HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020656_Pump Station Bypass_20051031[Fwd: pump station bypass at Leith Creek WWTP] Subject: [Fwd: pump station bypass at Leith Creek WWTP] From: Dawn Jeffries <dawn.jeffiies@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 15:10:22 -0500 To: Belinda Henson<Belinda.Henson@ncmail.net> Belinda, I'm forwarding this to you for Joe. He's having an e-mail problem. I hope you are well! Dawn Jeffries Subject: RE: pump station bypass at Leith Creek WWTP From: Joe Corporon <joe.corporon@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 14:54:34 -0500 To: Dawn Jeffries <Dawn.Jeffries@ncmail.net> CC: Gil Vinzani <Gil.Vinzani@ncmail.net>, Susan A Wilson <Susan.A.Wilson@ncmail.net> MEMO TO: Belinda Henson, FRO FROM: Joe Corporon, NPDES East Belinda - I have received your memo dated 250ct concerning the 1,500,000-gallon wastewater bypass at the pump station for the Leith Creek WWTP on 01Aug05. I have discussed this with the NPDES staff and we concur that it is appropriate that DWQ assess the Permittee for "/failure to properly operate and maintain/" under boilerplate Part II, Sec. C2. We note with interest that the part-time operator, alleged to have intentionally shut off the alarm, is not state -certified and therefore has no personal liability under a state license. Given this, the permit monitoring conditions, and reasonable doubt that the facility could have prevented the spill despite the alarm disconnect, we feel $1,000 is a fitting fine consistent with similar responsibilities and first-time infractions under this rule. That being said, you may expect Central Office to look disapprovingly at any future request by the Permittee to rescind or excuse any portion of this fine following a 1.5-million-gallon loss of untreated wastewater. j rc Content -Type: message/rfc822 RE: pump station bypass at Leith Creek WWTP .emir Content -Encoding: 8bit 1 of 1 11/7/2005 3:00 PM MEMO To: Joe Corporon, NPDES Unit, Surface Water Protection Section From: Belinda S. Henson, Fayetteville Regional Office 44ulexpi 96,11y0 Date: October 25, 2005 Subject: Bypass at Leith Creek WWTP Enclosed is copies of the correspondence we have for the bypass that occurred at Laurinburg Leith Creek WWTP-NC0020656 in Scotland County August 1, 2005. The facility reported to our office August 1, 2005 a spill of 1,500,000 gallons from the influent pump station of untreated wastewater that bypassed the plant's treatment system and discharged into Leith Creek. The influent pump station auto dialer alarm was disabled by staff which would have alerted high levels of influent into the pump station. This appeared to be negligence on the part of the facility. We submitted an NOV to the facility and they did respond (enclosed). We are requesting that an enforcement with a civil penalty be assessed for this incident. We would appreciate any assistance with this assessment since we have not in the past had experience with this type of assessment. bsh William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality September 12, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Robert Ellis, Treatment Plants Director City of Laurinburg PO Box 249 Laurinburg, NC 28353 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Bypass at Leith Creek WWTP Permit Number NC0020656 Scotland County Dear Mr. Ellis: On August 1, 2005, Mike Lawyer of our office received a call from Ms. Sherri Monroe of your staff reporting that an overflow had occurred that morning from the lift station located at the Leith Creek WWTP (NC0020656). According to Ms. Monroe, a total of 1,500,000 gallons of untreated sewage bypassed the plant's treatment processes with approximately 1,000,000 gallons entering Leith Creek. The cause of the bypass as reported by Ms. Monroe was due to heavy amounts of rain in a short period of time as well as pump station equipment failure. The large volume of sewage that was lost was attributed to the fact that the Leith Creek WWTP is not staffed twenty-four hours a day and that although the overflow probably began sometime during the night before, it was not discovered until the following morning when staff arrived at around 7:00am. It was