HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210033_DMR_20201213Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina DEMLR General Permit No. NCG210000 Date submitted 10-13-20 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG210 0 3 3 FACILITY NAME Southern Veneer Specialty Products, L.L.C. COUNTY Chatham PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Randall Jarrell LABORATORY WM and ENCO Lab Cert. # 5038 & 591 Comments on sample collection or analysis: SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2020 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June ■❑ July -Dec or ❑ Monthly' November (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQw ❑Trout ❑PNA i LJ S `JMQ ❑Zero -flow [:]Watersupply [:]SA �'i� 11 ZJ.LN30 ❑Other IZOZ 99 Ndf ; i v:is I0,,,u nn;:;;: 111:;It;i0 (!Il 1in ;1.I n; :T Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results (Monitoring ­is" qG14 ;Whe facility stores exposed accumulations of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material on site for longer than seven (7) days.) Flo discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Chemical Oxygen Demand Total Suspended Solids Benchmarks ===> - - 120 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L4 #1 11-12-20 4.91 620 150 #3 11-12-20 4.91 180 #4 1 11-12-20 4.91 41 #6 11-12-20 4.91 240 !Z f VED 95 202, L FILES ECTIpN Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 3 For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 'The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. "See General Permit text, Table 3, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format. "<XX me/L". where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Permit Date: 8/1/2018-7/31/2023 SWU-245, last revised 8/6/2018 Page 1 of 2 Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period?2 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches Non -polar O&G by EPA 1664 (SGT-HEM) Total Suspended Solids Benchmarks =__> - - 15 mg/L 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: 0 A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. 0 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. 0 TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES ❑ NO 0 IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DEMLR REGIONAL OFFICE? YES ❑ NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Mail an original and one copy of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 days of receipt of the lab results (or at end of monitoring period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 `,'1 ill I��IU`;'1' SI�;i�! 