HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4160401_HISTORICAL FILE_20160511STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS WD HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE1Q���� YYYYMMDD NC Department of Environmental Quality Received MAY 1 1 2016 Winston-Salem Regional Office STATE OF NORTI I CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIDSON PURCHASE AND SALE CON TRACT (�..fs�s057 s}v._. THIS PURCHASE AND SALE CON7RACT (din Tmiimci ), ataxic mid cntacd ium , of din i day of he -__2016 xdhich dam is the dme of Last exea'utiai Oil, x hmeen Bu)ci mid Sella os each is defined belox (Ibc "Effective Date'), h and b4Maah LEXINGTON DEVELOPMENT CU` PANY. LTU._ yet OJfi••, Ig,jcJ_Jia�ihl ccu�tnW1 (bacina➢T«fmcd to m-'Sdkr"), and CROWN LEXINGfON DLVELUPMgNI LLC, a North CSVIind limltN hdLilit)cittllflNl)' (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer ); (Htq<t and Seller, mg don xith Ibeir s acssorl. heirs a assign, me heminanvr rollttticelt ¢f4nad m as din "Panics'). \\'1*1N F. CS!' l' ll' WHERLAS. Sella is the oxua of a pmcel Of laid In:amd mt LO\vcs Iladavud in ihr Cary of Lexingmn, in Dmidmai Counly, NMI, Carolina, containing afi rmlmamly 3.79 Ceres, idarari d as Pmcel Nundse 6724-02{h5.1144, Ind W'HF,RLAS, Ddxer desara to purchase firm 561a mid Sella dcui (o a1110 Bn)a, appfusimmClc VIC and one-half (PL) acre of Parcel Number 6724-0+.65�1144, s smart on Exhibit "A" wXbcd berm, and made a part herenf by this reference (said trans m pmeds, IrgcJitt xilh all IhC,i)Jns..Q—ls or rights of xay and the apPwrnmces Mlouging err nplvtaining diner,. Min, hncinana «fcricii m as din'Prpcny ). WHEREAS, Buyer desires to WEcliasc bwu Seller mid Sella desires to sdl to Buyer the Ropeny. NOW. TIIERFFORE, fa and ill cemsidamion of the normal coscnonts mid promises as hcminancr cquceas, Ica Joilms ($10.00) and Mber gwal and xzluddc mllsadantiims, the reccip6 and snnidency Of\vldn, me I,erch xelau.v lalgial, die PmiJCs ,amuse, lmva mi and C,,, as fell —a 1. C'ON­IRAf T' PROPER11' 1.1 Seller hauby Cfnces I. all, transfer and convey to Buya, and Bu)a hereby aprees to purchase flint, Sell' , subjeci to and.port the lapis and tMulo m s set forth in this agreement ibc Propel}. I I, EARNF5T M(y\h:1]F_S('RO\\'AGE\"f Flll('I'If RCOCI'H oC09SIDERA1[ON AND PRELIxIINAI41' INPURNIAT1O\ 21 Buyer shall, within fc, (5) boohoo days follaving the Mina, rec6irl of die Column duly execnsed by the Seller, W ddiva loll. Bmrisa's Tide Smviera of Ibc Cmoliaas, LLC (Iiacin:An mfmxl Or, as Ih<'Iiscrmi Agcnfl. die mnrvm of Five I Iundred and WIWI) D.Hm,(S50o.V) (da"17 micst Monep'),xhich shW be held in esaosr br ILe E llaux Agar pmmarn In din across and conditions hereof to an imaeA blaring Xemml and mty mid all ialcie a caned Thereat diCll in all csents he trcamd m' Eamcst Marc), The Gunhnl Marey shorn s;im,mile, puycfs perfomumce and #fall xrae W. ro ,,dWm,cn for this Contract. In the Cx'Cnt Iluya has not knninaled Otis Ccnuael wilhin die Feuihilq Shiny Perird (haaa.ifier dehrieJ), except as suded hefcin Id din comsat}. dicer the E=C9 Moony shall hVVne loorefiold,ue in the event liu)a tterex0a latmanmc, this CoisrWn. W, dull rmiaio applicable to the purchase price at Cloning in [tic event Buyerdoes nor tenninme this Contract. 2.2 On or Mferc five (5) Hrrjs day, anm the e1r ciive Dam, Sella sh:dl deliver to Huya des fullov"ng itcnis related to din Properly (hacinxne the "Pmlintinmy Infwsuatinn'). (A) Copies of mi)• title insurmtee Policies, atlotnc)ha lick opinions, copies of exeepliont to Mlle including eaeCaInts. rip)ns'-of-xay, and all other infonnatimi with legaWl l0 tic title W the ProptoW in Seller's(or its agents) possession; (B) Copics a rial notices received by Sella frun gm'enunenml antbaido fclannp to the utilifies at the Rolwnr. the water eadra scsva system, rands, dams, xdlmtds, or dha simiIX infltnnstion in Seller poscssaoo which may help the huger in its inNCclion nfdi, Prwaty: CY+++O -1 Ooxl pxaptrtn rmc✓ry (iearamn. nc) V i (I �n i ,(�jrf: (C) Copies also) surveys in Seller's posxvian 2.3 111c little duties of I"ermr Agent