HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030436_DMR_20210503Sjormuwater DischareMonitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Energy,. Mineral and Land Resources General Permit No. NCGO30000 Date submitted CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG03j� Ll FACILITY. NAME P=i! COUNTY PERSON. COLLECTING SAMPLES ' tl LABORATORY{r r LabCert.g_— Part.A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE. COLLECTION YEAR r, i SAMPLE PERIOD F- Jan -June F-] July -Dec or [♦"Monthly' ap-ri l (indhth) HARGING TO CLASS []ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout []PNA RECFIVt -r✓�SnC[Otero-flow ❑Water Supply ❑SA MAY 17 2021 ❑Other_ CENTRAL FILES PLEASE REMEMBER TO. SIGN ON PAGES 2 AND/OR 3i DWR SECTION outfall No. Date5ample Collected 1 (mo/dd/yr) 24,hour.rainfall amount, Inchess Total Suspended Solids H P ' Standard units Total Copper U ,ry Total Lead .,,roan u,yc una.p{er,uu:- Total Zinc Nco-PolarO&G/ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic organics5 Benchmarks' _ 1110 mg/L or 50 mg/o 6.Q -9.0 0,010 mg/L 0.07.5'mg/L 0.126 mg/L 15mg/L 1 mg/L Parameter Code - 46529 C0530 .00400 01219 01052 03004 00552 78141 ........ r v-15i v,,l-qu u, acnn-annuaq rhust uegin wicn the second consecutive oencn mark exceedance:forthe same parameter at same 9utfd11 For sampiing periods with no discha rge. at, any single outfall, you,must sti11 submlt.this discharge monitbring 'repoit with a checkmark here. 'The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the: rain gauge requirement: See General Permit, Section B, Tabled to identify the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where'the more protective. benchmark.applies. 'Total Toxic Organicssampling'Is applicable 'ohlyfor those facilities. which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture electronic crystals,,or manufacture Cathode ray tubes. For purposes of this permit the definiti:on.of Total Toxic Organics is that definition contained in,the EPA Effluent:Guidelines for the facllity.subject to the requirement to sample'(for metal finishing use the definition as found In 40 CFR 433.11; forseMiconductor manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469,12; for electronit. _crystal manufacture use the'deflnition as found in 40 CFR 469.22;.6nd.for. cathode ray tube, manufacture use the definition'found in 40 CFR 469.31),, Permit Date:11/1/2018-05/31/2021 SWU•245, last reAsed 11/1/2018 Page 1 of3 Facilities that incorPOrate a solvent management plan into, 5t©rrriv,+ater Pollution Preventi©n Plan may so certify; and the.requirement.tor Ti'O Trion kc?ring may be waived. The. tolvent.managemerft plan shall include a list of the total toxiq organic -compounds used and file othofelernfints listed In the General Permit. For those facilities electing .tQ employ. -the TTO monitpring waiver, the discha'rger`shall sign the following ce'rtificatian statement: "Based. -upon rriy inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for -managing compliance with the:permit'nionitoriq requirement for total .tgxic nrganics (TTQ), I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no dumping -of concentrated toxic drgaMcs-i'nto the stbrmwater or areas which are-expo§ed to rainfall or storrnwater-runoff hes'o.ccu,rred.since f(ling.the•last discharge Wonitoring rirpoft. I further certify. that this•facitity is implernen.ong.the-all the.provlsior�s.of Wesolvent management plan included -In the:StorrriWater. Pollution Prevention Plan." Name (Print ame) ���11.,(' � � rYi �: Y1� •may 1 � � � 1 �i'b �'Tl 1�-I �c� �E-� �I 'ritle (Print title)' Signature Date Note: Results must be -reported in numerical format. Do not report Below Detection U nit, BDL, <PM. Non -detect, ND, or othi r,similar non -numerical format: When results are below the applicable limits,. they must be reported in'the forrrtat, "<XX� rng/L",..Wh .re XX is the numerical value,of the d%gdtlon limit, reporting limit, etc. -in Trig/L. Note: Jf you report,a-sample value jh excess of -the benchmdr.'k, you must implement.Tier 1, Tier. 2..-or-Tier. 3 responses. See .General permit text. Part B: Nehicle Maintenance A" ei a Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging >:55.ga1 of new oil per -Month, n No- dischai Outfall'No. Date.Sdm-ple Collected' (mo/dd/yr) Oenchmarks I .. Parameter Code I Fodtnotes from Part A alsoapply to Part B 24-hour rainfall amount; New Motor. Oil or Non -Polar O&G/ Total Inches$ Hydraulic 011 Usage Petroleum Hydrocarbons 4652.5 -NCOIL 15 mg/L this period Tota_15uspended Solids 100 mg/L or 50 mg/O C0530 Note; If you report a.sample value in.excess of the benchmark; you: must irrrplemen`t'TierI, rler z, orTie.r 3 responses.: See ,General permit tesrt: Permit Oates' it/I/.2 iB405/3J/2021 SWU-245, fast revised 11/1/201$ Pape 7 of .1 rsL L� Q Q 14 a ri t C� [JJ to e•r (D .C. N CL ni r* as _ j fA M r�r c C rt y K 0 fD rr. CL =� r ti rD. ry —1 ro `. Q.61 2 d -0 CCD <- rj � -0 :1A n R rr rr -i S a O ''0 rt O tb (D Q' Z, a) 'E -n �•'� aj 0. = o q 3 ai Q C rr -n •. r-q- 0 Q j r —4 0. in n m o m o d 3 3 as• O 'm m =► -� =*. m ' � &n -0 0' cCL -� Q C cr ID 3 3 ro a cc • FL .c ? ca C CL Cu M H '`"' mCA 3 Q :Q. r*M3: . s �. m.�ro .So so 3 0.. m < 57 a � o Im 3 e o � o 1 :E S o S Oo w 3 w < n Q` 'C tA flY tQi� Q1 �p M N N M C 0 ^ (D O 0 ry �' R1 tA �• O O O �o Z. z A F---fNy m.. M. J 3 rt: C3 - M y Q T r A �W rl Z n m n VA D �, O 3 n A- d < A Om(nZ.A rr Z DCC�rn vm © z n. -n LD F, .3 o ss z •0 p m > a =• Om L� n >r 0A d 3 +0D �� C m : - m 3 � cn p K 9•-1 m O .M . m s L� rn D Co �.. O rn 'D M. Z CY A- h J3 �- o. m VQ1 n� =�E cD m R rrt .,� X =•Z•1 n rn fD .� m .In rn* rn � Q IA a m z rn m ca O .rn. C -n TES -.. 0 > --� ty -� D y O' G A y� 'K rn rn rrr n C. A N Cp o Co A m �- �. --4 0 0 z S• M'. N. O m C m K ti r D c -i Z.n O.0 .ate co