'I I II`� (.:I:1;1.1171(:,1•I1li )F! I: i4{ ; ,PA`( II�!I i �f:i��U1 l ltii�! ICI I'(iit I Fi �; "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) 12-13-20 (Date) Permit Date: 8/1/2018-7/31/2023 SWU-245, last revised 8/6/2018 Page 2 of 2 ForguidanceonfiIDngout thisform,pleasevisit- htt :/nortal.ncdenr.org/web/i-/nndes-stormwater/ Permit No.: N/C/G/ 210000 / _/_/ or Certificate cf Coverage No.: N/C/e/ 2 / 1 / 0 /0_/3_/ 3 / Facility Name: Southern Veneer Specialty Products, L.L.C. County: Chatham Phone Nc, 9'_9-275-326-7 Inspector: Randall IarreIl Date of Inspection: 11-12-23 Time of Inspection: 17:45 Total Event Precipitation (inches): _4.91 JAN 2 5 2021 Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "M'easureable Storm EvenCENTRAL NLEJ' as c�{tpgraap,�q�jpermit? rSee information belo;.l 0 `:'es ❑ No Please verify whether Qualitative Plonitoring must be performed during a "rep r; ve storm event" or "measureabie storm event'(requiremerts va:•y, depending a- t. _ -e: ualitative monitoring requirements or.n ea_ reme s vary. _ c to be performed during a "-es esertativ= stcrm _ _ g : _ .- _ -t." However, some permits do no ::a ✓e this requirement. Please refer to these A "representaV,ve s__---_ s-iertt" is a storm eve ":a.: -maasures g-Ee --.- _.- --.cries of rainfall and that is prece, east 72 hours ( - - :-asuring greater than 0.1 Inches has Or.: r =_ S'ngle storm eves :d'✓ CC _ _ �._„ i': Curs of no precipitation. ""_eaSLratD''c S=�- -�_ c. is a stor m event that resul's .. CIl7 the cermitted site o.at.`a::. ?:ne previous measurable stcr ,:: sve;:_ n, ust':avE =s. 72 aours prior. The 72-hc r storm intervai does not apply if Tse pe---'.tree a e:' ie t _ nt that a shorter interval is representative For local storm events during the sz=.ciing Lermittee obtains approval fro:- to -,. Oa. DV✓Q Regionai Office. By this signature, I certify that this : eport is accurate and oo p! tE _ es_ c` ri ;: ].:-c Nledge: (Signature of Permittee cr Designee) Page io;2 SWO-242, Last modified 10/2S/20i2 s 1. Qtit. aK D-r-sC- Outfall No. Saruct-uA e `:)=Ne, ditcl:, etc.'i �itc Receiving _`�LTea:n: ,„aw Rive r Describe tha irc! _ ir' �-`i>>i`es ::i''at occur ,n a`�'� h(� cut-'y' i d('�rpo:�pn area; ..c_ aLL vVG_a.1� within -the A V.i 111 L �if WoJ d P r : D r L-_: 1ai_ce. r�~• 1=(���i^.. n�+ color ^�' ^�. F:� I^ ...��. ;r1� bay. r'( for �M fir:+ s•�•. s' !. 2• Ce- lo:.. _1:.ScriO t-In-e olo t.l. kiJLi1arar- us::.' .-.c CJ.--S ! ✓1 `r%:?, .��l�e, eil..� Cn!:i! �j�:: (light, mediaim, Y'!,, s 'e ;rt!� r Br ..w � � �) ,. 3. OdQ7.- Describe any owsrir!Ct od,:_St that .:he.. disCi-large may !?a -�- r1.e., smel's strongly ofoil weak chlorine o i.r ; et-C.): No-inai C. r- (C(--I-,;s -�•• An ;vsTY� /. i� ri-. �(3 �_ l:` n`r '^5Cs ' ... n...t{ C. Q •''�;_ � � [/�r7 r �• C.t (.Y.. .:•C� +.1 �I$•+ ,.w_r. 11....' 1.oE/. 'Y l�.._L._ .r �..�. :. �• C\.i :J �..J L.:e v}r..-1 :.j L'1 L::. '..i'.7crwaw �e, YL ��i a M 1 clear and S is ve -1)L: %",:z Z S. F?oattrrg is: Choose t-he rum' er wh c , hest desarir'rs ti!� aii?oui:t of floating solids it the stormSMater d,` w.� g , '/�� = = is ??^ sclkls any: 5 is the sup ace cOJer ecl with floating solids: _. i .. 1 :....., x� 2 3 t 3 6. Su. 5 e Cte�.� E7r- �i3O,ofse L:i- Tuber �IJi ic'I es= c:-scr:�,-s Lr'C a1:_CuI � :?i s u s p nd%e solids in the sto_raw2—Ler disci?arge: where is no solids and 3 is ext_ei:_e y muddy: i2 X3 ZLA 5 ,� 7 Is the; a r , mn -% tii --. r �: 't r d: ge Gc .. a-_,_�.�< ��� L1 .. �c J17at...x ..1�.sC art.. 1 ..., 00 �. IS -tl-x4: -r- .�»�r �«w .._ t o S ..^.'i �Wa--: dischar to _ .s N0 Is the .�:;i=� ^p ,� �,..-,s ir,- ^--G'� �S `� ^" s t17 ��nc X • ..i �. �- L:�..1 �_ �..:. :1•..w �:1� :v;J1'- .Y�aJ: a•L L:ie C:.i�G ... :1! 10. OtLe I List and descr:oe lilotNte: r i -- - r]^+ r� ::' -,Mr ire:-� i=,r es nrye o•� Tr .,..., r.+e- - ran c a-, Os ;:;'�r�,-, e• Low ���",_.��} r ��.'q-. .�L' ��tL: �1 C..:w ...( �.v :. ..�:. ^i: ...fie:.:. .. � •..i�:. :f �u'r.+l:t:: :. t... v�'•.:::�•r .'..:� 1.» l:'J' �oll:[ {�f+r:���.7ji�:.''l.'».. 11.1ay e. ���:°rG .,! .v, _I. {.`. C.!:.'.:: �. L:ta..r%..+C�.. 'v. is t'»L.,. V. ... i..;: �'.:.A'l „' it �. i i r. ?2g--2 ar: 2 SWU-242, Last modi ed 1-0/25/2012 + CT. ( L .,'7\?: A C�; TN ,•• 1^� � C For guidance on filling out tl?is forth, Gicase visf; htm: ]orta7.ncde nor ;/VJeh,/ :"[nodes-stormwateTI Permit 11iC.: Ili/C/G/ 210000 /_/_/ or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/%/ 2 / i _/0_/ Facility Dame: Southern Veneer Specialty Products, L.L.C. County: Chatham inspector: Randall- Jarrell Date of inspection: 11-12-20 Time of Inspection:17:30 Total Event Precipitation (inches: _4.91_ _ Ph -one NO. 9' 9-275-3249 Was this a "Representative Storm Evert" or'`141easureabie Storm Evert" as defined by the permit? rSee information belvw.� 7i Yes 17 No Please verify whether c�u�alita�ive i=torito -i,�a =s* be ve� o:-fined dur n ";apresent tive storm v event" or "rneasureable storm event" (reel i?-eme►?ts vary, de-pes wing o 7 6` e permni r� QuaiitatlVe mOn tOring "eC;;iirei?ier:LS vary. ivty^S� 7err:?itS req uirc U2lita itie :3v:?itOri:?g t0 be performed during a "representative stogy"mevent" or during a «ii?eaSU?'eable StOr?7? event." However, sCme permits do not ::ave .pis rea;riire~nen . ?lease refer LG these dehn=Liens, if aonlicable. A "representative stor- e4ve_s t" is a storm event that measures great-,.' than. 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 ho'urs (3, days? in Which no Storm even ::Leasuring greater than v.1 inches has occurred. A Single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. r'_ a=?ec^sSur ablG3 Stv="L.Jen.ti is a storm even-"-- L at. i eSu tS ifrom the /' 17 aer:nitted Site Gtlt=a:l. The orevicus i�ieaSUrabie Storm event min is- have been a :east 72 `lours prior. The 72-hGL= StG''_?? i?t?i'Vaidoes not aoGly if the periitLee is a`e tC �.:::ci ii'ent that a shorter J interval is representative FG. local sLGrr? events during the