HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0083780_Complete File - Historical_20171231To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: Jay Lucas SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: No Date: October 26, 1993 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County: Catawba NPDES Permit No.: NC0083780 MRO No.: 93-251 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: American Concrete Products Hickory Plant Post Office Box 835 Statesville, N.C. 28687 2. Date of Investigation: October 26, 1993 3. Report Prepared By: Michael L. Parker, Environs Engr. II 4. Person Contacted and Telephone Number: Andy Stankwytch, (704) 872-9566. 5. Directions to Site: The American Concrete Products -Hickory Plant is located at 2001 Main Street, S.E. in 'the City of Hickory. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge Points: - Latitude: Longitude: 35' 43' 81' 18' 56" 03" Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site and discharge point on map. USGS Quad No.: E 13 NE 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application: Yes. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Gently rolling, 2-4% slopes. The site is not located in a flood plain. 9. Location of Nearest Dwelling: Approx. 300+ feet from the site. Page Two 10. Receiving Stream or Affected Surface Waters: U. T. to Lyle Creek a. Classification: C b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Catawba 030832 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: The area downstream below the proposed point of discharge is a mixture of industrial and residential development. The discharge enters a dry ditch as there is no receiving stream. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater: 0.005 MGD (Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity: N/A c. Actual treatment capacity of current facility (current design capacity): N/A d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous ATCs issued in the previous two years: N/A e. Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilities: The company presently operates a recycle operation where concrete residues are recovered for reuse. Wash and rinse water from the concrete trucks, however, by-pass the recovery facilities and enter two concrete settling basins connected in series. There are no other WWT facilities proposed. f. Description of proposed WWT facilities: No WWT facilities are proposed. g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: Toxic impacts could possibly occur as a result of the elevated pH of the effluent (12+ s.u.). h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): Not Needed. 2. Residual handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Residuals are generally stockpiled on -site .or are reused in the manufacturing process. 3. Treatment Plant Classification: Less than 5 points; no rating (include rating sheet). This facility does not meet the minimum criteria for a Class I rating. 4. SIC Code(s): 3273 Wastewater Code(s): Primary: 54 Secondary: N/A 5. MTU Code(s): 50000 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION I. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved (municipals only)? No Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None at this time. 3. Important SOC/JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: N/A 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation a. Spray Irrigation: Insufficient area available. b. Connect to regional sewer system: The City of Hickory will not accept stormwater into there collection system. c. Subsurface: Insufficient area available. PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS American Concrete Products (ACP) requests issuance of an NPDES Permit to discharge washwater and stormwater from a concrete manufacturing plant. The majority of the washwater is recycled in an existing aggregate recycling process, however, during storm events, stormwater combines with the washwater and creates a discharge. Observations made during the site inspection by the writer, however, found that there may be an opportunity to divert excess stormwater away from the washwater settling basin and eliminate the need for an NPDES Permit. Mr. Stankwytch.indicated that this option would be discussed with their engineer and, if found to be possible, the appropriate site modifications would be implemented. ACP could then apply for a