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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0011532_ Facility Files_Regional Office Physical File Scan Up To 8/6/2021ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director May 31, 2017 Dave Hallock, Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 SUBJECT: Annual Report (2016) Review Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Distribution Program Permit No: W00011532 Caldwell County IIINOPM& M sonIGeIPA Enclosed please find a copy of the Annual Report Review Inspection Form from the inspection conducted on 5/30/2017. The facility was found to be in compliance with permit WQ0011532. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions; please call me at 828-296-4500. Sincerely, Beverly Price Environmental Senior Specialist Enclosure: Inspection Report cc: MSC WUCentral Files -Basement evi le Files G:\WR\WQ\Caldwell\Wastewater\Non-dischargeW lue Ridge Tissue CorporationUtaspection ReportACEI17.2016 AR Review.docx �Nrith➢ng Goiilrares:.-�<_ :' State of North CamGna I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 828 296 4500 Comaliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0011532 Effective: 05/01/17 Expiration: 04/30/22 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Distribution F County: Caldwell 1427 Yadkin River Rd Region: Asheville Contact Person: Mike Samuels Title: Phone: 828-244-7519 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name David Hallock Related Permits: NC0006254 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson Mill. Inspection Date: 05130/2017 EritryTime: 10:30AM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price (3P Secondary Inspector(s): 828-757-7505 Fait Time: 11:OOAM Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Annual Report Review Permit Inspection Type: Distribution of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Facility Status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions (See attachment summary) u Page: 1 Permit W00011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 05/3012017 Inspection Type :Annual Report Review Reason for Visit Routine Inspection Summary: The 2016 Annual Residuals Report review was conducted by Beverly Price of the Asheville Regional Office. There were no residuals distributions in 2016. All residuals were disposed of in the Foothills Regional Landfill in Caldwell County NC. Page: 2 November 21, 2016 To: DWR Water Quality Permitting Section Central Office Attn: Troy Doby From: Bev Price Asheville Regional Office I. GENERAL SITE VISIT INFORMATION 1. Was a site visit conducted? ® Yes or ❑ No a. Date of site visit: 11/15/2016 b. Site visit conducted by: Bev Price c. Inspection report attached? ® Yes or ❑ No State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Regional Staff Report Application No.: W00011532 Regional Login No.: d. Person contacted: Mike Samuels and their contact information: (828) 757-7505 e. Driving directions: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy 321 north for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. II. PROPOSED FACILITIES FOR NEW AND MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS 1. Facility Classification: (Please attach completed rating sheet to be attached to issued permit) 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If no, explain: 3. Are site conditions (soils, depth to water table, etc) consistent with the submitted reports? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 4. Do the plans and site map represent the actual site (property lines, wells, etc.)? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, please explain: 7. Are there any setback conflicts for proposed treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 8. Is the proposed or existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 9. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B) FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Pagel of 3 M. EXISTING FACILITIES FOR MODIFICATION AND RENEWAL APPLICATIONS - 1. Are there appropriately certified Operators in Charge (ORCs) for the facility? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A ORC: Certificate 4: Backup ORC: Certificate 4: 2. Are the design, maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes or ® No If no, please explain: In October 2009 a Phase H Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in conjunction With the change of ownership from Sealed Air Corporation to Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Groundwater monitoring was part of the assessment and showed an exceedance of Total Iron above the 21, Groundwater Sealed Air and Blue Ridge Tissue since 2012 to develop a plan to address the iron issues. This may include modification of the W WTP/fiber traps Any modifications to the fiber trap system will require a modification to the residuals permit W00011532. 3. Are the site conditions (e.g., soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ® Yes or No If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in anyway that may affect the permit (e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan adequate? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) still acceptable? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: The monitoring wells associated with the Phase H Assessment in 2009 and additional monitoring wells installed as a result of the 2012 ARO investigation were not included as part of the residuals permit. 8. Are there any setback conflicts for existing treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 9. Is the description of the facilities as written in the existing permit correct? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 11. Are the monitoring well coordinates correct in BIMS? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please complete the following (expand table if necessarv): Monitoring Well Latitude Longitude O , „ O , 11 O , „ O , 11 O , II O 1 11 O , „ O , 11 O , 1/ O , II 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (e.g., NDMR, NDAR, GW)? ® Yes or ❑ No Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: 13. Are there any permit changes needed in order to address ongoing BIMS violations? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 14. Check all that apply: FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Page 2 of 3 ® No compliance issues ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under JOC ❑ Notice(s) of violation ❑ Currently under SOC ❑ Currently under moratorium Please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (i.e., NOV, NOD, etc.) 15. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit been satisfied? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 16. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If yes, please explain: W. REGIONAL OFFICE 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 2. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request: Item Reason 3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued: Condition Reason 4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued: Condition Reason 5. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ® Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ❑ Issue ❑ Deny (Please stater9qons: ) 6. Signature of report preparer: Signature of APS regional supervisor: Date: e( � a9 • ((a V. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Page 3 of 3 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OPERATIONS SECTION D vl iston of Water Resources NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM October 27, 2016 To: ARO=WQROS::.Landon-Dauidsoh:/_Zah,Price,. From: Troy Doby, Water Quality Permitting Section - Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Permit Number: WQ0011532 Applicant: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Owner Type: Organization Facility Name: Blue Ridge Tissue Distribution Program Signature Authority: David Hallock Permit Type: Distribution of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Address: 1427 Yadkin River Road, Lenior, North Carolina 28645-9041 Project Type: Renewal Owner in DIMS? Yes Facility in BIMS? Yes Title: Vice President County: Caldwell Fee Category: Non -Discharge Minor Fee Amount: $0 Comments/Other Information: Attached, you will find all information' submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 45 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return this form completed. ® Return a completed staff report. ❑ Attach an Attachment B for Certification. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office Water Quality Permitting Section contact person listed above. RO-WQROS Reviewer: on I /LL-R- Nov - 2 2016 Wa!er oua,Wl l Fegiooal Date: j Z FORM: WQROSNDARR 09-15 Pane 1 of 1 L Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY November 21, 2016 David Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Rd Lenoir, NC 28645 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection (Residuals Facility) Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Distribution of Class A Industrial By -Product Residuals Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: PAT MCCRORY Govemor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Form from the inspection conducted on 11/15/2016. The facility was found to be in compliance with permit WQ0011532. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at 828-296-4500. Sincerely, j6W Beverly PAW Environmental Senior Specialist Enc. cc: MSC 1617-Central Files -Basement �Asheville-F.iles; G:\WR\WQ\Caldwell\WastewaterWon-discharge\Blue Ridge Tissue CorporationUnspection Reports\Word Docs\CEL 11-15-16.docx State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 2090 U.S. Highxay 70 Smananoa, NC 28778 828 296 4500 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0011532 Effective: 11/08/12 Expiration: 04/30/17 owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell 1427 Yadkin River Rd Region: Asheville Contact Person: Mike Samuels Title: Phone: 828-244-5095 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Sate Representative(s) 24 hour contact name David Hallock 828-757-7505 On -site representative David Hallock 828-757-7505 Related Permits: NC0006254 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson Mill Inspection Date: 11/15/2016 EntryTime: 10:OOAM Exit Time: 11:OOAM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Fj� .. Phone: 828-296-4500 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Distribution of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Facility Status: Compliant Not Compliant 1 , Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions Treatment (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 11/1512016 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The inspection was conducted by Beverly Price and Dan Boss of the Asheville Regional Office. Mike Samuels and David Hallock assisted with the inspection. All resiudals produced in 2016 have been landfilled in the Foothills Regional Landfill, 2800 Cheraw Road Lenoir NC 28645. Residuals were hauled by Hoffman Paving. Hauling tickets were available for review. Blue Ridge Tissue has no plans to distribute residuals for the remainder of 2016. No resiudals are stored off site. Operation/maintenance logs were reviewed and appeared to be complete and up to date. Blue Ridge Tissue completed permit monitoring requirements in 2016 even though the residuals were landfilled. Page: 2 Permit: W00011532 Owner • Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 11/15/2016 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason forVlsit: Routine Treatment Check all that apply Yes No NA NE Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) ❑ Compost ❑ Drying Beds ❑ Other Comment: The resiudals system consists of two fiber traps (approximately 3000 cubic feet - each trap) for solids separation. Effluent from the traps flows to an aeration basin' residuals from the traps are land applied or landfilled. Type Land Application Distribution and Marketing Yes No NA NE Page: 3 V 2012 Google Il r� s . AA AA c v esvl- � �n A Price, Bev From: Mike Samuels <> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 2:07 PM To: Price, Bev Cc: Dave Hallock Subject: SAR Attachments: SAR 2015.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Bev, I hope this finds you well, attached are the Sodium Absorption Ratios for 2015. Dave and I have talked about what happened, I will be making up an inventory list of what is supposed to be in the yearly report. We will verify that the report is complete. Only after we are satisfied that the report is complete will it be sent to you for your review. If there is anything you need, please let me know. Thanks, Mike Samuels Facilities Engineer Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. A division of NPS Corp. Cell: 828-244-5095 Direct Line: 828-757-7519 S_AR SodiamAbsorptiorn'Ratio Na(Mc1/L :CWMWU tJfa(fata/0. Na;:Sodium (Mg/L) Equivalent Weight:23 1 .45.8' 1 686.3 1 1091 1 Ca:-Calcium(Mg/L) Equivalentweiglit•20 Mg ; Magnesium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight:12 :Na(ME) Ca(ME) Ma (ME) 19g 904. 34 315 . 9.141667 MilliEquivalent= Mg/L-1 Equivalentweight - The amount,of.exchangeable=sodium Ions versusthe SAFE= Na Milli Equ'lvalent![0:5X (Ca`Milli Equivalent +Mg Milli.equivalent)]0.5;power. amount of exchangeable calcium& magnesium Ions in a,given material. Permitting guidance 19�ifgreater than 10 require'' permit, SA-= 0,427193 I(F1oin.Mg/L entered' above) SAR= 0.426946 I(From ME entered below) Na (ME) Ca (ME). Mg (ME) 1-99 34:31 9-14 1;-30-2015Analvsis Q. $g c1"1 y 3 30 W"n ,SAR. Sodum_'Absorption Ratio Na: Sodium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: '23 Cat Calcium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 20 Mg: Magnesium (Mg7L) Equivalent weight: 12 MiliVEquivalent = MgIL IEquivalentweight a M IL .Ga L) 'M M2II 328:52 4455 _ 239,49 Na ME Ca (ME) Ma{ME) 5 587826 222.75 19.9575, The amount of" exchangeablescdlum lonsveisus! lhe, amount of exchang?aple calcium R magnesium ions in a given material: SAR= Na MilliEquivalent/(0.5X (Ca Milli Equivalent+Mg Milli equivalerit)]0.5 power 'SAR'= 0;5t77243 I(From MgIL entered above) SAP..= 0 507438 A From M..E entered below); Na ME Ca (ME) Ma wm .5:59, 222.75 19.96 5-27-2015 Analysis, I � SOO "I'D II<J Cq 79-1 tr)!k, K Permitting guidance +ls if greater than 10 require ESP In permit: V[fatcrR�souKcBg: �>QIIUI�tpNMEft4p1. QUAcrn' Certified Mail # 7015 1520 0003 5463 1179 Return Receipt Requested October 17, 2016 David Hallock, Vice President 8t General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC 28645 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Tracking Number: NOD-2016-PC-0449 Annual Report (2015) Review Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Distribution of Class A Industrial By -Product Residuals Permit No. WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Permittee: P.A��,:1idCC�QRX S�FBR�L D'ONAL`D, R r1rtLN DER �At1:�2;;T "Ay",L tLMERM 41v'• D'aecm[ The Annual Report Review inspection was conducted by Division of Water Resources staff from the Asheville Regional Office on September 13, 2016. This inspection was conducted to verify that the facility is operating in compliance with the conditions and limitations specified in Non -discharge Permit No. WQ0011532. A summary of the findings and comments noted during the inspection are provided in the enclosed copy of the inspection report. The following deficiency was noted during the inspection: Inspection Area Description of Deficiency Record Keeping Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) calculation was not submitted with the residuals analysis. Remedial actions should have already been taken to correct this problem and prevent further occurrences in the future. The Division of Water Resources may pursue enforcement action for this and any additional violations of State law. Please respond in writing to this office within 30 days upon your receipt of this Notice of Deficiency regarding your plans or measures to be taken to address the indicated deficiency. Please submit the missing information to the Asheville Regional Office. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Swannanoa, NC 28778 828-296-4500 If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Beverly Price with the Water Quality Regional Operations Section in the Asheville Regional Office at 828-296-4685. Sincerely, G. Landon Davidson, P.G., Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ATTACHMENTS Cc: Zach Key, Southern Soil Builders Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit - Enforcement File G:\WR\WQ\Caldwell\Wastewater\Non-discharge\Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation\Inspection Reports\CEI.2016.2015 AR Review.rtf Compliance Inspection Report Permit: W00011532 Effective: 11/08/12 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: Mike Samuels Title: Phone: 828-244-509t Directions to Facility: From Lenoir. Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name David Hallock Related Permits: NC0006254 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson Mill Inspection Date: 09/13/2016 Entry Time: 09:OOAM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price �1 Secondary Inspector(s): 828-757-4810 Exit Time: 10:00AM Phone: 828-2964500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Annual Report Review Permit Inspection Type: Distribution of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Facility Status: Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions Record Keeping Pathogen and Vector Attraction (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit W00011532 Owner- Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 09/13/2016 Inspection Type: Annual Report Review Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The review was conducted by Beverly Price of the Asheville Regional Office. 422.86 dry tons were land applied in 2015. All residuals were land applied by Southern Soil Builders. Metals//TCLP analyses were conducted according to permit requirements. Metals/TCLP limits appear to have been met. The Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) calculation was missing from the residuals analysis. Pathogen Reduction is accomplished using Fecal Coliform Density. Vector Attraction Reduction is not required. Residuals were land applied (incorporated) in February and June 2015. The February application was followed by corn planted in May. If residuals are not applied to an actively growing crop, a 30-day pre -plant schedule should be followed unless specified otherwise in a crop management plan. Page: 2 Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 09/13/2016 - Inspection Type : Annual Report Review Reason for Visit: Routine Pathogen and Vector Attraction Yes No NA NE a. Fecal coliform SM 9221 E (Class A or B) M ❑ 110 Class A, all lest must be <1000 MP Wdry gram Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for Gass B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ Fecal coliform SM 9222 D (Class B only) ❑ ❑ ! ❑ Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0't0E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ b. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class A) ❑ ❑ M ❑ c. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class B) ❑ ❑ ❑ Temperature corrected ❑ d. Salmonella (Class A, all test must be < 3MPN14 gram day) ❑ ❑ M ❑ e. Timerremp on: ❑ ❑ E ❑ Digester (MCRT) ❑ Compost ❑ Class A lime stabilization ❑ • f. Volatile Solids Calculations ❑ ❑ M g. Bench -top Aerobic/Anaerobic digestion results ❑ ❑ M ❑ Comment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW'monitoling being conducted, if required? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? ❑ ❑ ❑ E Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ a. TCLP analysis? M ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are PAN balances being maintained? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are PAN balances within permit limits? M ❑ ❑ ❑ Has land application equipment,been calibrated? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ ❑ M ❑ Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 3 Permit: w00011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 09/13/2016 Inspection Type : Annual Report Review Reason for Visit: Routine Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? M ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records available? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has permiltee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ❑ ❑ ❑ Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Comment: Application was not during seasonal restriction window. However. the February application was incorporated: corn was sown on May. Applications that are incorporated should follow the 30-day ore -plant window unless specified otherwise by a crop management plan. The SAR calculation was not included in the residuals analysis. Tvpe Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing Page: 4 • � `v, lL it""test - I CUO U , / o 6vt o ii lip AN- uof o - ��•ces-^,;mid-,�, n MR u s NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Donaid R. Ian der Vaart Pat McCrory Secretary Governor July 23, 2015 David Hallock, Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC 28645 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Distribution of Class A Industrial By Product Residuals PemutNo: W00011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Form from the inspection conducted on 6/11/2015. The facility was found to be in compliance with permit W00011532. Based on our discussions at the time of the inspection, it appears that there are problems with land application of the residuals currently stockpiled at Buffalo Nutsery. Depending on the resolution, the residuals might need to be re -tested prior to land application. Additionally, the permit might need to be modified to reflect any changes in treatment. Until this issue is resolved, residuals should not be stockpiled beyond what is already on - site at the nursery. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. Your assistance and that of Mr. Dennis Key and Mr. Mike Samuels was appreciated during the inspection. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at 828-296-4685. Sincerely, ` Beverly Price Environmental Specialist Enc. cc: Dennis Key, SSB MSC 1617-Central Files -Basement j0k7 u1""Ile'IFZ1 Zg , G:\WR\WQ\Caldwell\Wastewater\Non-discharge\Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation\Inspection Reports\CEI15.doc Water Quality Regional Operations —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Phone: 828-296-4500 FAX: 828.299-7043 Internet httpa/portal.ncdenr.orghvebhxq An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer 0 Permit W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 0611112015 Inspection Type : compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit Routine Inspection Summary: This inspection included a tour of the residuals facility. All residuals are currently being distributed to Buffalo Nursery in Caldwell County. The residuals are being removed from the fiber traps on a more frequent basis. Only the upper layer, approximately 2 feet, of the residuals are being removed to eliminate hauling too much water. As a result, the residuals are not breaking down as quickly and form a mat -like material when incorporated into the soil. Some residuals are currently stockpiled at the nursery until they can.figure out how to alleviate the matting issue. There was very little leachate emanating from the stockpile due to the nature of the product. A berm has been installed below the pile to prevent runoff during rain events. The pile is >100 feet from the nearest surface water. As a trial, the permitee and Southern Soil Builders have tried mixing sand, kelp and liquid nitrogen to help break up the residuals. The residuals will need to be re -tested prior to distribution depending on what is added. In addition, the permit may need to be modified if the residuals are changed significantly from the product that was removed from the fiber traps. Until the issue is resolved, residuals should not be stockpiled beyond what is already on -site at the nursery. Page: 2 Permit: WC0011532 Owner • Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/11/2015 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation - Reason for Visit: Routine Tvpe Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing Treatment Yes No NA NE Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) ❑ Compost ❑ Drying Beds ❑ Other Comment: Residuals are held in two fiber traps until distributed Sampling Yes No NA NE Describe sampling: Several grab samples are collected from the fiber trap then composited for analysis. Is sampling adequate? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Is sampling representative? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: it Page: 3 M-WA F7 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van derVaart Governor Secretary July 23, 2015 David Hallock, Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC 28645 SUBJECT: Annual Report (2014) Review Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Distribution of Class A Industrial By Product Residuals Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: Enclosed please find a copy.of the Annual Report Review Inspection Form from the inspection conducted on 6/10/2015. The facility was found to be in compliance with permit WQ0011532. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at 828-296-4685. Sincerely, G l A), Beverly Price Environmental Specialist Enc. cc: Dennis Key, SSB MSC 1617-Ceal Files -Basement s eville�&1�U G:\WR\WQ\Caldwell\Wastewater\Non-discharge\Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation\inspection Reports\WQ011532 2014 Annual Report Review.doc Water Quality Regional Operations —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Phone: 828-2964500 FAX: 828-299-7043 Internet httpJ1portal.nodencorgAveb1wq An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0011532 Effective: 11/08/12 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: Mike Samuels Title: Phone: 828-244-5095 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name Dennis Key Related Permits: NC0006254 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson Mill Inspection Date: 06/10/2015 Entry Time: 02:OOPM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): 336-957-8909 Exit Time: 03:OOPM Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Annual Report Review Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Facility Status: Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions Record Keeping Pathogen and Vector Attraction (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: WQ0011532 Owner- Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/10/2015 Inspection Type: Annual Report Review Reason for Visit- Routine Inspection Summary: This inspection included a review of the 2014 Annual Report. 346.2 dry tons of residuals were distributed to Buffalo Nursery. Metals, nutrients, TCLP and pathogen reduction (fecal coliform) analyses were conducted according to the permit and all data appeared to be complete. All permit limits were met. Residuals were taken to Buffalo Nursery and either stockpiled or incorporated. A Field Summary Form was submitted which indicated that residuals were applied to a cam crop in July. Residuals that are stockpiled should not be included on a Field Summary Form. Page: 2 Permit WO0011532 Owner- Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/10/2015 Inspection Type : Annual Report Review Reason for Visit: Routine Tvpe Land Application Distribution and Marketing Yes No NA NE Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? ❑ ❑ M ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ E ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ E ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ a. TCLP analysis? M ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ M ❑ Are PAN balances being maintained? M ❑ ❑ El Are PAN balances within permit limits? ❑ ❑ ❑ Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ ❑ ❑ M Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? 0 ❑ ❑ El Are hauling records available? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? I E ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has penniftee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? I ❑ M ❑ ❑ Comment: Application did not occur during seasonal restriction, however, the annual report indicated that residuals were applied to corn field in July 2014. Pathogen and Vector Attraction Yes No NA NE a. Fecal coliform SM 9221 E (Class A or B) ❑ ❑ Class A, all test must be <1000 MPN/drygram Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ Fecal coliform SM 9222 D (Class B only) ❑ ❑ E ❑ Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ b. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class A) ❑ ❑ ❑ c. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class B) ❑ ❑ ❑ Temperature corrected ❑ Page: 3 Permit W00011532 tamer- Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/10/2015 Inspection Type: Annual Report Review Reason for Visit: Routine d. Salmonella (Class A, all test must be < 3MPN/4 gram day) ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ e. Time/Temp on: ❑ 110 ❑ Digester (MCRT) ❑ Compost ❑ Class A lime stabilization ❑ f. Volatile Solids Calculations ❑ ❑ N ❑ g. Bench -top Aerobic/Anaerobic digestion results ❑ ❑ M ❑ Comment: Page: 4 sm �Nill a�aiuetKh - �z-97a7 ., 3 ou d nol kaVI, irr apy� ?d-ovb7-�3S� Pe / cu Gam/ o I� nC-c�0 Zp Lcn c�(Z V7'60 -Jets 5 � 14-7 may ck3- 9,19--Af700 l CCJJ i Q piv !J �t t - 06(j 641, dAl P �_L h am_ � rel�o®� 46, Age North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor June 5, 2014 David Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspections Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: Johns E. Skvarla, III i Secretary Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Forms from the inspections conducted on May 14 & 15, 2014. The facility was found to be in compliance with permit WQ0011532. Please refer to the enclosed inspection reports for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at (828) 296-4685. Sincerely, PkzP PA"C'� Beverly Price Environmental Specialist Enc. cc: Dennis Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc. 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 MSC 1617-Central Files -Basement 60MShea Ieess— G:\WR\WQ\Caldwell\Wastewater\Non-discharge\Blue Ridge Tissue CorporationUnspection Reports\W00011532 CE114 & 2013 AR Water Quality Regional Operations —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Phone: 828-29BA500 FAX 828-299-7043 Internet httpJlportal.ncdencorgMebAvgMrs An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer o Permit: Wg0011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 05/14/2014 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Summary: Reason for Visit: Routine This inspection included a review of the 2013 Annual Report. 284.4 Dry Tons of residuals were distributed to the Buffalo Nursery in 2013. TCLP/metals/nutrient samples were collected in February and July 2013. All results were compliant with permit conditions. VAR - not required for this permit. Fecal colifcrm'samples were collected in February and July. All results were compliant with permit conditions. Type Land Application Distribution and Marketing Recor�n9. Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? Are GW samples'from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? Are there any GW quality violations? Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? Is a copy of current permit on -site? Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? a. TCLP analysis? b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ' Are PAN balances being maintained? Are PAN balances within permit limits? Has land application equipment been calibrated? Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? Are there pH records for the land application site? Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? Are hauling records available? Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? Comment: Page: 2 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0011532 Effective: 11/08/12 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: Mike Samuels Title: Phone: 828-244-5095 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name David Hallock Phone: 828-757-4810 On -site representative Dennis Key Phone: 336-957-8909 On -site representative David Hallock Phone: 828-757-7505 On -site representative Zach D Key Phone: 336-957-7871 Related Permits: NC0006254 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson Mill Inspection Date: 05/15/2014 Entry Time: 09:30 AM Exit Time: 10:30 AM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Phone: 828-296-4500 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions E Treatment (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 05/15/2014 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: This inspection included a tour of the facility. Residuals were hauled on February 25, 2014. They expect to have 1 or 2 more cleanouts this year. All residuals are going to Buffalo Nursery. Blue Ridge is currently looking at other options for handling residuals. They anticipate doing away with the fiber traps within the next couple of years. Type Land Application Distribution and Marketing Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) Compost Drying Beds Other Comment: Fiber Traps Yes No NA NE I ■ Yes No NA NE ■ Page: 2 i PWA 100 �C®94R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary January 15, 2014 David Hallock, General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: Fiber Trap Assessment and Monitoring Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. - Patterson Mill NPDES Permit NC0006254 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock, The Division of Water Resources (DWR) recently notified you that additional groundwater monitoring wells will be required at your Patterson Mill in Caldwell County, as authorized by Section B of Part III in your current NPDES permit. Based on existing data, it appears the biotic breakdown of organic material in your unlined fiber traps is creating anoxic conditions that solubilize iron and manganese oxyhydroxide minerals. Additionally, this anoxic process water appears to be recharging local groundwater; therefore, directly responsible for the occurrence of iron and possibly manganese concentrations above the North Carolina Groundwater Standard, 15A NCAC 2L .0202. Our request for additional monitoring wells will determine groundwater quality conditions at your permitted compliance boundary. In your response letter (November 21, 2013), you delayed the installation of the compliance boundary monitoring wells so that monitoring well MW-1 could be reevaluated as the sole background well. You contend that monitoring well MW-5 does not appear to provide either and up -gradient or cross -gradient reference point to the subject site nor is it in the same rock type as the other monitoring wells. You maintain that monitoring well MW-1 is in a good location and request further explanation as to why MW-1 is not an acceptable background well location. Groundwater movement across the Blue Ridge Tissue property encompasses three hydrologic zones referred to as saprolite, transition, and fractured crystalline bedrock. The groundwater Water Quality Regional Operations —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, N.C. 28778 Phone (828) 2964500 FAX (828) 299-7043 Internet: ncwatenorg An Equal OpportunitylAfrirmative Action Employer Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation January 15, 2014 Page 2 of 3 potentiometric map generated by AECOM (see attached map) largely depicts groundwater flow within the saprolite zone. Groundwater movement within the transition zone and crystalline bedrock has yet to be defined. The contours on the map show groundwater flowing in a radial pattern away from a knoll or groundwater recharge area near the fire sprinkler reservoir. Groundwater quality should be somewhat consistent across this recharge area. Despite some remaining questions as to the interpretation of groundwater contours north of the fiber traps, all treatment works and monitoring wells (including MW5) are located down -gradient of this recharge area. Groundwater quality north of the recharge area (MW-5) is characterized by low iron -in - groundwater concentrations, low specific conductivity, and aerobic conditions. Groundwater quality immediately south of the recharge area (MW-2 & MW-3) is characterized by high iron - in -groundwater concentrations, elevated specific conductivity, and anaerobic conditions. Groundwater quality near the Yadkin River (MW-1 & MW-4) is very similar to the south side of the recharge area; namely, high iron -in -groundwater concentrations, elevated specific conductivity, and anaerobic conditions. In your response, you attribute this discrepancy in groundwater quality to differences in lithology. The AECOM report associates monitoring well MW-5 with a schist unit north of the recharge area. Monitoring wells south of the recharge area are associated with a gneiss unit. The boundary between these two geologic units was identified using the state geologic map. Caution should be exercised in using the state geologic map for site investigations because of its small scale (1:500,000) and lack of detail. The NC Geologic Survey also warns of possible georectification issues associated with the location of these geologic boundaries. This uncertainty is further supported by AECOM's own boring logs which associates monitoring well MW-4 with a schist rock. A more detailed site investigation is recommended before assigning specific geologic units to the monitoring wells. The Division feels strongly that monitoring well MW-5 represents the natural background concentration for iron -in -groundwater in the vicinity of the recharge area. In our experience, a natural iron -in -groundwater concentration greater than 30 mg/1 would be extraordinary for western North Carolina. Background iron -in -groundwater concentrations at your former land application site (Wagner Property) are less than 1 mg/I. Our limited survey (June 2012) of drinking water wells in Patterson, NC found iron -in -groundwater concentrations ranging from non -detect to less than 1 mg/I. A groundwater study of the Morganton Area by the State of North Carolina found 85% of all drinking water wells surveyed contained iron concentrations less than.0.3 mg/I. Existing evidence suggests that a plume of anoxic water originating at the fiber traps is infiltrating all three hydrologic zones on the south side of the recharge area and extends to the Yadkin River near the production plant. Northeast/southwest trending fractures/joints/faults in the crystalline bedrock provide a likely conduit for the anoxic process water to reach areas farther out such as monitoring well MW-1. Monitoring well MW-1 is a poor background well Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation January1S, 2014 Page 3 of 3 location because of its proximity to a groundwater discharge area and evidence suggesting a connection to the anoxic plume. You will be required to construct, at minimum, two down -gradient wells at the compliance boundary. You can continue to use MW-5 as the background well or select a new location that is acceptable to the Division. Initially, you will need to submit a site map depicting all applicable regulatory boundaries and any proposed monitoring well locations. Based on the origination date of your NPDES permit (1979), the compliance boundary will be established 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. A groundwater review boundary is not required for this facility. Please respond to this office within 60 days of receipt of this letter. We are available to meet and discuss the groundwater monitoring requirements in greater detail. I am available if you have any additional questions or concerns. I can be reached at (828) 296-4681 or Sincer Brett Watei Asheville Regional Office cc: file Attachments: 1) AECOM Groundwater Potentiometric Map for Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 2) Asheville Regional Office memo dated October 31, 2012 3) Geology and Groundwater Resources of the Morganton Area North Carolina 4) Preliminary Hydrogeologic Assessment and Study Plan for a Regional Ground -water Resource Investigation of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Provinces of North Carolina 4,��y +„✓�k2 �t 4 �.60 >• 9a 1 f�,� l�v` :�i� '�. 1 .�s'� fry �• I t t/ I \ V�. y (t y �r �•sl°9 � "^ :. � lu6..ii - \ It ,. tJ' �� lq� ��Zr n '� �. P 7i 1 ci/:•f �i'e ,y %nr,3 r e 1 ' ktfi .!�'} :�3y's f...: ,fr, � :r .�lF 4I 'a1:�'q R t•>'' � y�jT4 ' *\ , e r ,�� ��zYt�n {-��'^Xy�i`r 11280 �14a �1t4 Y�4r Y /Y°t'!� 4� flh e•l. u r • � { �' �' � �t ,E\ � 272�'I�d s +j�1 � 4 2Y � i FC eQE../ ryb 1. I, y�, x yF° 1�2r70 .r �i�`'K.i� � r >.�'h°e eh�•�.,.Rr 's l b r4 1.0 •Ado, i 1'� v4 V ` ? nt. �i { 0.0bvI. ,l4, r II •e .'l 1 e''' sv�i� � Tv � �� 7'• � � �. / S � ,}� t] '1 : S! � '�1\* jS s� c �. �rp„`c, e3,'h2�+' �_ ; _W_'r�..y s-\ P� I -1�+, -� 1r :�;• ,?fs•�4Sii>�03 4.� .z r.-Fri^.::. .. Legend . .. ' Figure /�COM hO PreDenyaovndar, Groundwater Potentiometric Map yF MonilOring WOOEocolion A NhandonedWata,Well Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation PECOM Emmnmenl —eeeeewGreuMwaler Condom, dorshad where NlenM Patterson, North Carolina ,y 6540 Colonnade Center Ones 910 006 ��Grounowaler Flmvr...n 0 200 400 G.�. ay.ry. xone exclna 2781s 1240.9 GreuMwaler Elovalien (O aCove mean sea novel) Feet Mane: 19101872 d00 _ landsurlace EkvaWn Condwr 0 shown mean sea level) Few 1were occom98 ( 1 hlell v 2001CCI Web vmw oecomcom --o-yadkN RirerFlow OireeOon Ju0e 2012 8014f SG0 Mr. Brett Laverty Water Quality Section North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 November 21, 2013 Subject: Blue Ridge Tissue and Sealed Air Joint Response Letter Fiber Trap Assessment and Monitoring Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. - Patterson Mill NPDES Permit NC 0006264 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Laverty: RECEIVED NOV 2 5 2013 DWQ/Surface Water Protection Section Asheville Regional Office This letter is in response to your September 25, 2013 letter regarding the subject matter. In February 2011, a background monitoring well MWA was installed to establish background total iron concentrations in groundwater on the Blue Ridge Tissue Patterson Mill site. The selected background monitoring well location was in a wooded area northeast of the intersection of Yadkin River Road and Whisnant Road. At the same time, three additional monitoring wells, originally installed in 2009 were; sampled: MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4.The subsequent groundwater monitoring identified total iron { concentrations ranging from 29,000- 91,000ug/L including MW-1. Following a review of the results, in a letter dated June 2, 2011, the NCDENR indicated that MWA was not in a suitable location due to a soil contamination incident report during the replacement of the bridge over the Yadkin River on Whisnant Road. However, MWA location is north and up -gradient of the soil cleanup area and bridge project and thus, not believed to be in close proximity of or impacted by the oil release. The consultant's soil boring logs appear to confirm that the soil was not disturbed from prioF remediation or construction activities. We maintain MWA is a good background well location and ask for further explanation as to why MW-1 is not an acceptable background well location understanding that it is not in close proximity to the prior remediation site and was not involved in previous construction activities. A photo of MWA location relative to oil release clean-up near the bridge and MWA Soil Boring Log are attached. In August 2011, NCDENR requested an additional monitoring well be installed to establish background iron concentrations in groundwater. The monitoring well was located west of Yadkin River Road and'north of the existing well MW-3 on property owned by Joseph Doll. Groundwater samples were taken from, MW- 5 on August 17, 2011 by AECOM showing total iron concentrations of 400ug/L. Based on area topography, this well does not appear to provide either an up -gradient or cross -gradient reference point to the subject site. Furthermore, based upon a North Carolina Geologic survey map that is attached, MW-5 also does riot appear to be in the same rock type as monitoring wells 14 and thus MW-5 does not appear to represent a good background well location: Page 2 Mr. Brett Laverty November 21. 2013 Blue Ridge Tissue received information from NCDENR under a cover letter dated October 31, 2013 showing sampling results of five down -gradient neighboring drinking water wells. These sample results, which are from the June 2012 well receptor assessment that was conducted by the NCDENR, identified total iron to be very low in all five wells tested and therefore below the NC groundwater standard 15A NCAC 2L.0202 . We would like to better understand the assessment that was done on the down gradient drinking water wells. Can the NCDENR provide any additional information about those drinking water wells such) as type of construction, aquifer sampled, etc.? Regarding the installation of an additional background monitoring well and two down gradient monitoring wells at the compliance boundary, we ask that the question as to the viability of MW1 versus MW5 be investigated further before we commit to the installation of these additional wells. If it is determined that a new background well is required, we prefer to develop an appropriate background well before developing the site map and the two down gradient monitoring wells at the compliance boundary. In the meantime, Blue Ridge Tissue and Sealed Air are actively looking at alternatives to the Fiber Trap waste water treatment process as requested in your September 25, 2013 letter. Sincerely, Dave Hatto kdk Vice President and General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Pavidtay � P Global Director EHS Auditing — Sealed Air Attachments: Photos, N.C. Geologic Map & Soil Boring Log cc: Dan Williams — Global Environmental Programs Director - Sealed Air AECOM ,eport [Capability, ri r. s' Approximate location of former Maintenance Garage (location of the new bridge) Blue Ridge Tissue Facility r' Monitoring Well MW-1 Photograph 3: View looking south toward the Blue Ridge Tissue Facility. Note the relative to the new bridge, where the maintenance garage was located. A Iia Approximate location of monitoring well MW1 Former concrete pad for maintenance garage Photograph 4: 2007 view from the concrete pad looking north toward the future of MW-1 of MW-I. 2 CAWINDOWMTEMP4lppendiz D • PhologMph Log.d= December 2011 moor- ( A- 1 'Heni Biotitel Gneiss) ( li 1 I " I /®C®M Legend yya (^]® � etenYmogNb Lou6en MINI RECOM Env'eonent a910 W.nwEe ConfiefDrWeSte306 Ralelgh. Non Carollaa 2MI5 plane (919) 699i690 Fee (919) B12-7996 SWIM Na01 CarOba Geological Survey, wee:..w,..aeconecue 1955. Geobgle map of N.M Carolina. I 1 y /'JIM r I ., - r-I I 1 'R ,J t I ~ Henderson t 1 Gneiss I I Monitoring Well Location Map Attachment Number Blue Ridge Tissue Coporation Patterson, North Carolina Feel �l 0 2,000 4,000 e,000 Iu 110 =1,000 feet 2012 Fnmrcen Client: Sealed Air Pro ect Number: BONNG ID: Mlf=l Site Location: Patterson, NC E N S RZ r.� ! Coordinaies: Elevation: Sheet: i Dr(l(in Method Monitoring Well Installed-, Y BoringDiameter., Screened imervat: 6-11 l Weather: Lo ed By. MD DatelTime Staled: 217111 Depth o Borin ., lift Dri/lin Contractor: AE Drillin GroundElevotlon: JDaleffirnefinishe. 217111 Water Level.• u A 6 o S [7 � rj o'. V m � "c_ Z o a y A 43 2 m y MATERIALS: Color, size, range, MAIN COMPONENT, minor component(s), moisture content, structure, angularity, maximum grain size, odor, and Geologic Unit (If Known) " A 9 n a Q 1 (0.2) Tight brown SANDY SILT sv/minor grgainic materal, dry. 2 3 4 (2-6) Yellowish -orange SAND with g gravel and minor fine sediment dry. Alluvial sediment deposits. 5 6 7 8 (6-10) As above with increasing gravel and minor cobbles (partially pulverized). 9 10 (10-11) PWR, refusal at 11' bls, gneiss. II 12 13 14 i IS 16 17 IS 19 20 NOTES; Data Tone Depth mgrountall headang Chericed by Wee u��111 h J�• •, NCDENIR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor David Hallock, General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Dear Mr. Hallock, Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Thomas A. Reeder Director September 25, 2013 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary Subject: Fiber Trap Assessment and Monitoring Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. - Patterson Mill NPDES Permit NC0006254 Caldwell County In 2009, the Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation conducted a Phase Il environmental site assessment of their Patterson Mill facility in Caldwell County. The AECOM Environment Phase II report (October 5, 2009) noted elevated levels of iron in the groundwater surrounding the wastewater treatment works. Additional assessment documented total iron concentrations ranging from 18 mg/1 to 91 mg/1 in 4 groundwater monitoring wells located down gradient from the earthen fiber traps and wastewater treatment ponds. Corresponding samples collected from an up gradient or background monitoring well exhibited total iron concentrations below 0.4 mg/l. The level of iron -in -groundwater below the wastewater treatment works exceeds the North Carolina groundwater standard,15A NCAC 2L .0202. The Division contends that the biotic breakdown of organic material in the unlined fiber traps is creating anoxic conditions that solubilize iron and manganese oxyhydroxide minerals in the shallow regolith. These anoxic or reducing conditions were documented during a site visit by ARO staff on October 18, 2012. Process water pumped from the bottom of fiber traps was characterized by low dissolved oxygen (< 0.3 mg/1) and a negative oxidation reduction potential (-150 mv). The Division will require additional groundwater monitoring as authorized by Section B of Part III (Other Requirements) in your current NPDES permit (October 13, 2008). The purpose will be to determine if water quality violations extend beyond the WATER QUALITY SECTION North Carolina Division of Water Resources —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, N.C. 28778 Phone (828) 296-0500 FAX (828) 299-7043 Internet: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation September 25, 2013 Page 2 of 2 appropriate regulatory boundary. Initially, you will need to generate a site map depicting a waste boundary that encompasses the current treatment works followed by a compliance boundary. It is important to note that the origination date for your NPDES permit is 1979. According to 15A NCAC 02L .0107(a), disposal systems individually permitted prior to December 30,1983, shall establish a compliance boundary 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. You will be required to construct, at minimum, two down gradient monitoring wells at the compliance boundary and one background monitoring well. The monitoring wells will be drilled to top of bedrock (transition zone) and constructed with proper sand packs to minimize turbidity. Specific requirements will include triannual monitoring for inorganic constituents (i.e. iron and manganese) and field parameters (i.e. dissolved oxygen). This water quality information will be submitted to the Division on a GW-59 reporting form referencing your NPDES permit. Additionally, the Division would like Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation to explore alternate storage options or engineered solutions for the existing fiber trap process in order to abate any further groundwater impacts. We are available to meet and discuss the groundwater monitoring requirements in greater detail. Please respond to this office within 60 days of receipt of this letter. I am available if you have any additional questions or concerns. I can be reached at (828) 296- 4681 or Sincerely, Water Quality Section G. Landon Davidson, L.G. August 2, 2013 Aquifer Protection Section Supervisor Ashville Regional Office Subject: Notice of Deficiency NOD-2013-PC-0273 Permit No. WQ0011532 Distribution of Class A Industrial By -Products Residuals Caldwell County Dear Mr. Davidson, On June 19, 2013 during our annual compliance inspection meeting, Bev Price noted that one of our fecal coliform samples taken on June 14, 2012 was over the limit of the pathogen reduction requirements for the State. She also noted that the proper individuals in the Ashville Regional Office were not notified. Immediately upon learning the over limit test result had been overlooked by Southern Soil Builder and Blue Ridge Tissue, discussions between SSB and BRT were initiated to come up with a plan that would prevent this error from occurring again. It was decided that the following changes/additions to our sampling protocol would be made prior to our next distribution event: 1. Fecal coliform samples will be taken prior to the land application event with sufficient time allowed for results to be reported and reviewed before the actual event begins. 2, Southern Soil Builders, upon receiving and examining the results of the samples, will. immediately forward copies of those results to Blue Ridge Tissue. 3. The results will be reviewed and initialed by Blue Ridge Tissue and put on file. If all samples are; within limits, then the land application event will proceed. 4. If any sample or samples exceed the pathogen reduction requirements of the State, the event will' be put on hold and the appropriate individuals at the NCDENR Ashville Regional Office will be contacted by telephone and electronically as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or the next working day. 5. Once the Ashville Regional Office has been notified and has given approval for a new random sample to be taken for each sample that exceeded the limit, the new samples will be collected and will go through the same process as outlined above. We believe that these changes to our sampling protocol will insure this error will not happen again. If you have any questions or concerns about out plan, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you and Best Regards, Dave Hallock Vice President and General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Cc: Southern Soil Builders RECEIVED Page I of 1 AUG 0 5 2013 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation — Patterson Mill 142 7 Yadkin River Road, Lenoir NC 28645 Asheville Regional Office J North Carolina Pat McCrory Governor AM ®� NCD NR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Thomas A. Reeder Acting Director June 18, 2013 David Hallock, Vice President and General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: 2012 Annual Residuals Report Distribution of Residual Solids Permit No.WQ0011532 Dear Mr. Hallock: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary The Asheville Regional Office has received a copy of your 2012 Annual Report. We have completed a preliminary review of the Report. You will be contacted if any additional information is needed. Thank -you for your submittal. Sincerely, Beverly Price Environmental Specialist AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION North Carolina Division of Water Quality —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, N.C. 28778 Phone (828) 296-4500 FAX (828) 299-7043 Internet: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmafive Action Employer AM)A ,NCDENR lip_- L North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder Governor Acting Director July 10, 2013 David Hallock-Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC 28645 Subject: Notice of Deficiency NOD-2013-PC-0273 Permit No.W00011532 Distribution of Class A Industrial By -Product Residuals Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock, John E. Skvarla, III Secretary On June 19, 2013, staff of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Aquifer Protection Section (APS), inspected the subject Distribution of Class A Residuals System. We wish to thank you, Mike Samuels and Southern Soil Builders for your assistance during the inspection. The purpose of the visit was to conduct a compliance inspection. The following items were determined to be deficient at the time of the inspection. (Also please refer to the attached inspection report): 1. The inspection included a review of the 2012 Annual Report (AR). One of the fecal coliform samples collected on June 14, 2012 did not meet the pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106(b)(2). All fecal coliform samples should be less than 1000MPN per gram of total solids. 2. The Asheville Regional Office was not notified of the fecal coliform exceedance. Permit Condition IV.8.c. states in part ... any time self -monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit, the permittee shall report by telephone to the Asheville Regional Office as soon as possible but in no case more than 24 hours or the next working day following the occurrence. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION North Carolina Division of Water Quality —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, N.C. 28778 Phone (828) 2964500 FAX (828) 299-7043 Internet: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Hallock ' NOD-2013-PC-0273 July 10, 2013 Page 2 of 2 You are required to take corrective measures regarding the items above on or before August 10, 2013. Please send a letter to our office upon completion of the above. Failure to comply with the State's rules and correct the noted deficiencies by August 10, 2013, may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of other enforcement mechanisms available to the State. If you have any questions concerning this inspection or the necessary corrective measures, you may contact Bev Price via email at or at (828) 296-4685. Sincerely. Q C G. Landon Davidson, L.G. Aquifer Protection Section Supervisor Asheville Regional Office . Attachment: Inspection Report cc:, Dennis Key Southern Soil Builders 958 Hoots Road Roaring River NC 28669 �r,�irZR" N97P,S Fjles Aquifer Protection Section Central Files Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0011532 Effective: 11/08/12 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: Mike Samuels Title: Phone: 828-244-5095 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name David Hallock Phone: 828-757-7505 On -site representative Michael L Samuels Phone: 828-758-5151 On -site representative David Hallock Phone: 828-757-7505 On -site representative Dennis Key Phone: On -site representative Zach D Key Phone: Related Permits: NG0006254 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson Mill Inspection Date: 06/11912013 Entry Time: 10:30 AM Exit Time: 11:15 AM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Phone: 828-296-4500 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ■ Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions E Record Keeping E Treatment ■ Pathogen and Vector Attraction (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/19/2013 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The inspection included a review of the 2012 Annual Report (AR) and a tour of the facility. One distribution has occurred so far in 2103. Fecal coloform, nutrient, metals and TCLP results appeared to be accurate. 2012 AR:One fecal sample out of 20 collected in 2012 was above the permitted limit of 1000 MPN. The regional office was not notified of non-compliance. The facility appears to be well maintained. The Asheville Regional office is still considering the path forward with regard to the possible connection between low dissolved oxygen levels in the fiber traps and high iron in downgradient monitoring wells. Page: 2 Permit: WO0011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/19/2013 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for -Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing ■ Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? ■ ❑ Cl ❑ Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? ■ Cl Cl ❑ a. TCLP analysis? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ ■ Are PAN balances being maintained? ❑ ❑ ■ Are PAN balances within permit limits? ❑ ❑ ■ 0 Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ ❑ ■ 0 Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ Cl ■ Cl Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ I Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? ■ ❑ ❑ U I Are hauling records available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records maintained and up -to -dale? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ❑ ❑ ■ 13 Comment: Pathogen and Vector Attraction Yes No NA NE a. Fecal coliform SM 9221 E (Class A or B) ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Class A, all test must be <1000 MPN/dry gram ❑ Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFII/dry gram ❑ Fecal coliform SM 9222 D (Class B only) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 3 Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/1912013 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram Cl b. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class A) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ c. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class B) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Temperature corrected ❑ d. Salmonella (Class A, all test must be < 3MPN/4 gram day) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ e. Timefremp on: Cl ❑ ■ ❑ Digester (MCRT) ❑ Compost ❑ Class A lime stabilization ❑ I. Volatile Solids Calculations ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ g. Bench -top AerobidAnaerobic digestion results ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Treatment Yes No NA NE Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) ❑ Compost ❑ Drying Beds ❑ Other ■ Comment: Fiber traps. Page: 4 Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 13-038-0209 Account Number: 46381 Submitted By: ZACH KEY Send To: SOUTHERN SOIL BUILDERS DENNIS KEY 958 HOOTS ROAD ROARING RIVER, NC 28669 N A&L Eastem Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Wilaeptne Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804)743-MOl Fax (804)271.6446 Project: BRT NC CERT#257 Lab Number: 91774 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 2/6/2013 12:15:00 Sample to: BRT Date Received: 02/07/2013 00:00 Date Reported: 02/12/2013 Total Solids' t/ Moisture e Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Phosphorus f Total Potassium Total Sulfur Total Calcium V Total Magnesium Total Sodium 1/ Total Iron Total Aluminum ✓ Total Manganese Total Copper✓ / Total Zinc V Ammonia Nitrogen ✓ Organic N Nitrate+Nitrite-N Total Cadmium ✓ 02/07/2013 14:44 02/07/2013 14:44 02/08/2013 08:30 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 08:30 02/08/2013 08:30 02/08/2013 08:30 02/08/2013 11:43 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. 86.34 2.03 0.09 0.12 0.39 0.32 0.11 0.05 0.10 1.93 ravvuu 20300 904 1210 3940 3170 1070 511 5020 25100 66' 72V / 132Y 952 19348 <2.00 <2.0 ✓ 1 UU.0 100.0 10.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 5 5 10.0 10.0 2.00 2.0 KM KM JM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM JM JM KM -to the or k, and e letters are he the exclusive and confidential use or our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part. normay any reference be made to the work the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our pnor written authorization. SM-2540G SM-2540G SM-4500-NH3C-TKN SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SM-4500-NH3C CALCULATION SM-450ONO3F SW 6010C Debbie Holt Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 13-038-0209 LILIJ. A&L Eastem Laboratories, Inc. Account Number: 46381SubmittedB 7621 WhItepine Road Richmond, Vinginia 23237 (804)743-Mi rax po4)2714"6 Y ZACH KEY Send To: SOUTHERN SOIL BUILDERS Project : BRT DENNIS KEY 958 HOOTS ROAD NC CERT#257 ROARING RIVER, NC28669 Lab Number: 91774 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 2/6/2013 12:15:00 Sample Id: BRT Date Received: 02/07/2013 00:00 Date Reported: 02/12/2013 Total Chromium Total ✓ 88 5 KM Nickel Total Lead ✓ 9 ✓ 18✓ 5 KM Total Arsenic ✓ <3.0 ✓ 5 KM Total Mercury, <0.4 ✓ 3.0 0.4 KM KM Total Selenium <5.0 ✓ 5.0 KM pH (Standard Units)' 4.85 Total Molybdenum ✓ 6 ✓ 2.00 JM Comments: 5 KM SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. QUALIFIER: THE MATRIX SPIKE WAS OUT OF LIMITS FOR "Ca". ALL OTHER QC DATA IS ACCEPTABLE. 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 09:00 02/08/2013 11:43 02/08/2013 08:30 02/08/2013 11:43 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. SW 601 OC SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C S W-7471 B SW 6010C SW-9045D SW 6010C •. �n1 / Debbie Holt PAN I,, — Mineralization as decimal Total dry tons/year Acres Applied on 35 Rate A TKN 20300 NH3 952 NO3 952 NO2 0 % Solids 0.1366 129.53 PAN Surface 9167.21 mglkg 1 18.3344 Ibs/dry ton 2374.855 Ibs total PAN 67.853 Ibs PAN/acre PAN Injection 9643.21 mglkg 19.2864 Ibs/dry ton 2498.167 Ibs total PAN 71.37621 Ibs PAN/acre Dry Tons/1000 al. 0.569622 1 st year PAN Surface lbs. 2374.854832 1st year PAN Injected Ibs. 2498.167392 Ibs./acre Surface 67.8529952 Ibs./acre Injected 71.3762112 MR(TKN-NH3)+ +.5(NH3)+NO3+NO2 =mg/kg mg/kg x .002 =Ibs/dry ton MR(TKN-NH3) + l(NH3)+NO3+NO2 =mg/kg mg/kg x .002 =Ibs/dry ton 1000 X 8.34 X %solids X so. gravity "=dry tons/1000gal." 2000 SAR Sodium Absorption RaEquivalentweight: 23 Ca: Calcium ( (Mg ) Na : Sodium (MgI Equivalent weight: 20 Mg : Magnesium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 12 Na M IL Ca M IL M M /L 89.8 433.02 1 146.16 Na ME Ca ME M ME 3.034783 21.651 12.18 Milli Equivalent = Mg/L 1 Equivalent weight SAR= Na Milli Equivalent/10.5 X (Ca Milli Equivalent+ Mg Milli equivalent)]0.5 power SAR = 0.737879 (From Mg/L entered above) I SAR= 0.736716 (From ME entered below) Na ME Ca ME M ME 3.03 21.651 12.18 " _ I .. i itl DI Ni N( EF i I I I The amour .mnuntlof I ceAnalytical mrwpecelebs.cem Pace, ical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Pace Analytical Servicel 2225 Riverside or. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: 130206-38 Pace Project No.: 92147209 Sample: 130206.38 Lab ID: 92147209001 Collected: 02/06/13 12:15 Received: 02/06113 16:10 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry -weight" basis Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Oual 8270 MSSV TCLP Sep Funnel Analytical Method: EPA 8270 Preparation Method: EPA 3510 Leachate Method/Date: EPA 1311; 02/12/13 14:45 NO ug/L V/ 500 10 02/13/13 09:00 02/15/13 14:59 88-06-2 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol surrogates 0 % 12-102 10 02/13/13 09:00 02/15/13 14:59 4165-60-0 D3,S4 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 0 % 13-107 10 02/13/13 09:00 02/15M3 14:59 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) 0% 21-132 10 02/1311309:00 02/1511314:59 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14(S) 0 % 10-110 10 02/13/13 09:00 02/15/13 14:59 13127-88-3 Phenol-d6 (S) 0 % 10-110 10 02113/13 09:00 02/15/13 14:59 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol(S) 0 % 27-108 10 02113/13 09:00 02/15/13 14:59 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol(S) 8260 MSV TCLP Analytical Method: EPA 8260 NO ug/L✓ 192 38.5 02112/1302:02 71-43-2 Benzene 636 ug/L ✓ 385 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK) NO ug/L✓ 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 55-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L✓ 192 38.5 02/1211302:02 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene NO ug/L✓ 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 67-66-3 Chloroform NO ug/L 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND uglL✓ NO ug/L✓ 192 38.5 02112/1302:02 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene NO ug/L✓ 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 79-01-6 Tdchloroethene NO ug/L✓ ND ug/L ✓ 192 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 107 % 70-130 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 17060-07-0 ig Toluene-d8 (S) 102 % 67-135 38.5 02/12113 02:02 2037-26-5 4-Bromolluorobenzene (S) 100 % 70-130 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 460-00-4 Dibromo8uoromethane (S) 105 % 70-130 38.5 02/12/13 02:02 1868-53-7 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 90.7 % 0.10 1 02/08/13 14:24 1010 Flashpoint,Closed Cup Analytical Method: EPA 1010 Flashpoint >200 deg F 70.0 1 02/13/13 19:20 Reactive Sulfide Analytical Method: SW-846 Sulfide, Reactive NO mg/kg 100 1 02/1911310:00 9046 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 4.7 Sid. Units 0.10 1 02/08/1310:53 733C S Reactive Cyanide Analytical Method: SW-846 Cyanide, Reactive NO mg/kg 0.025 1 02118/1312:39 Date: 03/07/2013 10:25 AM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 5 of 19 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. l� SPY i to A4UIFER PROTECTmN SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW RE UEST FORM Date: October4,2012 To: X Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Land Application Unit Telephone: 919 807-6352 E-Mail: david. ��drich(a�n�denr� A. Permt�umber: W OOI1532 B. Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Coroaratin OCT 05' ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS Pax: (919) 807-6496 C. Facility/Ooerat;O !Blue Rid e Tissue Co oration D & M 503 Exempt Pro gram ❑ Proposed X Existing X Facility X Operation D. Anmlication: I. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ TB Lagoon ElH-R Infiltration ❑ GW Remediation (ND)5I Injection ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: ❑ Land App. X D&M_ ❑ 503 ❑ Surface Disposal X 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New, ❑ Major Mod. X Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: X Return a Completed APSARR Form, - Please comment ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request. form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-AP— PSewer: z~ `� Date: 10 / FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 C �I III. EXISTING FACILITIES FOR MODIFICATION AND RENEWAL APPLICATIONS 1. Are there appropriately certified Operators in Charge (ORCs) for the facility? Q Yes ❑ No ® N/A ORC: _ Certificate #:_ Backup ORC: _ Certificate #:_ 2. Are the design, maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes or ® No If no, please explain: The ARO is currently most recent shell document. 3. Are the site conditions (e.g., soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: NAB 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect the permit (e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? El Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan adequate? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: _ 6. Are the existing application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: NA 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: _ 8. Are there any setback conflicts for existing treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 9. Is the description of the facilities as written in the existing permit correct? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: _ 11. Are the monitoring well coordinates correct in BIMS? ce yesIf no, lease complete the followin ex and table if necessary): ❑ No ®N/A Monitoring Well Latitude Longitude 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (e.g., ND No Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: Annual Rorts�we�re eve a for 200GWP Yes or ❑9 2 10 & 2011 for TCLP violations. Barium was detected in all anal but below there Mato lumt. Cadmium Mercu MEK and M&P Cresol were also detected but below the re Mato limit. 13. Are there any permit changes needed in order to address ongoing BIMS violations? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 14. Check all that apply: ® No compliance issues ❑ Notice(s) of violation FORM: APSRSR 04-10 ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under JOC ❑ Currently under SOC ❑ Currently under moratorium Page 2 of 4 Please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/commutits (i.e., NOV, NOD, etc.) 15. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit been satisfied? ❑ Yes ❑ No N N/A If no, please explain: 16. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit?' ❑ Yes 0No❑N/A If yes, please explain: IV. REGIONAL OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes or N No If yes, please explain: 2. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request: Item Reason 3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued: Condition Reason 4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued: Condition Reason 5. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office N Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ❑ Issue M 6. Signature of report preparer: Signature of APS regional sui Date: C,'.•''t,� L. L FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Page 3 of 4 Central Files:. APS_ SWP_ 10/03/12 Permit Number WQ0011532 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Non -discharge In review Minor modification Permit Type Land Application of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Primary Reviewer david.goodrich Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Version Permit Classification E Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David Hallock General Manager 1427 Yadkin River Rd Lenoir NC 28645 Facility Facility Name Major/Minor Region Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Minor Asheville Location Address Owner } County Caldwell Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Owner Type Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Non -Government Owner Affiliation David Hallock w General Manager PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Dates/Events Scheduled Crig Issue App Received Draft initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration , 12/14/95 09/27/12 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events Domestic, other Additional informallon requested RO staff report received RO staff report requested Additional information received Outfail NULL Waterbody Name Stream index Number Current Class Subbasin NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Governor Director October 3, 2012 David Hallock — V.P & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue 1427 Yadkin River Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Dear Mr. Hallock: Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0011532 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Land Application of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) System Caldwell County The Aquifer Protection Section acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting documentation received on 09127/2012. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above, and the primary reviewer is David Goodrich. Central and Asheville Regional Office staff will perform a detailed review of the provided application, and may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Aquifer Protection Section requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 807-6352 or for Jon F Land cc: RUM evill Regio u R ,ro ec on ec ton, Mike Samuels — Blue Ridge Tissue Permit File W00011532 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 612 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 91H07-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet: www.ncwatemualitv.ore An Equal Opportunity lAflirmatve Acton Employer Unit Supervisor One NVoCarolina. mallrf RECEIVEDIDENRIDWQ SEP 2 7 2012 Aquifer Protection Section September 14, 2012. Mr. Jon Risgaard NC Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Risgaard, On the 2151 of June 2012 we had a Compliance Evaluation Inspection made by Beverly Price in which we were found to be compliant with permit W00011532. During the evaluation we discussed two items in particular to which Bev advised us that we should request what would be considered a minor permit modification. The first item was reducing our monitoring frequency requirement for TCLP (section IV, #2, paragraph 4 of our permit). The second item was to have. our permit reflect the most recent shell document for the "Distribution of Residual Solids". One other item that we would like to inform you of is that we will be eliminating our PO Box at the Patterson Post Office in the future and so as our various permits come due or are modified we will be requesting a change to our mailing address. We have begun the process of using our physical address / rural route address for our mailing address. 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC 28645 is our rural route address. We would like to change the mailing address on our permit to this address to reflect our contact information more accurately. Enclosed you will find the following: • The permit modification application • Program information • Copy of existing Permit If there is anything further we need to do please do not hesitate letting me know. Sincerely, / - /a David 11a lock VP & General Manager Direct Line: (828)757-7505 Email: Page I of I Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation — Patterson Mill 1427 Yadkin River Road, Lenoir NC 28645 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality DISTRIBUTION OF CLASS A RESIDUALS FORM: DCAR 01-12 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Blue Ridge Tissue Applicant type: [1 Individual X Corporation 0 General Partnership Privately -Owned Public Utility 0 Federal d State Municipal 0 County Signature authority's name per 15A NCAC 02T .010&David Hallock Title: V.P. & General Manager Applicant's mailing address: 1427 Yadkin River Road City: Lenoir State: NC Zip: 28645 Telephone number: 828 757-7505 Email Address: dhallock(a), 2. Consultant's name: License Number (for P.E.): Affiliation: 0 On Staff Q Retained (Firm: _) Consultant's mailing address = city: f_� State: €---1 Zip F77'1,17,1 RECEIVEDIDENRIM Telephone number: CD_i Email Address: SEP 27 2012 3. Fee submitted: N/A (See Instruction B) AquiferProtectionSgction II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): E] new, X modified, renewed permit 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: W00011532 Date of most -recently issued permit: November 30, 2009 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A (if different than the permit): F-a III. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Name of residuals processing facility: Blue Ridge Tissue City: Lenoir State: NC Zip: 28645 Coordinates: Latitude: 36' 00" 00"" Longitude:810 33"39"" Datum:!. 1 Level of accuracy: l '+' 71 Method of measurement: = County where facility is located: Caldwell 2. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): Name: Mike Samuels Title: Facilities Engineer Mailing address: 1427 Yadkin River Road City: Lenoir State: NC Zip:28645 Telephone number: 828 244-5095 E-mail address: msamuels(a) FORM: DCAR 01-12 Pagel of 3 co CI 3. Is the residual process facility also the generator? X_ Yes; [] No If No, please specify delivery frequency and quantity of residual to be processed: F- 4 4. Length of residuals storage at facility:90 days (Note: the Division requires minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.) IV. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION: 1. Specify how these residuals will be distributed: Q sold or given away in bags or other containers; [] lawn (bulk); Ej home garden (bulk); X other (explain); Removed from Fiber Traps and hauled to local nursery and farms to be spread on fields Note: Bulk residuals shall mean residuals that are transported and not sold or giving away in a bag or other recept cles with a load capacity of one metric ton or less. 2. Complete the following if residuals are to be mixed with other materials: Type Amounts to be 3. Approximate amounts of the residuals received and processed at the facility: 350 dry tons per year. 4. Approximate amounts of the final product (processed residuals) to be distributed: 350 dry tons per year. 5. Provide a description of the onsite storage management plan for the treated residuals (including estimated average and maximum storage times prior to distribution):no storage time 6. Does the facility have a stormwater management plan? Q Yes; No N/A Explain whether the treatment and storage areas are under roof or how stormwater runoff will be handled: E +_:_il V. RESIDUALS SOURCE INFORMATION: (Not required if no new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Complete and submit the attached Residuals Source Certification and all associated documentation. n� Residuals Source Certification FORM: DCAR O1-12 Page 2 of 3 Program Information This is a narrative explaining how the residuals will be handled and transported from where they were produced to where they will be spread. Wastewater is pumped from the plant to two fiber traps at our treatment facility. The fiber in the wastewater then begins to flock together with the aid of an approved polymer and floats to the top of""the traps. It then begins to cake and dewater itself naturally. This process is monitored daily and documented. As the traps start to fill toward capacity a long reach track hoe is contracted and skims the top layer of cake off the top of the fiber traps which it loads into dump trucks to be transported to an approved location to be spread in an approved manner. It should be noted that by using this process we are able to maintain a percentage of solids (20 to 30%) which is well above the permit parameter for cake (15%). This process is done approximately every three months. Page I of I Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation —Patterson Mill 1427 Yadkin River Road, Lenoir NC 28645 ANNUAL] D APPLICATLON CERTIFFCATFO4, 3RM WQ Permit#: W00011532 County: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Land Application Operator: Caldwell Blue Ridge Tissue Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Year: 2011 Phone: 336-957-8909 -nd application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? J Yes ❑ No -1f No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A - Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in thepermit: I NA Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year:1 2 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites:1 312.16 Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the'year: 280 Part B - Annual Coumpiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2011 with alleond-etions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. R1 Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. I ) Only residuals approved for -this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0' or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. I 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached.) 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. o) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T.1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .I 105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1 I I I were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Pan 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground' Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 1 1) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: 111, certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to,thebest of my knowledge and belief, true,accurate, ands complete. F am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." / David Hallock, General Manager l 1a- '-Z-' l-> :rmittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature of Permittee Date )-a�) aor Signature of Preparer* Date Sidnature of LaddApplier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer:) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) I I Y 'ji.I tf , A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary July 12, 2012 David Hallock, Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 SUBJECT: June 21, 2012 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Residuals Distribution Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Form from the inspection conducted on June 21, 2012. The facility was found to be in Compliance with permit WQ0011532. You have expressed an interest in reducing your permit monitoring frequency requirement for TCLP. You have also expressed an interest in having your permit reflect the most recent shell document for the "Distribution of Residual Solids" permit. Please submit a permit modification application to request these changes. These changes would constitute a minor permit modification and therefore would not require a permit fee. The application can be found at our website at h Please refer to the enclosed inspection report (Inspection Summary Page 2) for additional observations and comments. Your assistance and that of Mr. Dennis Key was greatly appreciated during the inspection. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at (828) 296-4685. Sincerely, Z . iwcR Beverly Prt e Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Dennis Key, ORC SSB, Inc. APS Central Files �AP-S-Asheville Files AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION —Asheville Regional Office (ARO) 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 Phone: 828-296-45001 FAX: 828-299-7043 Internet www.ncwateraualitv.ora An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Acton Employer NorthCarolina NaturallY Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0011532 Effective: 11/30/09 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: David Hallock Title: Vice President & General Phone: 828-757-4810 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): David Hallock Dennis Key Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 11:30 AM Phone: 828-757-4810 Phone: 336-957-8909 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ■ Compliant Q Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions N Record Keeping E Treatment Sampling ■ Pathogen and Vector Attraction (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: WQ0011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The old aeration basin (AB) has been cleaned out. When all records of removal of the material from the old AB have been reviewed by the ARO, the AB may be placed back into service as part of the WWTP.The ARO Surface Water Protection Section should be contacted prior to putting the AB back into service. Alternatively, the AB may be closed. The AB must be closed out according to the Aquifer Protection Section's Guidelines for the Closure of Permitted Wastewater Treatment or Storage Ponds and Lagoons. The facility would like to reduce TCLP monitoring from 4 times per year to once per year. They would also like to have the permit reflect the latest Distribution of Residuals Solids shell document. These changes would require a minor permit modification. Page: 2 Permit: W00011532 Owner- Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/2112012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing ■ Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? ■ ❑ ❑. ❑ Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ a. TCLP analysis? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are PAN balances being maintained? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are PAN balances within permit limits? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? ■ ❑ ❑ Cl Are hauling records available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ■ ❑ ❑ Cl Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Pathogen and Vector Attraction Yes No NA NE a. Fecal coliform SM 9221 E (Class A or B) ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Class A, all lest must be <1000 MPN/dry gram ■ Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ Feral coliform SM 9222 D (Class B only) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 3 Permit: W00011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/21/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ b. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class A) ❑ ❑ ■ Cl c. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class B) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Temperature corrected ❑ d. Salmonella (Class A, all test must be < 3MPN/4 gram day) ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ e. Time/Temp on: ❑ Cl ■ ❑ Digester (MCRT) ❑ Compost ❑ Class A lime stabilization ❑ f. Volatile Solids Calculations ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ g. , Bench -top Aerobic/Anaerobic digestion results ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Treatment Yes No NA NE Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) ❑ Compost ❑ Drying Beds ❑ Other ■ Comment: Fiber traps Sampling Yes No NA NE Describe sampling: Approximately 24 grabs are collected from the fiber trap and then composited. Is sampling adequate? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is sampling representative? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Page: 4 mr vjj Alt ag $ S fy9'rll�� 6,96--/96-117- V;4.1 c7Je'o �rJ iC'I L• /l/[:1 Sh �� e7n aL i:No CL SI 4111 ,�[ W, iv I I j (�ry.�i.lhn — F vfS�— 1 Lrr10(rP n SU1e ho�5z /r7an�cr-�/6e���. r �cc 1 <5 Ai 6 /-,'t (� 3, I'md,Le.L,L,, e'o�.{•� ZeG�-g��� S62 vim eo, �icto kE al CCA S'� 1��.55 {ram -Wo irf pr2 {v1 Sealed Air Corporation Law Department 100 Rogers Bridge Road, Building A PO Box 44 Duncan, SC 29334-0464 USA Sealed Aier 864-433-2766 Fax: 864-433-2831 July 21, 2011 RECEIVED r.. Brett Laverty North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources , JL 2 Division of Water Quality ZU i1 Aquifer Protection Section - Asheville Regional Office (ARO) Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway j Aquifer Protection Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 Re: Review of Blue Ridge Tissue Site Assessment Caldwell County / Permit No. NC0006254 Dear Mr. Laverty: In response to your letter dated June 2, 2011 and our subsequent telephone conversations, Sealed Air and Blue Ridge Tissue agree to contract the installation of a groundwater monitoring well north of the fiber traps and ponds to serve as a background groundwater monitoring location. Our plan is to sample the groundwater via the proposed well for Total Iron, Dissolved Iron, Ferrous Iron, Temperature, pH, Specific Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Oxidation Reduction Potential and Turbidity. We plan to provide you with our intended scope of work including the proposed location of the northern groundwater monitoring well prior to well installation for your comments and approval. We anticipate that the groundwater iron contents north of the fiber traps and ponds in the proposed well will be consistent with the test results from the previous groundwater well sample results down gradient. It is our understanding that if the groundwater monitoring results are consistent, the Department is willing to provide a letter stating the high iron concentration in the groundwater is not related to the plant operations. I will contact you regarding the results of our groundwater sampling. Since 1�1/�"`-' avid Day MS, CSP, CIH� lobal Director EHS Audit cc: Landon Davidson NCDENR (same address as above) Palmer Whisenant - Sealed Air Dave Hallock - Blue Ridge Tissue Z:I EHSLSTAFFLiudilXfgrlEnvironmental Site Assessnrentslpalrerson NC Omni Supply107-21-11 Letter - Brelt Laverty NC Dept Env and Natural Resources.doc Ely NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Colleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary David Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 July 12, 2011 SUBJECT: June 24, 2011 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Residuals Distribution Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection conducted on June 24, 2011. The facility was found to be in Compliance with permit WQ0011532. The inspection included a review of the 2010 Annual Report (AR). Two certification forms (ACF & DMSDF) were submitted with differing annual distribution totals (181.78 Dry Tons & 66.32 Dry Tons). Please re -submit the correct certification form (DMSDF) with the correct dry ton volume for 2010. The certification form should also include the recipient's information (name, volume, intended use). In addition, for bulk (> one metric ton) distributions please include Field Summary Forms. Please submit 3 copies of the above referenced data to: NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Attn: Ed Hardee Please refer to the enclosed inspection report (Inspection Summary Page 2) for additional observations and comments. Your assistance and that of Mr. Dennis Key was greatly appreciated during the inspection. If you or your staff has any questions, please call me at (828-296-4685). Sa pl_� B Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Dennis Key, SSB APS Central Files. AP _sheville Files AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION —Asheville Regional Office (ARO) 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 Phone: 828-296-45001 FAX: 828-299-7043 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolina Naturally Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0011632 Effective: 11/30/09 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner. Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: David Hallock Title: Vice President & General Phone: 828-757.4810 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir. Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately t.mile gn the le ystem lassifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06124/2011 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): David Hallock David Hallock Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 11:30 AM Phone: 828-757-4810 Phone: 828-757-4810 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: E Miscellaneous Questions E Record Keeping Treatment E Sampling E Transport (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011632 Ovmer- Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06/24/2011 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The inspection included a tour of the site along with a review of the 2010 Annual Report (AR). The old aeration basin is ready to be dredged. Two different volumes were given in the 2010 Annual Report for amount of residuals distributed- re -submit AR to show correct dry tons distributed for 2010. Hauling records (residuals recipients information) should be submitted that match the volumes distributed. Field Summary Forms should be submitted for fields that receive bulk distributions. Page: 2 Permit: WO0011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 06124/2011 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing ■ Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? Cl 11 ■ Q Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? 0 ❑ ■ 0 Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ 0 ■ ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? 11 Q ■ 13 Is a copy of current permit on -site? ■ Q 0 ❑ Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? ■D 0 ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? ■ 13 C3 ❑ a. TCLP analysis? ■ 13 b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? D ■ 0 Are PAN balances being maintained? 13 ■ ❑ 11 Are PAN balances within permit limits? 0 13■ ❑ Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ Cl 13 ■ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ 11 ■ 11 Are there pH records for the land application site? 0 ■ ❑ El Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ EJ ■ ❑ Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? ■ El ❑ Are hauling records available? ■ O Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? ■ ❑ ❑ 13 # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ■EI 0 Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ■ Comment: Need Field Summary Forms for Bulk Distributions to track PAN. Yes No NA NE Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) Page: 3 Permit: W00011532 Owner -Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspectlon Date: 06/24/2011 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) ❑ Compost ❑ Drying Beds ❑ Other Comment: Fiber -Traps Sampling Yes No NA NE Describe sampling: From fiber traps: 10-12 grab samples collected then composited. From old Aeration Basin:a boat is taken out onto the basin where several grabs are then composited. Is sampling adequate? D ❑ ❑ Is sampling representative? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Transport Yes No NA NE Is a copy of the permit in the transport vehicle? o ❑ ❑ ❑ Is a copy of the spill control plan in the vehicle? M ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the spill control plan satisfactory? w ❑ ❑ ❑ Does transport vehicle appear to be maintained? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Page: 4 `44 � NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary Aquifer Protection Section June 2, 2011 David Day Sealed Air Corporation P.O. Box 464 Duncan, SC 29334 Re.: Review of Blue Ridge Tissue Site Assessment Caldwell County Permit No. NC0006254 Dear Mr. Day, The North Carolina Division of Water Quality has completed a review of the AECOM site assessment reports concerning groundwater quality at the Blue Ridge Tissue Facility in (Caldwell County) Patterson, North Carolina. It is our understanding that AECOM conducted a Phase II environmental site assessment in August 2009 and additional groundwater monitoring in February 2011. The reports document iron concentrations (18,200 µg/I to 91,000 µg/1) in excess of 2L groundwater standards at four monitoring wells downgradient of the fiber traps and wastewater treatment ponds. AECOM attributed the presence of iron -in -groundwater to natural site conditions and not to facility operations/processes. Based on this assessment, you are requesting a No Further Action letter with regard to iron -in -groundwater. The Asheville Regional Office's Aquifer Protection Section concurs with the AECOM reports that operations are neither using nor releasing iron -containing wastes. Rather, we believe the organic materials contained within the unlined fiber traps and wastewater treatment ponds are creating conditions conducive to the release of naturally occurring iron and potentially other naturally occurring heavy metals. Iron and manganese oxides and oxyhydroxides within the regolith are relatively insoluble under normal oxic conditions and near -neutral pH. As precipitation and process water mix with degrading organic material in the fiber traps and ponds, dissolved oxygen is consumed and the geochemical conditions (quality of recharge) shifts from oxidizing to reducing. Iron and manganese oxyhydroxide minerals are more soluble under these reducing conditions. The degradation of organic material also increases the rate of CO2 release and the production of carbonic acid, which can lower the pH of groundwater, further mobilizing naturally occurring metals in the regolith. We believe this is supported by the presence of ferrous iron, low dissolved oxygen and negative oxidation reduction potentials noted in the AECOM reports. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION —Asheville Regional Office (ARO) 2090 U.S.70 Highway, Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 One Phone: 828-296-45001FAX: 828-299-7043 No hCarolina Customer Service: -68 Internet Na um lb( An Equal Opp rtuWArfirtnalive Action Employer Similar conditions were noted at one of your former land applications sites. The Cellu Products Company and later Sealed Air Corporation were granted permits (WQ00030500) beginning in 1985 to dispose of dried sludge at a land application site near the Blue Ridge Tissue plant. Later permit conditions required groundwater monitoring at three wells surrounding the land application site. Total iron concentrations in the downgradient well (174b2) were somewhat similar to the AECOM dataset in that they range from 25 mg/I to 5 mg/I with an average concentration of 18 mg/I. In contrast, total iron concentrations in the background well (174b3) range from 0.4 mg/I to below detection limits (< 0.05 mg/1) with an average concentration of 0.2 mg/I. It is the opinion of this office that the iron -in -groundwater concentrations surrounding the Blue Ridge Tissue Facility are atypical and that the treatment works are altering aquifer REDOX conditions such that naturally occurring heavy metals such as iron are being leached from the regolith. In addition, we do not agree with the location of MW1 and its usefulness as a background (water quality) monitoring well. We request that you resample all four monitoring wells for the following analytes: arsenic, barium, cadmium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, silver and sodium. It is recommended that you contract with a North Carolina certified laboratory that employs analytical testing methods approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. We are also requiring you to conduct a well receptor survey and document all water supply wells within a 1500-foot radius around the waste water treatment system. The survey will be used to evaluate drinking water wells in the event that additional heavy metals are shown to be mobilizing within the transition zone aquifer. We request that Sealed Air Corporation respond to this request for additional assessment work within 30 working days after its receipt. In your response, please confirm your intent to comply with the above requirements by specifying the actions you plan to undertake and by submitting a proposed schedule for accomplishing these actions. We appreciate your patience during our review process. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call me directly at (828) 296-4500. Sincerely, Brett Laverty Hydrogeologist Aquifer Protection Section Asheville Regional Office Ec: IHSB MRO - Bruce Parris AECOM - Brian Ray North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality raF9 MAR 2 5 26 it 'C Asheville Regional Office or Type Use Attachments if Permittee: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Permit Number: W00011532 Facility Name: River Road Site County: Caldwell Incident Started: Date: 1-31-2011 Time: 4:30pm Incident Ended: Date: 1-31-2011 Time: 5:00pm Level of Treatment: _None _Primary Treatment _Secondary Treatment _Chlorination/Disinfection Only Estimated Volume of Spill/Bypass: 1/2 Cubic Yard (must be given even if it is a rough estimate) Did the Spill/Bypass reach the Surface Waters? _Yes _X_No If yes, please list the following: Volume Reaching Surface Waters: _0.00_ Surface Water Name: N/A Did the Spill/Bypass result in a Fish Kill? _Yes X_No Was WWTP compliant with permit requirements? _X_ Yes No Were samples taken during event? _Yes _X_No Source of the Upset/Spill/Bypass (Location or Treatment Unit): Tail gate of a dump truck moved enough to allow some residuals to escape. Cause or Reason for the Upset/Spill/Bypass: A dump truck transporting residuals met a car left of center and had to drop the right side of the truck off the roadway; this caused the tailgate of the truck to jump enough to allow some residuals to escape onto Hwy 268. Spill/Bypass Reporting Form (August 1997) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Describe the Repairs Made or Actions Taken: The clean up took approximately 30 minutes; it consisted to shoveling the material into the bucket of a small tractor with a front end loader. The material was dumped back into the dump truck that it escaped from. The North Carolina Highway Patrol and the Yadkin Valley Fire Department in Caldwell County assisted in the direction of traffic while the material was removed from the Highway. The roadway was cleaned to the satisfaction of both agencies. Spill/Bypass Reporting Form (August 1997) WWTP Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form Page 2 No action was necessary expect to remove the material that was on the roadway. Action Taken or Proposed to be Taken to Prevent Occurrences: All transporting units should make sure the air latches and the chain binders are both securely fasten and tarped. Additional Comments About the Event: All of the residuals that escaped from the truck were gotten up and none made it to any surface water. The driver of the dump truck had a tarp on the load and the tail gate fastened. Thejolt of the truck dropping of the side of the road was enough to let some residuals escape. 24-Hour Report Made To: Division of Water Quality _X_ Emergency Management I Contact Name: Bev Price Date: 2-1-2011 Time: 10:28am Other Agencies Notified (Health Dept, etc): NCSHP Person Reporting Event: Zach Key Phone Number: (336) 957-7871 Did DWQ Request an Additional Written Report? _Yes _X_No If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed: Spill/Bypass Reporting Form (August 1997) Price, Bev From: Menzel, Jeff Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:30 AM To: Edwards, Roger Cc: Price, Bev; Price, Don Subject: FW: Blue Ridge Tissue BOD I spoke with Dave yesterday. Here are the updates; Installed a new outfall pipe, as a result there is less foam appearing in the Yadkin. The BOD/COD numbers are dropping. They reseeded on the 18`h and are now seeing increased activity. They have switched over to the other fiber trap and are contemplating ways to bring the second aeration basin back on line. Long-term plans include the possibility of initial screening before the fiber traps. Below are the most recent BOD numbers. Jeff Menzel - ieff.menzel@ncdenr.aov North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Dave Hallock rmailto:dhallockCalblueridaetissue.coml Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 5:29 PM To: Menzel, Jeff Subject: Blue Ridge Tissue BOD Jeff, I received our BOD results for February 21 st and 23rd shortly after we talked this afternoon. They came in at 157# and 171# respectively. Dave Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. 828-757-7505 my direct line dl udlock@bl ueri dgetissue. corn Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0011532 Effective: 11/30/09 Expiration: 04/30/17 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: David Hallock Title: Vice President & General Phone: 828.757-4810 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile gn the leS.. ystem lassifications: LA, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 02/16/2011 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): Dennis Key David Hallock Entry Time: 11:00 AM Exit Time: 12:00 PM Phone: 336-957-8909 Phone: 828-757AB10 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Other Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: N Miscellaneous Questions (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: WQ0011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 02/16/2011 Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: Blue Ridge has had some violations (BOD) of their NPDES permit possibly due to the die -off of bugs in the aeration basin. The plant was shut down for a period in the fall of 2010 for plant upgrades and they think the biology might have been impaired at that time. They have ordered seed and nutrients and hope to get the aeration basin reseeded next week. They are also currently adjusting the number of aerators that are are running in the aeration basin (5 aerators currently running). The old aeration basin is still in the process of being cleaned out and will be returned to service when the clean -out is complete. They might use a combination of mixers and aerators for both aeration basins. One fiber trap has been completely cleaned out. The plan going forward is to use the fiber traps simultaneously and remove dried sludge from the top portion of the traps. Dave Hallock also indicated that they are looking at a recycle system to reduce flow to the aeration basin and fiber traps. They are also looking at putting in some sort of screening system to reduce the fiber going to the traps. Page: 2 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 22, 2010 David Hallock Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 t SUBJECT. October 15 2010 Technical Assistance —Aeration Basin C,leanout Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Residuals Distribution Permit No: W00011532 Caldwell County' Dear Mr. Hallock Enclosed please find a copy of the Technical Assistance Report form from the',site visit conducted on October 15, 2010. It appears that you have completed most of the preliminary work preparing the aeration basin for cleanout and residuals distribution. If you should encounter any problems as you proceed, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report (Inspection Summary Page 2) fork additional observations and comments. I have enclosed a copy of a sample utilization agreement that you might find helpful in developing an agreement for your distribution program. If you or your staff has any questions, please call me at (828) 296-4685. Sincerely, Beverly Price Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Dennis Key SSB w/enclosures APS Central Files ,-Af I&AsiTeettlee°PHes AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION —Asheville Regional Office (ARO) 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211.:: Phone: 828-296-45001 FAX: 828-299-7043 - Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0011532 Effective: 11/30/09 'Expiration: 04/30/17 .Owner: Blue'Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: David Hallock Title: Vice President & General Phone: 828-7574810 Directions to Facility: ,; -, , ..1 1 14 1 - From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: LA, , Primary ORC: _ Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 10/1612010 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): David Hallock David Hallock Entry Time: 11:00 AM Exit Time: 12:00 PM Phone: 828-757-4810 Phone: 828-757-4810 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: N Miscellaneous Questions E Record Keeping Treatment E Samplinc ■ Pathogen and Vector Attraction (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011632 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 10/1512010 Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress of the "old aeration basin" cleanout. Southern Soil Builders (SSB) is in the process of preparing the basin for cleanout. A TCLP sample has been collected -results were not available at the time of inspection. SSB has had some problems removing large stumps from the basin which has slowed the process. All of the water that can be removed from the basin has been removed. SSB hopes to begin dredging the basin in November. Items checked NE (Not Evaluated) on the inspection form will be evaluated in the 2010 Annual Report A draft Operation & Maintenance Plan has been submitted to the regional office for review. Permittee is working on a Utilization Agreement. Page: 2 Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 10/15/2010 Inspection Type,. Technical Assistance ' "' Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing ,' ■ Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required?. _ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled �for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there any.GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? - ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters?,', ` ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ a. TCLP analysis? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are PAN balances being maintained? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Are PAN balances within permit limits? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? '. ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Are nutrient1crop removal practices in place?, ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Are hauling records available? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? - _ • ' ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Pathogen and Vectot Attraction Yes No NA NE a. Fecal coliform SM 9221 E (Class A or B).. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Class A, all test must be <1000 MPN/dry gram ❑ Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0.10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ Fecal coliform SM 9222 D (Class B only) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 3, Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 1011512010 Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Routine Geometric mean of 7 samples per monitoring period for class B<2.0'10E6 CFU/dry gram ❑ b. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class A) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ c. pH records for alkaline stabilization (Class B) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Temperature corrected ❑ d. Salmonella (Class A, all test must be < 3MPN/4 gram day) ❑ 0130 e. Time/Temp on: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Digester (MCRT) ❑ Compost ❑ Class A lime stabilization ❑ f. Volatile Solids Calculations ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ g. Bench -top Aerobic/Anaerobic digestion results ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Yes No NA NE Check all that apply . Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) ❑ Compost ❑ Drying Beds ❑ Other ❑ Comment: Sampling Yes No NA NE Describe sampling: Is sampling adequate? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is sampling representative? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Page: 4 Price, Bev From: Dave Hallock [] Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 2:47 PM To: Price, Bev Cc: Subject: Blue Ridge Tissue aeration pond dredging. Bev, The following is a draft of a letter I would like to review with you regarding our project to clean out the old aeration pond at Blue Ridge Tissue. In particular, items 7 and 8 need to be understood in order to avoid any misunderstandings about returning the pond to service and how it will be used. I would like to get your thoughts and recommendation on how to proceed with getting approval/agreement from NCDENR. Please let me know when you would be available to discuss over the phone. Thank you, Dave Southern Soil Builders has proposed a plan to Blue Ridge Tissue that will allow us to finish the initial phase of the clean up and the return to service of our old aeration pond. We are requesting your approval of the plan before we begin the actual removal and distribution of the material because the funds we have available for this project are limited and we need to be sure there is clear understanding on what the expected outcome of this phase of the project is. The following list outlines the remaining steps and details of the plan that we would like to submit for NCDENR approval. ] . Southern Soil builders has recommended that pumping the contents of the pond in liquid slurry form and transporting by tanker truck to the land application site is the most cost effective method. 2. We would start by mixing/grinding the entire contents of the pond in the proper consistency to allow it to be pumped. This would include all sludge, vegetative matter and any small sticks and/or debris located within the pond. 3. Large items encountered such as tree limbs, stumps, etc. will be removed individually with a boom or similar means. 4. Mixed contents will be pumped into tanker trucks for transport to the land application site. 5. The land application site is located at and an land application agreement with the owner is in place, (attach a copy). 6. Application will be done in accordance with our permit #WO0011532. If soil tests at the application site require any corrective action such as adding time to the soil, this will be done immediately following application or at the best time according to standard amendment practices. 7. The amount of material to be removed and the resulting depth of the pond is yet to be determined. The goal of the project is to return the pond to serviceable condition. This is an important point be made because returning the pond to the depth as originally constructed is likely to be economically not feasible at this time. We expect that a depth of 8-10 feet will be achieved which would result in a good functioning settling or aeration pond. 8. Upon completion of the project, the pond would be put back in service. Initially it would serve as a secondary settling pond after the fiber traps and before the current aeration pond. If/when additional aeration becomes necessary, aerators would be added to the pond at that point to increase aeration capacity. Dave Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. 828-757-7505 my direct line dl iallock@bl ueridgetissue. cone Price, Bev From: Dave Hallock [] Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:43 AM To: Price, Bev Subject: Blue Ridge Tissue drawing Attachments: scan0001.pdf Bev, This is the partial copy of a blue print dated April 1967 that shows the original planned depth of the pond we are working on, (noted as Lagoon No. 1A on the drawing). I have the original blue print, so you can review it on your next visit. Thanks, Dave Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. 828-757-7505 my direct line ditall ock@blt teridgetissne.couz —----------------Tlz. ` b'Yi 17 s 1245.0 . cc. 1290.0 Lri I I (JO ' I ! a,2Pnce Et. 1291.. i I � � ISOiTO+� E�- IL84c I lei N � •MN�4. rur. ei.lxq 0 LY�C6Yin J'IbW�C ,n��ol 0.f 0,/e— J9G 7-- —SA-L, S Po-dJP dj'y/ old -6//t tP,1 P also 56j6w�d /y, P,el,y Gv�W Clee,i 6-1 1-O gyp/ s 3 f 1 — tFL b 5 ] IJO}n (pp i 1 y -�A I ha L),? -------- O(d rQ is '�C S Olio i� rKl. �, t�y1 �'`ieri1� �Ih s / / a-fiv.e�e<, 25—fj �A�-Cn'f- C'O� .F�////.n ecfY��1 �1 �LO�h _• r LL 0 V:4 l/�,5l / i � �iUS2 t 0(C( AJ ete{f�,�r. i vv�v'ivo o�e.cos o eii6L1 � ?'V. . R. �. n isZ.rr sevvLc�/ /Lt S[ C t7 (e/ /,.�' GIPGs, ez^i /I. A/ J I 61 '- 71 /�2- N l l q _?07 6 q-37 - " — /.Z 000 --s i /� Gr0� / QGlla Gv0 ho, gjri��7r HCDEINR North Carolina Department of Environment and Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mr. David Hallock, General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, North Carolina 28661 Dear Mr. Hallock: Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director June 16, 2010 Resources RECEIVED Dee JUN 17 21510 Asheville Regional Office Subject: One-time Sampling Exception Permit No. WQ0011532 Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Residuals Distribution Caldwell County In accordance with the letter of June 11, 2010 submitted to our office on your behalf by Dennis Key of Southern Soil Builders, Inc. (attached herewith) requesting a one-time exception to the quarterly monitoring frequency required of the TCLP parameter in Attachment A of the current permit issued to Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation on November 30, 2009, we are hereby granting exception to this sampling schedule for residuals removed from the old aeration pond that is being cleaned out, with the following stipulations. The pond will be isolated from the rest of the plant during the clean -out and repair, and no new material will be added to it during this time. The TCLP composite sample will be taken before the clean -out procedure beings. The TCLP composite residuals sample will be taken from 25 different points of the pond and at different depths at each location to ensure that a representative sample of the material is taken. This sampling will be performed using a flat bottom boat and a sampler that is attached to a rope so that it can be lowered to various depths. This is a one-time exception to the TCLP sampling requirement listed in Attachment A of the current permit, pertains only to the cleaning of the old aeration pond, and does not apply to any other parts of the plant. The clean -out should be completed within six (6) months of its commencement. It is our understanding that the old aeration pond is being cleaned out and repaired so that it can be placed back into service. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 715-6162 or david. _oodrichnncderin eov. Sincerely, t//�� ) or Coleen H. Sullins Attachment cc: Dennis Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc., 958 Hoots Road, Roaring River, NC 29669 s evi a egio'n1C�ifi�eTAgufer�P,rotection,Seetion� AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-733-32211 FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 1 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 North CarOhna Internet:w ,ncvvatemualityora An Equal Oploomonity t Afnnnative Action Employer �/} [//',�! • // atU (NJ71 S Southern S Soil $ Builders, Inc. Friday, June 11, 2010 David Goodrich 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Subject: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation WQ0015532 Dear Mr. Goodrich 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 • Fax (336) 957-8940 RECEIVEu I DENR / DINQ Aquifer Protection Section JUN 14 2019 Southem Soil Builders, Inc. is in the process of cleaning and distributing residuals from the Blue Ridge Tissue, Inc Waste Water Treatment Plant. The next phase of this project is to clean and land apply the residuals that have accumulated in what is referred to as the "old aeration pond". This pond is in the process of being cleaned out and repaired so it can be put back into service. This is going to be a slow process as the material is going to be hauled out as it becomes dry enough to haul in dump trailers; this means we will have a land application event for a couple of days and then we will have to wait until it becomes dry enough to haul again. During this process.the pond is going to be -isolated from the rest of the plant so no new material will enter the basin. This process will require us to have distribution events over the next couple of quarters of the year. We are requesting that a one time exception to the quarterly TCLP test requirement be granted for the old aeration basin as no new material will enter the pond after the clearing process takes place and the first TCLP test is taken. A TCLP test will be taken before distribution begins on the old aeration pond. This composite sample will be taken at 25 different points of the pond and different depths each time to ensure a representative sample of the material is taken. This will be done using a flat bottom boat and a sampler that is attached to a rope so it can be lowered to various depths. This request of a one time exception to the TCLP requirement will only be for the cleaning of the old aeration pond and will not apply to any other parts of the plant. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at (336) 957-8909 or at Sincerely, Dennis Key RECEIVED 1 DES 1 DVV1 Southern Soil Builders, Inc. MUW ptotedion gedM ,3014 IZ15 r NCDENR VILE v'i•�; r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 8, 2010 David Hallock Vice President & General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 SUBJECT: May 14, 2010 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Class A Residuals Distribution Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hallock: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection that I conducted on May 14, 2010. The facility was found to be in Compliance with permit WQ0011532. Your permit was modified as requested in November 2009. Please review the permit as additional conditions have been added. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report (inspection Summary Page 2) for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff has any questions, please call me at (828) 296-4685. Sincerely, `%.Gf/ P/t / c Beverly nce Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Dennis Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc. APS Central Files s evl e AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION —Asheville Regional Office (ARO) 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Svannanoa, NC 28T78-8211 Phone: 828-296-45001 FAX: 828-299-7043 One Customer Service: 1.877-623.6748 N0ithCarol i na Internet: qtu�+�l�✓/ An Equal Oppodunily \ Affirmative Action Employer �rtrye Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0011532 Effective: 11/30/09 Expiration: 04/30/16 Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: David Hallock Title: Vice President & General Phone: 828-757-4810 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir. Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile gn the le8.. ystem lassifications: LA. Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06/14/2010 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): Dennis Key Dennis Key David Hallock Entry Time: 01:00 PM Exit Time: 03:00 PM Phone: 336-957-8909 Phone: 336-957-8909 Phone: 828-757-0810 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: 0 Miscellaneous Questions E Record Keeping NTreatment N Sampling (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 05/14/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The inspection included a tour of the facility and a review of the 2009 Annual Report. The old aeration basin is in the process of being cleaned out. All trees/vegetation have been removed from around the basin. Most of the water has been drained back to the fiber traps so it can flow to the active aeration basin. Distribution of the residuals from the old aeration basin will begin this fall. When the basin has been cleaned, it will be returned to service as part of the wastewater treatment plant. All residuals will then be stored in the fiber traps until ready for distribution. New permit issued November 2009 - additional requirements include pathogen reduction measures, Operation & Maintnenace Plan, Utiliization Agreement between permittee & recipient of bulk residuals, proper records for land application of bulk residuals, development & implementation of education program for those accepting residuals, recipient of bulk residuals must act in compliance with signed utilization agreement. Page: 2 Permit: WO0011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Inspection Date: 05/14/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing ■ Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? ❑ Cl ■ ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ a. TCLP analysis? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are PAN balances being maintained? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are PAN balances within permit limits? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑' Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ ❑ ■ El Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ ❑ ■ 0 Do lab sheets support data reported on Residual Analysis Summary? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? ■ Cl ❑ ❑ # Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Treatment Yes No NA NE Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Page: 3 permit: W00011532 Owner - Facility: Blue Ridge Tissue corporation Inspection Date: 05/1412010 Inspection Type: compliance Evaluation Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) Compost Drying Beds Other Comment: Fiber Traps Sampling Describe sampling: Is sampling adequate? Is sampling representative? Comment: 10-15 grabs are collected from the traps and then composited. Reason for Visit: Routine Yes No NA NE ■❑❑D ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 4 06/11/2010 16:51 919-715 ie NCDE&NR/WATER 0 PAGE 02 S Southern S Soil $ I Builders, Inc. Friday, June 11, 2010 David Goodrich 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Subject: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation WQ0015532 Dear Mr. Goodrich 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 9 Fax (336) 957-8940 RE0ENku/0ENR10VjQ Aquifer Protection Saw m JUN 14 2010 RECE ED 'UN 15 2510 Asheville Regional Office Southern Soil Builders, Inc. is in the process of cleaning and distributing residuals from the Blue Ridge Tissue, Inc Waste Water Treatment Plant. The next phase of this project is to clean and land apply the residuals that have accumulated in what is referred to as the "old aeration pond". This pond is in the process of being cleaned out and repaired so it can. be put back into service. This is going to be a slow process as the material is going to be hauled out as it becomes dry enough to haul in dump trailers; this means we will have a land application event for a couple of days and then we will have to wait until it becomes dry enough to haul again. During this process the pond is going to be isolated from the rest of the plant so no new material will enter the basin. This process will require us to have distribution events over the next couple of quarters of the year. We are requesting that a one time exception to the quarterly TCLP test requirement be granted for the old aeration basin as no new material will enter the pond after the cleaning process takes place and the first TCLP test is taken_ A. TCLP test will be taken befog distribution begins on the old aeration pond. This composite sample will be taken at 25 different points of the pond and different depths 06/11/2010 16:51 919-71 588 NCDE&NR/WATER PAGE 03 each time to ensure a representative sample of the material is taken. This will be done using a flat bottom boat and a sampler that is attached to a rope so it can be lowered to various depths. This request of a one time exception to the TCLp requirement will only for th be e cleaning of the old aeration pond and will not apply to any other parts o be plant. If You have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at (336) 957-8909 or at Sincerely, Dennis Key { CEIVEp I t)ENR i OM Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Mteden'- d06" ,JUN 14 M5 I) i OGG C�mti, 6 � 'v- �adXi�Y• .4J' h-G -�C f�Q Ipy1 "yam F tli G his-��� Ale �C�ifnL 1/j01 -Ila y ec a6. -Al Can o -A - F 1 a S Southern S Soil $ Builders, Inc. 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 • Fax (336) 957-8940 REr- CEoVED JAN 13 20 Asheville Regional Office Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Bev Price Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Subject: Spill at Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation: WQ0011532 On January 5, 2010, a tail gate on one of the dump trucks that was hauling residuals from the Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation did not properly latch. This resulted in a small amount' of residuals vibrating out of the tailgate and onto the roadway. This spill occurred at approximately 3:30 pm on January 5, 2010 onto Yadkin River Road and Hwy 268. The spilled material was cleaned from the road using a shovel and was loaded onto a pickup truck. The material was disposed of at the residual dump site. The clean up was completed at approximately 4:OOpm. The tail gate was repaired on the truck before being loaded again. Sincerely, Dennis Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. zsu ew. 1q.- 7/ (v 47;�U,S K, k /96) cvto/zz llllllkT 1MV. Vd) NK Aa Fh R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a r RECEIVE® AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: November 19, 2009 To: X Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6162 E-Mail. david.goodrich(i,ncdenngov A. Permit Number: W00011532 B. Owner: Blue Ridge Tissue Comoration C. Facility/Operation: OMNI Supply Residuals Program ❑ Proposed ® Existing D. Application: NOV 20 229 Asheville Regional ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS Fax. (919)715-6048 ® Facility X Operation I. Pennit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: X Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 X 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. X Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. StatutoryDate: 02/02/2010 OWNERSHIP CHANGE Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within _ calendar days, please take the following actions: ❑ Return a Completed APSARR Form. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. °fir ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: Date: FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 AGWF2);V*i NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director November 19, 2009 Dave Hallock Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation PO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. W00011532 Omni Supply Land Application of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Caldwell Dear Mr. Hallock: Dee Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on November 4, 2009. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by David Goodrich. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to fmal action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich at 919-715-6162, or via e-mail at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to htto:// orechart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, for Jon Risgaard LAU Supervisor c• he ill Regioual ©ffic , Aquifer Protection ect o Permit Application File WQ0011532 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1:919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-60481 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 AtFrmobve Action Employer NorthCarohna Naturally Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 11/19/09 Permit Number WQ0011532 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Nan -discharge In review Minor modification Permit Type Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Primary Reviewer david.goodrich Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Version Permit Classification D Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Tim Parler PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Facility Facility Name Major/Minor Region OMNI Supply Minor Asheville Location Address County Caldwell Owner Name Omni Supply Inc Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non-Govemment Owner Affiliation Carlton Caruso PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Dates/Events Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 12/14/95 11/04/09 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events Domestic, other RO staff report requested RO staff report received Additional information requested Additional information received Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin October 30, 2009 Mr. Jon Risgaard Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 RE: Ownership change - Permit #WQ0011532 Dear Mr. Risgaard, The owners of NPS Corporation have formed a new company called Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation. BRT closed on the purchase of the Omni Supply Inc. tissue mill in Patterson, NC on October 30, 2009. Enclosed with this letter please find our completed Permit Name/Ownership Change Form and a copy of the bill of sale from our purchase of the facility as proof of Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. taking ownership. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Best Regards, Dave Hallock General Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. Cell # 920-428-9228 RECEIVED / DENR / DWQ Aquifer Protection Section NOV 0 4 2009 1. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM Any changes made to this form will result in the application being returned. (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) For more information, visit our web site .at.- I. Submit one original of the completed and appropriately executed Permit Name/Ownership Change Form. For a change of ownership, the certification must be signed by both the current permit holder and the new applicant. For a name change only, the certification must be signed by the applicant. 2. Provide legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as a contract, deed, article of incorporation, etc.) for ownership changes. 3. Change of Ownership Applications for Homeowners Associations (HOAs) shall include the HOAs bylaws, covenants, etc. [15A 2T .0115(c)) 4. Submit a properly executed Operation and Maintenance Agreement for all Single Family Residence Surface Irrigation permits requesting a change of ownership. II. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION 1. Permit number: 2. Permit holder's name: 3. Permit's signing official's name and title: 4. Mailing address: PO Box 99 Douglas Buss (Person legally responsible for permit) Vice President — Omni Supply Inc. (title) City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: 828 758 - 5151 Facsimile number: 828 758- 4818 III. NEW OWNERINAME INFORMATION 1. This request for a permit change is a result of: X a. Change in ownership of property/company b. Name change only _ c. Other (please explain): 2. New owner's name (name to be used in permit): Blue Ridge Tissue Comomtion e 1 of 2 RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ FORM: PNOCF 09-06 Page Aquifer. Protection Section NOV 0 4 2009 3. New owner's or signing official's name and title: David Hallock (Person legally responsible for permit) General Manager — Blue Ridge Tissue Corp. (title) 4. Mailing address: PO Box 99 City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: 828 757 - 4810 Facsimile number: 828 757 - 4819 1V. CERTIFICATION 1. Current Permittee's Certification: 1, Douglas Bush , attest that this application for name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. I understand I will continue to be responsible for O plianc�e with the c}+rrent permit until a new permit is issued. Signature: 2. Applicant's Certification: I, David Hallock attest that this application for name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete.. I further certify that the applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 2T .0105. D ' Signature: �1 Date: (O 3 0 `0� THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION LAND APPLICATION UNIT Via U.S. Postal Service 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 FORM: PNOCF 09-06 Via Courier / Special Delivery: 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-3221 Page 2 of 2 VVQ Aquifer P oferti n SeD onn Nov 0 4 2009 The undersigned, OMNI SUPPLY, INC., a North Carolina corporation ("Grantor'), for valuable consideration paid by BLUE RIDGE TISSUE CORPORATION, a Wiseonsin corporation ("Grantee"), the receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains, sells, transfers, assigns and delivers to Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, all of Grantor's right, title and interest, in and to the assets defined as the "Subject Assets" under the Asset Purchase Agreement entered into by and among Grantor, Grantee and Sealed Air Corporation (US) on the day ofncAo r 2oog, to have and to hold the same unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. All of Grantor's representations and warranties set forth in the Asset Purchase Agreement are hereby incorporated by reference. 41759411 Dared this 3&� day of QC ' 2009. OMNI SUPPLY, INC. By:� Hugh L. Sargant, President RECEIVED IDENRIDWQ Aquifer Protection Section NOV 0 4 2009 Ex hoTax $814.00 Recording Time. Book and page ex Lot o.: 21-1-11 Verified by County on the day of .20 Mail after recording to: E. Bradshaw, Esq., P.O. Box 218, Hickory, NC 28603 This instrument was prepared by: K&I. Gates, LLP (RBIDI) Brief description for the Index: 127.531 acres; SR #1560 and Yadkin River NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DBED made as of this 260'day of October, 2009, by and between Omni Supply, Inc. GRANTOR I GRANTEE Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 2002 Roby Martin Road Patterson, NC 28661 Enter in appropriate block for cach party: name, add=, cad, irappmprinte, cbmacter of entity, e.&, comamdon or pettnc ship. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context WITNESSETTI, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt'of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Caldwell County, North Carolina, containing 27.531 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described on Exhibit A attached. For further reference, see Deed recorded in Book 1174 at page 525, Mecklenburg County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. 2605165.00216 485a4781-0565.01 And Grantor covenants with Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that the title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend the tide against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except for the following. 1. Restrictions, road rights of way and easements of record. 2. An Agreement regarding the continuance and maintenance of a'dam over the Yadkin River with Angela R. Treadway dated October 26, 2009, and recorded in Book at page. Caldwell County Registry, By acceptance of this Deed, the Grantee agrees to assume the obligations of Grantor under such Agreement. 3. Flood control and floodway areas as shown on the survey referenced in Exhibit A attached. 4. Rights of way to the North Carolina Department of Transportation recorded in the Caldwell County Registry as follows: a. Book 1667 at page 1757 for State Road #1560 (Yadkin River Road); and b. Book 1036 at page 672 for State Road #1517 (Whisnant Road). 5. Water drainage easement in favor of tha U.S. Postal Service recorded in Book 793 at page 467, Caldwell County. Registry. 6. Twenty-two foot cartway easement for reservoir access recorded in Book 320 at page 546, Caldwell County Registry. 7. Reservations and restrictions referenced in Deed recorded in Book' 1486 at page 912, Caldwell County Registry. I iN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument to be signed effective the day and year fast above written. Attest: prp `�W✓ w-c OWU SUPPLY, INC. ' :.. Secretary Corporate Seal (S� sY L.� ) ..... Its: STATE OF NEAMSEY COUNTY OF oC?m+ . a Notary"P6blic of the County and State aforesaid; certify that iiv L. p } cep. E of Omni Supply, Inc., personally appeared before me this day and eing known me, acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the corporation for the purposes therein expressed with authority duly given Vt''L` Witness my hand and official seal this the o�� da o October, 2009. : P My Conrmisaion Expires: I�Q 11 o Public Ck-- [Notary Saul] BARBARAA. PIECZDNKA NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY .My Cmmmdsslan Expires July 17, 2611 2 2805165.00216 4850-4391A565A1 EXBE[BIT A BEGINNING on an existing''/2 inch iron pipe on the south side of the Yadkin River Road (SA. #1560), said BEGINNING POINT being in the line with property belonging to Joseph Doll, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 825 at Page 703 in the Caldwell County Registry, and said BEGINNING POINT being located North 30 degrees 49 minutes 07 seconds West 2,914.34 feet from N.C.G.S. Station "Happy", and said BEGINNING POINT having the North Carolina Grid Coordinates of North 829,262.28 feet, East 1,241,458.31 feet; thence from the POINT OF BEGINNING and with the Joseph Doll property North 82 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds East 30.00 feet to a point in the center of Yadkin River Road (S.R. #1560); thence with the center of the road for 15 calls: North 49 degrees 23 minutes 59 seconds West 62.30 feet; North 51 degrees 52 minutes 05 seconds West 64.15 feet; North 54 degrees 13 minutes 34 seconds West 85.25 feet; North 51 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds West 60.49 feet; North 35 degrees 40 minutes 37 seconds West 54.04 feet; North 26 degrees 06 minutes 53 seconds West 99.58 feet; North 24 degrees 40 minutes 55 seconds West 117.52 feet; North 23 degrees 35 minutes 56 seconds West 114.39 feet; North 21 degrees 17 minutes 37 seconds West 83.94 feet; North 18 degrees 01 minutes 41 seconds West 86.42 feet; North 16 degrees 03 minutes 17 seconds West 102.83 feet; North 17 degrees 04 minutes 43 seconds West 87.49 feet; North 28 degrees 14 minutes 08 seconds West 64.26 feet; North 47 degrees 07 minutes 35 seconds West 74.01 feet; and North 58 degrees 48 minutes 18 seconds West 84.37 feet to a point in the center of the road, a corner with that property belonging to Freida C. Phillips (By Will), a deed of which is recorded in Deed Book 1117 at Page 164 in the Caldwell County Registry; thence leaving the road and with the Phillips property North 37 degrees 32 minutes 03 seconds East 16.38 feet to an existing %: inch iron pipe, and continuing on the same bearing 37.15 feet for a total distance along this bearing of 53.53 feet to a point in the center of the Yadkin River; thence with the center of the Yadkin River as follows: South 61 degrees 20 minutes 35 seconds East 42.36 feet; South 54 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East 127.65 feet; South 49 degrees 47 degrees 01 seconds East 35.83 feet; South 30 degrees 08 minutes 14 seconds East 129.37 feet; South 17 degrees 39 minutes 46 seconds East 249.12 feet; South 16 degrees 19 minutes 01 seconds East 76.19 feet; South 20 degrees 27 minutes 16 seconds East 94.56 feet; South 24 degrees 13 minutes 55 seconds East 132.10 feet; South 19 degrees 25 minutes 06 seconds East 86.60 feet; South 54 degrees 58 minutes 37 seconds East 269.76 feet to a point on a concrete dam; South 67 degrees 03 minutes 13 seconds East 69.97 feet; South 55 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 397.89 feet to a chiseled hole in abridge in S.R. #1517 and continuing on the same bearing 34.99 feet for a total distance along this bearing of 432.88 feet to a point; South 59 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds East 50.38 feet; South 14 degrees 26 minutes 38 seconds East 181.45 feet; South 07 degrees 51 minutes 38 seconds West 105.16 feet; South 02 degrees 41 minutes 27 seconds West 314.57 feet; South 02 degrees 01 minutes 33 seconds East 192.33 feet to a point in the center of the Yadkin River, a comer with that property belonging to Johnnie Coffey, a deed of which is recorded in Deed Book 673 at Page 1235; and thence with the Coffey property South 78 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds West 30.00 feet to an existing %s inch iron pipe; thence continuing 129.00 feet to an existing % inch iron pipe, and still continuing on the same bearing 30.00 feet for a total distance along this bearing of 189.00 feet to a point in the center of Yadkin River Road (S.R_ #1560); thence with the center of the road North 12 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds West 20.94 feet to a railroad spike found in the center of the road, a corner with that property belonging to Patterson Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 1621 at Page 1610 and shown on the map recorded in Plat Book 23 at Page 256; thence with the Fire Department 2805165.00216 4823-2744-8068.03 property for two calls: South 64 degrees 02 minutes 49 seconds West 128.46 feet to a chiseled hole in a concrete curb and North 34 degrees 23 minutes 49 seconds West 128.41 feet to a railroad spike found in the center of Roby Martin Road (S.R. #1340); thence with the center line of Roby Martin Road South 51 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds West 15.61 feet to a point in the center of the road, a comer with the Fire Department property and that property belonging to the U.S. Postal Service, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 793 at Page 467; thence with the Postal Service property for two calls: North 30 degrees 37 minutes 24 seconds West 30.00 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe, and continuing on this same bearing 85.00 feet for a total distance along this bearing of 115.00 feet to a concrete monument found; and South 57 degrees 29 minutes 34 seconds West 50.46 feet to a concrete monument found at the comer of U.S. Postal Service property and property belonging to Caldwell County, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 1691 at Page 1686; thence with the County property for two calls: North 30 degrees 37 minutes 24 seconds West 107.00 feet to an existing % inch iron pipe and South 53 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West 50.00 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe, a comer with the Caldwell County property and that property belonging to Waybum Hamby, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 447 at Page 367; thence continuing on the same bearing (South 53 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West) and passing the Fred Bryant property (a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 713 at Page 443) 249.94 feet for a total distance along this bearing of 299.94 feet to a 2 inch pipe monument found, a comer with that property belonging to Joseph Goins, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 952 at Page 754; thence with the Goins line for two calls: North 29 degrees 39 minutes 48 seconds West 186.76 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe and South 52 degrees 38 minutes 01 seconds West 100.00 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe, a corner with the Goins property and that property belonging to William G. Hamby Sr., a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 1160 at Page 586; thence with the Hamby line for two calls: North 30 degrees 58 minutes 59 seconds West 50.00 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe and South 52 degrees 38 minutes 01 seconds West 100.00 feet to an existing 11/2 inch iron pipe, a comer with the Hamby property and that property belonging to Yadkin Baptist Church, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 956 at Page 666; thence with the line of Yadkin Baptist Church North 30 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds West 468.38 feet to a 2 inch pipe monument, a comer with the Yadkin Baptist Church property and Lot #31 of "Valley View Development"; thence with the line of said Lot #31 North 08 degrees 27 minutes 20 seconds West 170.33 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe in a street for "Valley View Development", a map for which is recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 31 in the Caldwell County Registry; thence with said street for two calls: with a curve to the left having a radius of 115.00 feet, an are of 180.64 feet and a chord of North 37 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds East 162.63 feet to a'/4 inch iron pipe at a point of tangency and North 07 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds West 110.00 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe; thence North 82 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds East 65.59 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe on the south side of a gravel road; thence crossing said road North 07 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds West 30.00 feet to an existing %2 inch iron pipe, a comer with property belonging to Joseph Doll, a deed for which is recorded in Deed Book 825 at Page 703; thence with the line of the Doll property North 82 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds East 615.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 27.531 acres by coordinates and being the property shown on that certain map entitled Property of Omni Supply Company by Western Carolina Surveyors, P.A.; T.R. BISHOP, P.L.S., dated September 25, 2009 (JOB #4685-09), to which map reference is made for a more particular description. -2- 2805165.00216 4823-2744-8068.03 i State of North Carolina 'Department of Environmental Quality � Division of Water Resources WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OPERATIONS SECTION Dlv[slon of Water Resources NON -DISCHARGE_ APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM October 27, 2016 To: Ag0'W,QROS LandoiiDavidson;is2an $rice, From: Troy Doby, Water Quality Permitting Section - Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Permit Number: WQ0011532 Applicant: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Owner Type: Organization Facility Name: Blue Ridge Tissue Distribution Program Signature Authority: David Hallock Permit Type: Distribution of Residual Solids (503 Exempt) Project Type: Renewal Owner in 13 MS? Yes Facility in RIMS? Yes Title: Vice President Address: 1427 Yadkin River Road, Lenior, North Carolina 28645-9041 County: 'Caldwell i Fee Category: Non -Discharge Minor Fee A m ount: $0 Comments/Other Information: Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 45 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return this form completed. ® Return a completed staff report. ❑ Attach an Attachment B for Certification. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office Water Quality Permitting Section contact person listed above. i i RO-WQROS Reviewer: �,G t NOV - 2 2016 W uallty Region al Q � I Date: I z II FORM: WQROSNDARR 09-15 Page 1 of 1 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretory S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director October 28, 2016 DAV1D HALLOCK— VICE PRESIDENT BLUE RIDGE TISSUE CORPORATION 1427 YADKIN RIVER ROAD LENIOR, NORTH CAROLINA 28645-9041 Dear Mr. Hallock: Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0011532 Blue Ridge Tissue Distribution Program Residuals Management System Caldwell County The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting documentation received on October 26, 2016. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above, and the primary reviewer is Troy Doby. i Central and Regional Office staff will perform a detailed review of the provided application, and may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division of Water Resources requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Troy Doby at (919) 807-6336 or Sincerely, Nathaniel D. Thornburg, Supervisor Division of Water Resources cc: A ltevill •egiona Olive, :ate Quality ogiollal�,peratitmslSect9on* Permit File WQ0011532 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality PenniOing I Non -Discharge Pemtitti i; 1617 Mat} Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 S07 6464 S Southern S Soil $ Builders, Inc. Wednesday, October 19, 2016 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 a Fax (336) 957-8940 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Reference; Permit Renewal for Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Permit No. WQ0011532 RECENEDINCDEQIDWR OCT 262016 Non -Discharge permitting Unit Southern Soil Builders, Inc. is assisting Blue Ridge Tissue in the renewal of its current land application permit WQ0011532.. There are no changes in this permit renewal package since the last issuance of the permit. Your attention to this permit renewal package is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 336-957-7871 or at Sincerely, Zach Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. DW_ Dlvlslon of Water Resources RECEIVEDINCDEQIDWR State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality OCT 2 6 2016 Division of Water Resources D'�qN§d1C 02T .1100 — DISTRIBUTION OF CLASS A RESIDUALS STRU( j jay§0gltfl0RM: DCAR 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Please use the following instructions n as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the proded boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted the A licant shall submit one original and two co ies of the application and snorting documentation For more information, General — This application is for Equivalent) residuals under 15A NC Unless otherwise noted, the Applicai below. A. Distribution of Class A Residu ❑ Submit the completed and c not make any unauthorized the application may be mac refer. ❑ The project name should be ❑ The Applicant's Certificati, alternate person may be de criteria in 15A NCAC 02T. ❑ If this project is for a modifi ❑ Please submit this applicatii operation of proposed facilit B. Application Fee (New and Majc ❑ Submit a check, money ore Quality (NCDEQ). the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit website storage, transport, distribution, land application, and/or marketing of Class A (or nn submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed (FORM: DgAR 06-16): ropriately executed Distribution of Class A Residuals (FORM: DCAR 06-16) form. Please do ntent changes;to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to as long as the, attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they nsistent on the plans, specifications, etc. on Page 3 of this form shall be signed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T 0106(b). An nated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the lr(h\ !ion of an existing permit, submit one copy of the existing permit. form at least 180 days prior to the expiration date on the existing permit, or 90 days prior to es) for application packages involving new or changes to treatment and storage units. ✓Iodification Application Packages) or electronic funds transfer made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environmental Facility Cl ssification New Permit I Major Modification' Major residuals permitted for distribution > 3,0 J ( p distribution _ ,00 dry tons/year) $1 310 f $395 Minor (residuals permitted for distribution < 3,000 dry tons/year) — $810 I $245 A major modification shall be d tined as any permit modification that: increases the generating facility's residuals dry tonnage; adds additional residuals sources; pr includes the ;addition of new treatment or storage units/processes not previously permitted. There is no fee for minor permit mpdifications. C. Cover Letter (All Application Pai ❑ List all items included in the t package, as well as a brief description of the requested permitting action. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: DCAR I 6 Paee 1 of3 D. Program Information (All Application Packages) ❑ Provide a narrative explainii g the following: ❑ How the materials will b handled and transported from where the residuals were produced to where it will be treated. ❑ How the residuals will be processed/treated (attach process flow diagram): ❑ How leachate collection vill be handled. ❑ Where the residuals will a stored until processed. El How the final product w' 11 be distributed (packaging, bulk, etc.) ❑ What nutrients or other c nstituents (i.e. ,nitrogen, phosphorous, aluminum, calcium, etc.) are used or recommended as the limiting parameter for determination of residuals loading rate to ensure that it does not overload the soil and cause contravention of surface,vater or groundwater standards, limit crop growth, or adversely impact sail quality. ❑ Attach a marketability statement detailing destinations and approximate amounts of the final product to be distributed. ❑ Provide either a label that s all be affixed to the bagged processed residual or an information sheet that shall be provided to the person who receives the processed residual. The label or information sheet shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: ❑ Name and address of the erson who prepared the residual that is sold or given away. El A statement that application of the residuals to the land shall be in accordance with the information sheet. instructions on the label or ❑ A statement that the resid ials shall not be applied to any site that is flooded, frozen or snow-covered. ❑ A statement that adequat procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored residuals into any surfaceI aters. ❑ Information on all applica, le setbacks in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T 1108(b). ❑ A statement that the resid ials shall be applied at agronomic or recommended rates for intended uses. E. Detailed Plans and Specifications (Application Involving New or Changes to Treatment or Storage Units) ❑ Submit detailed plans and sl ecifications that have been signed, sealed, and dated by a NC Professional Engineer per I SA NCAC 02T .1104(a). Specif cations for standard equipment may only be omitted for municipalities with approved standard specifications, but use of the tandard specifications must be noted on each sheet of the plans. El Plans must include the folio ing minimum items: a general location map, a topographic map, plan and profile view of the residuals treatment and store a units as well as the proximity of the residuals treatment and storage units to other utilities and natural features within 500 eet of all treatment and storage facilities, and detail drawings of all items pertinent to the residuals treatment and storage units. Depictjminimum separations required in 15A NCAC 02T. 1108(a) on the plans. ❑ Specifications must include, at a minimum, the following for all items pertinent to residuals treatment and storage units: description of materials to be used, methods of construction, quality of construction testing procedures to ensure the integrity of the final product in accordalnee with 15A NCAC 02T T. 1104(a)(2)(B), including leakage and pressure testing as appropriate. ❑ Plans and specifications in st not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate that they are anything other than final plans and specifications. However, the plans and specifications may be lab led with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN — NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. F. Engineering Calculations (Application Involving New or Changes to Treatment or.Storage Units) ❑ Submit all design calculations that have been signed, sealed, and dated by a NC Professional Engineer per 15A NCAC 02T .1104(a). I G. Environmental Assessments (Ma be Required- See 15A NCAC IC .03001 ❑ Submit a copy of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). I Also, include information on any mitigatingm factor(s) frothe Environmental Assessment (EA) that impact the construction of the residuals treatment and storag facilities. An, EA may also be required for private systems if any public funds and/or lands are used for the construction o the subject faclities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: DCAR 06-16 Paee 2 of 3 H. Operation and Maintenance ❑ For Modification Applicati( ❑ Submit the O&M Plan in ac ❑ Operational functions; des( function and by whom the f ❑ Maintenance schedules; ma; ❑ Safety measures; may inclui ❑ Spill response plan; includit ❑ Inspection plan including th Ej Names and titles of persona, ❑ Frequency and location of selected location(s) and insp ❑ Detailed description of insp that noncompliance is obser ❑ Sampling and monitoring ph ❑ Names and titles of personnc ❑ Detailed description of moni ❑ Sampling frequency and pr( flow, and other operating co sampling plan shall accoun residuals to meet pathogen a'. but have an annual sampling be negatively affected by col ONE ORIGINAL AND TW( SUPPORTING INFORMA i (New and Renewal Application Packages) if there are any changes to the existing plan, submit an updated O&M plan. 'dance with 15A NCAC 02T .I 110 and include at a minimum: le the operation of the program to show what operations are necessary for the program to :tions are to be conducted. include equipments calibration, maintenance of signs, etc. safety training program, manuals, signs, etc. control, containment, remediation, emergency contact information, etc, following information; responsible for conducting the inspections. :tions, including those to be conducted by the ORC, and procedures to assure that the frequency are representative of the residuals management program, procedures including record keeping and actions to be taken by the inspector in the event including the following information; responsible for conducting the sampling and monitoring. ,ring procedures including parameters to be monitored. edures to assure that representative samples are being collected. Fluctuation in temperature, litions can affect the quality of the residuals gathered during a particular sampling event. The for any foreseen fluctuations in residuals quality and indicate the most limiting times for i vector attraction reduction requirements (e.g. facilities that land apply multiple times per year �equency, may need to sample during winter months when pathogen reduction is most likely to temperatures. TES OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL AND MATERIALS, SHALL BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT BY U.S. Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 512 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1 (919) 807-6464 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: DCAR Q6-16 Paor 'i of 1 DW_ 4 R Dlvlslon of Water Resources I. APPLICANT I. Applicant's name: Blue Rid Applicant type: ❑ Indivi ❑ Feder; Signature authority's name Applicant's mailing address City: Lenior State: NC Telephone number: (828) 7; 2. Consultant's name: Zach Kf Affiliation: ❑ On Staff Consultant's mailing addres City: Roariniz River Telephone number: 336 9° 3. Fee submitted: $0.00 (See Ir II. PERMIT INFORMATION: Ep1pwR � �yEplN�p State of North Carolina 2p16 Department of Environmental Quality p�j 2 6 Division of Water Resources 0NOn-ischaTV 15A NCAC 02T .1100 —DISTRIBUTION OF CLASS A RESIDUALS urilt nnr�g mnoFORM: DCAR 06-16 1 ® Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ State ❑ Municipal ❑ County 15A NCAC 02T .0106: David Hallock Title: Vice President & General Manage Zip: 28645-9041 -7505 Email Address: dhallock(),bluerideetissue com License Number (for P.E.): N/A Retained (Firm: Southern Soil Builders Inc.) 958 Hoots Road State: NC Zip: 28669-9148 •7871 Email Address: zachkey(@, truction B) I. Application is for (check all tljat apply): ❑ new, ❑ modified, ® renewed permit 2. If this application is being sul Permit number: W00011532 Date of most -recently issued 7 Date of most -recently certifie M. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Name of residuals processing City: Lenior Coordinates: Latitud Datum: NAD83 Method of measurement: County where facility is 1 2. Facility contact (person f Name: Mike Samuels Mailing address: 1427 Ya City: Lenior Telephone number: 828 to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: :rmit: I-8-2012 Attachment A (if different than the permit): 11-8-2012 icility: Blue Ridge:Tissue Corporation State: NC Zip: 28645-9041 36000,001, Longitude: 810 33' 54" Level of accuracy: 01 " Caldwell with residuals preparation): Title: Facility Engineer State: NC Zip: 28645-9041 E-mail address: msamuels(r),bluerideerlssue com FORM: DCAR 06-16 Page 1 of I i 3. Is the residual process facili y also the generator? ® Yes; ❑ No If No, please specify deliver frequency and quantity of residual to be processed: 4. Length of residuals storage at facility: 180 days (Note: the Division requires minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.) IV. RESIDUALS QUALITY INF( 1. Specify how these residuals ❑ sold or given away in bi ® other (explain); Distrib Note: Bulk residuals shall it load capacity of one metric i 2. Complete the following if re 3. 4. 5. 6. V. RES Cora Il be distributed: or other containers; ❑ lawn (bulk); ❑ home garden (bulk); i residuals that are transported and not sold or giving away in a bag or other receptacles with a or less. gals are to be mixed with other materials: Type o Materials Amounts to be added per 1.0 dry ton of residuals ton Approximate amounts of the j Approximate amounts of the J Provide a description of the maximum storage times priorto Does the facility have a stormwater xplain whether the treatmen( reated and passed through the esiduals received and processed at the facility: 1_.000 dry tons per year. coal product (processed residuals) to be distributed: 1,000 dry tons per year. onsite storage management plan for the treated residuals (including estimated aver distribution): Two (2) fiber trans that hold 3,000 cubic feet each management plan. ❑ Yes; ® No and storage areas are under roof or how stormwater runoff will be handled: All storm system 4ATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Tesiduals Source Certification and all associated documentation. [DUALS SOURCE INFORI 3lete and submit the attached sr _= Residuals Source Certification ige and eater is FORM: DCAR 06-16 Pave ') of Z i Professional Engineer's Certification: (Application Involving New or Changes to Treatment or Storage Units) • 0 ..ev,.,orieweu uy me ana is aeci the proposed design has been prepa package may have been developed I have reviewed this material and have attest that this application for 'e and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge i in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I dged it to be consistent with the proposed design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, Signature, and Date: Applicant's Certification: The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without Proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and Jo not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02T 0105. 