HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024571_Dechlorination System_20010725Permit Limit Violations: F X c c eci!d •Tc q I I[esi cl �,+aI Clitoris e. i e.J,- a r��� 1��tc,. ) of - au 4s Ind Q,�I�nqMh ( -Sol oGoin) ��S 5� I ainI•Th3' ,lg/ K Ih 7 1 .:. � FACILITY NOTIFICATION REPORT FORM Date Notification Received: 1 '- _ 0 1 Facility's Name & County: i- y e , 1.- vn e 'fo n - 1?b beson Facility NPDES Permit No.: �% C-0 0 U) Li 8 71 Person Making Notification & Phone No: Uo Yl Lo c.. k I E G r - q 16 _ 6 7 1 - 315 Notification Taken By: (€- i Y ct c s. I-Ie ri S T pe of Unit Out of Operation: 5u (�,.t ,raLkAre Oi0Xiol e Splegr ) 14 Ct vn e-e/leg ti: Oct' e-icee Date of Field Visit: 44 Samples Taken: Yes: Fi ld Office Actiops nd/or Recommendations: teomrner-ta1cA a rifI-en l tt-c__ r t tow r +h e.. S y s k-e;vrt n.ol 4-o 5 u. No: 1---- eonce5 eneQsL(res .1-rike vn•I-k •1h.e_ rn K Other Sections Involved: CC: ,Belinda Henson/Inspection Files Don Register Dale Lopez/Tx Files Kitty Kramer/DMR files Paul Rawls FACILITY NOTIFICATION REPORT FORiM Date Notification Received: % —2 ^7 .--a 1 Facility's Name & County: c- i •1--y o C k N rn be (fO rl — Rob b r S o orb Facility NPDES Permit No.: ll1 C_O Q Q q .7 I Person Making Notification & Phone No.: 4-o Loge +'d R ve 16 R 10 fC 71 - .3 Notification Taken By: ,D e I; n G ct 6 . W e_ o S o h Type of Unit Out of Operation: NJ « 1 Permit Lirrit Violations: Sect 0 it, _ 14 L0 (a -o oe� The 'te t c-1-y 1 S+ re e + _ 111 O(i i'\•t trt S(iG1 ua I t td '1-0 -I-he i►r L'Ji e '+'w f—r d r e(' •1---i 0 Y1 + h c. • Date of Field Visit: Samples Taken: Yes: No: L. Field Office Actions and/or Recommendations: Tr, (; 4 e y 4e + Fe r • +0 o t o r 0 f cc P' Plc( n -h ; S. t -ctc_ I, -`/ iS re5e.c: eh,d� e.t p��e�cL&i s • av,o,:(.yz.e. �c; ( -t M t C.I�f I d (; t1 t s; r i,c �: I d a. `J S(' 10 c.t) Urn ; 4& 0 Other Sections Involved:✓1 CC: Belinda Henson/Inspection Files Don Register Dale Lopez/Tx Files Kitty Kramer/DMR files Paul Rawls eLL9 of _ZtlY02l7E'Zt012 Office of L7%zief Ofrezatoz (Wolfe azeaLmenE Jaei(ihrj. Environmental Utility Services Department July 30, 2001 Paul Rawls, Supervisor of Fayetteville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 225 Green street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Re Chlorine Limit Effective July 01, 2001 Lumberton Permit # 0024571 Dear Mr. Rawls: The effective date for compliance with chlorine limits of 28 ug/l for the above listed permit began on July 01, 2001. The facility has installed sulfur dioxide feed equipment for dechlorination and began to experiment with feed prior to July 01, 2001. The current feed of sulfur dioxide is based on flow proportional. In the month of June the facility feed sulfur dioxide and documented achieving the permit limits of 28ug/l was possible. The facility has been using the electrode method for determining chlorine residual for many years. In the month of July 2001, the staff knew that our permit limits of 28ug/l must be achieved in order to be in compliance with our permit limits, and all staff members are making every diligent effort to achieve this limit. From July 01, 2001 through July 27, 2001, the facility had FOUR (4) days with the current electrode method for residual chlorine analysis, that residual numbers was above the 28ug/l permit limits. On July 25, 2001 Frederick L. Bone, Lab Certification Auditor inspected the facility laboratory, and he advised us that our current electrode method for chlorine residual testing was not accurate below 100 ug/l based on our calibration criteria. He advised that all chlorine laboratory data prior to July 01, 2001 was reportable per 100 ug/l lowest accurate calibration for the electrode method He advised that the data generated on July 01, 2001 would have to be reported per lowest calibration of the electrode method at 100 ug/l. The problem is that effective July 01, 2001 our permit limits of chlorine at 28 ug/l and our electrode detection method is only accurate