are In hold mid skpmn the Basins Money or sexy Brads Mitered to hcxn.. Agent and to disbmoe Vale inch f mds, mgeshcr o ith unr imagist emnd Ihrnem. in nemdanee"nh the lernu of Ibis C'N1uac1 ICw+ow Agent slndl brae no duq to knmv sx Jctmninc Ibr tmf mi:mm sx nruipnGnnuvl<c M mq' tam a cNWitimi of olds Oxvna len.cai the Parties. Gam. Awns may resign in duties herntndn slam Gee (5) days china, ndlce In each of the Pasta, in ehicb elan Boyer and Shcn sbdl mun'tel' agree open a subniune <sermt oy n "im shall Wnea0a lK Gamt Agent liserox Agan stall uN Ix li:dde for any color cQudgmcnC or for any list done or steps taken or Nnival by it in g(.A 1Mh, as for mry misuke M fact a law, or for tutphing which it -,to) do or refrain frmn doing in ecnmtttiml hoc"idi caqu by its alto negligence or svill(ul mix'onduct. If. conuosasy shall mix brtwecm the turtle, hereto m sties mq third pe,som. Fle, Agent may await the nutermm of latch coal ersy b) final legal proccMbtg or odrm isc a Gx1mt Agent may dins aptnopriatc, N I :loom Agent may imtitum such imnplcadct N Nher pacccefin, n Gurmt Assent may Jcan p.qv. 1' c As i.. emculiug this Cwinacn >imph to e.iesenee ib ewimrtl to ns role as Gscrow Agent and its receipt all Fmnest Money, and this Crannies shall be effective prim to die execution by Fsuosc Agent. 'file Panics hereto shall and do hereby island, .,it se.enlly ntdenutif), defend. mid hold Gsaou' Agcm Inmda>a BNn, against, and in rcspea of. (1) m c and all dna lrns of an) kinrI "lurmeva 'nether'ximlo, on the date bmrcuf or haeaftur raising, inan cd by lose .. Agent by «aura of. Gunn on in a iseceion w'111, this Agleeman m any act.N, liken is not taken by Iles" Agent undo or in cofoe,m.a with thin Agseornem; ..it 6044"t s ill.. nntnsd fees (paid to saw, idc auornor v c)s notmb _ Deleted: Vat sod all representing rise fair slue of legal ser"iccs rendered fm itself), eapenscs. duMusamails of cnmtxl, m vnus of juJgmcnts. danund.. a ...attests, costs, lines or penallic>, mid mumuu,....sill in eomprn smkmnn. oclolld oe snualned b, h.>amr Agent by resistant of, in eonnenion srifil of ux a msull of nor claim, dolind, action. suit. uwesligmton of proceeding (or any appeal thereof or relating Ihc¢Io or m limn relics. therms) ineidcnl 10 the manes catered be [tie immedimely preceding clause li) Cscro"' Agenl shall be fully indenin tied b) rile panics hurw for all its e,p'm'"' cow', amid it, We auosne'i I'" intoned in eonnecttno with rap intcmielmder action which Lttroo Agent ntay file, in m sole divaton. In resole an, dlsPuic m m file Depositor or Vail idt nmy be filed against the Estnnv Agnes. finch cons, eywnsas or nnNrin)i fees. as wcl1 us file fees of liaarosr Agent stay be deducted frmn the Fonds. Ill. PURCHASE P121CF, 3.1 11te I'urdime Price (a I. paid by Uu)er to Sek, for said in cnn.iderwins of time crnnc)mice of the Rgesp mid eaccwlon mid ddita)' of die insinrments and Nher trans set (11101 in S-11M V Loco(>hall be the sun, of Scszn Ilundad lhirry Thousand and 00/100 Dollars (5730,000.00) ill,, talc Price"). _ 3.2 'Om i•mch. Rice shall be paid in tenified m Insmedulely a.;tilablc bad, m Ih< Uniuti:,e I:dim.,_.1 11 Jfd1e �..J,0 Nigro 11,, r w,star at•�,�. yI'iyE.im:jmc balgq:f.l'LL§!f11W1J1Al' lb"', Ih..r..... f and lmrlfrlt OF n Ia J "heal the Nam is •old L. i I.�,�iihitILP.K!_. Ttte fused Mon') Alai] be mauled to the Purchase Aice al Closing and Fill to Sells. I Y, 11EASl ltll.l'IY S1 111)V i'F.HIOD 4.1 The Duyer shill Ira granted a poiod of finely (901 st:n> frmn the f:Ralite Da11 in which m co sJuel studies. indudutg it studies, tills, sun¢) end other, nimttrs to dnotnme whelhcrrn nml till Iic1scrit is sonndde for lbe rumpmti" mid tall use, of tie Bill (the-Fcoihdrg" Study )'load-). IIle I)n)el Ilhdr In IllinaW' thk f'01lVaCk In Itf $, Ie and811 ]tire discretion. wislune daring file Fensibilip' Study Period, Use Earl MonMu ey shall be thwiits rnmmt lea the Dn)a, and die parties still bereafier have no liabilities. allies Wm, undo- Skelton 9.1. cacti to din mode, If Rover tails to manitem during fhe Lcasibiliiy Study Period, file right In moll inwe is thereafter "'attest, execpl as mhe... ise provided herein mid the hoarsest hhrwy shall lu dcliscled eat Seller mid be fail to file Rnchroc p,icc in site event Player doses on Ow "mobs<eritic property. 