HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090858 Ver 3_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20130924ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - I IMIN September 20, 2013 'Fable of Contents 1. 0 Introduction.. .......................... ..... ............................... ...................... ............................. L I Pr ycct Location and Description ........ ............................... ............ ............,..a..........,.... 1 .2 Pr• jicct Goals and 01j actives. ,....... ... ............................... .................. ....................... 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Compaaris n ................ ............................... .....................,...,..., .tl Methodology ...... ............ --- ...... .....M....,..,..., .,...,.., .,.....,...,,..........,....... ............................... .I Vegetation Monitoring Plots..—... ... .......... ............. ...... ...... . ............................... 3.2 Photo Stations ................... ...... ............................... ......... ...................... .................... 4.0 Rcicrcnccs .......... ............... ................. „........... .........,........,,....,....., .,. ..,...........................4 11.,0 l[ntroduction 1. 1 Project Location and Description Located near the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) in Orange County, North Carolina (Figure 1) is the nutrient mitigation bank known as the Ivey- Ferguson Bank Site (Site). The Bank Site is located on 3 parcels of land (PIN Numbers: 9758022055, 9758034637, and 9758337836), which are located near the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road. The first parcel of land (PIN Nninber: 975 022055) is located oil the north side of Old Greensboro Road, approximately 450 feet west of the intersection of Carl Durham Road arid Old Greensboro Road. The second parcel (PIN Number: 9758034637) is located on the west and cast side of Carl Durham Road and is located approximately 1,200 'feet north of the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road. The third parcel of land (PIN Number: 97583378,36) is located oil the north side of Old Greensboro Road, approximately 2,000 feet east of the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road, Overall, the 3 parcels of land containing the Bank Site total approxii-nately 218 acres, The purpose of this Bank Site is to improve water quality within the B, Everett Jordan Lake watershed by providing off site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requiring nutrient offsets, The Bank Site is located within the Upper New Hope Arm of the B. Everett Jordan Lake watershed, inside of 14-digit USGS HUC 03030002060070. Stormwater runoff from this site drains into an unnamed tributary of Phils Creek (Stream Index #16-41-2-2-(0.3), which drains into University Lake approximately 3.4 miles downstream, According to the Basinwide In.forniation Management System (BIMS), Phils Creek is classified as WS-11; II W, NSW in this location (Appendix A. Figure 2 — Monitoring Year I Exhibit). This Bank Site has been established under the terms and conditions, of the Cape Fear Basin Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Umbrella Bank (Bank), signed on February 3, 2011, made and entered into by EBX-EM, LA,C (I 13 acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (I)WQ). The Division of Water Quality, now hereby referred to as Division of Water Resources (DWR), 1.2 Proiect Goals and Objectives 'file goals of this nutrient offset mitigation prqject are to: To improve: the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributary of' Phils Creek by reducing, nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by agricultural influences. To improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement. fo provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributary of Phils Creek and associated riparian and upland buffers 'rhese goals will be met through the following ob�jectivcs: By establishing a native plant community to match the endernic plant species at the Bank Site. By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods, By establishing a conservation casement to provide long-term protection for the Bank Site. N By donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program. 2.0 Veactation Condition and Coinimrison Current stem counts were calculated rising vegetation plot monitoring data. Final stem count criteria are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring (Ivey Ferguson Bank Parcel - Bank Parcel Development Package, 2010). As for Monitoring Year 2, the Bank Parcel had 9 plots encompassing 0.2224 acres, containing 170 planted and volunteer stems, which yielded a density of 764 trees per acre including planted and volunteer species. Vegetation survival threshold was met for each of the plots except for Vegetation I"lot 5. Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix B. During Monitoring Year 2 field investigations, it was detern-tined that Vegetation Plot 5 did not meet the vegetation Survival threshold of 320 trees per acre. Therefore, re-planting within the area of Vegetation Plot 5 (Conservation Easement 5) will occur- sometime between the months of November, 2013 and April, 2014. 