0 Yes ❑ No, Explain;_ (Signature Name — PLEASE PRINT) attest that this application for (j ut 2 un(gd -I—) �c — (Facility Name) (Title) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Resources may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should la condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incm!tplete. i Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A and §143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: le /' �'l Date: to � FORM: DCAR 06-16 Paec 3 of 3 Program All of the residuE is produced from Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation are taken from the two fiber traps. These fiber t, aps take solids laden wastewater from the plant. The fiber traps provide solids separation where i nost of the solids are trapped and allowed to dry. Once the fiber traps become full enough to have to be cleaned out, a distribution event is planned. Once it is deter pined that a distribution event is needed, the residuals are removed from the fiber traps with an excavator and dump trucks. The residuals are given to local landowner's for use as a soil amendmnt. The residuals are spread onto fields using a tractor with a pull behind spreader. All of the residuals are stored in the fiber traps along with any leachate or run off that may reach the fiber traps The leachate and rain runoff are then sent through the waste water treatment plant along with the wastewater for treatment. All land owners tl4at receive the residuals are given an information sheet that will explain all of the requirements and regulations for the material. This information sheet will also highlight any nutrients that will be Ithe limiting parameter for determining the residuals loading rate. In most cases, the limiting parameter for determining the loading rate will be nitrogen. Marketability The product wil. amendment. The amour year. These residuals ca properties are the result; these residuals are local bulk distribution of the j be given to local landowners who desire the material as a soil of residuals to be distributed will be approximately 1,000 dry tons per i be beneficial to soils and plants and the improved soil physical of the addition of organic matter and plant nutrients. Destinations for landowners and farmers that have sufficient amount of land to handle a -'siduals; a field or combination of fields of around 100 acres are desired. Product Label Residuals produced from: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Mailing A dress: 14 7 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC 28645 Facility Yadkin River Road r, NC 28645 757-7501 • This product contai s plant nutrients such as nitrogen and aluminum and can be used as a soil amendment. This aterial has been processed in accordance with EPA guidelines. Chemical composition of this product is such that it does not exceed pollutant ceiling concentrations This material shall o frozen, sno 0 100 feet of 0 100 feet of 0 25 feet of v 0 Within a 10 o During a mi rainfall eves o Slope great o Has a vertic o If vertical se o Than does r be applied to any site that is: -covered or flooded ny public or private water supply source (including wells) irface waters (streams, rivers, wetlands) ter diversions (ditches) year flood plain unless incorporated within 24 hours surable precipitation event (0.01 inch per hour) or within 24 hours of a of 0.5 inches than 10% separation of the bedrock less than one foot aration of seasonal water table is less than one foot t have an established vegetative cover unless incorporated If soil pH is less than 16.0, lime shall be added to maintain at least 6.0 unless an agronomist Provides information✓ indication otherwise 0 Residual stockpile for, more than 14 days shall be covered Operation and Maintenance Plan Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation In accordance to the requirements as issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources using NCGS 143-215.1 and 143-215.3(a) based on 15A NCAC 02T .110, Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation and Southern Soil Builders, Inc. are implementing this Operation and Maintenance Plan. The Class A distribution program for the Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation will be conducted from the Waste Water Treatment facility, located at 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir, NC. Residuals will be removed and given away to local farmers to be used as a soil amendment. The residuals will be removed on as needed basis; as fluctuation in the output of the plant will vary with changing economic conditions. The day to day operation of the running of the Waste Water Treatment Plant will be conducted by Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation. The operations of the distribution program will be conducted by Southern Soil Builders, Inc. A label shall be provided to every recipient of the residual material, in addition to this label, the ORC will make sure every recipient is educated in the proper use of the residuals. Prior to distributing these residuals to local farmers, the following sampling conditions must be met (as is outlined in greater detail in the sampling plan attached to this Operation and Maintenance Plan). Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) will be conducted once per year if a distribution event takes place. An analysis of the parameters will be conducted quarterly if a distribution event takes place. A fecal coliform test shall be conducted as required in 15A NCAC 027T .1106 chapters (a) and (b) to show that the density of the fecal coliform is less than 1.000 MPN per gram of total solids, each quarter a distribution event takes place These samples will be collected by the ORC or his/her designee and transported to an approved lab the same day the samples are taken, as in accordance to 15A NCAC 02B .0505. The samples must be taken in a matter to ensure a representative sample of the residuals has been taken. To prevent any spills and or safety issues from occurring, the flowing will take place during a distribution event. In the unlikely event of a spill consult the spill control plan m imediately. 1. Access t�the facility will be controlled with a locked gate and signs to prevent y unauthorized entry into the complex; this gate will be lock at the end of e ch day. 2. All pum s and hose will be checked at the start of each day for leaks or loose fittings. 3. All tankeF valves are closed prior to loading and lids are closed prior to 4. All dumpI trailers or dump trucks gates are tightly fastened and do not leak prior to Yxansport. 5. All on road equipment is checked as per DOT regulations for any safety or mechanical hazards or issues. 6. All equip ent is secured at the end of each working day to prevent any tampering or unauthorized use. The fields should be Inspected daily by the ORC or the BORC for compliance with the conditions that is out ine in the permit. The inspection should consist of (but not limited to): 1. All required set -backs and buffers are in compliance 2. All required record keeping of truck and fields sheets are maintained and properly filled outs accurate records of the volume and location of residuals are keep. 3. All public access points are controlled (signs posted, gates closed) 4. Make sure all eld records are turned over to the ORC and Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation so records can be reviewed by NCDEQ and an annual report can be constructed. If any issues or violations are discovered, the ORC, Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation and the Asheville Regional Office should be contacted as soon as safely possible. Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation In the event of a spi 1, the following should be taken IMMEDITALY. 1. Make sure ail personal and bystanders are safe; if not, contact emergency services without dela . 2. Halt the sourcce of the spill- overturned truck, leaking valve, ruptured tank. 3. Contain the ill. Use straw bales or earthen barrier to form a dike to contain the spill. 4. Cleanup. E#oy vacuum trucks, dump trucks, and loaders to remove as much of the spilled material as possible. Use straw to soak -up the remaining material. Dispose of tl�6 same in a landfill. 5. Flush the roa ways with water if needed. If the spill occurred on a tillable area, till the same into the soil and spread lime if necessary. If a spill occurs on private property, fin clean-up should be to the satisfaction of the owner. 6. Notification. This should be done as soon as safely possible.) Southern oil Builders, Inc. Main Office (336) 957-8909 Blue Ride Tissue Corporation- David Hallock (828) 757-7505 NCDENR Asheville Regional Office (828) 296-4500 County/Ciy Emergency Services (Sheriff, Fire Dept.) 911 7. Reporting. Th that was taken project manager shall detail how the spill occurred and all action A written report shall be given to the Asheville soon as possib' regional office as e, and within 24 hours of the spill, or next working day. 8. Spill Preventi n. The easiest way to clean a spill is to prevent one. A. Ensure to ding personal watch the vehicle being loaded. B. Ensure all valves and lids are closed. C. Inspect seals and replace if necessary. Blue Ridge Tissue Corpo Permit No. WQ0011532 SAMPLING PLAN Quarterly, if a lanc Samples from the fiber tra for analysis. If a land applh early February) these saml land application event, as These individual toxicity characteristic lee Inc. All samples with the Analytical. All samples to Quarterly, if land a land application event for: Cadmium, Copper, Nitrogen, Calcium, Nitrate Sodium. application event occurs, grab samples are collected from the fiber traps. s will be combined to form individual grab samples to be sent to a laboratory Won event is to occur in the early part of a calendar year (i.e. January or es may have to be taken in December so results can be obtained before the )me results take 30+ days to receive. samples are collected and tested for nutrient analysis, fecal coliform and a g procedure (TCLP) test. These tests will be taken by Southern Soil Builders, aption of the composite residual sample will be taken to Statesville will be taken in the same condition as the residuals are to be land applied. ication occurs, a composite residual sample will be analyzed, prior to a Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Aluminum, Ammonia 2n, Magnesium, %total Solids, pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, TKN, Fecal Coliform is ga her in seven (7) individual samples and tested to meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T.1106 This requirement is for the geometric mean fecal coliform density of the samples be less than one thousand (1,0I30) MPN per gram of total dry solids. These samples will be placed in 250ml containers and placed on ice, in a cooler for transport to the laboratory before 1600 hours (4pm) the same day the samples are obtained. From this informati ? n, the Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) and a Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) will be calculated. This sample will collected in a non -breakable container, at least one quart in size. This sample will be taken from the digester. This test will be done by A&L Labs. DWR State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these itin o instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of addat information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review tifo permit application. Unless otherwise noted the A licant shall submit one on me for the original and two copies of the a lime and snorting documentation For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General — This certification provides detailed information of residuals source generating facility and its residuals quality for land application, distribution, or disposal in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.1 100. Do not submit this certification for review without a corresponding application form (FORM: RLAP 11-15, FORM: DCAR 11-15, or FORM: SDR 11-15). Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Residuals Source Certification (FORM: RSC 11-15): ❑ Submit the completed and appropriately executed Residuals Source Certification (FORM: RSC 11-15) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer, ❑ For new or renewed permits, submit a separate certification for each source facility. ❑ For modified permits, submit a separate certification for only those facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ❑ Complete the residuals source facility summary page. List all new, renewed, or modified facilities. B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ❑ For each source facility, attach the following: ❑ Vicinity map - A vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the "Map Guidance for Residuals Land Application Permits". ❑ Process flow diagram and/or narrative - A detailed narrative and/or process flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ❑ Quantitative justification for residuals production rate - A quantitative justification for the value provided in Item I. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. ❑ Sampling plan - A detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. C. Residuals Quality Information: ❑ For each source facility, attach the following: ❑ Laboratory analytical reports and operational data - reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this certification. ❑ Documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. ❑ For new facility that may have not yet been constructed and analytical results of residuals cannot be obtained, please attach analytical results of residuals generated from a similar facility along with the description of similarities of the two facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 of 1 RESIDUALS SOURCE FACILITY SUMMARY applicant's name: Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Status Facility Permit Holder Facility Name Maximum Dry Tons Per Year Code tY County Permit Number Current" Proposed R Blue Ridge Tissue Blue Ridge Tissue Co Caldwell W 0011532 1 000 Corporation Corporation Q 1,000 ° Status Code for source facility are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ D (Deleted) b The amount of residuals currently permitted for distribution, land application, or disposal (Le, not applicable to new facility). SUMMARY FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page I State of North Carolina D�1R Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION FORM: RSC 06-16 I. RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Facility Name: Blue Ridge Tissue Comoration 2. Facility permit holder is: ❑ Federal, ❑ State, ❑ Local Government, or Z Private. Facility permit issued by: ❑ Div. of Water Resources, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or 0 Other (explain: 3. Facility contact person and title: Mike Samuels Complete mailing address: 1427 Yadkin River Road City: Lenoir State: NC Zip: 28645-9041 Telephone number: 828 157-7519 E-mail address: msamuels(a).bluerideetissue com 4. Facility physical address: 1427 Yadkin River Road City: Lenoir State: NC Zip: 28645-9041 Coordinates: Latitude: 360 00, 00_82" Longitude: 81. 33, 54_15" Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: 0.01 Method of measurement: MAP 5. Purpose of the facility: 0 treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, treatment of potable water, E9 treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, (approximate percentages: _____ % industrial and _ % domestic) other (explain: _ ), 6. Does the facility have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ Yes ® No 7. Facility permitted/design flow: 0.45 MGD and facility average daily flow: 0.11 MGD 8. Average amount of residuals being generated at this facility 422.84 dry tons per year. 9. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: Two (2) Fiber Trans for solids separation each trap 3,000 cubic feet Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): None IL RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): Specify if residuals are regulated under: 0 40 CFR Part 503 or 40 CFR Part 257. Note: Only residuals that are generated during domestic/municipal wastewater treatment processes are regulated under 40 CFR Part 503, otherwise, the residuals are regulated under 40 CFR Part 257. 2. Specify if residuals are defined under.] 5A NCAC 02T 1102(6) as: ® Biological ❑ Non -Biological Note: Biological residuals are residuals that have been generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater, animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater (biological treatment is a system that utilizes biological processes including lagoons, activated sludge systems, extended aeration systems, and fixed film systems). FORM: RSC 06-16 Pagel of 5 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are non -hazardous under RCRA: (Note - this item does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only) a. Are the residuals listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: 0 yes no. If yes, list the number(s): - b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- 261.24: ❑ yes Z no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: Laboratory: Pace and Date of analysis: 9-8-2016 Passed corrosivity test: ® yes ❑ no. pH: s.u. (2 <pH < 12.5) Passed ignitability test: ® yes Q no. Flashpoint: 200 °F (> 140°F) Passed reactivity test: ®yes ❑no. HCN: ND mg/kg (<250) & HzS: ND mg/kg (<500) TCLP Parameter Limit (m8/1) Result (m8/1) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/1) Result (Mg/l) Arsenic 5.0 ND Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 ND Barium 100.0 ND Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 ND Benzene 0.5 ND Hexachloroethane 3.0 ND Cadmium 1.0 ND Lead 5.0 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 ND Lindane 0.4 ND Chlordane 0.03 ND Mercury 0.2 ND Chlorobenzene 100.0 ND Methoxychlor 10.0 ND Chloroform 6.0 ND Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 ND Chromium 5.0 ND Nitrobenzene 2.0 ND m-Cresol 200.0 ND Pentachlorophenol 100.0 ND o-Cresol 200.0 ND Pyridine 5.0 ND p-Cresol 200.0 ND Selenium 1.0 ND Cresol 200.0 ND Silver 5.0 ND 2,4-D 10.0 ND Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 ND Toxaphene 0.5 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 ND Trichloroethylene 0.5 ND 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.7 ND 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 ND 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 ND Endrin 0.02 ND 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 ND Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.2 ND FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 2 of 5 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1105. a. For DistributiadLand A plication: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: Wavooint Analytical and Date of analysis: 7-13-2016 Parameter Ceiling Concentration Limits (C1assA & ClassB) (mg/kg) Monthly Average Concentration Limits (Class A Only) (mg/kg) Result (mg1kg) Arsenic 75 41 3 Cadmium 85 39 2 Copper 4,300 1,500 25 Lead 840 300 5 Mercury 57 17 0.4 Molybdenum 75 n1a 10 Nickel 420 420 6 Selenium 100 100 5 Zinc 7,500 2,800 99 b. For Surface Disposal Unit (landfill): Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: and Date of analysis: Distance from Disposal Unit to Boundary to Closest Property Line (meters, check one) Arsenic (mg/kg) Chromium (mg/kg);;Nickel mg/kg) > 0 but <25 30 200 210 ❑ >_ 25 but < 50 34 220 240 >_ 50 but <75 39 260 270 ❑ >_ 75 but < 100 46 300 320 >_ 100 but < 125 53 360 390 >_ 125 62 450 420 Result (mg/kg) FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 3 of 5 5. Nutrient/1ficronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a• Total solids: 22.1 %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the followin nutrient parameters: g nutri microent and Laboratory: Wavnoint_�,ni_al and Date of analysis: 7-13-2016 Parameter Result Aluminum (mg/kg) Ammonia -Nitrogen 6000 10 Calcium 99600 Magnesium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen 2350 PH (Standard Unit) 2 7.52 Phosphorus 512 Potassium 210 Sodium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 218 7960 c. Using the results listed in Item II. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR). 0.08 [Note: If residuals contain SAR of 10 or higher, the applicant shall obtain recommendations from the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist, or an agronomist, prior to land application of residuals. The recommendations shall address the sodium application rate, soil amendments (e,g., gypsum, etc.), or a mechanism for maintaining site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth]. d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: 40 %. This rate is a (check one): ® default value, or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: For Raw non digested Sludee e. Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and fill the results in the following table: Application Method First (1") Year PAN Five -Year (mg/kg) Maximum Adjusted PAN Surface 3187 (mg/kg) 3426.8 Injection/Incorporation 3192 3432.2 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and provide the results of the latest analyses: None FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 4 of 5 Pathogen Reduction: Per 15A NCAC 02T,1106, specify how residuals will meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For DistribudoWLan"pplication ofClass A or Equivalent: A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than 1,000 MPN per gram of total dry solids, or Asalmonella sp. density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total dry solids. AND one of the followings (except for non -biological residuals): Alternative I [15A NCAC 02T.1106(b)(3)(A)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T.1106(b)(3)(B)] - Alkaline Treatment. Ej Alternative 3 [15A NCAC 02T.1106(b)(3)(C)] - Prior Testing for Enteric Virus/Viable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(D)] - No Prior Testing for Enteric VirusNiable Helminth Ova. Alternative 5 [I5A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(E)-(K)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, E] thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, ❑ gamma ray irradiation, or ❑ pasteurization. b. For Land Application of Class B: Ej Alternative 1 [15A NCAC 02T.1106(c)(1)] -Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. El Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T. 1 106(c)(2)] - Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PSRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, El composting, or ❑ lime stabilization. C. For Surface Disposal: Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II. 7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item H. 7b. above. ❑ Exempt -If Daily Cover Alternative is chosen in Item 11.8. below [I5A NCAC 02T.1106(a)(2)]. Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. 8. Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR): Per 15A NCAC 02T.I 107, specify how residuals will meet the VAR requirements: Alternative 1 [15A NCAC 02T. 1 107(a)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). Alternative 3 [15A NCAC 02T. I 107(a)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). Alternative 4 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(4)] - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [15A NCAC 02T.1107(a)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [15A NCAC 02T.1107(a)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. Alternative 7 [I5A NCAC 02T. 1 107(a)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. Alternative 8 [15A NCAC 02T. 1 107(a)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. Alternative 9 [15A NCAC 02T.1107(a)(9)] - Injection. ❑ Alternative 10 [15A NCAC 02T.]107(a)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only - Soil/Other Material Cover [I5A NCAC 02T.1107(b)(2)]. Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. Note: For animal processing residuals, only alternatives 9 or 10 may be chosen due to the nuisance conditions that typically occur when these residuals are applied and left on the land surface. FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 5 of 5 y M ia. I• - US Past 10 y� r Yadkin Baptist Church-04 _�V- - � s A., t Google, a it O,q w Blue ,Wdge,Tlssue�Q, FY I n 3 • �w yd aaaula Teme Swn;eedbadc�20OftL PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Quantitative Justification of Residuals Production Rate In the last 5 years, Blue Ridge Tissue has produced the flowing dry tons: 2015 422.84 2014 346.2 2013 284.4 2012 396.6 2011 312.16 This comes out to a 5 year average of 352.44 dry tons per year. The current and requested 1,000 dry tons per year will be ample to handle any growth that Blue Ridge Tissue will see in their current operations and output of waste water from the plant. Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Permit No. WQ0011532 SAMPLING PLAN Quarterly, if a land application event occurs, grab samples are collected from the fiber traps. Samples from the fiber traps will be combined to form individual grab samples to be sent to a laboratory for analysis. If a land application event is to occur in the early part of a calendar year (i.e. January or early February) these samples may have to be taken in December so results can be obtained before the land application event, as some results take 30+ days to receive. These individual grab samples are collected and tested for nutrient analysis, fecal coliform and a toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test. These tests will be taken by Southern Soil Builders, Inc. All samples with the exception of the composite residual sample will be taken to Statesville Analytical. All samples taken will be taken in the same condition as the residuals are to be land applied. Quarterly, if land application occurs, a composite residual sample will be analyzed, prior to a land application event for: Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Aluminum, Ammonia Nitrogen, Calcium, Nitrate Nitrogen, Magnesium, % total Solids, pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, TKN, Sodium, Fecal Coliform is gather in seven (7) individual samples and tested to meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T.1106 This requirement is for the geometric mean fecal coliform density of the samples be less than one thousand (1,000) MPN per gram of total dry solids. These samples will be placed in 250ml containers and placed on ice, in a cooler for transport to the laboratory before 1600 hours (4pm) the same day the samples are obtained. From this information, the Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) and a Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) will be calculated. This sample will collected in a non -breakable container, at least one quart in size. This sample will be taken from the digester. This test will be done by A&L Labs. Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 16-197-0204 Account Number: 46381 Send To: Southern Soil Builders Dennis Key 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 i • • ��a ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Project: BRT/NC Cert#257 Lab Number: 58384 REPORT OFANALYSIS Sample Id: BRT Total Solids' 22.10 221000 100.0 JM Moisture • 77.90 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 100.0 JM 0.80 7960 10.0 CLP Total Phosphorus 0.05 512 Total Potassium 100 KM 0.02 210 100 KM Total Sulfur 0.18 1800 100 Total Calcium 9.96 KM Total Magnesium 99600 100 KM 0.24 2350 100 KM Total Sodium 0.02 218 Total Iron 100 KM Total Aluminum 1140 100 KM Total Manganese 6000 100 KM Total Copper 26 5 KM Total Zinc 25 5 KM Ammonia Nitrogen 99 5 KM Organic N <10.0 10.0 ZBD Nitrate+Nitrite-N 7960 0.001 CLP <2.00 2.00 JM Date Sampled: 7/13/201611:00:00 Date Received: 07/152016 00:00 07/152016 15:29 07/152016 15:29 07212016 17AO 07/182016 15:56 07/182016 15:56 07/182016 15:56 07/182016 15:56 07/182016 15:56 07/18/2016 15:56 07/182016 15:56 07118201615:56 07/18201615:56 07/18201615:56 07/18201615:56 07/212016 09:00 07252016 15:18 07/182016 09:50 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. 9urreperts and leYers are forme erdusive and ccnfidentiai use otour clients, and may not be reproduced m whole or part, nor may any reference be made !o the acre, the results, or the company in any advertising, rem release_ or otherpublic announcements without obtaining our pnor wnden authoraation. SM-254OG SM-2540G SM-4500-NH3C-TKN SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SM-4500-NH3C CALCULATION SM-450ONO3F Debbie Holt Page: 2 of 2 Report Number. 16-197-0204 Account Number: 46381 Send To: Southern Soil Builders Dennis Key 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 • p ma`s ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 0 Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointa Project: BRT/NC Cert#257 Lab Number: 58384 REPORT OFANALYSIS Sample Id: BRT Date Sampled: 7/13/2016 11:00:00 Date Received: 07/15/2016 00:0L Date Reported: 07252016 Total Cadmium Total Chromium <2.0 2.0 KM 07/182016 15:56 SW 6010C Total Nickel 17 5 Total Lead 1 KM 07/18/2016 15:56 SW 6010C 5 KM 07/18201615:56 SW 6010C TotalArsenic 5 5 KM 07/182016 15:56 SW 6010C Total Mercury <3.0 3.0 KM 07/182016 15:56 SW 6010C Total Selenium <0.4 0.4 KM 07/192016 09:00 SW-7471 B pH (Standard Units) <5.0 5.0 7.52 KM 07/18M16 15:56 SW 6010C Total Molybdenum Comments: 10 2.00 JM 07/18/2016 09A9 SW-9045D SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. 5 KM 07/18201615:56 SW 6010C QUALIFIER: THE LRB WAS OUT OF LIMITS FOR "Mn". THE MATRIX SPIKE WAS OUT OF LIMITS FOR "Fe". ALL OTHER QC DATA IS ACCEPTABLE. All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Tor reports end feC.ers are for Me exclusive and cc.•.fitlenlial use of out clfents, and may not be reprocucer! m she!e or part. nor m.ty. Ury rt•/vn ;he sorK, lhe.2suls. or;he company in any ativestising, news mlease. or other public announcements .vitho,f oblammg our poor :nrtlen .xr!bon:.rp„n xa:• rr,• m. rr1..• Debbie Holt SAR Sodium Absorption Ratio Na: Sodium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 23 Ca: Calcium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 20 Mg : Magnesium (Mg/L) Equivalent weight: 12 Milli Equivalent = Mg/L / Equivalent weight Na M /L Ca /L 48.17 22011.E 519.35 NaLMQ Ca ME M ME 2.094348 1100.58 43.27917 SAR= Na Milli Equivalent/[0.5 X (Ca Milli Equivalent + Mg Milli equivalent)]0.5 power The amour amount of i SAR = 0.087574 (from Mg/L entered above) Permitting 1 SAR= 0,077393 (From ME entered below) Na ME Ca ME M ME 2,09 1100.58 43,27 PAN Rate 0.4 2 PAN Surface 3187 mg/kg 6.374 Ibs/d ton 6374 Ibs total PAN PAN In'ection #DIV/0! Ibs PAN/acre 3192 my/kg 6.384 Ibs/dry ton 6384 Ibs total PAN #DIV/Oi Ibs PAN/acre D Tons/1000 al. 0.92157 1st year PAN Surface tbs. 6374 1st year PAN Injected tbs. 6384 Ibs./acre Surface #DIV/0! IbsJacre Injected #D1V/0! tons/year I Anolied on MR(TKN-NH3)+ +.5(NH3)+NO3+NO2 m9lk9 x .002 MR(TKN-NH3) + 1(NH3)+NO3+NO2 mg/kg x .002 =m9/k9 =Ibs/dry ton =mg/kg =lbs/dry ton 1000 X 8.34 X %solids X s . gravfty =dry tons/1000ga1." 2000 Analytical Results Southern Soil Builders 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 Receive Date: 07/13/2016 Reported: 07/14/2016 For: Comments: Geometric Mean 168 MPN/g Sample Number Parameter Sample ID Result Unit Method Analyzed Analyst 160713-07-01 Fecal Collforms 1 <101 MPN/g 91092210E-2006 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-01 Percent Solids 1 19.9 % SM2540B-1997 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-02 Fecal Collforms 2 <98.5 MPN/g SM92210E-2006 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-02 Percent Solids 2 20.4 % SM2540B-1997 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07.03 Fecal Coliforms 3 <125 MPN/g SM92210E-2006 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-03 Percent Solids 3 16.04 % SM2540B-1997 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-04 Fecal Coliforms 4 710 MPN/g SM92210E-2006 07/1.3/2016 WC 160713-07-04 Percent Solids 4 18.3 % SM2540B-1997 .07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-05 Fecal Coliforms 5 225 MPN/g SM92210E-2006 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-05 Percent Solids 5 17.8 % SM2540B-1997 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-06 Fecal Coliforms 6 206 MPN/g SM92210E-2006 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-06 Percent Solids 6 19.4 % SM2540B-1997 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-07 Fecal Coliforms 7 93 MPN/g SM92210E-2006 07/13/2016 WC 160713-07-07 Percent Solids 7 21.5 % SM2540B-1997 07/13/2016 WC Respectfully submitted, �O.P'- IA. .y btI Dena Myers NC Cart #440, NCDW Cert 937755, EPA #NC00909 PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 Page 1 of 3 Analytical Results Southern Soil Builders 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 Receive Date: 07/13/2016 Reported: 09/08/2016 For: Comments: Number Parameter Sample ID Result Unit Method 160713-18-01 160713-18-01 160713-18-01 160713-18-01 Analyzed Analvst Corroslvity BRT See SW-846 07/28/2016 PACE Attached Ignitability, BRT See 1010M 07128/2016 PACE Attached Reactivity BRT See SW-846 07/28/2016 PACE Altabhed TCLP BRT See as Noted 07/28/2016 PACE Attached Respectfully submitted, rOP-wq JY7 t 'I Dena Myers NC Cart #440, NCDW Cert #37755, EPA #NC00909 PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 Page 1 of 2 , aceAnalytical ' ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 6cey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersvllle, NC 28078 1704)B75-9092 Project: 160713-18.01 Pace Project No.: 92305254 Sample: 160713.18.01 Lab ID: 92306264001 Collected: 07/13116 11:00 Received: 07114/16 09:33 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions, Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qua[ 8081 GCS Pesticides, TCLP Analytical Method: EPA 8081 Preparation Method: EPA 3510 Leachate Method/Date: EPA 1311; 07/25/16 13:30 gamma-BHC (Llndane) NO ug/L 0.60 1 07/28116 09:39 07/28116 13:51 58-89.9 Chlordane (Technical) NO ug/L 3.0 1 07/28116 09:39 07/28/16 13:51 57-74.9 Endrin NO ug/L 0.50 1 07/26/16 09:39 07/28/16 13:51 72-20.8 Heptachlor epoxide Melhoxychlor NO ug/L 0.50 1 07/28/16 09:39 07128/16 13:51 1024-57.3 Toxaphene NO ug/L 1000 1 07/28116 09:39 07/28116 13:51 72.43.5 Surrogates NO ug/L 3.0 1 07/28/16 09:39 07/28/16 13:51 8001.35.2 Decachloroblphenyl(S) / 85 % 10-139 Tetrachloro-m-xylene (S) 1 07/28/16 09:39 85 % 07128/16 13:51 2051-24-3 10.110 1 07/28/16 09:39 07128/16 13:51 877.09-8 8082 GCS PCB Analytical Method: EPA 8082 Preparation Method: EPA 3546 PCB-1016 (Aroclor 1016) NO ug/k9 - 186 1 07/20/16 15:20 07/21/16 11:31 12674.11-2 PCB-1221 (Aroclor 1221) NO ug/kg 186 1 07/20/16 15:20 07/21/16 11:31 11104-28.2 PCB-1232 (Aroclor 1232) PCB-1242 (Aroclor 1242) NO ug/kg 186 1 07/20/16 15:20 07/21116 11:31 11141-16-5 PCB-1248 (Aroclor 1248) NO ug/kg 185 1 07/2011615:20 NO 07/21/16 11:31 53469-21-9 PCB-1254 (Aroclor 1254) uglkg 186 1 07/20/16 15:20 NO ug/kg 186- 07/21/16 11:31 12672-29.6 PCB-1260 (Aroclor 1260) 1 07/20/16 15:20 NO ug/kg 186 07/21/16 11:31 11097.69-1 Surrogates 1 07/20/16 15:20 07/21116 11:31 11096.82-5 Decachloroblphenyl (S) 44 % 21.132 1 07/20/16 15:20 07/21/16 11:31 2051-24-3 8151 Chlorinate Herbicide TCLP Analytical Method: EPA8151 Preparation Method: EPA3510 I 2.4-0 2,4,5-TP (Sllvex) NO mg/L 0.010 1 07/27/16 08:50 07/27/16 23:51 94-75-7 2g Surrogates NO mg/L 0.010 1 07/27/16 08:50 07/27/16 23:51 93-72-1 2g 2,4-DCAA (S) 90 % 39-139 1 07/27/16 08:50 07/27116 23:51 19719.28.9 6010 MET ICP, TCLP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010A Leachate Method/Date: EPA 1311; 07/15/10 21:51 Initial pH: 7.6; Final pH: 4 Arsenic Barium NO mg/L 0.050 1 07/18/1618:27 07/1911611:30 7440.38-2 Cadmium NO mg/L 0.25 1 07/18/1618:27 07/1911611:30 7440-39.3 Chromium NO mg/L 0.0050 1 07/18/1618:27 07/19/1611:30 7440-43.9 Lead NO mgtL 0.025 1 07/16/1618:27 0711911611:30 7440.47-3 Selenium NO nrl 0.025 1 07/18/16 18:27 07/19116 11:30 7439-92-1 Silver NO mg/L 0.10 1 07118/16 18:27 07/19/16 11:30 7782.49-2 ' NO mglL 0.025 1 07/18116 18:27 07/19/16 11:30 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury, TCLP Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Leachate Method/Dale: EPA 1311; 07/16116 21:51 Initial pH: 7.6; Final pH: 4 Mercury NO mg/L 0.00020 1 07/19116 00:02 07/19116 04:65 7439-97-6 8270 MSSV TCLP Sep Funnel Analytical Method: EPA 8270 Preparation Method: EPA 3510 Leachate Method/Date: EPA 1311; 07125/16 13:30 1,4.Dichlorobenzene 2,4-Dinilrololuene NO ug/L 50.0 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 106-46-7 NO ug1L 50.0 1 07127/1609:45 07/27/1616:10 121-14-2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except In full, Date: 07/29/2016 04:55 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 5 of 25 .. , aceAnalytical s-pacelabsxom ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analyticsl Services, Inc. 9800 I(incey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: 160713.18-01 Pace Project No.: 92305254 Sample: 160713.18.01 Lab ID: 92306264001 Collected: 07/13/1611:00 Received: 07/14/16 09:33 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dfluflons. Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8270 MSSV TCLP Sep Funnel Analytical Method: EPA 8270 Preparation Method: EPA 3510 Leachate Method/Dale: EPA 1311: 07/25/16 13:30 Hexachloro-1,3-butadlene NO ug/L 50.0 1 07/27/1609:45 07/27/16 16:10 87-68.3 Hexachlorobenzene Hexachloroelhane NO ug/L 50.0 1 07/27116 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 118-74-1 2-Methylphenol(o-Cresol) NO NO ug/L 60.0 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 67.72-1 3&4-Melhylphenol(m&p Cresol) NO ug/L ug/L 50.0 50.0 1 07/27/16 09:46 07/27/16 16:10 95-48-7 Nitrobenzene NO ug/L 50.0 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 15:10 Pentachlorophenol NO ug/L 100 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 98-95-3 L3 Pyridine 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 87-88-5 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol NO NO ug/L 50.0 1 07/27/1609:46 07/27/16 16:10 110-86.1 2,4,6-T6chlorophenol NO ug/L ug/L 50.0 1 07/27/16 09:45 07127/1616:10 95.95-4 Surrogates 50.0 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 88-06-2 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 2-Fluoroblphenyl(S) 85 % 12-102 1 07/27116 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 4165-60.0 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 80 % 13-107 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27116 16:10 321-60.8 Phenol-d6 (S) 113 % 21-132 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27116 16:10 1718.51-0 2-Fluorophenol(S) 32 45 % 10-110 1 07/27/16 09:45 07127/16 16:10 13127-88.3 2,4,6-Tribromophenol(8) 82 % % 10-110 1 07127/16 09:45 07127/16 16:10 367-12.4 27.108 1 07/27/16 09:45 07/27/16 16:10 118-79.6 8260 MSV TCLP Analytical Method: EPA 8260 Leachate Method/Date: EPA 1311; 07/15/16 11:29 Benzene NO ug/L 192 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 71-43-2 2-Butanone (MEIQ NO ug/L 385 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 78.93-3 Carbon tetrachloride NO ug/L 192 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene NO ug/L 192 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 108-90-7 Chloroform 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NO NO ug/L 192 38.5 07115/1620:52 67.66-3 1,2-Dlchloroethane NO ug/L ug/L 192 192 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 106-46-7 1,1-Dlchloroethene NO ug/L 38.5 07/15116 20:52 107-06-2 Tetrachloroelhene NO ug/L 192 38.5 07/15116 20:52 7535.4 L3 Trichloroethene NO ug/L 192 192 38.5 38.5 07/15116 20:52 127-18-4 Vinyl chloride NO ug/L 192 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 79.01-6 Surrogates 07/15/16 20:62 75-01.4 1,2-Dlchloroethane-d4 (S) 105 % 70-130 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 17060-07.0 1g Toluene-d8 (8) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 102 % % 67-135 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 2037-26.5 70-130 38.5 07/15/16 20:52 460-00-4 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974.87 Percent Moisture 82.3 % 0.10 1 07/15116 07:32 1010 Flashpolm Closed Cup Analytical Method: EPA 1010 Fleshpoint >200 deg F 70.0 1 07/22/10 15:30 9046 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA9045 PH at 25 Degrees C 7.0 Bid. Units 0.10 1 07/25/16 16:26 D6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, Date: 07/29/2016 04:55 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 6 of 25 aceAnalytical m ,psceleesxom ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: 160713.18-01 Pace Project No.: 92305254 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite too Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Sample: 160713.18.01 Lab ID: 92306264001 Collected: 07113/16 11:00 Received: 07/14/16 09:33 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis end ere adjusted for percent moisture, sample size end any dllutlons. Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 733C S Reactive Cyanide Analytical Method: SW-846 Cyanide, Reactive ND mg/kg 11.1 1 07/19116 18:06 735S Reactive Sulfide Analytical Method: SW-848 7.3,4.2 Sulfide, Reactive ND mg/kg 111 1 07/19/16 13:45 Date: 07129/2016 04:65 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shell not be reproduced, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 7 of 25 - IU _ 2 �±Meta�n orphosetl \ G�anitic I e if fl . w ,GPanitU 6n�elss ..tle _ ' �'1. , I � 2 l- .Gneiss: Locally Schist, Fhyllite, and Ampliibolite i �.., 41l•_XI B el Mica Schist and Phyllite �e _ . - r -- •dh � .: Fitt y.I = � a a UHeny•ers. Gne ss I�Hentle sr on- r - Gneiss AA _�O� Legend Monitoring Well Location Map Attachment Number 0 MoNtonng WelLocation Blue Ridge Tissue Coporation Patterson, North Carolina Feet 1 0 z000 4,000 8,000 p Com Environment W40 Calomnde Cenlu Drive Ste ]08 eeleigb. NoM Carolina 22615 1 are, - 4,000 feel anme: tel6)6R 4600 Sou¢e- North Carolina Geolo Ical Sul e "e (ele).12-le% g Y. Nte:mw.eecmn<mn 1985• Geologic map of NoM Carolina, FebruarY2012 60191560 North Carolina Secretary of Sta /l✓"�-may North Carolina ` Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OFTHE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 2762 22191910DT-2000 CORPORATIONS Corporations Home Search By Corporate Name Search For New 6 Dissolved Search By Registered Agent Important Notice Resale of Tickets Online Corporations FAQ Homeowners' AsSOOatlon FAQ Tobacal Manufacturers Unincorporated Non -Profits Dissolution Reports Non -Profit Reports Venfy Cerb9wnon Online Annual Reports KBBE B25 Annual Reports SOSID Number Correction 2001 Bill Summands 1999 Senate Bills Annual Reports 1997 Corporations 1997 Professional Corporations NCSOS Authority to Dissolve Register for E-Procurement Dept. of Revenue ONLINE ORDERS Stan An Order New Payment Procedures CONTACTUS Corporations Division TOOLS Secretary of State Home Secretary of Stale Site Map Printable Page Page 1 of 1 I Date: 111192009 Click here to: View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Nol ficadons I c21Print apm-popu listed Annual Report Form I Annual Report Count I File an Annual Report f Corporation Names Noma Namo Type NC Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Legal Business Corporation Information SOSID: 111703e Statue: Current-Acdve Da1C Formed: 92S2009 CUMmehip: Foreign state of roc.: WI Duration: Perpetual I Registered Agent t Aganl Name: Hallcrk, Dave Registered Office Address: 2002 Roby Road Pederson INC 26661 Registered Melling Address; Principal Office Addmu: 2002 Roby Road Patterson NO 28661 Principal Melling Address: 2002 Roby Road Patterson NC 28661 1, II� 11 I httD:// 'Il l 11/19/2009 RECEI Ez) NOV 18 ZC9 Asheville Regional Office PO Box 99 L A uifer Protection Ph: 828-758-5151 Patterson, N.C. 28661 Fax: 828-7574818 OMNI SUPPLY, INC. November 17, 2009 Beverly Price North Carolina Division of Water Quality Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Subject: Monitoring Wells Dear Beverly: This letter is to inform you that Omni Supply, Inc. was denied access to property owned by James Wagner. Mr. Wagner was unwilling to give us access to the site to properly abandon three monitoring wells in question regarding Permit #WQ0015532. Doug Bush Vice President Southern _ Soil 958 hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 Fax (336) 957-8940 Builders, Inc. NOV 17 2Gjg A7hoville Recgionai Office P,'.":JfPC Prnta,41on TO I ROM DATE -- — U COVER PAGE PLUS COMMENTS r9 a 60/I0 39Cd ~� Sa31InE1I0SNd3Hinos 0b68L96966 6Z:6I L00Z/9I/I0 I ID49 ?90? 5 7S -71 L7 Cra 10 &-azz X.-O 31 Ir.l , NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director October 28, 2009 Mr. Douglas Bush OMNI Supply, Inc. Post Office Box 99 Patterson, North Carolina 28661 1ECE� V E0 NOV — 9 2609 r Regional Office Subject: Additional Information Request Application No. WQ0011532 OMNI Supply, Inc. Class A Residuals Management Program Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: Dee "Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section is in receipt of you application to add three new sources to the subject program. Upon examining the application materials, we find that additional information is needed before we may continue our review. Please address the following items no later than November 28, 2009: 1) The existing permit, issued on May 12, 2008, required the abandonment of all existing monitoring wells within 60 days of permit issuance. The permit also required the submission of a Well Abandonment Record (GW-30 Form) within 30 days of the abandonment. The Aquifer Protection Section has not yet received the Well Abandonment Records for the monitoring wells. Please submA these records to the Aquifer Protection Section. 2) Please confirm that the two fiber traps will be used to store the residuals prior to their distribution, I and that the residuals holding pond (old aeration basin) will be cleaned out and utilized by the wastewater treatment plant instead of serving as an emergency storage area. 3) A recent site visit disclosed residuals being stored on the ground without a concrete pad or a , I protective cover as required by Condition III.8. of the existing permit. Please describe and implement measures to bring this storage site into compliance with this condition of the existing permit. 1 Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard. Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-733-32211 FAX 1: 919-71M588; FAX 2:.919-715-6048!"istomer Service: t-877-623-6748 NOitl7 C3T0111]2 Internet �1Glti�1°rllf hn Ephal Gppprtuniry \ ARumanva Acripn Employer f . Please reference the subject application number when providir of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signe, attention at the address at the bottom of the cover page of this Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If additional time is necessary, the application may be withdrawn to avoid being returned as incomplete. Either the applicant or the applicant's consultant may request withdrawal by email message or letter if this is desired. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at david.r*oodrichh( or at (919) 715-6162. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section cc: Mr. Zach Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc., 958 Hoots Road, Roaring River, NC 28669 Landon Davidson, Asheville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section APS Central File WQ0011532 Southern S Soil Builders, Inc. 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 • Fax (336) 957-8940 RECEIVED /DENR/DWQ Aquifer Protection Section NOV 06 2009 Wednesday, November 04, 2009 David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Subject: Additional Information Request Omni Supply, Inc. WQ0011532 Dear Mr. Goodrich: A letter received from the NCDENR dated October 28, 2009, requested additional information for the review of the modification of permit No. WQ0011532 for Omni Supply, Inc. The first item the letter addresses is the abandonment records (GW-30) for all existing monitoring wells. These records are not available due to the monitoring wells being on private property and the current property owner is denying access to the wells. Omni Supply, Inc. has requested assistance from the groundwater section of NCDENR in obtaining access to the wells so they can be properly abandoned. The second issue is with the two fiber traps and the old aeration basin. The current plan is, once the annual dry tonnage allowed to be distributed by permit WQ0011532 is raised, the two fiber traps are going to be completely cleaned and the residuals land applied. The old aeration basin is going to be pumped off, cleaned out, repaired and put back into service for the plant. After both the fiber traps and the old aeration basin are cleaned and put back into service, they will be cleaned as needed and the residuals will be land applied. The fiber traps will be used to store the residuals and the old aeration basin will not be used as an emergency storage area. The third issue is concerning the onsite residuals storage. Omni Supply, Inc. is going to land apply all of the currently stored residuals; after all of the residuals are removed there will no longer be any stored on site. The residuals will be removed from the fiber traps as needed and the residuals will be land applied when removed; so there will be no need in onsite storage for residuals removed from the fiber traps. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at (336)957-7871 or at Sincerely, YA1 Zach Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. RECEIVED/ '�QuifBr proFe Don Se Oon4 NOV 05 2009 FAR HCDEH North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director October 28, 2009 Mr. Douglas Bush OMNI Supply, Inc. Post Office Box 99 Patterson, North Carolina 28661 PIECE ED OCT 30 2GG9 ;�s`teville Regional Office Subject: Additional Information Request Application No. WQ0011532 OMNI Supply, Inc. Class A Residuals Management Program ` Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: The Aquifer Protection Section is in receipt of you application to add three new sources to the subject ' program. Upon examining the application materials, we find that additional information is needed before we may continue our review. Please address the following items no later than November 28, 2009: 1) The existing permit, issued on May 12, 2008, required the abandonment of all existing monitoring wells within 60 days of permit issuance. The pemut also required the submission of a Well Abandonment Record (GW-30 Form) within 30 days of the abandonment. The Aquifer Protection Section has not yet received the Well Abandonment Records for the monitoring wells. Please submit these records to the Aquifer Protection Section. 2) Please confirm that the two fiber traps will be used to store the residuals prior to their distribution, and that the residuals holding pond (old aeration basin) will be cleaned out and utilized by the wastewater treatment plant instead of serving as an emergency storage area. 3) A recent site visit disclosed residuals being stored on the ground without a concrete pad or a protective cover as required by Condition III.8. of the existing permit. Please describe and implement measures to bring this storage site into compliance with this condition of the existing permit. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Any oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone:919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-71541588: FAX 2:.919-715-60481 Customer Service: 1.877-623-6748 NOL111Cai011l]a Internet. t n An Equal Opponinty l Afnnnadve Action Emplover �� `'�ll✓ Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to my attention at the address at the bottom of the cover page of this letter. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If additional time is necessary, the application may be withdrawn to avoid being returned as incomplete. Either the applicant or the applicant's consultant may request withdrawal by email message or letter if this is desired. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at david.soodrich( or at (919) 715-6162. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section cc: Mr. Zach Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc., 958 Hoots Road, Roaring River, NC 28669 fPtseyc8g=�*fer p otection.Sectio APS Central File WQ0011532 17 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: October 14, 2009 To: X Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich , Land Application Unit Telephone: (919)715-6162 Fax: (919)715-6048 E-Mail: david.goodrichOncmail net A. Permit Number: W00011532 B. Owner: OMNI Supply, Inc C. Facility/Operation: OMNI Supply Residuals Program ❑ Proposed ® Existing ® Facility X Operation D. Applicatio : 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: X Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 X 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New X Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Statutory Date: 12/30/2009 Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ❑ Return a Completed APSARR Form. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. /0� Date: FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 AQUIFER PRE. _ ECTION REGIONAL ST". F REPORT Date: 10/23/2009 County:Caldwell To: Aquifer Protection Central Office Permittee: OmniSupply Central Office Reviewer: David Goodrich Project Name: Omni SupplyResiduals Program Regional Login No: Application No.: W00011532 L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ❑ New ❑ Renewal ❑ Minor Modification ® Major Modification Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included ❑ 503 regulated ® 503 exempt ® Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ® Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: July 9, 2009 Compliance Inspection b. Person contacted and contact information: Doug Bush, Vice President 828-758-5151 c. Site visit conducted by: Bev Price d. Inspection Report Attached: ® Yes or ❑ No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: Fiber Traps 41 & #2 a. Location: 2002 Roby Martin Road Patterson, NC 28661 b. Driving Directions: correct in BIMS c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Correct in BIMS d. Latitude: correct in BIMS Longitude: correct in BIMS e. Regulated Activities / Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): No Domestic contribution — remove Domestic from BIMS For Treatment Facilities: Residuals Holding Pond a. Location(s): same as above It. Driving Directions: same as above c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: same as above d. Latitude: 351 59' 59" Longitude: 811 33' 58" IL NEW AND MAJOR MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (Ills section not needed for renewals or minor modiTcations, skip to next section) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: Distribution of Residual Solids are not classified. FORM: W00011532StaffReport09.doc AQUIFER PRU rECTION REGIONAL STAr F REPORT 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A. If no, please explain: 3. Are the new site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A. If no, please explain: 4. Does the application (maps, plans, etc.) represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A. If no, please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate and/or acceptable to the Division. M Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates for new sites (hydraulic or nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A. If no, please explain: 7. Are the new treatment facilities or any new disposal sites located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A. If yes, please attach a map showing areas of 100-year floodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigative measures/special conditions in Part IV: 8. Are there any buffer conflicts (new treatment facilities or new disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or M No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: Monitoring wells associated with the old sludge landfill have not been abandoned to date — see attached Inspection Report. 10. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No M N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) III RENEWAL AND MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (use previous section for new or ma/or modircation systems) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities N/A 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. Operator in Charge: Certificate #: Backup- Operator in Charge: Certificate #: 2. Is the design, maintenance and operation (e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: FORM: W00011532StaffReport09.doc 2 AQUIFER PR _ 'ECTION REGIONAL STt&.u'F REPORT 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? If yes, please explainIs the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: _ 5. Are the existing application rates (hydraulic or nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 6. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 7. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) S. Are there any buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 11. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (GW, NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: 12. Check all that apply: ❑ No compliance issues; ❑ Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under SOC; ❑ Currently under JOC; ❑ Currently under moratorium. If any items checked, please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (such as NOV, NOD etc): Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, JOC, etc.) been complied with? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Determined ❑ N/A.. If no, please explain: 13. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. If yes, please explain: IV. INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) Description Of Well(S) And Facilities —New, Renewal, And Modification 1. Type of injection system: FORM: W00011532StaffReport09.doc 3 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STArF REPORT ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow (5A7) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ❑ In situ remediation (5I) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (512 Non -Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify: 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No What is/are the pollution source(s)? What is the distance of the infection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? ft. 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ❑ Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ❑ Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Infection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Only: 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of any type), will continued/additional/modified infections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑ No. Imes, explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: Address: Certification number: 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. FORM: WQ001I532StaffReport09.doc AQUIFER PRo x ECTION REGIONAL STAr F REPORT V. EVALUATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: The application indicates that Omni has 2 fiber traps (each capable of storing 365 days of residuals) and one holding pond that has 365+ days of storage. The holding pond was not originally designed as storage for the residuals. The pond is an old aeration basin. I believe they want to clean out this pond and use only the fiber traps as storage in the future. I believe the old aeration basin will revert to the WWTP. I think this should be clarified in the permit. Also, they have a pile of residuals on the ground drying outside of the fiber traps. This pile (finished product) is not on a concrete pad or covered. And, the permit is listed as Land Application 503 Exempt; should it be Distribution 503 Exempt? 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ®No. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason GW-30 Forms. Monitoring wells associated with the old sludge landfill were required to be abandoned. Permit Condition I.1. 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason The residuals currently stored on the ground without cover should be covered or distributed. Permit Condition IIIX FORM: W00011532StaffReport09.doc AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STA.0F REPORT 7. Recommendation: ® Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ® Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; ❑ Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report preparer(s Signature of APS regional su Date: 1192 !o c3 1 ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: W00011532StaffReport09.doc NC®ENIR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director July 17, 2009 Doug Bush, Vice President Omni Supply, Inc. Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 ResduDY � re Co Dee Freeman Secretary SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING 2009 Compliance Evaluation Inspection OMNI Supply, Inc. Class A Residuals Management Program Permit No: W00011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: In order to close the inspection records, I need additional information regarding the inspection that I conducted on July 9, 2009. The inspection included a review of the 2008 Annual Report. The following parameters were missing from the Residuals Analysis: Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and the Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Calculation - See Permit Condition IV.3. Please submit three (3) copies of the above referenced data within ten (10) working days of receipt of this letter to the following address: NCDENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Attn: Ed Hardee AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION —Asheville Regional Office (ARO) 2090 U.S. 70 Highway, Swannanoa, NO 28778-8211 Phone: 828-296-45001 FAX : 828-299-7043 Customer Service: 1-877.623-6748 Intemet w An Equal Opportunity 1 Atirmatve Aclion Employer One NorthCarolina Naturally Mr. Bush Page 2 July 17, 2009 The inspection• also included a tour of the old sludge landfill permitted under Permit# 6974R2. That permit expired 12/1/1990 and was not renewed. There were three monitoring wells (MW's) associated with that permit. In,a letter dated 1/25/1993, the Asheville Regional Office notified Sealed Air Corporation that groundwater monitoring could be discontinued and the MW's should be properly abandoned; those wells were not abandoned. The wells located on the Wagner property should be abandoned according to 15A NCAC 02C .0113. If you are denied access to the Wagner property for the purpose of abandoning the wells, you must notify the Asheville Regional Office in writing so we can proceed with abandonment procedures with Mr. Wagner. Please refer to the inspection report (inspection Summary Page 2) for additional information. If you or your staff has any questions, please call me at 828/296-4500. Sincerely, Beverly rice Environmental Specialist cc: Zack Key, SSB w/Enclosure Tim Parler, Omni Supply w/Enclosure APS Central Files `Af1&Ashev#IvFiles Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQ0011532 Effective: 05/12/08 Expiration: 04/30/13 Owner: Omni Supply the SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: OMNI Supply County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Contact Person: Tim Parler Title: Phone: 828-758-5151 Directions to Facility: From Lenoir: Follow Hwy. 321 N for approximately 3 miles to Roby Martin Road and turn right. Facility is located approximately 1 mile gn the left. ystem Classifications: Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 07/09/2009 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): Tim Parler Tim Parler Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 12:00 PM Phone: 828-758-5151 Phone: 828-758-5151 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: V Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Miscellaneous Questions ® Record Keeping ® Treatment ® Sampling (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: WQ0011532 Owner- Facility: Omni Supply Inc Inspection Date: 07/09/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: The inspection included a review of the 2008 Annual Report (AR) and a tour of the facility. Annual Report Issues: Missing Calculations - Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) --See Permit Condition IV.3. -- Will send additional information request for missing data. The finished product (dried residuals) that are moved from the fiber traps should be stored on a concrete pad, placed under shelter or covered until such time as it is distributed to the buyer. --See Permit Condition 111.8. An adequate cover may include a tarp. An information sheet/label containing the information listed in Permit Condition 111.9. should be provided to the recipient of the residuals. Monitoring data was not yet available for 2009. Three Monitoring Wells associated with the Sludge Landfill Permit #6974R2 which expired 12/1/1990 were never abandoned. Those wells located on the Wagner property should be abandoned according to 15A NCAC 02C.0113 i .Lri'4'r i � �• •: l Page: 2 Permit: WO0011532 Owner -Facility: Omni Supply Inc Inspection Date: 07/09/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Land Application ❑ Distribution and Marketing ■ Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Are GW samples from all MWs sampled for all required parameters? ❑ ❑ ■ Cl Are there any GW quality violations? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is a copy of current permit on -site? ■ ❑ ❑ 0 Are current metals and nutrient analysis available? in ❑ ❑ ❑ Are nutrient and metal loading calculating most limiting parameters? "■ ❑ ❑ ❑ a. TCLP analysis? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ b. SSFA (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis)? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are PAN balances being maintained? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are PAN balances within permit limits? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Has land application equipment been calibrated? ❑ ❑ S ❑ Are there pH records for alkaline stabilization? ❑ Cl ■ ❑ Are there pH records for the land application site? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are nutrient/crop removal practices in place? ❑ ❑ ■ Cl Do lab sheets support data repoited on Residual Analysis Summary? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records available? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are hauling records maintained and up-to-date? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ;# Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? - ■ .❑ ❑ ❑ Has application occurred during Seasonal Restriction window? ❑ ' ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Treatment '- Yes No NA NE Check all that apply Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ _ Alkaline Pasteurization (Class A) ❑ Page: 3 Permit: W00011532 Owner • Facility: Omni Supply Inc Inspection Date: 07/09/2009 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Alkaline Stabilization (Class B) Compost Drying Beds Other Comment: Fiber filter traps. Sampling Describe sampling: Al least 6 grab samples are collected from the residuals pile and are composited for analysis. Is sampling adequate? Is sampling representative? Comment: Reason for Visit: Routine Yes No NA NE in ❑ ❑ Cl m O Q ❑ Page: 4 Price, Bev From: Laverty, Brett Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 8:37 AM To: Price, Bev Subject: Omni Supply Attachments: Sludge Field.jpg; Omni MW1.jpg; Omni MW2.jpg; Omni MW3.jpg; Omni Supply.jpg Bev, Here are the photos and well coordinates for Omni Supply.... MW1-355959.08N,813141.24W MW2-36002.19 N, 813131.90 W MW3 - 35 59 48.19 N, 813131.96 W Brett Laverty - Brett. Lavertv@ncdenr.eov North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. Price, Bev From: Wiggs, Linda Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:21 AM To: Price, Bev; Menzel, Jeff Subject: FW: Permit transfer and potential changes. I asked Susan this question since she use to supervise the NPDES group in Raleigh and her answer is below. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources MaJ 0,' Mocl. Asheville Regional Office J Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section / 2090 U.S. 70 Highway \�hz� ey�r-SJa+e-•t1L ItiS 'au/�iUl!P�J Swannanoa, NC 28778 � Tel: 828-296-4500 /j fat Fax:828-299-7043 fQSi e'��J rs N c14L aT ii150 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. o� From: Wilson, Susan A Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:09 AM To: Wiggs, Linda Subject: RE: Permit transfer and potential changes. unorthodox to transfer a permit without there being a contract (and what's specified in the name/owner form - can't remember exactly what it says - but usually some form of sign -off by seller and buyer). and... if they increase production or do some other form of modification - that's a big deal. if they can acquire the permit - they would need to apply for a permit modification and go through all that is required (if they increase flow - they'll need to do an alternatives analysis, if they increase prodcution and it's fed'I guideline limits - there may have to be some modeling done - I don't know without really looking at the permit). anyway - they seem to want guarantees and the only guarantee is if they buy it and plan to do the same thing - then they can acquire the same permits. if they plan to make changes - as with any permittee - no guarantees and they have to go through the same process as anyone applying for a modification of their permit; that may or may not be an issue). if you want me to look more closely at the permit - let me know. if they want some concurrence on this from central office - they can call Tom Belnick re. the wastewater NPDES permit - and I'm assuming they have one. Susan A. Wilson - North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Protection 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. rom: Wiggs, Linda Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 4:27 PM To: Wilson, Susan A Subject: FW: Permit transfer and potential changes. Susan, do you know if we accommodate such requests, see email below????? Linda North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC28778 Tel:828-296-4500 Fax:828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. From: Price, Bev Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 3:54 PM To: Wiggs, Linda Cc: Scott, Chris Subject: FW: Permit transfer and potential changes. Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax:828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. From: Dave Hallock [] Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 2:58 PM To: Price, Bev;; Scott, Chris; Cc: Andy Hetzel Jr; Jeff Mootz Subject: Permit transfer and potential changes. Hello Bev, Linda, Chris and Jeff, We are continuing to work through our due diligence on the Omni Mill in Patterson. One of the things we need to be absolutely sure of before closing the deal is in regard to the transfer of the permits. We left the meeting that we had with you feeling like we could expect the permits to transfer without any issues. However, given the importance of the permits to the mill and the consequences we would face if we took ownership and then for some reason could not get one or more of the permits transferred, we need to find a way to reach a higher level of assurance. not sure what the typical protocol.-... this situation, but we are wondering if th _ .s some sort of way for NPS to apply for the transfer of the permits prior to the sale with the actual approval and transfer being contingent upon the deal closing and ownership of the mill transferring to NPS. Additionally, we are considering some capital improvements to the mill that would increase the output of the mill and therefore could create the need to request a change to one or more of the permits. We need to address this prior to closing as well. Is there a process like this that you have used in the past or are aware of that we could utilize in order to have these things lined up and approved prior to the actual closing of the deal? If this is not something you would typically deal with, can you point me in the right direction? Thanks for your help. Best Regards, Dave Hallock Operations Manager - Tissue & Towel NPS Corporation Ph 920-983-2202 (my direct line) Email apply Permit W00011532 Subject: Draft of Omni Supply Permit WQ0011532 From: David Goodrich <> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:43:13 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Hi Bev, I am attaching herewith my draft of the new Class A Distribution Permit for Omni supply. The permit's only attachment is Attachment A, because as I understand it, Omni. is not seeking the approving or renewal of any of their application sites for this permit, and the Class A residuals will be taken off site and either sold or applied to approved fields. Please let me know if there is anything we need to add in the way of Conditions or Attachments, or any other changes that need to be made to it. Thank you! David Content -Type: application/msword 1532M 4.docI Content -Encoding: base64 1 of 1 4/15/2008 3:58 PM Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality April 30, 2008 MR.DOUGLAS BUSH, VICE PRESIDENT & CEO OMNI SUPPLY, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 99 PATTERSON, NORTH CAROLINA 28661 Subject: Permit No. WQ0011532 Omni Supply, Inc. Class A Residuals Management Program Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: In accordance with your application for permit renewal and modification, received March 3, 2008, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0011532, dated April 30, 2008, to Omni Supply, Inc. for the continued operation of the subject land application of residuals solids program. This permit allows the creation and marketing of Class A residuals, whereas the previous permit allowed the land application of residuals onto several properties. It is our understanding that the Class A product may be applied in bulk to suitable sites or given away to local landowners. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 2013, shall void Permit No. W00011532 for the land application of residuals issued December 14, 1995, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. [List new requirements here] If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. Please note that on September 1, 2006 State Administrative Code 15A NCAC Subchapter 02T — Waste not Discharged to Surface Water was adopted. This permit incorporates the requirement of these rules. Remember to take the time to review this permit thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been added, changed, or deleted from those in previously issued permits. Please note that "bulk residuals" shall mean residuals that are transported and not sold or given away in a bag, bucket, bin, box, carton, vehicle, trailer, tanker, or an open or closed receptacle with a load capacity of 1.102 short tons or one metric ton or less. N�Oa�ettCarolina watura//y Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center IRaleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Internet: w v.ncwateraualitv.ore Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10%Post Consumer Paper Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 715-6162 or Sincerely, Coleen H. Sullins cc: Caldwell County Health Department Asheville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Zach Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc., Roaring River, NC Technical Assistance and Certification Unit APS Central Files LAU Files NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RALEIGH PERMIT FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF CLASS A RESIDUALS In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Omni Supply, Inc Caldwell County FOR THE operation of a wastewater residuals program for the distribution of Class A residuals for Omni Supply, Inc. and consisting of the distribution and land application of residuals generated by the residuals source - generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the permit modification and renewal application package received on March 3, 2008 and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 2013, shall void Permit No. WQ0011532 issued December 14, 1995, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. SCHEDULES 1. *Within sixty (60) days of permit issuance, all monitor well(s) at the facility shall be permanently ( /I abandoned. Within thirty (30) days of abandonment, a Well Abandonment Record (GW-30 form) that lists this permit number and the appropriate monitoring well identification number shall be completed for each well abandoned and mailed to N.C. Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636. The well(s) must be abandoned by a North Carolina Certified Well Contractor according to the North Carolina Well Construction Standards (I SA NCAC 02C .0113) and local county rules. 2. *No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request renewal of this permit on official Division forms. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note that Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105(d) requires an updated site map to be submitted with the permit renewal application W00011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 1 of 11 IL PERFORMANCE STANDt. OS 1. *The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface waters or groundwater resulting from the operation of this Class A residuals distribution and land application program. 2. *No residuals other than those generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be approved for distribution or land application in accordance with this permit. 3. *The pollutant concentrations in any residuals that are distributed or land applied to any land application site shall not shall not exceed the following Ceiling and Monthly Average Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis) Parameter Monthly Average Concentration (mg/kg) Ceiling Concentration (m Wig) Arsenic 41 75 Cadmium 39 85 Copper 1,500 4,300 Lead 300 840 Mercury 17 57 Molybdenum n/a 75 Nickel 420 420 Selenium 100 100 Zinc 2,800 7,500 4. *For residuals treatment and storage facilities, the following minimum setbacks shall be maintained (all distances in feet): i. Any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership: 100 ii. Any property line: 50 iii. Any private or public water supply source: 100 iv. Surface waters: 50 v. Any well with exception of monitoring wells: 100 5. *When land applying bulk class A residuals to any land application site, the following setbacks shall be maintained (all distances in feet): Liquid Cake a. Any private or public water supply source: 100 100 ii. Surface waters: 100 25 iii. Surface water diversions: 25 0 iv. Groundwater lowering ditches: 25 0 v. Any well with exception of monitoring wells: 100 100 vi. Bedrock outcrops: 25 0 W00011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 2 of 11 Unless others noted in A.. ,ament A of this permit, "cake" residuals a.o residuals that have greater than 15% solids by weight and can be stacked without flowing, and handled, transported and spread as a solid (i.e., using a backhoe, front end loader, slinger spreader, broadcast spreader or other equipment designed for handling solid materials) without leaving any significant liquid fraction behind. 6. *Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each land application site prior to and during a bulk residuals land application event. 7. *Bulk residuals and other sources of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) shall be land applied to all land application sites at or below agronomic rates. Appropriate agronomic rates shall be calculated using expected nitrogen requirements based on the Realistic Yield Expectations (RYE) for each approved land application site. Realistic Yield Expectations for crop types and specific fields or soils types shall be determined by using any of the following methods: a. North Carolina Historical Data for specific crop and soil types as provided by North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science. The Department webpage is located at: hlip:// b. Site Specific Historical Data for crop types on specific fields or soil types by calculating the mean of the best three yields of the last five consecutive crop harvests for each field. c. If the RYE cannot be determined using methods 8(a) or (b) above, RYE can be established from specially developed soil interpretation records for Nutrient Management Planning, Farm Service Agency Records, university trials, or inference from crop performance on soil with very similar physical and chemical features. d. Realistic Yields Expectations and acceptable nitrogen application rates that use the above methodology are required parts of many agricultural planning documents. The Permittee may use the RYE and appropriate agronomic rates reported in any of the following documents: Crop management plan as outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. ii. Waste Utilization Plan as outlined by Senate Bill 1217 Interagency Group- Guidance Document: Chapter 1. Guidance for the completion of the plan can be found at: docs.html. iii. Certified Nutrient Management Plan as outlined by Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). These plans must meet the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards, which are available at: e. For any crop type for which the RYE and appropriate nitrogen application rate cannot be determined, the Permittee shall contact the Division to determine necessary action. 8. *If the land application sites are to be overseeded (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with BOTH crops to receive residuals), then the second crop shall receive an application of PAN at a rate of no greater than 50 pounds per acre per year. This practice shall be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no residuals shall be land applied to these sites because the PAN will essentially be returned to the soil. Prior to application of PAN to permitted sites at rates exceeding the agronomic rate, the Permittee must submit and receive approval by the Division. WO0011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 3 of 11 9. *Should any of the residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit contain a high salt content (i.e., high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of ten (10) or higher), the Permittee shall obtain and implement recommendations from the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina -licensed Soil Scientist, or other agronomist regarding sodium application rate, soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.) or other ameliorative mechanism for maintaining the integrity of the site in terms of suitability for land application of residuals and maintaining conditions conducive to crop growth. The Permittee shall maintain written records of each monitoring event that includes details of the sites covered and rate of soil amendment application. 10. *The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for residuals land application programs is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L (i.e., "Groundwater Classifications and Standards"). The Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residuals land application area. Per 15A NCAC 2T .0105(h), upon the request by the Permittee the Compliance Boundary may be located closer to the waste disposal area (provided the groundwater standards can be met at the newly established Compliance Boundary). An exceedance of Groundwater Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(d)(2) as well as enforcement actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C. 11. *The REVIEW BOUNDARY shall be established around each land application site midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals land application area. Any exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at the Review Boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(1). 12. *The appropriate local governmental official (i.e., county manager, city manager, etc.) shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial bulk residuals land application event to any new land application site. In addition, the appropriate county manager's office shall be notified prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new site so that they will be aware that residuals land application activities have commenced on the site. 13. *The Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial bulk residuals land application event on any new land application site. Such notification to the Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor shall be made during normal office hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m:) between Monday and Friday, but excluding State Holidays. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at III. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REOUIREMENTS 1. *The class A residuals management program shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times as a non -discharge• system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. The Permittee shall maintain an Operation and Maintenance Plan pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .1110 including operational functions, maintenance schedules, safety measures, and a spill response plan. 2. *In the event that the class A residuals management program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division of Water Quality's (Division) regional office, and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. W00011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 4 of 11 3. *Upon classification of ,« Class A residuals management program oy the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the program. The operator shall hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the program by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee shall also designate a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0201. 