HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020567_Industrial User_20210802 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR V CHAIR Nicole Johnston JaaW a'��y Woody Faulk SECRETARY * * VICE-CHAIR Anita Darnell *13, Anita Darnell "1,�� BOARD OF DIRECTORS �e Ot Wayne V. Moore TREASURER l' Auto Victor Varela Wayne V. Moore Tommy Wheeler RECEIVED July 28, 2021 (3022021 VIA U.S. CERTIFIED MAIL And E-MAIL NC Department of Environmental Quality NCDEQIDWRINPDES Division of Water Resources Attn: Michael Montebello 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Mr. Montebello, The Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority(YVSA), NPDES Permit No: NC0020567, would like to request the termination of the Industrial User Permit(IUP)for the Significant Industrial User(SIU)Weyerhaeuser NR Company, IUP No: IWP002. YVSA was informed by the SIU that they were not going to renew their permit in a letter dated July 2, 2021, and as the SIU has never released flow from their pretreatment system to YVSA's collection system, YVSA is on agreement to discontinue the IUP. As further information, since enactment of the IUP the SIU has only released domestic wastewater to YVSA's collection system. With the installation and subsequent operation of the SIU's Reverse Osmosis (RO) pretreatment system, the SIU was able to re-use their treated industrial wastewater for internal purposes, thus eliminating the need to process through YVSA's wastewater treatment facility. Sincerely, )%rril-4,41.41*"--/ Nicole Johnston Executive Director Encl: SIU letter(1), close-out inspection (2) Cc: James Gonsiewski (via e-mail) Kristin Litzenberger(via e-mail) 500 NC Hwy 268 W—Elkin,NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819—www.yvsa.org—Fax: 336-835-9840 JUL 21 2021 `v] SUSTAINABLE Weyerhaeuser FORESTRY 524 Pridw Way,Elkin,NC 28621 July 2, 2021 Nicole Johnston Executive Director Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority 500 NC Highway 268 W Elkin, NC 28621 Subject: Industrial User Pretreatment Permit IWP002 Ms. Johnston, This letter is to inform you that Weyerhaeuser NR Co. in Elkin, North Carolina chose not to renew our Industrial User Pretreatment Permit IWP002. Our permit expired on December 31, 2020. Our permit states that the renewal application must be submitted 90 days prior to the expiration date. We chose not to renew this permit, as we stated in our February 3'2020 meeting. In our February 3, 2020 meeting, we informed Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority that we were going discontinue our IUP and continue sending our septic only. We discussed that since the requirements for our Industrial Wastewater were so stringent, that once we met those criteria, the water was suitable for re-use within our mill for make-up water for our Pollution Control Equipment. We (Weyerhaeuser) never utilized this permit or sent Industrial Wastewater to YVSA for processing. erely, 04.4;44.7.v. Dennis Atkinson Environmental Manager Weyerhaeuser NR Company 524 Pride Way Elkin,NC 28321 dennis.atkinson@weyerhaeuser.com Phone: 336-526-6437 SIU INSPECTION FORM Name of Industry: Weyerhaeuser NR Company IUP# IWP002 IUP Expiration Date: December 31, 2020 Industry Representatives: Title Dennis Atkinson Environmental Manager POTW Representatives: Title Dave Johnson Assistant Executive Director Alvin Hayes Supervisor/ORC Date of Inspection: 7/21/2021 Time of Inspection: 10:00 AM Purpose of Inspection: Annual Other ( Describe) Final Inspection - Verify no process wastewater POTW to which IU discharges YVSA- WWTP NPDES# NC0020567 Is SIU currently SNC? No If yes,for what? PART I - INITIAL INTERVIEW Has anything changed since the last inspection orIUP application in the following: COMMENTS Product No Raw Materials Used No Manufacturing processes Yes $30 million equipment upgrade thru 2021, to date Categorical if applicable No Production rate Yes Still working thru start up issues, learning new equipment/system Number of employees No Still 24/7 number of shifts No COMMENTS: PART 11 - PLANT TOUR-Visit all areas where wastewater is generated or where there are drains to the POTW. 1. Are there floor drains in the production area? 2. Are production areas diked, contained, or otherwise constructed in such a way as to prevent harm to the WWTP, especially from spills or slugs? 3. Are the floor drains in the storage area? 4. Are storage tanks and areas diked, contained, or otherwise constructed in such a way to prevent harm to the WWTP, especially from spills or slugs? 5.Are process and storage tanks and pipes labeled? 6. How are off-spec raw materials, and products disposed of? 7. When is the production area cleaned? 8. Is the wastewater from cleaning the production area discharged to the POTW? 9. What non-process wastewaters are discharged to POTW? COMMENTS: The old septic tank system was disconnected from domestic sewer line in November 2020. No longer flows into lower pump station. Note-Septic tank was not emptied. PART II -Plant Tour Section B - PRETREATMENT SYSTEM Ask the operator to describe pretreatment system. 1. Does Operator seem knowledgable about the system? COMMENTS Operated by Pro Chem Inc. 2.Are all units operational? Yes 3. How often does operator/maintenance person check system? Daily 4. Is there an operator for aech shift? Yes 5. How and when is sludge disposed of? Mathis, approximately 25 tons per year. 6. Is there a schedule for preventative maintenance? COMMENTS: Visually verified that the RO system/ process wastewater is not connected to the sewer line. Valve to the line is shut off and pump is disabled (uncoupled) to the line that was originally installed to the sewer line. PART II -Plant Tour Section C-SAMPLING POINT(S)AND FLOW MEASUREMENT (Collect a sample if desired.) 1. Does an outside lab complete sampling? Lab(s) 2. If industry completes sampling, ask the industry representative to describe sampling procedures. 3. Is flow measurement equipment operational? 4. Is there a calibration log for the flow meter? COMMENTS: PART III - EXIT INTERVIEW Review monitoring records and other SIU records required by IUP. 1. Are files well organized? COMMENTS: 2. Are sample collection/chain-of-costody forms filled out properly? 3. Do results in files agree with reports sent to POTW? 4. Who has authority to shut down production should a spill or slug discharge occur? 5. How does SIU inform employees of whom to call at POTW in case of spill/slug? If slug/spill plan is already required by POTW, review procedures. 6. Is SIU implementing slug/spill pain? COMMENTS: INSPECTION RESULTS Slug/Spill Control Plan Needed? COMMENTS: Confirmed that process wastewater system is disconnected from domestic wastewater line, and that old septic system has also been disconnected. Signature of Inspector(s) Date: 141 /2o ( ..lee 4 -7 ��c Date: 7—.Y/ — ,2 / Date: Date: