstate Investments 160191 Interstate Investments 16(�3%b Bradiey Thomas �linton 160112 Kimre Vernon Be � 160091 � Kimrey Ruth Trust � - --- 160522 Howard Neese � The parcel and owner information shown in the above table was obfained from the Alamance County GIS Web�ite. Indi�idual fand owners �hould IVOT be contacted concerning regulatory issues. All comments, conversations and correspondence concerning regulatory information should be directed to the applicant and/or ECS Carolinas, LLP. �C� Ca�r�linas, LL� �►G�IVi AUiNORI�►i1�3N ihis f�rm authorizes EC� ta a�t �s caur ag�nt in streamlw�tland matters including U.S. Armp Corps �f �ngin��r5 and Narih C�rolina Division oi Wat�r Qu�tity fi�id �erifi�tion �nd permit applicat�on. Prop�rty Address; AIR��- Pro�oseri_New�,��d.from Trollinawaod�H�,eltl�_�oad io GoVem�r Scott �a�rm Ro�d �I(ebai�f� =� Gr�t�am� Alamaince C��nty: �larth Gamlina +�plica�t 9n%rrr�ati�r: �Vame: Churk_Ed�vards for the:lVCDOi �ddres�_ P.6. �ox 766 ;�27 �ast Grescent S�uare Dr. Gr�harri. NG �7253 Te�phone iVumber: Fax Number: E-maiJ Address_ . 1 . :�C .���• �����. cnedwards(c�ncdot.qov � ,..� �.�.. � a$t�: F ��fl � r � Signature: �ng�inee�ir�g • �4rchitec�ture � Lcrnd Surveying AICDZ Ro�dway Diffuse �low �►esi�n N�rrative To: Sue Homewood, NC Division of Water Resaurces Arny Euliss, NC Divis�on of Water Resources From: Kyle Smith, p.E. l� CC: Date: Chuck Edwards, P,E, NCDQT Brad Luckey, ECS Ltmited 5eptember 17, 2013 C.ii77'�� ' , The AICDZ Roadway wili s�rve as the primary access far thE Alamance Interstate Corridor Devetopment �one in �iamance �ounty. U41hile the AICDZ Roadway has been designed to minimize impacts to �nvlronmentai features, Bncluding streams, wetlands, and rlparian bufFers, it will have some impacts to these fieatures. These impacts wil) require US Army Corps of Englneers and NC DWR 401 and 4Q4 permits. A riparian buffer app�vai from NC DWR witl also be required and this buffer approval normally r�quires full difFuse flow desi�ns and calculations. �ecause of th� time sensitive nature of the AICDZ proJect, the project partners wish to delay the full dtffuse flow desi�n untii ihe full roadway is being designed (as well as until ful! topographic suroey is completedj. As a condition of this delay, the final design will be compiete with a diffuse fla�w/stormwater management plan and will be submitted to the Division of Water Resources with sufficient time for revievir and approval p�ior to beginning construction. The plan will include the following: e Ddffuse Flow is intended to be achieved through the use of level spreaders along the roadway. These level spreaders will be designed in accordance with the NCDOT Starmwater Best Mana�ement Practices Tooibox. • If the topo�raphic info�mation or other unforeseen conditions in the faeld exist, that prevent the use of level spreaders then the design will use other elements of the NCDOT Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox to create difFuse flow toward the stream buffer. • Final design wil) meet stormwater treatment requirements prior to entering the bufFers. � Appiican# understands that should site conditions prevent diffuse flow or adequate stormwater treatment then mitigation for buffer impacts and/or nutrient ofFset may be required. 740 Chapel t-lilf Road t2729�) P.O. Bo:; 1179 - 6urlinglan, Norlh Carolina 27216 � TPI. (338}226-5534 - Fax (336}226-3034 - a�::ck.c�m E'STi4BLlSHED - 9960 1.- Ecos stem .Y � PROGRAM September 24, 2013 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Tra�spo:tat:on 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: LT-5538, AICDZ — Industrial Access Road, Alamance County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide the stream and buffer mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on September 23, 2013, the stream impacts are located in CU 03030002 of the Cape Fear River basin (Haw Arm) in the Central Piedmont (CP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Stream Wetlands Stream and River CU Eco= Wetlands Basin Location Region Non- Coastal Cofd Cool Warm Riparian Riparian Marsh Impacts Feae 03030002 CP 0 0 311 0 0 0 •��ome or me stream ana weuana �mpacts may be proposed to be muigated at a l:1 mingat�on ratio. See perrnit application for details. All buffer mitigation requests and approvals are admuustrated through the Riparian Restoration Buffer Fund. The NCDOT will be responsible to ensure that appropriate compensation for the buffer mitigation will be provided in the agreed upon method of fund transfer. Upon receipt of the NCDWQ's Buffer Authorization Certification, EEP will transfer funds from the NCDOT 29�4 Fund into the Riparian Restoration Buffer Fund. Upon completion of transfer payment, NCDOT will have completed its riparian buffer mitigation responsibility for TII' Number U-5538. Subsequently, EEP will conduct a review of current NCDOT�ILF Program mitigation projects in the river basin to determine if available buffer mitigation credits exist. If there are buffer mitigation credits available, then the Riparian Restoration Buffer Fund will purchase the appropriate amount of buffer mitigation credits from NCDOT ILF Program. Mr.' Harris September 24, 2013 � TIP Number U-5538 Page Two River Basin / Buffer Buffer �� Watershed Eco-Region Zone 1 Zone 2 TOTAL Impacts Cape Fear! �ordan — Haw CP 22.0 618.0 640.0 03030002 'This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitigation acceptance letter issued on September 10, 2013. EEP commits to implementing sufficient compensatory stream mitigation credits and mitigation for the buffer impacts to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the rea latory agPncies in aceord3nee with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation accegtanc� l�tter wit_1 bs req,,;rs,� ?�nm EFP, If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. �incsrely, James , Staniill EEP Asset Management Supervisor Cc: Mr. Andy Williams, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NC Division of Water Quality Ms. Amy Euliss, NC Division of Water Quality File: U-5538 Revised �.P.StD�r,�c9... � ' .. I��OteGtr,�C� Dc�,�' s tu,t� North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-707-89761 http://portal.ncdenc.org/web/eep Um��3� AICD� Site Miti��#ion P�opoSal Wetland mitigation for this project is proposed to be provided by the North Carolina Department of Transportation which is an allowable under the Federal Mitigation Rule, 33 CFR chapter II 332.3 (b) (1)- (6). The NCDOT has been providing mitigation for road projects for almost 20 years and has established a record of acquiring, designing, and constructing successful mitigation sites with over 225 closed out sites across the state protected in perpetuity either through fee-simple ownership or conservation easements. Additionally, these sites are monitored by NCDOT for long-term maintenance and management. The remaining credits on these and other post-construction mitigation sites are tracked on the NCDOT's On-site;Debit Ledger (ODL) and are available for mitigation use. Therefore, ODL mitigation proposals involve sites that are constructed and functioning prior to proposed impacts, resulting in no temporal lag and no uncertainty about project success. Specifically, NCDOT will debit the Bryan Boulevard Mitigation Site for unavoidable riverine wetland impac�s. The Bryan ��uievard Site is located approximately 30 miles rnrest of the prc�posed impact site within the same HUC, 03030002. It successfully completed monitoring and was closed out ten years ago, in 20�3. Purc[hasing in lieu fee mitigation from the NCE�P is not fiscally responsible when the Department has available assets within the same HUC on the ODL. Currently, only one of the potential NCEEP mitigation sites within the Cape Fear 0303002 has completed the regulatory monitoring period. Additionally, NCEEP we�land n�it��ation eredits within this HUC �re allotted for P�CDaT STIP �rojeets either �eeently or soon to be permitted. Due to all of these factors, it has been determined that the use of NCDOT's ODL 6ryan Boulevard Mitigation Site is environmentally preferable, consistent with the criteria set forth in 332.3(a) (1) of the Federai Mitigation Rule. ODL— Bryan Boulevard Mitigation Site The Bryan Boulevard Mitigation Site is located in Guilford County, adjacent to the Bryan Boulevard Extension. (Bryan Boulevard/ Horse Pen Creek) are located at the intersection of Bryan Boulevard and Fteming Road. This site was constructed in 1996 and provided 29.7 acres.of mitigation. 26.9 ecres of the wetland mitigation were used to offset wetland impacts associated with project U-608, the extension of Bryan Boulevard. A final monitoring report was provided from year 2000. , http•//www ncdot or�/doh/preconstruct/pe/neu/Monitorin�/2000Monitorin�/BrvanBlvd/brvan2k.pdf A closeout letter was received from the ACOE on March 18, 2003. The credit for the Oak ridge site was removed from the debit ledger after NCDOT conveyed the property to the Fed Ex Regional sorting facility. There will be 0.17 acres of unavoidable wetland impacts for U-5538 (AICDZ Road) debited from the Bryan Boulevard/Horse Pen Cre2k as shown in the table below. U��53� AICD� Site Miti�ation Proposal Credits Dzbits Pro�ec! Tracking Nc.. 13�03�OOi2 � NO iVATIONAL 12EGISTER OF I-IISTORI.0 PLACES � d�����; . ELIG.I���E OR L.ISTED ARCIiAE�OLOGICAL SITES �"�;.. ,�� �, � ,. . , 7� i�l�� ' . a� `� ,� PRESEIVT OR AF�ECTED FORM �� _ �.. � r ;�-�, � . ��-�_��.���' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not w`; �.. •�`_ • , . � valid for Historic A.rchitecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �� . Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PRO,TECT INFORIVIATIOIV Project No: 13-03-00'�2 County: Atamance WBSR'o: 7C.001019 Document.• 1ViCG' F.A. �Vo: Funding.� � State ❑ Federa] Federal Permit .Reguired? � Yes ❑. No Permit Ty�e: l�iationwide Frr,ject �esc�i,�tiorr: Iv'CBOT propos�s to cons�uct a r�ew road on new ]c3cation and adc� turn l�nes on 'Trollin�r%ood-Hawfields Road for the Alamance InSerstate Corridor Development 7ona. This new industrial access road is to provide access to multiple ecanomic deve3opment sites. �evised as of early August 2�13, new ROVv' is proposed at a width of 60 ft over largely undeveloped,_ rural.tezrain for a project length estimated around 2.2 miles. Construction may be phased. The project �ength and width, alon� lvitla any additiona3 construction easements (i.e., the footprint of constructionj is the archaeological Area �f Potential Effe�ts (AFE) for the project, In anticipation of Federal involvement (USACE pernnits), compliance with Sectizn 106 of che NI=IPA i� apprvpriate. SI7MI�I.ARI' OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDING3 The �Iorth Carvlirca Deprrrtment of Transporiativn (NCD01'7 �4rchaealogy Grvup reviewed t1�e subject project and determined: � Therc are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of,potential effects. � � No subsurface archaeologica7 investigations are required for this project_ ❑ 5ubsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface investigations did not reveai the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. � All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and a(( compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. ��� There are no Nationai Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLQGICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needec� 'rVrl ��'.�I77(hV.4L RF.Y;IS71:R !i/J�:!liLli Olt U.t'TEU .IIZC'H�l1:�JL!)G!( i!L SI77.:S YRl;'S/:NY'!JR .IP'tiL•C'TCU junr /u• d.lina Tmnrp.dVl1111111 F7n�L'Cf? aa Qrml�J�vrl m rhu ;q47 Nr��rnn;monc: igrcrnratr I Ut Z Pro,�ect ?'rackrng No � �3�0�-oo�z Brief deseripiion of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Proposed roadway plans were reviewed, as were aerial photography, soil maps and historic maps. Th� topographic setting and historic maps su�est that archaeological sites might be present within the preliminary APE. 'I'he archaeological map files and other resources at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) were examined on April 18th and again May lOth, 2013, which noied the presence of archaeological sites in the near and immediate vicinity. This data is the result of a previous arehaeological survey (ER # 97-8950) of the larger land tract between I-85i1-40 and SR 2125. Since the recommendation for survey was made July 1Q`h, 2013, more information regac�ding this previous investigation has been made available including the full archaeological survey report (Cassedy 1997). Covering approximately 1200 acres, a total of eight (two historic, six prehistoric) archaeological sites were identified as a result of the 1997 survey. Led by a member of-ihe NC Archaeologica] Council, none of the resources were recommended eli�ible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP}. The undertaking was modified and expanded in August 2073. Based on new available proposed ROW, five known archaeological sites aFpears to lay close to the project area, 31 Am373, 3zAm374'�*, 31/1m376, 31Am37i, and 33Am37R. �ites 31Am374** and 31Am37b are likely outside of tiie roadway constructien footprint. Siie ?1,�m373, 3IAm37b, 31Am+77 and 31Am378 are all prehistoric lithic sites of ]ow to moderate artifact dencaty. 31Am374** regresents a historic domestic site south of the,roadway AP�. We understand that this repnrt }ias been submit�ed to OSA for their files. There a;e no NF�HP' ];sted archaeological resaurces noted atang tl-,e proFcssed re�adway. On this �iate- funded project, U�ACE permits are antici{�ated. Therefore �ection ] Ob a�plies. For puposes of this state- funded projeci wiih federal actions, vve conclude thai no na#ionai register af hisfic�ric places eligible or listed archaeologiea] sites are present or afFected tivitY�in-the project APE. �U�PP�12T DUCiJIVi�1�tTATION Se� att�ched: � I�«p(s) � Previous �urve� Infa ❑.Photos ❑Correspondence Clther: please reference �rchaeological report fc�r more details: Cassedy, Daniel F. 1997 Phase 1 Archaeolo�ical lnvestigations of a+!- l, 200-acre Parcel in Alarnance Count, North Carolina (on file, NCDQT) Signed: ��� ``?" � NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST 8-5-2013 Date 'NU .N.�1 %7uN,11. kl:Gf�' i L• k L LILlG Ll: UR LI,S.TF.D �I R('H,1 EUt.nt;l('AL �f Pl• J PRF.SE�vT (�H ; I FAI'r ' 1!.D (vrrv fr�i �blenur 7'nr,t�pur��rnon Pru�er�� m!)truir�rd u� d�v ?I/1I7Yr��q+xuninm�c A,q;�enrr�ni Z O��Z �yt ..._ �,4, ��_'�.,� :1;�.�^�• r '�f •� ;�'',�"' �: �!',;;���, � ������ � l.'roj'ect 1Vo: T�'BS 1Yo.: Fed Aid No: PrvJicl Ti•atkirtg No. (luk�y�ul Usc) ��'0�'{��r%/2 1��d�ndum I�ISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AIV� LAND�CAPES NO �IIST'ORIC PROPERTIES PRESEI�IT OIi AF�ECTED FORIi�I This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It i� noe valid for Archaeological Resources. You must ��nsult separately with the Archaeotogy Group. 7C.001019 Yes ?t No �1�FO1t1VIATION 'Corenty: AI�Ifi1�11� �.. . Doc'uiieent : o-yy� . Funili�rg: X State F�derat yrvtectDescrinrtr�r�: �or�5truct industriai access r��d (Alam�nce inrerstate Corridor i7evelnpment Z�ne) fr��n �R 1981 � (Trollingwond-t�awfiel�s R�c�). �� �R �124 {Gov�rnor �cott,��rm :Road)�.(n� o�F=sii� d�tour planned). Add�hdum�ta �ri�ir�al r�vi��v neeessifiated.�,bv �iian�e� t� �i�e_proiect.design (see=at�ach�d_��r����, _ _ __ SU1YIlViA1tY t�� I�ISTOIt�C ARCHITECTURE A1�I� I�t����PES RE�IEW ❑ There are no I�Tationa] R�gister-iisted or Study Liseed pra�p�rti�s w�iiehin the pr�ject's are� of potential e£�cts. ❑ There are mo properties less than fifty years old which are coc�sider�d to ziaeet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects, [] There are no properties within the projecC's area of poten�i�l e�ec:ts. ❑ There are properfizs o�rer fifiy years ald wittiin the ar,ea,oFpotenti�l effects, but they dn not meet the criteria for lisd�g on the Nadon�ll Register. % There are no historic prnpertie� present or affected'by this project, !Attach any notes or documents a� needed.) Descrivtion_ofrevtew aetivftles. results, and eonclusions: HPOVUeb reviewed on �9 April ZU13/6 August'20'13 and�yi�lded ai�e NR%LD (Hawfiields Presbyteri�n Church (AM 7)} and no SL, DE, or SS prope�ties in the Area of potential Effeets (APE). Alamance Cnunt�t current GIS mapping, aerial phot�gr.aphy, and tax informatlon indicated an APE of mos�ly woodland and flelds, containing ,several unexceptional resources da�ing predominantiy t� the second thlyd of the twentfeth century and later (viewed 29 April 2013%6 August 2013}. 1�iie the AP� interse�ts pareels owned by the Hawflelds Presbyterian Church, it does not exte�d inta ihe Natianal Reglster boundary area..(see atf�ched NR boundary map). The circa-1�55 church buildi�g and other contributing resources stand approximately 890 feet from the propassd access road; the new road is positioned just north of the church properttes, some 300 feet and more from their nearest companent (non-NR) resources and sereened by woodiand and fields (see attached project location and aerial maps). The APE does not intersect the nearby, Natianal Reg(ster- listed Kerr-Scott Farm (AM 464) and Henderson Scott Farm (AM 497). The APE extends 100 feet to either end of the proposed access road (NE-SW) and 250 f�eet�to either side of the centerline of the proposed access road (NW-SE) to encompass all antic(pafied construction Nts1a•tr AnAlrecn�re w��ll.mielscapes NO HIS7DRIC PROPGRTIfiS PRG56NT OR AFfGC7�D form jorMirior7M�uporrnlrwt Projrcts ns Qiralified h� the 2007 P�vgratn�rw�lc Agroenirnt. Page 1 of 2 _----__ _---- N� prqposed worfc will oe�ur an or ��herwise. affect the Nationaf Register-iisted� Hawfieids Presbyterian Ch�urch (AM i) propetty. As the projecfi is state�funded and requires no Federal permits, only GS-121�12(�) applies. Wow�ver, shvuld funding or permitting change, a finding of "no histc�ric properties affected" will satisiy Secti,�n 106 compliance requirements. C�mpreNensive hls�oric ar�hf�ec�urai survey of Alamance Caunty (s exfiensive (1978-9, 1989-90, i991�92;. �nd 20Ulax), and counf:y �ISJtax ma�erials and �other visuais, like Google, Maps "�tree�view," clearly illus�r�t��the absence of critical historic buildings, structures, and lar�ds��p� in fih+e A�E. N�Oi Hi�orlc�Archltecture;s ons(t��,investigatl�n di the Hawfields �resb��rian Churt� vici��ty for �A proj�cct 12�03-0051(11+l�5 IUo. ?C.00l0i9) tn June of 2012 (matierials on file, NCDO'1� con�irms this flnding. �leas� no�e±: �rll c�s�wc�tl�n equfpmen�, rtyai�ri�ls, end rel�ted a�c�tiyiti�� sh�uld� rerrr�in cs��sid� th� �ound�ries�di ti�er,N�tional Regis�er property: 5h�utd �he ti�gn ��the proj�-�ange.(indudlr�g the �ddltio� �f �� a�fF �i� d�tx�+�r�, p►l�asia: t�ntlfy NCDCIT H�rtc'�lrrct�i%cture �� stJPP(?IiT' DOCUMENTATIOI� }� �+Iap(s1 Pr�vious �urvey Tnfo. []Phc�tc�s �Correspondence [�Design Pl�ns �hotr�qr�p�zs r�,n frl'�, Nt�T — f�istarlc Ar�itt�ci�ure arrd �i�r'sian i 1�1�TD�T� �I' NCTiOT ARCHITECTURAL HIST�RIAi�t Hisroric �irchif�c�ure and Landscapes — No t�1sTORIC �ROPERTiEs AFFECTED NCD�T Ar�hitectura9 Eiisiorian Tracking No. 13-03-0072 - addendum Alamance Couniy WBS Na. 7C.001019 Nis(orir�lrrhifedruti miAl.nrrdscapes NO Hl57l�Rlt„'YROYfift?'I&SYt2/sSiiN7'OkA7'TIiCTIitJjorm jm� da+�ia• 77niupa•rntrun 1'rajerl.r n.r Q��alrficKf m dta 2007 Progmmmalic Agtneuient. Page 2 of 2 •� � • � U C t� � ta Q � � O N � a 0 .� � � N m � 0 N v� � bA � `CJ u � O A. O �-, � Y M � b � Q�.y fl 3 b 0 x � 0 z � � � .� 0 0 � � � � 0 � � � � � � I , ` �' �, _ _ � 1 '� �' --� � I� ..- ��, ��,� : r� ' , � �, � R+�.�}.- , ; � �EBatNE -�-- , f .�Of1 wn ." " " ,: ,s", t a. � ,. s �. ,�, �. i -'., . � � . � � �l , ' ' _ ; � � �� � �, :� . � ' - ^ , �, I t -� . 1 , �, .. � � ,i � �' , . . . - . j' e � �'—''qw ' � �� �� ��j ' ,1 A � I �„ _ __ i � � � I, ,y� . , t , _ � D I� �� � . � t�, i`� ' t!0 � �� ���9,�� a �1 - ' ^' :�. � . � pi ' ' � � ;,. 1 � � � 'r � I I�-''� � 1, . �'r"f�. � .. - Y .:� . s��: �,`�.i � � �Y � � . - ��: — I� . . i� ��i, �t� ��r� � R �� J . 4 �� � ; ',� Rr�►ject A�rea: � j .. - - _ -;- � «�� �'_� � ?r. i � � - - Y,. .=� . �y,atertaFos,�;�y , � � �'�� . I � �:�! _ . :1 i' �, � 1 {I I . •�+ _ �.. � � `� ��. _ f � N .� _ -- .� ,;. Nc� �a , � . ;� _ '11 b � ��w��A � �� ,�� 1 N � .'��; , + ��.. f'� j b�J.xn'wN�'���t�r.. �, ' �` , ' ;�� -, �r. � _� r ,i � � '�;� ` ' ; �', Hawiietds Pr�esb�te"�i�n GFiurch (NR�j_ � � � r 9+. � i ��� � �' M'�r MM or.lta Alamance Intersfiate Cdrridor Developrnent Zone Access Road Alamance County WBS No. 7C.001019 Base map: HPOWeb, nts Tracking No. 13-03-0072, Addendum NCDOT — Historlc Architecture August 2013 � C 4 ' v d U C tC � (0 Q C71 r-i O c� a 0 v � � � m � � .� � a� � � Q N` P T M O m � v � {�.� V G1 � L � U .` O � _ o �. Z � C� V U Z � f'� e--I O c� C � G1 3 a, .� a� L � � � U N �O � a u 3 0 a, � M �-i O N +.+ � 7 UO � Q r-1 O N �.+ N � � a � a� eo c � � u c aA .� � � �i 3 0 a� � -� c n� c� 4 Z U � � -� z �� b � �'. w � o � �' �n G v � 00 � o' 00 � � a W O O O 't7 ro � � t ' �. ,� � � � � � � � � z � � � � o � �, , � j �---- � � � � O � � m � O � � V + � � � � y C a n � � � C � o Z � '�����u r���r�� m.,,,,. .,,,. .• .5 No •, y � ' •' • �, ' :�:' �,�.y: v�� :� r �� � �rn ~ o ,L ':'� o� r � � � � � � • ... � - ., �y' : �g @ � � � •••••�i���ee����� • v O4 b - 9 � m � � � n W a w � w t-� ln � $ * z � �-�I � � � ���g�� � n a � H � a �* � Q o °,� � F � � � � 3 � � a`��°f��° �3 o d o 0 m �o � � s � �' — � � � ��s� � "'��� _1 =i ��r a o�n °sj m fD d m � S c� O � � p�p p3p �i � C � � �. � � �'o 0! bi h��' N N � 7 S S h � � � fl' n � � y� _' � 7 7 p p Q 0 � C�t � � � m � 3 � � � � � � � � � f�D � C � � � � � � � � � � � N '" .-, a � v� i O t7 �' � Zc� ,� �� S S f'D !�0 j j t� � .-. in N ►+ fD fD tw0 .� " < 3 3 �"•�� .� o � b,� � � � a a N � Li O� j:► p ,�, p. Q- r..��� ^ � � � � s� � � z z � �N V (J7 z 0 a d T f� N S e� fD � � � i-+ _� T m p f�i � A D� m « * . ,► * « � � 0 � S Z C� _ A�T � W N 1--� t+ � N � � (/Q ��w w �w� ����, ww � ��� ����_ = _ �- zzz zzzz fD ��� �O���� � S w cp O� � V C � � � � � � � � v - - - - - � � rn � .�+ 3 .��+ � rt � � � � e�-r .A--e 9f � f0 A � f� fU fD fp dD fD fD fD Os 3 3 � � � � � � > > > � � n +y� � A f�b l�D �� N? 7 7 =� � f i h � �� K.'-, h 17-F 01 D1 OI� N � y `1 rF tq ��7 � �Q 1� 7 � 7 � 3 � � C C � G < G � {J � � o o g o 0 0 _ n 3 � m to =`• �� tno m m p� d a � G. Q a •+; (7 � ►,-' � N N N N� 3 � O O�' 7 O O O�` �' �' �' �p y a v v � 3� 3 �� n � � n �' � � o. � � o` o o a` a = A � m m m a a n a a z z �-- --- F! 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F �s' . .� Z. : y � . ., AL : 039206 ; . ` . � . : , � �NGINEE� •• : . s ••. . � : � Y... ...•• � .� ,� . � • .,, � E SM ;,,.� �3 �-���- '•���t���5' / BUFFER ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE WITHOUT MITIGATION �� .4LLOWABLE WITH MIT/GAT/ON BUFFER lMPACTS I ��I NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTIO�J 0 30 PAOJECT NO. -13087 alley, williams, carmen & king, inc. ENGINEERS� ARCHITECTS dt SURVEYORS 740 chapel hill road p.o. box 1179 burlington, n.c. 27215 336/226-5534 Firm's Engineering License No. F-0203 REI/ISED 9/19/13 PER NCDWR AND ACOE COMMENTS REVISED 8/21/13 CHAIVGED .ALIGNMENT TO ROUTE D REVISED NEW ROADWAY IMPACTS FOR : sHEET ^�°. = ALAMANCE INTERSTATE C4RRIDOR DEVELOPMENT ZONE � MELVILLE TWSP,, ALAMANCE COUNTY, N.C. sc�: 1"= 30° n,o�: 07/24/2013 ow�. er MHW ��= 7 % �� � LE�GEIVD � wFri.awns d�'/til� sa�ws ls�}�) � `� ��� ` eu� zorvE � � BUfFER ZONE 2 ALLOiM�4BtE WRHOUe I�IlTBGARON � � ALLd7WABLE NqTkl MJT?G+1710N BUFFER tA1Pi{CI5 ��,.,_ "� � � � � Y r�.�r ,ffi �`'_ � � � d'� P �a �--; � _ � �-1---- 'Sa\ 38°0�'33� N 79°'is'4� VY i� `�... �' . , - . - � .: �, ,� S EA ~ � w . � w ' 03920 ' = . . . . M • � r � � •�� i � ��t �• • ��� •��t . • • ... ,���").0 � �SM\ � �/ ''•�.. ,- � � N�T RELEA�ED FOR CON� �� aa r �"`�� `I�°�'�� �. �'" .� � �,,'..�ofw , ��� lMPACT�' WETZANDS � 0 AC. STREAMS 86 L.F. Q.OU99 AC. But�R zDNE r 5,127 s.F BlJFFER ZDlVE 2 3.392 S.� 7i7TAL BUfFER Ai�F4 8,5 J9 S F. �N1 � 0 50 � R�n �1ae/ ra P� nrcnwEt anrn AcoE �oM�ur� PAQ.lECTIVO. -13�09T REiRSFD 8/2�/�9 Cfi�U1K�E� AUONMENF T�? ROUTF D RFVI.SED� NEW RUAOWAYlMP�4G'i� FQA : '"�T1D• ° alley, williarns, carmen & king, inc. A��A���'���R�TATE �'ORRIDOf3 aatv�s, azcH�crs ar svRv�roRs 740 ch�pel hill roQd p.o. box 1179 �F�E�oPN1ENT ZQIVF � burlington� n.c. 27215 336/226-5534 MELYILLE 71�SP., ALAI�lpNCE COUNTY, N.Ca Firm's Engineering License No. F-0203 a�: y" = 5Q' ow�: 07%24/2Q13 owaer N1hfW °F 7 PARAtLEL ZONE } fA1PACT5 FROM STRF4M SC CHANGlAIG ar�cnoh z2 sF PI4RN1Et ZONE 2 I�IPACTS tR01L! srR�a�u sc cr�wc�nrc DlRECTI�N 878 .SF� �_ ✓ .r�"`s f�.,.,.., SE5 MEAGERS WfTI�► SD sne � yr: � ti%T'�' , ,,� ., �..+�;� • � � ��/�� ', �, �j . �' �!" , . �,,y;�i� , • , f ,. • � �� ., '.. ,. `�:.�,_` ,;.�r�� ,�.�� �, � � �; .y%,� �`.., ,,�"`� + • �' J � � "`r.._ '`_� �''/�/ � * / ` .. '/ � _�..: �... . �` �. � / 71� ' ! � �c�`+� / /�'I�''� I I �\�• ` / � �I ��i � � � �����%� ��• �'� / . `���� � �,//;', � ` � ti, r � � • `\ '` � ,, �,�/ � f �' % \. � ` fl �' R°w .�-- ww �-_ LEGEND � N+�rt�anr�s (�#',�J S7RE41NJ �5;��� ` � � � BfJffER Zf?NE r � � � BUFFER 20NE 2 ,auow� wmiour �mc�ariav ` �'�� �;���:� .�cLow,�ecE wir�r ,�mc�non� au�ra l�iacrs �MPACTS WETIANDS 0.1725 AC. STRFAMS 81 L.F. O.OQSS AC. BUFFER ZONE 1 4,834 S.F. BUFFFR ZOIVE 2 3 222 S F , �,� t0 TAL BUFFER AREA 8, O56 S. F. F�� pK�� ��`" � Nc- w �--.. ►rr� . � ��- _ � �3'�: t� ,l' `�iA �/�` �{j�f� �j4� � ! ,: � % . �•!� �. -�r' . �,'.'.�, ;, .,�,�. ,% `� ..: �>.:.t%•:�r':i��.r,�i�!/� ._ � rrc� id���.�.�__` �yrpY �o„�- �p �� pa�°$ �/�I? �'�%� �I=`���%f�%�����r%� f � r �i-1S r. I' ` J/":e �i���'1��f,il r //..•• f�/ �%i f ;, � `,�j` ./ y ' �!%��''r;,;�i�i'�`''y!t J�, i /��,o i�r 7��,i�i,iF � �� • ����� f ;`Jf {4Jf rµ•+rJ % %i1����f:xj`��%1�` ��' f/' i��� ��f'/��l�� � �,l, �. l j f� . i�)1 r;,• - ' �. ,I/ r�' ; r 1. �f����; iA �:,,��j�IAS� t/��-•��/d'�J �jj r ' : r: � l . ;�� � / j•�,! ' 1NC J��r,� , j���f :'�j`li�j L�r-�` �"��y'y j �6°�ai�� �% �1�� W � 1 Nt�T RELEASED o � p1��Cr ua. - i�7 alley, wiliioms, carmer� & king, inc. ENGINEERS, ARCHffECTS & SL�RVEYORS 740 chapef hill road p.o. bax 1179 burlington, n.c. 27215 336/226-5534 Firm's E�gineering License No. F-020� R�w �. � r►wc-rs '+���ys����r���,�, �� ♦ �, �.• � o� .f s. -� . • w �� : �y r w - S EAL � � : : : fl39208 � � . : „ � � 4 ♦ e � ; s, �� �N�� ta�'�R . ' � � + •�'•�.... •''� .� +` +� � v '�•.. r� � 5�" �••'`3 ����i/'1�/� � � r+ — l F4R CQNSTRU�T���J �n a�t�ns PEt� nrcnwR avQ,acoE coMn�Fnrrs REVISED 8/2�/'3 CHANGED ALIGNMFNF 7'C) AOlIT� � f�EV1SE� lYEW R(?AL3WAYlMPACTS FQR : �°''�� ° ALAMANiCE �N�EI�STi4�`E C�f�`RiDOf� l]�EVELOPMENT ��'3�VF ,3 14t�LVIC� TWSP., A�AMANCE COt1hI7Y, 11�.C. sr.v.�� T" = 40' n��_ 07/2�#120i3 �wa� 1�lHW � 7 POND BUFFFR ��\`\�\ ZONE 2 ����'`�' ��~• \ i0' OFFSFT FRQM Rti�NT �F WAY ,�,��, —.�.-T-.._. -_- :.., PA �'C?.SE� � OF WAY ��;� � , � . �. • . \ �,. �. �„ . .� � ' •.��. �,'' ; � � . ` .. 48-�-OD � � ,. . . �. �•. �� \,. �. . � � `�'' , \ . . .` � �. � } �'\�,, �� . � \ �, `' f��,/ /��� / f� �/, '� �.� • � ' '' /i / /�� . i .,� � r• �� ��.. .\, ` ; • � • , , •�•'�,,•`�;' � � .`\ '`� � ' �.,• i � /� �� r � �, � � �`.\ � �. • . • � �r����,/• � � '/ .: � !/' i � '. � �.� � /� '!/ � • � ' \ \ ,`' %� / `�(•!�[�7/ j /� � j� ' / %� �� i �� ` i � r ���. '�. r�� "� �/ i � `'. \ .. � .' � ' . . � i % ; � �� �/�'� i � ._�'�` � '�� % i � � • � ` `+ • �' � �i / / �' / . , � � � •.� \ � . 0 lMPACTS WETLANDS 0 AC. STREAMS 16 L.F. Q.0007 AC. BUFFER ZONE t 2,910 S.F. BUFFER ZONE 2 3.485 S.F, 7iDTAL BUFfER AREA 6, 395 S. F. --�_—,... `"-`_ � : .�..._....a........ i , i J !� ,� � ! � ' i ,J � � / i � . NN f/0 \7a N \iii�Y ' � f ��/ % / � ,/��, � •` • ` ' � �i�i� w � � �rn �' � � . s� Ar s�r ' LEGEAlD � wftt,�Na�s {��J STP4E�4A/S i5�%) � �♦ �\ � 6RIFF£R IONf 1 � Bf1FFER IONE 2 SH-4 a.cowas�e w��our Mmcarronr ,,,, . i �cowAscE w►n�r �umc.�now eu� i,�P��s F� � �O r� � r � -.�"R,�tr� rcr � �.., °�r�,�R�� � � �AY N�T RELEASED F4R ��NSTRUCTION � 3a • PAo�Fcr No. - ��a�a alley, williams, carrr�en 8c king, inc. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS dc SURVEYORS 74� chapel hilP road p.o. box 1179 burlingtan� �.c. 27215 336/226-5534 firm's Engineering License Na. F-02�3 REVISED e/78/�3 PEA NCDWR AND ACOE COMMENTS RFvtsFD e���ya cHianroFn,a�i�nr�nrr ro RourF o REvrsen NEW ROADWi4Y 1MPACTS FOA : ��-= A�ANCE 111rTERSTATE CQRRIDUR nFVELoPn�Enrr zonrF 4 ArfELVlLLF TWSF., aLA1�U110E C�INTY, N.C. scar�: 1" = 3U' �a�- 07J24/2013 vw�. sr MHW °iF 7 LEGENO � �� l�'/�I ----�_._-_ _._ sn�+�rs ls#I � `� � ` � 6uFFFR zolvE 1 '� Bl1f'FFR ZOIYE 2 ,ouow,�ecE wm�our ,vrnr�nonr .. . �toiwecF wnri �nnoiv et� �c�s �_ a , °�.r��'� w ��n ��... R�T �M�AY R�W �, '• � ----.-_, SK 18 sic » a SK i� 54 SK � 98°0�9'39' N �°ye�� w ,'�ysss���tii�i� .•'�� ��''• �i ; � • � • �1 • i ♦ � � � �� � � w r � ' o3szos : . : . r i F ` ; s .''-. '�'Grr�rF�`;•' .�, : ,��'•• '�rc E � s�'�. •'��� sK-a '''•�:•..�.,�••�•' g-z5 -l� N �JT� SK 2t sx ie ---•-__- �. - -- __ —_ --� RC _ __ — --� `�-- ss o0 s�c y��� . --� �_ �R°p�p��D RiQ��►'�wAr src i2 � SK1t R� �` sx-io �7I�� RELEASED o �o � PI�QIECT 11�. - 13UA7 alley, williarns, carmen & king, inc. ENqNEERS, ARCHITECTS dc SURVEY�ORS 740 chapel hill road bu�lington, n.c. 27215 Firm�s p.o. box 1179 33f/�26-5534 License No. F-0203 s�,_� !U' dl �EF fR� R/GJYt OF WAY �- lMPACTS WETtANDS a AC. S7REAMS 85 L.F 0.0117 AC. BUFFFR ZONE 1 0 5.F. BUFFFR 20NE 2 0 S F. TOTAL BIIFFER ARF,�{ 0 S F. FOR CaNSTRUCTION REVISED 8/19/73 PER NCDWii /WD /SCOE COMMEN7S REV/SED 8/2T/'13 CHAAf(�EAA�IONMENT Tl� ROiIT� D REy1SEa NFW RQADWAYtMPACTS F�R : a++�rroa � �4NCE INTERSTATE C�RRIDOR DEVELQPMENT ZC)1VE � MELIItLLE 7W3P., AVG4A�ANCE LOlJN7Y, MC. �: 1" = 30' � a�: 07/24J2013 ��a ey MHW �� 7 :,; �i 0 unr�Rc�ouNv sC-4 IMPACTS WETtANDS O AC. 57REAM5 87 LF. O,U060 AC. BUFFER ZONE t 5,210 S.F, BUFFFR ZONE 2 3, 498 S.F. TOTAt BUFFER AREA 8, 708 S.F. � �- x. ro' oF,�.F���D �� �� �ri__ �`^°��'IY � �._: _,_� -����w�.� ro� �,��R �rroF wAY LEGEND � "�t�+"rn�s !wl#) 5rn�a�s fsil�/) ` �\ � su� zoNE r � , � sUFFER ZOIV� 2 ALLOWi4BL£ WITHOtIT 1�I1TTG�4TYDN ALLOWABLE WtTt! Al1TIG�47I0N BUFFER fMPAGi' ����� �-� �'- Sr3-1d SG-i 1 SGT�2 ' G� ., `'-----.�. '`,'���+�����i��i�,i. •`� •. .• . `" qnc-' , � � ` ,� ' Q . �,, . � S L ' . . : ' � 039206 ' = : : � . , • ' .' . : ,• . .� • s ' • F� i hlE'�ii • �� �+ ''•.. ..••'� ,�`2` `.` .���,t,�r � � SM` *,��, •,r, � •��'`' l � � ' NOT RELEASED F�R ��NSTRU�TION PAO�FCr uo. - 73a�7 alley, williams� carmen & king, inc. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS & SURVEYORS 740 chapel hiil road p.o. box 1179 burfington, n.c. 27215 336/226-5534 Firm's Enginesring License No. F-02�3 REVISED �/�8%73 PEA NCDWA M1fLi ACDE GOMMEMTS RFlltiSED S)2�173 Cf•lANO�D ALtC�NNMENT 7�y AO[/7F D AEYlSECa NEW ROADWAY /MPACTS FOR : �"'"�, : AL4MAIVCF IIIfTERSTi�T� �ORRIDDR DEVELOPMEN� ZONE � MELVILl.E 7W5P., ACAMANCE COUNtY, N.C. s�: 7" = 3a' ��: t?7/24/2013 �. � MHW � 7 1 a pFFSF7' FAOM AtGHT OF WAY ► �..�, �_�� 81�00 � ROW ?0' OFFSEi FROM AIGHT OF WAY � OpF Wi4�' d� QF WAY 82�-00 b n � V ae°oa� N � � � t . 1�4JPACTS 79°19'Fi�9' W l ` � ` l . WFlL4NDS � AC. 1 y . 1 . l � � 1 srRFa�s a z.F � f �. . � ti 1. �� �. e�� zo�E � o S.F _ 1 . ' � I � � _ - l � � . . . BUfFER ZO1VE 2 D S.F. � �_ � ` �, _-- l � � TQTAL BUFfFR AREA 0 S.F. 11� _ --- — . �l .. � � 11 . ` 1 � _ �— . > > � � �_ � �_ � � . . . �_ �_� . � � I . �l� __ _ �1 � �—_--- _— . � I � . l � __� — _ �—� — �� � . � . � _ �_ � I I . . ` 1 1 I � ^- --- _ _ -��- � � � � . _� �- ___ -- _ � l I . � � ti I _ � _- - I l � � ��� ��1., l � __- � _�_ � . � l _ I l . __ - _ �. _ I 1 ` . � �_� _-- . � I l � -- - - �-� > > � � � . . _�-- , _� __ � I ��` �—_�—--� _ — . 1 . ^— ^ _-- �� ��— � — _ ��— 1. 1 l . _ -- _ -- _�— — _ I . � —� _— -�— � —� l ti. � . . _ � _— _ I I � � -- _� — _ _— — I � . tFGENQ � . �-- �, .� �-- - - _ _ .- - . � � __ � __� f � ` � w�7tanlvs � 1 � . � ~ - r r - -- -- -' � ~ - 1 � �. � � `� � � -- " � ��'�, � I l ' _______�t�►�� .1��� � �,_ — � —�—_�_� �tiI �.. l . — �-� _� — , . .,, ��t � I I` -- _ _ � __ � � �L , ` � � 1 l i � � _ � J _ - � � ~ ,,,..� _ •�►. � � t 4 � _ � _ �� , sufFER zon►F s `.•`�� `'�� �� � At10Wi19i,E WRNOUT MlT1(`,�AJTOIV `�e' S. I. • . � ,, �x � ` EA ' . .�-,. _ : ' j�,� � �ciow�e� wrr�r �rrnr,�norv ev� �Pacrs � 039206 � • „ M � 30 NOT RELEASED FOR �ONSTRUCTI�N PRQJECF NO. -13087 alley, williams, carmen & king inc � ••�����ryr + '� � �� . � � � .� . • .��.+..�re � ,.S� `�,,��, ����—I� RFV�.SED 9/19/13 PEA 1YCfJWAAND �COE COMMEN'7�' REVlSED 8/27/13 CHANGED A�.lGNMENT TC? At�(J7E D RF1I�E� NF�M ROADWAY 1MPACTS FOR : �"0. : ENGINEERS, ARCHITEC75 dc SURVEYORS � AI�4MANCE 1NTERSTATE G4RRIDOR 74� cho el hil! road �E�EL�P�i��r ZQ�F p p.o. box 1179 butlington, n.c. 27215 336/226-553�4 ME'LVILLE 7YMSP., A,tAh�lAlYCE COUN7Y, H.C. Firm's Engineering License No. �-02{l3 �: 1" = 30' na�: 07/24/2Q�$ �.er �{I�HW � �i � �T! , �.� � . - - - _ _ , - _ ��`r�, � , � _ � ��� �-- - . ��; �i ,� _ -: - . r � i �� .� � . - - - rk.= ;��' , �ti�� -� � � w �1��1I ' � 'ti k � � ' ��`�i' ,. ,�`} - � � ' ) �' �I I ' , • • . � , _ . ,� : : ! - ' � ' ��� " � : '�., '- � . � ��� � y � _ (� � � �1 y • . �a , �C. ; + : � ' i 1 J�t�� . . _ ♦ / �� �: �.� i �--i.. �\ti.� - - . . ! '� !�� � � i. r\�_` ' , 1` � . ��" I y i J� ' ,�'- ��I, �' " i r. z '� \ • •--' Ir � ,��, ;' _ � � ,� � ; �. . �I��`� . � . ;` ? `h .��. y 1� . .� , .l'' ..- :.' . ��-' , : ,. . 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Tabl� of Contents ���e le �rc�ject �umm��y .................................................................. 1 19. fVeeci �or and �urpos� of �roject ............................................. 1 a. Project Need ......................................................................... 1 b. ProjeVt Purpose ..................................................................... 3 Illo �nvironrr�ental Context .......................................................... 3 a. Natural Environment ............................................................... 3 b. Human and Built Environment ................................................... 4 c. Indirect and Cumulative Effects...,.......�.......� ............................. 5 i. indir�cf Eff�cts Summary ..................................................... 6 2. �umugative Effe�ts Summ�ry .............................................o.. 7 I�lo �'raffic .................................................................................. 7 V, ��eliminaPy Analy�is .............................................................. 9 a. Do nothing alternative ............................................................. 10 b. lm4roye existing roads altern�tiyP .............................. ................ 11 �. �lewd IocatiQn buila alternative� fh�o�agh the �iCG� to Swordfi�h......, �� 1. Route Option A ............................... ......0 24 ........................ 2. Route Option B ............... ....... 24 ........................................ 3. Raute Optio� G .............................................................. 24 �. F2oute Option D .............................................................. 25 5. Quant�ative Impacts of Access Road Options ...................... 26 i!, Recomrnended AltePnatiwe ......................e................................ 27 Vlo �roject �tatus ......................................................................... 2� i�bi� Table 1 Indirect Land Use Effects Screening Tool ..................... 10 Table 2 Summary of Impacts ................................................. 16 Table 3 Summary of Impacts Including Access to Swordfish........ 22 iable � Ssarx�nnary of Impacts for Interior AICDZ Road ................. 2� �e� A►t�penciix io �P�ie�t �ur�rrr��rlr In 2013, the Cities of Graham and Mebane and the Counfi� of Aiamance approved the creation of an economic development zone to promote economic opportunity in the county and surrounding area. This zone is currently identified as the Alamance Interstate Corridor Development Zone (AICDZ) and consists of about 1200 acres along Interstate 85/40 between Vraham and Mebane. The area is weli suited for economic development activity due to land suitability and proximity to the interstate. The AICDZ is an area that is generally bounded by Interstate 85/40, Trollingwood- Ha�elds Road, NC 119, Kimrey Road, and Cherry Lane FZoad. Back Creek is located to the west. The development and marketability of the AICDZ is dependent upon an access road through the center of the AICDZ that also connects tr� the existing road�vay n�tvvork as close a� pos�i�ale to an I-��/�� interchange. The AICDZ has its first interested business client referred to as �Proj�ct Swordf��ia, S�e Fiyure 1�howir�g ti�� ioc�ti�r� of the �YCaZ. The propose�J road preject is included in the NCDOT 201?-2020 S#ate Transportation Improvement Program, and it has been designated as TIP Project U-5538 vuith construction scheduled for State Fiscal Year 2014 at a construction cost of $2,000,000 for Phase I. II. N���1 ��� �r�d ��rp��r� �� �r�i��t ao �roject IVeed rhe unempioymen± rate �n qfamance �o�nty has rerr�:aine� ho��er tia�n the State average for the past several years. In an attempt to attract job creation and employment opportunity to this area, in I�ovember, Z012, the Cities of Graham and Mebane and Alamance County held a joint meeting to discuss the possibilities of creaiing an Economic Development Zone between Graham and nAebane and being generally south of Interstate 85/40. At the conclusion of this meeting, each goveming board approved in concept to proceed with a study to create a development zone. In IUlay, 2013, a proposed development zone boundary was approved by Graham, IViebane, and Alamance County boards and agreements made for providing future extensions of water and sewer service to this area in the event that a significant economic development project considered this area. Furthermore, the Economic Development Zone would need to be provided with good roadway access to the interstate system, and the IVCDOT indicated that such road would be provided by fhe NCDOi at the appropriate tirr�e. ihe AICD� is abo�at 1200 acres in size and is generally bounded by interstate 85/40, Trollingwood-Hauvfields Road, NC Hwy 119, Kimrey Road, and Cherry Lane Road. Back Creek is located to the west. This area has beer� ��nsidered in the past for major economic development sites but neve� came to fruition due to lack of good road access and water and sewer service. Land in the AICDZ has a gentle to moderate slope making it well suited for economic development projects where large tracts of land may be needed for buildir�g activity. Ad�quate water and sewer s�cvi�e is nearby and Graham and Mebarae have agreed to jointly provide these services. Furthermore, both cities have substantial capacities of water and sewer available to enable major users to locate in the AICDZ. With the AICDZ being adjacent to Interstate 85/40, the area has an excellent highway system available which is a major requirement to attract economic development. The vital component to makirag this area attractive for economic development is a new access road through the AICDZ. The first business clien4, Project Swordfish, is iraterested in locating in the AICDZ. The access road for the AICDZ and Project Swordfish is the subject of this document. The new AICDZ road is critical to the future economic development of the entirp 9200 acres of the AIGC3Z, and it �s th� primar� f�att�re for m2ki�ng ne�v economic develo�ment feasible and desirable to new users. The Cities of �raham a�� IVIEbane and Ala�ranc� County have indicat�d they vvill invest several miliion dollars in infrasiructure extensions to ma�e the AICD� a r�ality; however, such inv�s#m�nt ean only be m�de in �anjunction uvith a new access road to be built by the NCDOT. Dependence on the existing roads for access would leave much of the AICDZ abutting the interstate completely landlocked and undevelopable since they have no direct road access to th� interstate. Gongestion studies indicate that with no access rvad thro��h tha RI�DZ, the existing readway .^,eha�rk ��rro�n�ir�g the AI�DZ would not b� able to carry th� AIt,DZ generaisd iraffic vuithoVt significant roadway widening and intersection improvements. This is not only evident at full build-out condition of the AICDZ, but in the Phase I build-ouf as v�ell. �hesE sigr�ifca�t im�roverr��nts to the road�nray n�fin;ork �°ouid r�sult �n unacceptable impacts to the natural, human, and built environments along th�se �oad�ways. V'Jithout the AICDZ �ccess road pro�iding quick ac�cess to the interchange, properties will decline in marketability as distance and travel time increases along existing roads as well as the increased number of intersections to pass through ta the interchang�. V1/ith the AICDZ access road in place and connecting to the existing Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road near the I-40/85 interchange, the need to improve the existing roadway network is significantly reduced as weil as the environmental impacts associated with such transportation improvements. An economic development zone predicated on interstate access must have excellent transport connectivity with uncongested roadways and not just physical proximity. This extraordinary arrangement between local and state governments is ant�cipated fo improve the errr�ployment opportunities for t�his area and beyond. Providing suit�ble access to the AICDZ is critical to the succes� of ai�racting economic development. Close and direct access to the Intersiafe 40 corridor is needed to make the proposed AICDZ as desirable and marketable as possible to potentiai cusfomers vuhile also minimizing 2 environmental impacts. In addition, the location of the proposed access road within the AICDZ needs to 1.) maximize the open space for potentiai clients and 2.) minimize impacts to the human, built and natural environments. With th� ini�test of ProjEct Svvordfi�t� v��th�n th� �,Iv�.Z, th� iac�tsor� of �n �c��s� road within the AICDZ as well as its access point frorx� the existirag road nefinrork is critical. The road access project is included in the Burlington Graham MPO �om�rehPnsiv� Transport�ition Pl�r�, bo �roject Purpose The purpose of the AICDZ proposed road is to provide direct and safe access to the AICDZ as close as possible to an interstate interchange, to locate a road within the AICDZ that maximizes open space for commerciaiiindustriai development including �roject Swordfish whiie avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts to the human, built and natural environments to the maximum extent practicable. Project Swvordfish is a poientiai business to be iocaied wiihin the AICDZ and can uiiiize an ac���s ro�d car�n�ciing it fF�� exis'ring road neiwc��k. inter�t��� ��/�0 `ri�s �n� available capacity to serve the development AICDZ utilizing a relatively short approach along Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road. The project is anticipated to support transition of the AIDCZ area from farmland to industrial and heavy commercial use, increasing employment opportunities in the area between Graham and Mebane. Tre �nc�eased tr�ffic �enerated by the �ICD� wiil ta� supported by the AICDZ access road, and wii( not require irnprovements to the existing road�nray neiwork except for the short distance on Trollingwood- Ha�elds Road iust south of the I-40/85 interchanqe. Increased truck iraffic may benefii the truck stop locaied in the souiheast quadrant ofi ti�e interchanae. The increase in workers in the AICD� mav benefit the restaurants and businesses located along IVC 119. � III� �nvironmental Cont�xt The attached Figure 2 gEnv[ronrriental Features/Road Options Analysis Map" shows the environmental context of the project area based on the natural, built and human environment. A broad and low detail review of the environment around the expanded roadway network was done and a detailed review of the immediate area within the AICDZ was performed as well. The environmenta! context is discussed below. a, lVatura� �n�i�onrrient Water resourc�s in the study area are part of the Cape Fear River basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic lJnit 03030002]. There is a stream syster� ihaf runs through the AiCDZ fram south�vest to n�rtheast. � Eleven streams were identified in the AICDZ. There are no designated Outstanding Resource Waters (ORV1n, anadromous fish waters, tro�t waters, Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), designated High Quality Waters (HQIi1n, water suaply v�aiersheds (WS-I or 1IVS-II) or 303(d) wat�rs fram the Final 2012 li�t in the study area or within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. No moratoria are anticipated for this projeci. Streamside riparian zones within the study area are protected under provisions of the Jordan Lake Water Supply Watershed Buffer Rules administered by tVCDWR. The attempt �as b�en made to avoid and minimize impacts to streams and wetiands to the greatest extent practicable in choosing a preferred altemative. As of September 22, 2010 the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFVVS) does not list any federally protected species for Alamance County. be Human and �uilt �nwironment !n the imrr�ediate area of the AIC��, National Reg�ster oi HistQric PI�ce4 (NRHP) lists the Ha�elds Presbyterian Church in the project area located at the irters�ctian �f N� 119 and Trollingwood-Ha�elds R�ad with the histaric boundary_ located on both sides of NC 119. Aiso noted to fhe west of the AICD� are the NRHP-list�d tt�� H�nderson Scott rarm His#oric Dis�rict aa�rag the south side of Kimrey Road and the Kerr-Scott Farm located generally north of but also crossing Cherry Lane Road at Governor Scott Farm Road. Archaeological surveys did not reveal the presence of any significant sites in the project area of the AICDZ. Na NRHP eligible sites were identified in the �°icini#g� �f tl�e tec�mmended location of the prop�s�d AI�DZ r�ad th�ough t�: Project Swor�fish. ihe project is stat�-fur�ded and �equires a Fe�eral per�at, so Section 106 compliance requirements in regards to any National Register listed histo�ic properties affected should be followed. This applies to Rroperti�s that are det�rrr�ir+eti elirible f�r lisiing o� #h� hJRHP as •rv�il. Th� prop���d °imprc,�e �xisti�g rc,ads altemative° be�rs th� poter�tial fid adversely affect two historic districts and one individual property listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Selection of this altemative will necessitate intensive aechitectural survey of an expanded Area of Potential Effects (APE), possibly identifying properties eligible for the National Register and also subject io adverse effects. APE associated with this project that has not been previously surveyed for archaeology may require subsurface �esting for the identification of significant cultural sites. Altemative� that cross or are adjacent to National Register of Historic Places listed properties will likely require more intensive archaeological survey Comm�nity resources �vere identified in the area of fhe AICDZ. Hawfiield� Jnited Church is located on the south side of Kimrey Road. T'he Rowl�n� �9�r�� Esta�es I���bile Home P�rk 9s located or� #he n,orth side of �G 119 extending v+�ell onto the AICD�, the Presbyterian Home of Ha�n�el�s independent living and nursing care facility, Pine Lake manufactured housing cor�nnrnunity, Stephanie's Child Development Center, the Ha�elds Pres�yterian Church and associafed cemetery are located aiong ihis section � of NC 119. The Ha�elds Community Park os located just north of the IVC 119dTrollingwood-Ha�elds Road intersection. Villastrigo iVlobile Home Park (IUIPH) is located east of Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road near the proposed inter��c:ion LPy°ith the AICQZ P3ad. There are �cho�ls l�c�ted ;�ast south�a: t of the NC 119 / Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road intersection. These community resources are potential Environmental Justice and Title VI resources, and fhe church and cemetery, as previously noted, are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Ha�elds Community appears to be centered on the Hawfields Presbyterian Church and the Ha�elds Communiiy Park which are located in the northwest quadrant of the NC 119/Trollingvuood-Ha�elds intersection. There are also several residences and businesses along this road. In continuing eastward along NC 119 to its interchange w►ith Interstate 40/85, there is a townhouse development, Ha�elds Crossing, southeast of the IVC 119lTrollingwood-Ha�elds Road intersection on Old Hillsborough Road. The Garrett Elementary School and Hawfields Middle School campus is locaied abnui ar quarter mile east of ihe NC 119iTrollingvvood-Ha�eids intersection, with driveways onto both NC 119 and Old Hillsborough Roacl. Continuing easfinrard to its interchange with I-40/85, NC 119 as primarily lined alang both sides with commerciai dev�iopment. Between �la��elds Ei�;rr��r��ary S�haol Ft�oad �nc� the int�rcF�ange �vifh N�; 119 is � coir�mercial strip oriented primarily towards regional and interstate traffic. Businesses along the corridor range frorra restaurants and shopping ceniers to a Lowes supercenter. Goodwill, tvvo apartment communities and several hotels are located along cross streets. ce indirect and �urnuYative �ffeci� An Indirect and Cumulative Land Use Effects Screening Matrix was compieied for ihe F�iVu�� Industriai Access Road r'roject. This matriz assesses factors that influence land development decisions and presen#s an assessment in a quantitative matrix based upon existing conditions and trends. It rates the impact of each category from higher potential for indirect effects to lower potential for indirect effects. The measures used are supported by documentation. Each category is assessed individually and the results of the table are looked at comprehensively to determine the indirect and cumulative effects poteratial of the proposed project. The Scope of Project, Change in Accessibility, Public Policy, and Notable Environmental Features categories are given extra weight to determine if future growth in the area is related to project modifications. Based upon the information analyzed and the corresponding values assigned for each category within the ICE screening rriatrix, the output recomrr�endation is `Indirect Scenario Asse�smerat lVot Likely'a The proposed project is located in unincorpo�afed Alamance Coun�tjr. Alamance County does have the adopted /�lamance Count�r Land Development Plan and the Destination 2020 Plan, both of which serve to guide land deve9oprnerat decisions. In addition, the county has �n adopted j�va�ershed prote�fii�h or�i�ance, a sta�divisio� o�dir�ance a�d a zon�r�g � ordinance. The entire FLUSA (Future Land Use Study Area) is also within either #he ETJ of the Gity of Mebane or the City of Graham. ihe Cities ofi Graham and N9ebane are designated Phase II communities. The FLUSA doe� nct fall �vithin a des;gnated water supply watersh�d, but is s�bjec# t� the Jordan Lake Nutrient Management Strategy which has established rules to reduce excess nutrients entering Jordan Lake. However, legislation has been recently passed that will delay implementation of these rules by three years. As a result, this category was rated as `moderate', signifying a moderate set nf gmwith management �qlicies. �_Li_ i C._ _Y ._ e• o uo eww • o . m e 10 Inclirect �fFects �umrriary Based upon the aufput of the ICE Screening Matrix, this partial control of access project on new location has a low to rr�oderate likelihood to increase the development potential of and intensity in the areas adjacent to the AICDZ Project corridor. Economic development is included in the purpose and need of this project and the project will provide access to a planned industrial facility. Transportation impact causing activities include: an increase in exposure, an increase in access, minirrr�al travel time savings and the creation of a land use or transportation node. The FLUSA is largely ca�develope� and with the establishment of the �I�o-r�ance industrial Co�ridor Dev�lopment Zone, which �ss�ntially rrairrors fhe boundary� of the FLUSA, additional indusiriaVcommercial de�Jel�pm�nf is p�anned for by the surrounding municipalities and the county. Any developrraerat, w9th or without the project that potentially impacts jurisdictional C� resources, wil! be subject to regulatory perrr�itting requirements. Furthermore, any development within the FLUSA will be subject to the requirements of adopted ordinances, land use plans and zoning regulation�. Although change in lar�d �se �nd �n associ�t�d incr2ase in im�erv�o!