HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003824_Annual Performance_20210910 (nttl (!raiiant
P. O. Drawer 357
201 South Main Street
Graham, North Carolina 27253
Tel: (336) 570-6700/Fax: (336) 570-6703
SEP 10 2021
August 17, 2021 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES
Point Source Compliance and Enforcement Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
RE: System Performance Annual Report
City of Graham, Alamance County
Please find enclosed three (3) copies of the System Performance Annual Report for the
City of Graham,NPDES Permit No. NC0021211 and Collection System Permit No.
WQCS00065. This is a requirement of House Bill 1160, the Clean Water Act of 1999.
Additionally, I have attached a copy of the Public Notice advising the City's customers
and users of the availability of the report. If you have any questions regarding this report
please contact me at 336.570.6721.
Tonya Mann
Utilities Director
Cc: Aaron Holland, Asst. Manager, City of Graham
Cris Routh, Superintendent, WWTP
Ladd Nall, Distribution/Collection Superintendent
c�I;i ,
StarNews I The Dispatch I Times-News PO Box,63e1.245 Cincinnati,OH 45263-1245
p ;,�,-�i t•i in
Sun Journal I The Daily News I The Star
The Free Press!Gaston Gazette -
City of Graham
City Of Graham Annual Report
PO DRAWER 357 House Bill 1160, the Clean
Graham NC 27253 Water Act of 1999 requires
that each owner or operator
works or wastewater collec-
The Burlington Times-News,a newspaper printed and published in tion system provide an
the city of Burlington,and of general circulation in the County of
Alamance,State of North Carolina,and personal knowledge of the Annual Report to its users
facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was and customers. The City of
Published in said newspapers in the issue:
Graham owns and operates a
08/20/2021 collection system and waste-
and that the fees charged are legal. water treatment facility. The
Sworn to and subscribed before on 08/20/2021 City of Graham has
completed the Annual Report,
for fiscal year 2020-21 and a
copy is available at the City
Municipal Building located
at 201 S. Main St. in Graham,
(� � NC. Additionally the report
q\c,Q �c�t -- d' is available via the Internet
Legal Clerk / at the City's website which is
L4 www.citvofgraham.com. Any
Notary,Stat of WI,County of Brown questions or comments
/27fz- regarding the report may be
Mycommisionexpires directed to Cris Routh: Plant
Publication Cost: $67.40 Superintendent or Tonya
Order No: 6190239 #of Copies: Mann : Utilities Director at
Customer No: 514495 -1 336.570.6721 .
Please do not use this form for payment remittance.
Notary Public
State of Wisconsin
Page 1 of 1
Facility/System Name: City of Graham Wastewater Treatment Plant
Responsible Entity: City of Graham
Person in Charge/Contact:
Tonya Mann, Utilities Director, at 336.570.6721
Cris Routh, Wastewater Plant Superintendent, at 336.570.6721
Ladd Nall, Distribution & Collection Superintendent, at 336.570.6721
Applicable Permit(s): NPDES Permit: NC0021211
Non-Discharge Permit: WQ0003824
Collection System Permit: WQCS00065
Descr ptiorn of Caecction System and Treatment Process
The City of Graham operates a Public Owned Treatment Works consisting of a
North Carolina Grade II Collection System and a North Carolina Grade IV
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The collection system operates under a North Carolina Division of Water
Quality Collection System Permit and contains approximately 89 miles of piping and
seven lift stations. The lift stations are named Back Creek No. 1, Back Creek No. 2,
Boyd Creek, Cherry Lane, Haw River, Old Fields, and Pyrtle Drive.
The wastewater treatment facility has a permitted flow of 3.5 million gallons
per day (MGD). This facility consists of bar screens, grit collectors, primary
clarification, extended aeration, final clarifiers, chlorination, post chlorination basin,
de-chlorination, digestion, lime stabilization, sludge disposal, and laboratory. Effluent
is discharged to the Haw River designated as Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW),
which is part of the Cape Fear River Basin.
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Text Summary of the System Performance for the Period of July 1, 2020 to June 30,
Cuoiiection System: The City of Graham collection system is a combination of
gravity and forced mains. The city is proactive in monitoring and utilizing various
methods to maintain the wastewater collection system. An education program is in
place to inform water customers about the impact of improper disposal of Fats, Oils
and Grease (FOG). Over 10% of the collection system is hydraulically cleaned
annually. Chemical treatment, closed circuit inspection and rehab projects are just a
few methods we implement to reduce and eliminate service outages and overflows.