sai�ipling per ou, and, the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regionai Qf�lce. �'�.1 this Signature, i cert'_ j/';+:at this re�Gl'z ?S a; ci rate and COMDlete to t - L Gi try i�_'`CWl1. ,.Signature of Perrnittee. Designee; gage o SWU-242, Last inodified 10/25/2012 g. GUtsat^sc: Qutfall No. S S"_ruC-t-ure dine, ditch:, etc.; Ditcl: Receiving SLrea:n: Haw River! Describe she i n d s�..:2,: 2.c�ivit:es ��_�� v� Lt:r ��! ti?:n �: e ._.��. :a_ ar.... Wood F.rod, :c - c•v ' �.,- c -'r r� �aEi rat rG- �� n� :r 'nr^ r =r' r.-� ' 1 r?� 2. Collc, . es _ b _ !e co.or o .�r _sc a. �.. s_:_� ws• Colo, . �;: o" _, blue, etc., aria ti "" (light, medium, dG_k�, as desc_ iLto:.-s: Sight brown grev `irt p/�7 (� ^ �+ distinct., odors .: �'; -e diSc CO ^ i' -e ri o smells strongly of o i, 3. 4'��+`4 . 1�54.„i:1 1.:.v ��S::z�4 �:o �l l_ _ zGi,, :i iCl� 1C �1'. L., weak chlorine odor. ., -C.; • S;:ght'y i -' us7_ 4. CE:a:-Lty: Choose the .umber which, best describes L.e clarity o the discharge, where 1 is clear and S is vas v cicudy: 2 3 x4 3 f�� <'" 'fir:, r+• n �t^4 �t't•v ;,itr� "pC''!�taC�'Yti^9 .tip .-,H-; ... -•Iy /�� floating C+soli ` C. ,,;! S. FOCII� ng Mom. -hoose tho '."IUM- z L_ uLS e _L ta.. C_ �OGtl:t�, So !CS v _.S.kS a�c S :a, ., CCie:. vi floating SJi•CS:the storrt:.w2 -e_ .;IS'c..a: e, z 2 3 C r f-., .-�... r•�.. -tea nu e /t , iCh. hy;t Ode, :I es 'rrld Cat , - o sus j./ei sde d. 6. Sus- r: ct' �•.�-7� �:�.:..!oosc •.�.: �b�r t !f._ .�. :�.. G: _Oi::!: solids in the stor:rvva'-e.- wirlere .. is nc sc =ds and-. S is extremely rnuiody: f 2 V3 4 7. is there an v foa in the st or nwater discharge! Yes x Rio 8. 1S tlAere a.nn n s'teeL:: in, the =rrVat' CCe 1 tl_a ^- 2 -if.�. C „�,r-•,,s:,.,,, ,,-;­;..r,C�+ 7�•-� �j r-,� ;;�ii7 "hoc �J�tir� 9. S v:.. " •.-!r :11 v...w•..r' v_ J4/JkLl':iw.- G.. ..+.. Vl.l. G... V !1: v List and describe '�'1 Lr �. Tom,=.-�.) ^�rir: r'•. fr•-► -^ram "1 1.? se in, (`� !-17 I'•�ri '1� --� /r1 (�.i:1 C47- ��� :..� Note: Low r, r _�J7, !'�_g :) � �� w�:s; a u.;:; .,� ` p esein,ce _©�:__ , 'o._ she an osioI3 zp�osit: a� �� As�GI�C �"• ., r ^'. .;;C,• I,f -,;1 -- a ,r r. �(++ `rep T h e, /`6? i r � I�a.21: s i a"'r�1n fur �a' h r e tra r. :•t�.l_G... .{. .. J'�•J•-•.: .7i.. ..ev w,.'.+_ �L• w'�'s fy . t. w'w !: •r Z.�.• w'V •..S k.�ga4w�l:.:. pc:b2 SWU-242, Last r-od i "Led = 3 f 25/20 .2 1z4.,r.cet��,.aw;; ✓ \1^'i�lUi�1���� :^a�v r4'1 _'_ML✓. L "'Fin ce For go:dance onfi11?; g ,Ui this firm, please veSi `: M. 0 o1 Lai.tiCGLi2r.0?'G/ilJpo f ci %uOCS-S 7rmWaterl Permit No.: N C/ / 21000 � �_/_� or UE:' :? iLcte- Of Coverage No.: N, �C � � i i /0 0 3 3 Facility Name: Southern Veneer Specialty Pr Ctj:scts, l_,.,.C. Lounty: Chatham- Phone NL. 9 10,-275-S2=-9 Inspector: Randall Jarrell Date of Inspection: rt 1 -1 2-20 Time of Inspection: 1 7:20 Total Event Precipitation (inches,: _4.9 W s this a •`Representat-ve Storm went" or '`IViEac;areable S ,orm Event' as Oenne by the permit? (See information below." F1j Yes L'l No Please verij5i whether Ouai;tative Wont oring P7iJst be er;ormed during o "represen at. storm evert" or "measureaoie storm evert" Frequene its V_ry, aependirg o 7 the Vie, � Qualitative monitoring rEgi�irE???pI1tS vary. 