HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06665_Well Construction - GW1_20211007 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be rued for single or multiple welts I.Well Contractor Information: �j �!�, 1 1{(1 5 Y C �""�•J 24.WATER ZONES FROM I TO I DFSCRIPTIp\ Well CCC ootractur(�Naame, f � "' fr. III NC'Well CounttrracttorrConiificati+onn Numbtr pti'�R CJ�J1tO� FRO OUTER CASING tot Ot!-e2ied At2lt NTH 1Qf�ESS NER fifA rtATERtAL rt _ i— V t i I t JY l I I ft, j ft, to f in_ � al v Company Kama 16.INNER CASING OR TITR . t eiosed too ('1 1� r"� FROM TO DIAMETER : THICKNESS vIATERUL 2.«'ail Construction Permit#:_. �/ ft, g; in. 1.w nit appircvhir xrtl cr,tsrrui tint prnrrixs(r,e.(•anars'•Sum,1`armncr.etc./ ft ft in I 3.Well Use(cheek well use); 17 SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO I DIAMETER I SLOTStZE I THICKYEss 42ATERtAL CAgriculturai 0MunicipallPublic ft, ft. in. (Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ft. in. j2fResidentra!Water Supply(single) ft., DIndustrialiCommercial (Residential Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT i FROM TD :NATERLiL- EalPL�CEME.IT METHOD&A1lOi:h'7'Ctrrtgatwn it. 'fr. \op-\Vetter Supply Well. I(.Monitoring CRecovery rr rt, injection Well: ft. ft. i CAqutfer Recharge CGroundwater Remediation 1 19.SANDIGRAVEL•PACK lif ancilicablei Ookgwfer Storap and Recovery (Salinity Barricr FROM To I MATERIAL E+iPI.AcEMes•TatrrHOD ft. ft. CAquiferTest MtonmraterDrainage CExperimental Technology (Subsidence Control 20,DRILLING LOG(attach additional shcets if necessary) (Geotlft final(Closed Long} C3Tractr FROM I TO I DESCRIP7'IOX toter;hardness,s*Wrock st t,-rakt siat.etc. CGcothcinial(Hcaltna Cooling Return) Other(explain under ri2) Remarks) tt. f°• t. 4.Date V1'clt(s)Completed: l,Jire7 J+ QJW 5.Well Location: Wi11� i DMORPA RD61 Facility0uucr"Nome Facility iDe(ifapplicable) 05 WnfflSk , Dkivr, Mill (Slorinan ft. ft. Ph)sical Address.Coy,and Zip 21.RENIAW lT- lk P(5-40 Count.% Parcel identification No (P)NI ) Sb,Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/serouds or decimal degrees: 22,Certification: (,i wail field.one)aL long is sufficient) G, Signature ofCcnifitd Well Contractor Date 6.Is(are)the wiii(s): 6irrmwnt or ❑Temporary y•,si,iaa,ibis•nren.1 hereh•coal!•rhur the tali(., aas rert•'cvti.clruttrt/ni crcix,r:lrurt: By signing.4 ! l l / (s .r x•rrh1SA•Kt'�t't�?<'.t1lOtrnrlSAYI'.it`1)Zt' U21TtrtFeitt'rruarr+rm,aSrnt:irir<fruialrhri+ri 7.1s this a repair to an existing well: (Yes or Q4'o cw1Jt of rhtr recnral has hero luavialed ru+he x rl!tx•nar. It+1104 L,to re/xnr,fill not kamrw well crarsirucnaa rn/nrinaarm and vrphrin tht,nature a/the rerwtr antler_,21 maiarkv.securon tr an the hark of tttly fnrar. 23.Site diagram or additional weltdetails: 1 You may use the back of this page to provide additional Weil site detail,or well S.Number of wells constructed: i construction details You.may also attach additional pages if necessary 1•i,r aridarle t,rec,aur ur nrur•tr'<>lor.rnllt/t t,eUv OA7.1'n•trh Ibe same rn isimclion.Can van a. ,uhaw utv lurnr 24.Submittal Instructions: 9.Total well depth below land surface: tY (ft,) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of\tell how andot4e t l&list all drpth-.it dillerent(er naph-3fi2110 and 2 ie 101f) construction to the fitllowina 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Quality,Information Processing emit, �/+,ut f2•,cri trhtrratn,arF.era: // 1617Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 l I do.rehoie diameter: lD , (in.) 24b.For..Iniection NVelI in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a-copy of-ihis form, mithin 30-days-of como)ction of-wolf 12.'Well construrtion,method: { {� construction to the fokiawing: it eauger,rosary.cable.tiiicat push,etc.) division of Watet Quality:Llndtrground Injection Control,Program,__,_ 13:F4It:ti'ATER SUPPIN WELLS OILY: 1636.,Lail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm} igethod of test: t ! 24e,Ftlx 14'ater Supply At Gsothtrnaal Wells: In addition to sending the form to � �Gt— the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: C�I O rlyll f_ Amount:_. completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form Cr W-3 Kanh Carolina Department of Euvitotimtns and\atttra!kesouues—Division of Water Quslity Rey sscd tao 2013