HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7061202_HISTORICAL FILE_20061211STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW��i}� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD N fN AVOLIS ENGINEERING, P.A. Z� P.O. Box 15564 • New Bern, North Carolina 28561 • (252) 633-0068 December 8. 2006 Mr. Bill Moore Environmental Engineer NCDENR 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 RE: Additionallnformation Stormwater Application for New Bern Building Supply Warehouse Addition 3301 NeUSe 1301.1levard, New Bern, North Carolina AE Project No. 06097 Dear 13iIL DEC 1 12006 DWQ-WARO Enclosed please find our resubmittal for the above -referenced project that was returned to us. We have now included three copies of the required soil boring report. Should you have any questions relating to this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, DEC 1 1 ?00 6 WeLR6 Michael F. Easley, Governor ✓ William G. Ross Jr., Secretary rNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 .� Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality November 29, 2006 New Bern Building Supply, Inc. J.V. Williams, President PO Box 12305 New Bern, NC 28561 SUBJECT: Stormwater Application for New Bern Building Supply Warehouse Addition Dear Mr. Williams: This office received a stormwater permit application for the subject project on November 28, 2006. A preliminary review of your project indicates that the application package is incomplete. The following items are needed to make the package complete: $420 check _ signature by owner on page 4 of application 2 sets of plans _ narrative supplement (wet detention, infiltration basin, low density, curb outlet system, off -site system, underground infiltration trench) signature by owner on supplement form ✓'soils report We are returning the entire package to you. Once the package is complete you may resubmit. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that a permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2h.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3844. Sincerely, Bill Moore, Environmental Engineer Surface Water Section Washington Regional Office cc: Avolis Engineering, P.A. vARO North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet. www. ncwatercualitv.ors One 943 Washington Square Mall Phone (252) 946-6481 NorthCarol/ina Washington, NC 27889 Fax (252) 946-9215 Naturall An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper `i4 K s�/ Depth AVOLIS ENGINEERING, P.A. P.O. Box 15564 • New Bern, North Carolina 28561 • (252) 633-0068 W ECEY V ED DEC 1 12006 ®WQ-WARO SOIL BORING REPORT Wet Detention Pond Area New Bern Building Supply Warehouse Addition 3301 Neuse Boulevard New Bern, North Carolina Soil Description December 8, 2006 0' - 1' Existing Gravel and Concrete 1' - 7' Sandy Clay T - 14' Tan Sand Groundwater Level Approximately 5' Below Surface. F,.,... `A.: '.4� jai .