4. *This permit shall become voidable if the soils of the land application sites fail to assimilate the bulk residuals or the application causes contravention of surface water or groundwater standards and may be rescinded unless the land application sites are maintained and operated in a manner that will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and groundwater. 5. *A copy of this permit shall be maintained in all manned equipment at the land application sites when residuals are being land applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. 6. *Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into any surface waters. 7. *Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any land applied or stored residuals into any surface waters. 8. *All residuals shall be adequately stored to prevent leachate runoff until treated. The finished product may be placed on a concrete pad, placed under shelter or covered until such time as it is distributed to the buyer. If an alternate storage site is to be used, approval must be obtained from the Division. 9. *A label shall be affixed to the bag or other container in which residuals that are sold or given away for application to the land, or an information sheet shall be provided to the person who receives the residuals sold or given away in an other container for application to the land. The label or information sheet shall contain the following information: a. The name and address of the person who prepared the residuals that is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land. b. A statement that application of the residuals to the land is prohibited except in accordance with the instructions on the label or information sheet. c. A statement which identifies that this material shall be prevented from entering any public or private water supply source (including wells) and any stream, lake, or river. d. A statement that the residuals shall be applied at agronomic rates and recommended rates for intended uses. 10. *Bulk residuals shall not be applied to the land under the following conditions: a. If the residuals are likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species listed under section 4 of the Endangered Species or its designated critical habitat; b. If the application causes prolonged nuisance conditions; c. If the land fails to assimilate the bulk residuals or the application causes the contravention of surface water or groundwater standards; d. If the land is flooded, frozen, or snow-covered or is otherwise in a condition such that runoff of the residuals would occur; e. Within the 100-year flood elevation unless the bulk residuals are injected or incorporated within a 24-hour period following the residuals land application event; f. During a measurable precipitation event (i.e., >.01" per hour) or within 24 hours following a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or greater in a 24-hour period. Any emergency residuals land application measures shall first be approved in writing by the Division; WQ0011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 5 of 11 g. If the slope for land is greater than 10 percent when bulk liquid resiauals are surface applied, and if the slope of the land is greater then 18 percent with bulk liquid residuals are injected or incorporated; h. If the pH is not maintained in the soil, residuals, and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on land application sites onto which residuals are applied. Residuals may be applied to the sites provided e that sufficient amounts of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the soil mixture of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals, and lime mixture is suited for the specified crop type. If the land does not have an established vegetative cover in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist unless the bulk residuals are incorporated within a 24-hour period following the residuals land application event or injected; n j. If the vertical separation of the seasonal high water table and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; k. If the vertical separation of the depth to bedrock and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; 11. *This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners and lessees or operators of any land application sites not owned by the Permittee are in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and shall be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 12. *For fields receiving bulk residuals, the Permittee shall request of the landowner or lessee/operator a statement detailing the volume of nutrient sources (waste residuals, manufactured fertilizers, manures, or other animal waste products) other than the residuals to be applied by the Permittee, that have been applied to the land, and a copy of the most recent Nutrient Management Plan (NMP), if available. For the purpose of this permit condition, a Crop Management Plan (CMP), Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) or Certified Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) shall also be considered a Nutrient Management Plan The NMPs must be provided only for those operations where a NMP (also CMP, WUP, or CNMP) is required by the US Department of Agriculture — National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or other State Agencies. The Permittee shall rely on the provided information to calculate appropriate reductions in allowable nutrient loading rates. If the calculation shows that the agronomic rates (including PAN) have already been met or exceeded on a field, no additional residuals shall be land applied to that field. 13. *For fields receiving bulk residuals, the Permittee shall supply the landowner with documentation specifying that land application of the bulk residuals shall occur consistent with Conditions 1I.5., II.6., IL7, and Conditions I112. and IHA. of this permit. IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. *Any monitoring (i.e., including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure protection of the environment shall be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. *Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most -recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non -hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analysis as well as a Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit. The analyses shall be performed at the frequency specified in WQ0011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 6 of 11 the most recently-certifieu ....achment A of this permit, and the result ,,..all be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source - generating facility are distributed or land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the analyses shall be required for each residuals distribution and land application event. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are insufficient to require a land application event during a required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit (e.g. no land application occurs during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), no sampling data is re uired during the period of inactivity. The Permittee shall submit an annual report, as required to Condition , even in the event that no land application events occur during an entire year, the annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic 5.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene 2.0 Barium (100.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol(100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) in -Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol(200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor(10.0) 2,4-D (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) After the residuals have been monitored as specified above for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to request a reduction of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per permit cycle. 3. *An analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residual source -generating facility listed in the most recently certified Attachment A of this permit. The analysis shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The analysis shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following parameters: WO0011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 7 of 11 Aluminum Magnesium pH Ammonia -Nitrogen Mercury Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) Arsenic Molybdenum Selenium Cadmium Nickel Sodium Calcium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen % Total Solids Copper Phosphorus TKN Lead Potassium Zinc Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are insufficient to require a land application event during a required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit (e.g. no land application occurs during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), the Perms ee s a make—up the missed sampling either by taking additional samp es unng and application events previous to a planned period of inactivity or by taking „ additional samples during land application events immediately following the period of inactivity. The Permittee shall submit an annual report, as required in Condition IV.8., even in the event that no land application events occur during an entire year; the annual report shall include an explanation of additional sampling data intended to compensate for periods of inactivity, or an explanation for missing sampling data. After the residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. The report must include notification from EPS that a reduced sampling frequency has been approved as required by 40 CFR 503.16(a)(2). In no case, however, shall the frequency of this monitoring be less than once per year when a residuals land application event of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facility occurs during that year. 4. *Laboratory analyses of parameters as required by Condition IV.1., Condition IV.2., and Condition IV.3. shall be performed/gathered on the residuals as they are to be distributed or land applied. 5. *Laboratory analyses of parameters as required by Condition IV.1., Condition IV.2., and Condition N.3. shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0505. 6. *Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all bulk residuals land application events. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number); d. Method of land application; e. Weather conditions (i.e., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); f. Predominant Soil Mapping Unit (i.e., CbB2); g. Soil conditions (i.e., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); h. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; W00011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 8 of 11 i. Nitrogen Applicatiot, Hate based on RYES. j. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, cubic yard per acre , dry tons per acre, wet ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare; k. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); 1. Volume of soil amendments (i.e., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, wet tons per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); and in. Annual and cumulative totals of dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (i.e., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (i.e., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 7. *All records required as part of this permit shall be retained a minimum of five years. 8. *Three copies of an annual report shall be submitted on or before March 151. The annual report shall meet the requirements described in the Instructions For Residuals Application Annual Reporting Forms. The most recent instructions for reporting and annual report forms are available on the Land Application Unit website at, or can be obtained by contacting the Land Application Unit directly. The annual repost shall be submitted to the following address: NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 9. Noncompliance Notification *The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Asheville Regional Office, telephone number (828) 296-4500, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the distribution program which results in the land application of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the distribution program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system during transportation of residuals. For any emergency that requires immediate reporting (e.g., discharges to surface waters, imminent failure of a storage structure, etc.) outside normal business hours must be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368, or (919) 733- 3300. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five (5) days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. WO0011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 1 Page 9 of 11 V. INSPECTIONS 1. *Adequate inspection and maintenance shall be provided by the Permittee to ensure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. *Prior to each bulk residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by' the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 3. *Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application sites or facilities at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. *This permit shall become voidable unless the activities of the class A residuals management program are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by the Division. 2. *This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the application and other supporting data. 3. *Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143- 215.6A through § 143-215.6C. 4. *The annual administering and compliance fee shall be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit, as specified by 15 NCAC 2T .0105 (e). 5. *The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) that have jurisdiction. Of particular concern to the Division are applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 02B .0200, erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO10000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 02B .0200 and 02H .0500. 6. *This permit may be modified, revoked, and/or reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to protect the environment and public health adequately. WO0011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 10 of 11 7. *This permit shall not b� a,.,omatically transferable. In the event that mere is a desire for the class A residuals management program to change ownership or to change the name of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division documentation from the parties involved and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of .this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. Permit issued this the 30th day of April, 2008. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number W00011532 W00011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 1 , Page 11 of 11 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residual Sources Permit Number: W00011532 Version: 2.0 Omni Supply, Inc. Certification Date: 04/30/Oa Owner Facility Name County Permit Number Issued By Is 503? Maximum Dry Tons Per Year Monitoring Frequency for Condition IV.2. Monitoring Frequency for Condition IV.3. Approved Mineralization Rate Omni Supply River Road Site Caldwell NC0006254 DWQ Non 503 290 Annually Annually .40 Total 290 NOTE: Monitoring Frequency Requirements Dry Tons Generated Monitoring Frequency (Established in 40 CFR 503 <319, I/Year >319 - <1,650 1/ Quarter 4 times per year =>1,650 - <16,500, 1/60 Days (6 times per year =>16,500 d/month 12 times peryear W00011532 Version 2.0 Shell Version 071105 Page 1 of 11 rF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor 0(� William G. Ross Jr., Secretary �II� jII IpI North Carolina De _ , t of Environment and Natural Resources �r fl II L�P� ��II I'I P � Coleen H. Sullins, Director Y Division of Water Quality AQUIFER PROTECTION Doug -Bush Omni Supply, Inc. Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 SUBJECT: April 2, 2008 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Omni Supply, Inc. (Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge) Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection conducted on April 2, 2008. The inspection was conducted in conjunction with your permit renewal/modification request. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report (Inspection Summary Page 2) for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff has any questions, please call me at (828) 296-4500. Sincerely, rice Environmental Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Tim Parler, ORC Omni Supply APS Central Files APS Asheville Files NorthCarolina Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality— Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Phone (828) 296-4500 Aquifer Protection Section FAX (828)299-7043 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 ' Internet: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 501/6Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Permit: WO0011532 SOC: County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Compliance Inspection Report Effective:12/14/95 Expiration: 11/30/00 Effective: Expiration: Contact Person: Doug Bush Title: Owner: Sealed Air Corporation Facility: Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L PO Box 1747 Rockingham NC 28379 Phone: 828-751-5151 Directions to Facility: Take Hwy. 321 N from Lenoir. Turn right onto Roby Martin Rd. Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. System Classifications: Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 04/02/2008 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s): Doug Bush Tim Parler Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 11:00 AM Phone: 828-745151 Phone: 828-758-5151 Phone: 828-296-4500 Reason for Inspection: Other Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: E Miscellaneous Questions NStorage (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: WO0011532 Owner -Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Dale: 04/0212008 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: The inspection was conducted as a requirement for permit renewal. The Permit has expired and the permittee hopes to modify the permit from Land Application to Distribution of Residual Solids. Residuals are being held in an old Aeration Basin (not aerated). The Residuals Holding Pond is not fenced and does not have a Freeboard Marker but these were not requirements of the Land Applcation permit. It is not known whether or not the Residuals Holding Pond is lined. Fiber Trap #1 has been cleaned out and the solids are being stored on the ground. Fiber Trap#2 is currently in use for solids separation. The Fiber Traps are not fenced and it is not known whether or not the Fiber Traps are lined. The Fiber Traps do not have Freeboard Markers but this was not a requirement of the Land Application Permit. Page: 2 Permit: WO0011532 Owner -Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 04/02/2008 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Type Land Application Distribution and Marketing FIBER TRAP #1 Storage Storage Type? Storage amount? Is storage aerated or mixed? If aeration is present, is it adequate? If present, are diffusers cleaned regularly? Is influent structure acceptable? Are banks/berms free of seepage and erosion? Are banks/berms free of excessive vegetation? Is lagoon lined? Liner Type Is liner acceptable? Are baffles/curtains acceptable? Does the lagoon have a freeboard marker? Required freeboard? Actual freeboard? Is there suitable grassed vegetation? Is the vegetation maintained? Is the area free of excessive weeds and/or woody species? Is the area free from signs of overflow? Is storage free of excessive solids build-up? Are aerators/mixers acceptable? Is residuals loading area maintained? Reason for Visit: Other Yes No NA NE ■ Yes No NA HE Drying beds 3000 Cubic Feet NONE ❑ ❑ in ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 3 Permit: WQ0011532 Owner -Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Dale: 04/02/2008 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other Is there a Spill Control Plan? ❑ ❑ ■ Cl Comment: Fiber Trap is not lined and does not contain a Freeboard Marker; marker was not required as part of the Land Application Permit. FIBER TRAP #2 Storage Yes No NA NE Storage Type? Drying beds Storage amount? 3000 Cubic Feet Is storage aerated or mixed? NONE If aeration is present, is it adequate? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ If present, are diffusers cleaned regularly? ❑ Cl ■ ❑ Is influent structure acceptable? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are banks/berms free of seepage and erosion? ■ Cl ❑ ❑ Are banks/berms free of excessive vegetation? ■ ❑ ❑ Cl Is lagoon lined? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Liner Type Is liner acceptable? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Are baffles/curtains acceptable? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Does the lagoon have a freeboard marker? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Required freeboard? Actual freeboard? Is there suitable grassed vegetation? ❑ Cl ■ ❑ Is the vegetation maintained? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is the area free of excessive weeds and/or woody species? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the area free from signs of overflow? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is storage free of excessive solids build-up? ❑ ❑ ■ Cl Are aerators/mixers acceptable? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Is residuals loading area maintained? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 4 Permit: W00011532 Owner -Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 04/02/2008 Inspection Type; Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other Is there a Spill Control Plan? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Comment: Fiber Trap #2 is not lined and there is no Freeboard Marker; Freeboard Marker was not required as part of the Land Application Permit. HOLDING POND Storage Storage Type? Storage amount? Is storage aerated or mixed? If aeration is present, is it adequate? If present, are diffusers cleaned regularly? Is influent structure acceptable? Are banks/berms free of seepage and erosion? Are banks/berms free of excessive vegetation? Is lagoon lined? Liner Type Is liner acceptable? Are baffles/curtainsacceptable? Does the lagoon have a freeboard marker? Required freeboard? Actual freeboard? Is there suitable grassed vegetation? Is the vegetation maintained? Is the area free of excessive weeds and/or woody species? Is the area free from signs of overflow? Is storage free of excessive solids build-up? Are aerators/mixers acceptable? Yes No NA NE Other 100000 Cubic Feet NONE ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ j ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑■❑❑ Unknown ❑❑■❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 5 Permit: WO0011532 Owner • Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 04/02/2008 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Is residuals loading area maintained? Is there a Spill Control Plan? Reason for Visit: Other Comment: Residuals holding pond is an old aeration basin that was converted to a holding pond. ❑❑■❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Page: 6 AQUIFER PRE, .,.':CTION REGIONAL ST. F REPORT Date: April 8, 2008 County: Caldwell To: Aquifer Protection Central Office Permittee:Sealed Air Corp. Central Office Reviewer: David Goodrich Project Name:Omni Supply , Inc. Regional Login No: Application No.:W00011532 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ❑ New ® Renewal ❑ Minor Modification ® Major Modification ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included 21503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ® Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? N Yes or LJ No. a. Date of site visit: 4/2/08 b. Person contacted and contact information: Doug Bush VP/COO (828) 758-5151 c. Site visit conducted by: Beverly Price d. Inspection Report Attached: ® Yes or ❑ No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? ❑ Yes or ® No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: Residuals Holding Pond a. Location: 2002 Roby Martin Road Patterson, NC 28661 b. Driving Directions: Take Hwy. 321 N from Lenoir. Turn right onto Roby Martin Road. Facility is located approximately I mile on the left. c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Lenoir. NC D12NE d. Latitude: 35° 59' 59" Longitude: 81" 33' 58" e. Regulated Activities / Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): Correct in BIMS For Treatment Facilities: Fiber Traps #1 & #2 a. Location(s): Same as above b. Driving Directions: Same as above c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Same as above d. Latitude: 36' 00' 00" Longitude: 81' 33' 56" For Disposal and Injection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to, copy and paste a new section into the document for each site or attach additional pages for each site) a. Location(s): b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: FORM: W00011532staffreportO8.doe AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT d. Latitude: Longitude: II. NEWAND MAJOR MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (this section not needed for renewals or minor modifications, skip to next section) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities 1. Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: Facility is currently classified as Land Application, Distribution of Residual Solids are not classified. 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. If no, please explain: 3. Are the new site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. If no, please explain: 4. Does the application (maps, plans, etc.) represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. Ifno,.please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate and/or acceptable to the Division. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain 6. Are the proposed application rates for new sites (hydraulic or nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. If no, please explain: 7. Are the new treatment facilities or any new disposal sites located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. If yes, please attach a map showing areas of 100-year floodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigative measures/special conditions in Part IV: 8. Are there any buffer conflicts (new treatment facilities or new disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ® No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 10. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) M. RENEWAL AND MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (use previous section for new or major modification s stems Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities N/A FORM: W00011532staffreport08.doc 2 AQUIFER PRE--ECTION REGIONAL ST___ F REPORT 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. Operator in Charge: Certificate #: Backup- Operator in Charge: Certificate #:_ 2. Is the design, maintenance and operation (e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates (hydraulic or nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 7. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) 8. Are there any buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 11. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (GW, ND&IR, and NDAR as applicable)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: 12. Check all that apply: ❑ No compliance issues; ❑ Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under SOC; ❑ Currently under JOC; ❑ Currently under moratorium. If any items checked, please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (such as NOV, NOD etc): Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, SOC, etc.) been complied with? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Determined ❑ N/A.. If no, please explain: 13. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ❑ N/A. If yes, please explain: FORM: W00011532staffreport08.doc 3 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FORM: WQ0011532staffreport08.doc AQUIFER PR._.,ECTION REGIONAL S1n. F REPORT IV. INJECTION WELL PERMITAPPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) Description Of Well(S) And Facilities — New Renewal, And Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow (5A7) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ❑ In situ remediation (51) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5L/"Non-Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify: 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No What is/are the pollution source(s)7 What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? ft. 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ❑ Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ❑ Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater -monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Injection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Only: 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of any type), will continued/additional/modified injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: FORM: W00011532staffreport08.doe AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Address: Certification number: 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. FORM: WQ0011532staffreport08.doc AQUIFER PRk-.-LECTION REGIONAL ST�-L,F REPORT V. EVAL UATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: The land application permit expired 11/30/2000 It appears that land application activities have not taken place since 1996 The process wastewater flows to the Fiber Traps (2)When one filter trap fills the second trap is then put in use. The fiber is treated with a flocculent The effluent water then flows to the aeration pond and finally to the polishing pond before, discharge to the Yadkin River. The dried fiber (contained in the fiber trap) is pumped to a residuals holding pond (abandoned aeration pond) The Residuals Holding Pond also contains material that was dredged from the polishing pond) Currently Fiber Trap #1 has been cleaned and the residuals are being stored on the ground There are no fences/signs around the Holding Pond or Fiber Traps however the main entrance road is gated. It is not known whether or not the Residuals Holding Ponds and Fiber Traps have a liner. The Holding Pond and Fiber Traps do not have freeboard markers as none were required with the land application permit According to documents dated 1993 groundwater monitoring was being conducted at the site due to land application of sludge The monitoring wells were to be abandoned but there are no abandonment records available. 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ® No. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason FORM: W00011532staffreport08.doc AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 7. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ® Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; ❑ Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report preparer(s): Signature of APS regional supe Date: ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: WQ0011532staffreport08.doc 8 it LL, , X A r Date: March 10, 2008 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION To: ® Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich , Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6162 E-Mail: david.aoodrichna, A. Permit Number: W00011532 B. Owner: Omni Supply. Inc. C. Facility/Operation: Omni Supply ❑ Proposed ® Existing MAR 1.2 2608 ��$ii6lr [�caT_tzi, ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS Fax: (919)715-0588 ® Facility ® Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5QW) closed loop water only geothermal For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ® D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ® 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ® Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Statutory Date: <5 Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Retum a Completed Form APSSRR. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU.. ❑ Issue an Attachment BCertification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: �' /�'1iLC�{ Date: S FORM: APSARR 02/06 Page 1 of 1 - "®E ® Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 03/10/08 Permit Number W00011532 MAR 12 2000 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Asheville Regional Office S atus Project Type Non -discharge _Aquifer Protection - I review Renewal Permit Type Version Permit Classification Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) B Individual Primary Reviewer Permit Contact Affiliation david.gooddch Tim Parler Permitted Flow PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Facility Name Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L Location Address PO Box 1747 Rockingham NC 28379 Owner Name Sealed Air Corporation Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 12/14/95 01/11/08 Major/Minor Region Minor Asheville County Caldwell Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non -Government Owner Affliation M Hoske6 PO Box 1747 Rockingham NC Public Notice Issue Effective 28379 Expiration Regulated Activities Reauested/Received Events Domestic, other RO staff report received RO staff report requested Additional information received RO staff report received RO staff report requested Additional information requested Additional information received Additional information requested 01/24/Q8 Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION MAR 12 2008 APPLICATION REVIEW RE UEST FORA Asheville Regional Offia Date: March 10, 2008 Aquifer Protection To: ® Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Unit Telephoue: (919) 715-6162 Fax: (919) 715-0588 E-Mail: david.goodrich( A. Permit Number: W00011532 B. Owner: Omni Supply, Inc. C. Facility/Operation: Omni Supply ❑ Proposed ® Existing ® Facility ® Operation D. Application: 1. Penult Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5QW) closed loop water only geothermal For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ® D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ® 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type. ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ® Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Statutory Date: g —f oz Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed Form APSARR. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person Date: 3 hx16&' FORM: APSARR 02/06 Page 1 of 1 Michael F. Easley, Governor i William G. Ross Jr., Secretary rNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources -� Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality March 7, 2008 DOUGLASBUSH SEALED AIR CORPORATION PO BOX 99 PATTERSON, NC 28661 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. W00011532 Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Caldwell County Dear MR BUSH: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (the Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on March 3, 2008. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by David Goodrich. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. To check on the status of your application, you can visit hqp:// If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich by phone at (919) 715-6162 or by email at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to h_ptt •// cg hart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely,..,-' For Kit. CE. Supervisor cc: AV heitilloLWEiional.Office,-Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files - Application No. W00011532 Tim Parler, PO Box 99, Patterson, NC 28661 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Internet: %""v.ncwatemualitv.ore Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 An Equal Opportunity/Atfrmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10°/ Post Consumer Paper W``Carolina ima!!y Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 m. S, 5outheril S Soil $ Builders, Inc. Thursday, February 28, 2008 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 9 Fax (336) 957-8940 I'e M 3 2008 North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Waster Quality Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Reference: Renewal of Permit No. WQ0011532 Omni Supply, Inc. Distribution of Other Residual Solids Caldwell County Southern Soil Builders, Inc. is under contract with Omni Supply, Inc. to provide assistance in the preparation of a permit renewal application for the distribution of other residual solids as allowed under 40 CFR Part 257. These residuals are Non -Biological and contain no domestic wastewater contribution. Please feel free to contact us if you require any additional information, or have any questions or concerns in the review of this permit renewal. Thank You, Zach Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (FORM: SDRS 02-07) The Division of Water Quality will not accept this application unless all the instructions are followed. Plans and specifications must be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .1100, and good engineering practices. Failure to submit all required items will lead to additional processing and review time. For more information, visit our web site at: htto://h2o. hin:l A. Application Form (All Application Packages): ✓ Submit one original and two copies of the completed application package. Any changes made to this form will result in the application being returned. The Division of Water Quality will only accept application packages that have been fully completed and all applicable items are addressed. ✓ The project name should be consistent on the plans, specifications, etc. ✓ The signing official must meet the criteria stipulated in 15A NCAC 2T .0106(b). An alternate person may be designated as the signing official, provided that a delegation letter from a person who meets the referenced criteria is submitted. The delegation letter does not have to be resubmitted if the signing official has not changed since the last permitting action associated with this residuals treatment and disposal program. ✓ If this project involves a modification of an existing permit, submit one copy of the existing permit. ✓ Please submit this application form at least 180 days prior to the expiration date on the existing permit, or 90 days prior to operation of proposed facility(ies) for application packages involving new or changes to treatment and disposal units. B. Application Fee (Not required for permit renewal without modification): ✓ For new permits submit a check in the amount of $1,090 if over or equal to 3,000 dry tons/yr. or $675 if less than 3,000 dry tons/yr. made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Major modification fees are $325 and $205, respectively. C. Cover Letter (All Application Packages): ✓ Submit a cover letter, which lists all items and attachments included in the application package as well as a brief project description. ✓ If necessary for clarity, include attachments to the application form. Such attachments will be considered part of the application package and should be numbered to correspond to the section to which they refer. D. Detailed Plans and Specifications (Not required for permit renewal without modification): ✓ Submit three sets of detailed plans and specifications signed, sealed, and dated by a NC Professional Engineer per 15A NCAC 2T .I104(e). Specifications for standard equipment may only be omitted for municipalities with approved standard specifications, but use of the standard specifications must be noted on each sheet of the plans. ✓ Plans must include the following minimum items: a general location map, plan and profile views of the residuals treatment and surface disposal units as well as the proximity of the residuals treatment and surface disposal units to other utilities and natural features, and detail drawings of all items pertinent to the residuals treatment and surface disposal units. Depict minimum setbacks required in I SA NCAC 2T .I108(c) on the plans. ✓ Specifications must include, at a minimum, the following for all items pertinent to residuals treatment and surface disposal units: description of materials to be used, methods of construction, quality of construction testing procedures to ensure the integrity of the final product in accordance with ISA NCAC 2T .1104(e)(2)(B), including leakage and pressure testing as appropriate. ✓ Plans and specifications must not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate that they are anything other than final plans and specifications. However, the plans and specifications may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. E. Updated Site Map (Only Required for permit renewals): ✓ Submit three copies of updated site map that must include the following minimum items: plan views of the residuals treatment and surface disposal units as well as the proximity of the residuals treatment and surface disposal units to other utilities and natural features, and detail drawings of all items pertinent to the residuals treatment and surface disposal units. Depict minimum setbacks required in 15A NCAC 2T .1108(c) on the plans. ***INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE*** FORM: SDRS 02-07 Page 1 of 6 Attachment Order 1 F. Engineering Calculations (Not req___d for permit renewal without modification): ✓ . Submit, three copies of all design calculations that have been signed, sealed, and dated by a NC Professional Engineer per 15A NCAC 2T .1104(e). G. Soils Reports (Not required for permit renewal without modification): ✓ Submit three copies of all required soils information in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .1104(e)(3). ✓ This report must be prepared, signed, and sealed by a NC Licensed Soil Scientist per 15A NCAC 2T .1104(e)(3). H. Hydrogeologic Investigations (Not required for permit renewal without modification): Submit three copies of all required hydrogeologic information in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .1104(e)(4). ✓ This report must be prepared, signed, and sealed by a NC Licensed Geologist, Soil Scientist, or Professional Engineer per 15A NCAC 2T .1104(e)(4). I. Environmental Assessments (Maybe Required— See 15A NCAC 1C .0300): ✓ Submit one copy of the Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Also, include information on any mitigating factor(s) from the Environmental Assessment (EA) that impact the construction of the subject reclaimed water lines. An EA may also be required for private systems if any public funds and/or lands are used for the construction of the subject reclaimed water line. J. Residuals Source Information (All Application Packages): ✓ Attach FORM: RSCA 10-06 (Residual Source Certification Attachment) and all associated documentation. ✓ FORM: RSCA 10-06 can be downloaded at FORM: SDRS 02-07 Page 2 of 6 Attachment Order 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (FORM: SDRS 070807) (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: (to be completed by DWQJ I. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION: I. Specify whether the process facility is owned b : RECEIVED / DENR / D,vQ P fY P ty Y AQU!rr;? aRnTrrrtmd SFrTION ElCounty; ❑ Federal; ❑ Municipal; ElState; M Non -Government. MAR 32003 2. Owners name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): . a Omni Supply, Inc. Mailing address:_ PO Box City: Patterson State: Physical address: Roby Martin Zip: _28661 City: Patterson State: _NC Zip: _28661 Telephone number: (_828_ ) _758-5151 Facsimile number: (828_ 7574818 E-mail address: 3. Signing official's name and title: (See Instruction A) Douglas Bush VP/COO_ Mailing address: PO Box 99. City: Patterson State: NC Zip: _2866 Physical address: Roby Martin City: Patterson State: NC Zip: _28661 Telephone number. (_828_) _758-5151 Facsimile number: (_828_) _757481 E-mail address: IL PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for: ❑ new; ❑ modified; ® renewed permit (check all that apply). 2. Fee Submitted: S 0 (See Instruction B) 3. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: W00011532 (please attach a copy of the existing permit). Most recent issuance date: and the expiration date: FORM: SDRS 02-07 Page 3 of 6 Attachment Order 1 Hl. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Name of facility where residual are processed: Omni Supply, Physical address: _Roby Martin City: Patterson State: Zip: 28661 Telephone number: ( 828_ ) _758-5151 Facsimile number: ( _828_) 757 4818 County where facility is located: Caldwell_ Latitude: 36.00093 Longitude:-81.56475 of residual process facility. 2. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals treatment and disposal process): 000 Tim Parler Mailing address: PO Box 99 City: _Patterson Physical address: Martin State: NC Zip: 28661 City: _Patterson State: Telephone number: (_828_ ) 758-5151 E-mail address: Zip: 28661 Facsimile number. (_828_) _7574818 3. Program contact person and/or consulting firm who prepared application (If different from the above): Zach Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Mailing address: 958 Hoots Road_ City: _Roaring River Physical address: 958 Hoots Road_ State: Zip: _28669 City: Roaring River State: _NC Zip: _28669 Telephone number: (_336_) _957-8909 Facsimile number: (_336_) _957-8940 E-mail address: IV. PROJECT INFORMATION (This section is not required for permit renewal without modification): 1. If project disturbs more than one acre, provide date when an erosion and sedimentation control plan was submitted to the Division of Land Resources for approval: 2. If project includes any stream or wetland crossings, provide date when Nationwide 12 or 404 permit was submitted for approval: 3. Provide buffers used to maintain compliance with any applicable river basin rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200 (e.g., Neuse River basin buffer rules): FORM: SDRS 02-07 Page 4 of 6 Attachment Order I Professional Engineer's Certification I, , attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: RtCtIV-tD I DERR I U,M AQUIFER P;?nT1-CT1P " ;FCTION MAR 3 2008 Applicant's Certification: The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 2T .0105. IS Yes ❑ No, Explain; V "/Coco I, U attest that this application for i' S� 0� has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts oY this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: ✓ Ate— Date: /.4D THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION LAND APPLICATION UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 By Courier/Special Delivery: 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-3221 FORM: SDRS 02-07 Page 6 of 6 Attachment Order 1 UPDATED SITE MAP gyp✓ '�- _ zr � . �� �ss , it `I. 1 'a4 t c•�*�� ✓' � � !., State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (FORM: RSCA 070807) (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not accept this attachment unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all required items will lead to additional processing and review time. For more information, visit our web site at: hitp:// usllaulmain html INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP, FORM: DRS, or FORM: SDRS). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ For new residuals programs or renewed residuals programs, submit a separate attachment form for each residuals source -generating facility to be certified for this residuals program. ✓ For modified residuals programs in which any modification to the certified residuals -source generating facilities is proposed, submit a separate attachment form for only those residuals source -generating facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ✓ The attachment should be organized prior to submission in the following order (i.e., by facility): ♦ Attachment Order 2: Residuals Source Certification Attachment (FORM: RSCA). ➢ Attachment Order 2-a: Vicinity map. ➢ Attachment Order 2-b: Process flow diagram and/or narrative. ➢ Attachment Order 2-c: Quantitative justification for residuals production rate. ➢ Attachment Order 24 Sampling plan. ➢ Attachment Order 2-e: Laboratory analytical reports and operational data B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ✓ Attach a vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of VicinityBuffer Maps for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ✓ Attach a detailed narrative and/or process flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ✓ Attach a quantitative justification for the value provided in Item I. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. C. Residuals Quality Information: ✓ Attach a detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. ✓ Attach reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this attachment form. Attach documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. ✓ Item II. 3. does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100%non-municipal, domestic wastewater only. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 1 of 8 Attachment Order 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (FORM: RSCA 070807) (THIS FORMMAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Applicants name: Omni Supply, Inc. Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS PROGRAM ® RENEWED RESIDUALS PROGRAM ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for this residuals source - generating facility certified for this residuals program. Current: 290 Dry Tons/yr. and proposed: 290 Dry Tons/yr. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE this residuals source -generating facility to/from those certified for this residuals program. ❑ OTHER Explain: I. RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Name of facility: Omni Supply, Inc. 2. Facility permit holder. Omni Supply, Inc. Facility permit holder is (check one): ❑ federal, ❑ state, ❑ local government, or ® private. Facility permit number: W00011532 Facility permit issued by (check one): ® Div, of Water Quality, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ other (explain: 3. If the facility permit is not issued by the Div. of Water Quality, complete the following: a. Facility contact person and title: Facility complete mailing address: PO Box 99 City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: (_828_ ) 758-5151 Facsimile number:( 828_ ) 7574818 limail address: b. Facility complete location address: City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Latitude: 36.00093 and longitude:-81.56475 4. County where facility is located: 5. Purpose of the facility (check one): ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ® treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 2 of 8 Attachment Order 2 6. Does the facility have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ yes ® no 7. Facility permitted/design flow: _0.45 MGD and facility average daily flow: _0.11 MGD. 8. Average amount of residuals being generated at this facility _53.5 dry tons per year. 9. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: 2 Fiber Trans for solids separation, each can hold approximately 3,000 cubic feet Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): Residuals Holding Pond 100,000 cubic feet IL RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under (check one): ❑ 40 CFR Part 503 or ❑ 40 CFR Part 257. 2. Specify if residuals are intended for (check one): ® Land Application/Distribution (Class A or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items H. 4b., 7b., and 7c. ❑ Land Application (Class B or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items H. 4b., 7a., and 7c. ❑ Surface Disposal. Complete all items EXCEPT Items II.4a., 5., 7a., 7b., and 8. ***FORM: RSCA CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE*** FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 3 of 8 Attachment Order 2 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are non- hazardous under RCRA: a. Are the residuals are listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, list the number(s): b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- §261.24: ❑ yes ® no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: laboratory: Research & Analytical Lab. Inc. and date of analysis: 9-23-05 Passed corrosivity test: ® yes Elno. pH: _6.83 s.u. (2 <pH < 12.5). Passed ignitability test: ® yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: _WNI °F (> 140T). Passed reactivity test: ® yes ❑ no. HCN: 1 mg/kg (<250) & HZS: _5_ mg/kg (<500). TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg/L) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result NA) Arsenic 5.0 BQL Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 BQL Barium 100.0 0.126 Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 BQL Benzene 0.5 BQL Hexachloroethane 3.0 BQL Cadmium 1.0 BQL Lead 5.0 0.018 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 BQL Lindane 0.4 BQL Chlordane 0.03 BQL Mercury 0.2 BQL Chlorobenzene 100.0 BQL Methoxychlor 10.0 BQL Chloroform 6.0 BQL Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 BQL Chromium 5.0 BQL Nitrobenzene 2.0 BQL m-Cresol 200.0 BQL Pentachlorophenol 100.0 BQL o-Cresol 200.0 BQL Pyridine 5.0 BQL p-Cresol 200.0 BQL Selenium 1.0 BQL Cresol 200.0 BQL Silver 5.0 BQL 2,4-D 10.0 BQL Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 BQL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 BQL Toxaphene 0.5 BQL 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 BQL Trichloroethylene 0.5 BQL 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.7 BQL 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 BQL 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 BQL 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 BQL Endrin 0.02 BQL 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 BQL Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 BQL Vinyl Chloride 0.2 BQL FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 4 of 8 Attachment Order 2 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1105. a. For Class A or Class Br Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: A&L Eastern Labs, and date of analysis: _02-18-2008. Parameter Ceiling Concentration Limits (ClassA & ClassB) (mg/kg) Monthly Average Concentration Limits (For Class A Only) (mgv Result (mg/kg) Arsenic 75 41 1 Cadmium 85 39 1 Copper 4,300 1,500 63 Lead 840 300 9 Mercury 57 17 0.4 Molybdenum 75 n/a 5 Nickel 420 420 18 Selenium 100 100 1 Zinc 7,500 2,800 60 c. For Surface Disposal. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: and date of analysis: Closest Distance to Property Lines (meters) Arsenic (mglkg) Chromium (mg/kg) Nickel (mg/kg) > 0 but <25 30 200 210 >_ 25 but < 50 34 220 240 > 50 but < 75 39 260 270 > 75 but < 100 46 300 320 >_ 100 but < 125 53 360 390 > 125 but < 150 62 450 420 >_ 150 73 600 420 FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 5 of 8 Attachment Order 2 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: 2.69 %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: laboratory: A&L Eastern Labs Inc. and date of analysis: Parameter Result (mg/kg, dry weight) Aluminum 5890 Ammonia -Nitrogen 1900 Calcium 2500 Magnesium 28 Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen 45 pH (Standard Unit) 6.83 Phosphorus 800 Potassium 300 Sodium 400 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 33800 c. Using the results listed in Item H. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): _0.35_ d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: 40_ %. This rate is a ® default value or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: These are unstabilized primary residuals e. Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and list the results in the following table: Application Method First Year Five -Year PAN Maximum Adjusted PAN (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Surface 13355 13432A5 Injection/Incorporation 14705 14790 Are the residuals a registered fertilizer with the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, provide date of registration approval: the current registration number: and the fertilizer equivalent: %, %, and %. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 6 of 8 Attachment Order 2 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and list the results of the latest analyses: 7. Pathoeen Reduction Determination: Specify which alternative(s) will be used to meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For Class A or Equivalent: ® A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than 1,000 MPN per gram of total dry solids. OR ❑ A salmonella sp. density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total dry solids. AND one of the following (except for residuals regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 that are to be distributed): ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(3)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(4)] - Alkaline Treatment. ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(5)] - Prior Testing for Enteric VirusNiable Hehninth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(6)] -No Prior Testing for Enteric VinrsNiable Hehninth Ova. ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(7)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, ❑ pasteurization, ❑ thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, or ❑ gamma ray irradiation. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(8)] - PFRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: b. For Class B or EauivalenL ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(2)] - Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(3)] - Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, ❑ composting, or ❑ lime stabilization. ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(4)] - PSRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: ❑ Not Applicable - Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. c. For Surface Disposal.• ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II.7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item 11.7b. above. ® Not Applicable - Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 7 of 8 Attachment Order 2 8. Vector Attraction Reduction Determination: Specify which altemative(s) will be used to meet the vector attraction reduction requirements: ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(4)] - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. ❑ Alternative 7 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 8 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 9 (40 CFR §503.33 (b)(9)] - Injection. ❑ Alternative 10 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Alternatives for Animal Processing Residuals Only: Specify one: ❑ injection, ❑ incorporation, or ❑ lime addition to raise pH to 10. ® Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 8 of 8 Attachment Order 2 FACILITY MAP V ....t.....u.y....rj..vb...............ut........w..uv.v.. ......0 ..u...... .... ...,..., ..... GOO8je" Maps E FGet Google Maps on your phone 49 TWtheword"GMAPS"to 466453 t 1 of 1 ?' 1/7/2008 10:43 AM PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM vn WATER EFFLUENT FROM SEPARAT SOLIDS LADEN WASTEWATER FROM PLANT FIBER TRAP (SOLIDS SEPARATION) FIBER TRAP (SOLIDS SEPARATION) ESTIMATED INPUT 6,ODO CUBIC FEET PERYEAR RESIDUALS HOLDING POND ESTIMATED CAPACITY-120,000 CUBIC FEET ESTIMATED CONTENTS AS OF 514106 - 80,000 CUBIC FEET • • AERATION BASIN POLISHING r WATER TO OUTFALL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PLLC POST OFFICE BOX 3009, UICKORY, NC 28603 PH-(828)328-2991 FX(828)322-22'59 OMNI SUPPLY COMPANY PATTERSON,NC _- DATE SCALE APPROV WASTEWATER PROCESS DIAGRAM 5/4/06 AS SHOWN I RTB REVISIOPI A . DRAWLYGNUMBER06-031-0001 QUANTITIVE JUSTIFICATION FOR RESIDUALS PRODUCTION RATE Currently Omni Supply, Inc. produces on average 53.5 dry tons per year of residuals. At this current rate, the proposed 290 Dry Tons per year will be more than ample to allow for growth and unforeseen increases in the current amount of residuals produced per year. Omni Supply, Inc. Sampling Plan Annually if a land application event occurs during a calendar year, grab samples are collected from the sludge holding tank. These individual grab samples are collected and sent for fecal coliform analysis. These samples will be sent to a Division -certified lab. Annually if land application occurs during a calendar year, a composite residual solid sample will be analyzed for: Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Aluminum, Ammonia nitrogen, Calcium, Nitrate nitrogen, Nitrogen, Magnesium, % total solids, pH, phosphorus, Potassium, TKN, and Sodium. From this information, the Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) will be calculated. These samples will be sent to A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. Annually a composite TCLP sample will be collected (at a frequency required by DWQ) to include: Aresenic Hexachlorobenzene Barium Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene Benzene Hexachloroethane Cadium Lead Carbon Tetrachloride Lindane Chlordane Mercury Chlorobenzene IvMethoxychlor Chloroform Methyl Ethyl Ketone Chromium Nitrobenzene m-Cresol Pentachlorophenol o-Cresol Pyridine p-Cresol Selenium Cresol Silver 2,4-D Tetrachloroethylene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Toxaphene pH for Corrosivity Flash point for ignitability Sulfides and Cyanides for reactivity 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 <1-Dichloroethylene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Endrin Heptachlor and its Hydroxide Trichloroethylene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) Vinyl Chloride GENERAL INFORMATION: NARRATIVE OF MATERIALS HANDLING 1. Residuals are stored at the facility site until distribution. Storage time is 365+ days. Distribution will be handled by an experience private contractor. Residuals will be loaded onto trucks and transported to suitable sites in the area. Cropland, pasture and hay land are available for receiving this material which is a suitable soil amendment. 2. Marketability: The product will be given away to local landowners who desire the material as a soil amendment. The amount of material produced annually is estimated at 290 dry tons. 3. Labeling: the following label information will be provided to the receivers of the product: -Product information: Biosolid residual from Omni Supply, Inc. PO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 -This product contains plant nutrients such as nitrogen and aluminum and can be used as a soil amendment. This material has been processed in accordance with EPA guidelines. Chemical composition of this product is such that it does not exceed pollutant ceiling concentrations. It shall not be applied to any site that is frozen, snow covered, or flooded. It shall not be applied within 10 feet of any public or private water supply source ( including wells) and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way. -For current analysis and appropriate loading rates for farmland application, contact Omni Supply, Inc. aPO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 (828) 758-5151 -Application of this material to the land is prohibited except in accordance with the instructions on this label. Use of the material should conform to recommendations of the current analysis and loading rates. f(i LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS JCDA&CS-Agronomic Division Pllone (919)733 2655 "We)1wSike � ndagr4com/agrondml/� =ter w." . , s Regort w.Q0248 Grower: Omni "Copses To:. Bannister, Ron • 1427 Yadkin River Rd Patterson, NC 28661 Waste nalysisRoil®rt Parm.• Bannister, Ron PO Box 3009 Hickory, NC 28603 7/12/2007 Caldwell County ;ample Information Laboratory Results (parts per million unless ottitrw�se goted) amplePD: N P X Ca Mg S Pe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Cl C i Total 10276 718 429 2219 590 2350 1564 33.3 96.4 106 1.59 !N-N 'ante Code: 00 -NH4 NO3 Na Ni Cd Pb At Se Li pH SS GN DM% CCB% ALE(tons) OR-N 175 11.1 0.61 16.8 5.69 28.55 0.25 1,261.00 esc, 1-IM idust:Other '.ecommendations: Urea Nutrients Available for First Cro ' Ibs/ton wet'basfs ° Other Elements Ibs/ton wet basis tplicationMethod N P205 K20 Ca Mg S Pe ' Mn Zn Gu:' B Mo G! Na Ni ' Cd Pb Al Se Li ;oilIncorp 2.4 0.70 0.26 0:95 0.25 1.0 0.61 O.Ol O:b4 0.05 T 0.10 0.01 T 0.01 ;ample Information Laboratory Results (partspermillion.:ynlessotkerwisenoted) ample LDr N P X Ca Mg S Pe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Cl C _ Total 6983 441 476 1296 466 1411 1779 25.6 71.4 62.0 0.00 !N-N raste Code: -NH4 Na Ni Cd 'Pb Al se Li pH SS ON DM% CCE96 ALE(tons) 00 -NO3 89.3 6.00 0.49 17.9 5.54 27.53 0.25 1,307.70 'escrt�Mon: OR-N idust:Other Urea ,ecr--lendations: Nutrients Available for Firsf crop Ibs/ton• wetbasfs)! Other Elements Ibs/ton wet basis ppb z Method N P205 K20 Ca Mg S. Fe . Mn. Zn Cu B Mo Cl Na Ni Cd Pb Al Se Li ;oll lncorp 1.5 o.42 0.28 0.53 0.19 ' 0.58. 0;73 ' .:1.0i01 ' . ' 0.03' ',0:03 0.00 0.05 T T 0.01 5 =+�c��t -. 'le. nr.,CMn XNA C LyT1CAt f' N LAboRATOR'r�r INC. , += M1••" AnOlytical/ProC95,s Consuho11or15 �'q�;ED A>J�:r 'rnungnc Omni Supply 3 Analysis Of ) ��- YIDiryCtraracterlsticLaech�teProcedure(TCI 22 September 20D5 -gira{y bs, Tnc Pro'ect, co)I6cled TapL•rMN • - 4Vaate S1udBu • Cbaracterlrtiu Quantltatlan Xlrsul[sr.Yort,) � Lpd,ljrthslt EPAHW ijuaub0EQ+1 1Yyxlct f'antam(n 5.D0 7D60 i. TCLP MLTALS 0,010 BQL 0.120 'I DO 6010 6010 D-ON Mrnie 0040 BQI, IDn 6010 D-005 Duium - P-DO6. Cadmium 0.005 0.010 BQL $,DO 5.DO 6010 D-077 C1"mium 0.005 D.OIH BQL 0300 747D 7740 D-006 Leadl D-009 Memmy OA020 0.100 BQL 1.00 g.00 6010 D-010 Sdeoium O.D10 BOL , D-071 StiJer B240 • TCLP VOLATIL.12 0.050 SQL 0.500 WDO V40 1T• D418 Grboa 0.050 BQL 100 9240 - - 17-019 TcaauHloride 0.050 BQL 6.00 82A0 D 021 CbIumbem=m 0.100 BQL - O.SDO 8240 D.0T2 Chlomfa>m 0.050 BQL ' 0.700 8240 D-02A IyPicbto[adheaa 0.050 BQI• , 2p0 624D D-029 I,l-Dicblamelhylme Moo BOL 0.7D0 - D-037 Mathy] fahyl Kolaue 0.050 BQL D-5DO 0240 D4139 Tamwhlprpelhylme O.D50 BQL 0.200 740 8A0 D-040 Trietilomad0'Irne 0.050 BQI' . D443 Vmyt C3loMc - 9270 T(7r p SEb0V0LA aM 20.0 BQL 700 10 R270 D-027 2D.0 BQL 2DO D-M4 20.0 BQL 2p0 - P-CIMMI)XcTraso D-023 p-Cicarol 2D,0 BQL 7.50 R270 8270 • D-026 Crwa01 D-027 1,4I>icblombm=.c0a - 0.750 0.050 BQL 0.130 D,13D 8270 8270 . Tf-laarahXm BQL 8270 1D-03Haeaehloropecxana _ 00 BQL �000 8270 D433 H,=bIamburadiaoc 03DO BQL 8270 D_034 Huacl+loroe0•+ae D.700 BQLIDO 9270 1)-036 NiunbaGcac PadadOomvhenol 10,0 BQL BQL 5.00 9240 B270 D-0r37 - dan OSUO 40.0 BQL . .. a00 2.00 6270 41 D200 BQLD-04 2AS-TncbliMMbwcl . BOBO TCLP PESIICIDESR.CBBBICIDLS - . 0.003 BOL - 0.030 10.0 BISD �f• Chlordma BQL BQL r 0.003 8080 NEC) D-016 2,40 D-012 Badrip 0.002 0..002 BQL DAN Soso D-031 Hepmchlor 0.040 BQI• BQI- 10.0 logo Hn00 P-013 Liadaae - ' D-014 Medw y-hlar 1.000 D.050 BQL 0.500 100 6150 D-015 Tm ph= 0100 BQL D-011 2,4,5-V(SOva) 9010 1tEACI7l'ITY 100 BQL 9030 V_ D-003 Cyanide 5.00 BQL "3 S.tGdc 9045 . COBICOSTVrfv Sld.11aln 6.83 V1"I Of 1010 IGNITABILITY W14 . 7>007 IBaiuibiliry , TCLP ryMCELLANMUS F3-P Vim' PaiOrFdmrTaar - 545003 Samyla Number p9112lOS Sample Pate Samplc Time (bra) Solid ' Sampi. Maria 1u = w'HNn;7,--.Iw hp pv olo(ma . anRom(ipm) P.c:_ .� ..sir_ Limit BQL.- -Q'==.,ever m;'Ifiap ivpm) n mi0i8nana Pcr m .l, ZAv.Ouble PPG . Free LiquidrP-m � . ►►M 1 Grp. 1 Imi.n L.etaerEVw I d.rnIca 1111.a+. R. :ewead plate Drive, P.A. Rex 1@56 • Granite Falls, NC 26630 (828) 39&4444 .IENT. ' Omni Supply, Inc P.O. Box 98 Patterson, NC 28661 CHAIN OF CUSTODY PRONE: (828) TYPE SAMPLE: WastewatEr NM LOCATIONS: 1 SAMPLER NAME: Douglas Hill Lee Jr. SAMPLE CO=GTION SAMPLL TYPE CONTAINERS IAW,LE LOCATION DATE T'IML Uw GPAS / PLASTIC/ ItACILITS'NA11IE -C COMPOSITE NO. CRASS__ANALYSIS RE(2UIUD wiSupply a3.n ZZLASTI BOD,TSS 0o6254 FRl ,ent o 1060 a. > MP0811B CLASS uu Supply URAB PLASTIC T.N. & T. PO4 006254 EMuent CONPOS.T.TS ' .ni Supply GRAB —PI,AS=' CHRONIC TOXICITY D06254 Effluent GLASS 3 co r As 5 I u I e TC GRAB PLASTIC 4— 1 COMPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS GR A13 PLASTC COMPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS . GiLAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS BED B DATE: TIME: BECETV�J28Y: D�AjTT,: .. TRAE: 05 INQ BY: DA E: 1'LM$: R1G ., DATE: =1; ySERVATIUIV: Coo) 4°C OD T , Conductivity, MBAS, Color, Alkalinity, Cr, VI, Turbidity Earli-e� Cool 40C —pH<. w/H—)SD4-NM, NO2-NO3, TKN, Oil & Grease, TOC, COD, ss, Phenolics, T. Phosphorus Cool 40C — pH<2 w/ BN03- Metals except Cr, VI None -Chloride, pA Fluoride IER: Cool-40C — Na28203—'Coliform Bacteria, NH3 Cool 4°C — pH >12 w/ NaOHi, 0.6gm. Ascorbic Acid. -- Cyanide CooV4°C —PH> 9 w/ NaOK ZnOAo-Sulfide Per Analy7lD g 1,ab — Organics: nple Temperature at Lab ("C) I Report Number: R08052-8008 Account Number: 46381 TO: SOUTHERN SOIL BUILDERS 958 HOOTS ROAD ROARING RIVER, NC 28669 ATTN: DENNIS KEY LAB NUMBER: 41020 SAMPLE ID: OMNI SUPPLY A&L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 • Fax No. (804) 271-6446 FOR: OMNI SUPPLY NC CERT #257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS copy: ZACH KEY DATE SAMPLED: 2/18/2008 1500 DATE RECENED: 2/21/2008 1045 DATE REPORTED: 2/26/2008 PAGE: 1 Solids, Total (As is) 2.69 26900 100 JM 02/21/08 16:00 SM 254OG Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl 3.38 33800 10 JM 02/22/08 16:00 EPA 351.3 Phosphorus 0.08 800 100 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Potassium 0.03 300 100 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Sulfur 0.14 1400 100 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Calcium 0.25 2500 100' KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Magnesium 0.07 700 100 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Sodium 0.04 400 100 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Iron 1610 1 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Aluminum 5890 10 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Manganese 28 1 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Copper 63 1 KM 02/25/08 15:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Zinc 60 1 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Nitrogen, Ammonia (as N) 0.19 1900 10 JM 02/22/08 14:00 EPA 350.2 Nitrogen, Organic (N) 3.19 31900 100 DCH CALCULATION Nitrogen, NO3+NO2 45 1 KS 02/26/08 15:00 SM 4500-NO317 Cadmium < 1 1 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Chromium 43 5 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted. *Detection Limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusiveand confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made p� to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. PAUL C. H. CHU Report Number: R08052-8008 Account Number: 46381 TO: SOUTHERN, SOIL BUILDERS 958 HOOTS ROAD ROARING RIVER, NC 28669 ATTN: DENNIS KEY LAB NUMBER: 41020 SAMPLE ID: OMNI SUPPLY A&L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 • Fax No. (804) 271-6446 FOR: OMNI SUPPLY NC CERT #257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS copy: ZACH KEY DATE SAMPLED: 2/18/2008 1500 DATE RECEIVED: 2/21/2008 1045 DATE REPORTED: 2/26/2008 PAGE: Nickel 18 5 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Lead 9 5 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B Arsenic < 1.0 1.0 KM 02/22/08 15:00 SW 846-6010B Mercury <0.4 0.4 KM 02/25/08 15:00 SW 846-7471A Selenium < 1.0 1.0 KM 02/22/08 15:00 SW 846-6010B Molybdenum <5 5 KM 02/25/08 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010B All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted. 'Detection Limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. _a�!- aw PAUL C. H. CHU { RESEARCh & ANA1yTICAL �® LAWRATOFtks, INC. Analyflcal/Process Consultations August 23, 2007 EES,PLLC P.O. Box 3009 Hickory, NC 28603 Attention: Ron Bannister Project Name: Omni - #06080 RAL Detection Fecal Sample Sample Limit Coliform Identification Number Date Time (MPN/e TS) Results Resid 1 596326 08/14/07 1320 2 Resid 2 596327 08/14/07 1325 2 MPN/g TS = Most Probable Number per gram Total Solids BDL = Below Detection Limit i RESEARCh & ANA1yTICA[ LAbORATOOES, INC. Analytical / Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2641 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD WATER I WASTEWATER MISC. 4AME (PL SE PRINT) -- elm■L■■■i«s!��n■1��E■■I►.�MEN i�r®■L■■■■MUMn■■:�■��� ■■■■■■■C ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM rt#: WQ11532 C y: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Land Application Operator: Caldwell _ Year: 2007 styled Oi S mnuppiy, Inc. Phone: 828-758-5151 Land application of residual solids as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calender year? ❑ Yes �J No If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to the certification. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A: Part B: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2007 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. % Yes ❑ Nc If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1.Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13 (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 10. Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. 11. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 12: All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." f ��10— \��Sr1 Ii P- (io'ri 0�� 1117 �o Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signattui(((��Vof Permittee Date Signature of Preparer* (if different from Permittee) ' Preparer is defined in 40 CFR RECEWED 503.9 (r) JAN 24 2008 of Land Applier Date from Permittee and Preparer) i Asheville Regional Offic� A -...!I-- ^--•--•: -- DENR FORM ACF (5/2003) OMNI SUPPLY INC. P.O. BOX 99 PATTERSON, N.C. 28661 PHONE: (828) 758-5151 FAX: (828) 757-4818 JANUARY 17, 2008 ED HARDEE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION co o 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1636 v =s c C N r._ Dear Mr. Hardee, ' During the year 2007, the fiber traps and holding pond did not reach capacity. If you have any questions, please contact me at (828) 758-5151. Sincerely, Doug Mush VP coo Omni Supply Inc. Permit#wg0011532 Sealed Air Corp. A Sludge/L Caldwell County December 7, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Doug Bush, Vice President Omni Supply Company, Inc. Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED DEC 10 2097 Asheville Regional Office Subject: Return of Permit Application Package Application Number W00011532 Sealed Air Corporation/Omni Supply Surface Disposal of Residual Solids Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: This letter is in reference to your permit application received on November 5, 2005 for the continued operation of the subject wastewater collection, treatment and/or disposal facilities. In two letters dated December 15, 2005 and April 10, 2006, you were asked by David Goodrich of the Land Application Permitting Unit, to provide additional information (copy of letters attached). As of today, this information has not been received, therefore, the Division of Water Quality must return your application as incomplete in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1. Please be advised that construction and/or operation of wastewater collection, treatment, and/or disposal facilities without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 and may subject the owner/operator to appropriate enforcement actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.6A-6C. Civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation may be assessed for failure to secure a permit required by North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1. When you have obtained the requested information that is needed to make your application package complete, you may submit a new application package and appropriate permit processing fee. If you have any questions or comments concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 715-6162 or Sincerely or Coleen H. Sullins cc: eveply Prio , s eville-e'gional b ffice, Aquifer Protection Section Permit Application File WQ0011532 LAU Files - Returns tCazolina itrallyf Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recyded/10% Post Consumer Paper PO Box 99 Patterson, N.C. 28661 OMNI SUPPLY, INC. April 25, 2007 Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Dear Mr. Hardee, Ph:828-758-5151 Fax: 828-7574818 V" --- /4 LE. 9g9'e riAY 07 2007 :hev' a i=.s,1 ��. of O$ice During the year of 2006, the traps were cleaned out and the residuals are currently being held in the closed holding pond. We have also trimmed the banks around all the ponds to allow more sunlight to reach the ponds. Smc rel , V Doug Bush VP -COO Omni Supply Inc. Permit#W00011532 Sealed Air Corp. -A Sludge/L Caldwell County ANNI LAND APPLICATION CERTIFIC —ION FORM permit#: W000 5-3L County: GAL owe IL Year: Z �0.6 Facility Name (as shown on permit): 5e L ^.... rr d Apph-adcn i^crater ; hene• N Y ANC Land application of residual solids as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ❑ Yes X No If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to the certification. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A: Total number of application fields in permit: Total number of fields land application occurred during the year: Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres land application occurred during the year: Part B: Facility was compliant during calendar year . ZZ(,, with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. A3( Yes ❑ Ne If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1.Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (ifneeded) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6,0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis were performed on each -site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results -are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached 6: The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13 (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All genes requirements in.40 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). &. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, Prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality_ 9_ No contravention Of &Ound Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 10. Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. I L No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent propertyor nearby surface waters has occurred. 12. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. "I certify, under penalty.of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knov!l#g violations." Permittee Name and Title (type orprint) Signature of Yreparer* Date (if different from Permttee) Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from.Permittee and Preparer) . DENR FORM ACF (5/2D03) v �a8-y3 a3,3 Al,- ke. F-� burr C � 3: -37 qj cz (j4A d Afa�d. file- ) 4�cucv4d need fAi�1 AI' H .j6o-ez orv, Irk �n l�o�--:41r i� wok 1 cc need d-o �in-0� - bw� Y) (fu 5w Ca A4pmi hoL-h +k p sec, I99 S m dSy ece D 4u� 4-e�{ a j aT �cC �•2j'� Inc a P � 6,5-d - 88 413 ( �zJ� y Vw,) p Sw-tact Lis a l on�s ��c i �h�J'oil Ta ; � 1 Re: Sealed Air (Omni Supply) Subject: Re: Sealed Air (Omni Supply) From: David Goodrich <> Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 11:50:16 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Bev, Their holding pond would have to be closed out in accordance with our rules, even though it was not permitted. I am faxing you the latest "Official" policy for lagoon close-out, signed by Arthur Mouberry several years ago. To the best of my knowledge, updates to this policy have been contemplated but not yet signed & endorsed by an administrator. David Bev Price wrote: David, Bill Hall (Omni Supply) just posed this question to me. If they clean out their fiber traps (this dried material is what goes to the residuals holding pond) on a regular basis, do they need any kind of permit from us? I believe the answer is no. If they go this route, the only remaining issue would be emptying the residuals pond. What would we require of them if anything to close out the pond since it is not even permitted? Bev David Goodrich wrote: Bev, Thanks for the update on this situation! I have no problems with granting them an extension on furnishing us with the additional information. However, I do hope they are aware of the fact that they have to decide which way (land application or surface disposal) they want to go on this. If they choose to go with using their pond for surface disposal, we will probably need for them to furnish us with more information about the pond liner, the frequency of "clean -out" events, where they intend to dispose of the removed material, etc. David Bev Price wrote: David, The engineer working with Sealed Air (WQ0011532)on their permit renewal is asking for an extension to the add infor. letter. I told him to answer the add info as much as possible and he could ask for the extension. They still do not know which way they want to go with renewal (surface disposal or landfill). My staff report recommends renewal as Surface Disposal but it sounds like they not have decided for sure if that is the way they are going. If you have any questions, give me a call. Bev 1 of 2 10/12/2007 7:50 AM Re: Sealed Air (Omni Supply) Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 and Natural Resources Protection Section and Natural Resources Protection Section 2 of 2 10/12/2007 7:50 AM Re: Sealed Air Permit Renewal Subject: Re: Sealed Air Permit Renewal From: David Goodrich <> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:38:05 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Bev, I got up with Kim this morning about this issue, and he told me that if they store the waste on -site for more than two (2) years, this would constitute a Surface Disposal and would require a permit. Less than this time would not require one. David Bev Price wrote: David, I did a site visit today at Sealed Air (WQ0011532). A question arose that hopefully you can address: If they choose to send all of their residuals to a landfill, do they need a permit to cover the time period (of storage) between disposal events at the landfill? I don't know how frequently this would take place but based on what they told me this morning it would not be very often, maybe once every few years. In other words, is this considered a Surface Disposal until it goes to the landfill? Thanks Bev Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 and Natural Resources Protection Section 1 of 1 10/12/2007 7:50 AM Re: Sealed Air Permit Renewal Subject: Re: Sealed Air Permit Renewal From: David Goodrich <> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:22:43 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Bev, They may need something called a "Pump and Haul" permit if the residuals are from wastewater. It does seem as though some type of permit would be needed just to store residuals on -site. The best -qualified person to answer this question in our office is my supervisor, Kim Colson, who will be out of the office until Monday. I will try to get up with him about this issue on Monday. David Bev Price wrote: David, I did a site visit today at Sealed Air (W00011532). A question arose that hopefully you can address: If they choose to send all of their residuals to a landfill, do they need a permit to cover the time period (of storage) between disposal events at the landfill? I don't know how frequently this would take place but based on what they told me this morning it would not be very often, maybe once every few years. In other words, is this considered a Surface Disposal until it goes to the landfill? Thanks Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 and Natural Resources Protection Section 1 of 1 10/12/2007 7:51 AM 1 "' a i�. �G 4� ��� •f . r � •II �^l �, . ,,. 4� �� gyp. ��,� _ � ; r .� •. ,r~ �F Y y�r ' � iy s ///�/� f� Y #� * /�N Y. .0 T J i ��: Vi i� �' 9 .., ryYY� lip � Y �'�. 'f .1y t4�'''.gT't. 'f �,o.'� r�{S lY FTi �i��r�J yy''}may f+� `. �lL x . c^.� (. ��..w � �„ ,; �g�; x y::lr r.