HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC214178_Site Plan or Location Map_20210729h_ U.ttLM,N9J" I. Cmitattu -el respmsalle fen le Ling all e.uting ulrities prig to stint el —slru.tlon. 2. All mmion omlra dewces shall be s»neln.tted end meinteiard In eacordmm wiry saI w ant stmdords of the 1pnd 0. ,,ty 5rctipn of thr Ninth Cud Ilepwtmenl of EmvYm miel Oudity, nlM ion el Eomgy, Hera @ Land Ito--- i slogiliyotion slpne under piping to er Placea us regureo by City Nm+ cond:tic..c .accent. 4- A. a mfeknum r.q.4—emt, ell graded .a ttot under pa.ameel end ea irk the rignl-pl-wpy and/o, east-enta "I 6r yrepvred, r.lOund pnd tarred. vended, wrd + l&ed enmediowy apuit cvmpletw. er c..at-clips as rdlo.es (Appftotma role PER 1,400 SWARE FEET): Type V sea lmq ([name w elver food areas] 100 ll v w lime 20 lbS. of 10-2Lt-20 w 20 Ibs pr 10-10-10 in c bitvl ion with 4 lbe of 0-if p 5lbt of km feed.., tmlalnilg a .rend of 2 oe mere toll lescues 1 it'. of Kmblur . Kentucky Bluegrass 1 Ib. el .inlet hnool rye gN b& 1 to Mcech I) type R Seed-nq (Cmerd .low meidmpnce areas) IOP lb'+ of Fund 15 lbs. of 1p-2L1_nl a i5 Ibs er f0-1❑-14 n eemhneNen with 3 16s. of 0-e6-0 A ihn. of tdl testae. cenloln'v,q p htand of 2 w rye Idl re% r 1 m. el s ea leepedexo [use scerlliN need Augeet IS !e February 1) K z. of Cg, . ■el (Yoy 1 to August 15) 1 M el rye pan [prim to ucy 1 . e}ter August 15) 'i- ` Ling mi.tures alhss then Ibpse listed ahe must he epprared by the City inspeatcr pr-nw to —dinq, 6. Prior Iv rrqunting v Fetd Irrspectivn, the Owner mart w.4rn6t Record Pro m_ and F'ngi t-'s Caelilkot" to the Engineererq DlK "N Retard Center. ttie Owner marl clap sab-il the cm at- 44- ch-kital to the City lesprctor T. AR work must Cary v one-year w=anty to wwr all deocis in -plaids and eo k _ship- 8. Prier la beginning my work eilhin NCDOI djht-el-say, th* Centrettor —.1 corns n copy,of the 14rre-pa y Eauoocb.nwt Agrvr-ant a. th job she. 9. Prior Iv 8eglnnhy my work, the cmlrwtor sndl nvlily the City at Ievs! lhrep [3, b.v — days belle the penned start or w Any wink Perrpmrd ZZ la na6fytnq be G!y is aab)eat to reyecli ,y the GIy. The ront-otor mass drp n-tact the Enginew�.g Field Office at (336) 12'/- 2%2 to wrmge Im Gen ltiea npecilm. R. WATER h SANITARY SEWER 'r The -pal cwrsnt saltlon of the City of Weston-Sdem Tecm.;vol 5proilicutionr end Detai broe*tgs Im Weler Lee end Sanitary Sewer Ene 0m tructiee wil govern all wt. and aonitvry srxer evnatrusrlon 2. Watrr pnd srwrr cm dJons shdl ba bes4s race other vt the cool. pR sad. lot . as tlYected by the Engineer. Cmnetlima ore to be apoced not mtre then 107 tenter to colter and bow .00dm stakes vleeed an seen aide- stakes ehdnd be paggw w paknied 1tr tiay- OFonge ,pasty eVnstruelipn 1pncing shpyfd he placed ar—d lnr c ealrpna Iv prolrc! I= durk.g Io! crnsnucPon octlWlles. W.I. and sew. cmme[l= shdl not be placed mthn G *ioeeay ar sidewalk, 5. Density tests by on i depended luting lob are Id be made as directed by the City inspector of the 0e 1 r pmio. e. Price to reguestwy f d inspection for waist erW/« sanitary sewer, !rye U-w mall su"mil Record Or'awings, 015 data pcereapontlinq Io the Rrctrd Ptaengs end Eoginsark C.tMry JJ n to the Engines. Inq. DiH_• Record Csow. Won oWda l by the Record I, -r O-a may .N.