recycle Permit for the aggregate recycling process. It is recommended that ACP be provided %45 days to determine the feasibility of modifying the existing site to eliminate the washwater discharge. The SERG should contact the applicant by letter to provide the 45 day extension and, upon receipt of information indicating that elimination of the process water discharge is feasible, no further action should be taken concerning the NPDES Permit request. If elimination of the discharge is found to be unfeasible, then this Office recommends that an NPDES Permit be issued as requested. C , ece /// /Q - 2% 73 Signature of Report Preparer Date y), � / a/Z ,ft2 't Tonal 5u ervisor Date Water Qual y g p STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 4755 IV SE 469 BETHLEHEM 6 MI. 201 '10 411 (BETHLEHEM) 472 473 17 30" +74 ilk 'VI), W�.aN IIII isti*P4 9,4 LI State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director f Mr. DAVID P. BODEN ',AMERICAN CONCRETE PROD P. O. BOX 835 STATESVILLE, NC 28687 Dear Mr. BODEN:. October 13. 1993 °S INC. 1 4 1993 Subject: Application No, NC0083780 HICKORY FACILITY Catawba County The Division's Permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials received on 'October 5, 1993. This application has been assigned the number shown above, Please refer to this number when making inquiries on this project. Your project has been assigned to Jay Lucas for a detailed engineering review. A technical acknowledgement will be forthcoming. If this acknowledgement is not received within thirty (30) days, please contact the engineer listed above. Be aware that the Division's regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor for this project prior to final action by the Division, I am, by copy of thisletter, requesting that our Regional Office Supervisor prepare a staff report and recommentations regarding this discharge. If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the review person listed above, Sincerely, Coieen H. Sullins, F.E. Supervisor, Permits and. Engineering Unit Regi to e Pollution Prevention Pays KO. l3ox 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919- An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 733-5083 N. C. DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEV. .ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION • NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM g0�`APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER � OCi STANDARD FORM C — MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL 40 SECTION I. APPLICANT AND FACILITY DESCRIPTION ‹,c,r Mess otherwise specified on this form ill Item; ars to be completed. if err Item Is not appllcabht lndlcate'NA.' ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS APPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION BOCre.LET AS INPCAYED, Fir -FAA TO . BOOKLET BEFORE FILLING OUT THESE ITEMS. 1. Legal Name of Applicant (see Instructions) 11. Malting Address of Applicant (see Instructions) Number £ street City State Zip Cods ]. Applkent's Authorized Agent (see Instructions) Name and Title Number & Street Address Clt y State Zip Code Telephone 4. Previous Application, If a previous application for a• National or Federal discharge per- mit has ben made, give tns date of appIIcation..Uw numeric deslgnatlon for date. .10 1624 103e 1130 103o 1034 1ne 104 P/ease Print or Type amERI CRN CoicR_Cr fRo.Duc73 C. F/I WNOY 70 P. O.;.1 bx 335� S7�7Esvr .LE nit) i Th CAROL.rig 8 Zs87 Sol —NI EnIGIIVEEP./ fIG ANa E►�IvtAbNiviEnirHL CoralSu[_7iN Co. 5C980 LAKEVJEw TRI'IE. 6-5orF7-4 w N Ai oR7k : Ca Re L /•AJ, .2'0 l Q 9i1 • 9z ',rk $Col Area Number Code • YR MO DAY I certify that I am familiar with the information Contained In this epptkatlon and that to the best of my kno,Medga and belief such information IS true, complete, and,4ccurats. �A‘i u7 P. 2,0-1)a-01/41 • 1SR1 'Pantos Name of Parson Signing Signature of Appiltent.or Authorized Agent l Je%%sLDE&r7yG—nitl/R.CINift2 T iq Coi)SOG�IA)C Co. Title f3 !4 YR MO DAY Date Application Marvel North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b) (2) -provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Comlaissian implementing.,that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or k bwly renders inaccurate. any recording cr'monitoring device or method required.to be operated cr maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the.Eaviroumental