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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG500621_Biocide Use Review Approval Letter_20210818 Y' 6
Governor ' 4�
Director Environmental Quality
August 18, 2021
To: Dexter Edwards
Smithfield Foods
(via email: dedwardsaa
From: Cindy Moore
Aquatic Toxicity Branch
Subject: Biocide Use Review
Smithfield Foods—The Chief Mill
NPDES #NCG500621
Duplin County
Smithfield Foods—The Chief Mill has requested approval of chemicals, ChemTreat 4350 &
ChemTreat BL1253. These products will be discharged from Outfall 002 and into Rockfish
Calculations predict the use of this product, at the stated dosage rate, will not cause toxic impacts
to aquatic life in the receiving stream, Rockfish Creek. Therefore, the use of this product as an
additive to the cooling tower blowdown,non-contact cooling water, and occasional draining
from other operational systems at Smithfield Foods—The Chief Mill is acceptable.
If you have any questions or concerns,please contact Zach Thomas at(919) 743-8439 or
zachary.thomas(d�nedenn eov.
Sincerel ,
indy SUS upervisor
Aquatic Toxicology Branch
Division of Water Resources,NCDEQ
cc: Katie Elmer, SF(via email:kelmer(a�smithfield.coml
Charles Weaver,DWR(via email: charles.weaver(u)
Dean Hunkele,WIRO (via email: dean.hunkele(ddncdenr.¢ovl
ATB Electronic File&Laserfiche
D_E Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources I Blo Lab
4401 Reedy Creek Road 1 1621 Mail Service Center I Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1621
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