HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071205 Ver 1_Application_20070712~07- 1 205 G`~ity Of Raleigh J1/orth G`'arolina July 10, 2007 Ms. Laurie Dennison North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 401NVetlands Certification Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: Preconstruction Notification Application Form for Brecken Ridge Avenue Storm Drainage Improvements Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Ms. Dennison: _~ ~ `~ ~~ ___ Please find enclosed seven copies of a completed "Preconstruction Notification Application Form" for the referenced project. I am submitting one copy of this application concurrently to Mr. Monte Mathews with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. This stream stabilization project impacts less than 1501inear feet and meets the criteria established under the US Army Corps Nationwide (NWP 13 and 29) Permit. This stream is subject to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules and the proposed stabilization activities are not exempt under Neuse Riparian Buffer Protection Rules -Rule .0233 (15A NCAC 2B.0233). Therefore written concurrence from DWQ is sought per conditions established in Condition 6 under DWQ's General Permit - GC3495. Enclosed is Check No. 00631882 in the amount of $200.00 serving as the applicable review fee for this project. Thank you for your assistance in processing this application. If I may answer any questions concerning the application, please contact me at (919) 890-3368. Sincerely, _______ Erin Lawrence, PE Project Engineer II Q~~~o~~~ JUL 1 2 2007 DENR -WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORlIWATER BRANCH Enclosures cc: Mr. Monte K. Matthews Gvitr~ Uf Raleigh .North G~arolina July 10, 2007 Mr. Monte K. Matthews Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 6503 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 Re: Preconstruction Notification Application Form for Brecken Ridge Avenue Storm Drainage Improvements Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Matthews: Please find enclosed one copy of a completed "Preconstruction Notification Application Form" for the referenced project. This stream stabilization project impacts less than 3001inear feet and meets the criteria established under the US Army Corps Nationwide (NWP 13 and 29) Permit. I am submitting seven copies of this application concurrently to Ms. Laurie Dennison with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Certification Unit. Thank you for your assistance in processing this application. If I may answer any questions concerning the application, please contact me at (919) 890-3368. Sincerely, .r- Erin Lawrence, PE Project Engineer II Enclosure cc: Ms. Laurie Dennison _„~ Office Use Only: Form Version March OS ~07-1205 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If anv Uarticular item is not annlicable to this nrniect nlPace antPr "Nnt Annlir~hla" nr °N/D" 1 - __ ~ . _ ____rr-_____ __ _..__./ I. Processing ~, ~I -;~. 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: Section 404 Permit Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules Section 10 Permit ~] Isolated Wetland Permit from DW Q 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NW 13, NW29 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ JUL 1 2 Z00~ 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Mr. Carl R. Dawson Jr. P.E. aEN~ - wAl~ck Mailing Address: City of Raleigh Public Works Departmen ~+ 222 West Harnett Street P.O. Box 590 Raleigh North Carolina 27602 Telephone Number: 919-890-3030 Fax Number: 919-890-3832 E-mail Address: carl.dawson(a,ci.ralei~h.nc.us 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: N/A Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 5 of 14 4 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Brecken Ridge Avenue Storm Drainage Improvement Project 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIl~:_ 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue is 1707-83-3265 7001 Brecken Ridge Ave. is 1707-83-1489. 7005 Brecken Ridge Ave is 1707-83-2561. 7008 Brecken Ridge Ave is 1707-83-4265. 4. Location County: Wake Nearest Town: Raleigh Subdivision name (include phase/lot number):_ 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue, Lot 20 North Haven, Part A, Phase 2 is where the majority of the work is to be performed Work will also be performed between the properties located at 7001 (I.ot 12 North Haven, Part A Phase 2) 7005 (I,ot 13 North Haven, Part A. Phase 2) and 7008 (Lot 21 North Haven Part A Phase 2) Brecken Ridge Avenue. Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): From downtown Raleigh take Wake Forest Road north. Take a left (north) onto Six Forks Road After the intersection with Lynn Road, take the third right onto Westbrook Drive Take the fourth left onto Van Haven Drive. After one block Van Haven Drive turns right and becomes Brecken Ridge Avenue. 7004 Brecken Ridge is the second house on the right after passing Millbridge Court. 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 35.8742°N 78.6345°W are the coordinates for 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue where the majority of the work is being_performed Page 6 of 14 6. Properly size (acres): 7001 Brecken Ridge Ave is 0.43 acres 7005 Brecken Ridge Ave is 0.50 acres; 7004 Brecken Ridge Ave is 53 acres 7008 Brecken Ridge Ave is 0 58 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Storm water flows from the site north into an unnamed tributary to Mine Creek which flows into Shelley Lake approximately a mile and a half southeast of the site. Shelley Lake then releases back into Mine Creek which flows southerly into Crabtree Creek. Crabtree Creek eventually flows into the Neuse River 8. River Basin: Neuse River Basin (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The General land use is single-family residential in the developed North Haven Subdivision off of Six Forks Road north of Lynn Road and south of Sawmill Road. Six Forks Road is a major north-south thoroughfare that be ig ns just north of downtown Raleigh and continues north past Falls Lake in northern Wake County Celebration at Six Forks is the closest commercial shopping center at approximately two- thirds of a mile north of the subdivision The top of the project is on the property of the residence at 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue A stream flows from the southeast into the backyard, though a headwall and into a 127-foot long 36" RCP that takes the flow north to Brecken Ridge Avenue. This pipe however is undersized and does not carry the storm water flow. Instead the storm water bypasses the headwall and flows west around it and into the backyard of the residence and then northwest as sheet flow towards Brecken Rid_„ge Avenue. The storm water then flows into one curb inlet on the southern side of Brecken Ridge Avenue and through a 209-foot long 42" RCP north under Brecken Ridge Avenue and _between the residences at 7001 and 7005 Brecken Ridge Avenue where it then discharges through a headwall, back into an unnamed tributary to Mine Creek that flows west towards Six Forks Road. This pipe is currently undersized and unable to handle the amount of storm water that flows to the inlet. The storm water has also eroded the banks by the headwall and created a pool feature where it discharges from the pipe A 196-foot long 10" VCP sewer line runs parallel to the 42" RCP from Brecken Ridge Avenue to approximately 20 feet before the outlet of the 42" RCP into the stream. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The improvements to the storm drainage system will begin approximately 40 feet downstream from where the stream enters the backyard of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue from the southwest. A rock erade control structure will be installed upstream of a new headwall which will be approximately 10 feet upstream of the existing headwall which will be removed. Anew 54" RCP pipe will be installed from the headwall to Brecken Ridge Avenue with the new invert 1.6 feet lower in elevation than the current invert An existin timber retaining wall that was installed by the homeowner to try to direct storm water into the 36" RCP will be removed. The curb inlet along Brecken Ridge Avenue that the 36" RCP currently drains to will be replaced with a new curb inlet to accommodate the new 54" RCP Page 7 of 14 New curb and nutter will also be installed along Brecken Ridge Avenue to accommodate the larger pipe svstem. A 42" RCP that carries stormwater west along Brecken Ridge Avenue in front of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue will be replaced with a 54" RCP An area in the back yard of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue to the west of the proposed headwall will be graded to improve the drainage in the yard This ading will take place inside the buffer zone of the stream. The existing curb inlet and box that proposed 54" RCP along Brecken Ridge Avenue will flow into will be replaced with two curb inlets and boxes with an 18" RCP connecti~ them. Flow north under Brecken Ridge Avenue will remain in the existing 42" RCP which will, however, flow into a new curb inlet. An additional curb inlet will also be installed next to the inlet that th_e 42" RCP will flow into A 36" RCP will connect them The existing 42" RCP that carries storm water from the north side of Brecken Ridge Avenue north to the headwall between the properties at 7001 and 7005 Brecken Ridge Avenue will remain and an additional 36" RCP will be installed from the new curb inlet along the north side of Brecken Ridge Avenue to the new headwall parallel to the existing 42" RCP The new headwall will be built approximately ei hg_t (8) feet south (upstream) of the existing headwall wrath grade control installed around the outlet A sewer line the runs underneath the middle of Brecken Ridge Avenue and then north parallel to the existing 42" RCP will be replaced along the portion of Brecken Ridge Avenue that will be disturbed and for approximately 40 feet from Brecken Ridge Avenue and will tie into a new manhole The sanitary sewer line from the center of Brecken Ridge Avenue for a distance of 197 feet north between lots 12 7 13 will be replaced. It is anticipated that a track hoe dump truck rubber tire loader and a small compaction/vibration unit wrill be used to construct this project 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the work is to upgrade the storm water svstem in this area to alleviate flooding of the residence at 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue, reduce street flooding and flooding along down the svstem where the pipes are under capacity. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. N/A V. Future Project Plans Page8of14 Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. N/A VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Approximately 35 feet of the stream channel in the backvard of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue will be impacted by the proposed improvements. A rock grade control structure is proposed to be installed approximately 35 feet upstream of the current headwall and 36" RCP and a new headwall with a new 54" RCP will installed approximately 10 feet upstream of the existing headwall and RCP. This will eliminate approximately 10 feet of the stream channel yet stabilize approximately 25 feet of the channel. 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Type of Wetland Located within Distance to Area of Site Number Type of Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, 100-year Nearest Impact (indicate on map) herbaceous, bog, etc.) Floodplain Stream (acres) es/no linear feet None Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: None 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, Page 9 of 14 plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Number indicate on ma Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Intermittent? Average Stream Width Before Im act Impact Length linear feet Area of Impact acres I UT to Mine Creek Elimination Intermittent 4 feet 35 feet 0.003 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 35 0.003 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. Area of Impact acres None Total Open Water Impact (acres) 6. List the cumulative im act to all Waters of the U.S. resultin from the ro'ect: Stream Impact (acres): 0.003 Wetland Im act acres : None O en Water Im act (acres): None Total Im act to Waters of the U. S. acres 0.003 Total Stream Im act (linear feet): 35 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ~ No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Page 10 of 14 Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The proposed improvements are necessary to prevent future flooding of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue and at points further down the system that is occurring due to the under capacity of the current pipe system. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ncwetlands/strm aide. html. Page 11 of 14 Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Not applicable since less than 150 feet of linear stream channel is being impacted bYthe proposed improvements. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc us/wro/index htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): None Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): None Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): None Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): None Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): None lx. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ^ 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide Page 12 of 14 justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 1SA NCAC 2B .0233 (Neese}, 1 SA NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 1 SA NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 1 SA NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ~ No ^ 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact Multiplier Required s uare feet Miti ation 1 900 3 (2 for Catawba) NA 2 b00 1.5 NA Total 1500 NA * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the neaz bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 1 SA NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. No Chan a in impervious surface. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. No wastewater will be generated from this project XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (1SA NCAC 2H .OS00) or any Buffer Rules? Page 13 of 14 Yes ^ No Is this anafter-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: This project will upgrade anunder-capacity storm water system in a residential neighborhood that is currently built-out and no other development is anticipated in the vicini of the project XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). /~ , ~ 1 zzly~ Applicant/Agent's (Agent's signature is valid c ~~~ Date il~if,an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) ~~~~~ Page 14 of 14 0 `~ V •~ • 7"1205 Beginning of project where stream enters pipe behind house at 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue Facing upstream from headwall behind house at 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue View of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue from the street. During storm events the gate must be opened so storm water can flow to the street from the backyard. Backyard of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue that becomes flooded during storm events Facing north from Brecken Ridge Avenue towards the unnamed tributary to Mine Creek that the storm water flows into. View of pipe where storm water exits towards the unnamed tributary. Brecken Ridge Avenue is in the background. _ t77 1205 View looking downstream (west) of the unnamed tributary to Mine Creek that storm water from the project flows into. Pictures from the backyard of 7004 Brecken Ridge Avenue during a storm event. Storm water cannot be contained in the existing 36" RCP and it flows through the backyard and through the gate that the homeowner opens during storm events. Location, Soils, and Watershed Maps 1l ~ innn~c FEET 1~ _r --_,~, ____ • '•~~ ~ •y ~ 'x~;' ~" ~ l~ ~ ; ~~ t' ~ t I d / ~ y '~ r ,f' ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~. E IoQS y~ i l r~' - q S -. v . spy * ~.~ - r +~ ~ - ~ , iris ~ i ~ • -~~ ~. 'i i ~. n~~ y. ~ ~,_ ~ ?~ ~ ,', ~ _ y _. t h I ~'4 ~ x e, ~ .~ ib r r \ dq` + ~ ` 1; 9r~t~.> ~ . 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Existing upstream lower channel Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet Exist US 36 inch Flow Element Trapezoidal Cha Method Manning's Forme Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefic 0.030 Channel Sbpe 018400 ft/ft Depth 2.08 ft Left Slde Slope 1.00 H ; V Right Side Slope 1.00 H : V Bottom Width 4.08 ft Results Discharge 101.80 cfs Flow Area 12.8 ftz Wetted Perim 9.96 ft Top Width 8.24 ft Critical Depth 2.22 ft Critical Sbpe 0.014427 ft/ft Velocity 7.95 ft/s Velocity Head 0.98 ft Specific Enerc 3.06 ft Froude Numb 1.12 Flow Type iupercrttical Project Engineer. Becky L. Ward c:bity of ralefgh prof #5lbrecken rklge.fm2 Becky L Ward Consulting FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 01/15/06 09:22:12 PM ®Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 ' Existing upstream lower channel w/ 3 foot depth Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet Exist US 36 Inch Flow Element Trapezoidal Cha Method Manning's Form Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coeftic 0.030 Channel Slope 018400 ft/ft Depth 3.00 ft Left Side Slope 1.00 H : V Right Side Slope 1.00 H : V Bottom Width 4.08 ft Results Discharge 202.50 cfs Flow Area 21.2 ft2 Wetted Perim 12.57 ft Top Width 10.08 ft Critical Depth 3.25 ft Critical Slope 0.013539 ft/tt Velocity 9.53 R/s Velocity Head 1.41 ft Specific Enerf 4.41 ft Froude Numb 1.16 Flow Type supercritical Project Engineer: Becky L. Ward c:~city of sleigh prof #5lbrecken ridge.fm2 Becky L Ward t.onsultlng FIowM1Aaster v7.0 [7.0005) 01/15/06 09:24:11 PM ®Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road 1Naterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 UT to Mine Creek at Culverts Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet Channel UT mirth Flow Element Trapezoidal Cha ~~ Manning's Forma Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coeffic 0.045 Channel Sbpe 012000 ft/It ~P~ 3.00 ft Left Side Sbpe 1.50 H : V Right Side Sbpe 1.00 H : V Bottom Width 10.00 ft Results Discharge 244.62 efs Fbw Area 41.2 ft= Wetted Perim 19.65 ft Top Width 17.50 ft Critical Depth 2.39 ft Critical Sbpe 0.027100 ft/It Vebcity 5.93 ft/s Vebcity Head 0.55 ft Specific Ener£ 3.55 ft Froude Numa 0.68 Fbw Type Subaitlcal Projed Engineer. Becky L. Ward c:ktity of sleigh prof >115~bredcen ridge.im2 Bedry L Ward Consultkp FknvMaster v7.0 [7.00051 02/06/06 11:44:55 AM O Haestad Methods, inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1 _203-755-1 gg6 page 1 of 1 Becky Ward Brecken Ridge Watershed to UT Mine Creek Wake County, North Carolina Watershed Peak Table Sub-Area Peak Flow by Rainfall Return Period or Reach 2-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 5-Yr Identifier (cfs) - (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) ------------------------- (cfs) . (cfs) SUBAREAS --------- -------- ---------- ---------- Watershed 927.73 689.62 873.72 1146.16 1365.63 1580.01 336.97 REACHES OUTLET 427.73 684.62 873.72 1196.16 1365.63 1580.01 336.47 rr~ WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 2/6/2006 11:59:97 }~ Becky Ward Brecken Ridge Watershed to UT Mine Creek Wake County, North Carolina Sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Sub-Area Flow Mannings's End Wetted Travel Identifier/ Length Slope n Area Perimeter Velocity Time -- {ft) --------- (ft/ft) -------------------- (sq ft) (ft) (ft/sec) ------ (hr) Watershed ------------------------- ------- SHEET 20 0.0050 0.240. 