3.0 Meth2dolog 3. 1 Vegetation Monitoring I-Vots All monitoring methodologies follow the Most Current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP, 2006; EEP, 2009). All nine (9) vegetation plots installed by McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 2. Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance to CV -I Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CV S-EI7111, v4,2). Table I (Appendix B) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot which the target density is a niinin-iurn of 320 trees per acre at the end ofthe five (5) year monitoring period, Table 2 (Appendix B) provides a stem count total and planted stein total by each individual vegetation plot. Table 3 (Appendix B) provides a Summary of only planted stem counts as compared to planted stem counts of the As Built, Vegetation monitoring plots were photographed and are located in Appendix C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix D. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides ineasurernents, location, and vigor of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 3.2 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success the Bank Parcel, Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions, All fourteen (14) photo stations installed by McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 2. Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE- 115 5.0 megapixel digital camera. The locations of the photo stations are depicted in the Monitoxin g Year I Exhibit (Appendix A, Figure 2). Photographs for the photo stations are located in ppendi x E, 4.0 References Ecof"ngineering - A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Deceniber 29, 2010 Ivey-Ferguson Pr( )oseel Nuirient QfT et Rest oration Area - Bank Packallre% EcoEngineering, - A division of The John R. MeAdanis Company, file. August 2012. h�m Fetguson Proliposed Nuiriew C1 /set Restoration Area --- As-Built R,,port. Lee Michael J'., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D,, and Wentworth "Flionias R., 2008. CV; �EEP Protocol Lor &-worthU y ire mle Version 4.2 I I ines Lo North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) October 2004. LG;uide r Riparian Bulkr Resioration, Available at internet site: North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (E'ET) January 15, 2010. Procedural 6l'uidance and Conlent Requirenients lbr E' ET Monitoring Revorls, North Carolina Ecosystem, Enhancement Program (I..,EP) November 7, 2011, Allonilorinx Rea uiremenis° ond fei:tormynce �tyndyrds or S'treym andlor PVellynct Mi tigation. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. (71assiLication, as the Natural Communities ot' Nor lh ("'arolina: 'I'hird Approxiniation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of f7rivirom-nent and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina, in am M,iiJI �� r +ll, u u N ��� r MAM09020.DWGi fn "Wtlw? I�! wr r w w M 1 ms ......... . ....... . . .. .. .. .. . .... ... .. ... . . . . . . ... ... .... .. ... ..... "'0." It, "k . .. .. . .. . �V=l A�4 8 11* All I IT , _ �, I A- AII'll— MV, 11.141, P11 ----- PS - X7/. /V ----------- S-6 -VP-7 PS ------- A-I —1. VP_6 PS-4 __PS - -10 PS-2- -All I- T MI 1M. Ps -p s— i I II 'y P­4 —PS-8 "lZA— ._ "l Ill-All I- .1IT IA I 4 VP 2 _VP —3 f MA.T 5 "FA VII, 1. IA �IJ UM RNg VP-1 Nei of i RAI. , V PS T IS , 3 (I. ­I) 8 9 vp... .. . ....... . A—I J I PS— 12 LEGEND * Target density is a minimum time" 320 trees and shrubs per acre a the end of the rive (5,) year monimring period according to [lie "Ney-Ferguson Bank Parcel Proposed Nutrient Offm Restoration Area, Bank Parcel Development Package"; ap proved by DWQ on December 29, 201 O E 90 E5 ca CL I �- CL Z 0 CL ' , o TAB 0 am c gpF O'c 0 c A c 0 0 m Q) � T Cl Wk NA c: 0, m w w 0 Z r 9) -a ,c f3 N ,Q Z NJ a 0 E WV W WN z 1, w .................. ,;, , "I','',, M 1 -, ", mull M, 4 r r 09 13 Cv i90I����� TFMJOHNILUcADAM 1 gip„ n "1 q Mftidlw � Pia AS SH�OWN � [Aamm Naar MCADAMS TAi. PRWFCT NO. lw� M-0� jk 0III�,, Pt.77�f> IN III'1�,. AS SHOWN mm Site. Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year; MY2 Date: 9/18/2013 Area: 9 Vag Plot No.: I X-axis: Plot Location: M = Missing 3 = good condition D:= Dead 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year im F'e"W- e-' Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: 9/18/2013 Area: 9 Veg Plot No.: 1 X-axis: 41N V � ■ �0 i.)enotes "wssing", 6tem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of I r monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem ry a:y draw labove herbaceous layer. Denotes "'Dead". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots 320 0 e (� . of, the ,,stem may survive and therefore ,re-serout in subseqUerlt MonitorigI.Years, Site: Ivey Ferguson Page-. Monitoring Yw MY2 Date, 911812D113 Arm 7 Veg Plot No, 1 2 X-ams, Piot Location, M = Missing 3 = good condition 2 = surviving and: likely to survive next year 1 = almost, sumving and not likely to suirvive next year — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — Y x sitjng T,ees xy x Fence ........... ....... __ .................. .. ....... Site: ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: W1'812013 Area: 6 Veg Plot No.. 3 X-axis: Plot Location, M 7- Missing 3 = good condition 2 = surviving and likely to survive neM year 1 = almost surviving and not likely to gurvive next year ........... y Fence Xy x Fad �Exjsfing Forest Site: Ivey-Fergulson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY2! Date; 9M 11203 Area: 6 Veg Plot No.: 3 X-axis: 1' 88°S !6. ............ . ............. ......... ...... ....... ........... ............... ...... ...... .... ......... . IL f--- 16 9 .......... 178 ............. ...... ...... ...... . ....... 8 ....... ....... .............. . .......... ....... ....... ... ............ 15 ---------------------------------- 0� 12 ........ _C 6 ....... ....... ... ... ---- .......... .... ......... 14 .......... .... 6 5 ...................... 9 FD ....... 8 ............................. ....... . ...................... n7 4 -------- ........... I[I ....... ------ 0 -------- --- ...... ------- -------- ------ ------- ------- ....... 3--4- II ------------- ....... ------ I ------- ........ _.._,........I- ---- -- -- I ----------- ------- ------- ...... .... ------- , k J5 -------- ------- N 2 - 2 3 t --------------- ------- - ------- ------------- 0 »_ 4 51 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 X-AXIS Denotes "Missing". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stern should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes Dead", Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots &14011 of the stem ma X survive and therefore re-sErout in subsequent Monitoring Years, Site: Ivey Ferguson Page" 1 Monitonng Year, MY2 Date: W13120,13 Area: 4 Veg Plot Nc 4 X-aixisc Plot Location: survive next year .......... y Feature XY X Site: Ivey-Fergiuson Page; 2 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: 9/13/2013 Area: 4 Veg Plot No,: 4 X-axis: 1400 I 9 12 ...... .... ....I ...... ....I ----------- t ..... .... --- -- _ 13 8 - - ------------------ . . . ............... . . ... . ...................... ........ 1, -- ... .......... -- ...... 10 :: � 7 — -- ............... ....... ------- ------ ------- ............... ........................................ ........ .... ....... 6 5 ..................... ....... ....... ...................... ....... 4 ............... ...... 5 ............... ................. ...... _ -- — ........ ............... ---------....I._... F ---- ........... . ...... 4 T .............. .................. ............... ....... ....... ... . . .... ... ...... ....... 3 C11, .......... .............. ......... ------- ....... -------- ...... ....... 2 .............. . .. ...... . — ----- ------ ------------ ..... . --0 ------ -------------- ......... ------- 51 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X-AXIS }ea otes °tr1'tssang °`. Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitorin! 0 Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes "Dead", Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the 0 332e (1, stem may survive and therefore re-sprout in subsequent Monitoran Years. Site Ivey Ferguson Page-, I Monitoring Year MY2 Date: 911 3120 1 3 Area, 5 Veg Plot Nos.: 5 X-axis. Plot Lcoatio n � B = bare root Vigor: 3, = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 --, almost surviving and not Wely to survive next year I M = Missing renca Utility Easement Farce Xy X Fence Fence Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: 9/13/2013, Area; 5 Vag Plot No.: 5 X-axis: 27401 C),Denotes "Missing". Stem nnay be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring, Stem should be searched! for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the sterni may grow above herbaceous la er, Denotes "Dead", Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots 22211 (f: �,) of the stem, may survive and therefore re-sprout in subseguent Mondoring Years, Siite: Ney Ferguson Page: I Monitoring Year: MY2 Date, 81131201113 Area: I "deg Plot No,: 6 X-ax1s: Plot Location: survive next year M = Mism ng CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER 11 HE(GHT CLASSES crn� Scientific Name None 0-50 60••00 > 100 Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MIY2 Date: 9/1312013 Area: I Veg Plot No,: 6 X-axis: 17611SE 10 ........... .. 1 ....... ------ ...... ..... 1 ....... .......... ....... 9 — - --- - --- - --- ----------- - — -- - - - - --- - ----------- - ------ .... ....... ...... ......... ...... ....... ....... ..... .. '0 10 ------- ------- ....... ....... ........... ------- 7 ...... ...... -------- ------- ...... ....... 12 -------------------- ------------- t ........ 6 TI — — - ------------ --------------- ........................ ....... ....... .. . ........ ......I » ------- ------- 1 ....................... .............. ................ ......... --------- ....... ....... -- 1711� I — — ----------- 4 x i -------- --- ... .... .. ....... ............... ..... ... .................. 