HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC215754_Site Plan or Location Map_20211015+ F + s Willi 390= 39 71 * - T.• _ r � ' Y 1 � � — �'l1E19 •y �. 'I' Cuul+crnl'n,l;'I'r�h^::,I Seal: FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION SEE FIS REPORT FOR ZONE DESCRIPTIONS AND INDEX MAP THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL FORMAT AT H TT P:// F R I S. N C. G 0V/ F R I5 -Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Zone A, V, A99 With BFE or Depth zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS ® Regulatory Floodway ® 0.2%Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1%Annual Chance Flood with Average Depth Less Than One Foot or With Drainage Areas of Less Than One Square Mile Zane x — Future Conditions )%Annual Chance Flood Hazard zone x OTHER AREAS OF Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to Levee FLOOD HAZARD I See Notes Zane x OTHER Areas Determined to be Outside the AREAS 0.2 %Annual Chance Floodplain zone x Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer Accredited or Provisionally Accredited GENERAL Levee Dike or Floodwall , STRUCTURES Nan -accredited Levee Dike or Floodwall BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark BM551o. National Geodetic Survey bench mark BM551 o� Contractor Est. NCFMP Survey bench mark o1z ta-z—Cross Sections with 1%Annual Chance Water Surface Elevation (BFE) (s r - - - - - Coastal Transect ------- Coastal Transect Baseline — - Profile Baseline Hydrographic Feature OTHER U rn it of Study FEATURES Jurisdiction Boundary NOTES TO USERS FIRM may be avellable. Nsit the Nar1M1 Carolina Flosdplaln Mapping Program waV,Na at http:llwww.ncnoodmaps.corc ,r camp, t,e —A Mao Serviu Ca„ xing lantl on adava,t FIRM panels must obtain a Durrent Dopy of tl,e adlaecn[ panel as well as ,ne cu _,t FIRM Indes. These may be ordered dir—ly tram the Mep Setvi. Center et the number listed shove. Forcommunity a,dc ,NwmemaphUb.ratertDU,e FIDod Inaurence EtUdyreportfur this j,,O,,U If flood Insurance rs available In the--unlly, e. —0 Your Insurance agent r oAlcthe Naeonal FI od Insurnce Pragrem at 1-8h0.63&-352g. Base map iriormation sh—, on this FIRM was prwlded In digital forms[ by the North Camllna Floodplein Napo ng Program �NCFMP). The sourceofthis it—atSh:an be determined from the m Odals available In the d.,OI FLOOD database and in [na Technical Support oats NOebook (TSDN). —NEDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS. It ar, accreditec levee note appears on this panel check with your local Pperrunity to obtain more Informahan, aU oh as the- mated Ieval of protection prwlded (which meyex the ,,D,F ,n Pcna„ce )even and Emer , Ac,ion Plan, Dn the levee,yst (s, shown as providing PrpteetiDn. To mitigate th" ris<in residual risk areas, property owners anc re ditl are ahc r,,ed to consider flood and noodproofing or other pra@otive measures.For more Informatlon on flood I nsurance, Inter L,d parties should vlsn [M1e FEMA Websita et Mtp:INnvw.fema.gwlbuslnesslnfpfindax.shtm. PROVISIONALLY ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS. If a Provisionally Awredited Levee'PAL) n 0 appears I ­­Ii k ith I- N 1. b f i d l I f prated P dM tiI­,­t­,­Pd' I-`) d E 9 ry A PI It,. evee sy (1 h p d g p T d h I ry' requred b i d dd ry ply S 10 f l NFIPO,'Itt - Ifthew tl p -tl ryd dd f d dtl at pra�' d d nro} d ply 1, q ' FEMA II I— ,— da rmAD otsa es toefl draw ec tafU aleee syste To mTgate floodiskn tell —I risk areas, property owners and reside- ae encouraged L, consider flood Insurance and flootlproofng other p�oteclive measures. For more infomralio„ on hood insurance, interested parties should visit the FEMA 'A/ebslte at hit, INnrvw.(ema.gcvlhusinesslnflplindev=_nlm. LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION NOTES TO USERS: For some coastal flooding woes the AE zone rztegory has been divided by a Llmlt of Moderate Wave Acion (UM NAb The LIMWA represents th, approximate lancward link[ o`the 1S-toot breaking wave. The enacts of wa„e hazards between the VE Zone and the LIMWA L., betweenthe shoreline andthe LIISI-Or areas where VE 2ones ar_not Id fifi-d)will be simper tq but less h VE ae.e•e .hart n,Dae nl — zj nA..a,...,,, fAt.,.,,. A-- n ;ID -Al COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM(CBRS) NOTE This n,ap may i,du apph.x ..ofthe SB RStorinfomratio„al pu rposes only. Flootl insurance is not vallable w It CBRS ereasforshucWruthatare nevdyb,,Itorsubstentlally Imprwedonoraftarthedata(,1 Indicated on the map. Fcr mere Informetlon see M1t¢:IN„w,.fws9ovlbablfatoonservatlonlooastal barrler.btml. the FIS Re ,t, Dr ran tie U.S. Fish end Vhidllfe Serviw Cuat—er Service Center at 1- 1g-3444VILD. ® CBRS Area 0 Otherwise Protected Area SCALE N 11 111 1 250 500 1 75 150 PANEL LOCATOR 1,0co i Feet Meters 300 ®on® O®®®®®®®®®®®® M®®®®®®®M®1 E®mmommommmm ®®®®®®®®®®I M, ®®®MONO®®®' ENORTH CAROLINA FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM C5 r.00D INSURANCE RATE MAP 5 n�o O NORTH CAROLINA ^`I r� CD PANEL E797 /o Co A •/� anel Contains: COMMUNITY CID THO L CITY OF 37h082 TRINITY,ITY, TOWN OF 3]h525 PANEL SUFFIX 1]9] J ti]9] J O O LL O CIO MAPNUMBER '' •,®,,,: MAP REVISED 03/16/09