�� s��fa�e is anticipat��, the presence ofi Phase II stormwater regulations, which stipuiate post- construction stormwater treatment, and the implementation of Best iVlanagement Practices during construction, will further mitigate potential water quality effects. 2. �umulative �ffects Sumrr�ary The construction of the AICDZ road project, in conjunction with other planned transportation projects in the general vicinity, will improve mobility and accessibility and have the potential to change travel pattems. Any resultarat induced development and �omplementary land dsvelopment, coupled with the completion of planned transportation and private �e�,��lopmer�± pr�je�ts �ouid �ens#itu#e a��amul�ti�� e�fp�# on the s#uciy �re�. W�h respect to past and present projects within and in the general vicinity of the FLUSA, development has occurred in the form of various types of larrd use and transportation projects such as development along i'rollingwood- Hawfields Road and NC 119 and the widening of I-40/85. Future transportation projects include the proposed Mlebane Bypass (STIP U-3109) and additional proposed industrial/commercial development associated with th? AIGD7. T�r� ;c�ast, �r��ent �nd #ut��re �r�jec#s withi� #h� FLUSA are cons�s#snt ����#h !ocal land ��e �nd l�ng rang� trans�ortation pl3ns. The potential does exist for water resources within the FLUSA to be rnirim�lly empac#ed g6��en ±hs !eve! o# p�st, present, a�d planned �rojects. H�wever, comprehensive planning, Phase II regulations, stormwater ordinances, and I�cal �edimen# and er�sion �entrol measures will r�'snim�ze these effects. Direct natural environmental impacts by NCDOT projecis will be addressed by programrr�atic agreements with resource agencies, and will be further evaluated by the NCDOT Natural Environment Unit during project permitting. Natural environment�l impacts that rr�a� result from any induced development rnay be avoided or minimized through the implementation of local, state and federal regulations. Because fevN indirect impacts are anticipated, the cumulative effect of this project when considered in the context of other past present and future actions, and the resulting impact on the notab9e human and natural features, should be minimal. Therefore, potential indirect and cumuiative effects to downstream water quality should be r�inimal. IV, i��ff°i� The 20� 1 ann�aal average daily traffic was revie�red along existing roa�ls ir� the periphery of the AICDZ and is shouun belov�: 7 Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road north 6,100 Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road south 5,800 IVC 919 w�sfi 11,000 NC 119 east 16,000 iGamrey Road 1,900 Cherry Lane 9,300 North Jim fVlinor Road 2,400 _limmy Kerr ��ad 5,700 Traffic forecasts were prepared to estimate potential trip generation of the �9ie at full build out based upon possible land use. The potential full build out �f the AICDZ with its anticipated volume of generated traffic was analyzed wifih and without the AICDZ access road in place. Expected traffic on some of the existing roads is shown below for both cases. With Without Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road north 17,30� 20,�00 N� 119 uvesi 11,9Qp 50,�q0 NC 119 east 24,800 39,200 Kimrey Road 1,900 42,100 Based on forecasted traffic volumes at full buildout, the following outcomes ar� �xp�ct�d. Without the AIGDZ access road in place, traffic impacts along Kimrey Road and NC 119 will be very large. Kimrey Road would require a signal, triple left ��rn lanes, ar�a si�nef�ant �ntersection r�dzsign with NC 919. Kirnre�r P.a�,d �vould need to be widened to 6-lanes, and additional housing and retail ��velapments b�uiit to serve the AICDZ may eclipse this need. The heavier truck traffic will require newr pavement to withstand this increase in traffic. NC � 19 from Kimrey Road to Trollingwood-Hawfields Road would need to be uvidened to a six-lane typical section, and Trollingwood-Ha�elds would need r� be widened to four lanes to handle this "full-build ouY' tra�c. 11Aultiple u�rsignalized driveways and intersections would experience poor LOS and queuing on the side streei movements. With the AICDZ access road in place, Kimrey Road will experience minor increases in traffic, and the existing intersection configuration should provide adequate LOS through full buiid out. NC 119 from Kimrey Road to 1"rollingwood-Ha�elds Road will experience a smaller impact from traffic, and a two lane typical section should provide adequafe LOS through full build out. Trollingwood-Hawfields Road frorn NC 119 to ihe I-40/85 interchange will likely require widening to a fo�r�lane typical sectio�. Th� need and timeline for this improverras�t i� �ependent �apon traffic demand attributable nvt only to the AICDZ site but overall traffic growth on the carridor. The mechanism for funding and delivery of this improvement is not identified at this time but would likeiy be programmed as a future project in the NCDOT StateTransporfation � Innprovement Program (STiP). As such, no authorization for environrnen�ai impacts due to a 4-lane project on this route is being sought at this time. This analysis shows that the interior access road through the AICDZ and senring S;nr�r�fist� �vo�ld k���, th�� traffic ;;oiume fror� ad�dersel� affecting thv #raf€�v operations of the existing network eliminates the need to widen the majority of the existing roads, and which leads to less environmental impacts along these existing roads. The AICDZ i� expected t� develop in phases over an unde#��nined timeline based on actual rnarket demand. Phase I of development of the AICDZ (of which Project Swordfish is part) is anticipating to add approximately 2,100 turning vehicles to the average daily traffic by 2015. This additional voiume of tuming traffic is enough to require the construction of right and left turning lanes of sufficient storage length so as not to interFere with existing traffic operations along the existing transportation network w�erever this traffic passes through exisiing intersections. if ihis Phase � traffic came through the NC 119 / Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road intersection, the addition of multiple exclusive turning lanes on 3 of the 4 approaches would be required to obtain a LOS �. i his required increase in ihe 'rypicai section widih aiong �iG 11 � and Troliingwaoci-Hawfi�ids Ft�iad w�uld irr�pact the National Register listed church and cemetery at this location and in turn require coordination under Section 106 of the Historic Preseroation Act. ihis iype of encroachment requiring acquisition of right of way would be needed �rhere this Phase 1 traffic would pass through the existing roadway network abutting se�eTal c�ltural resources and community reso�rces. The analysis shows that generated traffic from Phase 1 without the proposed access road in place would require significant intersection upgrades and some roadway widening. The analysis also shows that ai fuil b�aild-out with no prapos�d access road significant widenins of the existing roads and intersection improvements would be required. ihe analysis of generated traffic from Phase I and full build-out of the AICDZ with the proposed access road in place shows that the access road has the capacity to handle this traffic which keeps this traffic away from the existing roads and intersections (and the associated potential environmental impacts) with the exception of a short section of Trollingwood-Hawfields Road just south of I- 40/85 as previously discussed. Vo Preliminarv Analysis The analysis began by a broad revieuv af available environmental data for the �area a�ound the existing roadway network to identify potential environmental co�acerns. This was followed up by a detailed review that included on-site in��estigations centered on the AIC�Z and its proposed access road. � As the analysis was carried fiorward, it became evident that a ne� location access road through the AICDZ to project Swordfish from the exisfiing �oadwray network would be needed. Standard alte^iati�,�� analyses that w�re done (Do-nothing and improve existing) showed that the build altematives analyses would require the foilowing steps to be done: 1. VVl�at would need to be done to the existing roads to carry AICDZ and Swordfish traffic and what vvere the �nvirQnmental impacts? 2. Where is the best location for the new location access road for the AICDZ and project Swordfish to tie into the existing roadway neiwork and what were the environmental impacts along the existing roadway network? 3. Once the new location access point was determined, what was the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative for the AICDZ ac�es� road ±o �enre Project �vvor�fish? The folla�wing �Iternati�es vverE r�vievved dt�ring this analysis tc deterrni�2 the least environmentally damaging praciical aiternaiive that best meets the purpose a�d �eed �f th�e project. The pu�pos� of th� AIC[3� proposed raad is to provide direct and safe access to the AICDZ as close as possible to an interstate interchange, to locate a road within the AICDZ that maximizes open space for commerciaVindustrial development including Project Swordfish while avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts to the humaR, �uilt ar�� �atural er�v�rc�;nra��t� to t�e rrtaximur;-i ex#er.t pra�tir��le. a, �o nothing altePn�tiv� Th� j�o ra6thi�g� aYtere��fiv� was ir�vestigated early on the pro�ess. The pur�ose of ihe AICDZ proposed road is to provide direct and safe access to #he AI��Z and Project Swordfish as close as possible to an interstate interchange, to locate a road within the AICDZ that maximizes open space for commerciai/industrial development (such as Project Swordfish under Phase 1) while avoiding and rrsinimizing environmental impacts to the hui�nan, built and natural environments to the maximum extent practicable. Even though there are existing peripheral roads that bound the AICDZ, none would adequately meet the requirements of the AICDZ for Phase 1 or full build-out without significani widening of these roads and redesign of several intersections. The vitaY cornponent to making this area attractive for economic development is a new access road through the Developrnent AICDZ that has direct access to I-40/85. An access road is needed to and through the AiCDZ to irnpiement Phase 1 of the AICDZ a�ad Project Swordfsh. With t�e expected traffic for Phase I and full build-o�at ef the ,�ICDZ, ai is evident that r�oar�g ra�t9�irag does no� accornmodate the ��ecle� access into the AICDZ and Projec# Swordfish. This alternative was dismissed from further considerafion because, even fhough ii has no environrr�ental impacts, it does not meet the need for and purpose of the project. 10 Y�, �r�apr�ou�e exi�ting ro�d� altePnatave I�rpr��i�g the ex�stir�y� roads alternat�ve was rav�ie�rreu regardir�� hc�a and �vhere the project would affect the existing roadway network surrounding the �41CDZ and their access to I-40/85 interchanges, the associated environment, �nd purpose and need. Jimmy KPrr Road, IVc�rth Jirr� IVlinor Road, ChPrry Lane Road GovemQr Scott Farm Road, Kimrey Road, NC 119, and Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road were reviewed to determine if they could provide direct access from the t�aCDZ and Project Swordfish to Interstate 40/85 . With the exception of NC �� 9, the existing peripheral roads are all secondary roads. Generally, these roads vuould need signifcant upgrades to pavement depth, pavement width, �nd inters�ction condition. Improving these roadways would require �dditional right of way resulting in airect impacts to the naiurai, human and built environment. An analysis for using existinq roads starts from the AICDZ and proceeds to the existing I-40/85 interchanges with Jimmy Kerr Road, �"roliingwood-Hawrieids Road or NG � i J. Tabie � identifiies possibie existing r��d combinations �o provide access ta �n Interstafe �G185 int�r�l��i��� �ivifiY� their associate impacts. The existing roads are discussed below. Jimmy Kerr Road is located to the extreme west of the AICDZ, but it does r�o� directly border the AICDZ. It has direct access to I-40/85. To get to the �9C6Z near Pr�ject Swordfish from its int�rchange with I-40/�5, one w��ld �ake Jimrray 'rCerr Road to �herry Lane Road to Governor �cott Farm Roaci. Jimmy Kerr Road is a residential finro-lane road that would require additional widening and substantial improvements with its intersection at Cherry Lane Road. Alarr�ance Community �ollege (ACCj is locaied on Jimmy �Cerr Road j�st south of the I-4�0/85 interchange, The ACG has an enrollment of over 5,000 students. Jimmie Kerr Road between North Jim Minor Road and Cherry Lane Road is a residential road with substantial vertical and horizontal curves and a bridge over Back Creek that may need to be widened �r replaced and whose approaches would need realigning. North Jim Allinor Road is a secondary road that is located southinrest of the ,41CDZ, does not border the AICDZ, and has no direct access to an interstate interchange. A connection to the I-40/85 interchange at Jimmie Kerr Road from the AICDZ and Project Swordfish would require using Jimmie Kerr Roadl to North Jim Minor Road to Kirrirey Road to Governor Scott Farm Road, and would reqcaire s�abstantial roadway improvements in terms of pavement depth ��dl width to be able to handle the proj2cted traffic. Intersections along North :���ra �9iinor wouid also require improvements. �h�rry �_anp Road is � secandary road that has no clirect access to an i�ferstate interchange, but it does border the AiCDZ. Using Cherry Lane �oad as part of a connection to the I-40/85 interchange at Jimmie Kerr Road ����� �h4 �IC�� ��a� Pr��ec# Swo�dfish would require using Jimr�ie Kerr Road 'a � to Cherry Lane Road to Governor Scott Farm Road. These existing routes would require substantial roadway improvements in terms of pavement depth, pavement width and iratersection improvements to handle the prajected traftiv. The s��athem bo;d�r of the I�RHP-li�t�d Kerr Scott Farm runs along Cherry Lane Road arad crosses over Cherry Lane Road and into Govemor Scott Farm Road. Old Fields, a new residential development, is located at the iniersection of Cherry Lane Road and Governor Scott Farm Road. The intersection and roadway improvements in this immediate area would have significant impacts to �he NRHP-li�ted K.err Scott Farm and bear� the potential to adversely affect this historic cultural resource. Govemor Scott Farm Road (GSFR) is a narrow unpaved secondary road that is located within the western border of the AICDZ, and it has no direct access to an interstate intercharage. Significant roadway improvements would need to be done to Governor Scott Farm Road to handle traffic ��sa�iated with �h� AfG�Z and Prcject SwQrdfish. This road �vould need t� be widened and paved and its intersections with Cherry Lane Road and Kimr�y Road would r�eed ta b� improved d�per��ent upon using tf�E I-40/85 intercha�ges with Jimmi� Kerr �oad, Traliingwood Road; or NC 11 �. The soufhern b�rder of #he NRHP-I:sfe� Kerr Sco�t Farm r�ns aieng Gherry �,an� Road and crosses over Cherry Lane Road and into Governor Scott Farm Road. Also, the northem border of the NRHP-listed Henderson Scott Farm Historic District is located just south of the GSFR/Kimrey Road intersection. The intersection and roadway irrr�provements in this immediate area would �av� si�r,ific�lt impacts to th� I'dRHP-list�d K��r S�att Fa�m ant! b�ars the poten�i�i �a adv�r��!y afi�ec� thes� �ai��or�c cu9tu�ai ses�urc;es. Significarat roadway improvemerrts would need to be done from Goverr�or Scott Farrn Road and the existing roads leading to the I-40/85 interchanges with i roli��gwo�d-Ha�eld� R��d �r NC 91 �. Kimrey Road is a secondary road that has no direct access �o art interstate interchange, and it does border the AOCDZ Significant roadway improvements would need to be done from Kimrey Road and the existing roads leading to the I-40/85 interchanges with Troliingwood-Ha�elds Road or NC 119. A complete re-design of the existing NC 119/ Kimrey Road intersection would be required. This is a"Y" or skewed intersection would need to be upgraded to a more staradard intersection to handle the increased volume of traffic. The Ha�eld United Church is loca#ed along this road. The northern border of the NRHP-listed Henderson Sco#t Farm Historic District is located just south of the GSFR/Kimrey Road intersection This would have the potential to have an adverse effect on the Fienderson Scott Farrn Historic District. �I�ng fh� soufher� b�rd�r af �h� AICD�, �JC � 19 fr�m Kirn��� ��ad t� Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road (a distance of about O.S mile) is a tvvo-lane, iv�o-way US route, and it has no direct access to an interstate interchange. AICD2 trafFic is projected to require the construction of several additional lanes along NC 119, a significant re-design of the NC 119/�Cimrey Road �2 intersection (as noted above), and a significant re-design of the NC 119/Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road intersection. With the amount of traffic along this section of NC 119 and its proposed transportation improvements, s�gni�c.��# �r�r�,act� t� the f�llov�i�� corrtnunity ar�d cultural �es�ueces are anticipated. The entrance to the Rowland Home Estates Mobile Home Park, the Presbyterian Home ofi Ha�elds independent living and nursing care facility, Pine Lake manufactured housing community, Stephanie's Child Development Center, the Ha�elds Presbyterian Church and associated cemetery are located along this section of NC 119 (The roadway and intersection improve�rnents would have the potential to have an adverse effect on the historic Ha�elds Presbyterian Church). Ha�elds Community Park is located just north of the NC 119/Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road in#ersection. These comrnunity resources are potential Environmental Justice and Title VI resources, and the church and cemetery are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Ha�elds Community appears to be ceniered bn the Ha�elds Presbyterian Church and the Hawfields Comrr�unity �ark which �r� locat�d in #he narthwest quadrant of the NC 119�Trollingwood-Ha�elds intersection. Pedestrians who cross back and forth through this iratersection between ihe church, cemetery, park and con�eni�nce stor� w�ruld �xperi�n�e mor� exposure ta trafific ihafi wouid need to be addressed through design. There are also several residences and other businesses along this road. In continuing easfinrard along NC 119 to its interchange with Interstate 40/85, there is a townhouse development, Hawfields Crossing, southeast of the NC 119/Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road inter�ecti�r� ora Old �lillsborough Road. The Garrett Elementary Sehool and Hawfie(ds 11Aiddle School campus is located about a quarter miie east of ihe NC 1� 9/Trollingwood-Hawfields intersection, with driveways onto both NC 119 ar�d Olci Hillsbnrough Raad. Gontinuing eastward to its interchange with t-40/85, NC 119 is prirraarily iined along both sides with commercial develop�en#. Betwe�n H��e�ds Elementary School Road and the interchange with (VC 119 is a commercial strip oriented primarily towards regional and inferstate traffic. Businesses along the corridor range from restaurarats and shopping centers to a Lowes supercerater. Goodwill, two apartrraent cor�amunities and several hotels are located along cross streets. Expected AICDZ traffic would reqtaire this sectiorr of NC 119 to be widened to a ralultilane roadway. Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road borders the eastern edge of the AICDZ. It is a tv+ro-lane, tvvo-vvay road #hat has direct access to the I-40/85 interchange and extends down to its intersection with NC 119. South of its intersection with NC 119, the road na�xae changes to Old Hillsboro�agh Road. Ullastrigo Mobile Fiome Park, is a likely Environmental Justice community is located on #he eastern side of Troilingwood-Hawfields Road. The Fiawfields Community Park and Hawfields Presbyterian Church are located on the west side of the road close to the intersection with �!G 119. The park is likely a Title VI resource and the church as previously noted is on the National Register of Historic Places. This �oad would need to be widened to handle the ant�cipated traffic resultin� from the AICDZ. 13 �hotographs of these roads are shown below: �rithin th� I�av�i���� ��rr�r�t�r�i% �� ��;td��� the Hawfelds ��mrr�unet� vithin th� 9�aw�ield� ��m���9t� 1� Ith�dd 16 ,hin ove.----e _- - -------------- -------- -- - . �state� � �il'�'U",Jl�.4�!I'1� ��U.ti ��iL �, n _ . .,� � - . _ _ _ ,-. -.. . ..-, ._. _� . _ ,. .� � �.�u ��C ��e�.Yd'v�r.i �4���b'��4y�" ��'��. -ir:u'dda �� nN�u+rue • e�ci'e� �a6"�`�E'' ���d �athin the IV�HP�Bi�tecY KeP� �cotC �arrn �fl �overnor �coti �arm �oad and Jimmie Kerr Roado i�� �ollege �c� Table 2 compares Existing Roads (ER) options that use the existing road network to provide access to the AICDZ. The beginning point of comparison bPgins �n an existing road that borders th� AIG�7, The most direct route to an Interstate 40/85 interchange is the endpoint for comparison ER options. ER-1 is �ov�rnor S�tt Famn Ro�d t� Cherry Lan� Road to Jimmy Kerr Road to I-40/85. ER-2 is from GSFR to Kimrey Road to NC 119 to Trollingwood-Hawfields Road to I-40/85. ER-3 is Kimrey Road to NC 119 to Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road to I-40I85. ER-4 is NC 119 to Trollingwood- Hawfields Road to I-40/85. ER-5 is Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road to I-40085. No detailed analysis uvas performed for access to the NC 54 or NC 119 interchanges because of their distance from the AICDZ and Project Swordfish in addition to their being to closer I-40/85 interchanges at Jimmie Kerr Road and Trollingwood-Havvfields Road. North Jim IVlinor Road was not studied further due to its destance from an interstate intercha�ge, i�s distance from the AICDZ, and using it to gei to the Jimmy Kerr interchange would require the replacerraent and realignrraent of the bridge v�a Jimrrr�y Kerr R�ad over Back Creek which would be beyond the scope of the project. Figure � sh�ws the existirag roadw�ys (shown in yellow). Figure 3 also shows the internal access road s�ption locations off of the existing roaduvays as well. F�7 � �abie 2 � ���r��,��r o� i���c�s �o �s� �xis��r�� ���,�s r os�s Right of Wa Utili Relocation Construction $825,000 $891,000 $627,000 $330,000 $99,000 Millions) Total Millions Len th (miles) 2.5 2.7 1.9 1.0 0.3 I ntersection 3 4 3 2 1 Revisions Grade Se arations 0 0 0 0 0 Relocations R�s�denti�l Q 0 0 0 0 Business 0 0 0 0 0 fVan Proft 0 0 0 � 0 �arm� 0 0 G 0 0 T�tal Q Q � � p Prisne/ Statewide 0 Important Farmland 0 0 0 0 (acres Water Resource Im acts �tream Crossin s 3 4 2 2 � Strearr Impacts 80 120 60 60 60 feet) Buffer Impacts (acres) Open Water Im acts (acres Wetland Impacts (acres) 3 2.6 2.6 0.80 0.80 0.�0 Floodplain I m acts acres Endan ered S ecies None Listed No Effect No Effect No Effect fVo Effect No EfFect Historic Property 1 2 2 � 0 Present Archaeolo ical Sites Community Resources Present 4 1 � � 3 � 1—Assume $330,000 per mile to widen road 4 feet and re�ave �n�hich are minimal imorovemen'rs nlr,tP GSFR is unpaved. 2— Existing crossings assum2d 90 degree crossing and 15 feet impacts on both sides of roaci or 30 feet. 3— Used Hydric Soils !�Jlap data and assumed 75 feet width impact. 4— Gommunity resources along each opiion. 20 The "improve existing" ana�ysis revealed that there are some existing roads that border or are near the AlCDZ, but do not have access to I-40/85. There are some existing roads that border or are near the AICDZ and have direcY acce�s fo an �-�0;�5 i�t�rcha���. �her� �r� n� �xi�ti��g r�ads that border or are near the AICDZ and lead to Project SvNordfish and have direct access to an I-40/$5 interchange. There is no existing road that leads from Project Swordfish in the AICDZ to I-40/85.For the most part, the existing roads are iwo-lane, finro-way roadways that would need significant improvem�nts and their intersections with each other v�ould need multiple turn lanes added to handle the projected iracrease in traffic generated by Phase !(and full build-out). lJsing existing roads only would not provide an interior access road into the AICDZ or to Project Swordfish. The further that an existing road is from an interstate interchange the higher the cost is in dollars, the greater the potential adverse effects to NRFiP�listed properties, the greater the impacts to community resources, and the less these existing roads meet purpose and need. Aiso, using existing roads soleiy does noi meet the pu�posP and n��c� of the project, and would praduce unacGeptable environmental impacts. it �ecame evident fhat � new �ccess ro�d (�Rj �rom f�e existing roa�way network into the AICDZ and to Project Swordfish would need to be studied to determine if this option could meet the purpose and need of the project while avoiding and minimizing impacts to the human, built and natural environment. The location af these internal access road options are shown in Fig�re 3_ The f411owing tabie shows the added impact of an access road through the AICDZ to Project �wordfish frorr� each o� the existing roufe options from the previous table. For example, ER-3 + AR-3 has its Kimrey Road access� just west �f the �ro�a5ed Pr4;�ct �wordfish �propefij to midwa� onto AICa� at Project Sv�ordfish entrance. Figure � shows the iocation of these �ccess rcutes ar�d Table 3 sh�w� the as�oci�tP�i im�acts. 2'i iable 3� SiJAIIMARI( �� IAA�A�i� IIVCLU�IIVG A�CESS i� SWORD�ISI� ��sts Ri ht of Wa Utili Relocation Construction $2.13 $2.19 $2.13 $1.86 $1.80 (fVlillions Total (Millions Len th miles 3.3 3.5 2.7 2.0 1.4 Intersection Revisions 3 4 3 2 1 Grade Separations 0 0 0 0 0 Relocations Residential 0 0 0 0 0 BuGiness 0 � 0 0 0 IVon Profit 0 0 0 0 0 Farms 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 Prim�; Stat�wid� 0 Important Farmland 0 0 0 0 acres Water Resource Im acts Stream Crossin s 6 7 5 � 6 �trearrs im acts �feet y 2b� 2�� 238 1 i 2 �9� Buffer Im act� acres) Open �later Impacts acres 1/Ve#lanri Impacts 2 6 2.S 0.80 0.80 0.94 (acres Floodplain Impacts w (acres) Endan ered S ecies None Listed No Effect No ET#ect No Effect No Effect �!o Effect Fiistoric Pro e Present 1 2 2 1 0 Archaeological Sites 0 0 0 0 Community Resources Present 4 � 7 5 3 1 1— Assume $330,000 per mile to widen road 4 feet and repave and $1.5 million per mile for new access road. idote GSFR is unpaved. 2— Existing crossings assumed 90 degree crossing and 15 feet impacts on both sides of road or 30 feet. Added known values from Option D. 3— Used Hydric Soils Map data and assumed 75 feet widrh impacz. �dded kno��m values firom Option D. 4— Community r2sources aleng each option. The results of fhe ��aiysa� �si�g existing r�ads tim se�v� t�°d� kiCD� and Projecf Swordfish resulted in the fofiowing. Signifcanr improvements required to the existing roadway network to carry the anfiicipaied tr�ffic resulii�g fir�m Phase � and f�all b�ild out wsll �es�a�f ?2 in unacceptabie impacts to cultural resources, comm�snity resources, and natural resources. It is evident from the �naiysis that an AICDZ access road through the AICDZ in Phase 1 and full build—out would �lir�iir�at� paterti�l i�pacts t� the �xi�tin� traffiv n�tvv�o�k �nd surrounding human, built and natural environments by handling the generated iraffic within the AICDZ on a new internal access road and by channeling generated trafFic to the less heavily traveled Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road. �y reducing the distance of travel on the existing road netvuork, rrsultiple improvements are unnec.�ssary and delay is reduced. The AICDZ and Project Swordfish would have direct access to an interstate interchange via Trollingwood-Ha�elds Road and would best meet the purpose and need of the project. c, Nev�r location build altePnative� through the AICD� �nd �rojecf ��wordfish To further address continued avoidance and minimization efForts, following is an analysis to determine fihe ieast environmentaliy damaging practicable alternative for the ir�catian e�` �he �iCD� road through the AICDZ for the AICDZ and Project Swordfish from Trollingwood-Hawfields Road. Impacts shown are for the proposed AICDZ access road only. Please refer to Figure 2. Ro�d routind opiions off of Trollinc�uvadd-HavvvFields Road we�e evaluated to serve ti�e AICDZ taking into account construction issues, traffic operations, environmental features, and properly owner pref�rences. In discussions with the local district en�ineer, the new road is proposed io be designed ior a 4d miles/hr. speed with a posted �peed limi# c�f 35 fUl�'H. A maximum superelevation of 4°fo wil9 be utilized with a minimum road radius of 600 ft. Travel lanes are proposed to be 12 ft. minimum width (24 ft. pavement r�idth) with t�rn lanes provided at Trollingwood-Ha�elds Rd. It was also indicated thaf a minimum disiarac� of 1200 ft. was desired for th� new road location on Trollingwood-Ha�etds Road from the Interstate 85/40 exit ramp. Four (4) access road options were considered and each option was quantified as to resources Ampacts. Prior to developing route options, existing USGS maps were reviewed that cover the AICDZ to identify possible strearns and other features that impact road design and environmenfial concerns. It is noted that a reviev✓ of USGS rnaps indicate that there are several �erennial and intermittent streams that could be impacted by a new road. It is also noted that previous environmental studies in this �rea idPntified wetlands ai�ng th� FEMA floodplain in this area. Alamance County GIS was used in conjunction with field locations by �lCDOT staff and actua9 field s�arveyi�o� i�i so�e c�ses t� quantify siream and �ve#�a�nd 'a�npact�. !� �3 the vicinity of where the proposed AICDZ road crosses between the main stream system and the north end of Rowland Estates n�HP, a noise study indicated that no noise walls were needed. The impacts associated with each new location build alternative are shown in Table 4. Each road option is briefly described as follows and is shown on the attached Map identified as Figure 2. 1 � �oute Option A Possible Route Option A is showrn on the attached map identified as the roadway Alternatiue Analysis map. This route shows a proposed new intersection on Trollingwood-Hawfields Rd. about 1200 ft. from the exit ramp of Interstate 85/40. From this proposed interseGtion, the �ouie extends in a wes#erl,r directien and cros�es fi��e srraall streams. In order to avoid the rnobile home park, the road route is shovvn nor�ffi of the mobile homes an� being ir a major wetlands �nd flapdplain area prior io the road coniinuation to Governor Scoti �arm RQad. �This �o�at� is abo�at 2.Oo mi!�s in length. 2e �oute Oatior� � V�oss;bl� R�ute Opti�n � is sh�v,;r o� th� attached map idQ�tife� �s ihe roa�way Aiternatnr� Anaiysis msp, This route shaws � proposed intersection on Trollingwood-Fia�elds Rd. being about 1800 ft. from the exit ramp of Interstate 85/40. From this proposed int�rs�cii�i�, the �oc�te �ictends in � westerly direction snd crosses fiv� small streams. In order to avoid the mobile home park, the road route is shown north of the mobiie homes and being in a ma�o�r wetl�ntis and floodplain area prior to the road continuation to Governor Scott Farm Road. This route is about 2.18 miles in length. 3e �oute �r�tion � Possible Route Option C is shown on the attached map identified as the roadway Alternative Analysis rr�ap. This route shows a proposed intersection on Trollingwood-Ha�elds Rd. being about 1800 ft. from the exit ramp of Interstate 85/40 (same as Option B). From this proposed intersection, the route extends in a westerly direction and crosses seven small streams but avoids the major �etlands and floodplain at ih� mobi3e home park by gflirag thr��g�, t�e northern er�d of the mobile home park. Thi� r��.�te is �bout 2.1� miles in length. ?� 40 �ou�e O�tion D °os�i�i� Rouiz Op#i�n D is show;n an rh� a���ch�c� rri�� ic�er�#�ed as the roadway Alternatiue Analysis map. This route option was developed to try and avoid and minimize stream impacts at stream crossing SB. This route shows a proposed intersection �n Trollingwood-Ha�elds Rd. being about 1800 ft. from the exit ramp of Interstate �5/40 (same as Option B and C). From thi� propo�ed intersection, the route extends in a westerly direction and crosses seven small streams but avoids the major wetlands and floodplain at the mobile home park by going through the northern end of the mobile home park. Option D is similar to Option C except that the stream crossing impacts were reduced by eliminating the skewed stream crossing in Option C(Stream SB) and taking the road in a more westerly direction. The first stream crossing is at a 90 degree crossing (Stre�m SB) v�hich red�sces this irnpa�t. The ori�inal three finger stream crossings (SC, SD, and SE) for this alt�rnative were avoided by shifting the alignmen� to the north where the str�ams came together as or�e. in addition, Sfr�am� S� and SI �vere a�oided by shifting the route south and SI and SH were reduced by shifting the route to the south. This route is about 2.18 miles in length. 25 �A��� 4, SUAANie4RY OF IWI�A�i� ��� II�IiERIOR AIC�� ���►� Gosts Ri ht of Wa 0 0 0 0 Utili Relocation 0 0 p p Construction Miliions $3.053 $3.178 $3.070 �3.124 Total Millions $3.053 $3.178 $3.070 $3.124 Len th miles 2.06 2.18 2.14 2.18 Interchara es 0 0 0 0 Grade Separations 0 0 0 0 Relocatians ResidentiaY 0 0 0 0 Business 0 0 0 0 P�on Proft 0 0 0 0 Farrns 0 0 p 0 Total 0 0 0 0 Prime/ Statewide Important o 0 0 0 Farmland (acres) Water Resource Im acts Stre�m Vr��siri s � 8 10 g Str��m 9r� acts (fe�t) 5�0 363 �56 218 Buffer Im acts (acres 1.28 0.96 1.55 0.�2 O en !�later Im acts acres 0 0 �J 0 i/1/efl��c� Err�pact� acres G.49 0.47 < 0.01 0.18 Flo�dplair� Im acts (acres) 0.30 0.30 0 0 Endan ered Species None �isted No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect Historic Pro e �mpacts 0 0 0 0 A�et�aeola ical Sites 0 Q 0 0 5, �uantitative 9mpact� of Access Road �ption� Each road option results in different impacts to the environmental features based o� the location of each road option, angle of stream crossings, length of eac6a crossirag, possible flood plain er�croachment, possible �nretland and bu#fe� e�acroachrne�#s. For each road option, estimates of impacfed areas were made based on the length of the crossings (in feet) for streams and in acres for wetlands and �uffers. Alarnan�e County GIS was used arn cor�junction vvi�h foetd locatiora� b3� ?6 DOi stafF and actual field surveying in some cases to quan#ify th�se impacts. Table 4 includes the quantitative impacts for the four {4) access road options. The following impacts are noted from Table 4: a. Road Options A and � have the largest wetland impacts of 0.49 �c. and 0.47 ac. respectively. b. Road Options C and D have the lowest wetland impacts of less than 0.01 acre and 0.18 ac. each. c. Road Option � has the lowpst stream impa�ts Qf 21 � ft. d. Road Options A and � have the largest floodplain impacts at 0.30 acres each. e. Road Options C and � have 0 floodplain impacts. f. Road Option � has the lowest stream buffer impacts of 0.�2 acres. g. Road Option A has the shortest distance of road at 2.06 miles. h. Road Options � and D have the longest road distance at 2.18 rniles each. i. Road Option e4 has the lowest cost at $3.053 million and Road Option � has the highest cost at $3.178 million. j. None of the options wili affeci hisioricai properties or archa�ologicai siies. VIo Re�omr�ended Alt�rnative � revi�w of ii�� �dc nathing� aiternative does not meei th� purpcse anc� need for the project. Also reviewed was the alternative to �improving th� existing peripheral roadsA bordering the AICDZ to serve the AICDZ would req�+ire substantial impr�vements to thess r�ads to carry ti�� Pxpecied traffr volumes io an I-4�0/8� interchange. These transportation improvements would directly impact streams, wetlands, cultural and community resources in addition to affecting traffic operations at several intersections. This alternative would not rraeet �he purpose and need of the project. ihe �new aece�s road� aliernative through the AICDZ to Project Swordfish was reviewed that tied into the existing roadway network in proximity to Interstate 40/85. This tie-in was determined to be at Trollingwood-Hawfields Road. Avoidance and rrainirnization continued as the location of the access road �nras identified. This finalized alignment for the AICDZ acces� road is shown in Figure 4. In sumrr�ary, the proposed access road serving the AICDZ and Project Swordfish is a necessity to make this area viable for economic development and marketability. it has been determined that the existing road network along the boundary of ihe AICDZ is currently congested and not suitable for sig�ificar�r trafFic i���eases �v�ich are expected to acc�a� as � result of re�v economic developrraent projects. This new road will extend the useful I�fe of the existing road network in vicinity of the development zone (even to fuli build-out) while reducing the impacts to the traveling public in this area. Option D is fhe recommended location of the p�oposed AICDZ road. 27 Locating the AICDZ road off of irollingwood-Ha�elds Road and route Option D through the AICDZ best meets the purpose and need of the project while avoiding, minimizing and balancing impacts to the natural, hurnan and buolt environment�. Implem�r�tation of Option D allows this uniqu� effort of the local governments that have fiormed the Alamance Intersiate Corridor Development Zone to proyide a safe, reliable, and desirable access through the center of the AICDZ in an effort to increase employment opportunity in Alarraance County and the surrounding area. \/Ilo �iolect �tatus Sigrai�cant progress has been made in creating the AICDZ and in acquiring property options from property owners for the new road. nlieetings �ave bse� held with property ov��ers ta review possible road routes through their property in an effort to obtain approval for such road rather than p�rsu9ng Isg�l r�eans. In som� cases, th� pr�per+y owners v�ould agree to a road in only certain lecations so not to c�use perceived damage to the remai�irag portions of #h�ir propertg�. In mos# cases, pr�perty ow�e�s have been agreeabie and supportive of the new road. The AICDZ Road can serve to provide access through the center of the AICDZ and to provide P�oject Svvordfish direct access to lnterstate 40/�5. �a.r fut�are clients it�okina tn luca,te vvi�hin the AIi.GZ, if is a�rticipateci fhat #he�e ��tsni�al s�tes v�iil go throug�h separate SEPA and Ciean Vi�ater Rc� perrnitting processes. PU�+9?C �:lt�e2�h ef���#s sh�uld c�ntin�� as the pPn;ec# m�v�s f�nn�ar�. � Figur�� � ��_. �. . -r� : � �� � �•� � _. . � •:y a` � <';�. :::'. ;� s `'"• '�' _ i� ��" �0 , � u�.r� �'-;: `e1 c. Apper�d ix It�i'I�ED JT..TItISDICTIO�V� RESQUR�ES A1�TD iI�RE�TEI) A1�► EIVDANGERED 5PECIES REPt1RT I�d�trisl Acce�: itoad ofi T'�o�liagvvaa�l �i�vv#ielcia lta��l Al�aace Co�ty, North Carolin� `�i'BS Ele�ent Ivoe �C.00101� Ti3E NORTH ��1ROLINA DEPARTiVIENT OF TRAI�TSP(lItTATIQIV Project l7evelopnxeart an� Environme��l,�nal�f� �J�ii �1�ir��� Env�ro�rrenf S�i+o� '�ii�ll9.$�' �F�1� 3 TAB�� t�F C��1i'EIVT5 1a� �`����++/ V� 1 1�2 liYppOopipYiYO.lGOO�Goppy00�YYpYYOPY�0000YY0�lD�i��090DY0iPpOpp�peOOp¢000800YOY30p6BYN�YOGpp�BY�00009�0 1 2.0 liiE°T�UDOLOG�' A�1D QII�iL,IFI��1Ti�r1� a....00aoa......oea000a�.aoa�..a�.�o.00000.000�,.e.o 1 3.0 �VA�'�RE50IIRG'�a>000000..oaa...o�amaa�a.aw.0000.0000..<aooamao.aoa0000ao�o.0000�.��o..00a..00..o�oaa 1 3.1 i��tt�P Resourees 000.aaoo.0000.om,00.000�.o.00...ov.........a000...o.000aoa..000...a.0000.o�.00.00.00eonoa,.,.00aoo.o i 4.Q aTiJRISDICi"IO�TAI, ISSUES �y9M�C��1e��pYpPOP.+aP1l��pN9���O�OP�9e������p�Oa�OpBYiONinpY90090OCOGPCNa00¢04?p � �al Cl� i�'�ter Act VVaber� of the Ua►7u awoaoaau����o�a�ac��spcao�waoaw���aowaoaoaa000a�oaaoe0000��eao�a fe �.� Cle� W�er Act Permi�e 000.000�oo...000a,o...ao>.00.o.o.00.o.oaoa...o.000.o.�..o.......000.>..00..000....00. 3 4.3 �o�t�action Morato� o,.000.00ao�....�000000.oa�.<..a..o.....oa.o..eoa.o..0000..o..�o.oa000a.a.o.<.sa000a.00 4 4.4 N.C. River Baein �t�f%r Rule�.000.va000..00a.oaa.a..o.o...0000w�..o..o...00a..�...o..a.o.000a.oao.o.o..oa..o 4 405 Itiv� ind Harba�a Aet Sec�ian 10 IYav�g�bl� V��#e� a.<owoo�o....�.e,.00000a<o...,,..o.o � 4ob We#lsnd a�d Sireaa� IVlaitigatlon.�.o.>...apoo.>000000000000p0000.ae000 4 4.6.1 Avoidat►� and Minimization of Impacts,.o ...................e.....<................e.......,.. 4 4•6•2 �ompe�nsa#ory �it�gation o£�mpacts ..,.,a,oa.o.<......,...�..,.o,o.....,,..a....o ............... 4 4a7 Endu�ered. Specie� Act �ot�ted Speciec oao.amoaooeo�o..o��.o.00.0000.00000.oa..a..oQoo<oo<000e 3 4.8 �ald Ea�le x�d Goldsn Ea�l� �°otectfi� Aet 00000.o.o��.o�.,a,a,oa„a,,,o,a,o,o,,.,,...,<„a,., S 4.9 End�ge�ed Specie� Act C�dfd�t� 3p�ieeo.....o.000.00.....00..�o.o.00.a.00nooQo.a.oaa..000.00OOe � ��� �N�,Y�I �'IfII ��Ull.i� a��aaoa0000aoace000aooa000000ecoce0000v000000acowoaaoceao�oo�aaaooaoaaa�aao��oaaao�aeooaoae � 6�o i�.G�l�lrL' ►7oocvooa00000wa00000ucunovovoaa00000000eseuoeooaacoaoa000�000aoec�owaae�avaa�vsooaeaaaoeooaouaaoammxcsea• V Appendix .�i. Pi�ara Figcu� 1. I'rojcct St�d3 �s IViap Figttt�e �. Jelii�t,1'1�(1��a1 r�153i�8 R�.� Ap�n� � Q��c�ti.ons oi Contrti�utor�c ldF�S°T C)F T�l.�L� T�ble 1� W�te� �o�cec in the �tu�y �r�to��......o.o.000...o...00.�oo.o.000..�.00aw...o....�o..000�o.. l T�tb�e Z. P�ysical chat°�cteri�ti� of wat�� rea�ec im t�.e �tndy �uPe�.00a0000.,o„a.,..,.,<. g T�l�le 4. J�d%i�onsl �h��acter�t�ce o� �ye�d� in ti►e st�d� � aoo<oo.�..00......