HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026816_Facility Reclassification_20030530North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Water. PollutionControlSystemOperator Certification Commission Michael F.`Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Chairman April 9, 2002 Mr. Roland Hall Town of Roseboro P.O. Box 848 Roseboro, N.C. 28382-0848 Subject: Reclassification Dear Mr. Hall: NCDENR This letter is to recap the events that took place during the Operators Training and Certification Commission meeting on July 20, 2001. Representing the Town of Roseboro you came before the commission requesting a reprieve from meeting regulation NCAC 15A 8G .302, adopted in April 1999 requiring that your wastewater treatment plant be reclassified. The classification of this 0.7 MGD dual oxidation ditch wastewater treatment facility would increase from a Grade II facility to a Grade III facility at the next renewal of the NPDES permit (October 31, 2001). It was recommended that the town should be given two l years before the regulation would be enacted. The motion was made and the commission adopted the recommendation. In accordance with this ruling the Town of Roseboro will have a two-year phase in period to prepare for the reclassification from a Grade II to a Grade III facility effective November 1, 2003. This will allow time for the operator to attend the required school and take the necessary examination to obtain the Grade III operator's certification. If I can be of further assistance please give me a call (919) 733-0026 Ext. 302. Hope A. Walters, Supervisor Technical Assistance and Certification Cc: Dennis Ramsey Coi h Sullins: - Dave Goodtich P'.aln a ls'' ._. Don Register ; 1618 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27p99-1618 -Phone: 919 - 733-0026 \ FAX: 919 — 733-1338 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 1O% POST CONSUMER PAPER 4 Michael F. Easley, Governor Date AT "A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources : March 20, 2002 To : Hope Walters Training and Certification Supervisor Through /4 : Paul Rawls, Regional Supervisor Fayetteville Regional Office, Division of Water Quality From : Don Register, Environmental Technician IV Fayetteville Regional Office, Division of Water Quality Subject : Permit Modification Town of Roseboro NPDES Permit No. NC0026816 William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Acting Director Division of Water Quality During the Operators Training and Certification Commission meeting of July 20, 2001, the Town of Roseboro came before the commission requesting a reprieve from meeting regulation NCAC 15A 8G .302, adopted in April 1999 requiring their wastewater treatment plant to be reclassified. The current 0.7 MGD Grade II facility would be reclassified to a Grade III. Attached are the minutes from the July 20th meeting. On page 5, is the recommendation of Mr. Rawls to give the town two years before the regulation would be enacted. The motion was made and the commission adopted the recommendation. To date, this office has not received a copy of any correspondence from your office to the Town of Roseboro, recapping what was decided at this meeting and what the Town should expect. This memo is just to make you aware of this matter, as we understand that such a response would come from your office. Cc: Coleen Sullins, Water Quality Chief Dave Goodrich, N.P.D.E.S. Permit Unit 225 GREEN STREET - SUITE 714 / SYSTEL BUILDING / FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301-5043 PHONE (910) 486-1541 FAX (910) 486-0707 WWW.ENR.STATE.NC.US/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER- 50% RECYCLED/10% POST CONSUMER PAPER DENR TOLL FREE HOTLINE: 1-877-623-6748 MINUTES WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATORS CERTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Raleigh, N C The regularly scheduled meeting of the Certification Commission was called to order on Friday, July 20, 2001, at 10:00 AM, in the Groundfloor Hearing Room in the Archdale Building in Raleigh with Chairman Coleen Sullins presiding. The following persons were in attendance for the meeting: Commission Members Ms. Coleen Sullins Mr. Bob Dodson Mr. John Boykin Ms. Susan Rexrode Dr. Don Francisco Mr. Wayne Bryant Mr. C. L. Gobble Mr. Michael Garrett Mr. Osmond Kearney Mr. Gregory Young Staff Members Mr. Roger Edwards Ms. Thelma Williams Ms. Beth Buffington Mr. Tony Honeycutt Mr. Alwin Basden Mr. Tony Arnold Mr. Dennis Ramsey Mr. Frank Crawley Ms. Pat Durrett Mr. James Pugh 23 Guests 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Coleen H. Sullins, who welcomed everyone in attendance. The Chairman then recognized the former supervisor of Technical Assistance and Certification Unit of Division of Water Quality, Mr. Dwight T. Lancaster, and presented him with a plaque for his eight years of service. Mr. Lancaster is now the Superintendent for the City of Roxboro Wastewater Treatment Facility. Mr. Lancaster expressed his appreciation to the Commission for their support during his years of service. Mr. C. L. Gobble, Mr. Wayne