HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Raleigh revised Corrective Action Plan (Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant)CITY OF RALEIGH Neuse River Waste W ater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Rev is ed Corre ct ive A c ti o n Plan Prepared by: /NTERNATIONAL ENSR Consulting and Engineering (NC), Inc. 7041 Old Wake Forest Road, Suite 103 Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 December 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: David Hance DATE: FROM: Rick Bolich ~ THROUGH: Jay Zimmerman ~ SUBJECT: Variance Performance Monitoring Plan City of Raleigh, NC Variance from 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) 2/12/2007 On November 14, 2006, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) submitted a memorandum to you in support of the Variance Application submitted by the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Dept. (CORPUD) for the land application fields at the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant. This office issued conditional approval of a corrective action plan for part ·of this site on July 19, 2006. The "conditional" aspect of the approval is dependent upon whether or not CORPUD receives a variance from 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) for the portions of the site that are not being actively remediated by the groundwater extraction system. The conditionally approved corrective action plan consisted of a groundwater extraction system and associated groundwater monitoring. The groundwater monitoring plan for the CAP is specified in the March 31, 2006 letter to Jay Zimmerman from Peter Thibodeau, and it consists of sampling a total of 61 wells that will be sampled and analyzed three times a year. APS-RRO staff support granting the variance from 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) on the condition that the flux of Nitrate from contaminated groundwater entering the Neuse River from the land application fields is offset by a similar reduction in Nitrate from the NPDES permitted effluent entering the river. In this manner, the total amount of nitrate entering the Neuse River from the NPDES outfall combined with the flux of nitrate contributed by groundwater discharge will be less than or equal to CORPUD' s permitted nitrate discharge amount. We also support this variance since the other receptors of the contaminated groundwater, private water supply wells, have been provided with Raleigh City water. CORPUD 2L Variance Memo 2/12/2007 Page 2 of 3 Data obtained from the Resource Evaluation Program monitoring wells at the site indicate that the upper portion of the fractured bedrock, the "transition zone", can act as a preferred pathway for groundwater flow. The highest groundwater nitrate concentrations ever measured at the site have occurred in a "transition zone" monitoring well. We believe that additional groundwater monitoring wells installed in the "transition zone" are warranted in order to evaluate nitrate concentrations in this zone. The attached figure shows the locations of three recommended variance performance monitoring wells. These wells should be installed to monitor groundwater quality in the transition zone, and therefore should be screened from approximately 10 feet below the top of the weathered rock to approximately 5 feet above the top of the fractured rock. The three variance performance monitoring wells should be sampled for the same parameters and at the same frequency as the existing permit compliance monitoring wells. A key element to justify this variance is a groundwater flow and contaminant transport model that was prepared by the City's consultant, Eagle Resources. The output of this model was provided in graphic and tabular form dated September 19, 2006 in response tQ an August 25, 2006 letter to Chonticha McDaniel with the APS Land Application Unit (attached). This groundwater model provides an estimate of the Nitrate flux into the Neuse River via groundwater discharge. The groundwater model predicts that the groundwater Nitrate flux into the river would be steadily decreasing starting in the year 2006. Although we understand that the groundwater model is a gross simplification of actual hydrogeologic conditions, we believe that assumptions in the model represent conservative estimates in terms of predicting the Nitrate flux into the river. However, it is necessary to verify the results of the groundwater model using an independent methodology to estimate the Nitrate flux from the land application fields into the Neuse River. The actual nitrate flux into the Neuse River from groundwater can be measured by measuring the river flow rates and nitrate concentrations at points directly upstream and downstream of the application fields. This is currently done NCSU researchers at two RiverNet monitoring stations at Auburn-Knightdale and Clayton. River water nitrate measurements should be measured at time intervals of 30 minutes or less. The nitrate flux into the river from the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent outfall should be subtracted from the nitrate flux at the "downstream" monitoring point in order to determine the actual groundwater nitrate flux from the land application fields. CORPUD 2L Variance Memo 2/12/2007 Page3 of 3 We recognize that the actual flux of Nitrate into the river will vary temporally in response to climactic variations in groundwater recharge and that the actual nitrate flux is unlikely to assume the smooth parabolic curve depicted in the September 19, 2006 model output graph. However, it is imperative that the actual Nitrate flux into the river from groundwater discharge decreases over time in general agreement with the model-predicted results. In the event that the actual Nitrate flux into the river as determined by river monitoring methodology during the seven year NPDES permit cycle is decreasing, but at a rate that is lower than predicted by the groundwater model, the groundwater Nitrate flux "debit" that is to be subtracted from the NPDES outfall permit should be revised to reflect the average actual Nitrate flux determined by river monitoring methodology. In the event that the actual Nitrate flux into the river during the permit cycle is shown to be increasing instead of decreasing over the length of the permit cycle, we recommend that a revised CAP be implemented that would not require a variance from any existing water quality statute or rule. cc: Ted Bush -APS Section Chief Rick Rowe -Wake County Environmental Services, P.O. Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 Greg Bright -Wake County Environmental Services, P.O. Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602 EN:R. HW ·&Q@WN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 ReportOrganization ................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Site Background and History .................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.1 Site Description .............................................................................................................. 1-2 1.2.2 Site History ..................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.3 Site Physiography, Geology and Hydrogeology ........................................................... 1-3 1.3 ECS lnvestigation ...................................................................................................................... 1-4 1.4 Receptor and Risk lnforrnation .......... ; ............................................................................. , ........ 1-5 1.4.1 Human Health Risk Assessment. ............................................................................................. 1-5 1.5 CSA and SSA lnvestigations .... : ................................................................................................ 1-6 1.5.1 Soil Analytical Results .................................................................................................... 1-6 1.5.2 Groundwater Analytical Results .................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.3 Surface Water Results ................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.4 Soil PAN Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 1-8 1.5.5 Groundwater Flow and Fate and Transport Modeling ................................................. 1-8 1.6 Active Remediation Area Field Investigation, Summer 2005 ................................................ 1-10 1.6.1 TestWell lnstallation .................................................................................................... 1-11 1.6.2 Aquifer ·Testing ....................................................................................................... : ...... 1-12 1.6.3 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis .......................................................................... 1-13 1.6.4 Aquifer Test Results .......................................................................... : ........................... 1-13 1. 7 Corrective Action Objectives .................................................................................................. 1-14 2.0 EVALUATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION ALTERNATIVES ........................................................ 2-1 2.1 Evaluation of Corrective Action Altematives ..................................... ; ...................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Groundwater Corrective Action Alternatives ................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Rationale for Selection of Groundwater Corrective Action Alternative ................................... 2-7 3.0 PROPOSED CORRECTIVE ACTION ............................................................................................... 3-1 S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Ralelgh_City 01\CAP Wor1(\Rll'Jised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc December. 2005 EN:ll f@ti1N&-1#4fM 3.1 Design Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 3-1 3 .2 Groundwater Extraction System Implementation .................................................................... 3-1 3.2.1 Extraction Well and Monitoring Well Layout.. ............................................................... 3-2 3.2.2 Extraction Well and Monitoring WeU Installation .......................................................... 3-2 3.2.3 Collection Piping System Layout ................................................................................... 3-3 3.2.4 Recovery Pump Selection ............................................................................................. 3-3 3.2.5 Pump Station ....................... ; .......................................................................................... 3-4 3.3 Design Drawings and Technical Specifications ................................................. , ................ : ..... 3-4 3.4 Proposed Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting .................................................................. 3-4 3.5 Permitting .................................................................................................................................. 3-5 3.6 Notifications/Access Agreements ............................................................................................. 3-5 4.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... : .......... 4-1 S:IPUBSIPROJECTIR\Raleigh_City 01\CAP Wo!1(1Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc: ii 1\1 - December. 2005 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Private Well Nitrate Nitrogen Results and Water Supply/Service Status Table 1-2: Soil Analytical Results Table 1-3: Groundwater Analytical Results -City Test Wells Table 1-4: Groundwater Analytical Results -CSA-SSA Monitoring Wells Table 1-5: Surface Water Analytical Results EN:ll hfli#Wt¾iii•Zfft◄ Table 2-1: Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Extraction and Enhanced Denitrification System along the Site Compliance Boundary with Discharge to the NR\1\/WTP for treatment (Alternative 1) Table 2-2: Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Extraction System in Field #50 and #500 with Discharge to the NR\1\/WTP and Long-term Monitoring in Other Areas (Alternative 2) Table 3-1: Proposed Performance Monitoring Requirements S:\PUBS\PROJECT\R\Ralelgh_City 01\CAP Worfl\Revtsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc iii December, 2005 Etal tzW?NU#iiM LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Human Health Risk Assessment Appendix 8: Data Compilation, Active Remediation Area , Summer 2005 Field Investigation Appendix C: Analysis of Groundwater Capture by Proposed Remedial Wellfields, City of Raleigh Biosolids Application Fields Appendix D: Pump Hydraulics Calculations LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 : Design Drawings Attachment 2: Technical Specifications S:IPUBSIPROJECTIR\Raleigh_ City of\CAP Work\Revlsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submlttat._Report.doc V December, 2005 Etal ht&.-&ifi&MM 1.0 INTRODUCTION ENSR Consulting and Engineering (NC), Inc. (ENSR) prepared this revised Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Report on behalf of the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) to address nitrate contamination in groundwater at the biosolids application fields serving the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP). The NRWWTP (the Site) is located at 8500 Battle Bridge Road in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina (Figure 1-1). The CAP has been prepared at the request of Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Aquifer Protection Section (APS). The CAP was requested by the RRO in a letter to the CORPUD, dated August 11, 2004. ENSR completed a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) on behalf of the CORPUD and submitted a CSA Report to NCDENR in December 2002. In January 2003, the NCDENR requested further assessment to meet the requirements of Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Subchapter 2L Section .0106(d) relating to the conditions at the NRWWTP. A Supplemental Site Assessment (SSA) was completed and the report was submitted in September 2003 (ENSR, 2003). Data collected during the CSA and SSA were used to evaluate groundwater flow patterns, nitrate concentrations in groundwater and soil nitrogen profiles at the Site. Results obtained during the CSA and the SSA are summarized in Section 2.0. An additional site investigation was petformed during the summer of 2005 to develop site-specific hydrogeologic information for the area where active remediation is proposed. This work is summarized in Section 1.6. Following review of the SSA Report, NCDENR requested preparation of a CAP (ENSR, 2005) to address groundwater contamination and mitigate the hazards posed by the contamination in areas where it has spread beyond the Site's compliance boundary. A CAP was prepared in accordance with Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 2L Section .0106(d)(2) in February 2005. The primary objective of the CAP was to evaluate groundwater corrective action alternatives and propose an appropriate remedy for the Site. This revised CAP has been prepared to meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L.0106 (k), which CORPUD feels is the most appropriate corrective action scenario under section .0106 of the 2L rules for this site and includes design drawings and technical specifications for the proposed corrective action. Section 1.7, below, addresses the specific criteria to be demonstrated under .0106(k). Site- specific conditions and information and the .availability of public water supplies for the affected area are provided below in the following sections. 1.1 Report Organization The CAP Report is organized as follows: • Section 1: Introduction and Site Investigation Summary • Section 2: Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP Wo111\Revlsed CAP _Nov051CAP _SUbmltlal_Report.doc 1-1 December, 2005 EN:ll HWWfhi&ZW+ The property containing former leased Fields 100, 101, 102, 522, 523, and 524 is currently owned by Waste Corporation of America (YvCA). This property has been developed as a construction and demolition (C&D) landfill. 1.2.3 Site Physiography, Geology and Hydrogeology Regional Physiography The Site is located within the eastern Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. Area topography consists of rolling hills dissected by narrow v-shaped drainage ways and perennial streams that drain into Neuse River. Localized steep bluffs exist to the south along Beddingfield Creek and along the Neuse River to the east and north of the Site (May and Thomas, 1965). Localized bluffs in this area plateau to narrow bench-cut alluvial floodplains that are nearly flat with incised drainage ways to the Neuse River. Site Geology The Site is within the Raleigh Geologic Belt and the underlying bedrock consists of massive granitic rock of the Rolesville series. The granitic bedrock is part of an intrusive series described as megacrystic to equigranular and is dated between 270 and 320 million years old (Pennsylvanian to Pennian in age) .. Mafic dikes have been identified regionally and generally have a northwest to southeast alignment. According to published literature, these dike features may be up to 100 to 200 ft wide. · Smaller dike splays may be 1 0 to 20 ft wide (Parker, 1979). Details regarding the dikes and geologic maps can be found in the SSA (ENSR, 2003). Lithologic units identified at the Site are typical of local piedmont geologies and include the following: • Topsoil and weathered parent rock material, referred to as saprolite, tends to be moderately thick in locations without visible rock outcropping . Site saprolite consists of yellow brown to orange sandy silts (ML) to silty sands {SM) with the coarser material at depth. Regionally, saprolite can vary in thickness from a few feet to up to hundreds of feet. Saprolite typically contains relict structures and ftlbric from the parent rock from which it has weathered. Saprolite thickness at the Site commonly ranges between 30 and 60 feet below surface grade (bsg). • Partially weathered rock (PWR), often referred to as the transition zone between saprolite and the parent unweathered bedrock, typically exhibits the same properties as deeper saprolitic soils (SM) but with higher occurrence of rock and rock fragments. PWR thickness generally ranges from 0 to 1 0 ft thick on ridges and uplands to 1 0 to 20 ft thick along slopes and low-lying areas (Wilson and Carpenter, 1981). S:IPUBSIPROJECnR\Raleigh_Clty of\CAP Work\Revlsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _submittal_Report.doc 1-3 December, 2005 EN:ll fbW;XtiifdhiM • Bedrock in this area typically consists of granitic rock with fractures near the interface of PWR and bedrock. The number and size of the fractures generally dissipate with depth while voids and vugs are common in shallow rock zones when weak exfoliation soil zones are encountered near PWR. Hydrogeology Hydrogeologically, the Site is situated in a meta-igneous hydrostratigraphic unit of the eastern Piedmont of North Carolina (Daniel and Payne, 1990). Two general hydrostratigraphic units (saprolite and PWR/upper bedrock) characterize the regional hydrogeology. The upper saprolite unit is an unconfined aquifer that transmits water downward to the lower semi-confined PWR and fractured confined crystalline bedrock aquifer unit. Groundwater yields often range from 2 to 20 gallons per minute (gpm) within the unit (Daniel and Payne, 1990). Groundwater occurs where saprolite and localized sedimentary/alluvial deposits along the Neuse River overlie bedrock. Groundwater movement in the saprolite is controlled by groundwater divides associated with ridges and streams. The typical flow of groundwater occurs from upland areas (ridgelines) to perennial streams. The underlying granitic rocks are known to have lower hydraulic conductivities than either saprolite or PWR and controls deep groundwater or regional groundwater flow conditions. The PWR lies between saprolite and bedrock units and groundwater movement flows both within the material matrix and through fractures. Groundwater movement in bedrock is restricted to intersecting sets of water-bearing fractures and joints (Hamed and Daniel, 1989). Hydraulic properties of the saprolite and PWR zones were evaluated using rising and falling head slug test methods. Hydraulic conductivity (K) values for the shallow aquifer ranged from 1.3 x 10-e to 6.4 x 10~ centimeters per second (cm/sec). K values for PWR wells ranged from 4.4 x 10-5 to 1.1 x10~ cm/sec. A transmissivity of 4.6 x 10-5 square centimeters per day (cm2/day) (1.3 square feet per day [fr/day]) was obtained for well MW-126d (ENSR, 2003). Quantification of groundwater flow directions and rates has been provided by a calibrated, three- dimensional groundwater flow model. Quantification of the movement and discharge locations of nitrogen originating from the biosolids application fields has been provided by a three-dimensional . . transport model that uses the flow model to compute groundwater flow velocities. Both of these models are documented in the CSA (ENSR, 2002) and the SSA (ENSR, 2003)), and have been reviewed and approved by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's Aquifer Protection Section. 1.3 ECS Investigation In April 2002, Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. (ECS) was contracted by CORPUD to investigate the occurrence of nitrate in groundwater at the Site. The findings of the ECS investigation are summarized in the Report of Investigations (ECS, 2002a). The investigation focused on seven biosolids land application areas (including Fields 4, 5, 11, 12, 17-22, 47, 48, 74, 75, 519, and 520). Results of the soil analysis indicated that in general, ammonia, total organic carbon (TOC) and total S:IPUBSIPROJECM\Ralelgh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _NovOS\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc 1-4 December, 2005 Etal tl:?4~2¥\li/41 ■ Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations decreased with depth, while nitrate concentrations increased with depth to the maximum sampling depth of 6.0 ft. In general, groundwater samples collected from the investigation areas indicated nitrates exceeding the 2l groundwater standard at locations where nitrate concentrations in soil increased in depth. EC$ concluded . that not all of the nitrogen being applied to the Site is assimilated by cover · crop in the year of application and that a portion of the unused nitrogen accumulates in the soil with each application to become plant available in subsequent years. ECS concluded that plant available nitrogen (PAN) applications during the period from 1996 to 2000 exceeded the maximum annual permit limit of 250 pounds PAN/acre/year (lbs PAN/acre/yr) in the older fields. The report noted that PAN applied in excess of crop needs is mobilized below the root zone and migrates to the water table {ECS, 2002a). 1.4 Receptor and Risk Information The key receptors of groundwater migrating from the Site are the Neuse River and its tributaries. Water supply wells at nearby residences determined to be potential receptors in the CSA and SSA have been replaced with public water supply and the former water supply wells have been abandoned. In 2002, CORPUD sampled thirty-six private water supply wells located in the vicinity of the Site. Analytical data indicated that seven wells had nitrate concentrations in excess of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/l) (Table 1-1). CORPUD subsequently initiated a quarterly sampling program of private water supply wells located within ½ mile of the biosolids application field boundaries. Forty-five private and/or community water supply wells were identified and included in the sampling program. A summary of the wells identified · within proximity of the Site and associated analytical results (from CORPUD sampling program) are listed in Table 1-1. The locations of the water supply wells are depicted on Figure 1-3. Thirty-nine of the forty-five properties included in the sampling program were subsequently connected to the public water supply system. These thirty-nine properties were served by thirty-eight water supply wells, of 'which thirty-seven wells have been decommissioned consistent with the NCAC Subchapter 2L requirements. Per the information provided by CORPUD, the residential property with the remaining private water supply well has been connected to the public water supply system; however, the well will not be abandoned as requested by the property owner. Based on the information provided by CORPUD, currently there are three private water supply wells that are still in use (active) and remain in the CORPUD sampling program (Table 1-1). Nitrate concentrations for these currently active water supply wells were below 10 mg/L during the 2005 sampling events (Table 1-1). Based on numerical modeling analysis and groundwater monitoring data . collected over time , these wells are not likely receptors for nitrate impacted groundwater migrating from the biosolids application fields. CORPUD will continue to monitor the three remaining wells as long as required under the land application permit. 1.4.1 Human Health Risk Assessment A baseline human health risk assessment (HHRA) was performed for nitrate in surface water and groundwater at the site. Potential receptors were a child/teenage wader at Beddingfield Creek and the S:IPUBSIPROJECTIR\Ralelgh_Ctty of\CAP worlclRevised CAP _NCMlSICAP _SubmlllaLReportdoc 1-5 December, 2005 Etell fi.94¼?-IWtiM other Neuse River tributaries and a hypothetical future resident using site groundwater for potable and/or non-potable uses. Exposure assumptions were selected in accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidance (USEPA, 1989; 1991; 1997; 2004b). Exposure point concentrations for surface water were selected as the maximum detected concentration from the last three sampling events and the average concentration (temporal and area). Noncarcinogenic Hazard Indices (His) were calculated for the ingestion and dermal routes of exposure. There were no unacceptable risks for exposure to surface water or for exposure to groundwater used for a non- potable purpose (swimming pool), based on comparison of the His to the USEPA limit of 1.0. However, the His for potable use of groundwater exceeded 1.0, indicating a potentially unacceptable risk for site groundwater used as drinking water. Detailed discussion of the Human Health Risk Assessment is presented in Appendix A. 1.5 CSA and SSA Investigations A CSA was conducted between October and December 2002. · Additional assessment was conducted following the CSA work and was summarized in the SSA Report. The focus of CSA and. SSA was to provide data necessary for evaluating groundwater flow patterns, compliance boundary nitrate concentrations in groundwater and soil nitrogen profiles at the Site. The groundwater assessment included installation and sampling of twenty-two shallow temporary monitoring wells, twenty-three shallow permanent monitoring wells constructed in saprolite zone, four wells in partially weathered rock (PWR) zone and four permanent wells screened in the bedrock. In addition, two private water supply wells (i.e., PW-8 and PW-39) were also sampled during the groundwater assessment. Surface water samples were collected along · Beddingfield Creek, an unnamed tributary to the Neuse River along the western boundary of the Site, and springs and seeps within the application boundaries to assess surface water quality. In addition; three monitoring wells (i.e., MW-1, MW-3, and MW-5) installed by Material Recovery for compliance monitoring of the C&D landfill were also sampled. The groundwater monitoring wells, test wells sampled by CORPUD, and soil and surface water sampling locations are depicted in Figure 1-3. In addition, as part of the SSA, an incubation study was conducted to estimate the amount of residual PAN in topsoil for the 2003 growing season. A brief summary of the CSA and the SSA results is provided in the following sections. 