Management Commissic implementing that Article, shall beguilty of "a misdemeanor buniahable by a fine not.to exceed, $10,00r), or by imprisonment not to exceed' six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 pro vi4 a punishment by a fine of not more than $1O,000 or imprisonment not more then 5 years, br both, for a similar offense.) - I. Facility/Activity (see Instructions) Give the name, ownership, and pllyskat location of the plant or ` otheroperating facility where dls- eharge(s) does or will occur. Name Ownelshlp (Public, Private or Both Public and Private) Check block If Federal'Facltlty and give OSA Inventory Control Number Location Street & Number City County State a. Nature of •ullneu State the nature of thebusiness conducted at the plant or operating facility. 7. Faculty intake Water (see instruc- tions) Indicate water Intake volume per day by sources. Estimate average volume per day In'thousand gallons per day. Municipal or private water system Surface water Groundwater Othere Total Item 7 41f there Is Intake water from 'other.' specify the spurts. B. Facility Water the Estimate average volume per day In thousand gallons per day for the following types of water usage at the facility. (see Instructions) Noncontact cooling water Boiler foed,water Proceu water (Including contact sooting water) Sanitary watw Other' Total Item a elf there #rrdlscharges to 'other,' &sadly. If there is'Sanitary' water use, give Ma number of people served. Ilia 1e7e AatNCY USE1 1 1 • MERICArJ Con[cR6-rE eaLaue-rs..rnlC. HIc,CnRY ff?c/L/-rY 0 PUB r R V 0 BPP 0 FED ,Zoo/ /7AiN 5f?EE1 S.E. f a• B.oX ISO flit croiY CRI--AcciZR NoR?H CARoL1W4l t1ANUFpc-r-ul?-E of Rap_DY-P1iXFTh CON Cge E - AGENCY USE and gallons per daY thousand gallons per day thousand rilions per day oNK►V 0 UM thousand gallons per day Pp 4;58 thousand gallons per day PL c1 S SCME 5Vok'p "&) 7 167f 1 S l o ER 1 197 p2.C1- S ia l0la tp b NONE thousand gallons per Gay thousand gallons per day thousand gailorll per day thousand gallons per day thousand isTIorts per day thousand gallons per day c LE S WASH k i(mJSE c(JFrER F'o_R • ConicRark ! Ucl ton / -f : people MrvSd • I-2 1. Alt Facility DischarEes.and other Lowest Number and'Dkeharle Isar Instructions) Volume Specify the number of discharge points and the yolume of water discharged or lost from the facility according to the categories below. £atlmate average volume per day In thousand gallons per day. Surface Water Sanitary wastewater transport Bittern Storm water transport system Combined sanitary and storm water transport system SurfKs Impoundment with h0 effluent Underground percolation Well Injection Waste acceptance firm Evaporation COnsumptlon Other' Facility dlsehar9es and volume Total item 9. • If there are discharges to 'other,' specify. tiomi 10141 1f11m1 Humber of Discharge Points� -1 Po11 AGENCY USE 4-1 I i I I 1 I Total Volume Lised Or Discharged, TTouund oo Gal/Day Ls r�• Irk-f"'; o• c 0z60 NorIE SEA MI AZ NO I Non1E N and L. 0,100 lip 10.0 /JonlE �1..•9(0 10. Permits, Licenses and Applications List all existing, pending or denied permits, licenses end applications related to discharges from this facill y (Me Instructions). 0147 1. 1. i. Issuing Agency For Agency Use Type of Permit or LicenseYR/MO/DA ID Number Date Flied Date, Issued YR/MO/DA Date Denied 'IR/MO/DA Expiration Date YR/MO/DA ;a) tees =r1 _ .eel ' -tei . (1) :':44. .. ' . Ails ' '' WC.ZE0►4.1Z PERMrT ro , 14) 0 'ro//o 5 qt/ogiU _ ;46%3/3r ofkRA-rd 00134.2.64p 11. Maps and Drawings Attach all required maps and drawings to the back of this apptkatlon,(see Instructional 12. Additional Information 5:1l2 Nam Number Information Toga/ S►oRM WATER FRo'1 -rim &MO d?uNS /Nib �I/ IPECYcLLE SYs-Ter Hot••biNG'tANKS.Z11RAJC. bigaVY,Rr31N1-NE "rigniKS OV-Ei2FL.oW /N%O • A SUIPFRcE zRAiN cJHlc ' FLOWS /Arra LYLE CREEK . ' i r5 I.L.o tc ,s R MfV7ti&E of: I"RorSSS 'VAL71 aroR?M G1 A'fEW,-rl1?rS S(W' ?1 'r oceUk'S PRIMARILY .21Fra0.5, '71.HE 191-GIV:r oE,s rla7 D_fERP,—r IN RR91NY G.JEN fER.7N'15 •ZlScklrQRGE IS 1NieRM17reivr RAI 1S7'M+irrE.I . 