HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005762_NPDES Draft Permit_20050511Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources May 11, 2005 Mr. Yancey Helton WestPoint Stevens P. O. Box 388 Wagram, North Carolina 28396 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality RECEWED MAY 2 2005 DENR - FAYETfEMLLE REGIONAL OFHCE Subject: Draft NPDES Permit Permit NC0005762 Wagram Plant Scotland County Dear Mr. Helton: Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the draft permit for your facility. Please review the draft carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the conditions and requirements it contains. The draft permit contains the following significant changes from your current permit: ➢ COD limits have been reduced based on production data and effluent guidelines. ➢ Monitoring frequency for copper and zinc has been reduced from 2/month to monthly based on the facility's consistent ability to pass toxicity testing. Submit any comments to me no later than thirty days following your receipt of the draft. Comments should be sent to the address listed at the bottom of this page. If no adverse comments are received from the public or from you, this permit will likely be issued in July with an effective date of August 1, 2005. If you have any questions or comments concerning this draft permit, contact me at the telephone number listed below. Sincerely, Dawn Jeffri Eastern NPDES Program cc: NPDES Unit cFayettevilleRegional Offic`_e / Water Quality Section_. Fayetteville Regional Office / Water Quality Section/ DEH Aquatic Toxicology Unit EPA Region 4 North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 No hCarolina Noaturally Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 An Equal opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Permit NC0005762 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance .with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, WestPoint/Stevens, Incorporated is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at WestPoint Stevens/Wagram WWTP NCSR 1407 Wagram Scotland County to receiving waters designated as the Lumber River (outfall 001), and as Big Shoe Heel Creek (outfalls 002 and 004) in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on July 31, 2009. Signed this day DRAFT Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit NC0005762 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. WestPoint/Stevens, Inc. is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to discharge process effluent, through outfall 001, from a wastewater treatment facility consisting of the following: • Mechanical bar screen • 10 MG equalization basin • 7 MG aeration basin • Clarifiers • Aerobic digester • Chemical feed system • Gravity belt sludge thickener • Sludge holding tank • Post aeration • Effluent flow measurement Facility is located off NCSR 1407, south of Wagram, Scotland County. 2. Continue to discharge cooling water discharge generated by facilities located at the Wagram Plant through outfalls 002 & 004, and 3. Discharge wastewater from said treatment works from Outfall 001 at the location specified on the attached map into the Lumber River which is classified WS-IV, B HQW Sw in the Lumber River Basin and discharge cooling water from Outfalls 002 and 004 at the locations specified on the attached map into Big Shoe Heel Creek, which is classified C-Swamp, in the Lumber River Basin. USGS Quad Name: Wakulla,H21SE_. Receiving Stream: Lumber River Stream Class: WS-IV, B-Sw, HQW Subbasin: Lumber — 03-07-51 Lat. 34°49'53" Long.: 79°49'23" • SCALE 1:24,000 Permit NC0005762 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge industrial and domestic wastewater from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT 4x. `x • CkIARACTERISTICS ,, _ rLIMITS NICNITORING REQUIREMENTS Sample C.ocatron1' $$ MonthlyWeekly Average Avera a ., Darly �rcr s aximum Measurement ' Frequency r Sample �z u T p e' Flow 7.0 MGD Continuous Recording E BOD, 5-day, 202 C 1306 Ibs/day 2611 Ibs/day Daily Composite E COD 14,890 lbs/day 29,780 lbs/day Daily Composite E Total Suspended Solids 2558 lbs/day 5115 Ibs/day