HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1210602_Property Deed_20210813655
Fled and recorded in the Register of Deeds OHO aifi
He dersop County, N. C. this�dar Of-.42-(Lt— , 13.�
in Book SO 7 at page G
lb[Clee Tau Q ltecording Tlme, Hoak and Page
Tax Lot No. .. Parcel Identifier M. ..................................................
I. Verified by .................n nth daY ❑
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Mailafter recording to ..........................-............. ............... ............ ...—..............................—.,......,...........:............-............
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This instrument was prepared b F'raricl8 M. ODi.ner, Att:fJrney
Brief description for the Index J f
THIS DEED made this .15th.-. day of-..--...........y........ ................. 19.- 92..., by and. -between
a North Carolina corporation
1321 West Princess Anne Road
Norfolk, VA 23507
Enter in appropriate block for each gamy; name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, a q. corporation or partnership
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and
shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context.
WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, has and by these presents does grans, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that
certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of ........................... ....-..'-........... , Hoopear.s............... Creek .......... Township,
Henderson County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
(See attached MISIT A)
N- C. Bar Assoc. Forte No, 3 ® 19N RArfead ® 1977 -- ift—wmn a c .- ins, a� sr, Y-Ahwirt It CL
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The property hereinabove describers was acghired by Grantor by instrument recorded in
.................................................................... ....... ................................... .................... .......... ................................. ...........
A map showing the above described property is recorded in )Plat Book ..... page .........................{
TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of laud and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to �•'' 1
. the Cro-nteq trt I" sim➢}a. 'nf �V-4 P . C... i,. .ii i•1C.1;•. •:q, :�:, ..�1: .. :•r„�u _... r+f-,4:. .. Y!:1 A;:r. !,
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey
the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor wits warrant and
defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated.
Title to the property hereinabove described Is subject to the following exceptions:
r '
IN WITNESS WIIFAROF, the Grantor bae hereunto set his hand and tool, or if corporate, has caused this inst "Zty, to its
corporate name by its duty anthorlsed offlears and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its of tree t 4. ytgar first
above written. t..x• 1.
---------- ^- __------- �---_ _-- �t 1G,__
(CorpnratdNarae) 71� ��r fi�'.s�'g�'••f�� %xii
i Praaldent i FSI1r�p4 Fitzpsvn�e�cvl-
/LL___���__� . ATTEST: �^,. ..•• Ci.'y.� � )
j 7 -i, liy y
------------ l--------------- Secretary [corporate Seat] rh f�jr"
"` ____-___--- SBA
BRAL.STAAIP �, ------------------ county.
i, a Notary PabEle of the county and State aforesald, certify that -------------- «-------------- ___^^^^^____
William H. Fitzpatrick and wife. Frances W. F`itzpatrx,rk----_.__
pereunany appeared before me this daryf//��an4 acknowledged the execution of the Vforegoing instrument. wituera my r
hand and of.1clal stamp or seal, this .._f.-#'�aay of ----^---- -- ---------..-------_-__---- ls___9--
Notary Pubuc
SEAL -STAMP Nosiwu cAlto"NA, - _--__.._________ ----------- county.
1, a Notary Public of the County and State aforciald, certify that --------------------------------
personally came before me this day and acknowledsied that ____ he N ------------- __..«---------- Secretary of
•y.----------------------------------------------------- _ it North Carolina corporation. and that by authority duty
` given and at the act of the curt. Ovation. tire foregoing tnatrurcent was sighed In Its name by Ito ^.
a President, sealed with its corporate seat and attested by ----------- as Its _----..__--___.._____- -__. Secretary.
witness my hand and olncial stamp at seal. this ------- day of -___ ....... IS_,.,
btychmmbston expirer:--------------- «..-------------- _____.._____-.._____________ _»-_ Notary Public
The foregoing Certifteate(s) of __ -t ______
-----------^._^__.^_..^_.»..._«. .1�1�Ik1�r�d , - 4 t. ... .......... ...«-_--_--__--------------------------
'-^ ^ Esare certLIledto bt. e correct- Instrument and this certiflcateter are dbly reglsed at the date and time and In the Rook and ;Page shown oa the
cleat pare heraat. ,tom ' ______88G[STBR OF DBSD$ FO8__kCSS..f^ps �!�.+ _____COUNTY
Deputy/A&skA*M-Register at Dottie
N. C. her Aw4c. Fonn No. 3 e 1976, Revised 0 1977 --, —wr—a m., L-. a- iw. trxv , K. a now
P—M A• AF'pmer. N. C. ew Mee. -• IM.
Being all of those certain tracts of land situate, lying and bVing in Hoopers Creek Township,
County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described in the following
(1) Deed from George G. Westfeldt, Jr. et ux at al to Frances W. Fitzpatrick, dated October 22,
1974, and recorded in Deed Book 527, at page 129, in the office of the Register of Deeds for
Henderson County. ,
(2) Deed from Joseph W. Duggan and wife, Clyde Ann Roeling Duggan, to Frances W. Fitzpatrick,
dated February 25, 1975, and recorded in Deed Book 529, at page 259, in the office of the
Register of Deeds for Henderson County. �
Deed from Daniel Boone Council, Inc. of the Boy Scouts of America to Frances W.
zpatrick, dated July 30, 1975, and recorded in Deed Book 534, at page 115, ill Lhe office
the Register of Deeds for Henderson County.
(4) Deed from Rugby Lodge Timber Co. to Frances W. Fitzpatrick, dated March 23, 1977, and
co%rk�rA� ^in eecl ,hook 55].,. a .pager�38I; in¢t a �vf£i + of theme Re is rev£ Deeds Iorr![erxlersvr�
There is CKCE'TED and RESERVED from this instrument the various undivided interests In the
identical tract of land as set forth and described in the following instruments:
(1) Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, Frances M. Fitzpatrick, to Whitfield Fitzpatrick,
dated December 21, 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 621, at page 759, Henderson County Registry.
(2) Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, Frances W. Fitzpatrick, to .lames G. Fitzpatrick,
dated December 210 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 621, at page 761, Henderson County Registry.
(3) Deed from William 11. Fitzpatrick and wife, Frances W. Fitzpatrick, to -Vaughn Fitzpatrick,
dated December 21, 1982, and recorded in Deed Hook 621, at page 763, Henderson County Registry.
(4) Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, F'rahces W. Fitzpatrick, to Peter Fitzpatrick,
dated December 21, 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 621, at page 765, in the office of the
Register of Deeds for Henderson County. '
(5) Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, Frances W. Fitzpatrick, to James G. Fitzpatrick,
dated July 21., 1983, and recorded in Deed Book 628, at page 861, Henderson County Registry.
(6) Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, 'Frances W. Fitzpatrick to Vaughn Fitzpatrick,
ed July 21, 1983, and recorded in Deed Book 628, at page 863, Henderson County Registry.
Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, Frances W. Fitzpatrick, to Whitfield Fitzpatrick,
July 21, 1983, and recorded in Deed Book 628, at page 865, Henderson County Registry.
Deed from William H. Fitzpatrick and wife, Frances W. Fitzpatrick, to Peter Fitzpatrick,
dated July 21, 1983, and recorded in Deed Book 628, at page 867, Henderson County Registry.
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