relayed to Ms. Monroe that a written report would need to be sent to this office within five days pertaining to the exact cause and details of the bypass. Don Register and Mike Lawyer of this office made a visit to the Leith Creek WWTP on the afternoon of August 1, 2005. This visit was conducted to physically assess the situation, speak with staff at the plant regarding the events and document the affected areas with photographs. During this visit it was discussed that the pumps that send excess flow to the equalization basin failed to operate due to starter malfunctions, which in turn caused the overflow. Mr. Register inquired as to why these pumps were not equipped with telemetry in order•to alert staff during such situations. Staff responded that this would be considered. A few days after the August 1, 2005 event, you had a conversation with Mr. Register concerning some of thedetails of the bypass. You expressed that the influent station was indeed equipped with an auto -dialer, which transmits to the water plant first and then to the police department and that you were trying to find out who acknowledged the call. Upon further investigation, you discovered that someone on your staff had intentionally deactivated the telemetry system Nortl,carolina Naturally 225 Green Street — Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 Phone (910) 486-1541 Customer Service FAX (910) 486-0707 1-877-623-6748 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10`10 Post Consumer Paper Mr. Ellis Page 2 September 12, 2005 preventing it from notifying personnel who could have responded and minimized the extent of the overflow or possibly prevented the bypass altogether. This information was relayed to me by telephone and also included with the five-day report that our office received on August 5, 2005. Please refer to Section C, Item 2 of your permit, which states in part: The Permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance resources necessary to operate the existing facilities at optimum efficiency. The Permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by.the Permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. Please refer to Section C, Item 4c(1) of your permit, which states in part: Bypass from the treatment facility is prohibited and the Permit Issuing Authority may take enforcement action against a Permittee for bypass, unless: (A) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage; (B) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as -the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. As a response to this Notice of Violation, you are asked to submit to this office a written Plan of Action (POA) to be received on or before September 30, 2005. This POA should include at a minimum your plans to prevent such a bypass from occurring in the future. Please be advised that this notice does not prevent the Division of Water Quality from taking enforcement actions for the violation as noted, or for any past or future violations. The Division of Water Quality has the authority to levy a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 per day per violation. If you have any questions, please contact me at 910-486-1541. Sincerely, Belinda S. Henson Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section BSH: ML/ml cc: DWQ Central Files Fayetteville NPDES Files (NC0020656) Don Register, Fayetteville Regional Office Mike Lawyer, Fayetteville Regional Office of Czutrii*t.va OFFICE OF THE TREATMENT PLANTS DIRECTOR September 27, 2005 Ms. Belinda S. Henson Regional Supervisor: Surface Water. Protection Section 225 Green Street - Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC- 28301-5043 Re: Response to Notice of Violation Bypass At Leith Creek WVf Permit Number NC0020656 Scotland County.... .. Dear Ms: Henson: In response to your letter dated September for all staff to follow in hopes to prevent: o' new daily log sheets,for the Mam anc -"y- action with all employees' signatures a Sincerely, Robert A. Ellis Treatment PIants Director Cc: Craig F. Honeycutt, City Manager SEP 2 9 2005 b3621 Alf America City 11111, 1956 2 3 1967 12,'2005.we have, developed a Plan of Action bows inthe future. We :have enclosed our mp Stations and also our written plan of o follow the plan: 603 LAI1i;HWnni1 npJVF . P n -rmy 940 * T ATTDTATDTmn 1T n nnil-tl _ . __ . Plan of Action Leith Creek WWTP Main and E.Q. Pump Station 1) Physically check both stations, daily record status. 