HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3140202_APPROVED PLANS_20140402STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYM M D D Development Standards: 1. General Provisions: These Development Standards are a part of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan associated with the Conditional District Zoning application filed by Shea Home to accommodate a single-family residential development on this site (the "Site"). Development of the Site will be governed by the Conditional District Site Plan, these Development Standards and the applicable provisions of the Waxhaw Unified Development Ordinance (the "UDO"). Unless the Conditional District Site Plan or these Development Standards establish more stringent standards, the regulations established under the LIDO for the CD R-4 (Conditional District Single-family Residential) zoning classification shall govern all development taking place on the Site. 'The lot configurations, placements, and sizes shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan are schematic in nature and may be altered or modified during the design development and construction document phases within the maximum development limits established by buffers and setbacks. Such changes will be subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator to ensure any changes are consistent with the overall intent of the Preliminary Subdivision Site Plan, and any such changes are subject to A and may also be approved in accordance with Section 16.2.9 of the UDO. 2. Permitted Uses Buildings: Single-family residential. Additionally, Accessory Structures, Home Occupations, and Subdivision Sales Offices shall be permitted in accordance with the applicable Supplemental Regulations. 3. Maximum Development: A maximum 54 single-family lots may be developed on the Site. 4. Setbacks Side Yards and Rear Yards: All buildings constructed on the Site shall satisfy or exceed the setback, rear yard and side yard requirements established under the UDO for the R4 zoning district. 5. Parking: _fl A. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 12.3 of the UDO. Parking will only be allowed on one side of streets with 40' ROW. Parking enforcement will be conducted by the HOA. Speed limit will also be restricted to 25 MPH. B. Each cul-de-sac will have a minimum of 87' W at the R.O.W. and 67' W pavement per 18.9.2 of the UDO. 6. Flood Plain Information: Flood Certification: This is to certify that the subject property is not located in a special flood hazard area as shown on maps prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, dated October 16, 2008, comm. panel no. 3710446400J. 7. Stormwater Management: A. Storm water quantity control shall follow the requirements set forth in the Town of Waxhaw Stormwater Design Manual. B. The location, size, and type of stormwater management systems depicted on the Conditional District Site Plan are subject to review and approval at the time of full plan submittal. Adjustments may be necessary in order to accommodate stormwater treatment requirements and natural site discharge points. C. This project is required to meet Phase 2 Stormwater Requirements. 8. Lighting: Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 12.12 of the LIDO. The quality of street lights installed by the Petitioner shall be compatible with adjacent neighborhoods (match or closely resemble existing street lights). 9. Vehicular Access: A. Vehicular access to the Site shall be as generally depicted on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. The placement and configuration of these access points are subject to modifications required to accommodate final site and architectural construction plans and designs and to any adjustments required for approval by the Town of Waxhaw and NCDOT. All turning radii shall be constructed so as to be accessible by emergency vehicles. B. In accordance with the Town of Waxhaw regulations, a temporary turn -around shall be provided at the end of each phase of construction as needed. 10. Architectural Controls: A. Schematic architectural renderings of the elevations of the buildings and improvements proposed to be constructed on the site submitted with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan are intended to depict the general conceptual architectural style, character and elements of the proposed buildings and improvements. Accordingly, the proposed buildings and improvements shall be designed and constructed so that they are substantially similar in appearance to the schematic architectural renderings. Changes and alterations which do not materially change the overall conceptual architectural style and character are permitted based upon final design/construction drawings. B. Vinyl siding will not be a permitted exterior building material. Homes will contain exterior material elements that will consist of brick, stone, or Hardi plank. ,.The maximum building height of all proposed structures shall be 2 stories. D. All garages should be side -loaded or front -loaded and front -loaded garages shall not exceed more than 4' from the front facade. E. The homes will be marketed from a sales center located in the community. The location of the sales center shall be determined at a later date. Parking will be provided in accordance with any local requirements. F. All homes will be on a slab, crawl space, or basement foundation. The exposed front foundation will be brick, stone, stucco, or other masonry veneer. G.Minimum main structure roof pitch shall be 6:12 ratio as approved by the Zoning Administrator Section 20.4.1.A.3 of the LIDO. H. The nearest lot upon which a particular front fagade elevation can be repeated on the same side of the street is the fifth in a sequence starting from the original lot. The nearest lot upon which a particular elevation can be repeated on the opposing side of the street is the third in a sequence starting from the original lot. If there is any question regarding approval of a building elevation location or repetition the builder is required to obtain approval from the Administrator prior to construction, in accordance with Section 20.4.1.A.12 of the LIDO. 11. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation: Sidewalks of at least 5 feet in width shall be provided along proposed streets as generally depicted on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. 12. Internal Landscaping: A. Tree planting locations depicted on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan are preliminary and may be altered or modified to accommodate changes to the plan. B. On any site where 20% or more of the site has existing trees present, a minimum of 20% of the internal property area shall be preserved with existing trees within the site interior. C. Interior tree protection areas shall contain no less than one (1) tree per 2500 square feet of tree protection area. Where existing trees are insufficient to meet these standards, new trees shall be planted to meet this minimum standard. New trees shall be a minimum of two (2) inch caliper at planting. 13. Tree Preservation and Mitigation: A. Tree preservation and mitigation will be delineated through a collaborative process between the Zoning Administrator, developer, and a North Carolina registered urban forester, registered landscape architect, or ISA certified arborist. Collaboration between these parties will promote appropriate tree preservation measures for the Site and will strike an appropriate balance of tree protection, preservation, and planting in an urban environment while accomplishing the overall intent of the UDO. B. Where new tree plantings are proposed within the Site the Petitioner shall utilize sustainable planting practices (soil enhancements, structural soil, etc.) to ensure that newly planted trees are provided an optimal growing environment. C. Existing tress eight (8) inches or larger DBH and understory trees four (4) inches or larger DBH shall be preserved within 30 feet of the exterior perimeter of any subdivision. D. Any tree preservation area located within a lot shall have a tree preservation easement. 14. Tree Protection Fencing: During development, the owner or developer shall be responsible for the erection of any and all barriers necessary to protect any existing or installed trees from damage both during and after construction. The tree protection fencing shall be clearly shown on the site plan or subdivision plan, and shall be maintained until the final site inspection prior to the Certificate of Occupancy is scheduled. 15. Common Open Space: All common open space shall be recorded and deeded to the Home Owners Association. 16. Signage: All proposed entry signage shall comply with section 13 of the Town of Waxhaw LIDO. 17. Street Trees: Street trees shall be placed 40'-60' on center. They shall be placed within 25' of back of curb and outside of R.O.W. no closer than 4' from sidewalk. At the October 8, 2013 meeting of the Board of Commissioners, the public hearing was held for CD-001013-2013 and the Board placed the following conditions to CD-001013-2013 while approving the conditional zoning at its October 22, 2013 meeting: 1. A barricade will be installed and remain at the connection point from the Site to Cutters Springs Drive until the streets are turned over to the Town of Waxhaw and no petition for street acceptance will be made until 90% of the lots within the Site have been issued a Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Waxhaw. 2. A barricade will be installed and remain at the eastern end of Fairgreen Avenue to provide for a future connection to Providence Road. 3. When the street connection from the Site to Cutters Springs Drive is made, if permitted by the Town of Waxhaw and NCDOT, the Developer will install traffic calming island on the Site within the right-of-way of Cutters Springs Drive. 4. Prior to the issuance of the tenth (loth) Certificate of Occupancy for homes within the Site, the Petitioner shall pay for the greater of (i) installing up to fourteen (14) speed humps or stop signs or (ii) $25,200 to the Town of Waxhaw to be used to mitigate traffic impacts related to the new street connection from the Site to Cutter Springs Drive. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the 20th lot within the Site, the Petitioner shall make a $2,500 monetary contribution to the Park Providence Homeowner's Association. 