HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211213 Ver 1_Riparian Buffer Authorization Request (2)_20210805 Action History (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time(US&Canada) Submit by Anonymous User 8/5/2021 9:53:15 AM(Start) Approve by Carpenter, Kristi Lynn 8/10/2021 2:13:40 PM(DOT- Initial Review) • The task was assigned to Carpenter, Kristi Lynn 8/5/2021 10:03 AM Buffer Authorization Application Form IC ENVIRONMENTAL Water Resources QUALITY 15ANCAC 02B.0233(8)(b),.0243(8)(b),.0250(11)(b),.0259(8)(b),.0267(11)(c),.0607(e)(2)Buffer Authorization Onlin Update 10/23/2018 Original Submittal 8/5/2021 A. Owner/Applicant Information General Information A Primary Contact Email:* emma.radford@kimley-horn.com Rease list the contact person's email for questions or payment on this project if needed. Who is submitting the application?* r Owner ✓ Applicant other than Owner rJ Agent 1. Property Owner Information: 1a.Name on Recorded Deed:* City of Greenville lb.Responsible Party: Mr. Lynn Raynor,P.E. (for Corporations) 1c. Mailing Address:* Street Address 1500 Beatty Street Address Line 2 Oty State/Rovince/Region Greenville NC Fbstal/Zip Code Country 27834 United States Id.Telephone:* 2523294620 le. Email Address:* Traynor@greenvillenc.gov 3. Agent Information: 3a. Name: 3b.Company Affiliation: 3c. Mailing Address: Street Address Address Line 2 Oty State/Rovince/Region Fbstal/Zip Code Country 3d.Telephone: 3e. Email Address: 3f.Attach a signed and dated copy of the agent Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attachdocunant authorization form. FCF Cnly B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1a. Name of Project:* TASC BUILD Grant, Project G—Town Common Connector(STIP#EB-6043) (Subdivision,facility,or establishrrent narre) lb.Is this a publicly-funded transportation project?* r Yes ✓ No 1c.TIP# EB-6043 Id.Subdivision Name: le.Nearest Greenville Municipality: If.Property Size: 8.30 acres 1g.County(or Counties)where the project is located:* Pitt 1h.Property ID# Date of Purchase Tax RN or Parcel id 1 i.Deed Information Type of Book Book# Page# Deed Map 1j.Attach a copy of the recorded map that indicates when the lot was last platted. aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docunent RJF only 1k.How would you like to provide the Latitude and Longitude information?* ✓ Address Lookup r Manually Latitude* 35.612774 Longitude* -77.369023 11.Is the project located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties?* ✓ Yes C•No 2. Surface Waters ................................................................................... 2a.Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Tar River 2b.Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water:* C, NSW 2c.List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams(intermittent and perennial)on the property:* 881 (linear feet only) 3. Project Description: ................................................................................................................. 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project study area is located south of the Tar River and is situated adjacent to a parking lot and a residential development surrounding the East Carolina University(ECU)East Campus.Topography is moderate within the project study area and ranges from roughly 15 to 40 feet in elevation. 3b.Attach an 8 1/2 x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site. aick the upload button a-drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fig2_USGS_ProjecG_BUILD.pdf 837.9KB FEF only 3c.Attach an 8 1/2 x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey Map depicting the project site. Qick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fig4_NRCS_ProjecG_BUILD.pdf 1.04MB FDF only 4. Proposed Activity .............................................................................................. Provide a detailed description of the proposed activity including its purpose and include the type of equipment to be used:* The Transportation,Accessibility,Safety,and Connectivity(TASC)Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development(BUILD)grant Project consists of seven individual projects(Projects A-G).The TASC BUILD Grant was awarded by the US Department of Transportation to the City of Greenville.This riparian buffer authorization form focuses specifically on Project G—the Town Common Connector (STIP#EB-6043).The purpose of the project is to improve non-vehicular mobility and connectivity between the east side of Uptown,Town Common Park,the East Carolina University(ECU)Downtown District,and ECU's Main Campus The City of Greenville,in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),proposes to construct an approximately 0.4-mile new greenway from East 1st Street to East 5th Street,called the Town Common Connector,between Reade Street and S Summit Street in downtown Greenville,Pitt County,NC.The proposed greenway section will be a 10-foot wide multi-use path with 2-foot shoulders on either side.The greenway would connect Town Common Park to East Carolina University near Reade Street.The project proposes to construct bicycle and pedestrian lanes,paths,and facilities to tie into the existing sidewalk and greenway network. Attach a site plan as applicable to the project: aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent 08_Site Plan_Erosion Control_(2021-07-23).pdf 24.73MB FDF only 5.Jurisdictional Determinations ..................................................................................................................................................... 