HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7090501_HISTORICAL FILE_20091210STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW 7D 1 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD �e r NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director December 10, 2009 Mr. Robert S. Hall, Senior Ex. Vice -President State Employees' Credit Union 1000 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 0a:Rd Natural Resources Subject: Approved Plan Revision SECU - Windsor Stormwater Project No. SW7090501 Qertie County Dear Mr. Hall: Dee Freeman Secretary On December 10, 2009, the Washington Regional Office received a plan revision request for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW7090501. The plan revision request is for the removal of the vegetated filter strip located at the outfall of the constructed wetland system. Based on the current Division of Water Quality Guidance on this issue your plan revision request is hereby approved. This guidance, which was approved prior to this permit being issued, does remove the vegetated filter requirement from the discharge of constructed wetlands. It has been determined that a formal stormwater permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for your files. Please add the attached plans to the previously approved plan sheets dated June 2, 2009. Please remember to execute a designer's certification verifying that the stormwater system and project has been constructed per the approved plans as required under Section 11.8 of the permit and to submit the originally signed certification to the Division. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on June 2, 2009 remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be submitted to and approved through the Division of Water Quality prior to construction. The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (252) 948-3848. Sincerely, Scott Vinson Environmental Engineer II AH\sv: K:\SAV\K-Stormwater\PLANREVISIONS\SW7090501 cc: Jamie Gollings - Jacobs Engineering Group ,/Washington Regional Office Central Files North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet. v .nmaterqualhy.org One 1 943 Washington Square Mall Phone'. 252-946-64811 FAX, 252-946-9215 t v Urth Carol I n it Washington, NC 27889 FAX, 252-946-9215 An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Naturally Please check top of file cabinet for plans for this project. JACOBS December 8, 2009 NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Attn: Scott Vinson 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252)948-3848 111 Corning Road Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27518 USA 1.919.859.5000 Fax 1.919.859,5151 DEC 1 0 2009 RE: SECU — Intersection of US HWY 13 By -Pass & Grabtown Rd., Windsor, NC Removal of By -Pass Vegetated Filter Strip from Constructed Wetland Dear Scott, I am writing you on behalf of Jamie Gollings regarding a plan revision to an approved Constructed Wetland for the above referenced project. As you know, NCDENR has issued a Guidance Document that removes the requirement of the by-pass vegetated filter strip as a major design element. It is my understanding that you have spoken with Jamie about the deletion of the level spreader and vegetated filter strip from the constructed wetland design and that this was verbally agreed to as acceptable. Per your request, attached are two (2) copies of the latest constructed wetland plan which shows this revision. Please review and confirm that this minor change will be acceptable. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you and take care, J( �Gt- Josh Lambert, El cc. Jamie Gollings, PE David Kaiser, RLA Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. I]qDJACOBS Carter Burgess TO: Scott Vinson NCDENR (252.946.6481) 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 FROM: Jamie Gollinos PROJECT: SECU -Windsor PROJECT#: CB090229 Please find the following items for: Review and Comment FX Approval 0 Pick-up [x Your Use LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 26 May 2009 FAX: 919.858.5151 PHONE: 919.859.5752 Transmitted via: Fax Mail 0 Delivery �X UPS # Of Fax pages COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 2 N/A Revised first page of supplement 2 26 May 09 Additional calculations related to 1-year peak flows 2 26 May 09 Revised sheet C5101 for removal of weeping love grass 2 26 May 09 Revised sheet L-1301 CARTER & BURGESS, INC., 111 CORNING ROAD SUTIE 200, CARY, NC 27618 TELEPHONE (919) 859-5000 FAX (919) 783-5882 FX I'o t 1 c CA t. C_ CL jA't ION S Type.... To Calcs Page 1.01 Name.... SUBAREA 10 '=NC�.•Z CK" -YQ Fww Ytik- VcJ(to:ED File.... W:\JOB\090229 - SECU Windsor\DESIGN\CALCS\Stormwater BMP\existing to calc.ppw ............................................... ... .... ... ............... ............................................... ..................... .... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ _. Segment #1: To: TR-55 Sheet a ., " " pa97 5 4, �solia6191ly� C•AR0 A//i Mannin s n .1500 MAY 2 8 2009 X\'1SN ; oP FV-SS/o••`,p�' Hydraulic Length 150.00 ft Syr, 29hr P Slope 00 in ft/ft _ 59 .0067006700 102 _ Avg. Velocity .13 ft/sec • Ch� CLQ'O g c/rrE c, %y . . Segment #1 Time: .3210 hrs y/F 11;11, zc- ,h p1' ?cNJg Segment #2: To: TR-55 Shallow Hydraulic Length 300.00 ft Slope .003000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Velocity .88 ft/sec ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #2 Time: .0943 hrs hrs z as M.N. Total To: 4153 90 Ir'/ka- Pn c-V'VCwoEo �, 1ZAT�ONn1. C 56% w000s /Se1, ntea%/6rads/6kr> SJAcg ( kS/a P') (kSb IG') C.),= Cc'A 0.53(a,-40(3,44) ncwn�. S. 40 CFS <<< bft wl o-" FZWCF OF' 0,03CFS�/ OR, l*'NG C,.1YN4- 0,1 ( ocAs c�P<r 4ACE ( 1 Q, 14' (Q.S�)(G.13)(3,47) C'' 00 CONP�S\TC C. O •S� 11t "fie 0.0-50 G 0.54 G = O.L, f - 0.25 Cvs »> D"WCA I t�AZ E SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:47 PM 5/20/2009 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUBAREA 10 Page 1.02 File.... W:\JOB\090229 - SECU Windsor\DESIGN\CALCS\Stormwater BMP\existing tc calc.ppw __________________________________________ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCSTR-55 Sheet Flow =_________—______—__________________________ Tc = (.007 ((n Lf)**0.8)) / ((P**.5) . (Sf**.4)) Where: Tc = Time of concentration, hrs n = Mannings n Lf = Flow length, It P = 2yr, 24hr Rain depth, inches Sf = Slope, S SCSTR-55 Shallow Concentrated Flow _______________________________ Unpaved surface: V = 16.1345 . (Sf**0.5) Paved surface: V = 20.3282 * (Sf"0.5) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600sec/hr) Where: V = Velocity, ft/sec Sf = Slope, ft/ft Tc = Time of concentration, hrs Lf = Flow length, ft SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:47 PM 5/20/2009 Table 2-2. Values of SCS CN and Rational C for various cover conditions (Based upon SCS,1986) Cover Descri lion SCS Curve Number Rational C Percent HSG A HSG B HSG C HSG D HSG A HSG B HSG C HSG D Impervious Fully developed urban areas Open space Poor condition (60% ass 68 79 86 89 0.36 0.58 0.72 0.78 Farr condition (50 -75% ass 49 69 79 84 0.15 0.38 0.58 0.68 Good condition (>50% ass 39 61 74 80 0.15 0.22 0.48 0.60 Impervious areas Pavement roofs 98 98 98 98 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Gravel 76 85 89 91 0.52 0.70 0.78 0.82 Dirt 72 82 87 89 0.44 0:64 0.74 0.78 Urban districts Commercial and business 89 92 94 95 0.78 0.94 0.88 0.90 85 Industrial 81 88 91 93 0.62 0.76 0.82 0.86 72 Residential areas (by lot size 1/8 acre (town houses, condos 77 85 90 92 0.54 0.70+ 0.80 0.84 65 1/4 acre. 61 75 83 87 0.22 0.50 0.66 0.74 38 1/3 acre 57 72 81 86 0.15 0.44 0.62 0.72 30 1/2 acre 54 70 80 85 0.15 OAO 0.60 0.70 25 1 acre 51 68 79 84 0.15 0..36 0.58 0.68 20 2 acres 46 65 77 82 0.15 0.30 0.54 0.64 12 Agricultural areas Pasture grassland Poor 68 79 86 89 0.36 0.58 0.72 0.78 Far 49 69 79 1 84 0.15 0.38 0.58 0.68 Good 39 61 