1'. (1.ISIN(i WHEDUIX AND A(l'JON A'V( OSIN'(: 9.1 Unless, such date is aosflfinl inam.a.,p... ided for haco,dw dining rynumn tucbisCwoml(die 1Cbsing) shall be hdd on the time. schich is thiM (30) days slier the expiration of flit iessibililr Study Period Closing shad! take place at such Vacation s may be to duldlY agreed upon by' the Parties 5.2 At the Closing ofthe purchase and sale of the property hacteri faun-raMnr h.eyrm fin n(uvpv. ncl Formatted: Font: B pt Utnxoree n saaiJ page 4 (A) Seller shill: (i) [attMde and dclivrr to B.,C, m such olhcr pantec a, nould by Bit yy_scaial Wusmw Deed tothc Deleted: Gmrrel Pro +ty in form :rod content svrsfackilY to Buys in Buyds rcwvtahlc duArninn, cmveying gm,d, mwwLlc smd indefc ;k title in. &e sunple, ffce lied elmr of an , y lim encsmtbranm, henmcics, cuvrnmte. cmiditions will rotrinimw, mid hxcd upan legzl dexrillum oldie Prolicny fro- —ey, Ivmmv<d fv nu)n, eseept fit the folle„ing: (a) Toning mdi..c. in effect; year 6uisj; roll (b) Taxn for the yew in which the closing nukes Place (whic) droll IV prorated on a eakndm (c) Such other exceptions n contained in the Conmihncnt as approved or deemed approved by Buyer m provided in Section 1 I.I. All of the foregoing are herefnonn tcfmcd to is flu, 'Pencilled laee,mims'. NuMidmstmdmg the Rxcgmng. Seller shall swisfy end disdiupe of rce-.d my u111 all Mango's a dads of trust comull die Itolmmand in no e,an shall any siwh mm"llpge or Aced of roil be cssosidcnd n 1'cnniued Iiattptim. (ii) Pay Sellers closing costsu hereintillct specifcd: (iii) Deliver to Buyer on affidavit indicating him Seller is not a foreign entry; (iv) Deliver to Buver and ❑u)ds title insurer on nflidasil and mdmmity ageerricul in swtdard farm regordinp ttwtr0nor! tied mmnialmeni liens m the I"Vr,) aapmbk In Bn)crs hide inswer (v) If Seller is n cu"voim. limited fnbilb) mmpmy, or usorurrship, deliver a resolmion reasenably Sahisfaetary to Buyer, vnhmiring the uwrsoctim cmtmipincd herein: mid (vi) Satisfy and diselmmge ofrcccid my mavtgagc, diet uru.., and mite, lints cncumbcing die ltgrrty. (➢) Buy" shall, W Pay the Perch. Price a defined in Anid, IN: (ii) Pay Boyr,r s closing costs u hercina0n gasified. 5.3 Closingwrts m dic Closing shall be paid as hereinoBcr spccifmed: (A) By Seller: (i) Pny all laxn for )ems prior to the year orate Closing on the Property; (ii) Sclkrs portico of Ate 11wiiied tsd salm. real properry tax. for die 1. or due Closing (a provided helaw) on the Property; Jilt) Sellers own aname,s fees; (iv) Themst of dccd lxgiwwiaat.vmm, swaps required by law, wmy asxammns due mid tbu cost to deco my her, encumbrance m eshn till, on the Rop:-n) inquired ,. tic clewed by Seller pursumu he Amide X I I hereof, (v) All lac payrneh periones, ifany, and td valorem persmal property taxes on the Progeny for die entire yew in which Eli Closing occurs; and (vi) Sudi other incideml cosh and fees custom wily paid by sdlm in Forsyth County, North Cwolwa, land coomerims of This nature. (B) By Buyer (1) Buyers owe anomry's fees; . c FormattW: Fier g lot eao.a-«wa.ce.cs».... rmw.n lian.gws nc] page �_- ❑inmm• 11044171 (it) pu)ets I""non of the ad valorem real hell 1 Initialed hoes I" the lea of the Ornall (as pro Qj blow) oil die Roperry; (lilt the e9s1 ofrecmding dlneN,'ilittihl N':Irtun1)• Deed to the ItetElerir; _ - - _ _ " - .. _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ " Deleted: Genital (iv) Cool of the suncys and fro and lueniums for the Contribution for Pith msulm¢q and fns and Iacnliums Gal the Policies nrtidc insurance for the Itopam, if m.,; mid 09 Such other incidental costs mid fen nuIFUIIx ill paid 11)19u)'era in F7lrsmll Comity, North Carolina, land oanuclions of this nature. 5.4 Ad tnlorcm real P'w'n0' coma, m the Imeal lcm for which In.as oerl —.led, 10, We Yl upon)' 111.11 be prormed on a calendar year basis between Seller and Buyer. 