'fCSt: , .., rE_;.iire �i_:a�i%Gt?CIE _=-0r!it0ring to be performed during a "rEpr=Spntative StGrrn event" Or during i??, a "'�EaSu-eahl Stor e�1e!t." However, some permits do not _`?atie tPiS reCUiremer�t. P►Ease refer t0 tlese d;._?nitivnS: ==-aE: livable. A "rep_ esentatirde s c-ri , eve --t" is a storm e ent that measures greater L!�an '. � inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in Which no storm event- _meas nng greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. fi "12—Lleasz,able storm event" is a storm event that results in an aa-i c_ s-.s':.a_ ge fro the per Mitted site outfal'. Thp Or evious measurable seArrn event must have been at la-s- 72 hours prior. 71 he 72-zl0ur Ste:n- interval does r!ot ap �Iy if -he pErn:ittee iS ab±,-, t0 C OC11f :ei1t that a shorter r interval 1S reprESentatii/e rOr loci: StCr ever s during `r??e sa!npling periCG, Grd tie permittee obtains approval from the :octal D Q Regiona_ Office. E this signature I certify t-hat this - C. e* a ' ' k x y b J ;'1 S report is aL�.t?: a•E and cCi?J!.,i,., i:o t?c c'c5� Oti" =:y i�:�.Cwledge: (Signature of I - Permit car �Es.t) .4 aa5g�e i or SwU-242, Last modified 10/25/2012 1. Out-fait r s . Dutfall No. ,p. � , =: J�r�:r'tC,:x"? ���=:JC, �f�C_x, E�c.� :J:iCi" Receiving S_: Qa M: -iall R_v,er Li UDescriae the a ties "�_k: occur within out -fall! ra. aC e rare^. 2. Cs ,3L -esr. ;.� __ C co:sc ar�. as.cco:0:. d, cam, .,hzue, Lc., �_,dL,nr (light, medium. dale as ciesCri Mors: Win- b lrow-L' sin t— t 3. Odor: Describe any d.xstinc-L C'dors that the diSc::a`�.rge maV ^:c �In �:.�., Sii1�11S StrCligl�i Cr:3i , weak chlor<<_a odor, etc.;: S ig�'L 0i1 4. C I a '_ It r; :J :GCSE ii. ._ fl xJec wi'2:L;:..?Si .DES: _ i ES e ciai?ty ol" trE L:iSc :arge, where f iS clear and 5 is very, M�'J= 4L,J 1: "J 2 �• .�. S. -hkoose �._:.:7�Mb-r w�icx� best des...�es L::.. ax:_o �:.L o:-floating solids the storm c--,-,.. � :s ,:G: v�,.n-a" . s o s�:_rrs a.:.� .. _s sL_-.a� �ovf;iL doating sc_i�s: 4 M��gRr.-�;✓ 't-;:1� •.. j L` �!^p t/�� _i ( L C p ��, of'suspended /fin �• �G.I[v �' :i:; aw,.�•_., ti'.. .... �'r.va 'v _:�i^}J^C L:: �. _::•::i .JLx /v �l.. �.IESL LibS�._ x4iLS w... .... .?�l L..«: �J- JiiJ �i..l: e ..w solids in the stCrM-vv tes disci a:"gE: w xere is no solids ants. 5 is extreme y ?�auddy: x2 3 4 5 7. 1S t1�AE"2 al:y ::� �� StCz'? !`A�atE� G=iScrargEl :des X1\C 8. IS the--.-- an rL yG ..