HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0040155_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resou rces ISA NCAC 02T .0300 — FAST TRACK SEWF,R SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION FTA 04-16 8 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Application Ntun All item must be c Pliati9ta APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Evc �c AcAc uwtct, f k (company, rttt►tacipalitk, It}A, utility, et 2. Applicant t}pe: 0 lndividuI.:4 Corporation © General Partnership © Fade 1 © State/County © Municipai Signature autint Title: Manager 4. Applicant's mailing City: .greens State; NC Zip; Applicant's contact information: Phone number (336) 389-9991 Email Address: mikcaevolvecvs.com PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Project name: Rivercr9s 2. Application/Project status: 0 Proposed (Ne% Permit) Ifa: If new constructtiort lnut part of a m; 3. County where project is located: Linn jn 4. Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degr ): 1. atrtude: 34,407997' Longitude: -1 t ,,r5463 5. Parcel ID (if applicable): 46035)9004 (or Parcel ID to closest downstream sewer) tarred VOA © Privately-0+vn A Pubiic Utility © Other per I,SA NCAC 021y,C 111. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: I Professional Engineer: flurry Fay Firm: American, Mailing address: 8 sore e ?31�d�(ve, nits 110 City: lnarlotte State: Zip: Phone number ) 375-2438, Email Address: bfa iu.r'rican-ea,com it/Project 07124/2018 plan, provide the existing perfnit number: WQ00_ 1 'umber: IV. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (WWTF) INFORMATION: I. Facility Name: K1111an (reek W\VTP Permit Number: NC3)Q88722 Owner Name: Lincoln County; V. RECEIVING DOWNSTREAM SEWER INFORMATION (fdnt tha. 1 Permit Number(s): WC Downstream ( ev ivirn h Sevver Size: System Wide Collection Syster s). (if applicalzle): WC;)C' .. 19 Owner Name(s): Lincoln County FORM: F?TA 04-16 Page I of 5 VI. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I. If the Applicant is a Privately -Owned Public Utility, has a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity been attached? LI Yes 0No N/A 2. If the Applicant is a Developer of lots to be sold, has a Developer's Operational Agreement (FORM: DEV) been attached? Ej Yes 0No N/A 3. If the Applicant is a Home/Property Owners' Association. has an Operational Agrement(FQRMUOA) been attached? Yes ElNo ON/A 4. Origin of wastewater: (check all that apply): El Residential Owned Residential Leased El School / preschool / day care 0 Food and drink facilities Ej Businesses / offices / factories El Retail (stores, centers, malls) 0 Retail with food preparation/service O Medical / dental / veterinary facilities El Church 0 Nursing Home 0 Car Wash EI Hotel and/or Motels 0 Swimming Pool /Clubhouse 0 Swimming Pool/Filter Backwash 0 Other (Explain in Attachment) 5. Nature of wastewater : 100 % Domestic/Commercial % Commercial % Industrial (S e 15A NCACO2T .0103(20) there a Pretreatment Program in effect? 0 Yes El No 6. Has a flow reduction been approved under 15A NCAC 02T .0114(0? 0 Yes );* If yes, provide a cony of flow reduction approval lett r 7. Summarize wastewater generated by project: No Establishment Type (see 02T.0 1 & 2-BR Units -BR Units Amenity Center 4(0 Daily Design F No, of Units 160 al/day I 204 240 gal/day 1 24 400 gal/day gal/ gal/ gal/ Flow 32,640 GPD 5,760 GPD 400 GPD GPD GPD GPD Total 38,800 GPO a See I5A NCAC 02T ,0114(b). (d). (e)(1) and (0(21 for caveats to wastewater design flow rates (Le., minimum flow per dwelling; proposed unknown non-residential development uses; public access facilities located near high public use areas; and residential property located south or east of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to be used as vacation rentals as defined in G.S. 42A-4). b Per 15A NCAC 02T .0114(c), design flow rates for establishments not identified [in table 15A NCAC 02T,011 4] shall be determined using available flow data, water using fixtures, occupancy or operation patterns, and other measured data, 8. Wastewater generated by project: 55.120 GPD (per 15A NCAC 02T .0114) Do not include future flows or previously permitted allocations If permitted flow is zero, indicate why: El Pump Station or Gravity Sewer where flow will be permitted in subsequent permits that connect to this line El Flow has already been allocated in Permit Number: 0 Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewer with no new flow expected Other (Explain); FORM: FTA 04-16 Page 2 of 5 VII. WER DESIGN CRITERIA Of Applicable) _ 0T vity sewer to be permitted: Size (Inches) 8 280 ) Section II & Ill of the MUC for Pertnittirt8 of Gravity Sewers contains information related to design criteria r Section III contains informatiotm related to minimum slopes for gravity sewer(s) Cverslzing lines to meet minimum shape requirement Is not allowed and a violation of the MDC PUMP STATION DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable) — 02T .0305 & IDC (Pump Stations/Force Mains): COMPLETE