HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG200513_MONITORING REPORT_20210128 (2)V M�.. scrap Metal Buyers and Recyclers January 22, 2021 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. 7020 2450 00016459 6423 Mr. James Moore NCDEQ-Regional Office Engineer NC Dept. of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 RE: General Stormwater Permit Monthly Sampling Event (December 2020) Certificate of Coverage No. NCG200513 Dear Mr. Moore: With this submittal, the United Scrap Metal — Charlotte Facility (USM) is providing the December 2020 monthly discharge monitoring report (No Discharge). An updated results table is also enclosed. USM is currently monitoring monthly due to "Tier Two/Three" status for copper and zinc. 'Note that business at the facility has increased to the point where combined motor/hydraulic usage exceeds 55 gallons per month. The monthly average usage has been added to the DMR for December 2020. As noted in prior DMR(s),installation of Regenerative Stormwater Conveyances at Outfalls 003 and 004 were completed in the month of November 2020. USM continues investigative actions and site specific best management practices to reduce copper and zinc concentrations in stormwater runoff from the facility. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 804-621- 7000 or mobile phone 815-693-5052. Sincerely, UNITED SCRAP METAL, INC. John Dergo General Manager Enclosures cc: Adam Wilk— USM National Compliance Manager Tim Monroe —Leaf Environmental & Engineering, P.C. NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form for NCG200000 Scrap Metal Click here for instructions ✓44119 ' Complete, sign, scan and submit the DMR via the Stormwater NPDES Permit Data Monitoring Report (DMR) Upload form within 30 days of receiving sampling results. Mail the original, signed hard copy of the DMR to the appropriate DEMLR Regional Office::: Certificate of Coverage No. NCG20 FOT 5 1 3 Person Collecting Samples: John Dergo Facility Name: united scrap Metal, Inc. Laboratory Name: N/A Facility County: Mecklenburg Laboratory Cert. No.: N/A Discharge during this period: ❑ Yes X No (if no, skip to signature and date) Has your facility implemented mandatory Tier response actions for any benchmark exceedances? 0 Yes [-]No If so, which Tier (I, II, or III)? III Part A: Analytical Monitoring Requirements for Outfalls with Industrial Activities — Benchmarks in (Red) Parameter Parameter Outfall 1 Outfall 2 Outfall 3 Outfall4 Outfall Code N/A Receiving Stream Class N/A Date Sample Collected MM/DD/YYYY 46529 24-Hour Rainfall in inches 00552 Non -Polar Oil & Grease in mg/L (15) C0530 I TSSin mg/L(100 or50•) Chemical oxygen Demand (COD) 00340 (120) Copper, total recoverable in mg/L 01119 (0.010 FW, 0.005 SW) Lead, total recoverable in mg/ L 01051 (0.075 FW, 0.220 SW) Zinc, total recoverable in mg/ L (0.126 01094 FW, 0.095 SW) Part B: Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance Areas — Benchmarks in (Red) Parameter Parameter Outfall Outfall Outfall Outfall Outfall Code N/A Receiving Stream Class N/A Date Sample Collected MM/DD/YYYY NCOIL New Motor/Hydraulic Oil Usage in 93 93 93 93 gal/month * Outfalls to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HOW), Trout Waters (Tr) and Primary Nursery Areas (PNA) have a benchmark TSS limit of 50 mg/L All other water classifications have a benchmark of 100 mg/L. Notes (optional): "I certify by my signature below, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are sig ficant pen es for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." �% Signature of Authorized Individual -L / - 2-oZ ( Date St.rmwater quantitative Monitoring -Analytical Results (NPOES Gss UI Pem18 COC NM200513) Raced Snap Mehl, Inc. San Bmokfol8 Street, Obarloeo, NO 28273 anu Number qe MonNty SUMPS, Swill (USE) aampan9 oar. roW 3uepeeeee .0d. 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