« �? � :y t r" i. rn `�: �;,sc ha gCe% �� es LN"0 L:_e S 0 :iVairn ... rM ^�' ,ter r ' fa ® r t,"4 i re :. _'�; _ ._:E';.,cJc�r"j!C�:�, µ:. ""�2 �'=.,i J• �.]tl<L.. 1., 1-vlV:. Li \. J'� ''✓.. .J v.dlL �.. V L i.•lii• 10. 0th-e F ti-ib_v/4 :s .ww.:.f--aa- . 4S V•'.--3r ..- tc- •'V=y'r a� n: List and Note: Low r= 4 „,;, cn r .. C� -n :fir r �_r.� enn, l- i r Note. TLo 777 cla 'K . .. �- `:- `:•r s e .. i S Us � �•.. � vs vi'J��� �.��� l.w�� Mr:__r= �•^ ,-�jr'-i_•"-�.:. s. ^i -e ..0+-,!'J=ri; rt �--�.� •^_�� ^ei. �a S ga-ft I. age 2- of 2 SWU-242, Last -rodlElee Ic/ZS,/Z0112 TI'll ,LJtLLtj` 7-! ;�rC,T"' ! t ,� i ,. , N 1 I) 1 i �'1 �'1) -•'� � �S'� l-�i �,• �_r.:•! !\�. �I' f -: i� -� i wi 't'a � I ems. .; t: 1 l,!�f _yiC?i�_is1.�l `- i��c..�� L. For guidance on;illing ou; thisforrn, Please vis;-.- o;'�2'i.nc.2'enr.t.,rg4l e /?r I ,tCAs-S ormwater/ Permit NO.: N/C/G/ 210000 or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/C/C:/ 2 /3_/ Facility Name: Souther:? Veneer Specialty Prcd}-Cts, County: Chatham ahor:e N ° 9-275-32. 1 Inspector: Randall jarred Date of Inspection: 11-12-2u Time of Inspection: 16:5 Totai Event Precipitation (inches): _4-91 Was this a "Representative Storm Event' or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See in' rmation below.) IX Yes F-I No Please veri' whether Gcclitctive f/'oriZ-GriP'g 17U.S- be ;lei fCr;??eC during w "rePresentGtive StOrrn evert" or "measureable SiG. M e►JenE. (r2C'uii eri!e��S vQrJ, c'�?Pe:�G'ii?G G � �#,� Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. M^vst Demon"s reouire oual"ative monitorinc, to be performed durino" a "rr- :-eseniat?ve stOrri event„ or during a "m c :re pia : event." t" However, b Y' -ea u: , a0 S�Ci". 1. .L , Some pern::Its do not r-Ve t?,iS re ulre:nent. Please r erer to these de inii:on5; ooiicable. A "representative s,t-or rn event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least- 72 hc'.zrs (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A '--easurable sto 5 e %�"�'!7 :C /1*`. s t -i via }. it :~i �k,'. nr.:_� C�'��,y � C �._t a sL�s ._: re _ .at :..s s s �__ �t<.� a °s��_�c rem the oerMitted site out-fall.The o�evio� s n:easurabie s-0 event must haj.'- ^ey- at feast 72 :yours prier. The 72-hour storm _rter vai dces not aopiy tiiL peI !LL e is able to rccu?rent that a shorter interval is representative rr cr local, stor; even-S Quring tine sampiinra e"md; and he permittee obtains approval from the iocal > VVQ Regional 0rfice. y t ?iS Signature, ! CC'- L: j .-:a"t t ? S . ,. I t ?5 ci%_ rGLC- ai?C�• _o .lie tZ t _ c :.St of i ^rI ^:i^_OLvledge: (Signature of Permittee or Designee) Pacre 'I or 0 SWU-242, Last modified 10/25/201_2 1. CUt..-Z .[ Outfall No. ; - `" Dq_ =;-h Receiving ISI_-uai:.. .,[,� n E ,; •-•a{-'; J F0 �{ - n ciir [p ti:iin II or 'a �+� ::IaaP e Describe thte 1..uLS _ •.G: C. f a.J ^MY v� a 1 /'J1 �_. . ti. iG`i� L:i Giz. G� G! l a. W* r s�"s2 Co3�-' co -or .'