HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06314_Well Construction - GW1_20210915 WUL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Partr'lsmirtuscUNLY: Mds form cn."W xwd for simb"atnletple was 1.Well C.outntaor iuformsdow Brian Ewing Ap GROIn TO -. DrsCTIPITON a ft. ft. 11dtCoi�#+.ucturt?>4trK �Cj ���` fG ft, 4240-B `� NC ls'WdJCan MrCcnifh�tiuuNwrdcr , a5�� t3t7TFa1t A.41Crf nr " ii�etaeglesreit "flR':L fi,R b �r f re;" M TO IASIETRft M MAMRIAL SAEDACCO Inc "Q �� �r ' 0 ft. 22 fL 2.25" ! te, NA STEEL cftapa"';'Main. FROM 170 1OLi4fEfliR TIiICKnRSS MATERIAL 2.w'e)Cons trmxion Permit 6istafi fixuraNe,frrfr ptMos a r.Cmmry.Saar,Varian re,Tri vl sfr) (L fb 3.Wdl.l sc(ebeek w ll use): Witter Supply'Well: PROM TO mAWW..R I 61AMSFU I arflC*NWS I a+ mans,+ I Apricttlttlred GtMtrnisipaltAttblic 22 !t: 26 N 1.25° 1ft .004 NA STEEL OGeothennai(lietititt}iCoofifrg Supply) 01tesidential Water Supply'(singles 13mustrialtGonutimial 171tesidential WriterSttpply(ftred) t [3Hb 6'ROM TO iFIATRRIAI. R.f AC£MM'VM M0D R AMOUNT Olm'.Chin ft. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: Z�Maaritori t]ltsco� ft. (t, Injection Well: DAgnifer Recharge OCirouriftmtcr Retried ation OA; uftrS(omgc and Tern vy OSalinity carrier t rt. t wi art tier t-r n . tYR M IATltitt OAquifer To OStommatcr Dwriage ft, ft, OFxpcdoicntal Trchnoto t O$trbsidtar�c Control 2ti. '(i2t1 xftrerli�drttrtimlit' air" � ❑Geod"nal(Closed Loop) OTrace r FROM TO IDESCItt oN' sr, �n�srrti csr oGeotbemud 01tatitigodiM Renim) ci0ther(Mlaintifkkr#21Remaths) 0 ft. 26 fL SILT CLAY PWR ft. ft. 4.DatcWe1l(s)C6mplefed 8-24-21 wV]D#GW-10 ft. tt. Sa,%Veil Lnellllm: IL tt. Church Street Medical Center fb ti. Facu7itt rencr Nxrric FxcilFtt IDlf(if a�itiwblt) fL 11. 1126 N. Church St., Greensboro, NC, 27401 it. Pi*MW Addnss Cit},xnd Zip Guilford WATER SAMPLE W/SP-22 C"W No.(Pita) Sb.140tudc and Ungtivitc in dcgrms/mimstestsecnndsor decimal degn= 22.Certification: (it aelt'tetd rareI200r@isskilltiere) N W B,r._iann.Ew� 8/26/2021 SigmumofCtaffiodWcHCauftwos � m &e., 6.13(itt)the well(d): f.Tperimment or zTemporar} Nor signin#06 form,t hrnrb,two that Ar wrfi fs)wrs joro z)cwn mrW in aet`+fd4mve n4rh IM NCAC 02C.{rival►or l SA AICAC 02G;tr20Vefl Constmaim Smndmda and Atka a 7.lx this repair to An existing well: Mes or WNo cWy f thi-wonf hRs bw"pmr4W to Ae w4l v sner. tf&fs€t a reprir.fit axr twoi weflCorutnratim htfufsgxettnn and F'Wkid r*xa(we 4die rnw r ander#21 mwaf s:srctuxf or an the betrh af"form.. 23.Site diagram or additional well defafls: You mag use the bard:of this page to protdde additional well site detaMs or weil 8.Number of oohs constro ted: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages:ifnecessaly. For errafd)ite Infeeriwr or Awl-4,twr AWy tarts ONLY afrh die sm a Wi—Toartten,you em CDBi1LT 1 TAt IPTCTD�7DNS tadndi~farGn 9.Total wdl depth klew land surface: 26 (f ) 24s. For All Wclirta Submit this;form Axitlrin 30 dais of completion of nr11 FormtfNpit wy&tist.rtl!'*pihs fdiJlewo 1exAmj+f,JQ2W*eMMW) cvnstmaWn to the foltemiriF 10.Static water ln,61 below top of easing; (Il,) Division of Water Resoiirtes,Information Processing Unit, #1USIfr feed If dhoee critiu$>ust"'+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27699460 111,Borehole dlarriet":2.251 (in,y 24b.by fokWall Wadi ONLY: ,in addition to seWing the fowl to the addrm in 24a 2bme. also satbmit a copy of;his form`` tihin 30 d*s of completion of ua 12.'1Vell cordtsrtiction i ethod;DPT eousttuctioa to t111"1o110ii*iitg; E tke.mqw.rotsfy.cwbld dirm push eft.) Dh'islon of WitteailRS�ice Center,ride gr and Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPL V 1%9ELI S ONLYC10,NC 27,6"11636 13a.VIM(gpm) Method of test 2-sc.For Water Stre&&lW ction Wells: Also submit one copy of this fonts teithui 30 ftsofcompletionof 13h.-Dis3afex on t,7u Amount: Avell constriction to the county licallth depsrtnicut of the c ounty a-herc constructed. k Palm Celt-t Nonh Carolina F? ianmcnt cf1?miman rt and Nni W Resaurcxs-Uhisiau of Watsr R6sMM ReOwd Moist 2013