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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG500621_Biocide Use Request Packet_20210721 (2) JUG 2 J 2021
BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT Water Science ,,s ,7z,,ution
The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of
North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be
returned with all appropriate data entered into the
d�esiignated areas with calculations performed as indicated.
I. Facility Name �� fid T 17iL( — IN tt�t 11
NPDES#NC �)C& S(b(OZ.J Outfall# !.
County 15u.Dlth f
Receiving Stream i,tXIn �,/utf r(_ 7Q10 (cfs)
(All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality)
What is the Average Daily Discharge(A.D.D.)volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body?
A.D.D. = -7•SXI0-7 (in M.G.D.)
Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent)of this discharge using the data entered
7.5 x 0-7
(A.D.D.) X 100 ( ) X 100
IWC = (7Q10)(0.646) + (A.D.D) (O.IZ)(0.646) + ( ) -
This value (IWC)represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions.
IL What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I?
Charm rhea! 4350
Please list a active ingredients and percent composition:
P�t,���{crSSiu�wt 5rw�� I- 5 %
What feed or dosage rate (D.R.)is used in this application?The units must be converted to maximum grams
of whole product used in a 24hr period.
D.R.= 142 grams/24hr period
Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is:
Grams of product= fluid oz. of product X 1 gal.water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59g.
128 fl. oz. 1 gal.water 1 Ib.
Facility Name: I(yt(j/(/ [ ' `(�C(nle(l� �� NPDES#: NC 67SpO1oZ1
Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point.
On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown,
holding lagoon size,etc.)
Volume= 6,14 million gallons
What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. (JA
What is the decay rate (D.K.)of the product? If unknown, assume no decay(D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk.
The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life
(Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide
copies of the sources of this data.
H.L. = 0 Days n
The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = v =Decay Rate(D.K.)
Calculate degradation factor(D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient.
D.F. _ (V( + (D.K.) _ ( p•) ) + ( 0 ) _
Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration:
9 (D.R.) _ (14Z ) _ �j 3 S mg/I
Disch Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) - ( � 0 )( 0.14 )(3785)
Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions.
(Receiving Stream Concentration)
(Dischq. Conc.) x (IWC%) (50,oa$) x 0 ) D Qg
100 = 100 = mg/I
Receiving Stream Concentration
III. Calculate regulated limitation.
List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units
should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data.
Organism Test Duration LC50/EC50(mg/1)
Cni[64 rv& dk6ia 45in
Minnoo IV �IpS
dabkmid 129tc 9s 1-70f3
D.W.Q.Form 101 (112019) 2
Facility Name: �rruAheid r&OdA -11tO bf e4 $Al d NPDES#: NC G 54*21
Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above:
Enter the LC50/EC50: 1 1 0 U
If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation.
Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = _ !B5. 4 mg/I
If the half life (H.L.) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation.
Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/I
Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank:
8SA mg/liter
From 0 .47)
V Part III enter the receiving stream concentration:
•4 rl mg/liter
IV. Analysis.
If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is
unacceptable for use.
Person in Responsible Charge
tA 1U) )tdtoa4� e4 Milllflcld. (tol q10-aq(o -3Wo8
2, ame Pri Email Address &Phone Number
Signature Date
Person Completing This Worksheet(If different from above)
i t10MPII�In�@ �crni�� �i rl� �a� �Iy-a�r3-SzgS
Name (Print) Email Address& Phone Number
/7 Z
'Signature 15ate
Please submit to: Division of Water Resources
Aquatic Toxicology Branch
1621 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1621
Contact Info: Cindy Moore ( Susan Meadows (
D.W.Q.Form 101 (112019) 3
R E. ,
JUL 2 1 2021
The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of
North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be
returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated.
I. Facility Name /IY & If,(d Fw( —tfp
NPDES#NC NC(7500(PZ0 Outfall#
County I'
Receiving Stream IM L_ 7Q10 D• 12- (cfs)
(All above information supplied by the Division of Water Quality)
What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.)volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body?
A.D.D. = 75 x/0-7 (in M.G.D.)
Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration(IWC in percent)of this discharge using the data entered
(A.D.D.) X 100 (ls O X 100
IWC = (7Q10)(0.646) + (A.D.D) (b,12)(0.646) + ( ) -
-7.5x W"I
This value(IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions.
II. What is the nary�a of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I?
( , wl -f`Ao0Bl1253
Please list the active ingredients and percent composition:
Jqdrf1m uI fa)p 7-13 pro
What feed or dosage rate(D.R.) is used in this application?The units must be converted to maximum grams
of whole product used in a 24hr period.