Bryant, and Dr. Francisco expressed their appreciation for all the time that he has given to the facilities, operators and as an instructor for the schools. The Chairman also recognized outgoing Commission member, Mr. C. D. Malone, and presented him with a plaque for his nine years of service. Several Commission members made comments praising Mr. Malone's leadership ability during the rules review committee meetings and his service as Vice- Chainnan of the WPCSOCC. Mr. Malone made comments concerning the past years and expressed how pleased he is concerning the direction that the Commission is taking on several projects. The Chairman recognized the Secretary of State, Elaine Marshall, to swear in the new member, Mr. John Boykin, and the reappointment of Ms. Susan Rexrode and Mr. Michael Garrett. The Chairman then called for a short break for pictures. The Chainnan called the meeting back to order and asked for revisions or corrections to the minutes of the July 21, 2000 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Dr. Donald Francisco, seconded by Mr. Michael Garrett and unanimously passed by the Commission. There was one revision for the agenda: Action Item 010702-Animal Waste Operator Case was moved to the next Commission meeting due to the Water Quality staff being involved with another contested case and Mr. Futrell, animal waste operator, having another obligation. 010701 Approval of WPCSOCC Meeting Dates for 2002 The Chairman stated that the first Action Item would be the approval of WPCSOCC meeting dates for 2002. Mr. Arnold stated that each year the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission must approve the meeting schedule for the coming year. During the May 1999 meeting the Commission adopted a quarterly meeting schedule. After reviewing the nufnber of agenda items and the number of canceled meetings. for past two years (attachment #1) .it became apparent that the Commission members' time was not being effectively utilized. Canceled meetings seem to always cause some confusion and difficulties. With the addition of the Advisory Committee to handle enforcement cases and the adoption 2 of the April 1999 rule revisions, the staff believes that two commission meetings a year would better utilize time. This would allow the Commission members to be kept informed on current issues and produce an agenda with more issues to be addressed by the Commission. The Chairman could call a special meeting of the Commission if the need arose. Mr. Arnold stated that staff recommends the approval for two Commission meetings a year. Suggested dates for the year 2002 were March 22, 2002, and September 20, 2002. After much discussion of the dates, the Commission decided on the months of April and October. New dates will be chosen and brought before the Commission for approval at the next schedule meeting. The Chairman asked for a motion. Mr. Wayne Bryant made the motion for the Commission dates to be April and October. Mr. Michael Garret seconded and the Commission unanimously approved the motion. The next scheduled meeting is Friday, October 26, 2001. 010702 Animal Waste Operator Case This Action Item was postponed until the October 26`h meeting. 010703 Approval of the Wilbur E. Long, Jr. Operator of the Year Award Winners The Chairman recognized Mr. Wayne Bryant for the presentation of next action item. Mr. Bryant stated that the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC) established the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator of the Year Award in 1975 to offer recognition to operators. By Resolution, adopted by the WPCSOCC on January 12, 1977, the annual operator award was designated to be referred to henceforth as the Wilbur E. Long, Jr. Operator of the Year Award. The Commission established the Operator of the Year Award to offer recognition to operators who have: • exhibited outstanding knowledge and. innovation in the on -going operation of a water pollution control facility; or • contributed their time and efforts toward the training, education and professionalism of operators; or • devised, discovered or invented devices or techniques which enhance the science of facility operation. Because there has been a decline in the number of nominations received for the award over the last few years, the Commission asked that a committee be formed- to establish procedures for the award. On March 10, 2000, the selected committee met to discuss the procedures for the award. A draft copy of the recommended procedure was submitted and approved by the Commission on July 21, 2000. The Committee 3 met on May 02, 2001 to review the ballot results. The summary of the ballots produced the following winners: Wastewater Operator Ken Barfield — Wastewater Grade II James Shoulder — Wastewater Grade III Cecil Martin — Wastewater Grade IV Collections Operator Steve Talbert — Collections IV Subsurface Operator Kenneth Henson — Subsurface Spray Irrigation Operator James Laux — Spray Irrigation Animal Waste Operator George Pettus —.Animal Waste During the review of the ballots and procedures it was suggested that presenting the award before the winner's employer and peers would bring more local attention to the award recipient(s). It was suggested that the wording in section IV.A be changed to state, "The presentation of the award(s) to the recipient(s) will take place at the next formal meeting held by the employer of the recipient(s) whenever possible or at the next WPCSOCC meeting following the selection of awards recipients". The Committee and staff recommend that the Commission approve the 2001 Wilbur E. Long, Jr. Operator of the Year Award winners and adopt the suggested changes in the award procedure. Mr. C. L. Gobble made. and Ms. Susan Rexrode seconded, a motion to approve staff recommendations. 