Daily Composite E Sulfides 24 Ibs/day 49 lbs/day Quarterly Grab E Chromium 12 lbs/day 24 Ibs/day Quarterly Composite E Total Phenols 0.75 lbs/day 20 pg/l Weekly Grab E Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab E Total Residual Chlorine2 28 pg/I Weekly Grab E Total Copper Monthly Composite E Total Zinc Monthly Composite E Temperature Daily Grab E Temperature 3Mleek Grab . U & D Conductivity Daily Grab E Conductivity 3/Week Grab U & D Dissolved 0xygen3 Daily Grab E Dissolved Oxygen 3M/eek Grab U & D Chronic Toxicity Quarterly Composite E Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Monthly Composite E Total Phosphorus Monthly Composite E NH3-N Monthly Composite E Colors Daily Grab E Colors 3Mleek Grab U & D pH6 6.0-9.0 Daily Grab E Footnotes: 1. Sample locations: E-Effluent, U-Upstream at NCSR 1403, D-Downstream at (1) NCSR 1310 and (2) NC Highway 71. Stream samples shall be grab samples and shall be collected 3/Week during June -September and 1/Week during the remaining months of the year. 2. Total residual chlorine monitoring is required only if chlorine is used as a disinfectant or elsewhere in the process. 3. The daily average dissolved oxygen concentration shall not fall below 5.0 mg/L. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia dubia) P/F at 9%: February, May, August, and November (see Special condition A.3.). Toxicity monitoring shall coincide with quarterly metals monitoring. 5. Refer to Special Condition A.4. regarding color monitoring. 6. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Permit NC0005762' A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge non -contact cooling water, cooling tower and boiler blowdown and/or similar wastewater wastewater from outfalls 002 & 004. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS :._ . '> ,.. ? .. : LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly ' Average . Weekly , Average Darly Maximum Measurement Frequency .Sample Sample Location` a Flow Semi-annually Estimate Effluent Temperature) 1 1 Semi-annually Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine2 2 2 Semi-annually Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. The temperature of the effluent will be regulated so that the temperature of the receiving stream does than not increase more than 2.8°C above the natural water temperature and does not exceed a maximum of 32°C. 2. Monitoring requirements apply only if chlorine is added to the treatment system. The permittee shall obtain authorization from the Division prior to the use of any chemical additive in the discharge. The permittee shall notify the Director in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to instituting use of any additional additive in the discharge, which may be toxic to aquatic life (other than additives previously approved by the Division). Such notification shall include completion of Biocide Worksheet form 101b (if applicable), a copy of the MSDS for the additive and a map indicating the discharge point and receiving stream. There shall be no chromium, zinc, or copper added the discharge except as pre - approved additives to biocidal compounds. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units or greater than 9.0 standard units for fresh water classifications. Permit No. NC0005762 A(3.) CHRONIC TOXICITY PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 9%. The permit holder shall perform at a minimum, quarterly monitoring using test procedures outlined in the "North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Bioassay Procedure," Revised February 1998, or subsequent versions or "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The tests will be performed during the months of February, May, August, and November. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. If the test procedure performed as the first test of any single quarter results in a failure or ChV below the permit limit, then multiple -concentration testing shall be performed at a minimum, in each of the two following months as described in "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. The chronic value for multiple concentration tests will be determined using the geometric mean of the highest concentration having no detectable impairment of reproduction or survival and the lowest concentration that does have a detectable impairment of reproduction or survival. The definition of "detectable impairment," collection methods, exposure regimes, and further statistical methods are specified in the "North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised -February 1998) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the months in which tests were performed, using the parameter code TGP3B for the pass/fail results and THP3B for the.Chronic Value. Additionally, DWQ Form AT-3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Environmental Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and ORC or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Environmental Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, monitoring will be required during the following month. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival, minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. Permit No. NC0005762`` A(4.) COLOR REOPENER AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS This permit will be modified or revoked and reissued to incorporate color limitations an/or revised monitoring requirements in the event color testing or other studies conducted by the permittee or the Division indicate that color has rendered or could render the receiving waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, to aquatic life and wildlife or adversely affect the palatability of fish, aesthetic quality or impair the water for any designated use. In addition to the reopener, the permittee shall immediately report by telephone any observable instream color at downstream (post discharge) monitoring points noted to be visually dissimilar to background (upstream monitoring point). Upon discovery of an observable instream color difference, the permittee shall notify the Division at either (910) 486-1541 or 1-800-662-7959 (weekends & holidays). The notification shall indicate the ADMI color units for upstream and downstream monitoring points and the observed color (hue) in the receiving waters. Should downstream color become apparent (as observed by the Division) the permittee shall immediately initiate corrective actions necessary to eliminate the color episode. Information relayed by telephone shall also be filed by a written report in letter form within 5 days following the first knowledge of the occurrence and also reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) post marked no later the 30th day following the completed reporting period. Color monitoring should consist of ADMI monitoring as previously specified (see below). Effluent should be monitored seven (7) days per week during the summer months (low flow period) and five (5) days per week during the winter months. Upstream and downstream monitoring for color should be monitored 3/Week during the months of June through September and 1/Week the remainder of the year (see Footnote 1 of Special Condition A.1.).. Flow measurements at the WestPoint Stevens gage upstream of the intake should be recorded at the time color samples are collected. Monitoring frequency is based on previous color episodes originating during weekend discharges affecting downstream usage two days later — based on travel time of the river. All samples taken should have complete descriptive recordings of the color in the sample container such as hue (distinctive characteristics and tint), clarity (clearness of the color sample) and luminance (brightness or glowing quality) of the sample as it looks in the collection container. Descriptions of stream color should also be recorded as color samples are collected. Color samples should be analyzed as follows: a) at natural pH b) free from turbidity (True Color); and c) Using a narrow -band scanning spectrophotometer to produce a COMPLETE spectral curve of the visible spectrum (350-750 nm). Calculate and report results in ADMI color units from the information indicated All color data, which includes visual observations, should be included