HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005762_NPDES Permit App_20090205ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary February 5, 2009 TERRY PRICE DIRECTOR. OF PURCHASING ENVIRONMENTAL DEPT 3300 23RD DRIVE VALLEY AL 36854 Subject: Receipt of permit renewal application NPDES Permit NC0005762 Wagram Plant Scotland County Dear Terry Price: The NPDES Unit received your permit renewal application on February 2, 2009. A member of the NPDES Unit will review your application. They will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. You should expect to receive a draft permit approximately 30-45 days before your existing permit expires. If you have any additional questions concerning renewal of the subject permit, please contact Jaxnes McKay at (919) 807-6404. Sincerely, 42,:tizu 44;,,Pae, Dina Sprinkle Point Source Branch - cc: CENTRAL FILES yertevilleIReegionallPffi /Surface Water Protection NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolina Naturally WE S 'T PO I N T HOME January 29, 2009 Mrs. Dina Sprinkle NC DENR/DWQ/Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: WestPoint Home - Wagram Facility NPDES Permit No. NC0005762 Scotland County Renewal Application ECEIVE F E B - 2 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH Dear Mrs. Sprinkle: Please find attached one original and two copies of the permit renewal package for the subject permit NC0005762. This package contains completed copies of EPA Forms 1 and 2C. The latter includes a map of the facility showing the two outfalls and the receiving streams, a line drawing of the water flow through the facility, and data on the effluent characteristics. Since the last permit renewal, the operation at this facility has changed. Previously, there were three textile operation at this facility: 1. Bleaching, dyeing, and finishing of cotton towels, 2. Slashing of Greige Goods (Cotton Towel Fabric), and 3. Synthetic Yarn Dyeing for Carpet. The first two operations were closed in 2006/07, leaving only item 3 operating at the current time. Average manufacturing production from this activity is currently 150,000 pounds per day. Note that I have eliminated one outfall (004 on the current permit) because the storm water associated with this outfall is no longer exposed to industrial activity. The manufacturing in the building on that end of the site has been closed for almost two years, the building has been cleaned, and it is currently being offered for sale. Outfall 001 is the discharge from our wastewater treatment plant and Outfall 002 is strictly a storm water outfall. This had previously been shown as a noncontact cooling water discharge but that is no longer the case. I have omitted data on several parameters from page V-2 of Form 2C. There was a mix-up with the lab testing our effluent and these parameters were inadvertently omitted in the attached results. Those tests are being conducted now and the results will be forwarded to you as soon as they are received. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Environmental Dept., 3300 23`d Drive, Valley, AL 36854, Phone: 706-645-4658, Fax 706-645-4539 Page 2 Also attached is a narrative description of the Sludge Management Plan for the facility. I am using the same narrative that was used in our previous application. Although the quantity of sludge produced is greatly reduced, the plan for the management of that sludge remains the same. Note that the plan was reviewed and re -signed for this application. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call at 706-645-4515. Sincerely, I77 '` ��) 1\R0 L. E. Lan er, PE Director — EnvironmentalDepYrtmeAA For Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086. Approval expires 5-31-92 Please print or type in the unshaded areas only (fill-in areas are spaced for elite type, i.e., 12 characte,Mnch). +' tiFORM GENERAL aU'S.ENVIRONMENTAL.PROTECTION.AGENCY 'ti y ;1:. EPAI1'D..INUMBER .,,i. Ili'4 GEN,ERAL,INF�RMATION s TrA C .- ��� = F Consol►dated Perm,tts3Program ' "General;lnstruct►ons".before; starting) "F NCD980559991 D . (Reattithe , , , aLABEL ITEMS t + t „ GENERAL' INSTRUCTIONS_- 1 EPA I D NUMBER { a ,. i, s ll If ;a ,preprinted ;label"has been provided affixxit m,the designated+sppace ,RevlewJthe ;information. carefully if :any of °it is : ` i I IIFACILITY NAME} •,~'' r v, ,Y; y. ` ,incorrect cross through iit ,:and enter thet correct data in the>appropriate fill to area below !Also tlf any ofjthe preprinted data is absent fhe area,xto the cleft of fhe: rlabel V FACILITY MAILING � 'IST 4 ` e ; r , PLEASE PLACE ..ABE ' � y r r space �sts the `•information i SPACE appear)., leaserprovideilt;innthe,proper,fill � inr:arears�,.'below land correct you g t 1, 111, V and VI (except that should ,lf the label is complete ; need not complete3..Items Vl 8:;whrch must be VI AFACILIaTtY Y � 5 }L LOCATIONh ,i1L1POL2LUTANTiCHARACTERISTICS t 1 F ` CR a z r '`W A� SM1 f 5 t "� �' _ i _ ,>s _ „; ° A' r, '. r • - ram..': to completed regardless) if�no labellhas been , ,instructions +for +detailedtitem ' - ridtiforthe Ieggalsauthorization : is data;iscollected Corriplete all Iitems 1 pproved. iRefer;`to the'; descritions } under.which i .. - INST-UCT,IONS Completeikthrough &,tocdetemiine tfi t a Z. a - la' .p ? Lion forms,to the EPA. If,you `questions,xyou nustsubmittthis form and;the supplemsn brfi fist r e . I . ,"1 • .: -,.question (Mark X':,fin the the supplementaEformsis attached +Ifyou answer no ito each;question ,yourneed not submit any of!theSe forms YouimaytansweCrip:nif-,your 'rexcludedifrom?permit?requirements;-see SectioWC':of•.theiiinstructions.-Seei,also,,SectionsD otthednstructions for definitions of: bold-facedaerms.A.•' answer yes. to any.: box#inIhe?third,column+if activity is , (MARK xoRM MARK .FORM Y; SPECIFIC QUESTIONS -$0-, :1. ., ;. YES t NO 1. • tATTACHm,:e ':5' SPECIFIC QUESTIONS Bpi `ct ,,. ,I ?YES .; „N. t.....ATrACHED,,,, A Isthis fadltty a}publicly owned treatment; works w•hich results:iin a discharge'to�waters :of the U.S;? (FORM2A) i - - } ❑ ►�1 ❑ : B :Does or twill. sthis facility (either existing or f proposed) include a concentrated ,animal , tfeedinoperation : .Yor : ,aquatic •animal, gtroduction:facili .which results'ain a discharge S � . ❑ i R ., �,• 16. .-+17, . ..:. ai18...,;. }toiwaters ofsthe ?; ORM8 �7 (F ) , .. 4 19 _ .20 .....��Y21:. < C Is , ?this facility . ,which acurrently results in' discharges ;to waters; of the-iU S _other .than ►�1 ❑ ❑ v'D .+Is this proposal facility; (other fpe rhose.described Yin Ator8 above) which;will result in a discharge ❑ E ❑ . tthosedescribed in cit-,,B above? (FORM'2C) i ' '_22 ,r. ';;23 , . ,. '.z24 .- ., ,to,.waters:ofithe'•U.S.?;(FORM.2D) ;_,25 .. ':26 . " 27 >: E Does or will this facility treat store or dispose off_- hazardouswastes?�(FORM3) ^ ❑ 1� ❑ , F. Do you or, willtyou inject•at thisifacilityaindustrial or £ ,municipal effluent below the lowermost stratums ccontainmg within, one ;quarter^mile ,of,,ther well re; nderground sources of, drinking water?,,' ❑ ►�1 ❑ r✓ _ 28 .• 29 r , _...f30 ;1 f , ORM 4) ,. d 31 , . `32•. .. .3333 14 i G �Do you or- will 'your inject : at .,this facility; any produced water otherfluids which are brought t0 ; the: surface m connectionfwith conventional toil or ; { natural gas ;production, )inject Iliiids used +fort enhanced recoverycof;oil or natural gor•,as, inject:: fluids for storage 'of liquid . hydrocarbons?' ❑ I1 ❑ � H +Do you orzwill:you inject at this facility fluids.for { special processes such as,mining;of suffer byihe Frasch+process soluhon,mining_ofamincrats <in` o situ; combustion of..fossil.fuel for recoverkof r, geothermal energy? (FORM 4) '- • • F ❑ ►l/ ❑ 1 . ,.:37- r38 f : . - .'39 - : - Is 'this facility j.a proposed stationary °source whichns one of the}28yindustnal categonesllisted t intithe instrus clionandnwhich with potentially5emit i 100 tons:per-=;year of'any air pollutant regulated: under, the Clean Air }Act and •;may affect, or be ❑ ►�1 ❑ J Is this facility a ,proposed'stationarysource ,which is NOT onelof_the 28 industrial categories i ,listed+iii the>instructionsand which+willtpotentially,, emit=,250 tons per -,year of any air ;poltutantfi regulated- under the -Clean A irrAct=and imayaaffect ' ❑ V ❑ located!in:an`attainment;area?< ORM: , + ;:III. NAME'OF.iFACI LITY 40 ' i :'4 411 ., 242 ! e.ClrliiiilliicatEidiinTawattaiiirrient4reT .ORM .',Ti ?-' 43 : ! , C sKiPt WestPoint Home, Inc. — Wagram Facility WWTP 31 IV FACILITY4CONTACT ;. ;,s. ,. , ...: `..._.'A 'NAMEiL&_TITLEi(last,,first,,'&•,title) - , ,-. _ ka.4 ..,..' i ,§�B.;PHONE;f(area code & nok _5 c Locklear, Ronald - Operator ' 910 + Y :69,43924648.'' fV.FACILI,_- timAILING ADDRESS ,:+ ,51 . 52•:: 55 1 ,v;'_ ,-0- _ , ';;,._' :-.,k., STREET.ORiP.O KBOX' . , ., ,. `.4-7 19320 Air Base Road QB.;CITYe,OR,TOWNin ;.• i,. .,;,J. ; C..STATE ;,D ZIP. -CODE . , c .- Wagram ; NC 28396 "5 1 F 1 4 c'F j "VI_FACILITYLOCATION , .: : ',,, ,':4o i ;,_",; a t a341r";. • z42 47 r. 51• e ' >` { ,,,, , .;A. STREET,tROU.TE NO'. OR OTHERtSPECIF.ICiIDENTIFIER '?: " r ; c 19320 Air Base Road 5 - 15 1e a '' q5 J 4 • I :? � 3'�$ JTN , r1,m ,,r , .,4,. ,�B.