HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400571_Permit (Issuance)_20210722NC Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Water Resources (DWR) NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (NOI) TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS The following are "permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of ::f_ 1:' X w: ,:;.%v.' (NOTE: This form must be received at least 14 DAYS prior to iniectionl AQUIFER TEST WELLS (15A i4CAC 02C .:,22: These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IN SITU REMEDIATION (I5A NCAC 02C .0225) or TRACER WELLS ( 1) Passive. Infection Systems - In -well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods (Note: Injection Event Records (IER) do not need to be submitted for replacement of each sock used in ORC systems). 2) Small -Scale Injection Operations — Injection wells located within a land surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An individual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests - Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells is located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air Injection Wells - Used to inject ambient air to enhance in -situ treatment of soil or groundwater. 5) In -Situ Thermal Wells (IST 3 — Used to `heat' contaminated groundwater to enhance remediation. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible. Submittals Will Be Returned as Incomplete. DATE: June 25 , 2021 PERMIT NO. W 10400571 (to be filled in by DWR) NOTE- If this NOI is being submitted as notification of a modification of a previously issued NOI for this site (e.g., different injection wells, plume, additives, etc.) and still meets the deemed permitted by rule criteria, provide the previously assigned permit tracking number and any needed relevant information to assess and approve injection: A. B. Permit No. WI Issued Date: WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED (1) Air Injection Well (2) Aquifer Test Well (3) Passive Injection System (4) X Small -Scale Injection Operation (5) Pilot Test (6) Tracer Injection Well (7) In -Situ Thermal (IST) Well STATUS OF WELL OWNER: Business/Organization Complete sections B through F, J, M Complete sections B through F, J, M Complete sections B through F, H-M Complete sections B through M Complete sections B through M Complete sections B Complete sections B through 2421 actioR tad oi* Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-17-2020 Page 1 C. WELL OWNERS) — State name of Business/Agency, and Name and Title of person delegated authority to sign on behalf of the business or agency: Name(s): Burns Blackwell, Bruce Terminix Company Mailing Address: 1703 Wendover Ave. E. City: Greensboro State: NC Zip Code: 27405 County: Guilford Day Tele No.: (336)790.5985 Cell No.: EMAIL Address: burns@terminix-triad.com Fax No.: D. PROPERTY OWNER(S) (if different than well owner/applicant) Name and Title: The Estate of William H. Whiteheart and Yadkin Valley Investments, LLC Company Name Yadkin Valley Investments,_LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 40 City: Lewisville State: NC_ Zip Code: 27023 County: Forsyth Day Tele No.: Cell No.: EMAIL Address: Fax No.: E. PROJECT CONTACT (Typically Environmental Consulting/Engineering Finn) Name and Title: Chris Hay. Regional Operations Manager Company Name EnviroTrac Ltd. Mailing Address: 7343 West Friendly Avenue. Suite J City: Greensboro State: NC Zip Code: 27410 County: Guilford Day Tele No.: (336)763-6025 Ce11 No.: (336)602-0977 EMAIL Address: christopherh@envirotrac.com Fax No.: F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE Former Bruce Terminix (1) Facility Name & Address: 3495 Leo Street City: Winston-Salem County: Forsyth Zip Code: 27105 (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: 0" or 36 °.13421979301867 Longitude**: 0" or -80 °.23946197377443 Reference Datum: Accuracy: Method of Collection: Google Earth **FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: A FACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: 40,000 square feet Land surface area of inj. well network: 765 square feet (< 10,000 ft2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: 2% (must be < 5% of plume for pilot test injections) Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-17-2020 Page 2 H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS — Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement, plus existing and proposed wells. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES AT THE SITE — Provide a brief narrative regarding the cause of the contamination, and purpose, scope, goals of the proposed injection activity: A treatability study has been approved by the IHSB for powdered activated carbon treatment of pesticide impacted soil. The objective of the study is to verify the efficacy of the proposed soil treatment at the site. The objective of the initial abatement is to prevent leaching of pesticides from impacted soil to the groundwater. The proposed soil treatment strategy will have the additional benefit of reducing pesticide levels in the shallow groundwater at the site. The attached Initial Abatement Workplan was approved by the IHSB and describes the history of the incident, purpose. scope. and objectives as well as the drawings requested as part of this submittal. J. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) No. of injection wells: Proposed 6 Existing (provide NC Well Construction Record (GW-1) for each well) (2) Appx. injection depths (BLS):_0 -17 (3) For Proposed wells or Existing wells not having GW-ls, provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following (indicate if construction is proposed or as -built): (a) Well type as permanent, Geoprobe/DPT, or subsurface distribution infiltration gallery (b) Depth below land surface of casing, each grout type and depth, screen, and sand pack (c) Well contractor name and certification number K. INJECTION SUMMARY NOTE: Only injectants approved by the epidemiology section of the NC Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services can be infected. Approved injectants can be found online at http://deg .nc.Qov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/,round-water protection/around-water-approved-injectants. All other substances must be reviewed by the DHHS prior to use. Contact the UIC Program for more info if you wish to get approval for a different additive. However please note it may take 3 months or longer. If no injectants are to be used use N/A. Injectant:powdered activated carbon Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event:2.780 Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-17-2020 Page 3 Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event: Total Amt. to be injected (gal/event): No. of separate injection events:1 Total Amt to be injected (gal): 2.780 Source of Water (if applicable): City of Winston-Salem public water supple L. MONITORING PLAN — Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. Groundwater will be sampled from observation wells before and after the treatabilitv study. Groundwater samples from existinz~ monitoring wells at the property are to be sampled following the study. M. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER Well Owner/Applicant: "I hereby cert, under penalty of law, that I am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, 1 believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of f nes and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the 15A NCAC 02C 0200 Rules." Signature of Applicant 12` 1 rt C1c1/CI Print or Type Full Name and Title Property Owner (if the property is not owned by the Well Owner/Applicant): "As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (ISA NCAC 02C .0200)." "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. See attached Consent Order Signature* of Property Owner (if different from applicant) Print or Type Full Name and Title *An access agreement between the applicant and property owner may be submitted in lieu of a signature on this form. Please send 1 (one) hard color copy of this NOI along with a copy on an attached CD or Flash Drive at least two (2) weeks prior to injection to: DWR — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 707-9000 Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOI Rev. 2-17-2020 Page 4 Ei?i5IFrc Environmental Services Revised May 5, 2021 Mr. Thomas C. Clark Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 Reference: Initial Abatement Work Plan — Activated Carbon Injection Bruce Terminix 3495 Leo Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina IHSB Site ID No. NONCD0002238 Dear Mr. Clark: EnviroTrac Ltd. has prepared this Initial Abatement Work Plan on behalf of Bruce Terminix for the referenced site. Based on results of the previous groundwater and soil sampling, EnviroTrac recommends securing the site with fencing and signage, installing silt fence upgradient of the stream, and installing injection wells to treat soil with a powdered activated carbon solution. Additionally, a site specific treatability study has been included, as requested. Soil treatment progress will be evaluated through groundwater monitoring. Should you have questions or require additional information regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. ENVIROTRAC LTD. CjklA Christopher W. Hay, E.I., RSM Environmental Program Manager Enclosure Cc: Mr. Burns Blackwell, Terminix, w/enc. Mr. Joseph Ponzi, Brooks Pierce, w/enc. 7343 West Friendly Avenue, Suite J, Greensboro, NC 27410 1 (336) 763-6025 1 Fax: (336) 763-6034 www.envirotrac.com Offices in NY, NJ, NH, OH, CT, FL, MA, PA, GA, NC, WV, VA INITIAL ABATEMENT WORKPLAN ACTIVATED CARBON INJECTION Site: BRUCE TERMINIX 3495 LEO STREET WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA IHSB ID NUMBER NONCD0002238 Submitted To: MR. THOMAS C. CLARK INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES BRANCH 450 WEST HANES MILL ROAD, SUITE 300 WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA 27105 Prepared By: ENVIROTRAC LTD. 7343 WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE, SUITE J GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27410 (336) 763-6025 A Full Service Environmental Consulting and Contracting Firm Environmental Services TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION RESULTS 1 3.0 INITIAL ABATEMENT OBJECTIVE 2 4.0 PROPOSED INITIAL ABATEMENT 3 4.1 Site Access Control 3 4.2 Sedimentation Control 3 4.3 Activated Carbon Treatability Study 3 4.4 Activated Carbon Soil Treatment 5 4.5 Evaluation of Soil Treatment Progress 6 5.0 INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE 7 6.0 ESTIMATED COST 7 7.0 SCHEDULE 8 TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3a Figure 3b Figure 4a Figure 4b Figure 5a Figure 5b Figure 6a Figure 6b Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 APPENDICES A B Monitoring Well Construction Details Soil Sample Analytical Summary Groundwater Sample Analytical Summary Creek Sediment Sample Analytical Summary Surface Water Sample Analytical Summary Sample Location Map Groundwater Elevation Contour Map Soil Sample Analytical Results (VOCs) Soil Sample Analytical Results (Organochlorine Pesticides) Groundwater Sample Analytical Results (VOCs) Groundwater Sample Analytical Results (Organochlorine Pesticides) Creek Sediment Sample Analytical Results (VOCs) Creek Sediment Sample Analytical Results (Organochlorine Pesticides) Surface Water Sample Analytical Results (VOCs) Surface Water Sample Analytical Results (Organochlorine Pesticides) Cross Section Locations Cross Section A -A' Cross Section B-B' Injection Well Layout Injection System Diagram Activated Carbon Treatability Study Details General Carbon Powdered Activated Carbon Specification Sheet Initial Abatement Design Calculations 11.990146.00 Page i Revised May 5, 2021 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. E'wto Environmental Services 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Bruce Terminix site is located at 3495 Leo Street in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina (Latitude 36° 08' 05.52" N, Longitude 80° 14' 22.30" W) (Figure 1). As discussed in the Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan (EnviroTrac, May 2019), the site is presently undeveloped and is covered with gravel, grass, brambles, small, and mature trees; however, the site was formerly developed with a Terminix Pest Control business. The site is located within a mixed -use area with Leo Street and a shopping center west of the site; US Highway 52 and residential housing developments east of the site; and undeveloped Tots to the north and south. The area surrounding the site west of Hwy 52 has historically been developed with commercial/industrial properties. 2.0 REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION RESULTS The remedial investigation at the site has resulted in 66 soil borings, surface water samples, sediment samples and the installation of seven monitoring wells. In 1987 soil samples were collected around the perimeter of the Terminix Pest Control building. Analytical results indicated the presence of pesticides exceeding the Preliminary Industrial Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) in the soil to a depth of four feet below ground surface (bgs). An action plan for remediation was submitted to DEQ and approved. After that action was complete, a No Further Action letter was issued by DEQ. In April 2012, samples were collected of soil, groundwater, stream sediment, and surface water from Bowen Branch. Four soil samples were collected to identify the depth of the pesticides within the soil. Pesticides were detected above the Preliminary Industrial SRG to a depth of 11 feet bgs. Three monitoring wells were installed and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) were detected over the North Carolina 2L Standard (2L Standard) in the three monitoring wells. Monitoring well MW-1 also detected cis-1,2-dichloroethene, and MW-2 detected dieldrin above the 2L Standard. Both TCE and pesticides were detected above the 2B Standard for surface water, and the Protection of Groundwater SRG for sediment. In July 2019, remedial investigation occurred to determine the extent of the contamination within the soil, groundwater, stream sediment, and surface water of Bowen Branch. Four monitoring wells were installed (two shallow and two deep) to identify the vertical extent of the contamination. 11.990146.00 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. Page 1 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 T Enviror : al Services Monitoring well construction details are summarized in Table 1. Forty-two soil borings were drilled. The monitoring well and soil boring locations are shown on Figure 1. Soil sample analytical results are summarized in Table 2. A groundwater potentiometric map is provided on Figure 2. Figures 3a and 3b provide graphic representations of the soil sample results for VOCs and pesticides, respectively. PCE was detected above the 2L Standard in each of the monitoring wells. TCE was detected above the 2L Standard in monitoring wells MW-1, MW-3, MW-4 and MW-7D. Additionally, benzene was detected in MW-4 above the 2L Standard. Pesticides were detected above the 2L Standard in MW-3, MW-5 and MW-7D. Laboratory results for the sediment samples indicated PCE and pesticides concentrations were above the Protection of Groundwater S RG. Table 3 provides a summary of groundwater samples collected from the site. Figures 4a and 4b provide graphic representations of the groundwater sample results for VOCs and pesticides, respectively. Stream sediment sample analytical results are summarized in Table 4. Figures 5a and 5b provide graphic representations of the stream sediment sample results for VOCs and pesticides, respectively. Surface water samples indicated levels of PCE and pesticides above the 2B Standard. Surface water sample analytical results are summarized in Table 5. Figures 6a and 6b provide graphic representations of the surface water sample results for VOCs and pesticides, respectively. To further delineate the horizontal extent of impacted soil, 17 soil borings were drilled in January 2020, and an additional seven soil borings were drilled in July 2020. The extent of impacted soil was delineated horizontally and vertically. Figure 7 shows the locations of cross sections prepared for the site. The vertical extent of impacted soil is shown on Figures 8 and 9. 3.0 INITIAL ABATEMENT OBJECTIVE The objective of the initial abatement proposed in this workplan is to prevent leaching of pesticides from impacted soil to the groundwater. The proposed soil treatment strategy will have the additional benefit of reducing pesticide levels in the shallow groundwater at the site. A feasibility study is proposed, as requested, to verify the efficacy of the proposed soil treatment at the site. Further, fencing is proposed to control access to the site, and silt fence is proposed to prevent runoff from carrying impacted soil to the stream. 