• � s r �+_ ¢�� —r Ye L L.2�. �. d� p �L�f yY TM1 a t £ �`LF, x � � [ f '7'-"'� .. .�Y .�� '' +��.' +�j.e '� :. ^`� - �' � . � — aT u r� �•'� v, ^.;4 Hki-oIU /a -/a-b1 I �6.5 a -^616 F f K,8-y3 -� - 73,3 M; k� �.���bc , C 3: a7 � e R a . it IN h2 k4 n � h s 88 v3 wrr�l JJo'adI 6��.1C u/c AAU GJ' ice$ L� `z� C®•�ct�-,�i�cy. /! bn - -c --U,1,yon 0 " S�oaa It ev Michael F. Easley, Governor i J � �Ir ��llrl� ,(� William G. Ross Jr., Secretary y FILE II . North Carolina Da,—._aent of Environment and Natural Resources [ CCC II(f ttL��� V OPY Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director 1 � Division of Water Quality AQUIFER PROTECTION April 26, 2007 Bill Hall Director of Manufacturing Omni Supply Inc. Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 SUBJECT: April 25, 2007 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Omni Supply, Inc./Sealed Air Corp. Land Application Residual Solids (503) Exempt Permit No: WQ0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hall: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form from the inspection that I conducted on April 25, 2007. We feel that sufficient time has been extended to you for review of the alternatives for disposal of the residual solids generated at your facility. You have indicated that you would like to renew the land application permit. Please submit the appropriate permit application Form:.RSCA 02/02 and Form: RSCA 02/02 as soon as possible. If you should have questions regarding the renewal process please do not hesitate to contact me at (828) 296-4500 EXT 4685. Your assistance and that of Mr. Doug Bush and Mr. Tim Parlier was greatly appreciated during the inspection. Please see the Inspection Report (Inspection Summary page 2) for additional comments. Sincerely, u Beverly Price Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Mike Hosken Sealed Air Corporation P.O. Box 1747 Rockingham, NC 28379 LAPCU Files Attn: Ed Hardee eAPP<SrAshevi(le'File's� WV`` rrCarolina &t'Wly North Carolina Division of Water Quality —Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Phone (828) 296-4500 Aquifer Protection Section FAX (828) 299-7043 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled110%Post Consumer Paper Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WO0011532 Effective: 12/14/95 Expiration: 11/30/00 Owner: Seated Air Corporation SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L County: Caldwell PO Box 1747 Region: Asheville Rockingham NC 26379 Contact Person: M Mike Hosken Phone:910-997-2217 Directions to Facility: Take Hwy. 321 N from Lenoir. Turn right onto Roby Martin Rd. Facility Is located approximately 1 mile on the left. Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): On -site representative Bill Hall Phone: 828-758-5151 On -site representative Doug Bush Phone: 828-758-5151 Related Permits: Inspection Date: 04125/2007 Entry Time: 10:00 AM Exit Time: 10:45 AM Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Phone: 828-296-4500 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Other Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: Q Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: E Miscellaneous Questions (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: W00011532 Owner -Facility: Sealed Air Corporation Inspection Date: 0412512007 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: The purpose of the site visit was to determine the progress thus far for permit renewal. The land application permit expired 11130/2000. No land application activities have occurred since 1996. The cellulose (paper fiber) solids are currently stored in a residuals holding pond with no dicharge to surface waters. A permit application was submitted 11110/2005 by the permittee and an Additional Information Request followed from the Central Office. The permiltee responded (5/5/2006) to the Additional Information Request with a request for an extension to review options for residuals disposal. Page: 2 .3,°i.r h ps/ey — 687-7177 15.3 a— 'jli - ---r .So I l—S_ nC i --41 5 f -- A3- ���IIIp [��I�pp')p Michael F. Easley, Governor 1�-,�� COPY tl William G. Ross Jr., Secretary lily v II II North Carolina ueparunent of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality April 12, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL #7006 2150 0005 2458 8085 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Doug Bush Omni Supply/Sealed Air Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV-2007-PC-0250) FAILURE TO SUBMIT ANNUAL REPORT Permit No. WQ0011532 Omni Supply/Sealed Air Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: One of the requirements of your non -discharge permit is the submittal of an annual report to the Division of Water Quality by March 1st of each year. As of this date, our records indicate that the 2006 Annual Report has not been submitted for the subject facility. Failure to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of your permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000.00 per violation per day, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A. Please respond to this notice of violation within 15 calendar days of its receipt, either by submitting three copies of the annual report or a record indicating the report was submitted. Submit to: NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11&1Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality — Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 �11(!(({rB//f Aquifer Protection Section Phone (828) 2964500 FAX (828) 299-7043 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet htlpll An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Bush April 13, 2007 Page 2 Nothing in this letter should be taken as relieving you from the responsibility for failing to submit the annual report in a timely manner. A decision as to the appropriateness of an enforcement action will be made following the receipt of your response. ' If you have questions regarding this letter, please contact Beverly Price at (828) 296- 4500. Sincerely, \ G. Landon Davidson, L.G. Aquifer Protection Regional Supervisor Asheville Regional Office cc: Land Application Unit Files -Ed Hardee APS Central Files Asheville Regional Office APS Files OMNI SUPPLY, INC. Fax 828-757-4818 May 5, 2006 Mr. David Goodrich NCDENR -Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center eve, 1 I(jl�:`c A, R-O, Po BOX 99 PA7TERSON. N.C.28661 RECEIVED MAY 15 2006 Asheville Regional Office Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Re: (hnni Supply Company, Patterson, NC - Renewal of Perm t WQ0011532 Dear Mr. Goodneh: o c- Subject: T am writing in response to your letter of April 10, 2006. Omni Supply (Omni) is considering its options on handling the final disposal of cellulose solids from the manufacturing process at this plant. The facility was previously permitted to land apply these solids and is considering the option of reapplying for a land application permit or a disposal permit for the waste stream. Omni has contracted with Engineering and Environmental Services, PLLC (RES, PT,T,C) of Hickory, NC to assist in the evaluation and application preparation. Currently, wastewater with cellulose solids from the process is piped to two fiber traps (solids separation). The liquid from this process is piped to an aeration basin and ultimately to a polishing pond and on to the permitted otltfall. The solids collected in the fiber traps are manually moved to the Residuals Holding Pond for storage prior to removal. Linder the previous permit, this solids waste was disposed by land application. No solids have been removed for land application for approximately ten years and the aeration pond and polishing pond were cleaned of solids over the past few years. The solids removed from these ponds were placed in the Residuals Holding Pond for storage. The land application permit expired in 1999. Omni currently has approximately 80,000 cubic feet of solids stored in the Residuals Holding Pond, which has an estimated capacity of 120,000 cubic feet. The facility generates approximately 6,000 cubic feet of solids waste per year. Omni, with the assistance of TIES, PLLC has undertaken to evaluate the most effective method for handling the solids. The scenarios being considered arc land application, permitted disposal, and unpennitted disposal every two years. We are currently evaluating the feasibility and advantages of each of these methods. The parameters that will contribute to this decison wil I be the costs of each farm of management, the impact on the flexibility of our ability to properly dispose of the solids presently in the Residuals Holding -Pond over time, anal our ability to properly dispose of the solids being generated by the present operation of the facility. n�= WATER EFFLUENT FROM SEPARA SOLIDS LADEN WASTEWATER FROM PLANT FIBER TRAP � (SOLIDS SEPARATION) FIBER TRAP (SOLIDS SEPARATION) ESTiNL4TED INPLT 6,000 CUBIC FEET PERYEAR RESIDUALS HOLDING ESTIMATED CAPACITY - 120,000 CUBIC FEET ESTINLATED CONTENTS AS OF 3!4106-80,000 CUBIC FEET • • AERATION BASB- POLISHING WATER TO OUTFACE ENGLNEERLNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES,S PLLC POST OFFICE BOX 3009, HICKORY, NC 28603 PHj828)328-2991 FX(828)322-2268 OMNI SUPPLY COMPANY PA'I L'ERSONI NC DATE SCALE APPROV WASTEWATER PROCESS DIAGRAM 5/4/06 AS SHOWN I RTB REVISION 0 DRAWL`IGNLnIBER06-031-0001 OMNI SUPPLY, INC. PO BOX 99 PAT ERSON, N.C. 28661 Phone828-758-5151 Fez 828-7574818 We realize that one extension Ines been granted on this application, but since the staff who previously handled this project is no longer with Oirwi and we had not realized the extent of the scope of this undertaking, we request an extension on the deadline to afford us time to complete our evaluation of options and submit the appropriate application. In the meantime, we hope that the process flow explanation given above, combined with -the attached process diagram and analytical work perfonned on the waste for permitting in December of 2005 will provide adequate answers to the question of your letter of April 10, 2006. II'you have questions or comments, please contact me at (828)757-4814. Sincerely, j*VATER TECH LABORATORIES ING, / s 1 ft'eed Piaze Drive, P.O. BOX 1056 Granite Falls, NC 26630 (828) 396 4444 CHAIN OF CUSTODY ,IENT: Otnni Supply,Ino PHONE: (828) P.O. Box 98 TYPE SAMPLE: Wastewater Patterson, NC 28661 NO. LOCATIONS: 1 SAMPLER NAME: Douglas.1111LeeJr. SAMPLE COLLECTJON SAMPLE TYPE CONTAINF,RS :AMYLE LOCATION DATE TI <iC TTW GRAB / PLASTIC/ FACILITYNAH °C COMPOSITE NO. QLAS AN_A_LYSIS REQUIItED ai Supply a3.n LPi,e1STI BOD,TSS )06254 E$Iuent ]7 °S �OOD ��, ° =:ZR p� OSJTRR GLp SS ni Supply I GkAB _ PLASTIC T.N. & T. PO4 )06254 S8luent COMPOSITE LASS )0 Supply IGRAB CHRONIC TOITCITY )06254 Effluent ��� GLASS 3-� CONIPOSITE5 l u�l e C GRAB PLASTIC f COMPOSITE GLASS T 'GRAB PLASTICOM CPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS . GRAB PLASTIC COMPOS= GLASS ECED H DATE: TIlVIE: RECETV�rp,gy; — DATL: TLM n a3 oS 8t{S 9-z3-Q� 0�5 ,IQ L HY: . DATE: iA1E: RFC HX: DATE: TAB: y�L'iCVA11V1V: Cool 40C— . OD T , Conductivity, MBAS, Color, Alkalinity, Cr, VI, Turbidity ToX' Cool 40C—pH<2 tv/H2SO4-NM, NO2-NO3, TKN, Oil & Grease, TOC, COD, Fiar ess, Phenolics, T. Phosphorus Cool 4°C — pH<2 w/ IIN03- Metals except Cr, VI None -Chloride, pH, Fluoride Cool 4°C—Na2S203 — Coliform Bacteria, NH3 Cool VC — pH>12 w/ NaOH, 0.6gm. Ascorbic Acid.— Cyanide Cool 4°C—pH. >9 w/Na0I3; ZnOAc-Sulfide Per Analy7ing Lab — Organics: pie Temperature at Lab (" C) n a+` � . NALYT:iCAt LAboRuollifsr INC. AnOlytiCOIR(Ocess Con61JITr3110T1s procedure (TCLP)AnalY6isOfSamPle.ldentiGed"VolnniSnpply-1 - tWityCharacterlsticL6Hchate 22 September SU05 ylr'u h_L,eb9, Ins Pro' ect, collected Paper M111 r~ WacteSludec Characterirtic ' Quandhdob ."uhs /mlrt 0 Lcsa)ISOPlL) Td'A HW 1 juxubaPII,I . Nymbpr I11=1m(np7d 7060 1. TCLP MI?TAIS 0.010 DQi 0.126 5 � IOU 6010 6010 D-004 Ancnia D40D Dmium 0.040 BQL 1.00 5.00 6010 pD65 CBdmium U,0/0 BQL SAO 0 D-W Clvomium. 0.010 0.018 0,100 747 7740 D.006 Lced 0,0020 BQL LOU. 7740 D,009 Meret¢y 0.)00 BOL BOL 6010 D-030 Selennlm 0.010 D-011 SilJar , 824D 1CLP VOLATIZXS 0,050 BOL 0,500 MOD Jr. DDIP Retlzene 0.050 BQL IOU • D-019 rJrbon TcunuElariJc 0.050 DQL 6.00 9240 8240 D.021 CWumb.=Mv , O,IOD BQL BQL 8240 8240 8240 D022 Cblaroform D.028 1,2•DieWoroethepe 0.050 0.050 BQ1' • 0700 200 8240 Dp2g l,l-Dicblaroe:h5'lwp 0.500 BQL 0.7D0 D'4 D-D35 Methyl Myl Relent 0.050 BQL 0500 D.039 Teeecblom:tbyleae 0.050 DQL 0.2D0 U240 8240 D-040 TriehlDm-tbYlenc 0.050 DQL ' 1).043 Vlrb'l Chlaride 6270 ' TC1,p SBTtI-VOLATIL&5 20.0 DQL 1 00 20 8270 nL D -023 G-Creosol 20.0 BQL 2DO B270 D424 M- Cieaeol 20 . 0 BQL. 0 8270 . D-025 p-pwe01 20.0 BQL 7. 7.50 6270 • D-00 CR00al D-027 1,4-Dieblomll a clla 0.750 0.050 BQI• BQI' 0.130 0.130 8270 3770 DZ30 . 2.4-Dini T0Mlueae 0.050 BQI' OSOO 9170 IY032 Han4cblorobemuw p,050 BQL 7.00 9270 D-033 He bj,,b=dieae 0300 BQL 8270 , 1)-0 4 HexoahloroelbBn: OZ00 BQL 8270 D-036 Nilmbemm�e PenmcWoroPbrnol l0A DQL - BQL 5OU - 9240 i 8270 D-037 ' D-038 Pyadim o56D 40.0 J1QT' 4DO 2.00 6270 D-041 2.4,5.1tichbraph201 0300 BQL D442 ;4,6-TrieWaphcaBl 808D TCLP PPSTICMFSfJ4ETGICIDE5 • 0,OD3 DOL 0.030 10.0 B150 IV. D020 Chlotdmc LD00 BQL 0.020 8080 D-016 ;4-D O.OD2 BQL BQL ' 0.010 H08D Soso D412 Sndlin D-031 Iiepnahlor 0.0008 0.040 BQL 0.003 AD 10.0 , 6050 p-0l3 Lindme MerhoxYehlor 1.000 DQL BQL END' 8150 D-014 D415 Tm uphcne D.050 0.10D DQL 1.00 D-017 2,45-TP(Sih�) 9010 vy4cTr r1'Y 1.00 BQL 9030 v • D .003 Cyanid= 5.00 BQL D-003 Sulfide 9045 COBAOS'IVICV Std.l)nim 6.93 Vi. D.002 PH 1010 , IGNITABILIT71 WNT' Ara • D-0Ol 1primbllity , TCLp Dt1SCELLANSAOS vM Pala[filtct Tart ' 545003 Sample Number 09=05 ' Sample Data. .- Sample Time (hre) Solid ' 5ampir Mairb wryT^ W,il7:M1r i•-�..i[a � ^ per blB n^P�'P unnllGLl (79m) ,L._ �L�.�==dr_Limi= uanlliap (PPM) P ^Lr1bH AVAmrm NotCAv40ablc . mprL = miifitamor Tc:"- I PPL ^ Trea Ligaldc P,.serlt , AQUIFER PRviECTION REGIONAL S1�FF REPORTRLE COPY Date: Mav 1, 2006 County: Caldwell To: Aquifer Protection Central Office Permittee:Sealed Air Corp. Central Office Reviewer: David Goodrich Project Name:Omni Supply, Inc. Regional Login No: Application No.:W00011532.i L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ❑ New M Renewal M Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon M Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included ❑ 503 regulated M 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? M Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: 4/18/2206 b. Person contacted and contact information: Bill Hall, Director of Manufacturing (828) 758-5151 c. Site visit conducted by: Beverly Price d. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or M No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? ❑ Yes or M No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: a. Location: 2002 Roby Martin Road Patterson, NC 28661 b. Driving Directions: Take Hwy, 321 N from Lenoir. Turn riyht onto Roby Martin Road Facility is located approximately 1 mile on the left. c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Lenoir. NC D 12NE d. Latitude: 35' 59' 59" Longitude: 81' 33' 58" e. Regulated Activities / Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): Paper mill process wastewater. document for each site, or attach additional naves for each site) a. Location(s): b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number d. Latitude: Longitude: If NEWAND MAJOR MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (this section not needed for renewals or minor modifications, skip to next section) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities 1. Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: Facility is already classified - FORM: WQ0011532staffreport.doc :..�: AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 2. Are the new treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 3. Are the new site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 4. Does the application (maps, plans, etc.) represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 5. Is the proposed residuals management plan adequate and/or acceptable to the Division. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 6. Are the proposed application rates for new sites (hydraulic or nutrient) acceptable? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: 7. Are the new treatment facilities or any new disposal sites located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If yes, please attach a map showing areas of 100-year floodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigative measures/special conditions in Part IV: R. Are there any buffer conflicts (new treatment facilities or new disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 9. Is proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 10. For residuals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) III RENEWAL AND MODIFICATIONAPPLICATIONS (use previous section for new or maior modircatiou Systems) Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities N/A 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. No designated operators for Land Application. Operator in Charge: Certificate M Backup- Operator in Charge: _ Certificate M 2. Is the design, maintenance and operation (e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: FORM: W00011532staffreport.doc 2 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: NA 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? If yes, please explain:Please see Evaluation & Recommendations 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? ❑ Yes or ® No. If no, please explain: Please see Evaluation and Recommendations 6. Are the existing application rates (hydraulic or nutrient) still acceptable? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: NA 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. Indicate the review and compliance boundaries. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) 9. Are there any buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or ® No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 10. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? ❑ Yes or ® No. If no, please explain: The permit has been expired sincel 1/30/2000. The permittee does not have a copy of the permit. The expired permit is not on file in the Regional Office. 11. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ® N/A. If no, please explain: 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (GW, NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ® N/A. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: 13. Check all that apply: ❑ No compliance issues; ® Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under SOC; ❑ Currently under JOC; ❑ Currently under moratorium. If any items checked, please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (such as NOV, NOD etc): NOV issued 7/7/2005 for Failure to Submit Annual Report for 2004. 14. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, JOC, etc.) been complied with? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Determined ® N/A.. If no, please explain: 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No ❑ N/A. If yes, please explain: FORM: W00011532staffreport.doc 3 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT IV, INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) Description Of Well(S) And Facilities — New Renewal, And Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow (5A7) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ❑ In situ remediation (51) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5L/"Non-Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify: 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No What is/are the pollution source(s)? What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? lt. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? ft. 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ' ❑ Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ❑ Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater -monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Injection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Only: 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of any type), will continued/additional/modified injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 4. Drilling contractor: Name: FORM: W00011532staffreport.doc AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL S1AFF REPORT Address: Certification number: 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. FORM: WQ0011532staffreport.doc AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT V. EVALUATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: The land application permit expired 11/30/2000 The cover letter for the 1999 Land Application Certification Form indicated that Sealed Air would no longer have the need for land application It appears that land application activities have not taken place since 1996 The process wastewater flows to the fiber filter traps (2) When one filter trap fills, the second trap is then put in use The fiber is treated with a flocculent The effluent water then flows to the aeration pond and finally to the polishing pond before discharge to the Yadkin River. The dried fiber (contained in the fiber trap) is pumped to a residuals holding pond (abandoned aeration pond). The holding pond also contains material that was dredged from the polishing pond. It is recommended that the permit be renewed but modified as a Surface Disposal unit Issuance of permit is recommended once it can be determined what method will be used to dispose of the residuals when the pond requires cleanout Currently there is no fencing/signs around the holding pond however the main entrance road is gated. 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ® No. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason FORM: W00011532staffreport.doc AQUIFER PREfECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 7. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ® Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; ❑ Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report Signature of APS rE Date: OTI C, r !b(, ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: W00011532staffreport.doc Re: Sealed Air Permit Renewal Subject: Re: Sealed Air Permit Renewal From: David Goodrich <> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:38:05 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Bev, I got up with Kim this morning about this issue, and he told me that if they store the waste on -site for more than two (2) years, this would constitute a Surface Disposal and would require a permit. Less than this time would not require one. David Bev Price wrote: David, I did a site visit today at Sealed Air (WQ0011532). A question arose that hopefully you can address: If they choose to send all of their residuals to a landfill, do they need a permit to cover the time period (of storage) between disposal events at the landfill? I don't know how frequently this would take place but based on what they told me this morning it would not be very often, maybe once every few years. In other words, is this considered a Surface Disposal until it goes to the landfill? Thanks Bev Bev Price - North Carolina Dept, of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 and Natural Resources Protection Section 1 of 1 4/26/2006 4:40 PM OMNI SUPPLY, INC. PO BOX 99 PATTERSON, N.C. 28661 Phone 828-758-5151 Fax 828-757-4818 April 19, 2006 Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Dear Mr. Hardee, During the year 2005, the traps and ponds were cleaned out and the residuals are currently being held in the closed holding pond. Sincerel 71, Doug Bu� VP — COO Omni Supply Inc. Permit# WQ0011532 Sealed Air Corp. -A Sludge/L Caldwell County ANNU " LAND APPLICATION CERTIFIC s TION FORM Permit#: (,1J000IIS3L---inty: _ G�4�YJW�IL Year: Facility Name (as shown on permit*):� 5eolano A mL & 2. 09.a -n ovt a sa ipg cs^.on per Ill l Land application of residual solids as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ❑ Yes X No If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to the certification. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A: Z OoS L Total number of application fields in permit: Total number of fields land application occurred during the year: Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres land application occurred during the year: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Rater Quality. X Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the pemut. 3. Annual soils analysis were performed.on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached.'; 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6: The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in. Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13 (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements in 46 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contravention of.Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 10. Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. 11. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 12. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." con Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature of Preparers` (if different from Permittee) ` Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) Signature of Permittee Date Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee and Preparer) DENR FORM ACF (5/2003) v`i AT§ ()F 0 - Michael F. Easley, Governor CO Y William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department Environment Natural Resources r of and Q -( Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of water Quality RECEIVED April 10, 2006 Doug Bash APR 12 2006 Omni Supply Company P.O. Box 99 Asheville Regional Office✓ Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: Additional Information Request Sealed Air Corporation Renewal of Permit WQ0011532 Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: The Aquifer Protection Section has conducted a review of the subject permit application package. However, we are not able to proceed with processing the permit renewal until the following issue has been resolved. We have not received a response to our request of December 15, 2005. Please address the following items no later than May 10, 2006: I. The application forth submitted to renew the subject permit is outdated and has been replaced by Fonn RSCA 02/02 and Form NDRLAP 02/02. We are enclosing copies of these Forms herewith for your convenience. 2.' It is unclear to us what role the surface impoundment serves in the process of treating or storing the paper fibers. Please send us a brief narrative description of the process, as it is now being carried out, that includes what is placed into the impoundment and how long it resides there. We also need to know if the material is subsequently placed onto the permitted fields, or disposed of in some other fashion. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to my attention at the address below. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being retumed as incomplete. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 715-6162. You may also check the future status of this project online at ht42:// Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, 14_z" David Goodrich Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Cc: Beverly_Price;:Asheville'Regional Office -, Aquifer Prote_cti6n:SectionZt Pennit Application File WQ0011532 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-6048 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarolim ',Nairrrn!/� State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this forni, visit our web site at: http.// INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ' ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ For new residuals programs or renewed residuals programs, submit a separate attachment form for each residuals source -generating facility to be certified for this residuals program. ✓ For modified residuals programs in which any modification to the certified residuals -source generating facilities is proposed, submit a separate attachment form for only those residuals source -generating facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ✓ The attachment should be organized prior to submission in the following order (i.e., by facility): ♦ Attachment Order 2: Residuals Source Certification Attachment (Form RSCA). ➢ Attachment Order 2-a: Vicinity map. ➢ Attachment Order 2-b: Process flow diagram and/or narrative. ➢ Attachment Order 2-c: Quantitative justification for residuals production rate. ➢ Attachment Order 2-d: Sampling plan. ➢ Attachment Order 2-e: Laboratory analytical reports and operational data. ✓ All forms and guidance documents referred to in this attachment form may be downloaded from the web site at B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ✓ Attach a vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Vicinity/Buffer Maps for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ✓ Attach a detailed narrative and/or process flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ✓ Attach a quantitative justification for the value provided in Item 1. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. C. Residuals Quality Information: ✓ Attach a detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. ✓ Attach reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this attachment form Attach documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Renewed residuals programs and modified residuals programs are exempt from this requirement as long as the facility is (i) currently certified for this residuals program; (ii) no changes in the generation, treatment, processing, and/or storage are proposed; and (iii) a land application/distribution/disposal event has taken place in the last three years. This exemption will not be allowed unless all three of these criteria are met. ✓ Item II. 3. does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 1 of 8 Attachment Order 2 Applicants name: Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS PROGRAM ❑ RENEWED RESIDUALS PROGRAM ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for this residuals source - generating facility certified for this residuals program Current: and proposed: dry tons per year. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE this residuals source -generating facility to/from those certified for this residuals program. ❑ OTHER Explain:, I. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. I 7 RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): Name of facility: Facility permit holder: Facility permit holder is (check one): ❑ federal, ❑ state, ❑ local government, or ❑ private. Facility permit number: Facility permit issued by (check one): ❑ Div. of Water Quality, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ other (explain: 1. If the facility permit is not issued by the Div. of Water Quality, complete the following: a. Facility contact person and title: Facility complete mailing address: City: Telephone number: E-mail address: b. Facility complete location address: City: County: Latitude: State: Zip: Facsimile number: ( _ ) _ State: and longitude: Zip: Purpose of the facility (check one): ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: Is the facility required to have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ yes ❑ no. If yes, please specify whether or not such a pretreatment has been approved: ❑ yes Facility permitted/design flow: MGD and facility average daily flow: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified for this facility: dry tons per year. ❑ no. MGD. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 2 of 8 Attachment Order 2 8. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): II. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under (check one): ❑ 40 CFR Part503 or ❑ 40 CFR Part257. 2. Specify if residuals are intended for (check one): ❑ Land Application/Distribution (Class A or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items 11. 4b., 4c., 7b., and 7c. ❑ Land Application (Class B or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items II.4a., 4c., 7a., and 7c. ❑ Surface Disposal. Complete all items EXCEPT Items II.4a., 4b., 5., 7a., 7b., and 8. 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are I non- hazardous under RCRA: e a. Are the residuals are listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes ❑ no. i If yes, list the number(s): i b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- §261.24: ❑ yes ❑ no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity 1 characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: laboratory: and date of analysis: Passed corrosivity test: ❑ yes ❑ no. pH: s.u. (2 <pH < 12.5). Passed ignitability test: ❑ yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: °F (> 1400F). Passed reactivity test: ❑ yes ❑ no. HCN: mg/kg (<250) & H2S: mg/kg (<500). TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg/L) TCLP Parameter Limit. (mg/L) Result (mg/L) Arsenic 5.0 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 Barium 100.0 Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 Benzene 0.5 Hexachloroethane 3.0 Cadmium 1.0 Lead 5.0 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 Lindane 0.4 Chlordane 0.03 Mercury 0.2 Chlorobenzene 100.0 Methoxychlor 10.0 *** TABLE CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE *** FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 3 of 8 Attachment Order 2 *** TABLE CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE *** TCLP Parameter Limit (n:g/L) Result (mg/L) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg/L) Chloroform 6.0' Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 Chromium 5.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 m-Cresol 200.0 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 o-Cresol 200.0 Pyridine 5.0 p-Cresol 200.0 Selenium 1.0 Cresol 200.0 Silver 5.0 214-D 10.0 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 Toxaphene 0.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 Trichloroethylene 0.5 1, 1 -D ichloroethylene 0.7 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 Endrin 0.02 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 Heptachlor and its;Hydroxide 0.008 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 40 CFR Part 503 or 40 CFR Part 257: a. For Class A or Equivalent. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Analysis Required for Permitting by NC if Residuals are Regulated Under... Parameter Ceiling Concentration (mg1kt) Monthly Average Concentration (nmg1kg) Result (1ng1kg) 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Arsenic 75 41 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Cadmium 85 39 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Copper 4,300 1,500 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Lead 840 300 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Mercury 57 17 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Molybdenum 75 n/a 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Nickel 420 420 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Selenium 100 100 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Zinc 7,500 2,800. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 4 of 8 Attachment Order 2 b. For Class B or Equivalent: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Analysis Required for Permitting by NC if Residuals are Regulated Under... Parameter Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Arsenic 75 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Cadmium 85 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Copper 4,300 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Lead 840 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Mercury 57 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Molybdenum 75 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Nickel 420 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Selenium 100 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Zinc 7,500. c. For Surface Disposal: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Analysis Required for Permitting by NC if Residuals are Regulated Under... Closest Distance to Property Lines (meters) Arsenic (mg/kg) Chromium (mg/kg) Nickel (mg/kg) 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 > 0 but < 25 30 200 210 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 25 but < 50 34 220 240 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 50 but < 75 39 260 270 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 75 but < 100 46 300 320 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 100 but < 125 53 360 390 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 125 but < 150 62 450 420 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 150 73 600 420 FORM: RSCA 02102 Page 5 of 8 Attachment Order 2 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Result (mg/kg) Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Calcium Magnesium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen pH Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen c. Using the results listed in Item II. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: %. This rate is a ❑ default value or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and list the results in the following table: Application Method First Year Five -Year PAN Maximum Adjusted PAN (rng/kg) (mg/kg) Surface Injection/Incorporation e. Are the residuals are a registered fertilizer with the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: ❑ yes ❑ no. If yes, provide date of registration approval: the current registration number: and the fertilizer equivalent: %, %, and %. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 6 of 8 Attachment Order 2 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and list the results of the latest analyses : 7. Pathogen Reduction Determination: Specify which altemative(s) will be used to meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For Class A or Earrivalear: ❑ A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than 1,600 MPN per gram of total dry solids. OR ❑ A salmonella sp. density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 gmms of total dry solids. AND one of the following (except for residuals regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 that are to be distributed): ❑ Alternative 1 (40 CFR §503.32 (a)(3)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(4)] - Alkaline Treatment. ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(5)] - Prior Testing for Enteric Virus/Viable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(6)] - No Prior Testing for Enteric VimsfViable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(7)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, ❑ pasteurization,' ❑ thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, or ❑ gamma ray irradiation. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(8)] - PFRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: b. For Class B or Equivalent: I ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(2)] - Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. i ❑ Alternative 2 (40 CFR §503.32 (b)(3)] - Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, ❑ composting, or ❑ lime stabilization. ❑ Alternative 3 (40 CFR §503.32 (b)(4)] - PSRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: ❑ Not Applicable -Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. c. For Surface Disposal: ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item Il. 7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II. 7b. above. ❑ Not Applicable - Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 7 of 8 Attachment Order 2 8. Vector Attraction Reduction Determination: Specify which altemative(s) will be used to meet the vector attraction reduction requirements: ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Altemative 3 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(4)] - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. ❑ Alternative 7 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 8 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 9 (40 CFR §503.33 (b)(9)] - Injection. ❑ Alternative 10 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Alternatives for Animal Processing Residuals Only: Specify one: ❑ injection, ❑ incorporation, or ❑ lime addition to raise pH to 10. ❑ Not Applicable - Non -Animal Processing Residuals Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. ^ *** END OF FORM RSCA 02/02 *** FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 8 of 8 Attachment Order 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 (NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this application form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information orfor an electronic version ofthisform, visit our tveb site at: http:/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Application Form: ✓ This application form must be submitted for any permitting action involving a non -dedicated residuals land application program. ✓ Non -dedicated residuals land application programs are ones in which all land application sites do not meet the criteria in 15A NCAC 2H .0203 (11)(a) and (b). Specifically, a residuals land application program cannot be designated as non -dedicated if any of the following is applicable: ♦ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomically justifiable. ♦ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that is used primarily for residuals disposal alone (i.e., versus crop production). ♦ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that is designated as dedicated by the Division's Director. ✓ Any changes to this application form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ All forms and guidance documents referred to in this application form may be downloaded from the web site at B. General Information: ✓ The applicant is either the existing Permittee or the entity that is to be responsible for the operation of the residuals land application program and compliance with the resultant permit. If the applicant is a corporation, ensure that that applicant's name as listed in Item 1. 1. corresponds with the name under which the corporation is registered with the NC Department of the Secretary of State. ✓ The signing official must meet the criteria stipulated in 15A NCAC 2H .0206 (b). An alternate person may be designated as the signing official, provided that a delegation letter from a person who meets the referenced criteria is submitted. The delegation letter does not have to be resubmitted if the signing official has not changed since the last permitting action associated with this residuals land application program. ✓ The submitted fee should be in accordance with the Division's most recently -adopted fee schedule. This fee schedule as well as a detailed explanation of its application may be downloaded from the web site at: Checks are to be made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). C. Submission of Application Packages: ✓ Submit one original and three copies of the entire application package, including the cover letter, the completed and appropriately executed application form, as well as all required attachment forms and supplemental attachments. The instructions (Pages 1 of 5) do not need to be subm tted. ✓ To determine which attachment forms and supplemental attachments are required to make a complete application package, read the instructions of each attachment form carefully. Application packages should be organized and bound (i.e., stapled, three-ring binder, etc.) in the following order prior to submission: ♦ Cover letter and application fee. ♦ Attachment Order 1: Non -Dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs (Form NDRLAP). ➢ Attachment Order 1-a: Signing official delegation letter. ♦ Attachment Order 2: Residuals Source Certification Attachment (Form RSCA). ♦ Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (Form LASCA). ✓ The application package should be sent to the address at the end of this application form. Do not submit this application package to any Division regional office. FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Pagel of 5 Attachment Order 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: I. GENERAL INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Applicant's name: 2. Signing official's name and title: 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: (to be completed by DWQ) City: State: Zip: Telephone number: (_) Facsimile number: ( ) E-mail address: 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and/or consulting firm who prepared application: City: State: Zip: Telephone number: (_) Facsimile number: ( _ c ...-;I ...i.i.e 5. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: G. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: 7. County(ies) where land application sites are located: 8. Fee submitted: S II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for: ❑ new, ❑ modified, ❑ renewed permit (check all that apply). 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: the pemrit number the most recent issuance date and the expiration date Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 2 of 5 Attachment Order I 3. Check all that apply to the requested permit modification: ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the, maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for existing residuals source -generating facility(ies) certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE residuals source -generating facility(ies) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with land applications site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program ❑ OTHER. Explain: III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the residuals land application program: ❑ Pemiittee or ❑ residuals management firm If a residuals management firm, complete the following: Firm contact person and title: Firm name and complete mailing address: City: Telephone number: (_ ) E-mail address: 2. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: State: Zip: Facsimile number: ( _ Designation Name Affiliation Certification -Number ORC Back -Up ORC Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 3 of 5 Attachment Order I 3. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrozen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year Five -Year Maximum Adjusted b. Land Application Site Use Sniwpnary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation Row Crops Hay Pasture Total: Methods Surface Incorporation or Injection Total: Restrictions Year -Round Seasonal Total: c. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Acres Required Using Acres Required Using Application Rate First -Year PAN Concentrations Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN abs PANIac yt) Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Surface Incorporation or Injection Injection 70 150 250 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 4 of 5 Attachment Order 1 4. Identify and provide a plan as well as a schedule to resolve any issues that would prevent all of the residuals currently certified and proposed for certification to be land applied without exceeding agronomic rates or violating any of North Carolina's standard pennit conditions governing residuals land application programs (e.g., not enough storage, not enough land, etc.): Applicant's Certification: I, attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and• is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Quality may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any Hiles or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in' an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application areanot completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A and §143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 By Courier/Special Delivery: 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET, SUITE 1219 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 *** END OF FORM NDRLAP 02/02 *** FORM: NDRLAP 02102 Page 5 of 5 Attachment Order 1 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Fnvirorunent and Natural Resources July 7, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL # 7002 2410 0003 0273 9398 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mike Hosken Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1747 Rockingham, NC 28379 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV-2005-PC-0154) FAILURE TO SUBMIT ANNUAL REPORT Permit No. WQ0011532 Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L Caldwell County' - Dear Mr. Hosken: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality M3 t—1 u"u O C_ C3/ _z T 7 r =, s -- T ti�xj C� ciz G�� rr One of the requirements of your non -discharge permit is the submittal of an annual report to the Division of Water Quality by March 1st of each year. As of this date, our records indicate that the 2004 annual report has not been submitted for the subject facility. Failure to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of your permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000.00 per violation per day, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A. Please respond to this notice of violation within 15 calendar days of its receipt, either by submitting three copies of the annual report or records, indicating the report was submitted. Submit to: Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Nothing in this letter should be taken as relieving from you the responsibility for failing to submit the annual report in a timely manner. A decision as to the appropriateness of an enforcement action will be made following the receipt of your response. o` hCarolina akrra//y Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50%Recyded/10% Post Consumer Paper If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ed Hardee of our Central Office staff at (919) 715-6189. Sincerely Kim H. Colson, P.E., Supervisor Land Application Unit KHC:eh cc: Asheville-Regional-Offce_AP_SD APS Central Files Land Application Unit Michael F. Ewley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director "Division of Water Quality,_---.— . December 15, 2005 i DEC 2 2 2005 Doug Bush Omni Supply Company P.O. Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 { Subject: Additional Information Request Sealed Air Corporation Renewal of Permit W00011532 Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Chatham County Dear Mr. Bush: The Aquifer Protection Section has conducted a review of the subject permit application package. However, we are not able to proceed with processing the permit renewal until the following issue has been resolved. Please address the following items no later than January 15, 2006: The application form submitted to renew the subject permit is outdated and has been replaced by Form RSCA 02/02 and Form NDRLAP 02/02. We are enclosing copies of these forms herewith for your convenience. 2. It is unclear to us what role the surface impoundment serves in the process of treating or storing the paper Fibers. Please send us a brief narrative description of the process, as it is now being carried out, that includes what is placed into the impoundment and how long it resides there. We also need to know if the material is subsequently placed onto the permitted fields, or disposed of in some other fashion. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. Three copies of all revised and/or additional documentation should be signed, sealed, dated, and submitted to my attention at the address below. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 715-6162. You may also check the future status of this project online at Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David Goodrich Non -Discharge Permitting Unit P ication File W00011532 N.N,hCarolir �vaturn!/y Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-6048 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmalive Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http:/// INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ For new residuals programs or renewed residuals programs, submit a separate attachment form for each residuals source -generating facility to be certified for this residuals program. ✓ For modified residuals programs in which any modification to the certified residuals -source generating facilities is proposed, submit a separate attachment form for only those residuals source -generating facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ✓ The attachment should be organized prior to submission in the following order (i.e., by facility): ♦ Attachment Order 2: Residuals Source Certification Attachment (Form RSCA). ➢ Attachment Order 2-a: Vicinity map. ➢ Attachment Order 2-b: Process flow diagram and/or narrative. ➢ Attachment Order 2-c: Quantitative justification for residuals production rate. ➢ Attachment Order 2-d: Sampling plan. ➢ Attachment Order 2-e: Laboratory analytical reports and operational data. ✓ All forms and guidance documents referred to in this attachment form may be downloaded from the web site at B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ✓ Attach a vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Vicinity/13uffer Maps for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ✓ Attach a detailed narrative and/or process flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ✓ Attach a quantitative justification for the value provided in Item I. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. C. Residuals Quality Information: ✓ Attach a detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. ✓ Attach reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this attachment form. Attach documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Renewed residuals programs and modified residuals programs are exempt from this requirement as long as the facility is (i) currently certified for this residuals program; (ii) no changes in the generation, treatment, processing, and/or storage are proposed; and (iii) a land application/distribution/disposal event has taken place in the last three years. This exemption will not be allowed unless all three of these criteria are met. ✓ Item II. 3. does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 1 of 8 Attachment Order 2 Applicant's name: _ Check all that apply: ❑ INCREASE 3. ❑ NEW RESIDUALS PROGRAM ❑ RENEWED RESIDUALS PROGRAM ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for this residuals source - generating facility certified for this residuals program. Current: and proposed: dry tons per year. ❑ DELETE this residuals source -generating facility to/from those certified for this residuals program ❑ OTHER Explain: RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): _rr__:r.... Facility permit holder: Facility permit holder is (check one): ❑ federal, ❑ state, ❑ local government, or ❑ private. Facility permit number: Facility permit issued by (check one): ❑ Div. of Water Quality, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ other (explain: If the facility permit is not issued by the Div. of Water Quality, complete the following: a. Facility contact person and title: Facility complete mailing address: 0 city Telephone number: E-mail address: Facility complete location address: ( itv County: Latitude: _ State: Zip: Facsimile number: (_ ) _ State: and longitude: Zip: 4. Purpose of the facility (check one): ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: 5. Is the facility required to have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ yes ❑ no. If yes, please specify whether or not such a pretreatment has been approved: ❑ yes 6. Facility permitted/design flow: MGD and facility average daily flow: 7. Maximum amount of residuals to be certified for this facility: dry tons per year. I ❑ no. MGD. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 2 of 8 Attachment Order 2 3 Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): II. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under (check one): ❑ 40 CFR Part503 or ❑ 40 CFR Part257. 2. Specify if residuals are intended for (check one): ❑ Land Application/Distribution (Class A or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items II. 4b., 4c., 7b., and 7c. ❑ Land Application (Class B or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items H. 4a., 4c., 7a., and 7c. ❑ Surface Disposal. Complete all items EXCEPT Items II.4a., 4b., 5., 7a., 7b., and 8. 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are, non- hazardous under RCRA: a. Are the residuals are listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes ❑ no. If yes, list the number(s): b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- §261.24: ❑ yes ❑ no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis ,as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: laboratory: and date of analysis: Passed corrosivity test: ❑ yes ❑ no. pH: s.u. (2 <pH < 12.5). Passed ignitability test: ❑ yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: °F (> 140°F). Passed reactivity test: ❑ yes ❑ no. HCN: mg/kg (<250) & HZS: mg/kg (<500). TCLP Parameter Limit (Mg/L) Result (mg/L) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg/L) Arsenic 5.0 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 Barium 100.0 Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 Benzene 0.5 Hexachloroethane 3.0 Cadmium 1.0 Lead 5.0 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 Lindane 0.4 Chlordane 0.03 Mercury 0.2 Chlorobenzene 100.0 Methoxychlor 10.0 *** TABLE CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE *** FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 3 of 8 Attachment Order 2 *** TABLE CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE *** TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg ) TCLP Parameter Li) Result Chloroform 6.0 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 Chromium 5.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 m-Cresol 200.0 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 o-Cresol 200.0 Pyridine 5.0 p-Cresol 200.0 Selenium 1.0 Cresol 200.0 Silver 5.0 2,4-D 10.0 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 Toxaphene 0.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 Trichloroethylene 0.5 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene 0.7 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 Endrin 0.02 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 40 CFR Part 503 or 40 CFR Part 257: a. For Class A or Equivalent. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Analysis Required for Permitting by NC if Residuals are Regulated Under... Parameter Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Monthly Average Concentration (mg/kg) Result (ing/kg) 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Arsenic 75 41 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Cadmium 85 39 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Copper 4,300 1,500 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Lead 840 300 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Mercury 57 17 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Molybdenum 75 n/a 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Nickel 420 420 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Selenium 100 100 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Zinc 7,500 2,800 FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 4 of 8 Attachment Order 2 b. For Class B or Eaaivalent: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Analysis Required for Permitting by NC if Residuals are Regulated Under... Parameter Ceiling Concentration (mglkg) Result (mg/kg) 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Arsenic 75 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Cadmium 85 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Copper 4,300 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Lead 840 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Mercury 57 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Molybdenum 75 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Nickel 420 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Selenium 100 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 Zinc 7,500 c. For Surface Disposal: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Analysis Required for Permitting by NC if Residuals are Regulated Under... Closest Distance to Property Lines (iheters) Arsenic (ptg/kg) Chromium (mg1W Nickel (mg/kg) 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 > 0 but < 25 30 200 210 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 25 but < 50 34 220 240 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 50 but < 75 39 260 270 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 75 but < 100 46 300 320 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 100 but < 125 53 360 390 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 125 but < 150 62 450 420 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503 >_ 150 73 600 420 FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 5 of 8 AttachmentOrder 2 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: laboratory: and date of analysis: Parameter Result (mg1kg) Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Calcium Magnesium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen PH Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen c. Using the results listed in Item II. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: %. This rate is a ❑ default value or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and list the results in the following table: Application Method First Year Five -Year PAN Maximum Adjusted PAN (mg/kg) (ing/kg) Surface Injection/Incorporation e. Are the residuals are a registered fertilizer with the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: ❑ yes ❑ no. If yes, provide date of registration approval: the current registration number: and the fertilizer equivalent: %, %, and %. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 6 of 8 . Attachment Order 2 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and list the results of the latest analyses : 7. Pathogen Reduction Determination: Specify which altemative(s) will be used to meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For Class A or Equivalent: ❑ A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than 1,000 MPN per gram of total dry solids. OR ❑ A salmonella sp. density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total dry solids. AND one of the following (except for residuals regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 that are to be distributed): ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(3)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(4)] - Alkaline Treatment. ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(5)] - Prior Testing for Enteric VirusNiable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(6)] - No Prior Testing for Enteric VimsNiable Helnunth Ova. ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(7)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, ❑ pasteurization, ❑ thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, or ❑ gamma ray irradiation. ❑ Alternative 6 (40 CFR §503.32 (a)(8)] - PFRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: b. For Class B or Equivalent: i ❑ Alternative 1 (40 CFR §503.32 (b)(2)] - Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(3)] - Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, ❑ composting, or ❑ lime stabilization. ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(4)] - PSRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: ❑ Not Applicable - Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. c. For Surface Disposal: ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item I1.7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II.7b. above. ❑ Not Applicable - Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 7 of 8 Attachment Order 2 - 8. Vector Attraction Reduction Determination: Specify which altemative(s) will be used to meet the vector attraction reduction requirements: ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(4)] -Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. ❑ Alternative 7 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 8 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 9 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(9)] - Injection. ❑ Alternative 10 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Alternatives for Animal Processing Residuals Only: Specify one: ❑ injection, ❑ incorporation, or ❑ lime addition to raise pH to 10. ❑ Not Applicable - Non -Animal Processing Residuals Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. . *** END OF FORM RSCA 02/02 *** FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 8 of 8 Attachment Order 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 (NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this application form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional, application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this fornt, visit our web site at: INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Application Form: ✓ This application form must be submitted for any permitting action involving a non -dedicated residuals land application program. ✓ Non -dedicated residuals land application programs are ones in which all land application sites do not meet the criteria in 15A NCAC 2H .0203 (11)(a) and (b). Specifically, a residuals land application program cannot be designated as non -dedicated if any of the following is applicable: ♦ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomically justifiable. ♦ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that is used primarily for residuals disposal alone (i.e., versus crop production). ♦ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that is designated as, dedicated by the Division's Director. ✓ Any changes to this application form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ All forms and guidance documents referred to in this application form may be downloaded from the web site at B. General Information: ✓ The applicant is either the existing Permittee or the entity that is to be responsible for the operation of the residuals land application program and compliance with the resultant permit. If the applicant is a corporation, ensure that that applicant's name as listed in Item I. 1. corresponds with the name under which the corporation is registered with the NC Department of the Secretary of State. ✓ The signing official must meet the criteria stipulated in 15A NCAC 2H .0206 (b). An alternate person may be designated as the signing official, provided that a delegation letter from a person who meets the referenced criteria is submitted. The delegation letter does not have to be resubmitted if the signing official has not changed since the last permitting action associated with this residuals land application program. ✓ The submitted fee should be in accordance with the Division's most recently -adopted fee schedule. This fee schedule as well as a detailed explanation of its application may be downloaded from the web site at: Checks are to be made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). C. Submission of Application Packages: ✓ Submit one original and three copies of the entire application package, including the cover letter, the completed and appropriately executed application form, as well as all required attachment forms and supplemental attachments. The instructions (Pages 1 of 5) do not need to be submitted. ✓ To determine which attachment forms and supplemental attachments are required to make a complete application package, read the instructions of each attachment form carefully. Application packages should be organized and bound (i.e., stapled, three-ring binder, etc.) in the following order prior to submission: ♦ Cover letter and application fee. ♦ Attachment Order 1: Non -Dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs (Form NDRLAP). ➢ Attachment Order 1-a: Signing official delegation letter. ♦ Attachment Order 2: Residuals Source Certification Attachment (Form RSCA). ♦ Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (Form LASCA). ✓ The application package should be sent to the address at the end of this application form. Do not submit this application package to any Division regional office. FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 1 of 5 Attachment Order 1 I. 1. 2. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: GENERAL INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): Applicant's name: Signing official's name and title: 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: (to be completed by DWQ) City: State: Zip: Telephone number: (_) Facsimile number: (_ ) 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and/or consulting firm who prepared application: riw- Telephone number: (_ ) E-mail address: State: Zip: Facsimile number: ( _ 5. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: 6. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: 7. County(ies) where land application sites are located: 8. Fee submitted: $ II. 1 2. PERMIT INFORMATION: Application is for: ❑ new, ❑ modified, ❑ renewed permit (check all that apply). If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: the permit number the most recent issuance date and the expiration date Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 2 of 5 Attachment Order 1 3. Check all that apply to the requested permit modification: ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for existing residuals source -generating facility(ies) certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE residuals source -generating facility(ies) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with land applications site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER. Explain: III. 1. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: Who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the residuals land application program: ❑ Pemvttee or ❑ residuals management firm. If a residuals management firm, complete the following: Firm contact person and title: Firm name and complete mailing address: City: State: Zip: Telephone number: (_) Facsimile number: ( ) E-mail address: 2. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Back -Up ORC Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 3 of 5 Attachment Order I 3. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year Five -Year Maximum Adjusted b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation Row Crops Hay Pasture Total: Methods Surface Incorporation or Injection Total: Restrictions Year -Round Seasonal Total: c. Residuals Land Application Sununary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Acres Required Using Acres Required Using Application Rate First -Year PAN Concentrations Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN qbs PAN/ac yr) Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Surface Incorporation or Injection Injection 70 150 250 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 4 of 5 Attachment Order 1 4. Identify and provide a plan as well as a schedule to resolve any issues that would prevent all of the residuals currently certified and proposed for certification to be land applied without exceeding agronomic rates or violating any of North Carolina's standard permit conditions governing residuals land application programs (e.g., not enough storage, not enough land, etc.): Applicant's Certification: attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Quality may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A and §143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 By Courier/Special Deliverv: 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET, SUITE 1219 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 *** END OF FORM NDRLAP 02/02 *** FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 5 of 5 Attachment Order 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION Date: December 1, 2005 To: ® Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS ri L L DEC ` 5 20C q -_--- (, ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Permitting and Compliance Unit Telephone: (919)715-6162 Fax: (919)715-0588 E-Mail: david.goodrichna, A. Permit Number: W00011532 B. Owner: Sealed Air Corporation C. Facility/Operation: Sealed Air Corporation -Land Application of Fine Paper Fibers ❑ Proposed ® Existing ® Facility ® Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) - ❑ UIC - (5QW) closed loop water only geothermal For Residuals: ® Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ® 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ® Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Statutory Date: 2/08/2006 Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed Form APSARR. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: / JG/w1 Rrt,�c.i� Date: /.2 - S -OS FORM: APSARR 09/04 Page 1 of 1 Central Files: APS_ SwP_ 12/01/05 Permit Number WQ0011532 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Non -discharge In review Minor modification Permit Type Version Permit Classification Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) A Individual Primary Reviewer david.goodrich Permitted Flow Facility Name Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L Location Address PO Box 1747 Rockingham Owner Name Sealed Air Corporation NC 28379 Permit Contact Affiliation Doug Bush PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Major/Minor Region Minor Asheville County Caldwell Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non -Government Owner Affiliation M Hosken PO Box 1747 Rockingham NC 28379 Scheduled Ong Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 12/14/95 11 /10/05 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events Domestic, other RO staff report received RO staff report requested Additional information requested Additional information received Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality December 1, 2005 Doug Bush Omni Supply, Inc. PO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0011532 Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on November 10, 2005. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by David Goodrich. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. To check on the status of your application, you can visit If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich at 919-715-6162, or via e-mail at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to orochart.Dddf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincere' �1 /r• W for Kim Ison, P.E. Supervisor cc: Ashevillee Re ionaL Office, Water Quality'Sectioo Permit Application File WQ0011532 Now onhCarolina rNatima!!y Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: h1tp:// 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0558 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper State 'of North Caroli 1� [ Department of Environment, Health anu i4atural Reso �'� eso Division of Environmental Management _ O7 Non -Discharge Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS, This application is intended for facilities which are to be regulated under 40 C �Pa This application shall be completed for residuals that are placed on an area of land for final 'lis monofills, surface impoundments, lagoons, piles or mounds. Reclamation shall be ad ressed in the Lang Application of Residuals application form. An activity is not considered Surface Diseeosal i� residual; ar placed on the land for l years or less for the purpose or sd3rirag�EOiOEI'h OWQ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION I. GENEItAL INFORMATION: NOV 1 O 2005 I. Applicant's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): Qmn% 5uPPL.J. 11\(" 2, Print Owners or Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliant I�C)Cr Str k)w 0£E3to6n—r 3. Mailing address: �1 t7 �oX 11 CA City: 1'A TtC��c7�� State: N)L Zip: 2 f G (o1 Telephone Number: (_ S? L8 ) `) 5 $ t 4. Application Date: — Li 5. Fee Submitted: S 2 �>� • [The permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .0205(cd5). 6. Specify whether these residuals will be placed in: monofill, _X_ surface impoundment or lagoon, piles or mounds, Other. If Other, please explain: 7. Counry(ies) were surface disposal unit(s) are located: r A L0 W e 1-� II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application No. (will be completed by DEM): 2. Specify whether project is: new; —renewal*; V modification `For renewals, complete all sections included in the application. 3. If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing -en number W BOO II S3Z. and its issue date Ict r) FORM: SDRS 06194 Page 1 of 9 FACILITY L4FORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): IV 1. Name of facility where residuals are generated or prepared: 2. Facility permit number: W Q DO 11 S 3'2_ ' ; Facility permit holder: 5 3. Specify whether facility in III.1 is owned by: federal; —)(—private; —state; _ local government, 4. Specify facility design flow: U 5"0 mgd; Facility average daily flow: 2-2-5- mgd; Type of residual storage: Volume of residual storage: Length of residuals storage at facility: G 1-0 U days (the Division requires a minimum 30 days storage in units tha are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.); Estimated volume of residuals: 1 1 7 (dry tons/yr.); 5. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): C i-1~6v O S hw FOB 6. Facility contact's telephone number: I 7. Location of treatment facility: Pr91 (tiQSO1'�\ State; N C— Cta%OW 9A- County 8. Mailing address: PO 13aX t CL`( J-*,n-n-easzDn rnL Zg6()� 9. Latitude: Longitude; 10. Specify the source of the residuals: treatment of domestic wastewater; i� treatment of industrial wastewate _ other (explain): Please attach an explanation of either the treatment process, manufacturing process, or how the waste is generated. Provi- full and complete details of the entire process. 11. Does the facility which generates the residuals have an approved pretreatment program? 2—L Yes; No. This includes facilities which are classified as a "Class I" facility (any publicly owned treatment works required, under CFR 403.8, to have an approved pretreatment program or any facility treating domestic sewage that is classified as "Cla I" by the appropriate federal or State authority) RESIDUALS INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Information for Hazardous Waste (RCRA) Determination. The information requested on the limitations specified belt pertain only to those residuals that are'generated from a municipal wastewater treatment facility with industrial contributi or active pretreatment program and from any other treatment facility with wastewater sources that include industrial soure a. Are any of the residuals covered by this application listed in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33? _ Yes; )_ No. If Yes list the number(s): b. Do the residuals exhibit any of the four characteristics defined by 40 CFR 261.21-261.24? _ Yes; >L_ 1 Attach laboratory results for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses, Reactivity, Ignitability, Corrosivity for each residual. FORM: SDRS 06/94 Page 2 of 9 Note: If the following ( ituem levels (as determined by the Toxicfq xacteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses) arc exceeded in the residuals or if the pH of the residual is not within the range listed below, the residual is b) definition a Hazardous waste. Chemical analyses must be made to Minimum Detection Levels. PPM P- PT' Arsenic 5.0 Barium 100.0 Benzene 0.5 Cadmium 1.0 Carbon tetrachloride 0.5 Chlordane 0.03 Cblorobenzene 100.0 Chloroform 6.0 Chromium 5.0 o-Cresol 200.0 m-Cresol 200.0 p-Cresol 200.0 Cresol 200.0 2,445 10.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 1,1-Dichloroetbylene 0.7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 Endrin 0.02 Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) 0.008 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.5 Hexachloroethane 3.0 Lead 5.0 Lindane 0.4 Mercury 0.2 Methoxychlor 10.0 Methyl ethyl ketone 200.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 Pyridine 5.0 Selenium 1.0 Silver 5.0 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 Toxaphene 0.5 Trichloroethylene 0.5 2,4,5-Tricblorophenol 400.0 2,4,6-Trichloropbenol 2.0 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.2 pH (2:1 vol./wt.): >2.0 s.u. - <12.5 s.0 NOTE: IF ANY OF THE RESIDUALS MEET THE DEFINITIONS OF A HAZARDOUS WASTI AS NOTED IN EITHER "A" OR "B" ABOVE, A PERMIT CANNOT BE ISSUED FO THAT RESIDUAL' AND IT SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THI APPLICATION. . 2. For each residual, please attach a chemical analysis of the material that includes at a minimum the following: Arsenic Chromium Nickel 3. The pollutant ceiling concentration for Arsenic, Chromium and Nickel will be determined in accordance with 40 CFR P 503. In the table below, please state the acvml distance from the active sewage sludge unit boundary to the property line the surface disposal site in meters (1 meter = 3.281 feet) and the pollutant concentrations for Arsenic, Chromium a: Nickel in the table below (attach lab analysis): Active Sewage Sludge Unit boundary to property line Pollutant Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Wei bt Basis Distance (meters) Arsenic Chromium Nickel > 0 but < 25 :0 200 210 >= 25 but < 50 =4 220 240 >= 50 but < 75 =9 260 270 >= 75 but < 100 46 300 320 >= 100 but < 125 53 360 390 >= 125 but < 15 662 450 420 >= 150 73 600 420 FORM: SDRS 06/94. Page 3 of 9 V . PATHOGEN AND VECTORATTRACTION REDUCTION INFORMATION .(attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. For a residual to be disposed in a Surface Disposal Unit, one of the following options for. pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction must be met. Please specify which of the following options will be met: Sewage sludge placed on an active sewage sludge unit shall be covered with soil or other material at the end of each NIA operating day. If this option is met, skip number 2 and number 3 and continue on to Section VI. Class B pathogen reduction, in accordance with the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32(b). If Class B, please continue on to number 2 and number 3.. 2. In order for the residuals to be Class B, with respect to pathogens, one of the following criteria must be achieved. Please specify a, bl, b2, b3, b4, b5 or c from below (submit all lab analysis, test results and calculations): a. at least seven residuals samples should be collected at the time of use and analyzed for Fecal coliforms during eac! monitoring period. The geometric mean of the densities of these samples will be, calculated and should be less tha- 2,000,000 most probable number per gram of total dry solids, or less than 2,000,000 Colony Forming Units per grar of total dry solids. N �a b, the residuals must be treated by one of the following "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP). 1. Aerobic Dieestion - residuals are agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a'mean cc residence time and temperature between 40 days at 200 C and 60 days at 150 C. 2. Air Drying - residuals are dried on sand beds or on paved or basins for a minimum of three months. During two < the three months, the ambient average daily temperature is above Oo C. 3. Anaerohic Djo ce tion - residuals are treated in the absence of air for a mean cell residence tin iie and temperatut between 15 days at 350 C to 550 C and 60 days at 200 C. 4. CompoStjna - using either the within -vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting methods, the temperatu of the residuals are raised to 400 C or higher for five days. For four hours during the five days i the temperature the compost pile exceeds 550 C. 5, T ;me Stabilization - sufficient l me is added to the residuals to raise the pH of the residuals to 12 after two hou of contact. c. The residuals shall be treated by a process that is equivalent to a "Process to Significantly Reduce:Pathogens" (PSRF as determined by the permitting authority, based on an evaluation of the recommendations provii ed by the Pathog: Equivalency Committee. 