FOR EACH,PV'MP STATION INCLUDED IN I WS PROJECT 1. Pump station number or name: 2. Approximate Coordinatcs (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: . Longitude: 3. Design flow of the pump station: _ millions gallons per day (from capacity) 4. Operational point(s) of the pump(s): �.2 gallons pees minute at feet total dynamic head (IDI» 5. Summarize the force main to be permittcd (for this Pump Station); ae (inches) 6. Power reliability in accordance with I SA CAC 02T .030511 0 Standby power source or pump with automatic activation and telemetry - I SA. NCAC 02T .0305(h)(I X13)i Y Required for all pump stations with an average daily flow greater than or equal to 15,000 gallons per day Y Must be permanent to facility Or if the pump station .has an average daily flow less than 15,000 gallons per day: ] Portable power source with manual activation, quick -connection receptacle and tclernetry - ISA NCAC (I2T .0305(h)(i)(C) or 0 Portabi+e pumping unit with plugged emergency pump connection and telemetry iSA NCAC 02T .0305(h lXC) )0 It shall be demonstrated to the Division that the portable source is owned or contracted by the applicant (draft agreement) and is compatible with the station. » lithe portable power source or pump is dedicated to multiple pump stations, an evaluation ofall the pump stations' storage capacities and the rotation schedule oldie portable power source or pump, including travel titneframes, shall be provided in the case of a multiple station power outage. FOIL Cki416 Page 3 of 5 IX. SETBACKS & SEPARATIONS — (0211.0200 , ISA NCAC 02T ,0305(f)): I. Does the project comply with all separations found in 15A NCAC 02T .0305(f) & (g' ISA NCAC 02T,0305(1) contains minimum separations that shall bepro i%ded for sewer system; over sey Reclaimed watzontaI - r * l ,inicd over sewer) *Any private or public water supply source, including any wells, Class 11 impounded reservoirs used as a source of drinking water **Waters classified WS (except WS-1 or WS-V), 13, SA, ORW,1IQW„ or S13 from normal hig titer jar tide elevation) and wetlands (see itemIX.2) of Class 1 or Any other stream, lake, impoundment, or ground water lowering and surface drainage ditches Any buildi foundation_ baseniet t Top slope of embankment or cuts of 2 feet more m„erti ems and interceptor drains g pools grade (vertical) NCAC 02T0305(a:1 *Stream classifications can be ident`s If noncompliance with 02T.0305(i) ©Yes No Separation Require 50 feet 10 feet 5feet f1 feet (I feet her separations in 02T,0305(f) cannot be achieved the Division's NC Surface Water Classiticationsu cction X of this application i s the project cotnpiy awith separation require rrts n for wetlands? (50 feet of separation) %fit Y+es See the Ditiision's sitatit separatiort requiretttssrats for situations whcrc separation cannot be meet - No variance is rcaatired iftlte alternative design criteria specified is utilized in design and construction Y As huilt documents should rcfarence the location ofareas effected the pre ct comply with setbacks found in the river basin rules pet'SA ;` 4. s would include Trout Buffered Streams per 55A NC 4. Does the project require coverageiauthorizaticatt under a 404 Natisxasvide or individual permits or 401 Water Quality Certifications? Information can be obtained from the 401 &Beffer Pennitrjn project comply with 15A N ,c O2T.0I05(c)(6) (additional perm ask ertifct Yes No d NIA © Yes No Yes D No Per 15A NCAC O2`t",0l (t5(e)(6), directly related environmental pennies or certitit.aticat applicatiatrts arc being prepared, have been applied for, or have been obtained. Issuance of this permit is contingent on iss mice of dependant permits (erosion and sedimentation control plans, stormwater management plans, etc.). 6. Does this project include any sewer collection lines that are deemcd"Mgh-priority?" Per 15A NCAC 02T.0402, "high -priority° sewer" means "any aerial sewer„ leaver contacting surface waters„ siphon, or sewer positioned parallel to streambanks that is subject to erosion that undermines car deteriorates the sewer, © Yes No D' NSA r`• If yes, include an attachment with details for each line, including type (aerial line, tine, ntatcrial, and isaaatis t), High priority Tines shalt be Inspected by the permittee or its representative at least once every six -months and inspections documented per 15A NCAC 02T,0403(a)(5) or the perinitee's individual System -Wide Colleetfon permit. FORM: i FA 04-16 Page 4 of 5 CERTIs1C'ATI©NS: 1. Does the submitted system comply with I„ f N, A,C O. tl oast F'n� 1ylsira c tlatest wr sion , and the Goivity Yes [ No le. If No, complete and submit the Variance/Mterteat.ive 'Design Request apppltcation (VADC l0-14) and supporting documents tar review. Approval of the request is required prior to tEubt!llit(at of the Fist Track Application and sup documents. 2. Protaessional. Engineer's Certilicatiexe:. Barry Fay, PF (Professional Engin 1, name frosts Application. I has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and c ns stunt with the information supplied in sloe plaits,spec'hc tiaras, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my. knowledge. 