HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024571_WWTP Operational Changes_20110303City o March 3, 2011 Ms. Belinda Hinson NCDENR 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 J'umtEzton �ut[ic'WoJi 2 /2athmBnt Subject: City of Lumberton, WWTP Operational Changes Dear Ms. Hinson: DL€ kr! �J F LL 0 MAR 0 9 2011 Dwo The purpose of this memo is to inform you of some operational changes in Lumberton's wastewater plant. It is my understanding that Jon Locklear verbally notified your office prior to the changes being implemented. Fora better understanding I believe a brief overview of the last few years may help. As recently as 2001 we had several major industries and treated a daily flow of 8-9 mgd. As industries began to close the hydraulic and organic loading placed the plant was well outside the normal operating windows on many key parameters. These included DO, F/M ratio, detention time for aeration and clarification, surface loading rate, wier overflow rate, etc. All of these impact the treatment efficiency and cost. To address the issue we reduced the number of mechanical aerators and rotated those units in and out of service as dictated by treatment requirements. As flow levels decreased we took one aeration basin out of service. Don Register was involved in these efforts and actually used Lumberton's strategy as a model for other plants. At this point our flow has dropped to an average of about 5 mgd. From an operational point we simply do not have the hydraulic load or organic load to support all the treatment units found at the Lumberton plant. Accordingly, we have taken another aeration basin out of service and we intend to cycle units in and out of service as dictated by load. None of the units taken out of service will be modified to prevent being put back into service. All of the equipment will be exercised and maintained to remain available for the treatment of wastewater if needed. 215 S. &fiat Sbuzi • Jn-.CD. _Sox,3&S • 1'un1 ton, S tJ eawtina 28359 • fione 910-671-3851 • ¶ax 910-671-3884 City 0 IJamIEkoz fipuSLia 'Kai.42a.7.672z,2t From an operational point we gather strict process control information on the system daily. We also monitor microbial activity and population daily. Should there be a need or in the event of some impending situation such as a hurricane we will be ready to start up any or all treatment units as necessary to maintain compliance with the NPDES permit. But quite honestly,_ we_ cannot afford to operate units just for sake of operating. The electrical savings at the treatment plant are averaging about $500,000 per year. Our budget has been impacted by the economy of our nation as has the State budget. But, aside from the economic impact, operating all of the units will not allow the plant to operate within the ranges for treatment specified in the Sacramento Manual and recognized in the industry as normal and acceptable. The plant holds a permit for 20 mgd and we need to keep this in place in accordance with the equipment we have. No equipment will be removed and we will continue to be bound by the NPDES permit. It is our hope that the economy will turn at some point and growth will occur or some industries will chose to locate here at which time we will be in position to accommodate their utility needs. We provide this for information only and welcome any advice or assistance you may wish to provide. Thanks much for your time. Sincerely, t Jim Walters Deputy Director, Public Works C: Dana Foley, T. Wayne Horne, Rob Armstrong, Jon Locklear 215 Z. &daz Zturt • (D. 23ox 1388 • 1uing.ton, clVoxtt eawtina 28359 • fione 910-6713851 • ¶ax 910-671-3884