11.990146.00 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. Page 2 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 Environmental Services 4.0 PROPOSED INITIAL ABATEMENT 4.1 Site Access Control Access to the site and stream will be controlled through the installation of a six foot tall chain link fence installed to the north, west, and south. The fence will meet an existing chain link fence along the eastern property boundary. A locked gate will be installed for vehicular access at the existing entrance to the property along Leo Street. The fence will include "No Trespassing" signage and encompass impacted areas of the site identified in the Remedial Investigation and the stream. The location of the proposed fencing and gate is shown on Figure 10. 4.2 Sedimentation Control Silt fence including 36 inch geotextile fabric on 48 inch posts will be installed downgradient of impacted soil delineated in the Remedial Investigation to prevent runoff from carrying impacted surface soil to the stream. The bottom of the silt fence will be buried a minimum of six inches below grade. The approximate location of the proposed silt fence is shown on Figure 10. 4.3 Activated Carbon Treatability Study A treatability study will be performed, as requested, to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed soil treatment strategy at the site. Slug tests will be conducted in monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2 to estimate an average hydraulic conductivity at the site. Treatability studies will be performed in two areas at the site. 10 Foot Treatment Spacing One treatability study will be conducted in the vicinity of soil boring SS-8, which exhibited the highest aldrin concentration (4.12 mg/kg) identified during the Remedial Investigation as well as concentrations of chlordane (14.10 mg/kg) and dieldrin (12.40 mg/kg). Soil logged within SS-8 was representative of soil types and textures found across the site. Nested temporary observation wells will be installed at the location of SS-8. The one inch diameter observation wells will be screened at depths of 1-2 feet, 2-5 feet, 5-10 feet, and 12-17 feet below ground surface. The observation wells will have a two foot section of solid PVC below the screen to collect treatment water. Following installation of the observation wells, a groundwater sample will be collected for laboratory analysis of pesticides by EPA Method 8081 B. Results of the laboratory analysis will be compared to 11.990146.00 Page 3 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. Erw ■ il■- ate. Environmental Services groundwater results following treatment with activated carbon. Three temporary injection wells will be installed at a radius of 10 feet from the observation wells. The temporary injection wells will be constructed of 2 inch diameter PVC well screen and riser with sand pack and bentonite surface seal. The temporary injection wells will be screened from 2 to 17 feet below ground surface. Following installation of the injection wells, they will be connected to 300 gallon totes. A 5 percent solution of powdered activated carbon and water (125 pounds of powdered activated carbon in 300 gallons of water) will be mixed in each tote and the solution will be allowed to drain into the injection wells. The powdered activated carbon will be mixed and kept in solution by placing a small pump inside the tote to constantly circulate the solution. A fourth tote will be used to mix a 10 percent solution of powdered activated carbon and water to apply to the ground surface. Following treatment of all the injection wells, the ground surface and shallow subsurface will be treated with a 10 percent solution of powdered activated carbon and water. The time required to drain the contents of each activated carbon solution vessel will be recorded to estimate an average infiltration rate for the soil column. The groundwater elevation will be measured prior to the start of the treatability study. After the totes have drained and equilibrium is reached of the groundwater level in each injection well, the observation wells will be checked. The time required to drain the free pore space and the volume recovered in each temporary observation well will be recorded to verify treatment of the entire soil column. Powdered activated carbon used for the treatability studies will be supplied by General Carbon Corporation. The specifications of their powdered activated carbon product are included on the sheet provided in Appendix A. The particle sizes listed on General Carbon's spec. sheet only include US sieve mesh sizes 100, 200, and 325 which correlates to 149, 74, and 44 microns. The spec. sheet indicates 90% of the product is Tess than 44 microns; however, no analysis of the finer portion is provided. EnviroTrac has a sample of the product and plans to have particle size analysis completed. Depending on the particle size distribution of the sample of typical product, EnviroTrac may request additional milling of the product, if necessary. The parameters (product selection, solution concentration, solution volume) recommended for the treatability study and initial abatement soil treatment have been found to be effective in our experience to distribute activated carbon at similar sites throughout the Piedmont Region of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia in loamy soils derived from weathering of igneous and metamorphic bedrock. We have not experienced issues with clogging pore spaces at other sites under these conditions possibly due to the availability of larger pore spaces in loamy textured soil or simply the vast availability of pores 11.990146.00 Page 4 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. TF!rwac Environmental Services versus the dilute concentration of the solution. The selection of powdered activated carbon supplied by General Carbon was because it has a superior particle size to other commercially available carbon products and General Carbon indicated they could provide additional milling of the product, if requested. If treatment solution is not evident in some or all of the observation wells, an additional application of treatment solution will be completed as described above prior to sampling the observation wells. If treatment solution is evident in the observation wells, water samples will be collected from the 2, 5, 10, and 17 foot observation wells at the location of SS-8. The water samples will be delivered to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis of pesticides by EPA Method 8081 B and total organic carbon. The efficacy of the treatment strategy and activated carbon solution concentration will be assessed through comparison of the initial groundwater sample prior to treatment with laboratory results from the water samples collected from the observation wells following treatment. 15 Foot Treatment Spacing A second treatability study will be conducted in the vicinity of soil boring SS-25 which exhibited the highest chlordane concentration (45.70 mg/kg), the highest heptachlor concentration (0.584 mg/kg), and dieldrin (2.810 mg/kg). Soil logged within SS-25 was representative of soil types and textures found across the site with primarily silt and silty clay in the lower portion of the boring. The 15 foot treatability study will be completed as described above for the 10 foot study with two exceptions: 1) The three temporary injection wells will be installed at a radius of 15 feet from the observation wells; and 2) The initial treatment volume applied to the injection wells will be 600 gallons each. 4.4 Activated Carbon Soil Treatment Based on favorable results from the treatability studies, initial abatement will be achieved through the implementation of an activated carbon soil treatment strategy encompassing soil identified during the Remedial Investigation at levels exceeding the Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG). Figure 3b provides graphic representation of the areas identified to be impacted by pesticides in excess of the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. For the purpose of providing details of the initial abatement strategy, the following section includes a 10 foot injection well spacing and treatment volumes as described in the 10 foot treatability study. The final soil treatment spacing and volumes will be based on results of the treatability studies. 11.990146.00 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. Page 5 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 Mtro—litac Environmental Services Figure 10 shows the distribution of 65 injection wells, each with a 10 foot radius of influence covering the area to be treated during the Initial Abatement phase. Prior to the installation of injection wells at the site, a Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation Permit Application Form will be submitted to the Division of Water Resources Underground Injection Control Program. The injection wells will be placed at the site on a surveyed grid in accordance with the approved layout. The injection wells will be constructed of 2 inch diameter PVC well screen and riser with sand pack and bentonite surface seal. Forty of the injection wells will be screened from 2 to 12 feet below ground surface. Twenty-five of the injection wells will be screened from 2 to 17 feet below ground surface. Following installation of the injection wells, they will be connected to 300 gallon totes. A 5 percent solution of powdered activated carbon and water will be mixed in each tote and the solution will be allowed to drain into the injection wells under the pressure provided by the head of the injection system (2.5 to 7.5 psi). Ten injection wells will be treated at one time starting at the upgradient (north) portion of the treatment area. When the totes have drained, they will be moved to injection wells downgradient until all the injection wells have been treated. The initial abatement soil treatment strategy will include the application of 8,640 pounds of powdered activated carbon. The forty 12 foot injection wells will receive 200 gallons of 5 percent carbon solution. The twenty-five 17 foot injection wells will receive 300 gallons of 5 percent carbon solution. The surface treatment will include 2,600 gallons of 10 percent carbon solution. The water supply for the initial abatement soil treatment will be the public water hydrant adjacent to the entrance to the site. A Fire Hydrant Connection Water Use Permit and meter will be obtained from the City of Winston-Salem. 4.5 Evaluation of Soil Treatment Progress Progress of the soil treatment will be evaluated by sampling five monitoring wells to be installed within the treatment area (monitoring wells MW-8 through MW-12). The wells will be screened across the water table and are anticipated to have terminal depths of 20 to 25 feet. The proposed locations of the five monitoring wells are shown on Figure 10. The monitoring wells will be installed, developed, and sampled prior to beginning the soil treatment. The groundwater samples will be delivered to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis of pesticides by EPA Method 8081 B. Laboratory results of the initial sampling event will be compared to quarterly groundwater sample results following completion of the Initial Abatement soil treatment strategy. It is important to note that the proposed Initial Abatement will address both the pesticides and chlorinated compounds, capture known contaminants on -site, reduce groundwater concentrations 11.990146.00 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. Page 6 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 EFFAINTArac Environmental Services overtime, and prevent further impacts to the stream immediately upon installation. The chlorinated compounds are the most significant pollutant to Bowen Branch and Terminix has no responsibility for these contaminants in either groundwater or the stream. 5.0 INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE Investigation derived waste generated during the Initial Abatement will include uncontaminated consumables and PPE. PPE and other solid waste (packaging of materials brought to the site) will be disposed of in appropriate waste disposal receptacles. Soil cuttings, development and purge water from the monitoring wells, and water used for decontamination of the drilling equipment will be discharged within the soil treatment area to be treated. 6.0 ESTIMATED COST A summary of the cost to date of the project was provided by Terminix's accountants on December 8, 2020. From 2009 through November of 2020 Terminix has paid $518,811.46 toward addressing this incident. EnviroTrac's estimated cost to complete the scope of work described herein is $242,850.50. The estimated total cost includes installation of the proposed Initial Abatement and one quarterly groundwater monitoring event to be summarized in a progress report. A breakdown of the estimated cost is provided below INITIAL ABATEMENT SITE ACCESS CONTROL AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Clearing $2,980.00 Fencing and Signage $15,345.00 Silt Fence and Installation $1,490.00 ACTIVATED CARBON TREATABILITY STUDY Drilling (2 nested observation wells and 6 injection wells) $10,700.00 Powdered Activated Carbon, 1,425 pounds @ $5.30 per pound $7,552.50 Mobilization, Shipping, Equipment, PPE, Labor, $8,070.00 EPA Method 8081B, TCLP Pesticides, TOC $964.00 Analysis/Documentation/Results $2,500.00 ACTIVATED CARBON SOIL TREATMENT Injection Well Permit $2,000.00 Drilling $49,260.00 11.990146.00 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. Page 7 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 ErivirvT`c Environmental Services Activated Carbon, 8,640 pounds @ $5.30 per pound $45,792.00 Mobilization, Shipping, Equipment, Staging $10,417.00 Injection, Equipment, Labor (two weeks) $36,785.00 Surface Soil Treatment, Equipment, Labor (one week) $32,810.00 Consulting, documentation, reporting $5,000.00 INITIAL AND ONE QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING EVENT Labor, Equipment, Sampling Supplies, PPE $7,475.00 EPA Method 8081B, $1,210.00 Analyze Sample Results, Provide Recommendations on Remedial Design, Report $2,500.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL S242,850.50 7.0 SCHEDULE EnviroTrac is prepared to begin working on the project upon receipt of written authorization. Utilities will be cleared and marked, clearing will be completed to accommodate fencing, silt fence, and injection well installation. A drilling firm scheduled, and activated carbon will be ordered and shipped to the site. EnviroTrac anticipates the treatability study will take one week with laboratory results following within two weeks. Results will be analyzed and shared. The injection well permit will be prepared and submitted. Drilling monitoring wells and injection wells will be initiated (two weeks budgeted). Activated carbon will be ordered and shipped. The five new monitoring wells will be sampled. Injection equipment will be mobilized to the site. Injection through the wells is anticipated to require two weeks. The surface soil application is anticipated to require one week. An Initial Abatement Report will be completed following the work. The report is anticipated to be complete and submitted to DEQ within 30 days of completion of the work at the site. Groundwater monitoring will be scheduled 3 months following completion of the initial abatement. Laboratory results are typically available within two weeks of groundwater sampling. A report will be completed summarizing results of the monitoring event. 11.990146.00 Page 8 of 8 Revised May 5, 2021 © 2021 EnviroTrac Ltd. TABLES MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (feet MSL) CM r o N ao ti O) r, O) , 943.74 949.02 938.24 948.28 944.82 TOP OF CASING ELEVATION (feet MSL) co o N oo 963.54 O) 00 O CO CO O) 964.57 943.99 963.62 LC) N in O) DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER (feet TOC) 15.59 Not Located 5.62 co co •- 5.75 NI - co r 12.43 SCREENED INTERVAL (feet bgs) J 20-30 4.5-14.5 Cn C[) co N M co Ch 38-45 16.5-23.5 TOTAL DEPTH (feet bgs) 30.0 (0 O 6 23.0 13.0 45.0 Cn M N DATE CONSTRUCTED N r 1- Q < M N T L is < 4 4-Apr-12 co r = '- 0) r '- co T -5 (NJ 2-J u I-19 MONITORING WELL Date r 1 C G MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 1 2 CD 1 S MW-7D AL SUMMARY Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B 0 a CC 03 o In o co a m 0 m BRL 0 CO CO 0 m CO CO CD.