HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06855_Well Construction - GW1_20210429 Feb 1519 05,43p Clearwater Well Drilling --- WE LCMEMMLOWN RMP GW For Internal Use ary. i.Wdl C00ntraotnr Inforewlon: ryh* ��`` 14.WATM LONES Will fiouuatxtx Name .Mr.well enewidor c, tiftewen nhmrber y��� gt'S otlrsR I t,r+tl�t * t�t._Gt.5.1r V\�'C.�1�=��1 t 6� � � ty; TO Cali' 1 I I_ ia„ t Compmey Nama 6.tNN61t CA$ING OK IU8tBt1C tbwnwl 2-Well Comtruction remit i TO asAtarrnt TR i laYal!airjflicnhlr ete11 crtetrtrnmhsn s c,01C,C ) H L. in ttitaYi,.SYaiS Yarllarcr,rttr I 3.Well file(tisca well use)_ o' ft a� water supply Well: 17.s FROM AgricuIwral Monieipa!lpublEc (i O To it. f, +sttc tsa satttAt. 0=11-11tai(Hooling(Coollog Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) � n in. tn ladus1daVComeraW I csidrattiel vatcr supply(shared) t8 11T ' irrl noon r Asa et IVcm 1Ynetr Supply 1ti elL^ 1a A4aoitoting Recovery Initeflon d: AquilerReei►atgc �Groundumterttemcdiation R. A ifcrSt 19 S Y8L FAt;IC It o bee qu We lard RecoMy Dsdinity Barrier attest trtcnwa AqWfer Test Bunn ttwaief DrcloW rt AL I"xperimefttal Tedutol(W 131Subsidenae Control ft, I• Geothemtal(Closed Loop) D'ftaetx 20.DRILLING LOG x ro •� ChxtWptnal HotlOrt in Rtxtttn) Other in undaf ffi21 Rcinasfcs) it. tt 4-'Wife U1411(s)Completed: well im .Wttt l.tttaettoot n le ,� t 4 a. n -- 1 acilillseth% NMr'o . Facility(DO ifalrplicahle) n, ft.S fr. fMl Physical/MMs,City,and Zip n Q (��•.��_�� :tt. ARKS C:muty �i Nmal MmiIImtitm No.(KN) .r+b.Latitude apt)lon]ltode in degrmdagnutesfsecondsor decimal degree W"ali field,one lat%ng is"Rent) ;2.Certllicttfion: Q3n2 psiC q 4 W 6.le(am)the wdt(R pexmaotnt or Drfemporary tignot efCkntPatDldtt^attrttatar Date ""l l?v nit7tlag rANx.,.�rm.I hrrwhrt-flfil i-1[fir.wdl(4 xnr(W-4-MVMMd M rA-r 1-IN this a rrpair to am adodog well: OYcs or r}No w0l)15A.lit.,C 0.2t.'_1t100 or 15A NC.AC•0?C.AX)0 Well E'rmtlnrcffo::Slaadarda aml thm,r 0r111h iv0 nv lr flll Mfrinnxn wcell e0twowcupe 0 aawlon 4ad eiloah 0 the MMM.gfAe tIvy aflIffs mewrl10.1k e0 PMh*d to thcWrdt ft ier. Plash muter fi;I MMa*.vxthat or thr&t kofthlsfam. 2.L Sete diagram or addidwtal well deeaalls: 8.For Gtoprobr111PT or Clttt*&L mp CaeoMm east Wtita having the same Von may use Cite back of this page to provide additioeti well site daffiib or well MY115tuction,onlu i GW1 is Heeded iitdicato TOT(A}L NUMt3ER of wills vMtruction drlails. You MAY 010 SIMich addiftanai pages if nta=251try. 9.Abtgt well*PM Now laud surfac 24 &C Ali Wtils; Submit this form within 30 days of eomplealoo or well 141r utolUpre-rat tier all Aaprh'Pf1o4row few wk-3(1i,100`and'a 100 j Cntl9ttUCttatt[oche fallow6tLt: l0.9iPtic austral Joel br ow tap of easing: (ft.) Division ofWater itesut rw%luffirmation Processing dull, t/'aoralten l if nhPra ctofitg erne L 107 Etta#&rvitc Center,Ratdgb,NC2<700-1617 I1.Boteltoitedrtimerer: �� (in.) 24b.For l.lectiea W W In addition to sanding tits two to the address in 24a 12 LVcii r1►netrttetttte tnethhd: rt� above.also submit one copy of this form wiQrin 30 days of compicalon of well 6 r.-sarimn,.oabk,dtm pith.dc.} Ct►f6ttnCtinn to the fatiowiog Division ofWater Reanutiz%Unde"und lajwftn Control Program. FbR WA'i'EIt t+Ci+i'[.Y'f�b,(F.1.L.'S ONLY: (fi3b Mail Service Cctaix;ItRtelgi.NC�'7�iw•1&tb 2 13o.Yield(gpatj Method or test; a 2se troy Water Basalt &ittioetlon Weir to addition to sondiag the[item to/ the fuldress(es) abova,also submit Dire copy of thin form witltin 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Amotwtx completion of well consftcxion to tbt cotmty health dC mnment of the county ahme eaitstllteted. ilmm C.W-1 AMrtli Ghmimn )epmtment of liavirciauwjtw Qrvoiy-rxvistpn of water Rusauee.s Redwi!2 22 tom