1.5.1 Soil Analytical Results Results of the soil samples collected from Fields 3, 100, and 500, and additional fields sampled in fall 2005, are summarized on Table 1-2; Soil sample locations for Fields 3, 100, and 500 are also illustrated on Figure 5 of the CSA. The data indicate concentrations of nitrate generally peak in the 4 to 8 ft depth interval (ENSR, 2002). · Soil profile nitrate concentrations are expected to change over time, but the peak concentrations are likely to stay in approximately same depth interval. The implication of this feature is that nitrates are accumulating at the 4 to 8 ft depth interval through S:IPUBS\PROJECl'R\Raleigh_City ol\CAP Work\Revlsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submlllal_Report.doc 1-6 Oeoember, 2005 EN:ll 1x,u1 ~&z1&&0+ and tributaries (ENSR, 2002). Nitrate concentrations in samples collected from Beddingfield Creek and the Neuse River were lower and did not exceed 10 mg/L 1.5.4 Soil PAN Evaluation An incubation study was conducted as part of the SSA to estimate the amount of PAN in soils from fields at the NRWWTP and the residual PAN for the 2003-growing season. The details of PAN evaluation were included in the SSA Report (ENSR, 2003). The 2003 soil PAN evaluation indicated that many of the fields in the study area could supply adequate to excessive amounts of PAN for crop production. Approximately 38 fields were estimated to be able to supply PAN in excess of the amount required for anticipated crop production in 2003 (ENSR, 2003). · 1.5.5 Groundwater Flow and Fate and Transport Modeling Groundwater flow and transport models were constructed to assess the distribution of nitrate in groundwater and the discharge of nitrogen from groundwater to the Neuse River. Design criteria,· inputs, and results for the models are summarized · in the SSA Report (ENSR, 2003). The models were constructed using the following four layers: Layer 1 -saprolite unit; Layer 2 -PWR unit; Layer 3 - upper fractured bedrock zone; and Layer 4 -lower unfractured bedrock zone. Key conclusions derived from the construction, testing, and application of the nitrate transport model include: • Steady-state groundwater flow patterns and the historical location and rates of biosolids application to CORPUD fields determine the distribution and magnitude of nitrate in groundwater in the vicinity of the fields. • The methodology used to estimate nitrate concentrations in recharge, used as inputs to groundwater transport model, used available and pertinent records of PAN for the NRVWVTP fields , includes the use of a mineralization rate for organic nitrogen of 30%, and accounts for the build up of carryover PAN not removed by crop harvest and volatilization. • The groundwater flow and transport models are consistent with the available data. The flow model recreates the observed distribution of groundwater head. Importantly, the transport model generally captures the temporal nitrate concentration distribution patterns. This supports the ability of the model to appropriately simulate nitrate transport at the Site. • The transport model simulates historical concentrations in monitoring wells that are generally greater than observed values, particular1y for observed values that are greater than 10 mg/L. Thus, the simulated extent of nitrates in groundwater and associated loading to surface water are likely overestimated. • The approximate nitrogen concentration in the Neuse River as a result of the simulated peak groundwater to surface water loading from biosolids application computed using an S:IPUBSIPROJECM\Raleigh_City of\CAP Wo11(1Revlsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Repoit.doc 1-8 December, 2005 EN:R. ti44-?.Z.l@f&M average annual flow of 1,053 cubic feet per second (ft3/sec) is 0.12 mg/L. The peak concentration is predicted to occur in 2006. Given the low predicted concentration and contributing of nitrogen discharge to the Neuse River from the NRWVVTP as well as from upstream and non-CORPUD sources, the impact of nitrogen discharge to the Neuse River via groundwater discharge cannot reliably be monitored by sampling in the Neuse River, using current technology. • The simulated 1 0 mg/L nitrate iso-concentration line at the end of 2002 in the southeast portion of the CORPUD Site, in the vicinity of Fields 200, 201, and 500 (along Shotwell Road) extends approximately 500 ft south and east of the boundaries of CORPUD Fields. The principal direction of migration in this area is south and east towards Beddingfield Creek; • Pre-CORPUD and non-CORPUD agricultural operations on upgradient fields likely contributed to nitrate concentrations in groundwater and private water supply wells in the area along Old Baucom Road and along Shotwell Road. • Nitrates in private wells east of Mial Plantation and Shotwell Road in the vicinity of the intersection with Old Baucom Road are the result of additional sources of nitrate such as leaking septic systems. It is unlikely that private wells north of Fields 60 to 63 have been impacted by nitrates from CORPUD fields because they are hydraulically upgradient. • Assuming a maximum nitrate concentration in groundwater of 6 mg/L for CORPUD and non-CORPUD agricultural fields during years 2003 through 2053, simulated concentrations in model layers 1 and 2 are reduced to less than 1 O mg/L in the offsite area between Field 600 and Shotwell road after approximately 15 years. In approximately 23 years, under this condition, nitrate concentrations beneath Field 500 are predicted to decrease to less than 10 mg/L. • Intrusive diabase dikes have been mapped at the Site and in its vicil"!ity. Evidence of the dikes was independently obtained as part of the SSA investigation. The hydraulic impact of the dikes is not fully understood. To be conservatively protective in evaluating potential nitrate . impacts, the groundwater flow model was modified to provide a · representation of the dikes that would have the greatest potential impact on groundwater flow. Each dike was · simulated as a low conductivity vertical barrier, with zones of relatively high conductivity on either side, to simulate country rock fracturing by intrusion of the dike material. Each dike was assumed to fully penetrate all model layers. The net effect of this representation is that groundwater flow and nitrate transport, will be impeded across the dike but will be accelerated along the edges of the dike. Simulated nitrate transport was not greatly affected across the model domain with this representation of the dikes. There were several locations where the position and concentration magnitude of the nitrate plume was changed slightly in the vicinity of a simulated dike, but the conclusions described above (i.e., nitrate S:IPUBSIPROJECnRIRatelgh_City of\CAP Work\Revlsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc 1-9 December, 2005 Etal . fZW·ttti&iN transport is limited to migration to surface waters located in valleys and that many private wells are not greatly affected by CORPUD activities) remain unchanged by the presence of the dikes. The following are the key conclusions and recommendations provided in the CSA and SSA reports: • Groundwater impacted with nitrates related to biosolids application is likely contained within the area bordered by the major streams and Neuse River. The potential for nitrate· · impacted groundwater to migrate into areas of human water supply use of groundwater is limited to the eastern boundary of the Site in the general vicinity of the intersection of Mial Plantation, Shotwell, and Old Baucom Roads. • Subsurface soil data suggested that the accumulation of nitrates that occurred during past biosolids application was temporary. Within four to eight years, a significant reduction in soil nitrate concentrations appears possible. • The extent of nitrate contamination of water supply wells was limited to the vicinity of Old Baucom Road and Mial Plantation Road .south of the Neuse River. The source of nitrates detected in these wells is likely . a combination of septic systems, fertilization of upgradient fields and biosolids application to upgradient fields and the properties containing the water supply wells. A recommendation was made that CORPUD revise its biosolids management program to include soil sampling for residual top soil PAN, routine PAN measurements in biosolids and creation of a decision model incorporating such measurements to better match biosolids application to expected crop nitrogen uptake. 1.6 Active Remediation Area Field Investigation, Summer 2005 Additional field investigation was completed in August and September 2005, in an effort to collect further information on site:-specific hydrogeologic behavior in and around the proposed active remediation area. The focus of this field program was to develop new data that would be useful in developing design criteria for active remediation. Monitoring wells and test wells were installed in · Fields 60 and 500, and aquifer tests were performed at these wells as part of this investigation. Site selection for installation of the monitoring and extraction wells focused on areas where active remediation is proposed. Performance of aquifer tests and review of those test data were used to provide site-specific information on local hydrogeology. These data were then used to confirm the appropriateness of hydraulic parameters used in the groundwater model for those locations, as well as to provide guidance information for developing active remediation design plans. Field methods and data analysis methods are described in the following subsections. S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_Clty of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _SUbmittal_Report.doc 1-10 December, 2005 EN:ll Hiii·W&PWM 1.6.1 Test Well Installation One six-inch diameter extraction well (EW-1) and two two-inch diameter monitoring wells (CMW-1 and CMw...:2) were installed in Field 500 in August 2005. An additional grouping of wells, consisting of one six-inch diameter extraction well (EW-2) and two two-inch diameter monitoring wells were installed in Field 60 (CMW-3 and CMW-4) in August 2005. The two-inch diameter matching observation well pairs (CMW-1 and CMW-2) (CMW-3, and CMW-4) were installed at approximately 5 feet away and 20 feet away from wells EW-1 and EW-2 respectively, to monitor the effects of drawdown during the aquifer pumping test. The extraction and monitoring wells were installed using a Canterra CT-350 rig, equipped for air rotary and hollow-stem auger drilling (HSA). The extraction wells were installed using a combination of air rotary and 8.25-inch diameter augers. The augers were driven to approximately 50-feet bsg, and then the borings were extended to 55-feet bsg using air rotary techniques. The augers were then replaced and driven to 55-feet bsg to allow placement of a stable sand pack and to potentially reduce turbidity. The extraction wells were constructed with 10-foot sections of 6-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material with a 0.02-inch slot screen. Number 3 filter sand was installed in the annular space around the screen to at least two feet above the top of the well screen, followed by a four foot thick bentonite seal placed in the annular space on top of the sand pack. The remainder of the well annulus was filled with grout to the grou_nd surface. Monitoring wells were installed using similar methods; however, 6.25-inch diameter augers were used. The monitoring wells were constructed with 10-foot sections of 2-inch diameter PVC material with a . 0.01-inch slot screen. Number 2 filter sand was installed in the annular space around the screen to at least two feet above the top of the well screen, followed by a four foot thick bentonite seal placed in the annular space on top of the sand pack. The remainder of the well annulus was filled with grout to the ground surface. All wells were fitted with above-grade, locking steel well cases and 2-foot by 2-foot concrete pads. To obtain lithologic information, soil samples were collected by advancing a decontaminated two-foot long split-spoon sampler ahead of the augers at five-foot intervals. Soil samples were described and logged in the field by ENSR personnel. Boring logs and construction details for the wells are included in Appendix B. Surficial soils encountered during the subject investigation were generally clay and silt-rich ~nd transitioned to coarser-grained, saprolitic, silty sand to sandy soils with depth. This saprolite was characterized by an increase in grain size and the abundance of quartz and biotite mica. Relict soil structuring also became more apparent with depth. Saprolite thickness generally ranged from approximately 25 to 40 feet. PWR was encountered below the saprolite. PWR was typically 25 to 50 feet thick and was similar to saprolite in composition, but contained a greater abundance of rock and rock fragments. Top of competent bedrock was encountered at depths of approximately 50 to 55 feet in site borings. The maximum boring depth at the site was approximately 55 feet. S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City 01\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submlttal_Report.doc 1-11 December, 2005 EN:ll bW-ZtfkhA¾M however, enough data were collected during the test to perform hydraulic analysis of the data set Following the drawdown test, recovery data were collected at each location with the pressure transducers until the wells reached equilibrium conditions. Results of the · pumping tests and groundwater analysis are included in Appendix Band are discussed .below. 1.6.3 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Groundwater samples EW-2A (collected on 9/1/2005) and CMW-1A (collected on 9/13/2005) were both collected near the beginning of aquifer testing after at least three well volumes had been purged from the wells and water quality parameters (temperature, pH, conductivity) were stabilized. Groundwater sample EW-28 was collected near the end of the first 24-hour aquifer test at Field 60. Pump failure resulted in a premature conclusion of the aquifer test at Field 500 and a post-test groundwater sample was not collected. Groundwater samples from pumping wells were collected in laboratory supplied containers and immediately placed on ice. Samples were then shipped under chain of custody protocols to North Carolina · Certified Pace Analytical Laboratories in Huntersville, North Carolina. The following analytes were evaluated: pH, total dissolved solids . (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), total metals (aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium), dissolved metals (iron, manganese), total hardness, alkalinity (carbonate, bicarbonate, and total), total Kjeldhal nitrogen, nitrate as nitrogen, nitrite as nitrogen, chloride, ammonia, orthophosphate, sulfate, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and Langelier Saturation Index. These water quality parameters were collected to assist in the groundwater remediation system design. Groundwater analytical results are presented in Appendix 8. In general, analyte values for the three groundwater samples (EW-2A, EW-28, and CMW-1A) were similar. Only two analytes (manganese and nitrate) had detectable concentrations in excess of the 2L Standards, although no 2L Standards currently exist for the majority of analytes. Manganese (2L standard of 0;05 mg/L) was detected in all three samples at concentrations ranging from 0.09 mg/L (CMW-1A) to 0.22 mg/L (EW-2A). Nitrate (2L Standard of 10 mg/I) was detected in concentrations of 42 mg/L (EW-2A); 66 mg/L (EW-28), and 12 mg/L (CMW-1A). 1.6.4 Aquifer Test Results Aquifer test results were determined by importing drawdown and pumping test data into AQTESOLV (HydroSOLVE, Inc., 2002) and using the Cooper-Jacob (1946) solution. The AQTESOLV data analyses are included in Appendix B. Computed hydraulic conductivity values for the wells show good correlation, ranging from approximately 2.1 (well EW-2) to 3.4 (well EW-1) feet per ·day (ft/day) with an average value of 2.9 ft/day. These hydraulic conductivity values are characteristic of unconsolidated materials that are silty sand to sand-sized. These grain sizes are in agreement with the materials observed during drilling operations at the site. Subsurface materials showed an abundance of medium to coarse silty sand and some fine gravel at depths below the water table. Transmissivity values also agreed well among the data, ranging from approximately 86 to 129 square feet per day (tt2/day) (averaging 110 fr/day). S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Ralalgh_City of\CAP WQrk\Revlsad CAP~NovOSICAP _Submittal_Raport.doc 1-13 December, 2005 Etal tzid44iii4tN (3) Fate and transport modeling simulations indicated that contaminants Will not migrate onto additional adjacent properties beyond those already mapped and depicted in this CAP; such properties are served by an existing public water supply system that is hydraulically isolated from the nitrate plume, or CORPUD is seeking written consent to this CAP from the owners of such properties. A list of parcels and adjacent properties requiring public notification is shown in the table on Figure 1-2. (4) The spatial distribution of the plume has stabilized, as demonstrated by the fate and transport modeling work described above and fully reported in the SSA (ENSR, 2003). There are no existing or foreseeable receptors within one year's travel time of the plume. (5) Groundwater contamination will not result in a violation of applicable surface water standards at the Site beyond Beddingfield Creek (SSA, 2003) (please note that there are no applicable standards for nitrate in surface water for most of the Site). (6) Public notice of this proposed CAP will be provided in accordance with Rule .0114(b) of 15A NCAC2L. (7) The proposed CAP is consistent with other applicable environmental laws. Upon approval of the CAP, appropriate .permits and other regulatory approvals will be obtained prior to field or construction activities subject to those approvals. S:\PUBS\PROJECTIR\Ralelgh_City of\CAP Wott\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Subniittal_Report.doc 1-15 December, 2005 Etal t?2#ifiWf.i+ the plume from migrating either into off-site properties or into Neuse River or its tributaries. Extracted groundwater would be pumped through a network of extraction. piping to the NRWWTP for treatment. Based on hydrogeologic data and results of groundwater flow modeling, it is anticipated that approximately 426 extraction wells (100-ft spacing) would be installed along the portions of the compliance boundary where the nitrate groundwater standard has been exceeded and/or is estimated to be exceeded based on groundwater modeling (Figure 2-1 ). The depth of extraction wells would be expected to vary in different areas of the Site based on elevation and water table. For purposes of developing probable costs, the average depth for the wells is assumed to be 70 ft bsg, and these . wells would have an average groundwater yield of 2 gpm (1,226,880 gallons per day). Based on locations of the current monitoring wells (installed by ENSR) and test wells (monitored by CORPUD), it is anticipated that additional monitoring wells would be installed as part of the monitoring program. The piping required to convey water to the NRWWTP is assumed to be installed underground, in trenches, along the roads and fields. Enhanced Denitrification System Process Description The enhanced denitrification process involves injection (pressure or gravity feed) of biodegradable carbon electron donor (e.g., com syrup or sodium lactate) via injection wells to create in situ anaerobic zones that will denitrify nitrate-enriched groundwater in plumes situated beyond the compliance boundary across the Site. The electron donor (food) injection allows the populations of native microorganisms to multiply to the point where microbial respiration consumes the available dissolved oxygen in groundwater. In the absence of dissolved oxygen the microbes would use nitrate as an electron acceptor and produce nitrogen gas, a process referred to as denitrification. Nitrate-impacted groundwater from the application fields that migrates into the anoxic zone would be exposed to the denitrifying bacteria and pass through the anoxic zone with little to no nitrate remaining in the water. In situ denitrification by injecting electron donor solution has been successfully demonstrated in the field. Examples of field scale demonstration have been described by Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) in · their document on enhanced in-situ biodenitrification of nitrate contaminated groundwater (ITRC, 2000). Prior to implementing a full-scale in-situ denitrification system, a pilot test would be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness at the Site and to collect data for full-scale design. Injection wells would be constructed beyond the compliance boundaries of the above-referenced fields to reduce nitrate concentrations in the impacted groundwater. It is estimated that approximately 6,026 injection wells would be required to achieve this control. Injection wells will be properly spaced to allow establishment of anaerobic zones to support denitrification. It is anticipated that the injection wells would be installed to depths ranging from 65 to 85 ft using conventional drilling techniques. In addition, 50 monitoring wells would be installed at various locations to monitor the program's · effectiveness. The monitoring wells would be installed .to depths ranging fr.om 65 to 85 ft using conventional drilling techniques. The injection process would involve preparing the electron donor solution by mixing the required amount of electron donor (e.g., com syrup, sodium lactate) with appropriate amounts of potable water. The S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Ralelgh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _NovOS\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc 2-2 Oeceml)er, 2005 EN:ll fAffe ~t.rtfk&ilM acetate (electron donor source) and trimetaphosphate (nutrient) indicated significant nitrate reduction (to near zero concentration in nearby monitoring well) due to in-situ biodenitrification (ITRC, 2000). The construction activities required to install recovery and injection wells can be easily implemented. The process of injecting the reagents is relatively simple and requires a trained technician. Availability and scheduling of equipment and supplies are not anticipated to pose problems. The extraction wells for this alternative can be installed utilizing standard drilling techniques. No special equipment or specialists other than a driller and a construction contractor are anticipated during implementation. . The periodic groundwater sampling associated with the groundwater extraction system can be easily implemented. Limitations This alternative would require significant long-term maintenance of the extraction system. The quantity of extracted water would be approximately 1,226,880 gallons per day (based on 426 recovery wells and flow rate of 2 gpm per well) and would have to be treated at the NRWWTP. Use of currently available capacity would reduce the plant's capability to accommodate projected growth. Due to significant length of trenching and piping and number of extraction wells ·required, this option would be very expensive. Large scale groundwater extraction along streams can deplete significant stream base flow which could subsequently result in disrupting stream aquatic habitats. Since denitrification processes are in-situ, subsurface biogeochemical conditions will control their effectiveness. A pilot study would be required to evaluate field effectiveness and to collect site-specific infonnation to develop design parameters (e.g., area influence, injection well spacing, electron donor requirements, etc.) for full-scale application of this remedy. To allow installation of injection wells, significant tree clearance would be required. It would be extremely expensive to perform an enhanced · denitrification program across the Site in areas beyond the compliance boundary with observed or modeled exceedances of nitrate in groundwater. This alternative potentially requires new skills and special training of CORPUD personnel for its operation and maintenance. Probable Costs The opinion of probable costs for this alternative is $79,881,460 and its present worth is $57,511,400. The present worth value was calculated using a discount rate of 5.125 percent. Details of the opinion of probable costs and key assumptions are included in Table 2-2. These costs include -costs for capital and operational tasks .. It should be noted that costs to monitor compliance wells (test wells) required under the biosolids permit are not included in this estimate. In addition, these probable costs are for evaluation of alternatives and actual costs of implementation may vary (typically around -30 to +50 percent). S:\PUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP WOlk\Revised CAP _Nov05'CAP _SubmHtal_Report.doc 2-4 December, 2005 Etal GW-t,tfi/%◄ 50 and 500 . In addition, the 29 recovery wells will be sampled and analyzed for nitrates annually for the life of the project. Water quality data from the recovery wells, monitoring wells, and surface water samples will be used to monitor the performance of this alternative. It should ·be noted that CORPUD already samples the compliance wells three times a year as part of the compliance monitoring (for the biosolids application permit) for the Site. Analytical data from these test wells would be used to evaluate the effectiveness of this alternative. For the purpose of costing and comparison, it is assumed that the project life of this alternative is 30 years. The costs to monitor compliance wells (test wells) required under the biosolids permit are not included in this estimate. Feasibility Alternative 2 is expected to be effective at controlling groundwater containing nitrates in excess of NCAC 2L groundwater standard from migrating beyond the compliance boundaries of Fields 50 and 500. As described above, groundwater extraction is a proven technology for plume containment in unconsolidated and fractured rock aquifers. As long as the extraction system is operational, this alternative can effectively contain the nitrate-impacted groundwater in Fields 50 and 500 from migrating beyond the Site's compliance boundary at concentrations greater than 10 mg/L. While the recovery system is operational, this alternative can effectively contain the nitrate impacted groundwater in Fields 50 and 500 from migrating beyond the Site's compliance boundary at concentrations greater than 10 mg/L. The extracted groundwater will be treated at the NRWVVTP, which is expected to be effective in reducing nitrate concentration to discharge limits. The recovery system for this alternative can be constructed utilizing standard drilling methods, equipment and construction techniques. The periodic groundwater sampling associated with the groundwater extraction system can be easily implemented . Limitations This alternative would require long-term maintenance of the recovery system. The extracted water, estimated to be 83,520 gpd (based on 29 recovery wells and flow rate of 2 gpm per well), will be treated at the NRWVVTP. Due to large length of trenching and piping (approximately 18,000 ft) to convey water to the treatment plant, construction cost would be high. This alternative is dependent on approval of a variance request, as described above. Due to groundwater withdrawal, this option could reduce base flow to the Neuse River's tributaries nearest Fields 50 and 500. However, since the extracted water will be treated at the NRWWTP, it will be discharged directly into. the Neuse River and will thus not affect overall flow in the main river. Probable Costs The opinion of probable costs for this alternative is $8,887,820 and its present worth is $5,059,500. The present worth was calculated using a discount rate pf 5.125 percent. Details of the probable cost and key assumptions are included in Table 2-3. These costs include capital and operational tasks. It S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc 2-6 December, 2005 Etal tkP#tlii4ZM should be noted that costs to monitor compliance wells (test wells) required under the biosolids permit are not included in this estimate. It should be noted that these probable costs are for evaluation of alternatives and actual costs of implementation may vary (typically around -30 to +50 percent). 2.2 Rationale for Selection of Groundwater Corrective Action Alternative Section 2.1 described two alternatives and discussed their feasibility, limitations and probable costs. Alternatives 1 and 2 are expected to provide hydraulic containment of the dissolved nitrate plume, and Alternative 1 is also expected to create in-situ treatment zones (reactive zones) to reduce dissolved nitrates as the nitrate-impacted groundwater passes through those areas. The alternatives evaluated above are expected to provide similar levels of protectiveness. The potential for human exposure has been reduced through supply of public or bottled water to residences and abandonment of water supply wells. The alternatives provide extra protection for residential areas by containing or treating the nitrate impacted groundwater migrating toward those residential areas. The primary environmental concern with the elevated nitrate in groundwater is the added loading of nitrogen to the nutrient sensitive Neuse River. However, even with the additional loading of nitrogen resulting from exceedances of nitrate standard at or beyond the compliance boundary, the Site is well within the permit limit of 676,411 lbs/year. The alternatives evaluated are thus protective of human health and the environment. Alternative 1 provides containment of the nitrate plume along the portion of the compliance boundary where nitrate levels exceed 10 mg/L. Alternative 1 also involves-a manual mixing and injection of electron donors program that would require trained personnel (not skilled or certified). However, the enhanced denitrification phase of Alternative · 1, as an in-situ method, would require a pilot test to evaluate its effectiveness and development of design data prior to implementing a full-scale system. This phase of Alternative 1 would require development of new, specialized skills and operating procedures to maintain the in situ treatment zones. In addition, significant tree clearance would be required to implement the denitrification system which would have adverse impact ori the habitats. This alternative is also significantly more expensive than the Alternative 2 and does not provide significant environmental benefits compared to Alternative 2. Indeed, extraction of water along the compliance boundary would potentially result in degradatory baseflow impacts in streams situated near the extraction wells, such as Beddingfield Creek. Therefore, this alternative is neither cost-effective nor without potential adverse environmental impacts. Alternative 2 involves active containment in specific areas (Fields 50 and 500) where exceedances of the nitrate groundwater standard have occurred at or beyond the compliance boundary. This alternative also involves.long-term monitoring and a request for variance in the remaining areas where exceedances of the nitrate groundwater standard have occurred at or beyond the compliance boundary. This approach is not expected to increase potential risks to human health and environment. S:\PUBS\PROJECnR\Raleigh_Clty of\CAP . Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc 2-7 December, 2005 Etal h?&·ML·tbMtH Alternative 1 has the highestprobable costs. Alternative 2 is substantially less expensive, with an estimated present worth of $5,059,500, compared to $57,511,400 for Alternative 1. Based on the discussion presented above, Alternative 2, Groundwater Containment in Fields 50 and 500, Discharge to NRWVVTP and Long-Term Monitoring in Other Areas appears to be the most appropriate as well as economically reasonable groundwater corrective action alternative. This alternative is expected to mitigate the dissolved nitrate plume at Fi~lds 50 and 500. It is most consistent with the goal of implementing the irrigation best management practice and allows for flexibility for treating the excess water at the NRWWTP. No new technology, special training or unique treatment will be needed to implement this alternative. S:\PUBSIPROJECT\R\Ralelgh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Subnittal_Reporldoc 2-8 December, 2005 EN:ll ww~,,tMitt+ 3.0 PROPOSED CORRECTIVE ACTION The proposed corrective action alternative for treatment of nitrate impacted groundwater at the Site is Alternative 2, i.e., Groundwater Extraction in Fields 50 and 500, with Discharge to NRWWTP and Long-term Monitoring. This alternative is expected to control migration of nitrate-impacted groundwater to the off-site properties from the above-mentioned fields. . Under this alternative, long-term monitoring only is proposed for those areas and CORPUD proposes to seek a variance from the Environmental Management Commission to allow for such monitoring in those areas in lieu of active remediation. Groundwater extraction is a proven technology for plume containment in unconsolidated and fractured rock aquifers. The recovered groundwater from Fields 50 and 500 will be pumped to the NRWWTP for treatment. The key components of this remedy are a network of recovery wells and monitoring wells, a pump station, and the associated piping/pump system for pumping the extracted wastewater to NRWWTP for treatment. Details of the design criteria, groundwater recovery well network, and monitoring program are described in the following sections, below. 3.1 Design Criteria The groundwater recovery system proposed in this CAP is based on the following design criteria: • Based on the information collected during CSA and SSA, the Site is located in the eastern Piedmont of North Carolina. The nitrate contamination in groundwater appears to be limited to the saprolite and partially weathered rock (PWR) zones and upper fractured bedrock zone of the aquifer system at the Site. Therefore, the proposed recovery wells will be instaUed to penetrate these two zones. The lower unfractured bedrock zone does not appear to have been impacted with nitrates. • The groundwater flow modeling used to estimate the capture zone and design the extraction well network assumes that the groundwater flow rate from each extraction well is 2 gpm (Appendix C). In addition, aquifer tests performed in September 2005 indicated that the recovery wells can sustain a flow rate of 2 gpm. • The number and locations of the proposed recovery weils are based on the capture zones estimated in the groundwater flow and transport modeling to provide proper . hydraulic containment of nitrate impacted groundwater at Fields 50 and 500. The recovery well spacing is estimated to be approximately 100 feet. 3.2 Groundwater Recovery System Implementation As part of the groundwater recovery system, recovery wells will be installed in accordance with applicable regulations of NCDENR in Fields 50 and 500 at or near their compliance boundaries to S:IPUBSIPROJECTIR\Raleigh_City of\CAP Wol1l\Revised CAP _Nol/05\CAP _SubmlttaJ_Repat .doc 3-1 December, 2005 EN:ll HWtfrk&,ZM provide hydraulic containment of the dissolved nitrates in these fields and mitigate their migration on to the off-site areas. The extracted groundwater will be collected in a wet well at the pump station which will be located near the northwest comer of Field 500. From the pump station, a force main will convey the extracted water along Old Baucom and Brown Field · Roads and .discharge it into an existing 8-inch diameter sewer line located north of Battle Bridge Road. The existing 8-inch sewer line will · then convey the . extracted groundwater to an existing 72-inch gravity sewer which eventually discharges in to the NRWWTP . The extracted water will be treated at the NRWWTP. Existing groundwater monitoring wells in the two fields will be used for performance monitoring of the recovery system . Analytical data from the compliance wells and selected existing monitoring wells would be used for long-term monitoring of the groundwater recovery system as well as other areas that are included under the variance request. Figure 2-2 presents a conceptual layout of the proposed groundwater recovery wells and the associated piping/pump · system. Design drawings of the groundwater recovery system are included in Attachment 1. Details of the proposed system are outlined in the following sections. 3.2.1 Layout of Recovery Wells The proposed recovery wells would be installed linearly and along the compliance boundaries in the active treatment fields (i.e., Fields 50 and 500) (see Figure 2-2 and Attachment 1). As indicated in Section 3.1, number and spacing of extraction wells are based on the groundwater flow modeling analysis. The spacing between recovery wells is estimated to be approximately 100 ft. It is estimated that 7 recovery wells would be installed in Field 50, and 22 extraction wells would be installed in Field 500. Actual number of recovery and monitoring wells, spacing, location, depth, and screened intervals may be adjusted based on field conditions. 3.2.2 Extraction Well and Monitoring Well Installation Recovery wells will be installed by a North Carolina licensed driller. The wells will be installed using hollow stem auger or mud-rotary. It is estimated that the recovery wells .in Field 50 would be installed to a depth of approximately 80 ft bsg · and recovery wells in Fields 500 would be installed to a depth of approximately 55 ft bsg to penetrate layers 1 and 2 of the aquifer system, as depicted in the ENSR (2003) groundwater model. Individual well depths will be determined based on actual Site conditions (e.g., soil lithology) and depth to water. The wells would be designed to minimize aquifer material (fines) from entering the well by properly sizing the well screen and filter pack material. The recovery wells would be constructed of Schedule 80, 6-inch diameter PVC screen and casing. The recovery well screens will have a 0.020-inch slot size. Actual screen size may be adjusted based on field conditions. The recovery wells will have an approximately 30-foot screen. The annular space between the well screen and the borehole will be backfilled with an appropriately sized silica sand filter pack to 5 feet above the screen. A 4-foot thick bentonite seal will be installed above the filter pack. The balance of the annular space will then be S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City 01\CAP W01'k\Revised CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submittal_Report.doc: 3-2 December, 2005 EN:ll tfoi#i?bi&&!bM based on water level in the well and controlled by individual level sensors as shown on the Design Drawings in Attachment 1. 3.2.5 Pump Station Groundwater from the recovery wells will be collected in a pre-cast concrete wet well of the pump station. The pump station is proposed to be located near the northwest comer of Field 500. The proposed wet well will be 5 feet in diameter and approximately 12 feet deep, designed for a total maximum influent flow rate of 87 gpm (29 wells at 3 gpm per well) from the recovery wells. Detailed calculations for wet well sizing are included in Appendix D. A pump station package, consisting of two non-clog self priming centrifugal pumps, control panel, and level controls will be set up on top of the wet well. The pumps are designed to pump at the rate of 100 gpm under a TDH of 140 feet of water column (we) through a 6-inch DI force main along Old Baucom Road and Brown Field Road. The selected pumps will be Model No. 4C3B, manufactured by Smith and Loveless, Inc.. Appendix D includes hydraulic calculations and estimation of TOH. 3.3 Design Drawings and Technical Specifications Detailed Drawings and Technical Specifications for the Groundwater Remediation System were prepared to assist in procuring bids and constructing the system. Attachment 1 provides Design Drawings and Attachment 2 includes Technical Specifications. 3.4 Proposed Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting A groundwater monitoring program will be implemented to evaluate performance of the extraction system and the variance areas. The program will involve sampling groundwater from existing monitoring wells used as .part .of the City's current land application permit compliance program as well as the existing monitoring wells. The existing monitoring wells will be sampled three times per year and the 29 recovery wells will be sampled annually. In addition, 2 surface water locations (SW-20 and SW-22) will be included in the sampling program. The following section discusses the proposed groundwater monitoring strategy including parameters to be monitored both in the field and in the laboratory. Monitoring and Reportin g Frequency Prior to.start-up of the recovery system, a baseline monitoring well sampling event will be performed. Performance monitoring will be performed on a periodic basis. As discussed earlier, existing selected monitoring wells (e.g., MW-105 and MW-109) located in Field 50 and Field 500 will be used for performance monitoring in these fields. In addition, 29 extraction wells and 2 surface water locations will be sampled during the monitoring program. During the sampling events, field parameters (e.g., dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature) would be collected from the sampled wells using a multi- parameter meter. Groundwater and surface water samples collected during baseline and performance S:\PUBS\PROJECM\Raleigh_Clty 01\CAP Work\Revlsed CAP _NovOS\CAP _Submittal_Repolldoc 3-4 December, 2005 EN:ll tkY<kXZid'1,ttM monitoring events will be analyzed for nitrate. The sampling events will be perfonned three times a year to coincide with the CORPUD groundwater compliance sampling program under land application pennit (sampling of test wells). The recovery well sampling would be perfonned only once a year (annually). Table 3-1 presents a summary of the proposed groundwater sampling program. The field and laboratory data obtained during each sampling event will be compiled into groundwater monitoring report that will be submitted to NCDENR three times a year. This report will include a general description of the overall performance of the treatment system, and a description of any major or proposed changes to improve the performance of treatment system. 3.6 Permitting A groundwater recovery well installation permit will be obtained from NCDENR. An Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC) Plan will be submitted to NCDENR -Division of Land Resources for review and approval. The corrective action would be initiated after receiving the recovery well permit and approval of the E&SC plan. 3.6 Notifications/Access Agreements A Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement Fonn will be submitted to NCDOT for their approval of the proposed collection piping system. The corrective action would be initiated after approval of the notification. In addition, CORPUD may require access agreements to install portions of the piping system. S:IPUBSIPROJECM\Raleigh_Clly of\CAP Work\Revlsed CAP _Nov05\CAP _Submitlal_Report.doc 3-5 December, 2005 EN:ll ti?i¥ltt@Xit◄ USEPA. 1989. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume I. Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A). Interim Final. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA 540/1-89/002. USEPA. 1.991 a. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume I. Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part B, Development of Risk-Based Preliminary Remediation Goals). Interim. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 9285.7-018, December. USE PA. 1991 b. Human Health Exposure Manual, Supplemental Guidance; Standard Default Exposure Factors. OSWER Directive No. 9285.6-03. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. USEPA. 1997. Exposure Factors Handbook, Volumes I, II and Ill. EPA/600/P-95/002F. Office of Research and Development. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington; D.C. USEPA. 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance For Superfund. Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) Final. EPA/540/R/99/005. July 2004. Wilson, W. F., and Carpenter, P. A, Ill, 1981. Region J Geology: A Guide to North Carolina Mineral Resource Development and Land Use Planning. Regional Geology Series 1. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Geological Survey Section, Raleigh; NC. S:\PUBS\PROJECT\R\Ralelgh_City of\CAP Wcrk\Revised CAP_Nov05\CAP _Submlttal_Reportdoc 4-2 December, 2005 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 j 30 31 PRIVATE WELLS SAMPLED IN VICINITY OF NRWWTP ON DATES NOTED TO RIGHT OWNER'S NAME Home# Work# Address Adams D.alton 772-6706 8401 Old Baucom Road Adams Diane 772-2348 787-0125 8513 Old Baucom Road Adams , Jimmv 772-6376 8428 Old Baucom Road Adams, Shirley 772-5956 8404 Old Baucom Road Baucom, Julian I Clifton 772-1647 3021 I 3005 Hickory Tree Pl Baucom William 772-2242 -8004 7920 Old Baucom Road Belvin Dann v 772-7898 6208 Mia/ Plantation Rd Blowe, Bobby 779-1399 2853 Shotwell Rd Brown S vbil 773-2467 8529 Old Baucom Road Carroll Kathv 779-0683 8500 Old Baucom Road Clark, John 662-5504 8416 Old Baucom Road Ross, Clee 772-0428 2823 Shotwell Rd CowinQ, Bettv 772-1226 8100 Old Baucom Road Daniels Earl 266-3581 5716 Mia/ Plantation Rd Debnam, Catherine 266-3616 5717 Mia/ Plantation Rd Debnam Clarence 266-1923 5525 Mia/ Plantation Rd Debnam Judson &Shirfe v 266-1708 5700 Mia/ Plantation Rd Debnam, Rene/la 266-2387 5616 I 5620 Mia/ Plant Rd Debnam, Retha 266-4548 5600 Mia/ Plantation Rd Dunstan, Ollie 266-1829 5520 Mia/ Plantation Rd Frison, Brenda 773-1171 546-4197 8549 Old Baucom Road Hash, David 772-7049 6216 Mial Plantation Rd Hookins John 772-0739 8321 Old Baucom Road Howell, Kenny 661-5785 773-7184 2820 Brown Field Hunter Teri 553-5667 1340 Pine Trail McKinnon, Charles 266-3073 5708 Mia/ Plantation Rd Ci ty of RaleiQh 553-5936 8208 Old Baucom Road Perkins Marvin 771-0714 6200 Mia/ Plantati on Rd Rhodes William 553-7008 553-7008 6205 Firecracker " " " 6309 Mial Plantation " " " 6317 Shotwell/ Mial Plant. " " " 2862 Shotwell Road 1a o1 e_ ]-I .XIS August815 DWQ8123 NO3mg/L NO3 mglL 3.8 1.5 1 4.4 2.6 4.1 20.9 21 2.1 0 .1 1.6 24 23 0.7 2.8 2.7 1.7 4.7 4.6 7.1 2.5 5.2 12.4 9.7 1.3 13 0 .3 4.7 6.3 4.1 15.4 18 7.6 " " TABLE1-1 Private Well Nitrate Nitrogen Results and Water Supply/Service Status Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant Raleigh , North Carolina Confirm 9111 January 118 Confirm 2/20 April July Oct Jan'04 April'04 NO 3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mglL NO3 mg/L NO3mg/L NO3 mg/L 6.3 3.4 NIA NIA NIA NIA 3 1.4 1.6 1.6 NIA NIA 0.9 1.0 NIA NIA NIA NIA 10.9 4 .3 4 .4 4 .8 NIA NIA NIA 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.6 3.9 7.5 3.7 3.8 4.1 5.7 4.2 20 23.4 19.7 20.3 19.5 NIA NIA 2.1 5 2 .2 2.4 2.3 NIA NIA 0.5 0 .5 NIA NIA NIA NIA 1.7 1.4 NIA NIA NIA NIA 23.5 52.9 20.3 23.1 20.3 NIA NIA 0.5 0.5 0.9 NIA NIA NIA 5.9 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.2 6.4 3.1 3.3 3.9 3.9 3.7 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 2 10.3 4.4 4.7 4.7 5.1 5.6 5.4 8.4 3.8 4.6 3.9 3.7 4.4 3.9 7 15 6.2 7.3 6.6 5.7 7.2 6.5 1.9 2 .9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.9 5 .2 13.5 6.5 7.4 7 .7 6 .9 NIA NIA 11.6 16.2 15.2 14.4 18 .0 NIA NIA 7.4 2 .6 2.9 NIA NIA NIA 8 .9 20.5 6.9 8.5 8.7 8.7 7.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 9.6 5 4.3 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 0 .5 0 .5 0 .5 0 .5 0.5 0.5 5.8 13.3 10.8 11.2 12.5 13.8 14.2 12.1 4.1 8.7 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.5 5.9 6.6 17.2 37.4 18.4 21.3 NIA NIA NIA 7.8 13.9 7 4.8 8.5 NIA NIA NIA " " " " NIA NIA NIA NIA July'04 Oct'04 Jan/Feb '05 April '05 August '05 Bottle Water Bold indicates results greater GWQ std Currentlv NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mglL NO3 mglL NO3 mg/L STATUS agreement rec 4/22, CONNECT 6/10/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11/2612003 agreement rec 7/17, CONNECT 10/14/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11 /1812003 agreement rec 4/25, CONNECT 6/10/03 , Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11 /1712003 agreement rec 7/24, CONNECT 10/1/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 11/2612003 agreement rec 12129/03, CONNECT 6122104, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 9/14/2004 2.5 1.3 NIA NIA NIA a Qreement rec 4/16104 CONNECT9/28/04 agreement rec 12120103, CONNECT611/04, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 09/09/2004 agreement rec 7/24, CONNECT 10/21/03, Well NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 4/30/2004 agreement rec 10128, CONNECT 11/18/03, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 01/2812005 agreement rec 4/25, CONNECT 5129/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11 /1812003 City property, CONNECT5/29/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11/1812003 agreement rec 7/24, CONNECT 10/21/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 4/29/2004 agreement rec 4/30, CONNECT 7/14/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11/26/2003 agreement rec 12131/03, CONNECT6/2/04, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 9/13/2004 agreement rec 9/13104.,CONNECT 10/13104, 3.7 6.4 NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 1127105 agreement rec 9/20/04,CONNECT10/19/04, 2.1 2.4 NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 12106104 agreement rec 9/13/04,CONNECT10/12104, 4.5 2.1 NIA NIA NIA NL Well abandoned 1127105 agreement rec 9/20/04,CONNECT10/20/04, 2.9 1.0 NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 1126105 agreement rec 9/13/04.,CONNECT10/12104, 7.4 7.3 NIA NIA NIA NL Well abandoned 1126105 agreement rec 11/29104, CONNECT, Well 4.9 4.1 0.5 NIA NIA abandoned 1126105 agreement rec 7124, CONNECT 10/22/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 4/28/04 agreement rec 7/24, CONNECT 12/2/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 4128/04 agreement rec 5/14, CONNECT 8/13/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11/26103 agreement received 2005. Well abandoned 4 .4 6 .1 3.4 8 NIA X 4/18/05 0 .5 0.5 0 .7 0.7 <0.05 not a oolicable -water service not available agreement rec 9/20I04,CONNECT11/16/04, 7.2 4.8 NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 1/26105 0.5 0 .5 NIA NIA NIA Ci ty pro perty, Well abandoned agreement rec 6110104, CONNECT9/16/04, 13.9 NIA NIA NIA NIA NL Well abandoned 1127105 agreement rec 12107/03,CONNECTS/28/04, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned 9/8104 agreement rec 6/9, CONNECT 814/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 11/17103 agreement rec 6/9, CONNECT 817/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 11/17103 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA " served by 6317 , CONNECT 8/7/03 I 0 1 L PRIVATE WELLS SAMPLED IN VICINITY OF NRWWTP ON DATES NOTED TO RIGHT 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 !)WNER'S NAME " Debman Marda Seawell Vim inia Wheeler. Pamela Young, Evelyn Belvin, Larrv Ci ty of Ralei Qh HEATER UTILITIES Mattress Albert Wood Wend v & Gerrv Doremus Stanley & Joan Mcfarlina . Mike & Beth Norbera . Eric & Linda Allemand , Carlton & Lisa Henderson, Shanon Coward Shirle v & Bill Hiah, Johnnie Watkins, Glenda Kin a. Ronald Debnam, Rene/la 45 NOTES: Home# Work# Address " . 4608 Roads Hill 5532 Mia/ Plantation 266-1823 5529 Mia/ Plantation Rd 219-2629 6029 Mia/ Plantation Rd 772-4762 8537 Old Baucom Road 553-7188 291-0520 2757 Shotwell Rd 553-5936 8232 Old Baucom Road 467-7854 St JAMES SUBDIVISION 119 Jamison Dr Ral 127 Jamison Dr Ral 143 Jamison Dr 165 Jamison Dr 546-3318 186 Jamison Dr 269 Jamison Dr 773-9843 2750 Shotwell Road 266-3935 5509 Mia/ Plantation Road 266-2496 5409 Mia/ Plantation Road 301-292-8221 5115 Mia/ Plantation Road 773-2303 2834 Shotwell Road 266-2387 5605 Mia/ Plantation Road August 8/5 NO3 mglL 5.5 4.3 3.1 5.8 17.8 31.8 1.5 These test wells are sampled triennially by the City and these analytical results have been provided by the City. NL NO3 Nitrate mg/L milligrams per liter Private water supply wells currently active (not abandoned) Table_1-1.xls DWQ8/23 NO3mg/L 16 3 .2 TABLE 1-1 Private Well Nitrate Nitrogen Results and Water Supply/Service Status Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Confirm 9/11 January 1/8 Confirm 2/20 April July Oct Jan'04 April'04 NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mglL NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mglL NO3 mg/L 5.3 14.1 4.8 5.3 5.7 6.3 5.9 5.1 10.8 4.1 5.4 4.8 4.4 5.3 5.0 6 3.7 3.3 3.0 3.1 3.7 5.2 15.1 7.7 8.5 11.5 11.9 14.5 15.0 15.1 38.5 12.5 18.4 18.5 N/A N/A 2.8 2 4.7 2.7 2 .2 NIA NIA 2 .2 2 1.8 0.5 1.1 1.0 0.6 16.7 8.1 8.0 N/A NIA N/A NIA 5.3 0.5 0.5 N/A NIA NIA 3.2 6.2 10.417.1 5.2 4.3 6.4 3.6 3.5 4.0 4.8 6.4 2.6 2 .6 3.2 3.3 5 5.6 5.0 5.6 5.9 4.4 NIA July'04 Oct'04 Jan/Feb '05 April '05 August'05 Bottle Water Bold indicates results greater GWQ std Currentl v NO3 mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3mg/L NO3 mg/L NO3 mglL STATUS agreement rec 12107I03,CONNECT5/25104, NIA NIA N/A NIA NIA NL Well abandoned 919104 agreement rec 3111/04, CONNECT614/04, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA N/A NL abandoned 1126105 agreement rec 7I8/04,CONNECT9/24/04, Well 4.1 0.6 NIA NIA N/A abandoned 1126105 agreement rec 12130/03, CONNECT6/9/04, NIA NIA NIA NIA N/A NL Well abandoned 9ll/04 agreement rec 8/21, CONNECT 10/21/03, Well N/A NIA NIA NIA N/A NL abandoned 11/26/03 agreement rec 8/14, CONNECT 10/22/03, Well N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA NL abandoned 4/29/04 2.6 1.2 NIA NIA NIA Ci ty orooerty Well abandoned NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL agreement rec 4/12, CONNECT 4/25/03 NL see above NL see above NL see above NL see above NL see above NL see above agreement rec 5/9 , CONNECT 8/14/03, Well NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 11/18/03 agreement rec 12130/03, CONNECT619/04, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NL Well abandoned 9114104 7.5 3.7 NIA 1.8 4.3 Active Well 2.5 1.9 NIA 2.7 2.8 Active Well agreement rec 1/21/04,CONNECT 9/2/04, Well 2.7 NIA NIA NIA NIA abandoned 12/06/04 agreement rec 9/20104, CONNECT10/21/04, NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Well abandoned1/26105 2of2 Sample ID/ Field Sample Depth Location Date SB-1 0-7" Field 3 12/12/02 SS-1 0-4' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-1 4-8' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-1 8-12' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-1 12-16' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-1 16-22' Field 3 11/14/02 SB-2 0-7" Field 3 12/12/02 SS-2 0-4' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-2 4-8' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-2 8-12' Field 3 11/14/02 SS-2 12-14' Field 3 11/14/02 SB-3 0-7" Field 100 12/12/02 S83 0-4' Field 100 11/15/02 S83 4-8' Field 100 11/15/02 S83 8-12' Field 100 11/15/02 S83 12-16' Field 100 11/15/02 S83 16-20' Field 100 11/15/02 S83 20-24' Field 100 11/15/02 SB-4 0-7" Field 100 12/12/02 S84 0-4' Field 100 11/15/02 S84 4-8' Field 100 11/15/02 S84 8-12' Field 100 11/15/02 S84 12-16' Field 100 11/15/02 SB4 16-20' Field 100 11/15/02 SB-5 0-7" Field 500 12/23/02 S85 0-4' Field 500 11/15/02 S85 4-8' Field 500 11/15/02 S85 8-12' Field 500 11/15/02 S85 12-16' Field 500 11/15/02 S8516-24' Field 500 11/15/02 SB-6 0-7" Field 500 12/12/02 SB6 0-4' Field 500 11/15/02 S86 4-8' Field 500 11/15/02 S86 8-12' Field 500 11/15/02 D-S86 8-12' Field 500 11/15/02 S86 12-16' Field 500 