±COUNTY�.NAME , �� , _i�:~. �,:,� � 1 • '4 J t' .:ti rt y ll) Scotland J � 46 '.;{ 70 a C.zCITY,OR TOW. N :D STATE ;_ ,E'ZIP CODE F ,COUNTYCODE! Wagram • : NC 28396 165 � 6 t ) � 15. ' : 16 ! :-:<- t..,. t:.,.= ._ ...;,. s , N, '.: � :.. <,.:. r r:.:rr . , .: --,.. .40 r i Y41,5t-= 142t, _ 47 Y. 't.'..N.;':51. 1 . _; ;52... - .. 54 CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VIE SIC_iCODES (4-digit, Fin orderofprioriiy) ; ' • A FIRSTs< • '...= a _.• iB.-dSECOND .,, ,•' -,:. .. ,• . c 2269 (spBC1fy) Textile Finishing Plant — NEC (carpets) 7 (specify) 7 70"� ,5 ,6 17 •k ._ ,, C.THIRD t .',, �••� : >D.?FOURTH¢ c (specify) 7 ` (specify) 15,;,16. UIII::OPERATOR=INFORMATION` ,'''17;; 15-_ 'la .. --19.,t A. NAME ;; ':, u <...B Isthename listed; inatem WestPoint Home, Inc t jVIII A,also`the' owner? s ,e • � �4 r YES El NO 18.1 ;, 19 C.•,STATUS OF OPERATOR':.(Enterthe.appropnate letterinto. theianswerbox, if {Other, :specify), 'D.iPHONE area€code/&6no) .., ,,,, F FEDERAL S = STATEy P PRIVA M = PUBLIC (other than federal or state) O = OTHER (specify) p (specify) c 910 - 4 r 369 a 4392 Ai A. 15.4 16; 18 ; 19t 21 _: 22 ';25 E';STREET,ORMP..O+BOX " u� Y { Y It, h hYi t r 19320 Air Base Road 26 TOWN ;;x ;,> „ G. STATE H. ZIP CODE :IX INDIAN LAND;_ e '` Wagram NC 28396 Is'the facllity locate&on llndian,lands_-43? 'YES'', ► 4 NO ` . 5' X.IEXISTING .16. _ _ .::: '— " .�t � �40x%•. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS 42 42 A 'NPDES (Disciiargesto'Sutface'Water)=. , , ' ., DPSD,(Air:°Emissions,from Proposed Sources) • C fl T ; ' NC0005762 .c i 8 ' 9 �N'a, 9 t P , r 15, -.160 17 :518 5,-u 30 'a 15. :.16• 17 18.! ;: 4 sC. ,30 w,.4- ._ ...., j,� 3§. .•. IB UIC (Underground.•'In)ection:iofFluids = ..., , . .. E .OTHER:-(speoify)..•., ..•, (Specify) - c ' Y'T; 155, 4550, T 5 8 WQ0008764 Residuals Land z u "9 ' 1- ` Application Permit �15 !AG.. 17si6 130 7:�'::,t r,„;ha, ;.�,�. �S 15.�.16 : .1�7:,n;18,�,. .t.: 30:•: C: RCRAr'(Hazardous, Wastes) ,. ' _ 4,E. OTHER!.(specify) { -;a (Specify) C T` 1555,5 ' `T 8 = NCG170050 General Stormwater 15.2•18i XI •_MAP`: Attach show hazardousswaste1treatment, rivers XII ::NATURE 17,_ tolthis the, and;otherisurface_watenbodies,inIhe,mae i18. ::,.,5. 30iy, 15 :.•'16. application a; topographic�map ofithe area�extending, outline of the facility, .5the1iocation of;each of: its storage, ,or disposahfacilittes and3feach area ,1See instructions OF:B,USINESS (provide •abnefrdescnption);- 1:71::,18 30`; t o ast atleone mile'beyond;propertytboundaries existing• •and° proposed intake and: discharge well where it Injects fluids underground for,•recise,re• uirements: `The map;must structures `each of its Include all spnngs, WestPoint location. on the maintain the who X iycERTIFICA Home (WPH) formerly operated a towel weaving plant, WPH also provided wastewater treatment services to same site. The WPH manufacturing operations were closed at this site is our Distribution Center, which produces wastewater treatment plant to treat our san' ,, •lrr, r er: remains in operation. + F E B DENR - WATER POINT SOURCE IONgsee Insteadtion) =' , and a dyeing and finishing Gulistan, who operates a carpet in 2007 and the only operation no process wastewater. However, 11 a cess wastewater L — 2 2009 QUALITY BRANCH plant at this yam dyeing plant we still we still operate from Gulistan, �l all the,appl►cat submittinglfalsennfarmiiiWiilinGudingztherpossitiilit oft ifywunder penaltyaof+law that 11have,personally,examinedfand am4famdrar with thelinformation submitted'in attachments,and1that basedon lyslnqu►ry of those persons lmmedrat_elyrrespons►b/e_for,obtaming1the on 4I bpIieve that>the information is ,truer 1accuratey.,andtcomplete Plum aware that ithere,are ,. w is 1 . �: e, of fine;and1impnsonment „ .4 k thi&applicatlon1ano nformation contained !n significant penalties for ' A. NAME Terry ' COMMENTS & OFFICIAL TITLE (type or print) Price — Director of Purchasing FOR OFFICIAL'USE ONLY ,:; B. SIGNATURE ` A. 02,,. C. DATE SIGNED I -- a 9 — 0 t{t n 1 7� 2 C i5 1 ,f F i } - .� h { 2 �F ih \' �,:. ' 'i `t' i { r>>" .. .. . •: i.. !a, .. ?< ,. _. ; 55 Please rint or tvoe in the unshaded areas only. EPA I.D. NUMBER (ropyJrnnn Iten, I of Form 1) NCD980559991 Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086. Approval expires 3-31-98. FORM 2C-EPA NPDES I. OUTFALL LOCATION U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY APPLICATIOFOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER EXISTING MANUFACTURING,JCOMMERCIAL, MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS Consolidated Permits Program latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water. For each outfall, list the A. OUTFALL NUMBER (Fisi) B. LATITUDE C. LONGITUDE D. RECEIVING WATER (name) 1. DEG. 2. MIN. 3. SEC. 1. DEG. 2. MIN. 3. SEC. 001 34 49 50 79 21 08 Lumber River 002 34 50 00 79 22 32 Shoe Heel Creek II. FLOWS, SOURCES OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES sources of intake a water balance for certain water, operations on the mining activities), contributing wastewater to the effluent, and treatment units line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations, provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility. Indicate labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B. Construct treatment units, and outfalls. If a water balance cannot be determined (e.g., sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B. For each outfall, provide a description of: (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff; (2) The average flow contributed by each operation; and 3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary. 1. OUT- FALL NO. (liar) 2. OPERATION(S) CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3. TREATMENT a. OPERATION (list) b. AVERAGE FLOW (include units) a. DESCRIPTION b. LIST CODES FROM TABLE 2C-1 001 Process Wastewater Aerated lagoon, clarifier, aerobic digester, 38 5L Sanitary wastewater gravity thickener, land application SA SP cooling water 0 02 stormwater Unknown None OFFICIAL USE ONLY (effluent guidelines snh-categories) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges described in ❑ YES (complete the following,able) Items II -A or B intermittent or seasonal? 111) !A NO (go 10 Seclinn 1. OUTFALL NUMBER (list) 2. OPERATION(s) CONTRIBUTING FLOW (list) 3. FREQUENCY 4. FLOW a. DAYS PER WEEK (.specs i. average) b. MONTHS PER YEAR (specify average) a. FLOW RATE (in ingd) B. TOTAL VOLUME (specify with units) C. DURATION On days) 1. LONG TERM AVERAGE 2. MAXIMUM DAILY 1. LONG TERM AVERAGE 2. MAXIMUM DAILY III. PRODUCTION guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section YES (complete liens 111-13) 304 of the ❑ Clean Water NO (go to Section Act apply to your IV) facility? A. Does an effluent FI B. Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? YES (complete liens III-C) ❑ NO (go to Section 11) ✓ C. If you answered "yes" to Item III-B, list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production, expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline, and indicate the affected outfalls. 1. AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2. AFFECTED OUTFALLS (list ourfall numbers) a. QUANTITY PER DAY b. UNITS OF MEASURE C. OPERATION, PRODUCT, MATERIAL, ETC. (specO) 150,000 IV. IMPROVEMENTS Pounds per day by any Federal, State or local practices or any other environmental or enforcement orders, the fallowing table) Synthetic yarn dyeing for carpet (40CFR410 Subpart F) authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and !�I NO (go to Item IV-B) 001 upgrading or operations of wastewater This includes, but is not limited to, grant or loan conditions. A. Are you now required treatment equipment or permit conditions, administrative ❑ YES (complete 1. IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, AGREEMENT, ETC. 2. AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4. FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE a. NO. b. SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a. REQUIRED b. PROJECTED B. OPTIONAL: You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges) you now have underway or which you plan. Indicate whether each program is now underway or planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. ❑ MARK "X" IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 V. INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A, B, & C: See instructions before proceeding — Complete one set of tables for each outfall —Annotate the outfall number in the space provided. NOTE: Tables V-A, V-B, and V-C are included on separate sheets numbered V-1 through V-9. EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) NCD980559991 D. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c-3 of the instructions, which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall. For every pollutant you list, briefly describe the reasons you believe It to be present and report any analytical data in your possession. 1. POLLUTANT 2. SOURCE 1. POLLUTANT 2. SOURCE NA VI. POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ❑ YES (list all such polutants below ) NO (go to Item VI-B) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII. BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? 