�o.oa � J�rrisdfc�r�ti' �eso�rc�s a�d Tlireate�ed ar�d' Ei�'a�er�,5jdecies Report ailcur�mace i'o�xty, N. C. 100 I1�1TItOi)UCTI(�N The Noath Caroliva Deparimeni of Transportat�on (NCDOT') proposes to coustruct an ;ndustr�a� a�ss r,�sd c��. new �li�l�iai: vi►it�i tu� l�i� �ici a tx�c si�nal on SR 1981 ('I'rollingwood I�iawfi�lds Road) in Alamance Ca►unty (Fig�ure 1). The r�vised study ar�a for this report consisted of thc pmposod c�ter line plus 50 feet on ach sid� of proposed c,�uter li�e. The following Jurisdictional Resour�s and Threat�ed and �dangerred Specics Report have been pr�p�d to ass�st in the prepaxation of a Paogtammatic Cate�orical �xchision (PCE) fQr th� �tt+oPosed ProJ� 200 Ii+�T�t�DOI.O�Y APTD �UAI.IFICATIOI�TS All worh was c�onducted u� accor�dance with the NCDOT Natural Environme�t Unit sta�xdard op�atin$ procedur�. �ield worlc we,s cond� on June 27, Ju1y 5, aad A��st 5, �013, V'�i�ac+�fion of jurisdict�onai %atures wes dane on August 59 �013. The pe�n� �tributin� tn this docurnent w� D�anna Rif%y, Jim Meson, it�l�i�11_� �e,aurega,rd9 11111�J d�IB�9 and Tyl� Stanto�ao a4ppendix � liats the qualificati4na of these e��bt�iorg. 300 ifVA1'EIt RESOLT1tCES 301 VVr�t�r Itaow°� i�later resouc�es in th� study area at�e p�t of tiie Cape Fear Ri�er basin [LT�S. G�ological S�vcy (LTSCrS) Hydrotogic Unit 0303000�]. Eleven stirea�na w�+e idcnt�fi�d in the study �rea �'able 1)� 'I`h� 1�tiqnF Qf thees� water r�iucos aa� shown in Fi� 2, '�h� pl�ysi�al chara�ter�is�ics of the�e streams are provided an Tabl� 2, Tal�9� 1, ����� ��:�uP��e ia th�'�uid�' �rea 8traaffi �atne 11�p ID riCD�'R �tl� Beat U�sge Na�ber t�Hcatlm, LTT to Bac1� Creek 5A 16�18�(6) C�IS� iJ"!` to �adc Crcek SB 16�18= 6 C NSW UT to Ba�k Cr�aie SC 16m18 C NSi1V UT to Back Ct�e�k 5D 16-18- C I�TS�V UT to Bac�e Cr�k SE 16�18 6 C NSW LTT to Back G'reok SF 16-18 6 C NSW UT to Back Creek SG lfi�18- C NS� iTf to � Cre� SH 16�1 �� 6 C NSW UT to �ack �rae�c SI 16Q18 6 � NSV1� ITI' ta Back Cre� SJ 16�18- C NSVV v�r ta �ack Creek � sx 16�� �- 6 C lvsw �i�� 1013 Jurisdictic�nai R�serr��es e� ThYecYt�nn�r,t ccnd E��gered �ecies 1t�port .�Iw�nce Cottnry, N; �: 'i'�tbl€ �: P�������N z.��������i��i�� a�t'����r r�������s �4 tch� ��:�t�� �r��� �VIt ID g� ���all ��ter Channel Vel C p � ; �v��.� ��� ��t� �°,�) s�.��* � � s�i �o� - :�,���� --� ��, - — �� !�tc�d�cat� `T�bid SB 3 5 6�12 Gr, Sa, Si 51ovc� ���t��' `l�urbid S� � 3 ��6 C�r, Sa, �i 1VIQd�at� Slightly Iiubid SD 0.5 1�1,5 +�.25�1 Sa, Si �1+Sodaratc �l��y fi�rbid 5E 1 2�3 0.25�2 Gr, S Si l�iod�atc 'll�irbid SF 1�1>5 1-3 1=3 Cl, Gr A�iodetat� ���t�� 1�id SG ___ i�2 3 0 Si9 Gr loi!A NlA SH 0.5�1 1=i.5 1=� Sa, Si ���� Sligbtl� T'urbid �I ��2.� 1m1.5 2�� Sa, 5i hioderaate 5�8�3' Tiubid SJ 1 1-i.s 1�� sa, �a� slovv siightly 'I�rbid SIC 4 6-� 0 Si C�r IViA I�'/A *Si�lt, Sa=sand, �ravet, Cl�lay 'Th� ar� no da�gnat� (��tandin� Re�o�� V�ater� (0��, anadrQmo�xs fi�h v�ate�8, tr�out wat�s, Primay 1�lureacy Areas (PNA), designated I�iBh Qualit3''�Va�rs f�Qwi� water s�pply watea�sheds (�VS-I or WS�In or 303(d) �vaters froni the Fina12012 list iri the st�ad� st�a Qr withi� i.+D mile do�+nstream of tl� stwdy �.*ea. 4.0 JiJRiSDiCT"��rTAI. iSSjJES 4.� Cle�un Water Act Wst+eers of ffie UoS< 3ix jurisdictional streams were ideutifcd � tlie study area (Table 3). Th� Iocations of dxese strearns a� shovvn on Fig� 2o The physical characte�ristic� and water quality desigaations of the jurisdictional sheams a� d�tailed in 3ect�on 3a1. The jurisdictional streams in the st�dy ar�a have be� designated as warm vvater str�ams for the purposes of stream mitigation. % ��, 4�egar.�. t l.� .Tur�,sdic�ir�wal �e.�r�°ces a�ea' �'�n�i�ed ar�d ��artgsred Speeies lie,�rt ..�iilm��ce C�►w�y, .tjJ. � �'��S% �: >���-�����s��`���y z.�.�����rt:�-���+�5: ry,� �.�����° ����t�w.�r��r, �� ���� �ra���� �.s��,� iTSA�� - - -�� R�iver �4Ysp Ill I�gth (t�.) �lw�si�c�tlon Co�n�atv� . ���n�t�� � --_- - Mi d�°'�' R . �ir�d _ =-1�it���t��-- �cr�'+ei° �A �3 � �termitier►t 'Y'es t 1: i j ��� iubject SB 454 P�al Yos 2a1 Yes Sub°ect 1�2 P�ial Yas 2:1 Yea Sub'ect SC 22$ P�reanial Yes 2:1 Ye� 3ub'ect SD 15� Intatmitt� Yes {2:1) `i'es Su °e�ct 49 Pexeanial Ye� 2:1 I'es Sub'eot SE 11� Inte�mittes�t �Cea (2:1) Ya �� Sub'ect SF 14� In.te�mitte�t Yes (2:1 } �� Subject SG 62 Peaaaniai i�as 2:1 Yes Sub'ect 32� I�te�mitte�ntt N� Yes 'ect SH 123 Intecmitt�nt �os (1 e i) ��s Not Sub'ect SI � 21 y intef3nrttaa� Yes (1:1} �oB I�Tot Su ' SJ 42 inteamittent Yas (1:1) No Not Su�'e�t SK 197 I�Le�ttea�t loTo 1Jo �6i S�b°e� Tot4t 2 69 Rout� C Carrid�, l3 Cacrida,'DWR Mi�tia� i�tio =1:1 'I�o jurisdictional wetlands w�ee id�tified vvithin the st�dy area (Fi�re 2)e �etland �l�fi�tio� �e� �fi�l in Tabl� 4a All w�ds in tt� str�dy area are �rithi8 the �e Fear Ri�r basin (US(3S �Iydmlogic LJnit U3030002�0 �'����� �, .��rfsd�Y�:���.�� �.�i���cf�ri��-�.� �tii �r�ti��dg �. t�� �tud� �e� Map NG'''�AM �ydrdogic � �u� ID G7�ni8catinn G7ise�cat[on No�-'iYcial i�VA �'r�shwater lUlars�s / I�pargara #�.0 � �Iead.vvatec Far�t I�Tan�Tidal � Fa�shwate� Marst� ��� U.02 �.� �lesn W��er .A.cti �ermi� The praposed proj�ct has been designated as a Pa+mgc�mmatic Cate�rn°ical Exclusion (PCE} for the pt�os�s o£I�iati��a1 E�viroa�n�tal �'�licy Ac� (NEPA) documen�tio�, ,�etgaast ,(113 Jurisdictiar�al Resoarces and 17ereatened ar�d Er�da�qar�d S�ecia� R�popt �llmiran�� Counry, iv.�'. As a resul#, a Nation�vide P�mit (NWP) 23 will likely'be applicable. A N�VP l�o. 33 ma.y al� apply for t�porary consiructioa acti�.t�es such es stream dewao�ring, work brid�s, or tem�rary caus�w�ys �at are aftea used. diui�g brid� caasl�ction or rehabilitation� The USACB holds the final dis�ion as to what pamit will be raquired to authorize project constrv.ctio�. If � Sedion 404 pamit is require�, thoa a Sectaon 401 Wat� Quelity Certification (VVQG� fram the i�iCDi�VR wi]1 be n�dod. 4.3 �on�truction Morataria No nnoratoria ar� antici�at� for this proj�t. 404 NoCo River Buin Bu�er R�lee S�am�sic�e rip�i�x zon$� �srat� th� stud}° ar� ar� pn►tect�d under pro��aiQns �f t�e Jorda�a Lake �Vater Supply Waterahai Buff�r Rules a�rninistered b� I�TCI3i�Vito T'abl� � li�s the s�s s�x�j�t to ftie br�ffer rul�. Fc�t�rii;ial innpact� �o p�a�iai �i�cri b��s will be d��ed once a�nal aligan�enl: an,d d�i�. bave b�en det�in€d. 4.5 Rfver� and HsrborB A�t Secl�on 10 �Tawfgsble Vi�atee� No surfac� waters within the stud� �rrea bave b�. desi�ated as IVavigable VVat�rs ruzd�r ��on PO of th� �i �ers a�d �I�o:s ��. 4<6 i�ciland �nd Stream IViiPitig�tfo� 4.6.1 Avoiciance and �Viiaimi�atio� of Impacts The streams �a th� study area. sa�°e in the under jurisdiction oithe Jor�idan Buf%r rulea, th�fore, Desi$n 3taadards for Sensitiv� Watersheds will be impl�am�t�d dutin� Proje�t constntction. Th� NCI90T wi11 att�mpt fio avoid �nd m,n;m;ze impacts to streatns and v►r�tlands to th� greatest extent practicabl� in choosnng a prefeired alt�tnative and during project design, At tlus time, no finai decisioas have been made �vith regard to the design of the pref�red alt�mative. 4.6,2 Com�ensatory Mitigation of Impacts Miti�ation vvill be pmvi.ded by TVorth Carolina D�par�m�t af En�rironmen..t �nd Irl'ataral Resources Ecosystean Enhasic.e�ent Prograas� (F�PI. � �ug�st �� � Y .hozsdictional �esources and i�a��ar�n�d a�ad .�'ndatagered' �ecies ReporE �1a�ear�ce �'o�anty,lV. C 4a9 En�an�e� 3�ecaes �1ct �°otecteci Specie� As of Sepiember 2�, 201 O ihe flJniiir�d States Fash and i�Tildlife {USFyVS) does n�t lis�t any f�rally pr6t�cted �e�es for �,l.s�anc� County. 40� B�fld E�gl� a�c� C,alcl�n E�gle Protecttan Act Habitat for the bald eagl� prirnarily c�anaists of matur� fo�est ir� proximity to large bodies of open r�vater for foraging< Large dominaixt tre�s are urirized for nesting sites, typically withan 100 mile of op� water, A deslctop�GlS assees�xent of the project stucty ar�a, as well as the ar� within a 1.13-mil� radius (1.0 mile �ius 660 feet) of the p�oject lunits, wae perrformod on July 2, 2013 witb 2010 oolor aerials. No �+a� bodies large enoughh or suffic�eatly ope� to be COIIS1�Bf� pO�CAti� f�il'lg Sf111iCC5 WCl'e gf�Caltt�B(I. Since there was no foraging habitat wit�in the r�vi�w ar�a, a surv�y o£ the pmje�t study area and the area within 860 f�:t of the pfojact limits was not �onducted.. Additionaliy, a review of the PiCNI�P ciatabase, updat�ci Aprii �01�, a�aay�i no �ovvn. occurrences of t�is specaes within. � oU mile of the proj�ct atudy aPea. ISr�e to tl�e la�ic of h�itai, kno� ne�curreac�, aind minimal impact anti�pated. for ttus projeot, it has bemi determined tba.t thie proj�ct virill not af% this specios. 4a9 En��ered Sp�ci� �.ei �nnd.id�% Sp�t�� 'Th� are no CaBdide,te sp�es for Alamance Cau�9 as of Sept�ber 22, 2Q10 �,0 ��sentfal Fish Hsb�tst Th�e is no Esaential Fish I�abatat identified by the N�ttional Marine Fisheries S�ce (NMFS� in the study area .�a�r,s8 ��I3 �u�asdic8io�ad liesources mid Tfriireatared and lsnd'a�gered S�e+cies Repor# AlaixaNce �'rw�aty, N. C. �00 �F'E�IVCES En�iroima�tal Laboratoryo 198�. Corps of Engineers Wettlands Delineation �vlanual.. Technical Report Y�87-1, U, Se Army Enginee�° W�.t,�rc�ays Experimeut Station. �ckaburg, i�Iissis.sippi. NC Division of Wat� Qtiiality. 201�, �Yrsal North Carolina 2a12lntegr�at�d Report Category 5�303(d) List. Narth Carolina De�artm�t of En�mnennt and N�tur�,l Reso�, Dir�iision of Watar {�uality. Raleig�i, NC. NC Division of Wate� Qualitya 201 Q. R�ethodology}'or ldenti, fication o, f'Iretermittent ared Pererenial Streams and their Origzns, Yers�on 4.1.1. North C�rolina I)eparhne�t of Envimnm�t and Natnral Itesourc�e, Division of Water Quality, Ral��h9 NCo NC Division of VV� Qttality, 2004. Cape Fear Basinwide WateY Quality Plario 1oTorth Car�l� D�ert�a�t of F.��crira�e�f e�d �.Natoral Resaurcas, Division of iVateP Quelity, Fnvironmeatal Sectione R.al�gh, riorth Caroline. TTarth Carolina i�Vetland Functional Assee�ent `��n (��1i�. 2010. Nor�h Carolina 1�Vetlend Assestrn�n� N�.�nd (l�CWA.N� iJPer Menugl, ��rsion 4,1 _ Sible�r, David Allen. 20Q0. The Sibley C�uide to �mis. New Yarke Ch�tir�eer Prese9 Iac. 545pp. U�it�d ��eQ �as}+ and V4�ildli� ��i� (LJSFW�)- 2�1.�, �ndangered Snd �...re$t�n.ed Speoi� end S�es of Conc�a b� ��uu�t� far N�rth �aralinso h�tp:/hvww.fws.g�vhalei�/species/cmjrlist/nc o�unties.h�l U�itec� Stat� Greological �urveya 1l�i��, Adorth �olia�, Topugrap�ic Qet�ra�gle (ia5� a�ute series). IVCDOT GIS d�tabas�. � ��sa ; �, - . Ap�ndi� A �i�res iN 0 �n �� : i,1 " :�. '�:;: ���1 - "s Pr�ncipal Invesiigator: Ed.ucation: Experi�nce; Respor�bilitiese Investigator. Educa�ion: ��erience: Respo�sibilitic�: Appendiz B Quali�i�at��ns of Contril�utors Deatma Rif%� H.S. Biology, Univer$ity of Tea�nessae M.S. Envimm�e�tal Healdi Scieuce, kest T'ennessce Stat� Llaive�snty Envu�onm�tal Supervisor, NCDOT, Raleigh, NC, 6/OS to Pr�ent. Environmea�tal Specialist9 NCD4T, Rale�.gh9 NC, 10/03 to 6/05. Environm�tal � Safoty Complian.� Ofiicer, City of Briatol, i�A, 9/96 to 10/03. Natural r�ource investigation9 wetland dolineation, s�ream ass�ment� GPS, a�d document preparation. Rechell� �eauregard B.S. Fish�� snd �Vildlife �cieace, North Ca�eolu�a St�e [1�v�ty �nvir��rnental Supervisor, NCbO'�, Ju1y 200� = gr�esmt �nvirnnmental �iologiet, I�TCDOT, R�Ierch. 2001-July 2004 Biologist, Dr, J.�I. Cartea° III a�rd Aeaociates, Tnc.9 March 1997-Janriary 2001 Alnturel resour� i�v�tigation, wetl�d d�lin�tian, streatll. asse�ant, ead dac�ent properation. Invesiigator: Amy Ja�e6 ���csn; �elor of S��nn�, State LTauv�sity of N�w �.'c�sk at Bingha�.nton A�[asb� of Enviromnc.nta.l �+I�na�ea�t, I}uke Univea�ty Experiencea En�iromnex�tal Specialist� NC',DOT, Ral�gh, rIC, March 20�Prese�t. I.a�nd Protection Specialist, NCDENR, Ralei�, NCy Aug�ust �004= iVi� 2006. R�ildlife Biologist, NC Wild�fe Resourr� Commission, Ash�vville, NCp Ju� 2002mA�ugust 2004. Responsibilities; Idatural resource investigation, wetlaad delineahon, sh�au�. asse.ssm�t, And GPSa In�est�gator: �tlucation: Experien+c�; Responsibilities; investi�ur: �ucation: Erperi�cea Resprnas�.°bilides: ,��m�s �. lviason Bachela� of Arts, �iolog�9 Calby Collcg� Mastcr of Scien� Biolog�!lE�lagy, iUniversity of North Carolina at t;harl�tte Envu�mnental5p�ialist, Id'CDOT, Raleigh, NC, June 2046 — Prese�i Coastal Waterbird Monitor, Nlassacl�usetta Audubon Soci�ty, �Vestport, IYtA, Apri12005 — August 2005 Os�y I�ionitor, Proj�cct Osprey Watchg IYl�iL W6�9� V 1iaP+�STLL, NIA, Iv�ay 2042 — August 2pQ2 Coastal iNaterbia�d N[onitor,lVlassachhusetts Audubon 3oc��, Barnstabl�, MA, Apri12001 — August �001 IV'atural resc�urce �vestigation, wetland delineation, and str�ain assessm�t 1j�ier Stantan ��helor of Science Fiaheries aud VVildlife Scienc�, 1Viimar ia For�st Mana�an�t, North Gamlina �tate LTni�axtys X 99� t�taster of For�stry, Minor in �otan�, Narth Carolina State �IJtuversit�r, �00� Envirorrm�tal Bie��gir� 1VGI5►OT, �ept�tnber �ti0�-Pr�s�to F,cologist, �irginia Tecli iJruvasityy Conservation Mana��meat lastitute, Apri11999�August 2003 �iatural t�esource uxvestigatian, vvetlan� delit�atio�, atid atream ass�ssr�nent Pt+qjcr.�a ��en�g �lizr 1��0��447� IVO IYlITIONAL R.�GIS`I'ER OF IiiS`i°OItIC PI.AC°�5 EI,IGY�I.,E AR LIST�D �1.R�'HA�oI�OGl�A� S�`t'TS PIt�3�IT OR !►FP'�CTED FaR1Vi �ic fotm o�jr pertains b ARCHABOLOGICAI, ItBSOUR.GBS far titis proj� It is �ot V�ld ��1�bDYiC 1+I�1teCtIIPC ��II�Of. �011 R]11� A�t i�i�3+ R7�1 �IE H�OP1C Ae'�IbOCdI[0 �Od �Ei �t0l�f. �OJEC°� INFOR11iA�Io�T �i+oject r%: ii'�BNo: �°,.l.1V�< 13-03-0492 7C.001a19 1�'edeml Penrrit Rpqutned? Coanty: Alams�oe �ocrane,n.• IYiCC �4pu�r�g: � Sttbe � Fedetai � Ye� � l�io Psrntit 7�e: �T�ti�wide ��cnj�d�r: NCDO'T p�ropu� to �uct s n�ovv mrd oa aew lo� aod add turn la�e, � `�roiling�wood-gla�ol� Road Foe th� � Tatm�dbe C,aridor Dev�el�ttmt �a °�hio aear andiuetriat aoae�e pn�d �e to pmvlde acce.�e bm m�laple o�omic dovrelopment uteoo �erriood ac of eerly Aitg�at 20I3, norw R01�T �s ptopoeed at a width of 60 ft ov�er ldgely �developad, �unl tiet:affi f� a P'�J�t lan�th astimaied anund 2.Z mileae Co�tavction msy be phue�. °!'�e project 1� aad width, ala�g witb any additios�al Aon�tructia� eaaa�ne� C.e.� �e foo�rint of oonst�+yctiaia) is the �r�eolo�i�al Arot of �'oi�endal �� (AP�} for dye �ec�, In antiap�tioe of �edanl inwiv�amle�t (IJ3ACB paa�i.ts)q �aoe �th � 1 fi6 �f t[� ��1 �c appropriatr�, SiJli�i�ARi� O� AIiCIiAEOLOGICA�. �iNDIIVG6 Tf�e 1Va+t�i C�s D�art o1'�'wi� (�VCDOTj d�ccAw�ol�y (,i�� rsyiewwi t�i� s��t P�a,ia�ci a� �rei�ai' � Thore �� ATatiaaal Rsgi� Iist� A[tCI3AE0I,0aI�Ai, SITBS within � p�vjoct's �e of pot�tial e�ectae � No sul�!'ace �a+chacologi�aal "anvest�tio� es� roquirad f� dus p�ojecto Subaurface invest��atians did not reveal �e prese�e oi any Srchaeologitcal r�coa. � Siibsurface investigatioas did not a+�vea1 the preatence of any aYchaeologic�l reeources c�nsideered eligi'bk far th� 1Ja�aaual Regietc,r. � All identifi� arch�oological s�tes located within thc APE have beem �sidered aud aII complimc� for a�cbaeolo�acal resourcea with Se�tion 106 of the Natiaoal IIis�ai� Prasefvatiarr Act and GS 121�12(�) has b�n completed for this pm,ject� � Tha+� ar� no I�iationat R�g�si�r filigible or L.�sted ARCAAE�I�OGICAL STTES praen.t ar affect�d by tivs groject. (Attcrcli any notes o� docet�rrents �s rreed�d) xoxa� �a�u �,.��,.� ox �n.anct,as�oor�u � r�uraR,aF�c� �.Par l�o� lFa�ort�ian Pr�ecfs ae grs�ad is �4a 200i Pho�a��8ie r1�ra�r. i of � �'P � �: 1��}��0%� B�f ��� ��ui�rc� � rYs� • Pmpos� fo,dway pians �were t�cvi �� � ��afs�rsa ow�cd, as were aaial p�wt�ntphy, eoil msps snd hisbori� maps. Tl� �S�P� �8 �'t bisborlc mtps �t �t �g►csl sit� migl►t be pt+e�t wiWin the Peelimi8er�r A�B. I`�e arcbaeologic�l m�p filos �md �6er t�asotmoeo �t ii�e O�c6 of Sta� ArcbaeoloS3r {OS.4) wm�e exia�inod os Apr�l 18th ancl �ga�n MaY 10tb, 2013, vnhich noted d�e p� of ar�Olo�I tibes in �e nate �d immedi�be �iicinity, Th�s d� is thc re�tilt of � p�+evions �ta&� �Y �� 99�8950) of the la�er land tdu;t beiw�oan I�85/I�40 md S�. 2125. Sene� tha �� �' iUiV�Cjr Wi8 IOi� .�11Yj% l��y 2�13, II10[�C 1�b041 2��� �g �6118 131V�11'�BtlOfl bi8 b0i0U AfY�C ai�1�8 �U�108 �1E � q�0�(p�jC� �l1[VCy/ t�0�i0� ��YiiE�r 1��}. ��� � li� � fl�1� Of C1�1� �1W0 �113�1C' iIX p[bbiitQlC� �O�C81 fl� � ideatified ae � ro�uit of the 199i nu�v�cya Led by � membes of the �TC Arc�Cological �oimcil, aone of the raeou�ces wa� ��ble for lizting aaa d�e Nttio�l � of �ii�o�c Plac� (i�l�')• i'� rmdae�l� rw�c mod�ed aod eoc�mded in Au�ust 2013. Baaed a� �v availab� prap�d �OW9 ffve kaaan a+c�eoi�icel e�ies tppa�s In lay clooe to tho project n�ea, 31A�373, 31A�394*'�, 3 YAm�96� 31M�3779 and 31Am398e 3ims 31Am374''� �ad 31Am3i6 are 1�7oely out�ide of t� �v�y ��t, Sito 31hm373, 31t►m376P 31�77 imd 31�lm3i8 � sll pr�i�� lithic tii� of lo�a to ffiodmube �faat de�ity. 31Am394•p r� a bi�boric domertic � ew� a�f ih� road�vsy �e i�U'e uadme�d th�t � rapcxt h�s beea �ubsnitbed m OSA �� 51ea 'Pl�ae�e +u� na � li�oed a�aedo�al rea�eoe, nobed � tbe Prol�ed �►sy. 0� t�c 3� fimdod p�+o9eat9 �'S�►� �i� ��pp�od, 'Thaeefae�a Saotiao ifi6 �ppiies. FoP pupao� oitDig �ea � proje�e �ih fed�t �0�9 ao oonclud� dut no mbaoal r�giatar of i�iiatio�ic pl�a �ligi'�1� � li�red �eola�ioa� ��+e �a+atanc ar a�ooed wft� the project APE. Si7��C1R� �6CUI�I�1°l'ATION See �e � I►�(�) � Pnviais Survt� Info ❑ Pho�s �Corrc�ondeoce Other; p1e� roimnnce a�e�lo�cal r�r# fa�r m�e cie�ls: �e�ed�o �tial F� 1999 �bise I Aec�eologicsl I�ve�riga�tiot� of a+/>�, �{�p.$� �� � Aiamar�t�e eouat, i�o�th �rolins (oa �1�, fi1�`�) Sig�d: �% 8��-2013 I�TC'DOT AR�AE�I,OCYISi' Date ,.w� �e�,a�tac�e�aR�.uc�s,�uoa►c���rs�a�a�.�crar� .%J� l� � P►'�Ir a Q�sl�i �k Ilie 3A07 Aq�t�w�ie a�� � ot2 �������� 13-03�007Z �m ���c a�tc.�� �,rin r�r�c�rrrs NO HIS'�tJRIC PR�P�RTi�3 �9ENT OIY �� FOR� ��i�s for�. nal� p�ri�ine i� �r� Arehitecrure �nd LL�nnd�ape� �p � projecto �t i$ r�ot `►�tid f�ar Arcl�eel �. You ��nt co�it �e�arately rvith tti� Arch�eel�gy C�oupo � 11�ir. �'Bs���„ i�a001�1� � �� ; —�- � -� � ' - ','� � _� � . - s� 1Pi� �l1f ti�io l�ia�: X S4� Fodera! lo�arl iCe� X 1�To �t , v � o �n� �dusl�l � r�aed (� Interst�e �id� �evelop��t Z�ne, fi� � i9�1(ir�Ni�d�elds R�d) b� SR �1�4 (�rrer�r S� �r� �dJ► (r� �t�e d�x� �ed}o � i� �i r�iewr� 6U�� O�' HI�TO�iiC A��I"�(.TiJ� ArID► LAr1DSC�1lLS ��v1� � `�'f�re � ao IVadnt�al �ter-li�ed � Sauly I�d properHa withia t� pro�ect'c ar� oi �t�l eiE'i�. � �'fid�e � no peo� 1� tl� Blky � vld which � can�ide�+�d to �e� �riteri� �onru�det�tto� � wlt� t� pr�eet's � oi ��� efftc�. � �fiiepe �re na p�pertie� withi� t�� p�eet's ��'pot�ntu� �eet� ❑ �� prop� � fifty �eu� old wlt3�n the ar� of pot�nt�l e�ects, but i�ey do r�oc �ee� the �i6eri� � 11�8 � d� IJational �� �C ��re so hi� psropert�es preieat ar a�t� by � pro�ect. �A#1�� any no� oF do�umenm � neededo) �11 4+ Z@13J6 f�ugt� m13 and yfd�ed � I� (H�vwlekls P�bybarpn Church (AM 7�j and r� SI� �, ���+ape� in tl� ���a�ben�ial Ef�er.� �JIP�je J1larriar�e Ccx�r eu� CI� r�pplr�, e�l p�bognipi�, �nd �oc I�on trrdk�had an �1P� a� mosfJy woadlanal and � a�n�inin� �e�e�l una�ao�tio�sl r+e■o�� d�tkig pr+edo�n�antly bo tl�e se�ond thir+d o�' the t�rtlet� �ant�uy and iebr (view�ed 39 AApril 2013/6 A+u�t�mt �13). While the � Ir�et�ecfis per�oels �me�d by �� Pre�y�erian Chundt, I� +J� not eocbend �ta tf� Natlonel it�isbe� bo� er� (aee at�ed NIR boundary mwpj. The dr+c�1855 �t� buildng � oi�r �nbribudr�p r�eoo�r� �nd appe+oodrrt�rbel�l �901�et fi�m tl�e �rop� ��do tl�e new r�d I� p�d it�t r�t of tl►e �h�ch pr�r�es, some 3001�ee�t and more from ifieir nee� �p�ti (��NR) e�ut°ce� and aicr�ed by v�oodland ar�ct �(�ee �e� p� I�cati�t end serlal r�aps)o ii� APE does r�ot i� ��arby, N�tior�l R�gtst�= Itated iGe� ��errn (/1NN 46+4) ��d ��de�on S�tt Farm �AMI #9��� i°he AP� e�tte�ds i0� 1� 't� e�' end � ii� pr�poa� �ess t�ad (N�SW'� �� 2�0 f�t b� eith� sid� �f tl� �nberifne o� i��e pr�d �� ro�d (IVVV�S� ba �p� �1 �n�eip�ed ��r�on r�tvid�o t�sna � �r� � �cr�a�e�rr ox.�cr�.�.�,r � �+� � ������� �'�gc � ��� 1� pr� � aAII oac�e +� �P �e e� � N��al R�gb�lis�ed �►rrA�lci� Pra�ybeti� �und9 ��1N�17) pt�op�r�y. A� i� pr�jee� I� �te�fur�ded ��� � Federai ��i � �'��1=ii�il,� i�6�. �Y�N1�� �1�� �1JI1dIP� OP �ifl1�P� �i8tlt,�e� 8 fl�If1Q �f "r�o hisb� pro� af�db�cl" vWll �iisl�y �ion 106 �pll�� r��. �tp� ���1 � of Alet�ar� �Su� is e�ab�tv�e (197��9, 1989-9Qo 1991�32, a�i 200i93), ehd aoum,Y �x tr�b�� and ott� Wau�is, Ii�e �i� Map� "9h+eet�lew," de�erly nl�e ��b�e of critical hieboric b�didin� gbruc�r� �nd i�r�pe� �n � AP�o NCD�i t� Ar�i�e�bun`s �6e irnre�tl�atton �' ti� i��nu�eids Areeby�e�len Chur� vhhctnil� f�P ��► p�,�ect 12=03�ODai (W�S IVo. 7�,001019) i� ]urua of 2012 (m�erl8k � 1f�y � c�At�g �i� Andir�a � tr�: all � t�4� ��, �d +'rl� � sh�rki �n �id� � t�ued�ri�s �f dw Iratlo�l � pf+op�lya �� � �e ot � � c�wn� (In�1a� tlw �n � ae oi�� d��°� pis�e rr�tJ�y ��T NIrL�tic /irchlb�nw� s����r ��rr,���v x �(8) �� s,�► �. �� �o� �u� �� - � _� : _ , �i: _ - ._ .� _ . . � _ _ -.,:r—; �_a,_ ; i ,,- ��1TDIIV� �Y �iC�,?�° A1tC�ITI'���AL BI�TORY�i m�;�a� t�iie�re a� I�eB — No ��oatc r��ss ��cr� NCUC)'I' Archit�l Hieta�ien %�iti� I�� 1�03�i� � addendum �Iamar� �n�+ VII� I��p 9�0�01019 �rr�.�rc�m, awi.z�s auoHa�,�tcr�� p�'�1x.��8tr;�i�� �a�ra:�a �„�s a� �s�5i�d w +�e 9ad9 P�k �y+vrwa�. Pa�� � of � ' - i � ���r� j. t - _ � `_" ��.;� � �.,po\=� •�-rs- t.j n,\ - `\+ ��l � .. �+t - h��^ r,. T ,i _� • . . . �Z , _. . +��. l j ' + _,4_ . e ..� j ' .,�' n�j`-� - ;„�,ts'� � _ - _ . _ � =�+.:tv�r -,, � � `� . '� � ..�„� �4�� �t..> , � `�-; ;' },, �' ��, � . � . �•,� `��-. •� ~ '��j , 1.�1i ' �� i_"�, _� � a�� –�f �.�;� �+`; ` 7 r �•L '� `-�. f{`i +� . . - .�s�� 1= �.. . .%t;� ." s�-. -�r• s ' i � '• �1� � T t : , }� 5 � ��. -' . - ��. ! � . � , : �-�w -. �` �= +. .3 ' � .-'iC �`�i � � ; � v � '' yyy{{{�/� _ _ , .. � � � y: , u t , ��" -• � y �; : �_ - ._ ^ 7 . . r� \�4 a.i'�����'�. iM � — L• �,f .. ��^`a .. - . �.� LL , f�' �, �Y : �.^�`..'._ "�`�• - �� • [��, �� . � � .1� �' r�l ��'Z " ~4Y .,r,.\; t: . .i'... " i `�� — - ^ �4 ' :i, ' • �� �_�-__a . '� .` - -, . �' � �1 . -'�+�``' ^1 '� . _- ,,w� ;.. �` . � : .�-_ ,� � _ _ 4'� s r .t'�h' }�;, �,� '� — .� ,,� ` � `I� �-.: i , �=� � � � , � ' - - �"� F . .�� , ' � ,�3 � ' � � (s � a -�. ' t� �� , . . ��': _ � . _ $}._ �. — . - _ . � � � : �? - . S ; .. i '� ��!*� ,: ; _� ;. �' Haw�l�S P ' f�ir�h �Nlt�' ��- �� ��; . w� ' �- . =.� �: ; ��++..�,.a.: }�, r r ` � _ � t ,� . • . ,_ _ -- '? �€_ `� ' � ��... ,�' Alar���c� I�t��stat� �rridor �►���r��r��ni Z��e Ac��� ��ad Alam��ce ��unty UV�S N�o 7�00�10�9 �as� ma�o ��v�eb, �t� �'�a��Yci� �i�. �i3��'D�2, Addendum 9�i�DCDT m �Yl�a�ie �rCY�i��iu� Aa��B 26�� � N �a ; Q F�LANN�R: �s�icr ENGINEEF� DM810N �ow€€�t: cs wsorEcr C�BMATOR: �►���� ��������►�� ������� D����w��r�� ��� R�►� ����� �iamance �ounty �on��u��� ��rP�c� ���ssMerv� MarshaWGogbumlFord C.N. Edv�rds, Jr., PE �n+isi�s: wes: � I ROUTE SR 'I8�`I 7C.001099 �° IV� PROJECT ��{ � industrisi �one acx;ees roed vn �wr Mike Milis o�'F��: eg��e�t, with tum lanes and tr�fic aipnsl on S� Herrison Marah�ll 1�81 (�'rolYngwood-Hewfi�id� Ro��} in tavo phas� to Govemor Scott Ferm Ro�d cs su��t ,�RovN.: �... � � E�ddatlnp No. of Lanaa: 0 Exi�ting Ms�n: IVo R��r� �f �ertnmunit�+ �ch or �ubli� Inwivemerrt AatlWty � r� ❑ Widening ` ❑ Addition of Mled�n(s) i � �'!�r �r�� n�v�� lae�t�r� raad is pl��n� to prQvide ac� �athin � ler�e bf�dE �f rv�l an� apr�c�lt�raf land adjacant to I�Oii� befween Graham and M�ane th�t t� k�n dseiansted as ihe,4l�manoe Inbe�i� Corridsr Dsv�pnre� Zon� (AICD2}. �he irtitial phaa� of the aar.sea no�d would ItrEsro�ct 7roWngwood�H�wMeld� Rc�d, which In6a�� ttw interat�te io the north at �xit i62 �nd NC 116 ta ths �outh, and provide aooe�s ta int�er p�rc�l�. Tt� eecond plisae wautd �nnect threu�h ta Govemar �aodf ��nn Raad. �ro+ridie�� an Intert►al aoosss � keeps high vo�tmeE of +rudc tralflc o1f of NC 116 �nd o4itst odjsoerrt ro�ds; evci�np high lev�els of d(roct r,Ammunity impac� tv a church, c�m�tsry, d�+yceree retir�rrr�nt aenterlr��r�inp 9�m� �nd m�nufadurod houslnp� nsighborhood. AAeban� i� directly �orth and eost. �u�lington and C9raham er� e f�w mile� #� the wesf, whpe �wep�n�iia Is � iow mile� co�tirwe��, �ur�1 areas In-�eiwr�en thase �vans �re urbenizing thrcugh � mix of reeiderafJ�� subdivi�ions, commee�i�l and ind�stri�l developm�n�. Local land uae plans encouPage this rurel-to� suburban trsnsi8or► �nd infilL �e�ckhoen �uhber Products and Tlre Gountry ar� already located �n NC 119 just so�rth of the peopas�e! i�dusi�i�Q �P�. The Hav�6lds �mnnd3FtIY�' '�""'��""�""�' app�ars to b� cenfe�d , ° � • •�•■•s�• �•�w..a around the FlawBelds 3 441Y� �.r�.�.o.w.�.r. �e�sbyt�rian Chu� ��� i;awfields Community �ark, both in tl� r�rthweat qu�d�nt of the iroltingwoodaHawfi�alddlNC 119 ir+te�edion. A fiownhouse development is located aba�t 11� mii� east of tfie Trol6ngwood-Hawfieids/NC 178 Nrtereectione on 0� HHl�borouph Ro�d. ihe �arrett �ismentary �nd H�ro�rFeJds Middie uchools carnpus is Icx�ted approximetely Ya mNs eaat of the intersecfi�r�, urith driveww�ys onto both NC i 19 anr9 Old 1lillsb�rough Raed. Both school bus and parent traffic may use Trollingwo�d-l�avuF'ields Road. From Hawfields Etemer�a�r School Ro�d, north to the I-40i1�85 i�terc,hange, NC 919 is p�m�rily lined elong boih sides with comma�ial developmeM. Hawfields residenflal development to the �ouih and east of the inferseciion consi�t� af singte f�mily neighborhoods �etuveen TumeP R�ad and Old ki'illaborougi� R�d� �I�C7Z PrUj�ci Aiam�n�g �t�nr� o G�[WP�ii��id'�''v' 9Y1PAC7 A s�EsSPv��Fl�� Augu�t 6, 2U93 N�tbl� �omm�nit� Chere�f�ri�tl�s, �oneems • Cer�sus deta ind)c�tes a notable �enoa of minority and iow incoma populafions meefirig the crite�a for En�ironmental Justiee within the �mogrephic Stucly Area (�} and minority and low inc�m� communfti�es � observed within ihe Direct Community Impacts Area (DCIA) during the sit� visi� � Census data indi�aie� � S�n�sh ian9�' 9►'�+P P��tion that ex�ed� the !�� �eper+.rnent a� �!�!stiee Limi#ed Engl�h Profic�ncy (LEP) �fe Harbor threshold witt�in the D�A. �'�eld obsenratioro also indicetea a poten�al Spanish �r�uaae group pa�uletion thet exc�eds 50 penons within the DCIA thet �n�y r�quiPe languege asei�tence. o Rowlar�d E�tes, e b0 I� t�flufactured housin� community lo�ted within the Dir�ct CAmmunity Impact Aree (DCIA), is � Nkely �nvironmeMal Jus�c� and Tkle VI community. ti Prosbyterian Hom� � Havufieldr� �rr �dependent living and nursing car+e fadlity Ioc�ied south of N� 118 Just o�side the �CIA, is a Title Vf aome�unity. o Pine �ak�o a 56 lot menuf�ctur�d houelny commt,mity lo�ted south of NC 118 Jusi �ufsid� th� DCIA, i� � likely Environmetrt�l Justice oom�u�fty. � Stephani�'s ChNd �err�lopmen# �nt�r I�eted north of NC 119 in�ide the DCIA is � aikely Title VP r�sou�a ■ HawHelds Pee�bybarien Churc�h, Iocated �t th� Intereectian of NC 11g end irollingwood-H�w�eid� Road, has approxirneteiy 415 ectn� member� and indudes � sa�ctuary buift in 1854, �n adur,�tron�l buiOding, Fellowehip I�Ii, o�r�tu�ld S�io� �louse and m�nse. A lokt� �stablaehed e�en�r i� I�eated irnmsdiatsly �ou[� soro�es R!G 119. � Fiswtields GarrimuNty �irk, d�v�l�ped �n� meifll�inid by �ie H�wfi�ids Civifi�n Club, �� f�cility � provides o boll fiMd, welkinp tradc �nd p�y�ground for t� �enmunity. e�nd rneiy be a`��le VI res�w�ce �ue t0 jrovttr lapii� +�ciiv�to�. iF�6 f�ili[y dirr�ctly abuts ti� p�op�ed �cca� ra�d �pprc�ximately 100 fe�t fi'ortr NR fiad. = ilpproximately 7�le t�mily homsa front and have drivaw�y c�nn�ctions with th� �e�t sid� af TiOUI(igW00d-F�YW�i6�dQ �i�. o VlUastripo MohNe Home P��ic, a 20 I� m�nuf�dursd hou�ing c�mmunityy lo�d � of �"retlingwood� Wawfields Ro�, is a likely Environment�l Justle� commuruty whic� may r�equire len�u�e assist�nc� in Spsni�h. o Yhe GamMf Elemenb�ry and WawMlds Middi� �chaols combined campus is loc�ted �ximately'/< rni18 east ot tl�e TroAir}qwood�l#awfi�ldalNG 1 tQ inbraedion, with driveways onto both r�eds. �ot!-i �t b� �n�i parerfi �c �re ajrp�ea "ro use iroilinparoo�-�iewr�eids Rceia. � Firml��rai Profactt+�tj P�li�y �et +�i0� �t+� pre�w9# �Ithirn projecf er��t. hlot�l�l� Comn�unii�r Im� a Approximabely 6 manufactur�d dwel�r�s wouu� be rolooated �rom �re �orth end of Ft�a�� �iet�s, wl�ich anay ha�re minor oommuni��r c�ohasi�� efFe�ts if roaidents are not reloc�t6d �nithia� fih� r�ighboef�o� �nd i� likely tn imp� � t�erdship a� potentie! lower income and elderly residente. 0 lndustr#at dev�iop�'r�ertt to be sera�ed by the �pro�oaed roed w311 abut Rowiand ���t�, w�°sir.�� may �4 rcame polrrt in the future influer� t�e v�luntary relo�atian of the reeident�. i�e ��inions of resideMs should be record� durinD pui�ic invdver►�� �ffAHs to dete�ifle if any effea� are I�Cely. = While trudc traiBc should be limited t� northern Trollinflwood-Hawfields Road, reslden%, bu�ir�ses and other t�sers alen� NC 119 may experieflce tr�c inc�ses from worker c�mmutes prior to Phase 2 connecting tFrrough to Govertnor Sc�tt �BRn Road. The effec�e are aniddpated to be minor. = Hawfielde Cor�murtfty I'srk's bell field is expec�ed fio experienoe nolse, light arxi odAr impads from stoppi�g and tuming truck iraffic< Noi� �nd odor imRacts may elao aifiect use of tHe wralking track by t�hose exercising fior hea�h and r�axabon. High truck v�olumes may make tl�ese Impec�s moderafie io s�vere. o Residents of 1Mlastrigo end �pproximabaly 5 sinple fam�y homea may exper�ence noise and light impac�s from increesed truck ivafAc, p�rticula�iy irom those tumtng� atarting �nd stopping �i the Propo�oed interseetion. Impe�ts m�y vary depen�ng on tim� of day �nd day of week opera�ons, ihe opinions of rosldents should b� rec�Med during pubifc Irnolvement efForte fio dstem�ine pe�ived impect ssverity. o If rais�l mediens ar� used and depending on flnal design, resident� of Viliastrigo end approximately 2 sin�le fem�y hor� r�ay have their driveweys limited to right-in/righ�out tums, vMith no aoc�mmoda�tions for IJ tums between the I-40185 �t�r�hange and th� �roll(ngwood9Hawfield�lldC 119 inters�a�lon. � Adverse �mmunity impacts due to relAca6ans within Rowland Estates and noise, Hght and access imp�ct� io VHiastrigo are �etfiicipated w�h thi� project end these affects appe�r � atfeet �d p�ulations not�bly mar� then ths generel p�puletion; fhus, impa� to minarity �n� I�uv 1nc�rne popui��ions �ppear t� be disprapartionately high �nd adv�rse. Ben�fits and burdens resulting from fhe project �re n�t arriicipated to b� �quitably dist�ibuted �hr���l�aut th� comm�nityy unl�s th�se imp�cts c�n be adoid�d, min�ized or �,1GDZ �'roje�i o ;�i�ar�� �eur�'ry „ CO�IMUN1"!1' i�UF�AG7AS����i�EN� , Augu�t �. 2013 ���flS/i��CAfflf�i�fi�Qf1S � Beceuse LEP popula�ons vuithin the D�A exc�d the t1S Department af Ju�c�'s Safe Fi�rbor Hxesholds, wrftten tr�r�siabons oi vitai documenis should be provided for Spenish ianguage group populatlons, in additlon to other m�sures ssau�ng meanfigfu! lanpuape ea:ass, � determin�d by NC�7' Public Invohrement io satisfy the r�quiremerris of �xecutive OrcJer 13166. a Pubfic involvem�nt and outreach activities muet ensure f�l and fpir participeti�on of all poten�al(y affected commu�ities in th� tr�rr�porte6on de�f:�n�makinp proc�ae. = A small group meeting wdth Ru�rlsnd �states residents, H�wFlelde Prsebyterian Church, Waw�elds Optimist Club �nd Treliingwoad�liew�elds r+eside�t� is recomrner�dad as a rnetl�ad of ir�orming resider�s �boait project det�il� and to discus$ pos�ible mi�gatlon mea�urea. � Relocetion of Rowiand Estst� �e�ts who wish to remotn ther� to other lots w�thhln the neighborh�d should avold disproportionat�l� hlgh and �dveree impacts t� pota�rtlal Environme�l Justice populations. �xpedited �locatian ass�atan6e t� any residents wfio wisi� io move elaewhen shauld minim�Ze adverse impads. � Accommodetrt�g saf� end convertierrt lJ � on Trollinpwood-Hawfielda Roed between V-40 end NC 119 shouid minlm�a impe�s on residerrts whose drivsways �re medo ►iaht-inlright-out by medi�ns end tum lefl�, and should be oor�eidered iF f�slble, p A viauai barrier abna the project r�udway ebuttinp Harnrflelds Communi�r Pa�ic ahould be eone�iderod to mi�ir�ize trudc tql�t� from ��in8 �rrto th� bai! fi�ld du�n� evening �s. � TroNirpwood-Ha�etds �asideMs sltould be consuited ebout u�v feasible physicei or opsrstionai options !h�t rn�y miti�et� lmpa�ts frrnrs truck traf�_ ThB pI[�iCE N�i 1lOt YIIK 1181flC Cip1l�fj� dl' ft81� Pi►f=%7iS, ll�dflC� tfiVN fMls, �IYC� i0Gr8F f0. OP YXpOdt1JB Of id�iCiM l�IC6/3. Ql Q/d1tA 11BW trenapodaticn or land use nodes. Due to �s m�rrw� i`ranqoortition ir�paci causinp acEivdk►a tlpc prt�d wil! rwither inAuence naenby l�nd u�s r,�r sHmr�late �w[h. Therofaro, � atsfs�ed M�t ar�:� cun. ufatn� �fac�`s atudy will r, of 6c+ r��rraery. AIC+JZ Project „ r�lamartce �o�nty � i�O��iivliJn,IT`r li+�iPAC7 A5SE58Pu�ENT n August 6, 20'13 C:OII�LMLTl�TS� COIVTEX7.' li'��1� �l��Z �r�jec� _� �Jairi�r��a �:au��€y � C`C��Af�f�U�Ji�'`r' i�4i�;C � �SS���11A�N'� ��, :�ugu�� .•. 20�1 � lANi€RICAN IAID�Ji�9 �Llfi101J� ���fN A��';��I�y ls the projact bcsted in a camty claimed as 'Yerritory' 6y the Eastem 8and af Charokse Ina�ans? ❑ vEs �Ff�fi��FIN��Fi��.�i►�i1�� (�.J] Pr�sence: Ar�e there any pop�l�tions !!ving fn the t7emographic Study �roea that meet ihe criteria ior Envirarmentat Juatice? if � sa, for whrch EJ gr�+�p(s) has the crrterts b�en met (check a!! tAst apply}: � MinonCy � Law-lncome YES T'he �emeg�hi� Study Area {D�A) h�� � much hiphee A�ian population then tF� c�urrty as � whole (�.596 vs 1.2% respectively) and a much highsr Tvvo or More I�aces popWat�n (9a 1% vs 2.296}, ao that the 41.396 Total Non-VHhite population � more then ten peroentege paints higher thsn ,aJemence Countl+'s 28.9%, While th� DSA's ►�w income populefion is relatively consisterrt with Alarflene� County's, the Ravuland �staies manufac�ured housing community is a�tiv�ly merket�d to ratireee and athe�s of modest means, so this oommunity appears likely to hau�e both populetione within 15096 of the poverty level and elderfy resider�. Althou�h Ju�t outside of the ��4, but within the �irect �ommun�y lmpect Aree {pCIA), the Vrllastrigo mobi�e hane psrk appeers to house boti� low income end Hispenic pvpul�Nons. �Ilealrigo r+eaidents end othe�s feotrtiflg TreIlinSvv�ad-�lawfields Roed will not be �npa�ted by co�airu�ion of the �r�jsct ros�y ��t wv�il �e sut�ject fio incr���d t+vde treifi�, no�� and iipht intn�sion �sut��g fr�r� 6ts operations. I�INAITE� �N�l�kP �R��I�I�NI�if (L�P� Are �harr �ny� poF�tions liv;.� to iha Dem,agrphic Stu�y Anas that mcot the cni�ia �or L�f�d Fn� Prol�ior�cy? �;s�us d8t� ir+dicet� � Sp�nieh latip!ae�e 9rca.r� �Pu�ti�: �tet ex�d� tha U5 �ep�tmQ�t �f Juetice Limlt�d �ngii�h Profldency (��P) Safe W�rbor thresheld within the DSA. �Oi'�NYI� ��CiItJP14(� ��l��IC R���/►�IONAL R�URt�s Are there sny pnopartJes or areas thaf may he impacted by the profect that are a mry 6e prot�d uruier Seafior+ 4{t)7 �l�tional Tra11� Syr��ra Ara there any irails desl8nated es part af the N�tiona! Tr�ils SyaE�em (NT5) - tf�at are alsa wi#hin ir'�a beiur;d�rY�:s af� P�st;a�a�!?ark - k�cat�� Tn ih6 vic�r,l��� ullha �rc�aat? SE�YI�NI i(�j I�iil�� � 1AId��R C�NS�RVAiIOM FUN� R��IJR��� Are thore any ar�s protecPed u+�der Seciion B{t� rn vfcinity of ihe prqject? 1NI�D � $C�N11C �R N�;ilONlll� Rlil�R IR91/�Nli�RY (t� �11/�RS !s there a wsior body in ths projact area tha! is designated a! WNd �nd ,Scenic River, ar liated oa ihe rVada�al Riv�r lnver�ory? Alosth ��rolina �detura! F� 5cenl. �vor� Is th� w�ero: �dy dssiar►atad as a NC Natu�a! & Scsr.is Rwe:? � � � I � � YLS NC� I � ❑ � � YE6 Nb ves I � ; � � Ii YE6 Nb :I F/iRMLANB P�O`�ECi1�N POLICY AC� �FPP� S�ILS � �; Are thero any farm�and s�ils eligible for proteation ur+der �he US Fam�iand Pr�ter�i�rr Pdicy A ct (FPPA] that r�y be notabJ1� YES n�o ' empadeci by the prajeci? (Soe Appenc�ix /or ldRCS Farn:tarrd Soils Screenirr�) j FPP�► eNgible soils (p�me fertnland sails (2.�'i acx�es) and soils of stafewide importance (8.08 acres)) ` are preaertt avithin the proposed 60-foot right of uvey for both Ph�aes I and !1 of the projec.�t. A preliminary screening of farrnland conversion impects in the project area has been completed (NRCS CPA-106, Part V� only) �nd a totai sCore of 75 out of 160 points wes calcul�ted for the project (see � Appendix Dj. Since th� total site a�sessrnent scot� exoeed� the 60-poiret threshoid esteblished by �; NRCS, notable project imp�c� to eligible s�ils may be anticipated. 5'herefore, the NRCS farmland oonversion form wiil be compteted by NCDOT Gommu�ity �tudies p�st-design and subrnitied to t�RCS for iurther evaluation. AGRICUl�TUR/1L, OP�ltAYIQN� Are ihers any active �grictrliural ope: afior�s locaied in rhe t�irect Communrty impact Area? T'he pmposed rosdw�y �rossss cu�rer�ri� ��m�+�d r'e�ide, j}BSCUiB$ iii9tl t�'OO�l1�Ylt��. i)U'0�8f' YVlBh VYIi�' feneing, r�o noisble f�rr� infi�astruciure is preseeni. i/��UNY/�RY � �1�1��l��� V��I�FIT�tY A�RI�IILYUR� �I�iRl��i �vno��� ►s there a Volurefary Agrict�furat nisirict or Enhaneed iloiuniary AgricufturaJ �Jisirici in tfie ��rcrnii�� af ihe prnjecP? � C ' `IES iVC i 0 I � ; YES NG : AICDZ Project o Alamance �our.�r � C0�1l�UN1TY IMPAG'� ,��SES��NT , AugUsi �, �n93 N8�11�L� ��OWI'H �►Y� tfas the Faput��on i'n�:ng around the project a�a experie�ced notatile grawth ar eiectine in rec�n'c years? L� Deciin� � 0. B90 - 94o en�ttal growtia ❑ Gr�er th6n f% attnlla! grotath (!n DSA) _ ---___ - ���A� ��� ������� Are lhe�e sny bcai area p�ens, 9ae1�� or zoning i.�iiiaiivvas spec'�iceNy alfecHng ths Direct Communrty tmFact Ar�a (e.g. blcycle, pede8trian, �aenwaY� or f�nsr7 pllan, fong ran 8a 8ro►vth A�atr; th�rotqhfare A1an; etC. f a In November, 2012, the Cifies of Greham and Mebane and Alamance County h�id � joint me�b�� t� disc�as aeeting an economic devebpmeni zo�� betwe�n Grap�m and Mebe�ne south of I-40/85. in May, 2013, � dev�lopnrent �one bound�ry w�ss approved by G►�h�m, Mebane and Aiamance �S,unty boards and agreements made for providinp future extensions �f weter end sewer �ervice to thie area. l'his mne is cuRe�tly identf�isd as the Alarnance InterstaEe Corridor bevelopm�nt �one and a�on�i� of approximaiety i,20p acres betw�een Grehsm end INebane. As p�rt o� thns pian a rvad project was Pr'nPosed fo be comp�t� in iww� phas�. Phase 1 w�uld be approximately 8,500 feet in length from en inte�section wl#h 1'rollingwrood/Hswf'i�id� �oad to provlde aocese b fihe oentral and e�atem portfons aF th� zone etose� ta th� tnterstat� intepchang�. Ph��e 2 would continue through to connec� withh Gov. Scott Ferm �o�d ts provlde ar� to the west�m por#ion of the �e, - ---- - - -- -- _ _ _ -- -- --- --- � ICNOWN( PI�IIPI� �8R ��V�l���i�1�P1Y � NE��Y Sii� PR@J�C�S Are thwe a�y known ptons %r dovrlopment acb'vlty in the vkinHy oi the prqjeat? U-31 p9 is a pr�pased U� 11 � bypass of �Aebane that be�inc n�rth of 1�4DIS5 �t �xit i��, �IClf�6�o P���S7�RI/1N /lMD/� 6��NYliI►Y �ACIiJYI�� Ars 6JcycJe, P�deafrien, �r p►eenway fa�fffiss locefed in fha area? �fG1�C��/P�O��TRIAN /1CT'M1'Y — - War�a bicydiat; orpedeatriens obsenred in �+e araa? 'PRXFY�i�' /���11�1� - - - _ - --� ------- — lAJBr2 bU6 !`l1feS Ot7��^✓6� (7 dh8 8�a e^ fhe �ifs visif? l4�Sre any speclet Users o`a.^ers�ed raing those fEcrlities? �OA1iNtlNITY �OHESI6N -- ---- ----- - ------- Were anY sPecific aiQ►w^ or indicators o/ commur�ty cohesiau� observed R'ound? i�avv�alds �s a iong esiabilsn� ru�i comm��ify a�riih a c�wr�h co�ngreg�iion thac daies to i�� 1E+"' �er�tury an� � c�turch building that dates to tt�e 19"'. The comrnunity� hvets y�uth apo�ts afld f�rnily� oriented even�. VYi1i�R �[l�P6YAAlAiER�kl� — _-- — !s !he pr��t atas f�Ceted 'm 8 x�r supply/wate�slred district? !f so, what is fhe designation? ,7 WS-1 [� W5-IJ � WS-1H _J V�+S-ti/ �_ i� P►atecied D �rfiicel _ _ ---- - IV�il1��� YVAT�R �89�lRC� Are the^e eny a`her no►abk traits of, or issues rogaidtng, waters in the ares? Check afI fhat apply: ❑ 303{d) lmpaired � putstanomg Resource Weters ❑ H,�h Qc�ality Waters ::, Tmcri Watars L�I ApplfcabJe Basrnwide Manag�meni Plan The proj�c� �rea is subject io the Jord� Lake Buffer F�ules �NNA �lJYOUi PROP�R71�S Are khere any FEMA Buyout Prope�ties in iha viciniFy o# tl�e orajeci? �G�BS _. 4re there ar,�; cfri,�ao-r�vs �r dn#�rsectiarrs toeated fn tit�� C�V LCi t+?'1�Oc.Gt' SIcQ',? Now is Righl-ot•-Way in the projeat ar�a hald? �] IVo Corrit�l (� . Pariral Cor+tro! j � 1 imited Con�ro1 ;� Ful! ConProl 5ev�n single Fgrniiy rr�sidences, the �/illas4rigo fUlobils hlome F'sr�, Hawfield� Coenmunifiy ��rl: ar�d Wawfi�lds Presbyterian Church have driveway connections with 1'rollingwood�Hawiields Road. � � �� r�s tdo � � Y@S NO � � � � YEB i�t,+ ❑ � YES N[7 � � YES td�t � � Y�L6 PIO . � � � VES t�K� Ii -- -I � N° I I --i � �I �ICDZ �roject o�i��ri�r�ce Cc�unty n�t��Pd1UNl'�'`�' i�i�AC�';��S��SMENi ��ua�st 6, �U7� CEwA�'�RY ts there a cemstery iwxted M the proJect area? OiW�R R��R�►°PIONIiI, R��tJRCE(�) OR A�IV11°1r !a ther� any other recr�etioa•►al resour�e or observed atxivity rn ths pr+oject area (tn�f is noi a po%ntiai 4{f� j? Fiawfiel� Community Park is a Civiian faality pr+�vid6�g a lighte� �II fieid, walking tr�dc and playground for the community, ar� may be a iiHe Va reaoure� due to yotith leagu� activiti�s. 5'h�s f�ei�tv direetiv abuts the or000sed access rr�d e�ximetelv 900 feet fPom left fiel�. ��/►�FI� ti�N�RAS'!NB �A�ILlilf OR NI�D€ ts Phore a r.ode or faai�ly that gen�rst�s a notable levsl of vehhwlar or pedestrian traiilc locafe� in the pro�ect a+8a? BP�Ci/i1, US�R� Are there any documented speciaf users in tha prdject area (e.g. hactor tr�iiers, loggir►g trucks, iractors or oiher agricuitura! oq�r�, cr in��uairial trNPk)7 MIR�ORi Is the Frqf�ct laceted uMhin 1 miie af an airport? AI��IUC011NiUNITY �N`rROV��Y' Are there any krrown canmu►aty concema ar controversy ratative to the projeci? iJnknov�n �� this �im� d�a ha ihe i�dc af pubiic inv�iv�m�t YIA�11�l181 �f1l�iFl� ����1iR 6���►TI��iS Are thare any ma►Vrtes or rt�+� rnp�ir oporetlons in vicineiy of the pr�yact? LJ . � �s . r� � ❑ �s �o � � '!ES Nd ❑ � v�s wo ❑ Yes � � wo � . � '� vEs No OTb�R N�11R�1f S�CO�t�MMI� R��IJR��� � �f Rro thwa any cfher notrbte �o�co�ortrk r�saa�s locelsd ir+ t�e pr�jsct �rea? YE8 No �.oceted alae� NC 118 er� th� Presbytsrian Home of WswRaldc indspendent living/nu�inq care f�ciNtty, Stephani�'s Chiid �sre`lo.pmerrt �errter, Havufield� Pr�sbyte�� Church �nd cemetsry, a�d th� Garrett �8��°����QF`y%�Pi.'i f-�E.1`w�'19at`�' ��P.'°�ie��' �"ahd�Br,f��':=���r°��;�'4'� �FJY��1� A�� �b�� �ire Hwre ary mob�y or �oc�9s efF�cPs likaty to be assoCiated rwith flus prvjac� (e.g. 6arNer eff�ci, �+ufiJ-model �commoa�fron, avaiJ�bde d�tours, non-motodet vcoe�ss fo prc�erties and fecflt�es)p �'hs proJec: pr+�p�ea t� creete � new �terr�dbr� w�itF TroBingw�od=Hawfiel�s Ra�d bsiwesr th� interatate ir�terchange �nd Ci�e N� 119 irrtersection in orcler to pt�vent t�udc treffic from using the exiating interaectlon end raeds surrounding � AICDZe � '� ves �+o CONAIYIUNITIP C�H�EIAN � ls the projsct tikety to aNer iho avereN funcfloronp of an Iden�able �strict (e_g. irrter�ciions 4etween. or is�etion of, peraons snd �S grot�ps; or chartge in the physrca! maka�p oi the canmunity)7 /�ppro�cirnately � manufoctured dwelliepe vuauld be relocaied froen the north e� of Rowland Eat�ie�, which may have minor �rnmunity oohesion effects if rssidents are not relocated within the neiahboehood. ihis is s�o likelv fo impos� e hardahip on potentisl low�er fncome and e�eriy residents. _ �OIMMlJN1iY SJ4���1( !a fha project tikely to interact with �,�y existirrg area �rime issues (e.g. bghting, isolated areasJ? �OCI���COId�MIC R�S�UR��S Are th�re any noiable eocio-sconomic rasources that may be in�{oaded {e.g. churohes, schools, employmwtt cente�s, community facil�ios, historic di�t, ida or buildings, r+an;ed r+eighborhoods, w other trstFic/ padesUian genersius, eic.)? bawF�lds Commur�ity Park's ball field is �xpecte� ts �acpe�ience a�oise, light �nd odo� imp�cis fram st�pping and tumitjg fruck iraffic. Naise anc� odor irnp�cts may also aifect use of th� iaalking treck by those exercising f�r h�lth ae�d ralax�iion, �ligh truck vcriumes may make these imp�cts mode�te to severe. 7 � ves � � I �iCDZ �rnj8ct � ,�iamance c.:,1�.tniv :_���i,,i�;ei.:� � "i , ���,!,=,'�uT �1SSESSMEN7 o i4ugust6, �Q13 ��1SIN1�8� �N� E�AN�wAIC ���OU���� — ------ - Are there any �rad �h�ects �a area businesses w econc.-nic conditlons lihety fo resuft from Nvs Project indudirrg apr;cuN`urai a�er8fions {E.g_ btx�ness visit �yJ? T'he project is ar�t�p�ted to support trensition of th� AI�CZ aeea from f�mland to induatriai and �avy commera�l use, increasing �mpioyment oppo�tunitias h� the area between GreaF�m end IU�b�ne, ir.creased #ru�k �afFc m8y �efit tl�e tntc•k sfop Io�atsd in the south�ast quad�t of th� �lerc�an�. Iflcreased woricers m�y benefrt the reeteurents and businesses located along !dC 179. ��/►Im l�lild6 U8�, ��II►RA�T�R t� �CO�IONiII� �V�I��PNA�NY ��1NS - - --- -- - - Wltl the prq�sct h�ve brrg t�rm aasthei�c e�fects (e.g. visua! cherpes ro the siixacture �seif arrd�ar on ac�rM view-�ehedW) or Cha»$B t118 6xi�Jng Chi!'bCiBP of fhe /iC�l? � formerly rurel �re�s geuih of I-401�.5 �e� cutrerrtly trsnsitioning te suburban i►� ehae�et�r. T'he project road�a+ey itaelf wiil not be very visible nar h�ve any �f%c� on bcai Charecter �nd e�thetics. ihe development it is int��d to suppar# wilP change the c�racte� ieom femaland to induatrial park but plene are for irrtemet circulat�n irom tl� ��bjec� road with buitdinps aet back from exiating peeimetee rwds, � should minimize changes in appoannc� to most people and allow s�ae f� visuaP �ia�R A+e dasre any other potential impaCts associded wrifr fhe P►ejeaY7 - --- -- - --- . _ . _._._ �i�fVlli6FiNi�IYYA� JtJ�ii�� is fhe prqject ficofy to heve a�proporfanately high and schrer�e impeci on ia'ereti�ed EnvhQnmerNsl Justice pup+detior�s in the proJet� �? �ree e�mmunity Impecis due to rslaxtions wrftl�irr Rowland �st�te� �d nolse, li�ht �d � i�p� t� ViNaetripo a� ar�ipeted with this projeet end th�e Mfads appeaP to eHect EJ populations �bly er� ttwn ti� �er��l p�pulatio�; ti�u�, ier�� i� �ninarity e�d lovv i�� p�iula� ap���r tn be d�peoportanabaly high an� edver�e. �e�efit8 �nd burde� resWa� from i� proj�ct are rrot anticipoted io be �quitobly diet�butad ihevughout the oommunity unless theee i�p�ds cen be avaided, �inire»et9 �r mitiQated, _� --�-, �s r�u � � Y�S No ltidll�C� Md CG�1l�/�Y� ��i'►iR�01�Qr! �R�OC GUYIg Ae� fTT�A�% -� �rr��d iPICA w� r�npl�i¢n et dr i[� �awv!g.M�O1 AMrpr d TlWi) �!�.L� ��l.� � IP� p�w�qqh �R�l`V�L �iW9�� � ;�; Wr71 fhe pmject result in noisbte t+evvl iar�a aavirps? Y�S P�0 '�rev�l Sme �s expeded to decxease slighdy (estimated to b� between 0�3 minutes} a� � resuli of the p�poeed nevv I�� �eess r+�ed. �R/1il@L �ii��RN� � ❑ W�1 the P�51� RBrmanenNy alfer tl�e exisiing road nehwaric {i. e. naw aonnecaoris)9 Y@S NO The propoeed Project, an induatriai acxee� road on new bcetion, will result in a change in t�f�ic patteens a� �croesed truck tr�c accesseslexits 9=40l85 vie Exit 52, ir�vels Trollingwoed-HaMfiefds Raed �d utili�es th� new fecNity. Phese II oi the proposed projed wil! r�ult in a change af treve! �attemg for trsffic aceeasing �e facility from the aouth vi� IdG 119 �d Govemor S�tt Farm Ro�l. PROP�It�'1( A�C�� � ❑ YUI! !he praJed a#er any existFng access points i� properties {i.e. addifion or ramoval ofl? YES NO Although some parc�la w�ttin the Future Land Use Study �rea curnently do hav� access via the surrounding enad netwrork, the pro�sed new locatian fadlliy will provide acoess to an interior p�re�0 that currenily �djo�ns th� I-40/95 �ght of way. P'��P��il� �l(��UR� � � �li tne project permanendy lncrease �xAoaure {i.e, �verege �aily Trafhc Volur�j to any properties in tha erea? YES No Expos�e io properties along ihe peoposed carridar wili !