1 74 1 M 0.15 0.22 0.48 FO Meadow mowed 30 58 71 78 0.15 0.16 0.42 0.56 Brush 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 - Poor 48 67 77 83 0.15 0.34 0.54 0.66 _ Fair 35 56 70 77 0.15 0.15 0.40 0.54 Good 30 48 55 73 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.46 Woods and grass orchard Poor 57 73 82 86 0.15 0.46 0.64 1 0.72 Fair 43 65 76 82 0.15 0.30 0.52 0.64 Good 32 58 72 1 79 0.15 0.16 0.44 0.58 Woods Poor 45 66 77 1 83 0.15 0.32 0.54 0.66 Far 36 60 73 79 0.15 0.20 0.46 0.58 Good 30 55 70 77 0.15 0.15 0.40 M4 Row crops, straight, good 67 78 85 89 6.34 0.56 0.70 0.78 Row crops, contoured, good 65 75 82 86 0.30 0.50 0.64 0.72 Small grain, good 63 75 83 87 0.26 0.50 0.66 0.74 Farmsteads 59 74 82 86 0.18 0.48 0.6 4 0.72 In the table values of Rational C were computed from C = 0.020 CN -1.0 Copyright H.R. Malcom, 2003 [2-10] Hydrologic estimates NC ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director May 15, 2009 Mr. Robert S. Hall, Sr.Ex. Vice -President State Employees' Credit Union 1000 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 Subject: Stormwater Review SW7090501 SECU - Windsor Bertic County Dear Mr. Hall: Dee Freeman Secretary This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application and plans for the subject project on March 2, 2009. A preliminary review of the project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit can be issued the following additional information is needed. I. Please revise the Wetland Supplement Form and provide calculations to include the "Peak Plow Calculations" under Section 11. Design Information. Session Law 2008-211, Section 2.(b)(4)c, requires that the structural control "Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal to or less than the predevelopment discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm." 2. Please remove weeping love grass from the seeding specifications on sheet C5101. Weeping love grass is not an approved sediment & erosion control vegetation. 3. Plcase provide calculations for determining the length of the level spreader for the vegetated filter strip. 4. Please note that if the entire bottom of the forebay area is to be covered in rip rap for energy dissipation, the routine sediment clean out will be very difficult. Can some be removed? 5. Please remove all woody vegetation from the 3:1 slopes of the constructed wetland shown on the Planting Plan, sheet 1,1301. Trees and shrubs may be located on the "shallow land", but not on the slopes. Please clearly separate & define the hatching for the planting areas between the shallow water zone and shallow land zone. Also remove and/or fix the "MULCH" leader arrows around the wetland basin on this plan sheet as well. 6. Please do not forget to have any plans, calculations, supplements, narrative, etc. revised, signed, sealed and dated as necessary when re -submitting. The above requested information must be received in this office prior to May 26, 2009 or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required information, please mail or fax your request for time extension to this office at the Letterhead address. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Internet: wm.nmalerquality.org Phone. 252-946-64811 FAX: 252-946-9215 FAX 252-946-9215 One NorthCarolina Naturally An FnurA Oonnrtunity 1 Affirmative AnIion Fmnlovnr You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any developrne-nt activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 214.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Please reference the Stormwater Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3848. cc: Jamie Gollings, PE (email) David Kaiser, RLA, ASLA (email) Washington Regional Office Sincerely, Scott Vinson Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 An Enual Onnom pity 1 Affirmative Aclion Emnlnvnr Internet: www.nmaterquality.org Phone: 252-946-6481 1 FAX: 252-946-9215 FAX: 252-946-9215 Nne orthCarolina Naturally