11/15/02 S86 16-20' Field 500 11/15/02 Field 17 Field 17 Fall 2005 Field 18 Field 18 Fall 2005 Field 19 Field 19 Fall 2005 Field 22 Field 22 Fall 2005 Field 27 Field 27 Fall 2005 Field 28 Field 28 Fall 2005 Field 33 Field 33 Fall 2005 Field 35 Field 35 Fall 2005 Field 36 Field 36 Fall 2005 Field 37 Field 37 Fall 2005 Field 38 Field 38 Fall 2005 Tables_ 1-2_through_ 1-5.xls\T1-2 Soil Results TABLE 1-2 Soil Analytical Results City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite Solids TKN (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (%) (mg/kg) 1.3 2.9 <1.0 82 1600 1.1 9 <1 80 920 <0.1 9.4 <1 82 14 0.14 16 <1 79 9.3 0.1 18 <1 90 5.1 <0.1 16 <1 89 2.2 1.1 4.1 <1.0 82 1800 0.6 7.9 <1 84 480 <0.1 24 <1 72 24 <0.1 8.1 <1 93 9.2 <0.1 5.9 <1 94 6.5 1.1 8.1 <1.0 81 1800 0.58 23 <1 81 80 0.43 58 <1 67 28 3.1 51 <1 77 27 0.32 24 <1 84 18 0.36 26 <1 86 8.8 0.29 17 <1 90 <0.06 2.2 5.6 <1.0 82 1600 1.1 26 <1 84 69 0.37 61 <1 75 32 0.94 30 <1 83 14 0.39 19 <1 72 9.2 <0.1 27 <1 84 3.1 2.5 <1.0 <2.0 83 1800 0.67 3.5 <1 78 460 <0.1 25 <1 84 37 <0.1 8.9 <1 84 9.6 <0.1 14 <1 85 <0.06 <0.1 9.4 <1 80 <0.06 0.98 2.4 <1.0 88 650 0.6 5 <1 88 670 <0.1 16 <1 82 51 0.6 J 10 <1 82 20 0.23 J 9.9 <1 83 16 <0.1 11 <1 83 31 <0.1 12 <1 79 <0.06 36.2 9.1 NA 99 1389.1 79.1 24.2 NA 97 2051.1 45.3 12.4 NA 97 2530.1 48.3 6.7 NA 98 3229.0 31.8 6.7 NA 97 1485.3 32.6 3.3 NA 97 1273.9 22.0 5.0 NA 97 678.5 36.5 9.3 NA 97 1469.5 46.1 22.3 NA 97 1839.1 30.4 3.0 NA 84 1193.0 17.5 2.0 NA 84 1598.4 TOC (mg/kg) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 870 400 8530 400 383 296 NA 2260 209 522 3130 331 NA 6310 296 278 70 90 NA 3860 783 679 278 574 350 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Page 1 of2 Sample ID/ Field Sample Depth Location Date Field 39 Field 39 Fall 2005 Field 40 Field 40 Fall 2005 Field 42 Field 42 Fall 2005 Field 43 Field 43 Fall 2005 Field 45 Field 45 Fall 2005 Field 49 Field 49 Fall 2005 Field,50 Field 50 Fall 2005 Field 73 Field 73 Fall 2005 Field 511 Field 511 Fall 2005 Notes: TKN -Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TOC -Total Organic Carbon mg/kg -Milligrams per kilogram J -Estimated value NA -Not Analyzed Tables_1-2_through_1-5.xls\T1-2 Soil Results TABLE 1-2 Soil Analytical Results City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite Solids TKN (mg/kg ) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (%) (mg/ka \ 32.1 4.0 NA 86 905.7 28.6 3.3 NA 85 497.5 25.0 3.2 NA 84 1247.4 36.1 13.6 NA 84 1461.6 20.6 4.0 NA 83 578.3 28.9 4.1 NA 83 1264.0 33.5 10.4 NA 83 1194.6 28.0 4.6 NA 90 1101.2 29.1 6.9 NA 98 705.3 TOC (mg/kg ) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Page 2 of2 Tables_ 1-2_through_ 1-5.x ls\T1-3 City Test Wells Field Sample ID ID Test Well 1 Field 12 TestWell 2 Field 28/32 TestWell 3 Field 49 TestWell 4 Field 50 TestWell 9 Field 39 Test Well 11 Field 3 TestWell 13 Field42 TestWell 14 Field 33 Test Well 15 Field 16 TestWell 16 Field 35 TestWell 18 Field 27 TestWell 20 Field 20 TestWell 22 Field 16 TestWell 23 Plant TestWell 24 Plant TestWell 25 Field 44/45 TestWell 29 Field 29 TestWell 30 Field 602 Test Well 30 .1 Field 602 TestWell 31 Field 602 TestWell 32 Field 602 TestWell 33 Field 602 TestWell 34 Field 602 Test Well 35 NA TestWell 36 Field 602 TestWell 37 Field 602 TestWell 41 Field 3 TestWell 42A Field 18/19 TestWell 43 Field 25 TestWell 44 Field 26 TestWell 45 Field 47 TestWell 46 Field 61 TestWell 47 Field 61 TestWell 48 Field 60 TestWell49 Field 74 TestWell 50 Field 75 Test Well 51 (1) Field 12 Test Well 52 (1) Field 41 Test Well 53 (1) Field 62 Test Well 54 (1) Field 503 Test Well 641 Field 602 TestWell 642 Field 602 TestWell 31A Field 602 TestWell 32A Field 602 TestWell 45A Field 47 Test Well 61B Field 61 TestWell 61C Field 61 15A NCAC 2L Standard Notes: TABLE 1-3 Groundwater Analytical Results -City Test Wells City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Nitrate Concentration (m all ) March 2003 July 2003 November 2003 March 2004 July 2004 ns 32.0 13.0 ns ns ns 16.7 9.8 ns ns <0.01 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 ns ns 0.6 ns ns ns ns 168.6 ns ns ns ns 9.5 9.9 ns ns 0.1 3.4 2.1 <0.1 4.7 ns 0.6 5.5 ns ns ns 37.3 27.8 ns ns ns 8.7 3.1 ns ns ns 179.5 130.6 ns ns 1.9 2.2 8.3 2.5 3.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 ns 0.7 ns ns 12.8 ns ns ns ns 5.8 ns ns ns ns 0.1 ns ns ns 21.8 ns ns ns ns 5.8 7.5 ns ns ns 5.8 ns ns ns 0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.2 ns ns 3.8 4.8 ns ns ns 5.8 6.1 ns ns ns 49.6 ns ns ns ns 26.6 ns ns ns ns 4 .3 3.2 ns ns ns 2.4 0.4 ns ns 0.6 87.8 15.5 82.7 87.1 / 84.9 107.8 87.2 2.3 114.7 120.8/ 111 .7 0.1 <0.1 3.5 ns ns 7.5 2.9 2.3 5.6 4.9 15.4 9.6 74 .8 9.6 17.7 / 24.7 15.2 1.8 1.6 1.7 4.0 30.9 31.2 32.2 35.3 36.353/34.743 50.6 43.0 51.9 56.8 57.3 / 55.7 0.5 0.4 0.7 1.4 4.2 5.6 37.7 7.5 31.2 34.9 / 34 .5 ns ns ns ns 107.8 / 101.4 ns ns ns ns 79.9 / 75.4 ns ns ns ns 92.3 /68.4 ns ns ns ns 67.7173.8 ns 62.8 ns ns ns ns 79.4 ns ns ns ns 33.6 ns ns ns ns 15 .8 ns ns ns ns 5.4 ns ns ns ns 2.2 ns ns ns ns 3.5 ns ns ns 10 1) Test Wells 51, 52, 53, 54 were previously identified as GP-2, GP-7, GP-11, and GP-20, respectively. mg/L -Milligrams per Liter na -not analyzed. ns -not sampled. NA -Information Not Available November 2004 March 2005 July 2005 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 1.9 <0.10 3.82 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 9.3 1.74 3.70 <0.1 ns 0.14 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 77.3 / 77.4 80.08 75.17 113.2 / 113.6 125.10 129.45 ns ns ns 5.0 6.32 6.03 34.4 / 24 .1 9.17 56.85 1.2 1.16 1.10 34.1 / 35.9 31.09 32.52 54.2 / 53. 41.00 37.25 1.4 2.21 4.06 28.7 / 28 .5 22.00 27.75 101.8 / 95.7 79.99 77.13 79.1 / 74 .5 93.12 76.41 78.6 /63 .3 59.40 51.86 56.1 / 60 .2 42.95 50.40 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Page 1 of 1 TABLE 1-4 Groundwater Analytical Results -CSA-SSA -Monitoring Wells City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Nitrate (mg/L) Well ID Location November/ December June 2003 July 2003 2002 MW-100 Field 18 12 15 NA MW-101 Field 31 160 120 NA MW-101D Field 31 100 J 97 NA MW-102 Field 37 86 72 NA MW-103 Field 46 49 36 NA MW-104 Field 70 24 35 NA MW-105 Field 50 11 17 NA MW-105D Field 50 28J 23 NA MW-106 Field 75 2.5 17 NA MW-106 (Du o) Field 75 NA 18 NA MW-107 Field 75 <0 .1 0.12 NA MW-108 Field 75 4.4 18 NA MW-109 Field 500 54 52 NA MW-110 Field 500 33 29 NA MW-111 Field 500 28 17 NA MW-1110 Field 500 18 see packer test results below MW-112 Field 201 15 11 NA MW-113D Material Recov. 21 J 53 NA MW-114 Field 63 NA 2.6 NA MW-115 Field 62 NA 22 NA MW-116 Field 62 NA 5.5 NA MW-117 Belvin NA 0.26 NA MW-118 St. James Sub. NA NA 4 .3 MW-119 St. James Sub . NA NA 0.65 MW-120 King NA <0.05 NA MW-121 Field 600 NA 0.38 NA MW-122 Field 70 NA 5 NA MW-1220 Field 70 NA 1.7 NA MW-123D Field 12 NA 120 NA MW-124D Field 26 NA 0.29J NA MW-124D (Du o) Field 26 NA 0.18 J NA MW-125D Field 600 NA 12 NA MW-126D Field 61 NA 6.5 NA MW-127 Field 71 NA <0.05 NA GP-1 Field 19 22 18 NA GP-2 Field 12 77 110 NA GP-2 (D up) Field 12 74 NA NA GP-3 Field6 44 6.6 NA GP-5 Fi eld 11 29 46 NA GP-6 Field 6 54 35 NA GP-7 Fi eld 41 58 70 NA GP-8 Field 63 96 93 NA GP-9 Field 43 6.7 NA NA GP-10 Field 48 0.8 0.55 NA GP-11 Field 63 40 78 NA GP-12 Field 62 0.12 <0.05 NA GP-16 (1) Field 500 60 NA NA GP-17 Field 500 <0 .1 6 .8 NA GP-18 (1) Field 500 0.87 NA NA GP-19 (1) Field 500 <0.1 NA NA Tables_1 -2_through_1-5.xls\T1-4GW -Nitrate March/April 2004 15.1 164.1 NS 96.1 36.4 43.8 NS NS NS NS NS 27.2 NS 31.8 16.7 NS 7.8 NS 2.4 32.1 7.9 NS NS 3 .1 0.4 NS NS NS 70.0 NS NS NS NS NS NS 84.2 NS NS 55.5 NS 69.0 42.3 24.7 0.4 78.7 0.2 NS NS NS NS Page 1 of2 TABLE 1-4 Groundwater Analytical Results • CSA-SSA -Monitoring Wells City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Nitrate (mg/L) Well ID Location November/ December June 2003 July2003 2002 GP-20 Field 503 180 62 NA GP-21 Field 75 2.2 1.9 NA GP-22 Field 74 130 6.9 7.3 MW-1 (MAT REC ) Material NA NA 2.2 MW-3 Recovery NA 53 NA MW-5 Property NA 0.1 NA TW-1 Field 12 NS NS NS TW-11 Field 3 NS NS NS TW-18 Field 27 NS NS NS TW-44 Field 26 NA 2 .3 NA TW-48 Field 60 NA 47 NA TW-30 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-30.1 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-31A Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-32 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-32A Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-33 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-34 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-35 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-36 Field 601-602 NS NS NS TW-37 NS NS NS PZ-1 Neuse River 0.43 NA NA PZ-2 Neuse River <0.1 NA NA PZ-3 Neuse River 22 NA NA PZ-4 Neuse River 0 .12 NA NA Packer Testing Results MW-111 D-60-90FT Field 500 NS 19 NS MW-111D-90-120FT Field 500 NS 20 NS PW-39: HEATER-1-40-70Fl St. James Sub. NS 11 NS =>W-39: HEATER-1-70-100F St. James Sub. NS 6.7 NS PW-8: (53-72') B. Blowe Res. 20 NS NS PW-8: (105-135) B. Blowe Res. 20 NS NS PW-8: (230-290 ) B. Blowe Res. 20 NS NS 15A NCAC 2L Standard 10 Notes: 1) Well decommissioned. March/April 2004 NS NS NS NS NS NS 38.5 4.9 181.8 NS NS 11.0 5.7 43.9 2.6 16.4 5.4 64.8 37.4 3.5 2.3 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS MW -monitoring well; TW -test well; GP -geoprobe point: PZ -piezometer; PW -private well. J -Estimated value □up -Field duplicate sample NA -Not anal vzed I NS -Not sam pl ed Tables_1-2_through_1-5.xls\T1-4GW-Nitrate Page 2 of 2 TABLE 1-5 Surface Water Analytical Results City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Nitrate (m1; /L) Location November 2002 June 2003 September 2005 SW-1 52 49 43 SW-2 0.39 13 NS SW-3 52 50 d rv SW-4 54 47 78 SW-5 0.69 2 NS SW-6 54 46 70 SW-7 77 83 98 SW-8 1.2 1.6 NS SW-9 34 36 NS SW-10 48 19 NS SW-11 19 47 33 SW-12 52 41 NS SW-13 0.46 1.3 NS SW-14 0.21 0.16 NS SW-15 20 20 NS SW-16 1.7 6.2 NS SW-17 5.5 0.97 NS SW-18 3 1.7 NS SW-19 16 21 NS SW-20 3.8 3.3 NS SW-20 du p 3.5 NS NS SW-21 0.15 0.18 NS SW-22 0.25 1.5 NS SW-23 0.72 NS NS SW-24 0.53 0.52 NS SW-25 NS 4.6 NS SW-26 NS 9.8 d ry SW-27 NS 14 d rv SW-28 NS 46 NS Notes: mg/L -Milligrams per Liter NS -Not Sampled Dup. -Duplicate sample Tables_1-2_through_1-5.xls\T1-5 SW -Nitrate November 2005 41 5.6 55 58 0.45 53 80 0.8 49 67 26 59 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Page 1 of 1 I. II. Table 2-1 Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Extraction System along the Site Compliance Boundary with Discharge to the NRWWTP (Alternative 1) Neuse River Wastewater Treabnent Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS QTY UNIT COST ($) Design Services 1. Project Management/Coordination al Is $28,300 2. Additional Groundwater Modeling (to finalize recovery wells) b/ Is $10,000 3. Engineering Design/Work Plan/Contract Docments Preparation/HASP cl Is $200,000 4. Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings Is $5,000 5. Access Agreements/Negotiations Is 1 $30,000 6. Pre-bid Meeting/Contractor Selection/Contracting Is 1 $10,000 Subtotal Design Services Costs 7. Contingency (20% of Design Services Costs) Is $56,700 Total Design Services Costs PW of Total Design Services Costs di (Distribution in Year 1) Construction and Startup Costs 1. Construction Costs 1. Mobilization/Demobilization/Setup Is $25,000 2. Site Clearance/Temporary Road Construction el Is $75,980 3. Installation of GW Ews along Comp. Boundary (where required) ff ea 426 $5,950 4. IDW Disposal (drilling cuttings/non-hazardous) cy 979 $55 5. Extraction Well vaults (abovegrade) and guardposts ea 426 $1,210 6. Extraction Well pumps and Level Switches h/ ea 426 $2,320 7. Well Head Fittings, and Valves, and Instrumentation ii ea 426 $750 8. Trenching (for groundwater recovery pipe installation) j/ If 200000 $3 9. Backfilling trenches cy 29630 $2 10 . lift-stations/Booster Stations II Is 6 $50,000 11. GW Piping to Treatment Plant ml If 180000 $50 12. As-built survey Is $50,000 13. Site Cleanup/Restoration Is $10,000 14. Electrical hookup/wiring nl Is $270,000 15. Electrical Control Panel (groundwater extraction/discharge system) ac/ ea 10 $25,000 Subtotal Construction Costs 2. Engineering Services 1. Record Drawings/Construction Report/O&M Manual Is $60,000 2 . Engineering Oversight (labor and expenses) ol Is $171,000 3. System startup/shake down Is $50,000 4. Project Management/Coordination al Is $28,100 Subtotal Engineering Services Costs 3. Contingency (20% of Capital Costs) Total Construction and Engineering Services Cost PW of Conatruction and Engineering Services Cost d/ (Distribution in Year 2) Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives.xis TOTAL COST ($) $28,300 $10,000 $200,000 $5,000 $30,000 $10,000 $283,300 $56,700 $340,000 $323,400 $25,000 $75,980 $2,534,700 $53,850 $515,460 $988,320 $319,500 $582,430 $59,260 $300,000 $9,000,000 $50,000 $10,000 $270,000 $250,000 $15,034,500 $60,000 $171,000 $50,000 $28,100 $309,100 $3,068,700 $18,412,300 $16,660,800 Page 1 of9 Table 2-1 Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Extraction System along the Site Compliance Boundary with Discharge to the NRWWTP (Alternative 1) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES Ill. Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OMM)Costs a. Annual O&M and Monitoring (30 years) 1. System O&M (Year 1 through 30) a . Project Management/sub oversight al b. System O&M Labor/expenses p/ C. Treatment of extracted water at NRWWTP ab/ d. Electrical Power q/ e . Equipment Repair/Replacement f. Data review/engineering support Subtotal Annual O&M Cost 2. Triennial Groundwater and Surface water Monitoring a. Project Management/Coordination al b. Labor -sampling (Monitoring wells and surface water monitoring) r/ C. Labor -sampling (Extraction wels annually) rl d. Analyticals: 26 samples including QNQC samples per event r/ e. Analyticals: 88 EW samples + QNQC (annual) rl f. Equipment rental/Reimbursable g. Monitoring report to Agency h . Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings Subtotal Annual Monitoring Cost (annual) 3. Contingency (20% of Annual O&M and Monitoring Costs) Total Annual OMM Cost PW of Annual OMM for Years 1 thru' 30 d/ (Distribution in Years 3 through 32) V, Decommissioning Costs 1. a . Project Management/Coordination al b. Abandon Extraction Pumps/discharge piping s/ C. Abandon Extraction and Monitoring Wells s/ C. Labor/expenses d . Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings e. Closure Report Subtotal Decommissioning Costs 2. Contingency (20% of Annual Decommissioning Costs) Total Decommissioning Costs PW of Decommissioning Costs (Year 31) d/ (Distribution in Year 33) PW OF TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS d/ TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS FOR P& T (30 years; without present worth) Notes/Kev Assu mpstions: a/ Project management and coordinating all project related activitities. b/ Requires additional capture zone & fate and transport modeling to design well locations. c/ Detailed design of the remediation system for equipment selection and construction. UNITS Is ea MG kw-hr Is ea Is ea ea ea ea ea Is Is Is Is If Is Is Is QTY UNIT COST ($) $75,400 28 $2,400 448 $750 2,813,258 $0.10 1 $25,000 12 3,740 $8,400 3 $B,000 1 $6,000 78 $15 100 $15 3 $2,500 3 $10,000 1 $5,000 $55,700 $100,000 34350 $6 1 $13,000 $5,000 $10,000 TOTAL COST ($) $75,400 $67,200 $335,860 $281,330 $25,000 $44,880 $829,670 $8,400 $24,000 $6,000 $1,170 $1,500 $7,500 $30,000 $5,000 $84,000 $182,730 $1,096,400 $15,036, 100 $55,700 $100,000 $206,100 $13,000 $5,000 $10,000 $389,800 $77,960 $467,760 $89,900 $32,110,200 $52,112,060 d/ Present worth costs were estimated based on a net annual discount rate of 5.125% (provided by the City), assuming year-end distribution. e/ Assume 10 acre of tree/shrub clearance for piping/well installation and 2500 feet of gravel road for access to drill rig. f/ Assume 426 Extraction Wells (EW) in areas where nitrates exceeds 2L standards beyond the compliance boundary (100-ft spacing) based on flow modeling. Wells are assumed to be constructed of 6-in dia PVC casing and screen. The avg. depth of wells is considered to be 70 ft with 40-ft screen. h/ Assume electric submersible pumps with level controls. Assume pumps to operate continuously at 0.5 BHP and 70% efficiency. i/ Instrumentation includes gauges and totalizer for flow recording. j/ Shallow trenching (2 ft deep) for recovery well piping and discharge piping (assumed to be a total of 60000 ft based on topography and accessible areas) No pavement removal or site clearing assumed along trenching locations. Use excavated soil for backfilling. V Assumes installation of 6 booster/lift stations between the extraction system and discharge to NRWWTP (effluent discharge). These stations are assumed to include a small pre-fabricated fiberglass buidling, polyethylene tank w/pump and controls. Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives.xis Page 2 of 9 Table 2-1 Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Extraction System along the Site Compllance Boundary with Discharge to the NRWWTP (Alternative 1) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Ralelgh, North Carollna DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS m/ Assumes 6inch diameter ductile iron pipe to convey water to the treatment plant installed in trenches. n/ Electrical hookup to extraction wells and control panels. QTY UNIT COST ($) TOTAL COST ($) o/ Assumes 35 weeks for installation. Includes labor and expenses for a ful-time construction oversight and project management/coordination. p/ Assumes three-day visits, twice a month plus 4 contingent visits by a qualified technician . q/ Assumes 0.5 hp/extraction pump, 10 transfer/effluent pumps and 6-10 hp pumps in the lift/booster stations operating at 75% efficiency and $0.1/kw-hr ul r/ Assume sampling of 12 MWs + 10 surface water locations three times a year. In addition 88 extraction wells will be sampled once a year. Assume 4 days to sample by 2 technicians for the monitoring wells plus travel related expenses. Assumes additional 3 days for two technicians to sample extraction wells. The samples wil be analyzed for nitrates. s/ Assumes in-place abandonment of recovery & monitor wels and diseharge piping (no excavation/removal). ab/ The extracted water will be treated at the NRWWTP along with the other wastewater. Assumes 2 gpm per·well with continuous operation. The rate used is $750/MG as provided by the City personnel. ac/ Assume 1 0 separate collection system with individual control panels to operate recovery wells in that system . -The recovery system is assumed to be operated for approximately 30 years. -Contingency used for each item varies and is based on infonmation available at the time of preparing these costs and previous with similar projects. -Costs are based on vendor information, contractors' estimate, cost estimation manuals, and past experience. Actual costs can vary depending upon the final design and project/site conditions . -Abbreviations: ea = each; Is= lump sum; hr= hours; CY= cubic yards; LF = linear feet; gal -gallons; wk= week; MG = Million Gallons -Total Costs are rounded to nearest $10 and the present worth costs are rounded to nearest $100. Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives .xis Page 3of9 Table 2-1 Opinion of Probable Costs for Enhanced Denltrlflcation (EON) In Proposed Variance Areas (Alternative 1) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS QTY UNIT COST TOTAL COST ($) ($) I. Design Services 1. Project ManagemenUCoordination al Is 1 $17,800 $17,800 2. Pilot Test of Enhanced Denitrification b/ Is 1 $100,000 $100,000 3. Engineering Design/Work Plan/Contract Docments/HASP for Full Scale cl Is 1 $30,000 $30,000 4. Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings Is 1 $5,000 $5,000 6. Underground Injection Control Permit s/ Is 1 $10,000 $10,000 7. Access Agreements/Negotiations el Is 1 $10,000 $10,000 8. Pre-bid Meeting/Contractor Selection/Contracting Is 1 $5,000 $5,000 Subtotal Design Services Costs $177,800 9. Contingency {20% of Design Services Costs) · $35 ,600 Total Design Services Costs $213,400 PW of Total Design Services Costs d/ $203,000 {Distribution in Year 1) II. Construction and Startup Costs 1. Construction Costs 1 Mobilization/Demobilization Is $8,000 $8,000 2 Site Clearance/Temporary Road Construction fl Is $375,510 $375,510 3 Injection well installation {along Fields 50, 500 and 60) gt ea 195 $2,400 $468,000 4 Injection well installation {west, northwest areas, Old Baucom Rd) g/ ea 3477 $1,950 $6,780,150 5 Injection well installation {Mial Plant&Old Baucom) g/ ea 584 $1;950 $1,138,800 6 Injection well installation {beyond southernmost fields) g/ ea 895 $1,950 $1,745,250 7 Injection Well Installation {beyond East fields and Neuse River) gt ea 875 $1,950 $1,706,250 8 Injection System {portable mixing tank/storage/pumps/piping) h/ Is 1 $200,000 $200,000 9 Installation of GW monitoring wells (for performance monitoring) i/ ea 50 $1,950 $97,500 10 IDW disposal (spread on site) cy 5840 $10 $58,400 Subtotal Construction Costs $12,577,900 2. Engineering Services 1. Record Drawings/Construction Report/O&M Manual Is $40,000 $40,000 2. Engineering Oversight (labor and expenses) j/ Is $1,006,232 $1,006,230 3. Project ManagemenUCoordination Is $73,200 $73,200 Subtotal Engineering Services Costs $1,119,400 3. Contingency (20% of Construction and Engineering Costs) $2,739,500 Total Construction and Engineering Services Costs $16,436,800 PW of Construction and Engineering Services Cost d/ $15,635,500 (Distribution in Year 1) Ill. Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OMM) Costs a. O&M and Monitoring {Years 1 and 2) 1. O&M -Enhanced Denitrication (quarterly injection) a. Project ManagemenUsub oversighUtroubleshooting al Is 1 $74,100 $74,100 b. Carbon Source (assumes com syrup for pricing purposes) kl gal 964,160 $2.50 $2,410,400 c. Potable Water {for making reagent solution) k/ gal 4,820,800 $0.010 $48,200 d. O&M labor I/ hr 16990 $50 $849,500 e. Piping/Fittings/Mixing Tank/Pump Repair/Replacement Is 1 $4,000 $4,000 f . Truck Rental ea 12 $600 $7,200 g. Project Expenses (gasoline/per diem) ea 12 $600 $7,200 h. Engineering Support/Data Review ea 12 $3,080 $36,960 Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives .xis 4 of9 Table 2-1 Opinion -of Probable Costs for Enhanced Denitriflcatlon (EON) In Proposed Variance Areas (Alternative 1) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS QTY UNIT COST TOTAL COST ($) ($) 2. Triennial Monitoring (50 MWs + 50 lnj. wells+ 10 QNQC samples) a. Project Management/Coordination al Is 1 $10,800 $10,800 b. Labor -sampling ml ea 3 $29,000 $87,000 C. Analytical: 100 samples plus 10 QNQC samples n/ ea 330 $15 $4,950 d. Analytical: Limited Biogeochemical Parameters of ea 20 $200 $4,000 e. Equipment rental/expenses (triennial) p/ ea 3 $4,500 $13,500 f. Monitoring report to Agency (triennial) Is 3 $10,000 $30,000 Subtotal Annual O&M and Monitoring Cost $3,587,800 3. Contingency (20% of Annual O&M and Monitoring Costs) $717,600 Total Annual O&M and Monitoring Cost $4,305,400 PW of O&M and Monitoring Costs d/ $7,601,800 (Distribution in Year 2 and 3) b. Year 3 Monitoring 1. Triennial Groundwater and Su°rfacewater Monitoring (1 year) a. Project Management/Coordination al Is 1 $10,800 $10,800 b. Labor -sampling (triennial) ml ea 3 $29,000 $87,000 c. Analytical: 60 samples including QNQC samples n/ ea 330 $15 $4,950 d. Analytical: Limited Biogeochemical Parameters o/ ea 20 $200 $4,000 e. Equipment rental/expenses p/ ea 3 $4,500 $13,500 f. Monitoring report to Agency Is 3 $10,000 $30,000 Subtotal Monitoring Cost $150,300 2. Contingency (20% of Annual Monitoring Costs) $30,100 Total Annual Monitoring Cost (1 year) $180,400 PW of Monitoring Costs (1 year) d/ $147,700 (Distribution in Year 4) IV. Decommissioning Costs 1. a. Project Management/Coordination al Is 1 $62,600 $62,600 b. Abandon Injection and Monitoring Wells r/ If 458100 $4 $1,832,400 c. Labor/expenses Is 1 $20,000 $20,000 d. Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings Is 1 $5,000 $5,000 e. Closure Report Is 1 $20,000 $20,000 Subtotal Decommissioning Costs $1,940,000 2 . Contingency (20% of Annual Monitoring Costs) $388,000 Total Decommisioniong Costs $2,328,000 PW of Decommlsioning Costs $1,813,200 (Distribution in Year 5) PW OF TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS d/ $25,401,200 TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS FOR EON (2 years; without present worth) $27,769,400 Notes/Key Assum pstions: al Project management and coordinating all project related activities. b/ Assumes 6 months pilot test including installation of 6 injection/monitoring wells, sampling and analysis and reporting. These wells will be used for full-scale application. cf Detailed design of the remediation system for equipment selection and HASP preparation. d/ Present worth costs were estimated based on a net annual discount rate of 5.125% (provided by the City), assuming year-end distribution. e/ Access agreement for well installation and injection permitting . fl Assumes 100 acres of tree/shrub clearance for piping/well installation and 10000 feet of gravel road for access to drill rig and injection rig . g/ Assumes installation of 2" PVC wells to an avg. depth of 80 ft in Field 50, 500 and 60 and 65 ft in other areas where the GW model predicts the migration of nitrate impacted groundwater. Assumes 50 x 50 ft spacing will be required to establish reactive (denitrification) zones. Actual well locations and spacing will be based on a pilot test. h/ 6000-gallon storage tanks , 2000-gallon injection trailers , portable pumps and piping at a few locations to cover the injection wells. i/ Assume 50 additional 2-inch dia. monitoring wells (MWs) will be required in areas to monitor denitrification performance. j/ Assumes Engineering oversight cost is 8% of the Construction Costs. k/ Assume injection of 100 gallons of 20% solution per well quarterly for the first 2 years; Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives.xis 5of9 Table 2-1 Opinion of Probable Costs for Enhanced Denltrlflcation (EDN) In Proposed Variance Areas·(Alternative 1) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS QTY UNIT COST ($) TOTAL COST ($) Water is assumed to be available locally. I/ Assumes 0.6 hr for mixing and injection of approximately 200 gallons of electron donor solution (20% strength) per injection event per well. ml Assumes 3 weeks for 2 technicians to sample wells during each event plus travel related expenses . n/ Analysis of 100 samples plus 10 QA/QC samples/event for nitrate. Sampling for compliance wells and other monitoring wells on-site are included in the costs for pump and treat along the compliance boundary. o/ Limited blogeochemical analysis: DO, ORP, nitrates, nitrite, ammonia, BOD, COD, alkalinity, methane and carbon dioxide. r/ Assumes in-place abandonment of injection & monitor wells. s/ UIC permit to install and operate injection wells. -These costs are preliminary and are based on groundwater flow modeling. -Total Project Life is assumed to be approximately 4years. -Contingency used for each item varies and is based on information available at the time of preparing these costs and previous with similar projects. -Costs are based on vendor information, contractors' estimate, cost estimation manuals, and past experience. Actual costs can vary depending -upon the final design and project/site conditions. -Abbreviations: ea= each ; Is ·= lump sum; hr= hours; CY= cubic yards; LF = linear feet; gal -gallons; wk= week; MG= Million Gallons -Total Costs are rounded to hearest $10 and the present worth costs are rounded to nearest $100. Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives.xis 6 of9 Table 2-2 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Remediation System in Field 50 and 500 with Discharge to the NRWWTP, and Long-term Monitoring in Other Areas (Alternative 2) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS QTY UNIT COST TOTAL COST ($) ($) I. Design Services 1. Project Management/Coordination al Is $6,100 $6,100 2. Engineering Design/Work Plan/Contract Documents Preparation/HASP b/ Is $30,000 $30,000 3. Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings Is 1 $5,000 $5,000 4. Access Agreements/Negotiations c/ Is 1 $20,000 $20,000 5 . Pre-bid Meeting/Contractor Selection/Contracting is 1 $5,000 $5,000 Subtotal Design Services Costs $66,100 6. Contingency (20% of Design Services Costs) $13,200 Total Design Services Costs $79,300 PW of Total Design Services Costs d/ $75,400 (Distribution in Year 1) II. Construction and Startup Costs 1 . Construction Costs 1. Mobilization/Demobilization/Setup Is $10,000 $10,000 2. Site Clearance/Temporary Road Construction el Is $21,500 $21,500 3. Installation of GW Recovery Wells in Field #50 (7 wells) fl ea 7 $6,800 $47,600 4 . Installation of GW Recovery Wells in Field #500 (22 wells) fl ea 22 $5,100 $112,200 5. IDW Disposal (spread onsite) gt cy 62 $10 $620 6. Recovery Well vaults (abovegrade) and guardposts ea 29 $1,210 $35,090 7. Recovery Well pumps and Level Switches h/ ea 29 $2,320 $67,280 8. Well Head Fittings, and Valves, and Instrumentation i/ ea 29 $750 $21,750 9 . Trenching (for groundwater recovery pipe installation) j/ If 22000 $3 $66,420 10. Backfilling trenches j/ cy 3260 $2 $6,520 11. GW Piping to NRWWTP I/ If 22000 $50 $1,100,000 12. Jack-and-bore under Old Baucom, Brownfieid, and Battle bridge road of Is 1 $60,000 $60,000 13. Lift-station/Booster Station/Pump Station/Wet well r/ Is 1 $50,000 $50,000 14. As-built survey Is $20,000 $20,000 15. Electric hookup/Wiring/Power Drop p/ Is 1 $37,800 $37,800 16. Electrical Control Panel (groundwater extraction system) Is $40,000 $40,000 17. Site Cleanup/Restoration Is $5,000 $5,000 Subtotal Construction Costs $1,701,780 2 . Engineering Services 1. Record Drawings/Construction Report/O&M Manual Is $25,000 $25,000 2. Engineering Oversight (labor and expenses) q/ Is $77,000 $77,000 3. System startup/shake down Is $20,000 $20,000 4 . Project Management/Coordination al Is 1 $12,200 $12,200 Subtotal Engineering Services Costs $134,200 3. Contingency (20% of Construction and Engineering Services Costs) $367,200 Total Construction and Engineering Services Cost $2,203,180 PW of Construction and Engineering Services Cost d/ $1,993,600 (Distribution in Year 2) Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives .xis Page 7of9 Table 2-2 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Remediation System in Field 50 and 500 with Discharge to the NRWWTP, and Long-term Monitoring in Other Areas (Alternative 2) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS QTY UNIT COST TOTAL COST Ill. Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OMM) Costs a . V. Annual O&M and Monitoring (30 years) 1. System O&M a. Project Management/sub oversight al b. System O&M Labor/expenses ti C. Electrical Power u/ d . Equipment Repair/Replacement e. Data review/engineering support Subtotal Annual O&M Cost 2. Triennial Monitoring (10 MWs + 29 EWs + 2 surface water samples+ 4 QA/QC samples) a . Project Management/Coordination b . Labor -sampling (triennial) C. Analyticals: 10 MWs + 2 surface water samples + 4 QA/QC samples d. Analyticals: 29 EW samples + 4 QA/QC samples (annual) e. Equipment rental (annual)/Reimbursable f . Monitoring report to Agency (triennial) g . Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings Subtotal Annual Monitoring Cost (annual) 3 . Contingency (20% of Annual O&M and Monitoring Costs) Total Annual OMM Cost PW of Annual OMM for Years 1 -30 (Distribution in Years 3 through 32) Decommissioning Costs 1. a . Project Management/Coordination b . Abandon Extraction Pumps/discharge piping C. Abandon Extraction and Monitoring Wells d. Labor/expenses e. Regulatory Negotiations/Meetings f. Closure Report Subtotal Decommissioning Costs 2. Contingency (20% of Annual Decommissioning Costs) Total Decommissioning Costs al v/ xi xi di al zJ zJ PW of Decommissioning Costs (Year 31) d/ (Distribution in Year 33) PW OF TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS di TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS for Fields 50 and 500 (without present worth) Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives .xis Is ea 28 kw-hr 387,585 Is 1 ea 12 Is 1 ea 3 ea 48 ea 33 ea 3 Is 3 Is Is 1 Is 1 If 4280 Is Is Is ($) $10,600 $1,350 $0.10 $4 ,000 2,140 $6,400 $6,000 $15 $15 $1,000 $10,000 $5,000 $13,000 $20,000 $8 $9,000 $5,000 $10,000 ($) $10,600 $37,800 $38,760 $4,000 $25,680 $116,840 $6,400 $18,000 $720 $500 $3,000 $30,000 $5,000 $63,600 $36,090 $216,530 $2,969,500 $13,000 $20,000 $34,240 $9,000 $5,000 $10,000 $91 ,200 $18 ,240 $109,440 $21,000 $5,059,500 $8 ,887,820 Page 8of9 Table 2-2 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Costs to Install and Operate a Groundwater Remediation System in Field 50 and 500 with Discharge to the NRWWTP, and Long-term Monitoring In Other Areas (Alternative 2) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carollna DESCRIPTION NOTES UNITS Notes/Key Assumpstions : a/ Project management and coordinating all project related activitities. b/ Detailed design of the remediation system for equipment selection and construction. c/ Access agreement for piping installation; QTY UNIT COST ($) di Present worth costs were estimated based on a net annual discount rate of 5.125%, assuming year-end distribution . el Assume 3 .0-acre of tree/shrub clearance for piping/well installation and 700 feet of gravel road for access to drill rig . TOTAL COST ($) f/ Based on groundwater modeling , 29 Extraction Wells (EW) is assumed to be required in Fields 50 and 500. Wells will be constructed of 6-in dia PVC casing and screen. The depth of wells in Field 50 will be approx. 80 ft with 20-ft screen and depth of welts in Fields 500 will be approx. 60 ft with 20-ft screen. In addition four 2-inch diameter MWs will be installed in select areas for long-term monitoring. g/ Assume that the IDW can be sprayed onsite on the biosolids application fields . h/ Assume electric submersible pumps with level controls. Assume pumps to operate continuously at 0.5 BHP and 70% efficiency. i/ Instrumentation includes gauges and totalizer for flow recording . j/ Shallow trenching (2 ft deep) for recovery well piping and collection piping all the way to the digesters (assumed to be ~22000 ft based on topography and accessible areas. No pavement removal or site clearing assumed along trenching locations. Use excavated soil for backfilling . I/ Groundwater piping to the NRWWTP (assumes 6-inch dia. Ductile iron pipe). o/ Assumes jack and bore drilling for pipe crossing underneath the Old Baucom Road, Brown Field Road, and Battle Bridge Road. p/ Electrical hookup to extraction welts and control panel. q/ Assumes ?weeks for installation . Includes labor and expenses for a full-time construction oversight and project management/coordination. r/ Assumes installation of 1 booster/lift station between the extraction system and discharge to Neuse River Treatment Plant (effluent discharge). This station is assumed to be in accordance with City of Raleigh Pump station requirements. ti Assumes two-day visits, twice a month plus 4 contingent visits by a qualified technician. u/ Assumes 0.5 hp/extraction pump, 2 -15 hp pumps in the lift stations operating at 70% efficiency and $0.1/kw-hr utility cost. v/ Assumes 3 days by 2 technicians for sampling of 12 monitoring wells and 29 extraction wells and system sampling triennially for the life of the project plus! travel-related expenses . xi Analysis of 12 GW samples + 10 surface water samples + 4 QNQC samples/event triennially for nitrate. Analysis of 29 EW samples annually for r These costs do not include sampling compliance (test) wells required under the biosolids permit. z/ Assumes in-place abandonment of recovery & monitor wells and discharge piping (no excavation/removal). -The recovery system is assumed to be operated for approximately 30 years. -Contingency used for each item varies and is based on information available at the time of preparing these costs and previous with similar project: -Costs are based on vendor information, contractors' estimate, cost estimation manuals, and past experience. Actual costs can vary depending upon the final design and project/site conditions. -Abbreviations: ea = each; Is= lump sum; hr= hours; CY = cubic yards; LF = linear feet; gal -gallons; wk = week; MG = million gallons -Total Costs are rounded to nearest $10 and the present worth costs are rounded to nearest $100 . Probable Cost Estimates for GW Alternatives .xis Page 9 of9 Table 3-1 Proposed Performance Monitoring Requirements Revised Corrective Action Plan City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina. Analytical Requirememts Estimated Yearly Schedule of Full-Scale Operation• Sampling Parameter Analytical Method Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Field Parameters Dissolved Oxygen Horiba U-22 X X Redox Horiba U-22 X X pH Horiba U-22 X X Temperature Horiba U-22 X X Specific Conductance Horiba U-22 X X Anal:tj ical Parameters Nitrate USEPA 353.2/300.0 X X NOTES: USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency SM Standard Methods * = The yearly schedule is based on triennial sampling events and may be revised based on performance of the groundwater extraction system. Performance monitoring includes 10 monitoring wells to be sampled three times a year. In addition, 29 extraction wells will be sampled annually. Month 12 X X X X X X C ITY OF RALEI G H Neuse River W aste W ater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina H uman Health R is k A ssessmen t Prepared by: INTERNATIONAL ENSR Consulting and Engineering (NC), Inc. 7041 Old Wake Forest Road, Suite 103 Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 November 2005 Etal NBiiiWIM CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Human Health Risk Assessment ........................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 .1 Data Evaluation and Hazard Assessment.. ................................................................ 1-2 1.1.2 Toxicity Assessment. ................................................................................................... 1-2 1.1.3 Exposure Assessment ................................................................................................ 1-3 1.1. 3. 1 Receptors and Exposure Routes ................................................................ 1-3 Potential Exposure Doses ........................................................................... 1-3 Exposure Point Concentrations .................................................................. 1-6 1.1.4 Risk Characterization .................................................................................................. 1-6 1.1.5 Uncertainties ................................................... , ............................................................ 1-7 1.1.6 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 1-8 1.1 . 7 References .................................................................................................................. 1-8 S:IPUBSIPROJECT'IR\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _NovOS\Risk_Assessmenl\111805- November. 2005 Etell t11l¥:P&W%H LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Chemical Specific Parameters Table 2. Summary of Potential Exposure Assumptions -Child!Teenager, Wading in Surface Water Table 3. Summary of Potential Exposure Assumptions -Resident Table 4. Development of Exposure Point Concentrations for Nitrate in Groundwater Table 5. Development of Exposure Point Concentrations fofNitrate in Surface Water Table 6. Total Potential Hazard Index S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _NovOS\Risk_Assessment\111805- ii November, 2005 Et.1l ht4V.Z@◄M 1.0 INTRODUCTION Executive Summary A baseline human health risk assessment (HHRA) was conducted for nitrate in surface water and groundwater at the City of Raleigh, North Carolina's Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) site. Potential receptors were a child/teenage wader at Beddingfield Creek and the other Neuse River tributaries and a hypothetical future resident using site groundwater for potable and/or non-potable uses. Exposure assumptions were selected in accordance with USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1989; 1991; 1997; 2004b). Exposure point concentrations for surface water were selected as the maximum detected concentration from the last three sampling events and the average concentration (temporal and area). Noncarcinogenic Hazard Indices (His) were calculated for the ingestion and dermal routes of exposure. There were no unacceptable risks for exposure to surface water or for exposure to groundwater used for a non-potable purpose (swimming pool), based on comparison of the His to the USEPA limit of 1.0. However, the His for potable use of groundwater exceeded 1.0, indicating a potentially unacceptable risk for site groundwater used as drinking water. 1.1 Human Health Risk Assessment ENSR conducted this baseline HHRA to evaluate potential risks that may be posed by the concentrations of nitrate in groundwater and surface water related to biosolids application at farm fields located at the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment·Plant (NRWWTP) in Raleigh, North Carolina. The application areas are bounded to the north and east by the Neuse River and to the south by Beddingfield Creek. The area of interest and sampling locations are presented in Figure 1-2 of the revised Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (ENSR, 2005). Groundwater quality studies conducted as part of the Comprehensive Site Assessment (ENSR, 2002) and the Supplemental Site Assessment (ENSR, 2003) indicated that, in some groundwater and surface water samples, concentrations exceeded the US EPA Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL) of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L (USE PA, 2002; 2004a). The private water supply wells were later closed and the properties connected to the municipal water supply. The HHRA was conducted consistent with US EPA guidance, including, but not limited to, the following: • Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS): Volume 1 -Human . Health Evaluation Manual (Parts A, B, C) (USEPA, 1989; 1991a); • USEPA Region 4 Human Health Risk Assessment Bulletins -Supplement to RAGS (USEPA, 2000b); • Human Health Evaluation Manual Supplemental Guidance; Standard Default Exposure Factors. OSWER Directive 9285.6-03 (USEPA, 1991 b); and S :IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City ol\CAP Wor11\Revised CAP _NovOS\Risk_Assessment\111805-Risk_Assessment.doc November, 2005 1-1 Etal AWiZWM M • Exposure Factors Handbook (USEPA, 1997); The baseline HHRA has been conducted in accordance with the four-step paradigm for human health risk assessments developed by USEPA (USEPA, 1989). These steps are: • Data Evaluation and Hazard Identification • Toxicity Assessment • Exposure Assessment • Risk Characterization 1.1.1 Data Evaluation and Hazard Assessment Groundwater samples were collected in ten sampling events between November 2002 and July 2005 and surface water samples were collected in four sampling events between November 2002 and September 2005. All samples were analyzed for nitrate, which was detected in the majority of samples collected from the over 90 groundwater monitoring wells and from the 28 surface water sampling stations. Groundwater data are summarized in Tables 1-3 and 1-4 and surface water data are summarized in Tables 1-5 of the CAP (ENSR, 2005). Nitrate is the only compound of potential concern (COPC) for this HHRA. 1.1.2 Toxicity Assessment The purpose of the dose-response assessment is to identify the types of adverse health effects a chemical may potentially cause, and to define the relationship between the dose of a chemical and the likelihood or magnitude of an adverse effect (response) (USEPA, 1989). Adverse effects are classified by USEPA as potentially carcinogenic or noncarcinogenic (i.e., potential effects other than cancer). Dose-response relationships are defined by USEPA for oral exposure and for exposure by inhalation. Oral toxicity values are also used to assess dermal exposures, with appropriate adjustments, because USEPA has not yet developed values for this route of exposure. Combining the results of the toxicity assessment with information on the magnitude of potential human exposure provides an estimate of potential risk. The preferred source for dose-response values is the USEPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) database (USEPA, 2005). Nitrate has not been evaluated by USEPA for carcinogenicity, and no carcinogenic dose-response values have been developed. The noncarcinogenic oral dose response value for nitrate, the Reference Dose (RID), is available on IRIS. The oral RID is based on infant methemoglobinemia associated with exposure to nitrate in drinking water used to prepare infants' formula. The oral RID for nitrate is also used without adjustment as the dermal RID. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 200x) reports that oral absorption of S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP W<rt\Revised CAP _NovOS\Risk_Assessmenl\111805-Risk_Assessment.dcx: November, 2005 1-2 Etal twi¾ttcLl·Ht:I nitrate is nearly 100%. Thus, it is not necessary to adjust the oral RfD to account for an absorbed dose. The dose-response value for nitrate is presented in Table 1. 1.1.3 Exposure Assessment The purpose of the exposure assessment is to predict the magnitude and frequency of potential human exposure to the site COPCs. Potentially complete exposure pathways are based on an evaluation of the physical conditions at the sit, the distribution of contaminants, and likely human activity patterns. Receptors and Exposure Routes Nitrate was detected in Beddingfield Creek and in other tributaries to the Neuse River. The NRVVVVTP site is partially fenced, which may reduce unauthorized access and use of the site. However, it is possible that a trespasser or nearby resident might wade in one of the tributaries to the Neuse River, located within the site or in Beddingfield Creek. For the purpose of the risk assessment, the receptor was identified as a child or teenager (aged 7 to 16 years) wading in the surface water. For noncarcinogenic effects (the only health effect evaluated for nitrate) a child is a more conservative receptor than an adult, because estimated exposure doses are normalized over the lower body weight for a child. Potential exposure to groundwater is not complete at the site. The City of Raleigh has provided municipal water to all landowners whose groundwater wells were impacted by, or potentially impacted by, the nitrates contained in the biosolids applied at the site (ENSR, 2005; ENSR, 2003). To provide a conservative estimate of potential risks, potential future use of site groundwater or downgradient groundwater for potable or non-potable uses was evaluated. A hypothetical future resident potentially exposed to nitrate in groundwater used as drinking water was considered. In addition, a hypothetical future resident using groundwater for a swimming pool was also evaluated. The receptor evaluated is a young child (aged 0-6 years). As stated for the child/teenage wader, a child is the most sensitive receptor for noncarcinogenic effects. The exposure assumptions used in this HHRA are derived mainly from USEPA guidance documents, including USEPA Region 4 bulletins (USEPA, 2000), Exposure Factors Handbook (USEPA, 1997) and Human Health Exposure Manual (USEPA, 1991b). These assumptions are presented in Table 2. Potential Exposure Doses To estimate the potential risk to human health that may be posed by the presence of COPCs in environmental media in the study area, it is first necessary to estimate the potential exposure dose of each COPC for each receptor. The exposure dose is estimated for each chemical via each exposure route/pathway by which the receptor is assumed to be exposed. Exposure dose equations combine S:IPUBS\PROJECnR\Raleigh_City ol\CAP Work\Revised CAP _NoV05\Risk_Assessmentl11180f>.Risk_Assessment.doc November, 2005 1-3 Etell '¥2/#2-f&Rt,.hti the estimates of chemical concentration in the environmental medium of interest with assumptions regarding the type and magnitude of each receptor's potential exposure to provide a numerical estimate of the exposure dose. The exposure dose is defined as the amount of COPC taken into the receptor and is expressed in units of milligrams of COPC per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg- day). The exposure doses are combined with the toxicity values to estimate potential risks and hazards for each receptor. Both potential ingestion and dermal exposures to nitrate in groundwater and surface water were considered. The exposure dose equations are as follows: Average Daily Dose (Lifetime and Chronic) Following Ingestion of Water (mg/kg-day): where: ADD = cw = IR = EF = ED = AAF = BW = AT = ADD CWx/RxEFxEDxAAF BWxAT Average Daily Dose (mg/kg-day) Water concentration (mg/L) Water ingestion rate (Uday) Exposure frequency (days/year) Exposure duration (year) Absorption Adjustment Factor (unitless) Body weight (kg) Averaging time (days) Average Daily Dose (Lifetime and Chronic) Following Dermal Contact with Water (mg/kg-day): where: ADD = cw = SA = Kp = AAF + ET = EF = ED = ADD= CWxSAxKp xAAFxETx EFxEDxCF BWxAT Average daily dose (mg/kg-day) Water concentration (mg/L) Exposed skin surface area (cm2 ) Dermal permeability constant (cm/hr) Absorption Adjustment Factor (unitless) Exposure time (hours/day) Exposure frequency (day/year) Exposure duration (year) S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP Wor1<\Revised CAP _Nov051Risk_Assessment\111805-Risk_Assessment.doc 1-4 November. 2005 EN.,t tbfii&M1t?❖t4tl Exposure Point Concentrations Exposure points are located where potential receptors may contact COPCs at or from the Site. The concentration of COPCs in the environmental medium that receptors may contact, referred to as exposure point concentrations (EPCs), must be estimated in order to determine the magnitude of potential exposure. The November 2004, March 2005, and July 2005 groundwater data, representing three recent sampling events, were used to develop exposure point concentrations (EPCs) for groundwater. In order to estimate the EPCs, results for duplicate samples were averaged. The maximum detected value over the three sampling events was then selected as the EPC representing "worst case" conditions. In addition, a temporal average for each well over the three sampling events was calculated; the temporal averages by well were then averaged to estimate an area average. The temporal/area average is representative of chronic exposure to water from a future private supply well, because concentrations may vary seasonally and because an actively pumping supply well would . draw from a larger area than an individual monitoring well. Nitrate was detected in all of the wells used for developing the average EPC; therefore, data for "non-impacted" wells were not used for calculating averages. Selection of the EPCs for groundwater is presented in Table 3. For surface water, the exposure point concentrations are the maximum detected concentrations in Beddingfield Creek and in the other tributaries to the Neuse River. All of the surface water data (November 2002 through September 2005) were used in order to provide a conservative estimate of potential exposures. Selection of surface water EPCs is presented in Table 4. 1.1.4 Risk Characterization The potential risk to human health associated with potential exposure to COPC in environmental media at the site is evaluated in this step of the risk assessment process. Risk characterization is the process in which the quantitative estimates of human exposure derived in the exposure assessment are integrated with the dose-response information. The result is a quantitative estimate of the likelihood that humans wiU experience any adverse health effects given the exposure assumptions made. The potential for exposure to a chemical to result in adverse -noncarcinogenic health effects is estimated for each receptor by comparing the CADD for each COPC with the RID for that COPC. The resulting ratio, which is unitless, is known as the Hazard Quotient (HQ) for that chemical. The HQ is calculated using the following equation: The potential for exposure to a chemical to result in adverse rioncarcinogenic health effects is estimated for each receptor by comparing the ADD for each COPC with the RfD _for that COPC. The S:\PUBS\PROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP WO!k\Revised CAP _NoV05\Risk_Assessment\111805-Risk_Assessment.doc November, 2005 1-6 Ital Wi¥V,it4--&itl resulting ratio, which is unitless, is known as the Hazard Quotient {HQ) for that chemical. The HQ is calculated using the following equation: HQ= ADD(mg/kg-day) RjD(mg/ kg-day) The target HQ is defined as an HQ of less than or equal to one (USEPA, 1989). When the HQ is less than or equal to 1, the RfD has not been exceeded, and no adverse noncarcinogenic effects are expected. If the HQ is greater than 1, there may be a potential for adverse noncarcinogenic health effects to occur; however, the magnitude of the HQ cannot be directly equated to a probability or effect level. The total HI is calculated for each exposure pathway by summing the HQs for each individual chemical. In this HHRA, in which there is only one COPC, the HQ is equal to the HI. A summary of the His for the receptors is presented in this section . and compared to the USEPA's target HI of 1. The His are presented in Table 5. • Child/Teenage Wader-the HI for the child/teenage wader in Beddingfield Creek is 0.0004 and the HI for the child/teenage wader in the other tributaries to the Neuse River is 0.002. Neither of these His exceed the HI limit of 1.0. Therefore, there are no unacceptable risks for this receptor. • Hypothetical Future Resident, Potable Water Use -The HI for the hypothetical future resident using the maximum detected concentration as the EPC is 5.2 and the HI using the average concentration as the EPC is 1.6. Because the His exceed 1, the potential risk for potable use of groundwater by a hypothetical future resident is unacceptable. • Hypothetical Future Resident, Non-potable Water Use {Swimming Pool) -The HI for the hypothetical future resident is 0.02 using the maximum detected concentration as the EPC and 0.007 using the average concentr~tion as the EPC. Therefore, there are no unacceptable risks for the hypothetical future resident by the non-potable water pathway . 1.1.5 Uncertainties The His presented in this HHRA are estimates of potential risk that are useful in regulatory decision making. It is improper to consider these values as representing actual risk to exposed individuals because th.Elre is an unquantifiable uncertainty associated with them. Numerous assumptions must be made in each step of the risk characterization process. Some of the assumptions have a firm scientific S:IPUBSIPROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP Wor1<\Revised CAP _NoV05\Risk_Assessment\111805-Risk_Assessment.doc November, 2005 1-7 Etal tL'@Ztf4UM basis, while others do not. Some level of uncertainty is introduced into the risk characterization every time an assumption is made. In regulatory risk characterization, the methodology dictates that the analyst err on the side of overestimating human risk whenever there is a question concerning the appropriate value to assume for any given parameter. The effect of using numerous parameters that each overestimate the actual or realistic value is that the risk characterization produces an exaggerated estimate of human risk. Such an analysis is useful for regulatory decision making, but it does not provide a realistic estimate of the potential health impacts at commercial or industrial sites. Any one person's potential exposure and subsequent risk are influenced by many variable parameters, which differ for individuals and compounds. Although average concentrations better represent exposure potential over time, the maximum detected concentration in surface water was used as the EPC. This has the effect of increasing the estimate of potential risks. Both the maximum and average concentrations in groundwater were used for evaluation of potential risks posed by groundwater. The most recent groundwater data (2004 and 2005) were used to develop groundwater EPCs to evaluate potential future risks from use of the groundwater as a potable or non-potable water source. However, it is likely that the nitrate concentrations will diminish over time. Therefore, potential future risks may be overestimated. 