�� as a res�lt of this new kac��can fac�i�r �nd the asssara�teei incre�s� ir� fi�affic valumes. AICDZ Pro)�ct �: �llamar�� Gauniy �� � OiSili�riLi�liTY liW�AvT ;�SSc�sivl�fv i�, H11�U5C C;, �O I J CR�Ai1�N �� A iRAid��OR�'ATIOIV 6� LAN� itS� NO�� fs the projeci IDseiy fo open new areas for elfher irsvei or growtfi? ihe purpose of the preposed project is to provide a�cess to a planned Industri�l �aality, ihe City of Meb��e and th� Giiy of Greham have eg►�eed to extend �reter and �ew�r infrastructtur� to t�e sit�a �oth munir,�alities have alao rartnered �ith filsmsnc� ��rty tc establi�h the,4larnance Industr�l ��d'vr De�relopment Zon� which generally encornpaas� I�nd betvasen b40/85, iroNingwood�Havaf�lds Road, NC 119, and Kim�y Road; bui which �iso extends to the west of �ov�tnor aCott F�rm lio�d �outh of Cherry �an� Roed. �ec�u�e of the �b�shment of this developmer�t zone and the ex%neian of weter and sew�r senrice, industrieUcommercial develapment i� planned t�nd will resuft in a gradua! chang� Bn land us�. iherefore, the pr�poeed pr�ject wiA reauft in the creatlon of a tranapo��on or land use node. !n �dditi�n, the w�estem and eaater� bermini of the propAead praject (iroilingaroad�klawfleid Road and Gov�ernor �tt �arm Road, r�apectively) wil! likely become moPe ettracFiv� f� d�velapmer�. �iECO�v1MEi�DATIONS A1/�I�ANC� aker the p�ajact so an impect doQs not occur. Ftelocation �f �owlan� �t�� re�ider�s who w�iah to remain there t� �r lats within tha e�eighborhood �ould av�id dispropo�lor�ately high and edve�se innQacta tA p�tential Envir�nment�l Jusfic� popul�tione. iNINfMIY/1YION1 AdbdFfy !he projer� to redLae tiie aeverity of en imDect. Expedlted reloe�ti�n a�iaienos to any Rowiend �stsies residenis who wish iro mnv� e�wh�n shouid r�8ni�ii�� �dr�r�+a lr�p��. Aocammod�tinp e�fe a�d convenient 11 turns on Trvllingwood�H�wR�kls Road b�en 1�0 �nd hl� 119 ehould minimize krtpeots on re�ider� whoee drnrewaye a� mede Pight-inJr�ght�ou4 by mediens and tum lanes, a� chould be considered if feasihle. _.__ NNITIGATIOPI UtYdiYdfika +ei3 6GNA� f0 �iAeF'of�7 Ot CeflTBet &is I'�:7f3AC� 5Y €Li tGp16G6� &t: &}spf�?�Fi�eG �aYri1F�6. A VI�t181 b9�15Hr" 816f1� �@ �P6i� i�8j� 9bil�ift� �I�iN�61di �O�1fYilblikjl �li( �ii�iJ� bfi C�]ff11�ld�PBd tC9 minieriize bvck lights fPom intru�iflp ar� ih� ball fi�ld dt�ring ��� use. �NW/WCEdA�Ni' Add � a�Jrahls ar �#reative faetu+ro �e �ha �GJact to m�ke M 6i more i+& .m.ia!lot+aly u�tg thQ communriy. co�Mu�r�r ou°r��� � �u��ic iNv��v���a� Rravide o�pertunities fc � asrly an� confinulr�g cor�:-r,ur,r�tior, behwsen the cornnurnrty and p�ec: �taft. �eceuse l�P populations with t�� ��A excead the Safe Waebor threshold�, w�itt� irae�siations of vit�l document� should be pr�vid�d %r Spanish language gnoup po�ulatior�, in addiFion to other measures aaauring meaningful language a�es�, a� determined by NCb�� �ublic I�Iv�r�ent to satisiy ihe requirerner�ts of Executive Order 9318�. PubNc involvement and outreach activfies musf e►�ur� full �nd f�ir participation of sll poter�tially �ffected c�mmunities i� the transportation decision-mekieag p�s. YrolGngwaod-Hawfiefds res�dents should be consul�ed about any feasible physicel ar op�rational options that may mitiQate impads from fivdc haffic. �URTH�� �A�U1�l�NiA�1�N 77►e rtatw'e of poterrtial impacts warrant ada'itioraa! anatyais {i.e. compJetion of the iCE scraening toolj. ��b��. .�ny ofher racommendairons bas�d or+ {wtof7traf i.mpacts disrowere�. �� � � � v�ss No '� , � ❑ r�� � � ❑ � � ❑ � r€5 I�O AICDZ Projeci o Alamance Count�r CO�Ii�IUrlI i r l�4iP,�;CT �5SE5SNIENT .Augusi 6, 2013 �9U�CE� "Alamance Ir�ter�tate Corridor Development Zone' Ju�y 30, 2013 /�F�PEI'dDIX �Y�NI� A. Dema�raphics llsed in iabul�r Form �. Sne �hotographs C. NRCS F�rm�r�d Soils Sc�enifl� �]. ie�direct �nd Cum�ative �ffects Screening IVletrix and 5ummary ��ngue�e � � � � � E m 1�1 m � � A � � � �� E� 0 47 � c � UO � o �� � o � U 7 C � � �� C� � � U �� �� � � � � �����I@I� �i �r�€ ��o�o� ��� 1: Ffawf'� �rrx��nit�r P's�lc Phcte 2: �'�k o�ailtara ai Parlc ' ` ---- - ,.. _..___�_� I �+Mota S: !'arik b�91 fisl� w�th Haw�slds �reebylerian church �i back�ro�d F�hat� i�a i/1118Str�gO NAobile Fiprra� F'arEc 9� �hot� �: F�c�W�grM �st�tes - -- � _�._— --- �C;::72 ���ci;c:. o AlamanceCounty �; �OdAMu�!1'1'ti 1i�iPACTASSESSMENI� , .�U�us±6,2Q13 Ph� T Fr�tbyt�ri�iv Hti� of i��wl�s I _ _ ___--------- ---- --__._ ____ r 14 ��� �� ��� _ �� , :� .^ �'° -.� l� ' -. �� � �- �" w �_ _ i� w/� � 'Y • f - ��'��- �.� - - __ ` - - f. ,�� ,� � . s�.F.- • _ b. � �• . _ ^�" > �� � " . :> ,. _�. r ^a s� ' '''� "�. ill i`v`� �----.. . `` . _ �� �� � �•,,► J � `�, � . .�/' � � 6 � J! .. P � T �� � ,�`-;� -� • ...._,T. �' ,� �"' � . �i d, �� � .� . _ � �-' � �` '� _ x !�;�� . • � �� � Y._ _ _ . . .� �.. { _ � �.�,;��fi . , � � t - .. rY , {'��� � �---+w�' �;, JS J ��`M' , �.�� � ` . - � -'�'�� -� � - `�i_� - - �l � .,F s � . �' '� -� � �� •�.�. '� '� �i � : _ i $ ,! ='� � - � ., � � � -� ,, ��� . � - .�: .# :�.�,., � . ��.� :��.. _ � �� - - � , _.,�� .• -.� � �,:���"�` � .��� r ., � � :'�.+,�,� �. 'Itii . r a' ` '-� � �- r: ir _ ,; �'`!�i' �j.,.,d,'�t . i �� ��� • R ��� � `��}��:y �����' �, r�� ��"�'�e� �� 1 �r� - � � �,`.�l ' � � 1•� �. �� � �� �� ; �.! � - _ �L � . �f� � � - .� � � �i�`�� Prfl�ncf ,,�dam�r�c� ��;un�y .. :.;�>e�;inr��_;;•i� f'� IhWPACTASS�SSYvIENT o August6, 2093 �u�weh,a�v �e���ir�� �� ��w�+o �ow����m rr���r� �. �a In n�n�ri��n u�o Poiflts ew►�r� �� out �f 19 Mo� than 90 perc�nt -15 point� 90 to 20 perc��nt -14 to � pant(s) ��as than �A pe�ce�t � 0 poirrts � poEMs —�ed upan � revisw aF �eriaUGiS rnappinp, it is eefimated thet 60 pe�+cent of the iand within 1.0 mile of the P�� P�lect �madv�e fs in nonurben �e. 20 ���tim�r in non-ut�n us�< �ints �vvaed�d ��6 out of 10 iNore than 90 peraerrt -10 poin� 90 to 2Q per�ent - 9 bo 1 pa�(s) Le�s than 20 percer�t = O poin� 10 poir� m 6aaed upon a eeviaw of aerlaYGlS mepping, It i� asUm�bd th�t about 95 peroent of the Rroposed P�pJe�t oorrldor bords�s on land In nonu�sn uce. �o � P�e�ent af �li� l�i� �m�wd. �oirrts �rd�d � 1 i�t of 10 A+ie� thsra 9C peroeM � 24 point� 90 t4 2Q pet+car�t =1D t� 1 pdnt(�) l�ess than 2i� peroerr� = 0 poi�t6 16 poini� �- ��ed e�rs ��view af aa�iWGIS mappinp. 809� ths �ropo�d s4ignme►at pusK through eurreMly �ultivetec� hired, �arturel�nd or fo�wi�d i�nd, �rie of wFiiclt �pp�rs t� be mar�gasl ior iimo�r i�arveatit�p. �, Prot�dion �rovt� by sta�r ��d loc�l �t�wrn��to Poi� aw��d � 0 out �f 20 Site is pPo�ded - 20 poime Site is no�t proteded � 0 points G puini� � Ai�rru�n� i�ni� in� � a�pird �f�iurjiwry �`errr�i�nd Frwsrvs66n Pr�irran �iira� wnr�ee purpose la fo pforflole ���eukuro! ;+elua�, ara�tu� the aconorr.le haaHh 9f apriculture and EncxB�as thc pr�oisdior� af aqria�tu�l in�d trem nar}-i��rn dwolopm�nt, howevsP thie ctM d�s not h�ve any dwlpn�d ��rmisnd Pr�rvalioet �istricts and ie not within ti� d�al��bd 1 mtl� bufF�r sumounding thNe VA9°s, �rebre no poir� wer+� �afpned. �, �i� of pra��i%rm unit con�r+� i� av�np�e �oln+is �wat�d�ai g� otrt �f 9� (Aver��e t�mj �iaes in each cour�ty ere ava�able from the NRC� fieid AfFic,e�t in each a�te. �rais ar� fr�m the iatest av�iltble Censu� of A�iriculturt�, Aex�� �r Ferm �lnite ir� �pe�r�ti�n w�h 31,OOG ar r�er� in e�es.) As large or larger � 90 poini� Bel�w everag� � deduct 1 po�nt for each 5 percenf below the av�e, down to 0 pdrrts if 50 pere�nt o�P dnore below aver�ge - 9 ts 0 poirrts o poirrts A000Ming to the 2407 Census of Ap�dfure htfp:I�+www.agce�us.ue�.govlPubYoMlona1200�lFuN_ReportlVolume_1 oChapter 2 GouMy_LevelRdorth C�relinat sq�_2 001 001.pdf, il�e �e�e iartn size in l�iamancc� County is 117 epes. The aveiape farmlfaresbedMsc,ent parc:�l size along the corridor is 58.6 acre� which is 60 pe�ent below the awarage fartn size, hence 0 poirrts. �. Cnatian of non#�rm�le farn9�ncYa �eittt� awardod � 25 out of 2� Acreage equal to more than 25 p�nt of acres directly oonverted by the p� a 2S points �cxe�g� equal to between 25 and 5 percent �f the acr� diracdy canve�ted by the prnject - 9 io 2� P�tl�? Acresge eq�aal ta less than 5 peresnt caf t.he �cxes directly cAnverked bz? #he project � Q p�int� 25 points — 95.� aar�s �r� �timated to b� directly convaried 6y the projeot, B�ed on a ee�iew+ of esri�UGIS meppinq, it appeaes thet ih� road wiA �Iiminafe ae�ees to the nortl�m port(on of a curreritly-faRned p�rcel. �►s a r+eeult, more thara 90 �cnas a�►ill become �on-f�e�sabl�, l.e., more than 2� perc�nt ofi th� 15.9 ac�s direcHy converied by th� �ro,�ect. �6 �.1t�Cr�. pr�ji�ct ,� .�ian���c� �,'c�!���y� <, :'.v{�;1;,,�i �r,�i i r iM€�,�G7 �SS�S�ME9+1i � ��gus`s ei, �i��1 � �. Avslla%iYity of fa� ��app��i r��i�o ��Ints aw�rd�d = 3 o�iE �f S All r�equired ser�ices �r� avaiieble � 5 pan� Some required �ervices are �vailabl� -� to a palni(s) IVo requrred senrices �re av�il�ble � 0 po9nts S poinis =�„ii r�quired senrices are �vauabi�. iraclor �uPP�Y ���Y is ioc;aieci In �uriington, C�aham fi�c� Co. Ina is loc�ted !n Graham and NAorcis AAesdo�as farm supply is lacaied in Pleaesnt Grov�e/AAebane. A000M'my to tl� tdo�ih Caroline 9epartmw�t aF Agriculture 8� GonsurneP Servioe� (hem:lfwww.ndanr�esh !, there ane four farrner� markel� In Alemance t;ouMy: �urtingfion �ownbwn Farmsrs Market, �urlingbon �refts� �nd Faeme�s Iua�Cet� AAehane �ermena NA�rket and The IJr�n �arenars IIA�rket �. On=faPm inv�tmant�e Pointg avra�d � 3 out oi 20 Hiph emount of on-fertn invesiment - 20 points Moderate amount of onofarm �nvestment -19 to � point(s) No on-hmt inve�tment � 0 paints 9 petnt� —�aaed upan rovisw of 2013 ae�l phoM1o�Phy on=line, it appwrs �at #�ero is a v�ery Nmlbd amourrt of o�= f�rm inv�tm�ni� cuch ae bams, or storage facilities, howr�v�r d��re Is an exhting farm pond. ge �fFaats of �nv�lan on farm suppoet �evl�co Polr� award�d $ 0 out af �� Subatsnfiol Peduebian in demanc9 for support servioes if the effe is converted � 25 points Some r�duction in de�and for support servic�s ii the si6e i� oonv�d -1 to 24 p�int(s) No sipnifica� redudion in demand far support services if the aite � convertod = 0 paMc Q�ini� ��grma a� Ioosi� ekewhere 9n �€►ns�!e� s,ow�.js p�!tle!der.yr �S tt�ra � r.iPei rr.�►�n �sid �auti� porilons of t�o couMy. Fur�wm� Al�manc� County hae Wcen sNpo 1a prt�rw I�emland and oub�equently tl�ek f�rmir�p h��ge by adop�rtg e V�lunh�r Fartnl�tnd Pr+�rv�tion Propram OPdin�noQ. No sipni�ant nsduciion in the dsnund i�ar f�rm support eervices is s�ect�d. 10o C��patlbiltty writH �Istln� ��rii�uitue�9 us�. Pelnts aws�d g i out of 10 ��,�wd �r�jai.-f �s ina�mp�ini� ��ix�un� �gricxrturai ue�e �f �►�rrc��nafin� rim�i�nc1= 9t� pc��ni� Pr�ed Proieci Es t�iersbP� t� axiatirx� eQri�cul�ral c+�e af wrr�undlr� f�rmi�nd - 9 fo i pairrt�(sj Propossd Proj�ct ig fully Cornpadble witH �xietinp agricultue�l u�e of stxroundinp fermland � 0 pointa 8 p� — T�i� pu�Oae and �d of this pro�st ie �o i�dlit�te aoonomie dev�lopment. Th� road will prsvid� ln�d ac�s ia currently u�ac�oeasioie p�roalc. The purpoee at rhs ProPased proisci ia io provid� �s ta � planrred indu��elai f�llii�, The Ciiy �f A+iebane �nd ih� �Ity �F C�ahsm hav� apreed to extor� �d a+atsr and esuwe Inira�truatu� to the siie. �olh mueac�aNdas hevo abo p�rtnar�d with fUomanae Coun�r bo e�bllsh �e �n� Ind�►3a1 Cornialor Davolapm�nt �orae which potwroNy .na�n� Imd between I-40f85� TroYa�pwood�rfietd� Ro�d, NC 199, and Kanroy Road; but whlch also extends b Ihe w�at of Oovemor Soott Farm Road wutl� aF Cher�y Lene lioad. �eceute � the establiahment �f this �velopmant �one and the sxtension rr( water and �rer ee�vice, indu�Ucommeroi�l deaeloprnar�t is planned fgr and uriil result � a gradual ahange In land uee. Flo�ver, �nd adjon�p tl�e propoesd proJect c�uld oert�inly contlaue in its cun+ent a�ricuidiral uae untl! hrture devebpmerrt occurs. �o�cl�ei�fl: Y�Y �oir�ts � �5 �tri af 9�ti NCbQT has eompieted a screening of fa�nland 8n th� proje�t area and calcul�ted the kota! nur�ber of peints fe�r the ait� ��r �art,lA �f the I��CS f�P�.-�� �6 �armland �onve�i�� Nr�pa�k Ratin� F�crri. �i� ��.i��?� �r°ag��;� � �i����r1c� ���r�1y� �. C'� �.�,?�v«�r:� �����r I�UIF3�,C"f" �����S�Vl���i � �,t�gu�t �3, �0^I3 �P�111D��C �: l�� $�REENIIPt� ��►i'� �1Fi� Sll�l�i�11RY �►I�YQtJ/►B� �m-- - --- _ ----�--_ - �— �� . -u � . �r_ 3 �� �; >�u �e�� �.psa�� �:�i�Zledus�llleee� ---- � � si � ----� � +----- � eoeps d��Ar+ne ���"nanl�a i F'd.o�.e�d I,yr�i�i �}�tx � a°°s�tY' } '�`� � � � l�rrd I i t � . _ _ ___ , __ .-�.�,-.�..�� ,-�.��__-�'� �� � �i�2Aot Pudire Nbf�bi� a��rf � � �ia� l�il.�Y ���� �� Riat3l�i s �is �r�l 8�riiriNai i� 3i1�Ot� AN ��rvio�e 9svabpr� c:�Cuhlbn aF I�ia JeDs �a of nd�tillp 1 �otlYlty �ta� E�bid imd �vi11161m �htnd�;zr X X 3( 1f X I � � r�at�+d�tlon I�b rNw Ja6s � �+�uu/: ar a Job �scw� �� +�eb� �Ual1+� L.illd l�� �)dy Af+� Plo o�rvi� ' ruliY64� � �lopr►3sc. �wa� ��'F� � �-_�___�_-� r�dwo9 �o.r�io T� F�re �� Ue� S#o�d'r I�re� (FLUSA)1� �� are� eurr�undina a� oonnstruc�� pro�ect thet could pa�sibly be ir�i�tily afie�d �y the oci�o� nf ailh�� a� a�esu�t af the oompleti�� of tl�e praj�ec� �nd combined proj�ts. TI� s�dy �r+� anxmpaes� all of tl�e �s examin�d f'�r pAtenfial iflcrea� � dwelopment pr+�esure as a re�uR c�f project oon�6tiction. �or t� purposea of N� �nalysi�� the �LL�SA �o:rr�d� tni�or� thet s�f the DCIA de5°�ed far this pr�jeet. IC� �cr�ninp i�atebc Sammargy An Indirect and Cumulative Land llse Effects �Creening AAatrix was completed ior tlt� AICDZ IndustH�l �ss ti� �roJod .�fiis mwtrbc aasosses fadors that infiuenoe lend devel�pm�irt decieia�s and preseMs an asseseenenf m a quantttetive metriix based upon exieling �nditions and tr�r�ds. It rates ti� impect o# each cstegory frem higFieP polerjtiai foP indir�efc efFecfs io I� pabentlal for indireet efFecta. The m�sures used a�e eupparted by documentatian. �ch cat�y is asaeseed individu�lly a�d the r�ults af the table ar� loo(ced at comprehensively to deiertnine the indirect and t�.rmulafive a�fects poteniial of tl�e propozed projed. The Soope of Project, �hange in Aaxsa�biNty, Faublic Pa�cy, �wd Flo4able �nvironmeMaY �'eatures categories a� given ex� we�ht to deteemi�ne if futur� growth in th� ar� is related to projxi mo�fications, �d upon ttt� iriferrPn� analyzsd and the t��c�ding v�lues essigfled for e�a cat�ry vuithin th� IC� ecr�enin0 matrbc, the output r�commenda�n �s'Indirect ���io �►ssesement Not Likely'. Scope Af Prnyeef Dep�ndirtig r�i ch� ciooseri al��iiv�, F�hase i o� �h� pPflpos�d proj�� is ar� ��proxim�i�i� '�.� �;:,;i iong �e�d ��d ind�strial acces� eoad on n�w aiign�en�, with fiarn V�n�s �nd � traffic signal on SR 1 S81 {irollingwood-Hawfields Ra�d). �h�e II of #he proPosed Proj�cct w�l �xxttend the indusiriai access road epproxnnnately 3000 feet to iMe��rt uvith �overnoP �ott ��rm R�d. �'his cs�tego�r was rat�� �`rri�d�rately�high' due 10 #he project being constructed excluaiv��ly o� ��r loc�6on. �8 A1t��Z C��i�ci ��,l�mance i:c�ni� 0 4;Olvii�ALJ�Ii r'`r IiviF��,�: 7�5SESSMENT vug�.;�i ^o, �01� Chenge Ti� Tr�ve1 �me Pote�tial trar�i tim� s�yngs as a Pesult �f the project was estlm�ted by vtilizing the Google AAaps trip estirtra�ng appAcation. Trav�l time to the p�posed indusi�i�l site while utii�ing the �xisting raad neiwork (1'rol�ngwood� fiewfieids Ro�d, �!C 1 i 9, and l�rnrey Ftoad) r�s estimated to i� 4 minutes over an appro�dmate distsnce of 2 mAes. '11�e toEai distance io access ihe proposed indu�MM�I site aatilizing Phase I aF the new loc�tion fedlity and � portion of Trollingwrood�Hawfields Road is estimated to be approximately 1.� mile�. There�ara, trevel time savin�s are eeHrnatad to be le�s than a minute, �euming � 4�6-mph poated speed limit. Tre1�'ic ufiliz�ng Pheee II aF the pt�pos�d pr�ject via �ovemor Sc:oit F�rm Road, Kimroy R�d, Jim Minor Road end NC 119 is estlmaied ia experience even less trevel tim� �ving�. 7°!�s c�tegory wns rated as 'bur' or befiaoen 0-3 minutes. Foroca�d Populstiwr Growth ACcoRling to popula8on estimates and proj�tions from the 5"taate Demogr�pher provided by the North Carolina �ttiae of Stet� �udgei and ANenegernerrt, AYamance Courrty's total populadon wres estimated to be 153,029 �n ,➢uly 2012 ar�� is �cpeded io be 1�3,225 in July of 20�Q. `�his reprossnts e project�i 0.8896 annuelixed grow� ra�e durinQ th:t tlme period. As � resutt, this cat�gAry was reted �'moderetely low' or b�tween 0�146. �arec�sted ��byment Growt� A�rdin� ��mplaym�nt �roJ�ctipne provid�d by the IVo�tii C�rolina �ep�hner�t of Commeroe-Divisicm c�f �mploymsnt Security, thQ R�gionel �rtr►ership UVorkforoe Developmo►rt Boerd (VN��), whic� k oompriaed of W�r�a�i�, OFe�� �r�d Randalp� C�uhtie�, ��xperi�nne � ti.�9�6 ennuali�d �mploymeni �rrowaj r8te betw�sn ?00&�09�. �ar�a��ueniiy, t�is �pary wa� retsd as �mad�raiefy�iaw' or bst� 0-1�,. Av�llabl� L�nal Usl�y GIS �nalyeis, i� w�s detertn�ed that the FLU�A dNined fiar this project ic appro�timataly 1,133 gcxss In siz�. Acre�pe oont�ined withln the �ipht of w�y of Phas� I of the propoeod proJect (91,6 acros} end PF�� li (4.1 scroa) end I�nd contafrnd w►thi� flood �on� (d9.5 �cro�� wi� rtot �idsrBd availobl� for d�wle,�ni. Fu�therr�ar�, it +rv� d�t�rminod that cui�erttly d��l�� p�l� c��pri+� 15�.7b �c� �g th� FLiJSA. J� a resuFi of i�Nss analy�is, the �maunt of undewlop� or unden�till�ed (wh�r� land value exeeeds building aelue) paroels is approximately 993 ac�. ihis oate�ey wr�s reted as `low' ar betwsen 0-1,250 scres. IA/�rer►d 5e�erAveUablVliy In ar�ticip�iion of fhe prop�sed i�dustriai dev�alopment �nd to support future planned gro�+lh in the esbbiished e4lemar� lnatusM�l Corridor Development Zone, the City of NAebane and the City @f Gral�am h�v� agreed to �xtend wrater �fld �evv�r infrastPuchire % senre t� FLi1SA. Yherefore, this c�%gory wes rated `high'. AA�BAif@t jOP �B1��Qp/iT6/i� Although annualixed papulatlon and employment projecbons are generaliy I�wr to moderet�, the purpose and n�ed of �i� proj�ct is ecanom�c developmeni, additi�onal induatrisUc:�mme�eial development is planned for the �USA and water �nd sea�ei^ service i� soon to be ava8able. Ba�ed upon #hese factors, if can be assumed tt�t th� merket for developmeert vi+ithin the FLUS�4 w�l remai� relativ�ly strong. This category was rated `moderately high'. F'ublic Poycy The proposed project is located ir unint�rporated Alamance Cau�rty. Alamance County daes hsve ihe �dopted Aiamance County Land f�ev�foptr�errt �len and th� 0►�sf�nation 202Q P91en, both of wh�ch seive to guide land d�velopmeni deaisfans. ir� edditian, i�e county has an adapted wete�she� protection ordi�ano�, a s�bdivision ordre�anc� and ��oning ord'ma�ce. Th� entir� FLIJSA is also uvithin either the E7J of th� Gity of Mebane or the Ctiy of Greh�m. The Giiies of Grah�m and i�lebane are not deslgnated Phase II communities, bu# APamance County is a Phaa� II iip�p�d a�unty wrhich requires NP��S permits for sta�rnwat�r di�charge. ihe FLUSA �ogs nat fi�p ro�rithin a designated v�ter supply watersh�d, but is aubjset to the Jordan Lake N��ient Manageme�t Strstegy which h�s ��bUshec# r��le� t� �r���sce �xe�s� ���iri��� �rrierine� ,9���iPi �.�i£�3� �OWf�NNP, a�gisl�t9�n h�� t� re���atl� p�ss�d �� ��!GG? h'�r,�Jec? �,11ari�nc� G�+.�r;;+, o+;;:�nA��i!al�l i��l iib1F'i���,T ��S�S�P�i��l�i� �,4ugUst 6, 2t113 that w�iii del�y implemeniation af tl�se ru�s by thr� ye�r�. As � r�su�, �his c,afegory ww�� r�ted a� 'mode�te', signif}+ing a modera% set of grrAwwEh management policies. iVotabl� Envinonm�r►ta! Fe�tur+�s �ther than a sy�tem ot' wretlands �ssociafed with the streams a�ithin th� �LU� and existing fa�tnland and fe�sted land, th�re are no other notable netural feat��s present within �r in a1�e proximity to the FLIJSA. FuHFiertnor�, non� of the streams within the FLUSA are i�ted �n the 2012 303{d) list. �ue to the ab�ncs of imp�iind wafisrwa�, I�tnd� rn��ged for conservation, or de�ign�ted �ipnificant natur�! �e��e �reas; thi� c�tegory uvas c�nservatively r�et�ll as 'rnoderefiel�lowr'. Iwdleict �ifhet� �urtninary+ �esed upon the output of the IC� Screening AAatrix, thia perti�l contrel af ec�ss peoj�ct on new location hes e low to moderate likelih�od t� increaee tf� development poter�la� af �nd inis+r�sity in the aree� adjecent to th� AICD� Pe�ject comidoP. �eonomic devela�p�ner�t � i�ciud�d in th� p�rpos� and r�eed of thia project a�d th� preject wili provide �cces� ta a plenned industrial f�cfl�y. �ranspot�tion impsct c�i�g �ctiviNes indude; en incroeao in �xposure, an incre�:� in �cc�s, rreinJmaP treiv�i tim� savirtps and the c�+e�ttion of a land use or trenspo�tion nod�. Th�� �L�l� i� tar�ay und�v�lapea �nd wtth th� esi�bl�rne�t �f thr� �4fe»t�nc� Jndt�frr�! Cavrfdor aeuelopnyant �one, ufiich e�ae�lty rttitrors th� bour9dary Af the ���1�A, edditienel industri�llcammeroi�i derielopmsrri is �nr�d far by th� surrounding rtrunicip�litl�s and the aourrty. Any develapm�nt, rwith oP �vitltaut th� praj�ct khet p�t�lly Im�ats j�,t��dictior�al re�sou�: wriPl be Rub�t to repuistory permi�inQ requireme�rts. �urthe�nor�e, any dev�lopmeni vuithin the F6U� wNl be subject to the r+�quiromorrtc of adopted ordin�nces, lar� u� ptens and �nir� repuJattons, Althouph d�enpe irr �nd use and an �ceoe�ated incre�se in imperviouc surfaos is ae�i�ip�E�d, th� pr�eru:e of �hese IP stArtnw■ter �egul�tions, which stipulate post-c�netru�n stoRrrwatertPsatrnerrt, and th� implemeM�ation of Beai Manapeme�i �ae.tic�es dt�ing construction, will further rnAi� potanti�l wrai�rr qu�lity effect�, �umulat9� �ff�� �utnrt�rjr i'he co�tr�ctlon of ttre AIGb� praje�t, in e�njut�ction with �fher �I�n� tnenap�on projee� m the general viciroty; will imprAve �nobility �nd e�eibillty ��c� ��� th� p�er�fal t� c�ang� trsve! pet�am�. Any r�:�ltaf+.± induoed ds��l�pmarrt and compl�rne�ryr lanef devebpment, coup(ed rar� th� csmpletian of pianned transportaGon �nd p�vate developmeni projecis, could �nstitute � cumui�tiv� eff�ei on t�e atudy �ea. NUith respect to past and preee� prajects within and in the gen�rai vic�lty of the �LUSA, developmerrt has occurred in the form c� v�e�ous types of land use end trarrsport�tior� projecbs s�ch as developmeM abng 5'ro��gweod- bavafieids �d and NC � 18 and the widenin� oi 1�40V85, �utt� irensportaiion projecta incfud� the peopos�d hAebane �ypess (�1'I� 11-3105) end additionsl prapased Indua�elaUcommeraal development a�saciated with the �IC9�, The past, present and future projeds uuith�n the FLUSA �re �oe�lstent with local Isru! use and long ,ange tran�portatbn plans. ihe �oterrtial does e�ast f� w�ter r�o�aer.�a witlain th� F6lJSA �o be t;�i+�#maNy Impac�d givcn th� level of past, present, and planned projects. Hov�ver, oomprehensive planning, �hsse II rogWafio�s, stormwrat�r ordinances, and i�l sedir��r� and erosion cee►tr�1 erteaaures wil! minie�ize i��� e�. Direct natur�l ernrironmeniel impacts by NCDO� prcc�je� �rill be addr��d by programm�tic agreements with �so�ce agencies, an� wili b� f�rther eval��ted by th� FlCDdi Natural Environment Unit during praject pertnitting. N�t�al environmental irripa� that may res�lt from r�ery induc�d deveiopmer�t may be avoided or minimi�ed thrrcx�gla �he implementation of ioast, state and fe�era! regulations. ��ee�use few indireci imp�cts �� �rrticipated, �e cumul�tive ei�ect of this projec� when cansid�red in the t�ntext of ottt�P p�at pre�ent and future actians, and ih� resulting impact on the notsble humen and natural feetures, should b� minimal. Therefor+e, potential in�rect �nd ��amula�ve effect� to dowe�s4ream wster qu�lity should be r�i�im�L �� ��'�,� n� �l��-i�� �����,�r1� D�PAIt'T�1vI' �F'I�t��I�iS�'OIt.TA,'TIOI�1 PA�' M�CR�tY oaveerbe n������ �o August'Z9 201 � i�iike lltillc9 PE Di�►��on �9 Di�ieian �gur�e�rc FRO�� ry . miCh, LG, PE '��� Noi� d� Air (�u�al�tj+ S�vi�or �►NTNONI' J. TA7'A SHLRtBCAdY SITBvT�C'°I'o Ttnf% 1�Ta�e ��� !��ce Iat�rrta� C�o�ridor .I)e�el�pr�t d�n� The T� Na� 8c� r"�c Qu�'ty C3�oup re�vi�wed th� aub�t pro,�Oct fo� tes�c noise imp�ccts ta �cord�pce wridt the NCDOT �c Ji�oia�te �bai+r�i Poticyo 'd1ii� peaje�t �Pvees ia constPuct a�e�+� rgad � 4� C�ttnt�� a� c�r�et�s writh the �Sltt�une� I�te Ccrrrid�r Dave�pa�erit� �o�. 'I'� ��� ��dw��9 aa rcl�w+� on d�igin flle� my a� �ivod 5�arn Atley, ilVilt�, Cumen J� Ke�go e�ds �o tt�e wuat irom Ta�Ilingw�odmHaw�elda R�ad �o peo�ride �c�s to �nt�e p�noels. Tr�c no�e � not predict�i to i�t au�► r�oi�en�itive hr�d �� ti�e p?o,� r+ic�.j+a AR a rauit9 t�a no�e aba�mrn me�aurea ere eequired w►ith thie pro,�to Should ti� �o.�ect �� chang�, a!�s�tysi� c�f t� noi� itr�t8 �y be n�cy. �Iaw�vreY, tihis manorandum fu1811s t� c�� of ti�o NCDOT 7i�aa�c Noi�ce Ab�� P�s%cy and 23 �R'�72 st this time. '�� 1VCD�!' �c Noi.�e �b�te�rt Pollcy aPPlies t�a ail � I" feddrai, state, oY i'edet�l�d hq3�Y Projocte in i�e �tate of No�th Caraline, incladin� fe�sl projects that are admmiatered by locsl publ� ag�cles. As defmod u� the policy, the conetruction of a higi�way on aew location �s conside�d �`� I" project. As a resvlt, tr�e no� impacts muat be anal�zed %r the propo�d Alacr�ence Interaiat� Corridar T�lop�t roadvvaya r[oue Abatemaet Critet� Tra�c no�e abnter�nt for cnnsid�ed when ir�°ic �o' �r�ndrtians: r�u.r�ao�: PiC O��r OF is�WePORs,v�a F'hJtlpl�! EHIIllOF11iENT S�Tfb11 79l811Po. �qVlCg�WPlR RaSeoH hIC: S7N9-15� I�I�Li�7' high�ay pe�jects �s r�arrarrted �d nn�t be �se �rnpacis er� creat�d by �r Q£ th� folbwing tvvQ iE��ipwE: iiD-Y�7-BB6L Fnx; 89�-212-�189 bif�i:f� i4NWY'.�7 OF6 66CYNiloid: NUilAll FJRIIROIU�fr 8t6TIW! C�'ilAV I.iINTLR �ALDIIlG 9 10@0 fIRCH RIOE�B i1fYUE w�w Hc. r�a�n i�'The pr�&cted tra� noise l�ve� for the I� �esr approach (re�ch one dec�el l�ss tl�) ag �cceed th� I�%ffie Ababemeut Crit�ria (NAG� ��d ffi 23 CF�t �72 aad i� Talil� i� OIt 2) i'be prodict� traffic naise l�vels Sof tlx� Dea�gn Yar substantiall�+ ex�ed exutin� noiae bv�el� �e de�d � Table �o .� `Y�tor�' � deim� as a d�ete or �e�brtive locatiaa of a��Be saa�tive turoa(e) �o� �y �f th� les� u�as listed ie °Tab1e 1. �mafy co7.�d�ataon �c givem ta �r arees �►}� fr�equea�t lnunan � occurs � t6e detmmm4t�on of iraffic no� �act�. A�bie�t liinl� %evd� Amb�t noieo ie t�at ��se w�h �s gll around ue ca�eed by n�tursl a�nd mvnmede ev�tee �t iacludae tbe w� rr�� thund�, b�ds d�rpaag� �s, house�old app� �ommaec�i op�as�nso ��wa�, u�ee, ariemobi�Os, e�. �t is ��� t�t �s pceeent m. a pafia� aree. .�tn� ��iee ezpo:�u+e � v�r�ag ia tho v�cin� of the �P� P�'oJect. �or th� tn� noise �atya�e, loeu�e��hour mc�t� nniee lev�els ware a�sed as th� Tlvlbi��ed nu� lev�ffi l�d on e�id� l�udest�lm�r �ea�c �e�o �r t�e +�io�t �� l�rols c���od ��pr�eat�ti�nc l�rxiio�s m i� fitld. 'To ve�det� tiue aocr�cy of th� m�cbl� 1'IVlui 20� wea r�od to cot� me�sured tnffc �iae lave� t� ma�deled no� i�ve� at �eld me�s+u� loc�tions. F� a�ch moartorir�g I�outio�, tt�s� vo� cot�od. d�r�ng th� tmbient noiee monitori� (28�a�utes) �a�s w�r� �or�ed r� I�I�ur v�o�e 1`l� �. vo�umos w�e�e aee�eci to t� ca�ncepondi� pr�,�t a� ro�►sye tc� �su�tc ti� no� somoe att+�gth at the roadvvaye d� t% �ual �u�u�m�k pmiod. Modebd �nd me�sueed eound k�s we�+e t� c�mp�rod % deteaam�e t}� acan�cy of tl�e madeL `The rau�ts Sap va]�tion � model� � rech�ci�d aa `Pab�e 30 1�ie�t �iBe meea�trameate �e ca� �n Tue,dey Jaly 309 �013. I�r�ry �ject plene �f ti� p�ee�ly oonsid��ed de�gtt �lta�t�� vvm�e ueod � 13�s tra� �oiso a�lys�o Pae FHW,+1 �dance, the pr�ctioffi dac�tme� in tlus report u� b�sed upon the p�ttential pro� Des�gn Ye� 2015 bm�lid-�ndrtion t�ic coeditions r�g ffi t1� budest pradi�tad hourly-equivaloot tra�ic no�sc lev�eeis f�f eQch recxptor, For tliis analysis, t�e loudest houe tra�c vohimes were �su�uad to bc 10°Yo of the av�age dsu�r tr��ic volutnes. No tra�ic no�ee ia�cts are p�d�d 'm t�e de�ig�n yr,sr �s a� of tiLe p�aject. A�thaugl� se�nl t+oeaptora will w�oe m�ed traf�c rnoise 1�ve�, non� of thoee r�eeeptors � the c�iteria ofa `6Y{�IiW�Ol III�Q�" ae defmad �°Pabl� 2. Bec:use no �PS�C fl]O1SC �i8 ���, i� 110� S�t D�8BI1iGfi 8!C P�IIIC� fOr �ll6 FTfl.le�t. Re�r tc� T'abl� 4 f�r ��o�e list �f traffic no� 1���1 pecegtors9 � eaEistir� and ��dict�i. D� �� 2015 hoitrly aquivalent traffic noise t�ls. Table 1: Iv�e Ai�temeet Criteri� �ia�rl� �ieatent A�Weig[�od Sound L� (dac�eis {�(A)) Activlty Aedv[ty ��I�lio� ��,�y f�°iteri� ��� Activfi� �et9ptl�� T�ada on ivhi'ch �aaiity �nd qui� � af extnordir� A �7 8xtarioe �ee �d rerve rn �nt pu6iic neod �td wheee tbe pre�uation of tiw� quslities is �aatia9 if the �rea � tcy �tinne to �ve tt� inteaded ptapaie. B' 67 Exteri� �idest�i Active �art +�+aac, ampbitheataro� �, �d6i �IOSa dt� OQR�i �l�Ci �Ib['6fl�iy II16�f� �i�� �'�Cr �1QIlC �!'E�i. �i0� O'� C � � / '�f�i8� i��9 �J� �^•'�vf i'�"'�� /i�"� i0�l�9 !�""+`((r° 0! A06�L� l6�1'l�tidl�fi� i$'iiL��t, lfidi4 f�iBto reoor�ioE dudiao, Peareaam .raac, Saotion4(fl �tes, rcboc�, tale�+uion �ludios, trail�, aod tr�il cra�einss Avdita�i�, dsy care c�en�erc, h�Pit�1s.l�rie�, �dioel �icilidas, plaoe� of r�nrrbip9 ipublic m� �% �� IIiY�'16�' 1�D�6, �iC t7P ria��iO�l' YH/[1#�iJ �, CIi�iC� iEqdi6�� idO�P�� i1L�l�v �b�, � �(�Y!{1� it17df06 � 3 9? I�efe, motele, a�oec, �n�, asd oth� 8xte�iae deaalnp� ir�dc, prapertie� ar astivitia noi i�cauderF i� AmX]r ar F Apri°"tiw'e, ai�parie, � y�rde� ��m�Y �� induetru�l, loO�inB maiflta�noo 6cilitios, F _ -, m�auSu�uin�, minisg, rail Yaede9 ralail iocilities, �PY�a �tilit�ea (wat� t+�aurce8, waier �reatmeat, elactrial), and wera6auing � -- — iJuudev�etopad lauds that are aot p�rmitted 'Th� L,y�,� ,�ativity f�Citer�m values � for impaot detamin�tim o�➢y, usd � not �e� s%nd�rds for acaee atwtem�t me�aares. '!'he aqniv�eat skad��tate �amd level whi� in a rte� peeiod af tim� �antaios �e � s�ou�tie e�ae�y w the dm�varying �aand level during th� aea�e dma Perio�, witb i�p+? being the l�rly v�Sue of I�. gtclades a�dev�opad la�s pern�i�t� fix tbic �iwi�y cata�►ry, �oaeAes and hu� �opvity mwl� pn�at ia � p�rtiaai� �. ' �adided i�aa� equivaloat L�eii�n Ye�e° tnlPc eoao lev�et � e�� �oi�e 1�ve1. T� 3o A�ie■�t li�oai� ��tls� T�le � Ii�io�tored A� `�1 iya�a R� I"!V� � ��It Ca�eet 1.1 50,1 SO �al U5 1� Sact� 1 � IV/A ld/A 1.2 58.1 50 i�al US 138 Sect� 1 = l�/A N/A 2.1 55a� �5 Val �JS fl58 �ec�io8 I 53.9 0.9 � 202 51.� 52 VelU6 1S8 9ection 1 52.4 0.6 2.3 51.5 �2 i�al U5 156 Section 1 3l .0 =0.5 �ct�d �condrtion tre�'ic ��e 1e�el �ontaurs are t�ot a de� me�s tsyy which to ���i,e 1�vve1 m�c#�9 howeve�, t�rey can aid �a futuc� l�d a�s� pl�nnio6 offiris ia p�e,sendy imdevel�ped � C�rrelatiog to ti�e tc�affic no�se � th�old for �A NA� `�" �d u�s, th� 91 dB�A) noi� 1�1 co8tour �s p�xi�ctod to �e vv�th�a the r�ight�f �y of t�e proposed roadwajr al�me�t snd the bb dB{A) noise iev�l ca�oue is gredtcted to oc�r 40 fie�t frAm t� ce�er of the P�P�� �� � P� 23 C� 972.9(c) a� NCDA1' Policy, no� co�rtour li�as ahall not b� used foa � higbwaY tra�c ��ee �acts. �Iowtva, t�e �1 d�(A) tnd 66 d�(A) naiae 1Cve1 coatouf inFor�tion �ou�d ass� local author►taea in �e�ng l�nd use control ovef tl�e r�nu�g undevoloped Lnde, so as to awoid development of �ncompat�'b�e activ�es � to the raadways wrtl�ia k�cal �ion. �1li1� Tr�� a�� ar�d, t�r,��or�jr� �c�nst�f�o�a r�c,is� a;�a � a co�useqr�e�� c�f tr�sg�ori�rio� F�.1�g9 ��Y ffi ar� in clos� �x�mitg� to high-vol� and h�h sP�ed ex� steadymaiat� traffic �o� sou�e °This asnaly�sis ut� ��t�r �oalels ceeated vvit� �e FY3�A Tr�s� l�Taise I�+iodel softwase (TN�vi 2.�j, vai�ated to field�coli�t�d braffii� �o� monitoring da#a, to pr�dict future nai� levels and defin� imQacted te�ptsrs along the ProPosec! new �igh�va� P!roJecto No tra�c noise impact� ere prod�ted � the design year es e. result of thia pro,�to Thert�re, the r�commaodation of thie snsly�s �s tbat additio� detailed stud�► oi�teat�tl. rniti�tioa measures sl�ll not b� necesssry sube�t to aeie�tion of the �al dss�g� of d�is projcct unlecs modi�tions ts p��}+ consid�d ali�s o�uro addiiioa�l. ali� are cons�, og chan�e� to De�. Year 2015 tra�c �relum�s a� prai�cied. Tbi� analyaie cocr�letes the tra� no� s of the i3 CF�t 7i2 � tve 1V'�OZ' 7hg(�c Noise �ibatemeret Policya Pleaa� cant�t m� at (919) i09�b�8� or �tKa�odot�gnv �f �ou ae�d �ddit�� mfn�t�o�. Table 4:1Voi=e 3aa�i�iv� R�borc aed Homr� �qaivaleet N�e Taevvele � �� Aibermttive � Pt�ictod Alui� Le�►ela� I.,vt`1 � A ID� Ure NAC DiJ Addren �� ��al�d�[ �� R-0O1 �as F l 1342 Haw6�e�d� Rd. 52 S� Q R-002 Res 8 1 1436 °i ° Hswfid�de Rd. 56 �8 2 Ra003 R.ec � 1 1465 T' wfi� Rd. 52 55 3 R-004 Rea � 1 15� -i�s�vB�eld� Rd. 35 3� 3 It-0OS k� � 1 T' i�av� Rd. S9 60 3 R-006 Re� � 1 P' Iiaw�elds �d. 53 59 4 R�7 Res B 1 1�36 `F- ' -Haw�aids Pt.d, �� �4 3 R-0�8 Rae B 1 1560 HawB�e�ds Ytd, 39 62 3 R-009 ita� � 1 f�26 T° ��►�eld, ltd. 3� 64 2 R�410 Ra B 1 T' wCaWa �ci. 3� 61 � R�OI l R,oc H 1 FL� Rda �2 �5 3 R-OI2 Rea B 1 �' ° ��fieida Rd. -- -�9 59 2 R�013 F� C 1 �11� S N� 119 52 �2 0 R�014 Rae B 1 Lat 2� Rawla�od �tstea S8 SO 0 Ra015 �s � 1 L�t i4 �,owbad 8rt�ties 50 50 0 R-016 Itez 8 1 I,o� �Q �owla�d �raec 36 SO 0 R�OI7 Iees B 1 �� 1�d Eebeies 30 50 0 R-Ol� Res � 1 L� 3� Raa►Lmd �tat� SO 51 1 1t-014 �a � 1 I,� 3� Yiawl�m� Fuutac 50 �4 4 I�-02ti R,�► � 1 L,�i 34 Fto�via�td E�t� Sd 59 9 R�021 Rae B 1 I.� 35 Rawland Bst�ms 50 R/QV N/A it-02� Rae � 1 I.ot 36 Ito�ad Edate� 50 R/W Id/A R�23 Rea B 1 l.ot 36A Roalaed Eatsies 50 It/W N/A R�4 Rae � Y I,ot 39 Rowltnd Brt�beo 30 50 0 It-02� Res B 1 I,ot �0 Itawlat�d F� �0 30 8 R-026 Res B 1 Lot 41 RowVnd Eetabes 50 50 0 R-0�9 �ae B 1 I,ot 42 Itawhad B�b� �0 30 0 R�428 Ras 8 1 Lot 43 Rowle�d Fsdtes 50 51 1 R-029 Ras B 1 I# 44 Rawland E�tae �0 54 4 Rm030 Res B 1 Lat 4� Rawlaad Eetaees 50 58 8 R 031 it�e� B 1 I.ot 46 RawLnd �Ibes SO RIW NJA R-032 Raa B 1 Lot 49 R,owLud Fad�Ues 50 R/W N/A R�033 R�es B 1 I,� 48 RawLnd �sq�tes 50 itlW N/A Prod�bed Build tU�tive besign Year 2Q15 Tre�c No� Ln�c�.3� a 0' Oa 1. 1'e�dicted trs�c noaae ie�el i�c� du� ia app�ching oe �xceeding 1dA� (refee �o �abl� 3, �g 6 j� 2. �red��d "att�iantial inGee�" 4�c t►�se lev� �(refec' to T°able 4, pg `�. �. Tl� nua�tr of predictai impacis �� d�plic�ted if eeceptots are pr�dic�od to be ma�acted by po�ore d� aae 6ritaiaa (e.�o i£ a r�t� as impacted by NAC "C" and. PTAC `�99, it is vount� a� anly Tab�e �:1Vo�se �e �i�� aed Iiourly �quivtient 1lToise I�� m B�Id A�er�ative �� �red�od N�ee Le�e�, �� A ID�E iJ�e �TAC DU Add�c ��tioE �ui1d �ubrt�nl�. Iacr�e 4. T�re ar� rao �0) predicted �ra�'ic no�ae impac� in ti�cs ptedis�ad Build Alieenat� I?esigr� Yoar. �raff'i� i�ioise Anxlysi� �ffi$nce In�era�rte ��rrt�or Dev�lopm�at .Zone N�OT � Augurt z�13 Alsm�nce Ceun#y �'I�IJ�S , . �L. � . � ' ' � � ' .� . - � ` . . �1 �,�� '_' '��';1,I' �. �:• - ' _ _� ' _ �.1 s ' ��, 1 � Y � � � j ,-, _ , _ , :� ,�-~.;T (__ �� . `,. _ � ^_ •',�.f4' �f � .. .r•�r� '_' -•_ -� ' -� ' � ' ' ` ' . . .__ _ . . . . ' { . , . . __ . . - •-- '�� •�) .'1' ' ' .�. �Y - ::.;:J� -� � r v� : :� o--' - , -- !� •��u.r� �a. �ss.���.��� .w.� isrilG� ���i���.���.s�� ►�n���i��� �r. ���•�i ,�-1!�. �I li� � 1:,lII � . � � �' �� i � ' ' ' � " �. � F...Ili.. . . . •�Iua�1����s.s�a+�i ��. As� s� � �`;'. �, ',I.�i, h f � 1 r.u,, ' _ __ _-- � •r�ri ����aa��u�. .s• sa�.�s..�.w.�.e�a•iu• ■r.�.�� .�u.�������ss� e�+►:a���iw� s�s�Ks� aw�.u. ..aus��.s °I��ii�c 1�loise .�a�l�s� .Ai��ancc I�terst�te ��rt�d�� �ie�e�opmeet �o�c NCDO'I' - A�t�t 201� �rr�� ��ruurt�y �p��ilt�l7C �. ����� ������. �'�������� �'� ��������.������ `i�A��I� 1v�IS� ��TEM��iT P��i�� i�i��T� �A.�+�LI�TA ��P",AR�M�� �� �ItAI�TSP�Ri�l�i��i `���I�' ��IS� A�AT�I'1�i�TT PC��I�'� Ei�tiv+� b�te, Ju1�► �3� �4�� _, _ N��Oi° i1�161Vaire e[� Po�iay i�ioi�e Pelicv iCo�miiteea Jay Benea�t, PE. . > . . . . . . . . . . . ... Yto�dvum�y �gn iJ�t I�revv �oyner, I��.a. a �........,...ifum�n �viro�ent �J�it D�el ICeel, PB,.a..�... oa.�.o..NGD(�'I' �ptrations NI°ilx 1�'ills, PB.. o...... , a.......NGDO°f Division '� Cir�goiY A. Smitb, PB.. e.. , a. ,i3um�m Rn�►ir�rneat iJnit �eci�cal Iteae� �'�: Mie�ty Diolro� PNir, PE.. e, e,..�,�ect �7�t � Envira�enoh� At�tlysi$ ��h F�ci �.ewi�. . . . .. . . . o a . .. . . . . .. a o e ,.� Bavh+o�nnent Unit JoeR�useo. .... . ... . a . . > . tl . o . � ...iYt�n �va+o�unant Unit Traey R�berm, AICP. .... a. o o..Noctl� �aroli� irn�npike A�et�ty �ta�re Wallaeee a .. .. � . .. . o . . . . . o o. Ii��n �vnvtt�t i.init Q�° Ro� f►y� 9 a . . . . . . , . . o � . . . , . ...,.Fedeaal Hi�hway Adminiat�4� . . Felix Davil�, P�o... e..9 0.. ,,.,. Fede�l �ay Admin�ntio� I��Iilc� F�x. o,.�, o. a� o. e, .. a�, , Bard af `Trarvport�tien .o a o ]Vina 9zl�ber��Land��.........�oe�d af 7'ra�t�oa AA�"�A01►�D BYs . ���.��f _�._1 �� - - -- . _ -- , ! :r ��, ,� .i"-� �• �' � � '�, �� ,�� r �.� . ,, , �� � ,_,�� � l 1 � ,� �. i._�. ��,� - - y � „; �:r,; �� F � - .� /a / : I` L��i . . ! � + ��� t 'r�� ii�f�! -- - I� � 1�_. �i � :�ll:. 1 1 �1'�'t Panm R�pa��e C�r�y A. S�ill+, PB 6ae P�li�y: �ff�6l+%iw t � +�uibic� $u�►ie�e Hura� Frr�rau�ent �!]wii 1�9i lwil 9arv9eg �a 3t�i�i�., .�� �:�a z7� � � (�l9j 70i�6�'i ����+' xc�uor � No� ��,r ror�,► �=-;�i_.�_� Tlus doc�r�i conta� t� ?�or� %eolina �eat of i°ranapo�tation (hereynat�er NCDOT� policy oa 1��hway tt�"ic uoiec �nd canstr�cdon noise �d daorib� th� impl�tion of tho require�ts of tt�e Fede�al l�iighvu�y �►dmuu�on {ha+e� FHVVA) Noiae Stafldard �t � Code oi Fedaal Itegulations (C�R) Parrt �'�2 as tLay rolate to focimal and ata�c fwlded h�ghwa�' oo�na�ct�on in I1�#h C�olina. litis poticy was developad by the 1�iCD0'I' a� t+evi�ed an� n�pprow�d by the F�IWA. � I�as#h Csrolit� D�epat�nant of T�o�tation T'ra�°i� No� �ly�ia wnd Abataneat Ciu�e I►+I�n� �nd �3 �FR. 992 � intended to be ca�npenion documenta to this poGcy. Titis policy t�cribe� th61VC� prooee, thei is uaed in dat�mining trx�ic t�iee impw� a�d �tamani menu� � tbe aquitabi� �d �t�effectiive exp�difi� of pu6lic fuids for trat�5c t�e �mt, �d'�er� t1►e �aA has givea hiQhway �cie� �e�dbility ia implemeMis� t�e 23 CFR �72 � thie policy de�criba� the NGD(�T ap�oa�h t� �tion� ��� °� �li�y �liee ��l� pType Ip fe�mal, �6e or f�d�ees!-ud hi�hway' �ject� in t�e 3� of I�� �rali�, i�luding � projext� � a�e �dtninie�e�ad by loaal public ���4 r��r a� � �� � � �a °r� n t�o�c� �i� �a e�,� a� �anepori�tio� �aliae�. tV�i�e a�iyra` ane not roq�m�ed �ior 'cypc III project�. rs� of thb� p�1e�ct !y� ��ined belov�< T�is policy sha11 �c appued unifo�ly �nd ��tiy ts atl �°ypE I�edae�t projec� through�at th� s�e. TY� � �c� ��) T� ° of s haghway ai t�w loc�tiot� or, (b) � l��sical altarrtia� of aa existuwg iiiighhvray whae thare is eit�: �i) �u�tial Horiaontal A16aatfon. A�+oj�t ttnt hslves tho dia� betv�et� th� tra�c �se eoue+�ce and tlye �loseet reoapZor betwru� d�e e�et�ng condition �s the firtur� build �aditiosy aer, �s�j �ubsl�nti�l i�afi� �1��ne �► p�ject that retnoves si�ieldin�, ti�a�or� expoa� th� ifno-of-a�gh# �ev� the recept�r �nd the ira��c tmia� ao�a �s i� rione by �the� a1��g the �rertical slig� of t� bigh�va�r or by �ite�in� the �po�aph� t�iw�eai the lughway � noise sou�e sflc! th� ��9 ��y L�;�3 ''� ��aa�� �1'� �a��,at�iii� ��5j�a �his incy� �th�e ��i�ia.� �� a ti�ro��e�i� � thaY it���r� �s ��I�i� lan�, I�ig�-�cupanoy T°�ll (H� .Ia�, b� iane� �r t�i�lc �i9����� .i��iy ��g � (d� ��dditios� �f an �1� isna9 oxcapt �e when the auxili�r3+ iat�e �a a�rr� lane9 ae9 �e) °Tlie additio� oP �eYocation of int�hanBe lanes or ram� �dded to s q�t � complete an axiating pm#ial �ntee�char�go, of, (i ��yP�B ��8 �at fo� the p�oee �f add�g a through-ira�� lan� ae ��► d1i7I1llA[� �y 0�'y (�J '.C� aiddit�on of a r.� og �bstaMial alterdion of � vMeigb rt�iae� �at etop, ride�� lot or wll p1�e�. fb) If a project is detesmin�ed to bo � Type I pro�ect uadm� this �efinit�� theri ti�e �n�ee l�Ject area as �ed 'm the environ�eu�tat documont ls a Typ� I projoct. 7j�e YY 1�roj�ct� A Fedor�l a Fed�l�id biB�Y P�,1ect foe n�se �atie�t dn a� ex� �ghvwy. �a� x �'YP� � p�Jact to be oli�ible fo� �'c�ni�id �n� t6e l�hwa� a�cY n►wt der�el� and �� � r� i� �� � ��� �►;� � ��.���>� �'�►pe III rroj�ct A Fedea�l oP F'edac�l�id high�Y 1�Joct tl�t doo� n9t aro�t the �i�i%ati� �f � Ty�se I oe �'yp� Ti proj� T'y�e III pt�oject� do not r�quiro a�oieo e�alye�� Tho bighv�ay �c nm�e pred�tioa reqe�iz+e�me�, noi�e rmaly�, sai� ab�te�nent �ifi�eri�; arrd req�re� �or infarmfn� l�cal official: in 23 CFR 7?Z md tlus pol�cy co�dt�e the nais� �� by 23 U.S.C> 109(1� All fighv�Y P�J� which ��e�e�ad i� �on�a�n�ca w� this policy �1! be ci�emed to be i� �acor�anc� wi°th th� FI�i�A no�a� �rds. Proje� �et iorr �ou on a° � Tuly 1�, 201 i� b� rerriewed uaiee t�e cr�er�a of° thi� polic�►; h�e�+rr9 thc origin�l �c of pnb�ic knowledge ahall ranaira u�h�nged. 1 � � ` � ' � �� .�► 1 :� _ „ �l ; i°be Da�e ef P�c ICuowledg� of the locatia� and pol�i�al no� i�ffi �f a proposod �EL�uay �njc��t is the �pp�o� d� of ��nal envi�a�m�al d�cr�e�, �.g., (dategor�c�l Eat�lu�ota (CL�, Stat� ma F�m�all Fiuding of I�10 Si�ific�t Imps�t (F+ON3I) or State or F�der� RBoa�d �of Decis9ot� �(ROI��, �.#� t�is d�te, t�� f�de�l ��l stat� ����fi� �rr r� i� ��apo�b�e fo�e �r�idi� rrai�e ��ea# m�s�ures %r �evv dev�lo�e�nt �►it1� �the ,�oi� imp,�t a�ta of th� propa�d �ii`l�w�y ��j� It i� rihhe r�sp�ns�bfli� ��1�i �e�+�t� �un+d p�rrafie larutow.aer� t� eas� �st n���� �om�°bl+e �esa�s �re �d f�g �er�els��� pe�ii�ad � � � �f �ubli� I���vl�d�e. � _ lIN�1° ?Y+�Ic 1Yo�re.�b� Pbiti� �us polic� applies �nly ��elopea� laad �! t� vadevda�d la�d for �rhfch defreI�ent �s pe�mitt� bef� the proj�t � of Public Knowledge. The criter� (tr�ggee dat�} for d��g w� a�dc�rel� i�md is �mit�ed %� d�vetapanmt i� the approv�l datte of � b�din� per�t fo� an ��ct�a1 lot or �it�. i'�AFF'I� I�i0�8� ��DIGTIOI� A!1 tn�.x� �o�se ar�,l� per�ormed by oe foP NCI�T amst utiliae th�e mat curn�t �on of die FHWA Traffic IJoi� lvlodel(T'N1VI�) ae �+ otba m�o�l detersnined by the FFIVVA to be coAsastent vvrth th� m�od@logy of the °TN�+I� model, pia�u�at to 23 CFR 972.9. Average pn�emant iype shall bo used in t�e FHWA 1`�111+�� fo� fi� �iee level precl�ct��o l�io�e c�r� line� may b� �ed fae ps�ect dlersa�v� �oreening a� for �d � pl�uag, �w,t �hall not 6e tued % deternw� !�h'waY trx�e aoie�e �. Tra� c�n�tarisi�cs i�t would yii�lid the lo�t hou�iy eq�v�ent tr�c aoi�e l�ats for ti� dea�qa �►air �hall be �ed � pred�ating noi�� lav�el� �ad ��e t�fa. T� ao�e pcedi�o�t murt �dh� to aU raetl�odola�a� detr�led in t� NCDOT °Tn�c TT�se Antlys�s �d AbMo�r�ont tl�dacx�e l�ian�ud. *�., • �,��; �� i �: �� � „ii,,-� �- °Tr�ic nolse �%r I�CDOT �ui��waY p%j�t� ic �wn�od md tnt�ait b� �ma�d�ed v�ea �ic na�e �cis are �rated by either c�f t�e �ollowiwg tvro a�diti�o (s) �o pR+edicted teaff'ic �oiee le�rds far d�e Had� Ye�oe ��re�ob one deoirPbal le�s th�n) �r ox�aood t�e 1Vas� Ab�eat �citeria (NAC) cm�ined ia 23 �FR 7`� �d in 'f�ble 1 s fo�ad � pege 4 of thi� policy, OR (b} Ti� p�cfied tr�iic no� lev�als for the Dae�ga Ye�r aubedtatially ex�eed e�iating no� lave� �s de�d ua Table �, found an p�ge 5 of th�a p�lic�. A recxptor �a � di�eto � ropre�ta�ive loc�On oi ��wise aa�ttiv�e arm(s) foe e�ny of t� l�d r�ea I�ted ln 1'sble i, Foe multt�'emi�y dwallings, aich readde�ce �all be �ou�ed �c one r�toe �aa determinu�g imp�cted snd bmefifsd roceptor�. Primar3► �o�s�eratiota sl�ll b� glv�ea to �o� arars w�C+e finqtuat hut� �e o�un in t�ie d�ar��ora of tra�ic noise �. � i�� �i� �y�� �� t� �le�d ��a• e$� �rroje�Y �it+��r� ��� �ei���d ��i�-,��i �� e� ��ti�ty �ai��� l��t� `� '�'�bl� � �h�t � pPe�e� � the �+ �. � 1�l�DOiI�1c.�Vo�e ALawR��oJ1� T�t� 1 lY�e Abiieeeut Ceitaria I�Iourly Eq�ivalent A=ilVoighficd 3owmd �evet (decibel: (dB�A)) ��' . +cr��iA' �" A�vl�' Dwerl�t�.e L.�dc m ahic� �ahy aid qui�r r8 af �tr�aedi�rY e�arwe md retv�e t� A S7 fixberi� ietpo�faet public � a�d w�ar� �e pn�ev�ilon aiiho� 4u�litie� 1� awot�! if t� ,res k to aeatroue 1� �etv� i1� b�eended p�. B 3 ui �Y1l1'� ]t�,�a.� Active �port �eu, �id��, .�o�, � � �D'� �o ho�pl�lw libaewe, �rdie�l i��lid.a, P� pimic ae+e�eo P� ��� P4Yi�� C' 67 �coeriar puWic a� rnoe�ei, Psblic oP �oope�clAt �io�l �, r�dio rWdio� eraa� � � �lio�� �+oore�on � �ti�(fj +i�, �ha�r„ �ela�ia� �dio�, t�ili�. aMd t�n,U � Auddociu�a�, d� ara �rrti 6e�piMi, l�r�riw, a�a1 �, Pl� af w�a�i�9 � � iateria� Public ewe�g roo� pvbiic or noapra�'rt �t�P adrix�r�, r�ii� �tlioa,,eoor�,� atudioa, echoolr, �d 1ekv�iar �dioa H�oe�e�, �c�eW, �lio�. �� �ad �� T2 fixbeFio+r oth�e deva�ped M�d� pro�ai dt ac�vitie� not �tcl�d in A-D ar F r►M'�� �P�► � Y�'�, +�' �►ioec, indueih'i�l, l�i�►!i aeain�os�nao �, m m iadihleR � �. � � rebil �, �ipyat� �lid� �wdae reroQoe�, w�ee tr�meat, eleotrical� md � a -- Undeve�oped Lade �t aro not permilled '�'9� ��� (ia) Aot�Wlty �rii�ri� r�lucs are f�r ir�ct de�erminuion aud�%, +�d ue not i�ai� ��)s �Far ,�� �ai�er9►r�►t t�c� �'fia a�uivaienz �t,�+dyr�ia �ad a�wa! wh�a � a��xxia8 �f iim� a�n�na t�a ��u�iiv a�gy as �e tin�v�� ��v�� diui�$ ibee sune iin►z �ar9ad, �ii� �aq�bj bein� i�a hanrly vaia� �t'Y�. l�9ad� �n�r�e.�npa� l�ada �a�rt �oa� thia ��+i�+ �iagaey. °l°��l1� 2 Seb`tsnti�! �Yaire L��vel Inc,raarc Hot�ely Eqai�ie�t A=Vl�eishoed Sauna iavel {decibe�s (dB{�1}) �:i�tl� iYore i�` �ndicf�d Dwi,a Yae �ioi�e Y�n+�i c�ll�)) �o�3(�acr)i so � � is a�.so� S 1 14 ae �rors S2 i3 ar ma�e 33 l2 or �aoce 34 11 a mare S� oe �are 10 arma�e I�ude�t i�ueiy e�ivdmt a� i�r�el tlo� l�e eanbinN�aa oi � aad �nic� soue� r�d da�u� acdvi�y t�rwlty piawst �+a �lc�e �ra, rrediaied �ourb' +Quiwleat D�ep�a Y�e tc� oai�e Hv�l w�wr aci� aodre lev�. Ai1TAI�1tBIB O� NOiB� A�A .1►�N� I��Aiirt� il�n te�ff'i� aoiie impe�t� are i�ified aad �oi� � �s warr�n�oda �ise �b�t�ra� mees� �I! ba coa�dered �ad evall�ed for 6euibitity �nd reuane�lanars. All of t� feuoaring � mnet be met � a�der fnr sQiwe ab�tame�t to be jueti�iad .nd inaorpoz�tcd intA projeat dem� ae sppiic�e> F'ail� � ic�iev�e rmy ai�gle elament �f �i��ity oP er�oaable� �iU �ft � i� ea� aba�mme�t maisurs be�g deer�d aot �bl� ar not r�sot�ble� vvhic�rover appii�a Fe�ibiljty T'1� cornb�n�tia� of aco�stic�xl and en�ine�n� f�ctors considarod in the evalus#�on of � noas� abste�ettt �. %) �Y �Y t� �ive� a minimum, noi�e 1e`rel reduct�ea of firre dB(A) due 40 �+oi� s�aimx�tt me�ures �ail be �dered a benefited racepfiore 1�Toiee redtactien of fi� dB(A) most be �al�ieved foe at le�s�t o�ne �mp,cted receptoe, +�b) E���rin� fe�sibility af ihe �oi� aba�t�at meuur�e) s�al! c+�ir%e �i�r� �m�� +�ated b�► r,P upo.� '�l�c+iy' acr�ss, �t�ag�, tapo�ra�hyq �ntili�i�s, s�f�, at�d in$int�a�;ce �qx��t�. � - _ � if� R►�e A6aAr�ea� Pa�+ �so�ble��as �I'b+e comb�aatio� of socull, ecosom�c, and cn�ro�tal fact�s �sid�d in the evvall�uati�n of � �o�s� abst��nt �su�. �a) i�iaw���s of the .pmpeFty owa�s aa� ree�dents a�f all b��od rec��ms s�all bc �olicited. 0� ow+ner ballot and one naidm�t bdlot alull be �oticiCed for eaa� ba�efi�ed re�ptor-, Poir�ts ��llat �all b� di�dt�'b�d in ti� fvllowing wvighted r�nner: �� poi�ts/belloi f�r be�re��ed froat eow pc�y ow�ers � 1 pointlb�tllot fa� all dchee banefited p9rope�#y awmers m 1 pa�dbailot vot� fa all roe�da� !Co�dant� �i tl� aaee ab�t me�a�e �vil] aoatinue walas a admple �J�r of �i� di��6ed points �ra retucned tbat itidic�e� the b�allloied �ro� do �c want t� �b��4 �o (b) i'�e m�xinu�n �tlowa�le b� qu�ntity of' s� walls im�l'� a�en � peP ba�feex� re�epioa� �i not e�r�ooed 2,500 f� e�d 7,Q�00 �+d3, i+ee�ectiwety. Ad�didonuetlly� � inc�ementa! ia�ax of 35 R� �oe naue wdls �d 100 yd� �Coc a�r�a� banro �11 be ndd�d fo the � qwtt�tity par tl�ee svaea'e incee� in d�(A) betw�m ex� �d prodie�ed mct�ior n�o�+e lew�e�� of �ll impwc�ed leoep�or� withia e�c�h noi�e e�riti�ve � whic� �s defiaad ae a gr� of reoepmr� dut aee mcpo�ed to dmil� naneo fou�asa A b�ws dolltr �raalu� of �37,500 p�u: a� i�ootal inc�au� af SS2� �� de%ed ��) s�tl t,� ��ad �o d�cm� r��ea� c�f burffer � ra,d �ndee �nnil�tiono (c) A aoi�e roduct� desiga 8oal af at laa�t 7 dB(A) must b� ovahubad for all fr� ro�r roo�tar$. Ai l�t one bene8ted frunt row �+ecep�oa� mudt �uewe the noise »ducti� dai�n gai of 9 c�(A) to iadicate the �se abatem�# a�ure eS�ectively red� �c �i'o, �� �o�iiet�d� Priop ta �E �v� or i�� oi s FUNSY ar ItOI1, NCDOT d,all ident�y in ea�+sraannmtal cioct�m�ts: (a, Noiee �b�9 rsa�a�es tl�t an fasible and rees�n�ble, �b) I�of se f�p,ats :�o� �vhi� r�c► aba�em�nt �pp�cs � ba %�sibie and �r�a�le� tc) �ons whese s�oiae �mp� �nl] �, ►vhace aoise ab,�iem�ni 1� f�bl� �� r�n�'ble, u� tia� locatians dsst have r�o f�blc a�d re�nab�� abatement� ��9 i�rha��r i� is "�i�l�" a�� g`�ilcel�' �t n�oase �abatan�t meaatu�s �1� b� �ns�slted tt�� �h n�iae s�nsitsv� a� id�ti�e�. "Likely° d+oes r�oi enr,� a f� c�tmme�t, Th� �� d�isior� � �+ie °�ie�llat��sa cef d�e �batem�t �e�sur�s �11 b� a�ale �pon � J�CDOi No�ie rf��l �otic� c�apletioa� of the pgoja� �gn, the public involv�mt pr�caaa„ conc�ence w+�th t1� MCDOT P�licy, end �I�VVA appro�ral. �.