0 YES (identify the test(s) and describe their purposes below) ❑ NO (go to Section V11!) or on a receiving water in Quarterly Chronic Toxicity Tests Permit. Toxicity tests are run 9% as required by the permit. VIII. CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION are conducted on the discharge from Outfall 001 as required by the NPDES with the effluent from the facility at an Instream Waste Concentration (IWC) of performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? / telephone number of and pollutants analyzed by, ❑ NO (go to Section IX) below) Were any of the analyses reported in Item V ,!A YES (list the name, address, an each such laboratory orJirnt A. NAME B. ADDRESS C. TELEPHONE (area code & no.) D. POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (list) TBL Laboratory Environmental Science Corp. IX. CERTIFICATION P. 0. Box 589, Lumberton, NC 28359 12065 Lebanon Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 and all attachments were prepared under my direction the information submitted. Based on my inquiry the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment 910-738-6190 800-767-5859 or supervision in accordance of the person or persons who and belief, true, accurate, for knowing violations. BOD, COD, TSS, color, Fecal coliform Nitrate, nitrite, cyanide, o & G, phenol, P, mercury, metals, volatiles, pesticides, PCBs, base neutrals with a system designed to assure that manage the system or those persons and complete. I am aware that there I certify under penalty of law that this document qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate directly responsible for gathering the information, are significant penalties for submitting false A. NAME & OFFICIAL TITLE (type or print) Terry Price Director - Purchasing B. PHONE NO. (area code & no.) (706) 645-4125 C. SIGNATURE d 02- P D. DATE SIGNED o —2 9—o q EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 4of4 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY. You may report some or all of this information EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item I offl rnr I) on separate sheets (use the same fom iaf) instead of completing these pages. NCD9 8 0 5 5 9 9 91 SEE INSTRUCTIONS. OUTFALL NO. V. INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) col PART A —You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details. 1. POLLUTANT 2. EFFLUENT 3. UN TS (specii ?I -blank) 4. INTAKE (optional) a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (if available) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ifarailable) a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS d. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS b. NO. OF ANALYSES a. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 77 87 157 20.67 78 13-75 37-42 249 mg/1 lbs b. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 2143 1386 274 . 1 886 218 .04 586.25 249 mg/1 lbs c. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) d. Total Suspended Solids (T.SS) 190 . 69 462 72 . 34 185 42 . 54 114 . 83 249 m g/1 lbs e.Ammonia(asN) .544 6.71 0.24 0.85 12 mg/1 lbs f. Flow VALUE . 979 VALUE .453 VALUE .33 366 MGD VALUE g. Temperature (winter)21 VALUE - 7 VALUE 17 . 6 VALUE 11 .2 183 °C VALUE h. Temperature (summer)28.2 VALUE VALUE 24.4 VALUE 21.4 183 °C VALUE i• PH MINIMUM 7 . 01 MAXIMUM 8 . 96 MINIMUM MAXIMUM .: x rta•a ' ? t 366 STANDARD UNITS ;•: a :^ PART B — Mark "X" in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark "X" in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent. If you mark column directly, or indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant For other pollutants for which quantitative data or an exp anation of their presence in your discharge. Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. 2a for any pollutant which is limited either you mark column 2a, you must provide 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NO. Of available) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a BELIEVED PRESENT b. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ifarailable) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (if -available) a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. Bromide (24959-67-9) b. Chlorine, Total Residual X 3 .007 .6 .001 .13 <.0004 52 ppb lbs c. Color X 727 576 384.5 366 ADMI d.Fecal Colifonn X 11,400 428 84 60 #/100 ml e. Fluoride (16984-48-8) \� X\ f. Nitrate Nitrite (asM X 12 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE ITEM V-B CONTINUED FROM FRONT 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NO. al -available) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a BELIEVED PRESENT b. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE Of available) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ifavailahle) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS g. Nitrogen, TotalOrganic(as AO X 19.3 55.0 12 33 12 mg/1 lbs h. Oil and Grease X <5 mg/1 i. Phosphorus (asP),Total (7723-14-0) \ / X 32 104.8 18 49.5 12 mg/1 lbs j. Radioactivity (1) Alpha, Total (2) Beta, Total \X, X ,�` (3) Radium, Total (4) Radium 226, Total v k. Sulfate (as SO,) (14808-79-8) (�'S) I. Sulfide X <0.1 <0.1 4 lbs m. Sulfite (as SO,) (14265-45-3) X n. Surfactants X o. Aluminum, Total (7429-90-5) p. Barium, Total (7440-39-3) \ n q. Boron, Total (7440-42-8) r. Cobalt, Total (7440-48-4) �/ /� s. Iron, Total (7439-89-6) �/ /X t. Magnesium, Total (7439-95-4) u. Molybdenum, Total (7439-98-7) u v. Manganese, Total (7439-96-5) X w. Tin, Total (7440-31-5) x. Titanium, Total (7440-32-6) X <0.01 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C EPA I.D. NUMBER (corrfi•onr Item 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER NCD980559991 001 PART C - If you are a primary industry and this outfall contains process wastewater, refer to Table 2c-2 in the instructions to determine which of the GC/MS fractions you must test for. Mark "X" in column 2-a for all such GCIMS fractions that apply to your industry and for ALL toxic metals, cyanides, and total phenols. If you are not required to mark column 2-a (secondary industries, nonprocess wastewater outfalls, and nonrequired GC/MS fractions), mark "X" in column 2-b for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark "X" in column 2-c for each pollutant you believe is absent. If you mark column 2a for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. If you mark column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant if you know or have reason to believe it will be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater. If you mark column 2b for acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4 dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4, 6 dinitrophenol, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for each of these pollutants which you know or have reason to believe that you discharge in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater. Otherwise, for pollutants for which you mark column 2b, you must either submit at least one analysis or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Note that there are 7 pages to this part; please review each carefully. Complete one table (all 7 pages) for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and requirements. 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER (ifavailable) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a. TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ifavailable) . c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (if available) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE -- b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (t) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS METALS, CYANIDE, AND TOTAL PHENOLS 1 M. Antimony, Total (7440-36-0) 0 . 021 mg/ 1 2M. Arsenic, Total (7440-38-2) X <0 . 02 mg/1 3M. Beryllium, Total (7440-41-7) �/ /\ <0.002 mg/1 4M. Cadmium, Total (7440-43-9) <0.005 mg/1 5M. Chromium, Total (7440-47-3) <0 . 1 <0 . 1 4 lbs (7440-50-8) 6M.0Total 0-8) \/ /\ <0.05 <0.05 12 mg/1 7M. Lead, Total (7439-92-1) <0.005 mg/1 8M.Mercury,Total (7439-97-6) <0.0002 mg/1 9M. Nickel, Total (7440-02-0) <0 . 02 mg/1 10M. Selenium, Total (7782-49-2) 0 . 021 mg/1 11M. Silver, Total (7440-22-4) <0 . O1 mg/1 12M. Thallium, Total (7440-28-0) (744 4 40-66 -6-6) ,Total (7 v , 10 6 0 . 05 9 12 mg / 1 Total Cyanide, Total (57-12-5) X < 0 . 005 mg/1 15M. Phenols, Total /� �/ 0. 036 0. 07 0.0136 0.03 0.0078 0.021 52 mg/1 lbs DIOXIN 2,3,7,8-Tetra- chlorodibenzo-P- Dioxin (1764-01-6) X DESCRIBE RESULTS EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V 3 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE•FRONT 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER (If available) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a. TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ifavailahle) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ifavailahle) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS GC/MS FRACTION — VOLATILE COMPOUNDS 1V. Accrolein (107-02-8) <0.05 1 mg/1 2V. Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) 3V. Benzene (71-43-2) X <0.001 1 mg/1 s 4V. B merhyl) Ether (542-88-1) X 5V. Bromoform (75-25-2) <0.001 1 mg/1 6V. Carbon Tetrachloride (56-23.5) X <0.001 1 mg/1 7V. Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) <0.001 1 mg/1 8V. Chlorodi- bromomethane bromomethane (124-48-1) / X <0.001 1 mg/1 (75-00-3roethane ) 9V. Chlo10V.2-Chloro- X <0.005 1 mg/1 ethylvinyl Ether (110-75-8) X <0.05 1 mg/1 11 V. Chloroform (87-66-3) X <0.005 1 mg/1 12V. Dichloro- bromoinethane (75-27-4) X <0.001 1 mg/1 13V. Dichloro- difluoromethane (75-71-8) X <0.005 1 mg/1 14V. 1,1-Dichloro- ethane(75-34-3) <0.001 1 mg/1 15V. 1,2-Dichloro- ethane(107-06-2) <0.001 1 mg/1 16V.1,1-Dichloro- ethylene (75-35-4) X<0.001 1 mg/1 17V.1,2-Dichloro- propane (78-87-5) X <0.001 1 mg/1 18V. 1,3-Dichloro- propylene (542-75-6) \ / X <0.001 1 mg/1 (100-41-4) 19V.Ethylbenzene 1-4) X <0. 001 1 mg/1 20V. Methyl Bromide (74-83-9) u <0.005 1 mg/1 21V. Methyl Chloride (74-87-3) u <0. 0025 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-4 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-5 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-4 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER (if available) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a. TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ijavailahle) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (i(available) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS GC/MS FRACTION — VOLATILE COMPOUNDS (con inued) 22V. Methylene Chloride (75-09-2) �/ X <0 - 005 1 mg/1 23V. 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane (79-34-5) X <0.001 1 mg/1 ethylene 24 chloro- lene (127-18-4) X <0 . 001 1 mg/1 25V.T8 (108-88-33) X <0.005 1 mg/1 26V. 1,2-Trans- Dichloroethylene (156-60-5) X <0.001 1 mg/1 27V. 1,1,1-Trichloro- ethane (71-55-6) X <0.001 1 mg/1 28V. 1,1,2-Trichloro- ethane (79-00-5) X <0.001 1 mg/1 2th 1ene loro- ethylene (79-01-6) <0 . 001 1 mg/1 30V. Trichloro- fluoromethane (75-69-4) ` / X , ` <0 - 005 1 mg/1 31V.1nyl Chloride (75-01-4) /\ X <0. 001 1 mg/1 GC/MS FRACTION — ACID COMPOUNDS 1A.2-Chlorophenol (95-57-8) X <0.10 • 1 mg/1 2A. 2,4-Dichloro- phenol(120-83-2) X <0 - 10 1 mg/1 3A. 2,4-Dimethyl- phenol (105-67-9) X <0 - 10 1 mg/1 4k4,6-Dinitra-O- Cresol(534-52-1) X <0.10 1 mg/1 ph n l 51-28- phenol (51-28-5) /\ X <0. 10 1 mg/1 6A.2-Nitrophenol (88-75-5) X <0.10 1 mg/1 7A.4-Nitrophenoi (100-02-7) X <0.10 1 mg/1 BA.P-Chloro-M- Cresol(59-50-7) X <0.10 1 mg/1 9A. Pentachloro- phenol (87-86-5) <0.10 1 mg/1 ( (108-95.2) X <0 . 10 1 mg/1 11A. 2,4,6-Trichloro- phenol (88-05-2) X <0.10 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER Of available) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a. TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE ' (ifarailahlc) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ijavailable) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS GC/MS FRACTION - BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS 18.Acenaphthene (83-32-9) X <0.01 1 mg/1 28.Acenaphtylene (208-96-8) X <0.01 1 mg/1 3B. Anthracene (120-12-7) X <0.01 1 mg/1 4B. Benzidine (92-87-5) X <0.50 1 mg/1 5B. Benzo (a) Anthracene (56-55-3) X <0.10 1 mg/1 6B. Benzo (a) Pyrene(50.32-8) <0.01 1 mg/1 7B. 3,4-Benzo- fluoranthene (205-99-2) X <0.01 1 mg/1 Benzo (91-) Perylene (191-24-2) Pe X <0.01 1 mg/1 96. Benzo (k) Fluoranthene (207-08-9) X <0.01 1 mg/1 10B. Bis (2-Chloro- erhnry) Methane (111-91-1) X <0.10 1 mg/1 11B. Bis (2-Chloro- rhr!) Ether (111-44-4) X <0 .10 1 mg/1 128. Bis (2- Chlornisolnnpyl) Ether (102-80-1) X <0.10 1 mg/1 13B. Bis (2-EUn•1- hen1) Phthalate (117-81-7) <0.01 1 mg/1 148. 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether (101-55-3) X <0.10 1 mg/1 15B. Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (85-68-7) X <0.01 1 mg/1 168.2-Chloro- naphthalene (91-58-7) X <0.10 1 mg/1 17B. 4-Chloro- phenyl Phenyl Ether (7005772-3) /� X <0.10 1 mg/1 (218-01-9) 18Bne X /� <0.01 1 mg/1 19B. Dibenzo (a,h) Anthracene (53-70-3) X <0.01 1 mg/1 208.1,2-Dichloro benzene (95-50-1) X <0.001 1 mg/1 21B.1,3-Dichloro- benzene(541-731) X <0.001 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-6 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-6 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER (ifavailahle) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a. TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ifarailiMe) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ifarailable) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION_ (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS GC/MS FRACTION - BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (continued) 22B. 1,4-Dichloro- benzene(106-46-7) <0.001 1 mg/1 23B. benzidine (91-94-1) benzdin (91-94- X <0.10 1 mg/1 24B. Diethyl Phthalate (84-66-2) X <0.01 1 mg/1 258. Dimethyl Phthalate (131 -11-3) X <0.01 1 mg/1 268. Di-N-Butyl Phthalate (84-74-2) <0 .01 1 mg/1 27B.2,4-Dinitro- toluene (121-14-2) <0 . 10 1 mg/1 28B. 2,6-Dinitro- toluene (606-20-2) <0 . 10 1 mg/1 296. Di-N-Octyl Phthalate (117-84-0) X <0 . 01 1 mg/1 308. 1,2-Diphenyl- hydrazine (as Azo- benzene)(122-66-7) 1 mg/ 1 (2 6-44---o0) nthene X <0.01 1 mg/1 (86-7337)7orene (86- X <0.01 1 mg/1 338. Hexachloro- benzene (118-74-1) X <0.10 1 mg/1 34B. Hexachloro- butadiene(87-68-3) <0.10 1 mg/1 35B. Hexachloro- cyclopentadiene (77-47-4) <0.10 1 mg/1 36B Hexachloro- ethane (67-72-1) <0.10 1 mg/1 3eno Pyrene (1,2,3-cd)1 (193-39-5) <0 . O 1 mg/1 (78-59 (78-59ophorone-1) X <0.10 1 mg/1 39B. Naphthalene (91-20-3) \/ �\ <0 . 01 1 mg/1 408. Nitrobenzene (98-95-3) <0.10 1 mg/1 Nro- soli a hyla s2-75-hylamine (62-75-9) X <0.50 1 mg/1 42B. N-Nitrosodi- N-Propylamine (621-64-7) <0.10 1 mg/1 EPA Forth 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-7 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER (ifarailahle) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a. TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ifarailahle) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ifarai/ahle) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS GC/MS FRACTION — BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (continued) 43B. N-Nitro- sodiphenylamine (86-30-6) X <0.10 1 mg/1 44B. Phenanthrene (85-01-8) X <0.01 1 mg/1 45B. Pyrene (129-00-0) X <0.01 1 mg/1 46B. 1,2,4-Tri- chlor(120-82-1) (120- 2-1) e X <0.10 1 mg/1 GC/MS FRACTION — PESTICIDES 1 P. Aldrin (309-00-2) <0.005 1 mg/1 (319-84-6) X <0.005 1 mg/1 HC 319-8 (319-85-7) X <0.005 1 mg/1 (5�9.9) X <0.005 1 mg/1 (3'9- 6-) 5P(579rdane X <0.005 1 mg/1 6P. Chl(57 -74-4-9) X <0.005 1 mg/1 (50-29-3) DT X <0 . 0 05 1 mg/1 2 5r-9) 8(72 X <0 . 005 1 mg/1 544-8) DD X <0 .005 1 mg/1 10P. Dieldrin (60-57-1) X <0.005 1 mg/1 (1 5-29-7osulfan ) X <0.005 1 mg/1 12P. 8-Endosulfan (115-29-7) <0.005 1 mg/1 13P. Endosulfan Sulfate (1031-07-8) X <0.005 1 mg/1 14P. Endrin (72-20-8) X <0 .005 1 mg/1 15P. Endrin Aldehyde (7421-93-4) X <0.005 1 mg/1 16P. Heptachlor (76-44-8) X <0 . 005 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-8 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-9 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) 1 OUTFALL NUMBER NCD980559991 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-8 001 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER (faruilable) 2. MARK "X" 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INTAKE (optional) a, TESTING REQUIRED b. BELIEVED PRESENT c. BELIEVED ABSENT a. MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ifarailahle) c. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (if available) d. NO. OF ANALYSES a. CONCEN- TRATION b. MASS a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE b. NO. OF ANALYSES (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS (1) CONCENTRATION (2) MASS GC/MS FRACTION — PESTICIDES (contin ,cc Heptachlor Epoxide (1024-57-3) ` ' X <0.005 1 mg/1 1SP. PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) <0.005 1 mg/1 19P. PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) <0.005 1 mg/1 20P. PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) <0.005 1 mg/1 21P. PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) X <0.005 1 mg/1 22P. PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) X <0.005 1 mg/1 23P. PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) X <0.005 1 mg/1 24P. PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) X <0.005 1 mg/1 25P. Toxaphene (8001-35-2) X <0.10 1 mg/1 EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-9 a SOURCE: LAURINBURG QUADRANGLE & WAKULA QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA 7.5 MIN. SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) •yam -A•. �.. 1L 9- This outfall has been deleted because the adjacent manufacturing operation has been closed. 