D.R.= 3 grams/24hr period
Please note,fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula for this conversion is:
Grams of product= fluid oz. of product X 1 gal.water X 8.34 lbs. X specific gravity of product X 453.59g.
128 fl. oz. 1 gal.water 1 lb.
Facility Name: Sadhfi-dd f00A= —/L(.hiU Ut�� NPDES#: NC 650*g
Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point.
On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate(system volume, average cycles per blowdown,
holding lagoon size, etc.)
Volume= d• million gallons
What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. NIA
What is the decay rate (D.K.)of the product? If unknown, assume no decay(D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk.
The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life
(Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide
copies of the sources of this data.
H.L. = D Days
The decay rate is equal to H�L X 0.69 = O =Decay Rate (D.K.)
Calculate degradation factor(D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient.
D.F. = A( D.D.) + (D.K.) _ �'S + ( ) _ = O
(Volume) ( 0.14 )
Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration:
Dischg Conc. = (D.R.) _ 'J6 130 0Q S m /I
(D.F.)(Volume)(3785) - (� p )( p.i )(3785) g
Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions.
(Receiving Stream Concentration)
(Dischg. Cone.) x (IWC%) _ (130,025) x (�.0 )
100 - 100 = I' Z mg/I
Receiving Stream Concentration
III. Calculate regulated limitation.
List all LC50 and EC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units
should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data.
Organism Test Duration LC50/EC50 (mg/1)
{771d(40y1f4 GIfba 4 � i000
�I AJ[Wa0P wt)n nc,�o gb /000
cA&os hoad minnow % /000
M SjQ 48 /000
D.W.Q. Form 101 (112019) 2
Facility Name: C?"I' tl60d f00(M 1 l4 al!:j Will NPDES#: NC
Choose the lowest LC50/EC50 listed above:
Enter the LC50/EC50: 1000
If the half life (H.L.)is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation.
Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = 550 mg/I
If the half life (H.L.)is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation.
Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/I
Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank:
5o mg/liter
From Part 11 enter the receiving stream concentration:
1• Z (o mg/liter
IV. Analysis.
If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is
unacceptable for use.
Person in Responsible Charge
Leh G�,11,�,v�r1n tied�axrk @. �rn��G���o! . co�vt GJ� - Lq� -37(of3
Na a Prnt) Email Address& Phone Number
Signature Date
Person Completing This Worksheet(If different from above)
Na a(P t) Email Address &Phone Number
-7112 / zl
Sig ature Date
Please submit to: Division of Water Resources
Aquatic Toxicology Branch
1621 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1621
Contact Info: Cindy Moore( or Susan Meadows (
D.W.Q. Form 101 (112019) 3
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BIOCIDE 101 Calculations
Facility The Chief
NPDES# NCG50062.1
OutfalI# 2(001 on map)
County Duplin
Receiving Stream Upper Duff Creek
7Q10(cfs)** 0.12
Average Daily Discharge(ADD)in MGD 0.00000075 0.75 0.75
gpm 0.00052 0.00052
Interstream Waste Concentration(%) 0.001 0.001
**A 7Q10 for the upper reach of Duff Creek has been estimated by assuming 4 miA2 of drainage at 0.03 CFS/miA2.
acid,tetrapotassium salt Sodium Sulfate
(Max.%listed) 5 (Max.%listed) 13
Dosage Rate(gram/24 hr) 142 369
Vol.between entry and NPDES
Discharge Point(MG) 0.14 5.41986E-06 0.14
length of ditch(ft) 370"0
bottom width(ft) 3.00
average depth in ditch(ft) L00
pH handling prior to biocide 7.00
Half life(days)(DK) 0.00
Decay Rate of product 0.00
Degridation Factor(DF) 0.00 0.00
Steady State Discharge Conc.(mg/1) 50038.03 130098.88
Receiving Stream(mg/1) 0.48 6:
Organism Test Duration(h) LCSo/Ec5o(mg/1) Test Duration(h) LC50/EC50(mg/1)
Ceriodaphnia dubia 48 1786 48. 1000
Flathead minnow 43 1765. 96 I000
Daphnia pulex 48. 17 ODD ND
Sheepshead Minnow ND ND 96 1000
Mysid Shrimp ND NO 48 1000
Half life<4 days
Regulated Limitation 85.4 mg/I 60 mg/I