7HE NUt 1..EI< G!VEn! is THE ES7IPIrf .DF9ILY 6E OVER 74 yFA� ,1-!E VOLUt f s STANDARD FORM C - MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL POR AGENCY USE SECTI ON II. BASIC DISCHARGE DESCRIPTION Complete this section for each discharge indicated in Section I. Item 9. that is to surface waters. This includes discharges to municipal sewerage systems In which the wastewater Does nol go through a treatment works prior to being discharged to Surface waters. Discharges to wells must be described where there are also discharges to Surface waters from this facility. SEPARATE DESCRIPTIONS OF EACH DISCHARGE ARE REQUIRED EVEN IF SEVERAL DISCHARGES ORIGINATE IN THE SAME FACILITY. All values for an existing discharge should be retire sentative of the twelve previous months Of operation. If this IS a Propo3ed discharge, values should reflect best engineering estimates. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS APPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET AS INDICATED. REFER TO BOOKLET BEFORE Fil LIWG-OUT THESE ITEMS, 1. Discharge Seriet No. and Mime a. Discharge Serial No. =01a (set instructions) b. Discharge Name Give name of discharge, 1f any. - (see InslruCtioni) c. Previous Discharge Serial No. II previous permit application was made for this discharge (see Item 4. Section 1). provide previ• ous discharge Serial number, 2. Discharge Operating Dates a. Discharge Began Date It the discharge described below is in opoiation, give the dale (within best estimate) the discharge began. b. Dneharaeto Begin Date It the discharge has never occurred but Is planned 10r some future date. give lite date (within best esti• male) the discharge will begin, C Discharge to End Date It dip crtarge n scheduled to be discnn. tinued wilhin the next b years, give the bate (within best esti• male) the discnarq. will 1:nb. 3. Engineering Report Available Check it an engineering report rs available Io reviewing agency unen reouesi. (see instructions) 4. Discharge Location Name the political boundaries within which the point of discharge is located State County (if applicabre) City or fowl S. Discharge Point Description Discharge is into (check one): (see instruclions) Stream (includes ditches, arroyos, and other intermrttenr watercourses) Lake Ocean Municipal Sanitary Wastewater Transport System Miinicipar Combined Sanitary and Storm Transport System tOlb 201 e 202a 202b 202c 203 204a 204b '204c 205a /0I D 07P c- `To L/Lg Cleri EK . 63 19 YR MO YR MO YR Mr] CRR O L! nl Csa gsT R ❑LKE ❑OCE ❑MT5 ❑MGS 20441. 2044 204f Agency Use This +section contains 9 pages. DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER Municipal Storm Water Transport System Well (Injection) Other 11 .'other' is Checked, specify 1. Discharge Feint — Let/Lonl Give the preelie location of the pOint o1 discharge to the nearest second. Latitude Longitude 7. Dlschergt Ilecelelne Water Name Name the waterway at the point of dlacharge.(sae Instructions) If the discharge is through an out - fail that extends beyond the shore- line or is below the mean low water line. complete Item B. 1. Offshore Discharge a. Discharge Distance from Shore tf. Discharge Depth Below Water Surface 9. Discharge Type end Occurrence a. Type of Discharge Check Whether the discharge is Con- tinuous or intermittent. (see Instructions) b. Discharge Occurrence Days per Week Enter the average num bee of days per week (during periods of discharge) this dis- charge occurs. c. Discharge Occurrence —Months 11 this discharge normally operates (either intermittently. or Continuously) on Tess than a year around basis (excluding Shutdowns for routine mainte- nance), check the months dur- ing the year when the discharge is operating. (see Instructions) :omplale.Items 10 and 11 10"inter- ttttent" Is Checked.In item 9.1. )therwlse, proceed 10 Item 12. 0. Intermittent DIseharee Quantity Stet. the average volume per dit- charge occurrence in thousands of gallons. 11. intermittent Discharge Duration and Frequency a. Intermittent Discharge Duration Per Day State the average number of hours per day the discharge Fs operating. b. intermittent Discharge Frequency State the average number of discharge occur- ►ences par day during days when discharging. 12. Maxim's* Flow Period Give the time period In which the maximum flow of this discharge °CCUrs. Seib 2011a 204 207a 107b 2011e 209 b 209a 20912 20tsc 2111 211■ 2119 212 ❑ STS ❑WCL ❑OTH FOR AGENCY USE I I 1 Q ,= DEG V1 DEG =MII - 55SEC 17 MIN leg SEC UNNJF?i=n z.r-rcti Ruh/iv/Ai G iArc LYLE CkEEK For Agency Use lees feet ❑ (con) Continuous (J fine) Intermittent !days per week ❑J AN ❑FEB ❑MAR ❑MA`1 D JUN ❑ JUL ❑SEP QOCT ❑NOv 5 (esr) For Agency Use 303e ❑ APR ❑AUG DEC thousand gallons per discharge occurrence. —noun per day _discharge occurrences per day From to month month SEE .Z/ DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 12. Activity D Ics1pllon Give a narrative description of activity producing this d(scharge.