� • 1`� 'Y li t AVOLIS ENGINEERING, P.A. P.O. Box 15564 • New Bern, North Carolina 28561 • (252) 633-0068 November 14, 2006 Ms. Bill Moore Water Quality Section NCDENR 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 RE: New Bern Building Supply Warehouse Addition 3301 Neuse Boulevard, New Bern, North Carolina AE Project No. 06097 Dear Bill: Enclosed please find our Stormwater permit submittal for the above -referenced project consisting of the following: • Stormwater Permit Application (Original and One Copy) • Project Plans (Two Sets) • Calculations (Two Copies) • $420 Application Fee 2006 R CE t�1 F 0 DEC 1 12006 ®WQ-WARO It is requested that the enclosed application be reviewed and approved at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, PreSicknt Yam,, HVz 1A3are\ ta, FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM Iz/ k/LIr.0 SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT No person may initiate any land -disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by the Act before this form and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved by the Please Land Quality Section, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. , r---''- ( type or pnntRriri Leif® the question is not applicable or the e-mail and/or fax information unavailable, place N/A in the blank.) Part A. DEC - 12006 1. Project Name New Bern Building Supply Storage Warehouse 2. Location of land-disturbingactivity: Count CYaven �ll BemVtlfif�� Y Y City or Township Highway/Street 3301 Neuse Blvd LatitudeN350 7.771' Longitude W77° 5.552' 3. Approximate date land -disturbing activity will commence: January 1. 2007 4. Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.): Conrtnercial Warehouse 5. Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas): 7.27 6. Amount of fee enclosed: $ 400.00 . The application fee of $50.00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is assessed without a ceiling amount (Example: a 9-acre application fee is $450). 7. Has an erosion and sediment control plan been filed? Yes X No Enclosed X 8. Person to contact should erosion and sediment control issues arise during land -disturbing activity: Name Joseph C. Avolis P E E-mail Address avoliseng@lpmonline.net Telephone 252-633-0068 Cell# 252-671-9334 Fax# .252-633-6507 9. Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners): Neuse Properties, LLC 252-638-5861 252-633-6507 Name Telephone Fax Number P.O. Box 12305 3301 Neuse Boulevard Current Mailing Address Current Street Address New Bern NC 28561 New Bern NC 28560 City State Zip City State Zip 10. Deed Book No. 2458 Page No. 573 Provide a copy of the most current deed. Part B. Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for the land -disturbing comprehensive list of all responsible parties on an attached sheet): J.V. Williams Name P.O. Box 12305 Current Mailing Address E-mail Address 3301 Neuse Boulevard Current Street Address New Bern NC 28561 New Bern Cdy State Zip City Telephone 252-638-5861 Fax Number NC 28560 State 252-633-6507 C IF IF Fn -(P-rovide-a-- NOV 2 9 2006 L�' UOID tW' UlY SEC1'I3N WASHIiNGTON REGIONAL OFFICE Zip 2. (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address of the designated North Carolina Agent: Name Current Mailing Address City State Address Current Street Address City State Zip Fax Number - (b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name, attach a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name. If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation, give name and street address of the Registered Agent: Name of Registered Agent Current Mailing Address City State Zip E-mail Address Current Street Address City Fax N State Zip The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual or his attorney -in -fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person). I agree to provide corrected information should there by any change in the information provided herein. J.V. Williams, Jr. President Type or print name Title or Authority Sig ature November 10 2006 Date ------------------------------------------ I, Beth Simmons , a Notary Public of the County of Craven State of North Carolina, hereby certify that J.V. Williams, Jr. . personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above orrmearewas executed by him. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this 10th day of November 20 06 SIMM0p,��' 3 NQARY = Notary PUBLIC My commission expires April 22, 2009 .f) .� ' 1 OFC 1 12066 q ,'VAR® STORMWATER CALCULATIONS New Bern Building Supply Warehouse Addition 3301 Neuse Boulevard New Bern, North Carolina Prepared by: Avolis Engineering, P.A. P.O. Box 15564 New Bern, NC 28561 (252)633-0068 Office (252)633-6507 Fax November 21, 2006 aVjgMWATEt; CA(Cctm,q I JS NEW e6P-rJ ScA f fl NEU5E , (3oNLE✓Aev New I NCG -DESIGN r Sf6eMWArE� +�UODFF� fREATNE lY FA CyLITIES FJ2 NEO ._ 6lAK-D1.1G MAMV-AA , WA9-Q -D✓5E, 'iRNell_ t,DAPIAI � VoC'.k I112AFF1a- CXvCULgrioN AAFFA A?J'P EXvANDED VEHICcE MAK7W ,49E4, _T�AtS FRdTECr W1LL Co>JSrI-n(rE REPCV&.6fr+>15 TD A LAKIJ✓ EX>E-�T. JK 51 7` of TW I1/cGJ (.)+4, j+oulSF_ WAs frCawf," uasao,U 00144 i .-,pack e44,klr- IYE5 sirE C,6d6lf,7-S. 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C=- 0,(o3 G,o aP = C %1= 0.02, V = a• I F+/s — U sj5 rE r AT- aD F 0 F t.4cM 50f" STORMWATER POND CALCULATIONS NEW BER BUILDING SUPPLY MATERIALS STORAGE WAREHOUSE 3321 NEUSE BOULEVARD NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA AE PROJECT #06097 SIZE POND AND ORIFICE: SITE DATA ACKE6 TOTAL SITE WATERSHEAD AREA = 305201 SF 7.01 BUILDING AREA= 25850 SF 0.59 SIDEWALK AREA = 0 SF 0.00 PARKING/DRIVE AREA = 124714 SF 2.86 GRASS AREA/POND AREA = 154637 SF 3.55 TOTAL BUILT - UPON AREA = 150564 SF 3.46 % BUA = DETERMINE POND SURFACE AREA REQUIREMENT AT PERMANENT POOL RFFFRFNr.F RA/nA TARI F 49.3 % YES NO 85%TSS REMOVAL WITH 30' VEGATATIVE FILLER 90% TSS REMOVAL FOR WET DETENTION WITHOUT VEGETATIVE FILTER X X SET PERMANENT POOL DEPTH = SA/DA LOW (40%)= SA/DA HIGH (50%) _ % IMPER(ACTUAL%) _ % IMPERVIOUS LOW = INTERPOLATED SA/DA VALUE _ REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = APPROXIMATE POND WIDTH = APPROXIMATE POND DIMENSIONS = PERM POOL PI 4 FT 3.5 4.3 49.3 % 40 % 4.25 12,961 SF 66 FT 66 FT X 197 FT EiB peoll CALCULATE 1" STORM RUNOFF VOLUME BUILDING AREA = 25850 SF C= 1.00 SIDEWALKAREA = 0 SF C= 0.90 PARKING/DRIVE AREA = 124714 SF C= 0.90 GRASS AREA = 154637 SF C= 0.30 POND AREA = 0 SF C= 0.30 1-INCH VOLUME = 15 8 FT3 C= 62.5 SET PERMANENT POOL LEVEL AT: 0' STAGE = 94.5 FT ELEVATION DETERMINE POND STAGE RISE ASSOCIATED WITH V STORM STAGE FT SURFACE AREA FTz NCREMENTAL VOL FT3' CUMM. VOL(FT3) STORM VOL. FT3 -10 0 ERR ERR -9 0 0 ERR -8 0 0 ERR -7 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 -5 0 O 0 -4 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 13257 6,629 6,629 0 1 14859 14,058 20,687 14,058 2 16521 15,690 36,377 29,748 3 17370 16,946 53,322 46,694 4 0 8,685 62,007 55,379 5 0 0 62,007 55,379 6 0 0 62,007 55,379 7 0 0 62,007 55,379 8 0 0 62,007 55,379 9 0 0 62,007 55,379 10 0 0 62,007 55,379 CALCULATE 1" STORM RISE BETWEEN: 94.5 FT & 95 FT THE STORED RUNOFF = REMAINING VOLUME TO BE STORED BETWEEN: 95 FT & 96 FT INCREMENTAL VOLUME _ RISE ABOVE 95 FT CONTOUR = 0.610 FT THEREFORE V STORM ELEVATION = SAY: 95.61 FT 95.61 FT STORM STA(+G119-E FT 6629 FT3 9,264 FT3 14859 FT3 DETERMINE ORIFICE SIZE TO DRAW DOWN THE 1" STORM AVERAGE AVAILABLE ORIFICE HEAD = 0.555 FT SIZE ORIFICE FOR 3-DAY DRAWDOWN AVERAGE Q REQUIRED = 0.061 FT3/S (3 DAY DRAW DOWN) FROM P. III -II OF HRM Q = DISCHARGE(CFS) Co = COEFFICIENT (USE 0.6) A = ORIFICE AREA (SF) 1 9 = GRAVITY (32.2 FT/S2) SOLVE FOR AREA REQUIRED: A=Q/(CD'sgrt(2gh)= 0.01709 SF ORIFICE DIAMETER (D) = 0.1476 FT APPROXIMATELY= 1.77 INCHES TRY A 2 INCH DIAMETER ORIFIC =Do CHECK ORIFICE SIZE BY ROUTING THE DRAWDOWN OF THE 1"STORM RUNOFF DISCHARGE TABLE h(FT) Q(CFS) 1.1 0.110 1.05 0.108 1 0.105 0.9 0.100 0.8 0.094 0.7 0.088 0.6 0.081 0.5 0.074 0.4 0.066 0.3 0.058 0.2 0.047 0.1 0.033 0.05 0.023 0.04 0.021 0.03 0.018 0.02 0.015 NOTE: h MEASURED TO CENTER OF ORIFICE Q=(0.6)(P I/4)(Do/12)2Sgrt(2'32.2'h) INITIAL HEAD = 1.10 FT APPROXIMATE 1" STORM DRAWDOWN USING 6 HOUR INCREMENTS REQUIRED VOLUME = 15,893 FT3 POND HAS 1" STORM VOLUME AT t=0 TIME ELAPSED HR h FT Q CFS Q/6 HRS Ocurmn VOL. REMAINING FT3 0 1.10 15,893 6 1.10 0.110 2,380 2,380 13,513 12 0.94 0.102 2,194 4,574 11,319 18 0.78 0.093 2,008 6,582 9,311 24 0.64 0.084 1,821 8,404 7,489 30 0.52 0.076 1,634 10,037 5,856 36 0.41 0.067 1,444 11,482 4,411 42 0.31 0.058 1,254 12,736 3,157 48 0.22 0.049 1,061 13,796 2,097 54 0.15 0.040 864 14,661 1,232 60 0.09 0.031 663 15,323 570 66 0.04 0.021 451 15,774 119 72 0.01 0.010 206 15,980 (87) 78 0.01 ERR ERR ERR ERR 84 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 90 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 96 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 102 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 108 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 114 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR 120 ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR "NOTE: (ERR) INDICATES THAT THE STORM WATER HAS DRAINED NEARLY LEVEL WITH THE ORIFICE HEIGHT WHICH WILL BE THE HEIGHT OF THE PERMANENT POOL. THERFORE THE 1" STORM WATER HAS DRAINED WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD OF 2 - 5 DAYS, AND THE RUNOFF CONTROL FOR THE POND IS SATISFACTORY. ALSO LEAVE 0 HOURS FOR THE LAST 0 FT3 TO TRICKLE OUT 29 87 2523 0 23 81 1863 -1 17 75 1275 -2 11 69 759, -3 5 63 315 -4 35 93 3255 1 41 99 4059 2 47 105 4935 3 Hydrograph Summary Report Page 1 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (curt) Return period (Y m) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ff) Maximum storage (cuff) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 21.79 2 724 65,539 1 — 1-YR, 24-HR PRE -DE 2 SCS Runoff 48.72 2 724 151,972 10 — 10-YR,24-HR PRE -DE 3 SCS Runoff 13.68 2 724 41,042 1 — 1-YR, 24-HR POST-D 4 SCS Runoff 3.96 2 724 13,446 1 — RAILROAD 1-YR 5 SCS Runoff 36.22 2 724 109,208 10 — 10-YR, POST DEV 6 SCS Runoff 7.55 2 724 26,229 10 — RAILROAD, 10-YR 7 Reservor 1.91 2 758 32,407 1 3 95.88 19,868 1-YR, POST DEV 8 Reservoir 13.34 2 738 100,360 10 5 97.24 42,473 10-YR, POST DEV Proj. file: NEWBERNBLDGSUP BDF file: NEW BERN.IDF Run date: 09-06-2006 Hydrograph Report Page 1 Hyd. No. 8 10-YR, POST DEV Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval Inflow hyd. No. = 5 Reservoir name Max. Elevation = 97.24 ft Max. Storage English = 13.34 