with the monthly DMRs. A(5.) COLOR NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT The Division of Water Quality — Fayetteville Regional Office, the City of City of Lumberton Water Treatment Plant, and the Robeson County Water Treatment Plant shall be notified whenever WestPoint Stevens, Inc. personnel observe an instream color level could adversely affect normal water treatment operations. DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NC0005762 'Facility Information ' %:: Apphcant/FacilityName; WestPoint Stevens, Inc./Wagram WWTP Applicant Address P.O. Box 388, Wagram, North Carolina 28396. . _ Facility Address. kss 19320 Airbase Road, Wagram, North Carolina 28396 Permitted Flow . ? ` ` 7.0 MGD Type of Waste . r. 99% Industrial Facilrty/Permit Status` 3° Active, Class IV, Renewal County• n ;'' s Scotland County iscellaneous A _.. � > : r'� 3 ? >. ReceivirigzStrearn: ,.., F ... Lumber River Re onal Office r gi, `Fayetteville (FRO) -Stream Classification Q w WS-IV & B Sw & HQW (SI; 14-3) State Gnd /USES Quad H21SE/Wakulla _ 303(d) Lis ed ; Yes-Hg/Fish Adv Permit Wrtter,,;, Dawn Jeffries •r Subbasm : ; 03-07-51 ';Date �' } _ _ March 14, 2005 Draine.Aa'ea ag(mil) 349 z r . 2 "- ``"� ti=� xsr r!`' Lat. 34° 49' 50" N Long. 79° 21' 12" W :7Q10 (cfs)v 4 117 30Q2`(cf) 220 Average�Flow (efs) IWC (Q�a) - x `.! 9.0 BACKGROUND The WestPoint Stevens operates a 7.0 MGD facility for the treatment of wastewater from the manufacture of yarn, weaving, dyeing, finishing, and carpet dyeing and manufacturing. The yarn is used to make towels. The carpet dyeing and manufacturing is part of a separate production performed in a building co joined with WestPoint Stevens (and the WestPoint Stevens WWTP receives dye wastewater from the carpet manufacturer). DWQ personnel performed a site visit on April 21, 2005 in conjunction with the permit drafting. WestPoint Stevens also discharges cooling water from two outfalls into Big Shoe Heel Creek. The Permittee has submitted Standard Forms 1 & 2C in order to request renewal of the permit and has not requested any changes to the permit. Recent data indicate that WestPoint is discharging below its current limits. The newly calculated limits based on production data supplied with the permit renewal and federal guidelines indicate some values above, and others below, the current permit limits. Because this discharge largely operates below its current limits (for parameters based upon production, there have only been three daily maximum violations in the past three years), and the discharge goes into HQW, no change will be made to the current limits where higher limits are indicated, and current limits will be adjusted where lower limits are indicated. The anti deg rule 15A NCAC 2B 0201(d) has been applied to this renewal by allowing no increase in existing permitted loading. Verification of Existing Conditions and DMR Data Review This facility discharges to subbasin 03-07-51 in the Lumber River Basin, to receiving waters that are classified HQW WS-IV B-Sw. All waters in this subbasin are considered impaired on an evaluated basis because of fish consumption advice for mercury. DMR data from January 2002 through December 2004 were reviewed. This information is summarized in Attachment 1. A review of the metals and toxicants was also performed. With the exception of total residual chlorine (TRC), these are discussed in the Reasonable Potential Analysis section. TRC values for the past three years have all been below detection level (20µg/1). Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005762 Renewal Page 1 Instream Monitoring This facility also collects instream data for temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and color. These are sampled 3/week and are summarized in Attachments 2-6. Review of the data indicates no significant issues downstream. Therefore, no changes are recommended. Compliance The Fayetteville Regional Office (FRO) conducted several site visits during this permit term to evaluate compliance. A Staff Report was also prepared in conjunction with the permit renewal. FRO finds the facility to be in compliance with the