(see fristruct ib nt) 14. Activity Causing Discharge For each SIC Code which describes the activity causing this discharge, supply the type and maximum ' amount of either Ina row material consumed (Item 14a) or the product produced (Item 146) in the unitt specified in Table I of the Instruc• tlon Booklet. Far SIC Codes not lilted in t able I. use raw material or production units normally used for measuring production.(see instructions) a. Raw Materials SIC Code 214a (1) 2(3a POR AGENCY USE1 IIt7pnJUF19CToR . of «ERI)Y-- N1 XE,D Con1CREiE. '1?'CYCLIN6 AND REUSE OF COA CeE7"E_ //ES/Z UEs 'DELIVERY . %RLJCK$ Name (2) Maximum Unit Shared DISCharges Amount/Day (See Table 1) (Serial Number) (31 t�) (5) b. Products SIC Code 1140 (1) -5.z 7.3 Name 12) Maximum Unit Shared Discharger Amount/Day (See Table I) (Serial Number) Con1CRE7� (3) Zoo i (4) nNS (51 n1onlE TFfE r�N57gLLE� CiqPACryy OF'7Th R,LA4J7- / S ZOOO ONS PER -Zy}/ rNEJ XIMuPI PRo.DUcer/a Iv h'7"E %S'' 0O IONS f II-3 E� �Rr DiSCssfARrr SERUM NUM11r R tS. Waste Abatement Waste Abatement Prsetices Describe the waste abatement Practices USCO on this discharge with a brief narrative. (see Itntructtons) a_ b. Waste Abatement Codes Using the codes listed in Table 11 of the {nitroCtion Booklet. describe the waste abatement processes for this discharge in the orPerIn which they occur kl pOssible. 2 FOR AGENCY USE 15■ Nerrat.ve: At4.Cy_CLE/11EUSE. Pl �l77 /S //N RIL USE, CemiefeTiE gasI:DUEs 1=RoM Eu 7RU CKS ZtseHi iF") /N i d AtL RECLAIMEIS GFPGY SE/ }9RR s7��L FR011 S r .Lir1.E. THF1sL14R i -ER is__C9 Th - lN� �LDING `7Jj2N J &J.±1__ • 4)14_.R. _—lT 1S .- SLED nap e us 600 G .f -p . _ 2tl1b l (1) + 50kE� (4, f<EcYCL. (71 - (101 (13) (161 (191 _ (22) (25) II-4 (3) RE Cp`f e , ti DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 1i. Wastewater Characteristics Check the Lox beside each constituent which Is present In the effrwnt (dtseharbl water), This determination Is to be based on actual analysis o►best estimate.(see Instructions) Parameter 216 ° Parameter �. Color 00080 e 0)04p2r Ammonia 00610 Iran . 01045 • Organic nitrogen 00605 Lead 01051 Nitrate 00620 Mag 7 0092sium Nitrite 00615 Man/pincer 01055 Phosphorus 00665 Mercury 71900 Sulfate 00945 Molybdenum 01062 Sulfide 00745 Nickel 01067 Sulfite - 00740 • Selenium 01147 Bromide 71870 Silver 01077 Chloride 00940 Potassium 00937 Cyanide 00720 Sodium 00929 Fluoride 00951 Thallium 01059 Aluminum • 01105' Titanium 01152 •• Antimony. 01097 Tin 01102 Arsenic' 01002% Zinc .01092 Beryllium 01012 Algicides• 74051 Barium 01007 Chlorinated orpnic compounds• 74052 Boron 01022 Pesticides' 74053 Cadmium 01027 . r Oil and peen 00550 Calcium 00916 _ Phenols . 32730 Cobalt 01037 Surfactants 38260 _Chromium 01034 . Chlorine 91‘ 50060 Fecal coliforrn bacteria 74055 Radioactivity• 74050 "Specify substances, compounds and/or elemen sin Item 26. • Pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, and rodentiades) must be reported in terms of the acceptable common names specif-iad inAcceprabk Common Names and Chemical Names for the Ingredient Statement on • Pesticide Labeiz, 2nd Edition, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20250, June 1972, is required by Subsection 162.7(b) of the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. foPI PIONI Cl P L eJl97"ER S of &LY 11-5, DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 17. DMzA/tiOn of Inbke anef Discharge , For each of Um parameters listed below, nter In the appropriate box the value or code letter answer called IOr.(soe instructions) In addition, enter the parameter narre.and code and WI required valuer for any of the followln9 parameters If they were chocked In Item 161 ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, topper. lead, mercury. nickel, selenium, tint, phenols, oil and grease, and chlorine (residual). Parameter and Code Row' GOdon: per day 00056 Influent* Effluent "W -r ! /b5S pH Units 00400 Temperature (winter) ▪ F 74028 Temperature (summer) ' F 74027 )iod+emical Oxygen Demand (HOD 5-day) mei 00310 Melaka! Oxygen Demand (COD) 00340 Total Suspended (nonfiterable) Sobel' 00530 Specific Conductance mlaomhot(crn at 25' C 00095 74-7 G 6 78 N/A NIA ZERO /6o a (3) 5000 X Settleable /latter (residue) tsa/1 00545 ZERO 'Other dbcharges sharing intake flow (serial numbcrs).