5.5 A(ler the Closing Seiler agrees that it will take such loons and N,om l)' ,oculc and dcliter In Ill., or such further imtnuuon. of ossiymmnn, cant c)ancc and vaosfer, era, in the rhea nable opinion of Bu)cr, ma) be acre ztc I" cave ILe bill told effective varofn and eolwcymlcc of the huperq. 1'I. CONDITIONS PR F•('F'D FN l'1O CI USING In en banal l)' int v'd VIP. 12 F.1'it F_SF,NTXII ONS WARRLP l'IFS \ND \GIKEN I I'% -IS OF CFI I F., Seller botch'' makes the fell... ing rgwc+nmtialls and want its, which Mnill also he tnoc n of the dale of Cl.,, erg of doe Property and which 4.11 survive the Closin>;jtn sole l„1, 71 '1'. the beat of Sellers kntl.rl.dge, Seller Iom c.11lllbtd trilh all upplicable laws, nrllio;ulcn, rebinmml, and resbicdons felafing to the Nopnrc. 7.2 'Ihnc me oar lima., elfin dlnn Seller in possession of ary ornal ol'the 11rop n) its ksucs, mid tloae me no Iraxs applicable to or nRaling doe it,tpns). 7.3 Seller It raeived no ounce of and Sdicr but no know Inlet of wp' Vending or Ihrnmoned coodemnatism or similar )necceding or syeeial assC. norl dito ng the Iropcn), m my I'm' 1111,11. nm is any $nch lxoccedong or nssesanenl catnernplmcd Ili any Glntor rocrwl Authonly. As hied Ilncin, the Icon-(iascmnlonal Atohatip Juall meal the United SwIC. don State of Nonb Carolina, the Conlin' of Fm>gth mid nor :y:cn v. dd`wunenl, Cinonni,iml, hit ni, loco..... a insiru nculs nv of anal of then, If $eIIR l."oa vldl nnliae dm int tole ItanI of ll lip Contact, SfRn bluth InlI1ed10tClr nollfl' I uta all wlllllig. 7.4 7hoic ale IIo unpaid dear,.. dells, babihlic , Chinn' to obhgmions arising hem Ili, cornw,rtioo, ocalpoli owuerdlip, not or ga+mlon of Iht Irnpnry, which could girc liser m my nl Cel.micS of inmerialmrn's or other slallanl y liar against Ilse hopenr, or cop' part thereof, m for trbidt Ilu)a will be malxnwihk. 7.5 Seller ha ocilhn erased nor does Seller bunt -1 knowledge of any luvudmva nlnkInO, luting born VLxcd, held, sinned, located, dhmised or d6,00ud of wl Iho Irglcny in a marine which tjobt. applicable In.. Ifetich knmvtedge becmles available. Seller shall inmscdiately notify Ihlyer in otinng For nugwsa ofdlis Contras.-Baaasdmis Mmariali mu t ant .wb,once, (i) the pnmer,e of wbich mynio.-. futeaigmlml or toncd;mimt undo unt mtplirNle law al fNanl. nue or li cal shdwc, ¢gnlauml, rule, ordinance, older, action, Iwlicy or cmomai law; or (it) obich is a becuntn defined m a'hmardom stthamlm; polln m, or coneuninant lade any applicable la%, or fodel 1, stem or local swum, rcpulalioo, ode of ordinance or alocadment+ thelao inohldinp wilhoso lintimlion. the C'amprcbcnsite Gntdlo olontal Resp.nx. C'smpensnimo and I i.bilily Aa (42 IISC i 6001 n xq.) and the Re suoco Cmiscomimt and Recovery Act (42 MC g 001 in saq ). sa fill) which is w.ic, radi'linke, ca cinogoniq m othmtix huamd.us and is is hecelrnel eepuh.ed by mq' gutemtnertul mnhenp', nl liv) widloul lintiution ohieh Coul ias holyehIceinamd hiphen)is (('Cti'q, rohesh+s or urea fonnaldebdo insulmion 7,6 'Ibere is ao I+cn iug. or to Shcn's knmdedyc dtremrned hitigmion c adant istrmise Ineceedhigs which oouid mbnuly aR ci title m the Rsgmny or any I. I Ihernv'r. the ninny of Sella to Inform moy of its -blip t-, hnnmda If snch notice Or knmslcdgc bea lwnn asailablc In the Seller during the loon of This Coll Seller stub immedively notify Burn in online. Formatted: Fart: B W row.. -tom ow.umm Uww+nr ltet*alm +cl page 4. bo•ui or, n Sup 7 7 pmfonma um of this Cminel "ill not rush in any hrach of, I- onystuyle a v ddaidl under, oc e,.Il in one hnpesikon of any lirn m numilbmnce upon the Psuperi}under any aglmufal or other inMlmml to which Seller is a party or by s.htch Sella or the Progeny i> hmmd. 7.8 Seller and all pa>cau acting for and on behalf of Seller hase the naesshn andunisy to neeoe doctmients and other"'ix camemmnte the uarometioms canmlplaled ha' this Contract 7.9 To the beat of Settles k... odgc, rill dtemuemli and in&amaieh ddtsved a to he Oil ,,I by Sever 10 Buyer we cnnplac, we and cornea in all it tat respects plmidal that Seller is ON omhauing the wanay in correctness of any statement load, by