��e No�e Abaha�t ll���sr� 'fha foll�wwg nase abata�t �na+es tnay be oonsida�+ed for �aco�tie�nn �nt� � pm�ojectt ta re� tr�e na�� im�a (�) Ca�tr�ction �f na�s� barriee� tb) fi�c tn�t me8sw+o� (�) Alte�tian of hori� �d v�cal ��n� (d) �tab�l�ent of buffar � (e) Noiae ia�l�ai of A�tihty �ogo�y i� l�nd we �6itiaa lisia�d in �'� 1� Psge 4 of �i� �li�g+. °I'`ie�d Psrty �aH�p�tio� ��) 'lbird P�' � oi a�i� sb� m�uut+as w�ut be u,ed b� m�fce �p tl� dif�'ee+ene� beiv�an t�ee �e�o�le b� qu�rtity �1loamnce and tl� �ril qu�► of nare abatiemaat. 'lbigd p�rt�+ find� is �Illoa�ed only by p�bl� a�ee, and ca� ooly 6e ured to pay fo� �ddit�aaa� � e� �s l�d�mqtiag and aesd�tic �ts i+� so� b�rti�ts t�at moet �t�e�Ctivradueee cziieci�. (bj �'iaditi�al highw�Y o�Uon re�ou� �ay fer reqvired no�se a�,ement ro�e�ts�as. Shoutd � looal g�ver�eat re�� tivt �iaeisls be ueed thrt are mrn� costl�► t�t �hore p�opo�od b�r IY�'T, th� �eQ�qn� �+ muat as�me 100'K of th� �t�l addida�al consoructiom c�st. ��) If a 1�1 �t Iasi�ts on th�e provmion of a naaso ab�tmnent mee�re d� aoi reasonsbk by Id�DbT, an ebe�beme�t maa�a�e may be inatallod provided t�e 1�1 gowa�t aaeumes 1 Q0�4 of the c�s a�d abt�ins � enaro�clunaat permit frAm N�DUi' tu perform �s vMorlc. T� �ets inclu�dc, but are �ot limitied to, Pc+Q1�nu'Y �int, echr�l cw�tim aod m�inteomce. In addition, Iocel gove�o�ts mu� �nr� tbat NCD01�s matae��l, d�n and �m apocific�t3o�s ere met. `I� loc,�l gova�t muet iiso �une 1007�6 of the lvbility eseociated witH the m�eaaure an� hold hartnle�a ti� 1�CD�Tw i�, T�� {`�j � �c� �� �e �i%r,�t a�at�� �}�i � si� �.%r� �ird � �i� �t de�i� begi�s e�d pn5►m+�t sl�l! be made � i�+�IJtI�' l�or�e pr�je�i �w�a�ct�o� begit�sa ANC�' li��ic N�'oi� �lb�rw� Peli�y �r�atf� Aver�a� NCI�tiT' �viii �1� �atmn�nt rnea�tu+c 9uanaiY av�e�8ing aman8 �11 noix �itiv�e areas wi�in t1�e s�nne A�wity Catego�y �n Tablc 1 th�t �re exposed to � ca�roa n�oise mvironm�t, 1.C., S1I911�if 1181SC SOI�CS 8� 16�t8p �I� i►O�1D11C8, �C I1'L�X9 Sp06d M� tOp6�:flIG �, �f° (A} No � c�non nou� �blet�es� crate�� (e.�., Y���e �� environm�t exoeods tw�o � the b� �tY twa time� 2,5� squat�e fioat, a tw+o times i,000 cubi� (b) C�i➢ect�vely, �ll cvmmon noi� en�nmerrts being a�renged do �t eaeooed t�e b�e q�tity r�bIonees c�itecis. : �� � __ _ I�l : � _ i` � � '�.r M C���cc� w� t� ��uai� �d� ��� i�tip� � p�i�� n�rc �� �il occ��e �ri ih� sbri a� t}� no�e� ifiudy p� and ooniinu� �Ougbou�c ti� darr�loptt� �f ti� praje�t. NCDOT �1! oommunic�me with citi� to � inf�rnutim a� tbe �ure of ��wn�y tr�c r�i� a�d di�es the effoc� of �'e �b�mnmt �awr� �n ttbe�ing te�c noi'e �d � types oi �oi�e �baiement merw�e� t�t �y b� co�idmed. 'I%e ao�oe�ns of t�e �mm�ty t�lt be a s��g� �deratio�a in ra�ng a deoiaon on the abrteme� measueas t� � �o�idnd� _���_:�I�T.���-:�M;_- 1� , � ;�� �J . = I�1C�� vv�ll pro��e aY� �c avis� wl� io lAcal �ur+e�t �f�ici�le w�i�n whoe�e jmq�on a hig&�waY �+oject is p�opo�ad ta e�ly in the pe�jactt pitnniqg procems �s poe�ble t9 protoct fu�re de�elop�rmt imm boc�mu� inoomp�tiblo with trx�c aaise 1� Spepfia�lly, anv� docuona� afld deaig�t � re�orts �vill contdn in�oe�a�ea �tiiyie�g ar� d�t �► � i�Od by �a�'ic � prodic�i no�se levd c�tour infa�tion. th� beet � of fucue� na� 1�1s for devabpod an� wndevelopod l�ds ar p�opm�es in t� immedi�e vic�nity+ of tbe �+oja;t �d otlur ap�prap�ie doe�gn iuforma�ono If reque�d, i�CDAT will sss�at loc�l of�i�ie[s wi� �on and disiribut►on of th�s iu£nea�tio�► ia residmnt�, P�'�.P�� a�$ and d�►elopers. NGDOT will provide a�ce i� loc�l juri� in �e �o�ent oi l�al noiee oo�l�, � reqursted� 1�TCDOT wlll adr�e the plant�iag, de�g� and cc�ns��ct%n �f noi�patible d�lc�pt�cnt a�cl �ge it� p�ct� am�g �1�9 bui� �ffiasl� de�lopea� and otl�arso All �af��ti� s�s �nd any 11e�� noi�e �b�stennent ��Il b� pres� � d�rs� �1 t�e I�sip� ��i��a� ��,� and �D�aig,� �u�ilic I�le�an,�so f I rr: � �,. - �� CUiVSTR�7 Ori NOISE To miai.mizc the imp�ts of co�t�on �is� vs� th�e pu�li�, NCUOT a�halL• (a) Id�fY lan�ci uae�s or ecid��t�s that may be affocted by no�ae from e�o�or� �f the P�.loct. (b) Debe�mine the me�aures t�t are �eedod in tbe plat� end spe��atio� to �nimi� ae olntinate �dvr�o oo�tion rnoie� impacts to t� oo�mmr�ty. Tlus da�in�tian ehsil c�oa�ide� tbe be�f�ts �cirieve� asd the ov�eral! �dverse �ociel, ecoa�tic, �nd mviro�ame�tal offect� and � of tl�� r�tmnaat me�ras, (6) C�dae c,ot�teuction iec� �d tc�aduti�tg � raiuc;e co�str�ction noue impac�s to �y r�pbor� � in� the aeedad ab+�ment ma� in tho pr�jeatt plu� � �c�t;on�� .�,�►-� - .� � «- y-f� 'I'� � of r� n�tet�r�t �e�eure� may b� iach�ded in �eder�l�id �ng prc�ect � wlth d3e �ederal sh� bea�g th� rame r� tl�t � thc �n on vviuch t�e projoct i� lo��ted wl�o �a.j Trat�c � ir�p�ct� l�aw b�n I�� �sd i�) �� �asu�as h�v� i� �ned � b� fewai�le anci rea�onabi� pwsu�E �0 2� CFR 9i� and thi� p�llcy> ; : ��: : t � {�--� This policy ab�u be revievaoa by tha 1�t�T' Boara oi lra�n�o�on at las�sc ev�+ t� yarso � The Alamance Interstate CarridoP Develapr9ner►t 7_one r�ad 1� a proposed roadway connecting Trollingwood Hawfields Road and Governor Scott Farrr� R�ad. The raute will run paraliel to NC ii9 and I-40/I-85. irip Gefle�ti�a 'Phe acreage surroundir� the proposed �41CDZ is propAs�d to be zoned far industrial use. ihe total are� contains 1215 acres. Projected trips were calculated using methodology co�ained wrth the Institute of Transportation Enginee�s {!iE) �r�p Gener-ration i�l�nuat. 'frip �eneration was also perf�rmed for the approximat@ 90Q �cres that wouid util�ze the AiCQ� as a primary aecess and also for the 206 acres proposed to be th@ Swordfish Development. 6�tri�tioe The distribution f�r th�se industrie! trips is depender�t on the loes�iion of ��ss. If aceess is provided to individuaf developmenCs along Kimrey Road and FIC 119, tr�ffle generated by about 900 aeres of the dev@I�p�ble area will b� dispersed �lon� thos� routes. �ikewise, if i�� AICbZ Is constructed, fraffic wilY be contained to that ioc�tion. Conelu�ns ��ll Devele�mant with�a,t AI�Z If the AIC[?� is not tonstructed, traffic imp�cis along Kimr�y Road and N� 119 vvili be very• Barge. Kime+ey R�sd t�vill require si�grsalizationo Additionally, Kimrey Road will possibly r�quirc tripk lefts to NC Si9 or need to realigned as the through movement, allorwing the srr�ller NC 119 traffic tuPning ieft, Kimrey Rnad wili need ta be widened t� a 4-lane sectien with volumes appraachin� the ne�d far 5�lanes. Additional housing and retail develapments built to serve any lndustrial park workers may eclipse this need. Additionaliy, the heavier truek trafFic will eequfre �euu pavement to withstand the �eating. tVC 119 from Kimrey Raad to Trollingwood Hawfields Road wrill Bik�ly require a 6-la�e section t� function with acoeptabie LOS. This would heavily impact historic and cultural prop�rties alvng NC 119 such as the cemetery and Flau�fields Presbyterian Church. IdC 119 fr�m TroPlin�od Nawfieids Raad io th� I�O�i-�5 Int�rchange will also need io be widened �t� � 4�-lane s�e#iora �rith volurnes app�oachin� th� ne�d far 6-la�es, Troilir��waod Havvfi�lds Roat3 �rorn �9C 139 t� the 9�Djl-�3 ��ierchange �►ill �Yso need �� b� widen�d tc� � minimum 4-lane section. �lultiple unsignaliz� dr�r��r►ays and in�ersections wil! experience poor L�S a�nd q�euin� �s� th� side street movements. Full Beveiopment u�rrth J►I�D� I$the AtCDZ is constPucted, traffic imp�cts aloAg Kimrey Road and IVC 119 are limited. Kimrey Road wili experlence minor increases in traffic, and the existing configuration should provide adequate ��5 for through full build �ut. NC 119 from Kimr�y Road to TroYlinguvood Wawfields Rnad will also have a smaller i�npact. A��lane section should provide adequate LOS fo� througl�o ftall b�aild out. NC 119 fr'Qm irolYi�guvAc�d I�aw#i�ld� RoacB to the �-4t� I-8� I�terch�nge may requ�re widerain,� tg a 4-lane sectt�n. Trollin�wood Hawfields Road from NC 119 to the 1-d01�85 Interch�nse will requi� wldenin� to a minim�am 4-�an� se�ti��. ihe AICDZ will limit th� impacts to the su�^ounding network by ch�nnelin� traffic to the I�ss heavily traveled irollingwood Wavvf�lds Road. �y reducing the distance gf travel on the exlsting road network, nnultiple impr�vem�nts aPe �nneeessaryr and delay is Peduced, cre�ting a clear need for this roadway. IVe li9 artd S'rolll�r�d H�twvfield� R�d I�tter�ction ihe detai�s of the development ar� lar�eiy unknawn and it has been given a codename oi Swordfish. ihe Swordf9sh Development urill t�er i!�pfovements at tfie IdC 119 an� T�allinga�ood Hav,rfifie!ds RQad Intersection. Wiihaut the AICDZ in p�ace, traffic is prajected ts� �xperie�nce a L85 U with the addition of muttipie exciusive turn ianes on 3 of � approach�s. Pie�sse see figure for addi�ional details. Althot�gh, LOS � is commonly considered an acceptable LOS in d�veloped areas, treffic is still bettersenred with I�ss delay. Adding duaY-left turn lanes from NC 119 to Trollingwood Ha�elds Road will improve delay to a LOS C. VIlith the AICDZ in place, tr�ffic is proJected to experience a L�5 B with the addition of muttiple exclusive tum ianes on 3 of 4 approaeh�s. Please s�e fi�ure fop additional detaiis. � � � � � � � � � „-- -� r�� r`� ` � �I W gl � R �� � �� � ��� � � . � . � � � ' ___� � � � ��� :UC i l9 NC 119 �n�� ��out �cn� Int�rsect�on �at1� �CD� � r.� I� s�oes�e �►11 � in Feet Dwa� Not to 3�1e �Trni fcrr �on�rvet�ma � �«-�c�t ,.� D t�PTiOI�t i'O PLJRCI�BE Mai! after r�cording to: Tlus instr�ment was prapared by: Charles L. Batematz, Jr. Batemsn La`v Fum PLLC 306i S. Chuirch St. S�l�ngt�n, ?V.C. 2�215 Bri�f description for tha index; 'This OPTIdN TO P�TRCI�ASE (pption'� is granted on o 4 20 2 by __ Allen S. Itowland ("Seiler"), to Citv of IVleba�e oY Ass�Qnfi (`Bnyer"). Seller, intendi.ng to bind Seller, Seller9s he�s, successors and a�gns and PepresentatiVes� in consideratian of the sum of _t�en Dollars (S 1�. )("r��� Ivlot�ey'� pes� r,,� �eller by �uy�r, r�c�i�i r,f wi�i.ch is aclmewl�d�ed, grat��s to Buyer9 Buyer's he;r3, success�rs, essigns and gepreseaistives, the �cclusive rigbt and option to purcl�ase aI1 of that certain parcei of land, togetheF with a11 imprnvements located therein (collectively, the "PYoperty'�, �n #he City of . Cot;�ty af Alarnan��, Stste of North Ca�►lin�, end mc�re parcicut�°1�Y �escribed as follows: Street address: portion of �538 I;;mx�ey R,d, Ivlebaue� ly-C 2734� Le�a1 descriptio�: �.03 acres at northr�veat ead of va�el 1S96b1 fAlamance Count�PlNl on fihe terms and conditioas set fortii below. 1 a Option Period; Ttus Ogtion shail exist and co�tinue from the date h�reof unti] 5:00 PIv1 on _ October 5. 2013 . This Option ma3+ be recorded as a legally bind,ing notic� of the Ogtion. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE WiTH RESpECT TO THE OPTION PERIOD .AND EXERCiSE. 2. Exercise: At any iime during the Opti�n Period, Buyer may exe�ise this Op#ion by g�v�n,� Sell�r writt�n notice thereaf signed by Buyer, -�vhich sxercise is effeetive upon (1) band deliv��9 {2) cor�apl�d #'�si�le traas�ission, or (�) prepaid depa�it of the noti�a with an over�ug�ti commercia7 delivery s�rvice o.r �� certified �na�l, return �zceipt r�q-uested, at the fallowring ad.dress; Seller: Phone: ;��aP���-� Fa�c:�3�����' ��.�� 3. Contract Upan Exercise: Upon �xercise of this Option, the terms of purchase arid sa?e shal! be as set forth on the completed standard "Offer to Purchase and Contract" or "V8C8II� LOt O�CY to Purchase and Contract", which is atta�hed as Exhiiait A and incorporated herein by refer�nce. The cash pnce wili be $460,000.00 4. Applicatioa of Option Money: If this Option is exercised, th.e Option Money shall shall not X be applied to th� purchase price at c�osing. If this Option as not exercised, the Option Money shail be reta�.ned by Seller. 5. Entry: During the Opriaa Period, Buyer and those reasonably desigaat�d by Buyer may, �vith Yeason�bY� adva�c� nntice �o Seller, ent�r rhe Prap�rty to inspec�, survey, 811d appl'815� i� Pro�rty. Buyer shall be responsible for the repair of eny damag� done to the Propert_y during any such �ntry. S. ath�r �t�nditiams: Cii�agrees ta �x�vi�e a c��sn�cted s�wrzr t�xaia�ivl� �$erve remainix„�preperl�+ of �ranto7 at parcel 159661. Manhoie to be at lowest e�evatiar� �f li�ae as it crosses propertv and aecessibie frn use b��rax�tflr. IN WITNESS VV�P foreg�ing as oi the da above Setler: (SEA�.j Print name: $ �� �� �uyer: City ofMebane _...!�r � � l. � • .s;!� � - - - _ .t_- _ Sta.te of North Carolina County of Alarnance i eertify tliat the following person(s) personally appeazed before me this d�y, each ackraowledg�ng to me that he or she,signe� the foregoing do��unent: Witness my hand and of�cia� stamp or seai, this the S� day of (� �{�e ✓ . 2U 12. �---.�.'e __,.._ Not Public STEr'�'.�;.;��: �� a;-it1:�1 j NC1Tr�!;Y P1idL'.G i ���IC,: CC-�J?�'fY, f�:G Niy Comrnission Expires: ��L `�OJ ; ��yw�►ra�.:.,n�.x;�,,� .�N7 ..,. ...,....., ..,,.. M.,,,,�,�, .� � 1 �:� �/�, � =�c.�!/.� 4 . t� . v7' ` 6'`'.,� � .1""�.� � ." �: � -' - I\ .,->^ # a . -.+C . f . :.1 - '�' . � , :� .,�i �i I, � F � . � .. ` � < � r . y "� ���' �" �`• i'�� � I .�-:� q;,`� � ��' , �ti`. � �� ��� ' � ~' . '�� •� `� ���4 , t- ` � =3 �}'" J ``. � f•-3�� _....'" �.i ' . �`..� `� � j �! I : _ � .1 . 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'` f �� ,� S \ � ' l � �'f..f `�♦ � �S�i� i��. , _ l�. �' ' j\ � �^ • �- � 4{� L � � .T J�. � ' 7{, r . . �t ��"'�.�ty+,.� 1yf�_- ' . � . :` .3 �� • ;t , �t �`i• � i3r�� �� ����� . , , �"� ��� .�� .1t�r'. '�. - ' �°'y'- '` � '�� ' ,�•' - '..- �'`S-: ' �� _ " � _ f . ��?_t''� �_ _ •j ,jy � f�p �. � `. �'"t�� _ '� � -- :�•�i' . � , _ . � _ �-,,.�. . • � �-��` '1 `�� - . �-.. . _� � �°`� � `, `�-, -P _�t ,� � _. .. -v �' -{r � _�i��.�� �. . -. _'� �� s•'t.t i -- • y��' � -�. .. ti � _ • ... Y. � ; -�..� ij„xi• �}d_ . � � ? #; • �.;k. rt• ~ ' a. �' � t :'d � _ '�.: a.,"� � � _a '�, •'� _ � . . _ -. = � �'+.,��. - -� - t}. y _ : � a c 3`r� -� : � ��� `-ty ' .� ��s' ' _ �; � ? . _ _ • _'_ . ' �1. Sr. � �,j ,�s \ T� t ; i - :/ ` . A � !i- rs � ., ��; �\� � a� - �F+ _ •�� �' : i�, �.•+" : s Y j�V.. �� �t� : `� - � ./ !TY~� � ' • � Y'', 'Sc� -" �. ..� '� � .' - - � � 1� i .+. � � � . ` � _ - � - '� ''�' - � � • � " . . -� . � i _ .� : s F- . , � �"�.�. ��+� I '1� t:%}f. ^ - _v � ..� ' ,.aw' s .i ' II �� .� '�"i :��, { -i'�,. � � , �� .i � S y � 4 f: . .$� - .� � ti.� '3 . c- r �� � �� s$ � _ �� � �' � ., � ' � y. �� ��' L� .�� J ' ���1 �L aL.. �►� vt 4 �\. /�: _i � - :L o.r? �- �Yl`� .r .F. �j t.e "•3 F � �w . . . ���J� s.;_ - _ ,.� ' y.; �:- ,� i i�� �_' ` � -' <r . c _ ��. � ,�i�3'�'K yt����a - •�-Y '' �-��� _ - � } ��i �`• + � yn�i.r i ` , � �t �. � '� -:,� ��, ;i1" ti- . � � ■�t t=r `� ], :3 � t' � � ��Q . J �tif/ \ 1i� �� l � _ i ' 4 . ` . i . . �' - �. N � � ♦f . .. ` I � � � ����t� S'�''�� � . � � � -�1. F * i � �',',1 � ,, f . �' - ' -- � t .�. s 'c� - ,;i . � . .. � 'A` i ' :• i.tr�l ,—'�_ . � I • - t �' �l . S s�' i :; • _ � `f,� �� �7��s af��_���j�t � � �. - �/ G •'r' �' . < , : :' � 1'� .� � r . ► `� ''� �yt� � . .-r � �?:�. �� ...,...�i• �. r" �.;:� '}1:., s?�s�.^"'���e�L.��l'.tk.� ..+a�. o�ox �ro PTntc�s� ����: '�s inabrennmt w,a pr�rad byo Ct�rlea L. 8�, Jra � I.aw Fi�ta PLI,C 3461 S, G"htur� 3t, B�a�, N.C. 27215 �3Ci' d�ccipti� Fosr the indat: Tjris OPTIt31v T'� PURl�IA3� ("�t�o�"� ��t�d ou Oa�oba� �, 2012 by Betiy� Kimrey Va�aon, har n�ooeeeo�s aod/a aesig�, ��^j, � Al�o�oe �otmty B�angomic Dave1 Fotmd�ian ("Huy�"�. golter, ini�diug bo bind Sollae, Se�e�'s he�rs, a��ooeedars ar�d � oan�ida�om of the Nm of Tv�o Tbov�d Fiv� Hnn�rad and N�00 Dol�a (�0p pp) � ��� Paid in 3e11a� bY Huy�', reodpt af wbieh is �daiowl�dged� ����rb Y' P� b►�a's, eu�ooeeeoz� �d �, on tbe teno� md oc�di�ans � f�th below, tI� mccl�iv+e righfi aad a�ptic,n � purah�ts� t$at 1md, tog�er with all �vameats lo� �m�ein (collec.�iv�eiy, tbc `TroP�Y'�, id��d �s follo� Vaant L�d — 0 Kimrey R,a�d: �PP��Y 22.99 a�+�s; a portiaa of Paoel ID No. 16011.2; a�d ma�e purtic�ila�Y �1� a� � attAohed l�a+ebo a�d iaoo�O� � iry �. 1, Option Paesod: 'I�is Optian e�hail atmt +irad o�inue fi�n tl�e dsbe i�reof u�ellri�dpight on Oc�obe� 10, 2013 (�e "Qpt{on ParIod'�e Tbis 9ptian a� a Me�xorendum af tbis Optia� may be rxan+ded aa � kgally bin�ng no#ioe of tbt Opdon. TA� IS OF 1'I� BSSBNCB W1TFI RBSP�CT TO T� OPTiON PERiO� AND BXERCISB. 2. Bxercisea At � t�me duriag the Op'tion Pariod, Buyo� may exa�e tlris Optien by seller wr�ttten notice tbat+eof signed by Buyer, wlrich eaerci� ia ci�Ctive �(1)1�d delivery, o�' �2) p�a�d dcpo�it of tt�e notic� witi► an ov�anight c�� deliveay �rice or in c�ad mail� �urn receipt raquesteti, for delivary at the fallowing ad�e(os}e Seller; Betry Kimrey `�eanon �3i6 Kimrey Road •Ivlebnne, North �lina �7302 3e Ca►trac�t Upon Bxercise: Upot� Buy�r's exe�c� of t}us Opt�on, the parties �gr� thai (ij thc tmms of the purcba� imd sale of tl�e Prop�rrty aball be as sot forth in tive 4ffeP t� Pu�e aad Con►trsct — V�ant I.ot/Laad attaahed hereto as Ezhibit B a�d �ncofporaafied l�in by r�oe (ihe "Co�tct'�, and {i�°� oa�h of than shall axecx�e the C��act p�omptly i�ho�, but in any event v�+ithin te� (10) busi�a� day� afl� � date fihat Buynar exer�is�s tt�fis Option. 4. Applicaiian af Option l�ioney; If th�s Option is exer�ised and t�e giur,�se and s�1e tnnsac�ion refar�ce�i in the Co�fraci closea, then the Opt�� Monay shell be appli� to the p�ase ptice at Clo�ing. If this Option ia not exercisod, tha� � Optioa 1�Io�oy sbali be mrs�n� by Sellar as o�dar�tton far Se�lar grs�ing thie Optio�. 5. S� wd llue Dili�: ,Tiaring tlie �ptio� Period, md aibject to tho im� tnd oo�tioss a� Para� 2(b�, io) �nd (d) end 6(b) of the Coaarsat, all of whioh are in�otpc�ra�ed hara.e bv refla�e�, Buyar maY, �+ith ro�sa�ble advano� nutioe t� Shcae, eat� the Proporty t� �eot, e�^vey, aPP�� � Petgo�m � Ihi� Dili�a�ce �vit� a��t i� � Propa�y. % the ext�nt t�a� pr�vi�ians �ti t� ���c-��ed F�ra�tspae of tha Con%ct �e �d t� au�i-�G t�� Cio'ing andlar t�e tecmintt�en �i t1�e Car�ttact„ for putpoeos of this Pa�aph S, swah p�rovisions e�ll s�trive ti�e aterc�ee� e�ntioa and termination of thi� �tion a�i the C%ain�, �s �ppliceble. 6. DeR�od �'a�s: �ny capftel� taiw �d � t� Opt�on �i aat defin�ci he�+� �;ai � tf� do�i� and � s�vn'l�d t� s�a t�. ix� ��ostc�a�a 7, Aesignments. �aeoept as prorridod otherwise h�ein, tt�iis Opdoa m�y aot be as�'g�od by eit� pa� vrithatrt ths p�ioP writtein eonsart of thc otlua�°� party. Notwi�ir� tl�' f�oing� t� Option may b� a�.Sned bY �'ae �nthaut the vvritten conseat oi Selle�, peo�►ided tbat (i) Buyee's ass�ee ea�mes all of Buyer's z�hts and sbHgati�ns uad� tlue Optioa, a�d ('ri} suc� aaergnma�t �S made to oae or maro of the %llowing e�ee: The City of Mebqnq the C�ty of C�rat�am, Alamance C:ouuiy, the Project �u}+or, and any �ng or firiure aatity ownad in full �d Ao�ntrolled by any one or ma� th� And to be used bu l�ing tbe Projeat t�o fc�iti�oa. If as�6ne� pursumt to the tffims of the fa�regoing sa�atence, tbis Option s�ll be bindi�g ua the �IIj►El''S 9931�L1� iD� SilG�l 8851�118C'S i1�.1l3� 8t1�80I'8 � A�81�1'18. ��31 aII�►' $t�l 8� b3' Buy�ex', �uyer sba11 be �utomaticaUy relessed fr�m al! of it� obli�tions herean,d�. In ad�tioY►, upon arrY tranafer by Sella� of ��st ia the Pro�ty, tbis Opti� x�ay be' �gne� by Sellor to tbe tr� v�rithou# t3�e written coa9ent of Buya; prov�ded tbat Sellac's tiaasfer�/sas�gnee agsum� all of �eller's rights u►d oblig�iioas tmder t�ris Option, and tfiereat� tius t3ptivn sha11 � binding on Sellee'e teansf�reeJa9sign�e end such tean��'sJasa�gnee's hsirs, su�esors and ass�gna, �.Ipan �y such transfee and assig�tneat by �elier, Sel�er shall be automataca�ly releas�d from s11 �f its abligations hereund�r, �� �'�.�i� �� �mi�r; � ��ipt�s�� shall �uuto�zaata:,ally� ke�t� s�r�l�. �h� f rojec� b� te�ted ��ea��r ag�s, at a� �al� �osi and sxp�se9 to ex�ut� a�d �ecoY� s docu�t �s�c� � docwnent to i� ecceptable t� Sell� in it� reesana�te discretion) p�or►id�g notic� of �� tet�mina�on of thas Option p�rnmPt1Y af%�r the i�rm�nation of thia �on pursuant to �his Paragi�ph 8, be�t in any evea�t �rith� t� {10} business days ai%r the date of such te�ioA. 9. Sun+iwal: I� any pror►ieion h� oo�t�ned �y rts nattu� �d e�ct is requirad to be obe�+�d, lce�rt or per�med � tho �xercise, expiratio� ar fi�mination of this Optton, thai it s�all a�m+ive su�ch �gao�e, �pirs�io�.. or tecminetion nyd ro�nain binding upon a�d for tlx bauefit of the pezties hereto aatil fully obaerved, kopt or p�rformed, Oth�riso, accept as expt�esaly Provid�i ot�e�wix in, or �quu�d by the terme o� tt�s Op�ion, t�e provisions of tlu� Gpti.on shell not survi�e such wcercise� axpiration or �on. 10. Ivii�cella�uso This Option eha]! be oonat�tm�i in ac�ot+�m� v+dth North Cerolina lawo TI�s �pt�,on aots faat� fi�e a�tu+a �eammt of t�e paeti� with rospact to the �bbers eot f�► h�n9 ead su�te�es say pMor written or oral tmda�etending botween th� pnrtios with ro�t to 1� mat�erso Tt�s teans and condi�ons of �s Optlon may �ly bc mod�ed or �reived b� a vvri� �t �i�ad by 1� P� to be c�e�ed, Thia Option may be aign�d in m�l1�pl� originals or co�ts, 811 of whieh togethar� �o�uie one amd the ean�e mair�m�t, md the paCi�a tdopt as t%ir �ls fi.�e vsro�d. "S�AL" beeida t�eir � balow. �The rameanti� of this pege is int�ationally le� blankJ I1V WIT�• Wgg$�pF, tl�e $eller a�d me Huyaa° harre �h ca�d �o duc wc�dt�u of t� fa�S�nB Qp�i�ora io Purc}�ase wtdar s�eal as of �e day a�ct �r �rst �ovb wn►tt� $�a A1an�a�ae County Boo�amic. �ee�elc�pmo�t i�ound�a� (.��i �y� +�Y{�WY ��a '��?�� •'-�I�II A. Iri �.��..___ •• .��' ;���ii �1� � - — -- - 17�•��� � � �� � oae�fY tturt �tho ibliQwin� i�n{s) Pen��ei�Y �pP'� eQla�ow��ed/�ng to rpe tb� 1�e ar s1r� � die f�rpp� idocua�eute ba�e me t1i� �y, � � �aaniy �o�oa� L1at�el+apntatt.F+odind+�bn. �'` , .., . af ti� W�.myt�a r�� aa� ��, � t� �►� . ���. �. ;�� . �'ot� F�ubl�c 1�y' G�B�an Bxpires; �ta#s of North �� Coun�v of A��e i�' ����(8) p�+r�o9oallK �e�od 1�o�+e �e t�ois da�►, e� �g�n6 �o.� tb�t h� a� e1i� s�g�ed. ii� �i+o�oiu� �e aet�.j, �i�rey ilmtion. � 7�id iod � e� �i.e ffie� .. dxy �'��,�+c�� 20�2. a . � �N��'ubli� ,�c���'�x _..,.6..�..- ��"' r �Z t't 'W� �Q p�„�,,,�-�y �a� i. M.1 w� �le � 91 +�+� �+�W�W�� �o. ��i%93�'�' ��j%Y '' �'��� ' . ' �a�S' 's.� � �i� P, j f+i�ul�- �v ' ' 1� 1 . , `' �•``�4 .. 4; (r�''�' ;:�. ._1..� . ,1t1}:�5 � I:�1:11:�__ See attachcd pIan titled "Project 3r�rci£sh, Kiaire� Koad 3ite, I.ayout H, Prope�ty O�'9 dated �uguat 23, 2012, sud prepared b� AIley, Williams, �aim�a � King9 Tnc. (the "Pla�'�. �or purpo�s of th� Option, the Prapet�y is idantified es the u�t of Seller in thc poriion of th� percei id�ntifiad as �ar�e16 on #be Pl�n �d located witbin and soudh of the rigtrt�uf w�.y sl�wn Yn red on �e Plsa Th� Property does not aa�clude the r�ng ptu#�en of pe�+cel 6(`YSeller'e, Reiaisod Prnper#y"�< 3ellr� malca� � r�pa+�tion ar �ty r�c+di�g i�e mc�t or ndi�e of its interast in th� Pmpaaty or th� accuncy of the ecreage listed for tke Pmpmty on th� Plan or ia th� ffitroductor3+ paragraph of t1�e Option. �'he partiea egrae that, in tbe e`+ent t�at Buy�,e exer�ises ti�e Option, feY pwrpoees of i� Clos�ng and pr�parati�n of the �eed, #h�e Pmparly shaU b� doect�bed purauaat to � l�gal de�craptian to i�e pre�ed in �denc,� with th� tarms of Off� to Ptu�chese an�d �— Va�t I.�tll,�nd atiechad h�ato as •"t B. ��'�I�1; ��: , 1 , '•' � _ ' ; l� � ; =:�,,,. �i � i � � � � �� . � = �� �:� �i�'�':� . - � , , �s',�-i � 'y i� . '��, �`� , � i ; � �r . � i ` . t' � � �l�1 '�, .. � .L �_. . . i �'i . t .�� ' S � `� ��g,t~ . � . � � -1 4 � � ��� , . �_� ►�..:� � � �y'_ ���•_1 . ...•. �, u6' ' ••�� _t:i�: _�__ c See aitached �ffer to Parchax and Contaact ��lecant Lot/Land A�ER 1'0 PUUR�AAB� �1,ND GOiVTRAC`3' -�ACAN.f LO°l'I�IND FoP vvloable conslde,�ma, tl�e neceipt and legat aufficieacy of wltich �rc hareby xclaaowled�d, �er �B�'aos m Purcl�se � S�ar e,gi'ees ta �ell anci convoy tha Pmpaiy � th� t�tms ead aonditio�s of this Offer To Pm�ch�o and Ca�dr�G aad atg, adde�un o� modiAc�io� m�le in �d�e wit� its aems {toget� ihe'°�. 1. 1'El�SS A611315�i�1I'I`ION3: �he i�ms fieieci bolow eEirii n�v� �e reePeorive me�n�ng gfvars t� � sat �rth ac�jaoent ta owch t�t. {a) °'9�Ilae": �y V�m. � � aad0ae arai� (b) "$nYolr"� DerroluQnaea� Famd�tim. im er�ceero� �ad/nr sssi�,� (c} "PrppQH.j''': � Prope�y ahoAD inch�de aII tt�at a�al eshte daea�ibed below �.wiih a!1 �ppu�rac�s the�eeto including ti� it�provaaomtts loaled �. ' Vao�nt la� — 0 Kimrev Rnd: uwr�ei� _' :ro .�• � lz.ii6it A .,� h�, n,r� �.+..a �.�s, a� Co�mtY: �, Nat� (�a+ollae . {NOT�: �overnmmt�l wthority over f�os, zanmg, �oo� d�tria� util#ieo �ad mnil delive�y msy di� fl�om ad�eees �avene) Le�1 De�la� (Ca�ple6o �iLL �lic4ble) . T6o P�ID a� a�ee idmrti5aflon m�bac of dro Propar�r �: ��of Pu+cel ID�No.1601 �� Ofh� de�riptla�: rae �cill�it A, rt�hed lsmeio �ooe�o�� ta�wme (d) "iirre�ao �riee": A. The geeater oi (ij �365,i40.00, a(ii) � I7,A00 pe� ra�e of the Prapaaty nat m�lnding t6� � identi�ed ae �ee � ri�- of way a� f�e PL�a �� def�ed ie �; plus �. 5�,500 pr ,�oee at ii� Propa�iy i�fiod aa Wa�et ai t�aof-ivay m� io Pbm {�e 6or p�o�eo of A.� a4d �, � be � by ti�e �aev�ey re�red oo in Sect� 2�bj�vi) ottho Cw�t� �uch �ewy to be ProP�d bY �uy�r tnd rr►iew�d �md �proved by 3ellar, aa� �pprAvai no�t to �e 53,333000, ait pdd iu LT.S, Do1L� b� �� ��' aa�ditionod or deLyed); Pio� $ 2.30b.00 IN TI� F�ObYI�d OPiTON B�IOI�Sf S 15.000.00 �� IN117AI� B�iR]��T' MON�Y D �� to Seih�r �►. �+�nph i(� da�iv� �9a �{� days of � D� of Ca�hxat by �io�l �mk e�eaic S�i/A BY (�Ii1TIOPTAL) �8�7' MONB� DBT�$11' m�do payabie to �+ow �°� �� 1(4 bY ��' �1Y avdlab�e Ponda aoh as ai�ici�1 �ok a�eek o� �� b be daHvared ia &� A�ant no L�ae ti� Tlli(E �vco� raa��r� �a m �a a�. sww s�r ass�arr af� �.�a �t � � � � the �ng �0��) eeo�ea a aeed of aa�t on tbe � a� senee a�a by Prapeety in acxo� w�itb the �ed I,aa Aaau�tan �n (St�nded Faem ZA6-Tj. s N!R __._ _ �Y SBI,Lffit FINANC� in acoa��ci�oce v�tth t� att�cd Sa11ae I+i� Addeonal� (3taadQd Fcem 2A5�1'�. wll�i t� �RL�ATCB dii� Peen��see Price in �� Se�amec� (eane ae �Il of �vbich �y be pe�d v� fhe p�eds of �s �v 10�) Should �u3+er �l io deliv� �r 1�iai Ba�ak 11�aaeY Depoeit by �s due d�te, ar �ould �► aheat ar ort� f�da paid bY �Y�' b� di�ooabd, toe �' re�aon, b'Y � in�ta�l� �a whioh t�e p�ymam� m deswn, Bnyar �ull have a�e (i) b�nlc�8 �Y �' rivritbe� na� � deliver �ood �ads Uu tbe payee, in the evaat Buyee d� not �mely defir� good fl�nda, Sellaor ehall h�ve d►e ri�t to ��is �tn�t upa� writtan notioe to Bayar md � raEam the Optioa Ma�oY P���Y P� ��' bY �y�'• (e) "Bsrne�i l�o�ey ��t"; fihs ini�ai �rneet Moaay Daposi� tbe Add�Onei E�e�r�et Money Depodt �d amy � eaf,�t . momies p� ia oo�me�im wllh tbis �cc�n, ba�insibe� oolle�iv�ely te&ared t� as `B�eet Mauey DepaeiC', �hell be depo9i�ed �nd l�ld � ee�o�a by �cx+aw A�t ua�il Cla�g, rt whic� tune it �viEl be aediood ta �uyer, or vop� this Ca�inct is o� t�e�aaiwmed. In th� evaot: (1) t�a o�br �s aat aoaepted; ac {2} a oaa�tim of e�y+ resulm�g �cyt is nat �ii�fied,lhen the �meet 1Vlemoy Ddpv�t shatl be refunded fio Buyar. In tl� eve� of ba�bach of t� C�ntract by Sell�, dso Barnest I�on�ey Depoe�t ahell be rafunded �a �ay-e� �u Hoyo�'a reque�t, bu� e� rar�un ah�ll aa� a�eck a�}r oth� ra�edie� eva�b� to Huy� f�a suc� in+eoch, :i� : � eveat of b�each of Q�is Co�ct b3' BaYes', � Baraoet M�xey Ikp�sit ehall be p�d to Sellec� upon SeIl�'a roquaaY es liquid�d darnrges �rid as Salie�"s aol� uid �tctusiv� tbmedy f� nu,� 6eeu�, b�t �rIt�oat lirniting 9elle�°a righta under ��e�s Z{c) � I�lgfli B�r � se9le,z iai�rls-- 2(d) a Se1➢er's rigbt to rot�n tho �ption A�oney, Yt �s acic�wYedg� by tiue pxctlea lhat payment of the �uaes2 TKmey Ikpos� � 3al1� in tiie ovast of a breach af fl�3a Comract by Buye� �a eompan�atar�+ and nat p�itive, anch �unt boing a iasaoiblo � of �e �ael loss i�hat Seller would inew as e result of audt btearh. The paym�t af the B�uneet Monoy Dapoait to SeIlca abell aot coost�ut€ a pe�lty � forl+eihn�e but aatt�I eQmpo�tia� for 9ellar°s �oticipa�ed luea, both paties aclmowledg�g th� d°�icalt3' of detenmining �adfer'a �ci�el dempg�a � auch b�oaah. If la�l proc�d�gs �e broughi bY BuYw' ar Seller ag�inst dne � to recovo� the Bar�ese Money Depo�it, tha P�`�►B P�Y m the p�oaeodutg eha11 be entitled to ncava fi�m the non- ps�'ailir� Pavty' re�aaaa�b� �� f�s ��vu�te r,u� incvc�ed in �ian wii� tine prooaad�. ifl "i�cro� �geaf ° (iosw�t a#mej: Sabusidae �oerem� FI.i.0 NU7'�. In the av�at of a� between 3ellar aud Buyar ov� tho di� of t�e BuBee� Ma�ey Deppdt 1�1Ci in o�a+ow, a liaaasod roal as�te �{"'Broloa�'� i� requirad bY � law (md Bsc��w Agent, if not a Btulroe, hw'eb�Y �) to r�tain dao Eaeaeet Maney De�oa�t m the Bearow Aga�t's tt�t ae esaraw s�000uat uutll �sanw Agent lus obl�ed a� writt�. re�ae frwn die p�a#ioe oonse� to ifs diepodda�a or untsl �iab�rea�ent ia ada+ed by n c�rt of oaaa�obeat .jm'udicdon• �velY. if a S�iaee or ar► atbomey lica�eed ta pracHx l�w in I�Rh Cvollit� ("Atto�ey") is hakling tho B�ett Me�ey Depo�it, tbe �rokeie or �►tbo�na�+ rn�Y dap�ait 1he d7ePt�d m�ies with th� eppmp�risfie c��k af oowtt in �oo witl� the �oviiia�e of N.C.�r.S. §93A- ta. (g� "�t�ive n.t�": Tf,e ade �(1 j tl� Lac a� af Buyar u►a sellee hu ai�ed a� uati�led. d�ii co�tr�et, .na (2) racis �i�ing or miti�IIm� is �nm�aniicat�d � ihe at�a7 p�rty. �L, ''IyYe %�IU�t7e": Btl�Ef'8 OPP��Y � � Y%� '�+++�� ��'�Od 11D $IV�O� � P10� � �IB h'�/Qf10fl �P1�tod bY i�C Qontraet, inotnding t�t not neoeeraeily limiteti to the mWeta ds�aibed in Pa�aph 2 balow, to deade vnhei�ar br�, ln �uyeir°s aol� �o�, wlti pro�eed vrhh ar �e 6►e tt��u#ioo. (� "OP� M�Y'"� T1� �aratia�, i� the � of �l,soo,00� P��7+ P� m seltar by Bny� in � with � Aptiaa oo �rohose �Eo�ed in� batr�on f�e paeidae deiai�g bo i�is �oat� �ad iha �eaiy. 'Iiie �ption A�tamey � no�- refi�d�bl� �d r� the proper��y of 3eUe�, b� �ell be a are�t to Huyar apin�t ihe Pm�daie Prioo rt Claio�. (j) "Dre DYi�e� Perlod": Tho paciod b�� aa du S�'eativ� D�o �ad ex��ag 1�ou� 5:00 p.m. aa Oo�oh�r l0. 20134 TIMB �8I1W(i OF ?SB' �'1VC� wit� �Ord ts �eid dMie. �k) �fa�t�: � prap�•+eic,aout�an �a delivea�y i� �a cYaw� �ep ofa11 docammm neounry bo �are t6e tran�iOa �o�d b� ��ni�t, �+� ti� deed, iatt�ted� �te�aat, dee� a� tro�t �nd. otl�r la� gr ooasveymoo d�me�, �i 1�10 610lIfl� �WYl�j/°p d�t Of Ya �lpd! IIOOOffYly+tO ��B /liC�l �Od. m�Setflesent �':1'�e p� �e m�t sett�t vrill telm�,�e an o� t� r�e�r 3�. 2dis c#he «settt.m�t n.te"�, Ti1�� BLIlV� f1.�' T�l� 1�'.48l4iC� vrith r�td te ssid cl�te, �las afha�e �d in wrhi� tt a tim� �sl ��e to be m� egroed � bY H�yaa' and Soller. . (m) "Qo�iq"t Ti�e oampla� of tho legi! procss� wLicl� rewka in tha trans�er of t�tio to the Property fi�om� SeIlaa� to Huraar, whloh mcludes the tollovvin8 aoe�s; (1) the 9�tleanant (de�ued abov�e� CZ) dto oamp� af s taiuSc�ory� tltle u�d�o to dte Property �� 1� �1� (�) �e clo� a�a�ey'a mo� of �rtbor�on to d°ub�e dl neoe�ay fimds; �d (4) �eooc+d�ion i� �l0 � C9�j� i'� i1f $IB ad0�{3' � d00d�S� Af tfi]SS, �' �y, W�Ch d�lil� Li8 p� i5 lOOII 8S IOpOpYb�y p9Ydb� �OC the OIOitII$ �bOfney aite� Se�l�aueu�. LTpOo Ci�ip�, th6 �oc� �f �e e�Lll bb d�bUfled by 11�E CIO� �Oj+ i� � w;dz the ee�le�t .bbameM +ma tme prov;doae of ch�pte� 4sA of tbe rraath earolint (imaYl st�ules. If ine tkto upd�he ebonla reveal nne�pectied liams, amu�mbemees ox o�har tkle �ficc�, or if Wo closin� �ay ie aoa u�ari�ed to dbbocae aIl na�euy fiu�ds, the� t� Closing ahal! be eu�pended md tha Settla�nant dea�ed delayed w�er. � 13 (Deiay in �ttle�nemthG7oam�. Vi'A1tI�l�C: Thc Noa9a C:�rolini 9t�e �r b�ts dab�mined tt�t Poe portbrmiu�ce of ma�t acts aed sa�viaea t�irad � a clos�og co�itates the p�iae of law a�d m�e be parFou�med on13► by �n �ey Ho�eed io pra�ice la� ia Naath C�ro1m�. St�te law prahibid� uaHceaeed iadivaduale or 5rma 8�m aaad�raig le�i a�avioe� � advk�. ATt�augh aoai-tltoca�pY u�lemant � nuY perPar� limiled smvic� in � w�t a c�oaayG they may uot pac�otm all the �cta a�d rervioes tegaind ta e�anplote a �loair�g. A claing i�volees arignaficaeat legal i�sue� t�6aat ahouldl be her�dled by an aitaney. A at i� �e �rdin8b� posaran af the � i�a � a�f � 1 But+re� initlel�,-_.� .- --_ _. Seltes ini�iaRs _ .._. . — .--- North �aroli�ua Bar Aaa�irt��a end the Natb C�rviina .Aa�ociatii� of R�Ai>m�RS� ti�t atl buyas aho�ild hira en at�rnoy li�need in North C:wolina ta pa� a �loaing: in) `54Peciai Aerwm�ie": A o� � fihe ProPertY by a govemmmtal �rth�ty m�ian � ad vala[am tixes uul reauring Sovecamental saa�vice �ees levied rx� suoh taos, o� hy an owna�s' ae�ciation in oddibion to any regular ea�aasmamt (�es), elthe� of which may ba a liaa sgri�st the Pra�egRy. A Speciat � mry be aii� praposed a� conSrmed. to 3etti�� A�mast": A Spacsisi A�eae�nmt thst is imd� iar�1 cmnsida�tion btrt which lus not beaa� �pproved pri� "Goo�med 8pedal A�ert�eat": A�eoiel A�essma�i t�t has � approrred pri� to 3�leo�t whdhar or not it is fuily payebIo at wne of 8attlaa�enc. (o) "Qova�up�eni�! Authorit�": ghe City of Mebene, the C�+ of t3rabam, Ale�nce Couniy, tl►a Nocfh C�roliaa Departm�t of �por�tion, �nd my o�er pnblic ar govaamenLal wthority ar eontity iawlved ia the in�letaa�i�tia� of t�e Projeot, aolIeadvely. ' (P) "Pro�t": T�e �oject ���ect 8v�rord6e?�" t�et Buyer � warldn�g wrth the aovm�mm�l AaWocities te brie,g to ALimma� CountY. Ziro patter.odaLowledge d� the Propa�ty �is a pet 9€tha Proj.at, whi�h ia imm�dod bo be 000rtuoled o� a etbe �8 P�Pa'ed �e�h � cambi�a�tIaa of ti� Pra�ty �nd o#6er lead lor.ated nea� ffie 1'raperly. �� "Pro� ��er": T'hb pae�omt �r �t� �e is t�te ond-a�e b� ef t�e l�.�e�t, aad thet � intanded tu ooau�y eod � ii� impavve�ants c�emP�ed u p�t of die Project. L. Li/ i a1�'O L!!i� i/i�11\TiLL\� ��VFial00: {s) %n: D�a�g � Due Dl�e Peri�d► B�� �t �uYe�'�s e�o, ehel! be � to Purn�e 9ual�ettioe �hr md,pproval o� a I�o� if�irod (i�iOTE: �uyar ie edvised to oa�ualt wit�t Buyer'o lmder prior to s1g�g tbis offior to ar� t1�i t1�e Dme Dlli�eooe• Paeiod �lo�va a�cleot time £� the �ai to be ooa�pleb�d md iur Buyar'a la�dae W provide Hayer aa@9cia�t �an to da�ide aheti�ea� i� psooeed with or Ue�mmaee We �on since f8e lan f� not � ooaditio� of t�,e Ca►tnat.) (6) Pro�' ��wti�t�o�e: �#�o �ua �Iti�e Pariod. �uy�, ar Buyrr's a�pnts ar ru�v�R � g��o � d�sll be aatitled to �o�duafi �tt d�d i� ��i�a, i�v�oms, axamm�tiom� �nd � of �to Ptopert� �s Btryer d�na r�pQro�O, i�din8 bat I�iOT limird t� tbc fbllo�: (1� $0� ���/i 1�I1� �W�I'60�E�iiL' �pp0l18 t0 t�0�ID�8 ��' t�18 �l� �8 Stlif�ll8 �3' �'6 l�Od 1]�A � vvhetl� t�are ie �y aavit�nmau� o�u�i�, law, r�le aP re�io� that may pro�h, roq�iCt a]imit Bayac'� � use. (iii S�pRteA9�r �: na� +�uo� mve�aa��� � aea�e: {i3 � aa�it�a�, a� rn e��in6 �8� �, C) t�e costs and axpo�ne�s � in�u 4 �e�e ry�a� �PPmve� by an exi�lins �mprov� l�. i) tbe av.thbility .nd aacpaare i� oaomeot !o s ptblic pr oommuaiiy aewa� ay�aon, a�cr (4) �arbet�aoe an anprove�mrt pe�mit a� �rrltba�n evalt�tiac auy be obhinad $vm tl� (:�erty Herl� Depetma�t � 4 eaitable �rund �Oepdon aev�e sYp�a+• �m� Wstsr; Any �pliable �vort�to�(e} � da�a�mim:. {1) the ca�dit�on of an axittlaS P�� �6 �' waU.. il} 1�0 co� and aa� io � a privabe ��bee wall �pproved by �a azie�ng oa�o�nx�ian Pea�i�. C3) d►a awilabtli�Y: ���� �o ca0neat to a publi� a� oamm�rty wabr syabem, or a ahned privtle �veil, md/or (4� whed�ae a� parmi� msy be obtsimd $�om the Ca�uoty F� Dep�nmot �'oe a priv�be driok�g wM�ar well. (iv) Beview of T�le: Dari��g the Due Diligaace Paelod Buyvr shall r,�ee ios atme�► ro mumine t� title to ibe Pmperty a►d advbe Sell� am v� of aua► objeatloos ta asid title, md Sellee shall hsve a paiod of th�tY {3�) drya 8�om tho drbe of notice of eaid objactiaoa withiu� vvhich Sellar may chooeo to re�edy �id objec�[aa�s to die raeoa�ble ptiaS�aO�on of aQy� .na i� .cmaney. Ia tl�e oveat a�d objeoN�s sae m� so au�d ar im�od wid�in t�e t�ity (34) daY P� � BnY�', �ot its al�, eiwl! hsv�e the ri�ht to a3�er: (e) eaeept auch atle eubject to the abjeo�i�; or (b) te�mine�e this Ca�ot and raceivo the return of tho Barneat M�ey io�d�or w3th �il �t, if anY, aua�d tharooe. Ta Ihe evmk ao �oh objectieas are moda wltbin �e Due Dili�e P�iod, i�e Bnyer si�all I�ve m► rigld to r�o oi�;jaotiat� b iitle v� �ire prior to th� d�to of fts exsrninatim of title made wifhin the Dwo Dili�aaae Pe�iod, and aach }�e �hall be deemed ta be Pe�d Bxare�iaos. However, if additiedal utie abjec�s �ise a8�ar H�yer°s exAmmttioa aititle mrtde vviti� Paae 3 of 1 � Bu3�ae in�ials _ . � _ ___ �il� mi�ls ___. ,_ �e �3ue L�iiig�nce �eraod a�d prioY to i�ae i;Ias�ng, th� �uyer �all have the same ��hta mid �kotiaos with respecY �o tl�ose eubeeque� objec�a ihat is had wi� ��pact to objections aris�ag y�ior to i�s ax�aflia�a of titl� made withtn tite i�e Diligeaice Pe�ivd� (v) Apprsorls: An �praieal of the Propaty. (v�� Saney: Yluring tbe � Daligmce Pe�iod, Buyar shailo at i� aole e� �nd wcpoa9c� ol�n a au�nre1+ of ihe Proporty � �atam� ouhadi�t the p� is �uilablo f� Buyr�''s i�d t� and tLe l�lon of e�ew�ta, setb�olr�, P�+onPa'4r bound� Qxi � i�ae�s ��i�h, u�y ��r �oc �d� titl�a �efo�ts. Pruridedi tbat �uyee �bia� me amwsy with�n �te Dne Dit�ce Pau�iod, �uuyea� m�y ob,jecE to title cle�ecta �tclaead by tho eurvey wh�6 w�e aot diecloeod °m the tiHe repoe� d�iued by �uye�r d�1ag tbe Dne Dals�ce Partad, and Sell� sheII hsvo it►c umo r�hta � w�a tuah objeatians, and Huyar �ail �avo t(� atmo ri� � olocdam�s wtth retpeot �o pry tmoarod obja�ar�s ae �a p�ov�ed in Par�np�► ?(bXiv) above for objeotions disoov�ered 11�ou�h Buyra�'s aac�in� of the title to the Property, $uyo�°a puypy �1] be pa�em� by � Na°da Car�lina ho� et�rvwyor or aogmeee, and wit� eea �la) �ya �er Buya� roceir►ve the a�vey, Buym' shall delivea a oopy tv Se�lee. Om�ce Wa aurveY ha b�n p�ep�red, +md reWewed �cd �ppa�nv� l�y 9all� (au�oh appowl not to be �r�nabky wit�etd, aondiaoned oa� del�y�ed), a 1a�1 de�iP�ia� of' tlu Pr�tY P� Eraa1 the au�ey sLall � mitmied by $uS►tu �d Sella� �nd �ttaci�ad hat+ato �s $�„�. 'I9�e legtl de�rlpGimi att�►ched hareto �s ��d 'mcarparatod hm^eira by re�'aanoo �hsll be �te dacuiptioa a�ed in th� epeais! � deed tio bo deliv�ed �! Clo�ng. (vii) Zo�dg �� Ceva°nmeetal �ul�do�: lav�tion of �t ae propored soafng a oti�ar � r�om� tid# maY e�ect �uya�'s �teaded me t� �te Pta�pattya �b� ��, F� � P�'aP� � cm�huctiaa, and aoi�ool � ao�es. � (r+Iii) Fl�d B�rd: Inv� of poiendtl �ood ]w�eds oYa dta Propmt�►, aad/�r ur�r requiee�aa�t to pw��a i9oo�1. �un�oo � otdar in abi� i6e I.oan. VV�h �pect to all of Buyar"s �a Dili�e, mcluding wltl�ut l�aitation �o te� e�avey�, �pet�l�, inW�ep�tione, a��u ��iauc iafaa�aooe�l in ii� P�ph 2(bj, Buya �tae� dat, �t no oc� a� m�panie tio 9�ller, �u�ae �Il P�Y �v�e Selle� with oapiee of �y 1�ird P�Y ��� ��, �, or othor info� obldned by Huyrr �u n rault o�aloh llwe Dlli�ae �cdviti�e (the "Due Dltlpaae Iitar�'�, incladiag �vit�out Iimit�Ia�a any envi�anmao�al r�a�, �iI �OifBa �['tl/t�i9 �iII'YO�G► ��b 1'�pdti �' CO�i�[t�C. TYl /�1810 �6 �t f�C plOjOCI' �1j+0�� �Rj/ O� ti16 (�Q�Y�'llR1� Au�a3�s. � a�e of aag+ oi them, ar �ay of theie rapeatlr�e �gente oe repraraoh�tive�, �S �ay � Dira Dilirenc� un ti�r oRtn bebel� Bayee �P'�eej t6�t ie has owred, ar wlll oaue, the �PP�� I�'� �' �Y � P�Y P� 8dlee with �opda� of �aty �d al! Duo Dlli�eace Ia�oematio� at na cat ar mr,paime io 8e11a�. � 1be fo�, no�n� geroin dM]I be aom�tued 4o m�la �ny per�oa a� e�ty atlme th�a Huyer wd ite allo� �ad tep�+e�e�rti�ros bo ba�o aooas !o tl�e Praperty � d�e pu�ora� of oo� Dae Dlli�eoc�o, ��ooert b�aio� i+e�icted ha�+emodae bo Boy�, ils �mt t�d rap�ere�, �nd �� r� �i �. 'T�u�e abii�a[oo� ro provlde �eltar rvi� oopfae af ary �d all Ilue I1ibg�ae �lao �ll wavlrve �+ �dn�s aftl� Cord�. (a) 8�ror'r ObLiL �r�ioa tb I�pair Da�n�: Huy�er �hall� � Boyec't ex�re, Proq�p't�+ i'epan' �y dtme,e �o t6e Prop�t� r�uttog fiom �ay a�v� of �ayer �ad Bny�ae'a yet� and oo�on, but Bu�rer al�ll no� bo re�pmdble far any d�mtre auesd by � P��� `PP�ie to any �.�. �aen�ci �o�seia�tl Pm�a� �sa�biz tpPc�s, t�, e�rvv�s, �mi�ttlot�a �r,d imopeotlan� of the Pt�ape�ty. 'I9�is rapair ob➢i�tian �all wtvive �+ iernan� of � Caotr�t, f� Isde�ity: � w1Il iada�nifp, de� tnd hold Seller h�nutle�a ��l lae, d�mye, claims� eni1: oc oo�ts, �vhich a�all �ire o� of an;Y cartrtct, �t� o� in,j�aY m+m�° PQ'son or prnpe�ty ts a rantR of �my �S of Boya�, �oject HuYar, tLo Qov�W Aut��Ii�ae, �ny afli1� of �+ of t�, md/aa� imy of t�s� reeQea�ve ��nd o�ctas re�tiog t� the �Y ��' �Y 1� �/a+ cL�, �att or ao� �ing ont of p�a�tiog oonditio�s of �e Propeity �nd/oe at of 3elk�'s ne�tigooae � v�iUfal acw ar cmiaiabs. Thi� �nity drIl sm�iv�e du Clodng md thia Coatr�.�t and ery ��S (e} sa�s R�l�t to Tepmin.ta Huyar �heu �sro the riahc eo oe:mi��to thie ca�tnct �r anqr raam ar ao re�ou�, by deliv�eriog io Selbr. w�eon nat�ce of �xmin�tion (d►e "Termlgatios Noded'j d�aing the Due Diligaaoe PeTiod (c� sny a�reed_y�en vvriitaa exbm�ioa 9f the I3ua Diligmce Period}, Tlat6 BEINCi llF ?gE &SSENVG& If Bnyaa' timaiY dalivas the T�nnimti� Notioe, t1�is Caatnot s�ll be �nmm�d and the Bn�est Moaey D�os�t alall be m�nde�i 1u Buya. ' WABNIl�IG; If Bayee � not s�ed witb t6e re,ults ae pro�raa of Buyror'� DQo Di�e�oe�, Buyer sLould tiemo�on ihie Camtnct, prtow to daa ra�d�utfo� y/' fl�e Ih�e DiJigr�ce I'a�od, �miaee B�rer o�a obL'm a wrltoea e�e� $om Selier. S�J.I,BR IS NCiC ��I.iQA'iBD TD GRANT .Ald �Id'SI0l�i, �1Nhw��h Buye� may �o�t�ue � invaatig,rta 11ts PPap�rty following the m�piratioa� of�e Dn�e Dlligeaco Peifod, Buy�'s �ilaes t� �Yeliver ��inrison Notice t� Sellea pd°ia� to tl�e axpn�iar af �e Y�ue T1iliQenoo ��ge � rsf 3 � � �� �. _�.e.. _. ._ _. _ 5eller miiials __.. _ -- - - Period a�all cametiW�e a rvuve� by �u� of' �ay rig�t tc� iornn�na�e ��s �onuact 1�esed on aay m�ter relating to Buy�r'a I�ue Dili�noe. Provided ho�rev�, follow�g the D�us Diligauc� Pmiod, Buya� �y etill e�ercise a righ� to tortninate °rf Seller ia�ia to n►aiet'ia11Y �1}' wit� �' of SelIar's oblige�oHs undor Perageaph 6 of thia Contr�ct or for eny otha� reason pmmitteci rmd� ffie t� of this Co�ct or Nazfh �arolma law. {�} CY.USINCy SHAI:L CONSTlTUTE dCCEP%+1TTG:� OF � PRO�`$RTY' IN Fl°B �'$F1�I I�$TII�� CONDITiON DlvLB83 PROVISi�IV Ig OTHERWI.4E 1rIA�E Pi T�VR117NGo 3. BiJYBit REPIt�,,RElVTA°PIOP[�: (a) l�io Loa�: Buyir dooe nat have io obtaia s�w lo� a� orda� to parohese t�a Propetty. NOTB: Buya's obli�tiaws undac this Co�rect � not co�ditia�ned nPoa� obt�8 a�' olosin8 �Y lo�ta. If Bu�rc re,�ee�nts tbat Buy� doea aot l�ve bo obdrin a new lan ln order ia p�se tbe Prope�tp; 3a11� � pdvIeed, Pria' to a�gninB d�is offer, to ob�u� dflaunent�ion fi�ottt Buym� e��ch de�non�ratas thet Bnyet w711 be able to cia� aa tb� Propaty wi�Out the neoersity of ob�aining a new Iam (b) No Othap lropa�t9; Hay� does not trsve to s�ll or loase other rael prope�r � a�er to q�lify fa� w new Ian or ta �plate d� �e+�e �a�l�bd bY thia Ca�t. (c) Perfor�aaoe of �ar'� �paclwl Ablisatfroat; i'o ti� be�t of �uye�°s lmAwloc�, tt�e ae na ad�ve cirax�noes or c�s eociadag as of t4e B�cGive Data of thls Camraat t�ut wonld proh�it Beiyer $om parDarmin� �uy�ar's �tl oMi�ims in ��it� i�ia �ct, aoaxp* ��ay be �aally � bar� 6ero�n. �� OB,LIG�l,Tini�iS: ta) Proi�et RaBway aad iJt�ity Y�pro�.maf� to �t sea.r�: wa�ed 1',�opa�y; wi� re�Oc b�ay ro,dw.y ,� �Y � � be mQde by ��yer, bY ��' �7"�', � bJ' �' �tbe (�vbmmedt�! Aut�orFtiec pm�umt Ir m�; �nom�$ b�taeen a�mong t�em �1� eo t�e Avjeot t� widaut hn�� ��e�� �lon� the i�W3�tioa �publi� w�r �d �ewer �ervioe �od �a coo�vctia� of a public mod �e rhawn an the �mpcove�t p� (as de�ned �� �ohed he�+eto �ad 1nco�o�. � by ra�ae�e)% Buyae rap�'eomis, ��nd �pee� th�t h hr� aawed� a wlll o�e, n�c6. improvame�ts b be m�o (i� w�hin a reora�eWe t�uas afbae � b�rad on tbo ooat�uodan �ohedul� bor th�a Projeot, bnt ia � eviaot beFaa+e Juae 30, 2013, r�d (i� at ao oat o� arpe�e yn Sa�lar, � t�e�6 �ob or ����y � aovers�ne�! Av�aitt� ar olhaveira BW�' �a�tee raP�. wm�cf� md a��ee� ffi�t arh ��11 be o�tad �t t m�ar iL�t t6a.�► rvlt� be Qooe�i�e by, � a boe�it to, Seiler's Rebmad Pmpeaty (� da�Ad iA �, TJpc�a the oon�lertim $F wah m�rro�ea� �ud imttl au� dnie � racl� ia�raveu�ara� lu�va been ded�o� bo �od 000eodbd � pu�c i��ts by ffie Gov�arj�maatal Au�a�itiea, � ne�e�wu-y, BaYa�' �i! �� ind e�ae, n� ahall osure Pr�jeet Bruy,e a f� approp�a Gow�a�omrl Ae4hority to mai�n wnd �, ruah in�rovame� �t ite aole oa�i and ii�e rl�ht iu r�o (by p�rt of m a�emmit �aro£or ae in a m�mnm� a�erw3�e ��d Seikr �il have of Selkr"a Rst�ined �� io Saller) �►1m�waaeds foar the beeefrt . property. Tl� tue of eucb ��nent� for the beoslit ef Bellx'� ite�ned Piopeety �hal� bo �t t�o aat � a�a� t,o Sall�e, �Y f�ar c� wtoci� with o�aiai�g drlvs�Y P�, b�P �e, +� con�oacB fiot� utllidies baed a� I� ���� oblig�iom �s �et �xth a� thie � � P� ��t b3' Se� a� BuYar %a° B�rer'a f��a to �'ll it�. � K�, �e P�6 P�3' �� P�6 rhNi be antitled to r000ver H+onn dro noa� �$ P�Y �ble deo�ey �ee rud co�t �ts amamred in oo�on wkh the prooeed�og, gny�er+s ob1� �s aot ioaih m this P�r�h 4(a) st�ll. emeviwe the clo�g. (b? S�ect oT Tar�ea op Abaadonioregt of t6e Praject atbei° Clodo�: ln t�o evant tl�at the 1 rojeot 9s Oe�m°v�ad ar ab�odoned R�er th�e C�m& Buy�' �a m P�P�3' P�vde Se11ae w3th wri�en na� of �uch term3n�on oe �banao�maa�t. 3eAar sh�Il thea I�ve ihe optiott to repuir�e ii� Ptvpaci�yy firoar Boyar far the �e pricx,lees 53�333, P�1 b3' BuY�' � Clo�ing. 9elle� mty e�c�iea ihia � to rq�c,hsea bY 6ivm6 BaYea v� noti�e thareof ei�ued by Se!!e� withm a�rmtyr (9p� d�s atiar Shce�'a reoeipR of B�ye�r's writtea notice Hmt tbe Projact htu been tiamin�d or ab�ada�od. Sellee'a ace�c3�e of its �r1�s optim a6s1[ b� e�v� upon {l) h�nd dalivesY, �' CZ) P� ��'th�e uatioo wrth an grrarni�t oosamae�l deliva� �eevice or In eerti�ed �ail, return reoeipt requeated, fa deiiv�y rt�Bayer's �ddtaas Qs aet EoarH� in the Ndice �ntb�m�tion secOion �f this Ca�ac�. 3�'s optla� io iepuechase e�d �uy�'s obligatlo�s es sot �rth in this P� 4(b) sheil survive id� Cbsing• Page 5 of 1 I BuYtr irai#I�Is _ 5elta� ini¢i�is (o) �Punaibiii� �� �ropase�7 �pec�fl t���a�oe� �nd �oject ��ed A�ee�mem�s; �uyer s➢�ali iaice tdde su�t io � Ptapo�d 3peciel l�sae�me�ts and shall be �sgonsible tbt d� psymout af aIl Project Related Aaeassramta (�s ��d in Pa�nph 6(i) bolaw. (cij ResPojuibllity for Cort�in C�te; Buya� si�all be r�paasi°b� flu all c�sta wit➢.+ �ect �o �cp+ �a nbta�ne� b3' BnYoa'� epp�sisal, title �ea+ch, �itle �suranoe, racordiqg �e deed and aay Duue Dillgm�o canciuctod bY BuYe�', ib a�eais or aopt+os�vos. (a} Bwpoadb9i�ly ior DeAea�d Ad �alot�m �pceo: Buyaa� abaIl be roeponsfbI� fCu' PnYmerrt of all defeeied or rol�ctic toxee appl�able to the Pmpaty. S. INTENTIOIVALLY D�I,�TED 6. S�[.I.