4 3 .......... ----------------------- ...... ....... ....... ....... ..................... . . ......... I ------ ------------- ------- 2 2 ---- ------- ----- ------- ---- ------- ------ --- 01 -- ----- 4- ----- ---- --------------- . . . ------- ... . . . .............. . . .............. - 0,0 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 X-AXIS Denotes "Missing". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring, Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. >, Denotes "Dead", Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots 1300 of the stem may survive and therefore re-sprout in subseguent Monitoring Years, Site: Ivey Ferguson Page! I Mondoring Year, MY2 Date: 9111312013 Area: I Veg Piet No,: 7 X-axis: Piol Location- lo survive niext year IM = Miss! rig Site: ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: 911312013 Area; 1 Veg Plot No.: 7 X-axis-. 316ON 10 ... .. ... 12 ........ ..... ............. ......... ..... 14 01 ........... ....... .............. --------------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- 8 181, - C, 5 1 .................... I ....... ....... .................... 16 ........... ...... ... . ....... 7 - - - - -------------- - - -- - -- ........................ ------- ------- ....... .... .............. ------------ ...... ....... 6 .......... ....... ....... ................. ------- ...................................... 50 1 ------- ------- 4 ....... ......... ....... ............... ....... ------- ------- ...... ............ t--- ------- --------------- ------- ------- 3 4 _y_ ------ .... .. ....... ------- 6 1 f-1-1-1 1----- —.- I .......... .......... ....... t 2 .......... 5 ........... . ------ - ------- .......... f ........ ................ ....... (3 .............. ---------- ------- --- --- ....... 0�5..............»...._.... - - --- 1 - - -------- 0,0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X-AXIIS C N Denotes "Missing"'. Stem maybe missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visiJble at the time of - ) monitoring, Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes "Dead", Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots 27611 of the stem may survive and therefore re-sprout in subsequent Monitoring Years. Site! Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: 9m312013 Area. 2 Veg Plot No.: m X-axis: Plot Location: to survive next year M=missing m � � y ~ �°°"ag*e `Feature] N ~ xy x � � .......... --- ......... ^~�—____--��_--~--__~~_`—_~_-_-_�~ � Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: 9/1312013 Area; 2 Veg Plot No.: 8 X-axis: 23611N 0 Denotes "Missing", Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and flierefore not visible at the time of monitoring, Stern should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. f1gDenotes "Dead!". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots : of the stem may survive and therefore re-sprout in subsequent Monitodnq Years. ................ ....... ............ ........ .................. .. . .............. . ............. — ----- ... .. ....... .............. 8 ........... ....... ...... ...... .... ... ...... ... ........ . 14 ... ............... 4 '1 ------- ----- " ------------------------ 15 ... .... ----------------------------------------- --- — ------- ....... . ... ------- ....... 6 1 12 ............. ...... ­ ....... ------- ------- ------- ------- 5 ............. ............... ....... ....... ....... ...... ........ ...................... ------ 4 ------- ------- ------- ----- -- ------ -- ------ ------ ...... . ........... --- ------- ------- 3 ........... —4 ------- ------- --------------- 8 j ------ I .......... ji, ---------------- 6 2 --------­----------- ....... ------- --------------- ------- -------------- .... ------ 4 --- .... .. ....... 0,5 ------- ----------- ------------- ... ...... 4 V ....... ------ 4 .............. 5 0,0 0,5 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 X-AXIS 0 Denotes "Missing", Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and flierefore not visible at the time of monitoring, Stern should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. f1gDenotes "Dead!". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots : of the stem may survive and therefore re-sprout in subsequent Monitodnq Years. Site, Ivey Ferguson Page. 1 Monitoring Year: MY2 Date: W1 W2013 Area: 2 Veg Plot No,: 9 X-axiv Plot Location. to Survive next year M Missing Y Xy X Fence Existing Forest ... ............... . . ................... . Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year MY2 Daite: 9/13/2013 Area: 2, Veg Plot No,: 9 %U & 27N APPENDIX E Photo Stations ,♦ ,� i t Wr4 .ir_ 1� � 1 .ano � /[ rrm II it ..... p��ll I qll y ........... wr, P U M MNS � NORTH ORANGE COUNTY, ''■, *,a n T W- IT OJECr NO. MAM-09020 1 lip M L ,.. A _ IN .. III a. McADAms '� « 7 1 Pi 011 1. PROJECT NM MAM-09020 41 # x r /C „YY R tl r � xtl � x r AX y yyy, �y i III III III I a � NO. m AM-09020 FROUCT MAM09020.DWG' r a 0 s ,Y e„ nr �„ _ ..AIM' '..,� • :. r'"'�� , ,� ., w w� .. ., . n N A� AM OOMPmr. W. a .= !.M . x ... r w , ro .: �. ,y O d. + Mw •w , ,