0.108 SHALLOW 1680 0.0120 3.6, 0.264 CHANNEL 2300 4.500 0.142 CHANNEL 1500 6.000 0.069 Time of Concentration .583 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 2/6/2006 11:59:47 AM Becky Ward 'Breoken Ridge Watershed to UT Mine Creek Wake County, North Carolina Sub-Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub-Area Identifier Land Use Hydrologic Sub-Area Curve Soil Area Number --------------------- ----------- ----- ---- Grou P (ac ) . Watershed Commercial & business ------- ------ --- --- B - --- Residential districts (1/8 acre) B 44 62 92 Residential districts (1/9 acre) B 33 85 75 Residential districts (1/2 acre) B 220 70 Residential districts (1/2 acre) D 23 85 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 382 76 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 2/6/2006 11:54:47 AM Becky Ward Brecken Ridge Watershed to UT M'ine.Creek Wake County, North Carolina Sub-Area Summary Table.. Sub-Area Drainage Time of Curve Receiving Identifier Area Concentration Number Reach (ac) (hr) -------------------------- Watershed 382.00 0.583 76 Outlet Total Area: 382 (ac) WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 Sub-Area Description Watershed to Culverts 2/6/2006 11:59:47 AM • ~.., V VICINITY MAP NTS VICINITY MAP (NTS) NOTES: t. N ~i 4V '-i a N ~t' ~1 n O N N 3 m w O c r0 c rn 3 m 0 U 1. Au SEDIMENT ANDEROSBNICDNTROLSTOBEeunrmcmoF RAIEIGHAND STATE# 110RTH CAROLINA STANDARDS. L TF~CONiRACrp0.5FNU.BEAFSPOtS®lffORNABIIENAN(fpFALL EROSMFI CONTROL MEASUAB OIIROIG ON611WCT1011. 3. ALLDMURB®AAEA9T09ESEEDEDT09PE~BCATDDIKUiIESS OTHERWISE MOTED. 4. ALLAR(J6 OUTSIDE OFTNE TEID'ORARY CONSIIIUCDON LMIISTO RENABI UNDISNRBFa S. CONTRACIIM SHALL VERIFY ALL DDR3KR7MS IN fl9D,ANY DISCAEPANCffSTHfiIE#SHALL BE REPORT[a TO TNEOWNER AND ENGDO~t PR100. TD PROCEEDWG W[IH THE WORK 6. CDNTRACJDRSHAILYER]flL0G110NSAtIDELEYATIONSOFALL E7(iSTBIG UTILRIB. All NTIITffi 91W1 BE IDGT® 4a IR11At5 PRIDRTO IpBILIIATK7N DN SITE'GLL BEFORE 1YM) DNr TWL RIFE NUMBER (804698949). 7. FR1D SURVEYS BY RWIf, PA 101 WMAIN ST., SUITE 202 GAANER, NC, PHONE (919) 7744&54 6. ALL WORK NEAR CINNNEL9 TD BE PFRFDAMfD RIOM TOP OF BANK NO EIZIiB~l43FT WllL BE PBU1Tf1EDT0 WORK FROM THE QIMN~ BE9 OR CR065 THE STREAMS. 9. SEE SHEET 9 FOR UTRRY N01FS 30.WNEN ROOT PRUNDNi S NECESSARY, CITTR0015 C1EAlILY USING A D6CTRE41OR3t OR SAWAND BtlAFOUTELT mvER ALL RooT SURFAd:S, LARG[RTIWI TWO DKTES BI DllelE1ER, YRTHTREE WOUND DRESSBR;. USE PLYWOOD FORMS WHEN TREE ROOTS ARE ADJACENTTO PROPOSED 0]NCRETE PAVENB(I' #RAT WORK. LLDAMKi'ED EDGES OF ASPIIAI.TEIES1Wl BE SAW CUT PRKIR TO PATCHWORK Plana Prepared 6y: CAD PIIePa7A: Becky L, Ward, P.E. o~Au<~oa D~u.mys~vnn Ho~en .+°,.r , Sll Y y ~'~~~`~'~~ = Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. sEAI €~, »~, :,~, :: aBeB ~ aaa^ arr 1m %;.~~;~crNEE?~;e°€ aad~ ac eaE°IBt ra ~° ~'.,, ~ YNNE .~. APPROVED StarmwuerManaBer DATE RECOMMENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT DATE SIGNATURE THE CITY OF RALEIGH w~c wo~ucs ~n~rrr J. F~SELI. ALLEN CITY MANAC`~ER Project No. SM2007-007 IuIAY 200! .~ r~i~ i~q lii~ ~~ ~ MWD ND Oait~!!IE ~~ n ~ 1 !~ n ") Sheet Inde: 1. Title Sheet 2. Bredcen Ridge Storm Drainage Plan 3, Bracken Ridge StomE & Sanitary Sewer Profiles 4. Trai~c CoDtrol Plan 5. Storm Drainage Details 6. Storm Drainage D~ails 7. Miscellaneous Details 8. Miscellaneous Details 9. Sanitary Sewer & Water Details 10. Erosion Control Details GRAPHIC SCALES Publlc Water Distribution 1 Extension Sy}~m The Car d Pdph wnxdsmio oa.eaon me Hhn®n drte a:ya qCk w4r mao x da~wioo u.qn. IM rrar6t ad Caaauammdndruratl IorCro PpM rhN rafam bNa rlaMmB andapeafwfand the Lt~a Puhir U9ronNydaoF. Pu6kDrpauwaPrrticx WIRp'PXOnb CtlNfiq OaU Publlc Sewer Colkdion ! Extensan System n» a<vd oarxbbab mmrcam re.eenrcndme cSryepdinwrva~~albm~nnealuximanplao Tk mrls^al and CaiWudm n~tlnd. uwdfaew ggaaalul mdcnnbYn elaiWrtlradepedratidndMCt/a RAfr Ueara WMboall. anrdR~n P~Ft ileYer DeprMra Prrta P NMWmeanb CaiWlct Dn CHARLES C. Iu~CB~ MAYOR ututt RrsTAUanaES AEp otMFn Plauc fACIU1ES RICU101i0 aDE4GlM5 Alec twEpCaP HASPS AER: TO BE CDFISaBIC>En pE ALL B1PfEt5 AS SPEAF1Ea BY aTl CODE. 1lEBE FAg11E4 NAVE Bml APPN014D BY AE aTY Q FIALEpI AND 91A11 BE 90 RVSTAEID IRIESS A p1AN0E R AUBiOR® BY IRTiEN APPFA)YN. PUBLIC sANRANY SEIaR EASEFBRS ARE 1o F£ RECDImEV FNBOR N FNEAL aunia ~"~ ~RVATpII EilplB:R Plea Vinr.........._. f" =2d xera. erark...__ t"=2B' Yerr. Profile _._.__ 1"°S O N 518tT N0. ~t e~~ lerl LO ~o •pe~ e~e • ~1 A e~e . I~1 0 T~ VAA1,, Vi/ 1~ I A~ VM/~ SRI ~~~ Construction Plans of Proposed Bracken Ridge Avenue Storm Drainage Improvements ~ \? '~ 1I /~ 1r ~ I ,y .' V .'Y \ i~ .'b( i~H 12 ~, TOPe358.JJ 1 /. IN4 our-3a.e •/. •~ ~/ \ ~' '$ ""` \\Q~ 1 .1~i f'~ m3VTT~'~ n ~a i \ \ EX NH tt ~ TOP.35J 18 ~ \ \ \ \ t~11t/ l K"" RM 1 . UN IN~344,0 \ \ \ 21' tW ( \ ~ ~` COIR01RR711a1 ~ ~AV ~\` \\\ ~\ a, ~ ` \ \\ \ ~ d \ \ wsuMe `~ \\\ \ 0A!llA1G rrE•xt.i '~ 1D{ Pe( lM' t7~JS4.2 ~ IN4 1J (IAH 7)~4 tiV OUf=J51.B .~ \ ~ • ~, •~ \\\, ~ /p t i IXISi1NG SANRARY SEAER ~ ~^ ~, UTEfW. (APPRO7(. LOCATION) ~ 1 ~ \ !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r . FR~I 10 ~ 4 'f J' T '"' ` ~~ + \ ,,,,, ,~F ' ~ ~, ~ Ns~eeR ~ o. ~, ~' ~ d ~` iN OUF~T11,! : ~ R, .di, .... \ ~ 4r. sxw \ PH-~ ATTENTION CONTRACTORS The Coneaualiori eonaaerorrespa,stle faire ezlension awes, sewer, aMrareuse, as eppoveo in tiese dens, k respons$lemr 81e POORc WOlkS DQp9fDa18Ntel 1 lJ1Jt10 and s,e P77AIIc utl4des DeP7lrana7ral roror ruruw al least Arenb kui hoar prior to bepirmirpany atlreb waWdron. 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C7 w A~ zo ~ U~ ~~ I~y~WI W sx zA ~~ W Q ~~ os~as-os m- w nlf. oaten ,ate an w lal. oaten yam IMIB . Rahtntd - , . 20' vtlaod - f' • s Y aF N a v~ O N N U ~i ~a 2 C y 01 C 130 D 3 U rr1 o ~ ~ ~/ a O ~~ "~" ~ 6~ ~ ~ sw 5 ~ D ~ ~'~ ~~ ~ ~ U D DD D AVENUE ~ RIDES SQ ~ W ~ ' ~ ~o ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Box DD , ~ ~ b ELKEN BR ~~ ~ ~ DD p ~ ~~~ a E ~ 3 //~~ / > v V ~ ~ ! o R- A d ~ O ~ 9 D ~NNMwi4N~p4 .• . ,~dy Z ~ , i~ \~, ~ti a- is N~ ~i~,c [~ ~' a L (q) nOG~ y~~ 1 v r'k °d 4 s:~ ice, g ~`~~' ~ D ANDREWS CURT 0 O ~~ ~L O ~ ~ D ~ Q ~ ~ ,~ z ~ ~ a ~ DD o ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~s~ 9 v2 ~'~L C^ ~ ,,/ W A 2 WESTBROEK 3 DRIVE Z {,^ A Z O O or-~ 2a5 ~ rs ~ a a >ZO ~~ an a rl man ~-~ ~ RC ~ VA / ~ TRAPTTC C~JIRO_ NmES FQt 1BElycE11 A e ROAD CWSTRUCTD)i AHEAD V ~ L THE CONTRACTQt MIST OiTADi LAZE CLOSURE PERMITS FROI THE ~ ~ & THE Ca1TRACTOft MUST SEND ANOTDCE TO ALL PROPERTY OWIERS AFFECTED iY TIE t~ITTRIICTIOI 3 DAYS PRIOR TD COISTRIICTImI alum NsTNl Aaora N1B o1HFR PUBLIC PMC1JiFS Bl0.tpflC ROAD CLOSED AHEAD IYIBi iR~FC ~-3' MlMNLM-~ a ALL SICtHS USED YDl 1E DI ACCORDANCE VI1H TIE CITY ff RALEIGH Alm NCDOT REGULATDIlIS AS STATED M 11E >BdEF1C, 9oflrwc4 ao ewrpcw ruBPS NE m BE aaatBUCho Cn w. BiPEE15 AS 8Y CI1Y CCBE. niE3E FAOUnES HAVE BEfA ~PPno~a B n RC ROAD CLOSED H VITH TYPE DZ BARRICADE ~' - eC 19En~ ~ STEEL PLATES MAY >E TO DRTCIf AND MORTAR SiRUCTIJRES REOIAAE CURDR3 TOE. TRENCHES OVER PRE-CAST STRUC'tIAES AND PIPE SECTnlIS SHALL HE BACKfnirn r E am a BAIFklI arD auu aE so 1i4tN1ID tBlf3S A CHNIiL S MI1M0~ BY MBTIFH APPRWAL P161k ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RE:oawm P1aart ro Par+wt ~ WITH TYPE DI BARRICADE ~ TO iDIISH GRABS ELEVATIDfI BY THE END ff EACH VaiIC DAY AlAH9PCRTAlIC11 ~RVlCES PUBLIC U11J1NiS CpIffRYAIICN EMBB4ER x10 m N-i ;-i a N Q: V N 3 CD J a C l0 i OB c .