4' P I WestPoint Stevens Plant Wagram, North Carolina e I • SCALE IN FEET 500 1000 2000 Figure 1: Area Diagram Wells Laurinburg/Maxton Airport Authority- Potable Water Lumber IWPH Water Filtration River Plant - Process Water WestPoint Home, Inc. NC0005762 Permit Renewal Application EPA Form 2C.II.A January 16, 2009 0.026 MGD 0.317 MGD 0.304 MG PIWPH DC & 0.013 MG Offices 0.317 MGI Gulitan Carpet Dyeing Plant 0.013 MG 0.312 MGt Leaks Evaporation 0.013 MGDV 0.005 MGD 0.325 MG6 WPH Wastewater Treatment Plant Lumber River - (Dull 001 0.336 MGD Filter Backwash 0.011 MGD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality/NPDES Permit Renewal January 16, 2004 Narrative Description of the Sludge Management Plan NPDES Permit NC0005762 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. Scotland County General Reviewed - January 29, 2009 Residuals generated by the waste treatment plant are managed for beneficial reuse through land application at agronomic rates on privately owned farmland. WestPoint Stevens contracts with a professional land application company that provides operations, management and technical support throughout the contract term. A renewal and modification to land application permit number WQ0008764 is currently being reviewed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. The modification includes the rescinding of the spray irrigation permit • number WQ0002377, while transferring these spray irrigation sites to land application permit number WQ0008764. Once approved, 2,540 total acres shall be available for land application events film the WestPoint Stevens waste treatment plant. Residuals are periodically wasted from the bottom of three clarifiers, thickened and then further treated through mechanical mixing/aeration in a concrete basin. Land application sites are scheduled to receive residuals on a monthly basis depending on residuals production, crop rotations and weather. Operations Plan At the waste treatment plant, liquid residuals are pumped from the one million gallon holding tank into sealed tank trailer and tractor units using pumps and a loading tower. Residuals are transported to the permitted sites in 6,500 gallon tanker units. The land applier supplies a project manager to contact farmers and schedule applications. Priorto spreading, the project manager flags the site according to the buffer zones listed in the permit. While flagging the site, a suitable off-loading area is selected by the project manager (i.e., away from sensitive areas like ponds, drainage areas, homes, excessive slopes, etc.) where the residuals are transferred from an over -the -road tractor -tanker unit to a specialized industrial liquid spreader -truck. The liquid spreader is equipped with a hydraulic vacuum/pressure pump, which removes the liquid residuals from the tanker into the spreader vehicle. Once the spreader vehicle's 3000-gallon tank is full, an alarm sounds to alert the operator to turn the pump off and close the valve. The truck driver will then unhook the valve. The truck driver then unhooks the 6-inch quick -connect hose from the spreader vehicle, taking care not to spill any liquid left inside the hose. A special stand has been fabricated to allow the driver to rest the end of the hose 3 feet off of the ground to keep the excess residuals from running onto the ground while the driver waits for the spreader vehicle to return for another load. Once the second load has been removed from thetanker, the driverremoves the hose from the tanker and returns to the plant for another load. Narrative Description of the Sludge Management Plan NPDES Permit NC0005762 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. • Scotland County page 2 Surface Applications (Liquid) Surface applications of liquid residuals occur on hay/pasture fields or on crop fields that employ no -till management systems. The spreader surface applies an even application of liquid residuals between 5,000 and 18,000 gallons per acre, depending upon the amount of dry tons allowed by the permit and the percent solids of the residuals. Calibration of the spreader has been predetermined through a procedure that involves adjustment of both the speed of the vehicle and size of the rear pipe outlet. Once the spreader is full, the tank is pressurized by the hydraulic vacuum/pressure pump. The operator conducts the spreading operation by opening the rear valve, releasing the liquid under pressure onto a splash plate, which sprays a 10-foot-wide path. Care is taken to avoid overlapping. Generally the operator begins at the back of a field working to the front to avoid gettingpainted into a corner. This continues until the field is completed. If available, applications may be accomplished by employing a farm tractor equipped with pull -behind tool bar possessing surface, surface with adjustable nozzle, and injection capabilities. Depending on site conditions, and/ or the requests of the fanner, either of these technologies may be employed. Delivery of residuals to the site will be the same as above by using over -the -road tractor -tanker units. Once at the field, a hose will be connected to the tanker in line with a stationary pump. The pump delivers residuals to the pull -behind tool bar via a high- pressure hose. Residuals are applied either by injection, surface or surface with adjustable nozzle using the equipment mounted on the tool bar. The rate of application is controlled by speed of tractor and gallons per minute delivered by the pump. The hose is dragged across the field and periodically wound on a large spool as slack requires. Surface Applications (Dewatered) Surface applications of dewatered residuals occur on hay/pasture fields or on crop fields that employ no -till management systems. The spreader surface applies an even application of the dewatered residuals between 10 to 50 cubic yards or wet tons per acre, depending on the amount of dry tons allowed by the pernut and the percent solids of the residuals. Calibration of the spreader has been predetermined through a procedure that involves adjustment of both the speed of the vehicle and the size of the gate opening. Generally, the operator begins at the back of a field working to the front to avoid getting painted into a comer. This continues until the field is completed. Subsurface Applications (Liquid) Subsurface applications usually occur on crop fields prior to planting a crop. This operation involves knifing the liquid into the soil through five shanks, 30 inches apart, supported by a metal tool bar mounted on the back ofthe spreader. Three-inch flexible hoses are connected to the shanks with quick -connects, which carry the liquid from the pressurized tank. The tool bar is hydraulically lowered to the desired elevation and is supported on each side by air -filled rubber tires. As the tool bar is lowered, the shanks pierce the soil to the • Narrative Description of the Sludge Management Plan NPDES Permit NC0005762 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. Scotland County page 3 selected depth (6 to 18 inches) and the liquid is injected. Five small rows (5 inches wide and 30 inches apart) are left filled with the liquid. As the spreader continues, the soil falls back to coverthe trenches leaving little to no evidence of residuals on the surface. The rate of application can be higher than surface applications because there is more soil and surface area to absorb/dilute the residuals. Injection rates can go as high as 36,000 gallons per acre depending on percent solids, soil conditions and/or allowable dry tons per acre. Hay and pasture fields with permanent grass cover are not typically injected unless a special tool bar is used and the soil conditions are ideal. Surface with Incorporation (Liquid) This type of operation occurs on crop fields prior to planting a crop or sowing grass. The operation is the same as surface application as described above, but with one exception —after the residuals are applied, a disc pulled by a farm tractor turns the soil over, covering the residuals and mixing with the soil to a depth of between two and eight inches. Site Access Control Since residuals will be applied to private lands, no trespassing is allowed on any of the sites. Fencing is in place to allow for cattle rotations. Reporting A report showing the date, dry tonnage, gallons, cubic yards, field numbers, acres and pounds per acre applied of nutrients and metals will be generated for each application event. Copies of these reports are submitted to the farm operators and summarized to the State in the annual report. John Hurston — Senior Vice President Bath Products Manufacturing Date Signed Terry Price - Director of Purchasing dam- a P.�. Reviewed on January 29, 2009 �-25'-f* Date Signed ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP . Pam Hester TBL Laboratory P.O. Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 The analytical results in this report are based upon i by you, the client, and are for your exclusive use. questions regarding this data package, please do no Entire Report Reviewed By: Laboratory Certification Numbers A2LA - 1461-01, AIHA - 100789, AL - 40660, CA - I- 327, CT - PH-0197, FL - E87487 GA - 923, IN - C-TN-01, KY - 90010, KYUST - 0016, NC - ENV375,DW21704, ND - R-140 NJ - TN002, SC - 84004, TN - 2006, VA - 00109, WV - 233 AZ - 0612, MN - 047-999-395, NY - 11742, WI - 998093910 This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval from Environmental Science Corp. Where applicable, sampling conducted by ESC is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures: 060302, 060303, and 060304. 