(tee inrtructions) pl1iq NlR Nle Nag Hip win 11000 10i Goo 0 � r z� (7) 1- h city N/A NiFI N�R N�A glij NIA N�A Ni NtR NiR N/A GAY or KIcKoRY nlC MWnricfP&L LJPi i' CF{Lo K/AI E 0. 6 - O - S Pt 1 F *-. 4r 77/cR E GRE /Nl o Pi nIOLYTr Cm_ H7�J F� K i r51 SLR nI T 11-6 (Cont'd.) Parameter and Code ittA (eHLo/i,J.50o 6 o. DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 1. influent. 30' (I) 0.7 Effluent r • 1a. Plant Controls Check If the fol- lowing plant controls are available for this discharge. . Alternate power source for major pumping facility. Alarm or emergency prOCadure for power or equipment failure Complete Item 19 If discharge Is . from cooling and/or steam water generation and water treatment additives are used. 19. Water Treatment Addttivas If the tlisenarge h treated withany con- ditioner, inhibitor, or algIcIde, answer the.lolfowing; a. Name of Material(s) b. Name and address of menu. lecturer C. Quantity (pounds added per minion gallons of water trotted). 119 11 *a flab atao DAPS ❑ ALM 11.7 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER FOR AOEriCV 11S. d. Chemical composition of these additives (set Instructions). Complete items 20-25 If there Is a thermal discharge (e.g., associated with a steam and/or power generation plant, steel mill, pet►ottum refinery, OT any other manufacturing proven) and the total discharge flow Is 10 million gallons par day or more. (see Instructions) 20. Thermal DIscharja Douro@ Check the appropriate item(s) Indicating the source of the discharge. (see instructions) Boller Slowdown Boller Chemical Cleaning Ash Pond Overflow Boller Water Treatment — Evapora- tor Slowdown OII or Cosi Fired Plants — Effluent from Alr Pollution Control Devices Condense Cooling Water _Cooling Tower Slowdown Manufacturing Process Other 21. Dischargt/Reaelvirrg Water Temper- ature Dtff.rence Glee the maximum temperature difference between the discharge and receiving waters for summer end winter operating conditions. Summer (1M Instructions) Winter 2Z. Discharge Temperature, Rate of Change Per Hour Glre the maximum possible rate of temperaturechange per hour of discharge under operating con- ditions. (see Irntructlont) 23. Water Temperature, Percentile Report.(FnQuency of Occurrence) In the tibia billow, enter the temperature whlCh Is exceeded 10% of the year, 5% of the year, 1% of the year and not at ell (maximum yearly temperature). (we Instructions) Fr quency of occurrence a. intake Water Temperature (Subject to natural changes) b. Discharge Water Temperature 24. Water Intake Velocity (id. Instructions) 21. Retention Time Give the length of time, In minutes, from start of water temperature rise to discharge Of cooling water. (se. Instructions) ❑ BLISD O BCCL ❑ APOF ❑ EPBD ❑ OCFP ❑ COND ❑ CTBD ❑MFPR ❑ OTHR 0F./hour 10% 57!Ir 1% Maximum' of of of dF OF of of dF feet/sec. rnlnuta/ U-8 • -. DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER FOR AGENCY USE 2i. Additional frIfOrmation 226 Item - . Information 0Z 0 / Ci., . ' N 5-AIGIN6-.6_Riiva StuDY 4.119s re6PRRED Fa --f-H eE'cycLE Rgus6 fLoArr •nsial\I oniz eaRtIrrriNa eRoc&ss: 1 is REPoRr is RW7/4.4i-IC,E 19;4E141 CI9A1 Core ikaZUCTS CO. •HiCh/418Y 70 E*1:157:3 fo.73oX 1335 S-707--65V 1 i_.La- Alokril eggoLibiNfil Z8-687 ZIO -if/6- i5oil4c-iegE rn1LY Occoks roz_c_owinia 5-7"-H.DY kRIN. 173ukiNG g 57-acm EVEN'T 7H f2-6w7 CgESES OfkRig7-776AIS ., pn,f.13 -0-16ReP-134'&" 'EX714'Ple..7-101+1 fRot THE IfacYcLE•-ea-tiS .) ) PLRN7 57-0PS, .rN R.D.M.17-/ONJ 87"ogn 4.1Firegrafri -Ti./E- antsrr Zag...7) P2_04)5 Arlo-777/E. A'ECYCZ.E7 REUSE PLR/47- , • ibiNG.,T616.51.35_17- .liacOP,1E3 M1)(E.7 zar-fH igNocs5 NiiikR. 1 7i46 th-oRpl 15 5 opFiCtakr-rLy PEIW)'.1-igE HoLnitv67i9A/KS OVEgFLotti /Arco .-11-iE .Zire.1-1 _..1-.fiziA14_ LYLE ZWCIALa.Z1V .770. __Cigj..K.• _Ze.i.