HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000426_Hickory 2021 APPROVED SWMP_20210801NCS000426STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANCITY OF HICK 0 R YSTORMWATER MANAGEMENTC i T Y OF HI C K OR YHICJ^2£Y•al<?^S?[r.;. V/, !1 r,r;>;-rc Table of ContentsPARTl:E^TRODtrCTION.................«..»................................................................................................lPART 2: CERTIFICATION......................................................................................................................!PART 3: MS4 INFORMATION...............................................................................................................^3.1 Permitted MS4 Area......................................................................................................................33.2 Existing MS4 Mapping .................................................................................................................63.3 Receiving Waters ..........................................................................................................................63.4 MS4 Interconnection....................................................................................................................93.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)........................................................................................93.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat.......................................................... 103.7 Industrial Facility Discharges...................................................................................................... 103.8 Non-Stormwater Discharges .......................................................................................................113.9 Target Pollutants and Sources ..................................................................................................... 12Part 4: Stormwater Management Program ADMINISTRATION....................................................134.1 Organizational Structure............................................................................................................. 134.2 Program Funding and Budget.....................................................................................................154.3 Shared Responsibility..................................................................................................................164.4 Co-Permittees.............................................................................................................................. 174.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration ..........................................................................17PART 5: Public Education and Outreach Program...............................................................................l9Part 6: Public Involvement and Participation Program...„..„..........................................................25Part 7: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program............................................................28Part 8: Construction Site Runoff Control Program..................................,........................................^Part 9: Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program...................................................................36Part 10: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Programs....................................................46 List of TablesTable 1: Summary ofMS4 MappingTable 2: Summary ofMS4 Receiving WatersTable 3: Summary of Approved TMDLsTable 4; Summary of Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water QualityTable 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial FacilitiesTable 6: Non-Stormwater DischargesTable 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and SourcesTable 8: Summary of Responsible PartiesTable 9: Shared ResponsibilitiesTable 10: Co-Permittee Contact InformationTable 11: Program Administration BMPsTable 12: Summary of Target Pollutants & AudiencesTable 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPsTable 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPsTable 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPsTable 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control ProgramTable 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsTable ] 8: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control ProgramTable 19: Summary of Existing Post-Constructlon Program ElementsTable 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsTable 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs PART 1: INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to establish and define the means by whichthe City ofHickory will comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean WaterAct to meet the federal standard of reducing pollutants in stormwater runoffto the maximum extentpracticable.This SWMP identifies the specific elements and minimum measures that the City ofHickory willdevelop, implement, enforce, evaluate and report to the North Carolina Department of EnvironmentalQuality (NCDEQ) Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources (DEMLR) in order to comply withthe MS4 Permit number NCS000426, as issued by NCDEQ. This permit covers activities associated withthe discharge ofstormwater from the MS4 as owned and operated by the City ofHickory and locatedwithin the corporate limits of the City ofHickory.In preparing this SWMP, the City ofHickory has evaluated its MS4 and the permit requirements todevelop a comprehensive 5-year SWMP that will meet the community's needs, address local waterquality issues and provide the minimum measures necessary to comply with the permit. The SWMP willbe evaluated and updated annually to ensure that the elements and minimum measures it containscontinue to adequately provide for permit compliance and the community's needs.Once the SWMP is approved by NCDEQ, all provisions contained and referenced in this SWMP, alongwith any approved modifications of the SWMP, are incorporated by reference into the permit and becomeenforceable parts of the permit.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 1 PART 2: CERTIFICATIONBy my signature below I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments wereprepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person orpersons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, theinformation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility offines and imprisonment for knowing violations.I am also aware that the contents of this document shall become an enforceable part of the NPDES MS4Permit, and that both the Division and the Environmental Protection Agency have NPDES MS4 Permitcompliance and enforcement authority.I am a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.D I am a duly authorized representative and have attached the authorization made in writing by a principalexecutive officer or ranking elected official which specifies me as:D A specific individual having overall responsibility for stormwater matters.D A specific position havmg overall responsibility for stormwater matters.Signature'.Name:Title:Signed this[yU^V\/ourre^ Wbocfr(Wa^c^^p-^di^oZL.~y^ j-{\UCo^NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 2 PARTS: MS4 INFORMATION3.1 Permitted 1MS4 AreaThis SWMP applies throughout the corporate limits of the City ofHickoiy, including all regulatedactivities associated with the discharge ofstormwater from the MS4. The map shows the corporate limitsfor the City ofHickory as of the date of this document.The total area included within the City limits is 30.38 square miles. The area within the Extra TerritorialJurisdictional (ETJ) area is 18.43 sq. miles. Therefore the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4)service area is 30.38 sq. miles, and thejurisdictional area is 48.81square miles.NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 3 This page left blank intentionallyNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hlckory7/1/20Page 5 3.2 Existing MS4 MappingThe current MS4 mapping includes stormwater pipes including sizes and type. The.MS4 mapping alsoincludes outfalls, flow direction, culverts, ditches, catch basins, manholes and inlets. We are currentlyworking on identifying all major outfalls. Twelve major outfalls have been identified according to criteria,but only 90% of the MS4 area has been mapped.Table 1: Summary ofMS4 MappingPercent ofMS4 Area MappedNo. of Major Outfalls* Mapped90.0J2**%total*An ontfall is a point where the MS4 discharges from a pipe or other conveyance (e.g. a ditch) directlyinto surface waters. Major ozitfalls are required to be mapped to meet permit requirements. A majorozitfall is a 36-wch diameter pipe or discharge from a drainage area > 50-acres; and for mdz^trial zonedarea, a 12-inch diameter pipe or a drainage area ^_ 2-acres.^Outfalls have been mapped and we are currently working on identifying all major outfalls.3.3 Receiving WafersThe City ofHickory MS4 is located within the Catawba River Basin and discharges directly intoreceiving waters as listed in Table 2 below. Applicable water quality standards listed below are compiledfrom the following NCDEQ sources:o Waterbody Classification Mapo Impaired Waters and TMDL Mapo Most recent NCDEQ Final 303<d) ListNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 6 Water Supply WatershedsProtectedCritical[^_p Hickory City LimitsLake HickoryStreamsNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 7 Table 2: Summary ofMS4 Receiving WatersReceiving Water NameCATAWBA/LAKE HICKORYDrowning CreekHorseford CreekFiye CreekCripple CreekFalling CreekSnow CreekLong Shoal CreekHENRY FORKHenry ForkLongview CreekGeitner BranchBarger BranchMuddy CreekJacobs ForkSOUTH FORK CATAWBAClarks CreekMiller BranchCATAWBA RIVERHerman BranchLyle CreekStream Index / AUNumber11-52-0) & (2)U-54-(0.5)11-54-111-54-211-6011-6111-6411-129"1"(12.5)11-129-1-16I1-I29-1-1811-129-1-1911-129-1-2011-129-2-(9.5)U-129"5-(0.3)11-129-5-111-76-111-76-(0.5)Water QualityClassificationWS-IVWS-IVWS-IVWS-IVccWS-V&BcccccWS-IIIcccc303(d) Listed Parameters)of InterestBenthos (Nar,AL,FW)Benthos (Nar,AL,FW)Water temp. (32C,AL,LP&CP)WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION TABLEB: Primary Recreation, Fresh WaterC: Aquatic Life, Secondary Recreation, Fresh WaterWS-III :Water Supply IV-Moderately Developed watershedWS-IV: Water Supply IV" Highly Developed watershedWS-V: Water Supply V - UpstreamNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page8 3.4 MS4 InterconnectionThe City ofHickory MS4 is not interconnected with another regulated MS4 and directly discharges to thereceiving waters as listed in Table 2 above.3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)The TMDL(s) listed in Table 3 below have been approved within the MS4 area, as determined by the mapand list provided on the NCDEQ Modeling & Assessment Unit web page. The table also indicateswhether the approved TMDL has a specific stormwater Waste Load Allocation (WLA) for any watersheddirectly receiving discharges from the permitted MS4, and whether a Water Quality Recoveiy Programhas been implemented to address the WLA.Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLsWater Body NameClarks CreekStatewideTMDL PoUutant(s)Fecal Coliform, turbldity, copperMercuryStormwaterWasteLoadAllocation(Y/N)NNWaterQualityRecoveryProgram(Y/N)NNNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 9 3<6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical HabitatSignificant populations of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat are identified within theregulated MS4 urbanized area, as determined by a review of the Endangered and Threatened Species andSpecies of Concern by County for North Carolina Map and Listed species believe to or known to occur inNorth Carolina map as provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Of those species listed, Table 4summarizes the species that may be significantly impacted by the quality of surface waters within theirhabitat.Table 4: Summary of Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water QualityScientific NameMyotis septenrionalisHaliaeetus leucocephalusTsuga carolinianaHexastylis nanifloraHelianthus schweinitziiCommon nameNorthern long-eared batBald EagleCarolina HemlockDwarf-flowered heartleafSchweinitz's sunflowerSpeciesGroupVertebrateVertebrateVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantFederal Listing StatusT Probable/PotentiaIBGPAARS At Risk SpeciesT CurrentE CurrentDefinitions of Federal Status Codes:E = endangered. A taxon "in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range."T = threatened. A taxon "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or asignificant portion of its range."BGPA =Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. See below.ARS = At Risk Species. Species that are Petitioned, Candidates or Proposed for Listing under theEndangered Species Act. Consultation under Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA is not required for Candidate orProposed species; although a Conference, as described under Section 7(a)(4) of the ESA is recommendedfor actions affecting species proposed for listing.T(S/A) = threatened due to similarity of appearance. A taxon that is threatened due to similarity ofappearance with another listed species and is listed for its protection. Taxa listed as T(S/A) are notbiologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation. See below.3.7 Industrial Facility DischargesThe City ofHickory MS4jurisdictional area includes the following industrial facilities which holdNPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits, as determined from the NCDEQ Active NPDES StormwaterPennit List and/or Active Stormwater Permits Map.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 10 Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial FacilitiesPermit NumberNCG140410NCGNE1084NCGNE0442NCGNE0199NCG 160070NCGNE0188NCGNE0719NCG020085NCG030246NCG050297NCG140104NCG200355NCG 180062NCG080354NCG030688NCG030325NCG030660NCGNE1213NCG200517NCGNE0852NCGNE1334NCG050292NCG050037NCG140173NCG180177NCG 180086NCG050390NCG030164NCG180178NCS000538NCGNE0733NCGNE0659NCG180712NCGNE1006Facility NameSOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALSNORDSON XALOYLAND 0 SUN DAIRIESUSPSMAYMEAD MATERIALSTHE DAILY RECORDTHOMAS & BETTS HI-TECHHICKORY QUARRYHICKORY MANUFACTURINGKLINGSPOR ABRASP/ESSOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALSMOUNTAIN RECYLCLINGCENTURY PLANT 1INSTITUTION FOOD HOUSE INCLEGRANDHICKORY STEELMATLAB INCD.W HUDSON ARC HICKORY 027COLT RECYCLING SOUTHEAST LLCNC NATIONAL GUARDSONOCO PRODUCTSSHURTAPE TECHSHURTAPE TECHREADY MDCED CONCRETEHICKORY CHAIR LLCHWS CO INCSONOCO PRODUCTSHICKORY SPRINGS METALS COMPLEXSHERRILL FURNITUREROLL TECH LLCTURBO TECHFED EXHNI CORPORATIONAMERICAN CUSTOM FINISHINGNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 11 3.8 Non-Stormwater DischargesThe water quality impacts of non-stormwater discharges have been evaluated by the City of Hickory assummarized in Table 6 below. The unpermitted non-stormwater flows listed as incidental do notsignificantly impact water quality. The City of Hickory has evaluated residential and charity car washingand street washing for possible significant water quality impacts.Street washing discharges are addressed under the Pavement Management Program in Part 10 of thisSWMP. The Division has not required that other non-stormwater flows be specifically controlled by theCity ofHickory.Wash water associated with car washing that does not contain detergents or does not discharge directlyinto the MS4 is considered incidental. However, these types ofnon-stormwater discharges that docontain detergents have been evaluated by the City ofHickory to determine whether they maysignificantly impact water quality. The City ofHickory has found residential non-stormwater dischargesto be incidental and business to be incidental. The Phase II Stormwater ordinance Section 6.1(B).lprohibits businesses from allowing wash water from commercial vehicle washing into our stormwatersystem.Table 6: Non-Stormwater DischargesNon-Stormwater DischargeWater line and fire hydrant flushingLandscape irrigationDiverted stream flowsRising groundwaterUncontaminated groundwater infiltrationUncontaminated pumped groundwaterUncontaminated potable water sourcesFoundation drains_Air conditioning condensateIrrigation watersSpringsWater from crawl space pumpsFootingdramsLawn wateringResidential and charity car washing^Flows from riparian habitats and wetlandsDechlorinated swimming pool dischargesStreet wash waterFlows from firefighting activitiesWater Quality ImpactsIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalIncidentalPossibleIncidentalNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 12 3.9 Target Pollutants and SourcesIn addition to those target pollutants identified above, the City ofHickory is not aware of other significantwater quality issues within the permitted MS4 area.Table 7 below summarizes the water quality pollutants identified throughout Part 3 of this SWMP, thelikely activities/sources/targeted audiences attributed to each pollutant, and identifies the associatedSWMP program(s) that address. In addition, the City ofHickory has evaluated schools, homeowners andbusinesses as target audiences that are likely to have significant stormwater impacts.The City ofHickory has found listed in the table below target pollutants and sources. These pollutantshave been concerns within the community, and through public outreach and education, the Stormwaterprogram will continue to monitor and minimize.Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and SourcesTarget Pollutant(s)Pool DischargeMaint. Oil, Antifreeze ,etc.Vehicle washingGrass clippings. FertilizerHerbicides, InsecticldesPet WasteChemicalsSedimentLikely Source(s)/Target Audience(s)Residenfs/BusinessesResidents/Businesses/Municipal/IndustrialResident/Businesses/Municipal/IndustrialResident/Businesses/MunicipalResident/Businesses/MunicipalResidenfs/Parks RecreationIndustrial/Businesses/Residential/MunicipalIndustrial/ Businesses/ Residential/MunicipalSWMP Program AddressingTargetPollutant(s)/Audience(s)Public Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachPublic Education &OutreachNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 13 PART 4: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION4.1 Organizational StructureThe City ofHickory operates under a CounciVManager form of government. The City Manager holds theNPDES MS4 permit for the City ofHickory. The Stormwater Administrator, working under the Directorof Public Services, is responsible for implementation and coordination of the activities discussed in thisSWMP. Responsibility for gathermg information and coordinating annual reporting, as well asimplementation of key aspects of the SWMP, rests with work units within the Public Services Division.An organizational chart for the stormwater-related functions within the Division are listed in Table 8.Stormwater Organizational ChartCity of HickoryWarren WoodCity ManagerSteve MillerPublic Service DirectorToni Norton, PE LEEDWater ResourcesEngineerCatawba CountyJason WhiteStormwaterAdministratorEric GeitnerStormwaterAssistant/lnsoectorJohnny WearWPCOGPublic Outreach andEducationKelIyWinkler/PESenior Civil EngineerCaroline Kone/ PESpillResoonse/PavementJonathan HoganPesticide, Herbicide &Fertilizer ManagementBrad AbernathyFleet ManagerNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 14 Table 8: Summary of Responsible PartiesSWMP ComponentStormwater ProgramAdministrationSWMP ManagementPublic Education &OutreachPublic Involvement &ParticipationIllicit DischargeDetection &EliminationConstruction SiteRunoff ControlPost-ConstructionStormwaterManagementPollutionPrevention/GoodHousekeeping forMunicipal OperationsMunicipal FacilitiesOperation &Maintenance ProgramSpill Response ProgramMS4 Operation &Maintenance ProgramMunicipal SCMOperation &Maintenance ProgramResponsible PositionStormwater AdministratorStormwater AdministratorSenior Planner/NaturalResources AdministratorSenior PIanner/NaturalResources AdministratorStormwater AdministratorStormwater StaffWater Resources EngineerNCDEQStormwater