1 further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regttlattittns, Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria for Gravity Sewers (latest version), and the Minimum Design Criteria for the last -Track Permitting of Pump :Stations and Force Mains (latest version). Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposal design. NOTE .. Ire aceordancc with General Statutes 143.215, SA and 143-215.6B, any person who ktttr►w ngly tataukes any false statement, retrresentanon, or certification in any application package shall be guilty ofa Class m ettteaanor, vw aicia may include a tine not to exceed S10,000, as well as eivil penalties up to S25,000 per violatio North Carolinas Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: Applicant"s Certiftcaatton pci- 15A NCAC 0 T .O1 O6("b): St Autltorit 's naatae rtitte front Applicant plication far by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, I understand that if all required parts of a not completed and that if all required supporting documentation and attad nwents are not included, this application package is subject to being returnedas incomplete, i understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non - discharge item to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or erin►iatal prosecution. 1 will make no claim against the Division of Water Rcsuurces should a condition. of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete.. DOTE µ In accordance v statement, represcntatacm, include a fine not to exc Signat c: 43-215..6a and 1 t3 215. 13, any perscra y application package shall be guilty of a 71 penalties up to S25,000 per violation. o knot makes any false ss 2 mssdernesnor, which may FORM: f'T`A -l6 Page 5 of 5 Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources FIow Tracking for Sewer Extension Applications (FTSE 10-18) Entity Requesting Allocation: Evolve Acquistions, LLC Project Name for which flow is being requested: Rivercross Apartments More than one FTSE may be required for a single project if the owner of the WWTP is not responsible for all pump stations along the route of the proposed wastewater flow. I. Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a. WWTP Facility Name: Kilian Creek WWTP b. WWTP Facility Permit #: NC0088722 All flows are in MGD c. WWTP facility's permitted flow 3.35 d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 1.564 e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 1.256 f. Total flow for this specific request 0.038 g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility 2.858 h. Percent of permitted flow used 85.31 II. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP: (A) (B) (C) (D)=(B+C) (E)=(A-D) Design Average Approx. Obligated, Total Pump Pump Daily Current Not Yet Current Station Station Firm Flow** Avg. Daily Tributary Flow Plus (Name or Permit Capacity, * (Firm / p f), Flow, Daily Flow, Obligated Available Number) No. MGD MGD MGD MGD Flow Capacity*** 15B WQ0032852M 1.856 0.742 0.000 0.315 0315 0.427 * The Firm Capacity (design flow) of any pump station is defined as the maximum pumped flow that can be achieved with the largest pump taken out of service. ** Design Average Daily Flow is the firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor (pf) not less than 2.5, per Section 2.02(A)(4)(c) of the Minimum Design Criteria. *** A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located between the project connection point and the WWTP where the Available Capacity is < 0. Downstream Facility Name (Sewer): Lincoln County Sewer System Downstream Permit Number: WQCS00149 Page 1 of 6 FTSE 10-18 Ill. t.Gl Lili{..QL1V11 JlillG!!!Gll L, I Donald V. Chamblee certify to the best of my knowledge that the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances, given the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the planning assessment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections I and II plus all attached planning assessment addendums for which I am the responsible party. Signature of this form certifies that the receiving collection system or treatment works has adequate capacity to transport and treat the proposed new wastewater. Signing Official Signature v74(.-) Wks Title of Signing Official Page 2 of 6 ( 431200 Date FTSE 10-18 AMERICAN An Engineering June 6, 2019 Ori Tuvia Mooresville Regional Office NCDEQ 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-6640 Subject: Rivercross Apartments Revision Summary On -Site Apartment Water/Sewer Plans Ori, Please find below the list of design and plan changes pertaining to the partial redesign of the Rivercross On -Site Apartment plans. These revisions reflect the updated layout requested by the developer, Note: Revisions #2 - #7 are overall site layout changes. See revisions #8 - #14 for specific water/sewer changes. Cover Sheet Updated developer name and contact information A. Change of Ownership Form is included in this submittal, B. Developer Operational Agreement has been updated and included. 