~ O III 7 Q U o turens sNn ro Iwous cp1 ~' Ii/IY ti, -~ a I al 5/6" p O.Hs NDTE: ~ E PLANT WITH RUST INHIBRING RLACK PAINT DETAIL OF pbt PUTES fMl I.INpM alYYe GTCH .~ - OPAMNC NDi TO SGIE - JTG ~ 71.12 ~• pp1 Pai ~ nbi P01 Dal 25 1 4" 15 1 4' 1 ~ CATCH BASIN STEEL TOP tar m sa~lE f ---- 5'-!` --~---~L !' SIDE ELEVATION e 1 1 A A 1 PLAN OF CDVER B 1~ T I• x~ Z' 41/a• ~1~~ 1/2• ~11 ~IW 111 2'-~ f 5'-J" SIIECTION A-A ~1 ~1 I~+]I I/~ T Rla ~-15•--~'~ :l SECTION B-B p, TOP VIEW s!/a' ~ -I !/N• -a 1 DETAIL Of HANDLE ~~:~ v.'~ I,•~ SIDE ELEVATION fAY ~ A1B~1 ~~ aswa 7e7EEIAi7~IMeM BGI~I~1 f- ;°1 rENO ELEVATION - ORANtl1G NOT 70 GGLF - em.e 70.11 ~~~ y,' ua[s FcR IV1IXE5 -4E ORM- I I~• 4 ~ DOUBLE WIDTH CATCH BASIN sGYEi taf Rl SCME Tw,w nnB~ NaTEs I) M SIOPE w M CMER i0 1N[ GTCH 6151N 0.Y IM UPMRI IT !/1 ,~Y m 40E SIVll BCQN 10' FROM TIC NE Gi[N BASIN. M nOPE w TK GVTiCIt TO M CA1Cx BN4N ON iK aOMISfRFJM Stl1E. SW1L fi[GN 5' FROM TN[ GICH BISPX. r.r u,Nrax~ 1) STEPS nWL BE NISiNLEO IN w.RxA if No it w. AlL GiCX BISINS OhR !' IH dPIN. 1A m r o ~ aPTx SHLLL w Lr~vwED rRCU ME id w iHC Wi7CR TO iXE nNFAI 5' w 1NE GiCH &SN !j SOllp CONCRETE BR%XS WY BE o unB N XXnxB oR XXBI(iB m¢ ~`H IS• I) NCOw APPRMEp PRCG57 CONCRER BOXES XCwPTXBIE USN[ $TANGWO 5' CNSfNGS ]BBB P.SJ. ~ . CONC. KR' iF o "•• ••• .. .. rwnwrm ... !' •wq ~Y nn STANDARD C.B. STEP J ~! REBNti r e' Lane H'-I e• r e r OPWi ~Ix PJCE rr ~u. ~ N 'NO ~ n' vvu1p0Y p~~.^'f~p C ~ r AwAM r-rw. ~ _ Li ~ DAR e riSN w. uu nsa T"~^1 I~•io 9MU50 IY M. EIMiLw .. ¢t,[q[NI lS} arrow NN aNA.,N15 ~~~~ \ B. of o ~ air ~ Nl~e •: ° •:.:::: ~ S' OAT. • ]pap PSI CONCRETE,., ' - wRAMiNG NOT 70 SDALE - l7A/ it11 A 5' O.M. CATCH BASIN L sarF: Tar ro scx~ PIEGSr CllVr71t5 MAY BE USfD wa11 AFfaovx Br THE CtfY ® .I BAR TYPES All dittnskns are out to out ~ ~ ~ ~` MA TERfALS LE 1. AC1tlGi S~ ~ 83~ 1 ~ A 200 4S B4 Str 5-11 780 7S' A 1 80 N4 1 5-0 267 8.5' A 2 80 i4 1 4-9 234 8a' B I S6 A4 Str 4-7 t71 C 1 26 N4 Str 27-8 48l T<1TAL lit; Cl 'A' conc.] 0.558 cy/1fx28' ~ 15b cy rOTEL A stone drab consbthp of I cubic foot of Na 78M stone contahed h a bap of porous fate'k shall be placed at each weep hde, Veep holes shall be covered an the FAl faa skk elth hardeore cloth of connerclal quality, opproxhntely 1 nosh, of nlunhim or pnlvanlzed stets rMe. SXbdr'aM1 is covered by a layer of subdrah Fha npprepate shall be goced beneath, arrourxl, and over the stone drab so tFat the stone drab Is covered by a layer of subdrnh fkxt apgrepate at teat 1 foot fiLkk A horizontal drab of subdrah fine nppr'epate at least 1 foot square h cross sectlorl shall then be placed to connect all stone drohs. g i/2'H a 5'W BOX CULVERT V srw<Eo Mvr ~o snlE MIEIiY NSTALURpp AED OAIEA PIIBl1C fACII1TE5 e1C11a1i0 910E1A116 AIO HA70aW RAYi4 ARE TO BE C011911NCIE0 011 ALL SOiffiS AS 3PEG*ED BY CRY CODE. A#SE FACAIRES HAVE BEflI APA101ED BY AE CITY Oi RAL8C1 IeD SHALL BE 90175TAlIID lssrE58 A CHAIIOE q AY111011@D BY MaTTEII APPXOVA4 PIIel1C Al ~ EAtEM0115 ARE TO ff RECOIgED PI00R W FelAl 1RN19+QirATiOH ~ w11~rAT1oE1 InceEmT V O~ ~s~~ w '~ s~ ~L`nA,~ ~ ~1"''"~ W ~n~; ~ ~ a~ 0 ~ F~~ ~~~~ ~ r. Mw AH,NNMy„~ B ,9~~ ,...,~dy$y egpr,+~Y4V d~.wL c1ii~ a~ ~~~: . ,~,µ~N B N`~~2` ~~N_ ~~~v w c~ ca ~a ~~ ~~~~ °° ~ ~ °~ z a~ 5A ~~ ~' IrE 11.IYIUIRf 2001 at a a aelre B-n-0 oEdss Bw NI9 Ip. Y OF BI L OF MATERNJ. MATERRL LIST FOR ONE UNR -MARE UNNS 1 C75 % 33.9 CHANNEL 62 1 2' MK-c°1 4 1 8" % 1° H.R. FLAT BAR 3` MK- G1 2 3/6" % 3` H.R. FLAT flAR 10 MK-p61 2 7 2` STAINLESS STEEL ROUND ROD 18` 8 1 2` STAINLESS STEEL HEX NUTS 4 1/2" STAINLESS STEEL FLAT WASHERS T°N.a nxs rg5~ ApkSY[M 1 r r 0 0 y t 0 0 ,_ ° IX PX[ W[ r.~ aws a' am iz Nx ro reuN rro or aw 0 1' o ~'• !Bn Pv[ 0 ~. Y SARCML 5 MRAI[A 1NY 1R1R,, r°°nw rs 1° Lh1EM r sroNO me smxmra 6' lP ro IT' RQP. I1' RrtN if tt[P (1 7 - 1 ~ n nmcs 7) THE SLOP[ d THE GUTTER TO Jf x10 aocEerz ~~ ~ t THE CATCX B/SM Ox THE UPHILL I~ M {W'N Q /AY1~ 1@S ADE BHOLL BECIN 10' fRdA 1Hf THE CATCH fVSBI. THE SLOPE OF Cwt ~®~ ~ U THE Gllii[R 10 THE CATCH BASM ~z BOLO ~~ f arleliL ON iNE OOwNBiRf,41 90E, ' ~ ~~~ R11 A ~ ae eel M SWLLL BCCIN S FROM ~~/ ~ ~~ n®K Mlwll anal. 7HE GTCH &$BL Z) STEPS SIMLL BE INSiAIIED M ALl GTCH BASIh3 WER )• W dPTH. dPEH SXAll BE NEASUAED FAOIN THE id d iXE CUTLER TO THE BAERf d THE ~ a ~~ GTCH &BM. (Mr AEE~R ~~ CATCH - ORAM'INC NO7 70 SCN1F - 77Q~ in17 31 CATCH BASIN CASTINGS sGi~: Ear m scr1F D d(nh) e1'L~ 3' 90' b 6e' {' ~.~~ N k • ~ EANETEe ff L91pElE PSPE a ~, n fn N ~~ ~ C~ASS B ~~ (FIRST CLASS) LIGHTLY COMPACTE- BACKFILL IN b' LIFTS 6' 1!a OVER UNDISTURBED SOIL PIPE 1/6 Bc u CLASS C (ORDINARY BED-ING) DENSCLY L@IPACTCD ~BACKF7LL, TAMPED IN 6' LIFTS ~ UNDISTURBED SLIIL /PIPE ~ ~,; CLASS 2000 LUG. RDM SPRING LINE TO --+P[PE SPRINGLINE 4' ABOVE PIPE. d "~'_~ r , ENO. 67 STDNE CLASS A LARCH ENCASEMENT) a 1 STANDARD BEDDING DETAIIS FOR RC. PIFES V swtF: Mor m snrF BIQiT MIKE SECTB7I ff ~~ There are 26 'c' bars h seetlan Of bowel. 3'x3'-6' Box Culvert Barrel Sectlan for F0.ls Less than l3 feet ., w fV a ~, '~• s N N 3 CL~ Q O i coo C 4~ 7 g U a ~s~~ ~ w ~~ ~~~r; Em~ fB:NERAI NOTES: ~g~n ~ b•R' ilf ~,~~^~ y/aLre r mlawr a rwr ,~ _= FwQ ~yj DNAIffEA ALL CORNEAS i" DR HAVE A RADIUS DF 1". g~Z= •I~i s4 Ug < ~QiL m nrbarllu ~~ it~ ~,~~~ g$ c PLACE P /S "Y" BARB IN THE TDP OF ALl FNDMALL FDA PIPE CULVERTS 4P" ~ ~°~ ~y" Fttnn _..~~ ~ _ a ~ gW s~ ~'r AID OVEN R~ITH A YINIINSI DF 9' COVER At®A LENGTH DF B" LE88 TNAII ~, gW W ~ ~< l $~ is '" ENDMALL LEN01H, gm~ n 3 ~~ I _l ' "~ •~'` .0°ead w.w/ to ~.'t. CONSTAIICT BDTTOY BLAB MI1H FawB. ; ~+ W~ $ ~ ~ ~/ ~ _ L ~ '~ $ ~ pO I ET T 81101M fOp THE iHICIOBiBB ~ •~ i~ ~ NOT NTERPN MALL THICIOff89 () ~.1 •e ACCEPTABLE, 8Uf iB USED IN CDMPUTINO ENDNALL QUANTITIES. "'~ e~ ~F~= PWI ~ _ ~ J,r I._. YNEII T11E CONTRACTOR ELECTS TO USE A CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT THE BDTTDY "~ it 4~ tamer 1 OF THE PIPE, PLACE BAR °X" DONEiB IN THE BASE A9 8HOM11 DN PLANS. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ utoae..Nar n rr+ DONEL W e1 SPACE 8AR8 APPRDXIYATELY ON 1P° CENTERS UNLE88 OTHERMIBE DIRECTED ~" i i~ar • r a ENO ELEYATIpI ~•"X" J p BY THE ENBINEER, ~ 0 a o p7~ F LL p ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ MiEN T1E Ca1TMCT011 ELECTS TO USE A CONSTRUCTION JDIM AT THE BDTfOY g m W ~ ~ ~ ~ S y $ ~ J , ~ ~~ m OF THE PIPE AND POUR THE BASE SEPARATELY LEAVE THE POUR ADUBH. $ J • "~ ~ m¢ ~ I I .I I ~I i I ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ _ ~ USE CLABB "B" CONCRETE. ~ ~ v g i. ~M,; Im~r ~6e. m m r L 00! ' ~ ~ ~ anaRL oarwFrLa "oR}r ~ Bsj m ~ ' ~ 1_I ~ ~ ~ ~ g 8 ~ ~ ~ ELEVenaN ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ a g ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,,""„~~. yi ~^ +a! rra / r0. 898.01 ~ r°" 198.01 0.98.01 898. Q1 p7~1245 ~ CONCRETE ENDWALL FOR SINGLE AND DOUBLE CULVERTS CONCRETE BNDWALL FOR SINGLE AND DOUBLE CULVERTS W 1 saLE: NOT TD scxE ~ s~ NDT To sarE A NOTE+ NO ENCASEMENT REQUIRED FDR y SPACE GREATER THAN 18' H OO e$ a/r to •,rrrt ~~ ~ yW~'~+ m~ Ink I IM. • I• I fA~,~1 a~ h,~ i•q a !-bl < /~ ~'"$ j •r w 0. a aainl rr r>u r ~ ~Li W [~'! w$ ~ T0.:+wlrn ntl1•w,,-r 'rnLr`rKa"" $paJ i= CLASS 'B' CIII'IC 6' PIPE 6' F+NI W $*~ m :, L 1•"' T•w' ~•~ W`LL • FUII TRENCH WIDTH , , ,~f, a I ~ rUFaFy~ob CSEE NOTE 1) ~ V 1 "' J` Iii a z p"' T ~ In a •, ,N0. a :: ~ FM $ i e Ir. / r l-w• `°"` '~ n •r ~~ I P~$~~~ DD -~ P"~MG ~• r.~• b-r, o-Rl MINB ELEYATIDN ~ at 'r, ~N Is r0.. m, w.r w0. oaeaL,mr. ~ r r TAPER oETUL ~~ ~i° e°~a ~ IS' MMAX I y' `• 8' MMAX A i ~ , eAR a7II LFttRI N0.. B0. J 0.-n 0..a r 'r et w • to g ^` ~ •~• : Y'' ~'S ~ b ~ 0.a, 11• Tru rase ~ '1 TILL r 64 k 4'•0.' 4 14 LL p Via: / ''I. ~ ,-w 0.a. r1a rtu ~ •r1 r et n e'•t" 2 m ~ MI ~j$TDVG O ~a •N•w• Xt N a'-r• 10 87 w ICII 0.•r ~ ~ ,~• xQ M r•0. 4 a ~ ~ $ PIPE ~.PIPEIINE I ~ : ; I,a w1 w r•n• • st L rrwrr " ~ L p wen n Yt K r•7" 4 to R° L>r ,r ti :~ i to 0.'•e' 4 to ~ o" , 12' 1' THICK COMPRESSIBLE O y 7• M• t4 4'•e' 4 t 3f a° b.-~ ~ ~ a tt •to 6 47 ~ MD,~ JOINT FILLER MATERIAL ptr. m 0.-r, e n • 1' :l ~ 4 1'4 6'.0.• a t1 8 m g aEV^ rah BECrIaN • Be ~1~ µ r+ r+ r'°• t ° g ~ ~ PROPOSED PIPELINE OVER EXISTING PIPE PROPOSED PIPELINE UNDER EXISTING PIPE ~ ~ rt a •'-10• t r ~pw arcaraa.mtrtao-n•o C F M P i tl a'•/' Y0. e4 0.'•71" t 6~ tL r ~ 0.N° r _j 1 1 I Y• k •t 4 4 = a r<• n w 0.'•11• a to ~ ~ ~ PIPE ENCASEMENT { " : % : a r.r ZQ e4 a'-e" 4 e SCAIE NOT N BCAIE i r : i rrNL. z0. e• 0.'•t^ 4 n• r r•1,' p,1 L~-~ -~ R1E 0.F "N" BARB "N" BARS "Z" BARB x0. art m aar, r ~~ EDr. Rfil ul. 0.a+ Van Hawn aal.ro.t• a. ro! 0..t of ~ 898.21 898.21 URUTY INSTAlLAT10NS AND OT11FR PUBLIC FACNITES IICl1A1e0 OEf1RS BR STaElMllla MO HANDIGP RAWS ARE 10 BE COIt:TAUCIED ON ALL SIRBEI4 AS SfELfTED BY OTT CODE. THESE FAQUIES W1YE BEIII ~ APPROtFa BY RIE QTY 0.P RALEIQI AND SNALL BE SO pSTAl1ID UNLESS A ONAtiPE IS AURNytlIFD BY MRRIEII APPROYAI PiMLIC IB. SAteTARY ~1ER EASflf111S ARE TO BE RECOAOFD PRNMt 10 FeWL AOOeFTAN(L PUBJC U1e1BE9 ~~ ! REINFORCED CONCRETE ENDWALL "TKN sc,LE; Nor TD scwE ~~ ,~~, ~. ~, :~ '~ - r aml a aaraL Tan R°Maim aNUa ru rvc r,rr ltr p ra t rtn LOt DEI. fi• tr M' tr r' u' N• ,1" tr M" r• r• tl • Ir rr 'r 'x' x 5r •r •r r M r •a• Y M •r 'x• •r w •!• r 1 OiY. 1 [ 1 r 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 / / r mT. ! 1 „ e ! e ! e l r 1 mT. 1 ! 0. / 1 4 1 ! i t 1 / • b +m lLw. I I u ,• u • r n n r a r n r amrgr rr mrimt arr1T® ar,l wtN. rl mt 0.o om,amr bra. ! aowt r[0. a R 1 1 T t L p, a L 11• r0.' I a -r Yr 1.T r•N r 1./ rr r•r r.,o• rr IN• w• r-•• 1.! nr r-u ,a x• rr r.,• rr r ,r rr ,.b r•r rt'a IA Rr r0.• rr r-r M" n r•r t.. r.r Mr !.r Ir rr rr r-,• nN ,r i.b rr wr /.1 r r-r r-,• r-,• bN• n ,r.r /.1 .a• wr Lo u• r-r rr r-C 11 Ir-1' /.0 fr M-r •.1 SLOPES FOR VARIABLE SUPER ELEVATION RATE ~~• FOR S7ANDARD 76' HOMDUIFIC PGIDt OF ,AP NAIaN Am >~ ~~ SHEE~t ~ r ~ kxwB • r{ • ~ ~~ 1 ~ DRIVEWAYANDSIDEWALxDETAIL s~ Hor ~ s~ 8' OC 4 ~ TIMBER WALL EXTENSION SGItE HOt <G SCNE ~ olsru+a rAOU &cx a xonrzwrtA. AosAlox ar J CUAO 70 R 7 LN BACK fOGf ~ SBIE1AkN 1aB n. a t[ss na A¢x a cux ~,~.asn ~ff,~,~k~~ Pm' 1BH Em. pwf ~~ mxa ,r, ~B~x.,,>M ,. n», ~~ ~w~ ~~x.1 ~ Vr [mxswA _ian ~,ra~w~x , . ~ ,~~~ r ~_ . . - frAx . omrrv n ,o : cawmclm rxxf SECTION A-a CW t OI11FA OOJI; M Clw k MRR 9Yu 0: PLMMO AYO M OIU.EWJ Slxll R A xf«amlC POW USkS JOro PJt 4A[ x' StWP CWCAnT i R a. - fNN119W kg3AXt vwt fARXO BR rut orFlx a n[ roxtA<ic. 1/r arwmv uwrs,Aac mtrAU skt x waam a xa au nw ~ xrfAas k axxn rowmuaw kaxs •, r xeAxrs uaur ~. - arc a men arc Arws ro tK kuvac a rnf ~xa aAxws wouB c xAwx a ao n. YBBS SMYI ~ p LfASI I/J M SUB 11M%IeSS M anx V J ~ 9a[ Ox WNxW IAfAt ptlq'[x &tlt a (WB f 9riNN SIY1l Bf 1/1'tFA ri x. -CUB RwR ,O H tl59NJr0 kiikp lYAS MOIF- MIM. i se~ w,~ Axfx sawx rs aekrzB rxw Jas rm rA x m d ~ v. - r w. iBlEfx aAnaAnn a rBU¢ra wrs. ~ Ox x G ( a cu x - x0 [pUY0IG2A[Wrt W onrcx xtva SWfILE ,IEVBFNR x wDx e Jo' xx Anacx taarxrs a v+e tot. . ucxxGx n Jxoxx ax AuB xBB xYi B[ n «uoAS K ,~ Ar Na •A~ . AI/rAOI 11~ f~1 N~~ R~ Jt ruxrr rOA caiawou dAnrxrs M' 1YJlkrJ1 IOR Af4rENR4 OWrtd,S A M I~ MI~1' w I~I~WI U Nf N ^ m /w M~ IWAk 2 ~ DRIVEWAYANDSIDEWALxDETAIL scxF: Hor w sc~ BELOW ENDWALL IN CHANNEL ADD LWE GRADED EMBANKMENTS TO ELEV 353 -^~ OF CREEK ISM ~ ~ PRO UNE TCE -. ,.-- t4~ 0`3 ~_~ x~(7 i 1 ' I 11 3oA ~` [[,~S__ 1 p'W \I i} 11 ,' 30' ~ 1 ~ t~, 111 IIi ENDWALL DETAII. 5 ~ ,.. ,~ . --- i i v~ r V! /~• U r l ' ,~ o Tf;E~ pl ~. ~V ~~~~ ~ 1~ GN YIOYIE POIRS. DOrb7RUCIpN JDIHS 2 1/!' E109YLSIpY JONt EIERV DD: d TODD Psi CONCgEIE AMMM, 4' SLLYP ANkMMt 4. UDUq 6l19tME CIAIfIG SITYl IEEt <HE R!gN1E1fN75 a SECIgN iQ~O-1 OF IN,LO! ~t~! SPECf101tpHS fWt VOIDS A1D A ALL ODMSINU69O! JDNIS SIWL ~ fN1ED i >fllH xlLtH' fRtER AtD SEY.tR N ADDDBOINCE RDf AC'DO! ItO10111Y SiNtMRD O'.bW. dM.01. CURB AND GUTTER 6• ' OJ b• I. ~'~ .... . 1. 70' CURB A GUTfEA w Bl A 15 P.30' S 5~ E~`'-.M u ~ ,• .or ~OAk•JH' / n. >a~ ,~w of 2. 30' ROLLED TYPE GUTTER lumk =-JI~J -~ m W 1 '~ • ~ 1 I M~---IB~4~~ AO 3. 3G' VALLEY ttPC GOITER CURB AND GUTTERS scN,E: Hoc m scyE ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCH n7-32~?5 IIMOR NML ! ~1lp pA NAAWt mK Na1pRY A YIa1l9 >w QA'. L VE 11ER11 Nplt IIVa11l aIYL R al0all® !N NANNF Ia160.1 Ma IXYNfA®W A ~Y a R IAA Atli a al-gaaao p Cti1NIC9Np A arras a D1F ntaw. N ARgpYC! N!1 AaMo Fp A610.aN16 p At>'AR 1~pAA~ MYII A0'E aM~ ~AaR Mga0. aalaallf M[ of °wo~l Wt R -APilpm p tR oarRn. a a[ eRlt ~ ®oE a ur ar aau R Naas 0. lla aar ~ a allam. aNN 64A1 aNt R 164N{l0; NR N MO Oa! awt M Aanat R uas atw r tTN% 0. IflBA ~ McIR a06a0. aau R Naatm Na aoMttcao vaaalatr A AfAa1[ A aamA U k ~~ a ~~ ALB O a~ s~ y~ .~ s~ ~ ~ w~~~ b ~; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~a o ~ a~~~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ M~ rMrMAxArNN4 ~~. ,,...,~yy~4 =~~ S`~.J}u1' Y Z~=~ "'~ a.'7 yz. i W i/i_ ~j:v . %rch•°tl ~~ ~c ``~A'' .0~?~~ro ~'kynni AAfr ~~ ~~ ~a ~~ r asz ~a a~ ~A ~~ ~~ I$ 2e dAMWt! 