�it OBLIGATIONB: (a} �vtdaoae of Tlde: Shc� �aas �bo use best e�orts to daHv�ae ta Bnyar �s aoon �s raroea�iy powible aflx t�e �ve �e, cop�e6 oi the �llowing titio �foe�tlon in tbe poe�e�eian of op ro�earmbly availa6le to 9ell�r, any title iwarance policia, tttaeney'� oQiaions a�r title, �ave�+s and les�ee rolating b the Prapmty. Sel�ee wthorl�ea: (I) enY ��Y P�'�1Y �' ����Y �ept�mtm� BeUec to zoler�e �d �cloee �ay title �aauanoe poli�y in wch atiotasy's 6!o bo Bnyer �ad balb &syar's and Selia�s ���; md Cl) �.�P�Y'� titte i�aee a ite a/e�t b� rslove �nd dieclore dl m�eri�b ie � Progerty's tttle i��'a (ae dtio i�u�er't �t'sj fiie to Buyr� and bo� H�er'e u�d 3e11�r': � and aitomey�. Sbliec �ed �ayee yree ih� 3eIIer's deHv�cy to �uy�er of all �h iaaierials �all be mado r�t�oiu � wamniy or tqua�eemt�ttaa b�+ Sollae � to the �►LeMs, aoomecy or �t�oes �araoi Buy�' herobY �Sss tt�tt it ralies oa my �Poamdien or dowme�� provided bg► 3elloe i10� � Bllj"�''6 00�6 7'i�f, �ll}� �0? �BOi � �Y 8i�1 HOr pOiAll1 f�10 �IA'�t Qt�1L�0A 9� 1�10 �O1�0�1 � d000meoba provided by Sell� ha�, o� tl� to Buyar's dbo�aay�, advi�as�, oona� �d pa�tial laoder: (no�e of wboffi s3�11 ge�mii il� � di�aemL�tiaooi� oie�n�h m&�noatic,�a �nd �cum�ticn �dlor� s�uirt�i wit� ii� �ar� GCa))• �b) A� to �artj: 3eiiae ahell provide rm�anr�le �oae� �o t�e Propa�ty ti�+on4h t� Clo� he tha pa�por� of �uyoa'e Dqe Diliianoe, sabjad t� t6s Omma of �h 3��), Ccj �pd (d) i�msof, �d peor�i�d that Sn�+eF giva Seifar c�iramobl� a�v�ae notice ofBuy�'s �oed £on�soch �, (c) Re�oryl of Baller'o Propert�: Sclle� �helt rwnove, by tbe dabe of Cladag, alY of 8eller°s p�ut property wh�oh is aot a put of the p� from the Propert�►, �� ,i�mlt �d I�d�r�iAea�iu�i Ag,r�ea�ent: �]ler iin�'i iitrt�isfi � So�l� �n a�rarv�i ,uixi �ca s�aar�at � f�ar� �ti:B�i�Ory to Hury�or �md Ba�er's title �, if ury, eo�eca�ed b� Sellce aond n�y� Par� a�' ao�3' �6O }� Pe�m�d 9r �ed 4bor, rervicas, e�ia►s oe ieAnfal eqni�naot re de�t'�ed °m Ti.C.O.3. �44A-i on Se11�t'e b�htlf �c �e Ptnpeety v►il�u YTA � ptiot to the d�e of Settleo4aat v�earIlyb$ tl�t �oh wah pez�ou or entirty haa been paid in fuU �l a�eeiag m�dmmlFy �', BaY'�'s laadar(s) end euy�'� ritle instusr �fiwt rll lo�r �+om mg+ awuie ar chia► arb� ths�fl�ta, ' (e) Payaea# and S�li�bctlo� of L�: All de� of t� ]im' and at� ah�eges e�ainet tho Pmp�i�+, n� a�aned by �uyer ar ��Y �, i� �t a� rap�ee�vee, mriat bo pdd � e� hy �ellar piior to �� Settkaoar� � d�at eaacollation mry be �tly obtrined �Owing Cloeing. ii� 1�tle� Iw�1 Acae�t Sallat d�eli w�e �ci deNvar a SPBCIAL WARRAN'I'Y DBBD 16e 1Le P'ropaiiy � 3e�leo�mt �mier aRharaiee � ham�, whia�h ehell c�vey foe a9mple �urkadble md ine�aabb dtlo, fiee of all li�as, ahu�es �ad a�oamb�tnces �t tiee �llowing (the "F��#ted Eze�ptioes"�: (� ad valaan taoces for the wzrent yaa (pa'o��bed � sc�o d�o of �?; t� ��PP�� �8 sad buiWmg laws awd �; (iii} dl mattas that wouid be reve�bd by a c�ursant and �ats smvey md i�pection of the Pmpmty � that tre �raived ��wt timely objeded to b7+ �uYa' P� ��'+�Ph 2(bxvi} abovc; (iv) all maieers of record that ue waived ac a� timety�ob,jeo�ed to by Buyaa� pureu�t tu P� 2(bXn') above; �d (v) sach �her �cuml�moea � mgy be as�me� ca� epeciBcaIlY 4�� �Y ��' � �B• %J Deed, Eu�e T�a: Sollat a�all pay %e p�p�rada� of e deed ead all �er dowmm�a neoe�eay tio palbr� �ella's obli�ims u�der tbis Coa�tract, md far �drte'nd �+ exciro t�ees required by law (Iwt sot inc� � daietred or rollbadc te�es �pp�icabte t� th� Prope�iy whi� shell be P�id �r bY Bu�' P� to p�ph'K� abow). � deed is to be rnade �o: Al�ce �ountv �3can�c Det�elc►��ttt Fouadr4�a a° its p�Sf�9�� Pa�� � � l ? HuYa� initiel� _ ----- --- 5aileP initiais (�►� 7nteo�i�u�liy Deleted (� Paye�at of CoaBr� 8pe�3a1 Aue�meafs: 9eller sl�ll p� �11 Camfumed 5pecial Asasea�rt��, if �+, �ded �t f$� amount tlm�eof caa lx rooea�bly � oY esdu�eed, wi� ti�e exc�n of �gr Confamed Spacul A� thet +�ee ielated to the Project ar �ed � coon�tion wrth 9xe unprnvemouts thetefoz ("Projxt �ted A�epme�ir'�. {j) Iste Listing Pen�ities: All prapetiy Ux ltte fliatlag Pe�eltiea, if anY> shall be paid by Seller. {k) Xa�tiAaally Dd� (1) 9rre'r P'ailare to Co�1y oe �r�ec�: If Sel1oP �ils'io m�irY comPly �rith a�+ of Sslle�'a obliga�ons und� tb� Faregrapla 6 0� 9alla� �eda)� b�+oaches thia Conh�aot, and Buyee aleots � bcaminata th� Ca�xct �s e�glt of �adt �ihuo or brarch, than fbe Brmeet I1�aney Dep�t �1uU '�e retimded bo �uyaa� without afficdt►g my other remodiee. If le�e( larooe�gs �re brought bY Buyer �gsinst the 9e1lea° to reaovea' f1� $unort Mu��y �poert, d� P���6 P.�3' in the pt�oc�ing tiwll bo �itled to reoover fr�n the na� prova�7ing paiy n�ronobte dbotney �ees and c�o�stt costa mciumd 'm camnecdm with ti�e �oceedmg. . (ai) DY�l�er of V1►aPeuder: 8� tn�d Sel�r rclmawledge tLat Buya' ah�Il inq� d�e prcpertY Pu��t io t6a ierm� heeeo$ aQd dall aoquge d�a Prupa�ty `�AS TQ WHBRE IS" �vlthout acy obli� of 9a11�, �oapt as mr�ee4ty eet �th he�ia to � �TY� � P� �D' ��, �en�� mni�aa�mco or odur wadc to the Prap�ty ae at�+ pat thereo� and pNhart, anoept sa m�ror�ly �t focth haroia to t� oas�'�3', enY vwrnmriat, axpnss or ic�lied, of �ay ka�d �+oa� Selle�, incltd�g but n�t �aitad to, vrar�ntioc of �ma� m�bility� �inaos EAr s p�r parpose, �biiity, �bility o�r onviromnaal�l oornlitl�: ��Y �� �3' �� w�ea vvith. rerpec� de die Pro�iy� e�caept a�osll�+ �et ioa�t a� �is ���B �4i' � bY �aY }aqkm�a ar �ale�men, and BaYa does h�obY �a1mrn►1ed�'ffi�t, �a pue�ag tha ��P�Y' Bu3� ��'�B �Y �Poa Iho�e rr�pa+o�la�iom� of 9e[lac oonaacAidg tha Propariy+ m�pco�+ � fct�h �e aioh in tP�iB Co�at. Tdis �ovhio� d�l1 �ly n�vivo �e Glaeing. 7, P�OBATI8N8 AAiD ADJ�i'M�I1'113: Unlas �tha�vloe prov�ded= the f�lbala�g ia�r �Il bo �srosst�d � ti� dr�o ef 3�ent aad ather �wi�d betwean The p�rtiet or paid �t Seiti� (a) Tuer o� �al.Prop�rig: A� valarem hxee �d reaa:ing gover�anentsl �arvloo fiec ievlad with r� hxes on rosl p�opar�y el�ll be ptanted aa� R atie�rl�e y�r b�ris h�ad ae W� �el�lv� aa�e of t6o I�e�ty to the tv�� �o of tLe p�resl of �vhic� f¢ w�e a pnt p� to the �nvey�noe of ti�o Property; (b)1te.a �, if �ny, Fae the P�g�ty �!1 a� be p�r�ea and a�u be �d by s�; {o) �r: Ovrnara' a�eocii0loa t�puLe a�ar� (�) and atber liiae obr�. �. COI�iDl'!'ION Ol� �'ROP��'Si AT C��OSING: B�°�ee'a obli�ti� ��mplete We ��pl�iod by thi6 �aatracd o6all be om�eat �pon tbe Prape�r bea� m mb�d�atially ttaa �me op bebbe aot�tion �t Clo�in� aa a� the da�e �t' �is Cmi�, s�aromble w�ar md �ear ead a�gea is ca�di�a c�wed by Baya�'e �e Dili�aaa amoap�ed• �, � Og ic�: °� � �t� o� a�o �y � o� o�.�r rw� � ao�g �u �,� S�u�r. �� �ro� o� t�e Prape�j+ e�e ddtrayed ar mab�ri�lly d�ged mior !o c�amt�& �Y�' �Y �atie tl� ca�cc by �� deliva�ed �o $eilar a� 9eike`$ agent �d the E� Ma�y Dapomt shtU be re5mded io B�q�er. Iu dio ov�n¢ Buyar doea NOT atax to nmmit�bo th� �t, Bnyer duli be e�titted to r�e3ve, in �ddit�am to the Propedy, mY of 3epa�'s imsarnaoo prfloeed� p�yeble a� aaoount of t�s �o aa� deftPuatium �ppliable tn flie PrapMY ba�►8 P�twaed. Sellar ie advised aat ta cance! w�uting m�unaoo on tbe Praperty uat�i a� c�noiag reca�tioa� of t3� deed. ii. D&LAY II�T 8�`I�.BM�iVTI�CLOSING: Atreeet �greement to d�e co�ry in thius Caatra�t or aty iub�equent modi%tton ti�ta, if a p�rty is unabie to caoopla�e Settlameat by tha 3ettle�a�t Data but mteoda b ooa�lete dre tr�n�tia� and ��dC� � pod �ith wd with raso�ble dili�arce b�ra:eed to Sottlaanent ("Del�ying �ety"� md if tLe othee P�Y ��'� rvill�g md ablo to c�mplete eatl�m�n¢ on the 3ettlema�t Dde ("No� DelrYusB Pu'►Y"�. the� i�e Delayioog Paaij+ s�ell �ive as mtich notioe ar poseibk tv �d Cla�ing ''v�thm fo�atem (14 ��9� Daie, ar b�iiuthar wcte�d S�t D�te �� �� Setda�oat ��Y� �Y shill be �a bi+e� a�d �e N�-I�el�yia�g P�ty m�' t�mintte �is C.o�ac� aod a�l be �titiod to m�rce tny ra�e avaiYble � anch paRy ��s Ca�►�at f� �e �. �'age 7 of ? 1 �".►� ie+itwis _ — --- Sait� m�ial� _ 11. P09�iO1V; Unle�s oi��vise �wided haa�, p�ion shelI be ddiwa�ed ei Closing es doffnod �n Paragrap� 1(m�. No a�atiams, cxcavstions, erea � v+ege�iOn ramoval or oiher sur,� activitios �sy be do�e be#i�e p�seesion �s daiiv�ed, 12. O'IB�B P'R0�8IUN8 AND COIVDITIONB: 3e�e � d. B and C�ched h�to uxi iacoipor�ted bc� by reF�+e�ce. 13. ASBIGNMI��TT'S: Bxaepi m co�dara w&h a t�x-�et'orred ax�nge �r �a provided othecwiae hac�in, triis G'o�a+�t may nrnt be �si�ad �y ei8ier pe�i� wid�itfi i1w �ri�or �vtitien co�aY of ihe amer p�a4y. No�wli�irnding �e SoaegAmg, t�is t:�act may � asaigned by �►rya�' wiihoot the wtittaa caona� of �la�, pr+�vided that (, Buyar's �ae� �eeumas a!1 of S�'s ri� �d obiigitians m�der this Gaatr�ct, end (i�) aaah ae�mant ia mpde to aa�e ar mao af d►e tbll� �oe: The C�ty of �ebta�e, ihe (�j+ ��g A�II08 COI�t�+' ��80$ Blij►pi'' ii� ili�+ 8I1ltitl$ OT �111Pb Ol1�lj+ d'V1�QOd jll �1 � CUR�l+O� �f"y �+ OII6 OC more tham and io ba used to bring the Projec� to �aa. If � pw�a�t to tbe tecme of f�e �iog �eoEeooe, t�ia (7o�t shvl be bia� on t�e BnYae'� api�e �d �r �e�ee's ba3�, eucoe�at's rnd �dgna. j)poa �r ���t bY 8uye�, Hu�x �lnit be a� releded from el� of ite obli�atiaoa fux+eimder. In additim. upon +ay te�ufm° by 3e�ec a�f � i�et ffi iha P�ecty,l6ia Co�fraot �,y be iqeiga�d by 9ol!!ar iD ibe iflmsi�ee �vi�wat ti�e w�attae cootant of Bayan; po�i�d th�t SeHar's trwmfavd� ��il of 8dlae's �ht� end ablig�ticros under this Caatrvo� wd �a°osii�r thi� Cantr�ct s�ll bo bindi�g oa 3ellar's hrne�+edu�goee and s�oh tnoaibree's/aseigr�ee's heie�, �acoee�rs��od �i�gae. %iipoa acry nu� tr�na� �od � b3' Sel�e, 3eIleP rhe1l be �ca!!y rel��sod E�om all of � obli�ttiona liereund�. 14, TAX-D�AR�D �XC�IAATG�: in �e event �uya� or Soller do�res to e�iect a tax-{lefierred eow�nge in � with ihe �vby�nce Of the �ropa�ty, BuY�' � Seller r�eee io �oopee�te in a� t� e�oah�; provfded, howeV�, dut th6 mcahna�ing �riy dnU be ree�auible fa��all a�tio�al c�ta �ocabd widi � exc�e, e�d provided �, tMc a�a`aoca6�iaB P�Y ehe�i not a�e a�yy �d�lwul l�bdl�ty with eaepect t� euc� irx-dbfi�rod �e. Btqror �nd 8o!!ee s6�ll exeoole wd� �dditionol documa�, �u�ng w�►t of this Cantnc�t in c�tiae �� �t no oat to the nom�exaY�u� PatY, ae doW be reqnirod i�o �►e et� to �is ptar+isim, 1�, �AR7"I�iB: T� Ca�aot � b� �indiag upon �md e�sll ieuee b the bane�it of BvEyer � Sdter �nd t� re�eeNve �eir�, rucoarrt� � rm�ns. A,� �ed I�enrni, w�g m i�he �mguiar mp3ad� t� ph�ral end �e me�oniid� inci��s the feminine end neuboa �f� 69 �• I6. 80ItVlVAI,:1f my providon h�re�n ca�ad' by itr n�mre uid effieot u roguired to be obw�vod, leept oe perBacmed a� tha Clori�, tbea� it eh�ll turviva d�a Clain� md r� �mding qwn md �e �e bane�t af tho p�eNes ��mtil �}ly ob�eeved,lae�t a p�maed, Od�'�vi�e, e�ea�t �r mcpro�iY Pmvide� ot�awira m� ar req�d�ed by tbe i�erms o� th�a Contir�e�, tbo pra�►niaioe af this t;'a�ot �ll noi �ve �elivae�+ af tue d�od � tl� t:ioai�, 17, �N7qB� AG��IY'� �is Cantnct ca� �e e�+a ep�eement of li� p�n�er a�1 t� � a� iepra�a�tto�s. md� � othee proviu�a vtl� th�a th�e e�paawued maeoin. AlI ah�t�ee, +�d�itio� a del�ane heeei� m� be ia writ�g �d d�d b3' all P�etise. No�in� o�ed b.�in shall be de�ed to ea�te eny op�eemeot bet�roeo ��BAiTOR° ar braiaee ts�d 3ella� or �ayer, or to ��ey �ent botwea� a I�AY.T(�t� �' � tad 5ellee a��y�e �s o�e�i in ut3' li� a�reemmt, bu� �Y � � �Y ot� �aY'a�ea�ent botr�eam the�. 1�.1�TOT�(�e A�y �otioe or comnwnication tn be �iv� 1� � p�rty harem m�y bo g�v�m to ibe �y a� ta enah P�Y'$ �� �P vvritb� notioe ar eo�muoi�iam � 000pedio� with tho te�n�on coatemplabed by dris � may be giva� to a�rty oe s p�rty°s � �Y �Y � �i�6 � � �Y � �ddte�s, �msil addroee ar 5�x m�mbar �et �oitth ia 1he "Nodoo �rm�tion" eection below. 3et1�° �nd ��reo ti�t �"Natie� �i�" �"F�crow Aolniewledpaeat°' ee�tio� bebw aful! not oa�s� a ma�erid pat of � Con�, �nd tl�i tlra �on or modi�c�iion of any �a�mu� �tere6� �hali nct �te a rQjeotiom of a� o� or th� c�io� of a cau�aa�a�. 19. �S�CUTIOAi: Thie Cat►tr4ct ma� bo s�gnod in �aaittple oalginaie or a�mt�p�s, alll oP �vhioh io�er aoasdbute aoe and �e B�IC �d1i, � 1b8 �B � i8 k�P 803�4 � � °A."�AI.99 �dP f�iO�Y' 6�191�08 �O�Y. 20: G`OMPUT�°I'ION O1P I�AI'�a �Jfl1689 Ot}l�w188 gazovlded9 fdfl° pi]spo8e8 �f ihi9 CbYYhB�t� Nle te�a °`ddy9" ehili dtl�1 C01lbflC11#f1►e �' d�ys, �nclud�8 3atacdsYs� S�aYe� u� holidaYs. �►hothaa� f�1, e�te, �Cel or �eli�ious, Fac ibe parpoees of caloulat�g dq+e, tbe oa�ont �"days" si�all be�in oza tho ci�y followia� t!� �y upaa w�i'oh anqr aat ae nolioe ra provi�d ia � Cantract waa �d ta be perfo�ued og m��o �'�ga � oi � 1 H►�yar i�iti�la . --- S�lier 3�i� r� xox�r� r�coLn�u AssociATTox oF x�a�.r�xs•, n�c, AND `THE NORTJi[ GARpL�jA SAR AS3�TATION 1�dAKB Y�TO RBPIiBSBNTATT�N A9 TO THB LBC�AL, VAI�IDiTY OR ADEQUAt:Y OF ANY PROVISION OF 1'HIS FOltiui l]+i dNY SPBCIPIC �CRANSACTiON. IF YOU DO IdOT UND�ASTAND THIS FQRM OR FBBL THA�' T!' DC�g. NOT PROVTDB FOR YO1UR LBGAL N$�S, �OU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLINA RBAL BBTATE A'I"fORNBSI B�ORS yQ�' SI�N TT. [fihe rema�der �f the pa� is i�im�dionall�+ laft blamkj Page � �r � 1 �r � -- � .a�w� �n�� � �oa�s� abail bec,o� � b�d� �o�� �n �lte Ef�dve �a s :�,: �� Seller: �ae C:owrty Bcaoaasic �evelopanenY Fuundatiou (S�1I.) P<T�: � �' KmsrY �/a�on (3BAL) TYtic: [°ftie ramsinder 9f tha geg� is inisnti�lly leR bl�uk� ��� 7.;� �� :+ �, �3+�e ia�i9iays — - �e@9e� iz��?as�as --- - _ �"Y" -_ -� NOTI�E II�F�RIVI�."TIOIK (NtYl.'E:1N�RT 'IT� ADDRBSS AIJD/OR B�RON[C DBLIVBRY AADRBSS EAC`I� PARTY AND A�N!' APP1�pVBg FOR T� 1tEG8IPT OF ANY AiOTiCB C91d'lFMPLAT�D BY TiIIS CON d3iAC'!'. INSBRT "N/A" FOR ANl� WEIYC�I AR$ ?�iOT �r,PPROVSD,) BUY1rR NO't]iC� ADD�R�•4: M,T�ifiT�TF,�- � --'�-- - �_ �; , �.� r Boya Ftlid�: Buye� �mail: S�Li�INC AG�AIq' 1�101� ADDR�SiSo Pirm N�me: Aatiag aa ���ar'g A'eat 9 9aller'� (s�b�geat O Dad .�►ga� �31io8 Addt�are: SII.,�R NOTI(:� ADDRB�B: M�8 �� 27302 9ellas Fa�dk Seller &mail: I.iBliriG AGBN� NOTiCE ADDit�S�:: Fi�m Name: N!� Adie� � 9 Seller'm Ay� O�I A�eat Indivic�i 9e11� ,A�n� l�ridl� Adde�: _ - -- 9 A�n� �� Dai�n�ted Du�l A�ent (abeok amly if �p�lioable) Indivi�l ii�ina M�k �Mo�� Lioo�:�a��������b) sailh,g Ag�mt �k: �g,� pg��• � �� �_�+�' F�g,�ent PodF. Li� Aaant Bnm�l: IBCAAW ACICNOW�DGMBaiP Ol� II�RITAL, �ARN�BT �[OD1BY D�T • ;, � • , . �, . ��, ,�,�,., ; . , �,,,.��� , ., � . — - - --- t � _ .-�.. ��:,,��� :;, ,, �i.��.s:,.� - - - �� iirl.�. - � i ���. -ii � - � �`�R�f.r, ��i�' .� � �.. �- �v�i =- �� •,i�i � i� i�i -:�*,. ��erow A�at �o�vl�d�w reo�pt oi t�e is(tid 8tfaat � Dapodt aad ap+oe� to �old a�d dirbor�e tLe �se i� �cc�+daio� � t6e �ererr hw�oL ' � FL�m; Sa�neider �aeeaor, PYJ..G �Y� (3�e) (�t �ne) Pa�e 11 0� i 1 Bu�e�initkis�_._.�_ __ Jelkainiiiafs � �,ii��-�� See attached plan tittled "Project� 5v�rord�6sh, K.inu�y R�aed Siie, LayQu� B, F�Perty own�� � August 23, aoia, � � �y �,u�y, ��,�, c� � Kin& �. (the "P�a'�. • For pwposes of the C,oatrad, the Ptopaady is id�� as tl� inix�+aet o� Selle� in the paation of tbe parcel �da�ti.fied as p� b on the Plan and lacated withua and � of ttto. ��� v�ra.X �or�...m ,�d on the Plan. . The Prap� doos not u►alude tt� r�a� Port�on of p�16 {"i�er9s Ret�ined ProPerl�►'�• . Se11cr makes no r��n or wan�anty regarding the �t or neitn�e of rte int�rest in the Property or the accuraoy of tl�e a� liated far the Propetfiy on the Pl� ar in Section 1(c) of �e C,ontiract. The pn�°ties a,�re� t�t, f� purposes of t!� Closing ood �on of ttia deed� the Froperty ehall be des�ibe�t puusuaut to a legat deeorip�ion ta be a�tached ha+eto �s '�' B pt�mptly afi� t�e su�ey ref�en�ed to ia Sectiaa 2(b) (vi) of th� Contract hes been P� �Y �Yar'� and reviow�ed aud ep�+ov� by S�ileP, such �ppro�rel not to be�samably wit�held, oonditioned or delayed. 0 ,�..,.,� � ,,,.. � ;,�.,�- _ � t., c' � i '.� �" A '1 ;c,�'s_:•�. -Ti�n: — Y�eg�l Des�.ripti�a --l:11:- --- Sf� BttSC�d plBtl tltl� d0P1�,JBCt $1�7Qi�Sh� �� �� �'1t6; PCQp03E� �VBt�t' S13� Sev� Se�wicas" �a2e� 4?ctob� 5, 2012, at� �par�i by Alicy, i��illis�s, �arm� �t I�ing Ina ��e "Impraweme�t Plan'�. � � i 'F�'��- � ��a � ^' �'„'� �.4� �� �' �� Fa� '��'�t: �, ;�r��•���,i, �'� i;���� �*�.f��;������ �j r � ` � - - L.r �r, "ld��, S .5 � . J � C� .�� �kl,����1 il; 1 r � ��� ' � a�l�� ��`�j nS• E�� �� !ti. ' � � � i'� �� iT ', ��r� .��� � �_K} � � �r ' r ='f, •'t� `'► � t i ��, i'� '� � ' ����`�' �' �� � ` y ' ���`,�� ! r� ' �i` � � �, k � l i, � ��,%,� r� ,�'iA.��' .. " t. e '�,,y�� j�'�j� r':��:.�� tbd� t ��; �" ��, �1. f� cf ��- � ����*��F # c� i' - :r � S�'� ���'' � � �� ��++N1�lW� ���'� - - I ..i , , � r ! _ ��� ` .t t _ .� ,�... � 1 � t �t�'� ` ""'�, •`T�� %,�A �C�1��4(� �R ��� �� � � t��'�f i '����1°; - -- «r� .��� .�1 � i+:, - '=� \ '� �' i''+ � � }� � R � 4 �� `' R � T � �� t i �� ��R� r` f a e �t ' �• ( f ' �' — /� �.� �� ��.� I ' � �' .�a , F7! - ��.� , i � I _ '��1: ` y� I ��.i. , \'�R' �i ;'�' 'T(�� t� — : �.�� ,; �:�� �_ .��, ,;��r � ,�'"�` u: , �� �-i,y,� �M?� i ..���:.� ..,�. � �� ���-. �� �.�. _ .. • '��� � i JR� r . '�< .� �� _g' � ��I ��r- � ����. �+. �,i - � - d�'.. ��� �' +' { �,�J{ � ��l ���. � r. 6g'� k,, �+ I �k� il ,� , ��. + '� �,y -�� .. 1 �� .� .. 1�� � �F � • ��� �� �4� . 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'.�, '.�st'7F+'��wik� •i ,'�'� � T lR _ . •� �',� 1 � ' �� � 1Y� r rrt �� �'����'� � li,j �'�'�•� � �' � _ . �� �� I ���.�� ' ,�� � ,� � �� � ``' �"' ti�� � �' '� f�, �� � �� ,,� �.a �� ., ,i;��� ,.I '� F ��! ��" �r�` au� � 'r< �' �� � „p "'� � ` i',;� - � r�qr _" � -�',.,� ',�{G�(\ � ,R� �':,.�.' ! -'�-i��� �'� , �� - :i. ►�1 � a� - I � ...o,...'�4lP' � {,�I `��a.•� ,��{ . �'a'i ��; j i�'; � �. . , � � �� � . ,��� ��Q i , ,: ��!/ ��.�^'.�Wj�i���,��� v��1�':Wt.�l ��C`4�, f1 `� I '��F. �t ' y��r�' "� { � ��. '��� j'`'�:, �,� �' �'�. �r ,! � f- �-'� ;y �,t�. �:* ! � �� il _ .\ +�FA �` � l"'J _; F � � , ��, �r.� •��+�l�� ! ,y "��i .' _ ���-�_{ �l'r.1�� .� ..,�aJ: f -_�� �'J �` �.� f� ,, _' .�i ��' , � � � 1�1t "�. ,. �ym ��� $ }b� �r / .. � ��`.•, k ',�' ' ,-��'^ � Mi �"`�'A�q�, V4� f• � � ��(`�Y �" �/ �� - � � ___. T'��----�,��t����r'���.� �,> ��'?��i����v,���1_`.5����if-1��II�.J�,��'� . CtC�n�:^.n•: "-•c�,rei-=--•r'r • .•';/31_�..°-?r['r*v+r•c--��r^,.��c-..,-..-�.�....-..� -,� . - 6�.R��y � r-���.so� , s� rr t�PTIOiV TO ACQUIRE E�iSEMENT Mail after recording to: Ttus instrum�.at �r►as prepared b�: Charles L. B�.t��a�., Jr. Bare� La�r rirm PI.LC 3061 S� Ch�h ��. Burlington, N.C. �7�15 Brief dcscrip�on f�ar th� index: This OPTION TO P�JRCI�ASE (Option") is granted on Octobar �� � 2012 by Thomas Clinton Bredley and wife, Sarah S. Bradley, J. Thomas Wilson , Tammy C. V►�ilson, Steven S. Scott and wife, Linda P., Scott ("Seller'�, to the City of Mebane. Seller, intendiAg to bu�d S�ller, Seller's hcirs, successors and assigaLs and representatives, in consideration of the sum of one Doiiars tS 1,Oi;} l`�irptiar_ MuneY`' j paid t�o SeI1�r by Buyer, receip# of which is acknowledged, �#s to ��yer9 Buye:3s heir�, su6,,essors, ass�ns an�. represent�ti�%es, the exclusive right and opti.on to purchase a sixt� foot wide e.asesncnt for roadv�►ay and utility purposes, including teanporaty �onstruction easements and easernents for required drainage and stam� r�te: retertio� pi�rpases acr�ss t�e prop�rty described �eloua, the loca#ion of said essement being show� on at�hment Ei, The propezty across which s�d easement passes is ali of that certa�n parcel of lancl, togethtr with ail improvements located therein (collectieely, tha "Property'�, an th� City of _ . County of Alamance, State of North Carolina, aad more paflxcularly desctibed as follovvs: Street address: —_ _ Zip code: Legal description: Property deseribed in Deed Book 2597 PaQes 3���329 Alamance ounts+ Re�istrv on the ternns and conditions set forth below. 1. Option Period: This Option shall exist and continue fram October 12, 2012 for a period of one year. Option may be r�rded as a l�gally binding notice of the Option. "1'IME IS OF THE ESSEN�E WITH RESPECT TO THE QPTION PERIOD AND E)�ER.�ISE. �. �xetcise: �t a�1� t�me during the �ption t eri�d, �uyer may exercise fi�.is �pti�n by giv�ng Seller writtten noti�� tlieret�f signed by Buyar, which exe�cise is e�Fective upon {1 j hand deliverv, t2) com.pleted facsirni�e tr�xis�nission, or {c} pr�paid deposit of th� notice with an ovemight s„ommerci�l delivery ser�i�e or isi ��riifi�d rnail, rel�un receipt re�uested., at the follo�rin� �i�Y�35: �S��P: Phone: J_ Fax: 3. Contract Upon Exeroise: Upon exercise of fihis Option, The parties shall execute ttie City of 11�iebane standard easement deed. A cQ�di#i�n c�f, and as consa.deration for s�i� easement, the City of Mebane agrees that the Grantors, or their assigns, shall have full acc�ss to the roadway to be canstruc#ed withyn said easement; that the roadway will be consttucted with curb and gutter throug�b the prop�rty oi Grantors, that there will be no assessments or impact fees �ga,ir�st prop�rty of Geautors or assigns for watcr and sewer and #hat Grantors slxaLl ba entitled to up to t�8 ( i 0)wat�P atid sewer taps to serve their property at no cost to Qr�ntors ar assi�ns with the Iocations to be detemz�ned. The location of said 60' road right of way shall be South of the small creek czossing th� prog�cty and is generally sbown on ths drawi.ng atta,ched hereto. Fxact boundari�s sha11 be determined by �u-�vey �d �Yie �ii�+ shall p�y ta vrantors a price computed at �83,33�.33 per acr�. It is esumar.�d t�,at t�e t�ial p�ice �-i[1 be ���U,u00.00 mare or Iess. 4. Interrtionally omitted. 5. Entry: During the Option Period, Buyer and those reasona.bly designated by �uyer tna�+, with reasona.bte ad�an�e not�r� to Sell�r, anier ihe Property to inspeet, sufve�, and eppraise �e Property. Buyer shall be responsibie for the repair of any damage done to the Propertrty �trring aay s�ch entry. F, f141�F*r rr.nrlifiin-�c• I1�1 �VITNESS WHEREOF, ths Seller a,r�d the Buyer have caused #he due execuiion of the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. Seller: 'a ' r SE , Huyer: City of M�bane r ��E�� � �� ��� FIYIIt 1181I18: � . � Sta.te of North Caroliaa Caunty of Alaman.c� I certify that the fo�lcvving person(s) personally app��red before me t�s 3�y, gac� ackno�vled�� to na� tl�.t he or shc �igr�ed �� faregoing docum�ni: Witness my haud and ofiicial stamp or seal, this the day of , 2012. 1Votary Public Iv1y Gorra�aissian E�ir�se yaay� : J� 3� i��W����i���I��NW�I�WI Dae ZD; a07�1Ua10fk19 P�po; CWP p�eorded: tl?J►S/400Y �� 02:90;Od r�?7 �xcI�pS�i�T�t�'.�1l,17�9���e i 1t � AVIp„JeP. lAfi�i N[GiSTlM OF Cl�C ,��,�:�.y.�.� ��59i ��3�7-3�9 r�, r%: �aeaaa�a �rw.: ee.t�.� TAEPARID 6W. CAAHLl9 "CNONAB 81YLLS, J4 VV9aAUT, Nwla, liiNNlNGa�e 1� PTl7MAN. l.A. PobT O�n� YOx 1l9B, itlRtwGroH, NC1721i�Jl� RE771A11 FO: G WVi'!� NOltTH CAROLWA AL.�.1l�tA►t�C� �! ?N'a Y GENER9L i�VARRAIVTY DE�D 7iII8 DaED mad�e thie 2Sth dyr vf J�uu, 2007, by �nd betv►Feta L�INDA ROi1+y.A1VD �aer�a.sP �� ar �� �a� �� c��, �rr, ew�.�. � ru��e �q �e,/��y� eerfai� Tt�u�t �st �atad Aaprt 8,1996 as A��ad�d �ai R�tfatd !'�bruty Pq fRly C;faaeoe t�d THOii�AB CIaI]VT'ON SRADI.E'Y rad w1k, SAR�►H 8. �lG1Di�Y af 55d3 Wall 3Veaf, Meiwae, Nortb C�mlina 27302, a 33.333�lfi �adivided iakmst; J. THOMA3 WILS[?!� of 35Q3 %�it Lio� Lfiia�h Rod, Mehne, Matb Caroliaa 273Q2, a 33.333396 undivlded iatese�t; `�'A114IY C. WII.80N of' 35a3 M� Zion Cb�ch Ro�d, !►Id�ne, North Ce�oliAa 27302, a 10.A0009�o tmdividsd intecest; aaa �7'6l+$IY Se BCOTT �ni �vi�r. YdNDA P< � SCO'1"1' of b03 South PSdth Strmt, Meb�ne, NoRh C�rolins, a 33333356 �mdividod iat�we, Cirmt¢e. 'fhe de��cation dr�ais� a�d �statee a� uu� l�eln siwll ioolndt e�id p�tic�, iixis 1�eus, ruoee�ors, aad a�igin, �d rt�ll include �gul�, �1un1, mnculine, femboine oe neuter �e raqt�ired by coa�xe. WITP1E�c'�TH: 7'.h� the Cm�tor, for a valuable cmaiduaaon pdd by the C3raatee, tlie naipt of whioh is hereby ad�owledged, bae ana by dwo praent� dw, �ant, b.r�ai[�, reU �sd �vey mna rbe C;rantae in fee simpte, as teoantr ia �. aq of tha! camu� troct or paroel of Umd 1� m�e pa�ticulariy described as follov+e: lbat t�artain traei or p�ei of taqd laatled ia lvldvilIe Toweslxip, �,l�raaacx Co�enty, No:tfa ca�liaa, �djdning d� 60 foot right of way of Trollingvvood-Hawlielda Rord (SR t 98 t), the lu�da of Howard P. N�se (aee deed rocorded in Deed Book 3�9 �t Pa�e 339 of tUe Alam�ce �Y �i�Y). Hawfields Pteebyterian Chrnh, lna. (see de� morded 'm Desd Boo1c 998 �t Pzge ?45 of the Alamanoe Co�ty Re�iatr�), Lot 2 as ahown on t�at tertain glat e�dtled "Finol Plat Stuvey znd itexombination of the Robett W. Gibroa, Jr. Tnist," which plat is duly recorded in Plat Book 71 at Pa�e 495 of tha Alm�ance Couflty Regietry, Intaatsce lnveat�na�ts (� daed r�d ia l➢eed �odt 8�F a4 Pe�e 4�1 of tlae �emw�oe CotmtY Re�ietty), ��ia 3. �owland (see Wi11 Book BS ac Poge I33 in the ofSoa of the Clerk of Supeeior Court of AWnance Goimty), a� beiug more padc�lsrly daacribad as folbwa: BEGII�1iVIP+IG at an exiadng iron pipe loated in or near the �autiswaeem m�in of thn 60 foot right of way af'�rollingwood�Aa�rfialds Retcl �Sit 1987) end ti�e l9ne of H�wfields Praabyt�riari �urc}a, Inc.; r�uuaing �� From �d �is¢ ai beginriiug urith the 3is�e of %i��fields PeesbyterIan �urch. Inc., the followvsg cout�s aad di�ces: South 57° Q9' �4" West 238.93 fc�t to an �xisting ieaa� pipe; Yhenca, Sotfth 5?° 09' 2d" �Aleat +403 .95 feet to an exi�t9r+� iran pipe; thence, South 45° 40' 39" West 256.16 %et to an ex9stiag iron pipe, e oommon comer vvith �ade: 25J7 pape: 327 9aa: 1 (page ? af 3� xz.wFelds Presbyterisn cnvrcn, Inc. ana tho c�for�ia Loc a; rue�irtg thea�c� with the 1� uf th� afionesaid Lot 2, South 42° 2 3' 38" W�st 449. ! i fogt to an axisCing iron pipe loo�ted in t6e line of H�vaBelds Prasbyterian Chuzsh, Im�., a corner with the abo�esaid Lat 2; running thence vuith the line af FiBw�elds Prasbytariaa Ch►ach, Ine., the foUawing caases aad �r. North 76" 1b' 44" t�lest 229.7? feri t� a.: �i�tatg iro� pipe; ihaa�oe, A?o:th 76° ? b' 44" Wat 244.61 f� to � exisdng ir� pipe: thence, Naeth 7b° 16' 44" VVest I74.07 f�vet to a control Eroa�er �t rock and �" �1►8'� ►uP� s croer�on com�r with FJa.wfiesIda Presbyt�iw Ch�uch, Ins. smd htterafate Invatmeats; r�ming thence with the iine of Iatet�tale Iavaatineais, the foEtowing couraes snd distrrwes: No�t6 29° 09' 00" Woet 76.69 feet ta an exi�Uing iron Pipe; thmce� NoAh 24° 09, 00„ 9Jaei 398.12 foet to en exi�ting iioa pipe; tlna�ee, North 29° 09` 00" Weet 281.72 feet to ea m�istinp iron pipe; t�oe, Noith 29° 09' OQ" West 250.54 5eat 4a aa aciatbos iron pipe; fh�e, Narth 24° 09' 00" We�t 33.68 feet tu sn exisdns iroa pipa; thence, Na�th 29° 09° OOA Wat 216.99 fac to ,n exisiiag iroa pipe; theaoe. North 29° 09' 00" We�t 162.72 fxt co s controt aomee rock wd '✓•" exi�ting iron pipe loaated in tl�e Iin�e af I�a�tabe iave�mm�m� at the aouthurealeramosi oon►er of Bennie 8. Itowlald: nmmng thaoce with the aonthata bwndaY line of Hs�nie S. Rovvland, tbe foIlowing coure� and di�tances; North �5° 48' �2" Beat 585.90 feet to a� �ar�a$ iron pipe; thense, NoetH 45° 4S' 42" Eaet 213.14 lbet W a� �d�tin� una pipe; tfbnee, Aiorth 43° 48' 42" Erst 246.52 feet � se acistiAg iton pepen thenae, Nattb �S° 48' 4Z" E�t 23d.59 f�t � au auisting unn pipe; the�ce, Idorth 45° 48' 42" F.nt Z29.58 feet to �n ercirtiag iron pi�e: �, North 45° d�' �2" E�et 36.2! f�t to u► radst� imn pipe located in the soutltw�stem maspa �f T:alinsta�-Hsvv�aelds Rard (SR 1991}, at U�e �o� oee� of �eeaie S. R.owlwd; �aning thaac� with the wuthvvaRata marpn of tLe ri�rt of way of Trollia�vaeod-Hawhalds Roa�, d�c followia� oouraes ad di�uncae: Sauth 63° Z4' 01" E�rot 6i.7! ii+et to a right of way saoa� tl�oce. � 3a° 13' 9l� �aet iti6.� feat in a ri�ht nf way moamoant; tl�mrx, Soadi 3a° 03' 03" 8�t 342.9T feat to a ri�ht of wey mon�t; ttmnoe, Soaeh 33° I O' 43" F.�d 80.66 i�iet eo a rig�t of way iauoieiea� d�nce, Nert6 Se° �6° 3 i" Eaei d4.�'. sleet io n�ulsied po�.at kr� 'sn �u �ieeliaz �f th� 6U faot t's�bt of way aP TroUia�vvood-Hawfields Rad; namin� thecwe with tho aeaterliae of the 60 Soot �ht of way af T�vvood-FLw6elds Rad, the Sollewing cowsas �nd disnaoaa: 6outh 31 ° 29' 4a" Fs�K 132.60 �eet to a oolculated poiai; thence, 9o�h 3 i° A7' 49" Best 24035 £eet � a caic�at�d poia� t�ce, Soath 39° 34° 49" Bart a08.13 feet to a caiculaa�d poia� the�c�e in 8�e 60 faot ri�ht of w►�y of Trollin�waod-Fl�eld� Itood (93t 1981� Sautlt 54° 33' OB" We�e 29.95 feee te rn ezirtiug ixan pipe Ioaated in the wudiMw�a aur�in of the 60 foat �/ht af w�y of Trollin�waod^�l�avvfiekls Ii�d (�t 19� i} a coraer wltn iiownrc P. i�ieo�e; mm�iaa �ea� �vid� tt�e lit� df I=v�ud P. Pls�, t�e foilowr,r� course� �nd di�tancxs: 3otttb 54° 33' 0�" We� 60.15 6ee1 to aa existin` aon pipe; thance, Soath 49° 35' 40" Baat 2b6.75 foet ta tbe poiM �d place of �$C}1N1VII�IG �nnd c�tsiaia$ `�4.11 Qsros, moze or leaa, of �vl�ic� O.E7 acrae !ie rviti�ie t�e C�U fao� rl�l►t of way of the 7YrolBn�uroo�Hawfields Ra�d (SR 1981), ud BfiING ALL OF LOT OY�iE (t) as ah�wn ac tlset car�i� plas �titled "FiaAl �lea �ur�cy end !te�a.�nlan.�on of the li,obart w. Gib�n� Jr. Tmst;' PcaA�red bY �w�Ii 3�ra� Inc., d. Eric Miias, 1�OFessianel Land SQveyox. �] March 2'7, 2007, ]ob ldo, 07-095�Ue1, whieh piat as datp recaded ir� Plat Book 71 �C �e 4�5 of t!►e Ai� County lin�i�ryr, aid to whicn p3aL etfeenee i� t►arnbgr a�ds for a �re Aomplate deroription. 17�e propeAy f�ereinbove dsscribed wes �cquiped by Ci�antor hy uuor�n�t tecorded in Deed Book lD2C at P�ge 295 of iha Alm�aace Caw�ty Re�y. Soc aLw i� Hook 4lS e! � 90b of dse Al�ce Coiarty Regisay. /� tnap shawin8 ti�e abovo�des�ibed psvperty is rccorded in Plat Book 7 i at Page 445 of tire Al�monce Cotmty Regia�y. TO I�I�AYE Al+� �'O HOLD tbe sf�esaid lot or patixt of laad. �nd ail pt+vilepes and � thaeeo belonging w the Grrntee in fee simple as tensats in oommon e:►d in d�e praporti� haeinabowe set fflrtb, Md the {irsr�tor covemnts with the �ranue, that (iractot is �eized oC the pr�mi�cee in fce aimpk, b� tho sight io convey the same in fee simp3e, that dtle is marketable end hroe and ol�r of all ea�tunbronccs, and thaf tirantOr wiit wertent ead defead the title a�nir.s! Lhc lawfu! cla�s of aii pergQns vv�omsoever excepe For the �xc.eptioas h�reinaftes atated. 8cok: ?5q? �a�+�� ^°�? �a��. {p� 3 of 3) iitJe to ti� prop�sty hereinabave described is subject to the followine exraption�: This oom�oy�mcx ia subject to easemems and righis of rv�y, if my, appearing of rocord in ihe Al�zaanse Com�y Regiatry. iN WIINESS WHEREOF, tha Oantor has bereunto set his h�nd and seal, the d�y eud year first above wtiifen. v�ta..G� �, vcx+�.�� �4er�eo (S�AI.) iINDA ROWLAND DOUGI+A$, re Of The Robvt W�INam CiMou, Jr. Itavoable Tnnt ParsaanY to tiat eertst� Trdt A��t deled Aa=ast S, i996 ae A�ad�d wd Rat�t�d Febrasry 1, 3901 NO�TH CAR4i.lAiA AI.AMANCfi COCiAPI'Y I, _1� ,��•.� Nany Picblic of aid Cou�uy, do hereby c�rtlfy that LIAIDA �OW1.ATlB ��UGi, nriee Ot TYe Rdiurfi Wt� Gi6wr�, Jr. Rwocabk '1'Part Pnr�uant M tbnt e�rriin Triut el�re�at iabd A�e{wt 9, 1!!6 �g �d� ra� I%i� Rrbt�ar� 3, i0610 pa�aonaiIy �ppeared 6e�'oie me t?u�s day ae�d 6^.iClLDW�BI�� SvB EXCOS�1�3 p° f�f6 �O�fl& Iq�IAACSt. Witneas mylacd tad o�'iciel �t�ump oe �1, fhis }�day of� Z009. i�. , fl s _'YYt�n�_ c� orny b��c � e �,1�.� l � i�l ��... _ PrFnt�dame of Na�ary Pubtio My Camuna�sioa �xpir�' `� ` �t�- K� �diUSENLY i1001� �� Al�nwm� Car�r 1daN► diulrw avB lnv�rura�n lesit90oao �1ook: 3597 Pdge: 323 S�q; 3 ,:tl�'4: �. •;��•z_t'"w4:ye�wnll •�+J nL- nav �oJ idvmi�r.l0d'tw sIFOZ: te ZaCEf0.W6L'�P'0 LIOAtlY3EVB'aV�tt1�+PUP9i�M9 GYtZ61Z10d�1 U�TiO.i� T4 PURCI3ASE �'ROPERTY 1►�ail after recording ta: This instrumeni was prepar�i by: Charles L. Bate�nan, Jr. Bat�a� I,av�� Fira� P�.yC 3061 S. Church $� Burlington, N.C. 27215 Brief d€sa�iptior. f�r the ind�xe �Iowsrd and i�'irgi.�ia N�se This OPTIBN TO PURCFI�►SE PROPER'I'Y (Ciption") is granted on O�c �$ 2012 by Ho�rard and Vireinia Neese, {"�el�er"}, to the City of Mebane, (°`Buy�r"). Se1lee, intending to bind Seller, Se11er's hsirs, successors and assigns and representatives, in cansideration of the sum of one Dollars {51.00) {°°Option Money"} paid to Sella° b� Buyerr, rec�pt oF�tii�l� r� aclui��vledgedq ��IILe.� C� L�LI��C�y �uyer�s neirs, successors, �saigns and repr�s�nta+��res, t�ie exolusive right arnd vptian to purvl�ase a certa� parcel in Al�manr.� County on TmUingwood I�aw�i�lds Rvad. of approximately Q.32 acres as show�n on th� attach�d EXFi]BIT A, ead bcing a purtion of Alamsnce County Tax Parcell b0522, GPIN nur�ber �8+�9136�5, ora �he terms and conditions set forth b�elow. 1. Option Period: This Opt�on sh,all exist and continue from Oetober 8, 20I 2 for a period of one year. Option may be recorded as a legaUy bindiag notice of the Option. TiM� IS OF THE ESS�IVCE WiTH RESPECT TO TgiE OPTION PERIOb AND EXERCISE. 2. F�ercise: At any time durin.g the aption Period, Buyer may �xercise this Option by giving Seller writt� notica thereof signed by Buyer, whiah cxercise is ef�tiv� upcm (1) he�d deliv�y, (2) c�ffiplotsd facsimile transmission, or (c) prepa.id deposit of the natice wi#h an ovemighi commer�ai delivery service or in certrtified mail, return re�eipt requested, at the followang address: Seller: �Ioward and Vir�nia Neese 6915 West `ie�n Road lbtebane, N. C. 27302 Phox��; �'��.� 3. Contract Prlce. 1 he �ntra�t prioe is $7S,OOOAO payable hy t�e Buyer to the Seller. The tirrne and date of the clasi.ag of said praperty shall be identified in the above identified notice v�rhen given. �, t�ll fees, surveying costs, recording fees, and Iegal f�es are to be paid by the Buyer, 5. Entry: During the Option Period, Buyer and those reasonably designated by Buyer may, with r�asonable advance notice to S�ller, enter the Property to inspect, survey, and appraise the Propeity. Buyer shall be respo$siblc for the re.�air of az�v c��g� �Qn� t� th�e Property d� any suoh entry. 5. Other conditions: IlV VitIT�TESS WI3ER�OF; t1�e S�Il�r a?�� ttse �a.a��° l�ave ca�ssed the �u� �xecutio� af ih� foregoin.g as of ihe day aad year first above written. Selle�: ��� � � � d���=t�, � � .� �SEAi.,) ' ' �" � �'rint i�an�e;J�a�a� �� �o �Y�.� �� � ��°�i�'/'� �uye�: � � (SEAL�) Print �: s�t� o�No� c�or;ns county of Alamance I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me t�is c�ay, each acknawledging to mepthai he or she�signed the fore�oing document: Witnoss my ha,nd �nd officaal stamp or seal, this the � �r�.t.� �ri�'', ��. : Pay3,1i,:� rtnt�.,, . Ivly �arn�issio� ��.pi�e�: a� �� � � day of �-- � �; ��:}};�. �f�.� ���;���i _, . ! PIJTG;''� rt_3tiC ' f��.a':.; �i � ;� rJ;:�L1��1`i�� ,1�l� ` � y ^,t - . ''� E : :,<��s �� �� I_,;.,,,`.,,._, _ _._.. _. 2012. ConnectGlS ��ature it�rt Pa�e 1 of : wapeome � the Alamar�ce Gburdy GIS SUe. 7HIS lS NOT A LEGAL DOCIAa�NT'. Adinunce Opwiy qu1 auwne �p irb�ily {at �+y arrors, �` nm{sslens, nv 9�ecct�wci�� in Vne initr�'fsr�fi0n p►Ovlded rpWYa! oF how tauted: er �ny d�oi�ionY mad@ ar eCtlmts tabn of noi Wmn by ueer ir t• ' �.v=� u;,yr�� rsi�enc� vuar �ni� 1�src�r,s�adan c� �ta iumleh�d Mnur�r. The user knpwYyh� waiu�c my ud dl �itdrres �Or dampae agtPnet �iny end aq of ihe —-- enUilea �rt�pn�roroy dir� -=,c1v�i�P�CE f;OIJNTY OIS SYSTENI9� � erl�e, harr3 U+� �. �* .�.; �;�i ` �, \G� 9 1 � d � •� _ ' 4;F:,-�- •• � ( f�l�df�t Pb�H1f Y- I' � g. R r i�- �� � I�as * 5��` _ ,�r_'� �:L` .l,� �� I ' e T�tAd�rs.9i Ad I '� 2 < l ".� � � � r i�; � � r , � u �IIfNnSry AdcMaie i i� � ' . 1`sU5 +� � 3ttwtf � '� .� : *'r -�- RoiM �, t^-- : .,� :, - '' � fkrYninsry Rords 'I': ' •. PrNde Roaels '��l' , �. ,; = J �1�dpl�it� � j�? f06Y't����WplWiywflA�Fyhw') ';�` �' ,�,p •, I� 100 Ya�ar F'loodu+,�1 i�fiw) a�;. ; . `� c. *�E QW vaor Ftaod�iii ,r� ii = '�y,�:�'�•` WyiltOYe/j+ ' F si? , Sn �l+F� . r ' + �ilt! dV �dc( i' ..ti -�4 � (s i •�'� , ` �t� K � . y `jMrt�li�til $'i�iiR18 - ��'�� .''��t� — �, J� �� � ?I:/1Yink17� �i:�INd �'�' ?�5�,�� I +ni�iiPJlh�r! � ::- �• ti , ' �iow ' �.r; . ��'•i� r. - :+.' 6.-...;-. � ;' `� ">, 1 yy.♦ � �. � ,'r 1V .' �i' .Y": , . �. �.:, w ~� � �� 3vl �l�M'1 ..'. � ,,�. � . i .} �i, �'. �, � � 7} ,(, .^ Y'� ,�+` r � �}Y! xry •`��� .a'` � _f� ,- � r -a'. li _ ���',4 4 , s���.y� 1 .3 a��' a �`� � ¢ L `�4 �,� �� J +S' " �'� �+a' T �i_ � i - s ' � � , �a�. - �'f. :,`� ' . Si -•, � — _ ���. �� �-i�t� ��.`�.. �t_ a: \ � ��._ �'1�{� . t��''.� � t � , � li �(i'J� y ..�.-, \ � i . �� \ t . �� _>y. . � `� .,; �:, ,�z �,.1 _ ��: ,�a � _ - .=� -ti _ �,-�. .-�� �` _ � �' Y _ > .:� '"' � : _ ;�� "a` � ry _ y � t, ' , I� ii � .^' f: :£Y _ .. c� .s,�. - .�; ��L. � � h�''�l��' � ': � �r '� � �i. �i, I� � � �_- ... fi ' f'; S �,� ', ` =� ' �`� '- , s; F ,.-� , �r'� � �{r N - �r ,�' _ �� " . j' `F. �, _ �. . � -i�.' I.�, ' C ''�� � � � 1� �'r., `S - ' ' � �i � -, _ � � ,-s_.: - ' z0 w�. �� 1� . � � . • 1 ^�..:- `: • v� 'tix: . _r J _ . . f � r ' ♦ . . . . � ..� . ' .t . �, �' 'Y� �� �.� _ ��..: � � � � \_ � L � � - htt�:llal�a��c�u��y��o��ci�is.��a�w�r����d�'i��,�s��'?�=_a�s :n��.�s92���a��f44£�•�6�95�a�f4bb��"�-#,., ; 8l��312 �lorth C�relPna Amendme�t ta Option Agreement Alamence C�unty Wh�rees, th� �ndersigned Infier�ate l�vest����, LI� d!d on Se�f.17, 20t2 grani �n optl�r� te� the City of INeb�ne, s�eld opilon bein,� f�r an eas�ment for re�dway end utility pur�ses, a cApy �f s�id 8ptlan,�gr�ement bein� �tt�ched to this Ar�endment; And, �re�s, th� Ct#y �f IIA�bane �as r�quesi�d iFa� t�� time far �xercis� �f s�id �ptfo� � extended throuah and l�ciuding �mber 15, 2013. Now, Theref��a in considentien of tiie cum of Ten �Ilars �nd otheP valuabie 6onsider�tlons, t�e Undersig�ed daes �ee with the City of fVl�bane t�at the ilm� wtthtn whiet� the Glty of Mebane r�tat �i�re �ti� �r tir� i�nd�rsigned of its' iflbent i� �rclse said Op#l�n is h�reby extended throu�h afid it�dudiR�g th� 15�' dey' of De�etlr�beP� 2013, r�oiwiths�ndin� tihar a�id date is i�eyond �e iweive �month period grrin�lly set fo�th in said Agr�ement as the period within whfch rrotic� of �xereise muat be ahr�n. A!i other terms and �greements within �aid option Agreement shall remal� in fuil faPce ��d effiect. �� Wit��ss Whereof, the tJridersi�gned have exeeuted thu Agr�m�nt on the � dsy of � 2�13. lnterstate invgssiments, LLG By: ...s.y.�..� �'.. � �e�� ��� �� �. �1-�5� TEA� VII. i���i`i�� �rws� �;.�uc; �Y�� �. �ia of Wactt� , , + , ' f.rotr�anNdor� � fi�Olti TO ACt�i31RE �ASEME�i'I' 11�! a� recordi�g t�: 71�is in�n�t rw�s p�d by: � L. B�e�m�n, Jr. E�e�nm L�av►� Firm PLLC 3+D63 �. �r� St. �o�, I�.C. 27215 �iai�� foe ihe inde�t: 'I�is �1V 'li� �C'�� 5� (�"� � � o� --'P � �i• .� o �2b �r ��t',�, �' f"Sal�r'�j, t�► tbe G'ity uf A+�eb�rc. �. i�na �o bir�d Sellee, Selkr a hei�, a�rooe�a�s �d a�s md �+�re�i,ves. i� �ndc�on oftf�e �m ot� I�l1e� (� 1.OU) (`�UPticn �Y"j !� � geike by 8uyr�'. noeapt a� w&� i� �O�' � � �Y'�` ��"g �ee� �a�woc�, am�os �ad e�ept+e�v� the e�cdt�ve ei� amd opt� tu p�'oI� s e�x�Y �oot vuide �t �r �dv�y a�d ut�lny �. � � �iu� �e�r,� �i e�e� �e r�q�i�d ds�i� ,�d � v� ��� ihe p�ap�ty �ie�nrfbed �elava, thc ba+�ion of�i a�eat �g s�oa� � �amt �, 'lire prope�rtj► ��o�s ahiah e�d e�oment � � �Il of tl�t om� p�+ce! uf 1�d,lage�r vrridx �ll improwma�s loc�leqd t�in (oatlectiwely. � �' _"C" 1 lY � 4� {.r(� t:l � .. � �-'� �1 lyf4�/��11A%�..8 _ a Olwq' Of � Cil�1[� N� Yn01+� P�[Y ��R �DI�OW�: � �: � �ll�: i.e�1 d�an: 1 �- 0 oa t}x �s ffid c�andiiio� set �. befow, l. Opbi�on Pariod: 'I'ltis Optio� aheil exiat and co�tint� fr�a S�anber 2fi, 2012 for s periad of or� ye�', Opti� �y be reoordod a� � 1e�11y b�diag noticc �f the Opqa�. 7Y1� IS O� � ESSENCE 11VP�I RESFECT TQ Ti[E �P174N PfiRI�D A1dD E�ERCISE, z. ��: �� �� r� � � � r� ���y �� � �,;� t� s�� �eller w�ri�n �otice #i�reof sig�ed bY B+uYas w��h � is e�ve upo� � t j� delir�xy, 42) oom�ed iat`�s�nnile �issio�, a(c) p�d d� �'t� �utioe vvidi a�� avernight cro�i� d�tevr� se�� ot° i� oe�al m�i�, re�tutn re�i� �e9u�, �t ihe f�ilovvu� �ddt+ess: 5tller: . �� -.f.*,�,e� ��,r � ��ir. Ii�W� or 1„'�� .�. , �V a �� r (� Phor�• ����- i�Y� _ Fax. _��m „��� '1S'� 3. � Upon �acc�rci�: Upoa �ce�iae of t�is �Drptic�4 'i� Pau�s si�rtt exea�te t�e City of M� � w�e�i �d�od. A cot��i�on a� �nd �s oo�ideration far s4id �t, t� Ctty af Mebit�e e�atl, �t �o �t ta xlie�s, imt�l9 s� gi� access t��+eto tu �b�e eelle�s, Pubti� wvat�r ead ee�eY ees�rice v�ritbi� ea� flaadwe.y. Seikrs w�'ll nnt be ei�d � c� in�ct foes. t'�a� vvil! be na otf� �o�r�r � 4. r�;«�y �;c�a. 5. F�3►: Du�;ag tbe Optior� �od� Bu�r a� ti� raeormbty �d �y ��, �� r�na�bl� �d� �ae to Selie�, e� ti� Praper�y w i�pe�t, a�rvey, and apprai�e d� Propaty. �uye�' �ell i�e �l� ��e �ep�tip of �ny dana�c do�e b t1�e Proporty d� �ny e+� �try. IN VVITt�E�� '�]tE��p d�e &Ilee �d t�e Ec�g►er �avc c�od el� du�e �xo�dae vf t� 6o�e�a� �s af t� day � y�ar f� abawe r�rsit�, � � � � ''1,..�1� ���i.L� Pei�t u�me: ��� /r �t�: �. � ��� �`�.� � ' � �� ��� � �5�.) Priiut name: � ��,�►�' � State oi Nortts �aroI�ns �ae�jr �f Ala�c� I certify thet t1�e �Oilnwin8 P��� P�1Y aP�� bafa+e me tl�i� day. �eacl� aciusarw��g � m� � h� � sbc sig�d t�e forego� doc�dr�t: I A.PV, t I�1, h�,. _1 C V1��eas my !�t"� a�isl samp or seal� t�c tb� da�+ of ��p ��. � � �. KkJ)�.�. 1�3o�Y � �l�1 IAI. i�f �H�i°� ,( �o�r+r r�c idly Co�t�mi� Eat�t� � '� �T' �' � � � `1' s�rs�� � August 28, 2�12 T�: Mac WillYain� From: Jimmy �. �touE & i.,a�ry W. Nicl�is Re: pight af Wey Far Project Swordflsh We th� undersi�tl, hereby coniarm � ar� willing ta �ovick right af way (as proPc►�d) $s Pari �f d� af%rt to �ttract Pro,ject Sw��rd.fish t� Al�mancc �un�y, Va'c i9sv� th� suthor�ty to make this r,4mmibnernt on beh�llf of the 8er�rsl Part�ership of Tneerstate Inve�hrients. The right of w�y ruiti be peovid�d et no ca�t in exchangz for the naw eosd wbich wi11 m�ct induairis�t �c�,ss raad bt�d�rds � v�rit! b� instaile�i and r��ci�taYt�ad by ivCD�T et tfieir expen�e. ��,, / � � 1 ' . 5tou'� t��� �{ ; .� ��� � � . W. Nichols OP1'I�N T+D P�URCIi�1� Msil ati� Yocas+d°uig to: 1`�s insaamient w�e p�ep�red byc Cl�les io Batemen, h. Bstaen� Law F�m PI� 306I S. C�wrah St, �url:t�on, N.Ga 2721� Bri� deeatipti� �or ibe u�co '1'�s ��'fIOIJ 'Tc� PURCI�I3E ("apti�r� �e �ante� on � ,,�0 , z012 by 1Ve11 �nu�ey Piullipg, he�r s�re md/u� �ead6ne, C`Seller"), to Ale�maLce Coanty �onamia Da�lopma�t Foundrtioa ("Buq►�ee'�. SeUar, mtmding to bind Sallae, SGlle�'s �� au�oeea°� �d asagn�o �n ca�de�ratioa of t]� e� of 1� Thousnnd Five lH�dred and NoJ100 DolI�rs (�,500.00) �"Option lvtoney") pd� i� �o�ler b3' 8uy�', reoaipt of wI�ch is aoic��vledg�d, ��b ia �uyee, ��u�'�''8 p�tII=fl� �!'9, aqCO�btS i� �51�118, Otl �1C �tY1S iii� �OIIB 8� �OL'� �OVVV', the m�ch�eive r�t �nd op#i� ts p� thtt Ia�d, togeth�' with all imporovam�is Ioc�ttod tiia�in (oollectiv�lyo 1� "Prope�t,y"), uimtited as follows: Vacsnt lauid —� K�mrey Road; oppsoximstely 39.93 aaeee; a portion of �eroel ID Na 159585; �d morc p�racul�rly de�ribad o�. � att�ed hareto ea�i �n� hcz�e�8 � r�fa�+anoe. I. Gpaaa Pa�o�d: � Opa� ah�li w�iat �od oontinue 9�tn the dafia l��oeoof tmtil llsi�ght an Octobee l00 2013 (t�c "�on Paribd�). This Op�on or � Mamotandum of tlua Optian m�y b� roo�dod �s a legaUy bind� notice of the Option. T'IluiB LS OF 1T� �SSENCB VI�iT� RESP�CT TO TFIE OPTIOIV PERIOD AND E3�ERCISEe 2. Exerc�e: At aay time during the Qp�on Pe�iod, Bu�r mRy acec�ae tlus Oprion by 8iving SeIier �vritte� notice thereof signed by Huyar, wiiich �arcise is e�ective upon (1) h�d deli�+, or (2} p�id &�t of th� notice with an ov�ight commercial delivery ssr�ca or in c�tified � � �Pt � � �.�Y at tb� following �es); Sel�er: Ne11 Kirru+ey Phillips 2526 A Kiau+6y Road Meb�me, North C�oiina 2730g 3, Contrnct Upon 8xac�: i7po� Buyer's exm�:iae oftbis Option, �e psrties sgre� ti�t (�'} the ta�ms of the purahase and ea1� of tl� Prop�ty sball bc es s�tt forfh ia ti� t?ff�c to Purchese and Contraat — Vacent Lot/Land attached h�etu as j� and incorporatta�d hero�n by reS�ce (the "Co�ra�t"}, and (ii) eeah of thsni ahall execute tbe Contnct pramptl� therea�, but in any evvent wit�in ten �14� bnsiness daya aft�r the daie th�tt Buy+c� ax�rcisas t3us Optio�o 4. Application of Optfog M4noy. Yf' t1�is Option �s eocar�iaed and. the p�urschase eQd sale tranaact3on refe�reuced in the Contract cto�ea, tlum the (�on Money sha11 be applied to the P� P� � �1os�. If ti�is Option �s n�ut aa�e�ed, than the 0}�t�on Money ahall be rebtit►od by 3e�lcr �e c�o�sideret�lloa %r 3eller gi�ating t�is Optio�. 3. Eatry a�i Ih� Di�ige�ce: �� Cipt�o�n %esqio�„ �tud. a�bjeCt to tt►e t�s �d co�ditions of Paagnphs 2(b�, (c) and (d} and 6(b) of dte Caaitrect, aU of wluch ere u� � b�r refe�e, �uye� m.y, vvit� ree�o�ebie adv�nce aotioe to sdlar, entm� the Propacty to ;nspoCt, �Ys 4�P�'� ead perfo�m �er D�e Dilige�ce with ra�pect tc the Property. To t�e � tbst �x+ovisions in dt� ebt�ve-z+afie�ced Feragi�s of the Caa�trr�t ete �i io s�vive ths Clodng md/or t]�e taminetion of the Co�ract, �or gauporag of thia Pars�ragh 5, �uch gToviaions aball emv�ve thia o�iae, exp�a�. �d ta�nu��utioa of this 4pti.on smd the Cto�ng, es eppli�eble. b, I�'iiur� T�; A.�.y es}rit�ii�ed. �atm �etl � tbis Optia� � n� � h�r� e�il �� t� de�utio�. end me�i.n� aecr�.bed ta eu� term in the �aitr�ct. �, A�aig�e�: Bxc�t es ps+rnvided ot�iae ba�ein� ffiis Optien mry not �e ��ecP by e�t� p�i.y wlt�ut ths prior wr�tben co�nt �f tlu a� peuty. No�t�ndin� tl�e f�oregaing, � 4p�tiar� maY ba aea�6ned bY �uye� a►ithout the wiit�heu t�o�saat of Selle�, p�vi�d t�st (i) Buyor's aesignee a�umes all of �uyee"s righte ead obligiti.n�a � tbia flpti�, and {i�'j such oasigameat is mado to one or mor� of ti►� fnuowing antzties: The Ciiy of Mebmo, t2� G�ty of fi�ral�n, Al:amaace CountY, th� P�aJ� �'. ��►Y ��' ��Y owned °m full e�i oontrolled by any one Ar mos� t�m �d to be ueed to �ag tb�e Project tn friuti�. If aes�gaed Purswnt to the t�m8 of the f�eSuinB �e, t,�is 6ption. shall be bind°mg on the HtljAC!''S 8Sd1� 9l1� BI1C�7. 8�i61gII8�9$ �1811'8, at10CCE80i8 � iffilgb,9. UpOII Sny SIlC�I �Igl]llleilt by '�IIYQ', Bll�' $b811 � BlIt02A�LC8� T818� �� Of lt8 0�1�t,tlA118 �LID(�GTo lIl a.ddition, r� any transfa by Seller of its intercat in the ProP�Y9 �(�tioa auY be assigned by Seller t� tl�a transferee wvithaut the written ooasent of Buy�; iu�vid�d t�t Se1kr's tcsnafn�eaaes�gnee ess�unes a!1 of Sell�'s rights ead obligations under this �ion, aad thoreeiter t�ia �ption s�ll �e banding on Seller's t�fm�1� aad auch trensfea�e's/�asaignoe'g h�irs, auccessors and aeeigas, tJpo� any auch tra�fer saa. assigc�em by Se11er, 3eiler si�1l be automatis�lly releas�d from all of rts obligations h�reundat. 8, Tat�xi�atio!� vf 4�0�.; T'1�� 4pta�n �h�tll �utomaticall3r ier�n� �o�.� �he �'rojec� i� termina%d, �uyea agi�ees, at � sole �osi and expanse, to execute ansi reeor�l a document {such6 Fa docume�t t� be acceptable �o SeIIeY � its reagonabla diacretion) p�o�i�ng nodce of the tamina�ion of this Optiou P�P�Y after � t�mina�ion vf �is Op�o� pursuant to this Paragrngh 8, b�rt in any event w�thin �en {10) buainoss daye aiter tho date of such terminat�o�. 9. 3urvival> If any prov�sion herern oo�taiasd by its nadu� and efEect ls required to i� �bs�aved, kep�t �r pe�form,ed after the eaterciae, expyration or ta�inatioa of t�us Opt�on, t�a it �halI s�trvirre auch ex�iso, expuation o� �on and rane�n binding updn �r►d f� tbe bs�nefit of t�e parties htrtto until fully observ�d, kept or pe¢�farmed. 