StaffStormwater StaffStormwater StaffSpill Response StaffStormwater StaffStormwater Staff/Landscape ServicesM.anagerStaff NameJason WhiteJason WhiteJohnny WearJohnny WearJason WhiteJason WhiteKelly WinklerEric GeitnerToni NortonJason WhiteKelly WinklerEric GeitnerJason WhiteKeliy WinklerEric GeitnerJason WhiteKelly WinklerEric GeitnerCaroline KoneJason WhiteEric GeitnerJason WhiteEric GeitnerKelly WinklerJonathan HoganDepartmentPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionWPCOGWPCOGPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionCatawba CountyNCDEQPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionPublic ServicesCityofHickoryPublic ServicesPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionPublic Services/EngineeringStormwater DivisionPublic ServicesLandscape ServicesNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 15 SWMP ComponentPesticide, Herbicide &Fertilizer ManagementProgramVehicle & EquipmentCleaning ProgramPavement ManagementProgramTotal Maximum DailyLoad (TMDL)RequirementsMesponsible PositionLandscape ServicesManagerFleet ManagerTransportation ManagerN/AStaff NameJonathan HoganBrad AbemathyCaroline KoneN/ADepartmentPublic ServicesLandscape ServicesPublic ServicesPublic ServicesN/A4.2 Program Funding and Budgetin accordance with the issued permit, the City of Hickory shall maintain adequate funding and staffing toimplement and manage the provisions of the SWMP and comply with the requirements of the NPDESMS4 Permit. The budget includes the permit administering and compliance fee, which is billed by theDivision annually.The City ofHickory's Stormwater program operates on a $250,000 budget, which comes out of the CityofHickory's general funding. This covers 1.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, seasonal leaf collection,and limited storm drain repairs.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 16 4.3 Shared ResponsibilityThe City ofHickory will share the responsibility to implement the following minimum control measures,which are at least as stringent as the corresponding NPDES MS4 Permit requirement. The City ofHickory remains responsible for compliance if the other entity fails to perform the permit obligation andmay be subject to enforcement action if neither the City ofHickory nor the other entity fully performs thepermit obligation. Table 9 below summarizes who will be implementing the component, what thecomponent program is called, and the specific SWMP BMP or permit requirement that is being met bythe shared responsibility and whether or not a legal agreement to share responsibility is in place. The Cityof Hickory has a legal contract with the WPCOG that is reviewed and updated yearly.Table 9: Shared ResponsibilitiesSWMP BMP orPermit Reference3.2 Public Education andOutreach Program3.3.1 Public Involvement andParticipation Program3.3.2 Volunteer Opportunities3.5 Construction Site RunoffControl ProgramImplementing Entity & Program NameWPCOG(Western Piedmont Council of Govemments)WPCOGWPCOGCatawba County Delegated SPCA (Sediment PollutionControl Act) ProgramLegalAgreement(Y/N)YYYYNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 17 4.4Co-PermitteesThere are no other entities applying for co-permlttee status under the NPDES MS4 permit numberNCS000426 for the City ofHickory. Table 10 summarizes contact information for each co-permittee.Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact InformationCo-Permittee MS4NameN/AContact PersonPhone & E-MailInterlocalAgreement(Y/N)4.5 Measurable Goals for Program AdministrationThe City of Hickory will manage and report the following Best Management Practices (BMPs) for theadministration of the Stormwater Management Program.Table 11: Program Administration BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. and Part 4: Annual Self-AssessmentMeasures to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the SWMP program components at least annually.Results shall be used by the permittee to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intentof the Stormwater Program. The self-assessment reporting period is the fiscal year (July 1 — June 30).ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricAnnual Self-AssessmentPerform an annual evaluation ofSWMP implementation, suitability ofSWMP commitments and anyproposed changes to the SWMPutilizing the NCDEQ Annual Self-Assessment Template.1, Prepare, certify andsubmit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQprior to August 31 eachyear.1.Annually for PermitYears 1 - 41. Annual Self-Assessment received byNCDEQ no later thanAugust 31 each year.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 18 Table 11: Program Administration BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.2.1.6: Permit Renewal ApplicationMeasures to submit a permit renewal application no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of theNPDES MS4 permit.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricPermit Renewal ApplicationAudit stormwater programimplementation for compliance withthe permit and approved SWMP, andutilize the results to prepare andsubmit a permit renewal applicationpackage.1. Participate in anNPDES MS4 PermitCompliance Audit, asscheduled and performedby EPA or NCDEQ.2. Self-audit anddocument anystormwater programcomponents not auditedbyEPAorNCDEQutilizing the DEQ AuditTemplate.3. Certify and submit thestormwater permitrenewal application(N01, SeIf-Audit, andDraft SWMP for the next5-year permit cycle).1 .TBD - TypicallyPermit Year 42.Permit Year 53.Permit Year 5l.N/A2. Submit Self-Audit toDEMLR (requiredcomponent of permitrenewal applicationpackage).3. Permit renewalapplication packagereceived by DEQ at least180 days prior to permitexpiration.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 19 PARTS:PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAMThe City ofHickory will implement a Public Education and Outreach Program to distribute educationalmaterials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of storm waterdischarges on water bodies and steps the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff.The target audiences and identified pollutants listed in Part 3.9 of this SWMP, which will be addressed bythe Public Education and Outreach Program, are summarized in Table 12 below. In addition, the City ofHickory is required to inform businesses and the general public of the hazards associated with illicitdischarges, illegal dumping and improper disposal of waste.Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants & AudiencesTarget Pollutants/SourcesLitterSedimentGray waterFats, Oils and GreaseChemical sIllicit DischargesIllegal DumpingImproper Disposal of WastePool DischargeMaintenance Oil,Antifreeze,etcVehicle WashingHerbicides, InsecticidesGrass ClippingsPet WasteTarget Audience(s)Residents, Businesses, SchoolsConstruction Site Runoff ControlResidentialBusinesses (Restaurants)Industrial, Business , Residential and Municipal EmployeesGeneral Public, Businesses, Municipal EmployeesGeneral Public, Businesses, Municipal EmployeesGeneral Public, Businesses, Municipal EmployeesResidents, BusinessesResidents, Businesses, Industrial, and Municipal EmployeesResidential, Businesses, Industrial, and Municipal EmployeesResidents, Businesses, Lawn Care Services, and Municipal EmployeesResidents, Businesses, Industrial, and Municipal EmployeesResidents, General PublicNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 20 The Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG) is under contract to implement and report thefollowing public education and outreach BMPs on behalf of the City ofHickory.Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.3.3.2: Outreach to Targeted AudiencesMeasures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program toshare educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts ofstormwater discharges on water bodies and how the public can reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. Thepermittee shall document the extent of exposure of each media, event or activity, including those elementsimplemented locally or through a cooperative agreement.ADescription of BMPPartnership with WPCOGThe City will partner with theWPCOG to develop Education andOutreach Initiatives that will beadministered by WPCOG. Initiativeswill focus on residential, commercial,and school audiences within the MS4area.BIVIeasurable Goal(s)1. Continue to partnerwith WPCOG and updateour legal agreementannually.2. Review WPCOGactivities to ensurepartnership commitmentsare met.cSchedule forImplementation1 Annually,Permit years 1 -52.Annually,Permit years 1 -5DAnnual ReportingMetric1. Maintain a legalagreement with WPCOGannually. Yes/No/Status2. Yes/no/statusNCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 21 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs4.5.General Education Stormwater FliersStormwater fliers will be distributedto City residences, municipalemployees, businesses, and industrialfacilities through stormwater events.Five topics will be addressed over theterm of the permit; generalstormwater awareness, illicitdischarges, illegal dumping,chemicals and proper disposal ofwaste.1. Develop fliers for Cityevents to createstormwater awareness.2. Distribute flier s forstormwater awareness.3. Develop fliers forillicit discharges.4. Distribute illicitdischarge fliers.5. Develop fliers forillegal dumping,6. Distribute fliers forillegal dumping.7. Develop fliers forchemical awareness.8. Distribute fliers forchemical awareness.9. Develop fliers forproper waste disposal.10. Distribute fliers forproper waste disposal.1. Permit year 12. Permit year 13. Permit year 24. Permit year 25.Permit year 36. Permit year 37. Permit year 48. Permit year 49. Permit year 510. Permit year 51-10. Document andreport the topic andnumber of fliersdistributed at each event.Public event outreachProvide educational information ongeneral stonnwater awareness to thegeneral public at community events.1. Staff will have a boothat community events todisperse stormwateroutreach materialsthrough the use ofinteractive educationalgames and activities. Atminimum, one event willbe attended