cfs = 2 min = NBBLDGSUPPLY = 42,473 cuft Storage Mdimbon me W uses. Total Volume = 100,360 CUR Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs It cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs .. -- - __ __ __ . _1 - - - - 0.71 11.80 10.15 95.80 1.90 0.09 - - 1.16 -- - - 1.25 11.83 11.24 95.87 2.04 0.08 - - 1.92 - - - 1.87 11.87 12.37 95.95 2.18 0.03 - - 2.84 - - - 2.18 11.90 13.53 96.03 2.32 - - - 3.91 - - - 2.32 11.93 15.47 96.12 2.43 - - - 5.18 - - - 2.43 11.97 19.73 96.23 2.56 - - - 6.93 - - - 2.56 12.00 26.69 96.38 2.67 -- -- - 9.57 - - - 2.67 12.03 33.75 96.57 4.74 - - - 13.36 - - - 4.74 12.07 36.22 << 96.78 8.44 - - - 17.86 - - - 8.44 12.10 32.64 96.96 10.62 - - - 22.16 - - - 10.62 12.13 26.01 97.09 11.92 - - - 25.31 - - - 11.92 12.17 20.32 97.16 12.62 - - - 27.24 - - - 12.62 12.20 17.20 97.20 12.98 - - - 28.32 - - - 12.98 12.23 15.64 97.22 13.18 - -- - 28.93 - - - 13.18 12.27 14.60 97.24 13.29 - - - 29.27 - - - 13.29 12.30 13.54 97.24 << 13.34 - - - 29.41 - - - 13.34 << 12.33 12.45 97.24 13.32 - - - 29.35 - - - 13.32 12.37 11.35 97.23 13.24 - - - 29.10 -- - - 13.24 12.40 10.24 97.21 13.09 - - - 28.67 - - - 13.09 12.43 9.12 97.19 12.89 - - - 28.06 - - - 12.89 12.47 7.98 97.16 12.64 - - - 27.30 - - - 12.64 12.50 6.84 97.13 12.32 - - - 26.40 - - - 12.32 12.53 5.79 97.09 11.94 - - - 25.37 - - - 11.94 12.57 5.05 97.05 11.52 - - - 24.27 - - - 11.52 12.60 4.66 97.00 11.07 - - - 23.16 - - - 11.07 12.63 4.47 96.96 10.58 - - - 22.05 - - - 10.58 12.67 4.36 96.91 10.10 - - - 21.00 - - - 10.10 12.70 4.24 96.87 9.62 - - - 20.03 - - - 9.62 12.73 4.12 96.84 9.16 - - - 19.14 - - - 9.16 12.77 4.00 96.80 8.72 - - - 18.31 - - - 8.72 12.80 3.88 96.77 8.25 - - - 17.56 - - - 8.25 12.83 3.77 96.74 7.81 - - - 16.88 - - - 7.81 12.87 3.65 96.71 7.40 - - - 16.24 - - - 7.40 12.90 3.53 96.68 6.96 - - - 15.67 - - - 6.96 12.93 3.41 96.66 6.53 - - - 15.15 - - - 6.53 Continues on next page... 10-YR, POST DEV Page 2 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 12.97 3.29 96.64 6.14 - - - 14.68 - - - 6.14 13.00 3.16 96.62 5.78 - - - 14.26 - - - 5.78 13.03 3.05 96.60 5.44 - - - 13.87 - - - 5.44 13.07 2.97 96.58 4.98 -- -- - 13.54 - - - 4.98 13.10 2.91 96.57 4.60 - - - 13.26 - - - 4.60 13.13 2.88 96.56 4.28 - - - 13.03 - - - 4.28 13.17 2.85 96.55 4.02 - - - 12.84 - - - 4.02 13.20 2.82 96.54 3.79 - - - 12.68 - - - 3.79 13.23 2.79 96.53 3.61 - - - 12.55 - - - 3.61 13.27 2.75 96.53 3.45 - - - 12.43 - - - 3.45 13.30 2.72 96.52 3.32 - - - 12.34 - - - 3.32 13.33 2.69 96.52 3.20 - - - 12.25 - - - 3.20 13.37 2.66 96.52 3.11 - - - 12.18 - - - 3.11 13.40 2.63 96.51 3.02 - - - 12.12 - - - 3.02 13.43 2.60 96.51 2.94 - -- - 12.07 - - - 2.94 13.47 2.57 96.51 2.88 - - - 12.02 - - - 2.88 13.50 2.54 96.51 2.82 - - - 11.97 - - - 2.82 13.53 2.51 96.50 2.76 - ----- -- 11.93 - - - 2.76 13.57 2.48 96.50 2.71 - - - 11.90 - - - 2.71 13.60 2.44 96.36 2.66 - - - 9.23 - - - 2.66 13.63 2.41 96.30 2.63 - - - 8.13 - - - 2.63 13.67 2.38 96.30 2.63 - - - 8.16 - - - 2.63 13.70 2.35 96.31 2.63 - -- - 8.19 - - - 2.63 13.73 2.32 96.31 2.63 - - - 8.23 - - - 2.63 13.77 2.29 96.31 2.63 - - - 8.28 - - - 2.63 13.80 2.26 96.31 2.63 - - - 8.32 - - - 2.63 13.83 2.22 96.32 2.64 - - - 8.37 - - - 2.64 13.87 2.19 96.32 2.64 - - - 8.43 - - - 2.64 13.90 2.16 96.32 2.64 - - - 8.49 - - - 2.64 13.93 2.13 96.33 2.64 - - - 8.55 - - - 2.64 13.97 2.10 96.33 2.64 - - - 8.62 - - - 2.64 14.00 2.06 96.33 2.65 - - - 8.69 - - - 2.65 14.03 2.03 96.34 2.65 - - - 8.77 - - - 2.65 14.07 2.01 96.34 2.65 - - - 8.85 - - - 2.65 14.10 1.99 96.35 2.65 - - - 8.94 - - - 2.65 14.13 1.97 96.35 2.66 - - - 9.02 - - - 2.66 14.17 1.96 96.36 2.66 - - - 9.11 - - - 2.66 14.20 1.94 96.36 2.66 - - - 9.20 - - - 2.66 14.23 1.93 96.37 2.67 - - - 9.30 - - - 2.67 14.27 1.91 96.37 2.67 - - - 9.39 - - - 2.67 14.30 1.90 96.38 2.67 - - - 9.49 - - - 2.67 14.33 1:88 96.38 2.68 - - - 9.59 - - - 2.68 14.37 1.87 96.39 2.68 - - - 9.70 - - - 2.68 14.40 1.85 96.39 2.68 - - - 9.80 - - - 2.68 14.43 1.84 96.40 2.68 - - - 9.89 - - - 2.68 14.47 1.82 96.39 2.68 - - - 9.78 - - - 2.68 14.50 1.81 96.39 2.68 - - - 9.66 - - - 2.68 14.53 1.79 96.38 2.67 - - - 9.55 - - - 2.67 14.57 1.78 96.37 2.67 - - - 9.43 - - - 2.67 Continues on next page... 14YR, POST DEV Page 3 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs It cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cis cfs 14.60 1.76 96.37 2.67 - - - 9.31 - - - 2.67 14.63 1.75 96.36 2.66 - - - 9.19 - - - 2.66 14.67 1.73 96.35 2.66 - - - 9.07 - - - 2.66 14.70 1.72 96.35 2.65 - - - 8.95 - - - 2.65 14.73 1.70 96.34 2.65 - - - 8.82 - - - 2.65 14.77 1.69 96.33 2.65 - - - 8.70 - - - 2.65 14.80 1.67 96.33 2.64 - - - 8.57 - - - 2.64 14.83 1.66 96.32 2.64 - - - 8.44 - - - 2.64 14.87 1.64 96.31 2.63 - - - 8.31 - - - 2.63 14.90 1.62 96.31 2.63 - - - 8.18 - - - 2.63 14.93 1.61 96.30 2.62 - - - 8.05 - - - 2.62 14.97 1.59 96.29 2.62 - - - 7.92 - - - 2.62 15.00 1.58 96.28 2.61 - - - 7.79 - - - 2.61 15.03 1.56 96.28 2.60 - - - 7.67 - - - 2.60 15.07 1.55 96.27 2.59 - - - 7.54 - - - 2.59 15.10 1.53 96.26 2.59 - - - 7.41 - - - 2.59 15.13 1.52 96.25 2.58 - - - 7.28 - - -- 2.58 15.17 1.50 96.24 2.57 - - - 7.15 - - - 2.57 15.20 1.49 96.24 2.56 - - - 7.02 - - - 2.56 15.23 1.47 96.23 2.55 - - - 6.88 - - - 2.55 15.27 1.45 96.22 2.55 - - - 6.75 - - - 2.55 15.30 1.44 96.21 2.54 - - - 6.62 - - - 2.54 15.33 1.42 96.21 2.53 - - - 6.48 - - - 2.53 15.37 1.41 96.20 2.52 - - - 6.35 - - - 2.52 15.40 1.39 96.19 2.51 - - - 6.22 - - - 2.51 15.43 1.38 96.18 2.50 - - - 6.10 - - - 2.50 15.47 1.36 96.17 2.49 - - - 5.97 - - - 2.49 15.50 1.35 96.16 2.48 - - - 5.84 - - - 2.48 15.53 1.33 96.16 2.47 - - - 5.71 - - - 2.47 15.57 1.31 96.15 2.46 - - - 5.58 - - - 2.46 15.60 1.30 96.14 2.45 - - - 5.45 - - - 2.45 15.63 1.28 96.13 2.45 - - - 5.32 - - - 2.45 15.67 1.27 96.12 2.44 - - - 5.19 - - - 2.44 15.70 1.25 96.11 2.43 - - - 5.06 - - - 2.43 15.73 1.24 96.11 2.42 - - - 4.93 - - - 2.42 15.77 1.22 96.10 2.41 - - - 4.80 - - - 2.41 15.80 1.20 96.09 2.39 - - - 4.68 - - - 2.39 15.83 1.19 96.08 2.38 - - - 4.55 - - - 2.38 15.87 1.17 96.07 2.37 - - - 4.43 - - - 2.37 15.90 1.16 96.06 2.36 - - - 4.31 - - - 2.36 15.93 1.14 96.05 2.34 - - - 4.19 - - - 2.34 15.97 1.13 96.05 2.33 - - - 4.07 - - - 2.33 16.00 1.11 96.04 2.32 - - - 3.94 - - - 2.32 16.03 1.10 96.03 2.31 - - - 3.82 - - - 2.31 16.07 1.08 96.02 2.29 - - - 3.70 - - - 2.29 16.10 1.07 96.01 2.28 - - - 3.57 - - - 2.28 16.13 1.07 96.00 2.27 - - - 3.45 - - - 2.27 16.17 1.06 95.99 2.25 0.01 - - 3.33 - - - 2.25 16.20 1.05 95.98 2.24 0.01 - - 3.21 - - - 2.24 Continues on next page... 10-YR, POST DEV Page 4 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs efs cfs cfs cfs 16.23 1.05 95.97 2.22 0.02 - - 3.10 - - - 2.22 16.27 1.04 95.96 2.20 0.03 - - 2.98 - - - 2.20 16.30 1.03 95.95 2.19 0.03 - - 2.87 - - - 2.19 16.33 1.03 95.94 2.17 0.04 - - 2.75 - - - 2.17 16.37 1.02 95.94 2.16 0.04 - - 2.64 - - - 2.16 16.40 1.01 95.93 2.14 0.05 - - 2.53 - - - 2.14 16.43 1.01 95.92 2.12 0.06 - - 2.41 - - - 2.12 16.47 1.00 95.91 2.11 0.06 - - 2.30 - - - 2.11 16.50 0.99 95.90 2.09 0.07 - - 2.19 - - - 2.09 16.53 0.99 95.89 2.08 0.07 - - 2.11 - - - 2.02 16.57 0.98 95.88 2.06 0.07 - - 2.02 - - - 1.95 16.60 0.97 95.87 2.05 0.08 - - 1.94 - - - 1.89 16.63 0.97 95.87 2.03 0.08 - - 1.87 - - - 1.83 16.67 0.96 95.86 2.02 0.08 - - 1.80 - - - 1.77 16.70 0.95 95.85 2.01 0.08 - - 1.73 - - - 1.72 16.73 0.94 95.85 2.00 0.08 - - 1.67 - - - 1.67 16.77 0.94 95.84 1.98 0.08 - - 1.61 - - - 1.62 16.80 0.93 95.84 1.97 0.08 - - 1.56 - - - 1.57 16.83 0.92 95.83 1.96 0.08 - - 1.51 - - - 1.53 16.87 0.92 95.83 1.95 0.09 - - 1.46 - - - 1.49 16.90 0.91 95.82 1.95 0.09 - - 1.41 - - - 1.45 16.93 0.90 95.82 1.94 0.09 - - 1.36 - - - 1.42 16.97 0.90 95.81 1.93 0.09 - - 1.32 - - - 1.39 17.00 0.89 95.81 1.92 0.09 - - 1.28 - - - 1.35 17.03 0.88 95.81 1.92 0.09 - - 1.25 - - - 1.32 17.07 0.88 95.80 1.91 0.09 - - 1.21 - - - 1.29 17.10 0.87 95.80 1.90 0.09 - - 1.18 - - - 1.27 17.13 0.86 95.80 1.90 0.09 - - 1.15 - - - 1.24 17.17 0.86 95.79 1.89 0.09 - - 1.13 - - - 1.22 17.20 0.85 95.79 1.89 0.09 - - 1.10 - - - 1.20 17.23 0.84 95.79 1.89 0.09 - - 1.08 - - - 1.17 17.27 0.84 95.79 1.88 0.09 - - 1.06 - - - 1.15 17.30 0.83 95.78 1.88 0.09 - - 1.04 - - - 1.13 17.33 0.82 95.78 1.87 0.09 - - 1.02 - - - 1.12 17.37 0.81 95.78 1.87 0.09 - - 1.00 - - - 1.10 17.40 0.81 95.78 1.87 0.10 - - 0.99 - - - 1.08 17.43 0.80 95.77 1.87 0.10 - - 0.97 - - - 1.06 17.47 0.79 95.77 1.86 0.10 - - 0.95 - - - 1.05 17.50 0.79 95.77 1.86 0.10 - - 0.94 - - - 1.03 17.53 0.78 95.77 1.86 0.10 - - 0.92 - - - 1.02 17.57 0.77 95.77 1.85 0.10 - - 0.91 - - - 1.00 17.60 0.77 95.76 1.85 0.10 - - 0.89 - - - 0.99 17.63 0.76 95.76 1.85 0.10 - - 0.88 - - - 0.97 17.67 0.75 95.76 1.85 0.10 - - 0.86 - - - 0.96 17.70 0.75 95.76 1.84 0.10 - - 0.85 - - - 0.95 17.73 0.74 95.76 1.84 0.10 - - 0.84 - - - 0.94 17.77 0.73 95.76 1.84 0.10 - - 0.83 - - - 0.92 17.80 0.72 95.76 1.84 0.10 - - 0.81 - - - 0.91 17.83 0.72 95.75 1.84 0.10 - - 0.80 - - - 0.90 Continues on next page... 14YR, POST DEV Page 5 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Civ C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs It cfS cfS Cfs CIS cfs Cfs Cfs Cfs Cfs 17.87 0.71 95.75 1.83 0.10 - - 0.79 - - - 0.89 17.90 0.70 95.75 1.83 0.10 - - 0.78 - - - 0.88 17.93 0.70 95.75 1.83 0.10 - - 0.77 - - - 0.87 17.97 0.69 95.75 1.83 0.10 - 0.76 - - - 0.86 18.00 0.68 95.75 1.83 0.10 - - 0.75 - - - 0.85 18.03 0.68 95.75 1.82 0.10 - - 0.74 - - - 0.84 18.07 0.67 95.74 1.82 0.10 - - 0.73 - - - 0.83 18.10 0.67 95.74 1.82 0.10 - - 0.72 - - - 0.82 18.13 0.67 95.74 1.82 0.10 - - 0.71 - - - 0.81 18.17 0.66 95.74 1.82 0.10 - - 0.70 - - - 0.80 18.20 0.66 95.74 1.82 0.10 - - 0.69 - - - 0.79 18.23 0.66 95.74 1.81 0.10 - - 0.68 - - - 0.78 18.27 0.66 95.74 1.81 0.10 - - 0.68 - - - 0.78 18.30 0.66 95.74 1.81 0.10 - - 0.67 - - - 0.77 18.33 0.65 95.74 1.81 0.10 - - 0.66 - - - 0.76 18.37 0.65 95.73 1.81 0.10 - - 0.65 - - - 0.75 18.40 0.65 95.73 1.81 0.10 - - 0.65 - - - 0.75 18.43 0.65 95.73 1.81 0.10 - - 0.64 - - - 0.74 18.47 0.65 95.73 1.81 0.10 - - 0.64 - - - 0.74 18.50 0.64 95.73 1.81 0.10 - - 0.63 - - - 0.73 18.53 0.64 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.63 - - - 