thud times "'ilk loch documents 7 In Sella Is uol a'Foreign perssm' within We meaning of Secion 1445 of file trial al Kemnuc Code of 1954. as amended 7.11 Sella has rho actual or cunsanaie< knun lodge of an' problems or defeet> or deficiencies in any necessary utility 'mice, and easements for suds'mikes, which will sass the Agony, including dwo,A. water, see'a, and u,leolmna 7.12 To the best ofSc)1e,i knmslcdpe, there we no unrecnrdcd vascueuls of ell ims of lien a ll"ecting the Ropcay. VHL U Prim to rise C6vnt_ Buyer cony inspat the Ropeny subject to Section 10.1 bercofto insure that the Property has na listen di>imbed a ebro,ed I. any s,a., (odln dial t)) nominal datlnfnnem of waiel, sascr, and arecia) from its condition ns of the elan of ex vtion of This Canna. Buyer feseses the rigid In delay the Closing al nn charge to !lunar where the condition of ,hc subjec, Psolxtty is not in acvmdance wick the srundardscoami ed heroin. IX. ACCMS NICIils 9.1 Ater tine dine hereof and prim t. C'lusing, the liuy„ shall have I., "gist In erne, .,., the I'ugetp "id, ulah, (tlulpmeni and nINCIIalb fro IIIe propose of tlitlting Aleh Ie1S5, InSpcell@15 and wivn5 A Buyer shall desire, Including, but aryl limited In. the riij,i to conduct wit beings, fear pit eaca"atien, sal, sufw,e'later and Iaound ss:ma sanpiing and such other rnvirsmm, al (.Le as Ouyr, shall darn apinryaime. In the cs'all Buyer simll disturb the I'm,seny in on, mane of inert ing sods ,nb, inspwioo> or song . Buyer, err its m'm eyenstt Amll "non, Ili, Promli '. limer will iadmnllfy and bold Seiler Ilmolen ton of Ims. danagc, Clmnly. wh%or cares. "Idly shall Vex qd of 1N) court$[, of eemanl, a Ilt rt to ate f",on or I ro cylY u a mull of Imy wlisdll.s of Iloym, its repays and Cmo-aams rebling to the Pool" and not named by the ncgligeul n nitIf" 1 eras Or enisiimts r Sella m its anplgaa,...paits . 7Lisindc nit, shall tu,iea Ili, Comity, ard:mr lrnninntinm hers+,(, X. C'(NENA-VTS AND AG K F.F.:\I EN-1 S Sell,, hereby euvrnanls and .9115 to do rvo perform act of the follossing. 10.1 Immediately upon obtaining knossledge of On, institution of tin.cl'sua Of lop procndin p%fe the eoodem strion of the I4aPcny, a toy panioo therm[ in aly other praecedings arising Oil of injun in data." fro the P"' erly, in in" In pion tkc,eof, Sul lei will amifp Boyer orole pendency of such peoeeeylingr 10.2 Nor to knoevingly lot in o Inamer mat "mold cause any of Sellers lepresimahous and ",Nanic,5 to be breached benveal it.. dale In .of and Closind, puvidetl that Seller shall have no abligalinn, nor shall this Coronet he affected by, wls of third Parties that are intensities, "ilh Rich representation, 10.3 Belween (he data of the fill! ... county of this Agrennent and Closing, Seller shall not timhel tnalmber 1111 rills la ibc Rnpem, , widnoul 8nrcer's consent. XI. -1 nrl,E(' IaIFI'hlF\I' 11.1 During line Fusibility Study Plonk ❑ne v n1slain n cnnamiunmt Poi tide inanmlc, Ihadnuter r.f d m as the "Co,n,hhl011c111"). If Buyer shall fail 10 give an' notice in opting to Scutt prior to the expiration of the Peslbility Sandy Period. ca Buyer shall be dned to have approved the e'cepfiels to title set forth in the Commitmml and shalt hose %;w%ed any objection it may hove to the exceptions to doe sd forth in tiro Cmnmihnenl. It Buya rods any such exceptions in vile sa funk in the DPAtM' t p 'itl mvroa 0e Gm 1 t of thve myhmenu et nAt Ploh.n� Formatted: rat: s pl Ctr.,w- halw>� ee.eeoam csw+•r Ua+nPm, xd ing. `: � � , P�asmart_�1 Cornn,lm,eat to be nnxuryahlq d,n, Buyer shall notify Sellcc in writing "I --d' b., prier m the cnpirmia, of du feasibility Smsly YaiW. Sella may, but shall not hasv any, obligminn, to then ,mdmake to eliminate n modifv suds unace,ptable enegaiau to the re.'csonable sdiefaclion of liuya within Ihirq (30) days of notice of sudt defee(. In the arnt Sella ddivas wTmen aoum to B.,,,mat it is umvliling or unable 1. diminme m modify snob unrcceptabl, e,ccpfors w the rcaombk am ,motion of Ila, prior 1. Closing. Egvn nm), m anytimeprior io Closing, Iitsopia,,senninulcthisCm,mct by notice in writing to