2) Wet Well in E.Q. Pump Station Water Level as low as possible. '/z of pump exposed (out of water) 3) All floats tested & operating properly. 4) Auto dialer tested and operating properly. (i.e. On Monday's staff will simulate an alarm to call -out. Tuesday — Fridays, staff will call auto dialer to checkstatus and record.) 5) When nigh water alarm is present, contact the Director to determine what actions to initiate. First personnel to observe high water alarm should stay on -site until an additional personnel arrives. 'station site. 6) I will never disable an auto dialer at any pump I agree to follow this plan of action to help prevent. future sanitary sewer overflows. Robert A. Ellis, Director Cale Pevey (Operator Training) Burl Cox (Operator) James McQueen (Plant Maintenance Worker) Ricky Odom (Chief Operator WWTP) Month Leith Creek WWTP Main Pump Station Day Emp. Pump #1 Pump #2 ' Pump #3 . Pump #4 Control Float Pump Station -Control Float EQ Basin Sump Pump I Initials Status Status Status Status Status Status Status AMIPM AM/PM AMIPM . AMWPM AM/PM AMIPM AM/PM 1 I / I. / . 2 / / l-.. I 3 / I / 4 / / / / 5 / / I l 6 / I I . 7 / / I l 8 I 1 I / 9 - I _ - I I.. / 10 I / l 11 / / I• / 12 I I I I 13 / 1 I I 14 / I / / 15 / / / / 16 / I I I 17 / / I l 18 / l / I 19 I .1 I / 20 / I / / 21 I I / I 22 / I l I 23 / / I / 24 / I I l 25 I I I l 26 / 1 I I 27 I I / / 28 / I / / 29 / / / I 30 I I I I 31 I / / / (1) Primed ( (2) Needed Priming (3) Floats Ok (4) Floats Failed (5) Electric Ok (6) Electric Failure Leith Creek Spill chain of events Subject: Leith Creek Spill chain of events From: Don Register <Don.Register@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:26:45 -0400 To: Belinda Henson <Belinda.Henson@ncmail.net> 1. The influent pump station autodialer alarm was disabled by the "on call" employee because of anticipated pump station high level alarms. 2. The three E.Q. basin submersible pumps were inoperable because the starters had tripped causing the overflow of the wet well. 3.. Water was forced to fill the e.q. wet well to test the pumps and the pumps operated o.k in the manual position. 4. When the pump selector switch was placed in "auto" and the wet well filled to test again, it -was found that the influent channel had to be at high level (determined by ball float in the influent channel) before the e.q. wet well system (pumps and floats) had power to operate. 5. The complete system was tested again by simulating a high flow situation and the culprit was discovered to be the high level float that powered the e.q. pump station and controls. The float was dancing in the channel from turbulence, quickly turning the power on and off, and this is what was making the starters trip off. The float was replaced with a "weightedfloat" to increase stability to prevent this problem. It is still not understood why the float is needed to control the power instead of leaving the power on constantly. Staff said they would consult with their engineers to answer this "power" question. , 1 of 1 8/25/2005 3:29 PM a. Form WWTP-BYPASS/UPSET Treatment Plant-(WWTP) Bypass/Upset Reporting Form 5 Day Report PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the unanticipated bypass or upset. Permit Number : NC0020656 (Always use treatment plant permit number) Facility: Leith Creek WWTP Owner: City of Laurinburg City: Laurinburg Incident # 200502026 Region: Fayetteville County: Scotland SPECIFIC location of the treatment units bypassed or where the upset occurred in the facility: main pump station at plant Was the WWTP compliant with permit requirements? El Yela s No 0 Unknown Was samples be taken during bypass?: I=IYes El No Incident Started Dt: 08/01/05 Time: 07:00 AM `.'Incident End Dt: 08/01/05 Time: 07:20 AM Unknown" (mm-dd-yyyy) . hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) Estimated volume of the Bypass/Upset. 