� BRL BRL BRL CO CO m m— CO CO CO CO BRL 03 W ❑ d Or o N 0.47 coCCK rn J 0 J CO J CC CO J K CO J Cr m BRL J K m J d' 0 J Cr m BRL BRL 1 J Et m yy O — 8.8 O m co N ICJ N CO st CO N 1 BRL BRL BRL J re m J a' 0 BRL J a' 0 J a' 0 Methoxychlor m m 820 Lindane 0.57 0.0035 N BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL I IX m 0 m Cr m BRL BRL a 40 BRL 0 m BRL 0 m BRL BRL BRL CC m K CO BRL C m BRL BRL K m CC m L Heptachlor 0.14 m dCC 0.63 J J CCmm BRL BRL J cc J c c J cc J cc J ccmmmmm BRL BRL J cc maw p W A 0 r 0 — J 03co'03al030303= m — .d N J m J m J m J m J m BRL J c m IBRL C N Ii p 'p W W Z W Z W Z O J a. CO J 03 m J Ce 03 m BRL BRL I BRL J a. m BRL BRL J CC m 03 J CC 03 m J 03 m 903 J m 03 in ' J a. m BRL N n J 03 m J 03 m J C. 03 BRL I J 0: m J 0. m J 0 m J Ce 03 m J 0 m BRL 'Np0 C W T m ' c m N 01 O n m m m N W N o- 210 BRL a' CO BRL N m co a' CO CO M Q1 CC COa' IL CO BRL a N 1.4 J BRL a' m W CO m CO O v BRL I J co J co J co J N '1' J m J m W • m N `- J cocd O CO a 8.5 W w W m CO 0 N g J m J m J CO J m 1.3 J m BRL J m Chlordane* Dieldrin 1.7 0.034 o O O BRL J m co J m co J m (0 T Co m ' J 2' m m m ' 492 W O N ' • J Q_ m J m 03 .ap — 124 BRL J m 03 BRL J K m BRL J 0 03 BRL BRL J m % n N 0 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Aldrin 0.039 W W m co co m co co co co co m m J m A pp P! J m J m J m Y QI O1 J m J m BRL J carom J J J m V• J ce m Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene a 0 M Q Z VN NA 1 NA < Z < Z < Z < Z < 2 NA NA NA NA LVN < Z < Z < Z NA ! NA NA < Z VN < Z < Z < Z < Z VN VN cis-1,2- Tetrachloro- Acetone Dichloro- ethylene ethylene (PCE) 12,000 48 17 25 2.50 0.0063 140,000 210 82 NA Z Z NA NA NA NA Z NA NA NA NA Z Z NA NA Z NA NA NA Z NA Z NA Z NA Z NA Z Z NA Z NA Z Z VN NA VN Z NA C NA NA NA Z Z NA VN NA Z NA NA NA 1 NA NA Z NA Z Z NA NA Z NA NA NA NA Z NA NA NA NA VN Z NA NA NA NA NA < Z VN NA NA NA NA COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) Protection of Groundwater SRG Preliminary Industrial Soil Goal SRG m m o o N 0 0 n CO 0 o 1...- CO 0 0 n CO 0 0 n CO 0 0 n CO 0 0 n CO 0 0 n CO o 0 0- CO 0 0 0 n onW m 0 0 0- 0 0 n CO m 0 0 0- OD 0 0 1..-- CO 0 0 n CO 0 0 0 0- CO o 0) 0 1.-- CO 0 0) 0 n COW o 0) 0 0- m o 0 I-- 03 m o 0 n CO o 0) 0 0- CO 0 0) 0 I-- CO o 0) 0 I-- COW co 0 0 0- io 0 0 O6/03/87 n CO m' 0 0 0.❑ CO 0 O 0 CO °o M co Collection Depth (feet bast 0 0 0 0 o W o 0.5 o '- o 0.5 0 0.5 O N O 0N 4.0 a 0.5 O 3.0 4.0 o 0.5 0 W 0 0 ao O m m E ao N a F Q A -Bottom B-Top ` p 4 mN C-Top C-Bottom D-Top D-Bottom E-Top E-Bottom F-Top F-Bottom I a 17 0= G-Bottom I 0 0 0 H-Top o "al2 2 2 a F — rI -Bottom a I - J-Bottom I no Y c YI Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B 0 ❑ O o 0 6.4 L1,0 BRL J 10 m BRL I J Et m J re�'• m a J 10 m J 10 m J 2 m • J O¢ m 10 m J a' m J K CO BRL J 10 m BRL BRL BRL K m CO m M m 10 m 10 m Oa m W ❑ d 0 2.0 0.47 M m BRL BRL J m J COCC m J CO 1.0 N N 7.8 r J K m J COX CO J CO J K m J 0_' m J 0_' m J d' CO BRL K m J K CO J X al J Ir m J CO m J K m J O_ m `o t m O V N O i I I BRL CO CO m m BRL CO m CC m cc 0 BRL BRL 0 IBRL 10 CO BRL Lindane 0.57 c 0 o 0 O 0 fV J CC m J K m J 10 CO J IC m J 0:• m ^ J 1 m BRL BRL J K m 0: m BRL BRL J K m BRL 1 BRL BRL J 10 CO J K CO J K m J 10 m J 10 m J 0_ m J 10 m J EL CO Heptachlor] 0.14 0.013 0.63 J m J m m BRL m BRL M r N J m J ce m BRL J m J m J CO m ^' �.j CI BRL, 0.010 o O N O O BRL BRL m BRL J m m m m W o a c W Z NE NE J CC m J CC m J X m J K m BRL J K m J K CO J 0 m J m 0 BRL BRL J m BRL J O' m BRL J COX m BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL J m J K m J CC CO Endosulfan I rn O O J m J m BRL s' '' a A N r m N J m J m J m J m BRL BRL J m J m J m J m J m J m BRL J CO J m J m J m Endrin" O 0) COW V BRL J m J m K m K m fO a — BRL I BRL J m J K m J IX m BRL BRL 1.5, 0.56 BRL 0.013, 0.016 BRL 7.0024, 0.0016. J CC m J CC m J 2 m J K m BRL J K m 0.034 Oa O O m BRL m BRL I m r(�]i N N 8 M r" a' m d' m 7, O o O N 00 0 N CO 00 O a 0 0 0 CO O O N O 0 CO O d O O ea l+Of a09, �Oy N O M G a O 0.032, 0.023 0.027, 0.018 O O O m 0.1020 m BRL -a L n N C r rCO I I I I 1 I I 10 K m 0_0392, 0.0454 o o N i 0.834, 0.838 0.952, 0.91' 0.076, 0.0388 N O O 0 0 0.4730 CC m CC m O CO Oo CC co co D Q O O CO O O 10 o K m 10 m 10 m ix CO ixO• CO BRL J N BRL BRL J 10 CO J cc CO J 10 m J 10 m 2.7, 0.8 BRL BRL BRL BRL J 10 m J re10 CO J CO BRL J 10 m J ix m Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene 0 CAI 370 NA Z NA 1 Z NA Z Z NA Z Z J m 0 J J m J J m BRL J m 0 J 0 m J m 0 J 0 CO J m 0 J K m BRL BRL J K m J 0 m J CC 0 m Tetrachloro- ethylene (PCE) 0.0063 VN Z VN Z NA Z NA NA NA Z co O O O O OK p O 0.0100 1 COm BRL BRL m COm m CO CO BRL CO CO CO m O m h ra L U'p v a ,Ni N NA NA Z Z NA Z Z NA NA NA I m m CO o o BRL BRL BRL BRL CO m m CO m m BRL Acetone 12,000 N 140,000 I Z Z Z NA NA NA NA NA NA NA n o O BRL o 0 m 0.025 J m BRL m m m CO CO CO BRL BRL COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) Protection of Groundwater SRG Preliminary Industrial Soil Goal SRG Collection Date r CO O m 0 r CO O O 0 r CO O O 0 r CO O CO 0 r O 01 CO 0 r CO G O 0 r CO G O 0 r CO O 0) 0 r CO O m 0 r CO 0 O) 0 N 0 R AT N 0 AT v 4/4/2012 N 0 V v N 0 V v N 0 V v N 0 V v N 0 0 v N 0 0 v m 0 N is CO N (� r m N (� r a) N N r 0 N N r a) N (� r m L a — n y U0g. 2.0 t� 4.0 I O 0.5 I O y G O OV O M O a N `_o 7 c *' i h N m m y cq 0 iIl <0 N p y 0) In ' m C m y Y Y Y 6 Fa- J L-Bottom 1 6 F 0. IP-Bottom O. O. 0. r. y 0 y co N y 0 N co f0 0 y 0 l! y 0 4 y y Y co 0 W co0 •- 10 In y N co 0 N 10 0 N co CO Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B P,P-DDD 4 l"J O r O rn J R m BRL BRL BRL 1 J K m BRL 1 J d' m BRL BRL BRL J cc CO J cc m J K CO J cc m BRL J J CC CO J CCd' CO J m J CO J m J CO BRL BRL J CC CO J 0_ m J K CO J 0_ CO BRL I BRL J K CO BRL BRL _! J CC m J CC CO J CC CO J 0_ m W Ci a 0 O N 0.47 1 of J CC m BRL J 0_ CO J CC m J CC CO J m J 0' CO J K m J 0_ CO J 0' CO J CC CO J m J CO J CO J 0' m BRL BRL J X0_ m J m BRL I. J K m Methoxychlor CO v N W BRL D: m 0: m 0: m BRL ' CO BRL J K CO J 0' CO BRL I J IX m J m BRL BRL J K m J X m J 0: m J K m BRL I BRL J X m J X m BRL J 0: m BRL I BRL J K CO J CC CO BRL Lindane 0.57 0 0 O O CV N J 0_ m BRL J 0C m J 0_ CO J CO CO BRL I J 0_ m J CO CO J D' m J 0c m J 0: m J c0 BRL J 0: m BRL BRL BRL J 0e m J 0: m J 0: m BRL J 0: m J 0: m BRL J 0: m J CO CO BRL BRL J 0 m Heptachlor O 0.013 (0 t0 O J 0' m J 0_ m J 0_ m J 0_ m J 0 m J 0_ m BRL _J 0' m J 0_ m J 0_ m J M m J 0_ CO BRL J D; m BRL J 0' m J K m J K m J 0' m BRL I J 0_ m J 0_ m BRL J 0 m BRL J 0_ CO J 0_ m J M CO J 0_ CO w V C W m m BRL I m m BRL BRL m CO BRL m m m m m CO m BRL I m m m CO m CO BRL IX CO CC m IX m CC CO C o a 111 94 O < O BRL I J 0_ m J 0_ CO BRL BRL J CC CO J CC m J CC CO J 0_ m J 0' in J 0! m BRL 0! m 0! m 0 m BRL 0 m 0 m BRL BRL 0 m 0! m BRL J CC m J 0: m M m J CC m J 0! m BRL Endrin" 1 CO of O < O c J CC m BRL J CC m J It m J K m J 0_ CO J CC m J 0_ m J 0_ m J 0_ m BRL J 0_ m BRL J M m J 0: m J 0: m J M m J 0_ m J 0' m J M m J 0_ in J CC in J M m J 0: m BRL J CC m J CC m BRL J 0' m 0.034 O O a O O d 41 g G 2.440 °) N_ o o (O o 0.0064 J m 0.0612 0.0175 J m 0 M O 0.0515 N N o o NO o O D: m CC m CC m D: m Ce m 0: m O o O 2' m 0.0048 X m IX m 0: m Chlordane* < 0.27 r CO uj - < 0' m O o O X m BRL 0_ m BRL BRL 0.0292 0: m 0.0263 BRL X m BRL BRL X m BRL 1 BRL 0.0428 BRL 1 0.0134 0: m BRL BRL v O O O CO (p 0 O CO < O J 0_ m J 0' m J CC m BRL J [C m J CC m J m J X m J 0_ m J X m BRL BRL BRL 0_ CO BRL CC m 0_ m X m 0_ CO 0_ m BRL CC m BRL 0_ m 0_ m BRL Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 ctiy N FE g n m - tp - 370 NA z NA Q z Q z Q z NA NA Q z Q z NA Q Z NA CC m 0_ m BRL 0_ m 0_ m CC m BRL m O o o J 0_ m 0_ CO Tetrachloro- ethylene (PCE) O. m NA NA NA NA z NA NA NA NA NA I NA z z NA I BRL m BRL BRL CC m X m BRL X m BRL BRL m m a U L 0 3 48 '° tV 210 I NA NA NA VN NA z z VN NA z NA I NA NA I NA z BRL m m BRL X m X CO BRL CC m BRL I m Acetone n N 140,000 NA Z NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BRL BRL BRL m BRL 0_ m 0_ m 0_ m 0_ m 0_ m 0_ m 0_ m COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) Protection of Groundwater SRG Preliminary Industrial Soil Goal SRG Collection Date o NOQN0 N n o) N N r o) N r 07/02/19 O N r O N n o) N0NQNNN N r 7/2/2019 o) N r O) N o) = r o N r 7/2/2019 O N r O = r 0)) iv- r rn QN N r CD Q N r 0) N r 7/2/2019 7/2/2019 7/2/2019 0) O Nr 0 rn NNNNNN r 0) r CD r m r rn r 0) r Collection Depth (feet bgs) N O] m c N < O) 00 N < a N < O O) N 0 m N < a 04 < N 0 m CO m N 0 O 14-15 N 0 O a, In < < p) m a co < m co r 12-14 1- SS-5 1 Dupllceb SS4 I Dupllceb 58.9 0 3 Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B Q d 0 0.38 a O O '? D7 BRL BRL 1 BRL I BRL J m J C m J C m J 0: m J 0: m J Ce m J C m BRL J C m J C CO J C CO J C m J Cr CO J CC m BRL BRL J C m J C m IBRL J 0_ m J C m J C 03 1 BRL I m ` BRL P,P'-DDE O N n a O J CO J CO J C m BRL BRL J C CO J CCCC 00 BRL BRL J CO J CC CO J CC CO J C m BRL J J C 00 J C m J C CO J C CO BRL BRL J C 03 BRL J C CO IBRL J C CO Methoxychlor m co m C CO C CO C m C CO C m C m CC m m CC m CC CO BRL BRL BRL IX 03 00 CC m BRL C 00 C m BRL BRL BRL BRL CC 03 C CO BRL m al C 1p C J 0.57 0.0035 O m [V J m J 00 J 00 J C CO BRL d' 07 L BRL 00 J m J C m J CO BRL BRL BRL J C m BRL J C 00 J C m BRL J C m BRL J C 0] BRL J 00 BRL J C 00 C CO Heptachlor 0.14 m p d m t0 O BRL BRL J C CO J C 00 J C CO J C CO J C 00 J C CO BRL J C 0] BRL J C CO BRL BRL J C m J X CO J C 03 J C m J C CO BRL BRL J C 0] BRL BRL J C CO BRL BRL W W Z Z Z BRL J CC m J 07 J C m J C m J CC m J m J CC m BRL m J C m J X m BRL BRL J C CO BRL J IX CO J IX CO J IX m m J CC 00 J CC m J CC m J CC CO J CC00_ 00 00 IBRL 9 W 94 O •V — O - J C 01 BRL BRL J C CO J C CO J C 0] J C 00 J C 0] J C (0 J C m J C 00 BRL J C 07 J C 07 J C CO J C m J C 00 J C m J C m L BRL J C CO J C CO J C m J C m J C CO J C CO J C [0 W 0 m O BRL 1 BRL BRL BRL C m C co C 0] C 0] C m C m C m BRL C 0] C m C m 0.0034 BRL C co BRL C 00 C 00 C 0 C m C m BRL C m O C —y 'p T O 0.0016 0.14 .