6. In order to limit impacts to the Barrington neighborhood, construction traffic serving the Site will be directed to access the Site by using the northern most connection point between Twinberry Lane and the Site. 7. Section 20 of the UDO as it exists at the time of approval will govern this subdivision along with the additional architectural requirements provided in conjunction with the conditional zoning plan. The architectural renderings accompanying the rezoning plan shall be base designs and additional home designs or home elevations that meet or exceed the architectural features set forth, therein may be approved by the Zoning Administrator. However, brick shall be used as the main exterior material on four sides of all homes, and no homes shall be less than 2800 square feet. 8. BMPs on the Site shall be maintained by the Developer until they are no longer being used as sediment control devices and are approved by the Town Planning Department. When Developer converts the ponds for permanent use the Developer will provide a certification from the design engineer that they are built as designed. 9. Comply with terms and conditions (including the seventeen (17) notes) of the Site Plan dated June 18, 2013 and revised September 6, 2013. General Notes: of Waxhaw Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). 1. All work and materials shall conform to the latest edition of the Town p ( ) 2. All work and materials shall conform to the latest edition of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) standard specifications for roads and structures unless otherwise specified by the Town of Waxhaw land development standards. 3. All public streets within the development will be constructed to Town of Waxhaw standards in order to be dedicated public right of ways. 4. The developer shall make a diligent effort to preserve areas of required tree save buffers where significant vegetation exists. These areas shall remain undisturbed, removal of existing trees within protection zone without a permit will result in penalties and mitigation requirements by the Town of Waxhaw per Section 9.21 of LIDO. 5. Contractor shall coordinate all curb and street grades in intersection with inspector. 6. In order to ensure proper drainage, curb shall have a minimum of 0.5% slope. Curb and gutter on the plans may be adjusted based on field staking by project engineer and upon approval of the town engineer. 7. Developer will provide street signs per MUTCD standard. 8. Town Engineer shall be given 48 hours notice prior to construction. 9. Sight triangles shown are the minimum required. Further requirements may be made by North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). 10. Non-standard items (i.e.: pavers, irrigation, etc.) in the right of way require encroachment agreement prior to installation. 11. Any building within the 100+1 building restriction floodline is subject to the restrictions of the Town of Waxhaw Unified Development Ordinance (UDO. 12. All concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3600 p.s.i. at 28 days and shall comply with section 1000 of the NCDOT standard specifications. 13. All concrete shall be cured with 100% resin base, white pigmented curing compound which meets A.S.T.M. specifications o-309, type 1, applied at one gallon to 400 sf within 24 hours of placement of concrete. 14. All curb and gutter shall be backfilled with soil approved by the inspector 48 hours after construction to prevent erosion. 15. All backfill shall be non -plastic in nature, free from roots, vegetative matter, waste, construction material, or other objectionable material. Said material shall be capable of being compacted by mechanical means and the material shall have no tendency to flow or behave in a plastic manner under the tamping blows or proof rolling 16. All trenches in the street right of way shall be backfilled and compacted in 1' lifts with suitable material immediately after the pipe is laid. 17. All subgrade for roads shall be compacted to 100% of the maximum density obtainable with the standard procter test. 18. All tests shall be performed by the developer at no cost to the Town of Waxhaw. 19. Contractor shall maintain two way traffic at all times when working within existing streets. The contractor shall place and maintain signs, danger lights, barricades, and furnish watchmen or flagmen to direct traffic in accordance with the manual on uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD). 20. Sidewalks shall be constructed of not less than 3600 psi concrete and shall be four (4) inches thick, constructed on an adequately graded base, except where a sidewalk crosses a driveway it shall be six (6) inches thick. 21. Subgrade for sidewalks shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum density obtainable with the standard procter test. the surface of the sidewalk shall be steel trowel and light broom finished and cured with an acceptable curing compound. Tooled joints shall be provided at an interval not less than five (5) feet and expansion joints at intervals not more than 45 feet. The sidewalk shall have a lateral slope of 1/4" per foot. 22. The elevation of the sidewalk shall be related to the elevation of the crown of the adjacent roadway.Tthe sidewalk shall be no less than six (6) inches or more than (18) inches above the roadway crown, except that the crosswalk elevations shall be properly related to the existing or proposed roadway curb. 23. In rolling and hilly terrains, sweeping of the stone base and/or application of a tack coat may be required near intersections. these requirements will be established Li the inspector based on field conditions. 24. Utility installations may only cross buffer areas at interior angles measured at property lines which are not less than 75 degrees and, to the extent possible, paths cleared for such utility lines shall be replanted with plant materials from the ordinances approved plant list. 25. No buildings, parking spaces or maneuvering areas may be located within any buffer areas. 26. The purpose of the storm drainage easement (SDE) is to provide storm water conveyance and any structures and/or obstruction to storm water flow is prohibited. 27. Under drainage shall be provided as directed by geo-technical engineer. Determination shall be made in the field. Drains to be installed per NCDOT detail #815.03. 28. All storm boxes and storm pipe to be provided by NCDOT approved manufacturer. Dot stamped boxes and dot stamped pipe will not be required for this project. de and aggregate base material shall be performed b the contractor in the presence 29. Proof rolling of street subgrap y p ce of town Staff. General guidelines and procedures for proof rolls are outlined in the Town of Waxhaw Proof Roll Guidelines document. 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Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing utilities are located prior to beginning construction. 2. Contractor is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 3- All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the north carolina department of transportation and town specifications. 4. Shoring will be according to osha trenching standards part 1926, subpart p, or as amended ,_51d31-1-672e7 Z. >774_1(��2 1611/ d_ fl5z- LEGEND: SYMBOL EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR RIGHT OF WAY gorl2,0 Iq 11illul'A I -I, Soil Type Deli(mation I I. � , , � , , , Basin Drainage Area Tree Save Area 0 50 100 200 300 400 @ �e >- 0 -� � 0 z Ma'. ��- N.0- a� 1. i�� 0�"_ IN �_ W - -; A __. < � �, -- i � -.,- -�- i i O ! �0� 2- 0�, ? -�� --� � LL 00 ai - �, W t 0 �..R 0 � �M5-l8 M a W0 For �1_ 05- i R� �_ � 8, 7.- i 0 CWC LL ! -. � x s k ,�7 -. < - D -. an: 9 �- -.'M -- � ! ! -wo W 06 `:1 R ao: � �� D OP. 11E &_ _Wn 2 0< 0 z _O. z if ffi'.gq,-� W , [:]11 LLi . --=zz5-atF-. 0 Z ,�aW..� � 0 (5 ! -. ,� � �' V �,� -. MXz [1:31 0" 0. < W �Itzz_-- 820 �--��, 0 Ozy��._M I.-..X` I J _j w CD L: 0 1 0 $? CV 0 C CM a) Co 0 0 CM 00 0 cr) z 0 I Y O.- a) (� n r, M to 0 0 � U Cd (13 .r OD 0 C) 0 W 00 (.rZ1) � � a . � I � 0 � M. 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T r ' } I IJ ui S I 035 f I 30 { 0.69 ac imp Ikkk \ - i '. t i 77 — — U pow .` ., .\ ,�\ •, ,.`.. ... ��... .% i '; �, \ \ ��� \ — it I �\ �i , v— �j9 \ \ \,X , - Logan!Pielcl Dr/ �. 17 L c0 �Q3wjn m �aZK�O N dioj w �ipi=a zF mN w z _<�aLLp c � nI. 0 W zf wszyo� � 'oomw Oz< QI VUOpFOjY W o m o�oas Ucc w LL� w X. 4 ozw "max a m\9.mw�w�ow N ❑❑❑", 0 C!l �a o W w a o ❑ ❑ ¢ wsiNomF ❑❑❑oxU o2 oHcorc-zo-0 U J J i �/�w V 1 0 $� N /1\ VJ a) 00 UoN « ch Z O O N 7 0 N O U ca J (^I` o z o U o W o �`Jc^ VJ am 0 w w' m U O am a 0 z 0 a U N W Z 0 Z N W o � w 6 m W a o � 0 K N � Y � U ;= m r > m m m o 0 �z � U � a W 0 Q U 4 N z cu cu U Q O J NQ CD •i Q cz "COC m @ L p U pt�a�tH i a®' QI I1 1� o O � N o U C z W 0 Q 0cn GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES REFER TO SHEET C401 FOR NOTES KEYNOTES: OPROPOSED CATCH BASIN PER NCDOT 840.01 REFER TO SHEET C801 OPROPOSED STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PER NCDOT 840.51 REFER TO SHEET C802 ©PROPOSED RIP -RAP APRON PER NCDENR REFER TO DETAIL C803 OPROPOSED YARD INLET PER NCDOT DETAIL 840.05 REFER TO SHEET C801 O PROPOSED DETENTION STRUCTURE REFER TO WATER QUALITY PLANS O PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION REFER TO DETAIL C801 PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL BLANKET NORTH OAMERICAN GREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL. (INSTALL FULL G LENGTH OF DITCH AND UP SIDE SLOPE PER MANUFACTURER DIRECTION) REFER TO DETAIL. O PROPOSED COMPOSI TE TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT H NORTH AMERICAN GREEN G350 OR APPROVED EQUAL. Oj RETAINING WALLS DESIGNED BY OTHERS A Know what's below. CBII before you dig. 1. Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing utilities are located prior to beginning construction. 2. Contractor is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 3. All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the north Carolina department of transportation and town specifications. 4. Shoring will be according to osha trenching standards part 1926, subpart p, or as amended CD I 1 I CD , l T� - wTn ber , \ 1 \ > , \ I'? II to ;l I `1' I .-s'-.( G'..:'. \ UU �i: c,' .. r� I �., t: 1 ( (.) U -3-Pi m: C,) .�.. : r�._ 1 ---al r- ;, ..� u,.-..ri_ ..�-.J > ,... ' ,;. ; � c.: r ._. � .... I O 1. : ', ,�. ,J . (_ c_ ,� j�.-,. v . .-- - y. a � - t� _. ,17•< � ,^, O : I '.T �l %'. _ ^\ C LJ l^ 7 I N o P, (D ; . ,J: � ::%, 1", 1 <, L x .� Yy ! W A:Q' I mV•... -{ ')Wx iV N -� Y I \C, J, .....y / N n z 1I J(r <urO.?T I ��°m i.r�cDaS" t>- i:.•{ ;;ll O ....o11va �i- l \ i% i �'•'\ �_..__ __- ..-__ .:; Tit' > a L' '29 - .. z 4• , 3, �� In �a c &y ' pl .. k ice. ,. \ i / ,'cO l .Ai' -0l t' - f- YC &r6'96i, J n'85- -7,-' 1 I �, ! i \ � ', II I/ ;iti 4UB� '.' 6q 4' 82,r.. FG J ?G 27!'' I-., . Li;G 7, i v, )3 v ' o- III r I i' it I I 1 i i \ I I x. j ;... -< � �.,'`✓' + :..;-"r . ,...rri rf ;, ,_.t , ,, `, ,r — , � i Lo ..r', .! f,�✓ � .-.fJ ., x. '-r ..1� .l! ,�, ., O '.. I I 22 00 600 to 3 ^{l —�,- r {_i LOf � `:� t I CB r03 �� o r/vWQ11-MH r 0 to � I/ coiM 'f . -� 23 l \ I _....:--.t r,.._r�:_ _'r-.}_ r ....1 _r.. r".-�-, -S.. .. ,--rT't—•^- 1 I >.,.I I _r r '; -t i 00 I I _l`_%'� 2. a...;- ..i� "r ',. .I 4 +_1 i I r i..