Sella, in whiche'cw the E... Aged doll ream tiletamest Meat,)' to Eton, n, if uo, lamina ed, ❑a,e, rill Iredennsd Io h.,, approsad title in din I'ropm) in tire entditum sn ford, in tlm C,,,ontfuuast. "ids elm elimination of only unuecepmble aliens that Sclln atzxs to eonecl, laavided that no aljusuvcnl shall be made to the Pivchmc his. If fin%v proceeds to case Ibis Com,nd, then all matters d,at we ,haw m o copnums to Seiefs till, in d,e Cot uniun,m (nhn ban ,erns that Ln,,e been ob)arted to by Du)n mid Lase been null by Sella) shall he'pem,itled Eceeplim, I Ndwid,mading the foregoing, inns no, readily dLsem.aehie by Rnlyn (vmh a. unrecord,d c sonrnts of nn,-n dead ions) dndl not be considered Pmnin,d iiwgninns. uor shall enaunlem,ws ucalr.l by or assented to by Seller bewv¢n Ulm E%clive Date end ,hc date of Closing. MI. R F•B If:OI F-SrJ ER.MINAq'ION 1?.I If Buyer deWulb, in perlaming no, obli01rn11 hnrnn,M IN mo noon" other Ihm Shcn's deLwh, S<Iln slwll be cn,idm mlan,inmc Ihi,CQmae,andw,Kcisc the Eaneal Mon, then on dOfann"itl' the I'sSel . Agent," bich«•me'k, IdIbe Ila, sole renudy mailable I. Sella hefnmdce. Iluyer and Salle, spree that lion even mn",fe of damages is ecuanucly diflieu It to ac,nzh, and wpm du, the Mount of the Fanct Mon, shall scar m liquidated danngc, haeundn. 122 If Sella ddeuhs in Pri-fonving ils obl'oto.s hcfenr de, I'm ag tonne other ill= fiu)cis default, &or, shall be entitled io tenmima, this Cmmltcl and to IKriv< der FanmA Mon,' Ilan on deposit "ith We Esctnw Ag,nl, and Duyn n,ay, in addition, vc$s)ncific pafamia„uyf;fl i}� ice,, yydyyj yml .. .... . ... .... ... . . . . . . .. . . Deleted: uu au r,,,J , ov.,ilable to i, Ime or ,gain. in,wd�ny Ifm No !aide• o, def nb, by .toys oa Seller "ith P.1, Ion wry act regni ud by d shall taa,h in the mn,nwh default or limimtion o(any dglu cl'surh Porgy herrnndn, unless mad omit such P•vty,b:dllmvefmlcJ to m,:cdy sudl lailunacurc arch defauh Dele[ed:.mcnmsc mst me mr,ns ad «,ndiunm es'ithin tan (10) days ufln Ibe,Kcipl of wriflen nndt, from the other Many specifying such falhlrc or delSnll t heron uc sandM x1l 1. RFA 1. ES I Al E CONI NI ISSION AND 114OA F. I3.1 'O,c Panes her,hy represnn and wrmanl to each rnha that there an, no rod estate co iniisaious yr hndeli fat oww,wacd. due or payable to any Mason rr agency m a resuh of the eamalion ad'oi consumnialiou of dais Cnntranfurther, each pap' npces to hold the other hamlcss and to indemnify the who from an,aid all claims for real estate momdsshnis a,d.r finders fees asscned by an b,al a finder pupcvting to act dvough such perry. My. NOTICES I laded Stmc 19.1 Any,oinennoticesgicenpmman ,o,his Con trxl >hall b<deemed deliccrnl lit l,L�l.ls>S!LJp,ppsitsj in the Deleled:,h,rc del, ace, ---� Mail, regiw,rcd or eenifed moil, mum receipt reo.emed. Iwsmg, p,gai,L a (it) der' day all,,dgsodt "it). an o,em;gh[ eotuin snvice and, m Fcdnni P.epnv, a (in) Ilse day sent by facsimile a, the faoimile mm be' nalicamd helm", ca lie I ,qrw Jchven and "I'll if hod dclivcfnl, In the P:mies at du address sltasn Lebo" - ]Rci arced: Font: 8 V cn.,,.a ta,gmn os•cuc...a ra,n,.,r(wa.een ac) 1•0 Ow , mRaspl gc y,,. .--i — M+e.gra,e,meyny tlr 'nC Dan_ass_UL —1Anl SELLER: Lexinpunal2eslomne C. i . . I pl, .Alin Dasidl. ... .... _ ... _ ...... _ . - -JDPetadl Gdtbez: W0 Ano.vh,bl I`d,c. 4hi c rort ... .... . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . .......... ...(hh.tl.. . . . . . . .- eete: Willa co.v a, J •k SId IIII'_ nuK R Dllmis,l.... ... ....... .. ... __...... _ - P'Ph Th'dC t ...Cl�• tivsylY! Alain; usSL;:!it. L IQP Imge 925 pwaitnik_ vt71 aia19-2xzl BIIF'ER: Crown I<xington Development, LLC Ann: C. Patna Crosby, Jr PO Bax 341 121 N. Cmidified Sweet Dobson, North Cmoline 27017 Phone: (336)386.9790 Facsiinile.(336)38C 9785 Email: pot ncro Nm-eomponicscom ESCROW AGENT: BaaiAds Title Senicee of the Canhoas, Ll,C AM Snl.alore B.1,u,o 10130 Petunaa Parkxay, Suite 140 QIfINIe, North Carolina 28216 Phone: (704)799-6441 Pate le: (704)799-6583 The abovaliVed addresser Amy be ehonged by wviueh woke sesn in acccedonee with this pa-ugmanh. xv. AIVV''P.LLANP.OUS 15.1 The eavenanis herein shall not be deemed to be nnoped iota or whited by the immnets of du Cbsing, but dhall expfcssly siwvive such Cheling aid be binding upon the Panics oblig:ocd thaeby. 