NPDES permit and recommends renewal. Toxicity Testing Current requirement: Chronic P/F @ 9%, based on 7 MGD flow. The facility has been in compliance with its toxicity limit since its last renewal in 2000. Proposed requirement: Chronic P/F @ 9%, based on 7 MGD flow. PERMITTING STRATEGY Tables 1 through 3 present limits calculations per subpart. Renewal limits are additive, i.e., a sum of all subparts (see summation, Table 4). Under each subpart, the Division used the Average Daily Production figures indicated on the application (lbs / day) to calculate both Daily Maximums and Monthly Averages. Table 1. Calculations, Subpart C - Low Water Use Processin 410.32 (BPT) and 410.33 (BAT) (lbs / 1000 lbs) Operating Rate Cycle Average (lbs / day) Renewal Contribution (lbs / day) Parameter For Daily Maximum For Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average BOD, 5-day 1.4 0.7 125,000 125,000 175.0 87.5 COD 2.8 1.4 125,000 125,000 350.0 175.0 TSS 1.4 0.7 125,000 125,000 175.0 87.5 PH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 - - 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 Table 2. Calculations, Subpart D - Woven Fabric Finishin 410.42 (a) (BPT) & 410.43 (BAT) Ibs / 1000 lbs Operating Rate Cycle Average (lbs / day) Renewal Contribution (lbs / day) Parameter For Daily Maximum For Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average BOD, 5-day 6.6 3.3 315,000 315,000 2079.0 1039.5 COD 60 30 315,000 315,000 18,900.0 9450.0 TSS 17.8 8.9 315,000 315,000 5607.0 2803.5 Sulfide 0.20 0.10 315,000 315,000 63.0 31.5 Total Phenols 0.10 0.05 315,000 315,000 31.5 15.75 Total Chromium 0.10 0.05 315,000 315,000 31.5 15.75 pH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 - 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 Table 3. Calculations, Subpart F - Carpet Finishin 410.62 (a) (BPT) & 410.63 (BAT) lbs / 1000 lbs Operating Rate Cycle Average (lbs / day) Renewal Contribution (lbs / day) Parameter For Daily Maximum For Monthly Average Daily . Maximum Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average BOD, 5-day 7.8 3.9 150,000 150,000 1170.0 585.0 COD 70.2 35.1 150,000 150,000 10,530.0 5265.0 TSS 11.0 5.5 150,000 150,000 1650.0 825.0 Sulfide 0.08 0.04 150,000 150,000 12.0 6.0 Total Phenols 0.04 0.02 150,000 150,000 6.0 3.0 Total Chromium 0.04 0.02 150,000 150,000 6.0 3.0 pH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 - 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005762 Renewal Page 2 Table 4. Additive Limits Calculations — Comparison to Previous Limits Previous Permit Limits (lbs / day) Calculated Limits (lbs / day) — Parameter Daily Maximum Monthly Average Daily Maximum Monthly Average BOD, 5-day 2611 1306 3424.0 1712.0 COD 33,332 16,666 29,780.0 14,890.0 TSS 5115 2558 7,432.0 3,716.0 Sulfide 49 24 75.0 37.5 Total Phenols* 20 µg/1 0.75 37.5 18.75 Total Chromium 24 12 37.5 18.75 PH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 * The limit for Total Phenol has historically been based on water quality standards rather than effluent guidelines, as this is more stringent. Limit (daily max) was developed using the WQ standard of 1 µg/I, 30Q2 of 220 cfs, and the effluent flow of 7.0 MGD, with the weekly average limit given as the equivalent loading at 4.5 MGD. Recommend permitting at the previous permit limits for all current parameters except COD. Recommend permitting with calculated limits for COD as they are slightly lower than previous limits. Recommend no parameters be added or deleted. Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) The Division conducted EPA -recommended analyses to determine the reasonable potential for toxicants discharged by this facility to exceed water quality standards, based on DMR data from 2002 to 2004. Calculations included parameters listed in the previous permit to include: chromium, phenol, copper, and zinc. Results suggest reasonable potential for the facility to exceed allowable levels of phenol, so the current limits/monitoring requirements will remain. Results suggest reasonable potential for copper and zinc to also exceed allowable levels. However, these parameters are action level parameters, and the facility has not failed any toxicity tests since the last permit renewal in 2000; therefore no limits will be given, but monitoring will remain. Results suggest no reasonable potential to exceed allowable levels of chromium (and no detects); therefore, the current quarterly monitoring requirement will remain unchanged in the renewal. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES In keeping with Division policies, the following will be incorporated into the permit: • Reduction of COD limits based on current production data and 40 CFR • Decrease of monitoring frequency from 2/month to monthly for copper and zinc due to the fact that the facility has passed all toxicity tests in this permit term. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: NPDES DIVISION CONTACT May 11, 2005 July 5, 2005 If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Dawn Jeffries at (919) 733-5083 ext. 595. NAME: Pa Go7L` ',-- 7 DATE: `7 1 5 / Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005762 .Renewal Page 3 REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS NAME: DATE: SUPERVISOR: DATE: Fact Sheet NPDES NC0005762 Renewal Page 4 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Chromium Copper Date 137415'2002 z' 2 ,c`Jun-2002 , 3 tAug;2002' 4 Oct-2002 5 Feb;2003 Y;. 6 ?F :MaY2003- 7 ' Aug-2003•,• 8 fy Nov-2003 941.Feb2004 10i May2004 t 11 } Aug-2004 { -12. Nov 2004 13* F 51F.k�..; 14�•��,4, 1516, Ra 17,E 18 19, 20`t hx F♦ 21 22 23�, 24 t' _ 'rF �• , 25126 i '?S 27�' 'T texF 28 29 30 Ff-.rk F 3132 -d 32t1j fi 34' 35� t 36t 37�. s r 38s 39 40 41((`:. ai 421E ., i•t° 4311. 44 45 tx 46}�} }` 4748 49 50 51 52 53/ r3 cj a 54 55 56'. •57? 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 '69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88.: 89 : 91 92 93 94 95 96 Data BDL=1/2DL Results 50.0 Std Dev. 50.0 Mean 50.0 C.V. 1.5 n 5.0 50.0 Mutt Factor = 50.0 Max. Value 50.0 Max Pred Cw 50.0 1000 50.0 1100.0; 50.0 ,` 100 Oi 50.0 18.2127 - 42.2063 0.4315 12 2.1600 50.0 ug/L 108.0 ug/L Date . Data BDL=1/2DL 1?•Mar-2003 r`.X?,M 100 50.0 100 -100 3' Apr 2003'r' 5 'May=2003 ; 6t3Q' 1001 7 ,itt 8/ 100 9 Jul-2003, 100 lo. C 100ry 11 i Aug 20 )r3-z C 4021 12i ti'G :100'. 13t Sep-2003; 100Y 14R .:;;¢fin. C +1001. 15 t Oct-?0: 16 / 17tHov2003a r "1001 18 t gz a , 10Ti 19 Dec 2003 G 100ij 201' '''' C 100'i 211 Jan 200410,0; 23'j Feb204, 241 ttiY x ''' 25 26 27Ap12094� 28 kte 291,1 May 2004 31 llun 2004 32 33 J012064.� 34t 35 ti1u' 9 ?4§ 36 t. 37 Sep•20tl4 38� 39 Oct 200'4 40 41 t lov 2004 42 4.1t4 43�' Dec200t 45 Jan 200'S 46 • 47X 49 50 511 53 a y �rt 54, , 55r �'"f.•,`?tiji' 56 •:-4di:4- .: 57 58i 591 60( I 61Mra 621, t _ 63l65 te` 64� 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Fc 73 75 76 s y 78 �x 79BO 81 82, - 83;'� 8 5'+``. 86 87 88 89 9091, 92L. 93 94 {. 956 '104 ioo}; 480 � 1Q0z s100� Results Std Dev. 111.3926 50.0 Mean 83.0435 50.0 C.V. 1.3414 50.0 n 46 680.0 50.0 Mult Factor = ' 2.8000 110.0 Max. Value - 680.0 ug/L 50.0 Max. Pred Cw 1904.0 ug/L 100.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 10.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 120.0 160.0 50.0 50.0 460.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 130.0 150.0 nodes rpa .xls, data 4/26/2005 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS BDL=1/2DL ;,5 2.5 5 2.5 5 2.5 5. 2.5 5 Apr-2003 =• ;5 2.5 6, <. . ";5 2.5 7 2.5 8 ,< k`5: 2.5 9 ` z :. 5.. 5.0 10 May2003; ._F ,,, 5; 5.0 6.0 12 a ;5s 2.5 6.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 6.0 2.5 21; . : �'-' --:5 2.5 2.5 15.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 6.0 2.5 19.0 2.5 7.0 9.0 2.5 5.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 ' 2.5 2.5 14.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 9.0 2.5 2.5 11.0 10.0 13.0 6.0 2.5 5311: :....- i....51 2.5 54;" Mai-20o4 = 15.. 15.0 55j. •'';'"i 5 2.5 56; ' 11 11.0 57 t 15 • 15.0 58 7( 7.0 59j Apr2004 5-S 2.5 601 •51 2.5 61 '. 5,? 2.5 62 ' 5 2.5 63r May-2004 7 2.5 Q'> 5 2.5 651;, 'I _. 5° 2.5 66 ; ' � '''` 16`� 15.9 67; Jun-2004 C a:5 2.5 68 a t`. 9 9.0 69 , 3, 5 2.5 • 70 .. »,, s 1 B 18.0 7.0 72; • "Jul-2004 + i 5 . 