12065 Lebanon Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-5858 1-800-767-5859 Fax (615) 758-5859 Tax I.D. 62-0814289 Est. 1970 Joh 1 Samples Reported: 01/20/09 10:44 Printed: 01/20/09 10:44 Page 1 of 8 man,!` •epresentative • ive‘nauf ess TBL Laboratory Alternate bang information An •OysisiGontaineriPreservative . I Chain of Custody Page al P.O. Box 589 Lumberton_NC 28359 Report to: /k-n • e,iO4-1-131 Z_Ock Project Description. Phone" (9101 738-6190 FAX: (9101 671-8837 Client Project N mail b. ivy/541e ollected ESC Key Colo : 1.—O42-6--Stie Collected by (signature): Packed on Ice N Sample ID tortrAisxi-r ,Faia C-06 Site/Facility ION Rush? OD 1 P 0 tt ( Lab MUST Be Notified ) Same Day. .200% Next Day. . . . . 100% Two Day ..... .. .50% ComotGrab Cm Ce2,4) C.Arnn,,e 0-44-6 Matrix' Ltxt, Depth Date Results Needed: Email? No Yes FAX? No Yes Date 115-09 Time Woo tgvp orDD No of Cntrs 1 Prepared by I. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP. t 2065 Lebanon Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 Phone (615) 758-5858 Phone (800) 767-5859 FAX (615) 758-5859 CoCode TBLLAB (lab use only) Templatelpretogin Shipped Via: RernarksiContaminant Sample # (lab only) t N . C i113 CL2 I; S 'Matrix: SS - SoillSolid GW - Groundwater WW - WasteWater OW - Drinking Water OT. Other_ Remarks: Flow Temp Rel uished by: (Signature) '2 2. AtI114062.:•:_ Date. Ng- 6 9 Time: /0 .'4443• Rec e by: (Signet re) Samoies returned 0 FedEx 0 Courier via o ups 0 —..... Condition' Ran ,.% Date. i_ 6 AO% Time. ra , IT R g tu Temp. Bottles Received: o,,. ingui ed by. tbigifalittef-. Date. Time. Received for lab by. (Signature) . . Date. Time: pH Checked. I (lab use only) 1CF Laboratory P.O. Box 589 Lumberton NC 28359 �� Alternate billing information: Analysis/Container/Preservative Chain Page Prepared by: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 12065 Lebanon Mt. Juliet, Phone (800) FAX (615) F016 Acctnum TBLLAB Template/Prelogin T3833/ Coo# lers�? . Shipped Via FedEX .:• of Custody 1 of CORP. Road TN 37122 767-5859 758-5859 / 4 7.TBL f , ; y Z ow 4; Z s Z �r. OGHEX 1L-Amb-Add HC1 o ` 0 � o N' [[[���+t p SV625TIC 1L-Amb-NoPres h m A-i a r Z WG�. ' a ~ �: Trip blank 40m1Amb-HC1-B1k Report to: Pam Hester Email: tbllab@ncrrbiz.com Se Sb.A Metals 250m1HDPE-HNO3 b sO Project Description: NTQs�P�,��- 'City/State Collected lv,c . t xo 'hone: (9101 738-6190 (9101 671-8837 Client Project*: �L- /9g�3 Lab Project # O , cd t Collected by (print): Site/Facility ID#: P.O.#: p� •, p Y� N j ; (lab use only) P2S937�1 Ground Collected by (signature): mmediately Packed on Ice N _ Y Rush? (Lab MUST Be Notified) Same Day 200% — Next Day 100/, Two Day 50% —Three Day 25% Date Results Needed No. of Cntrs IV? Email? No X Yes — FAX? No —Yes Sample ID Comp/Grab Matrix* Depth Date Time Remarks/Contaminant Sample # (lab only) EFFLUENT WW J-J3- q S/0 a 43- X X X. X •X X Tx. X � J � X I % L-.0 6.)i [i c -->^ "/ . b� O L {, t f;li3Lel-t,1:7j S`d-f�9... n iLL iv Tkimay- r T s �' - .3 {.. { I r T;-'. L (r,l. �L1 k1 a,ir *Matrix: SS - Soil GW - Groundwater WW - WasteWater DW - Drinking Water OT - Other Remarks: 777.z L/30 0 pH Temp Flow Other 'elinquished by: (Signature) Jcf/-`—�. Date: / 1 .. j9 Time: l�is Receiv-d by: (Signat re) i `��I j Amples returned via: LJ UPS FedEx❑Courier 0 Condition > { (lab use only) ' t - = righed b , {Sa Eu )� ... y ' Date: / i3 -0 9 Time: /Rao T T, . : �ig t ire) Temp , Bottles Received 3, tit; 5 / , COC SealInl ct he {$ k n tune) bate: /3: Time: Received for tab b (Signature � =�`w .� u .. . ,., m_i S .... pate Time � � Nf ,a.z.r .. �H.T;.. pH Checked NCF oti&V, Other A Alternate billing information: TBL Laboratory,- P.O.Box 589. Lumberton,NC 28359 Report to: Pam Hester Email: tbllab@ncrrbiz.com roject Description: ti IYN ,rt. y/State Collected 'hone: (9101738-6190 -AX: (9101671-8837 Collected Client Project #: Lab Project # by (print): Site/Facility ID#: . P.O.#: D Collected by (signature): Immediately Packed on Ice N _ Y _ Rush? (Lab MUST Be Noti`ied) Same Day 200% _ Next Day 100% _ Two Day 50% _ Three Day 25% Date Results Needed Cntrs lNA Email? _No X Yes FAX? No —Yes Sample ID Comp/Grab Matrix* Depth Date Time fit;, EFFLUENT WW l-O-Di /// - k *Matrix: SS - Soil GW - Groundwater WW - WasteWater DW - Drinking Water OT - Other Remarks: Relinquished by: (Signature) 7 i7 na lys is/Con to i ner/Preservative cV% x Pf I Chain of Custody Page 2 of Prepared by: # ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP. 12065 Lebanon Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 Phone (800) 767-5859 FAX (615) 758-5859 6 Remarks/Contaminant Sample # (lab only) 3,-2- C i/ a.-; L 2 0/S tea— P' a- id 1 r .FTAILSj. la pH Temp Flow Samples returned via: LJ UPS FedEx❑Courier ❑ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP . Pam Hester TBL Laboratory P.O. Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 Date Received January 14, 2009 Description Westpoint Sample ID EFFLUENT Collected By Collection Date 01/13/09 11:00 REPORT OF ANALYSIS 12065 Lebanon Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-5858 1-800-767-5859 Fax (615) 758-5859 Tax I.D. 62-0814289 Est. 1970 January 20, 2009 ESC Sample # : L383360-01 Site ID . Project # : TBL-19923 Parameter Result Det. Limit Units Method Date Dil. Nitrate 12. 0.10 mg/1 300.0 01/14/09 1 Nitrite 0.11 0.10 mg/1 300.0 01/14/09 1 Cyanide BDL 0.0050 mg/1 4500CN-E 01/16/09 1 Hardness BDL 30. mg/1 130.1 01/16/09 1 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.15 0.10 mg/1 350.1 01/16/09 1 Oil & Grease (Hexane Extr) BDL 5.0 mg/1 1664A 01/18/09 1 Total Phenol by 4AAP BDL 0.040 mg/1 420.1 01/16/09 1 Phosphorus,Total 1.4 0.10 mg/1 365.1 01/19/09 1 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, TKN 7.9 0.10 mg/1 351.2 01/20/09 1 Dissolved Solids 380 10. mg/1 2540C 01/17/09 1 Mercury BDL 0.00020 mg/1 245.1 01/14/09 1 Antimony 0.021 0.020 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Arsenic BDL 0.020 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Beryllium BDL 0.0020 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Cadmium BDL 0.0050 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Chromium BDL 0.010 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Copper BDL 0.020 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Lead BDL 0.0050 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Nickel BDL 0.020 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Selenium 0.021 0.020 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Silver BDL 0.010 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Titanium BDL 0.010 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Zinc 0.051 0.030 mg/1 200.7 01/14/09 1 Volatile Organics Benzene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Acrolein BDL 0.050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Bromodichloromethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Bromoform BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Bromomethane BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Carbon tetrachloride BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Chlorobenzene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Chlorodibromomethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Chloroethane BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 BDL - Below Detection Limit Det. Limit - Practical Quantitation Limit(PQL) L383360-01 (PESTICIDES/PCBS) - Dilution due to matrix L383360-01 (SV625TIC) - Dilution due to matrix Page 2 of 8 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP . Pam Hester. TBL Laboratory P.O. Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 Date Received January 14, 2009 Description Westpoint Sample ID EFFLUENT Collected By Collection Date : 01/13/09 11:00 Parameter REPORT OF ANALYSIS 12065 Lebanon Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-5858 1-800-767-5859 Fax (615) 758-5859 Tax I.D. 62-0814289 Est. 1970 January 20, 2009 ESC Sample # : L383360-01 Site ID . Project # : TBL-19923 Result Det. Limit Units Method Date Dil. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether BDL 0.050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Chloroform BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Chloromethane BDL 0.0025 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,1-Dichloroethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,1-Dichloroethene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Ethylbenzene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Methylene Chloride BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Methyl tert-butyl ether BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Naphthalene. BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Tetrachloroethene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Toluene BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Trichloroethene BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Trichlorofluoromethane BDL 0.0050 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Vinyl chloride BDL 0.0010 mg/1 624 01/17/09 1 Surrogate Recovery Toluene-d8 105. % Rec. 8260B 01/17/09 1 Dibromofluoromethane 103. % Rec. 8260B 01/17/09 1 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 101. % Rec. 8260B 01/17/09 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102. % Rec. 8260B 01/17/09 1 Pesticide/PCBs Aldrin BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Alpha BHC BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Beta BHC BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Delta BHC BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Gamma BHC BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Chlordane BDL 0.050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 4,4-DDD BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 4,4-DDE BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 4,4-DDT BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Dieldrin BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Endosulfan I BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 BDL - Below Detection Limit Det. Limit - Practical Quantitation Limit(PQL) L383360-01 (PESTICIDES/PCBS) - Dilution due to matrix L383360-01 (SV625TIC) - Dilution due to matrix Page 3 of 8 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP. Pam Hester TBL Laboratory P.O. Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 Date Received January 14, 2009 Description Westpoint Sample ID EFFLUENT Collected By Collection Date : 01/13/09 11:00 Parameter REPORT OF ANALYSIS 12065 Lebanon Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-5858 1-800-767-5859 Fax (615) 758-5859 Tax I.D. 62-0814289 Est. 1970 January 20, 2009 ESC Sample # : L383360-01 Site ID . Project # : TBL-19923 Result Det. Limit Units Method Date Dil. Endosulfan II BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Endosulfan sulfate BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Endrin BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Endrin aldehyde BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Endrin ketone BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Heptachlor BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Heptachlor epoxide BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Hexachlorobenzene BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Methoxychlor BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 Toxaphene BDL 0.10 mg/1 608 01/16/09 10 PCB 1016 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 PCB 1221 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 PCB 1232 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 PCB 1242 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 PCB 1248 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 PCB 1254 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 PCB 1260 BDL 0.0050 mg/1 608 01/15/09 10 Pest/PCBs Surrogates Decachlorobiphenyl 40.0 % Rec. 608 01/15/09 10 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 40.0 % Rec. 608 01/15/09 10 625 Base/Neutrals w/ TIC Acenaphthene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Acenaphthylene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Anthracene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzidine BDL 0.50 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzo(a)anthracene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzo(a)pyrene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Bis(2-chlorethoxy)methane BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2-Chloronaphthalene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Chrysene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Fluoranthene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Fluorene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 BDL - Below Detection Limit Det. Limit - Practical Quantitation Limit(PQL) L383360-01 (PESTICIDES/PCBS) - Dilution due to matrix L383360-01 (SV625TIC) - Dilution due to matrix Page 4 of 8 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CORP . Pam Hester TBL Laboratory P.O. Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 Date Received Description Sample ID Collected By Collection Date : Parameter January 14, 2009 Westpoint EFFLUENT 01/13/09 11:00 REPORT OF ANALYSIS 12065 Lebanon Rd. Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-5858 1-800-767-5859 Fax (615) 758-5859 Tax I.D. 62-0814289 Est. 1970 January 20, 2009 ESC Sample # : L383360-01 Site ID . Project # : TBL-19923 Result Det. Limit Units Method Date Dil. Hexachlorobenzene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Hexachloroethane BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Isophorone BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Naphthalene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Nitrobenzene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 n-Nitrosodimethylamine BDL 0.50 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Phenanthrene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Benzylbutyl phthalate BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Di-n-butyl phthalate BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Diethyl phthalate BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Dimethyl phthalate BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Di-n-octyl phthalate BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Pyrene BDL 0.010 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Acid Extractables 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2-Chlorophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2,4-Dimethylphenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2,4-Dinitrophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2-Nitrophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 4-Nitrophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Pentachlorophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Phenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BDL 0.10 mg/1 625 01/17/09 10 Surrogate Recovery 2-Fluorophenol 36.3 % Rec. 625 01/17/09 10 Phenol-d5 29.1 % Rec. 625 01/17/09 10 Nitrobenzene-d5 44.4 % Rec. 625 01/17/09 10 2-Fluorobiphenyl 55.3 % Rec. 625 01/17/09 10 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74.1 % Rec. 625 01/17/09 10 p-Terphenyl-d14 63.9 % Rec. 625 01/17/09 10 BDL - Below Detection Limit Det. Limit - Practical Quantitation Limit(PQL) Note: The reported analytical results relate only to the sample submitted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval from ESC. Reported: 01/20/09 10:44 Printed: 01/20/09 10:44 L383360-01 (PESTICIDES/PCBS) - Dilution due to matrix L383360-01 (SV62STIC) - Dilution due to matrix Page 5 of 8 Attachment A List of Analytes with QC Qualifiers Sample Work Number Group Sample Type Analyte Run ID Qualifier L383360-01 WG402331 SAMP Aldrin R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Alpha BHC R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Beta BHC R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Delta BHC R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Gamma BHC R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Chlordane R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP 4,4-DDD R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP 4,4-DDE R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP 4,4-DDT R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Dieldrin R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Endosulfan I R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Endosulfan II R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Endosulfan sulfate R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Endrin R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Endrin aldehyde R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Endrin ketone R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Heptachlor R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Heptachlor epoxide R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Hexachlorobenzene R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Methoxychlor R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP Toxaphene R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1016 R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1221 R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1232 R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1242 R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1248 R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1254 R595650 0 WG402331 SAMP PCB 1260 R595650 0J3 WG402720 SAMP Acenaphthene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Acenaphthylene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Anthracene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzidine R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzo(a)anthracene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzo(b)fluoranthene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzo(k)fluoranthene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzo(g,h,i)perylene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzo(a)pyrene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Bis(2-chlorethoxy)methane