1500000 gallons Describe how the volume was determined: Calculated Area Weather conditions during bypass/upset event: Excessive rainfall Did Bypass/Upset reach surface waters? 0 Ye El No 0 Unknown Surface water name. Did the bypass/upset result in a fish kill? IllYes �No 'Unknown SPECIFIC cause(s) of the Bypass/Upset: Severe Natural ConditionPump Station Equipment Failure. 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) Mike Lawyer hh:mm AM/PM Volume reached surface waters (gallons): 1000000 0 DWQ 0 Emergency Mgmt. If Yes, estimated number of fish killed? Date and Tlme: 2005-08-01 09:30:00 AM WWTP-Bypass/Upset Form August 22, 2005 10:29 AM Page 1 Form WWTP-BYPASS/UPSET Treatment Plant (WWTP) Bypass/Upset Reporting Form 5 Day Report PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE INCIDENT AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Severe Natural Condition Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail? 4.7 inches of rain from 7/27-7/31/2005 How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? Comments: Pump Station Equipment Failure What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto-dialer/telemetry (one-way communication) Audible Visual SCADA (two-way communication) Emergency Contact Signage Other Describe the equipment that failed? Thermal Overload Heaters tripped out pumps in EQ Pump Station.' What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e: pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? High Water power failure Were notification/alarm systems operable? 0 Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes El Yes Yes ❑ No ❑ NA El NE WWTP-Bypass/Upset Form August 22, 2005 10:29 AM Page 2 If no, explain: If a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed? 7/31/2005 What specifically was checked/maintained? Routine Maintenence If a valve failed, when was it last exercised? Were all pumps set to alternate? Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? NA If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? How? 06/29/2005 High water alarm Comments: 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes IN No DNA ❑ NE 0 Yes ❑ No El NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 NA ❑ NE As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Robert Ellis Signature: Title Telephone Number: 08/03/05 12:00 AM Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the Bypass with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). WWTP-Bypass/Upset Form August 22, 2005 10:29 AM Page 3 08/05/2005 13:26 FAX 910 277 3633 LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. lj 001 Did the SSO result in a fish kill? Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : Q020/Q 5 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use Facility: Lei'rti eRFEK (tjj'TP Owner e,1Tx/ 11F LnugiNIBL462, city Lki 21111� t)4G treatment plant NC/WQ#) Incident # = 0O502G2 , Region: F I Yr7rv'leuE County: SICON D Source of SSO (check applicable) : Sanitary Sewer Pump Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent Irk description pm past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at.Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : Fj.Ui t1T flt.u-np Si-ATint•I Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude(degrees/minute/seconcl)- Incident Started Dt _ g I 1 12 O 5 Time. l OO Aril Incident End Dt e) I I 2 co (mm•dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Time ` A m (mm�dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: 1 ) C OCj) OOp gallonsEstimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 2O Illy Describe how the volume was determined: 6/6 Diu QQ tpe J)i Weather conditions during SSO event: _ akC P,3r t!F _RA rill FALL, Did SSO reach surface waters? tYes ONo ID Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons):`' Surface water name: LE/ ru C2eeg aQU, QC�/) Yes 0 SPECIFIC caue(s) of the SSO: Severe Natural Condition 0 Inflow and Infiltration 0 Vandalism Immediate 24-hour verbal notification reported to: Eer DWQ 0 Emergency Mgmt. m Unknown 0 Grease Er Pump Station Equipment Failure Debris in line If Yes, what Is the estimated number of fish killed? Roots 0 Power outage Other (Please explain in Part II) Date (mm-dd-yyyy): - 1 260.11 Time (hh:ml•n AM/PM): 36 .411 If an SSO is ongoing,, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped.; Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage In the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division Within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, make enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that i 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 1 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 LAURINBURG {RATER PLANT. 16 002 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer 'Dverfloinr Reporting Form . PART .I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE ; Not Evaluated A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Severe Natural Condition (hurricane, tornado, etc.) Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail. 4 7 Te/pesor 69/N Am flA7 7/31jz0D5 How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? Comments: Grease (Documentation such as cleaning, inspections, enforcement actions, past overflow reports, educational material and distribution date, etc. should be available upon request) When was the last time this specific line (or wet well) was cleaned? Do you have an enforceable grease ordinance that requires new or retrofit of grease traps/interceptors? Have there been recent inspections and/or enforcement actions taken on nearby restaurants or other nonresidential grease contributors? Explain. Have there been other SSOs or blockages in this area that were also caused by grease? When? If yes, describe them: ❑Yes1i No DNA DNE T'� OYesD NoONAONE ❑YeJ J No DNA ONE Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location? Explain. DYesD No DNA ONE 1- CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 2 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. 41003 Have educational materials about grease been distributed in the past? DKasD No DNA ONE When? and to whom? Explain? If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease • accumulation? Were the floats clean? °Ye's0 No DNA ONE Comments: Roots Do you have an active root control program? Describe Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location because of roots? Explain: What corrective actions have been accomplished at the SSO location (and surrounding system if associated with the SSO)? ❑YesO No DNA ONE ❑YesD No DNA ONE What corrective actions are planned at the SSO location tb reduce root intrusion? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? If Yes. when? Comments: DYesD No DNA DNE Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that addresses I/I? CJY ,No DNA ONE CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 3 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 Explain if Yes: LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. I.gi UU4 What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate 18, I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? NONE Has there been any flow studies to determine I/I problems in the collection system at the SSO location? YesD No DNA ONE If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? . -Dnrc U /012bi i — i/D Not' 1Th nl - A/sly i$E gaybp .2 X Goctrraty Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? ❑Yasuo No DNA ONE If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there I/I related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? a/asu No DNA DNE If Yes, explain: 4)C Pie" 7o 7114J 4p/;R5 71) 714 Ze/bCE e2tEK -Thi-exceploie Have there been any grant or loan applications for I/I reduction projects? ii2c142No ONA ONE If Yes, explain: WE PflVC Appl'E%) Fvi 6kiw] 717kcit )�o�Gs l[�Chu2('1��v.�. :5CIG7.�/j/QT' Funfloeu) Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? ❑YesiC o DNA ONE If Yes, explain: Have all Iines•contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? `U' YesD No DNA ONE If Yes, explain: xikt Sl c b i'1J . )o. -i, What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future WI related SSOs at this location? Onkti►u..12 L 5 Nfl *2e c2 U-e4sJ•O.ar �ZuGS Comments: Pump Station Equipment Failure (Documentation of testing, records etc., shout be provided upon request.) What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto-dialer/telemetry (one-way communication) tJYes CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 i page • 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 Audible Visual SCADA (two-way communication) Emergency Contact Signage Other LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. Yes 6°1:Ye Dyes Oyes ClYes Describe the equipment that failed? 