15.2 The ten", puvisions. „'ar:atirs. re mesaiwio m .I,claas aid gireianciu, .nahmd in bi, Connact shall apply to, be binding upon and in a to the Weft ofthe rymies hereto am] then hey+ntivc legal rgnea� Ili ices, wecessus and usipns NNoitlusmding anything c,imamed heein to die ennlmry, Ili, parley opee that many time prior In ('Insnhg. the Bayer nhzy a..ipn its imeeass in die, Contract „hh ul thec.t of Sella 15.3 Tim am or the eaee, in the peefoel of Ilia Chou 15.4 The Panics will caclh cary+crnic with cxh dher, their employees aid agents to facilitate the ptnelnc of Um Property by Buyer under ilm termer and cundum, hncin set fxili. 15.5 TTmie Cnatrad shill be g., lied and interpreted nndathe lews arm, Son, oFNortb Caulinn. 156 The paayoaph headings teal in Ihis Camana me fro eorivahienee plop. only aid shall not be rued in We intapreien. of Ibis Corinna 15.7 All exhibits altached heretoefe inweTurated herein by reference and made a part ufthis Contract forrnelt,b: Fait: a ern verge". Poslnatted: Font Not BoN IS g Fail. of Buyer Or Scha to In911 in m5 one a Rive 1115a M OPM the IxAprrnarM of My of the eoeenMts, agrcanenta a d;or candi6au of this Contract, o: to caa cia any right or pmikge herein cmfmcd Shand nv be construed as a oni,, Of My such covMMl a condidon, 159 lhi: Comm Contains We ature agreenlan betxent the Parliea elaling la the (tope ly Md neither Itmy shall be twun l by any lvbal vmernem o :Igrmnentil:stle herctufotc. This Connu l cmtna la nndiLcJ cscept Ill wri;mn apwmno umnd by Ille { NnR, 15.10 If any ilrnu, to" a p""O ions "t"Mied in this Cnldlael ae in conflict xith My npplicabk federal, suns or Incnl Iowa, Ihls Conran shall be affnad holy es to ib applic:nim 1o'tell nern, tmus Or provisions. and shall in all orher rcgtttts ternan in fill face aW efr n 15,11 In the Chen That Ccila and Ilmet hrcxh an,, of the Imes. provisims, wn rntlics, tgncsntL dials, wvrnMlS or agr.limo contained in Ibis Ceuml Md Seller will Bttvtt Accone invoked in Inlgadnn uith legxd to breach hereo[ the pre%ailing Party ilmll beentitled to Ise paid iu rmsamhlc ntmmer. Ica 15.12 Nothing canu,uj bercin is intended to creale, nor shall it n'a be construed to make die Seller and Buyer parer, orfoint KmnRrs 15.1? LI IA<menuhmnlidly e.wunvleryry of this Cnnu:ml ba.n••t lwrn tmn.vJ to lLgn brS Wu'dock p.nt. mthc liiW (Slh) day' alla tthe dale ou which Buys ereares dus Contr . this offer is hereby tmuinmd mul rcaoked by Buyer sending xnllcn noti¢ to Seller, in nhich pent this Contract shall hcconc null, roid and of no funher force and eBco 15.I4 laeh and r%m repteunblion, s.amny and ag,eauent by either Patty m the abet shall be cnnsideret mamrial Md any Is.[, Monet! ill My mmenol Iapca shall be ern ever of default and dull emide the dannged ],;my m miliae ato- ad all remedies asailable to it and spcifd in Otis Cinema 15.15 Until the Closing ofthc Propctn', the risk otloss by tire, Or abet, casualty ofwhac'cr kind or nature with respect to such or any other liability stroll be upon Scllet, 15]6 Whenever the contem perm is, a singular shall include plural and we gender shall indnde all. 15.12 If the rune period by which any acb a Paynrnee tegoircd bercondar most he Pe'rktnnd a laid e.pbes on a Saturday. Sunday a legal lohday. Ihen s eh lime patiod diall be ammlmic:dly evended It, the close of btuntess m the nca business day, Remainder of Thin face Intentionally IaR Blank Si ien tore Page Anaehlnl heat. and inrocot,"d llercin by Reference c ,„-t-w�«-.�•..� r—•.t .nc rorrnattal: font: 8p; IN WI INESS WNFRFOf, Rm Penies htle10 ha.c emoted thi, real on tla fonh umlo thcic aig(xanpc5 ha1Uti, SELLER: 1-1�'S73)i721`h�.!`LQL'F_ICJS'(�Stl'r>h_L..CD?. ___ Primcd Naine. _ys] vL!1_L�_rj=_(1_CLK_ e TuIC DATE'. �� _. _..20 to RIVER: CROWN LIiXINGT 1 DP.V'IOPM1 .A North CardliC,x.)n "t vz C,^4h „I,2y Lln: tut— Printed Nane:__—��+ee7.$I�—x' . DATE: _ _L— 2 -_..: ]016 ,1 Foemattetl: fmt: 6 M ...