per permityear.1. Annually,Permit years 1 -51 .Document number ofevents held/attended;number of attendees;quantity and type ofmaterials handed out.NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hlckory7/1/20Page 22 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs"677.8.Student/teacher OutreachProvide educational mformation ongeneral stormwater awareness tostudents and teachers through annualclassroom, workshop, and hands-onactivities in the Hickory area.1. Staff will provide inclass instruction to 7thand/or 8th grade STEMstudents.2. Staff will conductstormwater relatedworkshops with teachers.1. Annually,Permit year 1-52.Annually,Permit year 1-51. Number of classesprovided;Number of studentspresent.2. Number of workshopsprovided; Number ofteachers attending.Printed MaterialsStaff will design new printedmaterials for target audiences to aidStormwater education and uponcompletion begin distribution onetopic each year.1. Staff will createprinted material for localgovernment distributionaddressing stormwaterbest managementpractices.2. Staff will distributeprinted materials atevents, schoolpresentations, and havethem on display forpublic acquisition inpublic-accessiblegovernment and publicbuildings.3. City ofHickory willdistribute fliers throughutility bills and pay stubs.1. Annually,Permit year 1 -52. Continuously, afterflier materials aredeveloped.3.Annually,Permit Year 1 -51. Were new outreachmaterials created?Yes/No/Status2. Document and reportthe topic and number offliers distributed at eachevent.3. Document and reportthe topic and number offliers distributed.Annual Water Quality ConferenceSponsor the Western PiedmontCouncil of Governments and LenoirRhyne University's Annual WaterQuality Conference to provideoutreach and public participation.Staff will conduct the annual regionalconference for continued educationto local government officials, staff,educators, and the general public.1. Provide onepresentation covering oneofthesixNPDESMinimum ControlMeasures at each annualconference. A differentMCM will be presentedon each year.1 .Annually,Permit Year 1 -51. Number of attendees;Stormwater topic'spresented referencing theminimum controlmeasures.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 23 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs9.10.Evaluate Pollutants Sources and AudiencesEvaluate the target pollutants(litter, sediment, gray water, fats,oils, grease, animal operations,underground storage tanks, superfund sites, chemicals, illicitdischarges, illegal dumping,improper disposal of waste),sources, and associated targetaudiences (residents, businesses,schools, construction activity,commercial, farms, industrial,development community, generalpublic, and municipal employees)likely to have significant stormwaterimpacts and why they were selected.Using the online GIS map (BMP 19),the target pollutants and audience canbe tracked once identified for MS4concerns.1. Evaluate followingtarget pollutants: litter,sediment, gray water,fats, oils, grease, animaloperations, undergroundstorage tanks, super fundsites, chemicals, illicitdischarges, illegaldumping and improperdisposal of waste.2. Evaluate the followingtarget audiences:residents, businesses,schools, constructionactivity, commercial,farms, industrial,development community,general public and1. Annually,Permit Years 1 -52. Annually,Permit Years 1 -5Evaluate Public Education and Outreach BMPs.Evaluate the successful componentsof outreach through interest andfeedback.1. Create a survey asreferenced in BMP#19.l.RefertoBMP#19.1 -2. Number ofcurrent and new targetpollutant sources andaudiences identified inthe annual report;Does the SWMP need tobe updated to addresshow those targetedpollutants are addressed.Yes/No/Statusl.RefertoBMP#19.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 24 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. and 3.2.3: Web SiteMeasures to provide a web site designed to convey the program's message and provide online materialsincluding ordinances, or other regulatoiy mechanisms, or a list identifying the ordinances or other regulatorymechanisms, providing the legal authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permitADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricEducation Regarding Illicit DischargesProvide educational information tomunicipal employees, businesses,citizens, and schools about thehazards associated with illicitdischarges, illegal dumping, andimproper disposal of waste.1. Train municipalemployees in illicitdischarge detection andelimination.2. Distribute material(Generated from BMP#4)to target audiences(municipal employees,schools, businesses, andcitizens).3. Provide educationduring enforcementprocess.1 .Annually,Permit Years 1-52. Continuously, aftermaterial is created.3. Continuous, uponviolation investigation.1.Number oftrainmgsheld;Number of personneltrained.2. Number of fliersdistributed at each eventor facility.3. Number of citizeninteractions.Informational Website1. Promote and maintain an internetwebsite designed to convey theprograms message. Make availableon the website stormwater ordinance,administrative manual for ordinance,technical section forengineers/designers, and educationalmaterials for private/publlc use.Create a link to WPCOG regionalsformwater website.1. Update City ofHickory informationalwebs ite to provideprogram information tothe public.2. The City ofHickoryand WPCOG staff willmaintain their respectivewebsites and update thewebsites; by posting theMS4 Annual Self-Assessment, verifying alllinks and contactinformation arecurrent/active, postingthe current year fliers.S.TheWPCOGwillsetahit counter to monitorengagement.1. Continuously,Permit years 1 -52. Annually,Permit years 2-53. Annually,Permit years 2-51. Did you update thewebsite?Yes/No/Status2. Number of timeswebsite material isupdated per year.3. Report the number ofhits.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 25 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPsPermitRef.3.2.5: Stormwater HotlineMeasures for a stormwater hotlme/helpline for the purpose of public education and outreach.BMPNo.BDDescription of BMPMeasurable Goal(s)Schedule forImplementationAnnual ReportingMetric13.Stormwater HotlineThis hotline will function as a wayfor citizens to contact the City toreport illicit discharges,stormwater/posf construction issues,outreach questions and concerns, andall MS4 related concerns.1. Establish a hotlinenumber for stormwatercomplaints andinformation.2. Identify specificstaff members who willserve as hotline contacts,3. Record number andtype of complaints,concerns and informationrelated to each call.4. Train stormwaterhotline staff in generalstormwater awareness,complaint call protocolsand appropriate contactsfor referral or typicalstormwater issues.5. Publicize contactinformation on the Cityand WPCOG Stormwaterwebpages.1. Permit year 12. Permit Year 13. Continuously, recordas information isprovided.4. Annually5 .Annualy,Permit year 1 -5l.Yes/No/Status2. Yes or No; Staff nameand position.3. Number of phone callsreceived and the contextof the call; Type of call,information providedduring the call, date ofcall, and location ofcaller.4. Did Hotline staffreceive training?Yes/No/Status5. Document and report asummary of the numberof inquiries received, thegeneral type of inquu'y(education, outreach,complaint), and thecontact mechanism(phone, email, webpage,walk-in).NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 26 PART 6:PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAMThis SWMP identifies the minimum elements and implementation of a Public Involvement andParticipation Program that complies with applicable State, Tribal and local public notice requirements.The City ofHickory will manage, implement and report the following public involvement andparticipation BMPs.Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Public InputMechanisms for public involvement that provide for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program.ADescription ofBMPPartnership with WPCOGThe City is in partnership with theWPCOG to implement publicinvolvement and participation.Initiatives will include focus onpublic audiences.BMeasurable Goal(s)1. Continue partnershipwith WPCOG throughrenewal of our legalagreement.2. Review WPCOGactivities to ensurepartnership commitmentsare met.cSchedule forImplementation1. Annually,Permit year 1-52. Annually,Permit year 1-5DAnnual ReportingMetric1. Continue partnershipwith WPCOG under ourlegal agreement.2. Yes/no/statusHotline for Public InputProvide mechanisms for public inputon stormwater issues and thestormwater program.1. Stormwater hotline(BMP# 13) shall includea public inputcomponent.l.RefertoBMP#13l.RefertoBMP#13Social Media Outreach - Event PromotionCreate and use a social media page topromote stormwater events, projects,and programs. The outreach tool willprovide exposure to a large audience.1. Establish socialpresence on Facebook topromote publicinvolvement andparticipation related tostorm water programs,events, and projects.1. Permit Years 11. Facebook pagecreated; Yes/No/StatusNCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 27 Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs17.18.19.2. Use social mediapresences to promotestormwater events,projects, and programs toengage publicinvolvement.2. Continuous, afterFacebook page isestablished in PermitYear 1.2. Number and type ofevents, projects andprograms promoted onthe Facebook page.Water Resources CommitteeProvide mechanisms for public inputand participation at a regionalmeeting on stormwater issues and thestormwater program.1. Hold quarterly waterresource meetings, opento the public, forparticipation mdiscussion related towater quality issues.1. Annually, beginning inpermit year 11. Number of attendeesat each meeting, topicsdiscussed.Web based form reporting1. Provide a link on both websites forpublic input via email format forstormwater issues and the stormwaterprogram.Public Survey and Evaluation1. Provide a mechanism for publicinput by creating a survey to engagethe public and gauge public interestin stormwater issues and thestormwater program. The survey willbe taking in responses/input on theprogram as a whole - covering eachminimum measure and BMP thatrefers to this survey.1. Create a web basedemail complaint/reportingform to be housed on theWPCOG regional websiteand the City of HickoryWebs ite.2. Use the form to recordand track responses,inputs, issues, andconcerns for metricreportmg.1. Create and administeran annual survey to behoused on the WPCOGstormwater website oncea year, open to feedbackfor a total of 4 weeks.The survey will also belinked on the City ofHickory web site.1.Permit year 12. Continuous, followingthe establishment of thetool form in Permit Year1.1. Permit year 11 .Yes/No/Status2 .Number of reportsreceived.1. Number of surveyscompleted;Responses/results ofsurvey;Completed analysis ofthe data collected.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 28 Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Volunteer OpportunitiesM.easures to provide volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricStream CleanupProvide volunteer opportunities forongoing citizen participation throughstream cleanup activities.1. Hold stream cleanupefforts by engaginggroups to conduct streamcleanup activities inappropriate areas. Theevents will be promotedby the City and WPCOG,toward civic groups.2. Provide all materialsfor stream cleanupactivities (i.e. gloves,trash bags, and trashpickers).3. The City of Hickoryand WPCOG will marketthe event to the public toobtain volunteers forstream cleanup efforts toassist in publicawareness andinvolvement with theevent.1. Annually,Permit year 1-52, Annually,Permit year 1-53. Annually,Permit year 1 -51. Document the numberof events, participants ateach event. Record thequantity of trash bagsfilled.2. Document thequantity of materialsdistributed at each event.3. Yes/No/StatusNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 29 PART 7:ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAMThe City ofHickory will develop, manage, implement, document, report and enforce an Illicit DischargeDetection and Elimination Program which shall, at a minimum, include the following illicit dischargedetection and elimination BMPs.The City ofHickory has the GIS capability to track illicit discharges. The Stormwater Program iscurrently working on mechanisms to detect and report illicit discharges in the field. We have reported andmapped illicit discharges in the past, but need to improve the program for follow up and documentingresolutions.Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. MS4MapMeasures to develop, update and maintain a municipal storm sewer system map including stormwaterconveyances, flow direction, major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricAdditions to our Stormwater System InventoryComplete inventory mappingcapability through CIS analysis ofexisting data. Major Outfalls will beidentified and numbered and flowdirections. The addition will alsoinclude a layer for identifying illicitdischarges.1. Add a layeridentifying major outfallsto the map and number.2. Add flow direction tothe existing map.3. Add receiving watersto the map.4. Add layer for illicitdischarge location andinformation.1. Permit year 12. Permit year 23.Permit year 34.Permit year 11. Report number ofmajor outfalls identified.2. Yes/No/Status3. Report when map iscompleted.4. Report when layer isadded.Continuous Updates to MS4 MapThe MS4 map for the City ofHickorywill be updated to reflect newadditions,I. Update existing mapto include pipe, ditches,and ditch dischargepoints. Update map asneeded with newconstruction andadditional outfalls.1. Annually, once BMPNo. 21 is completed.1. Document and reportany new outfalls wereidentified and if so, howmany identified duringthe permit year and howmany have beenidentified over the permitterm.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 30 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.23.PermitRef.BMPNo. Regulatory MechanismMeasures to provide an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides legal authority toprohibit, detect, and eliminate illicit connections and discharges, illegal dumping and spills into the MS4,including enforcement procedures and actions.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricMaintain Legal AuthorityReview existing ordinance (City ofHickory Phase II StormwaterOrdinance, Section 6, 6.1) in order tomaintain the legal authority toprohibit, detect, and eliminate illicitconnections and discharges, illegaldumping and spills into the MS4,including enforcement proceduresand actions. Update ordinance as theneeds require.1. Review ordinance andupdate if revision isrequired to maintainlegal authority.1. Permit year 11. Document and reportif a revision is requiredand if a revision is made.3.4.3: IDDEPlanMeasures to maintain and implement a written FDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegaldumping and any non-stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4.The plan shall provide standard procedures and documentation to:a) Locate priority areas likely to have illicit discharges,b) Conduct routine dry weather outfall inspections,c) Identify illicit discharges and trace sources,d) Eliminate the source(s) of an illicit discharge, ande) Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricDevelop Illicit discharge detection and elimination Plan1. Develop a written IDDE Plan todetect and address illicit discharges,illegal dumping and any non-stormwater discharges identified assignificant contributors of pollutantsto the MS4.This plan will includewritten procedures for conductinginvestigations of identified illicitdischarges.1. Develop a writtenIDDE plan.2. Submit plan to DEQfor approval.3. Implement theapproved written IDDEplan.1 .Permit year 12.Permit year 13.Permit year 21 .Yes/No/Status2.Yes/No/StatusS.Yes/No/StatusDate submitted to DEQ.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 31 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs25.26.4. Maintain a writtenIDDE plan.4. Continuously2.Yes/No/StatusOutfall InspectionsConduct routine dry weather outfallinspections to identify illicitdischarges and illicit connections.1. Train inspection staffto perform dry weatherinspections and illicitdischarge investigations^2. Trained inspectors willconduct routine dryweather outfallinspections -Inspect allmajor outfalls over the 5year permit period. 20%of all major outfalls willbe inspected each year.3. Document anyviolations using the GISsystem as outlined inBMP21.4.B.1. Permit Year 12. Annually, beginningin permit year 23. Continuously, Asviolations are reported.1. Yes/No/Status2.Yes/No/Status3. Number ofoutfallsand the type ofdischarges and pollutantsidentified.IDDE Program EvaluationAnnual Evaluation of the IDDEprogram to review components andrevise the program if necessary tomaximize its efficiency to identifyillicit discharges and eliminate theirsource(s).1. Evaluation meetingwith IDDE programparticipants; to include ata minimum, theStormwaterAdministrator and theUtilities Director.2. Review IDDE data forchronic violators, issues,and /or "hot-spot "areas.1. Annually, inconjunction with theMS4 AnnualAssessment.2. Annually, inconjunction with theMS4 AnnualAssessment.1. Report any proposedand updated changes.2.Yes/No/StatusNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 32 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPsPermitRef.3.4.4: roDE TrackingMeasures for tracking and documenting the date(s) an illicit discharge, illicit connection or illegal dumping wasobserved, the results of the investigation, any follow-up of the investigation, the date the investigation wasclosed, the issuance of enforcement actions, and the ability to identify chronic violators.BMPNo.BDDescription of BMPMeasurable Goal(s)Schedule forImplementationAnnual ReportingMetric27.IDDE TrackingUpdate our GIS mechanism fortracking and documenting the date(s)and illicit discharge, illicit connectionor illegal dumping was observed, theresults of the investigations wasclosed, the issuance of enforcementactions, and the ability to identifychronic violators (See BMP 21.4B.).1. Update G1S databaseapplication for tracking.2. Track IllicitDischarge/connectionand Illegal Dumping.3. Document progress ofIDDE's reported.4. Establish a mechanismto track NO Vs (Notice ofViolation) and chronicviolators.5. Evaluate and assessthe 1DDE trackingapplication and program.Identify whereimprovements can bemade based on statisticaldata collected andproblems encountered.Document improvementsand updates.1. Permit Year 12.Continuously,Permit years 2-53. Continuously,Permit years 1-54.Permit Year 15. Annually,Permit year 2-5l.Yes/No/Status2. Document the numberof issues reported.3.NumberofIDDEsresolved.4.Yes/No/Status5Yes/No/StatusNCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 33 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Staff IDDE TrainingMeasures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who, as part of their normal jobresponsibilities, may come into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge, illicit connection orillegal dumping. Training shall include identifying and reporting illicit discharges, illicit connections andillegal dumping. Each staff training event shall be documented, including the agenda/materials, date, andnumber of staff participating.ADescription of BMPBJVteasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricIDDE Employee TrainingEstablish and conduct training forappropriate municipal staff ondetecting and reporting illicitconnections and discharges. Conducttraining for staff who will receive andrespond to IDDE's reported.1. Develop a trainingprogramming for publicworks employees.2. Identify and trainpublic service employeeson Illicit Discharge &Detection responsibilitiesor the potential todiscover an illicitdischarge during routinework activities.3. Train new staff thatare identified to be partof the IDDE program.1. Permit year 22. Permit year 23. Annually, beginning inpermit year 4.l.Yes/No/Status2. Report topics, trainingdate, and number ofattendees.3. Report topics, trainingdate, and number ofattendees.Employee Informational MediaPlace informational media inemployee common areas to serve as areminder on identifying and reportingillicit discharge.1. Develop illicitdischarge media todisplay^2. Display media inemployee common areas.1. Permit year 32. Annually, beginning inpermit year 3.Yes/No/Status2. Report number andtype of media displayed.NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 34 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. IDDE ReportingMeasures for the public and staff to report illicit discharges, illegal dumping and spills. The mechanism shall bepublicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed to provide rapid response by appropriately tramedpersonnel.