1.1.6 Summary A baseline HHRA was conducted for nitrate in surface water and groundwater at the City of Raleigh Wastewater Treatment Plant site. Potential receptors were a child/teenage wader at Beddingfield Creek and the other Neuse River tributaries and a hypothetical future resident using site groundwater for potable and/or non-potable uses. Exposure assumptions were selected in accordance with USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1989; 1991; 1997; 2004b). EPCs for surface water were maximum detected concentration from the last three sampling events and the average concentration (temporal and area). Noncarcinogenic His were calculated for the ingestion and dermal routes of exposure. Based on comparison of the His to the US EPA limit of f 0 , there were no unacceptable risks for exposure to surface water or for exposure to groundwater used for a non-potable purpose (swimming pool). However, the His for potable use of groundwater exceeded 1.0, indicating a potentially unacceptable risk for site groundwater used as drinking water. 1.1.7 References Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2005. URL: http://atsdr1 .atsdr.cdc.gov:8080/. S:\PUBSIPROJECnRIReleigh_City of\CAP Wo11c\Revised CAP _Nov05\Rlsk_Assessmentl111805-Risk_Assessment.doc November, 2005 1-8 Etal Gtlii:Z.tiktl·t◄ ENSR, 2005. Revised Corrective Action Plan, City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Raleigh, North Carolina. ENSR, 2003. Supplemental Site Assessment, City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Raleigh, North Carolina. ENSR, 2002. Comprehensive Site Assessment, City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Raleigh, North Carolina. USEPA. 1989. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume I. Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A). Interim Final. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA 540/1-89/002. USEPA. 1991a. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume I. Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part B, Development of Risk-Based Preliminary Remediation Goals). Interim. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C . 9285. 7-01 B, December. USEPA. 1991 b. Human Health Exposure Manual, Supplemental Guidance; Standard Default Exposure Factors. OSWER Directive No . 9285.6-03. U .S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. USEPA. 1997. Exposure Factors Handbook, Volumes I, II and Ill. EPA/600/P-95/002F. Office of Research and Development. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. USEPA. 2000. Supplemental Guidance to RAGS: Region 4 Bulletins, Human Health Risk Assessment. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4. Waste Management Division. Atlanta, GA. Update 05/01/2000. [URL: http://www.e pa .g ov/reg ion4/waste/oftecser/healthbul.htm] USEPA. 2002. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. EPA-822-R-02-047. November 2002. USEPA. 2004a. 2004 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories. U .S . Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. EPA 822-R-04-005. Winter 2004. USEPA. 2004b. Risk Assessment Guidance For Superfund. Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) Final. EPA/540/R/99/005. July 2004. USEPA. 2005. Integrated Risk Information System. URL: http://www.epa.g ov/iris/index.html. Accessed November 16, 2005. S:IPUBSIPROJEC1'R\Raleigh_City of\CAP WOIII\Revised CAP _NoV05\Risk_Assessment\11180!>-Risk_Assessment.doc November, 2005 1-9 TABLE 1 CHEMICAL-SPECIFIC PARAMETERS NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, RALEIGH, NC HUMAN HEAL TH RISK ASSESSMENT CHEMICAL-SPECJFIC PARAMETERS FOR NITRATE VaJue Reference Dose 1.6.E+00 Absorption Adjustment Factor (Oral and Dermal) 1.E+00 Permeability Coefficient 1.E-03 Notes: Units REFERENCEINOTES mg/kg-day USEPA. 2005. Integrated Risk Information Syst, http://www.epa.gov/iris/subsUindex.html unitless Assumed value. ASTDR (2005) indicates that or absorption of nitrate is nearly 100%. cm/hour USEPA. 2005. Risk Assessment Guidance for~ Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual. Pa Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assess Default value for inorganics. Exhibit 3-1 . S:\PUBS\PROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\Risk_Assessment\TABLES.xls I 11/18/2005 TABLE2 SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL EXPOSURE ASSUMPTIONS -CHILD/TEENAGER, WADING IN SURFACE WATER HUMAN HEAL TH RISK ASSESSMENT NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Child/Teenager Wading in Surface Water Parameter (7 to 16 yrs) Parameiers Used in the Surface Water Pathway -Wading Exposure Frequency (EF) (days/year) 45 Exposure Duration (ED} (yr} 10 Surface water Ingestion Rate (IR) (I/hour) 0.01 Skin Contacting Medium (SA) (cm•2) 1975 Body Weight (BW) (kg) 45 Exposure Time (ET) (hr/day) 1 Notes: (a) - 1 day per week for 39 weeks (9 warmest months) of the year, and 2 days per month for the 3 coldest months of the year. This is also the USEPA Region 4 default for swimming. (b) -wader is assumed to range in age from 7 to 16 (USEPA, 2000). Therefore, total exposure duration is 1 O years. (c) -USEPA, 2000. USEPA Region 4 Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance. Default value. (d) -USEPA, 1997. Exposure Factors Handbook. Average surface area of feet and one-quarter legs of males and females aged 7 to 16, listed in EFH Tables 6-6 to 6-8 . (e) -USEPA , 2000 . US EPA Region 4 Human Health Risk Assessment Gu idance. Default value. (f) -Best professional judgment. S:\PUBS\PROJECTIR\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\Risk_Assessment\TABLES.xls (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) November , 2005 TABLE3 SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL EXPOSURE ASSUMPTIONS -RESIDENT HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT NEUSE RIVERWASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Parameter Parameters Used in the Groundwater as Swimming Pool water Pathway Exposure Frequency (EF) (days/year) Exposure Duration (ED) (yr) water Ingestion Rate (IR) (I/day) Exposure Time Swimming (hour/event) Skin Conta~ing Medium (cm2) Body W~ight (BW) (kg) Parameters Used in the Groundwater as Drinking water Pathway Exposure Frequency (EF) (days/year} Exposure Duration (ED) (yr} Water Ingestion Rate (IR) (I/day) Exposure Time Bathing (hour/event} Skin Contacting Medium (cm2) Body Weight (BW) lka) Notes: Resident Child (0 to 6 yrs) 90 6 0.01 1 6600 15 350 6 1 1 6600 15 (a) -2 day per week for 39 weeks (9 warmest manths) of the year, and 4 days per month for the 3 coldest months of the year. This Is also the USEPA Region 4 default value for a swimming pool. (b) -USEPA, 1997. Exposure Factars Handbook. Recommended average for time residing in a household, Table 1-2 . (9 years total, assuming 7 years as an adult and 2 as a child -assumes that the 2 years as a child can occur anywhere between the ages of o to 6. Therefore, exposure factors for a Oto 6 year old child are employed). {c) -USEPA, 2000 . USEPA Region 4 Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance. Default value. (d) -Best professional judgment. (e) -USEPA, 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual. Part E. Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment. Default Value. Bathing exposure time is Reasonable Maximum Expasure value. (f) -USEPA, 1991 . Standard Default Exposure Factors . S:\PUBSIPROJECnR\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\Risk_Assessment\TABLES.xls (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (f) (b} (f) (e) (e) (f) November , 2005 TABLE4 Development of Exposure Point Concentrations for Nitrate in Groundwater City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Nitrate Concentration (m g/L Average for Each Well Over Time Sc:1m plelD Fiel(f ID Nov~mber 20Q4 March 2005 July 2005 {2004-2005) Test Well 13 Field 42 1.9 0.05 U* 3.82 1.9 TestWell 20 Field 20 9.3 1.74 3.70 4.9 Test Well 22 Field 16 0.05 U* NS 0.14 0.10 Test Well 41 Field 3 77.4 D* 80.08 75.17 77.5 TestWell 42A Field 18/1 9 113.4 D* 125.10 129.45 122.7 TestWell 44 Field 26 5.0 6.32 6 .03 5.8 TestWell 45 Field 47 29.3 D* 9.17 56 .85 31.8 TestWell 46 Field 61 1.2 1.16 1.10 1.2 Test Well 47 Field 61 35 .0 D* 31.09 32 .52 32 .9 Test Well 48 Field 60 53.6 D* 41.00 37.25 44.0 Test Well 49 Field 74 1.4 2.21 4.06 2.6 TestWell 50 Field 75 28.6 D* 22.00 27.75 26.1 Test Well 51 (1) Field 12 98.8 D* 79.99 77.13 85.3 Test Well 52 (1) Field 41 76.8 D* 93.12 76.41 82.1 Test Well 53 (1) Field 62 71.0 D* 59.40 51.86 60.7 Test Well 54 (1) Field 503 58.2 D* 42.95 50.40 50.5 Maximum Detect, by Month 113.4 125.1 129.45 Maximum Detect, November 2004-July 2005 129.45 39.37 Notes: 1) Test Wells 51, 52, 53, 54 were previously identified as GP-2, GP-7, GP-11, and GP-20, respectively. mg/L -Milligrams per Liter NS -Not Sampled U* -Reported as not detected . One-half the sample quantitation limit is shown. D* -Concentration shown is the average of duplicates. TABLES.xls\4 Average for All Sampled Wells Page 1 of 1 TABLE 5 Development of Exposure Point Concentrations for Nitrate in Surface Water City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant Raleigh, North Carolina Nitrate (m 1/L) Location November 2002 June 2003 May/June 2004 September 2005 Bettingfield Creek SW-19 16 21 NS NS SW-20 3.8 3.3 NS NS SW-20 du p 3.5 NS NS NS SW-20, du olicate averaoe 3.65 3.3 NS NS SW-21 0.15 0.18 NS NS SW-22 0.25 1.5 NS NS SW-24 0.53 0.52 NS NS Maximum Concentration, All Bettingfield Creek Sa mpling S tations Other Tributaries, Neuse River SW-1 52 49 NS 43 SW-2 0.39 13 NS NS SW-3 52 50 NS drv SW-4 54 47 NS 78 SW-5 0 .69 2 NS NS SW-6 54 46 NS 70 SW-7 77 83 NS 98 SW-8 1.2 1.6 NS NS SW-9 34 36 NS NS SW-10 48 19 NS NS SW-11 19 47 NS 33 SW-12 52 41 NS NS SW-13 0 .46 1.3 NS NS SW-14 0 .21 0.16 NS NS SW-15 20 20 NS NS SW-16 1.7 6.2 NS NS SW-17 5.5 0.97 NS NS SW-18 3 1.7 NS NS SW-23 0.72 NS NS NS SW-25 NS 4 .6 NS NS SW-26 NS 9 .8 9.2 # d ry SW-27 NS 14 22 .9 # d ry SW-28 NS 46 NS NS Maximum, Other Tributaries Sampliri ci Stations Notes: mg/L -Milligrams per Liter NS -Not Sampled Dup. -Duplicate sample Maximum Concentration 21 -- -- 3.65 0.18 1.5 0.53 21 52 13 52 78 2 70 98 1.6 36 48 47 52 1.3 0.21 20 6.2 5.5 3 0.7 .4.6 9.8 22:9 46 98 # -Samples were collected May 9, 14, 18, 20, 24, and 26 and June 7 and 9, 2004 . The concentrations shown are ' - avera ges of the concentrations reported for these multiple sampljng events. TABLES.xls\5 Page 1 of 1 TABLES TOTAL POTENTIAL. HAZARD INDEX NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH.CAROLINA Chemical Nitrate Notes: lng/Derm • Ingestion/Dermal Contact. EPC -Exposu~ Point Concentration Surface Water -Child/Teenager Other Neuse River Belllngfield Creek Tributaries lnglDerm. lng/Derm. 0.0004 I 0.002 Potable Water. l Maximum EPC lng/Derm. l II 5.2 I S:\PUBS\PROJECnR\Raleigh_City of\CAP Work\Revised CAP _Nov05\Risk_Assessment\TABLES.xls/6 Groundwater• Resident (Young Child) Potable Water • Swimming Pool • Swimming Pool • Average EPC Maximum EPC Average EPC lng/Derm. lng/Derm. lng/Derm. 1.6 I 0.02 0.007 January, 2005 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (CMW-3) ""Jata Set: S:\PUBS\PROJECT\R\Raleigh_City of\Design and A Test\Aquifer Test Data\9-1-05 24hr aquifer pumI title: CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (CMW-3) Date: 10/28/05 Time: 08:40:27 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: ENSR International Client: CORPUD Project: 10724-005-0002 Location: Raleigh, NC Test Date: 9/1 to 9/2/2005 Test Well: EW-2 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 41. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 6.724 PUMPING WELL DATA No. of pumping wells: 1 Pumping Well No. 1: EW-2 X Location: 0. ft Y Location: 0. ft Casing Radius: 0.5 ft Wellbore Radius: 0.25 ft Fully Penetrating Well No. of pumping periods: 2 Pumping Period Data Time (min) 0.8 Rate {gal/min) Time (min ) OBSERVATION WELL DATA No. of observation wells: 1 Observation Well No. 1: CMW-3 X Location: 5. ft Y Location: 0. ft Radial distance from EW-2: 5. ft Fully Penetrating Well No. of Observations: 273 10/28/05 2. 1440. l Rate (gal/min) 0. 08:40:27 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (CMW-3) Observation Data Time (min ) Ois ~lacement (ft } Time (min ) Dis~lacement {ft } 0.005 0.015 89.05 0.662 0.01 0.011 94.33 0.662 0.015 0.007 99.92 0.662 0.02 0.005 105.8 0.662 0.025 0.004 112.1 0.662 0.03 0.004 118.8 0.664 0.035 0.001 125.8 0.663 0.04 0.001 133.3 0.666 0.045 0.001 141.2 0.663 0.05 · 0.001 149.5 0.661 0.055 0.002 158.4 0.661 0.06 0. 167.8 0.663 0.065 0. 177.7 0.66 0.07 o. 187.7 0.662 0.075 0. 197.7 0.662 0.08 0. 207.7 0.662 0.085 0. 217.7 0.663 0.09 -0.002 227.7 0.664 0.095 0. 237.7 0.66 0.1 0. 247.7 0.661 0.107 0. 257.7 0.651 0.112 0. 267.7 0.654 0.118 0. 277.7 0.656 0.125 0. 287.7 0.656 0.133 0. 297.7 0.654 0.14 0. 307.7 0.654 0.148 0.002 317.7 0.651 0.158 o. 327.7 0.654 0.167 0.011 337.7 0.654 0.177 0.015 347.7 0.653 0.188 0.017 357.7 0.655 0~198 0.017 367.7 0.655 0.21 0.019 3TT.7 0.654 0.223 0.022 387.7 0.656 0.237 0.021 397.7 0.65 0.25 0.023 407.7 0.651 0.265 0.023 417.7 0.647 0.28 0.025 427.7 0.647 0.297 0.025 437.7 0.645 0.315 0.025 447.7 0.645 0.333 0.027 457.7 0.644 0.353 0.027 467.7 0.644 0.373 0.027 477.7 0.644 0.397 0.029 487.7 0.646 0.42 0.027 497.7 0.646 0.445 0.029 507.7 0.647 0.47 0.029 517.7 0.645 0.497 0.029 527.7 0.645 0.525 0.029 537.7 0.647 0.555 0.031 547.7 0.649 0.587 0.031 557.7 0.646 0.622 0.031 567.7 0.646 10/28/05 2 '08:40:27 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (CMW-3) Time (min) Dis ~lacement (ft} Time (min ) DisQlacement (_f!} 0.658 0.031 577.7 0.649 0.697 0.031 587.7 0.648 0.738 0.031 597.7 0.648 0.782 0.031 607.7 0.647 0.828 0.031 617.7 0.649 0.877 0.033 627.7 0.651 0.928 0.031 637.7 0.653 0.983 0.033 647.7 0.651 1.042 0.031 657.7 0.652 1.103 0.031 667.7 0.654 1.168 0.033 677.7 0.652 1.238 0.033 687.7 0.654 1.312 0.035 697.7 0.653 1.39 0.035 707.7 0.651 1.473 0.037 717.7 0.651 1.562 0.039 727.7 0.65 1.655 0.041 737.7 0.649 1.753 0.043 747.7 0.646 1.858 0.045 757.7 0.646 1.968 0.049 767.7 0.648 2.085 0.053 777.7 0.648 2.21 0.057 787.7 0.65 2.342 0.063 797.7 0.651 2.482 0.068 807.7 0.649 2.63 0.074 817.7 0.649 2.787 0.082 827.7 0.649 2.953 0.051 837.7 0.651 3.13 0.086 847.7 0.652 3.317 0.11 857.7 0.652 3.515 0.12 867.7 0.654 3.725 0.129 877.7 0.65 3.947 0.126 887.7 0.65 4.182 0.153 897.7 0.647 4.43 0.165 907.7 0.649 4.693 0.177 917.7 0.647 4.973 0.177 927.7 0.647 5.27 0.21 937.7 0.648 5.583 0.224 947.7 0.644 5.915 0.241 957.7 0.642 6.267 0.257 967.7 0.644 6.64 0.273 977.7 0.644 7.035 0.275 987.7 0.641 7.453 0.31 997.7 0.643 7.897 0.326 1007.7 0.645 8.367 0.344 1017.7 0.645 8.865 0.361 1027.7 0.645 9.392 0.381 1037.7 0.642 9.95 0.373 1047.7 0.642 10.54 0.414 1057.7 0.642 11.17 0.414 1067.7 0.642 11.83 0.446 1077.7 0.642 12.54 0.463 1087.7 0.641 13.28 0.479 1097.7 0.641 10/28/05 3 08:40:27 AQTESOLV for Windows Time (min ). 14.07 14.91 15.79 16.73 17.72 18.78 19.89 21.07 22.32 23.65 25.06 26.54 28.12 29.79 31.56 33.43 35.41 37.51 39.74 42.1 44.6 47.24 50.05 53.02 56.16 59.49 63.02 66.76 70.72 74.91 79.36 84.06 SOLUTION Displacement (ft) 0.493 0.491 0.518 0.53 0.542 0.55 0.548 0.573 0.581 0.591 0.598 0.604 0.612 0.618 0.625 0.629 0.633 0.637 0.641 0.645 0.647 0.649 0.651 0.655 0.657 0.657 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.66 0.66 0.664 Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Cooper-Jacob VISUAL ESTIMATION RESULTS Estimated Parameters Parameter T s K= T/b = 3.148 ft/day 10/28/05 Estimate 129 .1 tt 2Jday 0.01355 4 CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (C'MW-3) Time (min) 1107.7 1117.7 1127.7 1137.7 1147.7 1157.7 1167.7 1177.7 1187.7 1197.7 1207.7 1217.7 1227.7 1237,7 1247.7 1257.7 1267.7 1277.7 1287.7 1297.7 1307.7 1317.7 1327.7 1337.7 1347.7 1357.7 1367.7 1377.7 1387.7 1397.7 1407.7 Disp lacement (ft) 0.643 0.629 0.643 0.644 0.644 0.646 0.646 0.645 0.645 0.647 0.647 0.647 0.644 0.63 0.642 0.646 0.649 0.648 0.648 0.648 0.648 0.648 0.644 0.644 0.644 0.642 0.642 0.641 0.65 0.648 0.643 08:40:27 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (EW-1) Time (min) 4.97 5.27 5.58 5.92 6.27 6.64 7.04 7.45 7.9 8.37 8.87 9.39 9.95 10.54 11.17 11.83 12.54 13.28 14.07 14.91 15.79 16.73 17.72 18.78 19.89 21.07 22.33 23.65 25.06 26.54 28.12 29.79 31.56 33.43 35.41 37 .51 39.74 42.1 44.6 47.24 50.05 53.02 56.16 59.49 63.02 66.76 70.72 74.91 79.36 84.06 89.05 94.33 Observation Data Displacemenf(ft) 0. 0. 0.01 0.01 0 .01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0 .04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.15 0 .16 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.48 0 .49 0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.56 0.57 0.57 Time (min) 347.7 357.7 367.7 377.7 387.7 397.7 407.7 417.7 427.7 437.7 447.7 457.7 467.7 477.7 487.7 497.7 507.7 517.7 527.7 537.7 547.7 557.7 567.7 577.7 587.7 597.7 607.7 617.7 627.7 637.7 647.7 657.7 667.7 677.7 687.7 697.7 707.7 717.7 727.7 737.7 747.7 757.7 767.7 777.7 787.7 797.7 807.7 817.7 827.7 837.7 847.7 857.7 ·----··············-·······-···• ... •······----------10/28/05 2 Displacement (ft) 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.59 0.59 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.59 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.6 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.59 0.59 ............................... ______ .................. , __ _ 08:46:11 AQTESOLV for Windows Time (min) 99.92 105.8 112.1 118.8 125.8 133.3 141.2 149.5 158.4 167.8 177.7 187.7 197.7 207.7 217.7 227.7 237.7 247.7 257.7 267.7 277.7 287.7 297.7 307.7 317.7 327.7 337.7 Dis lacement ml 0.57 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Cooper-Jacob ViSUAL ESTIMATION 'RESULTS Estimated Parameters Parameter T s K = T/b = 3.385 ft/day Estimate 114.8 0.05619 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.59 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.58 0 .58 0.58 0.58 0.57 0 .57 0.58 0.58 0.58 0 .58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 ft2/day AUTOMATIC ESTIMATION RESULTS Estimated Parameters CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (EW-1) Time (min} 867.7 877.7 887.7 897.7 907.7 917.7 927.7 937.7 947.7 957.7 967.7 977.7 987.7 997.7 1007.7 1017.7 1027.7 1037.7 1047.7 1057.7 1067.7 1077.7 1087.7 1097.7 1107.7 1117.7 Displacement (ft) 0.59 0.6 0.6 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.57 0 .57 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.57 0.56 0.55 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 Parameter T Estimate -114.8 Std. Error 12.84 tt2/day s 0.05619 0.00466 K = T/b = 3.385 ft/day ·····························-----................................................................ __ _ 10/28/05 3 08:46:11 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-Hour Aquifer Test (EW-1) Parameter Correlations T S T 1:00 -0~2 S -0.92 1.00 Residual Statistics for weighted residuals Su~ of Squares ...... 1.12 tt2 2 Variance ............ 0.007227 ft Std. Deviation ........ 0.08501 ft Mean ............... 7.771E-07 ft No. of Residuals ...... 157 No. of Estimates ...... 2 10/28/05 4 08:46:11 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-HOUR AQUIFER TEST (EW-2) '"Jata Set: S:\PUBS\PROJECTIR\Raleigh_City of\Design and A Test\Aquifer Test Data\9-1-05 24hr aquifer pumI ritle: CORPUD 24-HOUR AQUIFER TEST (EW-2) Date: 10/28/05 Time: 08:38:24 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: ENSR International Client: CORPUD Project: 10724-005-0002 Location: Raleigh, NC Test Date: 9/1 to 9/2/2005 Test Well: EW-2 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 41. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 2689. 6 PUMPING WELL DATA No. of pumping wells: 1 Pumping Well No. 1: PW 1 X Location: 0. ft Y Location: 0. ft Casing Radius: 0.5 ft Wellbore Radius: 0.25 ft Fully Penetrating Well No. of pumping periods: 2 Pumping Period Data Time (min) 0.8 Rate (gal/min) Time (min) OBSERVATION WELL DATA No. of observation wells: 1 Observation Well No. 1: PW 1 X Location: 0. ft . Y Location: 0. fl Radial distance from PW 1: 0. ft Fully Penetrating Well No. of Observations: 220 10/28/05 2. 1440. 1 Ra~e (gal/min) 0. 08:38:24 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-HOUR AQUIFER TEST (EW-2} Observation Data Time (min) Dis~lacement {ft} Time {min) Dis Qlacement (ft } 0.828 0.038 347.7 2.026 0.877 0.039 357.7 2.028 0.928 0.053 367.7 2.029 0.983 0.087 377.7 2.029 1.042 0.132 387.7 2.031 1.103 0.181 397.7 2.035 1.168 0.238 407.7 2.037 1.238 0.304 417.7 2.028 1.312 0.37 427.7 2.026 1.39 0.436 437.7 2.024 1.473 0.498 447.7 2.02 1.562 0.559 457.7 2.021 1.655 0.619 467.7 2.021 1.753 0.676 477.7 2.023 1.858 0.733 487.7 2.023 1.968 0.786 497.7 2.025 2.085 0.839 507.7 2.022 2.21 0.89 517.7 2.02 2.342 0 .941 527.7 ~.026 2.482 0.988 537.7 2.022 2.63 1.033 547.7 2.026 2.787 1.079 557.7 2.025 2.953 1.118 567.7 2.023 3.13 1.163 577.7 2.027 3.317 1.201 587.7 2.027 3.515 1.239 597.7 2.023 3.725 1.277 607.7 2.02 3.947 1.311 617.7 2.026 4.182 1.345 627.7 2.026 4.43 .1.377 637.7 2.028 4.693 1.407 647.7 2.028 4.973 1.437 657.7 2.027 5.27 1.47 667.7 2.029 5.583 1.498 677.7 2.027 5.915 1.525 687.7 2.027 6.267 1.551 697.7 2.026 6.64 1.577 707.7 2.024 7.035 1.6 717.7 · 2.02 7.453 1.627 727.7 2.018 7.897 1.649 737.7 2.016 8.367 1.672 747.7 2.015 8.865 1.689 757.7 2.015 9.392 1.71 767.7 2.015 9.95 1.731 777.7 2.019 10.54 1.751 787.7 2.026 11.17 1.768 797.7 2.025 11.83 1.785 807.7 2.023 12.54 1.8 817.7 2.023 13.28 1.816 827.7 2.023 14.07 1.831 837.7 2.02 14.91 1.846 847.7 2.019 15.79 1.857 857.7 2.022 10/28/05 2 08:38:24 AQTESOLV for Windows CORPUD 24-HOUR AQUIFER TEST (EW-2) Time (min) DisQlacement {ft} Time (min) DisQlacement {ft} 16.73 1.872 867.7 2.019 17.72 1.886 877.7 2.013 18.78 1.899 887.7 2.017 19.89 1.91 897.7 2.014 21.07 1.923 907.7 2.018 22.32 1.935 917.7 2.01 23.65 1.946 927.7 2.01 25.06 1.956 937.7 2.015 26.54 1.964 947.7 2.011 28.12 1.97 957.7 2.013 29.79 1.975 967.7 2.013 31.56 1.985 977.7 2.015 33.43 1.988 987.7 2.008 35.41 1.994 997.7 2.012 37.51 1.998 1007.7 2.021 39.74 2.002 1017.7 2.021 42.1 2.007 1027.7 2.021 44.6 2.011 1037.7 2.018 47.24 2.015 1047.7 2.016 50.05 2.022 1057.7 2.015 53.02 2.028 1067.7 2.016 56.16 2.026 1077.7 2.015 59.49 2.028 1087.7 2.014 63.02 2.028 1097.7 2.014 66.76 2.032 1107.7 2.017 70.72 2.033 1117.7 2.017 74.91 2.035 1127.7 2.015 79.36 2.034 1137.7 2.02 84.06 2.036 1147.7 2.02 89.05 2.034 1157.7 2.018 94.33 2.036 1167.7 2.016 99.92 2.038 1177.7 2.019 105.8 2.032 1187.7 2.019 112.1 2.032 1197.7 2.023 118.8 2.036 1207.7 2.025 125.8 2.035 1217.7 2.019 133.3 2.037 1227.7 2.016 141.2 2.035 1237.7 2.022 149.5 2.035 1247.7 2.02 158.4 2.037 1257.7 2.022 167.8 2.035 1267.7 2.024 177.7 2.034 1277.7 2.019 187.7 2.036 1287.7 2.021 197.7 2.036 1297.7 2.023 207.7 2.036 1307.7 2.023 217.7 2.036 1317.7 2.021 227.7 2.035 1327.7 2.018 237.7 2.036 1337.7 2.014 247.7 2.04 1347.7 2.012 257.7 2.036 1357.7 2.008 267.7 2.032 1367.7 2.014 2TT.7 2.031 1377.7 2.002 287.7 2.033 1387.7 2.007 10/28/05 3 08:38:24 AQTESOLV for Windows Time (min) 297.7 307.7 317.7 327.7 337.7 SOLUTION Displacement (ID 2.033 2.029 2.028 2.028 2.028 Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Cooper-Jacob VISUAL ESTIMATION RESULTS Estimated Parameters Parameter T s K = T/b = 2.092 ft/day 10/28/05 Estimate 85.78 0.1588 tt2/day 4 CORPUD 24-HOUR AQUIFER TEST (EW-2) Time (min) 1397.7 1407.7 1417.7 1427.7 1437.7 Displacement (ft ) 2.007 2.004 1.997 1.997 1.993 08:38:24 ,?eAnalyticar f Jacj WMv.pacelabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY Pace Analyllcal Ssrvlcss, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102301 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client . Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Project Sample Sample Number Number 92102301-001 926050949 92102301-002 926050956 Client Sample ID Ma t rix Water Water ate ollected Date Rec e ived 09/01/05 11:20 09/02/05 09:20 09/01/05 11:20 09/02/05 09:20 EW-2A EW-2A-DISSOLVED Asheville Certjjjcatjon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. .... !<\~~.,. !tHelaai Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 a Analywaf · www.pecelabs.com Pace Analytleal Service,, Int:. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pac, Analytical Ssrrlcss, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Ashevllle, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project Sampl e Number Sample No Client Sample I P 92102301-001 926050949 EW-2A 92102301-002 926050956 EW-2A-DISSOLVED AsheviUeCertjfication IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Lab Project Number: 92102301 Client Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Analytes Code Anali sia De s criptiQD l!,egorteg .. 1501 L92 pH l 1601 WL92 Total Dissolved Solids l 1602 WL92 Total Suspended Solids l 2007T WL92 Trace ICP Metals 9 3101B WEPA Alkalinity, Bicarbonate l 3101C WEPA Alkalinity, Carbonate 1 3.101T WEPA Alkalinity, Total l 3253 WL92 Chloride (Mercuric Nitrate) l 3503 WL92 Ammonia 1 3512 WL92 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen l 3532 WL93 48 Hour N03 / N02 / NOX 2 36510 WL92 Phosphate, Ortho 1 3752 WL92 Sulfate,Turbidilletric l 40515 WL93 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 d l 4104 WL92 Che.mical Oxygen Demand l LANG L92 Langelier Index l 207TD WL92 Dissolved Metals, ICP, Trace 3 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Chartotte Certification IPs NC Wastewater 12 . This report shall not be reproduced . except In full, wtthout the written consent of Pace Analytical SeNlces, Inc. ~z_f-.1:} f{l..tt:faL\! NC Drinking Water 37706 s.c 99006 FL NELAP E87627 /2eAnalytEar WMV.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 136796 QC Batch Method: Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 METHOD BLANK: 926058702 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 fi!.[~!ilt!il[ Units Alwainum mg/1 ·Calcium mg/1 Iron mg/1 Magnesium mg/1 llanganese mg/1 Potassium mg/1 Sodium mg/1 Total Hardness mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAXPLB: 926058710 Paramet u Units AlWllinum mg/1 Calcium mg/1 Iron mg/1 Magnesium mg/1 Manganese mg/1 Potassium mg/1 Sodium ag/1 Total Hardness mg/1 Pac, Analfllt:al St1fllit:n, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 104.815.9092 Fax: 104.815.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102301 Pace Analytlt:al Sarvlcn, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.1176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Method: BPA 200.7 Analysis Description: Trace ICP Metals Blank Reporting i!.H:Ylt Limit l!:QQtnQ!;H ND 0.10 ND 0.10 ND 0.050 ND 0.10 ND 0.0050 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 2.0 Spike LCS LCS % Rec ~ BH!.ll.t % Rec Limits fQQ!;nQ!;H 20.00 17.30 86 85-115 20.00 17.80 89 85-115 20.00 17.70 88 85-115 20.00 17.40 87 85-115 0.5000 0.4640 93 85-115 10.00 8.640 86 85-115 10.00 8.650 86 85-115 132.30 116.1 88 85-115 MATRIX SPIKB & MATRIX SPIKB DUPLICATE: 926058728 926058736 Parameter Alwainum Calcium Iron Date: 09/16/05 units mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Asheville Certjfjcatjon ms NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water j7712 SC Environmentai° 99030 FL NELAP E87648 926050378 Spike MS MSD Result Cone. RHYlt Result 3.260 20.00 22.00 23.50 542.0 20.00 553.0 582.0 0 20.00 16.30 17.00 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except in lull, without the written consent-of Pace Analytical Seivlces, Inc. rielac ._._9p~~~.,. .. , ff, ~1 IIS MSD % Rec Max % Rec% Rec Limits RPO RPO Foot;Q!;!;lS 94 101 70-130 7 25 55 200 70-130 5 25 1,1 82 85 70-130 4 25 Page: 5 of 22 Charlotte certmca11on ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water :anos SC 99006 FL NELAP €87627 aAnalyticar -. www.