-� .6.:o1e1 of_ VII' Aye By ill eccoman lmlml. !i¢vnr Agem accepID the tenat and enmhhna of o Iow ael (ath in the eba,, imm�iment, end eekamdedga I laeWred yW 0p9 W 11JIms (SS1NI Wl lsn.et Miwq' UeP�rit ESCROW AGENT: Barrimer'a Title Servica of the Cerob.. LLC BY. Printed Nmne: Title: Date. Seller: I c�' a � ULoL�em ('nnrwnr _-- -- Property Dcrnpfion: _)•r aao rvi. I�_ft Ul,I leyinit„�yTf _ (v-u -.0- �.m fineurr ltngma x7 Lm��•,a in Ita t» t Ibnnat(9d: tone a pf Page I(L North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Click Here To: View Document Filings File an Annual Report Amend a Previous Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Corporate Names Home State: Lexington Development Company, Ltd. Legal: Lexington Development Company, Ltd., LLC Limited Liability Company Information Sosld: Status: Annual Report Status: Citizenship: Date Formed: Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation: Registered Agent: Corporate Addresses 0388690 Current -Active Current Foreign 2/14/1996 December OH CT Corporation System Mailing: 1250 Springfield Pike Ste 200 Cincinnati, OH 45215 Principal Office: 1250 Springfield Pike Ste 200 Cincinnati, OH 45215 Reg Office: 150 Fayetteville St., Box 1011 Raleigh, NC 27601 Reg Mailing: 150 Fayetteville St., Box 1011 Raleigh, NC 27601 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Member: Brian Brooks Trust 1250 Springfield Pike Ste 200 Cincinnati OH 45215 Member: C.H. Penn In Spousal 1250 Springfield Pike Ste 200 Cincinnati OH 45215 Managing Member: SEI Development Company 1250 Springfield Pike Ste 200 Cincinnati OH 45215 Account Login Register North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARYOFSTATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)607-2000 Click Here To: View Document Filings File an Annual Report Amend a Previous Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Corporate Names Legal: Crown Lexington Development, LLC Limited Liability Company Information Sosld: Status: Annual Report Status: Citizenship: Date Formed: Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation Registered Agent: Corporate Addresses 1493043 Current -Active Current Domestic 1/21/2016 January NC Crosby, C Patrick, Jr Principal Office: 121 North Crutchfield Street Dobson, NC 27017 Reg Office: 121 North Crutchfield Street Dobson, NC 27017 Reg Mailing: PO Box 341 Dobson, NC 27017 Mailing: PO Box 341 Dobson, NC 27017 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Account Login Register North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)607-2000 Click Here To: View Document Filings File an Annual Report Amend a Previous Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Corporate Names Legal: SEI Development Co., Inc. Business Corporation Information Sosld: Status: Annual Report Status: Citizenship: Date Formed: Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation: Registered Agent: Corporate Addresses 0886288 Current -Active Current Foreign 12/7/2006 December OH CT Corporation System Mailing: 1250 Springfield Pike- Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45215 Principal Office: 1250 Springfield Pike- Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45215 Reg Office: 150 Fayetteville St., Box 1011 Raleigh, NC 27601 Reg Mailing: 150 Fayetteville St., Box 1011 Raleigh, NC 27601 Officers Account Login Register Vice President: David L Brooks 3874 Hendrickson Road Franklin OH 45005 Secretary/Treasurer: Vivian H Brooks 3874 Hendrickson Road Franklin OH 45005 President: Christopher H Penn 1250 Springfield Pike- Suite 200 Cincinnati OH 45215 Stock 4:10':29,' IN 'BOOK, !2040 'PAM 1106 - l:tCi8';INSTFiU��NT,#20lfOOO'025f62; 6%.:0 0: Zkp. o �. 0­0 9Deputy PPHIPPS NC Department of Environmental Quality Received MAY 1 1 2016 Winston-Salem Regional Office GRANTKE'� -W,L LEXXGT0N!,M_fNqC0MF 'a, h"OhibrIlmitw Liabilitycbnwaw: 1250 SOingffiddTflue ate. ,1607' AMINC0WRATWH9RM8Y,;HknXkNiCk,. D=MPi"A%"TWN0NLY.; t ­­­­ ­­ . ft _­­­_­ :0 , RUMMM !O Jn^fff 116c;0C1 'IV, •v 111o:.lj,l !F.hl4l P,'Ut0?iV!1 i Wg I 1 YM4, no;z/iivy U.T. 71-17.0 Em