HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061241 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20100708D6 -�z�J Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project Contract #: County: Cataloging Unit: Monitoring Firm POC Prepared For: D05016 -3 Iredell Catawba 03050101 Mid - Atlantic Mitigation, LLC Christine Cook (704) 782 -4133 x 101 EEP Project Manager, Guy Pearce Year 4 Monitoring Report - July 2010 M i d- A t l a n t i c ai C Q A l O 11 L 1. r RECEIVLZU JUL 0 8 2010 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAIr TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT ABSTRACT 1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1 2.1 LOCATION AND SETTING 1 2.2 STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES 1 Figure 1: Project Location and Drainage Map - 3.0 PROJECT CONDITON AND MONITORING RESULTS 5 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT 5 3.1.1 Soil Data 5 3.1.2 Vegetative Problem Areas 5 3.1.3 Stem Counts 5 3.1.4 Vegetation Assessment Summary 6 3.2 WETLAND ASSESSMENT 7 11 3.2.1 Wetland Criteria Attainment 7 3.2.2 Photo Reference Points 9 4.0 SITE SUCCESS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY 9 TABLES Table I. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives 3 Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History 3 Table III. Project Contacts 4 Table IV. Project Background 4 Table V. Preliminary Soil Data 5 Table VI. Stems Counts 6 Table VII. Success Criteria Attainment 8 Table VIII. Wetland Criteria Attainment 8 Table IX. Percent of Growing Season by Year 8 Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project i Monitoring Year 4 of 5 APPENDICES APPENDIX A. Vegetation Data and Photo Log APPENDIX B. Ground and Surface Water Data APPENDIX C. Monitoring Plan View Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project i1 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT On behalf of the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), Mid - Atlantic Mitigation, LLC (MAM) with technical assistance from Environmental Services, Inc (ESI) restored 4 2 acres of riverine wetlands, enhanced 2.2 acres, and an additional 8 26 acres of enhancement and preservation areas not included in the WMU calculation are present on site Grading of the Reeds Creek Site was completed December 2006 Planting and seeding of the site were completed in January 2007 Overall, the project will restore, enhance, and/or preserve approximately 14.66 acres of forested and emergent wetlands and upland buffer, of which 5 3 will be provided as riverine wetland mitigation units (WMUs) to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). The goals and objectives of the Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project (Reeds Project) are to restore the hydrologic functions, the native vegetation of the degraded and drained wetlands, flood retention and water quality functions within the Reeds Creek watershed of the Catawba River Basin (HUC 0305010 1) Existing berms and spoil piles adjacent to Reeds Creek were graded down to a more natural elevation and the other existing fill areas were removed Native woody vegetation has been established in this area Jurisdictional wetlands were preserved in the semi - permanently impounded area associated with Lake Norman Jurisdictional wetlands were enhanced and/or restored in the area south of Reeds Creek 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION AND SETTING The Reeds Project is a 14 66 -acre tract located southwest of Mooresville, Iredell County, North Carolina off of U S Highway 21, approximately 1 3 miles northeast of the U S Highway 21 and Interstate 77 intersection (see Figure 1) The project site is located in the Catawba River Watershed (USGS 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit 03050101, and NCDWQ River Basin 03- 08 -32) NCDWQ has assigned Reeds Creek within the project site the Stream Index Number (SIN) of 11- 104(2) The site is immediately adjacent to Lake Norman and is characterized by a variable floodplain associated with Reeds Creek The site is currently owned by MAM with the Conservation Easement being held by the State of North Carolina 2.2 STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES The goals and objectives of the Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project are to restore the hydrologic functions, the native vegetation of the degraded and drained wetlands, flood retention and water quality functions within the Reeds Creek watershed of the Catawba River Basin (HUC 03050101). A Project Location Map is provided in