010704 Reclassification Request for the Town of Roseboro- Mr. Paul Rawls The Chairman stated that Mr. Paul Rawls, Water Quality Regional Supervisor for the Fayetteville Regional Office, would be making this presentation for the reclassification request from the Town of Roseboro. The Chairman noted that several officials of the Town of Roseboro were present and that Mr. Roland Hall would be making a presentation for the town. Commission member, Mr. John Boykin, 4 asked to be excused due to a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Rawls stated the Town of Roseboro wastewater treatment plant is currently classified as a Grade II facility. However, in accordance with the classification system NCAC 15A 8G .302 (c) adopted in April 1999, the classification of this 0.7 MGD dual oxidation ditch wastewater treatment facility would increase to a Grade III facility at the next renewal of the facility's NPDES permit. Roseboro's NPDES permit expires October 31, 2001. Due to the town's low influent flows and the fact that only one half of the system is now being utilized, the Town of Roseboro requested that the system remain a Grade II facility. Mr. Rawls reminded the Commission that the Town of Roseboro still continues to operate an existing wastewater treatment facility consisting of a lagoon for influent flow equalization, manual bar screen, aerated grit chamber, parshall flume, pump station, dual oxidation ditches, dual final clarifiers, dual chlorine contact chambers, sulfur dioxide dechlorination system, post aeration, alkali feed system for pH control, polymer feed system, aerobic sludge holding tank with lime stabilization, and sludge drying beds located at Roseboro Wastewater Treatment Plant. The facility discharges into the Little Coharie Creek which is classified a Class C-Swamp waters in the Cape Fear River Basin. The Town has suggested that going from a Grade II facility to a Grade III will cause undue hardship on the Town. Mr. Rawls stated that the Town would have to monitor three times a week instead of once a week and the operator would have to take and pass the certification test for a Grade III operator's certification. If the operator failed the examination, the Town would then have to hire a certified Grade III operator. Several Grade II facilities in the state will be reclassified as Grade III facilities due to the rule changes in April 1999. Mr. Roland Hall of the Town of Roseboro made the presentation stating that according to the last census, the Town had lost people and also an industry. Also the Town has a debit of $70,000 per year for the payment of a note for the building of the treatment plant. The staff: recommended that the Roseboro facility be classified as a Grade III facility with the renewal of the NPDES permit. Mr. Rawls requested the Town have a two-year phase in periodto prepare for the reclassification from Grade II to Grade III. This will allow time for the operator to take the required school and take the examination necessary to obtain his Grade III operator's certification. A motion: to adopt the recoirimendations . of the staff was made by Mr. Robert Dodson, seconded by Ms. Susan Rexrode and was passed by the Commission. 5 • Information Item #1: Physical/Chemical Certification Program Update The Chairman recognized Mr. James Pugh and asked for information on the first informational item. Mr. Pugh gave a brief update on the Physical/Chemical Certification Program, stating that the deadline date of July 2001 had been met. He thanked the Commission members for their input into this program. The Needs -To -Know manual, training classes, and examinations were made available for the Commission to review with the understanding that the staff requests the return of the examination questions on or before October 26`h. Any comments or questions should be sent to Mr. Pugh by e-mail or phone. AWWA/WEA has agreed to conduct the Physical/Chemical school with Mr. Bob Griffin, of Shield Environmental, heading the school committe. Pending the Commission's approval, the first school is scheduled for January 2002 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. Other schools will be held in different locations thoughout the state with a total enrollment of 100 per class. The Technical Assistance and Certification Unit staff did a survey to pinpoint the facilities that will fall under this program and identified 274 facilities across