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20211491 Ver 1_PA 19-08-0015 Pasquotank (NSR)_20211012
Project Tracking No.: 19-08-0015 NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM q e 4 This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not o valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. :( PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: County: Pasquotank WBS No: 1711PA.R.99 Document: State MCC F.A. No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: USACE Project Description: Replacement of Bridge No. 25 on SR 1144 (Forman Bundy Road)in Pasquotank County,North Carolina. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects(APE)encompasses the entire project study area as depicted on the attached ARC-GIS mapping. It measures 800ft in length(400ft from each bridge end-point)and 150ft in width(7541 from the SR 1144 center-line). SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Permitting and funding information was reviewed for determining the level of archaeological input required by state and federal laws. Based on the submitted "request for cultural resources review"form,the project is state funded with federal permit interaction.As such,Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act will apply and the United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)will serve as the lead federal agency. Next,construction design and other data was examined(when applicable)to define the character and extent of potential impacts to the ground surfaces embracing the project locale.The project appears to be an in-place replacement utilizing an off-site detour.The APE was primarily designed to capture any federal permit areas or areas of potential ground disturbing activity. Once an APE was outlined,a map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA)on Wednesday,September 11, 2019. No NRHP eligible archaeological sites or any other previously documented archaeological sites are located within the APE or proximal. Examination of National Register of Historic Places(NRHP),State Study Listed(SL), Locally Designated(LD), Determined Eligible(DE),and Surveyed Site(SS)properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website is important in establishing the location of noteworthy historic occupations related to a perspective construction impact area.A cross-check of these mapped resources concluded that no meaningful historic properties with possible contributing archaeological elements were located inward of the archaeological APE margins. In addition, historic maps of Pasquotank County were appraised to identify former structure locations,land use patterns,or other confirmation of historic occupation in the project vicinity.Archaeological/historical reference materials were inspected as well. In general,the cultural background review established that no NRHP listed properties or cemeteries are located within the APE. Based on cultural-historical factors,the APE is considered to have a low potential for the documentation of archaeological resources. Further, topographic, geologic, flood boundary, and NRCS soil survey maps were referenced to evaluate pedeological, geomorphological, hydrological, and other environmental determinants that may have resulted in past occupation at this location. Aerial and on-ground photographs (NCDOT Spatial Data Viewer) and the Google Street View map application (when amenable) were also examined/utilized for additional assessment of disturbances, both natural and human induced, which compromise the integrity of archaeological sites. Environmental/impact factors do not suggest a heightened potential for archaeological resource recovery. "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURV/i Y REQU/RED"form for the AmendedMinor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Progranunatic Agreement. 1 of 2 Project Tracking No.: 19-08-0015 Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The majority of ground surfaces have been impacted through residential disturbance as well as disturbance related to the construction and maintenance of the SR 1144 right-of-way. Environmental and cultural-historical factors do not suggest a heightened potential for archaeological resource recovery in the APE. Intact NRHP eligible archaeological sites are unlikely to be present or preserved within the currently defined APE. No further consultation is advocated.A finding of"no archaeological survey required"is considered appropriate. This project falls within a North Carolina County in which the Catawba Indian Nation has expressed an interest: Pasquotank County. It is recommended that you contact each federal agency involved with your project to determine their Section 106 Tribal consultation requirements. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEYREOUIRED -�6A ` 11-12-2019 NCDOT "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2of2 Bridge Replacement#25 on SR 1144 Unnamed Trib. to Little River Pasquotank County Quad Name Pasquotank i I i Bridge#25 SR 1144 � N h / i I\ / ! r Copyright:©2013 National Geograph{cty,i-cubed 0 0.5 1 2 Miles I I I I I I I Bridge Replacement# 25 on SR 1144 Unnamed Trib. to Little River Pasquotank County Quad Name Pasquotank if fill All ON 00, it Y q •t „� N�DOT GIS U it,E-sri, H-E,Ga��nQia+) r � ••ntribu o ,and he QI�user co m ' r. No h Carolina en a for Geog� i i ,. j` N rth arolina C►en er f r Ge g i i � N OneMap,NC men er f•r e i ,� _ nalysis NC 9 0 500 1,000 Feet I I I I € LCALYX n i INCONPLB B PLAN! .w.oErAvr rRuwl+c seNlr:a s � a � 1 O Bo!Bole ' l 5 An«w.ao -A-WT STA 11«TO.W y� TO TmBNx � &GIN BB _ ASTA N+Sl.00 �� q LilAg—� — � s•.on __ rwa vw+rvmnc are TL Rf fir.— o.1c 1 . STREAM & WETLAND IMPACTS n nus.a �Oa uROT'TH L'V -N,.STA 1)«lI.00 ! �STA I)11.00 IYBl#I 5 ffEV*S3E TYPF-0 F MFIB A BBOGE—T IOAOWAY BlATNN P SRTCN L,) 5l IIII BBDGF NO.l3 OV9 GNU pwT TO 51:uBE1 NOTES: SEE SHEET 6 FOR-EL-PROFILE a m r 7 Ir• ` = a • � ' r r i � 1 Pasquotank L k �9 Sj ■ a �a, C pyrigh,©2013 National Geographic Socie,ty� i cubed S�ouce: tEsn,Digita1Globe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geogra'p ,Ni CNES/Airbus IDS,USDA,USGS,AeroGRID I Nand the GIS;' User Community Portion of the Pasquotank topographic map illustrating the boundaries and location of the project APE in Pasquotank County, North Carolina. s F % - IY JA JIM �\\ Pasquotan� � '� •` \ ��S€�� 1+t a k 1 � nr. n � Co yright©20`13 Nat�'io a Geographic SoceAy,i-°u •, Sour• E-sri,DigitalGtobe,GeoEye,Eart'hstar Geo• a• c �` CNEaS/Airbus DS,USDA,USES,Aero�Rl� � nd the GI- U r C•m..... ARC-GIS aerial shape file map illustrating the boundaries and location of the project APE in Pasquotank County, North Carolina.