HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210908_Stormwater Narrative_20211012f TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DETAILED NARRATIVE: A new solar farm will be constructed at 1728 George Long Road Harrels, NC 28444 at the southwest corner of the intersection of NC-210 and George Long Road. The total project includes three properties, but only a portion is within the NCDEQ jurisdiction that requires a stormwater permit. The two properties within the subject area are owned by the George Thomas Estate (Pin# 138400216894), and George and Vivian Thomas (Pin# 138500225720). The 125 acres within the subject area extends from the Northeast property lines adjacent to George Long Road and extends to the existing overhead power easement and existing jurisdictional ditch that splits the properties. The land is currently undeveloped and wooded with no existing impervious surfaces. The solar panels will be constructed above ground. In addition, a pump station, common internal drives, and associated utility infrastructure will be constructed. The construction will create 4.69% increase in impervious surfaces within the subject area which falls below the 12% maximum for a low -density project. Therefore, no stormwater control measures are required, and existing drainage patterns will remain the same. This site slopes gently from George Long Road towards the existing jurisdictional ditch. The ditch eventually connects to South Creek, stream index number 18-68-12-(8.5). South Creek has a stream classification of C;Sw;ORW and is within the Cape Fear River Basin. For additional information, refer to the plan set entitled "Bay Tree Solar, LLC" dated 11/20/2020, ~ 0 which is included with this application. In rn co m rn w I- E O U Ln C O E E a-i