HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC191538_NOT Closeout Documents_20211005Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources County: Franklin Project: Louisburg High School Athletic Stadium Person financially responsible: Franklin County ATTN: Jamie Holtzman Address: 113 Market Street, Louisburg, NC 27549 1. Project location: Allen Lane Pictures: No: ❑x Yes: ❑ Video: ❑ Digital: ❑ 2. Weather and soil conditions: wet, sunny, workable 3.a. Has NCGO1 Certificate of Coverage been issued at time of inspection? Yes: ❑x 3.b. NCGO1 Certificate of Coverage on site? Yes: ❑ No: ❑x Not Applicable: ❑ 4. Is site currently under notice of violation? Yes: ❑ No: ❑x River basin: Tar -Pamlico Project # FRANK-2019-019 Case # First inspection: Yes: ❑ No: ❑X No: ❑ 5. Is the site in compliance with S.P.C.A. and rules? Yes: ❑x No: ❑ If no, check violations below. 6. Violations: ❑ a. No approved plan, G.S. 113A-57 (4) and 15A N.C.A.0 413.0107(c) ❑ ❑ b. Failure to follow approved plan, G.S. 113A-57(5) ❑ g. Inadequate buffer zone, G.S. 113A-57(1) h. Graded slopes and fills too steep, ❑ c. Failure to submit revised plan, G.S. 113A-54.1(b) and G.S. 113A-57(2) or 15A N.C.A.C. 4B.0124(e) 15A N.C.A.C. 413.0118(a) ❑ i. Unprotected exposed slopes, G.S. 113A-57(2) ❑ d. Failure to provide adequate groundcover, G.S. 113A-57(3) and ❑ j. Failure to install and maintain measures, 15A N.C.A.C. 4B.0107(b) 15A N.C.A.C. 413.0113 ❑ e. Insufficient measures to retain sediment on site, G.S. 113A-57(3) ❑ ❑ f. Failure to take measures to protect property, 15N.C.A.C. 413.0105 k. Failure to self -inspect G.S. 113A-54.1(e) and 15A N.C.A.C. 413.0131 ❑ 1. Other (describe) 7. Is the site in compliance with NPDES Permit NCG 010000? Yes: 0 No: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑ If no, check violations below. ❑ m. Discharge without a permit, G.S. 143-215.1(a) and ❑ r. Failure to install and maintain BMP's, 15A N.C.A.C. 02H .0126 NCG 010000 Part II, G.2-3 ❑ n. Failure to develop or adhere to approved plan, ❑ s. Failure to dewater sediment basin from surface, NCG 010000, Part I NCG 010000, Part II, B.8 or GA ❑ o. Failure to manage construction site pollutants, NCG 010000 Part II, ❑ ❑ p. Failure to provide ground stabilization, NCG 010000 Part II, E I. Bypass of storrawater control facilities, NCG 010000, Part II, G.5-6 ❑ q. Failure to meet self -inspection, reporting and record -keeping ❑ u. Other (describe) requirements, NCG 010000, Part III 8. Site out of compliance with NOV deadline? Yes: ❑ No: ❑ Not Applicable: ❑x 9. Has sedimentation damage occurred since last inspection or at 11 inspection? Yes: ❑ If yes, where? (check all that apply) No: ❑x Lake/natural watercourse on the tract: ❑ Lake/natural watercourse off the tract: ❑ Other property: ❑ Description: Stormwater Discharge Outfall with sediment loss: Degree of damage: slight: ❑ moderate : ❑ severe: ❑ 10. Contact made with (name): No One Title: Inspection report given: ❑ or sent: ❑x to person financially responsible. Date given/sent: September 10, 2021 11. Corrective actions needed: Permanent ground cover has been established. The permit will be closed under the condition that the remaining silt fencing and tree protection fencing be removed. Report by: Natalie Norberg Others present: Date of inspection: September 10, 2021 Time arriving on site: 8:50 Time leaving site: 9:00 cc: Page 1 of 2 Revised 06222020 County: Franklin 12. Comments: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Project: Louisburg High School Athletic Stadium Project # FRANK-2019-019 Check only one box, ii closing out project. ❑ Permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion has been established. No additional self -inspection or monitoring is required. Project is released and coverage under the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activities is terminated. ❑x Permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion has been established. No additional self -inspection or monitoring is required and the project is released under the SPCA. If this project has a Certificate of Coverage (COC) under the NCGO1 permit, then complete the electronic Notice of Intent (eNOT) form at deq.nc.gov/NCGO1. Report by: Natalie Norberg Date of inspection: September 10, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Revised 06222020