. �:jr2C�'c:Tg bas— ��'»ndb-o�hae, C. a_jitint -: . i .G.� (light, riled:, a-, as d�escrLtors Iz=icrht veilow cif. 3. Oder . Descr:I e ary district- odo. s that the discharge may have `i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, eX.l: No "tn- Q. C a.�' a`'r' '� OGSe : a - u 'trer Ai --;, t`eSt ,Q..eSC. i0eS : to C cIr may oc -" e discharge, where IS T' clear and S is ve�-y cc��w�: x..2 5 5. �+{ p', -= r; •`'�:<;. o e -he n -•miner which' 'yes escr ices `fie amount o e oatina Soli "s in Fioa.tt.n v•:i�....i �.'. CL�V.�Se t..:�. Ui♦-� 1. L C'z J�... amount the storm���-ater c sc =c�g�, "r, ^v_. .. iS':r' So i:iS a-r S ��_ Ie S�?. 2Ce covered Vlit:� xoating solids: X_ 2 r'�. t(i� G _ t =ilk ,��(.L. ° - gybes ✓.- ar w; ' s en �{ �• v . -.:. i. ✓_ cl;: � .l.S� .v .t l! ilV :� is bee ..i........c:::J'..5 LIA:I Q�S �� i ©i J�S�v1_ eU solids in the st�.:l. �:�4ilat..s discharge, ge, w. e: e _ is !:o solids and J aS ..�C�...:n:.it/ muddy: ;2 s 4 7. IS they: e any fba a, ! In the Stoi Mutate r discharge' Y 4S xN 8. Is fihe`e an 1rF S.v.:l:v aLer d_.SchG:ge? e-s Xi�'o g`. IS c;iiCe-nCc n; ea -me= +- �M _.? v- o ':'o'%'4Ua ..,r�:i:�CE.0r 0 IT :..9�E.� List and des�r >e i 7 �? �h ;1 : r'l n ...... n� r^ i n '.'t �. i"� �, f� r !^('. '1-. u.., .•1 r�%r 'M r, - i3 a t^•'o Note: Low clarl�y: - sc0.,�a; c::a__f oM w�_e ��,_ sen�c- �- fC-2::_L, c�� srce�.., _ oS=o� ...Positso__ maybe n, €coca i : el!ff r -�- r- -w,•A��r,�� - eG� � ,.,�;;;„;� ;,� rA f i�ar 'n ves�:'cra "o •i ... `J•J..' 4�•�.✓w'LL:1 :.r•.r �'w i. •4. L�LL,1.... 4r.'. V' �.�✓•J �1: 1: Gii: J: ti. :.'a4.:.. �.. VL Gl.a f Page G ✓s 2 SWU-242, Last modiFec IG/25/20 .2 171 ':-.T.; :� +M ;tir � �(�� •. rn .'? i^(i ti 1.".� 7r(-_T'^r t. I'v-VtSl ;l ,� Ei � :� f t` ` L fi 1 ii art a e — o For guidance on filling out this form, please visa: ht. ono! ta',.ncdeni-.or lvveo /!i-/ni3 des-s�Lormwaterl Permit No.: N/C/ / 2 3 00t�G /_/_/ or erti%cate a` :overage Nc.: ti /C/G/ 2 / 1 /0_/O_/ 3/3-/ Facility Name: Southern Veneer Specia'..ty Prco?uctS, i.L.�C. County: Chatham Inspector: Randall lar_ el: Date of inspection: 1 1- 1 2-2 0 Time of Inspection: 17:05 Total Event Precipitation (inches): _4.9 !l o. e NO. 9 _9-275-32'-19 Was this a "Representative Stor=n Event" or "if easureable Storm Event" as derived by the permit? (See information belovv.) �� Yes 1:] No Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative storm event" or "measureabie storm event" (rew uirernents vary, dependi:V or, the permit). Qua f_ A 'i` T'i^G r ^q�7t' �_ 'V r rGat i li ati` a ... —ni>_ r:'.ICF a .iG.itaLiV� mO171 C .. e� ._ ei:�e:?LS vary. Most oe.::?itS ,.�,u e Cti a.