�"v�.if CD 5. 598V� -AT 18 m 19 II IJ fJ r too 24 I ! • i � ., I i i R r "`,may I' i I � ...� -v h 25 26 I 27 ; ) TN G1,l 34 CO qLL C09- I 14-CB I ii 04 CB �� _.. ; �', m O / t I ito9 _... to tov- -� .S- : I / l � Utum !I \ 4 ) \ i I \ \, n I ._-..-_ _-e.....-. \ j -z-=G t, ll 35 , ' rt T — j D —T -- —_ ---- - - _ N �- - - 46 00 rn _ � 48 ­-., I. i 4� a co � iO voi — 44 / \ ` v, I 6g61 Lo 6 i 1 T r 42 m= u-- q 0 .. i I i rJ 1 1 20'SDE� s I / 88 , I580 Ur � is i ; h,,t, CG, ,LI -.➢. 7 /V_.. .."cGr�D{a `. -— U Jv \a unUr<> 'i •i ' s 1z - isr r�T r.'l.' !:a,> w.. .. ,; 1 c� '\ I ,, •U n; I t._, � z' cd ], ;x � � �t a . r, .� s- c � < "t � l .:' (i � � Q� ` r i.. ,'� :, -=J \`dr%r �I _ �''_ ':., > v . „ , "• . z 'y I r z i u r 'O r n .. ..��11 \ — 4 �6A \ 7 \ -- — — c>) 2 V J1 l �\ / r ` oga L Lp 3 y Field'Dr � - i l i __ , ;n a:, x i i lla -,rT—. .._._ql - i / � Y i j T i _ n . .i l� } o z �aaW zd N �a�a�05 a0 V zw�w o ¢o�o9 Z � G i ~ 0 W oomwoZc ¢ o c.3 z a W U ¢ lL ° o �x V= rcporo Q o ow �a3,- p N �a V WZOWm� 206 0 p W, IL��po ¢N Z poowowNd _�fi Z ¢w�o ❑❑❑ W ow zxN W W ¢ F Z >di���,a ❑ppp'aw r-o ¢ z Q zaffi ❑❑E]S p m zwo r0 O Z ro�o rc Euxi� J J o 'w ^' W C 00 N U O N r o004) 0 L O O y 2 0 00 O U Jc i (5,W.3151020 2-- 2- 0 30 60 120 180 240 o> am 0 wM m U 0 �y ¢m V 6 0 z 0 CL (n w 0 z 0 vi N o w S w � rr w � 4 � M m n2 w V \ N K \ N r Y m Y tb O m m Q z z N ¢ w a U CV ? C C C Oca O 0:1CD 0 Mr "� / C 0) Ca �L C L ca .L- V � N o 00 N C) d• Ln o U 0 z m w I— L- w w o a = GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES 1. REFER TO EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR EROSION EXCEPT TO NOT REDUCE GRADE TO LESS THAN 2% AND TO CONTROL NOTES THAT PERTAIN TO ANY DISTURBING CHANGE DRAINAGE PATTERNS TO STORM STRUCTURES ACTIVITY ON THIS SITE. 12. ANY RETAINING WALLS TO BE DESIGNED, SEALED AND 2. EARTHWORK QUANTITIES HAVE NOT BEEN ESTIMATED AND CERTIFIED BY CONTRACTOR'S STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SITE AS SHOWN IS NOT ASSUMED TO REPRESENT A BALANCED CUT/FILL CONDITION. 13. NON-STANDARD ITEMS (IE: PAVERS, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, ETC.) IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUIRE A LOCAL OR STATE 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM HIS OWN ESTIMATES AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SHALL PROVIDE ALL EARTHWORK NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE THE DESIGN GRADE, INCLUDING ANY OFFSITE BORROW OR 14. ON -SITE BURIAL PITS REQUIRE A PERMIT. SPOILS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL GRADED AREAS, INCLUDING PAVING, LAWN 15. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS NOT AN AND LANDSCAPE AREAS. AUTHORIZATION TO GRADE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT OFF -SITE GRADING, 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO OWNER PERMISSION SHALL BE OBTAINED BY CONTRACTOR FROM ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND BETWEEN ACTUAL FIELD THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS. CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SHALL WAIT FOR INSTRUCTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 16. IN ORDER TO ENSURE PROPER DRAINAGE, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 0.5%, ALL LOTS TO 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL HAVE 2% POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL DIRECTIONS UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. CONTRACTOR IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE 17. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED IN FOR ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL REPAIR ANY THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE DAMAGE AS A RESULT OF THIS CONTRACT. INSPECTOR. &CONTRACTOR SHALL BLEND NEW EARTHWORK SMOOTHLY 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EACH STREAM CREEK, TO TRANSITION BACK TO EXISTING GRADE. OR BACKWASH CHANNEL IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION AND SHALL REMOVE FROM THESE AREAS ALL DEBRIS, LOGS, 7. THE PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN TIMBER, TRASH, JUNK AND OTHER ACCUMULATIONS. IN DRIVES, PARKING LOTS AND SIDEWALKS ARE FINISHED ELEVATIONS INCLUDING ASPHALT. REFER TO PAVEMENT 19. THE LOCAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HAS NOT REVIEWED CROSS SECTION DATA TO ESTABLISH CORRECT SUBBASE OR AND DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE ELEVATIONS TO BE COMPLETED STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED UNDER THIS CONTRACT. RETAINING WALLS ON THE SITE. 8. ANY GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS INDICATED ON 20. NON-STANDARD ITEMS (IE: PAVERS, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS A VIOLATION AND IS ETC.) IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUIRE A LOCAL OR STATE SUBJECT TO FINE. GRADING MORE THAN ONE ACRE WITHOUT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. AN APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS A VIOLATION AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT TOWN OF WAXHAW 48 HOURS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. 9. CROSS SLOPE OF SIDEWALKS SHALL BE 1/4"/FT. (MAX). 22. SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED TO INSTALL ANY STRUCTURES, 10. PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN ON CULVERTS INCLUDE FLARED END INCLUDING FENCES, SHEDS OR OTHER PHYSICAL SECTIONS. STRUCTURES THAT IMPEDE THE FLOW OF STORMWATER RUNOFF THROUGH THE SWALES THAT RUN THROUGH AND 11. BORROW PIT/SPOIL AREAS AND VOLUMES AS SHOWN ON ALONGSIDE SAID PROPERTIES. AN EXCEPTION TO THIS IS THESE PLANS ARE AN APPROXIMATION. THEREFORE THEY ANY FENCE THAT PROVIDES AT LEAST 6" OF STORMWATER MAY BE EXTENDED, ADJUSTED OR MODIFIED ACCORDINGLY FLOW THAT PASSES BENEATH THEREFORE ALLOWING AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR EXCEPT AS UNOBSTRUCTED STORMWATER RUNOFF LIMITED BY THE DENUDED LIMITS AND BUILDABILITY OF ONSITE FEATURES (SUCH AS THE BUILDINGS). CONTRACTOR SHALL SPOIL EXCESS MATERIAL ON THIS AREA AS SEEN FIT, Storm Schedule KEYNOTES: PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PER NCDOT 840.01 REFER TO�- SHEET C801 _ I If \ 1 _ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PER NCDOT 840.51 - `\ `\ \ \- 4' / r- - !-'i- - TWirnberrytn, o \ \ Barrington _ REFER TO SHEET C802 \ OPROPOSED RIP -RAP APRON PER NCDENR REFER TO DETAILC803 \ ,II i ,' i - Subdivision \ / / � I D PROPOSED YARD INLET PER NCDOT DETAIL 840.05 REFER 51 wt. I H .. \». � It I Y j . � ' Z, CO Z.- i ... -. ci' : 6 LI ~ -_ � , n O y :..r � �w U � ._ � `�.. .. -., :i � T, O ✓ .....-. Y'.._.. __... .- "i .I.fvz. 3JC.,o- l{{ ,. 6TO SHEET C801 '061S. cG, :ju_r* 'r [,,:aw : 0T ,'c, cF s o- -` c; - , STRUCTURE ! ",- \ !i ',.. I„� E PROPOSED DETENTIONS I \ y sc ,.�; :.., I ._,' crn,c ,:, o, c: 'e;w %`., �• ._.��_,I �.., r, .x:. ,u -.I ., _1 <,. `I'-�-r,-.,4��, " c h.r �'1. lY ,u�c ,{,a I •'n�i cl :�- i,.;r v _ ...I -o �u:y `'�I QUALITY PLANS \ ' \ \. , +- �, � _ z, F PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION REFER TO DETAIL C801 y , o PROPOSED EROSION CONTROLBLANKET NORTH AMERICAN GREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL. (INSTALL FULL G LENGTH OF DITCH AND UP SIDE SLOPE PER 0 I MANUFACTURER DIRECTION) REFER TO DETAIL. PROPOSED COMPOSITE TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT L. _ 580 NORTH O NORTH AMERICAN GREEN C350 OR APPROVED EQUAL. - 5 i. \. r 590 Oj RETAINING WALLS DESIGNED BY OTHERS 1 D .%'� r �....✓ ' f .,? r-( t., .. 23=YI ..�0' SDE ! b r ! i.. t / f...r r ; r, ✓ .1 _\',... J-r `,...I�` .i- , r ,,,�...� Y.,f� t` i i �r i/r / ` � _1 1 / / . I � j t / f- , f. r r rl, J- rr 1, l..✓ t f r l' � r \J r�^� l'l } j .' %:.� r15 .. In J/ r."Fry o' 4 L0 600 ao .... LO 580 ' ! 600 - 1B ! ' 16 ,�O C:, 11-MH MCD ' I _ _� ___. _ , / -,,• y, 14 L V y a 11:r r . , .✓ c... l r, �.. r 1 .� �.'.... II 3 �N I ' �600Know what's b@SOW. G� 580 _�i �1 Call before you dig. ' 1 600 \ r`, 8 CD 580 I r :. {f rr:':.. 11'CBIcn 1. Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing \ tzar2a s c1 - - utilities are located prior to beginning construction. I- - ) I ' I r r / f;-, I -17 18 r /12 Im 7 2. Contractor Is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to,;-- 4 k 580 10 1I11 ! �o A.. ensure the safety of the public. _Lo r-? > cos 14 CB 3. All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the north / C19-c Carolina department of transportation and town specifications.J111- - - - ri?I B p I ', I ALI L;rin.RlC� r 4. Shoring will be according to osha trenching standards part 1926, subpart p, or as amended. , 5 1 i - InletlD LinelD Size Slope Length Invert Up Invert Dn Grnd Cover Dn Cover Up Material /RimElev Up (in) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) A02-CB A2-Al 24 0.60 120.01 579.22 578.50 590.13 0.13 8.91 Class III A03-CB A3-A2 18 0.50 231.29 583.83 582.67 587.58 5.96 2.25 Class III A04-CB A4-A3 15 3.88 50.01 586.02 584.08 589.70 2.25 2.43 Class III A05-CB A5-A4 15 3.84 127.85 591.12 586.22 594.87 2.23 2.50 Class III A06-CB A6-A5 15 0.60 24.36 591.47 591.32 594.87 2.30 2.15 Class Ill B07-YI B7-B3 15 0.50 114.00 585.93 585.36 588.87 2.25 1.69 Class III A08-CB A8-A3 15 0.50 24.30 584.20 584.08 587.58 2.25 2.13 Class III A07-CB A7-A2 18 1.36 24.95 582.01 581.67 590.20 6.96 6.69 Class III A09-YI A9-A7 15 0.58 113.04 582.91 582.26 586.00 6.69 1.84 Class III B02-CB B2-B1 24 0.50 169.52 584.46 583.61 588.87 0.09 2.40 Class III B03-CB B3-62 18 0.60 24.18 585.11 584.96 588.86 2.40 2.25 Class III B04-CB B4-B3 15 2.92 201.06 591.23 585.36 594.93 2.25 2.45 Class Ill B05-CB B5-B4 15 3.01 46.08 592.82 591.43 596.66 2.25 2.60 Class III B06-CB 66-B5 15 0.60 24.13 593.16 593.02 596.66 2.40 2.25 Class III CO2-CS C2-Cl 30 0.50 22.00 560.61 560.50 571.59 0.38 8.48 Class III CO3-CB C3-C2 24 0.67 24.20 567.11 566.95 571.59 2.64 2.48 Class III C04-CB C4-C3 24 5.16 46.02 569.68 567.31 574.49 2.28 2.80 Class Ill C05-CB C5-C4 24 0.60 24.49 570.03 569.88 574.49 2.60 2.46 Class III C06-CB C6-05 18 1.77 76.68 571.89 570.53 576.14 2.46 2.75 Class III C07-CB C7-C6 15 5.09 144.05 579.47 572.14 583.97 2.75 3.25 Class III C08-CB C8-C7 15 6.26 187.17 591.38 579.67 596.49 3.05 3.86 Class III C09-CB C9-C8 15 0.60 93.30 592.14 591.58 600.06 3.66 6.67 Class III C14-CB C14-C9 15 0.60 20.07 596.55 596.43 600.04 2.38 2.24 Class III CIO -CB CIO-C9 15 0.60 72.54 592.77 592.34 600.29 6.47 6.26 Class Ill C13-YI C13-C10 15 0.53 26.00 595.25 595.11 598.19 3.92 1.69 Class Ill C11-MH C71-C10 15 0.60 95.24 593.55 592.97 599.16 6.06 4.36 Class III C12-CB C12-C11 15 0.60 35.72 593.96 593.75 597.45 4.16 2.24 Class III C15-CB C15-C8 15 0.87 24.22 592.99 592.78 596.49 2.46 2.25 Class III C16-CB C16-C7 15 3.29 24.30 580.47 579.67 583.81 3.05 2.09 Class III C17-YI C17-107 15 0.60 106.38 680.31 579.67 583.31 3.05 1.75 