2. Apartment Buildings: A. Minor changes to footprint. B. Relocated and reduced size. C. Minor changes to footprint and size. D. Minor changes to footprint. E. Relocated with minor changes to footprint and size. F. Increased size. G. Minor changes to footprint. 3. Amenities:. A. Relocated pool and changed pool deck. B. Relocated and changed clubhouse footprint C, Added Pool House, Grill Pavilions, Dog park, and Playground American Engineering Associates m Southeast, PA • South Carolina Engineering License 4729 8008 Corporate Center Drive, Suite .110, Charlotte, NC 28226 • 704-375-2438 • www.American-EA,com Rivercross Apartments Revisions to On -site Apartment Water/Sewer Plans June 6, 2019 Page 2 4. Relocated Compactor 5. Added Maintenance Building 6. Shifted the two parking areas closest to Rivercross Point Drive. 7. Shifted various parking stalls, islands, retaining walls, and crosswalks to account for revisions stated above (#'s 2-6). Water Distribution Sheet: 8. Shifted water services per new building and amenity locations. 9. Added water service for dog park 10. Shifted Fire Hydrant near Building C. 11. UPDATE - Total length of water main remains 1,936 feet. Sewer Plan and Profile Sheets: 12. Added one sanitary sewer manhole in front of Building B 13. Shifted MH#'s 1, 103, 104, and 105. 14. Shifted sewer services per new building and amenity locations. 15. UPDATE - Total length of sewer remains 1,280 feet. Please contact me if you have any questions/concerns. Regards, 5-reati Benjamin Wood, EIT American Engineering Associates - Southeast, PA American Engineering Associates —Southeast, PA • South Carolina Engineering License 4729 8008 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 110, Charlotte, NC 28226 •704-375-2438 • www.American-EA.com f.XI TIN(R PER 1. Pennitt Signatur EC INFO I ATI©N: 3. Signature authority's title: Ni 4. Perrnittee's mailing address: ?I(t0t Torrent.g Cha l * a s Cite: Cornelius State: "w'C Permittee°s contact information: CANT INFORMATION: I. Applicant's Signature a.0 Signature authorit.'s Applicant's mailing address 2918-AN Zip. Y13031- c+asttcn. Ll;C City: t ira t €t*abor2 State: NC Applicant"'s contact intbrutation State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources SEWER SYSt E.NI PERMIT OWNERSHIP/NAME CHANGE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORSI: PNOCF 01-16 Phone nwn79 Fax Number (o Entail Address: <tere''. Lip: 2740S- Phone number:. Email Address: 9 b. Repro cntativc"s name: l.' n Roger 7. Representative's title: Project manager $. Representative's comet.( information Phone number. (336) 389.9999' Email Address trtatt:"?cvctivec y 1. Existing permi _'. Re —',,an I'tr th Has the ficila TION: id ntcast r ent issuance date. oh,?�t application: Change OntiCttiloip 'iodic attach aktail l c;planation unstructtcd? 0 Yes ar cg No 4. Has the facility been c °ruled ".CACO'T.t;b1I( QY'crost 't: CEl'vE AL OFF fCg FORM. PNOCF 01..I6 Pugs 1 or I .•CERT1 1CATIO S: Existing Pcrrnittec's Certification per IaA has ink) iht Appli from this sy:sstern andtor criminal prt secuti be. violated I also understand tha information and attachments arc not included, this application will be returned to me as incomplete, application laid complete to the l i t ftny° knowledge. I understand tltat prier to reissttancc of the permit o be responsible for compliance with the current permit and any discharge of wastewater d may° result in an enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive rtliel; no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of the exist permit fed parts of this applicatitm are note completed and that if all required supporting NOTE In cetxt'dance with General Statutca. ,14 -' l if6A and 14 l 2_l ,1.1. any person xshu kno:ns%ugBy rnai.t arty t' representation* or cert cation in any application package shalt be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. which may inctt�t exceed S 10,000 up to S25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: " 00 % Applicant's Certification per 1$,A is AC QZT .01 1. ck,aatA ure Authority s has been revi w°ed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my l.ttosml dge. l understand that atter issuance attic pc nh into the Applicant's name. I will be responsible for compliance with the issued permit and lolly discharge of ssastees•utcr from this non- d scharge system to surface waters or the lid may result in an enforcement action that tatty° include civil putalties. injunctise relief. andkrr criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Disisioat of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. 