4tha�wiee, except as �eP�ZY P�� otheawis� in, aa' re�ired b� the te.rms o% this 4ption, the proviaions o� this Option s�al� not survive such exerciae, aa�piration � �on. 10. Miscellanaous: This (�tion sha11 be conatr�d in aocor�moe with North C�t+olina law. This Option sc� f� 1#� �tir� agr�ment of ihe paYties �vviith raepact to the �ttm�s eet fath }�+�in, �nd �es any prior � or oral undecstanding betvveen: fh� parties wrth respect fo those matters. Tbis t�mmas and eoaditions of tbis Qption m�y only b� modi�iod ar vvazved by a writian inslx►.u�.�i ai;�aed by the p�utq ta be c.harged. '1'lus �rfion msy b� a� in ffir�ItipL� o�gin�s or ��, alI of wh�ch tiogath�r aonetitute one e�nd t�o aame ineavm�ta aad. t}�e pe�rties �idopt es tha� seals t�b �a�o�i "SEAL" �asid� their Bigaatures below�. �The rotnnind�r �f this p�ge is it,teativnall� laft bl�k] II4f �TTN�'�SS ��.�, �e �elle� a�d'�ta�Bu�er'i�av� �a ca�sr�d �lh:�. d� e�e�ut�on: of:t�� �goi� !Opt�on #� ��e � s,a�I as ci��d�a �ay �nd � �st ab�v� �vuriit�ana � �o�et': �� ��y �t�ic �u�ima�t F�wxt�ion (�.I�4I.) � �'� . �; , � � . '_ � A i/ � `� � .lr �1f1 . � 1,.! �/�� — — " _ ' — ' � � �� � �� � � � «� � r� �1�►.�$ �i ��� eP� � � � a�,►o � �tow� !�� �� i�et � a� she �i� ti�a ik�a�go�t,g dca�: _ _ _ __ ____T �.- _ �, �, � i �i �_ IF'e ii y : ►�,i,1ii P . . � r :i i ' ��t ,� t � � - --- — — - - W�tao�'Y�y'�1 �i v�ic�e1�F'�''ae�l,, t'h��°�� �la�ro� . . ..,�., ��1�. viis�a.+dmre�r�p"�ari�"-��2p _- _ "' - O � � f ".OIY11�8/10�d �1C8' - , -^,-.,.,--._ �t���� ��� �u�Oit� i�.A1�u�Ii�; � �'' �t � .i�o�ip:� A�,� � -�. b� ttuD i�is: i�, �ac# �� ta m�e rt�1ti� ar abe sigt�l � Eo�nig � NeiI �� p�, '�����p� � �'�11,�1 l#� � �8 �,�'��.. � r . �r�=' �� ��. ' .� � , � ���� �y,�curN�w:,k, . � . 1 ,�i i ��'i.:�tii �::� �1���Li:r.�• �(' _..+ E�HIDIT A See ettachod plan iftlod "Pan�eat Sword�sh, I�imrey Ro�d Site, La�rnxt B, Property O�e�m�rs" daf�d Aug�+�si 23, 201 �, and p�+pared by Alley, wiIiiams, Camnen �i Y�ng, Inc. (the `Tlsa'�. Rar purpeses of thc �ption, the Pi+opert�� is idtntified � the int�rast of Sell� in the p�rtion af tl�e parcel ideutified �,s �1 1 on the Pi� and locatea within and south-southe� of the rigbt-of way s�o�va in rod on the Plan. Tl�e Property does not anolude tlte remaining �on of par�l 1 �`�OAi9� RO�it1�8� �lYipdF�'e}, Sellat m�kes no re�on or vva�eantg regarding the extent or n�d�+c of rts i�t in the Pmpa�ty ox the aQctaacy of the aoreage listed ivp the Pro�ty oa the Plan ar ia � urtrodu�ctory psrag�ph of ihe O�ono Zhe par�ies agi�e tbat, in tbe �t that Buyae exarcises 13� Option, for pu�poaes �f the Cloa� ond prepua�tion of t�e d�d, the Propaty sI�ell be dea�ibcd pursuant to a logel das�ipti� to be � an accordaice with the tert�ns of Off� to Ptu+cl�e und Contr�ct � i�acaat LotlLe,nd. att�ched h�+eto as �bit B. a I • .;�_ - SC � :. � ! _v��i: � _ : See attached �ar � �hase $nd ��tract - Vacant Lot/I,and �FFER 1°O PUA�� �iD C�NTRACT - 'i7ACAIV'i' LOTlLAiVD For valu�b� c�eicl�ation, the raceipt and lega! suffic�ency of whiah ate has�by ack�wledged, B uY�' � � P�e �cd Sellec � to seli and co�vey iho Pmparty a� the ter�aa �c! conditiv�s of 8�is O�er To Purchiwe and Con�act and any �dea�nm oe �0�'W�O�t �6 �I! BCCOPf�ffiC0 V�11I6 �fl18 (i0��' W6 "�'0�86`t"%. i, T�S AiYI� D�1ITIIdl�S; 'IBe tes�s listed helaw ahalE i�ave ihs eeepective meanin� �iv�s tiioaa �s �et i� adjr+c�t ��a t�n. {e) "S�lar": Nell K�rav P'�s. l� � �ndiae �eeiana (b) "B�qrer°'a (c) "ProperbyA: The Prop�ty a6a11 includ� a!1 thst raal e�te �az'b�l bek►w togelher �ith s1i ippt�rben�cea tba�ein inclvdiag the �xava�� loca� t�areon. 'y�lmd — O I�mv Rn�d: � � �ri�,,.�tt f �e g3 aceea: see �Y�Y,�t � .�� � Ca�unly, � No�th Carolma (IYO'I'&: t�ovarnmmtal eatharity ova t�ees, r.onmg, �ai�ool diai�fata, atilit[es �nd meil deliver�+ may di�'ee SnaA �s shown.) Le�l DeecriPtion: (C�Plabe �II.i apQl�ble) The PIAiiPID o� crt�° idmti�oatian number �f tbe I�perty is; 1 �5 Othar de�caiptia�: � �i�it A � he�eto �nd � l�et�elu �y.� . . (� °'Pararas� Prke": A. The gra�beP of (i) 56�55,040.00, � i�i S l. ►,000 pe� �ane a�f t�e Prapa�ty ndt i�tud�g it� � ide�e� +� �es i� rlght� of wsy �r ti�e Plm t�e da$ned in �t ; Plue B. S8,a0G pc� acra of i� Fro�ty ide�ed � aaroa 1n ri�ht of-w�y a�e �e i'l�a {�e Sor �urpo�ee of AoC� md B. � be da�ar��l ey i�e ruvey eeEmerad to � S�eticn g(bj(�i 6f' �, ('�u�aet, ru� �� ta bo P�aWrod b�' Huyyer md revieurred and appmrred by Seqer, �uoh �v+d aot t� C. 53�333.00, all paid ia jT.S. Dall�rra upon t�e bellowin�. ��' ao�ed � de4Yed}; pms. S 2.SQ0.� IN T� FORM �P' OPTlON MOId�Y previauly paid to SeUar Z 0@ �Y IIdITIAL EARNBB'[' 1�ONBY DSY08IT m�de p�bb te Brorov` A�nt smxed ia P�i Y(#j �alive%sd Wlti� ��a� da�a of tbn iffeciive Tl�ie uf iide �Ona�o! �y e�'icitl b�ok oheati i�/A BY (ADDTTIONALa $ARNES'f MONBY DBt+OS1T moda p�le io B�oro�+ Ag�t �rmed in Pae�p6 1(� bY c�h o� �am�ly avail�ble itmda suah �s affi�a� b�nk d�eok ar wlre �r io bo debvered to Brra�aR !l�ene �� tbas �8IN0 OF TB8 &�S'1VC'B with i� ngard to aid d�e. s _ ]9Y AS3'(JA�TION of Iha uupdd principai bel�e sa.d vll oblig�done af Sei1e� � � ��8 �(e} � bY a deed of tr�ut oa tiu FraQmi�y i� �ce with �e ataabod Lo�n As�ico Adde�d� (9dmdard Focm ZA6-'!�. t ZUA HY SSt�BR FII�IANQNa in acoord�aoe with tha �ed Selles Fimmo� A.dde�dum (�md�rd Faela zAs-T�. w�h tho BATdAN� of �e Potcheso Pric� in o�h at Setflemant (�e a' sll of vvbiah may be peid witb the prooeeds of a nQw lo�) Should Buyar faifl co delive� r�y Ynidal �at Nlaa�y Depo�it l�y its �e d�te, ae should my chadc or o�er fimds P� �Y � ��, ibr aqyr c�son, bi' the inatihrtion qxffi which the p�ytaa�t is �awn, BuYer ei�rll hsve �(1) b�Idng daY af�' wniiben � to dalivea� �od fund� to the payee. in ti�c ovea�t Buyer daes not t�eIy deliva� �ood fuods, 3elle� ahall bRv�e tbe right t4 tecmi�te th�a Ca�ci upon writt� natice to Buyet asd to mtdn the Option M�ey previo.wly paid to 3eAar by Buy�, (�) ".Earnat li�o�t� Depa�it": T'ho Initial Euxie�t Adon�' Do�Osi� 1i� fldditla�l B�tnost Mmay Da�ii� �nd ang' o� e�uaeat ma�ios paid 'si oo�ecaon witk �ia tran�n, ha�einaRer collectively r�F�ed to as "�m�eet MonsY DaPait", si►sll ba dapos�ed an�i lmld in �+ow by Bacrow Agant uodl Clgeiag, � whiah time i� will be aedlted to Buya�, � mmt11 this Caniract Is othar�vme taemi�d. In the ev�rt: �1) thta o�br is �# Qtxepted; a�r (2) a condltion of a4y raulting cw�act is not Wi�ed, �� ti� B�meat �iioney D�oeit si►etl be =e6mded to Buyer. In 4i►e evr�t of breach of iHis Contrac� by Sa1i�, the Eitneet Mone� ik�rt siutll b� � t� �u}�eQ �e 9uyor's request, b�►t suc,h. xaturn shall. not n�ect any othe� raunedias av�ble � Buyer Far aac�a �nra�. in �0 �°f �°�� ��Y �Y�'� ��� �t►�+ Peposit ahall be peid to Selle� rtpo� Seller'e req�ost aa 7iq�d dema�es an� �,s 3ell�'a aole and exclnsive rr�ned� for anch br�ch, bia� u�out l�nit�g Sollet's �Fghta under P��ts �{c) �►d �� �-��i A �aYa� � Selier ii9� 2it� � Sell�'s ri�ht W retain the t�ion Nionay. It is aciano�vkdged by the �arties that payment af the �t �Ionoy �eposA t� 3eIler �a the eveat of �� of ihia Con� by Buyer is compansattuy aad not punitive, auch mmotmt �e3�g a reasomble estim�on of tbe eduel loss tbat Selle� urould � ea a resuk of eUch broach. The pexment of the Barnest Ma�ey Dapoei# ta Sep� shell not � a pe�ity or ibr6efiat+e but �ctasl eo�oa�tioa f�at 5ellx'a a�ebed loss, both puHes ncl�owlodgin� tito d�ffic�lty of deleammang S+elIer's actual dAmages for auch breach. If [�al Pmcoed�8$ are brv�t b7' BuYee a SeIl� a�t the otl�ac to r�cover We &meet Ma�ey DaP�t9 � P��B P�J' in tha p�c�eadiag ahall be e�titled to zocova �om the noo- �x'��'�!`sng P��:',; r�sem�bk �iboFney fees aasi r,�rt vosts incu�d in �or� wi� the �ceadin�. ( fl "�crow Ag�mt" {�eeat �ne): � soeedna. PI.Lc NOT�: In tho ov�rt of �. di� betvu�eea 9e11� and Buyar avr�r � di�os�on of the E�eneat Maoey De�ait ILeld.'ra a�a�w, � li�ued resi e�iate brolror ("B�'� � roquired by ttabe isw (wd �acevw A�ent, if not s�ml�, herobY �) tfl radm she �ammt Money DepAeit ffi ZLe �w Ag�t's �oet or eearow �t u�rdil Beaow A�rt l�s obqdned s�vrit� relo�re fram the P�ties o�e�g � �ts �poaitio� or uutil di�b�nsement is a�dered liy a�wnt of � j�dictiaa. Alt�a�tively, if a Hrok,ar or ur ttborney lica�aed to p�atica la�v in NorQ� Cuolina ("At�aey'� ia holdmg 1� B�rne� Monoy Depodt, the �oker aa� l� ma,Y �rt ��P� monios wili� the appropriato cka�c af aouQt in aooa�d�nce with the pwovieicma of 11.C.Qr.3, j93A- {gJ "�lictive Date": 'I1�e d�e tl� (I) ti�e leat oa� oi Buyer and Selk� hae aped or ini�isled thie (�as►tr�ct, �nd (2) euch �� OC $1�p� i8 C0ffitROD�QltBd tA � Of� �, (b� '°D� �i�aE": Silj+�i'"b �ppOd'ii�ll�+ �g B}lb DUO D1�lL1C� P�7Dd bD IqYbYil�t6 i�b Pi�+ t0d i� �3Yi0t�Q11 aonle�d by thi� t�n�act, inclu�d�ng but aot noc�eirlly limi�ad io the m� doearibed in P�ph 2 below, �o doaide vt�a�a Bu�+�, � Bayae'a �le di�, waii �roaeed wRn aQ tm�mit�o tho t�n�ioa. (i) ��a �ioa.y�. �e cm�d�s�, � tbe �novac of �a,soo.00, �ovjo�tv � ta sellae by � � 000noec�an w�i�. �,e t�pfla� ie �•a�ee a� �Ec �etare� � p�s i�elt� t� t� t�o�t �ad tbe Properiy: Tl� �puon Mone� is nca- �blo md rea�aiav the properiy of Solla, but thtll be e at+edit W Buyes �t �e Pwn4w� Prkx � Cloeh�. ���ae pa�oa": �e �a � on � �amr�odve nne.na � mro� s:oo p.m. m o� io, ZOI3. TIMl4'l1lIN�G OF 1f�EBSSElV�E wlth re�rd io wid dato. � �k3 "6�Eii�s�t":1i� p�op� a�i;,a �ni dale�ay �o ine ola�ir,g �aoy aF�ii daou� �y �v �iaoe ei� t�rotion �� �Y ��, �d�8 thd deed, �ebtla�a� rt�eme�t, �ici of ttuet �d �° lo� op ooav�rrna� do�e�, aed the elo�g s9ta�ae�+'a a�ecap4 of dl fuada necereuy �o compleroe �ah i�aoti�. (1) �B�e�t Date�': °17�o p�tia� e�reo tl�t 3etiEa�eot will tidm pL�oa ar a be�ae � 3�, a013 (tbe "9a�lammt D�be'�, ?IA� BBIN�r aF THE.�4E�L wi� ee�er� fio anid datq undets �vria� agr� aa vvrit;ng, at a f�ate atd plaoe tc l�e �ily a�eed npott bi' �oyer � Sa[les. (m� "Cla�r": Tho �ampledoa of tLo legii p�ceea w�iah reeulta in 1he trans%r of titte bo me Ptopeaiy ham S•I� b�uuyer, �rhich iacludea ffie follaowing abege: (I) tl�e Selti�rer�t (deflt�! abovo), i2) U�e caa�pletia� of e aat�fl�ctaey title upd�e E� tbe Prapetty 8�l[o7vio� the 3ettlamamo� {3) t�e cloeb�g �aey'e re�aipt o�'rntha�biun ta dmb�ne tll �ce�y flmd�; aad (4) reoard�tbn m �16 Q�E OO�j% T� O�'�i0 �t� ��S� Of II713� �fQy' W�1 � l�[0 j1�6 !6 800H id 1�O�f�j+ p0/�0 � me oloo� �omey .Rer settla�mamc ilpm cla�io�g, me ptooeeae af aslo ahall be ai.hur�ea by mo aluamg .1�o�aey in ,�o�roi�oe wlth the �ett1amant ah�t tad tha pa�ovisione �of Ch�pte� 45A of �e Na� Gmline amaral Slat�es. If tbe titlo updrbs �uki reva! uneotpeoied lie�, a�aum� � ot� tlelo d�, ar if tho clo�ia� aloornay is not aud�ei� b die6ureo all �oe�u3+ fimde, theo 1he Ciosin�g sbaU be s�epended �nd the 3ai�le�at deataed deleyed uodar P�rag�aph 13 (Delay m�Iai�J. WARNTNG: The Na�th (icolin� 3taoe Bs 1me d�mined that dto pa�ioa�e of moet � aad aervicas requeed fnr s�amg ca�es t�e p�ic� of lave e�d maat bo per6ormed only by an �aey fioenaed to pcaaico Iaw in Naach (�rolioa. � law p�a�ibfts tmliican�ed individuais or Fnms flrom rm�derin� legal ae�rviooa or advlce. Aithovgh noe�.�tornay geitlemat �aOtb mty perFo�m lun�Md aa�viaea in oaameotion wlth a closi� they may not perfatn all � acto and rrvi�s ieqoired to a elo�g. A cloeing imvolvee sagnificsnt logal �sues tiut sl�ould be he�led by ��nc�. �ordingiy ii ia the poait� af the Page:! ,.,, �a3rer iisi�ris __. �.� _ Sallee inHieis _ _ . ldorth Carolina B�r Assoc�si�on and the PF�rkh Gerolin� Assoeaatioa of IiBAi,TOR9� � all buyors should hire �s attarney 1i�msod ia Nortb Ca�lina ta pmfiorm a ck�sing. (a) '�SP� ����": A cherge agiies� the Propeert�r by ��+ernmantai �horrt�+ in additio� to Ad vala�em 'haces end aectar�g Boveenma�l se�vioo fees lavied with st�h taxas, o� by sa owners' ee�aciiti� in a�on to any regsi�r aeeecame�i (du�a� aithor of which taey be a I�en against t�e pro�r�Y. A Speciat As�nt may ba eithe� pro�poged or cai8rmed. � t%1 A�ew�ent"; A�peciai A�sessma�t ti�a�t is undee fiorm�i ao�aida�iion isui wh3ch hes not been approvad prior "Co�%ad 8�cia9 Ar�urcnt": A Sp�ial Aea�asmeut tlut I�as been npprovad pri� to Se#l�aeert whe�aa�• or ooi it ia fully piry+able at tia�e oF9at�me�t. (�) "Govern�eaiai Aatrorlti�A: The c:tity of M�me, tbe Cidy of C�ra�am, Ahimaaa�e Co�mty, tl�e No�tb C�rol� Ihpa�amt of 'h�or�oc� and ar�Y �thar public � govemmontaY au�orhy or a�tity invoIved itt the implomantetias� of the Pmjea, colleotivaly. iP)'Trajeet": °! he project idendfied as "Projoct 3vvord�ish" t� Buyeu� ie wa�ng with the G}ova�l Authori�as .to 6� to A�maoce Ca�mty. 7fie putieo oclrnowladgo tPmt t1►� Propeaty is s p�rt of the Prnjeat, �vhic� is fntandod to be co�d an s sit� bef� psePu�ed thno�lt a oomb�tion of dae Ptopmty and othae l�ad �ed �ov 1� Propact3�. �Qi "��� ��"� 'TLe parco� oe eatit�+ t6�t is t�a m�-u� buyer of the �roiec� aad ihat is i�ettde� �a aocupy �nd use ti�e �+ov�a�m� oo�i�ed es p�t of the �rojeat 2. BU`Y$R'� �iT� ��i��NG� �O('�6: (a) Yro�: D� die Due �?lli� Pa�1od„ �uyoeP �t �u�a''s expe�es �!1 �a e�itied � pur� qusliflaattaa� fb� � �pp�wl af a lo�a if der�, ((i�TTO'1'�: Hny�'is sdvl�ed to oanrult with ��yer's lander pri� to aigaio� this o� to �e th�t the Ih�e bi'H� �etti� allow� i11�030� d[Re �iOP Ih0 � t0 b6 CAII1�1�0� Yp� �T �Uj�'i �A�O[' t0 �OY�O $lij�0i IIl�C�lt jp�'Ol'al��OaS �U �OOlab M�O�E6' to proaeed v►ith or t�min,�be t�e tnna�atia�a einoe t&e lo�, is not s cond�tia� of t6e Cach�at.) ib)1�r'R��#y ��tlo�: Dur� �he i�e Diliganaa P�iod, Ba�ea', +� Bu�''� ���v�, � Buyar's e�penso; �a1i i� entitled t� oaduat all des� bert�, �Y�, wPP� ��oae, a�me�s and in�peati�s of the �ty as BuY�' d� �p�i�O, inat�da�S but ?V(3°T Ynnioed to t�e fo0ovrin6. . C) 80�, iJtlliti� Aad Ba�o�mwtal: Rdj7ptf8 � dl6�1�D6 � tbo a011 1i i11tt6b�0 � Bll�'S �1� 11i� Wd VY�1l�P 1�0 l8 t�+ OBV32'011m�81 0�0�, �W, l911C OP 1�U�pA 1�i IIItY �rott, 1'B�� Of �llG�t �IIylY'S 1f� t1�B. (1�� �b�C�l�EP 8]�: .A1l�+ �p�le�?� ffiV�i�E) �D �i11II8. ��� �18 009�pfl Of aTl i�ll�, �EVYijB i�' Rt, {2� tt� 99� � 81[p� t0 �i�( � 1dWii�a sj+b0lm �Dl►Od �fy ill OY�pg �PDV�O� p�� �j� ih6 iYi�ib�ty � exp�o tiC Co�neCt Eo � publl�lc oe c�woily rsva� sy�t�, �nd/oe (4) whst�er �n �prvve� P�� er wr� eval�tim � be �ned fiRO� the Com�ty �ieWh Depa�madt %r a �uilable �aamd ebmo�ptbn e� �, . (ii� Water: Any �ppli�ble Invasdgetion(s) ta dabem�ine: (1) the oae�ltim of �a esi�ing priv� drlddeg wa� well, (2) the e�ts and oxpan� to It�tall a p�iw�e drink�n� vrale� weli � by an aadsta� aco�truatiaa P�► C3) � avai�bility, aoat� �t3 expenses to ca�neci� fia s Public ar' c�nmunitY w�e�' `Y�a, ar a ah�ed private weq, �ndloT (q) vvhatt�ar a 000� permit n�sy be obia�ed flro� me Oatmty F�erih DeQutaae� Far a paivete �g wMee wdl. (iv) ld�evit�v oi Titl�: Daring d�e Due DiN��� Petlod Buya� e�t�ll oaneo its dio�ney to aocam�e the title �o tl�e Prapeety md odvise 9etl�e ia writing of any objeotio� b� ae►d tide, �d �e11� �halY 6svo a period,of thfity �30) �rys 5am tf►e daie of notix of aad objeotions wld�ie which 3eller may chooae to r�edy �id ob,jaxicoa to die re�ubl� � off BuYo�' �od its �lo�ney. Ia tha ev�t said oiyaot�s are not co c�u�ed ot rem�lied vrt�hi� the ddtty (30} dRY P�� � Buyae, a its eleoala�n, ahall have tha rig�t to eit�: {s) acoept eiu;h title snbjeot to the objeotiaoa; er (b) tamin� this Codesd aad roceive the rehun of �&meat M�y �og�et6ea� whh dl �t, if imy, amed ti�aroan. In the eveat no su� ubjeadl�s Qe m�da � tho 1)ue Dilig�oe P�iod, tho Buyea' +hrll Leve no right to rai�e objeotio�e to tide whic� eu�e �ior ta the dete of ita exammati� of tMie made withm the Duo Dlliee� �, md aueh ibema shtll be deemed to �be Pstmit�ed Bxecptiotts. How�vea, �f additioe�ai title object�one �e ��uy�'s examm�dai� �f d�le made �vi�lai�a Page 3 af i 1 �uyeT inlNola m_____-- ��i I�;� i, � tiel� fhe �ue DiYig�ce ]Perioci aaci p�or am tih� �toaiag, the Buy� si�81 �ave 4�se �na a�ghts �ad eliactia►s u�iith ieapect � 1�osse �t objectim� �Ai it hod � teapeot tca objeariorrs u�eing priar o� its oxamimadon of titJ� m�da wrt�m tha Due Dilig�� Period. !V) APiunt�ls: An �ai�l of ti►e P�p�ty, (tn'} �a�eya Dis9n� tl� Duo D'aligemce Pariod, Buyer shan, at �ts sole oost u►d oxpan�e, obiam a survvy of the PcapaKy to d�traiae whot�e�' fhe propaty ia suitabie foa� Buyer'a mtaoded use and t6e looation of a�ae�, ut�olca, properiy bo� iud c�er iasues �hic� �►y a� �y �t �tituat� tiqe �e�ecls. Provided t�et Buy�m: obbtin� � a�urvey wit�iri tha I3ue DiIige�oe P�iod, Buy� may object to trtM�a de�eata disclosed by the aorvoy which w�ea90 n�t di�claed in the titie �� bY BBYa' d�n6 the 1�u D1H8'mae �riod, �nd Sel]er �hall have fhe �e rigitb to aue suda obJectians, amd Buyep thal] hn�e the t�me rights and ele�ons rvith isapect t� aqy uuau�ed objeotnoas a ge provided in P�h ��3v) �bo�a � objection� dieoovared �^augh Buyer's aoramin�tim of the dtle to dm Pra�orty. Buyer's aerv�y �hafi ba pari'ormod by a 1Va�9i Cproliaa lioe�ed ea�vvyoc o� m�e�, �nd wl�in �en (]0) drye a8er Buyar rooeiv�ea die eurwey, Bi4'� �hali deliver a ca}�y tio Sella. Ome the turvey h�s bean p�pd+ed, and reviewed � app�oved by 3elkr (u�oh �rcovsi rn►t to b� un��ably w�ihheld, oonditioned or de1�, a kg�] dmmi�an of the ProperiY P�P� fr�a the �ey �Il bo iflit�lcd by Buyee ud SeIlar �nd �t�cl�ed haato re �. The kgal de�t� ttRhha6ed i�ato ae j� e�d inc�pon�ed �ein by re8aoraoce eMl] be the dee�t�a used in �e �pecial war�nty deed ia be cielivead at Clorio�. {vlij Zo� �d Gover�eat�l3te�ulttiow: lavatiaadoa of cc�sant or propaod �oaing ot �ther governt� re�atioa t6at may a�ot Buyer's intendod uoe of the Prap�ty. a�jacant land uaea, pl�oned or prapwed road oom�uction, �d sa�foo! ttbe�nce �es. {viii) l�lood H�srrd: Ynvo�qg�ioo of po�mttel �ood harArde on dee �ty, aad/� �y nequ�mnent t� pu�clwe �ood �atnr�moo in o�dau� tm o�bin the i,ortie 'GVit� rerpect to aIl of �uy�r's Duo �cq i�cladin� wit�out l�on ei�e t�, �aveyi, e�sit�ia, mve�tt%; �ca�min�au! �nd �oaa ref�noed in ffii� � 2(b�, �uYw' a�oe� th�t, ���t av ex�eore io 9e(1�� Huye� :h�11 P'o�3' �de Sollx rvi� aa�ler of �nY �l P�3' �P�� �, �+�'s. or otl�er in�an ol�dned by Buyin �s ��eutt of woh Du�o Dill�moe �ivider (�a "�re DIlip�ce Iaibt�atlos'�, inctWdlag wlthout limidticn �ny anva�anman�i repo� �dl twt�, +�pr��. �Yc, � iide t+e�at� ar ncmom��. 7fn addiGm, io the a�rt �iui Pra�ec� �uye�� sn,Y at' d�e C�o�l Authaidar, ��+ at�li�bo of ury of t�m, ae aq of d�ie t�paoEive ��' �va�, co�iuote ary woh Dae DiH,ea�ae an thde orvn balul� Buyaf' � t�d iE h�n owred, � will cause, ti�e �ppliable peraon or eatity �o pra�ptiy provide Sellee � oopia� of my �ad �!1 Du� DtHg�e Inib�tioa a no oo�t oe axpeuu tio •3ell�. N� the fa�+e�oin& not�iAg ber� �Il ba �ed iv aditlo my porio�n ac �tity a3he� thaa Buyar a�d �e y�m�te ead t�pn�ve� to hme �oo�es to t6�e Pro�paiy for th� piu�po�as of oond� Due Dfli�enoe, n� soe� be�ng rertriaeed h�tadar �o Bnym�, its aaaat a►d r�p�aea�fve', md i� pe�uiti�d ru�aa�oc� �d iwr3�c, Y�e�s obliga�ron� �a prmrida 5rr� wdh capim af' �ny and all ��il�enoe In� �ll �rvive a� b�oa 6fthi� �aa�� (a) �'s ob1l�rdOal 10 R.p.i� D.m�e: Bny� ebalt, �t �4�''s � P�P�Y �' rn► � bo fha ProP�r � Sne� � pcdvitio� of Suyep �ad BuYer'� e�enti a�d po�no�oe�, bot Huydr ah�ll mt be reepo� ihr an�r d�mye owaod bY .�apCed la[tcti�e �Iiotble � u� �►J.�'. iiconsed p�iaa�l peaEo�mu�g r�roa�bk s�'aietls, �, eta'va'Ya, �na�a� om�d mrpection: af tho Prop�#y. Thia rapsir obbptii� �6�I1 aavive �� tmmination of thi� �am�. (�d) s%ds�y: Buyee vrnIl inda�nify, dei6� aed �old Sailar hn�noleee 8tiam s11 lose, �e, cl�ima�,r np� ar oorta, whiah a�hyoll Q� VY4 ����ly �O'^"'�"�j Qr �"`J NY ����� a■�IY4 �f � a�•�YOO LK D��'9 s �Ww� +�il�y Yfe Ootirormna�fel AuthocIties, u� a�[liate of �y oP ti�em, �idJJar �ry of the� �mpa�ire ��,cl aan�c6oea �itting to the P1npe� QxCept fot':nY IOBs� �IIDY�+ Cl�tllm� eili� 9d' COet i�g out Of pl�� oO�d�LiADe Of the Piopo[ty �d/ar o!!t of SellEc'e negii�ence oY r�+iI1Rt1 � orr a�. This indamaity ehali aarr�ive tho Qaing �i Wis Cartraat �ad �7+ � hereai (e) ��yer'a Ri�ht to Termiorfe: Buyea ahall hava t� r�ht io i�m� tl� Cmt�ct �r �ay reoeon or ao re�on, by delivering �o sell� vvrilr�n notioe of �er�uodon (the "T�at�u 1Votka"} d�ng the nue nliigance P�iod (o� any a�reed.apon ,�n;fl� w�n of e&e Due Dlli�enoe PaiodA �'?�fE �Ei1VI'�r OF iS�i &f�lViG'!� If Buy�e timely deliv�s fhe Ta�mi�tion Notir,a, th9s Co�nr.t a�ll be tsaa�mirnqed �ud tbo B� l�oucy Depoait abell be a+et�nded m Buym�. 'WAS1VII,iG. 1f Bayae is mt aws�ecl wrt� the r� or p�o�as of Buya�''9 DOB D�lgEIICC, ��yyl� tll0li�d b0�1�1� �118 COd�itf� pr� t0 tke .xp�ia� Of ths D+r6 D� Pee�►�oa� unlees Huyer an obtQia s writ�n exe�mion firom Sellar. SBLIBR I3 IdOT OBL�GATB�D �'O GRAN1' ArT BXTBidBIUId. A�haagjs Buy� mny �tiaua to mvestigate t'� Pra�ty fbllowin� �e oxpartioa of the Dae Dilig�ce P�iod, Buy�'s ti�il�a i�u doliv� a T'ermi�uiticsn Nodoe � Sall� p�Ior ro the a�aa� of the Dua Diligau�ce Page��#'�= Buy� iuid� . _ . _ ___ _ _ Selier initi�is _ __. _ _ _ __ _ P�od shall coastiinte a weive� by �uyer of rt�y a�art to �atminate this Contraet besed o�n �y maft� aelating 4o Buyer's rlue niligence. Provi�d howov�, fonowing the Dne 7�ce i�er;oa, ��r m.y still wcaar�se a righi iu r�tm�ate if seller s�t7sa m me�erlalty comply w�c �y of Sollat's obli�ations under Paregraph 6 of this Co�act oc f� �ay other re�n pe��ted yAde� t6e terms of flve Coabrect oa Nactb C�olias �w, (� GZOSING SAALL CONSTIT[JTE ACG�PTATi �° OF Ti� PROP�TY �I TP5 TS�N EXfSTING CONDTliO1V UNL�83 PRO'VISION I3 OTH�RWI3L� I�IADB IN WBTi'IAi�a 3. HiJYER RBPRTS�NTA�`IOlY3: (a) No Loaa: Buy� d�es na� have to obtaan a new lo� in ord�r to pnrchere tho Propat�+, NOT�e Huy�ar's oblt�do�os unda� this Codrect are not c�itio�ed upon obtei�og or closiag any lan. If Buyer re� tl�q Buryer doas nat hava ro obiain ��w loea ��oe to purahaee the PsopeQiy, 3ellea� ie adv�ed, P�iu� t� �lgning this of�'ar, to obt� doa� fivtn B�+a wbicl� d���hs�e� ti� Buyar wlll be abla bo clore on the i'roperty wltf�ut the aeo�eety of obh�ing a aerw lan. ib) No Ot6er Propeelg; Buyer doe� not hatro to �I� or lesa� � ral p�npe�#y in o�ee to quaii�y 6oe o nvw low � to complat� the P� oonlewp.iqqd b3' tb�C Caatract. (c} �rnwce ot Buyee�� Fiaancf�! Obli�attoas: To the bos� of Buyer°s 1mo�rY�a, d�a� ere no od�er �s o� conditi�s mristing ae of the Bffaotive �ta of thie Contraat d� would prohibit Buyee $rnn per6�tming Bt�ae's flmanciai abli� � scaacd�ace with t�is Gasrt�ct, ex�apt a� a�y be rpe�etiy ret ��. �. BiJSf � pBI,Y�u4TitJNS: �a� pryeee Ro�a,wy �a IIenl�y r�npror�emeat� m�t s.o.eh �.t�r�.a �erp�y� wi� �eac �o my r�a�► .nd/oc ul�7ity �ro��tnab W be made h7' BuY�a b'� �3� B�'� �' h5' mY af �o tia�ne�amoal�l A� purw�ont �e mY �roa�enc b+ivw�n. �r �aor� the� re� te t6e P%le�' Girah.�dinE v�t� i� m�= e�rs�ane�i � ths �o�i oi' p►,�},lic wetee �ud aswer sm�vttoe md t�e oam�o� of � public rad n �hown on tl�e improvemant Plm (�r dc�oed in �, a�ched haroto md iaoatparaied �m�eia b3' �a5aemoe)� �uy��' t�t�. wm�ete +md �coe4 th�t it b�tt ou�ad, ae �vill awe, such imps+ov�nta ta be mi�da (i} within a�euooable time �ber Qat� b�wd a� tite aa�ultaodoa �obsdqlo 6or tbo Pr�ject, but in wy evee4 befnao ]aae 30, �91 S, �(i� at no cat or exp�ue to 6alt�, �edur throuah e�a�rts os imp�at i� impos�d by d� Glovarnmmtal A�as or Wh�wire. Buyer f� teprormta, a►�tr�sts aad r�eae ti� mch bo�pro�romem� �hall be ca�oeed ia a m� �ut t�ey wiU be �aoosai�le iay; �d e i�m�i �n, 9s�J�'� ReEdned. P�ape�ty (� de�ed ic j�;� U�m the aoaaple�iou �f a� inapro�amts �w uutil �uci� tima ra qwL °unpro� have bet► d�dia�d !o wd � �e public im�nvrrea�mts by ti�e Oovar�mantat �iuthotitie�. as aeoa�y, �uyar ah�ll n�olain and a�epe�r, oe � o�ue Projaat �uy� oe tbe �pproQritoe C�aw�l A.whority to mdat� �nd eepeiry � impa�ov� �t ite oalo aat �nd mqaeu�e, aid Sella� �haII luve t�e �t to ure (by �nd of � e� lbaa� or � a ma�ma� otherWi�e tooeQfirble so 3e11�) wch improv� � 1he baae�C nf Se11er'a Ra�ined Prope�y, 1i�e u�e �f wah iraprovament� £� the bmo9t of Sellor°: Rehided Property �tR 6e �t ao �f �r mcpao�e to �eile�, excep�t Cn� cals areoci�oed with obt�niuB �rivewsy P�� ��a� �ad aa+din�rS' aiwtges ��po� on ao�nomats 8aP ut�ies brsed on n�. If logal Praor�diog� rre brougbt bY Sel�e�' �e�t.BttYe�' fo� Buyet'� taih� b fol8ll �ts obli� as sst Sasfh in this P�agnph 4(a� tho Purovail�g P�Y �� A'o� �h� be mtitled tio racov� �om fhe noo- P�'�S P�Y ��Y faee aad ooart oow inc�and ia cameation with the pm�g, Buy�'a obiigetiaese as nt Soath ip titia Parast�ph 4(a) ahall earvlve the Clod�, (b) �i�ect oP �°er�matlon or Aban�o�m�t of tire Project p1Yae Cloin�:: I� the eve�t tbat the p�oject is te�n�d a abandared � the Cloantg, Buyar ��o pa'omP�Y P�'ovide 3ellar with weittm �otioe of �uch tenn� or �e�t. Sell� ehall tJ�n J�ave tbe option �o ra�nrhue �o Paoperiy from Buyee for tl� Pm�ee Ri�ao, las �3�334, B Cloe�g. Soller �ty axac+ciee tl� optia� to ropu�e bY givin6 BuY�' wribtan notice tha�oof ' P� bJ' �� s�ed bY Solbe wif�iu ninety (90) dq�s � Sellar's rocoipt of Buyer'a writtari noticx �st the Prqject i� be� tetmio�0ed or abmdoned. 3ellar's axarci'e of f� r�u�e option abaII be ef%ctivo upam (l) 6aHd deliv�my, or Cl) Prep�id depocit of tho notice with aa ovanisM oa�m�erai�l deliv�ea�y s�vioe ar m�e� ma�7, reium reoefpt reque�bed, �'or delfvay � Bup�'s � as eet fvrth in �o Notioo Ini�►tioa �atiaa of this �aa�t. Soll�'s aption to � t�nd �uy�'s oblig�tio� #s aei Po� m this C� P�a�ph 4(b) eheil s�rvive die p��nri1. ��iyc� i�s9Yi�s ,�-.— --- �e11ar �iYie9s f�) �PQnribilliy for iPa�pwed• Speclnl Ass�emeut� ��d Project Belated Arseeament�: Luy�r sha[l tabe titia subJcct to aiI Propoeed 8pec� 11�a�ettts azcd shatl be resp�aibl� fot� the � of a�l Project Re�ated Assoaaaaent� (os deimod iri Para�raph 6(i) l�elovv, %n R�po�lbl�(ty �r G�ertsln t�: Bn�ve �hall be �eposis�le fa� a[1 cc�s with rotpect �bo any tom� obta�ed by B�, � apprai�eP, t►tle ae�rch,, t�tle insurenoe, raconling the deed �d any I�ue Dili�ence conducted by Buyer, � ag� or ropre�atives. (�) �e��onsii(bipity tor Deeea°red A� i�'a➢ore� i'axer: Buy�r ahsll be respo�ible for payma�t af al� defemd oP.roll�lc t�acea �lia�ble to th� Ptopectye So IIVT�IVTIONALLY D�Y,T7['ED 6. SELLi�R OBLIGATIOl�i$: (a) �eldeaca oi Title: Sellae �groee t� use baet effo� b deiivae t� ��a eoa� �s �ot�bly posaiblo after 8ie BiPec�v�e �be, � oP �e following titl� infatatttion in t�e po�teesian of or t�amably availtble b SaIIa; any titlo ine�a�eoa polioiee, �tto�ney's op�iaas aon title, sunroys �nd le�aec reLtin� to tFu Propatty. 9ellae w�o�ima: (1? �4Y +�aeY P�'�' � i��Y � ��0�' b0 !E� �� �CjOiB �jl ft� �1!/➢If�CS pO�CY 11! SUO� �E�►�8 �C W Bll�OT �IId �] $Y�'Y � $O�IfB''8 � � �!o � (:�� �LE �1'0�10�+'S �C 1�A11'� Or 1(� i�L � PB�OM� � ��iC10BC pu II1lb0�'�S � 1�18 �'ly'i E�C �ii11�8 �Ot' �E IF�1II'lll�6 �&L�i� i��E t0 �11j� � b01�1 Bll�i$ � .��'i i� � �l1lOj'S. $�!C � $i)j�ll ijt+�C j� 3du01''8 l�Yat�+ �D BU�O! Of 8�Z WC�1 ��B �h8�i b8 � VYl�i0114 �ly Wlrff�+ �' 1�OiE�fIQ11 �7 $0]�0!' YB t01}!0 0�ffi� ooanr�+ oe �o� tharoof. Bttt►m� horeby ogto� thst rt� an e�ry in8arm�tio� or do�ana�at3m! pror+�ded by SelI�e hm+aamder at �uye�'e w�e ri�k. By�er � q�tws tlrt it eh�ll' not parmit the fl�d� direa� of tlze in�orm�am and do� provided by 8o11e� heiamda�, d!� tia� ta �oYa''� �meys, v)vi�o�, avntuliu�s md pobe�l lendss (nma of wh� �aii permit the fi�rt6e� di�cam�ution of �uah i�focnoat�n a�d �oa �le� aowirteait winh ti� P�pb 6(a)). it�) A�eee�c to �: 9ella� r�ell provide re�ubYe acae�c to the �tope�tY throu�h the Cl�u8 �' th� P�o of �ttyed�'s D� �ali�, aabjoct � tha edravc �i Frr�spld ��`u� �6j �i ��j i�ere�, �nd peov�dod ti�at Hu3ror �ivez 9oilac t'eaimebM �dw►ce AO�00 O�$C1jMlt''811E� �' 9U611 oC00�i. (c) ii�eoo�val of St�lltr'r Pnapeet�: 9etI� t6ei[ raaovo, by the d,bo of paing, dl of 9el�r's pa�sowl p�operty wLu�h is nat � per� of tho p�ur,fu�e from tl� Pmpaty, (d`j Aiil�arit a�� i��dif�i��lu� �gr�eeamra� �teliat shalY i'u�nnieh at Sa�tl�nt an ��wit rmd indemnificatia� a�aoa��t i� ii�m � t� �uye� attd 13uya�s iiid� ��, if` rsy, mcoonted �b}+ Seiler �i �Y P� ��Y � has p�ru�ed ae fivailhed hbo�, �viaes9 tn�orial� a tm�tal ecgripm�t as do�cxlbed �n N.C.(3.3. §44A-6 � Sellar't beh�lf 4� tYo Ptop�tty wftl� 120 dsys prioc to �o ddra of 9etttema�i vaifying t�t a�da suah pmsan a�ity lus been paid in fail tnd yreat� � iademniiy Bayar, Buyer�e lend�(s) �d Buyer'a tit� iruueer a�iiut �11 las �aam nny oauee or claim arising tlia�fram. (e) �yseet a�d �n of I3ea�: All doods of iw� l�aoc �nd e�er ol�eB ag�ti tl� �, nat �eauned by Buy� o� � 5Y $�Y�'� i� �' ��� ffiutt be p�id m� a�W$ed hy Sep� prio� to � e4 �em�t � tlst amoeiia�� may be pr�ptly obhined �Ilowing Closing. (� Tli� I,epi Aaxn: 3et1� �hall e�ee� �d de�iver a SPBCIAL WARRATiTY D�D far.•the Pm�petty �t. SdtLemant �le�s offiarwise rt�oed hereln, wbiah �ll oanvey Eee aio�te markeable mmd �aunbla titlo� firo� vf sil liaae, clm�gas �md aaoumlac�n�oos aaccapt the follawing (the "Perm�bed �Ceptbu"�: (i) �d valoiem taxas ibr ihe c�nrant �(p�toa �h the de�e of �tj� (ti1 eU epplio�ble aoafing md buildiag laws �nd atdirnrx�r; (iii) oll � that wouid bo reve�ed by a vure�ant and noaaiaDo ��vey and inapectl� ot dta Propa�ty �ad thtt ue wan+a! or not timoly ob� to by Bayer p�usuwt to P�� 2ibxv� abo`+'e; (iv) all matbera of eocord that an vraived ur not timoiY d$� ��7' �� m� a@�') �bove; and (v) such at}�ee a�uutil�ncea es mry � oasumed or �pecifioallY approvad by Huyr� in W'aitu�g. (�JJ Daed, ��e 1'��a: Sella �all pay for p�an of a d� and. all oq� do� neoees�y to parfam 3elier'e ablig�tions uadet tl� Coo�eact, and fa st�te �'ccwnty m�c�ee t�es reqnired by lsw (but not including my de&ired at rollb�ck taxa� spplicable to � Properi� wbiah ahall be Psid for b3' Bay� Pwsu� m P�h 4id) abo�e). 'Ibo doad is to bo m�o t�a Alsnoance Co�aatv Econflmic Devela��noat Foimda�on n� its ��t�l�sn� P�lg� �a i?.i i i �iniit3als.__ ._.— ----.— Selt�irailia4G {h) Inteetean�tliy Deie�ed (� P�yment of Con�rmed Speeiai A�aments: Selier shall pay �l Coniumed Special �ssasarnents, if anY, fi�vlded that t6i� �unt theceof an be r��o�ably determaaed oc �t��d, wi� the ��tion of my Goaiu�n� Specia! Aasessm�� t�aat ue re�ed. to th� Prvject or �nposed in c�necdoa with tIia 9mprovemants the�reFor ("Project itetatai A�rrmeqb")o �j) I�ate I.i�tio� Pe�aNie�: A!1 p�per�+ tax itte lieeiag p�li�ns, if atty, shall be paid ir� SeIleco ¢c) I�rt�t�eullY Deleted {i� S�IIlP�9 �iII�I'6 bD CO�� OP Bt�OiCjt: If 3ellar �7s to mater�aIlY cmnPiY with any of 3ella't oblijstioste undar th�s Pu+�gt+�ph 6 or. Seller materially b�acbes tbia Coahect, ead Buyor �kcta to �muiata this Can�sct es a�snit of euc� failure a� bi+mc3�, � BB�neet Mo�Y �P�rt e1i811 be c�rnded i� Buyer wfthout afPaoting aay other remodlee. If le�al pmo�g� are bmught by u�sr �iast i�he 3oi[er fo zeooeer �o Bumat i�iaa�y aeposit, tl�o p�evai13n8 P�h' � fhe Pr000eding oh,Il be mdtled ta eeaov�es finm tha non'Pdev�ilin8 P�'tY �o�abie wtbornay Reee end cowt �als �m�ad 'm �on�xiaat witl► tlio p�. (m) DYelalmer of Vi+�reantiea: Buyar �nd SaIla� adcaowledge ffist Buyar ehell in�peat th� Prope�f,Y P��at to tba teima l��of, md th�il ao4uf� the Prnper�y "AS l�, WI�B I3" rvit�out �tty obligati� of Set[a�, mu;ept qs �1Y �et R�h 6mein bo �e. �Y� � P� s�' npa�res. i�ove�, ma�ce ar othe� waaic bc th� Ih'o�Y o�' �' Prrt f6areof, �ad wid�ovt, �oept ��J/ B� �1 � t0 �i0 l�� Y�7 WQI�lt10B� Q1�8 OP 11�lOdr Of �Dj� �d iY'OIII S�LOC' �RClll�g � 09t �d �, 1rV�ft'�6B Of �� ��jjj(y, i�ii018 f01' 8�1CIi]q1' �Bitpp� tlb�jj�ir ��� 0!' OSV�l�0�1m11� CO�I�OI], � � � � � i� �Il'�06 R'� P011�Gf W � PlO�ECLj� EQLpppt �9 }�Ot �'O�Y �OW�� �QE �.' 1� � ��, ��4$ i�l l�OQ�lOnB �}+ 8R� �O�(C[� OP t9�l�mm1� tll� $LL d00B � f�lE ��a �� � � �}' i;JO=► �IAIC i�ll'010�1�19 O� .iO�Y C0��0l9� �E ""Y� ��jr � �1 iB iUC�i 1R1 5�1� L'� � pf'OYI/�Od �� 0�^OfB�+ �1]IYlVO �6 L`j9f�,. 7� Pi�ATiONB APfD ADriOBTM�N'!'B: LTnleoe athmwire prnvided, the f�lbwiag �bema rhall be Pranted �'o�gh tha d� o� SattlmdenE tnd eittcar �tmAod bet�reea t�a pr�tiee ar peid at Settiema�i: (a) Ta�ce� An 8er1 Pru�e�tya Ad valaaem t,xae � md ra�in� aovatama�tal �vioe 6ro� leviad wfth woh taeea a� nat �x+upeeey �hall be p�or�ted on � e�land�r ya�r b� b�eed an 8ie �el�dve �aeye of thn Propaty to th� blal acre� of t�e p�ei of whic�h it �a a put pi� bo ihe ao�vsym�o of the Pr�e�iy; (b) Rwti: Recta, if �', fa�' ti�e Propa#y s�11 not be pca�d �ad si�ll be r�ed by Sellarn (c) D�: Ot�e° w�aci�n re�t�l�r �a�ts (dues) 4ad odaae hliliae eh�rges. 8. CONDII`iOiV OF PRO�IItTit" AT CI�ASIrTG: Huyee's �biiption to oom�iet� t�i � coniaeng�iedl by f�ic C�at �hali be oo�tim�t upm �e PmpmtY beini in eab�ntially tho �me or bet�er cmditiaa et Cioein� os on the d�te of thas �on�t, rMwao�ble awe �ad teQ �nd a� � uandiN� a�eed by Buyar's Duo D�igea�oe �cepted, 9. � OF I,�; I`he z�i�ic o+� iaea ��omege by � Q� a!&er aaraa� �iCic ta Clo�mg �li l� �on 3e11er. If the imprr�veme� a� dta �iaP�rtY �o do�oyed or ma�b�iapy 3�agod p�aa' to C�e� Buyer may tmm�ate this CaMract by wrii� notiae delivered 10 Seller oe SeIIar'a sgont iod tl� �rna! l�Oney D�p�uit ahall be ref�nded tc Bnyer. Ia the ev�,z Buyar doaa Nfri' �leot io �oe W�s Coa�.�, Ba3'ee r�ll bo �lsd � receive, in �dduio�a to � Pr��tY. �try oFSeiler'f inta�ce P'oceeds Pry+blo oa �ocou� of tho aa�e ox amtruadan .pplioable to the �ty boing purahe9ea. se� �a oavi�ea noi ro ceacei mciat�g i�u� a� � Pra�rt�' u¢�1 d6a� �nh►8 reem'd�ion ofthe daed. l0o D�LAY IN S�T'1'ILE�AI'i/CL,OSW�: Abemrt egreea►eut ia the c;o�ay in this Cbatraflt a my eu�ee4uent modiRoetiaa� fxeeh and with rersa�ablee ���� 8attlema� b'+ t���e�Settta�m�t Dala but mtends to yc�yw�r��leteY tho tr,reea�tiaa sad is �c�ngy in� L� ���� �7v�Wl{[� �_� d"�O a��7 J9 � Il Y1G Wl� Y�" i"' i�D �� �lJ �W�B � OOQ��dO $O�OIROt1� 011 f�lE SE�lIRERt D�C ("Idatl-D81AY�B �Y'��r i'�lOR tbe Db�i tliC NOD�E1tj+IDg � iil� C Y� �Y �d� glYE ie la116�1 AOt1C8 i18 f�6�I0 bQ ana cla� within fo�ie� la� ��na shau be a�a to a aeiay in settla�neat. If the p�tea f�a to co,nplae settlemar,i {) days of the Settla�ae�tt Date, or ta fi�er ea�tend the 3ettla�nt IWe by v�rit� �eet�nt, tha� tha Delayie� Pnt,�+ eh�li be � ba+each and tho Non-De�tying Pa�ty may terminate �3s (:ot,tracr �a ahei! be �led to enfarce my rr�mediea avat�b� �o auc�.par�y �doe dda Coat�ct for tbe bseache �a�e i aa�' � i BDyar inttl�� .`._._... _ Seliee it�itl�ls ii 1. POSS�S9I�Pt; Unl�s otY►crwise pa��vqt➢ed hrreun, possesaion ahalY be deliver�d at Closing � doflned i� Paragrap,h 1(m�. No aItaratio�+s, excsvatione, tree ar vogetatfo�a removal or � such actiwitios m�y bo done bafore po�eaeio� is rlelivered. 12. OTHEB PRO�rI8i�1V3 AND �NDITIONS: See B�ibits A. B and C atmched hereto erad iiacorporai� herein by rei�euce. 13. A98IGNMBNTS: Lxoept i� c�eai� vvxtb a tax-deTesred oxaiu�ga � as p�vided othee�wi�e ��, thi� CaoU�aat may aot � assigned 3y' ei�ee p�ty� w:tho4t ths pri�r writt� s�e� af tbe ather �aty. Notwit8at�diug tbe f�agoi� ii�a Comeact awy be a�ig�d bY BuY�' �Orrt �o writ6en coo�ent of Sall�, pa�ovided tLat (� Bt�ya's asai� amumes all of �uye�'a rt�ts m� obli�atima undet �a �t„ �(i� auch aeaignma�t is mtd� to at�e a ma�+e of the feIiowh�g mtidesa The Ciry of Mab�ne, the GYty o�'t)rah�m, �Ifam�nco CoeQrty, fl� Paoject Suyer, �nd �y md�dng a Rtttne mdty o�vnod in full �d c�+ollad b� any ono ae ma� tham� and to � used to briag the Prajeot to fivit�om, Tf a�ned prasuapt to tho �tms of the forosoio8'mbenco, this Ca�oraat el�all bo 6ind'mg on the Bnyer's �signee a�d auch a�ee's h�irs, rncoe�ors md assiB�e. iJpan �,}+ auah �asi�ame�t b�y BuYa', Buyer �hall be �utom�tIcally �oleraed firom all af its obli�loas haramder. In additlm. ��v taae�r by Seller of it� �e�t 1� the Pr�opeety, tliis Co�ract mty bo arsigne� by Seller to the i�aferee wilhvut the writbe� consa�t of BnY'er; Pr'nnded that Selier's trtnefarea+usigflee �wnea all of SeUar's rlghts md oblig�tians m�der ihis Ccniract, md � this Gacmict �all ba bamdiag aa Seller's truufe�ad�aignoe md sach trraefieeee'r�a�tignee°r heirs, euoa�eears �1 wig�s. Upaai a�}+ euch tr+mafar �ud aesi�meat b7' Salla�, SoI[ar �hWl bo a�catly relee�ed fr� a�l of its obliptio�s �ere�d�. 14. T�l,X�D�PBRRED �RG'FYAlVa�. Li #he eveut Buyac oc 9ellm� dedroa to e�ct a t��red a�enp in oq�oatla�s with t�a ooavsyuux of t� Prop�ty, �Ye�' �d 3e11ea' agree ba 000po�d� � effiectnog iocb eaerhanga; P�'ovided, howover, tlmt dte aoca�og� pnty atull be re�pa�ibYe 8nr all additiaa� co�ta ��oca�oed � iuch e�cc�n�a, and provlded &�rthar, thct a noa�giu� Pa�' e�ll not �a my �c�ti�t li�blliry vviih re�eot iv �uch �c-defecred m�oiu�g�. H�ryer � 3ellee �wll axecute e�►oh a�ddi�tioaai documa�, ia�luding �si�mant of this Gantraot i� oaa�eodan diaeewi1'�, �t ao awt t� d1c n�xch�u8 P�Y, ��II bo r�d go �iva e!%t to �is p�v-iri�a. f 5. pA1i�i61: 1'i�is �onasat �Il be b�ndiBg upcw tmd s}ul! inuee to d�o bane!!t of Buyer wnd Soilee �ad t�eie rerpeotiva �, �o¢�c �d �i�c�, As awd heeeirs �►rord& � t�e t�hr �nel�a ��t rnd itne maocul�e i�ludes t�e i� �nnd r�outrr 8� � �PP�'�• 16. B[I)ti,i�ili: If asy �vi�on �atem cat�ed by itt mtwe �ncF e�eCt ie e+equ�ad to be ob�errcd� kq�t c� p�rffied alEer the Claia�, then it �hal1 rurvir+� the Cloi� �nd ram�in b�d'mg r�poo �nd for t6a bmetft of the par�ties h�retv untiY %llY o�weda k�t o�' pa�Baa�ed• O�ea�wYe, acaept r e�cpC++�ly �vided ctharvvLie i�, oY requued by tho � o� thie Ca�aorece, tho p�ovLtans of �is ��Il �t aa�ri�s �eY�� df Fi� d6+erI �d tt,� +Cio�i�. 19. �I�T!'IRE A�1V'P: 'Il�ne (�Ontract canhi�s tbe ��eea�at of the �i� � there � n�o �m�s, m�taamatrte or a�er pt�avl�ions otLer W�a those a�pro�d he�aln. All d�ee, �itioas ar delatious hersto must bo � wri� md �i�ed by all puti�, Nothfng �temed � ahsll bo de�ed w ateata wy �t b�we� a RBALT'OR� or benicer arxd Sellsr ar ��yee� ��i �l�ar �ay �ra�nt bei�een �%�yi1D�� a: i�ak�r m� 3e!lmr � Brtya� � ca►trined in �g+ ]i�ini a�ement, bu�a� �4Y � �' �3' �' �6Y �t behwee� the�. i i. NOTY�: Any aatioo a� o�iatiaa to be � ts s put� � may be giva� �o the pi�ty om to a�ch perty's o8ei►i, A�r �Etoo ao�ee or aamnmmioet�� ia �neohon with tbe temeRatiaaa coaiempl�d. by �is Caa� may be givan to a prrty oa° a p�ty'e � bY �S �� it t4 �nY maiI� addeo�, e-a�aai! �drare a fas �mber ed Fafh in ihe. "Natiae TnE�ar" seaiion belo�v. 3eIIer a�d Buyer agree qut �`�Tot°� ia�mtdo�n" aid "Baa+ow A�owledgenant'° aec�o� below alull not canatidrto s m�tetW �k of titie Ca�traot, �md �at the additiami �� of any in�cmrdio� eharein si�tl noi cansMuto a rejeot�� of �n o�ar ae iho creetiaa� of a oouota�offae. 19. �XBC�TIOIV: T�ia Ckattact msy be aigned �n nat�iple �i�ioels or oou�, ell �f vrhich to�her ��tute ane mnd the same ideWma�t, and tt� �ti� edopE as thofr �ais #he word "3BAL'° 6eside thei� ai�ut►uns below. 2d. CQ1I�OTATI03V OF DAY9: ilnlass otherwise paovAded, fa� p�paaes of tbis Contract, �e tra� `°daya" �11 �n con�aative calau�r days, inch�8 S��deYs, �� qnd hoIidays, whetb�er federal, ata�e, loo�I oa� raligious. For il�e purpoaes of osloa{eting �� 6011� Of u��ee S� ��1 ��LC �iy ��OWIIlg �6 � 11p0� � 1{� iCti �' IIOtice 8S �QV�Of� �II � i�llil'ilOt W86 gBC�tl�T6f� lt9 �S6 ��8� �9' HdlBl��a $'�iQ,� $ : `F 7 i Buyya�i�iials_.._� w.__ 3eller�e�ala __._. ._ TI� 1dOItTli' .CAROLINA A3SOCIlI'[�ON taP R&ALTORS� ]NC. AND 1'I� AtOR'd'H �ARpI¢IAiA BAR ASSOCIA°l�ON MAI� Idt, R�R�S�LV'I'ATTON !►S °1'Q °TF#B LBGAI: VALIDITY OR �►DBQLiA{7Y OF �NI� PROVISXOPd OF 'I'�tIIS �ORki IN ANSI SPECTFIC �AIdBACTION. IF YgU �O AdOfi UND�RSTAND THYS FORiV1 OR FBBL TI�'AT Ti DOBS N�T P�tfDV�E FOR Y�U%� I.BG,�I. PIEBDS, YOiJ SHOiJ�D C)QId3ULT A NORTgi CAROL1N,a► REAL, LSTA� �ATi�QRN'BY HF3FFORE YOU 3ICi1d TT, ['Ihe r�a�ndoP �f the page ie int�iam�il� le� blank] �age 9 a�' 1 t �agRr lau4iu9s___ w_ _�, Sei3ea �nlb�is �ia Coamact shaYi become a bindin� ce�c� � ihe ��ve Daie. Daeo: Buyer: Alemance County �conomic �evelopment Fonnda�ion (3BA�.) By: rr�: �: �3u� iniiir3s - -- - - -- _ ae33�• i�ir�� I?et�: Seiler: ts�) r�n x�y r�it� � �.►a� �� � � ;�t�c�y t� b�a $g$� 1.t1 Af 1 t FtY!'ICE I3�IFQAli�SATIU�T {PiOTI�: 1N3ERT Tf� ADDRBSS �1+�IOI� �O1dIC DELIi�BRY ADDRBSS �CgY PAR�'Y � q�EN`T APPRO�S FUR 7!!� R�CBIPT OF AIV>' N�JTiC� CONi�MPixA'TBI� BY '�HI3 CONTRkCT. YNSBRT `�+Tl.�99 FOR ANY WHIQRi AR� WOi' APFROV$D � B�� rr�7°rc� ��s; l�lsi'lm� Adde�s; P.A. Bn� �s�. �nri�.,�_ ur 9� i� Buyae Fudi: Buy�or B-mw�I: �i,I,ING AC�N'T' NATYC'� A�DA�35: SIEY.I,Eit NOTYCE A�DRES�: � Addraee: 2�26 A Kirerav RDad.l�telm� u�r� ��+i;..� 3elbr �: Sel�e E�mail: LIS1'II�iG AG�NT IVOTIC� �IDDR�S: � Nune: p� Adio� �e 9�': Ag�t 9 3elbr°s (nib�igeat � Due1 Agent Nane:,�TlA ARai1� Addr�: Aoting as 9 3elkr's Ageni 9 Du�l A�aut 1�lsil�t Add�re; �mlivid� Se�iing !l'e� ' 9 Ac�ng � a l7esi{�bed Dual Awnt (aheot a�1Y if �e) Individwl I.i�B Ate� iiaamr� M: � Acti�g iu a Dedga�led IA�1 A�t i� �1Y �' �ppliaab�j $0�i A� �' L3oetue tM: 9elli� A�ent I�: 9' p,�g � p�. S°ll�'`'�i �,1: � �'►� �: _ I�n� A�eat B�m�il: ' B�OW ACiC�IOWI.ZDGA�E� Ol� iPTITiAi BARI�IBS't' MOPTEY DBPOl4IT pra�0ety. i%�at !� m 0 i�m�ew An�a� �..�➢.r �o 09 �,.�.. .� ��`�u .�..�_� �__._ � seiler: �� 0� �row A�tt aclmow�d� r�ipt of tl�a [n�fl �A�e�t I�io�•y Depwit �d t�ree.� t� Yold �d diria� �e �c � oceur�t�ee �vlti� t�s tu� �e�ea� � Fi�: Schaeiil�ae Boac�n�, Pi,b� B�. is��e) P�e :i i �! 1.� Buyex �asidals ---- ��3ier in9tia[c (Pr6�t mae) E��iT A See attached plan titied `�rv,�ec# Swardflsh, I�imcey Road Sme, I,ayairt Ba PropertY �^•+���9 UilOil ls.u� l..7� LV l�ry ad1N � Yy d111 r�y FT' L11i�1J1i1� 4ZiC111� g, y�]�y J.LLI+. (t�e "Plan'�. For purposes of the Contr�ct, ii�e Prop�riri3+ is ide�ti�'ied as the inntemest of Shces� ia the por4ion of the �rcel ideni�ed as parcel l on �e Plan and located w+ithin sud sosth�southeast of tb�e x�t of-wa,y shovvn �n red on the �lan. 'Th� Prop�rty does not malude the rem�ning porr�on of pamell {"S�er9s Rehi�ed Prope�ty9�, 3�llar m�k�s no r�r�sentation or vwarra�ty reg�rding th� ext�cit oe natime of its intcreest in the Propatty or th�e accvracy of the ac�reage listod fo� the Prope,�► on the Plan or in S�ction fl(c) af the Contr�ci� The p�ties agi�ee that, f+or guipoaes of the Clos�ng end pra�rat�on of the cl�od, the Propaz�ty ehall be dee�bed pvrsvsnt to a logal dos�iptian to l�e att�ched bento es � Promptly aRer the aurvey refemed to in Sectioa 2(b) ivi} af the Cflntract has boen prepec+ed by �uuyer, and re�ewed �nd app�ov�d by Sellarp �such a��vel not �o bC unreasonsbly withheici, conditien�d oe delayed. 4� . � k�� F,z�ra��� e-- ,� \. . i -_ - �`.+ � �, •����•��"{ ���. �_ f ,� , w•�,p � ` % � i P` �., . �' � . •. )�' 'r :�i,,i • __ R!i�;': � �� - • . _-- -_�� - ��fl: : %agal Descriptio�t �-��:1l� -_ S� attached plan 1atled "i'roject Swordfish, Kimc�y Road Si�, Ps'oposed Water and S�w� S�rices" daied (i�tober a, �012, �nd prep�r�d by �liey, Williams, �arn�e� � I�ing, I�c. (t�� "Impruveme�t Pi�nj'), �e ��� ,� �� ��,�; E,�� �;. s .� _ � ! Y►' i . � � - r �'j'9F �^N'°a� � a� ��C�„ ��'i�.'������' t : ,t«�„ !� �'. �e`� �,�� :�.���,�� �., .,�,��:��� .�z����� �� � �'�:�,.:f e,�.� i�. ��,s��,� `''�' fi,�.'',����:.l�l ;� �`�' � . � � '` ��,� .� k�iQ,��,L�'yy��� �;'' �'��'`���., �;�.'�it@1 �$� ,.;,�,':c�:c..rs, _'+;e4�:;i'.�RJ��� � yy� �l ��� '� �� itR+ ��,f�' �.� �y ��. ' f`�` F � � � � ��°' �� �� ''���: �. �' � �,� � , •�.; ��. �� - ' �t� . � "+1�: � }�;- `:�=��i - �� �,�,�.;,�� .�I.: - � . "���," L��� ��� � - — 3: �'�> _�� ..�. � ;� � -� . - �' -� .� � � ,.,, . ;j� � ik,' ti t• . ,`�' r+" y, •. .�} ,�' ",;*_. � y. w s' "� ��. �'� f,;r . , ��,�" '.r �.� p :� • , ,�� �� ;r�) - �V.#�, _ '`�','t 4i � , 'a% , . \� � �t,' � � '� 1'�: Y � •. • � ' � �� �� � ' ... . ; 1 -.�{���* .�� �!'� 'S ' ��y}� .��' 'n_�i .ZR:y,�. !�^+ ��1 � F' i �� R, �.� �� �., �� � � �: . ��� ,�, ;:i -�� �, " iw �, � i :,� ,•�.� a� � �� � �'.i ��� � ��`�. �',� � "'� � � :'e� - ,� � * ,,�-' '�E - ,��' , ,rr�, �� � f1 `� '� �' �� � � c : ���� �' „-t. � • ��� ' l�. J s .�,4�'1��,� ���� ��l���� � a � ����� ` � � ti I , � 'S�s '��'�' � , �� ��, � � � ,�� � . �,�� �,�� � _ � �,#��`s , , , 1s� �� , �, '.� � �� '.�, ' ��.� �� ��,` t . � .,�,t.,��� �'� ;� �, gl� � *�' ..�t� � t � s �,�' �'"'R;�`W B � •,� _ ; #� �„�'� F�tAb''�4.I � �� ��� . n ��; � �{ i 1 .� � , 1 f}�, . `H� i. . �� '��1� � 1�"'p � f� � AQ �. �.�'�� � � 1��,:� • �!.' _. _ -, ��,:� �►+���1�. - �`� _ �i�` F(:1 �����,�,����.; � � � �L1 ���li, �, . ' ' �� �Yr� .�����������,�1�a�,�Yp ,_,�,,,' �....�n,o <rr -^ �r.rF.��,--v-i �-^.-*r=�' n�-rm--.c • . c _-.cc. . ...� -,,. . _ . �� OP'I'IaN TO PURCHASE 14Iai! e� revoc�din� to: Tl�s ��nt w�as prep�r� bya C�lee L. Batmnan, Jr. � La� Fi� PI�i,C 306i S. C� 5t, ��, r��c. �rzis �auf da�ip�don f� �e inc�o 'I�is OPTIUN TO PL7RCH'A.SB ("Qp�i�'� is gi�m�ed � Oa�obme .�12 by t� Ruih I. KunraY R:et►oc�bie Ti�et, d�bed Deca�mba� 18, 1997, its ba�ciaries, au000e�urs ��d/or ae�s, ("Sel1a'�, tu Al�m�anac Cou�y �c Devolop�eat Founds�on ("�u�. Shcae, �nbeald�ng t� b�d Sellee, 3ella�'s hauafiaaiee, h�ra4 eucoos�o� �nd wsigns, in ooneidaration of fi�e � of'Pvv� T�o�d Five He�red u� t�o/t p0 Dolls�s ��SQ�o�) ("�pfiion Moaey") Psid �0 �C�tY �?y B11yCt7 Y�GCIp� Af 1�1� 1� �W�Od�O�, � tp BDj►Q'y �$llj�'9$ � �1ClY�, 9t1�'8901'� W(� Si�17B, Qll ��IDB � C�Q� SO# �+Of�l �OW� f�1E d1[Git]gil!� !!� Srid 0�1@!1 b0 �?t�['C�9C 1�� � �� � 8�.1 1ffi�'Oi�0i17C� � �1Q'01II �CO�V81y, �18 "PrA�aa�ly"}, idm�ti�ad e� futlow�: i,+u�►t land m B I 40 Aa►y, �gPP�Y ��.4� �'es; � portzoa of Parc�l ID 2�io. 1600919 and �re p�cularl�+ deect�'bed oa � stt�ched }�a � � �ain by refc�ao�e. S�nne or all of the Propa�iy may be deBQibed in Doed Book 1643 at Page 533 and/op irx Beed �ook 138 at Pag� 38'�0 i. Opti� P�riod: Thu Optaon sball eo��t and �oat�nu� from the date h�roof until Midrught a� Octaix� 10, 2013 (t�e "Option P'eriod")e This Aption or a Ivlemac�um of t�is Optian m�y be reoorded as n legally bindiqg notice of the pption. 1'ilvvlB IS OF T'I�E ESSENCB WfI�-I RESPBCT TQ THE OPTION PBRIQD AND �BRGIS�, 2. Ex�; At any time ducing the 4�� P'er�oa, Buye�' may �se #hig Option bY givuig .s�iler v�� �ioe theraofffigaed by �uya, which a�emase �s �ve upon (1) haond delivery, � i�) P�P�d �sit of tho notice wlth � ovarnighi commecael delivery secvics or in �tifiocl r�l, x�eh�r8 �pt rec�uested, for delive�y at the follow�ng asldress(es); Selter: Ruth i. Kimrsy Revocable Tfust c!o Nell Kimrey Philligs,l�s� �526 A �p R,osd Mebane, Nort� C�rolina 27302 Ruth i. Ki�r�y Revocable Trust� c% Betty IC�msey Vernon, T�as�ee 2515 Kimrey Roe�i Mebane, Idarth Carolina 273Q2 3. Contraat Upora Bxac�eeo Upon �uye,r°a exe�c� of ii�is Option9 tho Paciies ag� thafi {� th� tams of the.puYchaee end sa�e of tbs ��all be as aet forkh in tl�e O�er to Purchaae and Co�r�ct —�taaarrt LotlLaad stta�hed ha�o as �hibit B and inooaporated. herein by rafeu+ea� (t�e "Contrac�'�, �qnd {�i�� ea�h of ti� s�ail execu�e tf�e Conttaoi pro�ptly there�er, bui ui a�ty eveut v�rithin ten (10} busin,ess days afler the d�te thst Buye� wt�rcisos this Optiou, 4. �ip�pi�ari of Op�Ion il�aneyo if this Option is axaceued and t� purc�se ana eale tean�action r�;£�nced in th� C�mbr�t cias�, the� tt� 9ption I�foney �hall be �lied to the p�hase price �.t Closiag. If this Option ia not wce�vcieed, than the Opption �+toney shall be �aa�ned. by Sell� as oonsideref�oa for Sell� grenting this Option. So Batry md Due Diliganoe: I�ruig the Optiot� P�od, tmd eubjeei t� the te�n� and. a�ditiona of Pu�s 2(b), (a) +�nd id� end 6(b) of t}�e C�ract, all af which ere iaoorpo�ed haeia by ��, ��Y, vviih reeeon�bio adv�oe notioe to Seller, e�mer ti�e �'ropaty to inapect, �Y� aPI�E arad p�rf�r� �� l�� ]��a� with r�pec¢ ta ih� Pmpe�tyo To � a�t that p�ovisio�s in the above��oed Para�aphs of tha Contr�t nre ad�od to au�ivo tbe Ciaaing and/ar the t�ination of the Contract, for pwrposes of t�i� Ptragrapb. 