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GW1-2021-06865_Well Construction - GW1_20210429
Feb 1519 05;43p ClealwaterWall Drilling 8222-7241 p.1 WE L ION�2EC0 GW- �o� For lnteraniUse only. l• Gmttxetnr lnfiratatlnn: N LL) ,0�-� w ZONES %Yell Collmor bratm Pei scy\n9 ~ to �p !t. IL Well Gmm"DIC"fiwtionNnm6s ` ` ak� egg 1�iYJBat 1,1 � V Newtt TA IL °s ,` Qn. C CA81NGOR ftmte x.1Yci1 Conametion Permit ro pump' 1l,Yell ol141cah/c IWJFMMInWlonparinnaox IfiC.CnmxY.5 am rdrraece,ere.) ti tL 3.IYON RIC(the&tlydl use)_ tr. >ff. WaterSapplyWeq: ^t7. THWJMt 78Rt'At. Asricuhural []Munielpol/Pu61ie R tt. IL Geonccrrnm mcating/Coaung Supply) aResidential Water supply(single) n tr M [ndustrial/Cot uncrow Ditesidar"Water supply(shared) _11ILGROUT . lyd alion F_TdM z i►ta n w Non-Water 3npply,WA: n R Monitoring Rana tU• fc injection d: R. R. Aquifer Reelntr$c QGronndwater Remcdiaiian ]9 3 N�IGRAYBt PA a hb AquiferStVgr(oaftgovery E3swnityBtttrier FROM L r�trtr`_c !'terrro° AtptlterTcst 0StarmwaterDrainago n. o. EAWrimental Tcelinoingy OSuhsiderim Control t►- D• RGeotheratal(Closed Loop) OT(acer ItF.D8Fi.1.1NG LOC ek Geollicnnal H R h.) Other in Under R21 Remarks) 4.hate Weil(a)Complete :t 1'���Wcll 1DY h, in.well LarAtion- Fr�N ��Y���� t+ tt 1 . Deal FaciHtjd4tt1WNamc . FaalilyON(ifapplicaMe) n' R LrlC'. ©tom 04 IL Physiinnii Address, City,and Zip 2M.100MCM ARl4S Gwnty Primel rdcmiiication No.(PiN) %b.l.atltude and lon}Iitnde in degreeataimmalsecondsor drrimni degrees: (ifwell field.one ht%ngixsotrrdent) o : �2 Ce bon: LIP I 6.ls(are)the well(R} i►ermanow or DiT'emporary SipnntrueefckrlifialWellcattraetor Data T Jfv atEmrag r/Nr.ern,.I bP-rPl�Y txMib:Mar Ow.w di{af war Aare)cottvreantrl/n 4VMdtlrree 7.is this it repair toanedidagwdM Ova or �No wirhlSA.tiC'.a4a2C.9100or15A,YC.AC 02G.0100 Well Cmrrrmcrnusrenderdamrdrhm.r rtl ir;co rq r fill mrrtaownT a.w X roahM.*rMW"On q(ihe &Jpy nfthir wind AOR im7 pM*Ted toft well ower. m"Mirrender821rrtutnrt =amtrn'melmbarkaffillsjome. 713iNe dinogsttm or tUdAWopor Weil dry: S.For Geoprohe/DPT or C2owd4Lonp GeoMermal Wells having the same 11ou may use the tmdc of this page to provide adtlitional well site details or well mnvmction,only,1 GW t is needed rndioato TOTAL NUMBER of-wells ctmstrudion details. You may also attach ttdditiotrel paces if nommary. drilled: wswu iiai.mism1t:T[-ON8 9.T41,10 sve11 depth below hind suromc U+ fit.) yla, for A11 wells: Submit this form within 30 days of cmnptdion or well 1ermulUpfc«rpcU.aol;d.rprlsej,6�arenrr emph.3�f1,J4W'Mrd�Ili1007 emismianto the follolvia6: 10.Static WAftPtevcl below top of easing: (ft) Division orWater Restturces.Informatlon Processiag Unit, *-Wr 1-1 Is'(Aw rwng.rae'-" 1617 Mall Service Ceuter,Raleigh MC276)4-1617 11.Boreholediltmeter. _,A".) �n 24b.ftr Infection tjX2W 1;,addit on to sern ft the form to the oddrasa in 24a 12 Well rnnettntffap 1ltefkod: rp:jQLj�.�t above,also submit one copy of this form wilMn 30 days of complaRkm of well (I e.mt�,--Y.-bit.drm push.etc.) '-t Cottst[ttetian m the folTt�ing Division ofVl'Mr Htamttnes.Undargronnd lq)eetlon Coate oa Program. F OR WATER t+'t.VMY W Ei.L,S ONLY: i M Man Service Cermay RAtelo.NC 2709-1636 13a.Yield(gust) Method of test: Zir-,iFor Water Supply&tareMHan VYdIlr 10 addition to swd'mg the tinm to the nddrass(cs) above, else submit one I ropy of this roan wiQtin 30 days of tab.Disinfection type: Amount, completion of.veil construction to the cotuity health deplutment of the county Where comaucted. I nrtn(:W-1 North Caralinn Acpanment of linvlydnatmW Q.rol v-Division of Wotcr Ramurces Rewilkd2 22 2016 i f ini TM 4, t f �'