-e_f_76 NORMAL OPERR7-10A1571/64'6 tS NO ZiscEPRCE fROP17-41- , a-aArr. ,s_zivc. -ri/E i_s capR6E 1S 41)19-r-HER ..Ei°&--.i.I.D1\1-7-- , rr /.5 /ArraRmr-rry-r- aND VERY VrliCrig.Ze_s IN VaLutlE•• 177 is Po-Ssi.Z,L6 OA IL ..Y .7"o al\I icl gouag 6.5-rip-ip-r OF" 774E- MI.5041-7RGE. VOLUME sWE TT'S d'Re•Dut.ic/. • • . . • ., 11-9 STANDARD FORM C - MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL ill FOR, AGENCY USE SECTION.M. WASTE ABATEMENT REQUIREMENTS & IMPLEMENTATION (CONSTRUCTION) SCHEDULE This section rewires Information on any uncompleted implementation'eehedulewhkh may have been Imposed for construction of waste abate- ment }sclfltles. Such requirements and implementation sahardules may have been established by local, State, or Federal agencies or by court action. In addition to completing thefollowing Items, a copy of en official Implementation schedule should be attached to this application. IF YOU ARE SUBJECT TO SEVERAL. DIFFERENT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES, EITHER BECAUSE OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF AUTHORITY IMPOSING DIFFERENT SCHEDULES (Item la.) AND/OR STAGED CONSTRUCTION OF SEPARATE OPERATION UNITS (Item 1c),'SUBMIT A SEPARATE SECTION III FOR EACH ONE. 1. Improvements „ e. DbCharge Serial Number Affected Lit the discharge aerial numbers, assigned In Section II, that are covered by this Implementation echeduls. b. Authority Imperative Require - mints Check the appropriate Item indicating the authority ,for Implementation schedule. If the Identical Implementation Schedule has been ordered by more than one authority, check the appropriate items. (um instructions) Locally developed plan Arsawide Plan Basic Plan State approved Implementa- tion schedule Federal approved water quality standards implementa- tion plan. Federal enforcement proced- ure OF action State court order Federal Court order c. Facility Requirement. Specify the 3-character coda of those listed below that best describes In general termstherequire- trsent of.tha Implementation schedule and the applicable character .abatement code(s) from Table II of the Instruction booklet. If more than one schedule applies to the facility because of a staged construction SCheduie, state the stay' of con- struttIon being described here with the appropriate general action code. Submit i separate Section 111for each stage of construction planned. Pooh '�4cx 1.1.16 3414. O LOC ❑ ARE- OBAS ❑ SOS ❑WDS DENF OCRT ❑FED 3-character (generall 6-character Ispeclfic) (see Table II) ito'ourm FOR AGENCY USE `774t C 19/?E- No 61.23H7" ME,T f?EQul et-IENrs oR lMPLcnrE 1 pilot S'GFf�UL.ESe Now Facility Modification (no Increase In capacity or treatment) Increase In Capacity Increase In Treatment Level Both Incrsase_in Treatment Level and Capacity Process Change Elimination of Discharge NEW MOD INC INT ICT PRO ELI This section Confaina 2 papea. FOR ACUENC4 UZI 2. Implementation Schedule and 3. Actual Completion Dales Provide dates Imposed by schedule and any actual dates of completion for Implementation Stein fisted below. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. free Instructions) Implementation Steps a. Prolimlnary plan complete b.. Final plan submission C. Final plan complete d. Financing complete & contract awarded e. Site acquired I. begin action (e.g.. construction) 0. End action tea.Construction) P. DhCharge Sagan L Operational level Mt/lined 2. Schedule (Yr./Mo./Day) --/----/- -/--/-- -/-/_ -/--/- -/-/- III-2 X. Actual Completion (Yr./16%0./0'y) G P 145442 N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION i APPLICATION NUMBER DISCHARGE SERIAL_ NUMBER REFER TO DIRECTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO COMPLETE THIS FORM Parame ler (Code) SO1) 0 E D r o z< . ti:'>.;:ri ° , (71 4 Lel (8) REMARKS: i I certify that 1 am familiar with the Information contained In this report and that to the best of my knowledge and pallet such Information Is true, complete and accurate. Date Form Completed Name of Authorized Agent Signature Directions. —For each parameter listed, complete the information requested in each column in the units specified according to the instructions given below. Column I. —Enter the daily average value of the intake water at the point it enters the facility. If intake water is from more than one source, and enters the facility at separate entry points, the value given in column I should be weighted proportional to the quantity of flow contributed from each source. If water is treated before use, completion of this column is not required (see instructions for column 2). Values of intake are not required for mining activities. Column 2.