-I F.d Inapeclim Ice wd sad/m lvnitrry new-. Owner anon I— sabmlt the signed tenstraclion LTeU�Uat far inter ano,- aonittry sewer to the Clly Inrped o, S. A Letter of Acteptonee .ill he iswed pftrr Ine pane! -lion i, inspected nhd ortw the developer pmyiines Record urowings, QS date terrespwdnq la the Record Drawings, on nvc sgry none Ir (in o ro- so tiaroctcey to the City) poolProol a1 Payment (itditeting eel. u x ilory sewer tmin sepa etdy. esAtloding nwnect:pas costs, dmg w em vea breakdown of the r tud rant or Initalled .eleripls]. $ee se[lim w or mia1 document lac a swnple ease -et! I— end Preaf of Ppym docvmeets. MILLER'S RESERVE PHASE-1 CONSTRUCTION PLANS US 40 rs y � [� CLEA,{ryaYSVILl� Rb. Y w w FPQ�ECi •� W Ql CHUB w a_ pp,"ICK RCI • ter FR)EL)BEnG CHU+7ch +�o VICINITY MAP N . T. S. uIUIFAAF�? 51Rgpn ecs Ogg v to 00-w9[R i nr Pals FE racamEp . Epasyrn rnErtlr. MERE i5 A to'e'ry' 4orf EASFArENi t µt. N1EMA . t6. tali tC SE.FR 51M MEEs trrtrl"` aEypt C C(rK w tER �n rrrStbr-SeLEY ikFRw5ipuCTURE CC.ELOf•MEIti STA W K- Au0 .0 " t "EpFlcAnoRs s w,.1Ee MEn,rS *0 BE �ib CQ145 1>.E 1frE W V 'N.SICR-Sµ,EM. 5* ,is cesly 9 Cgk51RyC1tp. 1R eE PER N.C.Q.-T. SrARpAnpS µla g+Eon[AnRts. 51REE= CCoh Apo C9Rsi K"t FEn tr.C.a.a.. StµnAHps um 5toFlCA nptls a EROPPI cMW-1n -T RFakt p, ol= CC twwsfaR-sµiM. A H� " To>�H f•Flar* rS0una0. 4OERI4E A MEE nee stm .(FE tiv�VfS Mot ttCA�R 1. f¢Enq to LOCALE IXeKW A5 FAR µ'Mr ERQu ettFR5EC1rCRs A �F S1TE DATA: TAX MAP NUMBER[ 612822 BLOCKI LOT: 3806 002M AND PART OF 3886 O02J PIN NUMBER: SoI2.45.7884 AND PART OF 012-35-9518 DEED REFERENCES: D.B. 2553, PG- 1695; D-B-610. PG-345 D.B. 1623, PG- 438; D-B- 811. PG. 53 SITE AREA: d503 ACRES CURRENT ZONING: RS9 JURISDICTION: FORSYTH COUNTY PROPOSED ZONING: PRO PROPOSED USE! PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRD) ALLOWABLE LOTS! 2411 PROPOSED LOTS: 170 PROPOSED DENSITY: 3-31 UNITSIACRE COMMON OPEN SPACE REO'D (15%OF SITE): 7.69 ACRES ACTIVE OPEN SPACE REO•D! (15 %OF OPEN SPACE): 1,$6 ACRES COMMON OPEN SPACE PROV'O; &17 ACRES ACTIVE OPEN SPACE PROV'O; 1.36 ACRES AREA IN FLOOD PLAIN:± WA LF OF PUBLIC STREET' f7373 LF ALL STREETS ARE PUBLIC WITH SO' R-O-W. PROPOSED BA A. TOTAL: 15-38 ACRES 130%) -PROPOSED B-UA- IN STREETS: 4.51 ACRES -PROPOSED B-UA. IN SIDEWALK; 0.82 ACRES -PROPOSED B-U-A- IN LOTS (2,500 S-F. PER LOT x17% 9-76 ACi'+ES SITE SE RVEO WITH PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER, ALL EXISTING BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED OUTSIDE PERIMETER LOTS TO FOLLOW SECTION 2-5.60 1H) OF THE U-D.O- THIS PROJECT IS IN FORSYTH COUNTY JURISDICTION WATERSHED: YADKIN RIVER BASIN CONNECTIVITY INDEX - LINKS (17) f NODES (13) a 1.31% l =_6 COVERSHEET _ C1.1 511E PLAN ............. _ ......... .._..__..____.._......._...C2.1 PTIUTr STORM SEWR It ORADINC PLA1L _C4.1-C4.2 PLAN AND PROFILES--_ ._C5.1-CA'3 oftA STEEIS.................. ........... ....................... ..........C5.1-CG.3 • "• MILI,ER'S RESERVE KEYSTONE21LOUPJINC. + slime. r� COVERSHEET �n C1.3