2.5 73'"r"" 5' 2.5 74R 20 20.0 75 2.5 . {� .5 761 Aug;2004 CY - 5: 2.5 77 8: 8.1 78' 5s 2.5 79 � 5; 2.5 80 Sep-2004 5 2.5 81' 2.5 821 .'::: . 5:i 2.5 83.';! ; N:,:: - ....5` 2.5 fr 84 O6t-2004 2.5 85' .a=7>5.� 2.5 86 �;.._J.t5 2.5 87 ' :1,9 18.8 88 "Nov-2004 , 17% 17.0 12.2 2.5 91== • 5` 2.5 92 - 121 11.8 93, Dec 2004 ` 16', 15.5 94 5 2.5 95;• 11.5 96.1i .. r'! ;14:- 13.7 Phenols Zinc Date Data 1'=Mar-2003, 14;''Jun-2003-., 15 16 17?, 18;' Jul-2003:; 20;. 23+�'Aug-2003,; 24fifi ' _ 25 , 261: 271• Se{i:2003-= 2817 -. .. .,... 29t . 301 311 - '• 32j'-, Oct-2003." 33t 3a 35j i} 36 37i Nov-2003 38E ' 39 40 j. .{ 41' 17ec:2003'2' 42 434, .,: 441 45{ 46, Jari=2004•• 47 r 48}} / 49 50,' Feb-2004 ? 51 .t . Results Std Dev. 4.9672 Mean 5.5575 C.V. 0.8938 n 96 Mull Factor = 1.6500 Max. Value 20.0 ug/L Max. Pred Cw 33.0 ug/L 2: 3.;. Apr-2003,_ 5 May-2Q03 6 7. Jun 2003 8 9 a Ju12003 10 111 Aug 2003 12,„ 13 Sep-2003t 14; 15; Oct2003 16 2 17 Nov'2003"/; 19," Oec-2003-- 20' 21 Jari-2004'•' 23 s:_Fe6-2004` 24 25 lMar2004'''. 261 .r: 27 r. Apr-2004t 28i . •• 295:Nay-2004?t 30 31 i Jun 2004 321 / r 33� Ju1-2004% 341 z 35r Aug 2064 36{ 37? .Sep•-2004,.. 38 r, 39Oct-2004 40? 41 Nov 2004- 421 431 0ec2004 45 i-'Jan-2005'T- 46; "t; 47; 48; 49 w 1 50� 51 52 53 54- 55°• 56 57' 581 591 60 71' 72 73 74 75 - 77 78 '.. 79 81 82':; ,5' 83 84', 85 -; 86'• 87'; 88 90' 91' 92 . 93, 94'^ 95,; 96-, Date Data BDL=1120L Results 1:.., Mar-2003':', " 100, 50.0 Std Dev. 62.9516 100, 50.0 Mean 74.3478 100; 50.0 C.V. 0.8467 4100 50.0 n 46 ' `100l 50.D „jog 50.0 Mult Factor = 2.1100 2'.r•100. 50.0 Max. Value 350.0 ug/L .120' 120.0 Max. Pred Cw 738.5 ug/L 100' 100.0 -1120 120.0 ;100: 50.0 "350' 350.0 .100 50.0 100j 50.0 -:10D1 50.0 . 110; 110.0 '-.:100' 50.0 000 50.0 100' 50.0 100, 50.0 100 50.0 •100. 50.0 10? 50.0 106; 50.0 `100? 50.0 • 100i 50.0 100! 50.0 • ;100: 50.0 100j 50.0 100! 50.0 ',••100} 50.0 .;100f 50.0 160; 180.0 '100' 50.0 100'' 50.0 :.100: 50.0 _100; 50.0 120; 120.0 100', 50.0 1001 100 100, • 100' 320; 50.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 50.0 100.0 320.0 -5- npdes rpa .xls, data nnannne Monthly Average Data Flow Temperature BOD NH3-N TSS Month (MGD) (deg C) (Ibs./day) (mg/I) (Ibs./day) 473 0.1 613 729 1.0 751 1.3 479 0.3 689 0.4 583 4.5 801 0.4 536 1.0 728 2.2 549 <0.91 612 0.4 814 0.6 1117 0.6 868 <0.14 631 0.1 890 17.3 923 0.8 790 4.8 520 0.3 653 2.7 914 0.7 1961 0.1 709 <0.14 490 <0.14 582 0.4 464 0.4 440 <0.14 733 <0.14 434 <0.14 4.15 0.3 601 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 May-03 Jun-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.4 4.2 4.5 3.8 4.4 4.0 4.6 4.7 4.1 3.9 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.8 3.7 3.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 3.9 3.8 4.0 4.4 3.9 4.1 4.3 3.6 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.3 2.8 534 383 415 355 375 513 295 503 476 674 428 368 409 438 549 327 302 430 688 258 226 237 235 263 218 204 150 222 302 220 217 175 194 149 0.8 747 0.3 709 0.7 658 0.1 - 470 0.1 546 <0.14 463 DO TN TP COD (mg/I) (Ibs./dau) (Ibs./day) Ibs/day 9.5 8.27 3.73 9340 9.1 <5.76 2.12 9364 8.1 8195 8.1 <5.76 1.32 7195 7.7 <2.96 0.34 8258 6.8 <7.16 4.39 7504 6.8 <7.44 0.90 5490 6.6 <7.86 2.16 6195 7.2 <4.08 1.50 4906 6.9 <7.31 1.87 6708 7.8 <6.88 1.48 7932 8.9 <10.94 2.37 14392 9.4 <6.04 1.04 9961 9.1 <4.92 1.46 6693 8.6 <4.64 2.13 6040 7.7 <25.5 6.85 6999 7.1 <3.24 4.72 7719 7.0 <11.4 4.89 6047 6.5 9.3 1.45 5517 5.8 12.8 3.81 8968 6.0 6.6 1.17 10679 7.2 <6.26 2.49 5779 7.1 2.7 3.70 6077 9.1 3.0 0.88 5860 8.9 7.1 1.39 4420 8.3 4.2 4.57 5733 7.4 5.3 4.67 5568 7.8 <4.3 0.92 4587 6.7 <17.7 1.06 4322 6.3 9.96 0.835 4879 6.5 " 20.29 7.73 4318 6.5 <4.3 7.56 5423 6.5 8.64 4.98 4593 6.9 5.73 5.9 4416 7.9 6.32 4.46 4384 9.5 6.65 2.93 4449 Conductivity (l,moh/cm) 6242 6802 7326 7263 7246 7201 7089 7488 7344 7196 6463 6210 7286 7385 7313 6880 7015 6128 6399 6792 6780 6816 5729 5906 5990 6729 6124 5735 5313 5750 7313 6548 5862 7475 6055 7408 Color Total Phenol) otal Phenol Zinc Copper ADMI Ibs/day pg/I mg/I mg/I 392 <.202 <5.42 <0.1 <0.1 380 <0.168 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 307 <0.161 <5.58 <0.1 <0.1 250 <0.174 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 425 <0.175 <5.09 <0.1 <0.1 210 <0.180 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 302 <0.181 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 282 <0.187 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 275 <0.189 <5.9 <0.1 <0.1 256 <0.264 <7.0 <0.1 <0.1 410 <0.203 <5.27 <0.1 <0.1 437 <0.213 <5.4 <0.1 <0.1 794 <0.197 <5.5 <0.1 <0.1 496 <0.167 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 303 <0.159 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 599 <0.19 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 356 <0.186 <5.5 <.01 <0.39 451 <0.17 <5.0 <0.1 <0.1 471 <0.15 <5.2 .11 <0.1 265 <0.275 <7.5 <0.23 <0.1 294 <0.313 <8..4 <.01 <.01 176 <0.222 <5.8 <.01 <.01 312 <0,185 <5.0 <.01 <.01 478 <0.273 <7.6 <.01 <.01 446 <0.267 7.75 <.01 <.01 471 <0.249 <7.25 <.01 <.01 272 <0.377 <10.6 <.01 <.01 380 <0.163 <5.0 <.01 <.01 274 <0.264 <7.725 <.01 <.01 357 <0.319 <8.8 <.01 <.01 356 <0.289 <8.75 <.01 <.01 302 <0.181 <5.62 <.01 <.01 368 <0.176 <5.0 <.01 <.01 309 <0.256 <8.45 <.01 <0.28 336 <0.31 <10.2 <.01 <.01 306.00 <0.285 11.40 <.01 <.01 Avg ' 4 0 23 358 2.i r 891 � ,7 6 Yq 4 7.80 2 96 863 6683 363�83 Max 47 30 728 17 1961 9 5 , 20.29 t 7 73 - 14392. 7488 794 00 Mm ;�2 8 ,15 , . 149 5. 0' ,,15 5 8 , ,r.2.88 , t; `re 34 . 431 gg ` ,53 (3 ',` . 176.00 . Attachment 1 Temperature °C Dissolved Oxygen mg/I Conductivitypmhos/cm Color ADMI Date Up Down Down Up Down Down Up Down Down Up Down Down Jan-02 7 7 7 12.9 12.7 12.5 38 131 130 81 91 100 Feb-02 9 9 9 11.9 11.6 11.6 40 162 165 70 79 80 Mar-02 13 13 13. 10.2 9.8 9.7 82 175 176 82 88 83 Apr-02 18 18 18 8.4 8.2 8.1 61 321 321 100 107 108 May-02 19 20 20 8.3 8.1 8 66 431 508 86 104 101 Jun-02 22 23 23 7.2 6.6. 6.2 90 932 867 61 79 75 Jul-02 24 25 26 6.3 5.7 5.8 88 847 824 65 84 90 Aug-02 24 25 25 6.4 5.7 5.7 109 1303 1232 54 90 94 Sep-02 22 22 22 7.2 7 6.8 90 439 440 80 93 94 Oct-02 19 19 19 7.7 7.2 7.2 68 323 324 92 105 105 Nov-02 12 13 13 8.4 8.3 8.2 49 167 166 88 100 93 Dec-02 6 6 6 12 11.8 11.6 51 135 136 68 76 78 Jan-03 6 6 6 12.5 12.2 12.1 40 157 155 55 67 69 Feb-03 8 8 8 13.3 12.5 12.7 46 118 114 67 78 79 Mar-03 15 15 15 10 •9.7 9.5 34 79 75 93 112 111 Apr-03 16 16 16 8.7 8.6 8.5 39 108 115 132 151 152 May-03 19 19 19 7.2 7.2 7 36 97 107 159 195 191 Jun-03 21 22 22 6.9 6.7. 6.6 42 111 110 161 180 183 Jul-03 23 24 24 6.5 6.2 6 39 117 119 149 166 167 Aug-03 24 24 24 5.6 5.3 5.2 35 89 94 195 212 216 Sep-03 21 21 21 6 . 5.7 5.6 38 118 120 170 174 176 Oct-03 17 17 17 7.9 7.2 7.1 37 136 132 121 128 130 Nov-03 12. 12 12 8.7 8.5 8.5 36 139 137 110 119 119 Dec-03 6 6 5 12 12 11.9 37 125 132 63 81 81 Jan-04 4 4 4 13.3 13.3 13.3 33 100 92 74 76 75 Feb-04 6 6 6 13.4 12.7 12.9 36 100 101 81 87 87 Mar-04 12 12 12 10 10 10 35 138 143 95 97 102 Apr-04 16 16 16 8.7 8.6 8.2 50 189 185 113 121 121 May-04 22 22 22 7.7 7.6 7.4 43 229 228 131 137 137 Jun-04 22 23 23 7.3 7.1 7.1 46 297 299 113 117 118 Jul-04 24 24 24 6.7 6.9 6.7 56 391 409 93 101 100 Aug-04 23 24 24 6.7 6.5 6.8 51 265 273 104 117 113 Sep-04 21 22 22 6.6 6.4 6.2 52 98 103 165 183 189 Oct-04 18 18 18 7.7 7.6 7.5 48 206 209 98 103 104 Nov-04 13 13 13 9.7 9.4 9.5 45 150 152 94 94 97 Dec-04 10 10 10 10.4 9.6 9.6 72 203 208 72 84 85 Attachment 2 250 200 150 100 50 0 Color F -- 4- —♦-- Upstream --l— Downstream o`v oti oti oti 0 0 o'b 40 o0 0`b o'� 6b °` ,o°c 04 o°` o°` o°` OP Attachment 3 E s 0 E Conductivity 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 p`1/ ,orti pti ,ig p`- oti sib p'a cib o`' o`i Orb CI' Ott o°` p°` o°` p°` rat 4§ ON ,J\ coe9 apJ rat` vrt• 4\i ,J se 1 ,rat` " \ ,J coef �OJ Attachment 4 --•— Upstream --F Downstream Temperature °C 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Off' Off' Off' Off' Off' Off' O� ,O� O� Orb O� ph O°` Ot'` Ob` Off` Ob` Ot'` 1C$b. i „)cp ,, ,,s,,c 4,7\ ,J\ cp „-4 ,ate ,ic ,0 ,J ge9 454 Attachment 5 Dissolved Oxygen --♦— Upstream -- Downstream Dissolved Oxygen (mg/I) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Temperature 61, Or ,Oi' 61, Ol' 61, 00 ccb Oc ,00 ,Ob Ob On OC.` OC.` Ot)` Off` Off` Off` Attachment 6 —•- Upstream --11— Downstream