2007 m a aa. scam Adl-0 a ~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCH V SGiIE NDT i0 SCAE ~~ unm MsrKU>IDta A10 O1XFR PUBIIC FAOIIIES Na1AaID spErauia A!p HAt01CM NAYPS AIE m ff O!lIS1AICtEO OI ALL "~ DETANS BR smt~rs As s~7aFlm er an caDE. ntsE rAaunES HAVE t~ APPIIDN:D BY 1IE Ott' of RALFiQi Alo 9iAll ~ ~ IgtALLFD 1114E44 A QiAWE IS A NIS VMO® BY fllATifli APfNOVAL PI~IIC BAMTARY 9ENFA EASE1ENiS APE 1G S RECOIIDtD PAIDR lt) f~iAL AocEPtAHa. ~ 1WWlPGNTAAOH SERNCES PIB1C U11J1ES a~nstAVAna EHarrEErl 7aN NDTEI ATTACH PDST TD RADJ20AD TIES / r // .~ f r a N it n s N tip 3 m J i C OJ R7 O .Q +~ As sa~H a PLAHs 24' 1 ~ RIP RAP DETAIL fsaar•-Nor ro sont L RIP RAP T1P. HDTH sWCS DF aw*a 2 HISTAIL ~ RAP HELDV NAIUtAL ELEVATHHIS ff CHANEL AS SI•DYl1 a PLANS Qt AS DH7ECTEO HY TIE ENGHEEII REACTDIN >B:ARING AREAS FOR HORI20NTAL VATER PIPE BENDS HASED a rat PRETSUE OF too PSZ NLMW MN RG QR~ ~~ ~,~T 'q~~ ~~ f~~ ,~ , J U VI 17731 3 9 V 3 3 S HI t ffi 8S,30H 9 NI 5 ~ 9 86 4 43' 69 3S 9 9 0 A 7 90' 1t7, 3e n u lb 3t ~ 13 PLUfi ~ 0' LL V4 17709 7 l4 I7 1 1 7 t 3 ffi U 31 7 U H6 6 '~ HS w 4 1/ 109 u 9a He e9 111,37e 36 ri e is is 96 IIt a V VI° 99,911 10 80 t1 9 S ~ 10 1 ~ >9 eo w IH a to ea 31 e IS° 9r 39 90° >P N4 171 36 36 tHH PLUG 3l ffi 48' LL V{ 70,93! 19 36 {8 9 9 >B ri t ffi 111RIB 36 ri to U NI 36 f1E is a" tnAO7 7o q9 166 3, 3, 70 m tH 90° 1t1,7K It! Eli 3B0 N 61 1!H 31E Ot PLUG 3ib9f1 91 l9l 117 16 9l 1010101 OAIq AIMi X 71010[ PAI IOINO N ~ NIIOI !IN[ ^ M 11001 OlL tl M NOI O 1o D A[ BIIOI CITY ff RALEI P UC GH "°` ~ r - w a wu ra lnrat n1 ""'OY *'~"' ""a THRUS QUANTI BL CK1NG DESIGN TY TABLE V-11 2 ~ THRUST BLOCKING DESIGN QUANTITY TABLE srxt: Nor TD scxe m s oE1tATAHEO Hr elalmt ~ ~ ~ ~c aRAwa iY SIIEWSJ IiH~C ! i/tNC OOE7191a1 ENOHEER ~ ;4'1Q~" FIAT PDDTEIRI~ROaf9 ~~ e~ PLAN FOR EIEVA71O1 3 STEP POOL DETAII. ~: Iar ro s~ U QI ~. d a~ a .~ _~ t:r" U m~O b°~ s~ ~ ~~~< ~p~; ~~~ 0:4,2 }~~ pp~~ 1~- .~.4~il,iiy.,_ ,~ '.H'.4 °S': dJW2 :W~ ~(i ~y, ,z °a,'N w.... ~~y,.. ~64nun Bma`'. ° W ~+ Q ~i zoo ~a U~ M I+IMI rh W ~ Z S A~ A ~0 AIEI 21 dAIAWO' 20D7 an a 1w arrlo Fano s ELEVATTINS: T . 3D&D z . u7.a 3 ~ 357.D -O" STANCE iTifEQI nsucn>REs FRl AREA BETMttT1 51RUCTIRES M1H CLASS I RP RAP R PA80C 6ELDW 7f1UC1lRiE No. 3 FDR A DISTANCE DF 17 07-1205 B~ ~ aAe1 a a1a1E POR HtA11CRHH9. HipE AID ~ ~ ~ ~ nor 9aR a 11E DoNIRACr uHr PRHE P@I tON ' I ~ HRHC raR oaotaR onaRa" aAS a amNOEe~"irt a"~'i%°i~iarrOAiRet~°Nix Per "ta ~ ~hW A IIOVIY t>F 1 P70r A101E NOfHNL TDP ~ BAlK B~ ~ sTREN, I 1 If ~ 3' MAK SEDIMFM S1 SIRUCTURAI STONE R~ ~>~ DTLRT NSTAl1.ATRHl3 AIO DTNER PUBl1C fAa111E5 p0.t1G010 sH7s19LNS AIO HANpGP RAYPS ARE ro eE COIISInIC1FD a ALL OEDRS BR 91R7ER AS SPl3~ HY CITY CODE hESE FAal11ES HAVE BEFII APRIONID 9Y T1E an a RAIEWil AID 3NALL ff x NSTAIIlD NTS ulttss A aIw11E a Aunlm~ eY 1artTO~ APPROVAL PIHHJC HAItTARY SE7ER EASE1E711S AAE 10 BE REOpCFD PRIOR TD FHIAL ACCFI+TANCE ~ TRAN9PptTATia 4RRCE9 aullc unuREs Ca15fRVAT10N fl160EER 6 ~,~,~~ 8 X10 TOP QF BANK 1'-6° MN. t~ ~J g' ~ ROCK SILT SCREEN (J T SCALE NOT 10 SCALE 17 HClIE: T" • a ~~ •~ ~~ C n a l!I +Ni n O ~o 3 m J 0 C T c y d7 3 I`0 'C7 U . ~~D.~.4~ .~ ° ' ~~.. D.~.4.°' n A ~. 'Q' ~' •' A l .'4~.~ ~ Q. ~' o. QERMIT,~, o , ~o. ao ;ao. as ~ ~ Q;, •'A ~R o , ~ F ~~ ~~ P 6 p 2 -0' ~ ~~ ~ 3000 P.S3. CONCRETE T YP. ~,v ,, 1 ~ P,Q ~ v ENCASEMENT ~ ,.. . ADJUST FLUSH PLAN STANDARD MANHOLE (NCV ASHPHALT~ /FRAME AND COVER d'. ~ XISL A.B.C. STANDARD MANHOLE COMPACTE- BACKFILL TD1AL CHIMNEY NOT TD E%CEED I SECTION PRECAST CCINCRETE SPACER (DONUT RINGS) 1N TRAFFIC AREAS ONLY, DONUT RINGS NOT ALCOVED ]N EASEMENTS, CITY OF RALEIGH iGTEr C171RiETE COLLAR SHALL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES EXIEIID f' BF1.OY TOP ff PRECAST COTE STANDARD MANHOLE FRAAff AND COVER DETAIL WITHIN PAVED SURFACES PLAN SLIP RESISTANT CLEAT O O IB~ ELEVATION a• 5' SIDE ELEVATIDN q3 OR 74 REBAR CORROSIDN RESISTANT MATERIAL RUBBER, PLASTIC CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC UTIL]TIES SECTION A - A STANDARD SLIP RESISTAD MANHOLE STEP DETAIL S-~9 YCI A I?-4T~ 'Rf- f STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER ~ suLE; Nor ro scxE ~~ F BACKFILL '(~~ //y // Y~/~DISTURHE- SOIL l zFA INITIAL ~ ~I' BACKFILL 6' p67 STONE VhEN ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED MINIMUM SIDE CLEARANCE MA%IMUM SIDE CLEARANCE NOIEA L aaef ~tlu Af> w~iA b~iodl~p, dnerMau 7hsH b tala7l Prar tht z Xs I"ada ar 6ouldvs 4' a krgr eo be AOfd ti kltlal fradNPEI, 3 Au badAPAI 7Ntf/'le] 111x0 be sAlh4ta Malts nltarial, {. Bad4FAl shall ba te.Mpad M7 6' UPts h iraPPk Wes, O?' N non-travrlc ones, S ~ w capoctlon In ron-b"affk anus, ad 9S: rnputlon In 6 TP h aaran/rrL 4A saA, and CITY Of RALEIGH ~ ~L°0n nlaCt ~~ nAtF/r7 DEPARThFNi CIF PUBLIC UTILITIES 7. No bauldar's B' ti danrkr or rRfKN BOIr~1 pINENSIOns B 7ACKruunc Q7"gltr aRoaad h FMaI RCRUIRENENTS FOR WCTiIC IRn1 ANU REIKORCCD CMICRETC PIP[. :1 1-671 RRH S-4 ,-3 a;r-- TRENCH BOTTOM DIMENSIONS & BACKFILLING SCALE; Nor m BcrE 5-28 '~^^ rau-u STANDARD SLIP RESLSTANT MANHOLE STEP ~• srxE: Nor m saiE uTD.RYxoTEs 1. UfII1TfER ARE SHOWN ON THEPLANS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THE CITY SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONS®LE FORTHH ACCURACY OF UTEATYLOCATIONS, 3IY85, DEP7HS, OR FOR LtlbH1.EF iE2rESS OF UTII.CI'Y HFORMATION. 2 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCRON THB CONTRACTOR SEIIAIJ. NOTA'Y ALL UTH.TTY OWNER.R WH09H FACEITffiS WD.L BRAFFECI'®TO DHIffitMAIE UfILRy LOCATIONS, 1TT8 CONIRAC[OR SHALL PROTECT ALL URLIRH3 FROM DAMAQE CAUSED BY H6 OPffiLATIONS OR THO SE OF HIS AOffiiTS. THE CONTRACfOR SHALT,HOLD THE CRYHARMLESS FORAPIYTTIDtAPARTY BdCONVFNBIlJCE CAHATBD BY WORKOP HLSOWN FORCPS ORTHAT OFHIS AQENTS. 3. ASNEEDHD.THBCONTRACTORSHAIL ADNSTBFT,OCATH THESTORM SEWBEL SANRARY 9EWH2 AND WA'IffitLINFS ONLY. OTHER ADIUSTSffi4'fSIRID.OCATTONS WE.LBE PIDWORSE/D BY T'HH VARIOUS UIILRYOWNHILS. THE C'ONTRACIOR CNAIT COORDINATE WORK WITH 1HTLTfYOWNffiL430 AS NOT TO ADVERS~,YAFFECC TNEPAOJECT SCHEDULE. TIIN CRY wH.L NOT HEHH.DAESPoNSIBLEIORANY DELAYS OR DL4LUPTION9IN THB SCI1EDtR.E DUH TO THE WORK OF OTHHR UTILRY 0 WNERS. 4. CONTRACTOR STTALL CONIACTNC ONECAU, FOR V1Il,TfYLDCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUC170N. CONTRACTOR SHALLffiRERPONSIDLEFOR HAVING ALL UPIDEAOAOUND TTIILITEIS 54ART®PRIOR TO CONSIRUCRON. 5. OROANI7AIIONS THAT MAYOWN FACO.TTIBR TTECOTIEIHOLT THISPROfECI ARB; BPLLSOUTH TEI,BPFiONE PSNC ENERGY PROORERS ENERGY CRY OF AALffiOH PUBLIC UTTLRH3 DBPARTtN>LNf TB.ffi WARNER CABLE 6, ALL OAS LATER WHZ BEADTUSTED/REI,OCATEU BY PSNC EIitfltOY. AREPRHffi2TTATIVE OF PSNC ENEILOY MUST BE PRE98Nf 1ITSf PRIOR TO ANDDURINO ANYCONSTAUCRONNEAR EKISTINO OAS LRVES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACC PSNCENEROY AT LEASTTWO WEEICSBEFORE CONSRTUCRON AND ARPPRESENTATIVE OF PSNC HNHtOY SHOULD BE INVRED70 A7[BND THEYRE-CONSTRUCLKM'MEETINO. 7. THE C[TY OF RALffiOHPUBL[C WORKS DBPAR7MNNT SHALL EENOTA4+D PRIOR TO THE HEOBAIIN(I DF WATER ANDIOR SANITARY SEW®i WORK B. WHERE SANRARY SEWER AND WATER LIIJES ARE PNCDUNTHtED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL U~; CARH IN WORKING AROUND ORNBAR 1}ffirT. ff AN EMSTINO WATIDt OR SEWERLWE fS DAMAO!?0,'TELE CONTRACTOR SHALL A~4ffiDIATO.Y RPPLACETFIE SHWBR OR WATER LINE WRH CLAS3350-DllC1TLEElONPNH THE CONTRACTOR SHAll.ENCASE wATEROR SHWER LINE4IN CONCRETE WHIN DRAAUOE PE'BSCOMES WITE~T 24" HORIIANTALLY OR 12" VBRTICALLYAS AEQUIREDBY 1T$ CRY OFRALHOHPUBLIC VfE,TI'p;3 ORNOTFD ONTHE PLANS. ALL WATER VALVES, WATER METERBOIOrS AND WATER VAULTS IN THB CONSTRUC!]ONAREA ARE TD BE ADNS'IIiD TOTHE FA'LRHHD 6RADEBY THECONTRACIOR. 9. WATERAND SEWER LA783 ARE TO REMAIN ACfIVEDURINO CONSTRUCRON. IF NOT P09SIg1.E, THEN CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW CRY VITWTY POL[CIE4, PROCEDURES, STANDARDS AND SPECATCATK)N5. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT "DOOHOUSE"MANHOLEON VCY PIPE. CONTRACTOR MUST MAKER CLEAN CUTIN Tf1ELINH AND CONNECT TO PROPOSED MANf10LE. uTIIdTY NoTEs V 9CAL8 NOT m SCALE NCY XNaIOLES USC AN APPAOV[0 BIiUNIN[AS BASC SEALANT 1MA1 SHALL IX APPIIE- Tn IIR iIX' IX INE CNa SEC110N in PRpVIpC A YAIER i1CHt SCAL. _ ~ECCENTRI[ NN CLN[ NAY C USED ON 8' , ID' AND 1.. lY SEVER NUNS 1 NAMInLC CLII[ A40 BARREL SE[i][NS S1WL K AS RR .' j ASIN S1ANplADS n 'O' RING SEAL OR RAM-NECK 4' 1 ~~ UHBER BOOT uEONa mart 7naT. for _<~_R UaM alw NRI 7IAF q G `~ IlL MIRI R01 A![ . 1111K NI 1618It~ 1{Apl '4<. 6, 0 7!710 M Yalr A R M L 7 a Bl~wa~~ 7osoOiaiAO` 9' M~7iR710a I~MI i 0 A ~ YEN A~r>~~~~N \ 11MR M iCYat 71111 t /IaaO aaa~i 71/7R~ SEC SEY4A -ESIfw SE[i1M UIUTY NISTAWATRRI9 AND 01HER PUBLIC FAMES BICLIARNi S>IEBALKS AND HANOM;M RASpS ARE m BE CON9TRUCIEO ON ALL S11EE7S A9 SPECFIFL BY CRY 000E nE~ FACARE9 NA1E BFEII APPP±DSED Br THE CITT ff RALETQI ANO 'ilAil tE 90 RISTALLED UNLESS A I,ILAHCE L7 AUTLIORIhT1 BY THTIEEI APPROVAL PUBLIC ~ EASra+TS ARE ro ee ATCORDEO PRN1R m FMAL 1RAN9PptTATN711 9FRNCE9 OOIIB:RVAi1011 ENCAIEEA d C"i .~ ~~ E[Vy71 Irll '1, ray M 0 ~BI ~~ ~{0 o'b'i N ~~~~ ~~~< ~n~; ~~ ~~~ CF'~= F~~ ao ,,,\~RA.mNy~.~~d~i :. ~' ~' .,I,w~NBN"~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ A~ ~Q ~~ ~~ ~ 2B A4rIlYRT 2007 ~ Van Howl1 IEIE DETABS 6d E NI9 9 „10 SCE LJf,R STANBARD 5-BS FOR MAMA[ FRANC ANp i u• NAx c~a 4'"' 1P• u D., e SECTION A- I p ~ NiN. 9' CRIPAtiC- t6] SipVE JI MSC 10 BE IMTN.LEO WpCR KV MAWAIL. 7N 101-1RAFf IC AREAS, i~ 6 rasa AN- cpvER SHALL BE 1NStALLCO A MIN Of I' ABOVC rwlssn rRaim suArACE. CITY OF RALCIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES STANDARD PRECAST SANITARY SEVER MANHOLE 1 I $ RD RRH 3-30-00 nee 3 STANDARD PRECAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE sCxE: NoT m sCxE dlINST C41AR 3EE v-Te TNRU v-tL ~{~ ~ ~ STRAP STRM OOVN SpyN .' * CONCRETE T11BRT !LOCI( i t. AT ALL 49° >k1~S : A. ~•r ;i~! SEE V-10 AND V-11. 9' ,~A ' ABD NSBA-LUG RETAREA ft117015 TIMAiWT AssElaLr. rtnn E?canacucNrc N ~yZy ~A A .~. t7 s r m Z tl ASPREAO FLIER T7EN ABO IA17iFB1 TTP~ ~T/{A 111FADE'8 1 ~ ~ ~~ °; Y S~ ff N9 Eia STA1tC 11lRIST OI POIRmS N6 ff RODS RERUBED 6r 1,9PA ~ M 4 4 GE1fIGL NBTEA L STEEL ROBS ANp 80LTS E17Y1 )E 3/4' NOT 00'PEB WLVANGE& E CONCIEIE 9LVl. NOT CONTACT 20.TS ff ENBS ff MECHANICAL AOIT ENDA 3 MOOkiV6S m E useR AT ALL FiTTORS, 4. MUST 115E DIICTAE Rlal ETE IOLTS VNQE NECESSARY, S Sa®NTB: OE.Y. ACTUAL RNR vil i uaFR 91nB1 sEYEre PlmvmE RY MRO01 a8iW7N1,E >IErvTST7 R60CigEB VATTAI.RE Ala MEV 9toB1 7EV01 LRE ~ STANDARD VERTICAL BEND 9(1118 NOT m SCALE wacz vNnoaw~ ~aoN '-+~tva ia~ts it3oavH ts~w uc ... , . ~ g.~.`.~ ~ I s~ao* mend ~~va do up ,~, .;~; t ~ -~ ,s e9s9-ore ~aie; x~~ ~.e ~ '~wi~ ~-o~ a~ ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~tfft m= _ ~.~ ,e3s~s _ ~~Oyy •H sr.~~~anoxainu a~~ur~xa ~xoss ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ •~•d ~saaaui~u~ ~ui~insu o~ pae~ ~ N••• ~ '~A~d ~'~Q I2i rT~?I~~2IS ~S `2IQ 11i~ A~'H i~I~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ J V ~ ~ F ~ ~~• ~~ ~~ ~: y 3' y ~ b~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i ~~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~i ~ K Y~q~ R R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, » ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~w ~~ !s ~ ~ it~ ~ ~~ ! ~ f ~ R _~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~Q9 8 • !F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j 3 / ~ [~ E+ ~T~ R ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ t ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ w •~r~'~~l~t~~~ t ~ ilif ~ ~ ~ ~ r R CCyyss $ ~ F~~Q~ i ~LLL W 's.. ~S~'f:~ i p~~ F• ~ ` ~V ~ ~~ yz6y ~ i~ isisi \ ~ •~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f Q ff~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~~ ~ =~ ~ ~';;~ ,dtj an a iwe~e A ~ ~ ~s: ~'. •i ~4.~ s ROI~MLL~rRlNIIOeR ~ ~~ U sic~.~ as M m .~ ~ S ~~ ~ ~ ~ s Y v. a ~ s ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~` Ti ° ~ R f '~ 'Z 6 " ~ ~ i~ ~ ie ~~~ ~ ~~ .~ ~~~ ..`~ ~ ~~ ~T ~~ ~ ~ ~~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 1 ~ 111 II I ~ 1 i ~~ ~ a ~ ~ d 'a~ ~ 8 ~r$ ~ ~ . ~° LS c~$ ~ '$ ~ ~ ~ ,R. ~ ~~ '~ U W ~ ~ ~ ~ Q .PgPP~ ~g~~ ~ ~~ ~ $~ ~ Q N ~ ~ ~ R ~ M ~ ~ .~ , ~~. y ~. ~ y 'p ~.~'~'8s (~ `~ ~ ~ Rs a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sb ~~ .. d , ~ ~ ~ s ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 14 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q: ~ ~ ~~E ~~~ ~~ ' ~ ...w ~ gy~py((~ ~ M ~ % < G C ~ • ~ ~ 9~ ~ . ~ ~.^~ ~ ~ !S ~N H ••~ g i1~p7W~pq S r 888 ~ 1t ~ ~ ~ y o ~ Ri ~ i 6 ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ U ~ .. ~ ~ SID ~ , ~ 4,9 I ~ dd ~ ~ ~ SS M ~ , ~5 p o ~i ~ ~ r ' Q 3 ~ ~ .9 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s E6 6 ~ ~i d f ~ i O , ~ r j$~ ~~7T ~ ~VV 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~jsf '~ ~pp~ yiJy~ J~ '~ jyi~ ga~ ~ ~ ~~~ .~ ~ 'QS 8 app .-i fV ~+i < N ~~~ .G l~ ~ ~ 00 T z ~ ~ waw~ ISM {-1 F N tl F V Q~ t" O~ i VJ s N +~ VI N ~ f ~ ~~~~ '~ ~ C ~ ~ L1ff ~ x ~F ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^' °FE~ ~ ° ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~z~~~ '.` ~ tl~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ !~ ~ ~ y ~ ~g~5 ~g~o ~ ~~! -.~ e~ ~~ ~, ~~ W~ ~ o~ ~~ ~~~ ~o ~~ 7s ~~~ ~a~~~~~ •~ E N . ~~~~~~~~~~ V~ ~3~ ~~a~~~=~~ ~~~ ~ WW U ~ = ~ U 5 8~ = ~~g~~°~~~ ~~~ ~E~ P O ~~3r'F~`~~~f w N tai Y N ~~ ~H~~~~~~ ~ ~G 1~ m P z ~ ii~~" R ~ ` E"~ O _! ~ i Vl ~+ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ O ~ ~ O U '~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ' ~' LB~i'Z~i'Wd LO~OT~~ LOOZ/ZZ/9'6MP?19 SIIt/13a1uaneH ue~~s6wnne~a pe~o~ny~:~