14egiro OveR/09 1/6fiTE.g5 7,6p/9e7) Oar iquip 64 ilxar tifvy What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? Alt WATER -,.-Poiceiz FAILIARE Were notification/alarm systems operable? igen No DNA ONE If no, explain: If a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed? 1 :31165 What specifically was checked/maintained? A E. MA-2-0'765/1-A)ce:- If a valve failed, when was it last exercised? Were all pumps set to alternate? Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? VesO No DNA ONE ClYesiNo DNA EINE 1211' en No ONA ONE plien No I2 ONE i• If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? How? 0-5/0-r fl-r6/1 kTEE_ Comments: CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 5 • 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 LAtiRINBURG WATER PLANT. lQ 006 Power outage (Documentation of testing, records, etc., should be provided of alternative power source upon request.) What is your alternate power or pumping source? Did it function -properly? ❑Pest No DNA ONE Describe? When was the alternate power or pumping source last tested under load? If caused by a weather event, how much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken to prepare for the event? Comments: Vandalism Provide police report number: Was the site secured? If Yes, how? Have there been previous problems with vandalism at the SSO location? If Yes, explain: ❑Y4O No ONA ❑NE ❑Yes0 No DNA ONE What security measures have been put in place to prevent similar occurrences In the future? Comments: Debris in line (Rocks, sticks, rags and other items not allowed in the collection system, etc.) What type of debris has been found in the line? ❑YesD No ONA ONE LI How could it have gotten there? Are manholes in the area secure and intact? DNA ONE CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 6 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 When was the area last checked/cleaned? LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. IJUUT Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? EYesD No DNA ONE Explain: Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar ❑Yes'.J No DNA ONE occurrences? Comments: Other (Pictures and a police report should be available upon request.) Describe: Were adequate equipment and resources available to fix the problem? ❑YesD No DNA ONE If Yes, explain: If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Comments: For DWQ Use Only DWQ Requested an Additional Written Report: If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed: Comments: ❑Yea J No DNA ONE CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 7 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. iaj u u tf Asa representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 4., Date: o /o3 /oS Person submitting claim: 9't3 -i [v_i 5 Signature: ..44.L._rd.,:k Title: Ti A-' i- iCNr � TS 4 :c—s Telephone Number: 9 ICU 0;1 i 4- Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electrdnic entry of this form is completed, if used). K E ou t=c-c5 c� !t s * S 12u Eb kr 7 !DO <t-•,-- AKN 0..E46-6 siir 7: ,4Fr ..gin/ C. c. �n • 1- -t c' VW- C'J GAL W 1.3eGAIV S u AJ Ki+Jel . FTC- 1�+2m z - i� cs7y4644-zokI r1.. I W D J� G 1 V� 1J� IE✓ b l Ff k- 41-4rb wit j tb4;s 4-Ap2a4 3Cc/frc36 o xCGss,i c. t-6ocv % f�-1-s E-1'7P -oycc: HAs EL-- "PRIMAabE-6 AN' 'F1•=°P- 6 ba6: -r^ N ;1 A•4-kTD . CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 8 08/05/2005 13:27 FAX 910 277 3633 LAURINBURG WATER PLANT. Lg 0 PRESS RELEASE Notice of Discharge of Untreated Sewage The City of Laurinburg had a discharge of untreated sewage from our Influent Pump Station at Leith Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 525 Hall Street. The discharge was first discovered on August 1, 2005 at 7:00 A.M. and had ceased at 7:20 A.M. with approximately 1,500,000 gallons reported. This discharge was the result of excessive rainfall