3. When residuals are disposed in a surface disposal unit, at least one of the following vector attraction reduction requiremer (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, or j) described below must be met. Specify the letter(s) of the vector attraction reduction requirement that has been met (submit lab results, test rest and calculations). Any variation of the below must be described in full detail and attached. a. Aerobic or Anaerobic Digestion - The mass of volatile solids are reduced by at least 38%. Volatile solids reduction i measured between the residuals, prior to stabilization, and the residuals ready for use or disposal. This criterion sbou be readily met by properly designed and operated anaerobic digestors, but not as readily met by aerobic digestors. (V ]or Treatment facilities with aerobic digestors may need to meet the vector attraction reduction requirement through 18c r 18d. be b. Anaerobic Digestion - If 38% volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, vector attraction reduction can demonstrated by further digesting a portion of the previously digested residuals in a bench scale unit for an additional 40 days at 300 C to 370 C. If, at the end of the 40 days, the volatile solids are reduced by less than 17676, vector attraction reduction is achieved. c, Aerobic Digestion - If 38% volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, vector attraction reduction can be demonsuat by further digesting a portion of the previously digested residuals that have a solids content of 2% or less in a bench scale unit for an additional 30 days at 200 C. If, at the end of the 30 days; the volatile solids are reduced by'less tha: 15%, vector attraction reduction is achieved. FORM: SDRS 06/94 Page 4 of 9 d. Aerobic Dic -ce t on -'rhe specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) shall oc equal to or less than 1.5 milligrams of oxygen per hour per gram of total dry solids at 201 C. e. Aerobic Processes - The temperature of the residuals for at least 14 days shall be greater than 400 C. During this tin the average temperature shall be greater than 450 C. f. Alkaline 4 abilization - The pH of the residuals is raised to 12 or higher by alkali addition and, without the addition e more alkali, remains at 12 or higher for 2 hours and then at 11.5 or higher for an additional 22 hours. g. Drainv (st-abiU d solids) - The total solids of residuals that do not contain unstabilized solid$, and which are generate in a primary wastewater treatment process, shall be equal to or greater than 75%. Blending with other materials is n allowed to achieve the total solids percentage. h. Iprvino (unstabilized solids) - The total solids of residuals that contains unstabilized solids, and which are generated i primary wastewater treatment process, shall be equal to or greater than 90%. Blending with other materials is not allowed to achieve the total solids percentage. i. Tnie inn - Liquid'residuals are injected below the land surface, with no significant amount of residuals present on the land surface after 1 hour, unless the residuals are Class A for pathogen reduction. In this case, the residuals shall be injected within 8 hours after being discharged from the pathogen treatment process. j. Int•nrpchration - Residuals that are surface land applied shall be incorporated into the soil within 6 hours of applicatic unless the residuals are Class A for pathogen reduction. In this case, the residuals shall be incorporated within 8 hot after discharge from the pathogen treatment process. VI. LINER AND GROUNDWATER INFORMATION: 1. Describe the liner for the proposed or existing sewage sludge unit. The liner should be of natural material at least one in thickness, compacted to 95% proctor standard dry density and installed and compacted in layers no thicker than inches, with a hydraulic conductivity of no greater than l x 10-7 centimeters per second or a or a synthetic material covers the bottom of a sewage sludge unit with a hydraulic conductivity of no greater than 1 x 10-7 centimeters per sect N /A Verification of the liners compliance with hydraulic conductivity and thickness specifications must be provided. / construction and design specifications shall be attached. 2. Describe the leachate collection system for the proposed or existing sewage sludge unit. The leachate collection system system or device installed immediatelyvabove a liner that collects and removes leachate (liquid waste from rainfall that st through the contents of the disposal site). All construction and design specifications shall be attached. 3. Vertical distance between bottom of the sewage sludge unit to the seasonal high water table: 4. Depth to the seasonal high water table: VII. RESIDUALS TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION: 1. How will the residuals be delivered to the active sewage sludge unit (pumps, leakproof trucks, etc.)? YVIA 2. What type of equipment will be utilized for the distribution of residuals in an active sewage sludge unit? rr lA 3. Will the surface disposal operation utilize a contractor who specializes in Residuals Management or will the perr manage the program? _ Contractor; _ Permittee. If a contractor is utilized, provide the name of the fir contact, address, and telephone number: n 1A FORM: SDRS 06/94 Pate 5 of 9 W111-SITE 1. For each active sewage sludge unit, please submit the following; EVALUATION: a. A vicinity map. This map must show the location of each site in relation to at least two geographical references and IN(f} major intersection (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.). b. A detailed site location map. This map must be drawn to scale with topographical contour intervals not exceeding ten N I feet or 25% of total site relief (whichever is more descriptive) and showing the property Lines; all existing wells, all surface waters and drainage ways; 100-year flood zone; all dwellings within 500 feet of the active sewage sludge units; and include all buffers. Note: At a minimum the following buffers must be maintained: 1. 400 feet from any habitable residence, 2. 100 feet between the active sewage sludge unit and any public or private water supply source, all streams classified as WS or B, waters classified as SA or SB and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water,t 3. 100 feet between the active sewage sludge unit and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way,t 4. 50 feet between the active sewage sludge unit and property lines (if the original permit was issued with the buffet 5141 tSPtED distance to property line as 100 feet, updated maps must be submitted and new acreage delineated for the buffer tc be reduced), 5. 10 feet between the active sewage sludge unit and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (upslope). 6. 25 feet between the active sewage sludge unit and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (downslope), 7. 25 feet between the active sewage sludge unit and any groundwater lowering and surface drainage ditches. t SPECIFY THE NAME OF AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE CLOSEST DOWNSLOPE SURFACE WATERS (as established by the Environmental. Management Commission) TO THE LAND APPLICATION SITE(S). USI THE ATTACHED INFORMATION SHEET (PAGE 9 OF 9) TO OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION. 2. For each active sewage sludge unit, attach a soil evaluation by a soils scientist (the evaluation must be signed by the soi scientist) which addresses soil color; the depth, thickness and type of restrictive horizons; the.presence or absence of seasonal hiah water table or bedrockwithin three vertical feet of the deepest point of residual application; pH and catio: exchange capacity. If the depth to either groundwater or bedrock is less than three feet, please also attach a demonstratior using predictive calculations or modeling methods acceptable to the Director of the Division of Environments Management, that the use of this site will net result in the contravention of classified groundwater standards as contained i NCAC 2L .0200. Inn case shall Lhe separation be lean than one fnQ . This report must be signed by the soi scientist and submitted with application. 3. Explain how access to the active sewage sludge unit, by both people and animals, will be controlled: Nfr4 4. Describe how runoff will be collected and disposed. The runoff collection system of an active sewage sludge unit mu -N 1 A have the capacity to handle runoff from a 24-hour, 25-year storm event. 1X. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Five (5) complete copies of the permit application and five (5) copies of all required supporting information, includir NIA cover letters must be submitted or the application package will be retuned as incomplete. 2. The'attached Watershed Classification Form must be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office prior to the submittal the application package to the address below. 3. If more than one active sewage sludge unit will be included in this permit, each active sewage sludge unit must be assign: an identification number. . y 4. Attachments may be utilized to provide the information that is requested in this application form; however, if attachmer are utilized, their location should be so indicated on the application form. All attachments must be numbered to correspo: to the individual parts of the application that require the attachment. If the attachments are part of a larger document. table must be provided that lists the locations of the required information. FORM: SDRS 06194 Page 6 of 9 F Name and Complete Address of Engineering Firm: City: Telephone Number: ( Professional Engineer's Certification: State: attest that this application for Zip: has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowlc& the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Althoueh certain portions of' this submits package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I hay reviewed ibis material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, Signature, and Date: Applicant's Certification: It I, D, u G 3L513 —,attest that this application for suarerct- Ds Nc S fi L Ir 11 has been reviewed by me and is accurate -and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand at it all requtr application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application Dacka will be returned incomplete. Signature ^ Date //�3 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWLNG ADDRESS: North Carolina Department of AL MANAGEMENT NORTH CAROLII\A Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center PEI Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 ZIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-9919 FORM: SDRS 06/94 Page 7 of 9 This form must be completed by the appropriate Regional Office and included with tht submission of the application package. , INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these active sewage sludge units will b located, you are required to submit this fo..-m, with items 1 through 8 completed, to the appropriate Division o Environmental Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you muF include an 8.5" by 11" copy of the portion. of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subjec surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters fc which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. The application may not b submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. Applicant (please specify the name of municipality, corporation, individual, or other ): i o wl-a Co rz Name and Complete Address of Applicant: �a go( r I�� t'QSOn, Yl ( 28G61 City: hfr iTu'Q-so n State: NC, Telephone Number: Project Dame: Zip: 2-13G 6 4. Volume of residuals to be disposed: I � � dry tons per year Name of closest surface waters: t40 Kt ✓� IZt J t County(ies) where active sewage sludge unit is located: Cilh- 0 W CU- Map name and date: Applicant Signature: TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where these active sewage sludge units are locate as identified on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: tA P) ict V\ 21 \J 0, Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): CLASS 3 i'Roo i Proposed Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: Date: FORM: SDRS 06194 Page 8 of 9 "FISIoN OF ENVIRW iNTAL ,MANAGEMENT REGI 'AL OFFICES (11/93) Asheville Recional WQ Supervisor 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 2S801 (7C-1)251-6 0S Fax (704) 251-6452 Washington Regional WQ Supervisor Post Oifice Box 1507 Washington, NC 27889 (919)946-6481 Fax (919) 975-3716 Aver.• Macon Beaufm Jones Buncombe Madison Berrie Lenoir Burke McDowell Camden Martin Cald-.yell Mitchell Chowar, Pamlico Cherokee Polk Craven Pasquotank Clav Rutherford Currituck Perquimans Graham Swain Dare Pitt Havwood Transylvania Gates Tyrell Henderson Yancy Greene Washington Jackson Hertford Wayne Hyde Fayetteville Regional \VQ Supervisor Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 486-1541 Fax (910) 486-0707 Anson Moore BLden Robeson Cumb rland Richmond Harnett Sampson Hoke Scotland '\ iontgomen Winston-Salem Regional WQ Supervisor 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Winston-Salem. NC 27106 (910) 896-7007 Fax (910) 896-7005 Aamance Rockinaham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford Mooresville Regional WQ Supervisor 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) C-53-1699 Fax (7( ) 663-6040 Alexanc=r Mecklenburg Cabarrus Rowan Catawba Stanly Gaston union Iredell Cleveland Lincoln Raleigh Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 571-4700 Fax (919) 571-4718 Chatham Nash Durham Northampton Edgccombe Orange Franklin Person Granville Vance Halifax Wake Johnston Warren Lee Wilson Wilminmon Region. WQ Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405.3845 (910)395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Bruns•.vick New Hanover Carteret Onslow Columbus Pendcr Duplin FORM: SDRS 06/94 Page 9 of 9 RESEARCh ._ ANA1yTICA'1 Pn LAbORATORIES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP) Analysis of Sample Identified as Omni Supply (A Water Tech Labs, Inc. Project, collected 22 September 2005 Paper ABU Waste Sludge EPA HW Quantitation Results Characteristic Number Contaminant 7lmit(mP/l) (mg/L) Level(mn/L) EPA Method I. TCLPMETALS D-004 Arsenic 0.010 BQL 5.00 7060 D-005 Barium 0.040 0.126 100 6010 D-006 Cadmium 0.005 BQL 1.00 6010 D-077 Chromium 0.010 BQL 5.00 6010 D-008 Lead 0.005 0.018 5.00 6010 D-009 Mercury 0.0020 BQL 0.200 7470 D-010 Selenium 0.100 BQL 1.00 7740 D-011 Silver 0.010 BQL 5.00 6010 II TCLP VOLATILES D-018 Benzene 0.050 BQL 0.500 8240 D-019 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.050 BQL 0.500 8240 D-021 Chlorobenzene 0.050 BQL 100 8240 D-022 Chloroform 0.100 BQL 6.00 9240 D-028 1,2-Dichloroethme 0.050 BQL 0.500 8240 D-029 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.050 BQL 0.700 8240 D-035 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.500 BQL 200 8240 D-039 Tenachlomethylene 0.050 BQL 0.700 8240 D-040 Trichlomethylene 0.050 BQL 0.500 8240 D-043 Vinyl Chloride 0.050 BQL 0.200 8240 III TCLP SEMI-VOLATILES D-023 O-Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 8270 D-024 M-Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 8270 D-025 p-Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 8270 D-026 Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 8270 D-027 1,4-Dichlombemzene 0.750 BQL 7.50 8270 D-030 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.050 BQL 0.130 8270 D-032 Hexachlorobenzene 0.050 BQL 0.130 8270 D-033 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.050 BQL 0.500 8270 D-034 Hexachlomethane 0.300 BQL 3.00 8270 D-036 Nitrobenzene 0.200 BQL 2.00 8270 D-037 Pentachlorophenol 10.0 BQL 100 8270 D-038 Pyridine 0.500 BQL 5.00 8240 D-041 2,4,5-Triehlomphenol 40.0 EQL 400 8270 D-042 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.200 BQL 2.00 8270 IV. TCLP PESTICIDESIHERBICIDES D-020 Chlordane 0.003 BQL 0.030 Soso D-016 2,4-D 1.000 BQL 10.0 8150 D-012 Endrin 0.002 BQL 0.020 8080 D-031 Heptachlor 0.0008 BQL 0.008 8080 D-013 Lindane 0.040 BQL 0.400 8080 D-014 Mctboxychlor 1.000 BQL 10.0 8050 D-015 Toxaphene 0.050 BQL 0.500 8080 D-017 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) 0.100 BQL 1.00 9150 V. REACTIVITY D-003 Cyanide 1.00 BQL 9010 D-003 Sulfide 5.00 BQL 9030 VI.CORROSIVITY D-002 pH Std. Units 6.83 9045 VII. IGNITABILrrY D-001 ISnitability WNI 1010 VIIL TCLP MISCELLANEOUS Paint Filler Test FLP Sample Number Sample Date Sample Time (hrs) Sample Matrix mg/L = milligrams per Liter= pamper million(ppm) FPL = Free Liquids Present 545003 09/22/05 Solid WNI = Will N.1 Ignite mg/kg = milligrams per iniogram=pans per million(ppm) ---- = Not Available WATER 'CH LABORATOE :S INC. CLIENT: Omni Supply, Inc P.O. Box 98 Patterson, NC 28661 5 Pinewood Plaza Drive, P.O. Box 1056 Granite Falls, NC 28630 (828) 396-4444 CHAIN OF CUSTODY PHONE: (828) TYPE SAMPLE: Wastewater NO. LOCATIONS: 1 SAMPLER NAME: Douglas Hill Lee Jr. SAMPLE COLLECTION SAMPLE TYPE CONTAINERS SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TIME TEMP GRAB / PLASTIC/ FACILITY NAME 0C COMPOSITE NO. ANALYSIS REQUIRED Omni Supply a3. o 4 ASTIC BOD,TSS NCO06254 Effluent o5 f D00 d.< omgosn I GLASS Omni Supply GRAB PLASTIC T.N. & T. PO4 NCO06254 Effluent COMPOSITE -CLASS Omni Supply GRAB CHRONIC TOXICITY NCO06254 Effluent F)r GLASS ASTI -% -� COW S I4pc e C 1 GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS T GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS GRAB PLASTIC COMPOSITE GLASS REL UI BEDB DATE: TIME: RECEIVEj1B*., DATE: TLUE: 9 Z3'oJ RELINQ D BY: DA E: TIME: RE ,. DATE: TIME: PRESERVATION• [ Cool 40C —j OD,T , Conductivity, MBAS, Color, Alkalinity, Cr, VI, Turbidity Uaress, [ ] Cool 4°C — pH<2 w/ H2SO4- NH3, NO2-NO3, TKN, Oil & Grease, TOC, COD, Phenolics, T. Phosphorus Cool 4°C — pH<2 w/ HNO3- Metals except Cr, VI None -Chloride, pH, Fluoride OTHER: [ ] Cool VC — Na2S203 — Coliform Bacteria, NH3 Cool 4°C — pH >12 w/ NaOH, 0.6gm. Ascorbic Acid — Cyanide Cool 4°C — pH >9 w/ NaOH, ZnOAc-Sulfide Per Analyzing Lab — Organics Sample Temperature at Lab (°C) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 81 ' T30" -44—E. 445 446 BLUE RIOGE PARif I, I I W 00, IF 447 35' B4 o w,N6 "OL'i I (SLOWING ROCK 1:62 500) ok YR llk�iinw� �em'- P) J, atterson f I • I . -13M 371 Nov, K. ill'...— 398 P A" T T E R � X( /1VaflL " 0 V Y: (W_ A tz I 0=1- J 0 > Cb I it ob 0)) k. 1400 a l ,L-/ t�F,,. �� J( �, t f 1//�, r.. I./ W r1or 0 - xi A 7 if WAZF' `^ram 6 Doug Bush Omni Supply, Inc. PO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Michael F. Easley, Governor ` I William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources December 1, 2005 Subject: Return of Fee, Application No. WQ0011352 Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Caldwell County Dear Mr. Bush: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality i rn C-) C-r .-� o f Please find enclosed your check submitted with the above referenced permit application The Division of Water Quality no longer charges fees for renewals or minor modifications of permit applications. If you have any question regarding this letter, please feel free to contact the Aquifer Protection Section at 919-733-3221. PLEASE REFER TO THE PROJECT NAME AND DATE SUBMITTED WHEN INQUIRING ON ANY MATTERS IN QUESTION. Sincerely, / ) W for Ki 3 .Colson, .E. Supervisor cc: Ks-heville`Re iona] Off ce, Aquifer Protection Section ; APS Return Check File Permit Application File WQ0011352 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733.3221 Customer Service Internet: hnp:// 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Regcled/10%Post Consumer Paper 1 Re: Permit Renewal Subject: Re: Permit Renewal From: "Bill Hall" <> Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 16:18:34•-0500 To: "Bev Price" <> Hi Bev, I haven't spoken to you in a while, but I wanted to give you an update on our situation. I have mailed our complete application to Shannon Thornburg in Raleigh, including the results of the soil sample test and the permit fee. I al let her know that I would be more than happy to provide her with any other info she may need. Could you remind what form I am supposed to submit for the change of ownership of Omni Supply, and where I would find it? Thank You, Bill ----- Original Message ----- From: Bev Price To: Bill Hall Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:15 PM Subject: Re: Permit Renewal Bill, Got your phone message. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. If you need let me know. Bev Bill Hall wrote: Thanks Bev, I've been trying to navigate the website, but it is a little confusing. Just let me know what you find out, and we will get to work on it. Bill----- Original Message ----- From: "Bev Price" <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 1:28 PM . Subject: Permit Renewal Bill, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you. I'm still waiting on a response from Raleigh concerning the proper renewal form. I'll let you know as soon as I find out. In the meantime I'm going to go ahead with the inspection report regarding my visit there on 7/21/05. The report will basically indicate the need for permit renewal and that no land application activities have occurred since at least 1996. I'll be in touch Bev Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 1 of 2 and Natural Resources Protection Section I I 1/6/2006 7:34 AM Re: Sealed Au Subject: Re: Sealed Air From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:34:18 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Bev: Form NDRLAP would not be correct, as this form is specific to land application programs. Since this Permittee wants to modify the existing permit to a surface disposal permit, I would recommend that Form SDRS (Surface Disposal of Residual Solids) be used. I have put a copy of this form in courier mail to you because it is not yet available on line. I would also recommend that they submit a Form PNOCF (Permit Name and Ownership Change Form) at the same time as part of the overall renewal/modification package. This form IS available on line. Since it does seem like they are very clueless, it might be beneficial for them to consult with an engineer or other technical consultant (like Branch Residuals & Soils, S&ME, S&EC, etc.) who is experienced with residuals management. It sounds like they could use some hand -holding. I hope that this helps! Shannon Bev Price wrote: Shannon, I just spoke with the folks at Omni Supply (Sealed Air). They want to renew the land app. permit but modify to surface disposal (then use product later as fill dirt/road application) Since these guys do not seem to know anything about this process should I recommend they get an engineer to do the permit renewal for them? I looked at the Form NDRLAP and it does seem like there could be some confusion with this type of renewal. Kra Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-DWQ Telephone: (919)715-6167 Fax: (919) 715-0598 and Natural Resources Protection Section Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. IC 130 Raleigh, NC 27604 1 1 of 1 1/6/2006 7:36 AM Re: Sealed Air shannon.thombure(a) 2 of 2 1/6/2006 7:36 AM Highway 268 Area/Patterson, Caldwell County Subject: Highway 268 Area/Patterson, Caldwell County From: "Jesse.Wells"> Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 07:21:23 -0500 To: Linda Wiggs <> CC: BRENT BURCH <> Hi Linda: Got your phone message concerning the subject area of Caldwell County. I did a quick review of complaints for Caldwell County and did not locate any HW issues for this specific area. As you can imagine most of our facilities (large generators/small & conditional exempt generators/ treatment, storage, disposal facilities) in Caldwell County are from Lenoir and then south to Catawba/Burke County. I did find one conditional exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) in the Patterson area which is Omni Supply, NCD155015530, 1427 Yadkin River Road, Patterson, NC. The CESQG status indicates that they generate < 220 lbs. or less of HW per month. I do not know what this facility does but I do not recall any problems with them. I will forward this to Brent who works the area. If Brent knows of any HW issues in this area he can contact you. If you need to call me I will be in the office today @ 828.926.4326. one thing I do remember from a very long/long time ago (late 1970's/1980s) was a company in the Patterson area that was land applying waste. The company was located off Hwy 268. They were going to get a land application permit through the Groundwater Section but I cannot recall the company name. Jesse Wells I l of 1 1/612006 7:44 AM 2090 U.S. 70 �J O Subject: Re: Permit Renewal From: "Bill Hall" <> Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 16:18:34 -0500 To: "Bev Price" <> Hi Bev, I haven't spoken to you in a while, but I wanted to give you an update on our situation. I have mailed our complete application to Shannon Thornburg in Raleigh, including the results of the soil sample test and the permit fee. I al: let her know that I would be more than happy to provide her with any other info she may need. Could you remind what form I am supposed to submit for the change of ownership of Omni Supply, and where I would find it? Thank You, Bill ----- Original Message ----- From: Bev Price To: Bill Hall Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:15 PM Subject: Re: Permit Renewal Bill, Got your phone message. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. If you need let me know. Bev Bill Hall wrote: Thanks Bev, I've been trying to navigate the website, but it is a little confusing. Just let me know what you find out, and we will get to work on it. Bill----- original Message ----- From: "Bev Price" <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 1:28 PM Subject: Permit Renewal Bill, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you. I'm still waiting on a response from Raleigh concerning the proper renewal form. I'll let you know as soon as I find out. In the meantime I'm going to go ahead with the inspection report regarding my visit there on 7/21/05. The report will basically indicate the need for permit renewal and that no land application activities have occurred since at least 1996. I'll be in touch Bev Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section i11122/2005 3:31 PM 1 of 2 ral Subject: Permit Renewal From: Bev Price <> Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 11:14:49 -0400 To: Bill, Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you but I think we now have the informationI needed to begin the renewal process. Since you want to modify from land application to surface disposal, the SDRS Form (Surface Disposal of Residual Solids) should be used. This Form is not yet available on line. It is being sent to me from Raleighl. As soon as I get it, I will mail it to you. I would also recommend you submit a Form PNOCF (Permit Name and Ownership Change Form) as part of the overall renewal/modification package if Omni Supply. Inc. is the responsible party. Thisl Form is available on line. In addition, it might be beneficial for you to consult with an engineer or other technical consultant who is experienced with residuals management to help with the permitting process. If you need help navigating the web -site please let me know. Bev Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Bev Price <Bev.Price(> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section i I i i I i 1 of 8/11/2005 11:15 AM ,r Subject: Re: Sealed Air From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:34:18 -0400 To: Bev Price <> Bev: Form NDRLAP would not be correct, as this form is specific to land application programs. Since this Permittee wants to modify the existing permit to a surface disposal permit, I would recommend that Form SDRS (Surface Disposal of Residual Solids) be used. I have put a copy of this form in courier mail to you because it is not yet available on line. I would also recommend that they submit a Form PNOCF (Permit Name and Ownership Change Form) at the same time as part of the overall renewal/modification package. This form IS available on line. Since it does seem like they are very clueless, it might be beneficial for them to consult with an engineer or other technical consultant (like Branch Residuals & Soils, S&ME, S&EC, etc.) who is experienced with residuals management. It sounds like they could use some hand -holding. I hope that this helps! Shannon Bev Price wrote: Shannon, I just spoke with the folks at Omni Supply (Sealed Air). They want to renew the land app. permit but modify to surface disposal (then use product later as fill dirt/road application) Since these guys do not seem to know anything about this process should I recommend they get an engineer to do the permit renewal for them? I looked at the Form NDRLAP and it does seem like there could be some confusion with this type of renewal. Bev Bev Price - North Carolina Dept. of Environment Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Aquifer 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-DWQ Telephone: (919) 715-6167 Fax: (919)715-0588 and Natural Resources Protection Section Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. 1C 130 Raleigh, NC 27604 1 of 2 8/11/2005 9:40 AM micnaei t-..tasiey, uc r. William G. Ross Jr., Sei North Carolina Deparfinen r ivironment and Natural Res, i'-- Alan W. Klimek, P.E. ❑ Division of Water ( Asheville Reaional AQUIFER PROTECTION August 5, 2005 Bill Hall Director of Manufacturing Sealed Air Corporation Post Office Box 99 Patterson; NC 28661 SUBJECT: July 21, 2005 Evaluation Inspection Sealed Air Corp. Land Application Residual Solids (503) Exempt Permit No: WO0011532 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Hall: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection form the inspection conducted on. July 21, 2005. Beverly Price of the Asheville Regional conducted the Compliance Evaluation Inspection. The facility was found to be out of Compliance with permit WQ0011532 for following reason: Permit Expired on 11/30/00. However, no land application activ' have occurred since 1996 and residuals are currently being stored in the abando aeration pond #1. You have indicated that you would like to renew the permit possible modification to Surface Disposal. This appears to be the most reasoni avenue toward permit renewal. If you should have questions regarding the renE process please do not hesitate to contact me at (828) 296-4500 EXT 4685. Thank you for your assistance during the inspection. Sincerely, p v�-A PIL, � Beverly Price Enclosure cc: Mike Sammuels, ORC WWTP LAPCU Files Attn: Ed Hardee S�Ashifle-Files 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Telephone: (828) 296-4500 Fax: (828) 299-7043 Customer Service 1 877 Nam` Carolina atumlty Permit: WQ0011532 SOC: County: Caldwell Region: Asheville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 12/14/95 Expiration: 11/30/00 Owner: Sealed Air Corporation Effective: Expiration: Facility: Sealed Air Corp -A Sludge/L PO Box 1747 Contact Person: M Mike Hosken Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): On -site representative Related Permits: Inspection Date: 07/21/2005 Primary Inspector: Beverly Price Secondary Inspector(s) Bill Hall Entry Time: 02:30 PM Rockingham NC 28379 Phone: 910-997-2217 Ext. Certification: Exit Time: 03:15 PM Phone: Phone: 828-758-5151 Phone: 828-296-4500 Ext.4655 Phone: Phone: Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ■ Not Compliant Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions Inspection Summary: j The Land Application permit expired on 11/30/2000. Permit needs to be renewed. Pennittee would like to renew with modification to Surface Disposal. Land applicaion activities have not occurred since 1996. Solids are currently being stored in abandoned aeration pond #1. Page:j 1 Play 24 04 09: 1 1 a ni-in USER 'O'S)733-0059 I p.2 At IAL.LAND APPLICATION CER1 . CATION FO10I Permitn: WQQO tl 532 County: Caldwell Year: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Spa 1 pA Ai n r.nrnnna f inn Land Application Operator: None Phone: Land application of residual solids as allowed by the permit occurred during the past cale ❑ Yes ® No If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to the certification. Also. generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were hn Part A: er year? residuals wer Total number of application fields in permit:PZ6F—E ✓'�Cl� Total number of fields land application occurred during the year 1 �— TotaI amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: JUN 1 1 Y 2004 Total number of acres land application occurred during the year: 11eT ,;, ,TvRFMION Part B: Non•Dischenge Conr?"ance Enl. Facility was compliant during calendar year 2003 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. ® Yes ❑ N4 If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. I 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a Lil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calend I year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6_ The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13 (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contraven[ion of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or expl I ations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 10. vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown f were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. 11. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface wl ters has occurred. 12. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violati Michael L. Samuels..tnginee (v 3 Qq Pemittee Dame and Title (type or print) n �' S tte Date Signature of Preparers u' D� rgnit ,e orand Applier Date (if differ= from Permittee) renermiree and Pregazer) Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 ( WATER QUALITY 8ECT ON ASHEVILLE pEGn _ 71 DENR FORM P.CF (5/2003) Omni Supply, Inc. PO Box 99 Phone: 828-758-5151 Patterson, NC 28661 Fax: 828-757- ,818 June 02, 2004 DENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 To whom it may concern, During the year 2003, the fiber traps and holding pond did not reach capacity. If you have any questions, please contact me at (828) 758-5151. Sincerely, Mi el-L-:-Samuels Engineer QO 1� a,T May 12, 2004 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested M. Mike Hosken P O Box 1747 Rockingham, NC 28379 I Michael F. Fmley, Govemor William G. Ross Jr., secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Subject: Failure to Submit Annual Report Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Sealed Air Corporation Permit Number WQ0011532 Cadwell County To Whom It May Concern, Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality p�CE VED J U N 1 8 2004 WATER QUALITY SECTION ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE One of the requirements of your non -discharge permit is the submittal of an annual report to the Division of Water Quality by March 1 st of each year. Our records indicate that the 2003 annual report has not been submitted for the subject facility. If you have records indicating the report was submitted, that land application did not occur in 2003, or if you have other relevant information regarding the facilities operation during 2003, please send such information to the following address by no later than ten (10) days following receipt of this letter DENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Nothing in this letter should be taken as relieving from you the responsibility for failing to submit the report in a timely manner. A civil penalty of not more than $10,000 per day, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143_215.6, may be assessed against a person who fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of the subject state permit. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 565. Sincerely, yy�/� � E D Hardee, Environmental Specialist III Cc: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Asfieyille_RegionaltOffice Central Files NGOENH N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 l OMNI SUPPLY, INC Paper Mill Group PO Box 99 Patterson, N.C.28661 Phmc: (828) 758-5151 Fax: (828) 757- 819 E- i canuuckQabts.nLt February 13, 2002 DENR/DWQ/Water quality section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Subject: Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Treatment and Land Application of Residuals i - Permit Number. WQ 0011532 D Sealed Air CorlrA Sludge/L.'s• CALDWELL County- # I1FER To Whom it May Concern: ,tom _FJII_i.EREG'i';;R! (SFFIC[__�' Please find enclosed'3 copies of the year 2OGt Land Application Certification Form. Due to drastic reduction in process water effluent discharge, no land application activities were necessary in the year 2001. Cc: Lacy Dunn Jr. Presid&nt,.Omni Supply Inc. 0 AND , LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATIO: RM Permit Number W A O 0 1 1 5 3 2 County C,d t_0W E L L Year _Z 00 I Facility Name (as shown on pemn) 5B A L.E a Ai Q C n tZ P A S 1-L) Land Application Operator NV4 Phone It Land application of residuals as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year I YES '/, NO. If NO, SKIP PART 1, AND PART II AND PROCEED TO THE CERTIFICATION. ALSO, IF RESIDUALS WERE GENERATED BUT NOT LAND APPLIED, PLEASE ATTACH AN EXPLANATION ON HOW THE RESIDUALS WERE HANDLED. Part I • Total number of application fields in permit. • Total number of fields land application occurred during the year. • Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites. • Total number of acres land application occurred during the year. Part II Facility was compliant during calendar year 200_ with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality YES NO. IF NO, PLEASE PROVIDE A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THE DATES, AND EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 orthe .limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in Table I of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13. (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities) 7. All general requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with. (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities) 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. IO.Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. I I.No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 12.All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. "I CERTIFY, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE, AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT NALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE, INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINES AND IMPRISONMENT.FOFrMOWING VIOLATIONS." K/C.•iQR.O .TONC�1 S /SFr r 211 ill. Z Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signpiture of Permitlee Date Signature of Preparer Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permitlee and Preparer) Note: Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) DEM FORM CF (1/2002) . .* State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director M. Mike Hosken Sealed Air Corporation PO Box 1747 Rockingham, NC 28379 January 28, 2002 i m 4 • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Treatment and Land Application of Residuals pnp.71 Permit Number: W00011532 R Sealed Air Corporation Caldwell County FEB — Tn9 J j Dear M. Mike Hosken, The purpose of this letter is a reminder that the monitoring reports required by the subject permit must t submitted as an Annual Report for calendar year 2001 by no later than March 1, 2002. The report must submitted (in triplicate) to the following address: DENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 1617 Mail Service Center i Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Due to limitations in storage space, please submit the reports in bound form rather than in notebook form. Permittees are subject to civil penalty for failing to submit the Annual Report as required by their permit! Enclosed are the summary and certification sheets that must be used for your annual report depending on whether your residual is Class A or Class B. Please complete the neccasary sheets and if necessary make copies of the blank forms if extras are needed. The forms have not changed since last year (although minor aesthetic changes have been made) so you may use those you may already have on hand. If there is a need for any information or clarification on the State reporting requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 733-5083 extension 581. Sincerel Daryl Merritt, Environmental Specialist I cc: ARID Regional Supervisor Non Discharge Compliance / Enforcement File Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733.5083 Fax 919-733.0059 An Equal Opportunity Anirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper vikOMNI SUPPLY, INC Paper Mill Group Pp Box 99 Patterson, N.C. n"I Pb=: (828) 758-5151 Fox: (828) 757-4819 E-mail cannuckno, n 2 � MQPW 06 January 26, 2001 DENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Subject: Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Treatment and land Application of Residuals Permit Number: WQ0011532 SEALED AIR CORP-A Sludge/L •'• CALDWELL County To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed 3 copies of the year 2000 Land Application Certification Fong Due to changes in our process and the drastic reduction of process water usage no land application activities were necessary in the year 2000. Cc/ Lacy Dunn Jr. President Omni Supply Inc. RECEIVED JAN 3 1 MI WATER QUALITY SECTION Non-Dischargs Compliance Er ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM Permit Number * Q 00 1 1 "ri ;3 2 . County 12AL17 ELL. Yew Facility Name (as shown on permit) S RAAl tR Cna n_ Sl-u D Ar l _ x ax Land Application Operator 60 Phone # Land application of residuals as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calend YES X NO. If NO, skip Part I and Part II and proceed to the certification. Also, if residuals were not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part I rry��jEI1 •Total number of application fields in permit. R -Total number of fields land application occurred during the year. UN 3 1 •Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites.' iftfATER. QUALIT -Total number of acres land application occurred during the year. (! n-D s haig0 CO Part II I Facility was compliant during calendar year 199_ with all conditions of the land application pe (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality YES NO. SCRIPTION WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THE DATI IF NO, PLEASE PROVIDE A WRITTEN DE EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a PH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis was performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calenda and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR Pa: 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13. (applicable to 40 CFR Part regulated facilities)' 7. All general requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 50 were complied with. (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities) 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the ca: deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 10.Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown i removed in accordance with the crop management plan. 11.No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface wa has occurred. 12.All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. 2 0on year but SECTION pliance Enf. i, AND soil r year . rear as "I CERTIFY, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOV AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE, AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALT SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF IMPRISONMENT FOB KNOWING VIOLATIONS." J 6 N IZ.& S 1\4 i Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Sign a Tf P Signature of Preparer (if different from Permittee) Date of a FOR Signature of Land Applier I Date (if different from Permittee and Preparer) Note: Preparer Is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) DEM FORM CFJ (10/94) �llr' ONM SUPPLY INC. Paper Mill Division P.O. Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Tel: (828)758-5151 Fax: (828) 757-4819 February 2, 2000 DENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. Subject: Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Treatment and Land Application of Residuals Permit Number: WQ 0011532 Gentlemen: Please find enclosed copies of the Annual Land Application Certification Form. Since the process changes that took place in early 1999 we do no longer have need for land application of sludge. Should you have any question please do not hesitate to call me at (828) 757-4809 . enclosure (3) cc: Asheville Regional Supervisor Compliance/ Enforcement File ,Central Files - Lacy Dunn Jr. Omni Supply Inc. AI,01, LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICAN FORM Permit Number W to O o i t s 3 2 County C A L D w" L_ Year / 4 9 9 Facility Name (as shown on perms) S A 14 i it Cne a -A - sZ_ - le - Land Application Operator U14 -Prione # Land application of residuals �as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year YES X NO. If NO, skip Part I and Part n and proceed to the certification. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part I •Total number of application fields in permit. •Total number of fields land application occurred during the year. *Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites. •Total number of acres land application occurred during the year. Part II Facility was compliant during calendar year 199_ with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below*) issued by the Division of Water Quality YES - . NO. IF NO, PLEASE PROVIDE A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THE DATES, AND EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil PH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis was performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. i 1 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 503.13 . (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities)' 7. All general requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with. (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities) 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred of a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 10. Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maftitained on this. site and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. 11.No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 12.All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. -1 CERTIFY, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE, AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINES7CJD IMPRISONMENT FOR I KNOWING VIOLATIONS." 'h IeN e,12a So N QA_S 2 2 00 Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Sigma of ermittee date Signature of Preparer (if different from Permittee) Date Signature of land Applier Date (if different from Permittee and Preparer) Note: Preparer Is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) DEM FORM CF (10194) 5/ February 23, 1993 Mr. A. Preston Howard, Jr. 1AW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC..:'., North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Facilities Assessment unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleish, North Carolina 27626-0535 Subject: Annual Report of Land Application Sealed Air Corporation Yadkin River Road Patterson, Caldwell County, North Carolina Permit No. WQ0011532 LAW Project 30459-5-0797 Dear Mr. Howard: On behalf of Sealed Air Corporation, Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (LAW) is pleased to submit this annual report of the land application activities performed outside of Lenoir in Caldwell County, North Carolina in accordance with Permit No. WQ0011532. No land application of residuals was performed in 1997 by Sealed Air Corporation to the permitted property. The land application certification form is attached. If you have any questions concerning the information provided in this report, please contact the undersigned at (910) 294-4221. Sincerely, LAW Taslta Camps, E.1.4. Staff Engineer Attachments AND ENVIRONINIENTAL SERVICES, INC. Jeffrey L. Gerlock, L.G= ` Principal Geologist NC Licensed 1141 cc: Mr. Mike Hosken and Richard Joncas, Sealed Air Corporation Mr. George Sudderth, Town of Boone 7347-E WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE • GREENSBORO, NC 27410 (336)294-4221• FAX (336)294-4227 fEB25!9°g i,i `98(FRI) 09:25 SEALEi R WHILL TEL:201 7029 P.002 AN`MAL LAND APPLICATION CERTMCATION FORM F4m%it Number _B 11 5 3 2 Facility Nane(as shown onpe it) Saal County Caldwoll Year?SQL, Land ApplicationOtor, o a Land'a ppllcatlon of residua l as allowed by the above Permit d Phone N of S_ NO• IE NO. skip Pea I and Put ¢ end P during the past calendar year mat i+ndapplted.pleuyattarhan-FrestionoehowthereddutllsweRIuaNM otlon Alw.liresidwlswer�grneratdbut �a=t II I 'Tots! number of application fields in permit, i •Torsi number of flelds land appIcation occurred during •Total amQ,1nt of tots a lied d oralthe year. �)' applied. wring the year for all application sites. Lo,zi n umber of acres land applimiOn occurred during the year. P3tt.TI , F+ality was mmpliarit during caIendar year 1996 with all conditions of the land application peratft (irrtludi�ttg bar not lirsdted to i!s cis 1.12 below) issued by the bivlsion of Favirottatenral Managemait X>;3 NO, EFtlO,ftViSEPROVIDEAWRr1TFND cP.�CRI? 11ONWiiy,MMFAC =WASNCrCo E�LAW CORRBCTlVE ACIION TAjMq MPLIAN% TfiE DATES, AND I . Only residuals approved for this permit were n ll 2. $Oil PH was adjusted asspecified • permit PP eto the permitted sites, pH of at kart 6.0 or the liilt spedfiedinetdtli me Was applied (if needed) tp achieve a soil 3• Arnnual soils analysis was performed on eaehsYte receiving residuals during the poet calendar year and three (3) copies of labordtoty resulb are atached. 5. TCu' Y was lts are performed and rhea (3) copra of certi$ed laboratory sEsu 5•• All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the pe:atit and reported during the year as required and dance (3) copies of certiFied laboratoiyresults are attached. ti ; The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Coneentrallon Limits in Table 1 of 40 M part 503.13 or a Pollutant Loading gates in Table 2 of 40 tag part 503.13 , (applicable to to cm Part!6 regulated farilltieal x. • All general requ .mmentr in 40 CFR Part 503.12 and ►rerecom lieeddwith a r'�gemeatptaeticesirrgOCFRPart503.14 B• All o era{s�pru d (PP�bleto40CPRPart503 xgtdakdhdlldn) P an Wedntauace requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the ease of a deviation, prior a No couthorization was received from the Division of Environmental Management. A.. ritraveriiion of Ground Water Quellty Standards occurred at a Monitoring y„� or explanations of violations are attached to include a 10, Vegetative cover as tpedAed in the Ppropriabe actions and remedlations, removed In accordance with the aoppermrtwas mainWned on this site and the crops grown Walt 11, No runoff of raicivals Isom the a it a�$ement plat' has occurred. PP cation sits onto adjacent property or nearby surface wad 12. All buffet requirements as specified, on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. A CERTIFY, UNDER CCuXAYOFLAW,T"ATroMABOVE INFORMATIONIB, TO Tag BESTOFMYKNOWLEDGE SUBIWsV1?kr nNc; RUBACCVrtA =COMTLFM IAMAWARETHATTHEREARESIGi`ftErCAN7lb7VAL7TE9ADR ING VIOL B INFORMA Otv, rNCLUOINC TtiE POBOIBIIJTy OF F4VIis ANA IGNIFI "'T?5Z PLR KNOWING, VIOLATIONS.. PaaaiKee Name �.sraa and Title typearped:tt) FB e, // SlStratmaoE armitoe Dale Z. G_ Sit;atatvreofPrepparer Dale N A Gl dt![,natfrom r•ra,ltlN) Slprat%&A of dA Her Hour Praparer Is darned in 60 CPR part 6039(r) 61 ditr hero Pannl"do and Pr•panri Dade DRM FORM GF(IWK). EO 'd LUX,62016 'ON Xd3 ONI833NION3 01 NH Fc:Rn nul Aa-l;l-eat 'I K AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM OCT 15 2CC2 Date: October 14, 2009 v F,r-long i Office . �-�;n•�cYicn To: X Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6162 Fax: (919) 715-6048 E-Mail: A. Permit Number: W00011532 B. Owner: OMNI Supplv. Inc. C. Facility/Operation: OMNI Supply Residuals Proeram ❑ Proposed ® Existing ® Facility X Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: X Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 X 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New X Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Statutory Date: 12/30/2009 Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ❑ Return a Completed APSARR Form. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: �Date: /0115102 FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 Permit Number WQ0011532 Program Category Non -discharge Permit Type Land Application of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Primary Reviewer -david.goodrich Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Name OMNI Supply Location Address Owner Name Omni Supply Inc Central Files: APS SWP 10/13/09 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type In review Major modification Version Permit Classification C Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Tim Parler PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Major/Minor Region Minor Asheville County Caldwell Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non -Government Owner Affiliation Carlton Caruso PO Box 99 Patterson NC 28661 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 12/14/95 10/01/09 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events Domestic, other RO staff report requested RO staff report received Additional information requested Additional information received Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin MCDEHR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director October 13, 2009 Douglas Bush Omni Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. W00011532 OMNI Supply Distribution of Residual Solids (503 exempt) Caldwell Dear Mr. Bush: Dee Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on October 1, 2009. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by David Goodrich. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact David Goodrich at 919-715-6162, or via e-mail at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to orechart.ndf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT Since for Jon Risgka d LAU Supervisor cc Ashe""villa e R g o Oiyee.>Aqu'ft er:Protectron Sec ion Zach Key (Southern Soil Builders, Inc., 958 Hoots R Roaring River, INC 28669) Permit Application File WQ0011532 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Onc Phone: 919-733-32211FAX 1:919-715-0588 FAX 2:919-715-60481Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet; � ( [p NOl-thCarcol Ohna An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Fbb�EL�6 �F S 'Southern S Soil 0 Builders, Inc. Monday, September 28, 2009 958 Hoots Road Roaring River, NC 28669 (336) 957-8909 • Fax (336) 957-8940 North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Waster Quality Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Reference: Modification of Permit No. WQ0011532 Omni Supply, Inc. Distribution of Other Residual Solids Caldwell County Southern Soil Builders, Inc. is under contract with Omni Supply, Inc. to provide assistance in the preparation of a permit modification application for the distribution of other residual solids as allowed under 40 CFR Part 257. These residuals are Non - Biological and contain no domestic wastewater contribution. This modification is for an increase in the maximum dry tons allowed per year. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information, or have any questions or concerns in the review of this permit renewal at or at (336) 957-7871. Thank You, Zach Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ AQUIFFR'PROTFCTION SECTION OCT 012003 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (FORM: DRS 070807) The Division of Water Quality will not accept this application unless all the instructions are followed. Plans and specifications must be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .1100, and good engineering practices. Failure to submit all required items will lead to additional processing and review time. For more informa/ion, vi.rir our web silo al: hull.::lt_'u, •In_+'lur •.ur.n.c.lrrrunwin.luud A. Application Form (All Application Packages): ✓ Submit one original and two copies of the completed application package. Any changes made to this form will result in the application being returned. The Division of Water Quality will only accept application packages that have been fully completed and all applicable items are addressed. ✓ The project name should be consistent on the plans, specifications, etc. ✓ The signing official must meet the criteria stipulated in 15A NCAC 2T .0106(b). An alternate person may be designated as the signing official, provided that a delegation letter from a person who meets the referenced criteria is submitted. The delegation letter does not have to be resubmitted if the signing official has not changed since the last permitting action associated with this residuals land application program. ✓ If this project involves a modification of an existing permit, submit one copy of the existing permit. ✓ Please submit this application form at least 180 days prior to the expiration date on the existing permit, or 90 days prior to operation of proposed facility(ies) for application packages involving new or changes to treatment and storage units. B. Application Fee (New and Major Modification Application Packages): ✓ For new permits submit a check in the amount of $1,310 if over or equal 3,000 dry tons per year are generated for disposal or $810 if less 3,000 dry tons per year are generated for disposal, made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Major modification fee are $395 and $245, respectively. C. Cover Letter (All Application Packages): ✓ Submit a cover letter, which lists all item and attachments included in the application package as well as a brief project description. ✓ If necessary for clarity, include attachments to the application form. Such attachments will be considered part of the application package and should be numbered to correspond to the section to which they refer. D. Detailed Plans and Specifications (Application Packages Involving New or Changes to Treatment and Storage Units): ✓ Submit three sets of detailed plans and specifications signed, sealed, and dated by a NC Professional Engineer per 15A NCAC 2T .l 104(a). Specifications for standard equipment may only be omitted for municipalities with approved standard specifications, but use of the standard specifications must be noted on each sheet of the plans. ✓ Plans must include the following minimum items: a general location map, a topographic map, plan and profile view of the residuals treatment and storage units as well as the proximity of the residuals treatment and storage units to other utilities and natural features within 500 feet of all treatment and storage facilities, and detail drawings of all items pertinent to the residuals treatment and storage units. Depict minimum separations required in 15A NCAC 2T .1 108(a) on the plans. ✓ Specifications must include, at a minimum, the following for all items pertinent to residuals treatment and storage units: description of materials to be used, methods of construction, quality of construction testing procedures to ensure the integrity of the final product in accordance with 15A NCAC 2'r .I 104(a)(2)(B), including leakage and pressure testing as appropriate. ✓ Plans and specifications must not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate that they are anything other than final plans and specifications. However, the plans and specifications may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN — NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. E. Engineering Calculations (Application Packages Involving New or Changes to Treatment and Storage Units): ✓ Submit three copies of all design calculations signed, sealed, and dated by a NC Professional Engineer per 15A NCAC 2T .l 104(a). ***INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE*** _ RF!`FNFfI I nFNR 1 f1Wf1 AQUIFFR'PROTFCTION SECTION FORM: DRS 070807 Page I of 6 OCT 0 12009 Attachment Order I F. Environmental Assessments (May be Required — See 15A NCAC I C .0300): ✓ Submit one copy of the Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Also, include information on any mitigating factor(s) from the Environmental Assessment (EA) that impact the construction of the residuals treatment and storage facilities. An EA may also be required for private systems if any public funds and/or lands are used for the construction of the subject facilities. C. Residuals Source Information (All Application Packages): ✓ Attach FORM: RSCA (Residuals Source Certification Attachment) and all associated documentation. ✓ FORM: RSCA can be downloaded at 11ap://h2o.e1Ms1n1e_MtLIS/la❑/aphlicati01Is.hunI FORM: DRS 070807 Page 2 of 6 Attachment Order I t a r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (FORM: DRS 070807) (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: 1. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION: I. Specify whether the process facility is owned by: ❑ County; ❑ Federal; ❑ Municipal; ❑ State; ® Non -Government. 2. Owner's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): (to be completed by DWQ) Omni Supply Inc Mailing address: Po Box 99 City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Physical address: 2002 Roby Martin Road City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: ( 828 ) 758-5151 Facsimile number: ( 828 ) 757-4818 E-mail address: timparlier(@, 3. Signing official's name and title: (See Instruction A) Mailing address: PO Box 99 ' City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Physical address: 2002 Roby Martin Road City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: ( 828 ) 758-5151 Facsimile number: ( 828 ) 757-4818 E-mail address: IL PERMIT INFORMATION: I. Application is for: ❑ new; ® modified; ❑ renewed permit'(check all that apply). 2. Fee Submitted: $ 245.00 (See Instruction B) 3. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: WOOO11532 (please attach a copy of the existing permit).' Most recent issuance date: May 12, 2008 and the expiration date: April 30, 2013 RECEIVED IDENRIDWD FORM: DRS 070807 Page 3 of 6 AQUIFFR PR0TFCTI0N SECTION Attachment Order 1 OCT 01 Z009 III FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Name of facility where residuals are processed: Physical address: 2002 Roby Martin Road City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: ( 828 ) 758-5151 Facsimile number: ( 828 ) 7574818 County where facility is located: Caldwell Latitude: 36.00093 Longitude:-81.56475 of residual process facility. 2. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): Mailing address: City: Patterson State: NC Zip: .28661 Physical address: 2002 Roby Martin Road City: Slate: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: ( 828 ) 758-5151 Facsimile number: ( 828 ) 757-4818 E-mail address: 3. Program contact person and/or consulting firm who prepared application (If different from the above): I Zach Key Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Mailing address: City: Roaring River State: Physical address: Zip: 28669 City: Roarine River State: NC Zip: 28669 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 957-8909 Facsimile number: ( 336 ) 957-8940 E-mail address: 4. Is the residual process facility also the generator? ® Yes; ❑ No 5. If the residual process facility is not the same as the generator, please specify delivery frequency and quantity of residual to be processed: 6. Length of residuals storage at facility: 365+ days (the Division requires a minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.). RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION: 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under (check one): ❑ 40 CFR Part 503 or ® 40 CFR Part 257. FORM: DRS 070807 Page 4 of 6 Attachment Order I 11 2. Specify how these residuals will be distributed: ❑ sold or given away in bags or other containers; ❑ lawn (bulk); ❑ home garden (bulk); ® other; Given away to local farms through land application 3. Complete the following if residuals are to be mixed with other materials: Type of Materials Amounts to be added per 1.0 dry ton of residuals ton N/A 4. Approximate amounts of the final product to be distributed dry tons per year. Provide a description of the onsite storage management plan for the treated residuals (including estimated average and maximum storage times prior to distribution): Omni Supply Inc has two (2) fiber traps that store the residual materials prior to distribution Each fiber trap holds approximately 3,000 cubic feet of material and is capable of storing, 365 days worth of material before it has to be cleaned and the residual material distributed to local farms through land apnlication. Omni supply also has one (1) residuals holding pond that can hold 100,000 cubic feet of material that has an access of 365+ days of storage ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION: I. Provide a narrative explaining the following: a. How will the materials be handled and transported from where the residuals were produced to where it will be treated? b. How will the residuals be processed/treated (attach process Flow diagram). c. How will leachate collection be handled? d. Where will the residuals be stored until processed? e. How will the final product be distributed (packaging)? 2. Attach a marketability statement detailing destinations and approximate amounts of the final product to be distributed. 3. Provide either a label that shall be affixed to the bagged processed residual or an information sheet that shall be provided to the person who receives the processed residual. The label or information sheet shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: a. The name and address of the person who prepared the residual that is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land. b. A statement that application of the residual to the land is prohibited except in accordance with the instructions on the label or information sheet. c. A statement that the residuals shall not be applied to any site that is Flooded, frozen or snow-covered. d. A statement that adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored residuals into any surface waters. e. Information on all applicable setbacks in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .I 108(b). f. A statement that the residuals shall be applied at agronomic rates and recommended rates for intended uses. FORM: DRS 070807 Page 5 of 6 Attachment Order I Professional Engineer's Certification: (Application Packages Involving New or Changes to Treatment and Storage Units) attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, Signature, and Date: Applicant's Certification: The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 2T .0105. ® Yes ❑ No, Explain; attest that this application for J �"I S4 has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned tp � as incomplete. Signature Date 9� Z 9t�tl 9 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION LAND APPLICATION UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-3221 RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ FORM: DRS 070807 Page 6 of 6 AQUIFER PRnTFCTInN SFCTION Attachment Order 1 OCT 012009 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (FORM: RSCA 070807) (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not accept this attachment unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all required items will lead to additional processing and review time. For more information• visit our web site at: hup._q'hl .gt r.. rnk%nr its lu rnann.hind INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP, FORM: DRS, or FORM: SDRS). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ For new residuals programs or renewed residuals programs, submit a separate attachment form for each residuals source -generating facility to be certified for this residuals program. ✓ For modified residuals programs in which any modification to the certified residuals -source generating facilities is proposed, submit a separate attachment form for only those residuals source -generating facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ✓ The attachment should be organized prior to submission in the following order (i.e., by facility): ♦ Attachment Order 2: Residuals Source Certification Attachment (FORM: RSCA). ➢ Attachment Order 2-a: Vicinity map. D Attachment Order 2-b: Process flow diagram and/or narrative. Attachment Order 2-c: Quantitative justification for residuals production rate. Attachment Order 2-d: Sampling plan. i Attachment Order 2-e: Laboratory analytical reports and operational data. B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ✓ Attach a vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Vicinity/Buffer Maps for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ✓ Attach a detailed narrative and/or process Flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ✓ Attach a quantitative justification for the value provided in Item I. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. C. Residuals Quality Information: ✓ Attach a detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. ✓ Attach reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this attachment form. Attach documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. ✓ Item II. 3, does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only. RECEIVED I DENR 101 FORM: RSCA 070807 Page I oyaUlFPR'PROTECTION SECTION Attachment Order 2 OCT 0 1 2009 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (FORM: RSCA 070807) (THIS FORM MAYBE P1107'OL'OPIED FOR USE A.S AN ORIGINAL) i Applicant's name: Omni Supply. Inc Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS PROGRAM ❑ RENEWED RESIDUALS PROGRAM ® INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for this residuals source - generating facility certified for this residuals program. Current: 290 Dry Tons/yr. and proposed: 1000 Dry Tons/yr. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE this residuals source -generating facility to/from those certified for this residuals program. ❑ OTHER Explain: I. RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): I. Name of facility: Omni Supply Inc 2. Facility permit holder: Omni Supply Inc Facility permit holder is (check one): ❑ federal, ❑ state, ❑ local government, or ® private. Facility permit number: W0001 1532 Facility permit issued by (check one): ® Div, of Water Quality, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ other(explain: 3. If the facility permit is not issued by the Div. of Water Quality, complete the following: a. Facility contact person and title: Tim Parlier Facility complete mailing address: PO Box 99 I City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Telephone number: (_828_) 758-5151 Facsimile number: ( 828_ ) 757.4818 E-mail address: b. Facility complete location address: 2002 Roby Martin Road City: Patterson State: NC Zip: 28661 Latitude: 36.00093 and longitude:-81.56475 4. County where facility is located: 5. Purpose of the facility (check one): ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ ❑ treatment of potable water, treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ) RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ AQOIFFR'PROTFCTION SFCno % FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 2 of 8 OCT 04 Zoos Attachment Order 2 6. Does the facility have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ yes ® no 7. Facility permitted/design flow: _0.45_ MGD and facility average daily flow: _0.11 MGD. 8. Average amount of residuals being generated at this facility _53.5 dry tons per year. 9. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: 2 Fiber Traps for solids separation each can hold approximately 3,000 cubic feet Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): Residuals Holding Pond 100,000 cubic feet II. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under (check one): ❑ 40 CFR Part 503 or ❑ 40 CFR Part257. 2. Specify if residuals are intended for (check one): ® Land Application/Distribution (Class A or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items 11.4b., 7b., and 7c. ❑ Land Application (Class B or Equivalent). Complete all items EXCEPT Items II.4b., 7a., and 7c. ❑ Surface Disposal. Complete all items EXCEPT Items 11. 4a., 5., 7a., 7b., and 8. ***FORM: RSCA CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE*** FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 3 of 8 Attachment Order 2 i I 3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are non- hazardous under RCRA: a. Are the residuals are listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes N no. If yes, list the number(s): I b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- §261.24: ❑ yes N no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: laboratory: Research & Analytical Lab. Inc. and date of analysis: 9-23-05 Passed corrosivity test: N yes ❑ no. pH: _6.83 s.u. (2 < pH < 12.5). Passed ignitability test: N yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: _WNI OF (> 1400F). Passed reactivity test: N yes ❑ no. HCN: _I_ mg/kg (<250) & HZS: _5_ mg(kg (<500). TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg/L) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/L) Result (mg/L) Arsenic 5.0 BQL Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 BQL Barium 100.0 0.126. Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 BQL Benzene 0.5 BQL Hexachloroethane 3.0 BQL Cadmium 1.0 BQL Lead 5.0 0.018 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 BQL Lindane 0.4 BQL Chlordane 0.03 BQL Mercury 0.2 BQL Chlorobenzene 100.0 BQL Methoxychlor 10.0 BQL Chloroform 6.0 BQL Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 BQL Chromium 5.0 BQL Nitrobenzene 2.0 BQL m-Cresol 200.0 BQL Pentachlorophenol 100.0 BQL o-Cresol 200.0 BQL Pyridine 5.0 BQL p-Cresol 200.0 BQL Selenium 1.0 BQL Cresol 200.0 BQL Silver 5.0 BQL 2,4-D 10.0 BQL Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 BQL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 BQL Toxaphene 0.5 BQL 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 BQL Trichloroethylene 0.5 BQL ],I-Dichloroethylene 0.7 BQL 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 BQL 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 BQL 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 BQL Endrin 0.02 BQL 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 BQL Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 BQL Vinyl Chloride 0.2 BQL FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 4 of 8 Attachment Order 2 I 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1105. a. For Class A or Class 8: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: A&L Eastern Labs, Inc. and date of analysis: _07-29-2009 Parameter Ceiling Concentration Limits (ClassA & ClassB) (mg/kg) Monthly Average Concentration Limits (Far Class A Only) (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Arsenic 75 41 1.3 Cadmium 85 39 BDL Copper 4,300 1,500 52 Lead 840 300 19 Mercury 57 17 0.4 Molybdenum 75 n/a BDL Nickel 420 420 12 Selenium 100 100 1.7 Zinc 7,500 2,800 110 I c. For Surface Disposal: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry, weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: and date of analysis: Closest Distance to Property Lines (meters) Arsenic (mg/kg) Chromium (mg/kg) Nickel (mg/kg) > 0 but < 25 30 200 210 > 25 but < 50 34 220 240 > 50 but < 75 39 260 270 >_ 75 but < 100 46 300 320 >_ 100 but < 125 53 360 390 > 125 but < 150 62 450 420 > 150 73 600 420 FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 5 of 8 Attachment Order 2 r 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: 17.62 %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: laboratory: A&L Eastern Labs. Inc. and date of analysis: 7-29-2009 Parameter Result (mg/kg, dry weight) Aluminum 16200 Ammonia -Nitrogen 600 Calcium 5500 Magnesium 52 Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen 6 PH (Standard Unit) 6.69 Phosphorus 700 Potassium 700 Sodium 400 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 8200 c. Using the results listed in Item 11.5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): _1.21_ d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: _40_ %. This rate is a ® default value or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: These are unstabilized Drimary residuals Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and list the results in the following table Application Method First Year Five -Year PAN Maximum Adjusted PAN (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Surface 3346 13432.45 Injection/Incorporation 3646 14790 e. Are the residuals a registered fertilizer with the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, provide date of registration approval: the current registration number: and the fertilizer equivalent: %, %, and %. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 6 of 8 Attachment Order 2 1 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and list the results of the latest analyses: 7. Pathogen Reduction Determination: Specify which alternative(s) will be used to meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For Class A or Equivalent: ® A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than 1,000 MPN per gram of total dry solids. OR ❑ A salmonella sp. density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total dry solids. AND one of the following (except for residuals regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 that are to be distributed): ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(3)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(4)] - Alkaline Treatment. ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(5)] - Prior Testing for Enteric VirusNiable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(6)] - No Prior Testing for Enteric VirusNiable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(7)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, ❑ pasteurization, ❑ thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, or ❑ gamma ray irradiation. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.32 (a)(8)] - PFRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: b. For Class B or Equivalent: ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(2)] - Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.32 (b)(3)] - Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, ❑ composting, or ❑ lime stabilization. ❑ Alternative 3 (40 CFR §503.32 (b)(4)] - PSRP-Equivalent Process. Explain: ❑ Not Applicable - Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. c. For Surface Disposal: ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(I 1)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item 11.7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item 11.7b. above. ® Not Applicable -Regulated under 40 CFR Part 257 with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 7 of 8 Attachment Order 2 8. Vector Attraction Reduction Determination: Specify which altemative(s) will be used to meet the vector attraction reduction requirements: ❑ Alternative 1 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 2 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 3 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 4 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(4)] - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. ❑ Alternative 7 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 8 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 9 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(9)] - Injection. ❑ Alternative 10 [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only [40 CFR §503.33 (b)(11)] - Soil/Other Material Cover. ❑ Alternatives for Animal Processing Residuals Only: Specify one: ❑ injection, ❑ incorporation, or ❑ lime addition to raise pH to 10. ® Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. FORM: RSCA 070807 Page 8 of 8 Attachment Order 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: NARRATIVE OF MATERIALS HANDLING Residuals are stored at the facility site until distribution. Storage time is 365+ days. Distribution will be handled by an experience private contractor. Residuals will be loaded onto trucks and transported to suitable sites in the area. Cropland, pasture and hay land are available for receiving this material which is a suitable soil amendment. 2. Marketability: The product will be given away to local landowners who desire the material as a soil amendment. The amount of material produced annually is estimated at 600 dry tons. Labeling: the following label information will be provided to the receivers of the product: -Product information: Biosolid residual from Omni Supply, Inc. PO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 -This product contains plant nutrients such as nitrogen and aluminum and can be used as a soil amendment. This material has been processed in accordance with EPA guidelines. Chemical composition of this product is such that it does not exceed pollutant ceiling concentrations. It shall not be applied to any site that is frozen, snow covered, or flooded. It shall not be applied within 10 feet of any public or private water supply source ( including wells) and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way. Adequate procedures shall be taken to prevent any surface runoff from carrying any stored or disposed residuals into any surface waters. Tor current analysis and appropriate loading rates for farmland application, contact Omni Supply, Inc. PO Box 99 Patterson, NC 28661 (828) 758-5151 Application of this material to the land is prohibited except in accordance with the instructions on this label. Use of the material should conform to recommendations of the current analysis and loading rates. Omni Supply, Inc. WWTP Sampling Plan Quarterly if land application occurs during a quarter, if a composite residual solid sample will be analyzed by A&L Eastern Laboratories for: Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Aluminum, Ammonia nitrogen, Calcium, Nitrate nitrogen, Nitrogen, Magnesium, % total solids, pH, phosphorus, Potassium, TKN, and Sodium. From this information, the Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) will be calculated. Annually a composite TCLP sample will be collected and sent to Statesville Analytical to include: Aresenic Hexachlorobenzene Barium Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene Benzene Hexachloroethane Cadium Lead Carbon Tetrachloride Lindane Chlordane Mercury Chlorobenzene Methoxychlor Chloroform Methyl Ethyl Ketone Chromium Nitrobenzene m-Cresol Pentachlorophenol o-Cresol Pyridine p-Cresol Selenium Cresol Silver 2,4-D Tetrachloroethylene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Toxaphene pH for Corrosivity Flash point for ignitability Sulfides and Cyanides for reactivity 1,2-Dichloroethane I<1-Dichloroethylene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Endrin Heptachlor and its Hydroxide Trichloroethylene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) Vinyl Chloride UPDATED SITE MAP ogle Maps ienr—firefox-a&hl=en&ie=UTF8&11=3... G O C)S1C.- Maps Get Google Maps on your phone Tert[he d'GMAPS"[o 466453 L 0.o :0"' 117F1008 10:43 AM crn.ScrNw I'mage Couriesy ol'the USGS litip://,,,e.aspx9l'-]&-S- I 0&-Z- I MX 2' . ZLISGS 9 km IN of Lenoir, North Carolina, United States ;u all" rt4P* �1: WO r& MEl o. loom 0. '100yd Terms of Use Privacy Statement PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM I\CATEK EFFLUENT FROM SEPARATION --� SOLIDS LADEN WASTE«'ATER MOI`I PL%NT ` FIBCRTRAY �. (SOLMS SEPARATION) FIBER TRAP (SOLIDS SEPARATION) r CST MI ATED INPUT 6.000 CUBIC FEET PER Y EAR AERATION BASIN' RESIDUALS HOLDING POND L- i CSTIMATED CAPACITY - I20I000 CUBIC FEET ESTIM1LATED CONTENTS AS OF 5!4!06 - 80,000 CUBIC FEET POLISHING WATER TO OUTFALL I POST OFFICE BOX 3009, IIICKORY, NC 28603 PH{828)3M-2991 FX(828)322-22i58 ONLNI SUPPLY CO]b[PANY PATTERSON,NC DATE SCAT-E. APPROVA WASTEWATER.FROCESS DIAGRAM 5/4/06 I AS SHO\"'N I RT13 REVISION DRAWING NU.n'Ii3FROO-031-0041 QUANTITIVE JUSTIFACTION FOR RESIDUALS PRODUCTION RATE Currently Omni Supply, Inc. produces an average of 53.5 dry tons per year of residuals. At the current time Omni Supply, Inc. is permitted for 290 dry tons per year. Omni wishes to increase this to a 1000 maximum dry tons because of increased production that the plant expects in the near future. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS R ,,::! ScAR .& ANgLyr4cAl LAbORATORIESt INC. RWR�- AnJlytiCal/PfOcess Cotl;ut7o11on; , Of S,,,,l,Idpti0dd.0 01nn1 StlpPly Lrach ate procedure (TCf..p Ana3ysls cVoiry Charaeterls tic 225ep tembu 2005 -�Vl- PVBu_ r bs� Ina prnJ ui collated papermill • Sludge' CharactecVstia QnanHudon Results (1DfR.1 I.cPtl�a'3 )Ui.