1 also understand that Wall rcquirtsd parts of this application package: are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package ss°ill be returned to me as incomplete. NOTE — In accordance with representation. or certificativ exceed S.10.000 as well as Signature: tes -t',_? and l t 1 .f Ft, any person wting y makes any false statement, all hr guilty of a Class 2 ntisdentt 4 )5 O per s iolzttiott. include a ling:* not to ti t.X.T 01-16 page 2 of 2 COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA 353 N GENERALS BLVD, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28092 June 18, 2019 Evolve Acquisition, LLC Attn: Michael Winstead Jr. 2918-A Martinsville, Rd. Greensboro, NC RE: Rivercross Apartments Mr. Winstead, This letter is provided in response to your sewer permit modification application, dated May 20, 2019, for flow acceptance of the wastewater treatment infrastructure (the "System") for the Rivercross Apartments Development (the "Project"). Lincoln County (the "County") has the actual average daily flow capacity at its Killian Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to treat the domestic wastewater as requested, and does conditionally grant approval for the Project, subject, however, to all the terms and conditions, of the original allocation letter dated June 15, 2018 that was provided to the previous permittee (Prestige Corporate Development, LLC). This permit modification includes an allocated flow reduction from 40,720 GPD to 38,800 GPD. This does not represent any new allocation for the Project and is only modifying the wastewater flow that was previously allocated. Construction of the Project must begin within two years of the date (June 15, 2018) of the original letter issued to Prestige Corporate Development, LLC. You must notify the Lincoln County Public Works Department in writing when construction of the Project is initiated. A copy of the original allocation letter for the Project is attached as Exhibit "A" This acceptance and allocation of flow shall only be effective upon your compliance with all of the terms and conditions of the allocation letter attached herein and the County providing an acknowledgment that you have complied with all of the above terms and conditions. Included in this mailing is the updated Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE — 04/16) with the County's portion completed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 704-736-8497. Sincerely, Chuck King Engineering Associate COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA 1 1 5 WEST MAIN STREET, 2ND FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28092 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PHONE (704) 736-8497 FAX (704) 736-8499 WWW. LI NCOLN COLINTY.ORG June 14, 2018 Prestige Corporate Development, LLC Attn: Brian Mahoney 21000 Torrence Chapel Road, Suite 100 Cornelius, NC 28031 RE: Rivercross Apartments Mr. Mahoney, This letter is provided in response to your request, dated May 21, 2018 for the proposed waterline extension (the "System") for the Rivercross Apartments Development (the "Project"). Lincoln County (the "County") has adequate water supply and pressure in the Lincoln County Water System to serve the proposed connection as requested, and does conditionally grant approval for the Project, subject, however, to the terms and conditions below: 1. The amount of flow requested for the Project is for 228 units. In accordance with the hydraulic water model analysis, a static pressure of 78 PSI and a fire flow of 1,136 GPM at 76 PSI can be expected at the proposed Project from the Lincoln County Water System; and 2. For the NCDEQ Permits, the water treatment facility is the Lincoln County Water System, PSW ID #01-55-035; and 3. The County shall not be named as the Permittee on NCDEQ system applications. You must make the application to NCDEQ in your own name for the System; and 4. Acceptance of the System and transferal of the System to the County is subject to the following: a. A complete final inspection and approval of the System by the County, and receipt of other applicable documentation requested by the County; and b. Approval of the System by NCDEQ, and proof provided to the County of a valid permit issued by NCDEQ with an Authorization to Construct (ATC); and c. Initiating construction of the Project within two years of the date of this conditional approval. You must notify the Lincoln County Public Works Department in writing when construction of the Project is initiated; and d. The County continuing to have actual daily capacity to provide water supply and pressure at the time all other conditions precedent have been satisfied. e. A complete final inspection and approval by the County of the water and sewer system proposed by the Wildbrook Subdivision — Phases IA and IB, and receipt of other applicable documentation by the County. This acceptance shall only be effective upon your compliance with all of the above terms and conditions and the County providing an acknowledgment that you have complied with all of the above terms and conditions. Included in this mailing is the Application for Approval of Engineering Plans and Specifications for Water Supply Systems (DENR-2136 rev07/23/2015) with the County's portion completed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 704-736-8497. Sincerely, Chuck King Engineering Associate Cc: File