within our area and equipment failure_ The Division o,r Water. Quality was notified of the event on August 1, 2005 and is reviewing the matter. This press release was required by North Carolina General Statutes Article 21 Chapter 143.2i15.C. For information contact the City of Laurinburg at (910) 277-0214. search Page 1 of 2 24 Hours 'Delete 24 Hour Details 5 Day Details 10 Day Details Questions Agencies Permit : Facility Name : Leith Creek WWTP Owner : City of Laurinburg City : Laurinburg 08/01/2005 *Bypass/Upset Start Date/Time: *Est. Volume in gallons: 1500000 107:00 am Report Received: 1-68751/-2005 Report Entered: 108/01/2005 *Did Bypass/Upset reach Surface Water? '01 Yes No Unknown Est Volume: 0000000 *Fish Killed? Yes No `;?'" Unknown Est Fish Killed? Other WaterBody: !Leith Creek (Johns Pond) - 14-33 Incident Number County : Scotland Region : Fayetteville 5 Day Details *Bypass/Upset Start Date/Time: *End Date/Time: [ *Est. Volume in gallons: Report Received: Received: I *Did Bypass/Upset reach Surface Water? Yes -2 No Unknown *Fish Killed? (C Yes C No -, Unknown Other WaterBody: Regional Contact : ---Select County : *Location of Units being Bypassed? . main pump station at plant Req Comments: Duration: Report Entered: Entered: _ _ _ Est. Volume:1 Est. Fish Killed? A Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm am): ---Select Value--- City :Laurinburg Specific Cause (check all that Apply) Severe Natural Condition Ei Vandalism il Pump Station Equipment Failure i. Power outage 0 Other (Please explain in Part II) For DWQ Use Only: Ei Construction 0 Maintenance DI Upsets http://b ims . enr. state .n c.us : 7001 /selectOneIncident. do?id=3M05FMYGO 02E2WM4CQOAODAAVG& action... 8/1/2005 search Finish Cancel • Page 2 of 2 http://bims. enr. state.nc.us:7001 /selectOneIncident. do?id=3M05FMYG002E2 WM4CQOAODAAVG&action... 8/ 1 /2005 . --r—z'~,~~ � Select Incidents Incident Type |—Select va|ue'— ' | | Edit |��'v�wReport 9items found, displaying all items. |Action Type Date | Bypass L _. SSO 2001'08- 15 z5:z5:OO.O SSO 2001'00' z7 SSO 2001'01' Z6 O9:0OM.O SSO SSO ^ SSO �SS0 �� Incident Permit # Region m 200113794 NCO020656 Fayetteville 200113412 NCO020050 Fayetteville Scotland Launnburg City of Leith Lovnnbu,u Creek WWTP County City Liable- Facility Location La%ito. Owner Park Drive Scotland Launnburg City of Leith 4th Street & Lauhnbung Creek Church vxvvTp Stnyet.SO0 Hall St. Old animal 200112260 mCO020056 Fayetteville Scotland Lauhnbvng City of Leith Launnbu,u Creek WWTP Cleveland St. manhole. SSO 2000,01' 200019579 NCO020656 Fayetteville Scotland Launnbum City of Leith Bridge ZO Laminbunn Creek Creek Pump 07:30:00.0 VVVYTP Station Elm Street Extension, behind St. ' Andrews ` Presbyterian Church. Display Reports Select Incidents Page 1 of 2 j Incident Type : ---Select Value -- Create Edit I View Report 28 items found, displaying all items. 1 Action Type Date Incident Permit # Region County City Liable Facility Location Lat Owner SSO 2005-08- 200502175 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg 2015 Lake 16 Laurinburg Collection Drive 12:00:00.0 System I SSO 2005-07- 200502016 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg US HWY 401 35. 31 Laurinburg Collection Bus 17080 09:30:00.0 System Wagram Road, pump station #1 . SSO 2005-07- 200501920 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg 2212 Elm 35. ``-' 15 Laurinburg Collection Avenue Pump 07:00:00.0 System Station #19 SSO 2005-07- 200501798 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg 1721 Berwick 34. 05 Laurinburg Collection Drive Bridge 00:00:00.0 System Creek Pump Station 4:511 SSO 2004-12- 200402767 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Manhole on 22 Laurinburg Collection McKay St. at 13:00:00.0 System Morris Funeral Home ,. SSO 2004-10- 200402432 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg 5 B Purcell 29 Laurinburg Collection Road 10:00:00.0 System I' zl SSO r;o,�S000.6�L �:aveF'""�'tieviTl'e, Scotland u fiitrlir SSO 2004-09- 200401848 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Lila Drive 08 Laurinburg Collection 11:00:00.0 System SSO 2004-09- 200401846 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Caledonia/Old 