at 100 ug/l. 700 .rafayzitz cSE. o Jn. CO. Box 1388, _L'um_Lrezton, c YozL eazofina 2$359 • 919 671-3859 • ¶ax 979 677-3874 Therefore, all chlorine residual generated for July 01, 2001 must be reported at the lowest calibration for the electrode method, which is 100 ug/l. Frederick L. Bone, Lab Certification Auditor also conferred with Jim Meyer, Lab Certification Supervisor on July 25, 2001 about the current electrode method and those calibration readings below 100 ug/1 is questionable. As of end July 2001 all chlorine data will be reported based on 100 ug/l not at 28 ug/l. Therefore, we will not be in compliance with our 28 ug/l permit limits. This problem is also more complex due to the City of Lumberton's waste stream that is colored and has conductivity, and the current low-level detection of chlorine with the use of Hack Spectrophotometer method has interference due to color. The facility staff will be investigating other methods of chlorine residual testing hoping to find an approved method that is accurate with a low calibration of 28 ug/l and not affected by color or conductivity. Karen Lewis, City of Lumberton Laboratory Supervisor has been directed to investigate the low-level ampermetric titration method and other methods that are supported by the current technology. Ms. Lewis will be talking with Frederick L. Bone, Lab Certification Auditor and Jim Meyer, Lab Certification Supervisor concerning the ampermetric method. She will also be contacting other facilities in order to determine what methods of chlorine residual testing they are using. The finding of other chlorine methods that will work on the City of Lumberton's effluent will be reported to your attention. When we find an approved method that meets the calibration of 28 ug/l, and not affected by color or conductivity we will purchase the necessary equipment and incorporate into our facilities usage plans. We are feeding sulfur dioxide for dechlorination and we believe a chlorine residual of 28 ug/l or less exist, however we can not qual fy this with our current electrode method. We would appreciate favorable approval of not being able to meet the current permit limits for chlorine due to our equipment not meeting the calibration criteria for calibration of 28 ug/l, Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Respectfully, PaS Howard Revels, Deputy Director /scar Cc: _Pelina _ ns r Kitty Cramer Karen Lewis n Locklear, WWTP Chief Operator, ORC City of November 29, 2001 LimIvtorz cl/VatEz JPiant SSufi.Ezvisoz Environmental Utility Services Department Paul Rawls, Fayetteville Regional Supervisor Division of Water Quality 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Re: Lumberton Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Greenwall Construction Company Dear Mr. Rawls: ,DEC 3 2001 As per previous letter from me dated October 29, 2001 I advised that the Lumberton Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements would require samplers, flow meters, dechlorination process to be out of service at various times due to construction. The following will address the first phase of construction by Greenwall Construction that will occur on Monday, December 3, 2001 at influent head works. On December 3, 2001 the influent sampler and flow meter will be off-line due to moving electrical services and excavation to begin the installation ofparshall flume. The flow meter and flow proportional sampler will be off-line for at least three to four weeks. The facility will need to sample with an Isco portable sampler and the effluent flow meter will be used to record daily flows. The grit chamber will also be off line due to construction. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Howard Revels, Director /scar Cc: Belinda Hinson, Environmental Chemist Kitty Cramer, Environmental Technician Jon Locklear, WWTP Chief Operator Karen Lewis, Laboratory Supervisor Box i SS. ilinzI ton. d/o th 2R2�in • ntn_h71_QRry • r7r17\ n1n_/5o1_7r.£n • tom.,.. n,n ISr., .,