Figure 1 Existing berms and spoil piles adjacent to Reeds Creek were graded down to a more natural elevation and the other existing fill areas were removed. The material was graded Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 1 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 to the surrounding landscape to provide microtopographic complexity and woody planting zones. These areas where the topography was enhanced will create diverse habitats instead of the monotypical, flat lake fringe area that previously existed. Surface hydrology will be reintroduced to the restoration areas via more frequent overbank flooding from Reeds Creek Native woody vegetation has been established in this area. Jurisdictional wetlands were preserved in the semi- permanently impounded area associated with Lake Norman. Jurisdictional wetlands were enhanced and/or restored in the area south of Reeds Creek Minor grading, adjacent to the wettest areas, was done to expand the wetland hydrology and create microtopography within the contiguous floodplain and wetland area - The riparian wetland and buffer vegetation community will transition as the system seeks its hydrologic and vegetative equilibrium Sediments on site were initially unconsolidated and mucky with saturation due to Lake Norman water level fluctuations While water level fluctuations are still anticipated, the areas and duration of inundation can only be determined through post - construction observation and monitoring It was anticipated that settling and subsidence would occur throughout the initial growing season, first through evaporation and then through transpiration as the herbaceous cover (seeded and natural propagation) established Areas that were not saturated/ponded (i e fringe areas and/or microtopographic mounds) were planted with bare root seedlings to establish a bottomland hardwood riparian wetland community In order to stabilize the newly constructed wetlands and flood plain areas, both temporary and permanent grass seed were applied to all restored areas The types of seeds used were Leersia oryzoides (Rice Cut grass); Panacum clandestanum (Deertongue grass), Panacum vargatum (Switchgrass), Trasacum dactyloades (Gama grass), Juncus effusus (soft rush) and Secale cereale (Annual rye) Three hardwood planting zones were established as follows Zone 1 -Swamp Forest Zone (the lowest elevations on site), Zone 2- Bottomland Forest Zone (transitional elevations), and Zone 3 -Levee Forest Zone (areas associated with the tops of the microtopographic planting mounds) A density of over 750 stems per acre was planted throughout the project Livestakes were installed in some of the wetter areas and along Reeds Creek Table I. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table Project Wetland Segment Mitigation Acreage WMU's Comment Type Restoration areas are located along Reeds Wetland R 42 42 Creek and front, center of site Enhancement areas are located between the restored areas and the existing wetlands Wetland E1 22 1 1 reservation area Wetland P and E1 1 826 1 - I Not included in WMU's Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 2 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Activity or Report Calendar Year of Completion or Planned Completion Actual Completion Date Restoration Plan October 2005 March 2006 Site Work Completed February 2006 December 2006 Site Planting and installation of monitoring devices March 2006 January 2007 Mitigation Plan Aril 2006 Aril 2007 Year 1 Monitoring December 2006 November 2007 Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 October 2008 Year 3 Monitoring December 2008 August 2009 Year 4 Monitoring December 2009 June 2010 Year 5 Monitoring December 2010 Project was delayed 9 months due to issues with the Duke Power 760 Contour Lake Easement for Lake Norman. These issues had been addressed prior to proposal submittal, however Duke Power's merger with Cinergy created changes in personnel and policy which required re- application for these approvals. Table III. Proiect Contacts Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 3 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 1960 Denta Road Project Manager Concord, NC 28027 Mid - Atlantic Mitigation, LLC Rich Mogensen (704) 782 -4133 Designer 9401 -C Southern Pine Blvd Environmental Services Inc Charlotte, NC 28273 Paul Petitgout (704) 523 -7225 Construction Contractor 9401 -C Southern Pine Blvd Environmental Services Inc Charlotte, NC 28273 Paul Petitgout (704) 523 -7225 271 Windrush Trail Planting & Seeding Contractor Walhalla, SC 29691 Bill Knowles (864) 710 -5970 Southeastern Tree And 1960 Derita Road Mid - Atlantic Mitigation, LLC Concord, NC 28027 Christine Cook (704) 782 -4140 1960 Derita Road Monitoring Performers Concord, NC 28027 Mid - Atlantic Mitigation, LLC Christine Cook (704) 782 -4140 Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 3 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Table TV. Proiect Background Project Background Table Project County Iredell Drainage Area 4 9 square miles Drainage Cover Estimate ( %) Impervious area at time of Restoration Plan 10% Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Southern Outer Piedmont 45b Wetland Type Palustrme, Forested, Broad - leaved Deciduous Cowardm Classification PFO1Fh Dominant soil types Chewacla with inclusions of Wehadkee Reference site ID Reeds Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03050101 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03- 08 -32; SIN 11- 104(2) % of project easement fenced 12 5 — Urban site surrounded by private residence 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT 3.1.1 Soil Data Table V. Prelimina Soil Data Series Max Depth in % Clay on Surface K T OM % Chewacla 60 10-27 28 5 1 -4 Wehadkee 62 1 6-20 24 - 28 3 <1 3.1.2 Vegetative Problem Areas At this time, no vegetative problem areas or invasive species issues have been identified The site has been stabilized and vegetated with native woody and herbaceous species Black willows colonized the site between Year 2 and 3 at a high rate Currently, based on the composition of the sample plots, the enhancement areas of the site are approximately 42% black willows, while the restoration areas show only about 3% black willows The composition of the on -site preservation areas indicate that while black willow may be the dominate species it does not out compete or prevent other species from thriving as well. The black willows in the enhancement area were thinned between Year 3 and 4, but no aggressive strategies, such as herbicide treatments of willows were employed or are proposed at this time. The percentage of black willows fell from 60% in Year 3 to 42% in Year 4 It was also noted that a healthy under -story of silky dogwood, young oaks, and button bush are thriving under the willow canopy. Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 4 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Large amounts of sand and sediment are occasionally deposited along the area of the removed berm This area is approximately 0.69 acres Annual herbaceous plants do well in this area, however the woody plants have had some difficulty establishing Woody volunteer seedlings proliferate then become buned in sand and sediment Therefore, rather then count on volunteers to fill in this area, MAM will perform a minor supplemental planting with approximately 150 one - gallon containerized plants of species on the original planting list, most likely River Birch, Swamp Chestnut Oak, Green Ash and Willow Oak 3.1.3 Stem Counts The prevalent vegetation should consist of macrophytes that typically are adapted for life in saturated soil conditions These species should have the ability to grow, compete, reproduce, and persist in anaerobic soil conditions. A maximum of 15% nuisance vegetation in wetland areas with planted and volunteer vegetation will successfully indicate establishment of native wetland vegetation Study plots show that the composition and density of vegetation in the restoration areas compares closely to the reference areas Stem counts of over 320 trees per acre after 3 years, and 260 trees per acre after 5 years will be considered successful Photos taken at established photo points should indicate maturation of the riparian vegetation community Photographs will help to illustrate the health of the planted vegetation and the severity of the invasive or exotic species that are found within the site Permanent vegetation sampling plots have been established at 2 random locations and sample each planting zone Plot A is located in the restoration area, and Plot B is located in the enhancement area The success of vegetative plantmgs will be measured through stems counts These plots will be used to sample both the riparian buffer and restored wetlands Each plot will cover 100 square meters for tree counts During the counts, the health of the vegetation will be noted. In addition to stem counts, the samples will inventory species diversity to allow for comparison between the reference and restoration wetlands and track the percent cover of nuisance species The vegetation survey will occur during the growing season. On June 1 st, 2010, the third year- vegetative monitoring was performed on the established vegetation sampling plots Table VI below summarizes the results of this survey Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 5 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Exhibit Table Via. Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot (Year 4) Species Plots- Actual Count Surviving Planted Stems A B Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Shrubs 1080 880 Mon. Y3 (09 ) 720 760 740 Mon. Y4 (10) 1120 Cephalanthus occidentolis Vols. 7 12 13 11 11 11 19 Cornus amomum 7 10 19 17 15 17 17 Totals 14 22 32 32 26 28 36 Trees Betula nigra 4 3 10 5 5 5 7 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 5 4 11 6 6 2 9 Liriodendron tulipifera 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Quercus lyrata 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 Quercus michauxii 2 4 6 5 4 3 6 Quercus pagodifolia 6 0 7 7 5 5 6 Quercus phellos 1 3 3 3 3 1 4 Salix nigra 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 Ulm us Sp. Vol 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Totals 21 18 46 33 29 22 39 Woody Stems Total: 28 28 64 52 44 37 56 Total w/ Vols. 41 69 78 61 55 50 110 Stems Per Acre 1120 1120 1280 1000 880 740 1120 Stems Per Acre w /vols. 1640 2760 1560 1220 1100 1000 2200 Exhibit Table Vlb. Stems Per Acre w/o Volunteers Current Survival N 100% 70% 55% 0% 75% 100% 86% 100% 100% 88% Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 6 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Plot A Plot B Site Baseline (Jan 07) 1120 1440 1280 Mon. Y1 07) 760 1240 1000 Mon. Y2 (08) 680 1080 880 Mon. Y3 (09 ) 720 760 740 Mon. Y4 (10) 1120 1120 1120 Mon. Y5 (11) Current Survival N 100% 70% 55% 0% 75% 100% 86% 100% 100% 88% Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 6 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 3.1.4 Vegetation Assessment Summary Vegetation success will be defined as tree survival to meet 320 stems per acre after 3 years and 260 stems per acre after 5 years inside the permanent vegetation sampling plots and herbaceous cover evaluated with photos showing 75% coverage, after 5 years In general, the site was over planted to allow for mortality The site as a whole shows an average of 1120 planted stems per acre and demonstrates 88 percent survival of planted species The community is diverse and rich with healthy volunteers Large numbers of buttonbush and black willow volunteers are present on site and in plots This year it was noted that buttonbush was not on the original planting list and therefore all buttonbush are now being calculated as volunteers This lowers the planted stem counts presented in Table VIb above from previous years reports, however the site and both plots remain well above the success criteria of 288 for Year 4 It should also be noted that volunteer individuals of a certain size are not easily distinguished from planted individuals Therefore, in the case of planted species where volunteers of the same species are present, volunteers may be counted. The count in any given year will not exceed the number of planted individuals from baseline/ initial counts The herbaceous cover plant community was monitored in a 1 m by 1 m square at one corner of each plot Each herbaceous quadrant is at or close to 100% cover with no invasive species noted Additional data from the vegetation sampling plots is located in Appendix A. Most notably, the polygonum population of previous years was not present. The presence of polygonum historically makes stems counts very difficult, therefore it is not surprising that several individuals not accounted for in previous years were located during the Year 4 count 3.2 WETLAND ASSESSMENT 3.2.1 Wetland Criteria Attainment There are three water level monitoring gages located on the Reeds Creek Project Gages 1 and 2 are located in the restoration area and Gage 3 is located in the enhancement area in the same location as the pre - construction gage There are both mature forested and emergent areas of preservation which were not included in the WMU calculations adjacent to the small unnamed tributary entering the site from the southeast corner and flowing into the cove for the Huntington neighborhood There is a 4t' gage located in the preservation/fringe area of the site to be used as an on site reference The data will be downloaded once a month throughout the monitoring period A USGS rain gage located on Lake Norman (Gage #35301408052495 CRN -42 Norman Shores) will be used to monitor the amount of rainfall. This