5, such pro�ons eball survlve �e exa�ase, expn�ion �nd terminat�on of this Option and the Closu�g, as appl%able. 6. I3e�d �'orms: Anp cap°�az�d. tsrm ue�ei ue thie C�pti� u� not �� r.�17 �.v� the d�ftnitian �d me�ng ascr�bed to su�h texm in t�e Contract> ?. Assignment�: BxcEpt as pro�d�d �therw-ie� i�o�n, tl�ia �� maa�+ n�t tye as��nne� b� �� p4rty witFt�ut the prior vvritta� cons�nt af ihe �thep perty. Not�vitl�atand�g �e for�gaiag, thi� Opiian � be assign�d by Bu��r vv�th�ut the written �o�se�tt �£ S�ll�rr, prv�i�d tt�at {i) �u�'s assi� �sumes ali of �uper's rights snd obligataons u�d� tlus Option, and {n) euol� a�gmne�ut � made tio one or more of the foIlowlr�g artrties: The Ciiy of Mebene, the City of Ci�abam, Alamance Couniy, the ProJe� Buya�, and any existing or futw� antity owned in fi�I and �ont�olled by any otte ae raore tt�m and tc► be �ed to bzing the Project to fnrit�o�. Ii assigned piusuant to the terms of the fore8�ng sa�tonca, this Option a1�e11 be bi�ding vn t� Buy�'s assigaa� a�d. such aasig�n�'s �, succa�sors and a�. Upon any s�teh amignrne�x by Buyep, Buyee shall be automaiisQally releasad from �11 of xts �bligations ha�undet, In addition, upon anp teensfe� �y Seller of �ta inte�t � the Ptaperty� �s Option may be �signed by S�lter ta the �t�sfer�e writhout the �vr�ea c�n�t of �u.yer> providecl that 3eller's �assign� a�sumes all of Seller's rights and obligatio� under tlus �ox� � th� this O�tion sh�llll be i�inding on S�iler's tesa�sf�la�aigr� �d su�h �nsf�oree's�ae�gnee's 1�ear�, siu:ce,ssors �d �gns. Upon sny �h �at�fe� �nd assignm�t by- S��1e�; �ell�r sb�ll be auto��e]l� a+�less�d fr�m all �f its �bligau.ons �uuder, � 8, Term9nat►on of aption: This Optioc� s.ball �uutomatically tetmznate should th� Proj�ct be t�nateda Bay�r agrees, �t i� sol� cost aad expense, to exacute and recard a doa�meat (s�zch document to be acceptable to SalIe� in its reasonable disGretion) providing notice of f�e t�inat��� �f t�is Optio� premPtiY af%r � termination of t�s tlptian piusuaat t� t�s Parage�h �, btrt in sny e�t with�n tax (10) businesa days �r t� date of such t�erminstion. �. Survival: If any pr�via�on h�n oont�ned by its nature and effect ls rcquired to � obeaved, kept or p�'ormed af%a the exe�c�se, �xpiration or t�etmination �f th�s Op�on, i�en it shall. survive such exercise, exxp�n or �on aad � bir�d� upon �i f�of � ba�e6it af the pariies �n unfill fully obeerved, kapt sr p�fonnod. Otha�wiea, exc�t ss exp�asslY I�ovid,ed atherw�s� in, or r�r�rad by the teams o� t1�is Option, the p�ovi�ions of this Opti.on shall not eurv�ve auch eae,�cisey expiretioa ar tesn�na�one I Oa Rtiscellan�ouse T'his Option e6ali be c�ne� in accordsnoe with North Cnr�lu� law. � 4ption sats forth tl� antire ag�reement of the pa�os �with respect to tbe mattors eet forth herein, anti s���eades a�y �ior writi� ot pral under��g beiweoa th� park�.ee �th re�ect to those a�sttore. �s t�ms eud condit�ne� of t]ua Option may only be modified oae waiv�d by a writbau �netr�m�t �d bg th� pa�+y t� be �rged. Tbis Option mdy be a�ed in ffiultiple a�ginai� or zoimta�parP�, all of wl�ich togi�ee con�titut� t�ne eed the satn� ina�n#, s�d ti� paeties adopt 83 �1P�i �8 f�1E VirOi'(�. "sS��." �9651� �iC1I 51�8 �7CIOW. i"�he remaind� of t�s page �s intentio�ally left blatik] � Il�T �V1�1S'VV$F�EOF', the ��ll�r and d� Suy�' +�a`►e eaci► e�ased �e dae•�t�on of tbe f�egol� �(�rnn t� Pur�hasc �der seal �s t�f ffie d�y �d y�r inst aboee w�r[tbea. ���cr: , Aasr�u�e Cwz�.ty �o�� Dev�i�t.�d�d�iou {SBe4I.) �y. hia�ao: ZSid� .. �s , � L��ey Yte`iro��1e Tiv�t dabad �oa�be�r 1�,1 �7 (S�AYr) 0 ��; I�iamaa. l�dl KimraT � '�`°if�� Ttwte� .� �y°; ��l�nmo; �� `� iRt1e. 'i�toe S+�t���� � �ty bt.Al�itti�e 1 � Y!i! W� 1.Wµ)71►Ui� �%�Q`BJ ia„„� � 1�611V1tl 3iar' HL6 41a3!6 � A�kJ1A��$iC{,� i� iCB� 1738� �P � 6� Sl� ��J13� �fllffit. �8 � �B ��(7G %0l111tj1 �O�C �OYC�D�IOAr �I1�UIIe �{tQ�B� 8l1� �� � �6d� �f�Dip OY 8�u �� � � �8� � . . -- - � �Q��, �Ppt�'j► P�b�� _` _ _— .-,_. 16�� �o�isa�i�� ��p�; �� 0�° 1Vo� C�g �oa�nty a[ A�arn�nc�e � �' t�#� t�e �q�p� ��(�� ��iY +�a� ba�'ac+c nne �w�g�,� i� m� tliat � oar � sig�Cl tfi� °� ��. . e+� °IY�reo af �e Rabh I �ir�+e�* R��� �'n� � �� �i Y�Y �, �s �� �� i�7o �'� �y�+u�t o� �r,� ��, a� � ,�,—a�y °.�.�.� �. �2� � , „� �',,,, .. �;; ;. �:::�� �t'�'"°�� . �� �om�reuo�a F�cpica�° .�'+` /� �,L,°� ;, .,•, �„�° xti . �;.Ad�e,1°,� �! ,.;e • ° � �l��(�� . �v+,i��, �5;� C� � �� . , 4q '�� • Jp' \ . ., a�, �+.a'1Cf.�,;,ri"�� ��"il::dl'I{il1\li Y�[3' th�t tl� i�ii°�wir�8 �ntr) P��n�liy q�d befare me ti� d ��[11A9� f0 ffi� �1�t j1B 6Y' Il�t� .�1g110d, � � �9 •� T�� u�dr� �� � I�iQ�eey ���vc�blc �ttat d��+� doaut�e�t: �aii� �y ��, �s , nao�mt� 1� i�s�, � �i+Yit�e� a�d o�aai �rr.erlo.d� �e !` � �' �.�'�' 2�12a �T�h�3' Pttblic � �. ��, ,. �:�,, • :.,a,� ��,,•�`• i v.. .. . •f.�1'� . � �dr. �y ��10l1 ��• /i�/��y{p,ry,Jiv,P i f�� ,. tl �'� . a ly '��� °s�°va0� � � .. ::ut,�r ' � . , �: � 1�"�i. • . ... ,,,�,. � � �� ��Ift �� S�fBC� pQSi3 d'11�� "��I'0�@C� ��l0i�S11, � R08� �'1�, �y01t� B= pPO�t� �Wl1C2'g" dai� Auge�st 23, 2012, �nd p�epsred by Alla�+, williams, Carnie�n dt K3nng, Inoo {tl�c "Plsn'�. For putpo�s of th�e Ogtic�a, the Property �s ide$tif od as the int� of Selle� in the po�tia� of tl� pnmel id�tifed ae percel7 on the Pl�n �d locrted wlthin and eouth-southeesi.of th� right-of- we.p efiow� �n red on tbe Pl� ',i� Property •do�s not inc2ude the remaining po�iaa of pnrael7 ("Seller9e Reb�ined P'ropee�.y")o Seller mak� no r�presoatafion or vvarranty regardi�g the eartent or �iure of rts �nt�res� � the Property or tt� accuracy of the acraege iiebad Eor the Property on the Plaa oar in thc introduc�jr peragra�h of thc �ptio�.. �he parties a�ee �at, in i�e cve�t that �uye�e wnrciaes tl�e Opti�, for purpos�s af the Cl�ag and prep�ustion of the deed, t�e PropeQty ahall be d�rib�d piu�ueUt to a legii description to be pnpered in a�d�c� with ti� tenms of Offe� to P�u�ase u� Coat�ct �- �'�sn� ���li,a�d atta�h�d ha�eta es �. � 9 �,1 ��' ` _ 'Y+ T �I 3� ., �,� �, 1 �� ; _ ,',*t� - 'it _ =I •� . _ - � - �; ;,_, �� __ __ _ , l .. .� , ..7��, ;' • ! � J - �� � � � �� t .: :.� 3 + �• � ( f � I . . � _ 1 .. .�.z..� _ �'�► I i . _ f . i - �L — e l . ... _ -.. _ w �.i t . � ��� . ' '�� ± 1 � �f � . . . 1�' .` ^� i r; - '. � �•� � � ���$ . _ � 1. �� � � .��1 � _ �. ,- , : __I`.F1: _ ` See attached t?f%r t� Pur��e aad Contract -� Vacaiat LotlLand �9P'FEA �'+D PiJR�HeISE AND +CON�CT � VAC Al�i'�' Lt1TlLA� For velueble co�sidaraia�, the re�eipt cad iega� s�i�ency of which m� her�by eclmow�d, �uya� a�'ee� �.► P�� and Sedler �graae tu �ll �d a�av�y+ the Pro�r a� the t�rns �nd oa�ditaons of this Offer To Puroha�e and Contrac�k �nd uny addond�ma a� ffiodi6catian made in �ca�d�nce with tta Oeems �i�get�er the °`Conir�aE"). 1, TE&l�S A1� D�tAiY'i'ION�: fi�e �rms iistrod i�eYovv �haII have the respective meeain� givan �eaa a� �et f� �a� t� eas� ttam. tj) "��"' D 1 1 �) °�� (c) "Propert�": Tf� Pibpe�ty �aA iachlde all Wat �1. � de�ibecl belc+� �� sll ��aeetc inch�iag ths i�aova�s �Cabed tbraoaaa Vac�ot Lnd—B I 40 Hwv; �ata 3 42 ��° see � i��t �•.,+�� �•�••,• ....� :..� __�e, �--• Cou�J" 8j�pq� Ma�th C�rolm� " '� bY �— (NOTT�. Governmem�l awthamity ovm� iaxes, moniag, acho�i di�trtcta� utitetie� end moil deHvery �ey diffi�r 6� addt�ea shovrn.) I.eg�117�ae�tiaa�. (ComPlae �iLL �pplieabk) Tho PIN/PID a� olher idaot�cation numba� of ti�o �y iso B oatiaa af Pm� � N8.160091 � Other d�ptiae�: 3ome or oll af :be Pnopaa�l�+ ma� be dercribe�t i*� I�aed Haofc � s� Papa 3S� a�Jae in Deed Boa& �3 at pye 3� _. (d) "Pae+ciore Priec'°: A. The � of (i� $508, l 30.00, o� (u) s 17,000 per �era of the PYape�3' ���e � ide�i�ed is �ee in ri�tt of way on ffi� Pl� (� de�rd i� �> � ��. 58;.5�J0 �i�r a�e Qf � Propeai� idoritified es �orea im right�f vaay on fhe Pl�a ��e Rxa' p� ,�',a �u� �l B. 90 be d�ed by ii� aunmy ra�ad to � Sectioa 2(bxv� of tho C�ct, � e�rv�y to be pre�ad �y Huy�r �ud rsvisv�+ad �nd �pprov�ed b3' ��°: ��oval not to be �oa�a6ly �vi�held, coadm�ed ac dal4Yed), Plos c. �r3�334Aa, elt peid �a U.3. Dollus � f�e follo�►iag �: S 2S0o.00 lN T�IE F�t 9F OPTION R�IOI� pa�evioa�ly pid b So1�er t 1510Q0,0� �� _ _�_ _ �1' �T�I! !lI', �ARN�'!' �VIQNRj' D�..�C�4�`f mode ps�bYe !c E� 1�� �d m� 1(f� dolivasd �vlthin fivs (S) daye of tl�o $ffieat�ve �e Q#'th� Goni� b� �ffiarl b�e � � N.�. , B�' (ADDZTiONAL) �ARNBST Iu�ON� DBp09I'1' � �bla io �arow A� �� �� Iifl b3' ���medi�ely avdlsbk fimds e� � ��� bank oboalc a� vr�+e �dt&� �a ba daiivared tm Beaeow A�ent ao �. tl�rs; i� d�G �DF T8B �.S�hCT �vith t�atd 1e aid d�e. S NiA B5f �Li&lPTYON of the uopdd Princi�tt b� �d eil obli�tio�s of Se�ar � fi�e aa�i�nB lan(S) eeaared bi' a deed of teuet oa tho Pr�iy � ao�d� wit� �e S�IA � Z'O�D � Addeadum (B�+d Fba'm 2A6�Tj, BY 35�,7,�R FTNANQNQ ia aoc�t+d�ce vrith tlbe a�$� Selke l�i� �►ddendum (SLndud Foe�a 2A5-Tj, wrth tha �.AN�S of tbe F� �tice in � at Setdr�aat (some a� � of wh�c�t may be pQid with tba pea�eods of e aew lo�) . Sho�ald Buya� �il i� daliv� any Initiei � 1�ey Depotit by its due deta, or ehauld �ay a�iealc or oth� i4nd� paid hy Buyefi' be dishono�d, fio� a�Y �oa. bY th�o inetitu�o� up�a whid� the paym�t ia dnw�, Bayae aiull haye aaoe (I) b� d�y aibee wrrttan notioe to �livar goad fimds m ihe g�yee. In �e ovent Buyaa� dooe no� timdll�+ deliver good fi�, $ellor elull � the rig,h4 tc� �ete ffiis ��tract ��n aotic� to Bu� �ad to xbhin � Optiori Moneg' p�vioualy Paid to Se11ac by Buyea�e (e) "Sar,oat M9a� De�i�°o iho Tn�ttet �c �y �fi, the A�a� B� �ey � � �, � �c aeonies pa� in �on wi�h thi� b�anaaction, bate�aRer wlJeo�ivaiy re6efred to a� "Be�aet Maoey De�oei�', �hell bo depoei�d �md held in �tiv by �w Agent �til Cloaing, et whic�► tima it will be crediied bo Buyae, m' w�il'this � is otH�vviae t�tt��bed. In the �t: �1) th�s offi�rr is not � or {2) a c�ditiart of en, t�uttini oontr� ie a� s'�'ied, th�. � Fs�as� Mon�eY Da�ait si�il be reflmded ta B�+ne.1n We e-veni of bt+�ch of t�ais G�hact lx� Sella�, th� B� Moetey �e� sh�ill b�; rafi�dsd i� Br��r up�n i�u3+�''s reflu�t, bui sua� ceium �baal moz effact arty other �ra�nedies ar�ble to Buyar fox saah brasch. In �the av�i af b� flf i�i� �nb�raci �y �uyer, fhe Ber�a� 14toney �7eposit s�ail be peid i� �ell� upo� Seyl�'s �t as �it�idete�l Pago 1 of 11 �l�Jj�CY 1111f1i�6 ��BP �lfi�3 ��d �s Seller'a aoie an�d exclaisi� remedy for �ucl► br�s, b�ut without l�g 3ellel�'s rigirta un� Peragi�P6s 2{0} md 2(� o�° Sellea�'s aighi � ret�iu tl� �ption 1Money. it i� soknowIedgcd bg+ the pardes thst peyment of the Begnett Money Depoait � SeIIm° � ihe e� of a breach of th�s Contract iyy Buye� is oo�penaetay and not �nitive, � etno�mt being a r� �on of t6e a� loaa tbat 30� would�iacta as a reault of su� bt+eaah. Zbe psym�t of ii�e �t Mmey Depodt to Setlea ahall aot ca�stitate a p�alti+ o� fioc6aihu�e but a�l c�npe�e�tian ior 3etla's eaticipated i�, ba� puti� ac�ruawledging the diffic�tliy uf d�m�ng Saller's octuel demages f+o� such bm�ol�. If lo�ai p�oeedinp are bra�ht b'1' Bay�ae a� 3eIlar eg�et �e othar tio ar�over tl� �urn�t Mo� Deposa8, the ps+eveiliag ptuty in the ,peooeed�bag rhall be �itl�l tp tecnver fiu� thc non- �r� P�+h' �b10 attornoy fees �ad oouct c�ts in�urrecl in camnection wlth d�e Pr�oadi�6. (� °'F.�crow a►�e��' {insert neene): 9cbneider �oerane. PLLC NO'T�: In the �vant of a diapute between Seller aad Buyer ovaa� �e diaposition of the �emeet Yalcmoy Depoert held � exrow, a �� P!!� �€ ��Bl'0]G01'"� IS Y8�II1fOd � t{� taW �� �/CI'OW l�d1�, � AOt 8�tOkAP' •""��^'Y Y�['008� tp TE�i�f! di8 �� �Ojl08� �II 3h8 $tC[OW �'8 �t �` 66�Stiif i�f'i(1u0# tm�ti �iC[+OW �t �8$ O� S R'� D0�4Yf0 $'�! f� �08 QOI�$ i0 �S �OII Ot' 11�1 ��t �9 CRilf'0� � a� Of OD�O� JI�O�. �VO�j�a If 8 �I'0�' QY � � �0l010d � �S'i� �8W � �07�I '�.3TG1IDS �pA�� �B %lOi� �10 giil'l�B� �0�6�+ �p�i dIQ �!'O�T' Of' �Y �Y ���P� � with the approprids c.l�lc af arnut in a000rdv►oe with thg provi�ions of N.C.a,S. �93A- 12. ($� "8f�ve �tc": The dete that: (1) tha leat ar�o mf Buye� wd Solir hee ei� or inituled this Contraot, aad (2) aac� sign�B a�aidsliag �s co�unica0ed to the othar pa�+. {b) "Due Dlti�ace�': Buy,er'� opporpmity during the Due Diligenoo Paiod to invaki'rte tbe Peoperty ntd tLe dnq�arn oonban�pJa�ed bY dris �, iaciudip8 but u�# aeoo� Hmf�ed t� the �s doraelt�od ia �regn� 2 bolo�, i� d�d� whelhet Hrty�, m Buyar'� gok di�etion, rwill praaeed with or be�mia�te dte �. • t�? ��!►�o� I�o,e�'►: �ho �ad�ti�, in the aa�� � sZ,soo.0�, P��3' P�d m�n+x by sa� ia �eadoa �vi� t� � t0 �6 � lOED �W6bll � � 1'B�thl{g tC 1�1�8 � � 1b6 �. �10 �lOn �Q116jr 16 Yi� 1'0�11�0 #� I� !� pl'ppEt1,}� Of ��', � 8�L4� bQ !l � t0 BQj�Of � ib0 �B/0 PI'j00 ��"�FIg, G) "Dae nul�eaa� r�erioa": The p�oa b�g on mo B�tiv� D�e.na.�dead�g c1�1, s:oo P.m. a� �e iQ. Za13. T171�a� AF TXEd.S� wrth regerd 1� rad ddeo �k) "Sefilemea#�: 'Ti�e �per exeauiiota �e deiirraet+ia the c�oeiag atta�►ey Qf a� dacumon� �sey to �to the tsYneaction ca�iernpi�d'i b�r �s �a�tr4ct, imcluding tho doed, tat�amot �t�itam�t, deed of nwrt �ad alh� 10� � ooaveywoo doc�en�s, ��l6 01031Y7� i�P[YOy'8 Pa00� Of ��d8 AOI�t� � COIRp�9 NO�f iJrOtYCtlOfl. {!� �Settlea��et �rie": °!Le � agree ct� ssttr� vei21 t�ioe pl.ce an �° beib� � 31. To 13 (tbe °�seb�tanc�t �te"j, �BB� �F �'B'SY�CE w+i� teg�d to iaid dabe, unias otha�vire yreed in writiag, � a time aad pl�ce to be mntuQll�+ �greod n�m b� �nYa' �d 3a11�, (m) "(�inia: The oo�pletion ofthe leg�i p�+ooee� rrhich rasults in tho � of titlo to the Prt�erty �am 8eller to Buyer, which lbllowiag tho 3ea1� {3) ihe closing �oraayt raoei�t of ��auWarl�ticn b� �ahuree� all ��y t�le uQd�te �o tho Prope�ty � �PP�P� �' � �� �a) � d�(g� ��, ��ri', wluch �hall tnlce plac�� � �t�o�rd�d� in d►e alam8 rt�Y �ae Sett�eot. Up�e Closb�g, � paooeeda� of eale e�hell be diabu�aed by tl�e claaing �ney in aoc�e�dance witb the aet�l�m�t atabemaat snd tho provisions of C�aptae 45A of the NaaRh Grolina Deneral Sdtntes., If We tide npd�te aho�uld teveal �pscxed Heas, enoumbrmoes op other title de�ects, or if the cloaing �ttc�ey is �t �u�ed to di�bmse alI a�aryr fimda, then tbs Clnsipg sball be suspe�ded and the Settl�t deem�ecl delayed imdeT Pa�ph 13 (DeLy ffi 9ett�meo�/Closi�. WAHNIIVG: TL� Na�th GrolimR Sta�e �ar hae debermi�i t�t the � of maet a� �d �ri�s requ�ad fa� a closmg co�s the practit� o�i law snd m�t bo P�'�� �Y bY m�Y Hoonsed 10 pctctioe low in Na� Ctrollnr. St�e law prd�its �licxneed i�diaidnele ar �nos Snm r�derin�.leg�1 �vicee ffi tdvi�e. Ai�yh aon�attara�oy �e�t �em�s ffiay perPaa�n limi�ed eedvices in i�omeatia�a with �. �cl�ing� they ma�' �t pesfa�m all ihe �cts aa� servicee raquirod �a ccample�e a absio�. A dosing involves si�nific�nt legai issua9 ih� should ba � by an atborney. Ac�cordiogly rt ie tlw poelH�t �f t�e �ge2o.f�t, � itait�s � 3elles initiois I�I��th Caro�ina Bar Association aud ihe North Carolias .Association c�f �ALTAR�° thae sii buycxs ahould hire ��ttorney lice�ed in Nath C�ralina to perform a clos�g. (� "SPedsl Ar�me�fe": A chsege aga�st 4he Praperiy by e govarnmedal aWhority in a�t�ae to ad �+sloram dnc� and � 8� � f�s lavied wit6 sooh 3�ces, or by an ownars' ossoci�otio8 in addi#ion #9 any ragular �saneat (dnea), ei�� of which may be a li� ag�st the Yrapa4y. A Specisl Aseee�neot may be ei� proposod or confirmed. to ��.��1 �iru��eaP': A Sp�i�l �r�mmt t� � imdex for�l �sssi�r�iion buf �ieh }ms noi i� approved peiar "Coa�rmod 8peeial Au��ment": A 3ge�a1 Aesesam�nt thet has been �pproved prior ta 3ettl�f wrheti�ar or not it i: fiilJy P�Y�►le at tmme of Settiament. (aj "�over�me�fai Auihoraie�": The c,iiy oiTviabena, ti�e t,ity of Qnbam, Alunance c;murty, ih� hfort� Ca�olln� '!'rumPaa�tion. arai nny ati� p�blic oe ��rernmeateI wtborety of o�'ty involved in tha implemantaf�as of�ectf collec�vely. {P) °�Projeet°'c The proj� id�ti�ed as "Pro�ect Svun�h°' tnai �uye� is ,vorld� w�th ti� (iovar�oe�l �lo�es � bring to �,�inmoe CoW�ty. Tha perties �aimowle�e thtt tl� Prope� is a pm°E of tl�e Projad, whic� is mto�ded ao be � on a�ibe bo� �x�+ed mr�ngh a combiasti� of tho Pt+�perty and oth�er laad located aeer tho Pr�p�rty, i� "��� ��"� T6o pa� or entity thst �S fih� aad-uae buye� ef die Prqject, aBd 16at ia in#e�aled ���d wa ihe im}u�o�retn� �plaind �s part of d�e �rojeci. 2.. BIJI'IIt'8 BiJB DIIdGEFTC� PR�: (t) ioaa: Dur� the D�e Dtli�t� Peeic�d, ��c', at �u}+�'� expemreo ehrll be aodtled to ppnue qual't�ioett`� L� �d q�vel of a laa if derpsd. (PiOT�: Buy,ee la advisad to canolt reith Buy�"s lendor p�ior to tigning t�e ol�t to wiae thrt the Dno Di]��mee �ariod �Ilov�s eut�icaant timo Sor the �ei io be completad �ad far Buym�'s kmder b Previde Bu�'e�' �officient Inf�to�a to decide tiwhethe� tio ptooeed with a Ue�'minate dee h�ctian ein�e the lotn is not a�ion of dw Canhtot,) �� �RI�lP�j' YIIi'N�dQII: �15� 2�1@ DaC ��CB �A� �elj�e � �i i� O�P 1'�L'�Yt7ga �Y $�t�jt �s eF�li ba aa�iilad �o r�or�uvt ai! daaia�d i�sis, survays, �pprai�ais, in�erti�iio�y, e�um�adaoc inc in�peadane �i the Proparty � �Y�' � +�� �8 btrtYJ07C l�ite� te � fallovv�: (i) Soil, IIdUtiu Abd Bnv�eonm�t�l: Rspa�ts ta detmmins vwha�et tbe aoit � euiiablo foe �yer's �tend�d �e and vuhalher thae+o is a►y e�viranment�i oontam�aQs, lawo, rule or regulartion th�t aney prohibit, �oefmicc ap Eimit B�yae's inreuded �ue, �ii� Sepi�cf�ewer �ytt�em� �ny appiioa�bi� mwestigad.oa(s) to dei�mi�: (y) ti� cmdidon of.�t earbt�g 9eqn�e ry�u, (bi the aaetB md expemees t� rostall � sarwe�e sYa�a► q�roved bY en exi�inB m�'m+ement Paasit, (9i the avaiWaility and b7�e to �ontlect to s pUblic � eo�+ �ewer �o, mdlor {4) whekhee �ct impeova�ent peimit � wri�en svaluttion may bo obtainqd 8nm the Co�r Heal� Dag�utinoni foe e nritsble �und abr�on �e�e �Ya�, iii� VVater: AaY �pPlic�bie invaapl�etio�is) ta �e: (1) We a�o�ditia�n aP� s�eting priv�ta �mking we� �wrl1, (Z) the co� +od �oe to inebd� t ptiv�te drinldng �v�ee wroII �ppmved bY m e�d�dng oa�hw�iaa per�it, (3} tho aveimbilitY, c�ts md expaaees io c�nect �o �� ae �omm�mity �er �yitem, or a�red.p�iva�a well. r�d/w (4) wrbathar a eattsdra�a� permii may bo obt�ed fieom i�a Cou�' Headh De�e�t fo� a privds deinkiug watee �vell. (fv) Rrvlew of litle: baring the Due Dili�ce P�iod Huyer �11 oaueo its �tbotnay fio �no tbe t�tle to th� Prapaty and adviea SaJ� in writu�g of �y obje�tions t� aaid titl�e, and 3eller �hal! have s perlod of thirtY (30) �ya from the d�e af nodce of aeid objeatlons withi� wLioh selke may chooee to remedy asia objeottms bo rhe r�b� sat�.� of. B� and ifs ttbrney, 1n ths event said abjecti�s ae not so cnred ar te�edied within the thntY C��) aaY P�'��, � Buya�, et its el�ion, s�t have tl�e cight to oither: (a) acoept �uoh fltle .�bject to the objec�aa,8; �@3 termim�te this Can�ct and tec�ive the rotuirn of the �aeat Money togeth� with all h�est, if any, o�eaed it�on. In tha ovent x� suc� objeoiians ee made wit�n th� Du� Diligence Period, tt� Hyym� e�ll have ac right to n�e abjectiaos to titie whiah ui�e p� to tha debe of ita examinmon of title ine�de withm the Dua Diligaace Pae�od, tnd such ibeana ahali be de�ned �o be Pa�mitted Bxc�ptions. FIowevee, if additioo�i t�e obje�tiaaia uiae t� Buya's exwnin�tion of #�tl� mide lvitis� �ag� 3 of ? 1 �a}�ex m�tieMs Se9ter initlaLv th� Du� Da'fligence Porior� and p�ior t� the �iosin�g, th� �uy� si�l bave �he s�ns a�ghts end �ect� witii r�ect � I�ae �ubeequai# objeudor� ttttt it hed with reepect to objoctions uiaing prior �0 3ts examanetioaa of titie made �tbai tbe YAte�Dil�genae Period. (Y) APPrairalr: M appreisd of tho Psoperty. (vi) �arve'; Daring the Dne Di�nco paiiod, Btryar ahall, �t its sole cost and �e, ob� a eurvay of tbe Property to detaemine wheth� the pmpauty is aui4ble far Buye�'s intea�ded nso md the loaetion of �, aetbadcs, p�oppty �ries md ��wes wht� nn�y or mry t�t ��rto titl� dat'octa. Providod ffiat P�.iym� �btains the atu�ey �v� tUo Du� Dilig�oe Period, Buyaa' mnY object to tit� de�ots dbclo� by fho airvey vv�ah weto n� di�cloaed in tbo title �°P� o�� b3' B�Y�' +�B � Dt�e Diligmoa Peaiod, md Sells a6a11 bava flie eeme rigMs �o o�e a� otll� md Bnyer ahs[1 Lave the a�ne rl�hte wd elee4io� vvlth rsspoct to wy � objeotfoae a� era provided in Pare� 2@�n+) �vo bar abjeo�aoa dira�vaed t�rough Buy�'s mum� of th� titk to ti� Pmperty. Buyar°� aorrey sl�l be perfouned 6y e Na�th Cu+ol�oa Iiarued wrveyo� er eo�gioeer, md w� ten (10) days aiie�' Bnyer �aves tl� �Y� �Y«' ahell deliver a eopy to Sellaoe�. 4tra the rm�vay h�c bam pa�apu+od, aatd ravieanad nnd epproved by Seller (� �vel �not W bo �ue�onebly withbeld, oaa�tioned ae dabyedj, a k�al de�ription of t� Prapo[tY P�� �am the eun�ey �hall be iaitialed by B�ryar �ad Sellar and �ed bQro1n �s t B. 'I�e logal de�xiption amached haato �s � and incarpor�ted }�erein by refer�ce afull be tbe doecei�tion need in th�e �pecial wermiy deod to be daliv�td at C'.lain�. (vli} 20� �d Govern,��al Re�tio�: Inve�p�iaa of aa�t+�t ac propoeed san�g oc o�er � reg�lation tlut may s�ct Buyar'e �ded qre of the Pcopatt�� 'n��enit Imd n�ac, P� �' ��rd �cHan, �d �dtool �tba�daaon �. (vW) l�ood Ha�rd:lave�i�tion a�f pa�aatiai flood h�uds an fhe l�opa:ty, and/oe �ny reqniremeat to p�hwe flood i�rune�a�e in � �u ob�in �c Lom. � ierpeot to All of Bqyer's Due Dlti�epoq iaaJudiag wilhout ]noihtian 1he teeis, aw'v�eYs, �ea�1s, wvasbi�ic�na, e�umie�iona �ad ia�perti�a refma�ced in d�ie R�ph 1(b), BW'a �/aeo th�t, �t ao cast oe expeuie be SallaP, Hnya� �it P�Y P�v1de 8ellar tirith oopios of ang� �ird I�Y �� ��YR ��er � obhiued by Bnyer as a t�ult of adi � Dili�6a r.eti�itiar ttL� "D�g Dlll�eaee iMbrm�tion'�, inahu�ip�g � iita�tteoa ary mvhaomamtal repofls, �oil 1�b, �pnna�, e�raya� tod �itl� repa� � eomm�. s°s a�ditic►�, W the mcbant ti�t Froject Bayee, AnY af t�:��l A�tias, +mY ��li�e of �sy 9f thea�, or tny of t�eir nspsodve �eah or r�tivee, caaducla any � Dus Dil�enoe aa tbeir o�va be�l� Bu,�'m° earoaa thn it lo�e cn�ed, � wtll atnie, the �pplia�ie Ps'aa a' mtitY 2� P�l�Y P�vide Selle� vvl� oapi�a of aery� md all Duro �ilig,moe � at no co�t or asp�e to 3e11a�. Nat9vitl�taading the �img, �thir� hmro�a rhall be ooa�ed m esn�tle anyy ppram or �tit�r athes dim Huye� �1 its �denb �d iaproe�htivas to hava taoe�s t� tba Propac�y � 8�o p�upoiee ot� D�e Dili�naa, sach �aceas bad� roetitieted h�ndae to Huy�er, i1s a�t md tepe�eaob�wee, � ibs prm�mod �re sa� �igas. Thase obli�taoo t� p�ovi�da Sal�e with esapias af' �ny r,ul all 3� Diaip�m� � d�ll �vive �a,y ie�muaadon of t6ie �antr�ot: (c) Hayrr`r ObB�t� ta A�ir poro�e: �uyer ahali, �t Buyar�g mcPaue, Pro�lY �r �ng' d�m�e to tme Pmpaity rasult�g 6+0� +my r�n+iiie� of suyor .ad Buy�'s .ga�a ena c�ocore, 6�e Suyr a6.n not ba �'blo foa� .ay a�o oauooa by �"oe�d pra�Ncea 4�pl�otbk te �y Id.C. licm�ee: proib�icrosl par�rmia� reaeaa�t�ble �p�i�:, te�s, eurveys, examinations asrd m�peabooa�ofii�e Pro�iy, 'IZi� �epaie obligation she11 e�n�vrive any t�rai�atlan of tiu�s Cunt�at. � (d) Tndue�ity, Ht�yef arfll mdem�ify, do�md �ttci hold Seller iuimle�s S+o�n al! bts, d�mr�e, claims, �ts a� ooe�, whicb elnll eriee out of aay o�, �roement, oa' mjtu�' te auy pereon a� �ropetty �c a r�rult of any aaivi�aa of Buy�a, ect Huyer, i� Ciov�manhl Authodtlee, u►y e�li�te of any of tha�, rad/or �q+ af th�r reepective � ud ca�haoto�ral�tin,g ta t�e p�r ��+�3' ��, �8� �� s�c or coet.� oue of �e-mcis�g �m�s of tlbe Peopaiy md/or out of selier's negligeeoe or wlllfiil acl� oe otrai�eiana. Thia iademntty ahall ermrive the LRosing and t1�ia Caa�at and �y �cmi�ation 6eseof. (e) Bu�er's iti�it ��'era�ate: �ug� �all hatre tl� riglrt bu tamimt� thia Cmtrac�t �t �ny rooso� � no s�a�eam, by doliv+er➢ng to 3eltae vva�itbe� notice of te�netia�n (the �'erniestion Notled') during ths Duo D�7i�aace Period (ar +�►Y ag�'eed-uPan wrhtaa m��on of tbe Due Dllig�e Paciod), TIAfB BBIN� OF i� �SEN� Yf Buyae ebae�y► deliwaa t6e 1�m�tioa Notiee, ihis Co�ract sintl be taminaad and the Bern�t Maaey Dopoeit shali be re�wuded to Huyar. WARIVYNG: if Buyar �s a� �tiatad wi� the rasulta a� pro�s of Buyar's Dua Diligaace, BnYer ahould � dris Caan�act, pr�or to t�e ��ion qj tl� D� Diltg�ncs Ptrioa� m�leas Bnyet cxn obtrin a ar� a� 8nm Saller. Sffi.LBR IS NOT O�I.I(�ATBD '!�0 GRAN's AN F�CTBl+iSIAN. .a�o„� � �v �� � m��o t�e � r�l� � �xp�t;o� of die Du�o Diligea�ce Period, Buyat's fe�ure Ra deli�r a Tera�atiate Notioa to Se]le� p�iar to the e�iration of ti�e Due D4ligs� ?age A �F y 1 �t�r �idais �11�' iai�s �„ � Persod si�all consadtte a waiver by �uyer oi sqy rag�t tz� iermroata ihis Co� baaed on �y mettar rete�tihng to Buyer's Due Dt7i�eatoe. Peovided hov�var, following ii�e Due DiJiger►ce Peu°iod, Huya �ay still ex�s a right to terminat� if Seller fiails �o me�islly comply witi� etg+ of 9eller's obIi�atiic�s under Parag�ph 6 of ti�� Gontracc or �r any otber reaso� �ed un�� � terms of this Ca�tra� op Na�#h Ceral'me �w. i� CL03ING SBALL OOPI�'1'1TUTE ACCEP'!°ANCI� OR TH� PItOPRRTY Lidl ITS THEN ERI3TD�TG CONDI°I'I01Y UNLESS PAOYISI�N IS OTSBRWIBE MApE IN Vi�RITINGo 3. BU'YER R�FR�BEIV'!'A1iQN8: (tj Nu Laa: Huy� aoes �t huive to obta�a � new loan in ocder to �8�ae d�e Pt�opa�ty. NO'1'B: Buyar's obli�tiaos �mder thia Contraet ar� nat oa�ditioned upa� ob(�ing � ciosaig any loen. If Buy�r eep�a�ents thst Buyer doa� nat have bo obiaa� a new loan in ordot t+� Purchree the ProP�#Y, 5� is �dvised, Prior to �igt�in� diis offer, ta o6taia dooumenMi� from �uyer w�ich deenoset� ihet BuyoP will be eble t� c�e on the Propat'+ vvithoat the aacaeity of ob�uring n new ban. {b) No Other Property. Buy�r dooe not have io eell o� lerae ather ra�l peoperiy in �rder to quali�+ for a new loen os t� �omplote the po�r.i�e oontam�lrted by th�a Contrect. (c) P�rlor�ce of Bq�er's Ff�eLl Oblipti000: T� tlie beet of �uyee's knowledg�, tl�m+e are ��ec ole�aebences oe oondido� mciata� � 9f the �ffeotive �ta of thi� Cadrnat tl�t would p�ubit Bu,�ro� �+om par�tmfn� Buyer's �is1 obli�kio�.s in aocae�noe wi#h t!� �o� exaePt � maY be ��y' a� fl�th h�a. 4. aUYB� ABLdCATIQN3: (a} Pr�y�t 1Lo�dvr�� �d [TtWiy Impro�vwre�t� �o B�asS� j9�Heras �iehin�d �7� �� �p�x to n� rc�dw�y anailae ual�y impe� �o � made b3' Buyec, b}' Projoat Buy�� o�' bY anY of 1he �m¢el Au�ae puisu�at to �aet baeweert ar �mon� t�aes rei�g bo die Project ('p�c��ding wi�oar ]i�itatic� �Y r�roema�t nog�tding the ia�m1� �f �blic agrtier �od'i rewt� ieevi�e �d fhe oanttri�oaa� 6f � p�iic eo�ui � �hs�a � ti� I�ra�m� PI� {�e de6umd in dt�ed hareb md 'mea�po�ted l�et�eia by re�))� BuYa►' repteemte, w�n�nto imd �reaa ti�t it hu oa�ed, or wlll � inq�eorFemecte to be m�de (i� withia a re�o�ebla time aRsP � bued oa► tbe a�ctian �chedule !br ti�e Prajoct, bot i� �qy ev�ant beiore Juna 30, 2015, and (i� ai no coet a� e�e to Bdlary whethae throogh �e�eeaozmis or inipiot � impoeed by �he (3ovarnmmt�l Authar�iae og �. Huyer fiati�et taproraate, wm�a� md �+eee dut �i impecwqmeots drli be aca�cbed in e mu�mar thet tlry will be rooeniblo by� �arl a bane�t tD, Sellar'a Reb3oed Propaity {� de�nM ��. tJpoe �� aa�letton af suah m�o�em�,ts �d � sudr, iunie a� �ua� �peoveimaois �ava h�u de�ic�edl to aad s�d �e publi� �� bY ��enffi: Aumarfdies, as neoe�ry, B�' �fI � a� rapr�, or �hell c�we Projact B�ty,r a� the aPPra�u'iate C3o�P Auth�ority �o maiNain and rep�� nxsh � �# i� sole oo�t oad expmro, �cd 3e11� �ll h�va �e r1�6t to aae (by �nnt of w a�mna�t � or i� a ma�er otber�riea �aapE�ble to Sal1er) Wch �rOvameat� E� tho ba�e�¢ of 9ellet's Rahiaed �rroperty. 11u u�e of suoh impro� ior � baasfit of 3e�e'� Itel�ined PropeQty t6d1 be at no oo� ar �ar�e Pa 5ai1�' aYae�C far caeia raeoouted �iti� c�btau�.it�g dr�vews7 F� �P �, md ac+dinary► oi�: impo�ed C� ooa�a � udlidas bwed on wage, If lag�l ptnoeed�e �re be�ot�t bY 3eliae a�at �uyer fiar Huyer's fsiiuee tn fulfail � obliptiona � aet focih in this PuagrtP}► 4%), dQo P�� P�Y �� P�'�ediaS ahall bo mtitled t� raoove� fi� t�e ��- �P�r ea�wiable attaaney ib� .na ooa�t co�ta mwmea in aonnact� �vith the procoedics• Bnyar's obti�ticns .s aet �h 4is) ah�ii a�tvir�e tbe Closi�g. (b) BlPect ut Tdrn�atlon or Abaadonme�t of We Prqject allber Ctoriej: In the evmt thld tlie Psoject �s tami»�bad or ab�midoned a�er the Cloedng, HgYe�r ��eoe to p�m�Y Provide S�lle� wi� vrtiltaa notice of aush tammation a� �ndmmeM, Seller �II dun have t�e o�tiaa to r�a�h�e �e Property from Heyec � tho P�'� P�'�, lees 53,334, Paid b3' �Y� � Claing. Seller mry mc�e t�is option to repurch�se i�' 6ivipg Bu� writ�ea� nodice t�Oroof ai�od by Sel� vviitbin nmety (9Q� daya �&er 9ellea's r�ipi of Bayer's wrftte� nodce tbat the Projeat has bam tmmio�ied or abonduned. 3eilar'a m�oro�se of its rep�¢�ee optio� s�ll be e#�ctive �(1) l�awd daliva�Y� �' C�) P� �t of the uotia with oa o�ataight oommerciat. dolivory eervice �r ffi certi8ed mail, raturn t�eceitrt racluoet�d, far delivay at �uprer's eddress �s set fafh � the Notico Iafornu�tion section of thia Ca�tract. �s13e�'s opti� to rqsurchsse �d Buymr'� obli�s ae �at forth in this Pue�ph 4N) shel! aurvive ihe Cl�ing, �5�;� .�. Bu�'initi�is.�„�.,� �aliFaioatieis_ _. �(c) Re�po�sibili�,� fo� Pa��ed ����,�1 ��s��a��s �m� �°�°�a�c¢ R���ted �a9esanneat€� �uye�° �Y taica t��1z �aabJaef 8m � Prapoeed Speciel Aseesssnen% �od sha12 be respoasible fo,e t� payment of sil Ptoject R�latad �as defimed � �h 6(i) below. (d} Responslbi�ty for Cert�ia C�ta: �ay�r ahall be respa�bla f�r all cost� with respect to a�y toan obir�ned by Buyer, ap�ueal, titl� seuch, title insuisnae, recording tJsa d�d and s�r Due Dibgmce canducted bY BuY�, its �� repra�e»taiiv�. (a) Ae�po��9lity for Deflerred A� V�3ar� Taxa�: �nyes ehall be r�epomibl� far pAyme� of �Y defe�red or roUback � applkei�le to the Prope�fiy, �o INTBNTiOPTALLY D�°i'�D 6. SF�%I.ER OBLI�ATIONS: (a) �Wdenee of Tftlea Seller � to raes i�est affor� �o dsllver to Huy� as r� a� rarea�ebly poeaibla �er the Bf�Ctive Data, ocpiee of the EoIIowing dde �bra�atlon �n �o posaaasioa of a� nwo�ably avail�ble to Seller: any titla io�n�moe poli�e�, ettoraay'e opinione an titfe, atQveys a�d loesos relatan$ to the Praparty. 3all� wthoriz�: (1) anY �neY Eu'�Y o� P�ely npa�g Sallm� to �leese �1 disci�e any titla i��anoe policy ia e� �otney's � to Buy� � both Suym's s�d 3elleT'a ege�is aAd attoaaeys; rnd (2) the �'s tlile � ar ils ageat to nlede imd di�loio �11 �n�m�lals m the Propacty+'e dd� insix+er9s (or titte insiaar°s a�eat's) lite io Buya� �d both Buy�'s �nd 3ellm�'s yeoit� ��Gar�ye, 5diar md �yar +�ee tl�t . Sellae's dsiiva�+ to Buyor of ell �h �b�als s�rll be mu�e with�out mY wanmty or rapro�m by 3eller ts b t6e eo�nte�b, aoo�ay a� corte� duaeof. 9u� hereby �greee th�t rt relies on �oy �m oe doa�e�iap pvvided by 3elter t�de� at Buy�'e eo�e r� Ba-;�er fur�atm� sg,reee t6et i� �il nac pac�it the � d�eeml�lion of the mioematiea► and doeumants P�'a'vlded bi+ Se�' �ere�de�e, e�hee th�m m Bu�er�a �loamye. �dvi�oe�, oa�wMaaie and ppl�nti�l1aadees (�mne of whom �a11 pennit the fiadias� ' ' of � irdora�adon� md doa�eat�ios uola�e ooa�i�eat wiW ���p6 �iaj), ib) Aceas t�@ �ropert�. Sall�,r �rli pa+ovlde ra�a�ble � ta th6 Propaty tir�a�i �a ��ing £or t�c p�pore of �aya�`a tlue D�, wbj�ct bv tt� tertne of P� 2{�), (v) md (d) hera� and pr+�� thit bu��� �}voe S�loe ree�bla adv�aas nubao of Bny�'s nead for anch �ees, (c) Yemoval of �d1eNs Prnperiy. 3alle� a�ll remov�, by t�o dabe of Clo�ea�, �11 of 3ollorys pe�onsl propaty � is noi a pat af �e pm+ohe�e frum the P�opmty (d) A�idarit aad indo�ai�ert�ns Agreemran� �ellar �I►�li tt�aia� tt 9e�11ee�ear tu a�dtw� aod �i6c� �ree�ar�i i� Eorm �obofy b�uy�r �d �u�~a trtie it�rer, if anya mcecaied by Se11wr and a4y pet�cm � m�ty vv�o �s pe�or�ed ar furni�bed hbor, am�r�ioe�, �ie�i or re�tl equi�t r� derc�bed la N.C,C.�. �A-� m Sell�'s behalf bo We �rope[#y wilhin l�U d�ye p�oc to the drte of Seltl�enfi ve�ifying t6tt ea� � pefwn a antky h� beae paid ia �ll �d yroeing tia iade�mify gu3'�', �7►er'e �ude�(a) md Bu'+ar'a ti�e �swe+ae �einre �ll lao 5om eny oaue ar ei�im aei�ing the�om. ie) P�i aad S�in�reti� o� i�r. AIl doeds o! fimt, Iiaos u�d othee ehqee yanut tl� $roPet�Y, � ar�d 63+ Bnyar � �e�ed bY Buyer� rta ag� ae' repr�mad'►res, mw¢ be p�pid' and s�flied by Seller prlor to a� at SetHmnent wd► that c�c�ellatio� �aY be P�nPBY obt�d fol%w'ia6 Clo�ng. {fl 1Ytle, L�l Acea� Seller �ll exe�be �nd delivcar a SPBCIAL WARRAId1'i' P� fa� t�o Property at Setaeme�t naless ot�vvise alated hareio, which shsil convay ibe a�pla mn�ke�ble and in�unble dde, Eree of aU l�as, clar�es �nd eneiunbraecos eato�t ti�e followin8 (the "Pet�tttad $xceplioa�"): (� ad r►alaro�n Uoc� for fhe cwrsenE yo� �amd �a�h the d�ie of Settlementr {i� eIl �pp�soable mning and bttildinB Lrvs ead oa+d'm�naae; (iii) eli m� th�t would be revealed by a cutrm,t �ad acc�trte swvay �nd �n of tl� Prop�ty end tlut �►a waived oe not timaly objecb�d tm by B� p�mt to Pua� 2(bxn) �bo�; ('rv) all matbers of reoord that ue vvaived or not dmely objoc�ed to by Buys,r pursumt to P�r�pb Z@)(iv) above; imd (v) auch othea� encnmbrances os �y be aa9nmed or apecificallY sPP�'�"� �'Y �Ya' �`�g. {g� � Deul, Bxeise Taxes: 3o[ler s�all p�y for F�Peret►an of a deod �nd all olher dooum�is ne�+ to pe�ma Seller°s obi�ations imdar this Contract, t� far s�Ye �nnd county eaociss taxes required by L�rw (bgt nod �l�ading any da�red e� rolil�cle �axas appHosble ia tlie Paoperty wh�ch ehald be paid for by �ay�ar purautnt to Parrg�ph 4id) almve). 'Ibe deed is m be aaad� to: �l�ttance Ca�Rv �amic Do�kap e�t �ot�datioa� cu its v�i �aei�s ����, � �y� � 7. ��yar iniiieis _ 3e}iea ie►iri�is ihj �#�ai�o� De1�6ad {, raye�ea# oi eor�rmed sped,l a��e�s: s�lt� shall pey sll coafirn�ea spac;el As�, if snY, Provided ti�t m� amount th�eof e�n be roasonably de�mined oe �, with the �c�ti� of anY Coa�irwed 3pecial Asaessments th�# ere rem�a �o tbe �o3ea o� impoe�a m �onnecction wic� �e �ove�ms tt�ar (�ro jea �tea �e�meat,�. �j) IL�te 1Li�6tn� Pentltiee: A!l prop�cy tax Ia� iis�ing p�nalties, if e�', ahall be paid by Sr.11ar. (k) Intaetiomal�y Ddeted (1) �eUer'e Failarc to Com�ly or Breacb: If 5eller fsits to mabori�lly comply whh any of 3elYa�'s oblig�tions under this Paragwph 6 oe 3e11a �irUy bnecbos t}ds Cunhact� and Buye� elects to tamimte this Co�act �s a ra�ult oFsuc}� £ailiu�e ar ba�ch, � We �arneat 1Ka�tteY Dapoait si�]I bo reflmded t�.B wit�ont BuYaa' ag�st th�a S�II�r t� raooveF t� Be�a� Mo�y Depoadt,� any ot6er retnediee. If lagal. pro� ere broug� bY 8+om the ao�-pr�vailinB 1�Y �ble P� P�Y m� p��aediag el�all be a�tittad to remover �oraey fb� and couK cabs � in ca�no�ion rvith the pt+ooeediog. (m} Dl�cl�m� of Warra�: Buyer aad Sell� aclaww� thet Buyer ahaA iospect tha Pr�ty Pu�nt to the tern� h�of, aad �all acqu�+e the Properly "AS I$ WHBRB IS" withoat oay obUg�tion vf Seller, �co�t re �o�ewly mt �acth heran bu the �3', � P� mY �� �y�ata, memta� or otl�r wadc to t6e Propa�y or any l�rt � md wnho�rt, aocoePt ae �+e�r eet f� ha�ein to th� contrary, anY �wuraudee, ezpreee ar imPlied� of anY Idnd feam Selkr, iao�uding but aot limited to, v�arrantias of fih�ts, H►erch�bility, 5triees foc a pmrticnlar Purpcue, Iubibb�7'rtY, teosnhbiliiy or au�vit�mmmbal condiwan. Sellee eocp�e�sly discLim�s �y .�#io� �ad �tfas tivith entpa� to tt�b PxcPart�'► B�p� �s �eoi�ilv ��� t� �, �1�� +a3� rep�tiooi by �gy %oirors oe aalarmcn� tod Buyet does hereby �imowtedgo th�,lti purah�e�ng Wo P�opett�+, Buya is rdyldg cn�y upon �we t�pr��o� of 5e1Lt caoaeaning tho Prop�1yY �lY oet �rth r� ra�ch ia ifiia Caatract. This prorvio� �l mc�sly eueviv� i� Gio�. 9. PaO�'iiUrF� A3Vll A�IT�'I'f1�NTS: Unlere � p�ovided, the �lbwaig iaet�e dult ba P�d ��► th� dtbe of Setilaroaa�t ��c t�jmrai oot'a�eea we pe�ies w� peui at �ttle�t: (a) Tax�c oa R�al Prop�rty, Ad v�laanm ta�es md reamri� goveennwn�l :acvlce i9oee kvied wlde soah iwaes on �1 peopeety ah�ll bd penrace�d � a cale�d� y�r boaia ba�od aa the rehtive aarer�e of tha Prnpe�ty tc t� 4o�a1 �+,eg� of tha p4ncel of �Iua6 i� was a p�et paior to �e convayanoe of tho Peope�iy; N) �� R�, if anY� foe the Pt� �ell not be p�d �ad �rll be ret�ed by 3olle,e; (c) baa: Owne�s' as�ocist3rnt �sgula e�aem�ent� (dues) and ott�er Hka d�a�poa 8. CO!�Y1TON OF PROPERTY AT CI.48IIV(�: Buyer'c obli�aii� to r.ompl�o ti� �,c�a oatibeta�YItte¢ by th� �ontr�!� eball bo ooMim� up� the ProP�Y �B ��bmti�lly �te atme oe batbec aonditiao et Claing �e aae tho dete of th�s Con�, rauo�blo we� and toQ �oci c�haoges in �on caueed by Btt�+ee'� �ue Ditig�noe �ep�ed. 9. RLBK OF I�B: i�e rirk of iaes or dmnage i�rr �ee or oi� oerunky piiot to G"Yo�ing eh�l� be � 3eZler. If fhe impm�rta � � ar�selkt'�sd0�0� ��► ���0 elQama, Ba�+� may cam�e �is camtcact by wri�ea notice aeliva�d io �� the $m�at Moa�y IJ��elt �hhall be refimded !e Bnyae. Ie the aveat Bty� dsas NOT eleet ta te�auo.ta t� Ca�r�, Buyer aball be m�tied to n�iva, in a�ditia� W tl�a Propeafiy, tny of 3ellar's insur�noe P�'000eds PaYable o�t► � of We d�ma'e � desd�ctias� apglicsble roo tbe Pr�' � Pu�, SalIae is dvised not io aneel eaciatmg i�tuanoe m tbe p�Y ��' �miog reamdation of th� dad. 10. DF�LAY IN B�TTi�M�,iVT/Ci�OBING: Absaat agreement to the cmtrary in this Caatract ar an4' eubeo9ueat aro�da� thado, if a p�rty ��bk to ca�mplabe 3ettlament by the Sattiemant Drte bat � to c�nplete tho t�asoctiob md �S �c�ing m good fait� and with resao0able dili�cs to paoaod b Sdtlmnont ("DeIaY�B �Y"� �d ��e ot6am P�riY is re�dY� wiiling and able to eaanpidtz Sottla�emt � the settle�ant Date {`TTa� DeLying �'), thaa d1e DelaYim� PertY ahall give ag muah notiao eu poa�eible to tha Nun DeIsYing Puh► and al�m8 �Y und ahell be eotitlod te e dolay ia Settlemeat. If tbo porties flail bn �nd Clo�g witlun f�rbeen 14 �omPlabo Settl�nant () days of the Sottls�aart Date, ar to � eoctend the 3ettlomant Dets by wa�itt� pgree�nant, then t�e DeLYiag PartY �Lhal! bo ia ba�e�ch md the N� DolaY� P�`4+ �sY �te this Ca�ract �nd a�]] be mt►tled ro ea�o�c� uiy remedias nvsiiable to euch psFty uadat th�s Ca�atraet for the breach. ?�age 7 �a i ? B� ��s _ �ellea ir�ieiala l i, P085�,93IO1�L° iJnleas oth�vase provided �ne�aa, poaseasion shall be delivm�d at Closing es defined °m ParagSaPb I(Ta)• A10 alteratiwis, axcavations, trae ar vegatatiam re�naval ar od� such activities �nny be doa� before posaessioa ia delivered, i2. o� rRo�oxs � cor�ririoxs: s� �� ��.na c$�a n� �a �n�� �e� vy �r�o 13. A59IGiV1V�T8: Bxcept m co�ueotion with a tax-defarred exchange � as prov�ed othea�wiae ho�in, this Coa�raet may nat be wsjaed b�+ e�th� g�+ w�out the p�iar writtat t�a�sa�ni of the nsher pe�y. Natwitha�nd�g the :foeegoi�g; this �'.ontra�i �y be aasigned by Huyer w�hout �e v� coaaamt of 9oller, Pmv�dod that r) Buyoa''s asaignee �nnas ail of Buyaz�'s rights �uad -obligitia� �mder this Cc�tract, aod (iij auch essignaee��t �s a�ade to a�e or more of tha foliowing ao�iGl�s: The CIry of Me1�ne, the city of ciM�m, ALme�ux Camry, the Projoct Bu3+er, and any eaciatin,g o1 thture e�ticy owned in full aad ca►aolloa by my aa� ar mora th�s and to be used �o briag �e Projeat to fruitioa. If asai�ed puraivat to tbc tams of the Fo�rogoing �, dde Co�t a�ll be bind� on iho �uyar's �aaignee end suc�t aasi�ee's heae, sucxaaeoas �t►d asaigns, Upaa► any mch asai��t by HuYea'; Buyac ei�li be aptoma�wl� �r,lr� 8�n all af its obligwtiona �. 1n addition, upon �ny trane�be by Sedlear of iia intece�t in i6o Propmt'y, t�is ��ay b� t�ig�ed by SolIQ io ti►a tr�e%eree withoni the wsittaa oonsent of Buyor, provided t�at Sa�ler's trawfe�+�saignee er�amee all of SelIer's rights end oblig�tions under thia C�fraat, ead thareaftar thi� Conh�t �11 be biadiqg an Seller's tnnsferee/aeaignee �nd soch �ansSea'ea'a/aasi�nee's hahss; ��cc�w'a �nd assign�. Upon any n�ch tr� �nd atsi�nmattt by Sell�, Setlar eLell bo wbameticelly ielea�ed �om all of its oblig�tions f�re�dea�. 14. TAX DEFB�tZD BXCHANGE: ln the event $uye,e op 3ali� deeires to effist a tQc-de�rred �c�e in � with the �r+ey�neo of dae Prope�j+, BuYec' � Seila� e�ee to � m ef�c�6 mofi eocah�e; Pmovided, howev+m'. that me e�coh�B paiy �Il be rmpaoeible for all �dditional ca�ts �esociated vvith �oh exahaoge, end pmvided fiatha�� t�t a non=exah�8m8 P�Y �ha11 �ot �ura� aa; �iti�;at li�tsiiit� wiNi �epb� ��h t�ac�defi�arai o�ccbauge, Bnyer end �al[� gimaIl oxac�rta �c� �ditiar,�l da�otm�a�, �lud,inQ uaip�nxni of this Ca� es caanectioA �with, at no oat to tho non-a�cai�n�ing PcriY, �s eiup be required to `ive a�eCt to �is pr�v�et. is. P�ue1�s: 't'hi� � s,i�,n �� v��i �d � inuFe oa r�hs �efit of sup►� �a se�or ina t➢�r re�ve �, a�etrcu� aad a�signa. Aa u�e.� herei�, vv�a i�a ibe ri�agula� icclur� d� glnraa a� #i►e maw�line iu�ludea tl� �iai�e und aa� ga�d�, as �ppropa�i.t�. 16. 9I3R�ALs If say �avlsi� ha'e�n co�ed by its vtt�ue �d e�ct i� requ�ired to be ob�ved, k�pt ae perBotmed �ee d�s Cia�i�g, tl�e it a�elt �viva the Closa�g and nanrin bmd'mg upon �d f� the bmefit of the pa�ties he�ato w�il fully ob�aaved, �lcept. or per5a�a�d. Oth�ri�, e�coept aa aac�ac+lY Peovid�d o�hacrw�e �, or nequired by dn te�so� of, tLis �, the p�or�ions of tlda �aotr��t shn!! n�t auvave daLva� of t!� dee� ead tis� �'�ng. S7. �F�'l71t� �G���1'I; ?�i.a �anteact aontte�s the entire �geeemant of the p�rtiee en�d i�ea�e ara no iep�ean�ia�s, mdacaa�ais a� oSur providons ott�e �n tho� s�ed riea�ein. All c�ea, add�ia�s or d�e�tione haaeto anat be in wddng and �ed b�' �11 p�ti�. Notfittg �med he�in shell be. deemed b a�eata u►y egreeme� be#wean a REJ►LTORe ot braltor �nd 3elle� e� Bu�ee, �r td �er acy s�t b�roae a RF�'.L°I'aR� � brokar aad 5ellrr or Br�yea as caa�taia�i � an-,y lie�n8 �e�ma�, im�' e�cY �ree�e¢rt, o�' aaU' oihe�' �encv a�+eem�t batween �em. Y 8. NOi'I�: Any notica a�unieertic� ta bo giv�an to a paty ha�ein mty be givan to the pety a� to aaoh P�rtY�s �rt• A�q+ writtan notioe op oao�munie�lon aa camection wifli 8�0 &�aa� co�beaupl�6ad by t�is Cantract auy be givan #o a p�ty or a party's � bY �8 a�i�g it to e►Y m�l�ag id�e, eanail addroes ar flsz �anb� sat ib� m tiie °`Not�ce Infa�a�dia�n" ��eotion beiaw, 3ellee md ��° sgr� th�t �e °`Notice Infarmdiaa�� rad "�a�ow AdmowIed�me��' �ctioas below ehtll not ca�� $ mai�el �rt of �� �t, �ad tbeR tho ad�hl� flr modif�ado� of any inf�madon theee� shall nat � a rejectio� �f �a o$� oe t�a cee�ti� of t oom�$�. 19. EJ�C[�I'IOAT: °l7yis Cam�ct r�y be signed °an multiple aa�i�ls or co��, alI of rv�aicb to�ha aonetitute one and the aame ir�umeat, and t't�e �ias adopt as their seals the word "3BAL" beaide thair aig�aares bolow. 20. COMPU°rATION OB DAYS: �7nl�s o�ervvis� prnv�dad, far pufpo�ee of thie Contract, the tam `°days" aLsll �en ca�n�cutiv�e �alea�der days, auciad�ng Seivadqra, Sundays, and i�i�ys, whe� federal, se�e, locaY ot religlone. Fa� �e peupoeos of calcula�g �ys, tbe coimt of �days" ai�all bogia � the day %llowing tl�e day upon which �r act ar notiee a� prorided ic� this Contract wos r�quar�d i� be or mada. F�g��rf�+. Buyer miti�ls 9e]Ie� inl��is �`H,� l���t�3 �it�:+�T.� 11����ir��'Y�t�1 �F REALTORS�, IN�. ANID 'i�IE 1�d�1��r3 �'.,q1t��,IA1A �3,�iZ .�1�SiaCiA°�TO1�I MAK� N� YtBPRES�N3'ATIOId AS T'� TTii� F..�iGAL V,�ly�IDITy ,pR �gQY7AC�' QF APIY PROYISION OF TFiIS FQIt1�11N ANY SPECIFlC 71i�►NS/�CTION. IF YOiT DO NQ'd' UNDBRSTAND TiiIS FORt�! �R �ffi, THA�' IT DpBB NOT PROVIDE i�UR YOL7R L$CAL N�BDS, YOU SHOULD COAiS[JLT A NORTi� CAi�OLINA REAL E3'TATfi ATt�RNEY BBFORB YOU 3ICiN Tf, i'I9�e �maiuder ofthe psge is i�eat�en�ily leii bla�lc] ?s�a �1 �#' _? �ilj�df 9(J1�ill�a' �`y >-,7ioP,o::vo7<� Tla� �aa�tac� she71 bec�e a binding co�t aa� the &ffocB��r� ��, �r ., �, Buy�: Alarr�nce Couat}+ Bc�omic Develo� Famdetioa (SEAI,) �y: �r�: � T"rtk: D�: 9ellea: Iiuth I. Kinmre� Revocabl� Tn�t d,�lod Dec�bor l S, 2997 ��) Br t�.me: l�.�im�+..ffiil� rnte: � � � r1�me: $��y-Y�au_ TStle: �_ ["fh� �n�indee of ihe p� is itrt�aaaiiy ie8 blu�k,j l�ag8 � iJ L'�_r 7 � �uyzs �iiel°, � Se3ies ieubals _ _. �I01'IC�'• IIV'.FORMATION {N�TE: INS�ItT THE ADDR�SS A1VD/OR ELBCTliO1dIC DELTiiBRY ADDRBSS 6ACH PA�iTY AND AaBNT APPROVE3 FOR fiHE RBC�IPT OF ANY NOTIC6 C�NTEMPLATBD BY THIS CO1�PT1tACT. INSBRT "N!A'° FOR ANY �VVHIQi �RE NOT APPROV�I3.) BUYER NOTICE ADDRESS, I�+faIl°uig Addt+e�s: P.�. Bar 450. �ueLtt�a NG �`� r� �uyer Fax�€� Buyer B-maiL �3EI,LIAtC AG�I'i'r1�'ICE �DR�ZS�S: F�rm N�une: !iotirig �s 9�y�'g � 9 Solia�'� (yub�rnnt 0�1 A�t ll�t�ilmg Addra�s: . SEi,�ER NOTTC$ ADDRE$S; � ��_ - ; i��___._���.►•, '.��.�,.- 1t-� . . , :. ���-; �, 1� �c• • - -- - �i�i1y L,_�_�_ � �.,�� .,,�.�:, ir - - - . . ;�� ���y.l . ��:� � ��, . �:_ ; � � ' ' �t�-1r� t� = . � . ►•��� F�t��.. "�i - �� - -n — _ I,IBTIPiG AG�lY'1'rT03'IC� ADbR&93: P�m Fi�ma� i�lR A� �a � S�llae°°e �t 9 Du�! AgeHt Iudiv3duel SelNng A�att: � �. � Actir� es A I)ar� I�Q A�nt {ohocic o�l� if �licN6iej tadividu�f Li�i� A�m� Liv�o �: � A�g � � Da�i�d gu�i 3eWag A�ant Phona�: Ldcmee M: A� f��� aPP���) soliing A�t Fa�: � ,� p�,, SelIin� A�t E-mail° L.�6 A�mt FuM: Li�iai A�nt �mdl: �6AtA`PV iCi�NA'i4i�GIi�N°t' OF IIrT!'lir4I� �AIt�T MONEY D�BYi F'toparty: 17annt 1mi � I 40 �Iw�+� a�_�i g3 42 rcres• �en ��ihit A�tlrubed �-� �eA'-g��x1!��� Seller �uyroe: �cro�v A�eat �elu�ow�ledMe �t of t�s iin1W1 �araart Monc�' Dcporit a� � to hoid and d1tB�r�e tLe y�rae i� �eoordaaee � t�e teevr iereaf. � Fir�: SF�r�eidee Bae�na, PLI,C BY� ' ��) � �) �� ; .�,> ' , Buy�r n»dais -- Setiea initials S� at�ached plan titied "Project Swot�df sh, Kimrey Road Site, I,syo�t B, Pmpe�tY ��53� �U ��� �3y �o12y � � �y !]Sl�y rY ldll�r9y i.�� f7�r � 11Jk:a {the "Piw"j. For putpoaes �►f th�o Coutra�t, tl� Properiy ia id�tifi�d as the inte�st of 5e11er in the portian of the parcel ide�tifi�d �s p�rce17 on the Plaa and located within and south>sautheast of t!� t7ghtt of-w�.y ahowa n� ted on the Plan. 'I'h� P�pe�.y doas not includ� t1� remaining portion af �1 ?�"Seller'� R�ned Preperty"). Seller malces no repreeentation or wan�eniy r�ga�ding �te exbgnt ar nature of its int�st in the Property or the accuracy mf t� acreage listed for the Propaty on the pl�n ox in Section 1(c} of the Contract. The perties agree t6st, for putpo�es af the Clo�g and preperaiion af ti� de�d, t4�e Property shell be describad porsuant to a legai d+escx�ption to be attached l�r�o es B,x1n'bit B pzomptly � f�e survey refe�d to � Secrion 2(b) (vi) of the Contrac# has been prepared by Bt►yer, and re�iev�ed � app�ovod by Selier9 such apgr�vai r�� tn be w�estan�bly wit�b�d, �on�iitYcmed oY delay�d, '. . }' ���.� , 7 ."a� ' � Y _ � r �' - . . ' .�- � i �: ! �, A a tGlf:. _'- i,eg�l De�+cx�pt�on �e,� at�a�d pla� titled "ProJ�t S�+ardfish, Kimrey R�ad Sites �ropa� D�Vat�rr and �w��r �e�croa" r,�ted �DctoL�ee �, ?�12, a�d I�"e� �' �,.I' e�, �i�I:e�9 C�ranen � T�, I�ca (t�e '`Improve��nt Pl��j). i�dr�� ���� } �„ ,' �r" �" � y � .* , � . . ��r.�' . �� ��� �"' ,,�� �-.� � ti� � �� �'pR�l,� _�'. !! � � { •t '��. �._ _ �,$�� �' ��� - � ! � , ° s��� � ��'�r���,��►�� i �` � � 1 F �iti�` , � . i �' ; ��i'Jt',.�yT��� � ,iMF�*����S �.�� '__ A � *} 1.. il�+ " .- ?��� c �!�. rt„ � �.� iti- . - -p,. . y �� 1- ��'� y► t' . r ' ��,4D� ^a�,�Sa�� �1Ri '� �� � ����`� � � +'4 ��.� � ���� ��� ������� � ; - ' �E�,;� �- : .rs:�_ �� .� �•��j : 1 c �:lri a"' ��{ •h cy t� � 9 "� $ y sif�1� �0'I�� �cc►a �t�� � .f� rt�Qplt�re� �MrPS�iM ,� _E 1/' ' ;l. �� ___ �4 ��. 1_•. ��� . ��: `'' _ � ry,. ;,:�. ,- , .f '_.,.�� ��F� �� : � ,� � � f � — � } �; � ; � �,'� �' }� �� i � � ���:�� ��� NEE�x.x. �' ' L . �._+}'1 � . ���.f ' _ �� t.�:., �. , }�,�; � �. � i ���� ,� i � f .�� � , r � - . ,., �i.+j�� n � ..�� ' �r' _ � ., � . r� ,� � w`.. ._�� . 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E���frC _,C_ l �Q� i'�TLh1'.•:r,.. ...-f'r�"•__.r"f '""'w',T�-"��n� F.��.c �r-T:".r':T-��T:.. t...�- � � �