Class Ill C19-CB C19-C2 18 0.85 112.04 568.20 567.25 577.24 2.84 7.54 Class III C24-CB C24-C19 15 0.60 24.15 573.75 573.61 577.25 2.38 2.25 Class III C18-YI C18-C6 15 4.50 24.00 573.22 572.14 576.72 2.75 2.25 Class III C20-CB C20-C19 18 0.52 245.84 569.67 568.40 575.58 7.34 4.41 Class III C21-CB C21-C20 15 0.60 46.59 570.20 569.92 573.99 4.41 2.53 Class III C22-YI C22-C21 15 0.51 109.26 570.96 570.40 573.90 2.33 1.69 Class Ill C23-YI C23-C20 15 1.87 104.55 571.87 569.92 575.37 4.41 2.25 Class Ill E02-CB E2-E1 24 0.60 64.90 579.51 579.12 584.02 -0.21 2.51 Class III E03-CB E3-E2 24 0.50 30.26 579.86 579.71 584.01 2.31 2.15 Class III E04-YI E4-E3 18 0.74 120.55 581.25 580.36 584.46 2.15 1.71 Class Ill D01.1-CB D1.1-D1 15 0.50 44.71 560.47 560.25 568.36 0.27 6.64 Class III D02-YI D2-D1.1 15 0.60 49.5$ 562.80 562.50 567.00 4.61 2.95 Class III D03-YI D3-D2 15 7.33 140.46 573.30 1 563.00 576.67 2.75 2.12 Class III LEGEND: CB CURB INLET DCB DOUBLE CURB INLET FES FLARED END SECTION MH MANHOLEIJUNCTION BOX YI YARD INLET - I (I I BW SS I I III -III -III I I l l I- 2 1 1 1 North American Green SC150 Straw Blanket with netting or approved equal 2 North American Green C350 reinforcement matting or approved equal NOTE: Normal water depth based on 100yr storm event flows. GRASS LINED DRAT NAG E SWALE scale: NfiS 1 Note: Seed all swales, see permanent lawn specifications SWALE BOTTOM WIDTH SIDE SLOPE N RMAL WATER DEPTH DEPTH MIN. LINING YI-E4 2.0' 3:1 0.54' 1.54' C350 YI-D3/D2 1.0' 3:1 0.49' 1.49' SC150 YI-C22/A09 4.0' 3:1 & 2:1 0.42' 1.42' SC150 YI-C17 5.0' 3:1 & 2:1 0.32' 1.32' SC150 LEGEND: SYMBOL EXISTING CONTOUR \ PROPOSED CONTOURS 20'SDE EASEMENT RIGHT OF WAY CATCH BASIN (CB) Tree Save Area SkJ3/ /0ze ZL (21161 SYMBOL ® DOUBLE CATCH BASIN (DCB) -- DROP INLET (DI) FLARED END SECTION (FES) HEADWALL POND OUTLET STRUCTURE WITH RIP RAP APRON 0 30 60 120 180 240 t0 zo;wpn la �n 6�U0 =N sOVtiUw LL Z <B��p Z < r� ul O o�z<iog Cn Cn a & zop- ZwF4wO� Oj �omwoza'a 0 rn o?oa<ryW�WF-moo W ¢ O U LL ���LLr�oa rai� o � owwoza3�.r- � C7 w�p�za o 0 rc zo � d w Z Z wwo.pgw x -W �nwow owN ❑❑❑O v Z Ow Wzon,t-O O Zw�fwr 13013 _ Z Ewa z �8�o � U Z 0Lorc3�� U J J N m N n' W C Co N N U� a)C0Z O 1216 �_ o 2 0 U ca (s ro U o 00 vJ �m a 0 Y w' m w <m U 4 z 0 U !n w z 0 05 z > o �! w > w o Li 7 � 77 o m 0 � to � Y U r > m N Q w d w � x a U Q N z O O 0 CA a- o °� 0) 0) CIO 'L C C i�..{{ 7 -� �V M W L Cjj °"%,,gent ryas P AL t 032730 s e J IZ r CD o r� � N Q L a U o z W � Li Li 0 0 � Oo Now Town Road � A 65 A 1i� a eon6tt%R°aa o SITE s 0 m P Henry Hates esm on Dn R d �tm W,l oa 1 "=1 mile VICINITY MAP FAIRGREEN AVE 1 STATION=10+00.00 OFFSET=0.00 NORTHING=448133.17 EASTING=1468817.01 (TIE) N89'08'21"W (A O KEYNOTES: PROP. CUL-SE-SAC REFER TO DETAIL A 8/C800 O SIGHT TRIANGLE: 35' x 35' 2' VALLEY CURB AND GUTTER OPROP. PER NCDOT REFER TO DETAIL 2/C800 ACCESSIBLE PER RAMP OPROP. NCDOT REFER TO DETAILS C800 LEGEND: NOTE: NO PARKING/FIRE LANE SIGNAGE PROP. STOP SIGN (MUTCD R1-1) SHOULD BE PLACED EVERY 500' ON INBOUND LANE OF ALL STREETS 20'SDE PROP. STORM EASEMENT W/ INCLUDING CUL-DE-SAC. WIDTH PROP STREET SIGN -- - PROP. TREE PRESERVATION BUFFER PROP. 5' UTILITY EASEMENT CENTERLINE DATA Line # Length Direction L100 178.52 S860 44' 10.71"E L101 859.50 SB90 50' 18.97"f_ L102 168.30 NOD 09' 41.03"E L103 285.78 N50 02' 19.06"W L104 651.62 N50 07' 02.19"E: L105 246.22 S840 57' 40.94"W L106 319.58 S860 43' 56.09"E L107 154.15 S840 52' 57.81" E L108 378.78 S800 11' 16.05"E L109 66.24 S840 35' 44.29"I_ L110 42.50 S71 ° 29' 56.50"E 8+ 2 - - - Twinber Ln. - - Barrington _ i Subdivision i � I START NEW ROAD ALIGNMENT=FAIRGREEN AVE 1 STATION=9+89.67 OFFSET=0.00 NORTHING=448133.76 CENTERLINE CURVE DATA Curve # Radius Length Delta Chord Length C100 1000.00 54.15 3.1023 54.14 C101 1300.00 117.98 5.2000 117.94 C102 1300.00 230.43 10.1559 230.13 C103 1500.00 48.42 1.8495 48.42 C104 BOo.00 61.55 4.4078 61.53 C105 400.00 91.43 13.0966 91.23 FAIRGREEN AVE 2� STATION=8+21.91 OFFSET=0.00 NORTHING=449046.78 EASTING=1468690.79 FAIRGREEN AVE 2 STATION=10+00 00 BOUNDARY LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 2.08 N88"50'55'W L2 9.92 N04°13'33'W L3 50.03 NO3"16'54"E L4 65.55 NO3"19'13"E L5 64.92 NO3"15'19"E L6 65.51 NO3"17'12"E L7 65.00 NO3"12'37"E LB 65.47 NO3°16'11"E L9 64.96 NO3'13'32"E L10 65.56 NO3'18'31"E L11 64.98 NO3'l6'06"E L12 65.48 NO3°13'50"E L13 65.53 NO3"16'51"E L14 68.30 NO3"18'08"E L15 50.03 NO3°157297E L16 69.91 NO3"14'37"E L17 65.57 NO3"17'58"E L18 65.46 N03015'41"E L19 96.34 NO3°16'16"E L20 37.76 NO3'10'56"E START NEW ROAD ALIGNMENT=FAIRGREEN AVE 2 STATION=9+37.31 OFFSET=0.00 NORTHING=449040.21 EASTING=1468806.00 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LOT# OWNER(N/F) PIN DB/PG PC/PG LOT# OWNER(N/F) PIN DB/PG PC/PG 17 ALEXA C. THOMAS 06159274 4111/747 11856 109 SHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ijr 06186315 5648/757 L/480 18 KATHERIN BROOKE COVINGTON 06159275 5228/231 1/856 11 SHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 06186316 5648/757 L/480 23 ROBERT G. SMEDBERG CHRISTINA 06159282 4383/541 1/983 111 ROBERT A. &JUNELLE L. WHITE 06186263 5548/673 1/270 O PARK PROVIDENCE HOMEOWNERS 06159296 4047/683 I/983 112 MAITREYEE F.& FANIL M. SHAH 06186264 5588/672 J/270 24 DONNA L. WILLIS-CM-TON 06159283 4141/785 1/983 113 G. BYRON MORGAN, SI JESSICA S. 06186265 5518/146 J/270 25 FRANCISCO ALBINO GALICIA ROJAS 06159284 5314/37 /983 1 1 JOHN GORDON ANGELA MARTINEZ CORDON 06186266 5647/793 J/270 46 ANITA SANCINELLA JOSEPH 06159285 4207/22 1/983 11 DOUGLAS C. & LIANNE M. HOFER 06186267 5527/282 J/270 27 BHUVANESUWARI SWAMINATHAN & 0615928fi 5337/706 I/983 116 TSE HO CHEN & SHU LING WANG 06186268 5689/398 J/270 SWAMINATHAN VENKATAKRISHNAPRASHAD 28 FERDINANDO MARINO ROSA BATISTA 06159287 5384/274 /983 11 SHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LLC 06186269 5648/757 J/270 29 DAVID L. & VIRGINIA F. BROWN 06159288 4215/142 1/983 (110 ANNETTE NICOLE CURRAN 06186270 5651/626 J/270 30 WAYNE L. & MARLO L. GARRIS 06159299 4232/489 1/983 119 KRISHNA RAVI & HIMABINDU 06186270 5561/533 L/367 MA V 31 JOHN T. & LISA D. AUSTIN 06159290 4229/249 1/983 12 LINDA M. NAPOLITANO 06186271A 5564/85 L/367 32 GERARD & DEIDRE WHELAN 06159291 4663/760 1/983 121 WILLIAM DAVIS& AIMEE LAMKIN NS 06196272 05789/599 1/270 33 JACK & ELIZABETH SLUITER 06159292 5197/407 1/983 12 WILLIAM DARRELL DIANE GANAY SIZEMORE 06186273 5160/755 J/270 C M[CORKLE FARM LLC 06159003D 4903/787 D/974 123 RIGOBERTO & SHIRLEY MANALIGOD 06186274 4590/580 J/270 D THE DAVID L. FRANCIS FAMLIMITED PARTN ILY 06162013A 6023/716 RM-1 12 JONATHAN M. & KIM L. ANSLOW 06186275 5079/82 J/270 E 101ERT60RDONPFAU. FIUME AND PATNOAA PFAU,TRUNEE 06189054 5802/896 L/718 125 DANIEL T. MORGAN, JR ASHLEIGH 06186276 5339/793 J/270 OF ME PFAU DEMMTON OFTRR DATEDMIIVL97R 80 SHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 06186304 5648/757 L/480 12 CHRISTOPHER R. ICARSON H. 06186279 4660/845 1/270 LLC BAUCOM 10 SCOTT A.& LYNDA D. WAHLERS 06186313 5691/418 L/480 12 JON&ANDREA RIDGWAY 06186279 4392/820 J270 10 HUGH & ANGELA HUMAN 06186314 1 5867/356 L/480 A SHEA INVESTMENT FUND I LLC 106186020 90 1 6130/840 1 L/228 B WELLS FARGO BANK NATIONAL 06186011A 1 5415/905 1 L/228 CIAIJON Note: Lot numbers reference the surveyed and GIS data for lots within each subdivision as per the legal description and online information. Letters have been developed by Merrick & Company as reference to parcels not identified by a specific lot number. They are identifiers and not a legally identified letter. 6.92 I I I OFFSET=0.00 NO3'26'23"E 155.77' I I 10 10 10 11 - I 1 ' NORTHING=449036.63 COS I i NO3 5'41"E 133sa' La j t1, 1t FASTING=1468868.59 TRANSITION, SIDEWALK FROM I I 0.11 ac. I s Ls 113 1t n5 j i 4' TO 5' WIDTH OVER 62' of � TRANSITION SIDEWALK FROM L7 7 1� t 16 - I I r L8 i i I 11 I 118 t o I lol I II 4'T05'WIDTH OVER 73' L9 L70 �I o LL-_ L71 L12 120 �I _ _154 10' Side Yard I I _ 30' Perimeter Tree Preservation Buffer L73 121 i I -E N I L14 I 5 t2 �: } I j I _- i L16 L17 L18 123 1 12 � 5 I c � i 4 i 155'__, I 22' I 1 � L19 N0375"42"E 112.98 12 , 0 11,980SF LL 151, 151' E6' - Lzo 1za IR v ICUL-DE-SAC ' -- r 26 I 157' - - O _ NO3'32'S6" 298.33' 12 �a - 154' 20' SDE STA: 12+46 ENTER OF CUL-OE SAC O 1 B/C ^ - -- 11i00 1 I 6 I I ' STA:12+12.72 1 I I 50' 1 1 m'- - { I 12,400 SF I ^ 15 �`o OFF:O.00' 12,030 SF n ROW it '1 22 I" S� ' 153'- - - 1 I 12,126 SF �' _ 110'_ L _ Q v 1 j I g 12,212 SF < / I p �N STA: 10+00 - 4 B o1 _S' p0 5� ' - 157�- 0 1' j 31 o s _ 126' c ENTER OF CUL-DE-SAC °� 1 155' 133' \ ' 10' SiSide Yard - J STA:10+33.50 12,294 SF - r \ tU I I (11ool i r _ I ro IT - \ ` - L 15T 12,649 SF 20' SDE �o h� F �' I ! O \ 1 16 .Lo v 11 \ oFF:o.00' ` 32 154' Lu W I 7 I o I / I EGPr 1 13,317 SF 1 20 i I I� I 136' - R33.5 to t 12,107 SF - -- - �� 1 W 12,400 �SF n 14 t2 00 / 12,479 SF 1 23 p - EDP n 121001 � I °� \ I i / / j 1 J II I co rn 1 L J COS -- -_ I I f 12,591 SF N i A a 12,195SF � � � �R2o'ero-- � rM Iv � COS�, 3 ai _ CD EOP 1 n - / G. 95, 56 37 40' I ' ti 1 - , 36 ac. \ I 0`b -36, 1.80 ac. 7 86' I M 12,305 SF > m ' 26' - - 155' - uo ag' to 1 i i n - 30 0, \ Q o I Bic I o �,' 1 _ ss' sr 12,020 SF 1 0 I i w 77' 82' p -I t a, -� - - - 50, o h o I-o - {- - - - - - °1 12too,' w 24' 85' v 11 00 / 33 ROW o m - _ N I I n 11� 85' 57' -- ' o 1 d tl�n I 1 30' Rear Ka 28, 99' rq I d 12,447 SF v ti 8 I I I -- 30' Rear Yard -- I i �;. I { I I I r-- M - L owl I 12,400 SF d m - _ 20' SDE ` _ Z I I I 11 , COS I h- '� Lri 1 I o o. - I- 0 -rD , v 18 I 0.15 ac I I I -- •L �J -! i E '-- _ s� _ r ` __ _ 0 0 � d, od 17 v I 19 - GP Iw J LL I 1o'SideY rd ' a _ - - 11 0 0 0 i i I 13,124SF `) 12,407SF to I �� 0 13 00 ` I 13 m 1'i,554 SF I 1 f-- - tq % 26 Ity - 156' uJ 12 o> 12 a I 18' i I �^ 24 v 'a 1 -155' I 10 r a ro 12,661 SF n FOP i 40' I 1 ^ ^ 26 v O ^ i �c I�u�N Ip 12,315 SF �� rr I 01 I 13,726 SF I -� 25 >� m ( - ? n 11 12,055 SF _ I 0 12,013 SF 22 i pyy 12,246 SF a 27 v O ^ `� _ I ( 1z,o7s SF _ - I g - - h D �o �� 28 v 34 o B10 i R Autumn Rid a br. 1 12,25o SF W- e o 154' i / I _J / I 12,253 SF v V � �� i o 00 I .,-,�,q/, _ _ 1 I\ 12,256 SF 29 1 R 12,189 SF ^m C 9 � I_ _--- / � I I I I \\ 50 R/W Local C I 13 00 � '� 1 13,554 SF B -- �Li - S= s- - - - - - - _ - ---- _ J 'P a' a4' }� P-UE64' / l I` I I _ 15 �W -- I I 20' Front Setback -�71' _ _ - \�`\_ - tback -'-- J OFF 11 00 - _ , \ 20' Front Setback 6 I I STA3 2+02 3 F f00i ' j 1 0' Side y`- J� - - - - / e7?2py 1 �i --- - ---- 3UE_ ' -- 19= ctn2o- - �_ 76' ' 'R I ;� _ 123 _ 12 _ 85 _ - - - - ---- o --e _ �----- Do \� - - - _ - - - - _ _ ! -' 85, h1 i 157� 12,326 SF I ' - - - ` - - - _""o L103 + - - - - - - - �- -13 0 __._ - - - -7` . __-_ . A -ram o _ _ -.._._ _.__- - -- -- - _. In _...-_-..__-- _ i0 STA' 12+02 07 i14�00 --- - m ro_ O o-� - -i--� __-____ _.._._._. -_---� 4__._ I - �yo-- m ro m - o SS' _ / it 'f� ' •O 85' I J STA: 14+17.03 - _--.........- - _-- ...