—If all or part of intake water is treated before use, provide values for total intake here instead of in Column 1. Also describe briefly in item 26 "additional information," the type of treatment performed on intake water (e.g., rapid sand Filtration, coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, etc.) and the percent of intake water contributing to this discharge that has been treated. Column 3.—Supply daily average value for the days when discharge is actually operating or is expected to be operat- ing (a new discharge). Daily average values are to be corn- puted by weighting the daily value in proportion to the daily flow. If a discharge occurs irregularly, the value supplied in the column marked "Daily Average" should represent an average fot the average for the days the discharge actually occurs. Average values are not to be supplied for pH, specific conductance, and bacteriological parameters (e.g., coliform bacteria). Columns 4 and S.—Supply minimum and maximum value observed (or expected for new discharge) over any one day when the discharge is operating. Column b.—Specify the average frequency of analysis for each parameter as number analyses per number of days (e.g., "3/7" is equivalent to three analyses performed every 7 days). If continuous, enter "CONT." When analyses are conducted on more than one individual grab sample col- lected during the same day, the analysis frequency should reflect one analysis whose value is the average,of the Individual grab sample measurements. Average frequency should be based on an operating month. Column 7. —Specify the number of analyses performed at the average frequency specified in column 6, up to 365. Column 8.—Specify sample type as follows: G For grab sample (individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes). #{C For composite sample "#l" is to be replaced average number of hours over which the con'; ample was collected. Composite samples dn..,•+-1- binations of individual samples obtained at hoe :. over a time period. Either the volume of eacr• ti•- dividual sample is directly proportional to flow rates or the sampling interval (for conatai.t• volume samples) is inversely proportional ire 1: flow rates over the time period used to produc•• •.., composite. NA if "CDNT' was entered in column 6. Analytical methods. —Appendix A contains all paianiei'1N with their reporting levels, test descriptions, and refer. • The parameter values can be determined either by use 1.1 +, of the standard analytical methods as described in table A .n by methods previously approved by the EPA Ret:i+•nal Administrator or Director of a federally apponed `•+.+:r program (or their authorized representattve'l whi. •• . jurisdiction over the State in which the discharge the test used is not one shown in table A. the test nrno 'ul' should be referenced in "Remarks" or on a sepal ate :1'• + , ' values are determined to be feu than the detectable determined by referenced standard analytical tct1r,7+•_ and/or instrument manufacturer's literature). spectry ' t� i (value of detectable limit)" in the appropriate space. • t ekample, if the detectable limit is .005 mg/l and qu.u+titra, of less than this are determined, specify "LT .005." Do nu enter descriptors such as "NIL," TRACE, NEG, rtr.. for this purpose. if it is your reasoned judgement that one rr+ more of the required parameters' is not present in the initial untreated or treated process water and/or the discharge. enter an "A" (meaning "absent") in the appropriate space. In order for values reported to be representative. it is recommended that they be based on from at least flee err seven analyses of composite samples (if applicable). Each of the composite samples should be obtained by compositing frequent samples in proportion to flow over an operating day. Samples should be taken during period of maximum production, if possible. If samples are taken at periods of less than maximum production, state in "Remarks" the percent of maximum production that was obtained during the sampling period. GPO s65.710 CITY OF HICKORY STORM WATER 14,458 GPD 500 GPD v260 GPD +10,558 GPD SANITARY SYSTEM 260 GPD CITY OF HICKORY SANITARY SEWER RAW MAT'LS READY-MfX PLANT 3640 GPD 3540 GPD 14,100 GPD PRODUCT AND CONCRETE TRUCKS RECYCLE/REUSE SYSTEM 100 GPD 500 GPD EVAPORATION STORM TO DRAIN ATMOSPHERE SCHEMATIC OF WATER FLOW AMERICAN CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC. HICKORY CATAWBA NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 19, 1993