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricStormwater page on City ofHickory WebsiteDevelop and maintain a web pagethat will provide links associated withthe City's Stormwater program. Theweb page will include ordinances anda copy of our SWMP. The webpagewill also include educationalmaterials, upcoming events, and areporting mechanism. The websitewill also advertise the StormwaterHotline.1. Develop a userfriendly website forbusinesses, citizens andemployees.2. Mlaintam a websitewith updates as needed.1 Permit year 22. Continuouslyl.Yes/No/Status2.Yes/No/StatusNCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 35 PART 8: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAMIn accordance with 15ANCAC 02H .0153, the City of Hickory relies upon the North CarolinaSedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 and the NCG010000 permit for constructionactivities as qualifying alternative programs to meet the NPDES MS4 Permit requirements for allconstruction site runoff control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runofffrom constructionactivities that result in land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre and any construction activitythat is part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more.Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control ProgramPermitReference3.5.1 -3.5.4State or Local Program NameCatawba CountyDelegated SPCA Program*LegalAuthority15ANCACChapter 04Implementing EntityCatawba CountyMeets Wholeor Part ofRequirementWhole* The local delegated SPCA Program ordinance(s)/regulatory mechanism(s) can be found at:Catawba County:https://library.municode .com/nc/catawba countv/codes/code ofordinances?nodeid=COOR CH3 1 SOERSECQCatawba County is responsible for all land disturbing activities greater than or equal to one acre and anyconstruction activity of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more.The City ofHickory also implements the following BMPs to meet NPDES MS4 Permit requirementswithin the City MS4 area:NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 36 Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Public InputMeasures to provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observederosion and sedimentation problems.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricMunicipal Staff TrainingTrain municipal staff who receivecalls from the public on the protocolsfor referral and tracking ofconstruction site runoff controlcomplaints.I, Train municipal staff onproper handling ofconstruction site runoffcontrol complaints.1.Annually1. Document and reportnumber of staff trained,training date(s) andtopics covered.Public information and reportingDevelop and Maintain an internetwebsite designed to convey theprogram's message and publicize areporting mechanism for the public toreport erosion control issues (Refer toBMP#12).1. Establishinformational website asoutlined in BMP#12.1 .Continuously,Permit year 1-5l.RefertoBMP#12NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 37 Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Waste ManagementMeasures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concretetruck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact towater quality.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricEducation requirements for construction site operators1. Partner with Catawba County SPCA;o develop a Contractor/Constructioniite operator educational media to;ommunicate new waste management-equirements.1. Develop educationalmedia to distribute inpre-constructionmeetings and withgrading permit issue.2. Add media to website.3. Distribute media tocontractors as permits areapplied.1. Permit year 2.2. Permit year 2 afterBMP33.1.Bisdeveloped,3. Permit year 2 afterBMP33.1.1BJSdeveloped.1. Yes/No/Status.2. Yes/No/Status3. Number and type ofmedia distributed.NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 3 8 PART 9: POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAMThis SWMP identifies the minimum elements to develop, implement and enforce a program to addressstormwater runofffrom new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal toone acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development orsale, that are located within the City ofHickory and discharge into the MS4. These elements are designedto minimize water quality impacts utilizing a combination of structural Stormwater Control Measures(SCMs) and/or non-structural BMPs appropriate for the community, and ensure adequate long-termoperation and maintenance of SCMs.In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0153 and .1017, the City ofHickory implements the following Statepost-construction program requirements, which satisfy the NPDES Phase II MS4 post-construction siterunoff control requirements as Qualiiying Alternative Program(s) (QAPs) in the MS4 area(s) where theyare implemented.Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control ProgramState QAP NameNoneState RequirementsN/ALocal Ordinance / RegulatoryMechanism ReferenceN/AThe City ofHickory has existing requirements other than Qualifying Alternative Program(s) forimplementation of the NPDES Phase II MS4 post-construction program requirements. These existingrequirements are codified in local ordinance(s), and implementation is further defined in guidance,manuals and/or standard operating procedure (SOP) (s) as summarized in Table 19 below.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 39 Table 19:Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program ElementsPermit Requh'ements forPlan Review and Approval3.6.2(a) Authority3.6.3(a) & 15ANCAC 02H.0153(c)Federal, State & Local Projects3.6.3(b) Plan Review3.6.3(c) O&M Agreement3.6.3(d)0&MPlan3.6.3(e)DeedRestrictions/Covenants3.6.3(f) Access EasementsPermit Requirements forInspections and Enforcement3.6.2(b) Documentation3.6.2(c) Right of Entry3.6.4(a) Pre-CO Inspections3.6.4(b) Compliance with Plans3.6.4(c) Annual SCM Inspections3.6.4(d) Low Density Inspections3.6.4(e) Qualified ProfessionalPermit Requirements forFecal Coliform Reduction3.6.6(a)PetWaste3.6.6(b) On-Site DomesticWastewater treatmentMunicipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s)and/or Document Title(s)Phase II Stormwater ordinance ( 1.2)Phase II Stormwater ordinance Section 1.5Phase II Stormwater ordinance (2.1)Phase II Stormwater ordinance (4.2) (4.5(A))TBDPhase II Stormwater ordinance 3.3(A)Phase II Stormwater ordinance 4.5Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s)and/or Document Title(s)Phase II Stormwater ordinance (2.1)Phase II Stormwater ordinance (4.5)Phase II Stormwater ordinance (2.3)Phase II Stormwater ordinance (2.3)Phase II Stormwater ordinance 4.1 (B)TBDPhase II Stormwater ordinance 4.1 (B)Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s)and/or Document Title(s)City ofHickory Code of Ordinance Chapter4-Sec.4"22(3)Phase II Stormwater ordinance (3.6)Date Adopted05/200705/200705/200705/2007^.gp05/200705/2007Date Adopted05/200705/200705/200705/200705/2007TBD05/2007Date Adopted02/200605/2007NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 40 The annual reporting metrics for the post construction program are provided in Table 20:Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs below.Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Minimum Post-Construction Reporting RequirementsMeasures to document activities over the course of the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) including appropriateinformation to accurately describe progress, status, and results.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricStandard ReportingImprove existing standardizedtracking, documentation, inspectionsand reporting mechanisms to compileappropriate data for the annual self-assessment process. Data shall beprovided for each Post-Construction/Qualifying Alternative Programbeing implemented as listed in Tables18 and 19.1. Track number of low-density and high-densityplan reviews performed.2. Track number ofPhase II plans approved.3. Maintain a currentinventory oflow-densityprojects and constructedSCMs including SCMtype or low-densityacreage, locations andlast inspection date.4. Track number of SCMinspections performed.5. Track number oflow-density inspectionsperformed.6. Track number andtype of enforcementactions taken.1. Continuously2.Continuously3. Continuously, afterestablishment ofinventory no later thanPermit Year 2.4. Continuously,beginning in permit year5. Continuously,leginning in permit year 3.6. Contmuously1. Number of planreviews performed forlow density and highdensity.2. Number of planapprovals issued for lowdensity and high density.3. Summary of numberand type ofSCMs addedto the mventory and intotal; and number andacreage oflow-densityprojects constructed andin total.4. Number of SCMinspections.5. Number of low densityinspections.5. Number and type ofnforcement actions taken.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 41 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.PermitRef.BMPNo.2.3 and 3.6: Qualifying Alternative Program(s)Measures to develop, implement and enforce additional BMPs in order to comply with the QAP state programrequirements.ADescription of BMPBJVIeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricQualifying Alternative Program(QAP)N/A3.6.2: Legal AuthorityMeasures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to: (a) review designsand proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater control measures willbe installed, implemented, and maintained, (b) request information such as stormwater plans, inspection reports,monitoring results, and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-ConstructionStormwater Management Program, and (c) enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times anyfacilities, equipment, practices, or operations related to stonnwater discharges to determine whether there is compliancewith the Post-Construction Stonnwater Management ProgramADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricLegal AuthorityThis requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program, see references provided in Table 19.