the state. Two hundred thirty-seven facilities will be Grade 1 (Physical) and thirty-seven will be Grade 2 (Chemical) facilities. Mr. Pugh recommended that the Commission approve this program at the next Commission meeting on October 26, 2001. Informational Item #2: DWQ and the Operator Perspective- Mr. Don Register The Chairman recognized Mr. Don Register of the Fayetteville Regional Office for details on this item. Mr. Register stated that observing facilities across the state over the last 15 months has been an eye-opening experience. Operators and treatment plants differ from facility to facility. In reviewing the treatment plants that are out of compliance, he has realized that in the last 32 years he has seen a lot of good facilities, but not many of the out of compliance types. He commended the Commission on their approval of the six hours of annual training. The operators do not always retain all the information from beginning training courses, so the extra training is very necessary. Mr. Register stated that the process control testing is not being done as often as needed because of lack of equipment and knowledge of procedures. He also feels that we need required monitoring technology at the treatment plants that are not staffed at night. Another concern Mr. Register expressed was the length of time it takes for the monthly DMR reports to reach the regional offices. According to Mr. Register it can take as long as three months for the DMRs to get to the regional offices. He also stated that he has a new view of and respect for state employees in the central and regional offices. 6 . • Informational Item #3: 2000 Examination Information - Mr. Tony Arnold The Chairman recognized Mr. Arnold to give examinations information update. Mr. Arnold presented the stats for 2000 pass/fail results. A total of 1790 examinations were given. Operators certified in 2000 included 255 Animal Waste, 539 Collections, 766 Wastewater, 99 Spray Irrigation, and 37 Land Application operators. . Informational Item #4: Advisory Committee October 20, 2000 Meeting Results The Chairman asked Mr. Arnold to proceed with the next Informational Item (advisory committee meeting results). Mr. Arnold stated that the Advisory Committee met on October 20, 2000, and took action on the two individuals, Mr. Rickey Lee Kirkland and Mr. Glenn L. Current. Mr. Kirkland's Grade II WW and Grade I Collections System certification were suspended for 120 days. Mr. Current's Grade II WW, Spray Irrigation and Subsurface certifications were all revoked. The Advisory Committee met again on July 19, 2001, and reviewed six operator cases, mostly contract operators. Mr. Arnold expressed appreciation for the Commission members that give their time to be on the committee. IV. Concluding Remarks 1. By Members The WPCSOCC welcomed new member Mr. John Boykin to the Commission. Commission members expressed their appreciation to Mr. Malone and Mr. Lancaster for their contributions to the Commission over the years and offered their best wishes for the future. The Commission also complimented the staff on the good work that they continue to do. . By Counsel Staff attorney, Mr. Frank Crawley, expressed his pleasure of being back with the Commission after an absence of two years. 3. By Staff Mr. Tony Arnold introduced a new staff member in the Winston Salem Regional Office, Sonya Williams, an Environmental Consultant. 7 4. By Chairman Ms. Sullins welcomed Mr. John Boykin to the Commission and stated she looked forward working with him. Ms. Sullins expressed appreciation to Ms. Rexrode and Mr. Garrett for agreeing to take another term on the Commission. She also expressed appreciation to Mr. Arnold for the great job as Acting Supervisor of Technical Assistance and Certification Unit (due to Mr. Lancaster's resignation), and to the Water Quality staff in the central and regional offices for the great job that they continue to do for the State of North Carolina. V. Adjournment With no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 12:30 PM. Respectively Submitted, Coleen H. Sullins, Chairman Sylvia Barbour, Program Assistant 8 FYI Roseboro Reclassification Subject: FYI Roseboro Reclassification Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 09:28:34 -0400 From: Don Register <Don.Register@ncmail.net> To: Belinda Henson <belinda.henson@ncmail.net>, Dale Lopez <dale.lopez@ncmail.net>, Paul Rawls <Paul.Rawls@ncmail.net>, Don Register <Don.Register@ncmail.net> I personally stopped by the Town of Roseboro (May 22,03) and spoke to both backup Operator Drenda Ammon and Mayor William McLemore to remind them of the reclassification of their wastewater treatment plant from a Grade II to a Grade III facility that will occur November 1, 2003. The delay in reclassification was due to a vote by the Certification. Commission giving them the extra time before they would be recertified. They told me that they engineer, The Wooten Company, was reviewing the plans and was planning to ask that it be rerated to 0.5 MGD. I explained that it must be completed before the November 1 deadline. 1 of 1 5/30/2003 10:18 AM