0.73 18.57 0.64 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.62 - -- - 0.72 18.60 0.64 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.61 - - - 0.72 18.63 0.64 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.61 - - - 0.71 18.67 0.63 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.61 - - - 0.71 18.70 0.63 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.60 - - - 0.70 18.73 0.63 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.60 - - - 0.70 18.77 0.63 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.59 - - - 0.69 18.80 0.63 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.59 - - - 0.69 18.83 0.62 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.58 - - - 0.69 18.87 0.62 95.73 1.80 0.10 - - 0.58 - - - 0.68 18.90 0.62 95.72 1.80 0.10 - - 0.58 - - - 0.68 18.93 0.62 95.72 1.79 0.10 - - 0.57 - - - 0.67 18.97 0.62 95.72 1.79 0.10 - - 0.57 - - - 0.67 19.00 0.61 95.72 1.79 0.10 - - 0.57 - - - 0.67 End Reservoir Report Page, Reservoir No. 1 - NBBLDGSUPPLY English Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas Stage / Storage Table Stage Elevation Contour area Incr. Storage Total storage ft ft sqft cuft cuft 0.00 94.50 13,257 0 0 0.50 95.00 14,045 6,826 6,826 1.50 96.00 15,673 14,859 21,685 2.50 97.00 17,370 16,522 38,206 3.00 97.50 17,820 8,798 47,004 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] lam] [D] tAj [s] lC] [D] Rise in = 24.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 Crest Len ft = 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Span in = 24.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 Crest El. ft = 95.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Invert El. ft = 94.50 94.50 0.00 0.00 Eqn. Exp. = 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length ft = 30.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope % = 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .024 .013 .000 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = - Yes No No Tailwater Elevation = 0.00 ft Note: All ouffims have been analyzed under inlet add outlet control. Stage I Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Discharge ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 94.50 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 - - - 0.00 0.50 6,826 95.00 0.44 0.06 - - 0.00 - - - 0.06 1.50 21,685 96.00 2.27 0.00 - - 3.43 - - - 2.27 2.50 38,206 97.00 11.05 0.00 - - 23.11 - - - 11.05 3.00 47,004 97.50 15.40 0.00 - - 36.64 - - - 15.40 Hydrograph Plot Hyd. No. 8 10-YR, POST DEV Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 5 Max. Elevation = 97.24 ft storage Indication method used. Peak discharge Time interval Reservoir name Max. Storage English = 13.34 cfs = 2 min = NBBLDGSUPPLY = 42,473 cuft Total Volurne = 100,360 cult 8 - Reservoir -10 Yr - Qp = 13.34 cfs 4 3 w n 2 d 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hrs) / Hyd. 5 / Hyd. 8 i . Hydrograph Plot Hyd. No, 7 1-YR, POST DEV Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 1 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 3 Max. Elevation = 95.88 ft Storage InEiwtion meffiW uc , English Peak discharge = 1.91 cfs Time interval = 2 min Reservoir name = NBBLDGSUPPLY Max. Storage = 19,868 cuft Trial Vclume = 32,407 cult 7 - Reservoir -1 Yr - Qp = 1.91 cfs 1 1 w V dL C'1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hrs) / Hyd. 3 / Hyd. 7