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHlckory7/1/20Page 42 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Plan Review and ApprovalMeasures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to: (a) Require Federal, State, andlocal government projects to comply with Post-Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4permitted area, unless the entity is subject to its own NPDES MS4 permit or a qualifying alternative program,(b) Conduct site plan reviews of all new development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal toone acre, and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or salefor compliance with 15ANCAC 02H .1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within yourjurisdiction, (c) Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Agreement that complies with 15ANCAC 02H. 1050(12), (d) Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Plan that complies with15A NCAC 02H .1050(13), (e) Ensure that each project has recorded deed restrictions and protectivecovenants, that require the project to be maintained consistent with approved plans, and (f) Ensure that eachSCM and associated maintenance accesses be protected hi a permanent recorded easement per 15A NCAC 02H1050 (9) and (10).ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricUpdate OrdinancesUpdate ordinances to requirecompliance with Federal, State, andLocal government projects and revisereference to stormwater designmanual to reference NCDEQ'sStormwater Design manual.1. Update code to requireFederal, State, and localgovernment projects tocomply with postconstructionrequirements unlesssubject to its ownNPDES permit orqualifying alternativeprogram (QAP),2. Update code toreference NCDEQStormwater DesignManual as the referencestormwater designmanual.1 .Permit Year 22. Permit year 21. Notify NCDEQwJthreference and dateadopted.2. Notify NCDEQ withupdated reference anddate adopted.O&M Plan RequirementAdopt an ordinance to the City coderequiring each stormwater controlmeasure to have an Operation andMaintenance Plan that complies with15ANCAC02H. 1050(13).1. Establish legalauthority throughadoption of code.2. Require approval ofO&M Plan byStormwaterAdministrator ordesignated authority percode.1. Permit year 22. Continuously, afterordinance is adopted.1. Notify NCDEQ withreference and dateadopted.2. Document number ofO&M plans approved.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 43 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.37.PermitRef.BMPNo. Inspections and EnforcementMeasures to maintain inspection and enforcement authority, standards and procedures to: (a) Conduct post-constructioninspections prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Alternatively,the project owner may provide a surety bond to guarantee compliance with the approved plan(s), (b) Ensurethat the project has been constructed in accordance with the approved plan(s), (c) Ensure annual inspection ofeach permitted SCM to ensure compliance with the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement, (d)Ensure inspection of low density projects at least once during the permit term, and (e) Require that inspectionsbe conducted by a qualified professional.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricInspection and Enforcement for low-density projectsEstablish the legal authority forinspection oflow-density projects atleast once during the permit term; andcarry out the inspections.1. Establish legalauthority through coderevisions.2. Conduct inspection on20%oflow-densityprojects each year(SeeBMP 34.B.5).1. Permit year 22. See BMP #34.B.51. Report to DEQ codereference and dateadopted.2.SeeBMP#34.B.53.6.5: DocumentationMeasures to maintain adequate documentation and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to: (a) Maintain aninventory of post-construction SCMs and low density projects, (b) Document, track and maintain records ofinspections and enforcement actions. Tracking shall include the ability to identify chronic violators, and (c)Make available to developers all relevant ordinances, post-construction requirements, design standards,checklists, and/or other materials.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricInventory ofpost-construction SCMs and low-density projectsContinue to maintain currentinventory post-construction SCMsand low-density projects to beutilized for inspection and tracking.1, Update inventory asprojects are completed.2. Add SCMs and low-density projects toinventory list when allpaperwork is recorded.1 .Continuously2.Continuously1. Number of SCMs andlow-density projectsinventoried.2. Document number ofprojects.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 44 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs39.40.PermitRef.BMPNo.Tracking InspectionsTrack SCM and low-densityinspections to identify repeatviolators1. Establish trackingmechanism to identifyviolators.2. Update trackingmechanism as violationsare reported duringInspections.1.Permit year 32. Continuously,beginning after trackingmechanism established.1 .Yes/No/Status2. Report number ofviolations.Developer ResourcesEstablish a stormwater resourcesection on the city website fordevelopers.1. Upload links to theCity ofHickory'sordinances and Phase IIrequirements.2. Update websitetopromote currentresources andordinances.1. Permit year 2, inconjunction withstormwater websitedevelopment BMP#30.2. Continuously, afterwebsite is developed.l.Yes/No/Status2. Report date of updatesand changes made.3.6.6: Fecal Coliform ReductionMeasures to control, to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform per 15A NCAC 02H .1017(7).At a minimum, the program shall include: (a) A pet waste management component, which may be achieved byrevising an existing litter ordinance, and (b) An on-site domestic wastewater treatment system component, ifapplicable, which may be coordinated with local county health department, to ensure proper operation andmaintenance of such systems.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricPet WasteThis requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program, see references provided in Table 19.Continue to implement the existing ordinance as referred m Table 19.On-site Waste ManagementThis requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program, see references provided in Table 19. Continue toimplement the existing ordinance as referenced in Table 19.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 45 PART 10: POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAMSThis SWMP provides a comprehensive pollution prevention and good housekeeping strategy for the CityofHickory municipal facilities and operations. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping areaccomplished through the implementation of seven required programs, which collectively address theultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations such as park and openspace maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, andmunicipal storm sewer system maintenance.Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations includes the following programs:1. Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program2. Spill Response Program3. MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program4. Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program5. Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program6. Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Program7. Pavement Management ProgramCurrently, spill response procedures are handled by the Fire Department and all other components of thepollution prevention and good housekeeping measures are implemented by the Public Works Department.The City already provides street sweeping and leaf collection services to residents. Initially, an inventoryof municipal facilities will be completed to serve as a basis for developing the program and creatingdocumentation for inspections. The City ofHickory will manage, implement and report the pollutionprevention and good housekeeping BMPs as specified In Table 21 below for each required program.NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 46 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPsPermitRef.3.7.1: Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance ProgramMeasures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating pollutedstormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of municipal facilities; perform facility inspections androutine maintenance; establish specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation; provide staff training ongeneral stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices.BMPNo.BDDescription of BMPMeasurable Goal(s)Schedule forImplementationAnnual ReportingMetric41.Inventory of Municipal FacilitiesDevelop and implement an accurateinventory of municipal facilities thathave a potential for stormwaterpollution.1. Establish NPDESIndustrial Permittracking mechanism todocument list ofmunicipally ownedfacilities with permit,permit expiration dates,and inspections.2. Perform initialinspection of facilities todetermine if they havepotential to generatepolluted runoffand/orrequire spill responseprocedures. Classifyfacilities as having highor low potential forstormwater pollution.3. Develop SPCC plansfor facilities as identifiedin the inspection process.4. Update inventory asneeded when facilities areadded or closed.1 .Permit year 12. Permit year 23.Permit year 24. As required.1. Number of facilitiesinventoried; date list iscompleted.Yes/No/Status2. Number of inspectionsperformed and classifyfacilities as high or lowpotential.3. Document the # ofSPCC/SWPPP planscompleted.4. Document # of facilitiesadded or closed.NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 47 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs'42743.PermitRef.BMPNo.44.Facility InspectionsInspect city facilities to confmn goodhousekeeping practices are followed,including material storage andvehicle and equipment cleaning.Inspect facilities with IndustrialStonnwater Permits and verifycompliance.1. Establish an SOP forcity facility inspections,including an inspectionschedule, inspectionreport documentation,and tracking system.2. Implement SOPsdesigned for cityfacilities.1 .Permit year 22. Permit years 3-51. Report number ofinspections performed.2. Yes/No/StatusFacility Employee TrainingDevelop and conduct training forappropriate municipal facility staff onoperations and maintenance.l.RefertoBMP#46.1. Refer to BMP #46.l.RefertoBMP# Spill Response ProgramMeasures for facilities and operations that store and/or use materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwaterrunoff if spilled. The permittee shall maintain written spill response procedures and train staff on spill response procedures.