- CO O O O J C ma m O CO O O BRL J C 0] ry N O O J C m coC m 0.0922 J m n O O O 0.0102 0.0041 O m O d 0.0059 J C f0 r 0.0418 J C 0] O as 0.1320 C 1.53 N ' t0+1 O N a Z U 0.27 7.7 O 0 J m 0.0126 0.1940 .,- O 0 BRL a O co O O J m O ~ 0 J m BRL CO o 0 J m m 0 BRL BRL ' J CO BRL 0 A • m COv O O O aO O {h O O O C T d (00 0 O O J C 00 J C CO J C CO J C 00 J C m J C f0 O O N O C J C m BRL J C 0 J C 00 J C CO J C al J C CO J C m BRL BRL 1' BRL f BRL J C 00 J WCLCC 03 J 03 J CO IBRL CO „�LG `. Jv" J^'•' " ^„^` • •,v^` vv,•,.. Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene COO N 370 J C co J C 00 J CC CO J CC CO J CC m J C CO J C 03 J CCZ CO BRL Z I NA J Z Z NA Z NA NA NA Z Z J 00 J C 00 J C m NA 1 NA NA L d W t Ta� . m m 0. 0.0063 8 COm BRL BRL C C m O O BRL C m 0.0218 NA Z NA NA NA NA Q Z NA NA Q Z Q Z Q Z CO BRL m VN Q Z Q Z N O _ U r U Q m a O Lo NZ.,-, O J 0 J 0] BRL BRL BRL J 00 J 0] BRL a,m O1 O O Q Z NA Q Z Q Z Q Z NA NA Q Z Q Z 1 NA NA Z BRL J m J m NA 1 NA Z Acetone 12,000 I N 140,000 I C CO C CO BRL BRL C CO C CO C CO C O] m NA NA NA NA Z NA NA Z Z Z NA NA C [0 rBRL C m Z Z NA COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) Protection of Groundwater SRG Preliminary Industrial Sal Goal SRG Collection Date m O N n m O N n . o N n m 0 CO n 0> 0-- CO n CO0 0 o 0 N n W 0 CO n 0) 0 N n r CO 0 CO n CO 0 CO n CO 0 Q n 0) 0 Q N n 0) 0 Q N n 7/2/2019 T O Q n CO O Q n 0 O Q n 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 O) o n 7/1/2019 CO O N n 0) O N n m O N n O O N n 0) O N Collection Depth !feel host m O N 0I ab N W co cc, (V O ej 7 N r m m m N ` m N N W aD a.' ap 0) c ' Q I 6 E N N N N N tlJ N N N N m N N m N W m N W O W N Q N N O N M a7 N M a7 h h N H N O N N O N N t0 N M ISS-17 1 n 0 N n CON aO W N a0 N CO of co N 0) fA CO al co N en N CO O N CO O W N O co co Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081E P,P-DDD CO m 0 0.47 4.9 J K 03 J 0' CO J 0_ 03 J 0_ 01 BRL 1 J 0_ 03 J CZ CO J 0_ 00 J K CO J d' 3 BRL BRL it J K 00 J 0_ 03 J d' CO J K 00 J 0_ CO J K CO J K 00 J 0: CO J d' 03 J K 03 J 0_ CO J d' CO J 0_ CO -J K 0] BRL J J K CO J 0_ CO P,P'-DDE N n Q d m O) J Z 0] BRL J K CO J 0C CO BRL J 0C 0] BRL _J 0! 0] J 0_ CO J 0_ 03 J 0_ 00 J 0_ CO _J 0_ 00 J 0_ CO _J 0_' 03 J 0_' 03 J K CO J 0_ 03 J 0_ 03 J 0_ 00 J 0_ 03 J d' 03 J 0' CO J 0_ CO J 0_ 03 J 0_ CO J 0_ CO J 0_' CO J 0_ 00 Methoxychlor m (0 43 O N 0 J 0' 03 BRL BRL J 0_' 03 J 0: CO BRL BRL BRL J IX CO BRL J 0_ CO J 0_ CO J 0_ CO J 0_ CO J 0_ CO 2' m J 0' CO J CO R� CO 0' CO BRL CL CO BRL J 0' 0] CC0' CO 03 0' CO J CC0' CO J 03 Lindane 0.57 0.0035 o an N BRL J CC 01 J 03 CO J CC 0 J 0C 03 J 0C CO J CZ CO J 0' 03 BRL _J 03 CO J CC CO _J 0C 0] J 0C 0 J 0_ CO J 0_ 03 BRL J CC CO BRL 1 J 0: CO BRL J 0: CO J CC CO J 03 00 BRL 1 J 0: 03 BRL 1 J 03 03 J Q: 00 BRL Heptachlor 0.14 0.013 0.63 K m BRL 0_ 0] Or 0] BRL 0: 0] 0_ 0] BRL D: 0] BRL BRL N O BRL BRL 0: 0] BRL 0_ 03 CC m CC CO BRL BRL BRL BRL 0_ 01 BRL Z m 0_ 03 BRL BRL Endosulfan II NE NE W Z J m J 0' m J 0' m J m J 0_ 0] BRL BRL BRL J 0_ m J 0_ m J m J m J CO J 03 J m J m J m J m BRL 1 J CC m J Z m J Z 03 J CC m J CC m J 0: 03 J IX m J CC m J Z 03 J CC CO C O 17 C W V O O — 0 J CC m J 0Z m J 0C O] J 03 O] J CC 0] J 0C 0] J CC 0] J 0C m BRL J 0C 03 J CC 03 J CC 03 BRL BRL J 03 01 J 0, 0] BRL BRL J 0: 0] J CC 03 J 0_ m J Cr O] J Q: 0] J CC m BRL J CC 0] BRL J 0: 03 BRL Endrin** 3.8 m Cr, V BRL J 03 J CC 0] J 0: 03 BRL BRL BRL 0.0064 BRL BRL J CC CO O V 03 . O BRL J CC CO BRL J 0C 03 BRL BRL J 0! 0] BRL 1 J 0C 03 BRL J CC 03 BRL J 0! m J 00 00 J 0C 0] J CC 01 J LC 0] 0.034 (0 0 O O 0.2010 to VOan O m O '0 O G QQ O O O O 0.1020 0 ell O O 0.1390 0 coO O O T O O O O NO A at O 0.0138 1 0 eiOQm O 0 O 0 0058 0 J 0.0316 10.0732 J 0] 0 O O•• O$ •CZ N J 0] 0.0230 Oa-is- 0 C Chlordane" ,`. N o r K CO 0.0475 (O N 0 0.1080 V rn 0 0.5050 0.2090 0.0287 O 0 O 0' 0] K 03 45.70 03 O 0.1230 0.5930 0.0479 BRL O Q N m m 0.0808 BRL m m O to y 03 m 2.070 0.054 v Z 01 0 o 0.0066 lD 0 o J (0 m BRL J 00 co J Z ca BRL BRL J 0_ m BRL J 0! m J 0' co J 0_ m BRL BRL BRL J 0_ 00 J 0_ 00 J 0_' 03 3.050 1 JJV 0_ 0]CO 0_ BRL 0_' a] BRL BRL BRL 0 _' CO 0 0 J CC 01 J CC 03 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene 63 co 0 (7 NA NA 1 NA ¢ Z NA NA << Z Z a Z < Z NA a< Z Z a Z NA a< Z Z a Z a Z NA NA a Z NA VN a Z NA NA a Z NA Tetrachloro- ethylene (PCE) 0 M p o d N 00 VN a z NA NA a z NA NA a z < z < Z < Z NA < z NA NA NA NA NA a Z NA NA NA a Z NA NA NA NA < Z < Z cis-1,2- Acetone Dichloro- ethylene c0 < Po N 210 1 NA a Z NA NA NA NA < Z < Z VN NA I a Z a Z NA NA NA a z < z NA 1 < z NA NA NA < Z NA a Z Q Z VN NA 1 NA O o o N N 140,000 NA Z NA NA NA NA NA Z Z Z NA 1 Z NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Z NA NA Z NA Z NA COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) Protection of Groundwater SRG 'Preliminary Industrial Soil Goal SRG Collection Date rn 0 CO F.: 0) 0 N n 0) 0 N n 0 0 N II.,o 0) 0 N rn 0 N 0) E. 0) o N 0) 0 N N m 0 N co n 0) 0 N N r 0) 0 N N is 0 0 N CO n 0) 0 N N n rn 0 N N n m 0 N CON n 0) 0 N R. 0) o N .- n 0] O CO .- n 0) o N .- n 0) 0 N .- n W 0 N .- n O) o N .- O) O N N n T O N N n 0) o N N n 0 0 N N 0) 0 N n O) 0 N Collection Depth (feet bgs) N 0 0 V (7 0) N O) 0 (7 N 0) 0 s- (�) M N 8-9 ,- N N N 0) 0 - N N A 0 O V (�) O) 0 1-3 1 Cr, 0 r Cr) 0 ,- (1) N c0 0 0) (0 0 o EO1 V7 0 N N N (0 fO N CO tl) SS-22 N N 03 CO an N 03 01 CO N fA (O 0) N CO CO Q N CO M Q N CO 0 Q N CA 03 1 SS-25 anan(O N CO0) CO N CO N CO 03 CO N (0 03 r SS-26 SS-27 A N (0 (0 SS-27 m N 0) 0) m N CA CO an N 0) CO en N O1 N en (V CO CO 0 (+) CO N 0 () V] CO (+) CO N .I?m CO CO Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B P,P'-DDE I P,P-DDD CO m O A a o CD 4 J K m J 0_ m J 0_ m BRL J Z m J K m J 0: m J K m J re m J Z CO J 0: CO J 0: m Z CO 0: CO BRL J 0: CO J 0_ m 0_ m m m K m 0 m Cr m 0: m O' m 0_ m 0_ m 0_ CO 0: m BRL J m BRL BRL J cc m BRL J m BRL J CC m BRL O' m J Z0_ CO I BRL BRL J m J 0_ m J 0_ m BRL • BRL BRL BRL J o m J 0' CO J m m J K m J K m J K m J O_ m o N A v o alix m J ix m J 0_' m J 0' m J m m BRL BRL BRL BRL J 0_ m BRL BRL J 0_ m J re m J cc0' CO J m J 0: m J 0_' m J 0-' m BRL BRL J 0-' m BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 'J CO CO Methoxychlor m v N CO BRL 1 J re CO J re CO BRL BRL J re CO Z CO 0 m BRL 0 m F m BRL J CC m J et m BRL BRL J CC CO BRL BRL BRL BRL J m m BRL BRL BRL J m m J Z m J O_ m Heptachlor Lindens 0.57 0.0035 O m CV 172 CO BRL J CO J CC m CL JCC CO BRL J m J CC m JCL CC CO BRL BRL BRL BRL J m JCr CL m BRL BRL Jce m BRL J m J CC m CC JCC m BRL J m J m J m J m m 0.14 0.013 L 0.63 1 BRL BRL J CC CO BRL BRL J m J 0C m J 0 m BRL J CC CO BRL J 0: m BRL J 0: m J D: m J re m BRL J D! m J I w CO J 0! m Jm 0! CO BRL Cr' CO BRL J CO J m m J 0 m J CC m C w G c c W 1.11 Z LO Z Ill Z J m m BRL J 0_ m J Z m J 0_ m J 0' m J CCre m BRL _J CO J 0_ m J 0_' m BRL J m CO BRL J m m J m m J a' CO BRL J 0_ m J m m J 0' m BRL J 0_ m BRL J K m BRL J K m BRL c O C G W 94 J O 1,400 CC m 0 m 0 m J CL m J D! CO BRL BRL BRL BRL J CL m BRL J Q: m BRL BRL BRL J m m J 0 m J cc m BRL J m m J CC m J m Cr, 0 J O_ m 0.0172 1 J CY m J CC CO J 0 m Endrin** m N o t- 49 BRL J CC m DI O 0.0033 N a J m J m J m J m J m J m O ? O J m J m A o o m m 0.0040 1 0.0087 -I m m DEE n OO 0.0185 0.0821 m CO I 0.0656 1 0.0318 tD o G C G0 ;� TO p 0.034 O o O O 0_ m BRL 0.0577 CCn m co 00 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0: m BRL BRL 0: m 0.0564 0.0154 0. m 0: m 0.0401 0_ CO 0.1830 O 0 o0 0.1480 0_ CO 0.1350 BRL BRL 0.14 C m O L U '- N O 7.7 J m BRL 0.0054 J m 0.0034 J m J m I J m BRL J m J m J m J m J m J m J m BRL J m BRL BRL J m BRL BRL BRL J m J m J m J m a M o O (op 0 o• co 0• NA < Z < Z < 2 < Z < Z < Z a Z NA < Z 11 NA < Z < 2 NA I NA NA r VN _I NA NA NA NA r NA NA NA < Z < Z NA NA 1 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA26 Method 8 0 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene M m N 0 CD LVN NA NA NA z z NA NA NA z NA z NA NA Z NA NA Z NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloro- ethylene (POE) 17 0.0063 CO Z NA NA NA NA NA Q Z Q Z Q Z NA 1 NA NA Q Z Q Z Q Z Q 2 Q 2 Q Z NA NA Q Z NA NA Q Z NA NA Q Z Q Z O m J, t t p m co a 2.50 210 1 NA NA NA Q Z NA NA Q Z Q Z < Z NA < Z NA < Z < Z NA < Z < Z < Z < Z NA NA < Z NA NA NA NA < Z Acetone 12,000 4) N 140,000 COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soll Re -mediation Goal (SRG) Protection of Groundwater SRG 'Preliminary Industrial Soll Goal SRG El0 O m O 0 m 0 N A O) 0 N AA 0) 0 N A CA 0 N A m 0 N 'A 0) - O 0 7/1/2019 CA 0 N A 7/1/2019 0 0 N A CD O CZ! A Oi O A O+ O N A Of O �V A Of 0 �V A W 0 Q A rn 0 Q A Cn 0 Q N A CD 0 QI N A Cn 0 Q N A 03 0 �1 A CD 0 ^Q A CA 0 N A 7/1/2019 rn 0 N A m 0 N A 0 0 N A Cn 0 N A Collection Depth (feet has) d1 ( N C.' co <O O `- ' Pl O` D t? O' 1 '' r CD `? co O' co '- N m CO `- m N 1 m Cb N `- L[f A t0 csi 1 N W W `- { V co N CG YS r co CI m TXCO m N cm 0 N Vl W ul 0 up co up N co 0 N O CO up ye -se O CO N 0) M N N CO up N CD up m CO up 0 CA N O CO to A CO m A CO Cal A CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO IO SS-39 CA tll CO 0 N CO3 0 CO CO 0 CO CO CO CO3 N fO CO CO Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081B 0 ❑O a 0 0.38 7 0 v BRL BRL J CC m J IX CO J 0: m J IX CO J 0: CO J IX CO IC m J m J 0: CO J 0: CO J LC CO J m BRL J 0: CO J W CO 0: CO 0_' m w' m 0_' CO 0: m 0' m J 0' m J 0: CO J 0: m J K CO W ❑ d CI: 0 V o m O) 2' m BRL BRL BRL J d' 07 J 0: m BRL BRL BRL J 0' m 0_' CO 0: CO .. a' CO W' 01 CC m BRL J 0'_ CO J 0: m BRL J 0_' m J 0: CO J IX 0 BRL BRL 0: 0 BRL BRL Methoxychlor m 43 820 J CC m J 0: m BRL BRL BRL J 0: CO J CC m J CC m J CL m J Cr m J 0: m J 0: CO J Q: m J CC m BRL J Cr m J 0: m J CC m J Cr m J 0' m J Cr m J Q! m BRL J CC m J 0' m J 0' m J 0: m Lindane co 0.0035 2.50 m CO m m BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0 BRL m m BRL BRL m m 01 BRL m BRL m m BRL BRL IX m O 0 m S 0.14 m p o N) m o BRL J 0: m J 0_ m BRL J 0 m J ce m J 0' m BRL J 0' m J 0 m J 0' m N 0o J 0 m BRL J 0: m BRL J 0 m J 0' m J 0_ m J 0' CO J 0_ m J W m J Q! m BRL BRL J 0_' m J 0' m C m m0 O G W Z 0) O r Z CC m J 0 m BRL BRL J 0 m 0 m J 0 m BRL BRL J 0 m BRL BRL BRL J 0 m J 0: m J m 0 m BRL BRL BRL BRL 1 BRL BRL J 0 m BRL J 0 m J cC m C n CIm C W BRL J CC m J 0: m BRL BRL BRL 0' m J X m J 0 m J CO CO BRL J 0_ m J 0) CO J 0) m J m 0! J 0: m J 0: m 0 m BRL CO CO 0r m 0 m CO CO BRL 0 m 0! CO 0: m C "a w co m so �- 0 BRL BRL J cc m J 0: m J 0 m J 0' m J Cr0_ m J m BRL J 0: 0 J 0 m J m J m J CC m J CC0: m J m J 0' m J Cr m BRL J J 0_ m BRL J 0' m J 0_ m 0_ m J CC m BRL 0 m C U v ❑ 0.034 O O O O 0.14 J m BRL J 0: m J Q: m J Cr m J 0 in J Cr 0 0.0038 CO O O O J 0. m W O $ O •O O N 4�) O N 01 O O J Q' m m O O O 0.004 g s- O O BRL J 0 m J 0' m BRL 0.0278 CO O O O O O m l0 `O P V n 0.27 ^ 0- m BRL m BRL m BRL BRL O m m IX m N , G m O d IC m ,a 0 BRL 6 J m J m BRL J m J m I(1 ,0 O J m Ni- O m U QO 0.039 m 0 m J 0 CO BRL BRL J 0 CO BRL J CC m J m CO0 BRL J CO BRL J Le CO J m 0 BRL J BRL J 0 CO BRL BRL J 0 m J 0! CO BRL 0 m BRL BRL 0.008 0! CO BRL 0.112 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene )`) CO BRL BRL Z Z Z Z m BRL CO BRL ll BRL CO BRL 0: CO CC CO CC m CC0: CO BRL BRL BRL m BRL 0: m 0_' m BRL BRL O C u m W S d r - co 0 p N m 0' m Cr CO 0' m NA NA Q z Q z 0_' m m 0 0' m BRL 0' m 0! m 0: m 0: m C m BRL 0_ m BRL 0: m BRL 0_ m BRL 0_ m BRL 0: CO m X cis-1,2- Dichloro- ethylene 48 2.50 210 J CC0 CO J m BRL Q Z Q Z Q Z NA BRL BRL J 0: m BRL BRL J 0: m J 0: m J 0: m BRL J m 0 BRL BRL J IX CO J 0' CO J X CO BRL 1 J 0: m BRL J 0' m J COCC m Acetone 12,000 N N O gj V 0_ m 0' CO 0 m NA NA NA J 0 m J 0' m 0_ m BRL BRL J 0' CO J CC0' m BRL BRL J m BRL J 0 m J 0: m J 0: m J 0_ m J 0: COm J 0: J Q' m J 0: m J m X COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) 1Rrotection of Groundwater SRG 1 CD Q: CO A O N b 0 2. m 0 Collection Date 7/212019 0) O N a 0) O N s m O N 0) O N a m O N 0) O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N 0 N O 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 0 N O N a 1/2/2020 1/2/2020 CO ^ I. mt O G) 9 0 ❑ ' G O) v. r v ri m m SO m ' Or OD 7 ' O0 0, - m ' O co ' O{ ' OO ' O 0) 8-10 c 0 OD ' m n Q m Z.0) m N SS-42 N 0) SS-42 Y 3 2 N 2 r MW-6D OF g SS-03 0) y (0 co N f0 V CO N V N CO V 0 CO r SS-45 N N CO CO 0 0) )O N CO )- N CO Is N CO CO co CO CO co 0) 0) W CO O) CO 0) 0 W CO 0 0 CO ISS-51 1 SS-51 Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081E O a a 0: d 0.47 m J C m J C m J C CO J C 0 J C 0 J C CO C CO BRL J C 0 J C m J C CO J C m J C CO J C m J C 0 J C 0 J C 0 J C 0 BRL BRL C CO C CO C 0 C 0 BRL BRL J C 0 J C CO J C CO w C CI d CI: O a. J CC CO J CC m J CC 0 J C a0 J C m J C m BRL J C CO J CC m J C m BRL J C m J CC m BRL J IX CO J cc m BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL J CC in J CC m BRL BRL J CO J C CO BRL Methoxychlor 63 CI a 0 J 0 J 0 BRL I J CO J m J CO J 0 J O J CO BRL J C J m J CO J CO BRL J m J in J m BRL BRL J CO J m J m m 0 m BRL BRL BRL Lindane 0.57 0.0035 i0 N J C in J C 0 J C 0 J C m J C m J C m BRL I J C m J C CO J C CO J C 00 J C 00 BRL BRL J C m J C 01 BRL BRL ` BRL J 0: m BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL O 0 0 2 .1. O 0.013 O BRL 1 J m J m J m J m J CO CO CO CO BRL BRL J m J m J m BRL BRL J m J CO ' BRL J C m J m BRL BRL J 0 m J 0 m J 0 CO BRL BRL BRL Endosulfan II Z Z Z C CO DO m CCC CO m R m CC m CC in CC m BRL BRL BRL J CC CO J CC CO J m J CC m BRL J CO J C CO BRL CC CO J CC m J CC m BRL I BRL J m CC CO J C m BRL J C CO luepnsopu3 11.0 1,400 0_ 0 C m C CO C m C m C m C m C m C m BRL BRL I J C m J C CO J C m BRL J C in J C 0 BRL J C m BRL BRL J 0 BRL IBRL I BRL J m J 0 BRL J m Chlordane* Dieldrin Endrin"` 1.7 0.034 3.8 m co co co 0 0 C m 0 CO CC m Cr m CC m CC m 0 m BRL C 0 J CC 0 BRL TBRL 1 J 0 0 J 0 m J 0: CO J CC 0 J C 0 BRL BRL BRL J CCCC 1 J m J CC m J C m J M 0 J CC CO J 0 CO J 0 CO m O p O 0.0391 CJ Oo Il m p p J C m J 0' 03 J IX m 0: m BRL BRL J m BRL J CC m J CC m El .0. p O J CC 03 J CC m J CC m J CC CO J CC m BRL BRL J -I 01 J CC m J IC m J IXCCC m J m J m J 0 m 0.27 r 0.0626 cc m J C CO J C m J C m BRL J C CO O v o J 0_' CO J C CO BRL BRL BRL BRL a co o J C m J C m J C m 0 m J 0: m J C m J 0_' m J C m -1 C CO K m 0 m m BRL BRL v G 0.039 (m0 O O O 00 O J C m J C CO J C CO m m J C m J C f0 BRL J C m J C 01 J K m m J C 01 J D: 03 J 0: CO J C 03 J C m J C m BRL J 03 C CO J C 03 BRL J C 03 J C m J C CO BRL BRL m Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene 63 r th CC 03 CC 01 K 01 K 01 CC 01 CC 01 CC CO K m K 00 K 01 CL M M M M M M M M m M CO M 03 K 0 CC C M CO BRL 1 K 0] K CO I mCO BRL BRL �I I NA NA cis-1,2- Tetrachloro- Dichloro- ethylene ethylene (PCE) 48 17 CO o N m BRL C 0] C M C m C m C 0 C m BRL C 1 J C 01 C 01 C 0] C 0] C 0 C CO BRL NJ O r+I O CC m 0.0313 I 0.0603 0.0254 CrOL CO COO BRL BRL I BRL NA NA NA O N 210 I BRL J m m J m J m J m J m J CO J CO BRL J m J CO BRL 1 J CO J cc m J ccCC m BRL J 03 0.0112 0.0341 J m J CC m J C CO J CC CO BRL J BRL Q Z Q Z Q Z COMPARISON CRITERIA Acetone Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation 12,000 Goal (SRG) 25 140,000 J C m J C 0 BRL I J C m J C CO C m C m BRL J C m J C m J C CO J C CO J C m BRL 1 BRL J C 0 BRL J C m J C m BRL 1 J C m J C CO BRL BRL J C m BRL NA NA Q Z Protection of Groundwater SRG Preliminary Industrial Soil Goal SRG 01 Q U O N O N 1/2/2020 1/2/2020 O N O N O N O N O N O N 0 N a 1/2/2020 1 O N 0 N O N 0 N O N 0 N a 1/2/2020 O N O N a O N O N a O N O N a co N O N a O N O Q N 1/2/2020 1/2/2020 p N 0 QUQN N p N 0 N O N 0 N O N 0 N N r N N �.. 