will be correlated with the ground water data Lake Norman lake levels will also be monitored if the site becomes inundated from high lake levels As stated in the Mitigation Plan, jurisdictional hydrology for the site will be defined as saturation within the upper 12 inches of the surface of the soils for a period of approximately 24 consecutive days during the growing season (239 days between March and October) or approximately 10% of the growing season Inundation periods of Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 7 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 between 5 and 10% of the growing season may be acceptable in a year that is on record for moderate to severe drought The NC Cooperative Extension Service actually lists the average growing season for Iredell County as 179 days Therefore, in a year of average precipitation hydrological success for the Reeds Creek site will be a minimum of 18 days. Gage 1 achieved jurisdictional levels for 2010 on March 29th, 2010, and has maintained them to date, and will likely maintain jurisdictional levels throughout the growing season Gage 2 entered the growing season within jurisdictional levels then experienced a short dry spell during the month of May achieving approximately 62 jurisdictional days between March 1St and May 1St, 2010 Gage 3 also entered the growing season within jurisdictional levels, over the past year only the months of July and August 2009 did not maintain jurisdiction levels A similar trend will most likely be seen for 2010. To date Gage 3 has recorded approximately 93 days of continuous jurisdictional hydrology The Reference gage (4) has been historically dryer than the other gages since Year 2, but maintained jurisdictional hydrology between March 12th and April 5th, 2010 The reference area is thickly vegetated, including a large stand of mature Black Willows near the gage and is far removed from the inundation effect of Lake Norman Both of these factors could affect the hydrology of this gage Graphs showing water levels and corresponding rainfall data are located in Appendix B. Based on the gage data for 2010, the site has achieved jurisdictional hydrology for the fourth consecutive monitoring year The area of inundation located in the center of the site closest to the leading edge of the lake is a mapped NWI wetlands and is considered on site preservation and not included in the credit calculations for the site This area tends to remain inundated for the better part of the year, particularly in the winter months A line showing the 2009 — 2010 13 month lake level history has been added to the gage graphs provided in Appendix B Exhibit Tahle VII: Success Criteria Attainment Well ID Well Hydrology Threshold Met? Mean Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? Mean Reeds 1 Y 100 Plot A Y 100 Reeds 2 Y Reeds 3 Y Reeds 3 Y Plot B Y Reeds Ref Y Exhibit Table Vlll: Wetland Criteria Attainment Well ID Well Hydrology Threshold Met? Total days w/ Jurisdictional Hydrology Percent of Growing Season w/ Jurisdictional Hydrology Reeds 1 Y 65 36% Reeds 2 Y 62 35% Reeds 3 Y 93 52% Reeds Ref Y 25 14% Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 8 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Exhibit Table IX: Percent of Growing Season (179 days) with groundwater contin ously within 12 inches Below 10% but above 5% 3.2.2 Photo Reference Points There are eight permanent photo reference points located throughout the Reeds Project included in this monitoring report. Two of the photo reference points are located in the southwest corner of each vegetation plot. All the Photographs will help to illustrate the health of the planted vegetation and the surface water hydrology (e.g. standing water). The Photo Log is located in Appendix A. 4.0 SITE SUCCESS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Overall, the adjacent Reeds Creek stream channel has developed and stabilized well after the berm was lowered. The herbaceous vegetative cover has also developed a healthy and diverse community. The planted trees and shrubs have done very well and are supplemented by a robust existing buffer community which provides seed source for volunteers well suited to the current site conditions. Ground water gages demonstrate favorable trends and jurisdictional wetland hydrology throughout the entire site. Additionally, a local chapter of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, the Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists has taken a special interest in the Reeds Creek project. The group has worked with Boy Scouts and other local volunteers to build and install wood duck, barred owl, blue bird, and warbler nesting boxes on the site in 2008. Two Bat Boxes and constructed basking logs for the turtle population were installed in 2009. The group regularly visits the site to pick up litter and monitor for trespassing and vandalism. The group and the site have received positive local press in previous years. No more habitat structures are planned for the site, but the group continues to frequent the site to look for problems and pick up litter. Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 9 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Gage 1 [R] Gage 2 [R ] Gage 3 (E) Gage 4 (REF) Mon. Year 1 (2007) 6.7 8.9 38.0 19.0 Mon. Year 2 (2008) 100 39.7 70.4 5.6 Mon. Year 3 (2009) 100 46.9 40.8 13.4 Mon. Year 4 (2010) 36.3 34.6 52.0 14.0 Mon. Year 5 (2011) Below 10% but above 5% 3.2.2 Photo Reference Points There are eight permanent photo reference points located throughout the Reeds Project included in this monitoring report. Two of the photo reference points are located in the southwest corner of each vegetation plot. All the Photographs will help to illustrate the health of the planted vegetation and the surface water hydrology (e.g. standing water). The Photo Log is located in Appendix A. 4.0 SITE SUCCESS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Overall, the adjacent Reeds Creek stream channel has developed and stabilized well after the berm was lowered. The herbaceous vegetative cover has also developed a healthy and diverse community. The planted trees and shrubs have done very well and are supplemented by a robust existing buffer community which provides seed source for volunteers well suited to the current site conditions. Ground water gages demonstrate favorable trends and jurisdictional wetland hydrology throughout the entire site. Additionally, a local chapter of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, the Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists has taken a special interest in the Reeds Creek project. The group has worked with Boy Scouts and other local volunteers to build and install wood duck, barred owl, blue bird, and warbler nesting boxes on the site in 2008. Two Bat Boxes and constructed basking logs for the turtle population were installed in 2009. The group regularly visits the site to pick up litter and monitor for trespassing and vandalism. The group and the site have received positive local press in previous years. No more habitat structures are planned for the site, but the group continues to frequent the site to look for problems and pick up litter. Reeds Creek Wetland Restoration Project 9 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 APPENDIX A. Vegetation Raw Data Vegetation Raw Data Site Photo Log w/ Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Plot A: 6/1/2010 Shrubs Cepholanthus occidentalis Vols 7 Cornus amomum 7 Totals 14 Trees Betula nigra 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 10 Liriodendron tulipifera 0 Quercus lyrato 2 Quercus michauxii 2 Quercus pagodifolia 6 Quercus phellos 1 Salix nigra 1 Ulm us Sp. Vol 1 Totals 21 Woody Stems Total: 28 Total w/ Vols. 41 Stems Per Acre 1120 Stems Per Acre w /vols. 1640 Herbaceaous Cover: soft rush deertounge grass swamp rose mallow Invasives: None noted 100 Juncus effusus Panicum clandestinum Hibiscus moscheutos Volunteers 100 3 large 3 small seedlings; 2 large 100% Plot B: 6/1/2010 Shrubs Cepholonthus occidentalisVols. 12 Cornus amomum 11 Totals 23 Trees Betula nigra 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 4 Liriodendron tulipifera Quercus lyrata 1 Quercus michauxii 4 Quercus pagodifolia Quercus phellos 3 Salix nigra 29 Totals 18 Woody Stems Total: 28 Total w/ Vols. 69 Stems Per Acrel 1120 Stems Per Acre w /vols. 1 2760 Plot B is 42% Black Willow HerbaceaousCover: soft rush lurid sedge Rice Cut Grass Volunteers 100% 1 small Vol 2 small vols. 26 large vols. Black Willows were thinned this winter Black Willows create overstory Oaks, SD, and BB are thriving in the understory 100% Juncus effusus Corex lurido Leersia oryzoides Exhibit Table Via. Stem Counts for Each Species Arraneed by Plot (Year 41 Species Plots- Actual Count Surviving Planted Stems Current Survival ( %) A B Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Shrubs 880 740 1120 Stems Per Acre w /vois. 1640 2760 1560 1220 1100 Cephalanthus occidentalis Vols. 7 12 13 11 11 11 19 - Cornus amomum 7 10 19 17 15 17 17 100% Totals 14 22 32 28 26 28 36 Trees Betu/a nigra 4 3 10 5 5 5 7 70% Froxinus pennsylvanica 5 4 11 6 6 2 9 82% Liriodendron tulipifero 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0% Quercus lyrato 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 75% Quercus michouxii 2 4 6 5 4 3 6 100% Quercus pagodifolia 6 0 7 7 5 5 6 86% Quercus phe/los 1 3 3 3 3 1 4 100% Salix nigra 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 100% Ulm us Sp. Vol 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 - Totals 21 18 46 33 29 22 39 Woody Stems Total: 28 28 64 50 44 37 56 88% i otal w/ vois. 41 69 78 61 55 50 110 Stems Per Acre 1120 1120 1280 1000 880 740 1120 Stems Per Acre w /vois. 1640 2760 1560 1220 1100 1000 2200 SPA Calcs. ea. Plot is approx. 