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 136898 QC Batch Method: EPA 200.7 Associated Lab Samples: 926050956 METHOD BLANK: 926064163 Associated Lab Samples: 926050956 fa:tl!!!!!lt!lr llllilil Iron, Dissolved mg/l Manganese, Dissolved mg/1 LABORATORY COMTROL SAMPLE: 926064171 Parameter J,Inits Iron, Dissolved mg/1 Manganese, Dissolved 'tllfiJ/l Pace Analytical Set11lces, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Nlllllber: 92102301 Pace Analytlcal. Servlcss, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project IO: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Method: EPA 200.7 Analysis Description: Dissolved Metals, ICP, Trace Blank Reporting Re111lt Limit FootnQt!II NO 0.050 NO 0.0050 Spike LCS LCS Ill Rec ~ Result ~ ...w.l!!lli Fog!;note11 20.00 19.30 96 85-115 0.5000 0.4710 94 85-115 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 926064189 926064197 f~rl!!!!et !l r Units Iron, Dissolved mg/l Manganese, Dissolved mg/1 Date: 09/16/05 Asheville Certjficatjon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC EnvironmentaL 9ffil30 FL NELAP E87648 926050956 Spike NS MSO RH!.!l !. ~ Ruult B11111lt 0.2040 20.00 18.40 17.10 0.1610 0.5000 0,6100 0.6160 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Tnls report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the writt1m consent of Pace Analytical Servlc:'3S, Inc, ,._,."µ~~ .... ~~-Ll-.J-ff[JJt:JaL\~- MS MSO Ill Rec Max ,~ \_RM ~ ~ RPO fQQtnQtes 91 84 70-130 7 25 90 91 70-130 1 25 Page: 7 of 22 Charlotte Certificatjon IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 ~AnalyliaJ1- . www.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 136694 QC Batch Method: EPA 405.1 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 METHOD BLANK: 926054420 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 Pa r ame t er BOD, 5 day t1nit1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926054438 Parameter tJnits BOD, 5 day mg/1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926054446 Pir11Utu BOD, 5 day Data: 09/16/05 tJnits mg/1 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP EB7648 Pace Analytfcal s,rv1c11, Int:. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pai:e Analytical Ssrvli:11, Inc. 2225 Rrterside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102301 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Method: EPA 405.1 Analysis Description: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 d Blank Result HD Spike Cone. 198.00 926046103 Re §ult 190.0 Reporting Limit Footnotes 2.0 LCS LCS % Rec Reul \ Rec Limits 220.0 111 DtJP Max Resylt RPD RPD 180.0 2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be raproduced. except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ttJ:t~& ::il.lt2a.\..\; Footnotes f'o2t112 t 1111 Charlotte Certilicatioo ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water -37706 $C 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Page: 12 of 22 6ZeAnafytk;at · www.pacelabs-.oom QC Batch: 136779 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.2 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 METHOD BLANK: 926058108 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 Parameter Units Total Suspended Solids mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLB: 926058116 Pa r ame ter Units Total Suspended Solids mg/1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926058124 Parameter Units Total Suspended Solids mg/1 Date: 09/16/05 Asheville Certjjjcatjon ms NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 Fl NELAP E87648 Pace Analyllcsl s,rvJ,:,s, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pace Ana/ytl,:a/ s,rvlt:ss, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Humber: 92102301 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Method: EPA 160.2 Analysis Description: Total Suspended Solids Blank Result ND Spike LCS Reporting Limit Footnotes 10. LCS % Rec Cone. Result 250.00 2U.O % Rec ~ Footnotes 98 80-120 Max 926050949 Result DUP Result Rfl2 RPD Footnotes 14.00 16.00 11 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except In lull, wtthout the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ,, ~cc,., ~IS~ f{J~\1 Charlotte Certification ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water -3TT06 SC 99006 FL NELAP t:87627 Page: 14 of 22 aAna/yticar ·, www.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 136679 QC Batch Method: EPA 353.2 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 METHOD BLANK: 926053810 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 Pnl!!!l•!a1r Unih Nitrate as N mg/1 Nitrite as N mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926053828 Parameter Units Nitrate as N mg/1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926053844 Parameter Nitrate as N Nitrite as N Data: 09/16/05 Units mg/1 mg/1 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC DrinKing Water 37712 SC Environmental 99"030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Anal,Ucal S1wic,1, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pace Ana/ytlcal Ssw/,:11, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Nlimber: 92102301 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Method: EPA 353.2 Analysis Description: 48 Hour N03 / N02 / NOX Blank R!i!l!Ult ND ND Spike ~ 10.00 926052721 Result ND ND Reporting Limit FootnotH 0.10 0.10 LCS Result 9.920 LCS \ Rec DUP Result ND ND 1-.i& Limits Footnotes 99 Max RPD RPD Footnotes NC NC REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Charlotte Certification ms NC WasteWi!W 12 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ~1!cci~4!_~ 1iieraai NC Drinking Water . 37706 . S.C . 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Paga: 16 of 22 a AnaJyOcar . www.peoel8bs.com QC Batch: 136805 QC Batch Method: EPA 410.4 Associated Lab Samples: METHOD BLANK: 926058975 Associated Lab Samples: Parame ter Chemical Oxygen Demand LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parame t er Chemical Oxygen Demand MATRIX SPIKE: 926058991 P11,rameter Chemical Oxygen Demand SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926059007 Parame t er Cheaical Oxygen Demand Date : 09/16/05 926050949 926050949 Uni ts 926058983 Units mg/1 Un ;i.t a IIQ'/1 I!nits mg/1 Ashevme Certjfjcatjon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Ana/yl/cal Service,, Int:. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 1(XJ Huntersville, NC 28078 Pac, Analyl/cal s,rrlcn, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Nlllllber: 92102301 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: CORPTJD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analysis Method: EPA 410.4 Analysis Description: Chemical Oxygen Demand Blank Result ND Spike ~ 750.00 LCS Reporting Limi t LCS Result % Rec 738.0 98 Fo ot notes % Rec Limits Footnotes 90-110 926052309 Spike MS MS \ Rec Beaul t ~ Re lt %~~Foot no tes 774.0 1500.00 1484 926046574 DUP Max Result Resyl!; RPD RPD 4500 4500 l 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In fuH, wtthout the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. \, ~c,,,. ~z--6~ ff!llt2i1Ll\ 47 75-125 2 Fo otnotes Charlotte Certifjcallon IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Page: 18 of 22 ~AnaJytJcaJ- . . www.paoelebs.com QC Batch: 136985 QC Batch Method: EPA 325.2 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 METHOD BLJl!IK: 926070632 Associated Lab Samples: 926050949 Parameter units Chloride mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926070640 Parameter Units Chloride mg/1 MATRIX SPIKE: 926070657 Parametar Chloride SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Paramater Chloride Date: 09/16/05 Unit mg/1 926070665 Units mg/1 Asheville Gertjjjcatjon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Ana/yllcal Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pat:8 Analytlt:al s,rv1c,s, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.815.9091 Lab Project Nlilllber: 92102301 Phone: 828.254.1176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: CORPUD Aquifer/10724-005-0002 Analyaia Method: BPA 325.2 Analysis D ■acription: Chloride (Mercuric Nitrate) Blank Result ND Spike Cone. 20.00 926037458 Re1n1lt 46.68 926060963 Result 180.0 Reporting Limit Footnotes 5.0 LCS Result ·20.20 Spike ~ 20.00 DUP Result 180.0 LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Footnotes 101 90-110 MS MS % Rec RH!.!lt % Rec -1J.mll Foo t notes 67,39 104 75-125 Max RPD RPO Footnotes 0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, wHhout the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. v '' ~ic:•-ta r~G'l ff/lJt:lclLi NC OrinkingWater 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Paga: 20 of 22 ~Analytical' -www.pacel8bs-.com SAMPLE SUMMARY Project Sample Sim!b Numb !i!r N!!l!lllU Client S l e ID 92102346-001 926052739 EW-2B Pace Analytics/ Ssrvlces, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28018 Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytica/Serv/css, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Mat;rix Date Coll!i!i;;Ug J;!l!!;li! Received Water 09/02/05 09:45 09/02/05 16:00 92102346-002 926052747 EW-2B-DISSOLVED Water 09/02/05 09:45 09/02/05 16:00 Asheville Certjfjcatjon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 Fl NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduCEd, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ~z2} ff/l..K:JdU1 Charlotte Certification ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water -37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 ~AnalytKAJr , www.pacelabs.oom Lab Sample No: 926052739 Client Sample ID: EW-2B Parameters 48 Hour N03 / N02 / NOX Nitrate as N Nitrite as N Phosphate, Ortho Orthophosphate as P Sulfate,Turbidimetric Sulfate Re1ult1 Units Method: EPA 353.2 66. mg/1 ND mg/1 Method: EPA 365.2 ND mg/1 Method: EPA 375,2 ND mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 d Method: EPA 405.1 BOD, 5 day ND mg/1 Chemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Langelier Index Langelier Index Date: 09/16/05 Method: EPA 410.4 52. mg/1 Method: -2.54 Pace Analytical Services, Im:. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704.815.9092 Fax: 104.875.9091 Pace Analytical Ssrvlces, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.1176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Nlllllber: 92102346 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Project Sample Nlllllber: 92102346-001 Matrix: Water Date Collected: 09/02/05 09:45 Date Received: 09/02/05 16:00 Repo rt Limit -~An=a=-l y,_,z=e=d~~B.,y ___ C~M~-B-9~i _ gy_u_ ReqLmt 0.60 0.10 09/03/05 09:05 ARH 09/03/05 09:05 ARH 0.050 09/02/05 23:15 BMF 5.0 09/10/05 01:00 BMF 2.0 09/03/05 06:30 TMR 25. 09/07/05 05:15 BMF 09/16/05 EWS Paga: 2 of 22 AsheviUeCertijjcation IDs NC Wastewater 40 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC DrinKlng Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP EB7648 This report shall not be reproduced. except In full, wtthout the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. •• ~c_,,., ~~-6~ ff{I.JtlaL)\ NC Drinking Water 37706 S.C 99006 FL NELAP £87627 ~Analyticar ·. www.~bs.com Lab Sample No: 926052747 Client Sample ID: EW-2B-DISSOLVED Parameters Results Metals Pace Analytical S1rrlcn, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704 .875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Pace Analytlt:al .Servlcss, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Project Sample Number: 92102346-002 Matrix: Water Date Collected: 09/02/05 09:45 Date Received: 09/02/05 16:00 Units Re port Limi t -~An-a=-l y..,z=e~4~~B..,y ___ C=A_S~HP-,~-Oual · ~ Dissolved Metals, ICP, Trace Iron, Dissolved Prep/Method: EPA 200.7 / EPA 200.7 ND mg/1 0.050 09/14/05 21:04 ALV 7439-89-6 Manganese, Dissolved 0.078 mg/1 0.0050 09/14/05 21:04 ALV 7439-96-5 Date Digested 09/08/05 05:00 09/08/05 05:00 Date : 09/16/05 Ashevme Gertjfjcauon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF WORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ..... ~~~~,~-:-".~"~ lneko1 Charlotte Certification ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water -37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Pa!!9 : 3 of 22 ~Ana/yUcat . www.pacel8b$.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.815.9091 Lab Project Nwnber: 92102346 Pat:a Analytical Serrlces. Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 926058728 926058736 Paramet Units Magnesium mg/1 Manganese 1111J/l Potassium IIJIJ/l Sodium 1111J/l Total Hardness 1111J/l SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926058744 P rame e Aluminum Calcium Iron Magnesium Manganese ·Potassium Sodium Total Hardness Date : 09/16/05 Unit11 mg/1 mg/1 IIJIJ/l IIJIJ/l IIJIJ/l mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Asheville Certificatjo11 IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 926050378 Spike MS MSD MS MSD \ Rec Result Cone. Result Re11y,lt \Rec\~ Limits RPD 2.900 20.00 19 .20 19.90 82 85 70-130 4 0.00218 0.5000 0 .4470 0.4440 89 88 70-130 1 39.10 10.00 60.30 65.00 212 259 70-130 8 7196 10.00 7149 7700 0 5040 70-130 7 1365 132.30 1460 1535 72 128 70-130 5 926050014 DUP Max R!i!!!!!,U R!i!!!Ult Rfl2 RPD t'.QQQQ tH 0.2000 0.2100 7 25 8.500 9.000 5 25 0.2100 0.2300 10 25 0.8700 0.9300 6 25 0.01300 0. 01400 7 25 19.00 21.00 10 25 1300 1400 10 25 25.00 26.00 6 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Tnis report shall not be reproduced. except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc,. ,. u:e," ~ZJ:b~ ff(IJ.t2dL.l1 Charlotte Certification IDs NO Wastewater 12 NC DrinkingWater -37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Max m Footnotes 25 25 25 25 1 25 Page: 6 of 22 ;tZAnalyticat . www.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 136686 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.1 Associated Lab Samples: 926052739 METHOD BLANlt: 926054321 Associated Lab Samples: 926052739 Parameter :O:nit ■ Total Dissolved Solids mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926054339 Parameter Units Total Dissolved Solids mg/1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926054347 Parameter :O:nit11 Total Dissolved Solids mg/1 Data: 09/16/05 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Paee Analytical S1rvir:1s, lnr:. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28018 Par;s Analytlt:al Ssrvfr:,s, lnr;. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Nlimber1 92102346 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method: EPA 160.1 Analysis Description: Total Dissolved Solids Blank Result ND Spike Cone. 250.00 926040718 Result 780.0 Reporting Limit Footnotes 20. LCS LCS % Rec Result \ Rec Limits 224.0 90 80-120 DUP Max Result RPD RPD 770.0 2 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in lull, wHhout the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ,.JC(Df ~f5:.~::t. ill_~\ Footnotes FQOQUltH Charlotte Certification ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water •37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Paga, 8 of 22 ' a AnaMm. · . www.pacel8bs.oom QC Batch: 136687 QC Batch Method: EPA 310.1 Associated Lab Samples: SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926054354 Parame t er Alkalinity.Bicarbonate (CaCO3) Date: o,/16/05 926052739 units mg/1 Asheville Certffjca)jon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP 1:87648 Pace Analyllt:al Service,, lne. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersvi/Je, NC 28078 Pac, Analyt/,:a/ Ssrvlt:BB, Int:. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method: EPA 310.1 Analysis Description: Alkalinity, Bicarbonate 926027996 Result 600.0 DUP Result 600.0 RPl2 0 Max RPO 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except In tu§, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. •• ~c,,.., S:b~ frnaac11 Foo tnotes Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Orinking Water -37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Page: 9 of 22 a AflaMjcat , www.paceJabs.com QC Batch: 136695 QC Batch Method: BPA 405.1 Associated Lab Samples: 926052739 METHOD BLANK: 926054453 Associated Lab Samples: 926052739 Parame ter Uni ta BOD, 5 day mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926054461 Parameter Units BOD, 5 day mg/1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926054479 Pa r ame t er BOD, 5 day Date, 09/16/05 Units Asheville Certification I Os NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Analyt/al Servic,s, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone : 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Phone: 828.254. 7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method: BPA 405.1 Analysis Description: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 d Blank Result ND Spike LCS Reporting Limit Footnotes 2.0 LCS % Rec Cone. Result 198.00 207.0 ~ Limits Footnote• 105 Max 926050964 Re ult DUP Result RPD RPD Footnotes 300.0 300.0 0 2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, .t)°i~i:~ iznelaO\ Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 s.c 99006 FL NELAP €87627 Page , 12 of 22 ;!/aceAnalyticar ·. www.peoel8bs.oom QC Batch: 136735 QC Batch Method: EPA 150.1 Associated Lab Samples: SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926055591 Parameter pH Date: 09/16/05 926052739 Units Ullita Asheville Certjficatjon IDs NC Wastewater 40 NG Dlinking Water 37712 SC Environmentaf 99030 R. NELAP · E87648 Pac, Analytical S1rvicu, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pac, Analytical S1rvic11, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Ashevllle, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 104.815.9092 Fax: 104.815.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Phone: 828.254.1116 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method: EPA 150.1 Analysis Description: pH Max 926043936 Result DUP Result Rm RPD Footnotes 7.600 7.600 0 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In fuH, whhout the written consent of Pace Analytical Seivlces, Inc. ,,z.::t~ ffll.lt2c1L\l Charlotte Certiticatloa IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Page: 13 of 22 a Analyticar · www.pacelabs.oom QC Batch: 136779 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.2 Associated Lab Samples: METHOD BLANK: 926058108 Associated Lab Samples: Par &llleter Total Suspended solids LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parl!,!!l!lt1 r Total Suspended Solids SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926058124 P1u::111!1e tu Total Suspended Solids Date: 09/16/05 926052739 926052739 Unit s 926058116 Units mg/1 J;!nit li! mg/1 Ashevme certjjjcation tPs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Analytical Ssrvit:ss, lne. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pat:e Analytit:al Ssrvlcn, Int:. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method : EPA 160.2 Analysis Description: Total Suspended Solids Blank Re s ult ND Spike Cone. 250.00 926050949 l!,esyl t 14.00 Reporting Limit Footnotes 10. LCS LCS % Rec Result % Rec Limits 244.0 98 80-120 DUP llax RHult RP!;! RPD 16.00 11 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS . This report shall not Ile reproduced, except In full, without lhe written consent of Pac:e Anal)lllcal Services, Inc. ,.,c,,., ·neac-::,;:-~•t,, :: . -~ ~ \;; Footnotes Pooti!O tH Charlotte Certification tPs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water -37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Page: H of 22 a Ana/ytUt , www.pacel8bs.oom QC Batch: 136802 QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 Associated Lab Samples: METHOD BLANK: 926058850 Associated Lab Samples: Pa r amete r Nitrogen, Ammonia LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter Nitrogen, Ammonia MATRIX SPIKE: 926058876 Pi[lllllltU Nitrogen, Ammonia SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926058884 Par!!l!l e ter Nitrogen, Ammonia Date, 09/16/05 926052739 926052739 Units mg/1 926058868 Uni t 11 mg/1 ni t mg/1 Units '1111]/l Asheville Certifi cat ion IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 3TT12 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP EB7648 Pace Analytical Samcn, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pacs Analytinl Ssndc11, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 Analysis Description: Ammonia Blank Res ult ND Spike Cone. 1.000 926056847 Reporting Limit Footnotes 0 .10 LCS LCS % Rec Re 11 ult !..h£ Limits 0.9600 96 90-110 Spike IIS Footnot§I! MS % Rec Result Cone. Res y,lt % Rec~ Footnotes 1.469 1.000 3.103 163 926052721 DUP Max Resu U R111ylt lll2 RPO 1.200 1.200 1 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written corisent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1.0{;'{~¼_~ fnei.oi 75-125 3 Fo otnot!ill! Ghadotte Gertificatton ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 3TT06 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Paga, 11 of 22 a Analytlcat . .. www.paoeJab.s.com QC Batch: 136805 QC Batch Method: EPA 410.4 Associated Lab Sallples: 926052739 METHOD BLANK: 926058975 Associated Lab Samples: 926052739 Parameter Unit s Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926058983 Parameter ni Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/1 MATRIX SPIKE : 926058991 Pl!,rame ter Unitli! Cheaical Oxygen Demand 11YiJ/l SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926059007 Parameter :tmit11 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/1 Date : 09/16/05 Ashevme Certification ms NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Pace Analytical Servic,s, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pace Analytical Ssrvlcn, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone: 704 .875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project NUmber: 92102346 Phone: 828.254. 7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis ·Method: EPA 410.4 Analysis Description: Chemical Oxygen Demand Blank Result ND Spike Cone. 750.00 LCS Reporting Limi t 25. LCS Result % Rec 738.0 98 Footnotes % Rec Limits Footnotes 90-110 926052309 Spike MS MS % Rec Result .~ BH Yl.t %~~Footnote 774.0 1500.00 1484 926046574 DUP Max Re sult Ruult m . RPD 4500 4500 l 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. "'"'•• ' : ~ ~ !~ 47 75-125 3 Footnot!!S Charlotte Certification I Ps NG Wastewater . 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP £87627 Page: 18 of 22 aAnalyUa,J- -www.pacelabs.com QC Batch: 136979 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Associated Lab Samples: 926052739 METHOD BLANK: 926070459 Asaociated Lab Samples: 926052739 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/1 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 926070467 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/1 MATRIX SPIKE: 926070491 Pa ter J;!nits Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 926070509 fn!!!Mter J;!nits Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/1 Data: 09/16/05 Asheville Certjjjcatjon IPs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP EB7648 Pace Analytical Servlcn, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Pa~ Analytical Servlcss, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Ashevi/18, NC 28804 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Phone.· 704.875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Phone : 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Blank Result ND Spike Cone. 10.00 Reporting Limit Fo otnotes 0.50 LCS LCS \ Rec Re ult ~ Limits Footnotes 10.08 101 90-110 9260.42078 Spika MS MS % Rec RHUlt ~ RHult , Rec~ Footnotes 1.290 10.00 10.10 926042086 DUP Max Result Res :y lt Rm RPD 38.00 44.00 14 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, wHhout the written consent o1 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. /i]j7i}. ,!llt1d\.\t BB 75-125 Footnote!! Charlotte CertiUcalioa ms NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Page, 19 of 22 ,?eAnalyticaf I __Jaci WWW.pecootbs.oom QUALITY CONTROL DATA PARAMETER FOOTNOTES Pace Ana/ytlcal Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville. NC 28078 Phone: 704 .875.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Lab Project Number: 92102346 Pai:e Ana/ytlcal Serr/en, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254. 7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 Client Project ID: Corpud Aquifer Test Consistent with .EPA guidelines, unrounded concentrations are displayed and have been used to calculate\ Rec and RPD values. LCS(D) Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP Sample Duplicate ND Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit NC Not Calculable J Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit MDL Adjusted Method Detection Limit RPO Relative Percent Difference Ill Due to matrix interference the matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate do not provide reliable values. Sa11ple results for this QC batch accepted based on LCS and/or LCSD \ Recovery and/or RPD values. (2] Oxygen usage is less than 2.0 mg/L for all dilution ■ ■et. The reported value is .an estimated less thil,n value and is calculated for the dilution using the most amount of sample. [3] The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for _the MS and /or MSD due to matrix interference. The LCS and/or LCSD were within acceptance limits showing that the laboratory is in control and the data is acceptable. Date: D9/16/05 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Environmental 99030 FL NELAP E87648 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, wtthout the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ~£{~~ ff/JJt:JcL\\ Page: 22 of 22 Charlotte certification ms NC _wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water -37706 SC 99006 Fl NELAP £87627 DRAFT Analysis of Groundwater Capture by Proposed Remedial Wellfields City of Raleigh Biosolids Application Fields January 25, 2005 Eric G. Lappala, P.E. A dvocacy ➔So und Science ➔ lnnovatJ°on -11> Solutions 4005 Lake Springs Court Raleigh, NC 27613 DRAFT Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Purpose and Objective ........................................................................................ 3 1.2 Approach ............................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................... 3 2 Pumping Rate Estimation ........................................................................................... 4 3 Updated Groundwater Transport Model.. ................................................................... 6 4 Capture Analysis ......................................................................................................... 8 List of Figures Figure 1.--Drawdown vs Pumping Rate ............................................................................ 5 Figure 2.--Water level calibration check of updated model. ............................................. 7 Figure 3.--Captured pathlines from fields 50, 60, and 500 .............................................. 10 Figure 4.--Captured pathlines from fields 74 and 75 ....................................................... 11 List of Tables Table 1.--Location, depth, open intervals, and yield of simulated groundwater interception wells ................................................................................................................ 