�ta ._:v _ eO_ t .0 �o be pe:-"Ori7'sed during a "representative St3ri ever:t"•or during a "nleaSurea'cie stor�: event." However, some per::�its do not gave this ree::iremen:. ?lease refer to tl�:ese de~ni ions, if ai;clicable. A "raprese-ntative st-vr n eve t" is a stornni event that measures greater than C.' inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hors r3 days) in Which no Storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has oCCurred. A single Storm_ event may contain up to 1-0 cors-ecutive hours of no Dr-ripitation A "me=sulr bie Six�r e � +'_:" is a StCr"�! aV�r `tray :"pSultS in a ,,,._..! _ -; ; rr =rO1:1 the ♦. �. . L L . - G....i..G7 ti..:..rJ' Dermitted site oSutfall. i he s reviCLlS r.�eaS;.irabie SLOrn? event n,LSL have been aL .east 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm., into. vaf does not apply if the permittee is able tc doci~n:ent that a shorter interval is representative "3r 1Ocal S' Orm eilenrs during the samolincr Derio. Win^ the permittee obtains approval trot:: the local DQ Regional Mice. Dy this signature, ? Cert_y ;':G � to:S �;o L s �.� , �: atG G co�i G_etL l v t�'e bCS� O'" :i_ f t{wledge: t (Signature of Per nnittee or Designee) 'age ? o` 2 SwU-242, Last modified 10/25/2012 ff sz �s'Y.- au 4utfall No. 6i.c ec. tc Receiving Describe the i=irl••...�.:..j 1�1 ?�C j'1^='1 j7'-li!e'hn e ul-fall l�" eariy•••�• ._t..usl_ .o.. ac-b %..at ;�cc�._ it _ .`!� o,cit :. Gia_:.ag., a. a. Wood Prod u c•Lior VV aye. �.s t "se _' coo ! c- 2 scharge i:s .� Oct colors (eCs; t�i• roi:, blue, etc.) and fin: (light-, medium, dark as aesrrto~s: :�ihf '.!ear 3. � c _ �2SC �" at- t/ � � ct r that �,-f- rc is e ' i.El yes! � c s i �: , c:s - odo: s :eat �_.a_ �e may , s__. s stironbl� of oi., weakc" lorir_•e oa.c,-, ".Lc%'��07-Ma' ., : `r. i,�'C�.'�'LLt�_ �.t o::J'.. L .. _i :__:��: �`�i :._1 >..C_L .... .:��.es L ..�.�r.,V o! :rig. discharge, where 1 1S clear and S is v e:.,% Z, 3 �� r ; ..,gi n-�� s: ,-horse f e u hei• vNh ch ;est descr; es tl�e a::toU.—L os floating solids in 5. Floa,a�t.., 5�u _ C ., the stormvvar_er, csc arg ,, where no solids ai:C 5 is: t=se s; r`ace covered with floating solids: 6• � 1✓�'-✓v..:....:w V.. �.....:._s.....�. �.i.�. z�lr 3. a : ti-. e ..1 C.i L.:v ai. s'J C.:.. .. Vi JL.tsp -e.t e..a solids in tha S Cri WaU.1:" is--arge, h,ere is no soA.ds and is ext e:'nely muddy: 1 ^G .5 w 7. Is the-, e a .3i in the st'ari'_ wa-te= discharge? •Yes x N 0 �. 1$ theAre "' r::: ^:-��� M. tf_ -1�;'^^*/.7 r o:V 1 •'be: es `�l: ...: ♦. an ..: e L_ e .7..v. .V at 1... c Gi 1 r•a n %err* r �� r.r x.,rr. Y, - v fa: i l�j,� 9. Is tl^..re e de „_ ._ s'�'.:_ .._ ._ _ _�_�i+�., a- �.:.. es .�_ 10. OtL'~.r ri%'.i /3L .5 _-1L. G:Ma s List and descr i ^e :Vote: Low -� .. �^'� 1'? y.r � w i � /3",^� ^�' SR,.e'7 n7 e C1�+�/�g�'� ',.:1 =l .. ..:. �r 1? ,�� �'•� ' , (. i." ° �L�L.S:.. r. �J � r.'G:.t:.�:�.� .. w:. , .. L., Oslo i • . % nL maybe i3ca ? _ ,, y,�._ �:... o'..:;_�- -�r- ;� - .,-r--.>�- �e — sec � f.!R: Ma= �GgZ G C: L sWU-242, Last modified IC/2s/20112