1089 sq. ft. Stems per plot stems per acre 2178 43560 Success criteria 320 stems per acre after Year 3 (2009) 288 after year 4 (2010) 260 after Year 5 (2011) Volunteer info. 100% Vols. 3 vol plot A, 1 plot B 2 small vols plot B 2 large Vols & 30 small seedlings in Plot A 1 vol plot A ? 1 vol plot A, 26 large vols plot B 100% Vol (plot A) Exhibit Table Vlb. Stems Per Acre w/o Volunteers Plot A Plot B Site Baseline (Jan 07) 1120 1440 1280 Mon. Y1 (07) 760 1240 1000 Mon. Y2 (08) 680 1080 880 Mon. Y3 (09) 720 760 740 Mon. Y4 (10) 1120 1120 1120 q Mon. Y5 (11) J Photo Point 1 Photo Point 2 Photo Point 3 Photo Point 4 Photo Point 5 Photo Point 6 Vegetation Plot A Vegetation Plot B APPENDIX B: Water Level and Rainfall Data Water Level Gage Graphs USGS CRN 42 Rainfall Data 13 Month History — Lake Norman Lake Levels N O 01 -Jun -2009 11- Jun -2009 21 -Jun -2009 01 -Jul -2009 11 -Jul -2009 21 -Jul -2009 31 -Jul -2009 10- Aug -2009 20- Aug -2009 30- Aug -2009 09- Sep -2009 19- Sep -2009 29- Sep -2009 09- Oct -2009 19- Oct -2009 29- Oct -2009 08- Nov -2009 18- Nov -2009 28- Nov -2009 08- Dec -2009 18- Dec -2009 28- Dec -2009 07- Jan -2010 - 17- Jan -2010 - 27- Jan -2010 - 06- Feb -2010 16- Feb -2010 26- Feb -2010 - 08- Mar -2010 - 18- Mar -2010 - 28- Mar -2010 - 07- Apr -2010 - 17- Apr -2010 - 27- Apr -2010 07- May -2010 17- May -2010 - 27- May -2010 Water Level (inches) U1 O U1 O U1 O U7 O U1 O I I v m �, m o- o m = 8- o. (D C 0) CD r CD CD O CD CD CL N n 1 CD CD �C G CD X m v Cn r Cn v 0 0 m 0 rn cn 0 C- 0_ 0 o' n� I I v m �, m o- o m = 8- o. (D C 0) CD r CD CD O CD CD CL N n 1 CD CD �C G CD X m v Cn 01 -Jun -2009 11- Jun -200 9 21- Jun -200 9 01-Jul-2009 11 -J ul -200 9 21 -Jul -200 31 -Jul -200 10- Aug -200 20- Aug -200 30- Aug -200 09- Sep -200 19- Sep -200 29- Sep -2009 09- Oct -2009 19- Oct -2009 29- Oct -2009 08- Nov -2009 18- Nov -2009 28- Nov -2009 (D 08- Dec -2009 18- Dec -2009 28- Dec -2009 07- Jan -2010 17- Jan -2010 27- Jan -2010 06- Feb -2010 16- Feb -2010 26- Feb -2010 08- Mar -2010 18- Mar -2010 28- Mar -2010 07- Apr -2010 17- Apr -2010 27- Apr -2010 07- May -2010 17- May -2010 27 -May -2010 Water Level (inches) C.n O Cn O Ul O C n O CJl O 9- 9- 9- 9- 9 9 v Q 0 G) 0 �. 5 c� U) m m 0 rn N _ o v 1< - ❑ q - o' D v I � 1 v m m r v Q 0 C/) N �• N C a) �D r CD CD O CD N 0 1 CD CD C� G CD fV X m m v � I � 1 v m m r v Q 0 C/) N �• N C a) �D r CD CD O CD N 0 1 CD CD C� G CD fV X m m v 0 01- Jun -2009 11 -Jun -2009 21 -Jun -2009 01-Jul-2009 11-Jul-2009 21-Jul-2009 31-Jul-2009 10- Aug -2009 20- Aug -2009 30- Aug -2009 09- Sep -2009 19- Sep -2009 29- Sep -2009 09- Oct -2009 19- Oct -2009 29- Oct -2009 08- Nov -2009 18- Nov -2009 0 28- Nov -2009 08- Dec -2009 18- Dec -2009 28- Dec -2009 - 07- Jan -2010 17- Jan -2010 _ 27- Jan -2010 - 06- Feb -2010 - 16- Feb -2010 - 26- Feb -2010 - 08- Mar -2010 - 18- Mar -2010 - 28- Mar -2010 - 07- Apr -2010 - 17- Apr -2010 27- Apr -2010 - 07- May -2010 - 17- May -2010 27- May -2010 - Water Level (inches) Cn I I v m (,D w m r v Q Cn m o w R P+ (D r (D (D O 1 X (D (D CL N n 1 (D (D C� G (D W m m v W v o G) 0 5' co CO c� v 0 w w a C-- 0 ri n� I I v m (,D w m r v Q Cn m o w R P+ (D r (D (D O 1 X (D (D CL N n 1 (D (D C� G (D W m m v W W U1 01 -Jun -2009 11- Jun -2009 21- Jun -2009 01 -Jul -2009 11 -Jul -2009 21 -Jul -2009 31 -Jul -2009 10- Aug -2009 20- Aug -2009 30- Aug -2009 09- Sep -2009 19- Sep -2009 29- Sep -2009 09- Oct -2009 19- Oct -2009 29- Oct -2009 08- Nov -2009 18- Nov -2009 28- Nov -2009 08- Dec -2009 18- Dec -2009 28- Dec -2009 07- Jan -2010 - 17- Jan -2010 - 27- Jan -2010 - 06- Feb -2010 - 16- Feb -2010 26- Feb -2010 - 08- Mar -2010 - 18- Mar -2010 - 28- Mar -2010 - 07- Apr -2010 17- Apr -2010 - 27- Apr -2010 07- May -2010 - 17- May -2010 - 27- May -2010 - Water Level (inches) O U1 O U1 O U1 O U1 O III r C- x m C D rn CL n Z7 < m CD o' m C 2) �D r c� (D O �D �D Q. 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