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GW1-2021-04040_Well Construction - GW1_20210823
828.622 7241 p'1 .rprr•Yrr., i eb 1619 05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling WELL C REC For fitcmnl U le n1Y= �- Wsli ntractnt Iafirtmatio Josh ply_ �S "' T>tRS 1Veil totttraela Name ?!' etl CnmratlmCeeti6 'an Numbw p ttt�st R Cm1NG t tD F ft. ContpnnyNmm� 6. BR 'OR OtAlt/C0m t71 fib► L m 2.Ivell Conistr Ieft Permit ft. tn. Ust all onlAlattrle wolf mmura071011lMM0 S(1.4 fqr-GoxiNY TMl4 Yarlanrq el�J 3.NVO111Lte(chtek well rase): P. ins n: tAi. W/teRmopiy Well: M In, Agricultural tmfcipalJPubiic () h• & Gcttthcrmal(14o/ting/Gooling Supply) Reaidentlal Water Supply(Angle) D, ft. In IndusuietlCommercial Rrsidcnfmi Water Supply(sharVA) L>L UT md� atur tt irll ration Nnn NVnter 4upplg Well: tt. f4 Manitttriag ©Rceovety ------ Injection Well:We n. R Aquifer Reebatgc DCrotrndwater Rcmediatirm ! A L >� Aquifer Storage mid Rccawry E3sitwity Barrier AquifcrTcst J3SmffwN=Drainage Experimental Teeintnlony DSubside=Conroe 11. � Gontbennal(Ciosea Loop) TO tietsthtxmnl Heattn 1' Rt:Wm) Gmltu' innndarH21 Rcmarlcs) tt. R " A.Datewett(s)C:ompieted. _n�wait IDO Sa.WellLnatdnn: 4Ur 1 -T-DJU'r- CLI i cue., C�q �Qt - ,�; �• ��,�� . - Factliq( rner Nam* . t pad i 09(if:giptiealdc) 2 I t 1'f l -.s u1 iy L M Layt crap Addrecx,City,and lip C:mtay thtteatldamificstinnNa.(PIN) r,'3t `ice r,,� rJiy Ifl��t ?r Sb.lAthade oat(mmp(ltade in degrecslsalmmteslseeends or decimal drgrecs: cif,wit Oat,cmabtMangissnfttrUamtil 1.2.Ce lion: fi.is{gR)Me Me11(A) Perraaaent or DTemporary etc of C:pww. riaiWdle_aMraater l�at 1, a+pMUMM dux f HembP ex"10 Owl the tM WV Mw Oarrr)CMVMdod!a"W'.. 'L 7.1,titleaccpairroa»exisNnRtvdt: �Xcs or No a•rahi5A.Q,.,j'02d:.IlfOAor15,4W;Ar02C.OMD;Vd1Caw1mrA*)tSdtdxtllrAAmul JAM Ar Iflhtr is a rcgetr..flN our Amwn wdl lhr."alum grlk eapy afrhts r+xt ff1 hot btAAPmed/n the Welt Mier, rdxdr lredcr t21 rntanrrls rizatam 1Ttro tin:fti-oflAt-00M• 2:L SAD dlrtgtamm or addhimal wall dOW11ht R.For GeopmheMllvror Clttstnt-i nap Geoti ot,=l Welts having fix erne you may usa titc budk.of Otis 1m/ge'to provide add&nul wall she del sib or well wastmation,only i GYW 1 is needed, radicuta T)TAI.NUMBER or�.rlls CtI119tTitCtilnl tltYatlS. YOu ntBY also Rlptch Rddili0rlRl p/gts if Roccesary :l'.Votal wall deptit Inlow IRnd sitrAcol (Rol 2,14. isor___ 1�: ��his,form tivithin 30 days of t ompictitm of weU Inrmnh/prrxrgelit+alids/Ale'fd�ernttr(eexmnM-9tiT+1I10'mrdi(tAfr70i Con9muianto the l'QIII]vills: itl.RtRtic water 1ev41 bellow top or easing: La _- (1tJ Division of Water Rewurees,10114 nnatitnt PrOgwidg 1)1fit, /(xnrdrll.vrtlr�tivledcm/ng ttxc " 1b17 Mal Su-*eCentcr,RNltg'X?(Cx7"?-18t9 IL Rorcholedinmeter: 24b : In am don to sanding the lbtm to Me addrM in 24n move,also I mit one copy of this fort within 30 days of compledOR of well 12 Well mmtraetloo metho , � � ra>'ttsttnction ra the followillgr t t e•mgic',mtnq.cable,dirtt:t ptuh,ctc.) Division ofWatcr Rteotrrc %Undc/gmu"d itijKIIcn Control Program. IT, WATER 8 :M V W_RLJ 4 ONLY: 1636 mail Service Cea r,Ratco.WC�96"4636 M+ethntl of lest• _ x+�For Water Caaels&iaJP"o Weil/: In melon to sending the faint to 1311.Yield lgpllt) the addrw(es) above, also submit one copy of Ibis form vANn 30 days of rib.Olsinfection type: amount- mrapletion of.yeti consttaetion to dm e4snty howtb dttnmartrnenl of the county Prhm'a cpngttacced. I'mm GW-1 Northl�aollnn Dapmm�anr of retr�lrtiamenraT�mlity-AjvismttoYRraIM'12aeanrea, ReviseA2-22 301 t5