08 Laurinburg Collection Lumberton 09:00:00.0 System Road SSO 2004-09- 200401845 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Cypress 08 Laurinburg Collection Street 08:00:00.0 System SSO 2004-09- 200401841 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Bridge Creek 08 Laurinburg Collection Pump Station 07:20 : 00.0 System SSO 2004-09- 200401847 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg College Park 08 Laurinburg Collection 07:00:00.0 System SSO 2004-06- 200401172 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Pump Station 11 Laurinburg Collection #19 at Elm 09:20:00.0 System Avenue SSO 2004-05- 200400982 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg . City of Laurinburg manhole near 10 Laurinburg Collection RR tracks just 08:30:00.0 System before entering http://bims.enr.state.nc.us:7001 /incidents/pages/SelectIncident.j sp?reachedSurfaceWater=&cleanupCompl... 10/25/2005 Display Reports Page 2 of 2 : I1a1/4 =�z zs Ir SSO 2003-11- 05 11:00:00.0 SSO 2003-11- 05 10:30:00.0 SSO 2003-07- 02 11:30:00.0 SSO SSO SSO SSO Ij SSO C4H)- I i 2003-07- 01 08:00:00.0 2003-06- 24 12:30:00.0 2003-05- 07 09:00:00.0 200300187 200300188 18905 19009 18785 18315 SSO 2003-01- 16555 14 14:00:00.0 SSO 2002-12- 16355 17 11:15:00.0 SSO 2002-10- 15981 20 16:50:00.0 SSO 2002-10- 15819 08 10:30:00.0 SSO SSO 2002-07- 15376 12 00:00:00.0 2002-01- 14464 17 10:00:00.0 WQCS00062 WQCS00062 WQCS00062 +t9S'000.2 WQCS00062 WQCS00062 WQCS00062 Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Scotland Laurinburg Scotland Laurinburg Scotland Laurinburg -eoblan rinburg City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Fayetteville =e0 Ian La�au inbu g WQCS00062 Fayetteville WQCS00062 Fayetteville WQCS00062 Fayetteville WQCS00062 Fayetteville WQCS00062 Fayetteville WQCS00062 Fayetteville Laurinburg Collection System Laurinburg Collection System Laurinburg Collection System Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System Scotland Laurinburg City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System Scotland Laurinburg Scotland Laurinburg WWTP Located at EQ basin at WWTP. EQ Basin liner 35. (Hall Street Extension) Outfall line near Caldonia Road and Leith Crek. Pump Station # 19 Elm Avenue Main Street and McGirts Bridge Road Gill Street and Cleveland Street Gill Street and Cleveland Street Behind Food Lion on north side, Aberdeen Rd. Pump station #5B on Purcell Rd. 12171. Pump Station force main #5 on Mistletoe Dr. City of Laurinburg 512-514 First Laurinburg Collection Street System City of Laurinburg Laurinburg Collection System Gill Street & Cleveland Street ditch crossing. Export options: Excel I XML I CSV http://bims.enr.state.nc.us:7001 /incidents/pages/SelectIncident.j sp?reachedSurfaceWater=&cleanupCompl... 10/25/2005 search Page 1 of 2 SSO Details 24 Hour Details 5 Day Details Questions Agencies 24 l-iour-s Permit : WQCS00062 Facility Name : Laurinburg Collection System Owner : City of Laurinburg City : Laurinburg .1fl9/UJUU SSO Start Date/Time : G 00 -aak Incident Number : 200401900 County : Scotland Region : Fayetteville Est. Volume : 1480000 Report Received : 109/09/2004 Report Entered : 09/09/2004 Did SSO Reach Surface Water : Yes No Unknown Vol. Reaching Surface Water : J480000 Did SSO result in Fish Kill : Yes No Unknown Estimated Fish Kill : j Water Body : 'Leith Creek (Johns Pond) - 14-33 5 Day Details r0° 09 SSO Start Date/Time : End Date : Report Received : Did SSO Reach Surface Water : Did SSO result in Fish Kill : 21304 .40 °r 10 a0 0 4. Duration Est. Volume : 1480000 Report Entered : 109/23/2004 Yes No Unknown Vol. Reaching Surface Water : 1480000 Yes No Unknown Estimated Fish Kill : j Water Body : 'Leith Creek (Johns Pond) - 14-33 Regional Contact : - County : * Location of the SSO : Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm am): City : Laur;nb rg Comments : , 9'' .L Q ri'64- -7-4eri"411 Specific Cause (check all that Apply) Severe Natural Condition Inflow and Infiltration Vandalism Grease Pump Station Equipment Failure ' Debris in line Roots Power outage ' Other (Please explain in Part II) gal gal gal gal http://bims.enr.state.nc.us:7001/createAgencies.do 10/25/2005