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricSpill Response ProceduresMaintain procedures for spillresponse and continue trainingappropriate staff.1. Review general spillresponse procedures.2. Review responseprocedures for Cityfacilities and operationswith potential forhazardous spills,3. Update procedures asfacilities and operationsare revised.4. Train new staff in spillprocedure response infacilities with potentialfor hazardous spills.1.Permit year 12. Permit year 13. As required.4. As required1. Are procedures updatedto newest responses?Yes/No/Status2. Are procedures updatedto newest responses?Yes/No/Status3. Number of additions orrevisions made.4. Number of new stafftrained.NCS000426 SWMPCity of Hickory7/1/20Page 48 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs45.PermitRef.BMPNo.46.47.Inventory facilities with spill potentialCreate a list of municipal facilitieswhere stored or used materials have apotential for stormwater pollution.1. Create a list ofmunicipal facilities.2. Update list ofmunicipal facilities whenchanges to spill potentialchange.1.Permit year 12.As requiredl.Yes/No/Status2. Number of facilitiesadded.3.7.3: MS4 Operation and Maintenance ProgramMeasures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater collection system. The permittee shall provide operation andmaintenance staff training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention, perform MS4 inspections, maintain thecollection system including catch basins and conveyances; and establish specific frequencies, schedules, and standarddocumentation.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricMS4 Staff TrainingDevelop and identijfy an MS4 trainingprogram for staff on generalstormwater awareness on pollutionand prevention.1. Develop or identifyappropriate trainingprogram.2. Provide initialtraining for allemployees.3. Provide training fornew hires.1. Permit year 22. Annually, beginningin permit year 3.3. Annually, beginningin permit year 3, asnecessitated by staffingchanges.l.Yes/No/Status2. Number of staffmembers trained andtopics from training.3. Number of new hirestrained and topics fromtraining.MS4 Inspection and MaintenanceDevelop a plan for MS4 systemmaintenance, requiring inspectionsand maintenance to ensure the MS4collection system is operational1. Develop an inspectionand maintenance planrequiring regularinspections of highpriority areas and fieldobservations todetermine future needs.1. Permit year 21. Yes/No/StatusNCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 49 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.48.49.2. Perform regularinspections inaccordance with theinspection andmaintenance plan.3. Verify, document,and prioritizemaintenance activitiesidentified by inspectionsor citizen reports.2. Follow Schedule peradopted Inspection andMaintenance plan.3. Continuously, aspotential maintenanceactivities are identified.2. Number of inspectionsdocumented.3. Number of maintenanceactivities performed.3.7.4: Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance ProgramMeasures to manage municipally-owned, operated, and/or maintained structural SCMs that are mstalled for compliancewith the permittee's post-construction program. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory ofSCMs, perform SCMinspections and maintenance, and shall establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forImplementationDAnnual ReportingMetricInventory municipally-owned structural SCM's.Develop and maintain a currentinventory for municipally-ownedSCM's.1. Create an inventoryof existing City-ownedSCMs.2.Develop as needed anOperation andMaintenance PIan(s) forall City-owned SCMs.3. Update inventory asneeded with any newCity SCMs.1. Permit year 12. Permit year 23. As Required.1. Number of municipalstructural SCMs.2. Yes/No/Status3. Number of updates.SCM Inspection and MaintenanceDocumenting the regular inspectionand maintenance ofmunicipallyowned structural SCMs. Additionof municipally owned SCMs toMS4 map.1. Locate City-ownedSCMs and add themto the MS4 Map withtype of SCMindicated.2. Update the map whennew City-owned SCMsare constructed.1. Permit year 12.Annually1. Document and reportthe number and type ofmunicipally-ownedSCM's.2, Report any updates inthe SCM inventory,NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 50 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo.50.3. Develop SCMinspection form.4. Inspect each deviceusing SCM inspectionform.5. Perform maintenancetask identified ininspections.6. Develop a trackingdocument for City ownedSCMs.3. Permit year 24. Annually, beginning inpermit year 3.5. As required.6.Permit year 3S.Yes/No/Status4. Number of SCMsinspected and status ofPass/Fail.5. Document SCMs andmaintenance taskperformed.6. Yes/No/Status3.7.5: Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Management ProgramMeasures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of landscape chemicals. The permittee shall provide routinepollution prevention and chemical use, storage and handling training, and shall ensure compliance with permits andapplicator certifications.ADescription of BMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricPesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Applicator TrainingTrain City Staff who apply chemicalsin order to minimize water qualityimpacts from pesticides, herbicides,and fertilizers.1, Maintain and verifyappropriate applicatorcertifications for taskedpersonnel bydownloading thecertification list eachyear and keeping it onfile.2. Develop or identifypollution prevention andchemical use, storageand handling trainingprogram.3. Provide staff trainingin pollution preventionand chemical use,storage and handlingframing.1 .Continously2. Permit year 23. Annually, beginning inpermit year 3.l.Yes/No/Status2.Yes/No/Status3. Number of staff trainedand topics covered,NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHickory7/1/20Page 51 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning ProgramMeasures to prevent and mmimize contamination ofstormwater mnofffrom areas used for municipal vehicle andequipment maintenance and/or cleaning. The permittee shall ensure that municipal industrial facilities subject to NPDESindustrial permitting comply with those permit requirements, provide routine pollution prevention training to staff, performroutine inspections, and establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricVehicle and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance Facility InspectionRoutine inspections as part of generalfacility inspections to ensure thatvehicle and equipment facilities arefollowing proper procedures tominimize water quality impacts fromvehicle and equipment cleaning andmaintenance.1. Develop an inspectionchecklist.2. Perform inspectionsusing inspectionchecklist and notifyfacility manager of anycorrective actionsrequired.3. Perform re-inspectionsof any facility thatrequired correctiveaction.1. Permit year 22. Bi" annually,beginning in permit year3.3. As required bycorrective actions issued.1. Yes/no/status2. Number of inspections.3. Number of facilitiesrequiring correctiveaction, number ofresolutions.Staff Training and EducationProvide general stormwaterawareness training and pollutionprevention training to employeesworking in vehicle maintenance andcleaning areas (Refer to BMP #46).l.RefertoBMP#46.l.RefertoBMP#46.l.RefertoBMP#46.NCS000426 SWMPCity ofHlckory7/1/20Page 52 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPsPermitRef.BMPNo. Pavement Management ProgramMeasures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runofffrom municipally-owned streets, roads, and parking lots within thepermittee's corporate limits. The permittee shall implement measures to control litter, leaves, debris, particulate and fluidpollutants associated with vehicles, and_establish specific frequencies, schedules, and documentation.ADescription ofBMPBMeasurable Goal(s)cSchedule forDAnnual ReportingMetricStreets, roads, and parking lots.An organized vehicle spill cleanupresponse to prevent pollutants fromvehicular accidents from entering thestorm drain system.1. Maintain spillresponse procedures forcity staff.1.Refer to BMP#44l.RefertoBMP#44.Street and Parking Lot SweepingMeasures to reduce pollutants instormwater runoff from municipal ly"owned streets, roads, and parking lotswithin the permittee's corporatelimits.1. Maintain street/curband gutter sweeping as aroutine operational task.All City Streets areincluded. The City has amap that identifies streetsthat are swept.1 .Continuous,All permit years1. Miles swept annually.Leaf CollectionSeasonal Collection of leaves toreduce pollutants and restrictions toour stormwater drainage system.1. Maintain our seasonalleaf collection fromNovember-January Eachstreet receives 2collections per season.1 .Continuous,All permit years1. Volume of leavescollected (tons).NCS000426 SWMPCityofHickory7/1/20Page 53