9 11 DRAFT 2 Pumping Rate Estimation The groundwater flow model used for this study (MODFLOW) computes the head in the 33 ft x 33 ft square grid cell in which the well is located, it does not extrapolate the head to the radius of the well screen or gravel pack. Consequently the maximum sustainable pumping rate, Q that would not produce drawdown, s greater than the depth of the well screen was estimated using solutions to the Theis equation for a confined aquifer: s =_Q_W(u) 41lT Where: s = drawdown at distance, r and time, t ; W(u) = The Theis Well function; r 2 S U=-· 4Tt' S = Storage Coefficient, L0 ; T= Transmissivity of the aquifer, L2/T =K*b K = Hydraulic conductivity, LIT; and b = Thickness of aquifer. (1) This equation was used to approximate the steady state drawdown because solutions for drawdown in an unconfined aquifer approach the Theis solution for long pumping times with S equal to the specific yield of the aquifer. A pumping time of 10,000 days was used for the analysis. The value of Tin equation 1 was taken as the sum of layers 2 and 3 from the CSA groundwater flow model: Where Ki = hydraulic conductivity oflayer i; and bi = thickness of layer i. To be conservative in well yield design a value ofT of 10 ft/day was also evaluated. Figure 1 shows the drawdown vs distance solution to equation 1 for pumping rates of 1.5, 2, and 3 gallons per minute. From this analysis extraction well pumping rates to achieve capture cannot likely exceed 3 gallons per minute without causing drawdown that may be in excess of well depths. 4 DRAFT 4 Capture Analysis The updated groundwater flow model was used to assess the likely spacing and minimum steady state pumping rates necessary to capture groundwater flow in five areas. These areas are those where nitrates have likely moved on to property not owned or controlled by CORPUD before being discharged to the Neuse River or its major Beddingfield Creek. The five areas are downgradient of fields 50, 60, 500, 74, and 75. Capture of groundwater migrating from these fields was simulated by placing particles in lines across each field, or in some cases by placing a particle in the center of every model cell where a field was located. Particles were placed in all layers. Pathlines traced out by each particle were then computed using the U.S. Geological Survey MODPATH code. MODPATH computes pathlines based upon the hydraulic head distribution that is determined with the U.S. Geological Survey MODFLOW code used for the CSA and SSA. All model components were run with the commercial modeling shell, Visual MODFLOW™. Capture analyses runs with the updated model were made using extraction well spacing of 100 and 200 feet, and pumping rates ranging from 1.5 to 3 gallons per minute each. Adequate capture was achieved using a well spacing of generally 100 ft and pumping rates of 2 to 3 gallons per minute. The close well spacing and low pumping rates are required to achieve adequate capture and to keep all pathways on CORPUD property. Table 1 shows the simulated depth, screened interval and pumping rates for each of the extraction wells. The capture analysis results are shown on Figures 2 and 3. The depths shown in Table 1 are based upon the layer depths and thicknesses in conceptual and numerical groundwater flow model. The pumping rates were determined to be he lowest amount to achieve adequate capture so as to minimize the amount of water that the remedial program will have to dispose of. The design depths and pumping rates should be based upon field-specific well logs and pumping tests. 8 Project Number: Project Name: Calculation By: Subject: Checked By: Assum ptions: Desig n Calculations: APPENDIX D-1 10724-005-0004 Revised Corrective Action Plan Amal Keskar Recovery Well Pumps and Pump Station Hydraulic Design Nanjun V. Shetty Page 2 of 14 Date: 11 /30/05 Date: 11 /30/05 to that pressure drop. The diameter of the pipe can then be determined as follows: where, D = 2 x (QNp)°-5 D Q V = = = Diameter of Pipe (ft) Volumetric Flow Rate in Pipe in cubic feet per second (ft'/s) Bulk Velocity of the Fluid in feet per second (ft/s) Once the pipe size is determined then the total head at the pump outlet can be determined from . the Bernoulli equation. The pump can then be specified from tables or pump design curves. • The fluid being pumped is incompressible. • Kinetic losses due to changes in velocity are negligible. The design calculations for the recovery well pumps and the pump station pumps were based on the following -design criteria: • Based on the aquifer pumping tests (refer to Section 1.6 of the revised corrective action plan [CAP]), a sustained yield from the recovery wells is anticipated to be 2 gallons per minute (2 gpm). The design is based on an average yield of 3 gpm per recovery well (that includes a 50 percent factor of safety [FOS]). • The depth of recovery well farthest from the pump station is estimated to be 55 feet below ground surface (bgs); • The friction losses -in the collection lines and in the force main were calculated using the proposed layout of the recovery well system and the force main (as depicted in Figure 2-2 of the revised CAP and in the Design Drawings). The head loss through the piping was estimated using Hazen William's Equation for 'Flow through Pipes' (Hydraulic Analysis of Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association [DIPRA]) as shown below: Project Number: Project Name: Calculation By: Subject: Checked By: APPENDIX D-1 1·012+005-0004 Page 3 of 14 Revised Corrective Action Plan Amol Keskar Date: 11/30/05 Recovery Well Pumps and Pump Station Hydraulic Design Nanjun V. Shetty Date: 11/30/05 HL = 1 000*[(V/0.115*C*(d"0.63))"1.852] Where, HL = Head Loss {feet per 1,000 feet [ft/1000 ft]) V = Velocity of flow (feet per second) C = Flow coefficient (C factor) D = Actual inside diameter of the pipe {inches) • Parallel pipe flow was assumed for lateral pipes from recovery wells and the main collection pipe (trunk line). The recovery well submersible pumps are designed for the highest Total Dynamic Head (TDH) which will be for the pump in well RW-1. • The change in elevation in the piping system was approximately estimated using the Site topographic map and the proposed layout of the piping system. A schematic of the proposed layout of the piping system from the recovery wells is attached with this Appendix. The design calculations for the pump station pumps and the force main were based on the following design criteria: • The force main will be a 6-inch ductile iron (DI) pipe as required by the City of Raleigh sanitary sewer requirements. • The design influent (extracted groundwater) flow rate into the pump station wet well is estimated to be 87 gpm (29 wells at 3 gpm per well). The design discharge flow rate from the pump station will be 100 gpm. The pumps for the pump station are designed to pump at a rate of 100 gpm (which includes 15 percent FOS). • The wet well for the pump station will be a · pre-cast concrete structure, 5 feet in inside diameter and approximately 12 feet deep. • It is assumed that the two pumps of the pump station will typically operate as lead and lag pumps and will be set on a timed alternating cycle. The pumps will operate in parallel when required as determined by the water level in the wet well. Project Number: Project Name: Calculation By: Subject: Checked By: Selection of Pum ps APPENDIX D-1 10724-005-0004 Revised Corrective Action Plan Arnot Keskar Recovery Well Pumps and Pump Station Hydraulic Design Nanjun V. Shetty Page 4 of 14 Date: 11 /30/05 Date: 11 /30/05 • The friction losses in the force main were calculated using the proposed layout of the force main (as depicted in Figure 2-2 and in the Design Drawings). The head loss through the piping was estimated using Hazen William's Equation for 'Flow through Pipes' • The changes in elevation in the force main were approximately estimated using the Site topographic map and the proposed layout of the force main. The elevation changes of the recovery well collection lines and the force main are depicted in the Plan and Profile Sheets No. 7 and 8 of the Design Drawings. A schematic of the proposed layout of the force main from the pump station is attached with this Appendix. The equivalent length calculations that account for the various fittings (e.g., tees, 90 ° elbows etc.) were done using the coefficients as provided in the book, Cameron Hydraulic Data, Edited by C. C. Heald. The attached spreadsheets show the calculations for the friction losses for various sections of the collection piping and TDH required for the recovery well pumps and the pumps for the pump station. The pumps were specified for the TOH using pump design curve and/or table or some similar information supplied by the pump manufacturers. Recovery Well Submersible Pumps Based on the hydraulic design calculations, the recovery well pumps shall be capable of operating at a flow rate of 3 gpm under a TDH of 169 feet of water column. Based on these design parameters, a Grundfos electric submersible pump 5E12, with a 0.5 horsepower motor is selected for the recovery wells. The performance curve for this pump is included in this Appendix. Pump Station Centrifugal Pumps Based on the hydraulic design calculations, the pumps for the pump station shall be capable of operating at a discharge flow rate of 100 gpm under a TOH of 128 feet of water column. Based on these design parameters, two non-clog centrifugal pumps (Model No. 4C3B) with a 20 horsepower motor are selected for the pump station. These pumps were selected as recommended by Smith & Loveless, Inc., who will provide the pump station package. The performance curve for this pump is included in this Appendix. A conceptual layout of the pump station is including in this Appendix and details of the pump stations are indicated in the Design Drawings. ' • ;-: ii ; !i' !I .. I ·.,~ 170 ~==~~5::.i:i:i:H:P..:ttttt~~r.tttttttttttttt:tn::tt!:;~~ir.t:~:e:t:l~~~~ 180 1~';~ .a. . ~~l1Lffim :. n: · ~: ~J J '." Y Ifl lfl' lif!··tt~ u-;itt !fg!JffLf 1tr!1 -~i6e1~03e WET WE~~ PUMP STATION . NON-:CLOG PUMP CONSTANT SPEED PERFORMANCE · 1760 RPM . S4MJ2 IMPEll£R l Rll Hi! '9 I :;o J!l mu : · · i. . J ~ Ill i!!l u • • .:. ~,/ f!li.!'i ' t MAXIMUM souo -~ SPHERE ISO B::; • ·-•• . . . .. 50 -,11J , ' Hi mrtJ.H ;J -i;::.µ ~-~ 4'IJ ·I . . i;:; :: :. h ~ f ff?'~, . . • H II -1a-. ~fl !Li Hjl" ( ..: ' -~J • . 1-I 60 . ,Hflt ~.J ,. •i.; ,-lu.. ~ ;:.it , . .;. l+,co l!ll .;., . ....., . ~i:::11 ~-= ♦il:r.' ...... ~1~r-;1· -~ ~= ;: . ~ C ~rl• ' :-"11 63 ·.., II~ I( , ••. ir-. 0 ~= w,,.r , .•• ·; •• ..,;.,,,. Fi, ·111 ''" -... .... , •. -1U'l'I -...:;: ...... '• .... 1 t1: 11 ::.i--:.· ·--~ .• ·.1 • --J••·· 'i ..., ~, ... ,., ·-... ~ •. ',!~="' -·· . • -,-··~ 1 :~: :-:. : ~ . · · ~-. -l~I tm ~ :.~jl~~·"''Jlrnl' fril r-·~'C ~,-;ii LU".' m· . u::_ ~~-~ OU AL~CURVED VOLUTE =2~---~ . . ..... rl::. ::-,!!:!_Hl~'!L.l tr.: 1,5. ~ _C,,0 .-~, = . • · · · . . 1 .! •.r.• I' r 71 T=l"i'-,, • 11.1.:--_,_ ~ ~ 0 • J1 ''-'-•=•l"-'I t:I:m = ! ~~-;~ .. ~~----.~*. -•. 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I ·...r.ai::::.: J GB .. 0 .. ~~EJ )C en C .,.m.,_ • . ,...a, UGI . ~"" ca-. Ila .. .~ o,il en= ~o -=-- "':- •· -•--~-••I ~ ~.:.;;:::.:~ 4: .••. --"'--. -o_ -. ~ ...... ,.,.. --...... ::!9• ,!"'~ •• • n • ... . ... -.............. _ ~ !• -. .. • cA O •-· ; ;"'J ;: = ",. . .. -·· .. A C ,_ ...... ~ tp ~ c-, 5 o t = ~ ~ !: Project Number: Project Name: Calculation By: Subject: Checked By: Assumptions: Design Calculations: APPENDIX D-1 10724-005-0004 Revised Corrective Action Plan Amol Keskar Recovery Well Pumps and Pump Station Hydraulic Design Nanjun V. Shetty Page 2 of 14 Date: 11/30/05 Date: 11 /30/05 to that pressure drop. The diameter of the pipe can then be determined as follows: where, D =2x(0Np)°-5 D Q V = = = Diameter of Pipe {ft) Volumetric Flow Rate in Pipe in cubic feet per second (fr/s) Bulk Velocity of the Fluid in feet per second (ft/s) Once the pipe size is determined then the total head at the pump outlet can be determined from .the Bernoulli equation. The pump can then be specified from tables or pump design curves. • The fluid being pumped is incompressible. • Kinetic losses due to changes in velocity are negligible. The design calculations for the recovery well pumps and the pump station pumps were based on the following design criteria: • Based on the aquifer pumping tests (refer to Section 1.6 of the revised corrective action plan [CAP]), a sustained yield from the recovery wells is anticipated to be 2 gallons per· minute {2 gpm). The design is based on an average yield of 3 gpm per recovery well (that includes a 50 percent factor of safety [FOS]). · • The depth of recovery well farthest from the pump station is estimated to be 55 feet below ground surface (bgs); • The friction losses ·in the collection lines and in the force main were calculated using the proposed layout of the recovery well system and the force main (as depicted in Figure 2-2 of the revised CAP and in the Design Drawings). The head loss through the piping was estimated using Hazen William's Equation for 'Flow through Pipes' (Hydraulic Analysis of Ductile Iron Pipe, Ductile lrori Pipe Research Association [DIPRA]) as shown below: Project Number: Project Name: Calculation By: Subject: Checked By: APPENDIX D-1 10724-005-0004 Page 3 of 14 Revised Corrective Action Plan Amol Keskar Date: 11 /30/05 Recovery Well Pumps and Pump Station Hydraulic Design Nanjun V. Shetty Date: 11/30/05 HL = 1 000*[(V/0.115*C*(dA0.63))A1.852] Where, HL = Head Loss (feet per 1,000 feet [ft/1000 ft]) V = Velocity of flow (feet per second) C = Flow coefficient (C factor) D = Actual inside diameter of the pipe (inches) • Parallel pipe flow was assumed for lateral pipes from recovery wells and the main collection pipe (trunk line). The recovery well submersible pumps are designed for the highest Total Dynamic Head (TOH) which will be for the pump in well RW-1. • The change in elevation in the piping system was approximately estimated using the Site topographic map and the proposed layout of the piping system. A schematic of the proposed layout of the piping system from the recovery wells · is attached with this Appendix. The design calculations for the pump station pumps and the force main were based on the following design criteria: • The force main will be a 6-inch ductile iron (DI) pipe as required by the City of Raleigh sanitary sewer requirements. • The design influent (extracted groundwater) flow rate into the pump station wet well is estimated to be 87 gpm (29 wells at 3 gpm per well). The design discharge flow rate from the pump station will be 100 gpm. The pumps for the pump station are designed to pump at a rate of 100 gpm (which includes 15 percent FOS). • The wet well for the pump station will be a pre-cast concrete structure, 5 feet in inside diameter and approximately .12 feet deep. • It is assumed that the two pumps of the pump station will typically operate as lead and lag pumps and will be set on a timed alternating cycle. The pumps will operate in parallel when required as determined by the water level in the wet well. Project Number: Project Name: Calculation By: Subject: Checked By: Selection of Pumps APPENDIX D-1 10724-005-0004 Revised Corrective Action Plan Amal Keskar Recovery Well Pumps and Pump Station Hydraulic Design Nanjun V. Shetty Page 4 of 14 Date: 11 /30/05 Date: 11 /30/05 • The friction losses in the force main were calculated using the proposed layout of the force main (as depicted in Figure 2-2 and in the Design Drawings). The head loss through the piping was estimated using Hazen William's Equation for 'Flow through Pipes' • The changes in elevation in the force main were approximately estimated using the Site topographic map and the proposed layout of the force main. The elevation changes of the recovery well collection lines and the force main are depicted in the Plan and Profile Sheets No. 7 and 8 of the Design Drawings. A schematic of the proposed layout of the force main from the pump station is attached with this Appendix. The equivalent length calculations that account for the various fittings (e.g., tees, 90 ° elbows etc.) were done using the coefficients as provided in the book, Cameron Hydraulic Data, Edited by C. C. Heald. The attached spreadsheets show the calculations for the friction losses for various sections of the collection piping and TOH required for the recovery well pumps and the pumps for the pump station. The pumps were specified for the TOH using pump design curve and/or table or some similar information supplied by the pump manufacturers. Recovery Well Submersible Pumps Based on the hydraulic design calculations, the recovery well pumps shall be capable of operating at a flow rate of 3 gpm under a TOH of 169 feet of water column. Based on these · design parameters, a Grundfos electric submersible pump 5E12; with a 0.5 horsepower motor is selected for the recovery wells. The performance curve for this pump is included in this Appendix. Pump Station Centrifugal Pumps Based on the hydraulic design calculations, the pumps for · the pump station shall be capable of operating at a discharge flow rate of 100 gpm under a TOH of 128 feet of water column. Based on these design parameters, two non-clog centrifugal pumps (Model No. 4C3B) with a 20 horsepower motor are selected for the pump station. These pumps were selected as recommended by Smith & Loveless, Inc., who will provide the pump station package. The performance curve for this pump is included in this Appendix. A conceptual layout of the pump station is . including in this Appendix and details of the pump stations are indicated in the Design Drawings. t .. ,. ' .. ;r ; J i . ,JI • • • l7Q l~~~~~~~~~M+M#Ul4,..:;.*.l~~~~~~:..:+:,.l~~W,.:,:J,:.u., · · • t I , I u·· lfi• •,-•: It-..: m: iijt: ~ f!;• ·lj:·. ~tHfijf Fl'. · -tf.P 1~fF , . · . I. · -, , ,, l n I ' ;J ~.: !1,:_, h~: {OHJ~ : : ~ . . -r •,I! ~n=ru ··{m: Hil · ~. 1-'+J'._lo.j . · _.. · , . ' . . • · · l' : ;{. -•· • tt_ .(f!I] ' . . ll ,so,-r,~-s-=-~-. ·-·· . --. · , ~ ·. -· .· . 1:z; u,.:::i· _, mHr;, • tifl kt:t O ~ ,_ ,. . 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"T) ' Ill ;__ f.3 .c AK, Anchorage MA, Air Laboratory PA, Pittsburgh (907) 561-5700 (978) 772-2345 (412) 261-2910 AK, Fairbanks MA, Sagamore Beach SC, Columbia /NTERNAT/ONAL (907) 452-5700 (508) 888-3900 (803) 216-0003 AL, Birmingham MA, Westford TX, Dallas (205) 980-0054 (978) 589-3000 (972) 509-2250 AL, Florence MA, Woods Hole TX, Houston (256) 767-1210 (508) 457-7900 (713) 520-9900 CA, Alameda MD, Columbia VA, Chesapeake (510) 748-6700 (410) 884-9280 (757) 312-0063 CA, Camarillo ME, Portland WA, Redmond (805) 388-3775 (207) 773-9501 (425) 881-7700 CA, Sacramento Ml, Detroit WI, Green Bay (916) 362-7100 (269) 385-4245 (920) 884-1093 CA, Santa Ana MN, Minneapolis WI, Milwaukee (949) 756-2667 (952} 924-0117 (262) 523-2040 CO, Ft. Collins NC, Charlotte Headquarters (970) 493-8878 (704) 529-1755 MA, Westford Ft. Collins Tox Lab NC, Raleigh (978) 589-3000 (970) 416-0916 (919} 872-6600 Azerbaijan CT, Stamford NH, Gilford Belgium (203) 323-6620 (603) 524-8866 Bolivia CT, Willington NJ, Piscataway Brazil Canada (860) 429-5323 (732) 981-0200 China FL, St. Petersburg NY, Albany France (727) 577-5430 (518) 453-6444 Germany FL, Tallahassee NY, Rochester Ireland (850) 385-5006 (585) 381-2210 Italy Japan GA, Norcross NY, Syracuse Malaysia (770) 381-1836 (315) 432-0506 Philippines IL, Chicago NY, Syracuse Air Lab Thailand (630) 836-1700 (315) 434-9834 Turkey IL, Collinsville OH, Cincinnati United Kingdom (618) 344-1545 (513) 772-7800 Venezuela LA, Baton Rouge PA, Langhorne www.ensr.com (225) 298-1206 (215) 757-4900 Celebrating Over 35 Years of Excellence in Environmental Services BKCVdom_06_05.qxd • APPENDIX D-1 PIPE Flow Rate PIPE DIAMETER SECTION GPM (inches) Discharge· Hose-Top 3 1 Top of Well-A 3 1 A-B 3 2 B-C 6 2 C-D 9 2 D-E 12 2 E-F 15 2 F-G 18 2 G-H ·21 2 H-1 24 2 I-Manifold 24 2 Manifold -Wet Well 87 4 DISCHARGE HEAD Friction losses 31 Elevation Head 5. 105 DISCHARGE HEAD = 136 SUCTION HEAD Suction Lift 0 Friction losses 5 SUCTION HEAD 5 TOTAL DESIGN HEAD = 141 Factor of Safety (20%) 28 TOTAL DESIGN HEAD= 169 NOTES: RECOVERY WELLS -PIPING HYDRAULICS ANO TOTAL DESIGN. HEAD CALCULATIONS Groundwater Remediation City of Raleigh PubJic Utilities Department {CORPUD) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina PIPE NO. OF FITTINGS (FOR EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALC.)2 EQUIVALENT TOTALEQ. VELOCITY LENGTH 1 (ft) Check Valve Globe Valve 45 EL 90EL "T'' RUN "T" SIDE LENGTH(ft) 1 LENGTH (ft) ft/sec 60.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2.62 63 1.23 15.0 2 0 0 2 0 0 28.84 44 1.23 105.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13.74 119 0.31 105.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13.74 119 0.61 105.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13.74 119 0.92 105.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13.74 119 1.23 105.0 0 0 0 1 1 1 18.94 124 1.53 105.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13.74 119 1.84 120.0 0 0 0 1 1 1 18.94 139 2.15 300.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5.20 30 5 2.45 1200.0 2 0 0 4 0 0 67.20 1267 2.45 15.0 0 1 0 4 0 0 154.4 16 9.4 2.22 ft. of WC (includes a 10% factor of safety [FOS] in the Total Loss) ft. of WC ft. ofwc ft. ofwc No suction lift since the pump is submersed. ft. Of WC As recommended by the manufacturer with a FOS. ft. ofwc ft. ofwc (Total Design Head= Discharge Head+ Suction Head) ft. Of WC ft. of WC 1 = Pipe Lengths have been estimated by dividing the piping layout into separate sections for estimating friction losses. ACTUAL PIPE DIAMETER4 (inches) 0.96 0.96 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 3.83 2 = Equivalent lengths for fittings and valves and unit friction loss were obtained from Cameron Hydraulic Data, Edited by C.C. Heald, 19th Edition, Flowserve. 3 = Friction Headloss Calculations are based on Hazen-Williams Equation for Flow through Pipes. HL = 1000*(V/0.115*C*(d0 ·63))1·852 (Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association [DIPRA)). HL = Head Loss; V = Velocity of Flow; d = Actual Inside Diameter; C = Flow Coefficient (C Factor}; For a PVC .pipe!, C Factor= 140. 4 = Actual Inside Diameter of the Pipe is for a Schedule 80 PVC Pipe. 5 = It is assumed that the submersible pump in the well RW-1 farthest away from the pump station will be set at approximately 55 ft below ground surface (bgs). Based on the topographic map, the elevation of the well RW-1 is approximately 160 ft. The elevation of the wet well in the pump station is 21 O ft. Therefore the elevation difference between the submersed pump in RW-1 and the wet well is 2'10-(160-55} = 105 ft. GPM ~ gallons per minute ft= feet ft/sec = feet per second wc = water column Friction Loss 3 Total Loss (ft per 1000 ft) per Section 8.938 0.56 8.938 0.39 0.301 0.04 1.086 0.13 2.302 0.27 3.921 0.47 5.928 0,73 8.309 0.99. 11.055 1.54 14.156 4.32 14.156 17.94 5.338 0.90 Total Loss = 28 Page 7 of 14 APPENDIX D-1 PIPE SECTION Pump at Pump Station-A A-8 8-C C-D D-E E-F F-G G-H H-1 1-J J-K K-L L-M M-N N-O O-P P-Q Q-R R-S S-T T-U U-V V-W W-X X-Y Y-Z Z-AA AA-AB AB-AC AC-AD AD -8" Sewer Line DISCHARGE HEAD Friction losses Elevation Head5 DISCHARGE HEAD = SUCTION HEAD Suction Lift6 Friction .losses SUCTION HEAD Flow Rate GPM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TOT AL DESIGN HEAD = Factor of Safety (20%) TOTAL DESIGN HEAD = PIPE PIPE DIAMETER LENGTH 1 4 40.0 6 100.0 6 350.0 6 300.0 6 200.0 6 5o.o · 6 250.0 6 500.0 6 800.0 6 450.0 6 250.0 6 450.0 6 100.0 6 300.0 6 500.0 6 200.0 6 200.0 6 100.0 6 400.0 6 500.0 6 250.0 6 650.0 6 1100.0 6 250.0 6 150.0 6 550.0 6 1850.0 6 600.0 6 300.0 6 400.0 6 450.0 16 ft. of WC 73 ft. of WC 89 ft. Of WC 13 ft. Of WC 5 ft. of WC 18 ft. of WC 106 ft. Of WC 21 ft. Of WC 128 ft. Of WC FORCE MAIN -PIPING HYDRAULICS AND TOTAL DESIGN HEAD CALCULATIONS Groundwater Remediation City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina NO. OF FITTINGS (FOR EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALC.)2 EQUIVALE NT Check Valve Globe Valve 45 EL 90EL "T"RUN "T''. SIDE LENGTH(ft)1 3 0 0 3 0 '.0 165.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 45.30 0 0 2 0 0 0 16.20 0 0 3 0 0 0 24.30 0 0 1 0 0 0 8.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3 0 0 0 24.30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3 0 0 0 24.30 0 0 2 0 0 0 16.20 0 0 3 0 0 0 24.30 0 0 1 0 0 0 8.10 0 0 1 0 0 0 8.10 0 0 1 0 0 0 8.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1 0 0 0 8.10 0 0 2 0 0 0 16.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 31.30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2 0 0 0 16.20 0 0 5 0 0 0 40.50 0 0 5 0 0 0 40.50 0 0 2 0 0 0 16.20 0 0 4 0 0 0 32.40 0 0 10 0 0 0 81.00 0 0 4 0 .0 0 32.40 0 0 1 2 0 0 38.30 0 0 4 0 0 0 32.40 0 0 2 3 0 0 61.50 (includes a 25% factor of safety [FOS] in the Total Loss) As recommended by the manufacturer of pump station with a FOS. (Total Design Head= Discharge Head+ Suction Head) TOTALEQ. LENGTH (ft) 206 100 395 316 224 58 . 250 524 800 474 266 474 108 308 508 200 208 116 400 531 250 666 1141 291 166. 582 1931 632 338 432 512 f>AGt E lo oF 14 ACTUAL VELOCITY PIPE Friction Loss3 Total Loss DIAMETER4 ft/sec (inches) (ft per 1 000 ft) oer Section 2.55 4.30 6.029 1.24 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.09 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.34 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.27 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.19 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.05 1.14 6.28 .0.863 0.22 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.45 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.69 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.41 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.23 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.41 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.09 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.27 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.44 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.17 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.18 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.10 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.35 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.46 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.22 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.57 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.98 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.25 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.14 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.50 1.14 6.28 0.863 1.67 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.55 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.29 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.37 1.14 6.28 0.863 0.44 Total Loss= 12.64 APPENDIX D-1 NOTES: FORCE MAIN -PIPING HYDRAULICS AND TOTAL DESIGN HEAD CALCULATIONS Groundwater Remediation City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Raleigh, North Carolina 1 = Pipe Lengths have been estimated by dividing the layout of the Force Main into sections based on the changes in the profile for estimating friction losses. 2 = Equivalent lengths for fittings and valves and unit friction loss were obtained from Cameron Hydraulic Data, Edited by C.C. Heald, 19th Edition, Flowserve ... 3 = Friction Headless Calculations are based on Hazen-Williams Equation for Flow through Pipes. 4 = Actual Inside Diameter of the Pipe is based on information available on the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Assocation website (www.dipra.org) 5 = Based on the topographic map, the elevation of the Pump station pump is approximately 21 O ft. The elevation of the highest point along the force main is 283 ft. Therefore the elevation difference between the pump station pump and the highest point is 283-210 = 73 ft. 6 = The wet well of the pump station is approximately 12 feet deep. The low level pump tum off elevation is approximately 1.5 ft from the bottom. Therefore, the suction lift for the pump is 12 -1.5 = 10.5 ft. With a 20% Factor of Safety (FOS), the design suction lift is approximately 13 ft. GPM = gallons per minute · ft= feet ft/sec = feet per second . wc = water column Design Discharge Flow rate through the Pump Station is 100 gpm. P-A&t E 11 OF I 4