[a-v++"� FPn L ('anDMw2Of 7D6n BQL 5 .00 6010 TCl.r M1LrtA1S 0,010 O.116 IOU 6010 I. r}00a Anrnic 0.091 BQL ).On 6,010 D-005 Dvium 0.005 BQL 5.00 601n D-0'.In Cadmium 0.010 3.00 7410 DA77 Clwmium 0.005 BQL D,3DO 7760 1)-006 Lod 0.0010 BOL 1.00 6010 D409 mucury O,I DO BOL 5.00 , D-010 Selenium 0.010 , Da71 S11hr O.SDO $240 TcLp Vo1J.Tll.ns 0.050 BOL BQL 0.500 8'-40 8240 p-018 Bwme Gibon TcDe+:bloridc 0.050 0,050 BQL IW 6.00 814 D-719 D-021 Cblombenrror' 0.100 BQL BQL 0.500 $340 6240 I}.029 CNorotorm 0.050 B01. 0.700 63A0 DII26 l,YDichlorr,clbaoc 0.050 BQL 20O 40 D,0 29 I,I-Dicbloroelhylme OJDO BOL Von7AO 824 ISA33 MemYl Ethyl K.Innt ' 0.050 BOL 030 S 7.n0 D.039 Terrublomclbylmc 0.050 HQL 0.200 0•040 TridilDIDcd04enc 0.050 D-p4? VWI Chloride 3270 BOL 200 8270 TCLP S&10-VOI.A 70'0 BQL 200 1270 D.O.) tol 10,0 DQL 1D0 3170 I}02r lA-CTcorol 2,0.0 BQL :IN 8270 I}A25 D-C7wi01 20.0 BOL 7.50 8170 D-076 Creacnl DQL 8710 D-027 I,4-Dlchlotcbctma 0.050 BOL 0.13D 9270 D-030 2,a.Dinittomlucoo 0.030 BQL 0.500 9270 D.032 Hmaohlorobcnune Hblambuodl.De exu 0.050 03DO HQL 3.00 7.00 F270 D-031 D-034 Hcxadlorodheoc pj00 DQL BQL 100 827D 9240 D.03c p==bnomp Pmlachlompbmal 10.0 BOL 5.DO aDO e270 13431 1din4 45•'Dichloropbmwl D3d0 40.0 HQL BQL 2.00 8210 �?S 01DD D-047 2,4,6-T[ieblamphcool YESTIC[DESR?ILBn, • O.Oa3 DQL 0.8080 10.0 10.0 e15D BOBO TCLP iV. D020 Ch o lone I.00V DQL B I- O 0.020 BOBO D.OIt 2,4-D 0.002 BOL 0.003 BOBO n-12 Bndrin 0.0001 DQL 0.400 8U50 D-031 Hi pnobtor 0 oi0 BQL 10.0 Bnso D-O 3 Liodeno 1.000 0.500 8130 Dyl4 Mcrboaychlor 0.050 BQL 1.00 7415 Tm.,hmo 0.100 D-O 7 7,4j-TNSU9 ) 9010 BQL 9030 P-FqL-m'ITY 1.00 HOL D.003 Cyanld� 5.00 D-003 yryt5 COFF OSiVITI' Std. VND 6.83 Vl. D-p2 pH 1010 WM ICE �1Lin I�imhili7 , TCLP h1LScE.LLA bl.P YfII pint Fitt" mt Tesl 545003 Sample Number 0917-WO5 . Sample Dace. Sample Time (h") Snlid ' Samplr7afatrio w,0746r Trim iolopr+n'�•paNP vmilliaa(ppm) .SIDe Liml� million (Cpm) mom odwomm P., _ NDi AveO.ble pPL irs Liq�+d+Yrcacm ' . Report Number: R09211-8006 Account Number: 46381 TO: SOUTHERN SOIL BUILDERS 958 HOOTS ROAD ROARING RIVER, NC 28669 ATTN: DENNIS KEY LAB NUMBER: 44313 SAMPLE ID: OMNI A&L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 • Fax No. (804) 271-6446 FOR: OMNI SUPPLY NC CERT #257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS copy: ZACH KEY DATE SAMPLED: 7/29/2009 1200 DATE RECEIVED: 7/30/2009 1000 DATE REPORTED: 8/4/2009 PAGE: 1 Solids, Total (As is) 17.62 176200 100 RD 07/30/09 16:00 SM 254OG Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl 0.82 8200 10 MW 07/31/09 16:00 SM 4500 (NorgB+NH3C) Phosphorus 0.07 700 100 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Potassium 0.07 700 100 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Sulfur 0.32 3200 100 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Calcium 0.55 5500 100 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010C Magnesium 0.13 1300 100 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010C Sodium 0.04 400 100 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010C Iron 2690 1 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010C Aluminum 16200 10 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Manganese 52 1 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Copper 93 1 KM 07/31/09 15:00 SW 846-30511601OC Zinc 110 1 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Nitrogen, Ammonia (as N) 0.06 600 10 MW 07/31/09 14:00 SM 4500(NH3B+NH3C) Nitrogen, Organic (N) 0.76 7600 100 DCH CALCULATION Nitrogen, NO3+NO2 6 1 KS 08/03/09 15:00 SM 4500-NO3F Cadmium BDL' 1 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Chromium 39 5 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601 OC All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted. Detection Limit on all N series is on a wet basis. BDL' - Below Detection Limit Our repots anp levers are for the a rclumve and conhhenhal use 01 our Cents and may not be •eproduced to Whole or rn pan nor may any reference ne maoe to the nark the results or ;he Company••'r � - m any advenarng nt'w5 release or other public a�rriqunCernP.rits wrlhpp! oblarfimg our pnpr r. n;len dulhpnJafrpn PAUL C. H. CHU Report Number: R09211-8006 Account Number: 46381 TO: SOUTHERN SOIL BUILDERS 958 HOOTS ROAD ' ROARING RIVER, NC 28669 ATrN: DENNIS KEY LAB NUMBER: 44313 SAMPLE ID: OMNI A&L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 • Fax No. (804) 271-6446 FOR: OMNI SUPPLY NC CERT #257 REPORT OF ANALYSIS copy: ZACH KEY DATE SAMPLED: 7/29/2009 1200 DATE RECEWED: 7/30/2009 1000 DATE REPORTED: 8/4/2009 PAGE: 2 Nickel 12 5 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010C Lead 19 5 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/6010C Arsenic 1.3 1.0 KM 07/31/09 15:00 SW 846-3051/601OC Mercury < 0.4 0.4 KM 07/31/09 15:00 SW 846-7471A Selenium 1.7 1.0 KM 07/31/09 15:00 SW 846-601OC pH (Std. Unit, As is) 6.69 0.01 RD 07/31/09 12:30 SW 846-9045D Molybdenum BDL` 5 KM 07/31/09 16:00 SW 846-3051/601OC All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted. Detection Limit on all N series is on a wet basis. BDL' - Below Detection Limit Our reports and letters aie for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or,n pan. nor may any reference be made to the work, the results. or the company in any advertising. news release. or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization �t PAUL C. H. CHU I a !y•j fl '. J (Patterson, NG Ire 41 I Ile, 10. ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE GROUNDWATER SECTION November 3, 1995 MEMORANDUM: TO: Ken Pohlig THROUGH: Don Link FROM: Kay Dechant 7)01�1- ' SUBJECT: Permit Amendment Review Sealed Air Corporation/Town of Boone WQ 0011532 GW 95215 Caldwell County The Asheville Regional Office has no objection to amending Town of Boone s land application of wastewater residuals permit to include residuals from Sealed Air Corporation. The residual, consist of fine paper fibers that should pose no threat to groundwater at the currently permitted sites. 6208. If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 251- State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director C)E=_H b Z September 13, 1995 poi MR M. MIKE—HOSKEN SEALED _C_M? RATION PO BOX 1747 VFS�4V�� j ROCKINGHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 28379 Subject: Application ,No. W00011532 A Sludge Facility Sludge�L and A -ph o _ Caldwell County Dear MR HOSKEN: The Division's Permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on September 7, 1995. This application has been assigned the number listed PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE WATER QUALITY NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRES ON THIS PROJECT. Your project has been assigned tc Michael Alle or a detailed engineering review. Should there be an-, questions concerning your project, tFerreviewer will contact you with an additional information letter Be aware that the Division's regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor or a Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action ;by the Division. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Allen at (919) 733-5083 extension 547. If the engineer is unavailable, you may leave a message on their voice mail and they will respond promptly. Please reference the above application number when leaving a message. Sincerely, Supervisor, M Engi up cc: IFA�shevillerRe`giranalii)ffic—& 1�11s 94000c7- tall-L Bc t�0 yk- pelt=gyp 00 T?1E ' "1Si QG iZl-4� OF Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535. Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer n�� K0 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION November 29, 1995 ul u•t:►U 3 To: Carolyn McCaskill Through: Bob Cheek PL C From: Ken Pohlig Subject: Sealed Air Corporation/Town of Boon Land Application of Paper Waste T Caldwell County n0EG-WQ0011532/GW95215 Michael Allen: DEM SERG Review Engineer The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit amendment application, which consists of land application of paper waste sludge. Approximately 1773 dry tons/year of paper waste sludge will be land applied onto 58 acres, making the overall sludge application rate of 30.6 dry tons/acre/year. Chemical analysis (TCLP) of the sludge indicates no hazardous organics or metals present in the leachate. Therefore, the Groundwater Section has no objections with the issuance of the subject permit amendment as long as the follwing conditions are included in the permit: (1) Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. (2) The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15ANCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for the disposal system constructed prior to December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 500 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) at the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in i addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. (3) No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken when the seasonal high water table is less than three feet below land surface. If there are any questions please call me at 715-6161. cc:—Ibon;Li Permit Files kop\sealed.doc B U R K E ]3ounty i 1076 .......... . , r........ .. I ... ....... ... """ .. .......... C, .. ............... Al .............. . ...... I�X (ism ...... . 0 Fleld Owner G Scale. 1"= Y3-'2 Owner CoLss.WAJGH Scale:I"= ZOpJ� Field /—� W Q Ovlls3a October 6, 1995 Per conversations with Ken Pohlig and Michael Allen, we will hold the Sealed Air Corp. Permit App. Until a response is received from Michael Allen's letter requesting additional info. If they decide to permit the site under Town of Boone's permit, then I will forward the app. package to Winston Salem Regional Office. Kay Y' DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION — —__- S�pf z-t" lgyS M E M O R A N D U M s+(�e� Q ,; "Regional -Office FROM: Ken SUBJECT: Application for Facility Name: County: �__Ai owe Type of Project: _ APPLICABLE PERMIT NO.s: UIC Permit Renewal ✓ Permit Amendment New Permit WQ Z"115 3 Z DEH EPA LK Aliew S.P. ? t Cps n r NP e �q � &Ale � L y o ,a! SI✓�Ge ADO qS-2-1 `_5- A to C CUA The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application, a copy of which should have been sent to your Regional Water Quality Supervisor - IF A COPY HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN THE REGIONAL OFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application. A copy of the application documents we received is attached. The Groundwater Section has received a subsurface disposal project from the Div. Env. Health's On -Site Wastewater Section. A copy of the application has been forwarded to DEH's Regional Soil Specialist, Please coordinate your reviewlwith that Soil Specialist. Please review the application materials for completeness. If you feel additional —information is necessary, please let me know no later than �Q%fsGrt� A copy of any formal request for additional information �w Tl be forwarded to you. If you do not need any additional information to complete your review, please provide your final comments bIf you request and/or receive additional information, your final comments are due no later than 14 days after you receive the additional information. \TRANS.SHL Sate of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mike Hosken, Plant Manager Sealed Air Corporation Post Office Box 1747 Rockingham, North Carolina 28379 Dear Mr. Hosken: September 26, 1995 A.N mom �- C)EHNF1 Subject: Application No. WQ0011532 Additional Information Request Sealed Air Corporation Land Application of Fine Paper Fibers Caldwell County The Permits and Engineering Unit has completed a preliminary review of the subject application. Since this is a request for the land application of an unusual product, the Division is still unsure as to the best way to regulate this product Therefore, the following items must be addressed before we can complete our review: 1. The Division does not know if a separate permit for this product is the best way to regulate its use. Would the Town of Boone object to amending their permit, W00005757, to include Sealed Air Corporation as a source? This may be the preferred alternative. If the Town does not object, please submit a letter from them which ask that their permit, WQ0005757, be amended to add Sealed Air Corporation as a source. 2. Please address how this material will be applied. Will it be incorporated into the soil? If it is land applied, will the material have a tendency to be blown around? In addition, please address how this material will affect the land on which it is applied. Is this material biodegradable? How long will it take to break -down? How will this material affect the land application of residuals from the Town of Boone? Please submit a letter from an agronomist addressing the use of this product on fescue. Refer to the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. Please submit four (4) copies of all information to my attention at the address below. Also, please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before October 26, 1995 will subject your application to being returned as incomplete, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0208. If you have any questions on this matter, please call me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 547 cc: Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Asheville Regional Office, Groundwater Bob Cheek, Central Office, Groundwater Law Engineering and Environmental Services Permit File WQ0011532 P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Sincerely, /i Michael D. Allen, Environmental Engineer State Engineering Review Group f � _T r OCT - 31995 �47 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919J33-2496_ 50% recycled/ 1 o% post -consumer paper ,Stat�,,.of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director December 2, 1994 Mr. George Sudderth, Director of Utilities Town of Boone P.O. Box 192 Boone, NC 28607 Subject: Permit No. WQ0005757 Town of Boone Land Application of Wastewater Residuals Watauga, Ashe, Wilkes and Caldwell Counties Dear Mr. Sudderth: In accordance with your amendment request received on December 1, 1994, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0005757 as amended, dated December 2, 1994, to the Town of Boone for the operation of a wastewater residuals land application program. The amendment allows for the addition of the Town of Blowing Rock's wastewater treatment facility as a source for residuals for a one-time application to the Ore Knob Mine reclamation site. The Town Blowing Rock's wastewater treatment plant residuals are required to be stabilized in accordance with EPA standards and regulations. Accordingly, the Town has certified that the subject residuals are aerobically digested for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 40 days at 200C and 60 days at 150C to meet pathogen reduction requirements, and that a bench scale test for volatile solids reduction has revealed compliance with vector attraction reduction requirements. Additional submitted data, in the form of partial results from testing for fecal coliform (the results from 4 of 7 required samples) and the results of the specific oxidation uptake rate test, provided confirmation that federal requirements were being met at the time of sampling. Land application will not be allowed if, at any time, the subject residuals fail to meet these requirements. The Town of Boone's wastewater treatment plant residuals are required to be stabilized in accordance with EPA standards and regulations, as well. The Permittee has presented residuals stabilization information which indicates the subject residuals are stabilized by an EPA aerobic digestion method maintaining aerobic conditions at residence times ranging from 60 days at 150 C to 40 days at 200 C, with a volatile solids reduction of at least 38%, for most of the year. During those months of the year where minimum time and/or temperature isn't maintained, the Town uses an EPA air drying method by drying the residuals on drying beds for a minimum of 3 months of which 2 months must maintain an average temperature, on a daily basis, above 00 C. Once stabilized, the subject residuals are stored in a protected shelter until they can be land applied, in coordination with crop schedules. Please be advised that the requirements for residuals stabilization must be met. If at any time these criteria are not met, land application must cease. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 1997, shall void Permit ' No. W00005757 issued August 30, 1994, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements contained in this permit Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Ray Cox at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, A. Prest�n Howard, Jr., P.E. { cc: Watauga County Health Department Caldwell County Health Department Ashe County Health Department Wilkes County Health Department Chris May, Town of Blowing Rock Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office, Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Asheville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Jack Floyd, Groundwater Section, Central Office Training and Certification Unit (No Revised Rating) Facilities Assessment Unit NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO The Town of Boone Watauga County FOR THE operation of a wastewater residuals land application program consisting of the application of approximately 972 dry tons per year of residuals from the Town of Boone wastewater treatment facility to approximately 140.5 acres of land as described in condition VIA of this permit and the one-time application of approximately 200,000 gallons of residuals from the Town of Blowing Rock wastewater treatment facility to the Ore Knob Mine reclamation site, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the amendment request received on December 1, 1994, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 1997, shall void Permit No. WQ0005757 issued August 30, 1994, and`shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Asheville Regional Office, telephone number 704/251-6208, and the appropriate local governmental official (county manager/city manager) shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the initial application of the residuals to a site so that an inspection can be made of the application sites and application method. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. In addition, the Caldwell County Manager's office must be notified prior to the initial application so that they will be aware that the operation has commenced. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately assimilate the wastes and may be rescinded unless the sites are maintained and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 3. The land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 4. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages s to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this program. 5. In the event that the land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease applying residuals to the sites and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. 6. Some of the buffers specified below may not have been included in previous permits for this land application operation. However, any sites or fields that are included in this permit, but were approved with different applicable buffers shall be reflagged to comply with the below buffers. The following buffer zones shall be maintained: a) 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application method; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the appropriate DEM regional office, b) 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface residual injection method; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and the appropriate DEM regional office, c) 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods, d) 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application, e) 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application, f) 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g) 50 feet from public right of ways for both application methods, h) 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both application methods, i) 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems and surface drainage ditches for both application methods. 7. A copy of this permit shall be maintained at the land application site when residuals are being applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. 8. Specific residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during application. 9. No residuals at any time shall be stored at any application site, unless approval has been requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management 10. Maximum slope for residual application shall be 10% for surface application and 18% for subsurface applications. 11. When wastewater residuals are applied, the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33 must be met. Additionally, an evaluation must be performed which demonstrates the residuals ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation must be submitted including all test results and calculations. 2 t `II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The facilities and application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in condition 114, shall be maintained in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Extension Office of the Department of Agriculture, or the Soil Conservation Service, or other agronomist, and approved by this Division. 3. An acceptable pH must be maintained in the soil, residual and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites to insure optimum yield for the crop(s) specified below. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 4. The application rates shall not exceed the following for the specified crops: •p PAN (lb./acreArrl Alfalfa 200 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 Blue Grass 120 Corn (Grain) 160 Corn (Silage) 200 Cotton 70 Fescue 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Milo 100 Small Grain (Wheat, barley, oats) 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) - 180 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 Timothy, Orchard, & Rye Grass 200 5. No residuals other than the following are hereby approved for land application in accordance with this permit: Permit Estimated Source County Number Volume (dry tongyear1 Town of Boone WWTP Watauga NC0020621 972 Town of Blowing Rock WWTP Watauga NCO027286 200,000 gallonst iThis is a one-time application to the Ore Knob Mine reclamation site. The metal loading rates shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant loading rates: Kilograms Pounds Parameters per Hectare Mr Acre Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Chromium 3,000 2,677 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum ---- --- Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 The pollutant concentrations in the residuals which will be applied to the land shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (Dry Weight Basis): Parameters me/kg Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Chromium 3,000 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Permittee shall employ a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the land application program. The operator must hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the land application program by the.Certification Commission. The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of Title 15A NCAC 8A, .0202. 9. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored residuals into any surface waters. 10. Surface applied residuals will be plowed or disced within twenty-four (24) hours after application on lands with no cover crop established. 11. For areas that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals may be applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals must be incorporated into the soil within twenty-four (24) hours after application. 12. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residual application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 13. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the residuals application area onto the adjacent property or into any surface waters. 4 14. Residuals shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 1/2-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals disposal measures must first be approved by the Division of Environmental Management. 15. Residuals shall not be applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen or snow- covered. 16. Residuals shall not be applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 17. Animals shall not be grazed on an application site for 30 days after residuals application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each application. 18. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after residuals application. 19. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (ex. tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after residuals application. 20. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for four (4) months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 21. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four (4) months prior to incorporation into the soil. 22. Turf shall not be harvested for 1 year after residuals application if the turf is to be placed on land with a high potential for public exposure. III. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure protection of the environment will be established and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all application activities. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to the following information: a) source of residuals b) date of residual application c) location of residual application (site, field, or zone #) d) method of application e) weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.) f) soil conditions g) type of crop or crops to be grown on field h) volume of residuals applied in gallons/acre, dry tons/acre or kilograms/hectare i) annual and cumulative totals of dry tons/acre of residuals, annual and cumulative pounds/acre of each heavy metal (which shall include, but not be limited to arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc), _ annual pounds/acre of plant available nitrogen (PAN), and annual pounds/acre of phosphorus applied to each field. A representative annual soils analysis (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted of each site receiving residuals in the respective calendar year and the results maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Calcium Copper Magnesium Base Saturation (by calculation) Cation Exchange Capacity Manganese Potassium Percent Humic Matter Sodium pH Zinc Phosphorus The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis (see above) and an analysis for the following metals shall be conducted once prior to permit renewal on soils from each site which has received sludge during the permit cycle. Arsenic Lead Nickel Cadmium Mercury Selenium Chromium Molybdenum 4. A residuals analysis will be conducted quarterly from the date of permit issuance by the Permittee and the results maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If land application occurs at a frequency less than quarterly a residuals analysis will be required for each instance of land application. The residuals analysis shall include but is not necessarily limited to the following parameters: Arsenic Aluminum Cadmium Ammonia -Nitrogen Chromium Calcium Copper Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Lead % Total Solids Mercury pH Molybdenum Phosphorus Nickel Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) Selenium Potassium Zinc Sodium Magnesium TKN After the residuals have been monitored for two years at the above frequency, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification for the reduction of the frequency of monitoring for pollutant concentrations and for the pathogen density requirements, but in no case shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per year when residuals are applied to the land. [*I A Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted by the Permittee annually. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (please note the regulatory level in mg/L in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) Benzene (0.5) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Chromium (5.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Cresol (200.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Endrin (0.02) Hexachlorobenzene (0. 13) Hexachloroethane (3.0) Lindane (0.4) Methoxychior (10.0) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Pyridine (5.0) Silver (5.0) Toxaphene (0.5) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) Barium (100.0) Cadmium (1.0) Chlordane (0.03) Chloroform (6.0) o-Cresol (200.0) p-Cresol (200.0) 2,4-D (10.0) 1,2-Dichloroedme (0.5) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Lead (5.0) Mercury (0.2) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) Pentachlorophenol(100.0) Selenium (1.0) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Trichloroethylene (0.5) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol(2.0) Vinyl chloride (0.2) All residuals included in this permit must be monitored quarterly from the date of permit issuance, for compliance with condition I 11 of this permit. Data to verify stabilization and vector attraction reduction of the residuals must be maintained by the Permittee. The required data is specific to the stabilization process utilized, but should be sufficient to clearly demonstrate compliance the Class A pathogen requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or with the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33. In addition, the EPA certification statements concerning compliance with pathogen requirements, vector attraction reduction requirements and management practices must be completed quarterly by the proper authority or authorities if more than one is involved, either the person who prepares the residuals, the person who derives the material, or the person who applies the residuals. After the residuals have been monitored for two years at the above frequency, the Permittee may request a permit modification for the reduction of the frequency of monitoring for pollutant concentrations and for the pathogen density requirements, but in no case shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per year when residuals are applied to the land. Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in conditions 1111, III 2,113, I114, III 5 and 1116 shall be submitted annually on or before March 1 of the following year to the following address: • ' NC Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Facility Assessment Unit PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number 910/896-7007, or the Asheville Regional Office (for the Caldwell County sites), telephone number 704/251-6208,as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the land application program which results in the land application of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for the disposal system constructed after December 31, 1983, is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143- 215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken when the seasonal high water table is less than three feet below land surface. �V. INSPECTIONS I 1. The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or. representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI.. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit shall become voidable unless the land application activities are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by this Division. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. This permit is not automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership or a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and' may or may not be approved. 4. The following are approved sites for residuals application (see attached map(s)): B-I B-II B-III B-IV S-1 S-2 F-1 T-1 T-2 Ore Knob Mines 1 2 Area [acres] Mack Brown 7.0 Mack Brown 25.5 Mack Brown 9.5 Mack Brown 17.5 Mack Brown (Farm B-7) 10.0 Mack Brown (Farm B-8) 1.0 Mack Brown (Farm B-8) 9.0 Gail Taylor 1.5 Gail Taylor 1.5 Marsh Foundation, Inc. 20.0 Vernon Cantor 1.5 Vernon Cantor 6.5 W Area 3 Vernon Cantor 3.5 4 Vernon Cantor 12.0 5 Vernon Cantor 12.0 1 John Cassavaugh 7.5 2c John Cassavaugh 6.0 3 John Cassavaugh 9.0 TOTAL AVAILABLE ACRES 140.5b The Ore Knob Mine site is approved for the application of approximately 300 tons of sludge per year, only during the period beginning May 12, 1994, and ending May 12, 1996, for a reclamation project. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 503, reclamation must take place within 2 years of the initial application of residuals to the site to avoid being classified as a surface disposal site. The sludge to be received from the Town of Blowing Rock shall be added to that received from the Town of Boone, with the total amount applied not to exceed the previously established limit. b Not including Ore Knob Mine. c No application will be allowed on this site until an adequate ground cover of fescue is established, and the numerous erosion gullies eliminated. Notification should be sent to the Winston-Salem Regional Office when the site is ready to begin receiving residuals. 5. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(a) to 143-215.6(c). 5. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). 7. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. S. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. 9. This permit may be modified, or revoked and reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division of Environmental Management deems necessary in order to adequately protect the environment and public health. 10. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners/lessees are in full force and effect. The land owner agreements are considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and must be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 10 r Permit issued this the second day of December, 1994 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.El, Director i Division of Ehvironmental Management V By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. WQ0005757 11 r. LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES September 5, 1995 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Permits and Engineering Unit P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Subject: Land Application of Other Residual Soils Sealed Air Corporation Yadkin River Road Patterson, North Carolina LAW Project 56-3997 Dear Gentlemen: On behalf of Sealed Air Corporation, Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (LAW) has prepared the attached Land Application of Other Residual Soils for the above referenced site. Enclosed are five copies of the application and the $400 application fee. If you have questions concerning this application, please contact us at 910-294-4221. Sincerely, LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Je#yI.Irlock, P.G. Senior Geologist cc: Mr. Mike Hosken, Sealed Air Corporation Attachments 7347-F WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE • GREENSBORO, NC 27410 (910) 294-4221 • FAX (910) 294.4227 ONE OF WE IAW WNPANES e r State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Non -Discharge Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) LAND APPLICATION OF OTHER RESIDUAL SOLIDS This application is intended for facilities which are EXEMPT from 40 CFR Part 503 I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicants name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): SEALED Ate CorLPo 2itzioti 2. Print Owners or Signing Officials mute and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): 3. Mailing address: P. o . RR ., )c 17 a Z City: Q o ki v G ,• State: NG Zip: 2 8 3 R _.- Telephone Number:( A 10 ) 9q4 4. Application Date: 13 O ! ° 5. Fee Submitted S 400[The permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .0205(cj(5).j c - 6. Specify whether these residuals will be land applied to: agricultural lands, _ fares J reclamation sites; (Please be advised, if these residuals will be distributed for lawn or homegardenuse,tact the application for the 'DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS" should be completed rather than this application.) 7. If the alternative for residual disposal consists of "surface disposal' as defined under 40 CFR Part 503, please complete the application titled "SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS. Please identify if there is any storage of residuals in a surface impoundment or disposal thru landfilling. Explain: N/A 8. Please specify the number of acres on which residual solids are to be land applied under the authority of this permit: Proposed in this application: 14 5. 5 acres; total (current and proposed): acres 9. County(ies) where residuals will be land applied: dal d w.l If. I PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application No. (will be completed by DEM): 2. Specify whether project is: —new; —renewal*; X modification For renewals, complete all sections included in the application, in addition, please submit updated cumulative loadings for the heavy metals and updated owner's agreement for each site. 3. If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number In) Q 000 57 5 -4 and its issue date �E I 1 01 q y FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 1 of 18 IV FACILITY INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Name of facility where residuals are generated or prepared: S U A- L � D A i 2 Ca R (20 (LA T 1 00 2. Facility permit number: NC 0o0 G 2 S4 ;facility permit holder. Se- L" A i 2 CD R P0R A Ir fx ) 3. Specify whether facility in Section III.1 is owned by: —federal; ✓ private; —state; —local government. 4. Specify facility design flow: 3 2 5. oL`0 mgd; facility average daily flow: mgd; Type of residual storage: F-'6c. fY.-,or 'SEDI rAEN—ATioN Po D s7 Volume of residual storage: 5 0E A 17 A-c_ u.£p F Lo W S c lV E tii A Tic, Length of residuals storage at facility: n days (the Division requires a minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.); re5� d. al s a� Z+" ; j" Maximum storage time of residuals between application events: (0 days tskc Estimated volume of residuals: 117 3 (dry tons/yr.); 3251oa_) 5. Are there any other storage facilities, other than the above, currently on site: Yes, ✓ No. If Yes, please identify: 6. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): NA> Wk1f, Ikon ke 7. Facility contacfs telephone number,( A (o ) q q 7 _ 2 z o, ro�+l -1 S ` - `- i 8. Location of treatment facility: Ps7to ; :),., t nt c. State; r A d N e 11 County 9. Mailing address: t;ALED Ail CoP-00 2A- orJ u 10. Latitude: 3 ° J t% Longitude: 81° 33, 4-4 11. Specify the source of the residuals: _ treatment of water (alum sludges); treatment of industrial wastewater (100% industrial residuals); _ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater (please specify appropriate percentages of % industrial wastewater, % domestic wastewater); ✓other(explain): G'h E4,/ 66-er^ Attach an explanation of either the treatment process, manufacturing process, or how the waste is generated. Provide full and complete details of the entire process. C S 1-C A TT A c tl i= D Pa-o cEs g Sc- e.- ,_Lt 12. Does the facility which generates the residuals have an approved pretreatment program? ✓ Yes; _ No. This includes facilities which are classified as a "Class I" facility (any publicly owned treatment works required, under 40 CFR 403.8, to have an approved pretreatment program or any facility treating domestic sewage that is classified as "Class I" by the appropriate federal or State authority) RESIDUALS INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Information for Hazardous Waste (RCRA) Determination. The information requested on the limitations specified below pertain only to those residuals that are generated from a municipal wastewater treatment facility with industrial contribution or active pretreatment program and from any other treatment facility with wastewater sources that include industrial sources. a. Are any of the residuals covered by this application listed in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33? Yes; ✓ No. If Yes, list the number(s): : LAORS 06/94 Page 2 of 18 3 b. Do the residuals exhibit any of the four characteristics defined by 40 CFR 261.21-261.24? _ Yes; �✓ No. Attach laboratory results for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses, Reactivity, Ignitability, and Con-osivity for each residual. Note: If the following constituent levels (as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses) are exceeded in the residuals or if the pH of the residual is not within the range listed below, the residual is by definition a Hazardous waste. Chemical analyses must be made to Minimum Detection Levels. PPM Um Arsenic 5.0 No Barium 1()0.0 t'D Be11zP 0.5 W Cadmium 1.0 N7 Carbon tetrachloride 0.5 "o Chlordane 0.03 N Chlorobenzene 100.0 r'D Chloroform 6.0 nD Chromium 5.0 o-Cresol 200.0 m-Cresol 200.0 p-Cresol 200.0 Cresol 200.0 2,4-D 10.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 1,1-Dichlomethylene 0.7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 N"• Endrin 0.02 Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) 0.008 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 "P Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.5 Hexachloroethane 3.0 Lead 5.0 ND Lindane 0.4 Mercury 0.2 " o Methoxychlor 10.0 Methyl ethyl ketone 200.0 1_0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 "" Pentachlorophenol 100.0 Pyridine 5.0 tO Selenium 1.0 " Silver 5.0 N^ Tetratltloroethylene 0.7 tiD Toxaphene 0.5 Trichloroethylene 0.5 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 2,4,6-Trichlorophenot 2.0 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) 1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.2 pH (2:1 vol./wt): >2.0 s.u. - <12.5 s.u. NOTE: IF ANY OF THE RESIDUALS MEET THE DEFINITIONS OF A HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS NOTED IN EITHER "A" OR "B" ABOVE, A PERMIT CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THAT RESIDUAL AND IT SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THIS APPLICATION. For each residual, please attach a complete chemical analysis of the material. This analysis must be comprehensive enough to completely characterize the residual and must be based upon a review of the process that generates the material. If the facility that will generate the residual is not yet in operation, the characterization must be based on similar existing facilities and projection based on the type of facility. The analysis must include a minimum of the following parameters and any other known and suspected contaminants that are tributary to the system. I Cadmium Aluminum Copper Ammonia -Nitrogen Lead Calcium Nickel Magnesium Zinc Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen % Total Solids PH Phosphorus Potassium Sodium TKN Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) Wastewater residuals shall not be applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the residuals exceeds the ceiling concentrations specified in the table below. Specify the pollutant concentration of these residuals (attach lab analysis): Pollutant Pollutant Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Weight Basis Pollutant Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Weight Basis Cadmium 85 N n Copper 4300 53 Lead 840 . Na Nickel 420 3.q Zinc 7500 71 FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 3 of 18 V . PATHOGEN REDUCTION INFORMATION (attach add. pages for additional sources of residuals): In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0200, pathogen reduction can be achieved using either 40 CFR Part 257 or 40 CFR Part 503. Since the pathogen reduction requirements found in 40 CFR Part 257 (note, "Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" or PSRP) are incorporated into 40 CFR Part 503, only Part 503 is listed below. Please check which of the following applies to the subject residual: Z00% Industrial Residuals with no domestic contribution (Skip this section, proceed to Section VI) VI. I Residuals from the treatment of water (Alum Sludges) with no domestic contribution (Skip this section, proceed to Section VI) _ Residuals from animal processing plants (if the residuals are being injected into the soil, please explain the pro" and the equipment used skip this section and proceed to Section VI Industrial residuals with domestic contribution 1. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 503, a residual can not be land applied if it does not meet one of the following alternatives for Class 13 pathogen reduction. Please specify a, bl, b2, W, M, b5 or c from below (submit all lab analysis, test results and calculations): a. at least seven residuals samples should be collected at the time of use and analyzed for Fecal coliforms during each monitoring period. The geometric mean of the densities of these samples will be calculated and should be less than 2,000,000 most probable number per gram of total dry solids, or less than 2,000,000 Colony Forming Units per gram of total dry solids. b. the residuals must be treated by one of the following "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP). 1. Aerobic Digestion - residuals are agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 40 days at 200 C and 60 days at 150 C. 2. Air Orrin - residuals are dried on sand beds or on paved or basins for a minimum of three months. During two of the three months, the ambient average daily temperature is above Oo C. 3. Anaerobic Digestion - residuals are treated in the absence of air for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 15 days at 350 C to 550 C and 60 days at 200 C. 4. Composting - using either the within -vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting methods, the temperature of the residuals are raised to 400 C or higher for five days. For four hours during the five days, the temperature in the compost pile exceeds 550 C. 5. Lime Stabilization - sufficient lime is added to the residuals to raise the pH of the residuals to 12 after two hours of contact. c. The residuals shall be treated by a process that is equivalent to a "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP), as determined by the permitting authority, based on an evaluation of the recommendations provided by the Pathogen Equivalency Committee. RESIDUALS TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION: 1. How will the residuals be delivered to the application sites (leak proof trucks, etc.)? 6 1�, },.:I nr, 2. What type of equipment will be utilized for land application? rt How will the application of the residual be controlled to ensure that there is proper distribution over thel site? Ci �X:o-..l�/ � .P� in •. tn��.J... ,,...tti a�/n,t.• � r1.r"r-�%- Ya�o-i� �-i.YO VW� �' l LAORS 06/94 Page 4 of 18 4. Will the land application operation utilize a contractor who specializes in Residuals Management or will the permittee management the program? Contractor, _ Permittee. If a contractor is utilized, provide the name of the firm, a contact, address, and telephone number. a 1/ c- ' 1. R(3 lJ LE No ` Vc 2£(045 �— VII. SITE EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDED LOADING RATES: 1. The following sites are to be used for land application under this permit application [please attach map(s),see I.&]: Application Area [acres] Maximum slope Site No County Owner/L c (excluding huffy (in cercP r) 1 C4 Awe,[ I 2 6s 3 3.s 12.0 rM, 7. s 9.0 7;4C s'-S Ar.K.s s / *575— s Note: If more than ten (10) sites are to be covered by this application, please attach a form listing all of the sites along with the information listed below: a. A vicinity map must be attached. This map must show the location of each site in relation to at least two geographical referen [�and ma" or intersection (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.). j_L_ Nor Ju d MQ�s ; n 50-Is ee a et / b. For all new or modi led sites, a detailed site ccation map must be attached delineating both total and buffered acres. This map must be drawn to scale with topographical contour intervals not exceeding ten feet or 25% of total site relief (whichever is more descriptive) and showing the property lines; all existing wells, all surface waters and drainage ways and all dwellings within 500 feet of the land application areas; and all buffers. Note: The following buffers must be maintained. If residuals are sprayed on the sites, larger buffers may be required: 1. 400 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for surface residual application, 200 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for subsurface residual injection. 2. 100 feet between the disposal area and any public or private water supply source, all streams classified as WS or B, waters classified as SA or SB and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water.[ 3. 100 feet between any surface residual application area and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way, 50 feet between any subsurface residual injection area and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way.t 4. 50 feet between the residual application area and property lines for both surface and subsurface application (if the original permit was issued with the buffer distance to property line as 100 feer, updated maps must be submitted and new acreage delineated for the buffer to be reduced). 5. 10 feet between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (upslope). 6. 25 feet between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (downslope). 7. 25 feet between the disposal area and any groundwater lowering and surface drainage ditches. t SPECIFY THE NAME OF AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE CLOSEST DOWNSLOPE SURFACE WATERS (as established by the Environmental Management Commission) TO THE LAND APPLICATION SITE(S). USE THE ATTACHED INFORMATION SHEET (PAGE 9 OF 18) TO OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 5 of 18 Note: The maximum slope for land application of residuals is 10% for surface application and 18% for subsurface application. I 2. For each land application site, attach a soil evaluation by a soils scientist (the evaluation must be signed by the soil scientist) which addresses soil color, the depth, thickness and type of restrictive horizons; the presence or absence of a seasonal high watertable or bedrock within three vertical feet of the deepest point of residual application; pH and cation exchange capacity. If the depth to either groundwater or bedrock is less than three feet, please also attach a demonstration, using predictive calculations or modeling methods acceptable to the Director of the Division of Environmental Management, that the use of this site will not result in the contravention of classed groundwater standards as contained in NCAC 2L .0200. In no case shall the separation be less than one Wet, This report must b@ signed by the soil scientist and submitted with application. (See a1}�c: S.ES y{ da� }y8 q4 'J 3. For each site, please attach a project evaluation conducted by an agronomist including recommendations concerning cover crops and their ability to accept the proposed loading of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, salts and any other contaminant know to be in the residual. A part of the agronomists recommendations must be a crop management plan. This plan mast determine the crops to be grown on the site(s), when they should be grown and how they should be harvested and marketed. This report must be sign��{,ti7- byy he agronomist and {u0notted with application. (Sns III .S+C-c. re�o�- �tt*e..4 74z0 q4/l 4. Attach a representative soils analysis of each site. The soils analysis shall include the following paremet¢rs, along with any other significant parameter that has been shown to be contained in the residual: Standard Soil Fertility Test (which includes): pH Phosphorus Potassium Acidity Calcium Manganese Magnesium Zinc Copper cab Humic Matter Sodium Cation Exchange Capacity Base Saturation (by calculation) And the following Pollutants: Cadmium Lead Nickel 5. In order to assist DEM in the review of the proposed loading rates, please complete the calculations contained in the attachment titled "Calculations Work Sheet" (beginning on Page 11 of 18). If more than one residual is to be covered by this permit, additional worksheets must be attached. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Five (5) complete copies of the permit application and five (5) copies of all required supporting information, including cover letters must be submitted or the application package will be returned as incomplete. 2. Please explain how access to the land application sites, by both people and animals, will be controlled following the application of residuals: I i,, Acc__S5 is rt( rnr, o 0�L a4e s D k� J Wrt4/.S �.Z1 M�5<'M M\1C� � O nP a. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application sites within 30 days after the application of residuals. b. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during the active site use and for 12 months following the last application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at the site. 3. Please explain the procedures that will be used to establish and maintain the buffers during the application process (i.e. will the sites be flagged): 6J �4, S 0 r Se"� 6ca 61-S rrJ;11 %k -6a ; GQ d 4. Please attach an executed "Agreement For the Land Application of Residuals to Private Lands" for each land application site that is not owned by the applicant. A copy of the DEM approved form is attached. If the applicant wishes to use a different form or a modified form, prior approval must be received from DEM. 5. Each application site must be assigned a site identification number. 6. Attachments may be utilized to provide the information that is requested in this application form; however, if attachments are utilized, their location should be so indicated on the application form. All attachments must be numbered to correspond LAORS 06/94 Page 6 of 18 to ,the individual parts of the application that require the attachment. If the attachments are part of a larger document, a table must be'provided that lists the locations of the required information. Applicant's Certification: a I, QA,2'f f a 6 K C F �.M R attest that this application for to APPU&-mon) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all tequired,pans -of application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as Tcomplete. Bn Date "oZ THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-9919 FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 7 of 18 Instructions: Processing of this application will not be initiated until five (5) copies of all of the following items have been submitted in addition to five(5) copies of the completed application form., If an� of the below items have been excluded from the package, please explain. 1. Is a general location map included? YES ✓ or NO I 2. Is a site map (drawn to scale) included which delineates total and buffered acres and I hows all property lines, buffers, existing wells within 500 feet, topography, drainage features, and any surface waters? ES ✓ or NO 3. Is a vicinity map enclosed which clearly indicates the projects location with respect to State roads and named Surface waters? YES ✓ or NO 4. ;s a signed soil scientist report included which defines the following: a) field descriptions of texture, color, and structure, b) depth and thickness of soil horizons, c) presence of any restrictive soil horizons or layers, d) depth to seasonal high water table, e) the hydraulic conductivity, Precomme ded loading rate for the site, YES _✓ or NO 5. ,s a signed agronomist's report included which identifies the crop and loading recommendatii s for N-P-K? YES ✓ or NO I0 7 Q the Crop Management Plan included in the application package? :S ✓ or NO the Lan Owner's agreement been completed and signed? or NO ate fee in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5)-(eff. February 1, 1993): New Applications, Modifications or Late Renewals $400.00 Timely Renewals without Modifications $250.00 S ✓ or NO e (5) copies of all reports, evaluations, agreements, supporting calculations, etc. must included as a part of the application package. LAORS 06/94 Page 8 of 18 AW-30-1995 11:32 FROM Asheville RO DEHNR Po.jW Fax Note 7671 Ion o1a le.- I f � ► . TO 989102944224 From c o�oaar CO. ZN M PMoro f Phare! I- Z� Faz f Q- Ruf FAX K 9102844MT P.01 F. 02 e �oF 21&� a" included with fire MOMMMOINSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT 7n order to detetmtne the clasai&eatiou of the wavcftd is which these» spp nm�ml irquited sQhmit t W wiW ioemc i into 8 completed. iu �fre p pb;activities �a ooff iuChtdc as 8,S' by�Il• ca �y $d�'�seo arched listing: Ai s mfdm�, ent 8lnfee0 wappsa 4p ffiustide� of a 7.5 mimttY' US S Topoghie Map which shows the �jxe which you ace ueg thew the loCatil:n of the fscIIity endtIle closest rTowaskpe CEGM wtlims fwu=fler sabmilymo mu this fob is hlssifiCaaon} ou the submitted map copy the applit�on ma7 mot be completed. and iaClttde3 with ttte subitgittal. L Applimt(pleaseWelty thenantenfehem�y, p�q� ydaa].orathmx 2. Name aifd Complote Address ofAppllCaB2t.a+-A6Pbfi Q e . Z smtc: 7A Telephonew%mber:(�) p' o ff.. 3. ihojeetX=W _?fib®ai- volume of residuals to be Land appBed: � 3 dry tAns'per year Name ofciosestsudf cewabar V rCt? COunry(s) where land appflcatian site iS located C At t)w6t C. Map name and date: 9. Appllcmtt Signature: TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERMOR PJCM provide me widt the olassitmatlon of tiro ss iden fwd ou the attached map segment!wuterahed where dteSC laud app$catIoa activities winoccai, i Nam of surface wateas: _ - lei Ctassi£=tion (pseSI2bHdcdby I Proposed ClassWcation, if appli Sigaadmc of regienai otEice tits ! FORM%-. LAO= 0&% I I I I Management Cbmmissiouy. _ xuoe+c +iE Bags 9 of is TOTAL P.01 OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGIONAL OFFICES (11/93) Asheville Regional WQ Supervisor 59 Woodfm Place Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 251-6208 Fax'(704) 251-6452 Aver Macon Buncombe Madison Burke McDowell Caldwell Mitchell Cherokee Polk Clay Rutherford Graham Swain Haywood Transylvania Henderson Yancy Jackson i i Fayetteville Regional WQ Supervisor Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910)486-1541 Fax i 910) 486-0707 Anson Moore Bladen Robeson Ctnnnberhmd Richmond Harriea Sampson Hoke Scotland Montgomery Winston-Salem Regional WQ Supervisor 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (910) 896-7007 Fax(910)896-7005 1 FORM: Rockingham Randolph Stokes Sorry Watauga Wilkes Yadkin LAORS 06/94 Washington Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 1507 Washington, NC 27889 (919)946-6481 Fax (919) 975-3716 Beaufort Jones Bettie Lenoir Camden Martin Chowan Pamlico Craven Pasquotank Currituck Perquimans Date Pitt Gates Tyrell Greene Washington Hertford Wayne Hyde Mooresville Regional WQ Supervisor 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (704)663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Alexander Mecklenburg Cabarrus Rowan Catawba Stanly Gaston Union Iredell Cleveland Lincoln Page 10 of 18 Raleigh Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 571-4700 Fax (919) 571-4718 Chatham Nash Durham Northampton Edgecombe Orange Franklin Person Granville Vance Halifax Wake Johnston Warren Lee Wilson Wilmington Region. WQ Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (910)395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Brunswick New Hanover Carteret Onslow Columbus Pender Duplin CALCULATIONS WORK SHEET � This work sheet is designed to assist the Division of Environmental Management in reviewing this application as expeditiously as possible. Its preparation in a complete and accurate manner is critical to this review. For permits that cover multiple sources of residuals or different residuals from the same source, use additional work sheets. A . List the specific residual that is covered by these calculations (place or process of origin) What are the total dry tons of this residual to be land applied each year? Total Dry Tons = Gallons of Residuals • % Solids ► 8.34 Wgallon produced annually 100 2,000 lbsJmn Total Dry Tons = " 11 " 8.34 IbsJgallon 2,50o,00D 100 2,000 lbs./urn 1 i 7 3 Dry Tons per year 3 No s x 3e o y 20 -r ' 8 '+c ' a: 0 e.xl I CAtF 23 s7.o 5�-A. ou,boo If the quantity of residual will vary significantly or if there will be a larger initial application, please attach a detailed explanation and provide calculations for each variation. Complete the following calculations to establish the portion of the residual that is made up of the various parameters: Total Solids = 1-4 (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CONSTITUENTS ARE TO BE IN TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS) PARAMETER m /L + % Solids Decimal = mg/kg (dry wt.) x 0.002 = lbsJdry ton Cadmium = 1.9 x 0.002 = o. o o 5 b Copper = 53 x 0.002 = 0.1o6 Lead = 10 x 0.002 = o- o 2- Nickel = 9 x 0.002 = o -o :1 -1 s Zinc = -7 1 x 0.002 = o I g 2 Ammonia-N = 78 x 0.002 = o • i s6 Calcium = Soo x 0.002 = I, G o Magnesium = 3 6o x 0.002 = o - 72- NO3-NO2-N = 0.60 x 0.002 = - o • o o i 2 Phos horus = 4,4 x 0.002 = o . oo E9 Potassium = 5+0 x 0.002 = t•ov Sodium = ISO x 0.002 = o •2& TKN = 50 x 0.002 = ,o • i o OTHER: = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 = — x 0.002 1 = FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 11 of 18 tom`' nt Available Nitrogen (PAN) calculations and land application area requirements: Mineralization Rate (MR) `+-6 % (These values can be established for the specific residual or default values can be used for domestic wastewater treatment residuals. If actual values are established, attach the documentation. The default values are as follows): I Unstahilized Primary and Secondary Residuals, 40% Aerobically Digested Residuals 30% Anaerobically Digested Residuals 20% Composted Residuals 10% (1f the default values are used, attach an explanation as to why the specific chosen default value is Complete the following calculations for the application method proposed (Please n( Rate [MR] should be utilized in the following calculations as a decimal): PAN for Surface Application F� PAN = ((MR) x (TKN - NH3)] + .5 x (NH3) + (NO3-NO2-N) PAN=1 6-4 x( -78 )]+.5x( 78 )+ PAN = 39 PPM Dry Weight PAN for Subsurface Application PAN = ((MR)x(TKN - NH3)] + (NH3) + (NO3-NO2-N) PAN=( x( )1+( )+— PAN = PPM Dry Weight 3. Total PAN to be land applied per year Total dry tons of residual to be land applied per year. i -1 73 Total PAN in pounds = (PAN in mgtka Dry Weight) x 2000 Pounds / Ton per dry ton 1,000,000 U _ (PAN in PPM Dry Weight) x 0.002 0. D :f S Pounds/Dry Ton/Year Total PAN in pounds = (PAN in Pounds / Dry Ton) x Total tons of residual to be land applied 13 S Pounds/Year Due to the fact that organic nitrogen is mineralized slowly over time, the amount of nitrogen that comes available in years following the initial application must be taken into consideration when calculating application rates for the subsequent years. This -being the case, please attach an evaluation of this factor and its impact on loading rates. Show the adjusted pan for, at least five years. The maximum adjusted annual PAN is 4. Crop information on nitrogen uptake per year Pounds/Year. (Division Recommendations) (Provide for the Crops Specified) Crop(s) PAN (lbsJacre/year) PAN (lbsdacre/year) Alfalfa 200 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 LAORS 06/94 Page 12 of 18 !7 Blue Grass 120 Corn (Grain) 160 Coro (Silage) 200 Cotton 70 Fescue 250 5 0 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Nuo 100 Small Grain (Wheat, barley, oats) 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 Timothy, Orchard; & Rye Grass 200 Please provide the basis for the uptake rates used if different than Division Recommendations: 5. Total acres needed to land apply the pounds of available nitrogen calculated above Total acres needed = Maximum total [rounds of plant available nitrogen (PAN) Pounds of nitrogen needed for crop* 13gI25d Minimum acres needed based on most restrictive PAN = O' S51- acres J * This value must be the value for the crop to be grown that has the lowest nitrogen uptake rate per acre. If there are various crops that will only be utilized for certain sites, please attach the calculations for each site and determine the total needed acres using the format outlined above. Calculate the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) (**This section must be completed in mg/l, to convert: mg/kg x % solids [as a decimal] = mg/l**) SAR = Na Milli Equivalent+ [0.5 (Ca Milli. Equivalent + Mg Milli Equivalent)] 0.5 CONCENTRATION (mg/1) - Equivalent Weight = Milli Equivalents of Ion SODIUM (Na) 2 2' 1 (mg/1) + 23 = o , R 6 CALCIUM (Ca) 13 6 (mg/1) + 20 = 6.S MAGNESIUM (Mg) (- I • Z (mgll) + 12 = 5 1 SAR = o , 4 calculation sheets are being completed for more than one residual or site, please attach a nmary sheet that bring the results of all the calculation sheets to one point. LAORS 06/94 Page 13 of 18 Determine the Site Life for this land application site: The lifetime pollutant loadings shall not be exceeded. The site life is determined by calculating the number of years that the site can receive the residual without exceeding the lifetime pollutant loadings. The site life calculations will be based on the most restrictive crop plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement specified and the maximum dry tons of residuals to be land applied annually. 'Therefore, in the table below the Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Ac:re(Year will be calculated as: 1. Most restrictive crop based on the plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement F E 5 c u C- Associated plant available nitrogen (PAN) requitement 13 (lbsJacre/year) 2. Minimum acres needed based on most restrictive PAN (as found in C.5 above): 0 - 5 5 2- acres 3. Dry Tons of Residuals to be land applied per year. III?, dry tons per year 4. Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year= Dry Tops/Year of Resid salt to be land arplied Minimum number of acres requited for land application Tons of Residuals Applied/AcreJYear = -3 2 12 If any of the application sites are to be loaded at greater than the rate specified above, please specify the loading rate and explain: Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year (different from above) = <1 0 t Ac, " .40 ct6 Explanation: For the purpose of site life determination, the lifetime pollutant loadings shall not exceed the following for the corresponding Cation Exchange Capacities (CEC). Site life for the site covered by this application shall be determined by using the lowest CEC. The appropriate column should be chosen and applied in the "'Allowable Lifetime Pollutant Loadings based on CEC" in the table below. CEC < 5 CEC 5-15 CEC > 15 Pollutant (ibc /acre) (lbs /acre) (lbsJacre) Lead 500 1,000 2,000 Zinc 250 500 1,000 Copper 125 250 500 Nickel 125 250 500 Cadmium 4.5 9 18 In the table below, the highest annual loading (Tons of Residuals to he Applied/Acre/Year) specified above, will be multiplied by the lbsJdry ton of each pollutant as found in B above. The Site Life can then be determined by: Site Life (Years) = Allowable Lifetime Loadings (Ibs./acre) Projected Pounds to be Applied/Acre/Year Pollutant Tons of Ibs./dry ton of each Projected Allowable Lifetime Residuals to be pollutant Pounds to be Pollutant Loadings Site Life Applied per (as found in Part B Applied/Acre based on CEC. (Years) Acre per Year above) [Year From Chart above lbs./acre Lead 40 * 0. o z = o, a a 000 = 12 y0 Zinc Flo * 0.142 = 5. 500 = 88 Copper 40 * 0.106 = +.z 290 = bo Nickel 40 * 0•0075 = 0.3 260 = 23 Cadmium /to * 0 • o 0 3 b = o- 14 q = 64 Compare the five (5) pollutants above and determine which pollutant that will result in the shortest life for this site. The Limiting Pollutant is <f0?? E 2 The Site Life is 6c) years. LAORS 06/94 Page 14 of 18 North Carolina Division of Environmental Management AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER RESIDUALS TO PRIVATE LANDS Permittee: Contact Seal a &'- '� oroorayj Person: . M HDS 5; � "I: R;'IZ't gam, ,, e Ad ess of Permittee: P.0 . &Y _I 7 -17 .51 T'E . YAAh'%'R'veA- kd %/ U 5 K 3. Rod— n5 hrt NC ;Z 8 379 i�a sa+1V C of wastewater residuals to be applied to lands: fi„ '-6ers — Lit these e. Site ID Number. _ Cas s avau A k Field Number. I rova k 3 Location of Land to be used for residual application (include map for each site): Owner Sze_ Map of Property used for residual application: Talk. C a s_s av�" Lessee of Property (if appropriate): WA Lanid use or cropping patterns: _ Pasi),,-! 4a" Intel ded use or disposition of crops: Lvesiou'L 4ea f! f f! i! f! f f f f f! i f!! f f f f t f f t! t 1 f f!! t► f f i! t t f f f! f• f i f! f i f f The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits SePLI-CA rh r CoreorAJkdY\ hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed residuals onto the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions .and stipulations as given below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of wastewater residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advice, modifies or cancels this Land owner's A;=menr Notification of cancellation of this agreement shall be immediately forwarded to: Division of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 :� LAORS 06/94 Page 15 of 18 STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after residual application and to established monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the residual land application permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of residual application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of residuals to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the residual, residual application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for residual application. I 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residual application. Residuals may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.0 provided a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residual and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 7. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residual application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the permit. 9. 1 The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of the most recent residual application. 10. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the twelve (12) month period following residual application. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 11. Specific residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) prior to and during application. 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 16 of 18 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement 1 i. Animals should not be grazed on residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the residual application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a permit modification must be requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management. The request shall contain appropriate fees and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of I determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. The landowner shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional wastewater residual sources, other than the residuals specified by this permit, is prohibited. RESTRICTIONS: FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 17 of 18 i I,y4z'r hove an �D 1� have read this land owners, agreement and do hereby grant permission to thi Permittee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. ! I Owner • Ci7 i Date NORTH CAROLINA, el L COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that J u A *rTft personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 Y-) (j Expires�� \ -` -1 SEAL: I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the snpulatioas and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date I, S t—Prt F D �t +2 f &PtaY tZ FXc PP have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. P rnittee Date LAORS 06194 Page 18 of 18 North Carolina Division of Environmental Management AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER RESIDUALS TO PRIVATE LANDS Person: of Permittee: C 5 PTJ of wastewater residuals to be applied to these lands: fi„e pa er ziNers Site ID Number. Ca..-I-er Field Number. 1 i"usk 5- of Land to be used for residual application (include map for each site): :r of Property used for residual application: Vernon Cam„ r- e of Property (if appropriate): N /A use or cropping patterns: Pbs+1K o A 4aml use or disposition of crops: Livesioc k -Pea 3zo *.*I* * * ► * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ■ * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits semi -CA 13; r Coropora ah ifter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed residuals onto the land at the location as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as given below. ,The rner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied as while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the tl of wastewater residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of nmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with owing restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in e, modifies or cancels this Land owner's Ameemenr . of cancellation of this agreement shall be immediately forwarded to: Division of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh; North'Carolina 27626-0535 LAORS 06/94 Page 15 of 18 2. 7 w it 13 The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after residual application and to established monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the residual land application permit. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement_ The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of residual application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of residuals to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the residual, residual application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for residual application. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residual application. Residuals may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.0 provided a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residual and soil mixture of at least 6.0. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residual application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the permit. The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of the most recent residual application. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the twelve (12) month period following residual application. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. Specific residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) prior to and during application. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. LAORS 06/94 Page 16 of 18 This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15'. Animals should not be grazed on residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the residual application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16'. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a permit modification must be requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management. The request shall contain appropriate fees and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. The landowner shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional wastewater residual sources, other than the residuals specified by this permit, is prohibited. LAORS 06/94 Page 17 of 18 I, J have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby Y Sant permission to the Permiuee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. / d Owner Date NORTH CAROLINA, CaAwejI COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that & fk,,.i &:SSA Q a UI-A personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of a� Q 19 �� My commission Expires �, %r\ \ 'la' SEAL: I, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Lessee Date f f t+ f f R Y f f f# f# t f f t#+ f O# t 1 f t R f t t t t t++ f t# Y f f f i t+ f f# f 1 t f.t f+ I, S EA l.El atr2 (5, h2`( g ( PP have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the 'stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. P rmi p d "" 4S Date FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 18 of 18 APPENDIX A ATTACHMENTS JUNCTION PROCESS WATER FROM PLANT — 325,000 GPD FIBER TRAP #1 WO' x 2 0' x 12' ) AERATION LAGOON 120'x100'xl: FIBER TRAP #2 300' x 20' x 12 SETTLING/ SDISCHARGE A CLARIFIER DISCHARGEGE POND OUTFALL 001 OPERATIONAL SCHEMATIC OF �& LAW WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SEALED AIR CORPORATION CHARLOTTE, NORM CAROLINA I PATTERSON, NORTH CAROLINA Gvf DATE y—IILIq 9 4 Im No. 56-3997-01 I FIGURE 1 ENGINEERING G ANO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES March 24, 1994 Jeff Gerlock Law Environmental, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Rd. Charlotte, NC 28208 Subject: Chemical analysis of samples received on 03/21194 Project Number: 56-3997 T20 Dear Mr. Gerlock: Law Environmental National Laboratories has completed its analysis of your samples and reports the results on the following pages. These results relate only to the contents of the samples as submitted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full Without the approval of Law Environmental National Laboratories. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES Linda Harris Hydrocarbon Supervisor LFH:pah Enclosures: Data Report Invoice LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. NATIONAL LABORATORIES 112 TOWNPANK DRIVE • KENNESAW. GA 30144 (404) 421.3300 • FAX (404) 421-3301 urcanc "'t4vw[5 e LAW ENVIRONMtN'TAL NATIONAL LAJJUA&1:U1t1l:J TEST DATA REPORT Date •03/26/94 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 64-8186-01 Project No. : 56-3997 T20 Cust. No. Project Name : SEALED AIR Manager: JEFF GERLOCK --- Sample Information --- Station ID : FT-1 Sampled Date/Time : 03/17/94 11:00 Matrix : SL Received Date/Time : 03/19/94 12:30 Type : GRAB Received From/By : JLM/JA Collector : JM chain of Custody : 23118 Number of Containers : 2 Remarks : Test Data --- Parameter .............................. Method.... Units PQL........ Results... Test Date Anal -- SAMPLE PREPARATION RESULTS -- Ext/TRPH/So/Son 3550/418.1 NA 03/22/94 JMK Ext/Oil & Grease/So/Sox EPA 9071 NA 03./22/94 JMK Moisture (oven dried @105c.) D2216M wt.% 1 92 '03/22/94 JMK -- HYDROCARBON PREP ANALYSIS RESULTS -- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (IR) EPA 418.1 mg/kg 10 240-03/22/94 KH Oil & Grease (Hydrocarbons) EPA 9071 mg/kg 10 110 03/22/94 JMK Signed LAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES April 11, 1994 Jeff Gerlock Law Environmental, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Rd. Charlotte, NC 28208 Subject: Chemical analysis of samples received on 3/19/94 Project Number: 56-3997 T20 Dear Mr. Gerlock: Law Environmental National Laboratories has completed its analysis of your samples and reports the results on the following pages. These results relate only to the contents of the samples as submitted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the approval of Law Environmental National Laboratories. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rhonda K. Arnwine at (404)-421- 3306. Sincerely, LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES W.?U� W. Paul Brafford Laboratory Manager Enclosures: Data Report Invoice LAW E-NMONMENTAL, INC. NATIONAL LABORATORIES 112 TOWN PARK DRIVE • KENNESAW. GA 30144 (404) 421.3400 • FAX (404) 421-3486 ONE of lIE w t4vixF4 8 LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL TEST DATA REPORT Date 04/11/94 Page 1 Lab Number : 94-7789-01 Project No. : 56-3997 T20 Project Name : SEALED AIR Manager: JEFF GERLOCE Station ID : FT-1 Matrix : NA Type : GRAB Collector : JM --- Project Information --- Cust. No. : --- Sample Information --- Sampled Date/Time : 03/17/94 11:00 Received Date/Time : 03/19/94 12:30 Received From/By : JM/JA Chain of Custody : 23118 Number of Containers : 3 Parameter .............................. Method.... Units DL........ Results... Test Date Analy - INORGANIC CHEMISTRY RESULTS - Cyanide, Total Releasable (HCH) SW 846-I mg/kg 200 ND 03/31/94 GW Moisture (Oven Dried @ 105C) D2216 M % 1.0 90 03/22/94 TT Corrosivity (pH) SW 846 units 2.0-12.5 5.2 03/22/94 TT Ignitability (Flashpoint) EPA 1020M F 75 >200 03/.28/94 GW Sulfide, Total Releasable SW 846-I mg/kg 400 ND 03/31/94 GW - RESULTS - Arsenic, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/l 0.5 ND 03/31/94 BM Barium, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/1 1.0 ND 03/31/94 BM Cadmium, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/1 0.1 ND 03/31/94 BM Chromium, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/1 O.5 ND 03/31/94 BM Lead, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/l 0.5 ND 03/31/94 BM Mercury, TCLP EPA 7470 mg/1 0.020 ND 03/23/94 CW Selenium, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/1 0.5 ND 03/31/94 BM Silver, TCLP EPA 6010 mg/l 0.5 ND 03/31/94 BM -- METALS PREP RESULTS - T. Metals Prep: Aqueous ICP/AA Flame EPA 3010 N/A 03/22/94 ER T. Metals Prep: Solid, Hg EPA 7471 N/A 03/22/94 CW TCLP Extraction EPA 1311 EXTRACTED 03/21/94 ER - ORGANIC PREP RESULTS - TCLP Extraction EPA 1311 EXTRACTED 03/25/94 JRF Ext/Base Neutral/Leachate 3510/8270 N/A 03/28/94 JRF -- GC/MS ORGANIC ANALYSIS (A) RESULTS -- Hexachloroethans, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/l 20 ND 04/01/94 MM Nitrobenzene, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/1 20 ND 04/01/94 MM Hexachlorobutadiene, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/l 20 ND 04/01/94 MM 2,4-Dinitrotoluens, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/1 20 ND 04/01/94 MM 0 Remarks: HC LAB # 64-8186 DL = Detection Limit ND = Not Detected at the DL Unless otherwise noted, all soil test results are calculated based on dry weight. Signed LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL TEST DATA REPORT Date 04/11/94 Page 2 Lab Number : 94-7789-01 Project No. : 56-3997 T20 Parameter .............................. Method.... Units DL........ Results... Test Date Anal, -- GC/MS ORGANIC ANALYSIS (A) RESULTS -- Hexachlorobenzene, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/l 20 Pyridine, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/l 100 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, TCLP EPA 8270 ug/l 20 --- SERIES 66000 Ext/Zero Headspace, TCLP EPA 1311 EXTRACTED --- SERIES 67000 Vinyl Chloride, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 50 ND 1,1-Dichloroethene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND Chloroform, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND 2-Butanone (MEK), TCLP EPA 8240 ug/1 500 ND Carbon tetrachloride, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND Trichloroethene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND Benzene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND Tetrachloroethene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND Chlorobenzene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 25 ND Signed 04/01/94 MM 04/01/94 MM 04/01/..94 MM 03/28/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 0.3/,29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 03/,29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY 03/29/94 JY /.' LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 04/11/94 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 94-7789-02 Project No. : 56-3997 T20 Cust. No. : Project Name : SEALED AIR Manager: JEFF GERLOCK --- Sample Information --- Station ID : TRIP BLANK Sampled Date/Time : 03/15/94 Matrix : W Received Date/Time : 03/19/94 12:30 Type : GRAB Received From/By : /JA Collector : Chain of Custody : 54575 Number of Containers : 2 Parameter .............................. Method.... Units DL........ Results... Test Date Analy -- SERIES 66000 Ext/Zero Headspace, TCLP EPA 1311 N/A 03/28/94 JY -- SERIES 67000 Vinyl chloride, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 10 ND 03/29/94 JY l,l-Dichloroethene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 5 ND 03/29/94 JY Chloroform, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 5 ND 03/29/94 JY 1,2-Dichloroethane, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/1 5 ND 03/29/94 JY 2-Butanone (MEK), TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 100 ND 03/29/94 JY Carbon tetrachloride, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 5 ND 03/29/94 JY Trichloroethene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 5 ND 03/29/94 JY Benzene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/1 5 ND 03/29/94 JY Tetrachloroethene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/l 5 ND 03/29/94 JY Chlorobenzene, TCLP EPA 8240 ug/1 5 ND 03/29/94 JY Remarks: DL = Detection Limit ND = Not Detected at the DL Unless otherwise noted, all soil test results are calculated based on dry weight. Signed LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD .s NATIONAL IABORATORY (��„� ;-�� C 112 TOWNPARK DRIVE I "uILITY• v f KENNESAW, GEORGIA 30144 INFORMATION STREET ADDRESS: Yid (404)421-3306 �G(�VI(J� CITY/STATE: P. i SAMPLERS(SIGNAT RE) ;Q JSSOB6 NO. S�� 0,�Q PROJECT NAME 4�. e �� v �Q PIERSpQsO 00. cim SAMPLING DA 4 3- 17 4 H o TIME � SAMPLE STATION DESCRIPTION 0� •� MATRIX tloo 1- FT- I 5 WISHEDRELDATEITIME REGEIVCVn.. Y:C 'IGNATURE DISTRIBUT •MATRIX WATER -W SLUDGE -SL REMARKS SOIL / SEDIMENT - SO OTHER - NA DATE/TIME I RELINQUISHED BY: iv L' Al . C mi NSE ONLY ORIGINANDYELLOWCOPIESACCOMrnnTa"m. AL �•••••---- PINK COPY 'RETAINED -13Y SAMPLERS.. YELLOW COPY RETAINED BY LABORATORY. Izio I -3 - L9'gL( I ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES April 3, 1995 Chalam Pakala Law Environmental, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Rd. Charlotte, NC 28208 Subject: Chemical analysis of samples received on 03/09/95 Project Number: 56-3997-01 Dear Mr. Pakala: Law Environmental National Laboratories has completed its analysis of your samples and reports the results on the following pages. These results relate only to the contents of the samples as submitted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the approval of Law Environmental National Laboratories. II' there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rhonda K. Armvinc at (404)-421- 33l)6. Sincerely, LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES 1 C. W. Paul Brafford Laboratory Manager WPB:pah Enclosures: Data Report Invoice LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. NATIONAL LABORATORIES 112 TOWN PARK DRIVE • KENNESAW, CA 30144 (404) 421-3400 • FAX (404) 421-3486 ONE of DE IAW WNPAMES CASE NARRATIVE Project Name: Sealed Air Project Number: 56-3997-01 Date: April 3, 1995 This narrative pertains to the following sample(s) submitted to Law Environmental National Laboratories - Kennesaw on March 09, 1995: CLIENT ID.: LABORATORY # SS-1 95-1201-01 Metals Analvsis: With each analytical batch of samples analyzed, a blank is processed through the entire procedure to determine if these are artifacts present that may effect the data results. In this case, the method blank for zinc analysis contained 0.054 mg/1 zinc, equivalent to 17 mg/kg. With the detection limit for zinc at 6.4 mg/kg, the data should be minimally impacted. Nevertheless, the reported zinc values have been qualified as estimates. Signed: Clifford H. McBride QC Coordinator LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 04/03/95 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 95-1201-01 Project No. : 56-3997-01 Cust. No. Project Name : SEALED AIR CORPORATION Manager: CHALAM PAFJk.L Sample Information Station ID : SS-1 Sampled Date/Time : 03/08/95 14:00 Matrix : SO Received Date/Time : 03/09/95 09:26 Type : GRAB Received From/By : JL/JA Collector : JL Chain of Custody : 27133 Number of Containers : 6 Parameter .............................. Method.... Units DL........ Results... Test Date Analy -- INORGANIC CHEMISTRY RESULTS -- Chloride (Water Extractable) EPA 9252M mg/kg 5.0 ND 03/13/95 DF Moisture (Oven Dried O 105C) D2216 M % 1.0 83 03/15/95 DF Nitrogen, Ammonia COE 3-151M mg/kg 18 78 03/23/95 KAA Nitrogen, Nitrate COE 3-183 mg/kg 0.50 ND 03/17/95 DF Nitrogen, Nitrite COE 84-3M mg/kg 0.10 ND 03/17/95 DF Nitrogen, Total Organic SM 4500NB mg/kg 0.15 ND 03/23/95 SSD PH (Soil) EPA 9045 units 2.0-13.0 5.1 03/13/95 DF Phosphorus, Extractable MSA73-4.3M mg/kg 1.0 4.4 03/20/95 DF Residue, Volatile (Solids) EPA 160.4 mg/kg 10 160 03/16/95 GW Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen EPA 351.1M mg/kg 0.15 50 03/21/95 DLM Calcium Carbonate Equivalent ASTM C-602 % 0.12 ND 03/22/95 GW Sulfur, Total -(ASTM D129-64) • % 0.1 ND 03/27/95 GW Soluble Salts as Milliequivalents/100g MSA 62.2.2 • 1.0 560 03/17/95 RJO Residue, Total Solids (TS) EPA 160.3 mg/kg 10 17 03/15/95 DF -- METALS ANALYSIS - METALS PREP RESULTS -- Aluminum, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 18 3400 03/16/95 CMW Arsenic, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 16 ND. 03/16/95 CMW Cadmium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 1.8 ND 03/16/95 CMW Calcium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 160 800 63/16/95 CMW Chromium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 2.1 8.7- 03/16/95 CMW Copper, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 1.2 53 03/16/95 CMW Lead, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 10 ND 03/16/95 CMW Magnesium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 13 360 03/16/95 CMW Molybdenum, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 2.4 3.4 03/16/95 CMW Nickel, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 2.3 3.9 03/16/95 CMW Potassium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 540 ND 03/16/95 CMW Selenium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 16 ND 03/16/95 CMW Sodium, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 130 ND 03/16/95 CMW Zinc, Total EPA 6010 mg/kg 6.4 71 J 03/16/95 CMW Remarks: J: Estimated Value see. case narrative DL = Detection Limit ND = Not Detected at the DL . Unless otherwise noted, all soil test results are calculated based on dry weight. Signed c LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 04/03/95 Page 2 Lab Number : 95-1201-01 Project No. : 56-3997-01 Parameter .............................. Method.... Units DL........ Results... Test Date Analy -- METALS ANALYSIS - METALS PREP RESULTS -- Mercury, Total EPA 7471 mg/kg 0.10 ND 03/21/95 CW -- METALS PREP RESULTS -- T. Metals Prep: Solid ICP/AA Flame EPA 3050 N/A 03/13/95 ER T. Metals Prep: Solid, Hg EPA 7471 N/A 03/20/95 CW Signed LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD C NATIONAL LABORATORY N2 27133 112 TOWNPARK DRIVE KENNESAW, GEORGIA SAMPLING NAME OF FACILITY: S e 1 leJA,'% • . 30144 (404)421-3306 INFORMATION / STREETADDRESS:�j � (��T�,g— CITY/STATE: Al P so-i CG�d�j nt ZIP: PROSJGT q � rDryI'o 3ea — 9i -' Q � x�a0�\ xSAMPL (SIGNATU SAMPLERS INITIALS (PRINT) SL Z `a\Qv Pe c\e G S ING DATE ~ Plat F\O �°\O OPO� FOR LAB TIME U SAMPLE STATION DESCRIPTION \Q� \Q�\Q\ \Q\ Q0°\QSyOF\e\\°c q ootiG oti� b0 b0 .`\. y0 \ \ \ \ .x\. \ 'L "� 0 b �. MATRIX USE ONLY dt. flELI [SHED BY: DATE/TIME /� //• IRECEIVEDBY: DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED BY: RECEIVED BY LABORA OflY: ATE/TIME 3 r�.i- IG ATURE) (SIGNATURE) SIGNATURE (SIG TUREI nIgTRIRI ITInN• r)PIr INAI ANn VFI I nVJ Cr)PIFC ArVt(1MPANV SAAAPI P CNIPMPNT Trl I APnPATOPV V -MAIkV WATER -W SLUDGE -SL SOIL / SEDIMENT - SO OTHFR - NA REMARKS PINK COPY RETAINED BY SAMPLERS. YELLOW COPY RETAINED BY LABORATORY. For Law Environmental National Lab Ke Only ;Are Custody Seals Present9 Yes R No ❑ Are Custody Seals Intact? Yes N/A ❑ Inspected By: .ate, V , . Date: 3 9-9 • Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 Nest Millbrook Road ■ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ■ (919) 846-5900 ■ Fax (919) 846-9467 CERTIFICATION February 28, 1994 This is to certify that Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. of Raleigh, North Carolina performed soil and site evaluations on the Cantor and Cassavaugh farms in Caldwell County, North Carolina. This work was relative to land application of municipal sludge from the city of Boone, North Carolina wastewater treatment plant. The field work involved soils evaluations, description, mapping, sampling, and determination of buffer criteria. Also, based on soil test data and sludge analysis, S&EC developed an Agronomist and Soil Scientist report dealing with application rates and site management. /J-M. Ortosky,- Jr� Certified'Profe sional Soil Scientist f Cl� .0 pP,OFF`.p • g rf�� S'S+..p . N �w CERT. ?1 n v # 25 i i Sri %`.�,. Soil/Site Evaluation ■ Mapping and Physical Analysis ■ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ■ Environmental Audits On -Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design .n... u.n �Tpd •F B U R K E C O U N T Y ounty e, ►A Owner I I . 4A Topographic map_ `� 5, 1076 m� \`.,r E P � .-=.. 5 Chapej�'•.., ' • \ m' 5 20 :........, _ a ....................•... _ �o ••..o •::• e •hih-c. - PW o. / Feld Owner Scale: 1"= } D(ZFiCEL, tit • G to Data %S # OWNER/TRACT r FIELD I )MORPHIC DESCRIPTION: SAMPLE # 10 1 ofJT uP L'& t D - R1 r>[a G ur�FL 6)o�5�PL5 CROP r-�-sculr- PE RANGE (%) Z- )o GROSS AC. 7.5 )TES NET AC. 1 5 Horizon Color Texture Structure & Depth (Munseiq (USDA) (USDA) (Inches) )FILE A A, r7 - !o SY>;.4/A gGZ4 -Z.`t SGL 131�GK�f G@Z n A P :ot- �T Series )FILE B Series FILE C Series iES pplication Area Map MINJN ita OWNER/TRACTS { / DESCRIPTION: M) Z- 10 wrYMrtJ A PPLKATIo�1 AP.EA FIELD 2- SAMPLE It 1 o z CROP _F s. ->c.0 vc—' GROSS AC. 17.0 NET AC. 6.5 Horizon Color Texture & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) (Inches) A.- 7 - 4 5t &'-z ;; 5/�a PLI �-37 7.SY2 fi �5'� Series A&1�1,�, SY 44 7. Y� 26 3 SSrIL. 5/ice 7 Series WZIoN Series Structure (USDA) L al r � Field Owner Scale: 1"= GIOC� Total Acres 1710 Net Acres i2 S Legend: i^ • • ••J - Stream �s . Application Area T- ) Forested Area Steep Slopes - House t -�") - Pond OWNER/TRACT c--4-K )RPHIC DESCRIPTION: �1G1JT uP LA1JD - Fzl �a G ''tEF� SIb�.S�-GPL� S ANGE (%) Z-10 wi-rMw .tiPP�Khr�o�1 �E� FIELD 3 SAMPLE # 103 CROP F F� GROSS AC. 7- O NET AC. -7,,5 Horizon Color Texture & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) (inches) A 6, 0-4 7.5`�u-`}��-4 Btu-z2 -516 F:r-, Series Wt�noLnlst✓� B Series C Series S L. G L. SGL- Structure (USDA) F 0 �� i 0 n WO EM rner Scale: V'= 7 Field _3_ Total Acres _?O Net Acres �. S :gend: r ` • •-J - Stream . Application Area • Forested Area Steep Slopes - House Pond Unsuitable Soils - Weil 0 0....0 n... ..._. A- rl - C _ . I o _. - Data LD OWNER/TRACT e-- 1-7'27iz ! V- QPHIC DESCRIPTION: .�s. it uPL.,�.itD - RinGG '7ER_ SIPE.St{p�.S ANGE M) Z- 10 wvrHim A PPL.<ATtoM A$EA FIELD 4 SAMPLE #i 1 o4' CROP �ca� GROSS AC. Z-' • O NET AC. 12' d Horizon Color Texture & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) finches) A 6, o - 5_ 5` e� 5-z8 1Yrz4tl� C� Fri 3g S.eE:y1 , SC.I� Series P,�.o t--E--T B Series C Series Structure (USDA) :atian Area Map —Scale: V= GIGYJ Total Acres 20• o ^ ""J Stream Application Area Steep Slopes -House Unsuitable Solis p _ Well Field 4 Net Acres i 7z.0 - Forested Area P - Pond u.:• r :Jd Site Data OWNER/TRACT ' Get -fog L ASCS # FIELD GEOMORPHIC DESCRIPTION: —Aa•., 7— LIPL,At1D F` �i��IEFL 61DE.5LC.T�� 5 SLOPE RANGE (%) Z-lo w�TH N NOTES aPP�Tto1�1 AZF.4 SAMPLE J° _ CROP _ EESC+-+� GROSS AC. Imo. a NET AC. l z Horizon Color Texture Struchn & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) (USDA (inches) PROFILE A z.15 C?P- � G FA Series PAS �Y PROFILE B Series PROFILE C Series - NOTES I iplication Area Map '& I- - er C�V scale:l."= i GI'G 2 Total Acres 16.0 nd: -Stream '° - Application Area - Steep Slopes House - Unsuitable Soils sy Well R - Rock Outcrop 4, Wet Area Field 5 Net Acres 1z.O Forested Area Vp Pond 0 - $o%L Borina, 4 Vicinity. Oap., E ll�m %'Jim Owner CaSskVAVSH Scale:.i"= 200O Field i— Site Data :s ASCS # OWNER/TRACT FIELD I GEOMORPHIC DESCRIPTION: SAMPLE # Zo I i''I Le bF�ic�AJT UP L.„d�i I D - FLI �� C uT�Fz 51vE5L�p� 5 CROP t=r�scu SLOPE RANGE (%) 6,P?L r-ATto1�1 AaFA GROSS AC. ICE. 4 NOTES NET AC. 7, 5 Horizon Color Texture Structure & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) (USDA) (Inches) PROFILE A /61 0-6 7, 5`r-`1A sL_ L Sm (0-5i� 7-.5LR- 41G 41�:, K-Le - Series�- PROFILE B Series PROFILE C Series NOTES oho Q 00 Coo ❑O � o TC Col. 0 0 ❑ o `�j o f-{ou3�,s lu'Tri�51�F� 0 O p O O o 0 rer li.►ff�.��/a c.iC� L1 , Scale: V= 4r�r Total Acres 16.0 ;end: -Stream '- Application Area - Steep Slopes A - House Unsuitable Soils - Well Feld 0 Net Acres 7. 5 tz-Forested Area 1 - Pond C Site Data ASCS # GEOMORPHIC DESCRIPTION: � un�� s�oE.Si-cPF S FIELD SAMPLE } CROP��1 SLOPE RANGE M Z-10 wiTM%N A�PPL.K-AYl o �,1 a2-EA GROSS AC. 10. NOTES PROFILE A PROFILE B PROFILE C NOTES — NET AC. = Horizon Color Texture & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) (inches) ,b., e"-3 8-f-- 3-z47su- ge-, moo- z9- 5 `r2.<� �•5`1R S� l �z�^-Sap�.o��T� �•eatt 1`iL.��G Series Series Series rann AI-I-r0 U J� h1 al ©w® 1 L� Lie- --V%ow N eAwL- x�5 OR or.! 'taADS. :Ak rner o sS,s.vA[.tG 14 Scale: V= 409 Total Acres 10.0 :fiend: Stream R. Application Area Steep Slopes - House - Unsuitable Soils jW - Well Field Z Net Acres 6.0 , - Forested Area Vp - Pond (0) - 5�:1 0,^ri r%^ Site Data OWNERM ACT G �SSAVs:CJG1 ASCS # GEOMORPHIC DESCRIPTION: `� uT�PI�FL 61DE.5LGP� 5 SLOPE RANGE (%) Z- to w"TH24 LPPI.r-A-r10&' A�7-'FA NOTES '• = 2 rj ' e F T 1-1 tES E ��'E�-S FIELD —3 SAMPLE # 2o3 GROSS AC. %0• O NET AC. 9 Horizon Color Texture & Depth (Munsell) (USDA) (inches) PROFILE &, 0-4 5Y���4 S� 13Z 4-ZG z, al G F.c, zb-3v Series FIA 1-E � PROFILE B - Series PROFILE C Series NOTES Structure (USDA) . U 1161 Gu"IL.S 01Z oK 1 Wner ,\/,QL40g H scale: 1"= ��� Field 3 t Total Acres 2v. o Net Acres 9.0 fiend: Stream - Application Area - Forested Area i -Steep Slopes A House Pond - Unsuitable Soils - Well �_ ^ „ LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SODS --. PAGE 10 (4191) `I I. AGRONOMIST REPORT For each site, please attach a project evaluation conducted by an agronom sc i7,c;,;ding recommendations concerning cover crops and their ability to accept the proposes 13a3ing of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, salts and any other contaminant know to be in the sludge or residual. A part of the agronomists recommendations must be a crop--`` management plan. This plan must determine the crops to be grown on the sitcJsit wheel they should be grown and how they should be harvested and marketed. This report mast bG sighed by the agronomist VII.GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Four (4) copies of the permit application and all supporting information must be cc the application will be returned as incoutplete. 2. please attach an explanation as to the methods to be used to control access i application sites by both people and animals following the application of residual N=:a. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application sites within' the application of residuals to the site. �, b. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access application sites during the active site use and for 12 monthsf application event Such controls may,jnclude the posting of^ activities being conducted at the site. 3. Please explain the procedures to be used to establish and maintain application process (i.e. will the sites be flagged). 4. Please attach an executed "Agreement For the Land Application' i approved d to rtceive residuals whi Land Form” for each site that is Propose applicant A copy of a DEM form is attached. If the ap fferent form or a modified form, prior approval must be rxciv di 5. Each application site must be assigned a site identification nun 6. All attachments to the permit application form, must be nu individual parts of the application that require that attachmcat. a larger document, a table must be provided that lists tt information. 10 of 25 REPOnT Nuamrn A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC 7621 Whitepine Road AT Richmond, Virginia 23237 Al (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO: °OIL 'i ENVIRCINENTPL COFISLILTANTSo- INC. -811 :ELAND ROAD R.ALEIGH NC 27609 GHOWEH: PQi.L 2477 T ACCT " 4747`• SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY: J M ORT^.S`:Y )ATE OF REPORT 111-01/93 PAGE :_ SOIL ANALYSIS REPURI ' ORGANIC ' PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM ',MAGNESIUM ' :CALCIUM-;',, „SODIUM pH'" HYDflO; C■dER ERdrnEi - PERCENT BASE SATURATION (COMPUTED) , `IWi■t P § Z ]•. I X ', MY . ' C■ 1 .. ' Nr _ SOIL :SUFFER: % % % % S s .. ULE MATTER.. �. . OEN,, G.E.C. 'lAMLE NUMBER % •..s Br1T) `R.Hcoap S'.c 4 Fq. �Q ..:. ra _ *� .'a*: H i C.E.C.. %. CA H Nr '11UIpER r.. ,.RATE '•WA1 P*PW fe: 77 iila E.p f�E+'L'k MTE, rh.Ey MTe.E�.0 RAn:L'yrrR. RAZE pH' •mwROBB mM�L001 201 1038 2.3 1C7H 11 L 16 L 60 V A5 V 210 L 33 L 5.4 6.9 0.7 2.6 S.S 2U.3 SE.4 2a.5 202 1039L 1.7 75L 62 V 11[9 V 176 V4 148 Vf 290 L 43 L 5.7 6.9 0.9 4.2 10.7 29.3 34.5 21.p 14.1 203 10391 2.5 M H 32 H 57•H E2 H 110 V p 400 M 31 VL 5.3 6.9 0.6 4.0 3.2 22.h 49.7 19.11 3.: SAMPLE NUMBER NITRATE No■ RL.,EETIIRATE SULFUR S ■■■a RATE ZINC Zn E►=. MTE MANGA• NESE MR p�■I. RATE IRON ' Fit n.-F.RAW COPPER Cu "WC. RATE . BORON •.EXCESS B ■■wl RATE- LIME:. RATE •SOLUBLE SALTS m6mhw11AT[ CHLORIDE CI ■MCI RATE MDLYB• OENUM Ma EL.Ar. RATE PAHTICAL SI2E ANALYSIS - Y. SAND % SILT % CLAY SOIL TEXTURE 201 2 1.L 1? t! 41 H 1.0 M 702 2.4 Ni H 55 V11 4.11 V' t3 ryi- H E.0 VH This nIoml .,Pilot only 10 mf umP1.U1 mlW. S.myl.l ... •..•... i .m,mnllnhly Pry.Yll., u.n■: A& STE ULTURALLABOR RIE'.114C 1 ___............. :...... ...... ......... •.,. ,«, .... .Pot lmivnn'n.wlis u,.u.. uv.nln R C rn.vE.T TOI[lyoT 0111 NUNVII'I{ A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. , 804) 743-9401 AIL p.l._1•y; 7621 Whitepine Road •Fax No. (804) 271-6446 23237 ( ACCT SAMPLES SUBMITTED SEND , Y3.477 2 BY: iltiY TO: SOIL 4 •'MRCMNcTiTAI GROYYER PU CONSULTOTSe, INC- 2813 ILAt,D RCAC RALEIGH DC 27b'J9 ',E OF REPORT 11 / 01 / Y 3 PAGE 1 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT PERCENT p Won'. ,;. BASE SATURATION (COMPUTED) ORGANIC PHOSPHOflUS POTASSIUM' I MAGNESIUM CALCIUM , PODIUM - I ' P H CIE �O � ExcMnli' r ME ;CE y.:_ NE 4 SOIL BUFFER ..}• ,C•PKM. % % % % % '. • LAB .MATTER: ' PI ' _ . PZ K' t :: C - _ I ' p .' C.E.C. N. EiMLE '% (Week Buy) N�HCO?Y T 1 f "t ... :. •• Ii I K My G N _. NUMBER ENp - - ' H x y m•E/10%' mp/10GI UIIBEfl RATE Nl,IA „I.IRAT!' dpATE PP4X RATE' ','M•W MTF - p�G RAiI `11^+N. AATF' P ! , f U 1C114 27 H '_3 M 127 V 121 V! 470 M 34 V 5.8 6.9 0.9 4.7 6.9 11.3 49.7 101 103•, :. It)2 1038" 'L.o 103H 2i': 6 °�? M 13G Vi 97 V 430 hi 27 V 5.2 6.9 0.5 3.3 S.+? 19."[ 5E.9 1�.� S- : ,9 C.4 4.2 14.5 3 5 41.5 10 5 .l1 103 1038 2. ; ;7FI �' V' 71- v %3T' v 1 15G V :.5G L 2. v �•. . 104 1F)3° 2.1C3H 21 N 27 M 19 V_ 11n V 33U L 30 V1 5.8 5.9 0.7 3.5 1.4 2R.0 47.2 17.!1 05 .T lc L "r1 L 17 V_ 11U V 410 P1 39 v `.3 15 0.4 .5 1.2 25.1 5c.4 1 " 5 11f•3EE 1^ih' SAMPLE NITRATE I SULFUR NUMBER S wAEIA RAi! lDIa RAT ZINC Zn ' l,LL RATE _. ID (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) NESE IRON,; ` COPPER . ,.BOBBON Mn •.. Fs'. Cu .. „ I•M. RATE 19 rI 1S L MOLYB• PARTICAL SIZE ANALYSIS SOLUBLE SALTS CHLORIDE DENUM % % % SOIL CI M• TEXTURE. -I.AndpY RATE ore -el MT! lE.M•Mle SAND SILT CLAY 2_ H , H C *LEA Opp,,., Ip IM Utl.p. Am DIG$ [4 ,.. 'j M IpIlIY p.Y+.11.. 1.111pe•RN T L AT RE.',UIf: FI REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R305-045 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 • Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SAMPLES ACCT A 45479 SUBMITTED SEND TO; GROwEn: Po#32477 BY: SOIL B ENVIRONMENTAL J M ORTOSKY CONSULTANTS. INC. 3818.BLAND ROAD RALEIGN NC 27609 DATEOFREPORT iiin7ic; PAGE. SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT SAMPLE LAB Nitrogen Phos- Polas- Sulfur Calcium Mag- Sodium Iron Aluminum Manga- Copper Zinc Ammonia Nitrogen N• .it Nil. nl IDENT. NO. °6N phorus slum % S °oC neslum Na ppm Fe ppm AI These PPm Cu ppm Zn %P °bK %Mg ppin Ppm Mn PPnI ppm 201 10389 202 10390 203 10391 LAB Cadmium Chro- mlum Nickel Lead Arsenic Mercury Selenium e Nitrogen pH Total C.E.C. NO. ppm Cd ppm Cr ppm NI ppm Pb ppm As ppm lig ppm Se % (meg1100g) _.. 10389 < 0.1 < 1 1 MEHL CH EXTRACTION 10390 < 0.1 < 1 1 10391 < 0.1 < 1 2 Values on this report ar the total mount of the sampl . Ppm = mglkg - 10.000 r mglkg Our reports and letters nm for the exclusive and conflednllal use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In port, nor may any reference he metla to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. This report Ito�q��jy�yy,,�Ipp {{��S�rr�+Y tc9 __ Sanydes nm relalned ArmrlM:irtklRf}Bb �ur A R L s IrRIfNPn 1pr./r1,nniEs. n n: REPORT NUMBER R305-045 SEND TO: A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 • Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTSo, INC. 3818 BLAND ROAD RALEIGH NC 27609 )ATE OF REPORT PAGE . GROWER: PO#32477 snIi ANAI YSIS REPORT AL SAMPLES ACCT N 45479 SUBMITTED BY: J M ORTOSKY SAMPLE LAB Nitrogen Phos- Potas- Sulfur Calcium Mag- Sodium Iron Aluminum Manga• Copper Zinc Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate Nilroge [DENT. NO. %N phorus slum / S ° /°C neslum %Mg Na PP m Fe PP m AI nese Ppm Mn ppm Cu ppm Zn PPm PPnt %P %K Ppm 101 10384 102 10385 103 10386 104 10387 105 10388 LAB L AB Cadmium Chro- Nickel Lead Arsenic Mercury Selenium Organic Nitrogen pH Total C.E.C. NO.(meg/100g) ppm Cd p iu �r ppm Ni ppm Pb ppm As ppm Hg ppm Se 10384 0.1 < 1 3 MEHL CH EX RACTI N 10385 0.1 < 1 3 10386 < 0.1 < 1 5 10387 < 0.1 < 1 3 10388 Vnlues on thls < C.1 report nn Ihn total < 1 Tmount of 2 the asmpl . Pprn ingrkg 'i o 10,000 mglkg _ I .. ... .....•.........•,r%. ...,.-,...:....... ........,r. I Thk rrnnrl nnnnrt rot¢ 10 UaRnrrvrY(i uxnvr a1,jn' m. I r topl5 s O 1 L 1+ r! ••[ e r a r 1 a M S [ t C 9• 0 CCCIL stales L XAISI Ixa, •a M ISS r.•ICX+ A...A ILVOYt rs, ct ar(r uOLlYlrlt, rYeiMIC at, as. CIE 10 0. ,a ILA..Vt. SANDY LOanSYLIaCCIRC[A a O V r TI N CMtS CSO r C O• [ar IN I CX L rN[L SYCSOILt11Zr OOMI. a w 1,1 a a.S CLAY I ANON CLAY U LOAM•O S] INCMCs I.I C. I.0 YMOCRISINc YLrCt1aL IS YULTICOLUMEO. LOAM, Sa1[011rt SI ICLSIC CRYSTALLINE NOCX SLOICs A"CC [AOM O r0 IS •lace+r •..UAL : 0 CITY; •ls.10 ;>10 IN:> ] 1A : TN iY ]• •OSSIMC SICr[ Yp ;IIM I� USDA rescue[ U. II IED •CTI 1[CTI • 10 •O 300 'IrCTI SM, SC-ZM i-3. i-• O•S :Z••100 a0-100 {S-SO ... L] : S• 30 p-f :. SL. ISL L CR -ISL ;:A.. ON ;.•I. i-1•• S. is :a0•SS SS -AS ..-Is 13.3. ; S-30 0-1 ;CR•f L. GA-L. ML i•a, A• O-S ;IS-100 75•100 {{•SS 3{-{1 :IO•]3 ;CA e-Y :Sn, SC. SC. CL. .L. CL ;A••. a -a O•s ;Tf•l0e TS•Ip0 aa•Sf xa•al }xo•33 T-11; Set. CL :SIR. ;s. i. ••3 ..a :ST-100 32-100 1]-33 IS' It ; H•T0 -SO:C. CL NL So•rs'rAR to :.1A.- -GIST wu ; ree nei- A•[J '&'a , ZCTL• ; siu Mlrr , sRR c[c cGCOa err3uY O C1 rY;Llou ;SIN 1; LIMIT ;T:cc TV OCRs I Tr sit, T• ..... :..,a. , •.0 CAI ACIrr: — •eI.n [N I.'I...OS/CM1; ; :I Y[/IOcc IIPer I " I[CTI ;MI•• 1 •O.1 SO S.O•L O O 01.0.0E ' •.f•[ S O-1 SI•]S 3.14 I 3O.1 SO O S- -O O 13-O. If • 3•a S .11 31-3S ]-14 1 ]O.1 SO 13•0. IS • S•S S 11-30; •I-[O a•3r 1 30.1 SO O. a•3.0 O 1]-O. IS •.S-f.S So•r S' i i ; ;GC/rw; M,I rea SN ICILI ;CXOSIOY;Ek.o ; VINO CORXOSIYir• ;Ilw I�NCACTI TENTI ;I LCTOXS; CROO.; [C00. , CACTI POTENTIAL [ 'GXOVI' INO[1 ' STCCL 'CO XC XI If a -I S•x LDr xs; • 3 0a ;neacMeTc•nooc+a +e_; A S-S LOW IS; • • 3 •a O.1 S•1 La. AS: S 1.11; Law ; Sa; Low ; S•: SO -'S' 'ILOo01NG +ICN WOTCN rail! C[N[N rIO AS. SIOYOCX 'SVaSio[NC! ,Nro;1OiCN c'L: OCIT+ "AD;NOXTNf ;OCI rMNAXOYCs3;oCI[M ;N1XOX lCS�IX IT ;(OTAL:CX1; IIOST 1 '1 MI IINI IINI !IINI aCT1OR FON[ la O ' ' SRwlru• Iiclvlrle3 lel COXi»uCTIOx Ol l01 ;CITIC TNR ; O•-•[1:3G. No•IS:. rRIsTMa::TN OO9.aIC•ruCSSSlowl• AIR-loM STRxGT.,SLOPE MOOCRArc•rCRCSIOWLf•3SL si[SOCITOION ; I •:; SCT[X[•SLOIC *..Of ILL /ICLOS o -x'.. nooe ure-saer Ace -1.. A'•" "A ... S Evac[ x•+:. n00(s A*c•sccrAGa SLOPE SAND s ev uC-u Ale AREAS O•[•. n00tRAr[••OO CI Ar[• IMINOGABL[-EXCESS FINES SANITARY a -Is:- MOoeu r[ -sL OrE, 1,A CLL r el LANDFILL IS,-.SEIERC-LLOIC GRAVEL ITaCFCMI ; o-ISL. IOOR-IOU CLA•a• sllcwr Is• IDa N•TDD cLA•er, zL Ole sANI CAN ; •-IS:' nQDERRIt'SLQPC L Awor ili 'a•. sivakt-f Lart TO.S.IL IUEAI O-{:. Iiii-r00 CU •[1, MAR0 ro P.C. w. T ER MA w.o[M[NT 101 OAIL• , a•If3. IAI(•ro0 CL A•L•.fLDI[.NARO CA PACK ; o3-a]:. na0[Aer6LaC[I AC[ ' C oa(A 10. RON.SLDrf .sl-0IenaOA•[I0.0 TaIACE uNOFILL a E3911.1N •. :, sLY(R[•SLOIC ..CA [VILOINC SITE Otr CLOIM[+T Itl SerCN[-•Illxc.wu0 r0 rates Z w ALLOW o-[. f•If. MOouATC-TOO CLAYEY MOOCRArt•r00 CLA•Cr, SLOre ;[nu+4Mex rs ;[SCAYar1ONS IS•: S[•a RE-f[Or[ ; OIACS ANO L [T[!S ; SfrCR[-FO NArCl1 OW[LLlxcs o-f :. ; [•If:. RICMr Mootur[-SLOrt ; EXCAVATED V IIMau r If•: fcr[RC-SLOT[ Ia..$ , O ASE.e.11 ;;sau l l CA as ; Dear Ia ..It. O-[: S L I IN O w[LLIYcs ••If MOO usrc-sf Or< +I rM 13•: fc•ue-Sf arc oulMAet •Asan[Mrs ; ]••.. sl-0ra f MAAL C ORM1C CAL ••s ; a•: EVERurc•f SlYU[•ftO1E ; IRRIGATION ; •u lL01 xOf ' O•v.. FAr OUsI[ p-3: M00(eRr(•t Sr a(awTY I". SLOT[ LOCAL ••IS: MOO[esrC- ILOVE SrNINGSw r[(AC(f R OSOS ANO IS. ;. ,tOM S[r!R(•SLOIC . A0 S TN(CTS Olr((SIONS ; .'I-.SCL.CL IAYO RALLC t.-.a. ; O•f: fL.Iit.•.ZCL.CL. 3LIGw1 a•: sCL,CL. SLOIC L AwO SC ar I NG ; 1-IS. S L. ISL. L. fet. 11. MOO[AA r[-S t OR( Ga.ZS(O ; SL.ISL.L.GM•f L.GM•t SOIL •LOMIMC AMC COLT ; 0.31. C• MOOEMAT(•SMALL STORES ..Tcow OT1 ; O-a•. 3LOrc.f OIL CLONI4C ; ..I...Y3 a•13: C. OO[........LL sra.ez.f101( A•: fL.ISL.L.CM•SL.Ca-L Interpretative Data Sheets and CEC Data from Similar Series. Source: USDA - Soil Conservation Service aLO0L3 S 0 1 a I Y r!• I• a T. r 1 0 w s • C C,.a R a V000NC( SERIES rt Ral51 1]a •[v LIY. wGM. a'f0 rVI1C aawnawaYOVL rf, CI aVC V.. UOalMl rl{. VnC+MIC TMC WEDOWEE SERIES CONSISTS oI VEAl DEEP WCII ORa1NC0, MOOEMATCLI PCMMC•SL[ SOILS ON rl[OMa.r UPLANDS IN •EPRCS[MT•rIVC PRO/IL[ INC SU•I•C. Li... IS 0•MC ...VISM CLOWM SANDY LOAM • INCMCS T.ICC INC SUSSUMPACC L•VCM TO DEFY" 0[ 10 INCMCS IS ICLLOW LOAM INC SUSSOIL TO • DEPT. OF 22 IMCMCS• IS Ip OWMIfM VCLLOV LOAM IN INC UPPER ••Mr: STRONG •LOW" $ANOV CL•f IN rM( MIDDLE FEET. •MO STRONG SAO'NN SANDY CLAY LOAM IM TMC LOWER PART INC SUBSTRATUM IS MICMLl WE A TMCA(O SAPAOL I TC W1TM CAYSM[0 TC I TVME SANDY CL•V LOAM SLOPES •AC O to IO ICACEXT, o CI TM; Iucr. ;r (pcT, FclpT ; I IM, I� VSO• TCSTV (( VMII ILO Ap3FTa .... i . . aI Arc.:.L V(SS �)10 IM;]•10 IN; . . . A ]M P•SSIF< sl[rC MO •Ir TI Ir I ;1 I • � ,SM. Sc SM :. .• • 2•. O o ;Ss -l oo Sa - Leo ..... x]•SO ; 3.20; O -ro; SCL. CL:SC. CL. CL•Ml, SC-L- ••a o e ;I" IoO f0. 100 •o•LS •S•15 ;21 •xo; l0•IL;L. SCL ;sM, SC. CL. ML ;A-.. ••{ O o ;fo-lee Le• w0 FOES) 10.12 :11.30 l: 14•32;SC. CL. c :3C, L. CL. MN :A.a, p-[ O O Ss-... 1s-Ioo as-sl .3-ls ;xs•CS: ;27-ae:SCL; cu. sL ;SC. Se•SM. CL• Ca•ML;C-x. A.A. •-a e o aa•100 To- ao••0 3e•S0 :Is.": :DLPTM;IIeUIa ;Pus- • Malsr •VLC ; •Cpwe•- ; •i.0 uaLl seta' ; SM.", ; �I1. 1; LIMIT :TILITII OcllflrY IIIL1T1 'PAYEE CAPACITY: M[ACrIOx ; f•R G[c ; cace3-; O♦ISUr !twee• Iver]- nw/r• 2f 1 w 2.e { o ; •.o•t.s O.lo; (22 S•'s , 1.30• a 6•2.0 O.IS • ; a.o-S.S (33 :...Is 1.30.1 fs 0.6-2.o e.12.0.1, a.e•t.S ;I4-32: 30-11 ;10.20 1.30•I. SO o f-x.e s.s - ;Sr•aa; xa •.Ss f-IS 1 2e-1 se 0..6.2.e e:0a• 4.e-S.1 - Del rM;OCCiNIC; fMCINR• ;(LDS IOM;VIMO ; WIFO COCLOSIYITV ;IIw IA Rr4 SWILL ;lACTOQS:CftOO. IS DDI I PCTI 'POIIFICDNCCCTCiCCL - 0.10; (1 LDV .2L; 2 2 •{ :..OF...C: NIGM ' 0.,0: ( 1 La. •I.; ( 1 La. 24• ' no0a1M< NICK rule -.'Ca PEa ICDRaeX •......... Ce ;w.O;rO T[Nr•L; O CI TN ; (Ix0 ;MONT FS ;OLITM;M.4QM[SS;OCITM ;MELON {S S; lmlf-;TOxAL;G[L; MOST None r MlNU[OCT OUC.T 1 a .....s •TINT ; 1 'll 1 ll 1 I0 • I..O Tao • - ( . 51NI Tp1• /•C I11111s II1 ' OIs••Is3C1.2O. M: SGITO(OV r'.. M.TE.... ... :SEPTIC TN .•11:. OlEATL•P(MC3 SIONIII,SL01C ABSORPTION It•C: SEVERE -SLOPE •IR•SLOPC FIELDS RGAOFTLL : •OOM•Swr[ ' MaOCRATE-SELPA<L :.1C08uLC•e.clss IIN[s i A. ]•T: MODC•.L•sl OPL.sCl HC! u GOOeax r•: s[re Re•Sl Dle s•No p.[•3 • OOC• r[ foo CLArIT IMHOaA.IC•e.CLSS IIMCS SAMIrALr a.IS'. MOOEM.".slot[, ISO CL.1.1 LA.a[Ill Is•: SEVCRe-SLQPE cCa.el n ucMl e•a•. sl LOFT ; o IOGA•ra0 CL•IMV s pFlrur •.Is: ..OEA.rE•s.... Is.; La an -Too CL•T[T.SLOPE LANG1111 IS.:, SIVEA[-saal E. TOPSOIL [..CAI Do CIA IT O•ILT a••s: I.I L•Too OUT Cl.SLOiC COV(a I0• Is•: rOa R-SL are ..YEN ....CEMENT 1.1 e•3.. MoO u•rn lcerpcc LANDFILL r SMALL ON •-1S: MOOCS•IC•TOO CL•ICI•SIOPC Cw•V•r10Ms rs•: s[Ic+C•SLOrc a WCLLIMGS : ♦•IS:. MOO[Aar[•SX•INR•SWCLL.SLOPC Nsr.our Is•:. SEVERE -SLOP[ OaSCMCXrs O-.M SLICMV DWELLINGS ••IS: MOOCRAr[•SLOP( WIIX IS.: s[VuntwF[ •.SE.C.'f . O•.: fLIGx1 SMELL ; •.at N00[••rL•SXMINI•SNIIL. SI Or! COMM[IClpl a•:. S[Yt RE•fL01L [u 1101MCi O•a., MOOCMAI(•LOW 3rR [MG rM LOCAL •-IS: XOOCM.IL•LOM SIR(MGTM.SLOP[ •O.Os ..a IS.: s[rca[•sIOP[ SrACers t OWNS, O•s- SI.ISL.a.CL.SCI AL IGMr ;taMOSCa/IMC ; ••11: 3l.ISL.L.CL.SCL MOO[A ar[•SLOPC •NO COLI ; O•E'. CS MOO[R•r[•SM.LI STONES Ia1LWA TS A•IS: OR IIOOERAfE•SMELL framtl.SLOPe Is.: 11IF-C-SLO.1 arD . 3•a.. MODERATE-sL OP E. sccPac[ +Cst[rat+ : A•:. sCr[At •Start ueA fLxrL+e FELT uc [MI.NRMC MTS O IREf •I(0 LCVIlS [[f Ll C•w0 Wf C[ 9.... ATE. 00.03 :•OVIIIR PCO Deer ro WATCR DRAINAGE ; ]•: SLOT[ IRLI<pT10N ; rcu •ccs ••c sl ore -�-- - ua o Wean ells � O •L I•YOa •ItC c; A•: stare N•rco.A,rc+NATs I SCOO's S O I L 1+ T C L I+ C r a r 1 e+ S • C C 0• 0 r•COLLT 1111[S .1...11 Ila +LY •r.. 1x-10 iY.IC iANw.I LYaVt ES.. CLAIM'. RAOIIxI TIC. rwCaaG •CX• OC[I. MODEXAIEL• IEXYCLSIC. SOILS Or tmt rICOMOXT VILAwas T•r ICaLL♦ THESC 301LS WAVE ] INCMCS 0• •ao.. SLXO• L01Y SY a I a CC .. T Ca. INC to CL.111 SUBSOIL TO ]T INCHES OVERL}INC MIC-LI -GATHERED COCK 'ME' an C. ON SHORT TO YEOIYM LCNCTw slope aO.I.CeNT I He •O TTOML..Ol •MO E.A I..GCWAIS. SMt• 0[laL up ED IM Sea tcuum WEATHERED 'ROM can'I It. CXE122 •Na SCHIST I..OSCAPE •NO CLIMATE rYOII NTI[S YMV1L •14 I\DST LLIL •YYY1L ELLYATIOM (I Lp1YpCf SLOT■ TLwI[\aTYYC OaIS •.act. ITpT10Y IITI C1125 IICT I sl-{a ]1••O x00. 1.00 ]•{O , ESTIMATED SOIL 1Y011Y111f I.1 o er rN ;FRaL •.uCT ;PERCENT 01 NaIIAIAL LESS ;CLAT ; SIY 1: VSOA *u ruYe UNIFIED •ASHTO ;I'D 1.:3•,* INS TMAM r .LsslNc sle•e +O INC,; •IICTI 'IICTI le xOe I; O•l ;St. ISL. L ;SM. SC-S. ,A•2. a- `a. ••• • O 1 2 ;as100, 10 2LS la •2 , • 20; O.3 ;CL. SCL ;SC-SM, SC ;A••. •-. ; O 1 0.1 ;SS•10o SO -too 'S••S 3•-{O ;20.35; e-] ;La ;SY :A 2 ; O.1 0.2 ;}S•10 TO -as SS-}S 19-30 ; S-If; 3•21;5C. CL. C ;ML. IN. ;A•t, ••l' a.1 0'. ;9O.100 10.100 60-IS {I-}S ;3S•GS; ;21•S2;CL. SCL. SL ;CL. CL•YL. SC-SM. SC:. 1.2, ••A. ••\ O 1 0.2 ;•O.100 7O.100 t0•a0 .30•60 ;I1-30: S2•l0'Tt 13l L 'TM se -SIN Aa• ••2•• • O•• • O•} '\O-,a. }O•IOO a0-\O }O•S. CIO•}S' ;0[.f M;L10Y10 ;PL... MOIST SULK ; ILYML.• •.AILASL[ ; SOIL ; ....YI., SAA CCC CAG03 ; G}13YIL ; ;It. 1; LIMIT ;TICITT; O[Nilr♦ B[L[T♦ ;WArE. C.PACIT•; REACTION 1 OC IC C I 11 /1 I • I..1 •TWNMas/CHI! 'IY[/IGOC1!_I=' IICTI O-1 L}• I.1 1 OO.1 so 1.0•• O O 04-O.12 \.3 •.{ a.] ; 30••O ;+•-1} ; 1; 30•1. SO O.{•2.0, 0.10.O.1. •,4•B.f A•10 o•a 1}o xP-2 I.eo-'I Se i.0-\:e o:oa•o.Ie, •.s-..s 3•t , ]•H; 31•6s ;11•20 ; 1.. s0•I. so o 6•2.0 0.12.O.Is •.S•a.0 .-'a - ;21-1x; 20•3f ; S•14 ; 1. 20.1 SO e. 6•2.0 0.09-0.1f •.f•t.0 S"12 - ;ss•Te• i2• xI-{ x0-1 •O O {-x a O o\•o Is • s-a O I0 , ;OLPtw;ORCAMIC; SMRt XF- ;[LOSIO.;WINO ; .INO COY YOS I'L IL♦ ;tl. I:..IT[Y S.ELI ;IA[TO.S;[Y00 IICTI 'POTENT I At T 'GROVI' IYfICT • STEEL 'C*.C.Ele; O•] 1•1 LOW 1.. ] ; ] •a wI LN wl Cx 0-3 ; s-1 LOW 24; 2 ; S SL O•] S•2 LOW Is; 3 x is 2-21; L f La. ..]A; ;23•12; t s LOIY 29; ;12•TO' 1 1. low x1' 'r Lo001.. ..C. ..TER i.RL! ' .....reO I.+••LGyoc^Yf•t-SUBSIDENCLI;MTO;Pa}E+rL - - .____._._--•_------- .. .. I ,T •xT. EDP. PRear • NONE a o sONIrAN♦ IAe1LITles 1C1 CONsrLYcrION xLr[+l.a RBI ]•LC-. MOO[+OTC•IC.CS SLOWLY ; S•IS'.' GOOD ;SCITIC TANK ; S•IS :'. N00[+L[[•I[CCS SLO.LI.SLOP[ ; If YTS: /Lla•SL 01[ HSOYI r1aN ; 11•:I SE•CRt•SLOIC YOAOIILL ; 2f•'.. .00IL•SLOIC MELDS ]-l: NOO CRL LC •.S CCIpGE.f L01L InI+OaA.Le-CSCCSS PINES "..Cc T•: SC•CaC-S LOIC L.Coo. $AND A at.1 ]-.'.. SLIC.r IN. tt1. 1.a[•IL CLSS IINCS SANITARY ; a•IS: NOOa+ate-SLOPE - LANDFILL IS,-. SEVE.C•SLOI[ CAAVEL IT.[NCMI ]-1t". •Oo+•r0a uaT eT 2-1: SLIG.r If•: .aaa-Tao Cl ar[T,SLer[ SANITARY ; ••I4.. MODCUTe•sLaK u wenu IS•: se•ame-S w.[ TOPSOIL Iu[rl , x-. :. PAP• -Too CLAIM' W.TCa NLXLCCMCNr IS, DAILY ; ••If: FAIR-100 CLLICI.SLOIC C O•LR Ia. ; IS.-. POO.-SLOP[ ; •a.o 2•T:. .00 CRATE•Se er.GC ]•r. Da e.ptt•see. Ae e.saO.e LANDFILL Ll , A-:- SEVEOC-SLO AYE• .YIaDINe sire OCIE'al.e.T ... 2•A'. x00C[Lr C•TDO LIP—; SeIfLC•IIIIMG f HELL O. ; A•1{: MOOCRA, C•100 CLaYC1.SL01[ ;;LNa pNFNCNTS ; - ;C.CA.arIOMs ; IS'-- SC•CKC-SLOI[ ; DIKES •ND LLYCas ]•A:.. SLIGHT , SEVERE MO •TCa DWELLINGS ; 1•I5e MODCaATE•SLOre ; CXC.•ArED WITw OUT I •:, SCVERL•SL.I9 IONDs NL NTS ;ADUIICR to .12E 2•a: SLICxT , DEC, a LR l+cs A' IS-- DD[ulc•s LOP[ WI IH IS.-.SL.cme-sLCIC ORp IxRGL •.St.L.Ts T a fL. TL.CL.SCL.L. FAVORASLZ 2•••. SLIGHT , ; ]••. SL.1SL.CL.SCL.L. SLOPS fNat - ; ••E: NCOC..T9-SLCPC 2•3: 13 PAST INTONE CO.rTRtlal ; S•: SC•t.[•sL ert IAMIGATICII ; ; 3-1. IS 1.21 INTACC.SLOPL .Y ILOIxLi T•A: .O0LRATe•s0. STRENGTH , T a CL.SCL P OKABLE LOCAL ; A•If: {T+ENGTx.SL01a TLRRACCs ; S.'.CL.SCL. SL01a SLOW •OLDS •MO It•: SC•t+C•SLOI! •MO ; 2•E: SI.IS .ISL.I. SOIL tL OWIMC.StOIt ST.LCIS ; otwens 10N5 ; 1••. SL.LS .ISL.a ]011 - a Lc tuNs.. x•c, su cwl oa.sfe0 W. SLOPE u.0scarlNc A -Is•. MOCERAIN-SLOPC , ; AND COLT IC ••. SC•SRt- aarc ..TEY.aTf I .I.rAs TO: fret/=r- .Jadd A. P. 0. 6:•:E 19' �ac•r1a YC 2EG07 6: 25:'97 RFPORT Nr1• rni]NTV• L.UI t': VVA6 I L ANALY 616 KLIJUh WATAUGA CO. EXT. DIR. Lynn Howard PLANT Or Jamaa Barker -Box 7625 //^�\ WASTE Ur A. h. Rut-Eox 7625 SOLUTION Solt Cana::vatlon S:rvlce ADVISORY SF.LilOt Agronomic Division T SAMPLE INFORMATION LABORATORY RESULTS SAMPLE DESCRIPTION t0 ST WASTE CODE DM • % N • % P • % K • % C.. % Mir % S - % F.-PPM MmPPM SrrPPM CwFPM IWIs! MG-PPM N. - % CI • % N� 0 I Cd PN G, PM O•L% ±43.0 1.7t •. C,7 .1 r n 0 7 5 36 9 Oh 0 01 NUTRIENTS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST CROP (lba/Ton) OTHER ELEMENTS APPLICATION NITROGEN Plot KID CALCIUM MAGNESIUM SULFUR F• Mn In Cu B Mo N. CI NI Cd I, METHOD I ROADCAST 6. 90 1S.46 1.70 5.34 1.96 2.94 15.3 0.30 0.40 0.25 0.00 0.22 NUTRIENTS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST CROP OTHER ELEMENTS APPLICATION NITROGEN Plot KID CALCIUM MAGNESIUM SULFUR F. Mn 2n Cp B Mo Na CI Ni CC Pp METHOD I SAMPLE INFORMATION ILABORATORY RESULTS SAMPLE ID DESCRIPTION WASTE CODE DM • % N • % F • % IT % Ca • % MIT • % S • % Fs-PPM Mn-PP M 2n PPM u IFM &IFM Mo PIRA N. % CI • % Ni PPM Gd PPM Pp PPM NUTRIENTS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST COOP OTHER ELEMENTS -7 APPLICATION METHOD NITROGEN PtOt KID CALCIUM I MAGNESIUM I SULFUR F. Mn in Cu B I Mo No CI Ni 1 PIT NUTRIENTS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST CROP OTHER ELEMENTS APPLICATION ME imoo NITROGEN PtOt KIO CAICIUM MAGNESIUM SULFUR f. I Mn Z. C. B Mo N. CI Ni I Cd I Po SAMPLE INFORMATION LABORATORY RESULTS SAMPLE ID DESCRIPTION WASTE CODE OM • % N • % P. % K • % C. • % Mp • % 5 • % F. PPM Mh•PPM WPM CIrPPM &PPM Ma PPM N. • % CI • % NpPPM Cd�PPM Pit PPM NUTRIENTS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST CROP OTHER ELEMENTS APPLICATION METHOD NITROGEN Plot KID CALCIUM I MAGNESIUM SULFUR F• Mn Zn [u B Mo W CI Ni Cd Pp NUTRIENTS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST CROP OTHER ELEMENTS _ _ ___ _ APPLICATION METHOD NITROGEN PtOt Ka0 CAICIUM MAGNESIUM SULFUR f. Mn in Cv B Mo H. CI NI Cd Pe ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATIONS Solid, • Dry Wtoht Ball. Laved. • Valum.. Oasis N•%. Niu.9.n F•IPM Ihsh P% Phmphom. Mmlpm K•% • Pala..:um Zoppm - zinc C.•% • C.NWm Cupp. • C."., Mo• B-Pp. •Baton S-16 • Sultut Mo•opm • Molybd.num C1•%. cwdh, NLppm • Nka.l N..%.Sodium Cd.ppm. Cadm vet Ibppm . L.•d DM•% F.,c—m Oq MnNI ISondd NUTR:ENT AVAILABILITY Nutrient a.a•1.paty cohnot 0. d.nlminod with 100% Many uHhpl.. INnaNBLLonnta and h,,vknt Was Tni. upon plarWo . N.pnlc ndmnlon pl nulllant in lion 14.ipty 0.ud on Np. of wnu and.pp9u• mnnlq. C, Ray Cnmpball AGRONOMIST B4. Rd, Ao.d C..H+ L0. Oo• TfOQ. Rd.Iph, N.C. 11011 19191 TSTC055 Application rate should be ba_cd on crop ircmpnt and heavy metal loading rate for the altn xxx P R I M A R Y C H A R A C T E R I L A T 1 0 N D A T A xxx PRINT DATE 08/23/88 S84NC-035-000 SAMPLED AS CECIL ; CLAYEY, KAOLINITIC, THERMIC TYPIC HAPLUDULT NATIONAL SOIL SURVEY LABORATORY ; PEDON 84P 869, SAMPLE 84P4897-4898 -1-- -2-- -3-- -4-- -5-- -6-- '7-- -9-- -9-- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- -'-"-" -----------------'-----"--'-------'-----'-----_-�-- (- NH40AC EXTRACTABLE BASES -) ACID- EXTR (- '-----------------_-------------------------------------_-_-_---_-_-_-- CEC - - -) AL BASE SAT- CO3 AS CAC03 RES. OHMS COND.(- MMIIOS PH CACL2 1120 CA MG NA K SUM ITY AL SUM NH4- BASES SAT SUM NH4 OAC <2MM /CM /CM .01M DEPTH SBSA 585A 6020 585A 585A 6P2B 6Q2B BASES 6H5A 6G9A CATS 5A3A OAC 5A8B + AL 5A3B 5G1 5C3 5C1 6E1G BEl 81 8C1F 8C1F (CM) 6N2E 100 G - - - - - - - - -> <- - _ - -PCT - - - _> 1:2 1:1 <- - - - - - - - - - - -MEQ / 0- 5 0.6 0.1 TR TR 0.7 9.5 2.0 10.2 7.2 2.7 74 7 10 6 4.8 4. 4.1 4.9 30- 46 -------- 0.1 0.5 --- ---------------- TR -- --------------------------------------------------- 0.6 7.9 2.6 8.5 9.3 3.2 81 7 ---------------------------------- V .. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Ann R Orr DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Regional Manager Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary GROUNDWATER SECTION April 6, 1993 Mr. William S. Wagner 213 Mountain Circle Drive Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 Dear Mr. Wagner: Subject: Monitor Well Abandonment Sealed Air Corporation Waste Disposal Site Well Construction Permit No. 13-0033-WM-0021 Caldwell County, North Carolina This letter is in follow up to a telephone conversation we had regarding proper well abandonment of the monitor wells at the subject site. The monitor wells were constructed on your property in fulfillment of a groundwater monitoring requirement for a waste disposal permit for Sealed Air Corporation's land application of sludge. For your information, I have attached a copy of Well Construction Permit No. 13-0033-WM-0021. Please note condition No. 11 which stipulates that the monitor wells shall be properly abandoned when they are no longer used for their intended purpose. If Sealed Air Corporation is not allowed access to your property for the proper abandonment of the three monitor wells, you may be held responsible for the proper abandonment of said monitor wells. In our conversation, you stated that you intended to use the monitor wells for water supply purposes. As I stated, the monitor wells do not meet the standards of construction for water supply wells. A variance would have to be obtained from the Director of the Division of Environmental Management to convert the monitor wells to water supply wells. Usage of the monitor wells for water supply without a variance would be in violation of North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0100 (Well Construction Standards). Interchange Building, 59 W�xxlfin Place, Asheville, N.C. 28901 • Telephone 704-251b208 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ' r Mr. William S. Wagner April 6, 1993 Page 2 Enclosed is a copy of NCAC, Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Well Construction Standards. Section .0107 references standards of construction for water supply wells, and Section .0108 for monitor wells. A comparison of the construction standards may enlighten you to some of the differences that we previously discussed. Section .0118 references variances from construction standards. Please contact me at the letterhead address or call me at (704) 251-6208 as to your intentions for allowing Sealed Air Corporation access for abandonment of the monitor wells. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving this matter. Sincerely, x� Laura Kay Dechant Hydrogeologist LKD/gc cc: David Mills Ted Bush r r"� 000 10 o!: healed Air Corporation P.O. BOX 98/YADKIN RIVER ROAD/PATTERSON, NORTH CAROLINA 28661 /(704) 757-4500/FAX (704) 754-8567 TO: Kay Dachant FROM: David Mills DATE: December 15, 1992 SUBJECT: Groundwater monitoring Sealed Air would like to stop groundwater monitoring on the Wagner property. We last dumped sludge at this site in 1989. regards r i David Mills zd�a�0� 000 Qzr ••• j¢ Sealed Air Corporation P.O. BOX 98/YADKIN RIVER ROAD/PATTERSON, NORTH CAROLINA 28661 /(704) 757-4500/FAX (704) 754-8567 26 January 1993 Mr. Roy Davis Regional Supervisor Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office SUBJECT: Personnel Change Mr. Davis: The first of June 1992, I took over as Environmental Coordinator from Mr. George Dula. George has remained with the company as Environmental Manager with the Paper Mill Division of Sealed Air. However, he is no longer affiliated with the Patterson Paper Mill. Please pass this information on to all applicable persons, so that they may direct all further correspondence to me. Thank you for your help in this matter. If you have any questions, you may call me at (704) 757- 4500. Sincerely, Richard Benge Environmental Coordinator Patterson Paper Mill Fn iuUJAN 2 7 IMMO Lj ! WATE I N ASHEV E FEB 261993 •+� February 24, Ms. Anne Rumbough North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Interchange Building 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Reference: Well Abandonment Sealed Air Corporation Waste Disposal Site SR 1514 Caldwell County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1414-93-012 Dear Ms. Rumbough: The purpose of this letter is to confirm our recent telephone conversation and my conversation with Mr. Don Link, the Groundwater Regional Supervisor, on February 8, 1993. S&ME personnel attempted to permanently abandon three wells at the referenced site on this date. The Owner of the property approached our employees at the site and requested that the wells not be abandoned. Mr. David Mills of Sealed Air Corporation contacted the property owner, who explained that he wished to use the wells and would prefer that they not be abandoned. It is our understanding that the North Carolina department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources - Groundwater Section will contact the property owner regarding the well abandonment, and, until further notice, Sealed Air Corporation is not responsible for the permanent abandonment of the three wells. aS&ME, Inc. 44 Buck Shoals Rood, Arden, North Carolina 28704, (704) 687-9080, Fax (704) 687-8003 m Ms. Anne Rumbough February 24, 1993 Page 2 S&ME appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental services on this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, S&ME, INC. Milton E. Ussery, Jr. Project Hydrogeologist Id-Z Wes Lowder, P.E. Branch Manager MEU/WL:jh x State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James 13. Hunt, Jr., Governor Ann B. Orr Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Regional Manager GROUNDWATER SECTION January 25, 1993 Mr. Donald Mills Sealed Air Corporation Post Office Box 98 Patterson, North Carolina 28661 Dear Mr. Mills: Subject: Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Sealed Air Corporation Permit No. 6974R2 Landfill of Sludge Caldwell County, North Carolina This letter is in response to your request to cease groundwater monitoring at the subject site. As you are aware, Permit No. 6974R2 expired December 1, 1990 and was not renewed. Since Sealed Air Corporation has not utilized the site for sludge disposal since 1989 and the site is no longer permitted, you may discontinue groundwater monitoring at the subject site. The monitor wells shall be properly abandoned and a record of abandonment (enclosed) submitted to this office upon completion. Please contact me at (704) 251-6208 if you have any comments or questions. Sincerely, i Laura Kay Dechant Hydrogeologist LKD/gc cc: Betty Wilcox Intea hansr Iluilding, .59 Wexxlfin plaix, Asheville, N.C. 28801 • Telephone 70445"208 An Equal Opptvunity Affirmative Action Employer 000 000 Sealed Air Corporation P.O. BOX 98/YADKIN RIVER ROAD/PATTERSON, NORTH CAROLINA 28661 /(704) 758-5151 /FAX (704) 754-8567 February 28, 1991 Mr. Steve Grindstaff Hydrogeological Technician Groundwater Section Division of Environmental 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, N.C. 28801 Dear Mr. Grindstaff: Management, NCDEHNR The key to the three monitoring wells at our landfill site, permit number 6974112, which you and Ms. Rumbough visited with me this morning, will be available at our plant for your use. Please contact either the plant manager, David Mills, or myself whenever the key is needed. Also enclosed are some maps showing the landfill's location. I have so far been unable to locate information specific to the monitoring wells' design, but will forward it later. We are currently scheduled to have the wells sampled during March by Hydrologic, Inc., as specified in our permit. Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance. Sincerely, George E. Dula Environmental Manager c: Bob Davis David Mills Ann Rumbough GED D N N61C MAR - Q 1991 S Groundwater ection Asheville Re -oral Offce REVISIONS wnl Lr DescvlvnoH wrz . x � ' J lY I LLUPi PInVAL SITE i"R I DI: F.T,11 HD PL 13� RD. '—YADKIN RIVER --FILL SITE(WAGNER BANDi ITOUE) RURAL ROAD IF14 JI\v .EO �0 9O TD TAYLoRS VILL : fiLE NO. DRAWING NUMBER I B- THE REMOVAL 31TE IS DETAILED ON DWG W-I OF 2 DATED G'29-71. TRUCK ROUTING NOTE- ON ABOVE FILL 911T. DETAILED ON DWG 800I54, DATED B�E4-81 NLISSFINISH- UF.C. OTHLDWISE LPLCIPI[D NO. REQ'D. DATE DRAWN-�, FMC. DEC A.G. AUTERIAL- SCALE-I3/4"� 4 MI. PATTERN N0.- ra :ve4 eao a TITLE MAP EXCAVATION C FILL CELLU PRODUCTS CO. '%E.,L� LOCATIONS— CALDWELL COUNTY PATEERSON, N. C. SUPEPCFpFS `y4 REMOVE ALL BURRS & SHARP EWFB • ""'.... ,DMWING J' SUPERCEDED BY ASSEMBLY NO. SUBASSEMBLY NO, FILE NO. DR. BY NLIMBERu•• ISSUE B- R I ITAn p 0017q c... I.— it V REVISIONS FILE NO. CLOVERL r*L,: �I,Fi FARM 14 PLANT MININC, AREA 7 L Fil I AYEA A PLI It. _—UrgC Row YADKIN GRADE LEVEL OF ARFA 10 BE FILLEI 15 APPROX. 1170 10 1173' ABOVE SEA UVEL. FILLING E COVERING SHOULD A LEVEL CLOSE To ACIVE THE- ORIGIYINAL 1178 / 1180' o tHE 'MINING OPERATION HIT-5 -WATER B TO 10' BELOW GPAI)F THERE ARE NO WELLS WITHIN FLDW SOO, I FILLING WILL BE DONE A5 FAR BACK FROM TlIE RIVER AS POSSIBLE PATTER5ON ?_.SIVIL+ FINISH- " DATE DRAWN. 6-?q -61 MATERIAL. SCALE- I"'=3OD' PATTERN NO. . TIRE _ -J;E'eW.5-WAGNER PROPERTY- - CELLU-PRODUC-TS CO. CALDWrLL COUNTY - PATTERSON, N. C. REMOVE ALL BURRS & SWP EDGES .. ... . . ... ..... ..... .. ... .. ...... SUE ASSEMBLY NO. SUB -Al DRAWING NUMBER OD154 f� B B- R ILI r_�AyDR _D \\A P see ?ej P.O. BOX 98/RIVER ROAD/PATTERSON, NORTH CAROLINA 28661/(704)-758-5151 /TELEX: 469747 RECEIVED MYISION W ENVIRONMENTAL MAWEMEd January 23, 1990 EA AI 24 Togo E MOONENVILLE Ms. Carolyn McCaskill ' REMMIL 0Ff1�' i. Permits and Engineering Section Division of Environmental Management, DEHM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 Dear Ms'. 1&f Caskal: Sealed Air Corporation currently has a permit for the disposal of dried sludge by land burial. The permit, number 6974R2, is effective until December 1, 1990. Please begin the renewal process so that we can receive an extension on this permit. Enclosed is a check for the amount of $125.00 to cover the cost of a new permit. Please advise me as soon as possible of any other requirements for this extension. Thank you in advance for your assistance, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from your office soon. Sincerely, George E. Dula Environmental Manager c: Bob Davis ✓Rex Gleason Mike Feeney Katherine White Al ROOM of FEB 14 AS90 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Maasodg GROUNDWATER SECTION �cxrs MEMORANDUM ^ I r TO: ear A.rA., l h n� St :can DATE :,)/ 13 I g v FROM: Bill Reid SUBJECT: Application for �Ren. /Amendment of Permit No.647L/R a New Permit Facility Name 4, v, County 0,�d w21� Type of Project n��i �� Dy S �LJ Applicable Permit Numbers WQ Oob 3oS'o GW `I D b S`1g- EPA AC We have received a copy of the above referenced application, which was sent to your regional office for comment on or about You should review the application package for completeness and adequacy of relevant information and submit additional information to me your request for (via telephone or memo) by �7 19Q9 so that all required information can be requ� ested from the applicant at one time.reques, A copy of our formal provided.t the applicant for additional information will be provided, to you.. If you do not require additional information from the applicant to complete your evaluation of.the project, you should review the application package and submit your comments to me by 19 1®. If a'copy of the application package has nbt been made available 'to your office, PLEASE LET ME FNOA' IMMEDIATELY so that a copy can be for%.,arded to you as soon as possible. MDC/APPMEMO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 29, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Gale Johnson THROUGH: Barbara Christian rN FROM: Jesse W. Wel_ �a / RE: Sealed Air Corporation Sludge Land Application Renewal GW No. 90058 Caldwell County, N.C. The Mooresville Regional Groundwater Staff has reviewed the permit renewal request for the subject facility. On February 15, 1990 Mr. Michael Parker of the Mooresville Water Quality Section visited the sludge disposal area. The disposal area was inundated with water primarily diverted by a stone and gravel washing area. Mr. Parker noted that additional area for sludge disposal was limited. A review of past groundwater monitoring data indicates that the facility has probably not impacted the groundwater resources. Periodic increases of iron above groundwater quality standards have been noted. All other parameters analyzed met the quality standard. The erratic concentration levels of iron over the sampling periods suggest that sampling procedure and/or handling may have influenced the results. Due to the flooding problems and the lack of sufficient area to continue operation of the disposal area, Mr. George Dula, Environmental Manager, Sealed Air Corporation, was advised to locate a new site for treatment by Mr. Parker. This Office concurs with Mr. Parker's recommendation. Upon selection of a new site, Sealed Air Corporation should be advised to abandon the three existing monitor wells. Abandonment of the wells must comply with 15A NCAC 2C .0113(a)(2)(F). Should you have any questions, please advise. JWW/pl ppp�v ✓V�./ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March'14, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn McCaskill FROM: D. Rex Gleason PREPARED BY: Michael L. Parker SUBJECT: WQ 0003050 Sealed Air Corporation Sludge Land Application Renewal Caldwell' -County, North -Carolina Sealed°Air Corporation, Mr. Parker examned,the permitted land '-=application site -for its effectiveness' as-a,sludge disposal'.area, , His=observations, however, revealed.,that the entire site was rapidly being inundated with a combination of groundwater and ':-..'surf ace water, diverted by.a nearby stone and .gravel washing `-- gperation. ' Little if any -.available; area existed on the, site _for.--- disposal. It should be'noted that no.."obvious"-problems were found -during the site visit concerning previous sludge -applications. In light of the above, it is recommended by this Office that the subject Permit not be renewed for the existing disposal location. Mr. Dula was advised of this recommendation at the time of the inspection and has begun the process of selecting a new disposal site. Upon receipt of supporting data and a follow-up inspection of the to -be -selected site, a recommendation regarding Permit reissuance will be made. If you have any questions, please advise. MLP:se DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION May 31, 1990 TO: Don Safrit THROUGH: Bob Cheek FROM: Jeff Lautier V SUBJECT: Sealed Air Corporation Sludge Land Application Renewal Caldwell County WQ0003050/GW90058 CON rvDso U, or JVArult.4 T ITr 1)7 t?v7 ��.•. JUN 0 5 1990 DIVIS19H OF FNVI pli;,;f.T# MOORfSVl11E REGIONAL OffI6E (Mark Hawes: DEM SERG Review Engineer) The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit renewal request and declines to comment until the following problems are addressed: 1. The sludge disposal area was observed by the Mooresville Regional Office to be inundated with water diverted from a stone and gravel washing area. 2. The disposal site lacks enough additional area (beyond what is currently flooded) to continue operations. Sealed Air Corporation was advised by the Mooresville Regional Office to locate a new sludge application site. cc: ,r @hr.ZQ Central Files Permit Issuance Files a State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources \400resville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Albert F. Hilton, Regional Manager William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 17, 1990 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George Dula Sealed Air Corporation Post Office Box 98 River Road Patterson, North Carolina 28661 RE: Sealed Air Corporation Permit No. 6974R2 Caldwell County, N.C. Dear Mr. Dula: As part of the Division of Environmental Management's approach to addressing the impact of waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities on the environment, this Office has reviewed the groundwater compliance monitoring data submitted by Sealed Air Corporation on May 10, 1990 as a requirement of Permit No. 6974R2. In review of the data, it was noted that Sealed Air Corporation failed to report the concentration of phenol in monitor well No. 3. Additionally, the phenol concentration level in monitor well No. 1 and No. 2 was reported as 10.0 ug/l. The recommended drinking water standard for phenol is established as 1 ug/l. The concentration of iron in monitor well No. 1 and No. has increased substantially since the last sampling event of November 27. 1989. In order to determine whether groundwater quality standards have been violated, Sealed Air Corporation must resample the three monitor wells for phenol and iron. Laboratory detection limit for the respective constituents must be compatible with recommended drinking water standards. 919 North Main Street, t`looresville, N.C. 28115 • Telephone 704-663-1699 • FAX 704-663-6040 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. George Dula May 17, 1990 Page Two The additional analytical data must be submitted to the Division within thirty (30) days after receipt of this letter. If groundwater quality violations are verified, Sealed Air Corporation must undertake to define the horizontal and vertical extent of the contamination and propose corrective action. If you should have any questions, please contact this office at (704) 663-1699. rsse W. Wells ,drocteoloo'ical Technician JWW/pl COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: S'e ee Facility Name S-n-} Air COrpnration Address Pf1 Rnx 9R Ri VPr Road Pitterson NC 28661 Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigphh N.C.27611 (919)733-3221 County (;aIdweII Permit Number: 6974R2 �� Non -Discharge _ _ Lp�-_ o- Well Location NPDES Well Identification Number MW #3 Well Depth 30' Ft. Water Use n. Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 17' ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction GROUNDWATER SECTION RALEIGH, NC Measuring point is feel above land surface Top of Casing Other Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 4 Field Analysis: pH 7.8 Specific Conductance -uMhos Temp. 14 o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3-13-90 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3-14-90 thur 3-27-90 Laboratory Name Wastewater Services, Inc. Certification No. 37717 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N <0.10 mg/I Pb -Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Phosphorus:NTot�a�atsTPg- +T ^+t. mg/I Zn Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al Aluminum K'sov:I<:ts ANi mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.5 units CpDfilIU:�I7' - Ba - Barium H mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca Calcium MAY 1 0 1990 mg/I ug/I Chloride 7 Z mg/I Cd Cadmium mg/I ug/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: 011f q of ENVIRRH4EliTAL ` li, i iT mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I MOOOESVILL Grease and Oils mg/I Cu -Copper mg/I ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron <0.050 mg/I ug/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I ug/I Sulfate <1 -0 mg/I K - Potassium mg/I ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH mg/I Mn. - Manganese mg/I 4) Note: TKN as N . mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATURE PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT") DATE GW-59 Revised 6/88 * See back for instructions- Submit blue and green copies only to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Sealed Air Corporation Address PO Box 98 River Road Patterson NC 28661 Well Location For additional forms please write or call: Well Identification Number MW #1 Well Depth 20' Ft. Well Diameter V Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is feet above land surface Top of Casing Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 8 Division of Environmental Managecnent Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 (919)733-3221 County l.a I GWP t I Permit Number: 6974R2 I -.. I -- Non -Discharge NPDES ''t Water Use _ - Iniection Well -' Well Construction Other GROUNDWATER SECTION RALEIGH, NC Field Analysis: pH 7-1 Specific Conductance —uMhos Temp. 12 oC Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3-13-90 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3-14-90 thur 3-27-90 Laboratory Name Wastewater Services, Inc. Certification No. 37717 COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I pH (when analyzed) 6.3 units TOC mg/I Chloride 3.5 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol 10.0*gal wk Sulfate 4•9 mg/I Specific Conductance —uMhos Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH4)—mg/I TKN as N mg/I NO2 as N NO 3 as N 0.19 mg/I Ni Nickel mg/I mg/I Pb Lead mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P,4 mg/I ;T At -Aluminum r' '� mg/I Ba Bariu mg/I G Sw » Ca C51ciu1dlJ,«� mg nS�O \ Cd Cam J mg/I F Chromium: Totbllg1\ mg/I \F\�\� Cu -Copper mg/I Fe - Iron\. 7.83 __mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg Magnesium mg/I Mn Manganese— mg/I Na Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. & SIGNATUR OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT"') DATE r+ur rn n_..... A croo *Dnrflnrmnri by rlvfnrrf I nFhnratnry Tn#37721 Zn - Zinc mg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify) Note: ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I Values should reflect Iota: concentrations * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Sealed Air Corporation Address PO Box 98. River Road Patterson, NC 28661 Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 - RaWghph N.C. 27611 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Well Location Well Identification Number MW #2 Well Depth 20' Ft. Well Diameter 4" Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Depth to Water Level 71 ft. below measuring pQint.(before sampling) Measuring point is feel above land surface Top Of Casing County Caldwell cr" Permit Number: 6974R2 �' I =�_/, Non -Discharge NPDES M Y Water Use Injection Well ('RNIINI)WATFR CFf'll(]N Well Construction RAI FIGH N( Other Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 7 Field Analysis: pH 6-8 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 14 oC Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3-13-90 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3 14 90 thur -127gn Laboratory Name Wactpwater 4prvirpc Tnr. Certification No. COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I pH (when analyzed) 6.2 units TOC mg/I Chloride 2.5 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol 10 0 ual*xfAxjyy, Sulfate NO2 as N mg/I Ni Nickel mg/I NO 3 as N 0.39 mg/I Pb Lead mg/I Phosphorus: Total asA�120K� mg/I Zn Zinc mg/I AI - AIumin ul�p,T of N�.11 T mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Ba - Bgriucmg/I ug/I 1 Ca - C&Plbin mg/I ug/I Cd - Cadmiu��� a1 mg/I -_ ug/I vrn— Chromium: Total Katy " att mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I C u- C o p g\�✓;F �F \�V1 FG1UH� m g/ I ug /I Fe Iron ' V1%%V 15.92 mg/I ug/I Hg - Mercury mg/I ug/I - mg/I K - Potassium_ Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4)_ mg/I TKN as N mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese— mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. __� --5—, (bJ SIGNATURE F PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT") DATE - - .Ln_...r...,.......! k- n-4:- A I Tn ;4g7721 ug/I uo/I Note: Values should reflect total concentrations * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Albert F. Hilton, Regional Manager William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 4, 1990 Mr. George Dula Sealed Air Corporation Post Office Box 98 River Road Patterson, North Carolina 28661 Re: Sealed Air Corporation Permit No. 6974R2 Caldwell County, N.C. Dear Mr. Dula: In reference to the correspondence from this Office dated May 17, 1990, Sealed Air Corporation is exempted from the collection of additional samples for the analysis of phenol. In the revised copy of the s o Water Ouali August 1, 1989, phenol was removed from the standards listing. Until such time that I receive clarification from our Permits and Compliance staff, the detection limit of 10 ug/l will be acceptable. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact this Office at (704) 663-1699. ely, W. Wells eological Technician cc: Tom Barr, Wastewater Services JWW/pl 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, N.C. 28115 • Telephone 704-663-1699 • FAX 704-663.6040 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Aaion Employer State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Mooresville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Mr. Craig E. Robert Sealed Air Corporation Cellu Products Division P. 0. Box 98 Patterson, N. C. 28661 Dear Mr. Robert: S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 27, 1986 Enclosed are the permit application, monitor well construction diagram, and compliance monitoring report forms you requested for the monitor wells to be installed by Cellu Products at the sludge landfill site, located off SR 1514 at Patterson in Caldwell County. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (704) 663-1699. cc: Mr. Ron McMillan Mr. Bob Cheek i .P Sincerely, 0;� William H. Crawford Hydrogeological Technician 919 North Main Street, P.O. Box 950, Mooresville, N.C. 28115-0950 • Telephone 704-653-1699 An Eqwl Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Sealed Air Corporation Gellu Products P.O. BOX 98/RIVER ROAD/PA January 30, 1986 FEB 8 1986 4141SION OF MOOKSV►LLE �OEO10 pNAL��Bf F ICES 28661/(704)758-5151/TELEX:469747 Mr. William H. Crawford N.C. Dept, of Natural Resources & Community Development 919 North Main Street P.O. Box 950 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Dear Mr. Crawford: Enclosed is our completed permit application for ground water monitoring wells to be installed at the Wagner Sand & Gravel in Patterson, NC. Also, enclosed is a diagram showing the proposed well locations, per our discussion at the site last week. After our permit is approved we will proceed with installation of the wells as soon as possible. We will then sample the wells, and send the information to your attention. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Craig . Robert Technical Department Manager CER/lw enclosures 0 $baq As�tV' State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary December 1, 1986 Mr. George Shegog, Jr. Sr. Vice President — Finance ..Sealed Air Corporation Park 80 Plaza East Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07662-5291 SUBJECT: Permit No. 6974R2 Sealed Air Corporation Landfill of Sludge Caldwell County DEar Mr. Shegog: R. Paul Wilms Director In accordance with your application received July 30, 1986, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. 6974R2, dated December 1, 1986, to the Sealed Air Corporation for the continued operation of the subject sludge landfill. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 1, 1990, shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein, and shall supersede Permit No. 6974R issued to Cellu Products Company of December 17, 1985. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604. If you wish to have the hearing before the Hearing Officer with this Department, you must indicate in the petition that you waive the right to have the contested case conducted by a Hearing Officer in the Office of Administrative Hearings, and wish to have the matter conducted in the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. Continued ... v u u V1 L5 11 im 16 f991U! Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27697, Rakigh, Nord, Carolina 276ua697 rekphwx Mr, George Shegog, Jr. Page Two One (1) set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Gil Vinzani, telephone number 919/733-5083, extension 185. Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms cc: Caldwell County Health Department Mr. Craig Robert Mr. Dennis R. Ramsey Mooresville Regional Office GI/gwt NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH P E R M I T For the discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or Other Wastes In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Rules, Laws, Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Sealed Air Corporation Caldwell County FOR THE continued operation of landfill facilities to dispose of dried .sludge from Sealed Air Corporation's Caldwell County Plant by a total area of approximately pursuant to the application received July 30, 1986, and in conformity with t..e project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 1, 1990, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the sludge disposal facilities are used in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of waters described in the application and other supporting data. 3. The sludge landfill site shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use. In event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, or failure of the irrigation area to adequately absorb the wastewater, the Permittee, shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by the Division of Environmental Management. 4. Page 3 Permit No. 6974R2 18. t and shall be installed to track changes in groundwater quality. The location and construction of these wells should be by approval of the Mooresville Regional Office, from which well construction permits must be obtained. / 19. The three (3) wells shall be sampled prior to sludge burial and thereafter during the months of March, July and November for the following parameters: NO3 Phenol Fe C1 SO4 Water Levels I — 20. Annual cadmium application shall not exceed 1. e. Cumulative cadmium applications shall not exceed 4.45 lbs/acre. 21. Public access should be controlled for 12 months following the last application event. 22. All grazing by animals whose products are consumed by humans must be prevented for one month following the last application event. 23. Should cumulative applications exceed 4.45 lbs. Cd/acre the following paragraph shall be made a part of the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high cadmium application rates and care should be taken when food chain crops are grown due to a possible health hazard." 4. A four (4) foot separation shall be maintained between the groundwater table and the sludge for burial and a fill layer of 1 to 2 feet shall be placed over the sludge. This will effectively negate disposal in the general vicinity of boring B1. Permit issued this the Ist day of December, 1986. a Permit No. 6974112 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page Two Permit No. 6974R2 5. This permit is not transferable. 6. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the sludge landfilling site is prohibited. 7. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non —discharge system to prevent the discharge 'of any sludge into the surface waters of the State. 8. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or ground waters resulting from the operation of this facility. 9. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the sludge application area onto the adjacent property and/or surface waters. 10. Sludge shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 1/2—inch or greater in 24 hours. Emergency sludge disposal measures shall be approved by the Division of Environmental Management. 11. No type of sludge other than that from the Sealed Air Corporation's Caldwell County Plant shall be placed on the land application disposal site. 12. A 100—foot buffer shall be maintained between the appropriate land owner's property line and any applied sludge. 13. Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 14. The application rates shall not exceed_ c yards/year. 15. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and in indicated, will extend the Permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. 16. The permit shall become voidable unless the agreement between Sealed Air Corporation and Wagner Sand and Stone, Incorporated for the disposal of sludge is in full force and effect. 17. Each sludge burial operation shall begin at the available point, in the approved disposal area, farthest away from the surface waters adjacent to the disposal site. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION �. 11T � December 9, 1985 Cp�(11171NtT1' >D1�vLLUirt;TiS�C DE(i 1.1 18;&i TO: Bill Crawford IA4lfSCtLI Ga'1"t'ln � / pNiS�fVIILE flEC41f Al OFFICE FROM: Len Bramble SUBJECT: Non -Discharge and/or NPDES Permit Applications Pending Regional Office Review According,to our permit tracking system, the following permit application package(s) are currently pending your review and comments: Date RO Project Name County Comments Due APN#/GW# Sealed Air Corp./Cellu Products Division Caldwell 7-15-85 5842/8561 Please conduct your review and provide appropriate comments to the central office as soon as possible. If the permit application is either a renewal or amendment to an existing permit, please indicate (1) if groundwater monitoring is being done at the site and at what locations, and (2) if groundwater monitoring is not being done at the site and your evaluation reflects a need for same, please indicate both number and locations of monitoring wells suitable. If the permit application is for a new facility or operation, please review as usual, providing an evaluation of the project's threat to groundwater quality and, if required, the number and locations of groundwater quality monitoring wells. As indicated in the permit application notification previously sent to you, please let me know if a copy of the application package has not been made available to you or cannot be located so that I can send you pertinent information. LB/lb/late cc: Permit Issuance Files DIVISION OF ENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT Groundwater Section $ C. DEi".L or NATGF.AL RrSCIIRCES ftiD December 13, 1985 cor.IJNri9 DEC -1 7 w 3 5 MEMORANDUM 61415:011 OF EH�1 :19EinfL Fi':; S.Si11T TO: Arthur Mouberry MGKIESIN E ilICIRAIL CFF1PE FROM: Bob Cheek f66 RE: Trench disposal of waste, Cellm Products Division of Sealed Air Corp., Caldwell County APN-6974/Cecil Madden The Groundwater Section has received the project documents. We note that the waste will be buri.ed in trenches. Since this method of disposal concentrates the waste and thus any resultant leachate from it, the vertical separation between mean seasonal high water tables and the bottom of the waste must be greater than for waste which is evenly surface -applied. Given these conditions, we would have -no objection to the project given the following recommended conditions: (1). A four (4) foot vertical section should be maintained between the water table and the waste sludge. This will effectively negate disposal in the general vincinity of boring B-1. (2). One upgradient and two downgradient wells should be installed to track changes in groundwater quality. The location and construction of these wells should be by approval of the Mooresville regional office, from which well construction permits must be obtained. (3). The three wells should be sampled prior to sludge burial and thereafter during the months of March, July and November for the following parameters: NO3 Phenol Fe CL SO4 Water Levels RBC/md cc: Ron-McMil-lah Jesse Wells Central Files Groundwater Files DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 10, 1985 MEMORANDUM TO: Len Bramble THROUGH: Ron McMill u �)`� FROM: Jesse Wells9 W SUBJECT: Cellu Products Sludge Disposal Site Permit No. 6974 Renewal APNO05842 Caldwell County, North Carolina A review of the permit application from Sealed Air Corporation Cellu Products Division was made by the Mooresville Regional Groundwater Staff., The subsurface investigation conducted by Soil & Materials Engineers, Inc. indicated the groundwater level in boring B-1 to be 2.1 feet after 24 hours. This boring was made in an existing lagoon approximately 2-3 feet lower than the surrounding ground level. The groundwater level would be approximately 4-5 feet below land surface in the area of the lagoon. The groundwater level in boring B-2 was noted at 20.5 feet after completion of boring. A review of the E. P. Toxicity analysis of the sludge conducted in August, 1981 indicates the constituents tested have levels below recommended groundwater classification standards. The results were as follows: Barium - 0.41 mg/1 Cadmium - 0.005 mg/1 Lead - 0.018 mg/l Mercury - <0.001 mg/l Silver - <0.001 mg/l Arsenic - < 0.005 Selenium - < 0.005 Endrin - ND Lindane - ND Methoxychlor - ND Toxaphene - ND 2, 4D-ND 2, 4, 5-TP - ND It is recommended by the regional groundwater staff that this permit be approved provided a minimum separation distance be maintained between the groundwater level and the sludge disposal. No mention is made of the disposal trench expected depth. The area of boring B-1 should be avoided. The borings were performed during September, 1985. The MSHWL would be greater in the later winter and early spring months. Landfilling of the sludge should be limited to the area of boring B-2. If more information is needed; please advise. cc: Bob Cheek Mike Parker JWW:se 45 1 Q a....d J LI\1brvx r,r.•.rtnct State of North Carolina Of Pr'"O DEC Depnent of Natural Resources and Community Development IoDivision of Environmental Management „ooarsva 512 North Salisbury Street o Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor l S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Mr. Craig Robert Technical Department Manager Cellu Products Company P. 0. Box 98 Patterson, NC 28661 Dear Mr. Robert: December 18, 1985 R. Paul Wilms Director SUBJECT: Permit No. 6974R Cellu Products Company Landfill -of Sludge "Caldwell' County In accordance with your application received May 31, 1985, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. 6974R, dated December 17, 1985, to the Cello Products Company for the continued operation of the subject sludge landfill. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 1, 1990, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing before a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be con- tended. Unless such demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. One (1) set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Cecil G. Madden, Jr., telephone No. 919/733- 5083, ext. 122. Sincerely yours, Original Signed By ARTHUR MOUBERRY RFo�aul Wilms Director cc: Caldwell County Health Department Groundwater Section Mr. Dennis R. Ramsey Pollution Prerxntion Pays Mooresville Regional Supervisor P.O. Emc 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 RPW/CGM/jp An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH P E R M I T For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or Other Wastes In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Cellu Products Company Caldwell County FOR THE continued operation of landfill facilities to dispose of dried sludge from Cellu Products Company's Caldwell County Plant by,land burial to sites having a total area of approximately 7.4 acres; with no discharge of sludge to the surface waters of the State, - , pursuant to the application received May 31, 1985 and in conformity with the project plans, specifications, and other supporting data, subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Community. Development and considered a part of this permit. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 1, 1990, and shall .subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the sludge disposal facilities are used in accordance with the approved documents. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. The sludge landfill site shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render tham unsatisfactory 'for normal use. In event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, or failure of the irrigation area to adequately absorb the wastewater; the Permittee, shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by the Division of Environmental Management. 4. A suitable year round vegetative cover shall be maintained. Permit No. 6974R Page -2- 5. This permit is not transferable. 6. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the sludge landfilling site is prohibited. 7. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any sludge into the surface waters of the State, 8. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve Cellu Products Company of the responsibility of damages due to groundwater pollution. 9. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the sludge application area onto the adjacent property and/or surface waters. 10. Sludge shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of k-inch or greater in 24 hours. Emergency sludge disposal measures shall be approved by the Division of Environmental Management. 11. No type of sludge other than that from the Cellu Products Company Caldwell County Plant shall be placed on the -land application disposal site. 12. A 100-foot buffer shall be maintained between the appropriate land owner's property line and any applied sludge. 13. Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 14. The application rates shall not exceed: 1340 cubic yards/year 15. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if indicated, will extend the Permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. 16. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreement between Cellu'Pioducts Company and Wagner Sand and Stone, Incorporated for the disposal of sludge is in full force and effect. 17. Each sludge burial operation shall begin at the available point, in the approved disposal area, farthest away from the surface waters adjacent to the disposal site. 18. One upgradient and two downgradient wells shall be installed to track changes in groundwater quality. The location and construction of these wells should be by approval of the Mooresville Regional Office, from which well construction permits must be obtained. Permit No. 6974F Page -3- 19. The three (3) wells shall be sampled prior to.sludge burial and there- after during the months of March, July and November for.the following parameters: NO3 Phenol Fe CI, SO4 Water Levels 20. Anuual cadmium application shall not exceed 1.78 Cd/acre. Cumulative cadmium applications shall not exceed 4.45 lbs. Cd/acre. 21. Public access should be controlled for 12 months following the last application event. 22. All grazing by animals whose products are consumed by humans must be prevented for one month following the last application event. - - 23. Should cumulative applications exceed 4.45 lbs. Cd/acre the following paragraph shall be made a part of.the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high cadmium application rates and care should be taken when food chain crops are grown due to a possible health hazard." 24. A four (4) foot separation shall lie maintained between the groundwater table and the sludge for burial and a fill layer of 1 to 2 feet shall be placed over the sludge. This will effectively negate disposal in the general vicinity of boring Bl: Permit issued this the 18th day of December, 1985. NORTH CAROLING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION .Original Signed By ARTHUR MOUBERRY For R. Paul Wilms,.Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. 6974R W117t 'lO SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are. desired, and complete items . 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on tf arse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return recal t fee ill rovide ou the name of the Person delivered to and the date of delivery. Fore Itionafees t e o ow ng services are available. Consuaposurnaster Tor Tells one c ec c boxiesi for additional service (s) requested. 1. ❑ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's adtlress. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery (Lx m charge) (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Article Number Mr. George Dula P 269 341 729 npe of Service: u Registered ElInsured %IN Certified ❑ COD ❑ Express, Mail ❑ Return Recei t for Merchangso Sealed Air Corporation P.O. Box 98 River Road Patterson, NC 28661 Always obtain signature: of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature — Address 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if X requested and fee paid) 6. Si ur — nt IZ 7. Date of Delivery '9b ill PS Farm 3811, Mar. 1988 • U.S.a.P.O. 1988-212-865 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT RETURN TO • III: '. OF NKrrmA P MAY )RCES AND y DEVELOP\IT'" ly 1(ey Pm UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS Print your name, address and ZIP In the space below. ��,,OOI • Complete Items t. 2,.3, ar,W revsme. • Attach to front of article R permits, otherwise affix to to article. `� Cf�w t1 1 ^NALTy FOR PR • Endoraa article "Return Racal it �1¢,� USE,. $300 Requested" adjacent to number. E19Vt�8�Unu�prg�qALr,�tRaASlS� MARk MEHT B4 111C , and ZIP Code in the space below. DEHNR — Groundwater Section (JWW). P.O. Box 950 Mooresville, NC 28115 ■ C late items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signagn9 its if Restricted Delivery is desired. CC// - - ❑ Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑ Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B, Received by l/, (Pennted Name), C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I C` or on the front if space permits. VrTO 1. Arilcle Addressed to: - __ _ D. Is delivery address different from item 17 ❑ Yes - I--- If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No onineg Bush S Omni su PYrly/Sealed Atr Cote P.O. Bw 99 ND$fi�ti Patterson, Nr, 296G1 — tiC, ooti6�aad 3.ry eType Certified Mail ❑ Duress Mall ❑ Registered Return Recelpt for Merchandise > ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? Pft Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number, I I I I III III 11 I7IPO,6I12]1,501100015 124581. I N06511 (frsns)er hornseMce labeq oc r...... OGi i r..w......., nnnn r.___..n_ o_...._ o___r_. ........ ......_.. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE I I I II I US S le s Fees ❑mid • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box N NCDENR - Aquifer Protection co 2090 U.S. Highway 70 O (10D I I Sxvannanoa, NC 2877S O p J N �. m c ItIIt III III IIIIII111 fill III I III III III ItIIIII IIII III iFR• MAIM FTF THIS .SFCT1r, 4ort lina Department of Environmental Quality Divislo of Water Resources Nater Quality Operations Section 20g0 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa,NC 28778 David Hallock, Vice President/Generai Manager Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation 1427 Yadkin River Road Lenoir•-W 8645 il1��11llilhlitilu1lh11���h11ihll�lr�lll��lli�h����li 13 -9590 9403 0672 5196 9545 00 D 70951 U801(fbb3I I5i46tlj I tj7'f11( Q. V� ❑ Agent I type ❑ Nodty Mall FapressO Mature '¢t, ❑ Registered Ma11TM Hoare RestdotedDeM Mall®\ D RegIstered Mall Restrlcte elivery Mag Restricted Delvery �'fietum Ft. 1pttor n Derivoy wchmcuw n DeFlwry Restricted Delivery D Signature Confirmation"' gall ❑ Slgnature Corlfimnatlon gall Restrictea DoMery I I F�esTcled Delivery -o. 1D_ _ 4a" - Al., 1.1 A' Domestic Return UNITED STATE$,_ E , AP4ERVICE First -Class Mail ' Postage &Fees Pald • Sender. Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4® in this box" 6EV NCE NCOEODOPOS 3094 V.S. N14NYIRY IO SWIINNPNO/,NC Zt})E USPS TRACKING# 9590 9403 0672 5196 9545 00