R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2-Chloronaphthalene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Chrysene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Dibenz(a,h)anthracene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2,4-Dinitrotoluene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2,6-Dinitrotoluene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Fluoranthene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Fluorene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Hexachlorobenzene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Hexachlorocyclopentadiene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Hexachloroethane R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Isophorone R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Naphthalene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Nitrobenzene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP n-Nitrosodimethylamine R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP n-Nitrosodiphenylamine R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Phenanthrene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Benzylbutyl phthalate R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Di-n-butyl phthalate R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Diethyl phthalate R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Dimethyl phthalate R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Di-n-octyl phthalate R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Pyrene R596728 0 Page 6 of 8 Attachment A List of Analytes with QC Qualifiers Sample Work Number Group Sample Type Analyte Run ID Qualifier WG402720 SAMP 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2-Chlorophenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2,4-Dichlorophenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2,4-Dimethylphenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2,4-Dinitrophenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2-Nitrophenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 4-Nitrophenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Pentachlorophenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP Phenol R596728 0 WG402720 SAMP 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol R596728 0 Page 7 of 8 Attachment B Explanation of QC Qualifier Codes Qualifier Meaning 0 (ESC) Sample diluted due to matrix interferences that impaired the ability to make an accurate analytical determination. The detection limit is elevated in order to reflect the necessary dilution. J3 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. Qualifier Report Information ESC utilizes sample and result qualifiers as set forth by the EPA Contract Laboratory Program and as required by most certifying bodies including NELAC. In addition to the EPA qualifiers adopted by ESC, we have implemented ESC qualifiers to provide more information pertaining to our analytical results. Each qualifier is designated in the qualifier explanation as either EPA or ESC. Data qualifiers are intended to provide the ESC client with more detailed information concerning the potential bias of reported data. Because of the wide range of constituents and variety of matrices incorporated by most EPA methods,it is common for some compounds to fall outside of established ranges. These exceptions are evaluated and all reported data is valid and useable unless qualified as 'R' (Rejected). Definitions Accuracy - The relationship of the observed value of a known sample to the true value of a known sample. Represented by percent recovery and relevant to samples such as: control samples, matrix spike recoveries, surrogate recoveries, etc. Precision - The agreement between a set of samples or between duplicate samples. Relates to how close together the results are and is represented by Relative Percent Differrence. Surrogate - Organic compounds that are similar in chemical composition, extraction, and chromotography to analytes of interest. The surrogates are used to determine the probable response of the group of analytes that are chem- ically related to the surrogate compound. Surrogates are added to the sample and carried through all stages of preparation and analyses. TIC - Tentatively Identified Compound: Compounds detected in samples that are not target compounds, internal standards, system monitoring compounds, or surrogates. Page 8 of 8 Shi in : 2401 W. 5th St. Lumberton NC 28358 TBL WESTPOINT STEVENS POST OFFICE 388 WAGRAM, NC 28396- Attn: RONALD LOCKLEAR SAMPLE NUMBER- 49241 DATE SAMPLED- 01/13/09 DATE RECEIVED- 01/13/09 TIME RECEIVED- 1215 Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS Mailin : Pa Box 589 Lumberton, NC 28359 IMO FINAL REPORT OF ANALYSES Phone: 910-738-6190 Fax: 910-671-8837 Email: tbll ncrrbiz.ccem PROJECT NAME: REPORT DATE: 01 / 21 / 0 9 SAMPLE ID- EFFLUENT LOCATION- NOT SPECIFIED SAMPLER- FRED LOCKELAR DELIVERED BY- JOHNNY HESTER ANALYSIS METHOD DATE BY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND SM5210B CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND 8000 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS SM2540D FECAL COLIFORM-MEMBRANE FILTER SM9222D 01/13/09 TLH 01/18/09 TC 01/13/09 TC 01/13/09 TC SAMPLE MATRIX- WW TIME SAMPLED- 0800 RECEIVED BY- THK RESULT UNITS 21.8 MG/L 188 MG/L 50.0 MG/L 34 COL,/100 ML QUAL DET. CODE LIMIT LABORATORY DIRECTOR '-sue NCDENR DWQ # 37, NCDENR DW # 3 7 7 81 2.0 10.0 0.1 1 DENR-FRO Ar7_ DEC 1 8 2008. NCDENR bwQ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director Mr. Yancy D. Helton Westpoint Home Inc P.O. Box 338 Wagram, NC Dear Permittee: 28396-0338 December 17, 2008 Subject: Renewal Notice NPDES Permit NC0005762 Wagram,plant Scotland County Your NPDES permit expires on July 31, 2009. Federal (40 CFR 122.41) and North Carolina (15A NCAC 2H.0105 (e)) regulations state that permit renewal applications must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration of the current permit. If you have already mailed your renewal application, you may disregard this notice. Your renewal package must be sent to the Division postmarked no later than February 1, 2009. Failure to request renewal by this date may result in a civil penalty assessment. Larger penalties may be assessed depending upon the delinquency of the request. If any wastewater discharge will occur after July 31, 2009, the current permit must be renewed. Discharge of wastewater without a valid permit would violate North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1; unpermitted discharges of wastewater may be assessed civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If all wastewater discharge has ceased at your facility and you wish to rescind this permit, contact me at the telephone number or address listed below. Use the enclosed checklist to complete your renewal package. The checklist identifies the items you must submit with the permit renewal application. If you have any questions, please contact me at the telephone number or e-mail address listed below. cc: Central Files F4aretteville Regio- nal Office;SUiface.-Water Protection NPDES File Sincerely, 1,407 Charles H. Weaver, Jr. NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919 807-6391 / FAX 919 807-6495 / charles.weaver@ncmail.net NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NPDES PERMIT NC0005762 WA GRAM PLANT SCOTLAND COUNTY - The following items are REQUIRED for all renewal packages: ➢ A cover letter requesting renewal of the permit and documenting any changes at the facility since issuance of the last permit. Submit one signed original and two copies. > The completed application form (copy attached), signed by the permittee or an Authorized Representative. Submit one signed original and two copies. > If an Authorized Representative (such as a consulting engineer or environmental consultant) prepares the renewal package, written documentation must be provided showing the authority delegated to any such Authorized Representative (see Part II.B.11.b of the existing NPDES permit). > A narrative description of the sludge management plan for the facility. Describe how sludge (or other solids) generated during wastewater treatment are handled and disposed. If your facility has no such plan (or the permitted facility does not generate any solids), explain this in writing. Submit one signed original and two copies. The following items must be submitted by any Municipal or Industrial facilities discharging process wastewater: Industrial facilities classified as Primary Industries (see Appendices A-D to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 122) and ALL Municipal facilities with a permitted flow >_ 1.0 MGD must submit a Priority Pollutant Analysis (PPA) in accordance with 40 CFR Part 122.21. The above requirement does NOT apply to privately owned facilities treating 100% domestic wastewater, or facilities which discharge non process wastewater (cooling water, filter backwash, etc.) Send the completed renewal package to: Mrs. Dina Sprinkle NC DENR / DWQ / Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617