5a. Have jurisdictional wetlands or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property/project(including all prior phases)in the past?* 5b.Who did the determination on the jurisdictional areas? L Who did the determination? JL List name if known Date I Attach Corps Emi Thompson 12/16/2020 (Narre F known) 06_ProjectG_... 2.35M. 2020- 02023.pdf pdf only ***Please include the date of the determination and upload a copy of the determination. Comments: Emily Thompson of the USACE confirmed the Project G delineation and issued a Jurisdictional Determination dated December 16,2020(SAWI2020-02023). Additionally,a buffer determination request was submitted to NCDWR on November 16,2020.A field review and official buffer determination documentation is still pending. 6. Project History .............................................................................. 6a.Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project(including all prior phases) in the past?* ✓ Yes (} No 7. Future Project Plans 7a. Is this project a phased project?* r Yes C No C. Proposed Impacts Inventory Buffer Impacts Project is in which protected Basin?* ✓ Neuse River Basin(15A NCAC 02B.0233) ✓ Catawba River Basin(15A NCAC 02B.0243) ✓ Randleman Lake Watershed(15A NCAC 02B.0250) r Tar-Pamlico River Basin(15A NCAC 02B.0259) ✓ Jordan Lake Watershed(15A NCAC 02B.0267) ✓ Goose Creek Watershed(15A NCAC 02B.0606&15A NCAC 02B.0607) Individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation,then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. ....................... Site#-Reason Stream Name Buffer Impact* Impact Type* Zone 1 Zone 2 Site 1 - Stream S1 Temporary Allowable 0.00 542.00 Construction (T) Square Square Access Perm or Temp Feet Feet Nap label(e.g.Finad Crossing 1) Site 1 -New Stream S1 Permanent Allowable 0.00 1,298. Greenway (P) Square 00 Construction F rmorTerrp Feet Square Nbp label(e.g.Road Feet Crossing 1) Site 2- Stream S1 Temporary Allowable 103.00 157.00 Construction (T) Square Square Access FBrmorTerrp Feet Feet Nap label(e.g.Road Crossing 1) Site 2-New Stream S1 Permanent Allowable 4.00 539.00 Greenway (P) Square Square Construction Farm orTenp Feet Feet Nap label(e.g.Road Crossing 1) Site 3- Stream S1 Temporary Allowable 2,072. 667.00 Construction (T) 00 Square Access Form orTerrp Square Feet Ivbp label(e.g.Road Feet Crossing 1) Site 3-New Stream Si Permanent Allowable 1,978. 7,309. Greenway (P) 00 00 Construction FbrmorTenp Square Square Map label(e.g.Road Feet Feet Crossing 1) Site 4- Stream S1 Temporary Allowable 0.00 445.00 Construction (T) Square Square Access Fermor Tenp Feet Feet Iva label(e.g.Road Crossing 1) Site 4-New Stream S1 Permanent Allowable 1,083. 2,280. Greenway (P) 00 00 Construction F2rmorTenp Square Square Nap label(e.g.Fbad Feet Feet Crossing 1) Site 5-New Stream S1 Permanent Allowable 0.00 56.00 Greenway (P) Square Square Construction Form orTenp Feet Feet Ivbp label(e.g.Road Crossing 1) Total Zone 1 Impacts: 5,240.00 Total Zone 2 Impacts: 13,293.00 Total Buffer Impacts: 18,533.00 Comments: Unavoidable impacts to the protected riparian buffer zones associated with Stream S1 will result from the construction of the proposed project.At Site 1,3 and 4, permanent impacts to the riparian buffer zones will result from the necessary paving and grading required to construct the new greenway as well as the permanent easement to be acquired by the City.At Site 2,permanent impacts to the riparian buffer zones will result from the construction of an observation deck with educational placards associated with the new greenway facility.At Site 5, permanent impacts to the riparian buffer zones will result from the construction of new curb and gutter and permanent easement associated with the crosswalk and greenway facility along East 1st Street.Temporary impacts to the riparian buffer of Stream S1 will result from the temporary construction access areas necessary to construct the project. All temporarily impacted areas will be restored to pre-construction conditions upon completion of the project. Greenways,trails,sidewalks or linear pedestrian/bicycle transportation systems designed and constructed equal to or less than 10-feet wide with 2-foot wide shoulders are considered"Allowable Upon Authorization"under the Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Table of Uses,therefore compensatory mitigation is not proposed as part of this application. D. Impact Justification and Mitigation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.Avoidance and Minimization ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1a.Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project.* Impacts to riparian buffers have been avoided and minimized to the extent practical. The proposed new greenway has been designed to make use of existing cleared/maintained sidewalk easement where feasible.Additionally,the alignment has been designed to completely avoid impacts to all streams throughout the corridor.Where necessary,ditches have been designed along the greenway to treat any concentrated stormwater and attenuate flow through the buffer zones. lb.Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques.* Impacts to streams and protected riparian buffers within the corridor will be minimized to the extent practical throughout the construction process by avoiding these features with equipment,materials,and access corridors where practicable. Where feasible,staging and construction access routes will be located in upland areas throughout the corridor.Silt fencing will be installed around the limits of disturbance to help ensure that all construction equipment will remain within the permitted areas throughout the construction process.Sediment control measures will be used to reduce stormwater impacts to receiving waters and minimize runoff from the construction sites. E. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a.What type of SCM are you providing?* ❑ Level Spreader ❑ Vegetated Conveyance(lower SHWT) r" Wetland Swale(higher SHWT) ✓ Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer 17 Other SCM that removed minimum of 30%nitrogen lb.Describe how diffuse flow will be maintained:* At Impact Site 1,new stormwater will be collected and discharged through the buffer through an existing conveyance at non-erosive velocities.A riprap dissipater pad will be utilized to ensure non-erosive velocities. At Impact Site 3,a riprap lined V-ditch will be collecting overland sheetflowfrom the vegetated drainage area outside the greenway. No stormwater will be collected from the proposed impervious surface.A pipe has been added below the greenway construction to minimize sheetflow across the greenway,improving pedestrian safety.A riprap dissipater pad will be utilized to ensure non-erosive velocities.The pipe qualifies as a new drainage conveyances where the drainage area to the conveyance has no new built-upon area as defined in 15A NCAC 02H.1002 and the conveyance is necessary for bypass of existing drainage only,per the Tar-Pamlico River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules(15A NCAC 02B.0734). 1 c.Diffuse Flow Documentation* Qickthe upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent 08_Site Plan_Erosion Control_(2021-07-23).pdf 24.73MB FDF only F. Supplementary Information . .......................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Environmental Documentation 1a.Does the project involve an expenditure of public(federal/state/local)funds or the use of public(federal/state)land? C' Yes ✓ No lb.If you answered"yes"to the above,does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina)Environmental Policy Act(NEPA/SEPA)? r Yes C No 1c.If you answered"yes"to the above,has the document been finalized by the State Clearing House? ✓ Yes C' No 1d.Attach a copy of the NEPAor SEPAfinal approval letter. aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent FDF only Violations ................................................. 2a.Is the site in violation of DWR Wetland Rules(15A NCAC 02H.0500), Isolated Wetland Rules(15A NCAC 02H.1300),DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards,or Riparian Buffer Rules(15A NCAC 02B.0200)? f Yes C: No 2b.Is this an after-the-fact buffer authorization application? ✓ Yes ✓ No G.Additional Information .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Please upload any additional information you would like the Division to consider during application review. Additional Attachments: nick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent 01_BUILD Proj G_CoverLetter_20210803.pdf 581.58KB 05_Stream S1 -Stream Form.pdf 121.28KB 06a_BUILD_Buffer_Request_Project_G.pdf 4.21MB 07_012654009G_Permit Drawings_(2021-05-14).pdf 2.53MB FCF only Additional Comments: The proposed project is a single and complete project that is part of a larger grant funding program through the FHWA.There are seven total projects associated with the specific grant.Each project serves independent utility and will be permitted separately,as necessary. It is anticipated that only one of the other projects will require permitting through the NCDWR. A Categorical Exclusion has been submitted and reviewed by the FWHA.Minor revisions are being made based on comments from FWHA before distributing the final version for approval. H. Sign and Submit .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... By digitally signing below,I certify that: o I have given true,accurate,and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this form is a"transaction"subject to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act") o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature;AND o I intend to electronically sign and submit the application form." Print Name:* Emma Radford,WPIT Signature o oed, Submission Date: 08/05/2021 (Auto populated field) Initial Review Is this accepted into the review process?* CJ Yes O No Is this project a public transportation CJ Yes project?* f No ID#* 20211213 Version:* 1 Select Reviewer:* Garcy Ward:eads\gpward Select Reviewing Office* Washington Regional Office-(252)946-6481 Has payment been received?* r No Payment Needed r Fee Received r Need Fee-send electronic notification