During the past fiscal year the collection experienced one reportable wastewater
Uft Stations: The City of Graham operates seven lift stations that are maintained by
Collection and Distribution personnel. During this reporting period, the lift stations
had three reportable sewer overflows.
Wastewater Treatment Rant: The City of Graham Wastewater Treatment Plant's
permit has limits on Flow, Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids,
Ammonia, Dissolved Oxygen, Fecal Coliform, Chronic Toxicity, and Total
Phosphorus. Additional testing is performed for Total Residual Chlorine,
Temperature, Conductivity, Copper, Mercury, and Zinc. Each month this data is
reported to the state thru the electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR). The
City is a member of The Upper Cape Fear River Basin Dischargers Coalition that
performs monitoring upstream and downstream of our discharge point on the Haw
River as well as other locations on the Haw and Deep Rivers. The Wastewater
Treatment Plant had one reportable sewer overflow and no violations of its NPDES
Non-Discharge Permit: The City of Graham land applies biosolids to agricultural
land under regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of
North Carolina. The City of Graham had no violations in the past year.
VVatoorrls of errrot condutoons or other eriv rronmentall rep Wa ione
rr°ellait rtg to water giuia tv from tie above areas
September 21, 2020. Sewer Overflow: A reportable sewer overflow of 450 gallons
of untreated sewage from the Boyd Creek Liftstation spilled into "Bowden Branch"
and entered the Cape Fear River Basin. The spill was caused by construction of new
wet well at the station. All equipment and alarms worked properly.
November 12, 2020. Sewer Overflow: A reportable sewer overflow of 13,800
gallons of untreated sewage from the Boyd Creek Liftstation spilled into "Bowden
Branch" and entered the Cape Fear River Basin. The spill was caused by Inflow and
Infiltration from heavy rain in the area. Ail equipment and alarms worked properly.
March 25, 2021. Sewer Overflow: A reportable sewer overflow of 1,100 gallons of
untreated sewage from the Boyd Creek Liftstation spilled into "Bowden Branch" and
entered the Cape Fear River Basin. The spill was caused by Inflow and Infiltration
from heavy rain in the area. All equipment and alarms worked properly.
April 9, 2021. Sewer Overflow: A reportable sewer overflow of 1,200 gallons of
untreated sewage from the Boyd Creek Liftstation spilled into "Bowden Branch" and
entered the Cape Fear River Basin. The spill was caused by Inflow and Infiltration
from heavy rain in the area. All equipment and alarms worked properly.
April 21, 2021. Sewer Overflow: A reportable sewer overflow of 7,200 gallons of
untreated sewage spilled into "Haw River" and entered the Cape Fear River Basin."
The spill was the result of debris in a manhole. The blockage was cleared and
service was restored.
April 30, 2021. Recycle lime overflow: A reportable overflow of 32,805 gallons
(28,755 of which reached Town Branch Creek) untreated sewage spilled near
Digester building. The spill was the result of a back-up due to Raw Wastewater
pumps tripped out. Alarms did not work properly due to a communication failure
within the SCADA system. The pumps were reset, service was restored and lime was
applied to areas around the spill. Issue within the SCADA system was addressed.
During this 12-month period, there were zero NPDES permit violations out of
more than 2,400 sample results.
The City of Graham had five reportable sanitary sewer overflows of 1,000
gallons or more during this reporting period. The total gallons of overflow were
Total gallons handled by the system were 698,410,000. Percent gallons
overflowed are 56,105 divided by 698,410,000 x 100 = 0.008 %. Therefore, the City
of Graham achieved a 99.992 % collection rate of all gallons discharged into the
system, excluding any spills that were less than 1,000 gallons.
All sludge was land applied per Land Application Permit regulations with no
permit violations.
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Nothilc fiUJ'Il ll
A Public Notice was placed in a local newspaper informing the public that a
copy of this report can be obtained at the City of Graham, City Hall located at 20'l
South Main Street, Graham, NC. Additionally, this report is also, available on the
Internet at htto://www.citvofgraham.corn/
I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of
my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users
or customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its
A o:� �_ _ (Date) ? !• f =0 d _
Tonya Mann
Utilities Director
City of Graham