HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021873_PT HWA approval_20210903DocuSign Envelope ID: CB9C0971-DC56-42C4-B020-CA6D6922FE48 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 3, 2021 Via email: mhopper@mayodannc.org Town of Mayodan Attn: Melessa Hopper, Town Manager P.O. Box 1279 Mayodan, NC 27012 Subj ect: Pretreatment Review of Headworks Analysis Program: Town of Mayodan NPDES Permit No: NC0021873- Mayodan WWTP Rockingham County Dear Ms. Hopper: The Municipal Unit of the Division of Water Resources has reviewed the Headworks Analysis (HWA) for the Town of Mayodan for its wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) working under the NPDES Permit No NC0021873. The HWA was initially received by the Division on August 24, 2020, followed by more information and revisions received on May 10, 2021, and July 30, 2021. We regret the delay in providing this review. The Division concurs with the HWA calculations for all pollutants of concern, with the updates, corrections, and observations discussed below. These approved Maximum Allowable Headworks Loadings (MAHLs), Maximum Allowable Industrial Loadings (MAILs), and the basis for these values are found on the last page of the enclosed HWA and Allocation Table (AT) spreadsheet, which has the updates and corrections marked. Please feel free to contact the Municipal Unit if you have any questions or concerns about the changes outlined below. All corrected spreadsheets were emailed to you for your files, with the changes highlighted. Please ensure to replace or update POTW's HWA AT spreadsheets and supporting documents with these approved ones. 1. HWA Updates and Corrections a. Arsenic and Molybdenum Water Quality Stream Standards: The HWA was updated to use the site -specific water quality standards (WQS) for Arsenic, 150 ug/1. The WQS for Molybdenum was updated to 2 mg/1, corresponding to the WQS for human health (See Attached 2018 RPA). b. Sludge Calculations: When the HWA was first submitted did not apply the 40 CFR 503 Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge as the POTW's sludge program was transitioning to use a third party to land apply the POTW's sludge. By August 2021, the POTW's agreement with Synagro has been finalized; therefore, the HWA was updated to calculate allowable loads based on the sludge ceiling standards from Synagro's sludge permit and Mayodan's data from Synagro's Annual Sludge. When POTWs generate sludge disposed of by land application or compost by a third party, the generating POTW is still responsible for compliance with 40 CFR 403 Pretreatment and 40 CFR 503 Standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge. The POTWs must develop Sludge Allowable Headworks £ D_E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: CB9C0971-DC56-42C4-B020-CA6D6922FE48 Loadings (AHLs) using 40 CFR 503 standards in their Headworks Analysis (HWA) and include 40 CFR 503 parameters in their Long/Short Term Monitoring Plans (L/STMPs) c. AT Calculations: The flow permit limit for Strum, Ruger & Company, pipe number 0001 was corrected from 0.36 MGD to 0.0360 MGD, as outlined in the approved March 10, 2021, industrial user permit (IUP). d. Mercury: The removal rate was changed to 0.01%. Additional sampling for influent and effluent mercury began in May. Submit the updated spreadsheets upon recalculating the HWA AT with the 2021 mercury results by July 26, 2022. 2. Next HWA Due date: The HWA approved today is based on DMR/LTMP data for the period of March 2016 through June 2020. Unless conditions at the POTW change significantly and thus warrant an earlier submittal (see Comprehensive Guide, Section B), the POTW must submit an updated site -specific HWA by October 1, 2025. Regardless of this approval action today, within 180 days of the effective date of any reissued/modified NPDES permit, the Permittee would be required to submit to the Division a written technical evaluation of the need to revise local limits (i.e., an updated HWA or documentation of why one is not needed) NNPDES Permit Section D, 4.1. This action may include revising, updating, or adding to the list of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) and/or modifying SIU Industrial User Pretreatment Permit (IUP) limits. In addition, any executed Special Order of Consent (SOC) conditions or requirements related to pretreatment or pretreatment program updates must be complied with separately from this approval action. Federal and State pretreatment regulations require the local delegated pretreatment program to effectively control and document the discharge of wastewater from Significant/Categorical Industrial Users to the POTW. It is the POTW's responsibility to ensure that these objectives are consistently met. Thank you for your continued support of the Pretreatment Program. If you have any questions or comments, please contact my staff Diana [diana.yitbarek@ncdenr.gov], the Pretreatment Coordinator Keyes [keyes.mcgee@ncdenr.gov], or the Unit Supervisor, Michael at [michael.montebello@ncdenr.gov]. Sincerely, ,-DocuSigned by: �C464531431644FE... for S. Daniel Smith, Director Division of Water Resources dy/Mayodan hwa_august_202 1 Attachments: 2021 Approved HWA-AT 2020 Dissolved Metals Calculator Sheet 2018 RPA Input Sheet from NPDES Permit Renewal Fact Sheet cc with attachments: Nadine Blackwell, Pretreatment Coordinator Jim Gonsiewski, Winston-Salem Regional Office Municipal Unit File and Central Files (Laserfiche)