-____-_.--___. -. ----- - m N _._.._._ . - _ _._ _ ' - _ - `�/ $ rn a ___...._.._-_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ O _ , _.._.--._ o - O N / I QFF:11.00'L I m 0 o c10, - +SON o `a - -r-- --- _ O�-�o O ---67' LLB + -- N N + _ o4 ' I 35 154' - -WE a -I - uo- - - -e - -T v - - - - 86'- - 87' -,- -43'- - - - - -81 - - _ _ - - --- - -- 11 3 - - 71'- -10' S PUE _ 40'- - N ___ - __ 12,227 SF co m .._. .- -- -- -- - - -80'- - -' r- 20' Front Setback - - - - - _ - - - N -I - o-___.-- -----_._ _ �/ I C R20' .....__ - , - _ TA: 15+51.22 I -81' - - - _._,_� - . 0 1 iOP ' I 1Cos - - - - - $2,_ a2 - - - f a+a2sa - - 81'- - �- "� BiCII _ _- - - - - - - - - - _ _ I -_._- STA: - -.... _ <y _ -_ _ ...... _ _... _ ___ N -+ ._ i� 1 i�'STA:12+62.07 0.70 ac. I I ,n- fi2'- - - -62' - - 18' 5' PUE -75'- - - 2B' _ _ I I I I I I 1 I _ - - 81'_ - - _. _ _ - - -- N- -¢ t p `� oFF ta.00'L M I G / 20'FrontSetback -- I E - 81'-5 PUE -81 - -_. 3 0 a �15$� I .n I I I- I I_ Id I I II W� - -- _ j° 1 STA: 12+92.50 N �0 47 � 4g �m I I �'1 g - -71' C \\3q' ZI I ( I ' I IN I 12,07$ SF �! I 12,032 SF I I 12,062 SF �� �� 45 �1 44 �00 ,_ I of I ' \i� EoP ' 'ro / 0 36 ' 0 49 12,128 SF v N o B 15 0o I o 50 j 12,047 SF 43 I EO is f 0)� 12,509 SF o 12,012 SF 12,026 SF v STA:14+27.00 32 O _ ai ' 1 >I �N I 'n 52 �`1' � 51 � ' 12,273 SF � 12 046 SF � � �' J OFF:14.00'R M 32 � _0 � � �� I 12,162 SF I I _ I - - ^� - - f 47 �� i 40 o I ' I �U _ _ m 1 EDP I 54 m 53 f - - -, 12,067 SF 12 Oas SF 1W 39 �uoi ROW ^c 20' SDEI 30' Rear Yard 38 W ` 155�- }- a I I 12,021 SF 2O' SDE _- - + I 12,109 SF f ' J _ 2s ! �I13,464 SF I� I 12,742 SF _ _ t I 13,070 SF Wa1 1a�oo I B/C i E _ 76' 15' 62' 50 -- I 79' m I oCD _ 1 -----��6I I 20' SDE 30' Perimeter Tree Preservation Bu er 80, ' soa•a2'3r'w 81 '11' ROW , �N� 80' 232.25" I 70, I I U J 12' 31 I 70' SO4'5T26"E 263.92-. I �j `J 37 Yard 83' TIE 33 32 _ 90 EC I 1 I 12,112 SF j F 27 Cos 61' 1 t - STA:14+26.52 84' S82'S2'S9"p O 29 29 81' SOFF:1 66.89/ E J OFF:1600'L ( 0.58 ac. END OF ROAD BARRICADE 1s 0 82' 13.71' 0 81' oFFa6.00'R - i I 154' 5057 T58"W 780.92 ` 8$' N S0561.01,"E O z o SEE DETAILS 82 as1.o1' o OD j , 26 25 I B SOt'53'04"E 153.50' O I 17400 I 1a o0 I 19 00 19 14 STA: 15+86.14 Know what's below. Call before you dig. 1. Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing utilities are located prior to beginning construction. 2. Contractor is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 3. All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the north carolina department of transportation and town specifications. 4. Shoring will be according to osha trenching standards part 1926, subpart p, or as amended. A Om z w 0 M i p A Park A yp O, � TA:14+66. OFR,8.00'L \ f .,,..\ 150}00 I Providence �; \ BARRICADE TO REMAIN UNTIL 17 \ I EXISTING ROADS ARE TURNED i' OVER TOWAXHAW 00 -- --CUTTERS � I I I SPRING DRIVE CA ST TION=4+6 Logan ' 0 . OFFSET 00 NORTHING=449555.04 Field Dr" O , 3,' FASTING=1469436.05 START NEW ROAD a / CUTTERS SPRING DRIVE / ____ 76 q0 ------FASTING=1469448.50 l STATION=14+78.35 OFFSET=0.00L i NORTHING=449554.05 \ ��tJ3!`t�2o2' .3�S�Zoi� 2p0 /✓/Z�/zo* 0 30 60 120 180 240 0 z ,� zG��wz w3w a N 5 c zLL�wa� N z m o- w O > No-==o � UUOOFO�Y W U LL woa3oo ¢ ryJJ{1 � � rcw aD 0 U0.,oz-p0 �/ 0 Z ¢ wgo S� W ow ❑O oO O z_ �awooaFo a Z Marc U V F O ¢ Z < =n 0, o z �0�ffi�3�3 U J _J N O (0 N to 00" + CO z O �_a) O LIL rA 2 O U0 `m �I.{ `Y c0 U o o ^, W co '-C VJ �m 0 w Y m U w c� r am U 0 z 0 lZ o- U (n w a z 0 o wFT___TT > � w p - � N s N s r m z z w a w ar x a U N 0 O o cri _ O CL U)Cz W ff iSEEAL F 1 i S� t iq�l� o `° 0)N CDC) N co O U 0 z Li I -- w b O H Q � W = Cf) New Town Road 0 W 0 �L. n 6 Bot�sGtoled SITE f o+ od Henn Hacils easy o00° ad ,1iro`Nilso 1 "=1 mile VICINITY MAP Development Data: Parcel ID: Site Area: Existing Zoning: Jurisdiction: Number of Lots Proposed Watershed: Lot Requirements: 0618602080 23.57 ac. CD R4 Conditional District Single -Family Residential Town of Waxhaw 54 Gaiawba Minimum Lot Area: 12,000 SF Acreage of Smallest Lot in Subdivision: 0.275 Ac. Minimum Width: 60' Minimum Depth: 60, Maximum Lot Coverage: 75% Maximum Bldg Height: 45' Front Setback: 20' Rear Yard: 30' Side Yard (Interior): 10, Side Yard (Corner): 20' Maximum Accessory Height: 25' Cumulative DBH per Lot: 8" (Not Including Street Trees) Minimum Trees per Lot: 3 (Not Including Street Trees) Open Space Provided: 4.76 ac. (20.2%) Treesave Calculation: Total Site Area: 23.57 ac. Less Perimeter Treesave area Less Proposed ROW: Less Existing Pond Net Site Area: Interior Treesave Required: Interior Treesave Provided: Project Phasing: Estimated Completion Date of 3.16 ac. 3.56 ac. 0.10 ac. 16.75 ac. 3.35 ac. (20%) 3.43 ac (20.5%) Subdivision Infrastructure Spring 2015 Estimated Completion Date of Home Construction Fall 2017 Development Contact: Developer: Shea Homes Chase Kerley 8008 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28226 (704)299-2306 chase. kerley@sheahomes.com Engineer: Merrick & Company Marcus King, PE 1001 Morehead Square Dr Suite 530 Charlotte, NC 28203 (704)529-6500 marcus. king@merrick.com Know what's below. Call before you dig. 1. Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing utilities are. located prior to beginning construction. 2. Contractor is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 3. All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the north Carolina department of transportation and town specifications. 4. Shoring will be according to OSHA trenching standards part 1926, subpart p, or as amended. :'"oHAO^J` MiL[_E2 arrington 2 704_Zo1--lg93 -BUIL-6bP, WAXHAW, UNION COUNTYNORTH CAROLINA FW =AtW J fII£l+9fr =a aie roiu Land Use. Residential Zoning: RM-1 Land Use: Residential Zoning: CU-R3-PRD PREPARED FOR: SHEA HOMES r ., r 'Y Barrington -and Use: Residential Zoning: CU-R3-PRD Twinberry Ln. STREETLENGTHS Fairgreen Avenue (south) 1092 LF Fairgreen Avenue (central) 522 LF Cutters Spring Drive 641 LF Autumn Ridge Drive 1454 LF Harvest Moon Court 246 LF _ 3955 LF Land Use: Residential Zoning: CU-R3-PRD Land Use: Residential Zoning: R-40 Interior Tree Save Area z 1I%rWZVWZ t0 z 3w�n N �n�allor r NUVO U� 10 z _<,.. a,�w�i p O"m,Z<s Wa a �=z4�rco N Ho 0 O j oomwiji=� o�oaFo�x Qp8 W Fd JV U U p O io W p w ww�ow"gip m = p CNJ C) Z �wowFwo� ❑❑❑ W � Z_ €a�000WN W W orczzonro ❑ ❑ 1313005 Zotoie3� U vi(10 Y N /11 00 jVr�J }N coo, Z i . O O T y Ufa 00 U tz S NDO U) &r am 4 0 �m U 0 am a 0 a U w 0 z 0 z > o w w > w Fw- Q M K2 N N . c r r m � z a Y O v7 w a w � s O O U d U O 0 O vJ ._ 0 i O M o U m � i i � `��e�aseaa�erp _ Y CA 0 Date Number of SEAL SHEET INDEX Last Revised Revisions ° 1!32730 e 4 C001-0002 Cover sheet / general notes 01.29.14 O ^ 4'oiN���? Survey , �;, • .., •• q°' C200 C300 Site Plan 01.29.14 Demo / Erosion Control Notes 01.29.14 C301 Demo / Initial Erosion Control Plan 01.29.14 C302 Final Erosion Control Plan 01.29,14 C401-C402 Grading and Storm Drainage Plan 01.29.14 C451 Composite Drainage Area Map 01.29.14 C452-C453 Pre and Post Drainage Area Maps 01.29.14 C501-0504 Water Quality Plans & Details 01.29.14 C601-C602 Roadway Plan & Profiles 01.29.14 C801-C804 Site Details 01.29.14 C900 Planting Plan Ot29.14 0 r �icl3{1oZ 3/5�ui� � � � O Z r— 0 50 100 200 300 400 t;j W o Cn 3 v, �J Top Elev: 565. Bottom Elev: 559 Three 4" holes to drain forebay into main pond at elev. 560 with class B stone, 5' radii from center of hole (both sides of wall) ­540. No part of WQ device (including easement) - shall be placed within any other easement � � I i -Split rail fence - I Segmental Wall Top Elev: max: 574 min: 568 ttom Elev: max: 566 min: 560 Underti� *4x6" Underdrains--�, `0.50% min. slope - Main on _ 30'x40' Sand Filter .far to WQ Detailsl -A 4 y -- • a 'I° - "• I f • 1 1 `WQ Pond EasemlQnt rr i WATER QUALITY BASIN -1 Know what's below. Call before you dig. i'\ NORTH CAROLINA WATERSHEDS -/ - _ _ WATER QUALITY BASIN CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, WQ POND: A. EARTHWORK wW� ,�, so"s°"• i 1. THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE CLEARED OF TREES, LOGS, STUMPS, ROOTS, BOULDERS, SOD AND UNSUITABLE SOIL.-►J""'" °tl°1'"" IF NEEDED TO ESTABLISH VEGETATION, THE TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED AND SPREAD ON THE COMPLETED DAM AND _ SPILLWAYS. THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SCARIFIED BEFORE PLACEMENT OF THE FILL MATERIAL ockable gate (double swing) to allow°. '+� dr'co ! access to pond. Keys shall be provided to 2. EXISTING STREAM CHANNELS IN THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE SLOPED NO STEEPER THAN A RATIO OF TWO •° '. R� / the publicworicsdepartmentandtothe HORIZONTAL TO ONE VERTICAL. THEY SHALL BE DEPEENED AND WIDENED AS NECESSARY TO REMOVE ALL STONES,fl Tuv�OWNSMEN aeo.o ¢fie r4 e OA.Gateshallmatchtheappearenceof e a GRAVEL, SAND, STUMPS, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL AND TO ACCOMMODATE COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. fence. Style and material shall FOUNDATION AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF STANDING WATER WHEN FILL IS PLACED ON THEM. THE BORROW AREAS SRE % approved by owner SHALL BE CLEARED OF STUMPS, ROOTS AND UNSUITABLE SOIL. THE WATER QUALITY BASIN SHALL BE CLEARED AND ALL 4•+U•m ..,.," A - "' OAK '/ STUMPS REMOVED BEFORE FILLING OPERATIONS BEGIN. / I / Lomas 3. THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL TAKE REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES OF EACH PROPOSED FILL MATERIAL AND TEST THEM TO 10wGrass access road. DETERMINE THE COMPACTION AND CLASSIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS (PROCTOR TEST). ONLY THOSE MATERIALS AS lope not to exceed12% APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL BE USED AS FILL ON THE DAM. GENERALLY SM OR SC CLASSIFICATION SOILS WILL BE ACCEPTABLE. COMPACTED EARTH FILLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE ELEVATIONS, LINES, GRADES AND • � =- I F FOUNDATIONS AND REMOVAL OF WEAK OR UNSUITABLE INDICATED ON T E PLANS. AFTER STRIPPING 0 FOU CROSS SECTIONS H OPERATION MAINTENANCE PLAN W POND: AND MAINTE C Q - MATERIALS HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND BEFORE START OF MATERIAL PLACEMENT, COMPACTED EARTH SHALL BE USED A '' --i- TO FILL ALL STUMP HOLES, MINOR EXCAVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS FOR CAVITIES INSIDE THE EARTH FILL LIMITS. FILL A. INSPECT MONTHLY OR AFTER EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER COMES plitretlfence SHALL BE PLACED IN HORIZONTAL LAYERS OF NOT MORE THAN (9") LOOSE DEPTH. FIRST REMOVE DEBRIS FROM THE TRASH RACK. - 'DI Forebay drain jj 1. CHECK AND CLEAR THE ORIFICE OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS. IF A PUMP IS USED AS A DRAW DOWN .wff shreck&6"valve (at 4. AFTER STRIPPING OF FOUNDATIONS AND REMOVAL OF WEAK OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND MECHANISM, CHECK FOR PUMP OPERATION. -:edge BEFORE START OF MATERIAL PLACEMENT, COMPACTED EARTH SHALL BE USED TO PILL ALL STUMP HOLES, MINOR 2. CHECK THE POND SIDE SLOPES, REMOVE TRASH, REPAIR ERODED AREAS BEFORE THE NEXT C:: Inv= 0 min sbpe=0,5%. EXCAVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS FOR CAVITIES INSIDE THE EARTH FILL LIMITS. RAINFALL EVENT. Tiei outlet structure 3. IF THE POND IS OPERATED WITH A VEGETATED FILTER, CHECK THE FILTER FOR SEDIMENT 5. AS SOON AS FEASIBLE AFTER STARTING CONSTRUCTION OF A FILL. THE CENTRAL PORTION THEROF SHALL BE BUILT AND ACCUMULATION, EROSION AND PROPER ORIENTATION OF THE FLOW SPREADER MECHANISM. -40PVC / MAINTAINED SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN THE SIDES TO ALLOW FREE DRAINAGE TO THE SIDE SLOPES. EACH LAYER OF FILL REPAIR AS NECESSARY. from SHALL BE COMPACTED BY ROLLING WITH COMPACTION EQUIPMENT WHICH IS BEST SUITED FOR THE TYPES OF SOIL I` Sand ilter0.5k o ENCOUNTERED. FILL ADJACENT TO PIPE CONDUIT AND ANTISEEP COLLARS SHALL BE COMPACTED BY HAND. EACH LAYER B. QUARTERLY ['mmsl OF FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 95% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY STANDARD PROCTOR AT OPTIMUM ( ) 1. INSPECT THE COLLECTION SYSTEM (IE: CATCH BASINS, PIPING, GRASSED SWALES) FOR PROPER j MOISTURE CONTENT. WETTING OR DRYING OF THE MATERIAL AND MANIPULATION TO SECURE UNIFORM MOISTURE CONTENT FUNCTIONING. CLEAR ACCUMULATED TRASH FROM BASIN GRATES, BASIN BOTTOMS, AND CHECK at Structure THROUGHOUT EACH LAYER SHALL BE REQUIRED. DENSITY TESTS WILL BE PERFORMED AT A FREQUENCY AS SPECIFIED BY PIPING FOR OBSTRUCTIONS. detail below ) I � 1 L THE SOILS ENGINEER. AS A MINIMUM, TESTS WILL BE PERFORMED ON EVERY THIRD FT OR EVERY 1000 CUBIC YARDS . I 2. CHECK POND INLET PIPES FOR UNDERCUTTING, REPLACE RIPRAP, AND REPAIR BROKEN PIPES. �' �r WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. ALSO DENSITY TEST WILL BE PERFORMED WHENEVER FILL MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS CHANGE. 3. RESEED GRASSED SWALES, INCLUDING THE VEGETATED FILTER IF APPLICABLE. TWICE A YEAR AS 10'wGrassa tooutfall NECESSARY. REPAIR ERODED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. r 3; ::::, i B. OUTLET DEVICE 18" CP Outfall Pipe 1. OUTLET DEVICE COMPONENTS ARE TO FABRICATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. C. EVERY SIX MONTHS 2 CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT DESIGNED SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE CIVIL ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1 REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE OUTLET STRUCTURE mergenc'y Spillway (Refer to WQ Details) 10' wide berm (min) i WQ Pond se ment i Main Pool Stage Storage Forebay Stage Store a Total Pond Stage Store e Elevation lmsi) Area (d) Volume (cf) Elevation (mat) Area (at) Volume (c0 Elevation (mal) Area (afl Volume (cf) 559.00 3682 0 560.00 0 0 559 3682 0 560.00 3930 3806 560.00 1914 0 560 5844 4763 561.00 4447 7995 561.00 2037 1976 561 6484 10927 562.00 4999 12718 562.00 2160 4074 562 7159 17749 563.00 5673 18004 563.00 2283 6296 563 7856 25256 564.00 6181 23881 564.0) 24IN 8640 564 8587 33478 565.00 6806 30374 565.00 2529 11108 565 9335 42439 566.00 10118 38836 566 10118 52165 1. Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing utilities are located prior to beginning construction. 2. Contractor is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to ensure the safety of the public. 3. All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the North Carolina Department of Transportation and local government specifications. 4. Shoring will be according to OSHA Trenching Standards Part 1926, Subpart P, or as amended. TO THE OUTLET DEVICE. SHOP DRAWINGS SHOULD INCLUDE PRECAST BOX DESIGN, TRACH RACK, GRATED COVER, 2. CHECK THE POND DEPTH AT VARIOUS POINTS IN THE POND. IF DEPTH IS REDUCED TO 75% OF ALUMINUM STEPS, AND ALL DRAIN/ORIFICE PIPING REQUIRED. ORIGINAL DESIGN DEPTH, SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED TO AT LEAST ORIGINAL DESIGN DEPTH. C. CONCRETE D. GENERAL 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARD- SPECIFICATIONS FOR READY MIXED CONCRETE, ASTM C 94. AN 3. MOW THE SIDE SLOPES, NOT INCLUDING NORMALLY SUBMERGED VEGETATED SHELF, ACCORDING AIR -ENTRAINING ADMIXTURE SHALL BE ADDED. THE CONCRETE SHALL BE PROPORTIONED TO MEET THE FOLLOWING TO THE SEASON. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL BE 6". REQUIREMENTS: 4. REMOVE WOODY VEGATATION ALONG THE DAM EMBANKMENT. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: MINIMUM 3600 PSI 5. THE ORIFICE IS DESIGNED TO DRAW DOWN THE POND IN 2-5 DAYS. IF DRAW DOWN IS NOT WATER -CEMENT RATIO: 0.40 - 0.50 ACCOMPLISHED IN THAT TIME, THE SYSTEM MAY BE CLOGGED. THE SOURCE OF CLOGGING MUST SLUMP: MINIMUM 3', MAXIMUM 5" BE FOUND AND ELIMINATED. AIR CONTENT: MINIMUM 5%, MAXIMUM 8% 6. ALL COMPONENTS OF THE DETENTION POND SYSTEM MUST BE KEPT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. COARSE AGGREGATE: 1" - 1 1/2" 7. OWNER SHALL MAINTAIN RECORDS OF ALL INSPECTION REPORTS. D. GRASSING GENERAL NOTES: 1. GRASS ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION PER SPECIFICATION OF EROSION CONTROL DETAIL SHEET. A IN THE NCDENR STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT POND MAINTENANCE TO BE AS INDICATED M E. PLANTING PRACTICES DESIGN GUIDELINES. REFER TO WATER QUALITY LEGEND FOR PLANTING REQUIREMENTS. 1. WETLAND PLANTINGS SHALL BE ADDED AS REQUIRED BY STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. PLANTING SHALL POND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION MUST BE PERMANENTLY POSTED ON -SITE. PERMANENT EASEMENT BE BASED ON AVAILABILITY OF PLANTS LISTED IN TABLE 2.2 OF NCDENR BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES DESIGN IS NOT SET TO A UNIFROM OFFSET FROM THE WATER QUALITY POND, BUT ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE GUIDELINES. OPTIMAL ACCESS FOR ACCESSIBILITY AND MAINTAINENCE t WATER QUALITY BASIN INFORMATION 50 YEAR STORK 10 YEAR STORM BASIN NUMBER 1 BASIN TYPE SF/EDD TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA (AC) 7.44 OFFSITE DRAINAGE (AC) BYPASSED DESIGN IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE (%) 42.20 MIN. AREA OF SAND FILTER BED* (SF) 3609 MIN. NUMBER OF UNDERDRAINS 3 HIGH WATER ELEV: 565.39 HIGH WATER ELEV: 565.00 HIGH WATER ELEV: 563.29 ORIFICE ELEVATION: 561.12 12" TURNDOWN 2" ORIFICE TURNING ROD GUIDERAIL SUPPORTS AS NECESSARY 6" DIAM. GATE VALVE TO DRAIN POND, TURNING ROD TO BE EXTENDED TO TOP OF STRUCTURE WITH HANDWHEEL FOR OPERATION 6" DIP POND DRAIN WITH TRASH RACK BOTTOM OF POND 59.00 GRATED COVER TOP OF STRUCTURE ELEV: 564.90 ALUMINUM STEPS-----�' 12" O.C., TYPICAL PRECAST 4' X 4' VAULT DIMENSIONS ARE TO INSIDE CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SEALED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION SOLID FILL GROUT/CONCRETE OUTLET STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN DATA: UPSTREAM STRUCTURE DOWNSTREAM STRUCTURE UPSTREAM INVERT DOWNSTREAM INVERT LENGTH (FT) SIZE (N) MIN SLOPE (FT/FT) OS RIPRAP APRON 1 554.50 554.00 ±71 1 18 0.005 ALL PIPE TO BE CLASS III RCP, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. * THE CONTRACTOR MAY ADJUST THE LAYOUT OF THE SAND FILTER BED AS LONG AS THE MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENT IS MET, THE UNDERDRAINS TIE INTO THE OUTLET STRUCTURE WITH POSITIVE FLOW AND THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF UNDERDRAINS ARE PROVIDED. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ASSURE POSITIVE FLOW IS MET IN THE INSTALLATION OF THE SAND FILTER * THE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL PROVIDE THE TOWN OF WAXHAW INSPECTION RECORDS AND REPORTS VERIFYING THE SAND FILTER BED HAS BEEN INSTALLED PROPERLY AND ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN, MEETS THE MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENT, AND MEETS ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF THE DESIGN. REPORT SHALL ALSO VERIFY ALL ASPECTS OF THE DESIGN HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN AND SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. NOTES: TOP OF DAM ELEV_ ---- 1 CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT >0.50 FT FREEBOARD -II _ , __ - OUTLET BOX IS SET LEVEL AND ! i _ FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF BASE I FOOTING TO PROVIDE UNIFORM BEARING PRIOR TO PLACING EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEV: 564.95 - SECOND BATCH OF CONCRETE. GROUT IF NECESSARY. - ALUMINUM STEPS 12" O.C., TYPICAL �P� I -I '- I I _- I-__ __ I 2. ALL ORIFICE AND PIPE OPENINGS S'• -� i - i (-� �- j INTO THE OUTLET STRUCTURE -- SHALL BE SEALED LEAK TIGHT. USE „ LINKSEAL" MECHANICAL SEALS FOR ALL PIPES 24" AND SMALLER. 1- -! 3. REFER TO SEPARATE DETAIL FOR OUTLET STRUCTURE GRATE AND INFORMATION. 54"X54" - CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP COLLAR I _ _ ! _I 4. REFER TO SEPARATE DETAIL -FOR ! II--- 54"X54" -CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP COLLA OUTLET STRUCTURE ANCHOR DEVICES. 71 LF OF 18" RCP @ MIN. 0.50% --- I554.50 --i I V OUT:WATER TIGHT JOINTS N __PERFORATED PIPE iHi . SECOND CONCRETE PLACEMENT T�--I.. , -I OCCUR AFTER STRUCTURE IS l- ANCHORED IN PLACE CUT-OFF H (EXCHANGEAND -SEE ANCHOR DTL. THIS SHEET 1 11= W/ COMPACTED SOIL) Ihspaet durpp cmatructwn; certify ca plans and specs; and oeRHy complien stormwater rules. (15A NCAC 2H .10i Permit # 5 UJ 3 I D by - .l NC Divisb Sheet #_C_50 I Reviebn 9- I J J o m N E $Z O17 °D U a m C m a a �r V �m �m o a o oC) � U a o Gi F o N U - w m s s m r m o N ¢ U d z CV O -t-+ U CO) O Cy as cd MM W cti Sm 032730 J�- 3144 r, (D It- C) LO U co Co o z w � w O< N b 0.5 FT: -� 4.0 FT. 0.5 FT. d ti 1.0 s 2-1 /2" EDGE TYf rl■■ss■s■s■■■■■■■15 lI■■■■■s■ss■ssssslr • rl■s■ssss■ssss■■elr rl■■■■ssss■■■■■■sIL ALUMINUM GRATING AND HATCH TO BE DESIGNED AND CERTIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION / HINGE 1/8' STEEL ANGLE PLATE 2" GRAT�' 6" STAINLESS STEEL a: ANCHOR BOLT. EPDXY IN PLACE \ ANGLE -CLIPS __- TYPICAL STEEL EPDXY OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN � GRATING DETAIL 6 OUTLET STRUCTURE ANCHOR 5 NOTE: EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEIRS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE, 4-INCH MINIMUM THICKNESS 12" CHAMFER BETWEEN 72" 72"(BERM SLOPED AREA AND TOP OF 8 WEIR SPILLWAY 40' 8BERM (BOTH SIDES) 6"BOTH TOP OF BERM SIDES-�I ELEV 0% SLOPE ACROSS BOTTOMG C IR ELEV a E1= 4 d a n < ,d COMPACTED EARTH 61 FT. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY- SECTION A -A INTERMEDIATE POST EQUAL' b SPACII EQUAL SPACI� 10'f O.C. (POST SPACING, TYP; 4FER 11,1=07 DA11 C TIJD(U If W NOTES I `- 1• ALL WOOD SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH CHROMATED COPPER ARSENATE ® NET RETENTION OF 2 0.40 LBS/C.F. WOOD SHALL BE DRIED AFTER TREATMENT. BACKFLL ALL POSTS AND RESTORE GRADE AT POST BASE F0 ORIGINAL CONDITION. REMOVE ANY EXCESS SOIL FROM 'OST BASE. SPLIT RAIL FENCE WITH WIRE MESH D POST ROUGH CUT PRESSURE TREATED, #1 SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE, 3 HOLE LINE/CORNER/END POST ROUGH CUT PRESSURE TREATED, #1 SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE RAILS 2"X2" GALV. WIRE MESH FABRIC FASTENED TO FENCE FINISHED GRADE COMPACTED SUBGRADE COMPACTED EARTH BACKFILL FOR LINE POSTS CONCRETE SPILLWAY BEYOND SECTION i I II ( Li I COMPACTED EARTH- 6" CONCRETE SPILLWAY DEVICE WITH #4 REINFORCING BAR 12" O.C. EACH WAY d TOP OF BERM ELEV EMERGENCY WEIR ELEV 1I— I1— SLOPE BOTTOM ELEV: SLOPE BOTTOM -2' 40 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY - SECTION B-B Approved Stormwater Permit Documents Construction in accordance with these documents is required by the stormwater permit. North Caroline rules require that the stormwater system designer Inspect during construction; certify conformity with the plans and specs: and certify compliance with the stormwater rules. (15A NCAC 2H .1008 (j) ) Pe t # S W �{a LA2 pate ¢ 2 2014 4 GI NC Division ol Water fllteNly sheet # G 50 4- Revision Date 3 • ZB • 201 ¢ 3 Z 9 2a�19 �RA Q r lean o a2 oa C a 2 �t=t1 M�T1FSi;Nga Ir 0; mW�� W Uw oe� 'giiiiiu aa' (D wrYs htf e U00[]i,UfflzpjF,11-q U J J "^i` 'd N W W m c5 W N E C9z 0 Ica :3 2 8E CD '-C'^ VJ d a �T >a a e �} a V Qm oa o� 3 O F T U (/1 W aZ 0 o N W p w o 0 CP Y > m p c� z 0 N N +, 0 o - •C V L 0 (n W E � m L 0 CD `�Izs�l�f I r ro rn N cra o U o z m Fw W o U) 3 v, I� --I- -31I I! ! ! 10'w Grass access road. - ope not to exceed 1296 _ --58G _ - - Emergency Spillway (Refer to WQ Details)? �- -- -- - 82LF 15" RCP 0tdfa11 PI Outfail Manhol (sealed lid) Rim: 577.00 Inv in: 572.00 Inv out: 571.80 I I -EXbul 20 mm_ ex DI 33- _ / --RIM 574.00 INV OUT: 568.90 i INV IN: 569.40 i I 56LF 15" RCP Outfall / J' WQ Pond l" Outlet Structure (see detail Below) / I\ No part of WQ devi ()nclud ng easement) shall be placed to any other easement M1 W NORTH CAROLINA - --- WATER QUALITY BASIN CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, WQ POND: _ A. EARTHWORK WAUU" yir .oew«s axo•n>r 1. THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE CLEARED OF TREES, LOGS, STUMPS, ROOTS, BOULDERS, SOD AND UNSUITABLE SOIL. - IF NEEDED TO ESTABLISH VEGETATION, THE TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED AND SPREAD ON THE COMPLETED DAM AND / r SPILLWAYS. THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SCARIFIED BEFORE PLACEMENT OF THE FILL MATERIAL o•ry �.� *s I - urne a saw 114 _ -- 2. EXISTING STREAM CHANNELS IN THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE SLOPED NO STEEPER THAN A RATIO OF TWO *ewee.ce mo�a o��'e� ... HORIZONTAL TO ONE VERTICAL. THEY SHALL BE DEPEENED AND WIDENED AS NECESSARY TO REMOVE ALL STONES, 'a GRAVEL, SAND, STUMPS, .ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL AND TO ACCOMMODATE COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. �g4� -+I FOUNDATION AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF STANDING WATER WHEN FILL IS PLACED ON THEM. THE BORROW AREAS save•ww SITE 1 I-' a SHALL BE CLEARED OF STUMPS, ROOTS AND UNSUITABLE SOIL. THE WATER QUALITY BASIN SHALL BE CLEARED AND ALL ' STUMPS REMOVED BEFORE FILLING OPERATIONS BEGIN. ww•w 29 i 3. THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL TAKE REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES OF EACH PROPOSED FILL MATERIAL AND TEST THEM TO I DETERMINE THE COMPACTION AND CLASSIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS (PROCTOR TEST). ONLY THOSE MATERIALS AS �' APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL BE USED AS FILL ON THE DAM. GENERALLY SM OR SC CLASSIFICATION SOILS _,,,,,30 I - WILL BE ACCEPTABLE. COMPACTED EARTH FILLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE ELEVATIONS, LINES, GRADES AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN WQ POND: CROSS SECTIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. AFTER STRIPPING OF FOUNDATIONS AND REMOVAL OF WEAK OR UNSUITABLE A INSPECT MONTHLY. OR AFTER EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT. WHICHEVER COMES - ( :: •; I _-_5g0 F T C P CT SHALL E MATERIALS HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND BEFORE START OF MATERIAL PLACEMENT, COMPACTED ED EARTH H LL BE USED FIRST REMOVE DEBRIS FROM THE TRASH RACK. a ot�las n te{d swing) TO FILL ALL STUMP HOLES, MINOR EXCAVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS FOR CAVITIES INSIDE THE EARTH FILL LIMITS. FILL 1. CHECK AND CLEAR THE ORIFICE OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS. IF A PUMP IS USED AS A DRAW DOWN .�9 .; access to pond. Keys shall be provlde"� SHALL BE PLACED IN HORIZONTAL LAYERS OF NOT MORE THAN (9") LOOSE DEPTH. MECHANISM, CHECK FOR PUMP OPERATION. to a entandto - 4. AFTER STRIPPING OF FOUNDATIONS AND REMOVAL OF WEAK OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND 2. CHECK THE POND SIDE SLOPES, REMOVE TRASH, REPAIR ERODED AREAS BEFORE THE NEXT the HOA. Gate all at e I a shall match the BEFORE START OF MATERIAL PLACEMENT, COMPACTED EARTH SHALL BE USED TO FILL ALL STUMP HOLES, MINOR RAINFALL EVENT. appea�lceoffease Styls3andmaterial - EXCAVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS FOR CAVITIES INSIDE THE EARTH FILL LIMITS. 3. IF THE POND IS OPERATED WITH A VEGETATED FILTER, CHECK THE FILTER FOR SEDIMENT -- ^-,_- I shall be as approved by owner ! ACCUMULATION, EROSION AND PROPER ORIENTATION OF THE FLOW SPREADER MECHANISM. _j 5. AS SOON AS FEASIBLE AFTER STARTING CONSTRUCTION OF A FILL. THE CENTRAL PORTION THEROF SHALL BE BUILT AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY. _ - MAINTAINED SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN THE SIDES TO ALLOW FREE DRAINAGE TO THE SIDE SLOPES. EACH LAYER OF FILL - SHALL BE COMPACTED BY ROLLING WITH COMPACTION EQUIPMENT WHICH IS BEST SUITED FOR THE TYPES OF SOIL B. QUARTERLY a . _1 ENCOUNTERED. FILL ADJACENT TO PIPE CONDUIT AND ANTISEEP COLLARS SHALL BE COMPACTED BY HAND. EACH LAYER 1. INSPECT THE COLLECTION SYSTEM (IE: CATCH BASINS, PIPING, GRASSED SWALES) FOR PROPER 28 OF FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 95% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY STANDARD PROCTOR AT OPTIMUM () FUNCTIONING. CLEAR ACCUMULATED TRASH FROM BASIN GRATES, BASIN BOTTOMS, AND CHECK t I MOISTURE CONTENT. WETTING OR DRYING OF THE MATERIAL AND MANIPULATION TO SECURE UNIFORM MOISTURE CONTENT PIPING FOR OBSTRUCTIONS. THROUGHOUT EACH LAYER SHALL BE REQUIRED. DENSITY TESTS WILL BE PERFORMED AT A FREQUENCY AS SPECIFIED BY 2 CHECK POND INLET PIPES FOR UNDERCUTTING, REPLACE RIPRAP, AND REPAIR BROKEN PIPES. THE SOILS ENGINEER. AS A MINIMUM, TESTS WILL BE PERFORMED ON EVERY THIRD LIFT OR EVERY 1000 CUBIC YARDS 3. RESEED GRASSED SWALES, INCLUDING THE VEGETATED FILTER IF APPLICABLE. TWICE A YEAR AS j I WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. ALSO DENSITY TEST WILL BE PERFORMED WHENEVER FILL MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS CHANGE. NECESSARY. REPAIR ERODED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. L B. OUTLET DEVICE C. EVERY SIX MONTHS / 1. OUTLET DEVICE COMPONENTS ARE TO FABRICATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 1. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE OUTLET STRUCTURE. 2. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT DESIGNED SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE CIVIL ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 2• CHECK THE POND DEPTH AT VARIOUS POINTS IN THE POND. IF DEPTH IS REDUCED TO 75% OF TO THE OUTLET DEVICE. SHOP DRAWINGS SHOULD INCLUDE PRECAST BOX DESIGN, TRACH RACK, GRATED COVER, ORIGINAL DESIGN DEPTH, SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED TO AT LEAST ORIGINAL DESIGN DEPTH. J. - ALUMINUM STEPS, AND ALL DRAIN/ORIFICE PIPING REQUIRED. _ -_ _ D. GENERAL C. CONCRETE 3. MOW THE SIDE SLOPES, NOT INCLUDING NORMALLY SUBMERGED VEGETATED SHELF, ACCORDING 10'w Grass access road. fI ASPECIFICATIONSOR READY MIXED CONCRETE ASTM C 4. AN 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARD F 9 THE SEASON. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL BE 6". TO E A 1 Sbpbnottoexceedl2% AIR -ENTRAINING ADMIXTURE SHALL BE ADDED. THE CONCRETE SHALL BE PROPORTIONED TO MEET THE FOLLOWING 4. REMOVE WOODY VEGATATION ALONG THE DAM EMBANKMENT. i I REQUIREMENTS: 5. THE ORIFICE IS DESIGNED TO DRAW DOWN THE POND IN 2-5 DAYS. IF DRAW DOWN IS NOT COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: MINIMUM 3600 PSI ACCOMPLISHED IN THAT TIME, THE SYSTEM MAY BE CLOGGED. THE SOURCE OF CLOGGING MUST 27 WATER -CEMENT RATIO: 0.40 - 0.50 BE FOUND AND ELIMINATED. I SLUMP: MINIMUM 3", MAXIMUM 5° 6. ALL COMPONENTS OF THE DETENTION POND SYSTEM MUST BE KEPT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. " AIR CONTENT: MINIMUM 5%, MAXIMUM 8% 7. OWNER SHALL MAINTAIN RECORDS OF ALL INSPECTION REPORTS. Split r�iffence r --- COARSE AGGREGATE: 1" - 1 1/2" GENERAL NOTES: D. GRASSING 1. POND MAINTENANCE TO BE AS INDICATED IN THE NCDENR STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT --- _ _-_�- 1. GRASS ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION PER SPECIFICATION OF EROSION CONTROL DETAIL SHEET. PRACTICES DESIGN GUIDELINES. REFER TO WATER QUALITY LEGEND FOR PLANTING REQUIREMENTS. -- -- _ POND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION MUST BE PERMANENTLY POSTED ON -SITE. PERMANENT E. PLANTING NOT SET TO A UNIFROM OFFSET FROM THE WATER QUALITY POND BUT EASEMENT IS N E Q ADJUSTED I Y STORMWATER EST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. PLANTING SHALL 1. WETLAND PLANTINGS SHALL BE ADDED AS REQUIRED B STORMW E B TO PROVIDE OPTIMAL ACCESS FOR ACCESSIBILITY AND MAINTENANCE. BE BASED ON AVAILABILITY OF PLANTS LISTED IN TABLE 2.2 OF NCDENR BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES DESIGN 2. FOR THIS WETLAND UTILIZING AN EXISTING CLAY LINED UNDESIGNATED POND ON -SITE, AT LEAST GUIDELINES. FOUR (4) INCHES OF QUALITY TOP SOIL SHALL BE ADDED TO THE TOP OF THE LINER TO SUPPORT I - WATER QUALITY BASIN INFORMATION PLANT GROWTH. IMPORTED OR IN -SITU SOILS MAY BE AMENDED WITH ORGANIC MATERIAL, DEPENDING ON SOIL ANALYSIS RESULTS, TO ENHANCE SUITABILITY OF PLANT MEDIA WQPondEasemgnt _____- _-_ ---- 26 I i , wide (min) I WATER QUALITY BASIN - 2 0 15 30 60 90 120 WATER QUALITY LEGENDRANTING: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION RIP RAP APRON DEEP POOL 18"-36" SHALLOW WATER ZONE FOREBAY 3"-6" LOW MARSH AREA (*) 18"-36" Y W W y W W SHALLOW LAND ZONE O O MICROPOOL W W W <12" HIGH MARSH AREA (*) 18"-36" (*) REFER TO PLANTING LEGEND FOR REQUIRED PLANTING IN VARIOUS ZONE DEPTHS OUTLET STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN DATA: • UPSTREAM STRUCTURE DOWNSTREAM STRUCTURE UPSTREAM INVERT DOWNSTREAM INVERT LENGTH (FT) SIZE (IN) MIN SLOPE (FT/FT) OS RIPRAP APRON 572.50 572.00 ±82 15 0.005 ALL PIPE TO BE CLASS III RCP, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Know What's below. * THE CONTRACTOR MAY ADJUST THE LAYOUT OF THE STORMWATER WETLAND AS LONG AS . C111 before OU dl THE MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENT IS MET. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO y g ASSURE POSITIVE FLOW IS MET IN THE INSTALLATION OF THE STORMWATER WETLAND 1. Contractor is fully responsible for contacting appropriate parties and assuring that existing * THE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL PROVIDE THE TOWN OF WAXHAW INSPECTION RECORDS utilities are located prior to beginning construction. AND REPORTS VERIFYING THE SAND FILTER BED HAS BEEN INSTALLED PROPERLY AND 2. Contractor is responsible for placing barricades, using flag men, etc. As necessary to ensure ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN, MEETS THE MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENT, AND MEETS the safety of the public. ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF THE DESIGN. REPORT SHALL ALSO VERIFY ALL ASPECTS OF THE DESIGN HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN AND 3. All pavement cuts, asphalt or concrete, are to be placed according to standards of the North SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. Carolina Department of Transportation and local government specifications. 4. Shoring will be according to OSHA Trenching Standards Part 1926, Subpart P, or as amended. NOTES: TOP OF DAM ELEV 578.50 _ - 1. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE -0.50 FT FREEBOARD -' ! ! - THAT OUTLET BOX IS SET 50 YEAR STORM EVENT HIGH WATER ELEV: 577.98 _ i LEVEL AND FLUSH WITH GRATED COVER SURFACE OF BASE 10 YEAR STORM EVENT HIGH WATER ELEV: 577.64 2 YEAR STORM EVENT HIGH WATER ELEV: 576.70 ( ! I. FOOTING TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEV: 577.60 UNIFORM BEARING PRIOR ALUMINUM STEPS _ _ TO PLACING SECOND it -I � BATCH OF CONCRETE. TOP OF STRUCTURE 12" O.C., TYPICAL �P�_. I ; - ' -- I _ I GROUT IF NECESSARY. ELEV: 577.55-- 2. ALL ORIFICE AND PIPE -! OPENINGS SHALLOW WATER ELEVATION II ('II OUTLET STRUCTURE SHALL I- �-1 � i i --I I - -: � ! I ORIFICE ELEVATION: 575.50 - I _I - ( ( i I'_ BE SEALED LEAK TIGHT. WATER QUALITY BASIN A PLANT SCHEDULE: __ III I I_- USE "LINKSEAL" 12" TURNDOWN -- - _I - I MECHANICAL SEALS FOR - -- -_ --� I i AREA SPAC. ALUMINUM STEPS .., 3.5' ORIFICE( - ZONE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE (SF) OC % QUANT. PATTERN 12" O.C., TYPICAL ALL PIPES 24" AND - ' III (; I ...- I ! ....., ` ! I ) I -I (-i ! SMALLER Asclepius lncarnata Swamp Milkweed min 4 cubic -inch container 3932 18" 20% 343 TRI W W Hibiscus Coccineus Scarlett Rose min 4 cubic -inch 3932 18" 20% 343 TRI W Mallow container W W W Lobelio Elongata Longleaf min 4 cubic -inch 3932 18" 20% 343 TRI Lobelia container y Clethra Alnifolia Sweet Pepperbrush min 1 gallon container 3932 36" 20% 201 TRI W flex Glabro Inkberry min 1 gallon container 3932 36" 20% 201 TRI a/isma subcordatum Nater Plantain min 4 cubic-inchcontainer626 4 11 1825% 693 TRI (rise Virginica Blue Flag Iris mcubic -inch 4 c in u 6264 18" 25% 693 TRI container Peltandra Virginica Arrow Arum min 4 cubic-inchcontainer6264 18" 25% 693 TRI Soururus Cernuus Lizard's Tail min 4 cubic -inch container 6264 18" 25% 693 TRI Nelumbo Lutea American min 4 cubic -inch 1570 36" 50% 74 TRI Lotus container Elodea Canadensis Canadian Waterweed min 4 cubic -inch container 1570 36" 50% 74 TRI otal Pond Stage Storag ELEV Area (rnsl) (so 575.5 15854 576 16650 577 18285 578 19977 578.5 20844 BASIN NUMBER 1 BASIN TYPE Wetland TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA (AC) 8.5) OFFSITE DRAINAGE (AC) BYPASSED DESIGN IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE (%) 37.18 DEEP POOL AREA (FOREBAY) 10% DEEP POOL AREA (MAIN POND) 5-10% SHALLOW WATER AREA 40% SHALLOW LAND AREA 30-40% PRECAST 4' X 4' VAULT DIMENSIONS ARE TO INSIDE TURNING ROD GUIDERAIL I 48"X48" - CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP COLLAR i L 48' x48' CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP COLLA j 3. REFER TO SEPARATE CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SUPPORTS AS NECESSARY --- ----- i ----- i i -- i : -- -- ___ j I DETAIL FOR OUTLET SEALED SHOP DRAWINGS (' I I i..---- _-! - ,- I (I-i I I i- _ STRUCTURE GRATE AND FOR APPROVAL PRIOR 6 DIAM. GATE VALVE TO DRAIN !_ -- -� --I-_ - - I-.-_ -�--1 -I - � , i I , INFORMATION. TO CONSTRUCTION POND, TURNING ROD TO BE __ _ __._ I -_ ! __-- - _ __ -- _..._ i _-.I ----- --� EXTENDED TO TOP OF STRUCTURE i 4. REFER TO SEPARATE SOLID FILL GROUT/CONCRETE WITH HANDWHEEL FOR OPERATION 30 LF OF 15" RCP MIN. 0.50% DETAIL FOR OUTLET s" DIP POND DRAT NTH TRASH RACK WATER TIGHT JOINTS STRUCTURE ANCHOR DEVICES. INV: 572.00 INV OUT: 572.00 TI - - -- ----- - --- ° 4 1 T. I I. I _ #5 REINFORCING a 1 I (� I BARS ® 12' 2 F .. -- -SECOND CONCRETE PLACE -Ii -,I FL I I�! OCCUR AFTER STRUCTURE ( �I wed Storm Permit Documents Cons n in accordance with then documents Isaa i- iINPLACE ENCHANCHORED requin d by the stormwater permit. North GerO"Iia - --- ----- ---- ----- i --- -- i I ---- �..___ ( -I -_ - (EXCHANGE AND BACKFI uirethetthestomwatersystemdetlpNr . ! I ^- -- L_.-.,.. _- --- _ - -_- ..... _., _ . _ - Imo. i SEE ANCHOR DTL. THIS SHEET I ' --- I __ W/ COMPACTED SOIL) during construchon: certify conformXy with the plans specs; and certify compliance with the - m stoMrater rules. (15A NCAC 2H .1008(j)) .--- :-.�-_- _ __ ... _ :.: ---I-- -.--. .. .,i---( .. ( - -..:__.___ - Perm"# SW3140Zo2- DaleA•2.2b14- 6' 6-_ ! - by 9�/ NC Division of Water 4t1ttlMy Front View POND TO BE DRAINED WITH PUMP AS NEED Side View I ' ! sheet# C.So3 RevlsbnDate L_ _-ZP+ FOR MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS. OUTLET STRUCTURE AND DAM SECTION 10 Zd��s O G 88 M W W ;�� � N U?pf g s� ea Ml�C 86 z 000 J o /\or\ W Qf 00 N E O C7 SZ �{�jz C Y �r'n c 1uJ a � 0 Y 2 ym UY V �m O Q 0 0 m o F T N � o Q N\ a\O N N r m m o m Z75 o a z CV N O = _C: p Co W m W ca M M X >N 032273 1. r, s- :r)170114 (D cM C)o 00 t to o U 0 z m I-- t- w < o x N WWa=�ee 5"X5"X3/8" Qn 2 §� STAINLESS STEEL LL g, r'S. his ANGLE °' Cusp L5 J O� W8 e 0.5 FT4.0 FT. -"I �0.5 FT. W m 1 P :� I U ¢ E 5.0 FT. pad �/ TYPICAL Q€� 18 WIDE ALUMINUM 2-1 2" EDGE H013 ❑W Z � sg� ACCESS LADDER a rs ❑❑❑ s 6 o zStS�s ORIFICE HINGE(S) b z a.. 3„MIN 0 g 6" STAINLESS STEEL C) ANCHOR BOLT. EPDXY J IN PLACE J 5.0 FT. OUTFALL PIPE i H to N. AEEL c O N ALUMINUM GRATING AND HATCH ECO z 3"MIN TO BE DESIGNED AND CERTIFIED 6>,BY MANUFACTURER. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMITSHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO2" GRFABRICATION 6" STAINLANCHOR IN PLACE U) STAINLESS STEEL ANGLE CLIPS TYPICAL OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN 7 GRATING DETAIL 6 OUTLET STRUCTURE ANCHOR 5 NOTE: EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEIRS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE, 4-INCH MINIMUM THICKNESS 12" CHAMFER BETWEEN 6" CONCRETE SPILLWAY DEVICE SLOPED AREA AND TOP OF WITH #4 REINFORCING BAR 872 72" 448': BERM (BOTH SIDES) 12" O.C. EACH WAY TOP OF BERM 6"BOTH I WEIR SPILLWAY 40' I I CONCRETE SPILLWAY TOP OF BERM ELEV SIDES- -j I I BERM ELEV BEYOND SECTION <' ° ° Ia ERE V 0% SLOPE ACROSS BOTTOM I M I2G C — IR ELEV a -- — — — EMERGENCY W I LE EV .4 ..4 Q ab AI I —I —I- I —I I— I I-1 —I I i— =_ SLOPE BOTTOM I_ —I —IEEE— I =— I I— I-1EI) __—_— I I—EI ELEV: SLOPE BOTTOM -2' 61 FT d U �Y [l m a a �m U 1� oa 3 O N C, � U T c N p z 0 s � =_ w s � N N N Y � � U COMPACTED EARTH - — COMPACTED EARTH EMERGENCY SPILLWAY- SECTION A -A Q EMERGENCY SPILLWAY - SECTION B-B O z CV � r N 2"X2" GALV. WIRE END POST 0 0O a--� O .� MESH FABRIC � U Cl) FASTENED TO FENCE PERMANENT DRY 4" PVC CLEANOUT SET 6" p DETENTION ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE in ------ _ _ BASIN 3" LAYER OF TOPSOIL (SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS, - TYP.) L- CCS -`! 1.5' CLEANED WASHED � t U) RAILS I—! 3" "CONCRETE" SAND ASTM C- 33 I —III m INTERMEDIATE 10't O.C. POST SPACING, TYP I I I ti �. • 4.•4 Y J. ' POST CHAMFER _ .-_ ,_ ..•.• .. • '!.� 't' a•, •.:•e;.: r .:. 'c „.,..:5: r",• I j i i �I INSERT RAILS THROUGH ROUGH CUT PRESSURE ' — I I' MANUFACTURER'S POST TREATED, 1 SOUTHERN (. i—� �. L t + + + + 1 + + 6• HOLES #--li=' �;_ ; + +'r + + -+.'+ ++.+ r +'_+T + + r + +�+ + YELLOW PINE, 3 HOLE + + - + ,. + + + + + + + { LINE/CORNER/END POST I I) + + + + + +'+ + l + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + +r++T+� �� — COMPACTED SUBGRADE EQUAL a. + + + + + 5,M1 + + + + — PROCTOR -- - — + 4. —_ r + 1. Ny ++++ ++ + + + + + -T+ +T.++++ II �;' 95% STD PRO SPACING t ROUGH CUT PRESSURE ASTM D 698 P TREATED, #1 SOUTHERN + + + + + + + + + T + _ YELLOW PINE RAILS t F + ++ . +++ + +. + +T i + + +-F _1' + IN. FABRICr++ NON -WOVEN EQUAL _i + + T + + + r + + FILTER FABRIC '•. _ 1 ;.....a _ -�- -t 1-..- -F fi. . _ _� _� _ _ _ E P ,- LA TY Si SPACING " _ 2"X2" GALV. WIRE MESH _. FABRIC FASTENED TO ,. r y✓ 10' /�c ' I I _ • 0 < -- _ �i I= ;thy a EQUAL FENCE ;II TYP _ a - -' ._. _._, _, 1 t { + t_ .{ . I .I_- ...._i i - -... FINISHED GRADE IF -AI (i \2qx ��z 7 ,ply �:NE�?'fPOp� SPACING T �— S�ppe WRAP GRAVEL SUB BASE WITH <,�UO/q t,P �ee�' �' - I'i IIITill--iil ('. I III 'il=li IC-i1-1'�=1 -III I' 11 =li _� �' NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (MIRIFI insF'»d i M iTYP_) it i l: 11i aii l4 1 140N OR APPROVED EQUAL), �,1- JI CONCRETE FOOTING AT END I I III- 4" VERT. OVERLAP SEAM 12" MIN. Q POSTS, GATE POSTS AND AT I�� III (� CLEANOUT-TYP. II II �- GRADE SUBGRADE OF EVERY TENTH POST IN LINE •jl- li - ..I COMPACTED SAND FILTER AT 2% TO PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN, SEE (= SUBGRADE PLAN VIEW OF SAND FILTE SUBDRAIN, TYP. p edEtormwaterPermitDocuments FOR DIAMETER AND NUMBE in accordance with thesedonxsantsis NOTES 18 #5 WASHED UNDERDRAINS REQUIRED r�u�ui'eththe atorrinwater thestomwaterRystem. North CaroMna STONE 12° MIN. DEPTH OF #57 STONE mlee require that the stormwater system deslpMr 1• ALL WOOD SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH COMPACTED EARTH AT MID -POINT BETWEEN DRAINS tMpecldurirgconstruction; certify contomiNyw#hthe � N CHROMATED COPPER ARSENATE @ NET RETENTION OF BACKFILL FOR LINE plane and specs; andcertfycompt1008(jKhthe o 0.40 LBS/C.F. WOOD SHALL BE DRIED AFTER TREATMENT. POSTS atotmwelerruies.(tBANCnC2H.t0allaj; o � O 2. Permit # DeM 2.b t 4 °O N Litt BACKFILL ALL POSTS AND RESTORE GRADE AT POST trC slon D ttNetertatmllY o V Sheet #�S02 Revision Detet4' BASE TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. REMOVE ANY EXCESS SOIL z � t FROM POST BASE. m < w i N SPLIT RAIL FENCE WITH WIRE MESH 2� SAND FILTER 0