13-15 7/15/2020 N � dL am 884• 7 ( Om 1 C • co Cci O 10 NO I m O cc O 8-10 C D CA r OO mm 0 0Cn Z. m SS-52 SS-52 N N co CO 0 tlI CO 0 ' Vl CO at ' Vl CO V ' 0 CO -a 0I N CO N 0I W CO 010 N co CO N 0) C0 10 N co CO SS-56 I SS-56 r m N CO r- N co CO r- 09 0/ CO 00 N N CO SS-58 SS-58 0 N t0 CO 0I / co CO 01 N 0 CO y 8 - y i og y o 0 CD C9 N 0 00 N CO p 10 to CO 0 AL SUMMARY Organochlodne Pesticides by EPA Method 8081E 0 O O d 0 W O EL CC CO m O O N N. v C O O Q'. V m o m J a m J m J a m J CC m J K m J CC m BRL 1 J K m J CC m J IX m J K m J m BRL BRL J m m J 0 m J CC m J o CO J CC m J CC m Methoxychlor 63 J m J m J m J m J m J CO J m BRL 1 J m J m N C J 0.57 Les co O O O o o (V d' m BRL BRL BRL K m K m K m K m K m K m Heptachlor 0.14 ro C m m O m BRL BRL m BRL BRL BRL J m BRL BRL JCC p a W NE NE NE J CC CO J Cr m J Cr m BRL J m BRL BRL J m J m J CD wC O a c W 94 , 1,400 BRL BRL BRL m CD m CC m CC m CC m IX m BRL C a C W l 3.8 CD O J m BRL m BRL J m BRL J m J m J m J m i N o 0.034 m OS O N d ' d n 0.0373 0.0079 m 7 BRL 0.0027 a' m 0,0054 ix m a' m a' m G C 2` 0 - o o o 0.0399 K CD CC m BRL CC CO _ m 0 O X CO CCO CD- BRL `p 0.039 m Om 0 coJ o d' m BRL BRL J d' m BRL BRL J d' m BRL 1 J m m J CD m Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4- Trimethyl- benzene 63 Ol 370 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Q c o^ m t a 0.I- 15 o o Z NA NA NA j Z NA NA NA I NA Z N Q C O m N V L U z , m a 2.50 210 Q Z NA VN < Z < z NA NA NA Q z Q z Acetone 12,000 25 140,000 NA NA NA NA Z Z Z NA Z NA COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soil Remediation Goal (SRG) (Protection of Groundwater SRG Preliminary Industrial Soil Goal SRG Collection Date N 000000 N o r N N N r N N o r N N N r N N 10 r N N r 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 o ^rn ota m o m m 8-10 13-15 m o m m m m m ce m - m E cn W''? W N '4 W H W N '4 W W N '4 2N W 2 '4 2 Results presented in milligrams per kilogram SRG = Soil Remediation Goal (Ref. Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals Table - Feb 2018) feet bgs = feet below ground surface Bold denotes concentration is greater than the Preliminary Residential Health -Based SRG Gray = Denotes concentration is greater than the Protection of Groundwater SRG Red = Denotes concentration is greater than the Preliminary Industrial Soil Gola SRG BRL = Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit J = Estimated concentration below the reporting limit NA = Not Analyzed 1 micrograms per liter. Equipment blank sample "Equip-1" did not contain detectable concentrations of pesticides. Acetone was estimated at a concentration of • = Results listed for chlordane are the sum of cis -chlordane, chlordane, and trans -chlordane = Results listed for Endrn, total (includes endrin, endrin aldehyde, and endrinketone Organochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 8081 B Heptachlor 0.008 J J m m m m J J m m m m J J m m m m J m m 0.010 J m CO J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m Endrin (total) 0 m m m m 0.33, 0.32 0.37, 0.32 m m o N BRL n 0 BRL 0 BRL m m m m m CO m m Dieldrin 0.002 a. on Q. m r _ r r r r P9 r Q. m M Q. m m r m BRL m m m m m CO Chlordane* m CO BRL CO CO CO CO CO m BRL m m BRL BRL Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B trans-1,2- Trichloro- Dichloro- ethene ethene 100 3.0 I N O N W cl e> V r M r7. .7 N N m 8.7 BRL BRL 5.6 J CO r • M O o ' -3 st VI o o J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m BRL J m m J m m BRL J m cis-1,2- Tetrachloro- Dichloro- Naphthalene ethylene ethene (PCE) 70 6.0 0.7 m M .0 VIm 0 4 r 48.7 188 53.7 60.8 173 J m BRL 326 J m m 48.7 m m m CO C 0.65 J BRL m m BRL BRL BRL m COm BRL BRL BRL BRL n M M 0)m vj P N N 26.0 N- r 59.7 J m J m CO N co M 26.0 N Chloroform O r Nm J CO r cD J m CO _J m CO _I m CO, J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m BRL Benzene < J m o m J m m J m m J m m J m m a J m m J m m J m CO BRL J m m J M m `' J m m 1,2-Dichloro- benzene O 0.49 J J m m J m m _1 m m J m CO J m CO J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m J m m BRL J m m _J m CO Acetone 6,000 J m m J m CO J J m m m m J J m m m m J m m J m m J m m J m m J m CO -, o ,., J m m J m m J m m COMPARISON CRITERIA 2L Standard Collection Date 04/05/12 07/08/19 N N to N 0 0 0 0 N W le) COCO 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 T COCO 0 0 O) 0 0 O) CO 0 0 04/05/12 1 N 0 o O) N n O) W 0 0 O) N p- d E co c. 3 2 N N I3 02 M 3 2 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6D MW-7D I. Equip-2 1 TRIP BLANK A 0 I MS MSD Results presented in micrograms per liter Bold denotes concentration is greater than the NCAC 2L Standard 2L Standard = NC Administrative Code Title 15 A 2L .0202, effective 4/1/2013 MS = Matrix Spike MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate *= Results listed for chlordane are the sum of cis -chlordane, chlordane, and trans -chlordane Endrin (total) = (includes endrin, endrin aldehyde, and endrinketone Organochlodne Pesticides by EPA Method 808113 ❑ d 0 g o v o e K m K COm - cc cc m cc CO ix m cc cc m m cc m CO K CO W 0 ❑ a 0 m O1 03 m 03 m , c¢ m CO s m c m CO¢¢¢ CO m CO m CO CO 1 ic m d m q N a7 C o N d m m J ¢ m a m K K m m 3- C m m K m O co o $ R' g �' m p;p p n R' g m m K m R' m K d' m m 2' d' m m d' m 9 x O m m El K K C d K d K - cN w ^ o m m K m C m m m m m m m m m 1 w z z z c9 ¢ m ¢ m ¢ m m m m m m m m m m g¢¢ m m m 1 N ' gg si w m g C g g m m m m g C m m K K m m g m m m w m m o o m m m m 1 n I A - 1 S o a o 0 956 048 BRL BRL 0.073 0.47 BRL 0.16 0119 0.30 BRL BRL BRL 0.022 BRL BRL BRL BRL Do` U ; o o o o o K m K m N 0 K K K m m m m K A m m 0 53 m m ¢ m Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 m o mm o N 1 1 1 0.0017 J BRL BRL BRL 0,002 J BRL BRL BRL K m m m, o m F- u o Co 2 81 v K o m K K m m o b p C — atW o r o m , N dN O co o mK 0 W oy K d SS 1 1 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.013 0.0049 J 0.0082 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL 0.0021 : BRL 1 crs-1,2 I Methyl ethyl eUlenea ketone etha O N O N O Q G O m COMPARISON CRITERIA Preliminary Residential Soli Remediation Goal (SRG) 'Protection of Groundwater SRG 3 b 2,g vs Collection Date - o a o m a 8 0 $ o 04/10/12 07/03/19 J a a 2 o •• or V - 1 -E.- E E to c m E E_> 9 NNN 2 d p 0 O g '- m o N 2 W a 2$ w GLL N e, <� E N aN ❑ U Each V :,1,. V ej N V G N - f m W 2 Results presented in milligrams per kilogram nary Soil Remediation Goals Table - Feb 2018) SRG = Soil Remediation Goal (Ref. Inactive Hazardous Sites Bran sidential Health -Based SRG BRL = Not detected at or above adjusted reporting limit 12 • 5 2 8 E 3 2 8 8 2 111 Wn 11 'N W � R g 8 Metals by EAP Method 6010 ! , ,a# 11,,,,1.,, E !/9 ,__ ,,,,,,,,,, Orgenochlorine Pesticides by EPA Method 80816 ) ! .__ ■§§§!§§§§§ DieIdrin I Enddn (total) ,66 �|§!�§■mmm ) 2 " ' ■§■■mm««§« m ■ IA BRL BRL BRL BRL s ! BRL, 0.033 J BRL, 0.022J BRL BRL ! ; ; ; .... .... ... Valetas Organic Compounds by EPA Method B260B1 Toluene I TricNoro- ethane NE 1 2.5 $°°: ,,, =1,222;225, 22|= ,,, ;=;;==5§«■ ''' ]/]± §!§m£§E01 COMPARISON CRITERIA . . § ]B)§ : �;; , 2|22\§%kk§ ;;§§lG22l2 : ! - } ! , ij ij k § 2 2 § § ,§ for Surface Water, Class WS (I-V) Water Suply, effective 6/1012019 and Trans -chlordane FIGURES O a M/a 34th ST. - N - N N • y • .. • •^1 • 7 s: , N 1 • N- ail I y y�'y W >• •N • •.N fA t/J N • •—�� I� • • - `0•rh •� fA -. yI y y y •y N • •d, •�' •�.Y_� rh • yam. —y y A 1 • V1 y r W • -L ,., •� •J, y h 4 y HSr j8 • ce mia 0 0 ry • PROJECT NO: 11.990146.00 co } X z 0 7 CC 03 CC 0 0 00 2 cc cn VI m z • a.pgy ca.n04 02a2\sa.nadWasaapsaAut rvp•.+aa Id\q - L ar-'a ar9Yiafi6'[I‘ai2ara.1dvA m/a 34th ST. M/8 ci 0 ''4 0<• 0 0 0 0 6 2 N (n� a�0 )Z JOU= OFm-, 0 ce a o. C 0W Ncn arev —O Oa • N h • • a • o BRASH • 2i 7 X 2 NOTE: BASE DRAWING WAS PROVIDED FROM BRUCE 2 27 5,2 i YQ Wo 3= o �GW aw O Q ¢0 K 0 SCALE: AS SHOW O 0 1. y� Soo ;C cL c9 • c Byerliv j 0 \sa.ngruq}nansanul Inp•+azi II asWd\+9uN+a1 00'961066'I1\51.3ar0ddVA ƒ { IN G/' zcer / « wenko aa zx ma ww \` PROJECT NO: 11.990146.00 rS Sall Boring Depth(ft) Analyte(mg/kg) S-19 1-2 Chlordane: 9.9.HI Dleldrin: 3.23Q 8-9 Chlordone: 0.3330 DIeldrin: 0.132 13-14 Chlordane: • :9 SS-20 1-2 Chlordane1,..v.d..n: : L9fl Diddrin: 1.53. 8-9 Chlordane. 3.30. DIeldrin: L4Z 13-14 _Chlordane: 0.0201 Ie :D2910. SS-21 1-2 DIeldChlodane: 0.0 8-9 Chlordone: 0.0475 Dhlord : 0.0.08 13-14 Chlordane: 0.0598 �I9ldrin: 9 . 4 -T —i,h!ardone: t.In90 Mel _An: 01790_ B-9 DIe131n: 0.008.5. 12 SS-25 2-3 Cmadane: DIeldrin: 2.510. Heptachlor: 0354 8-9 Chlordane: 0.30. DIeldrin: 0 0427 12-13 Chlordane: 0.1230 DIeldrin: .Ci3 - -a ,Of one: Dleldrin: n 5971. 8-7 Chlordane: 0.0479 DIeldrin: 0.030Z 10-11 DIeldrin: Frd..0 Chlordane: 12.431 DIddrin: 9.350. 8-9 NON 0E1ECT .13-14 Olddrin: SS-28 1-3 Chlodane 0 Dlderin: 0.0732. 8-9 NON DE1EC1 3-14 O1Mdrin' C.JR•99 SS-29 8-9 DIeldrin: L3i3D. 11-12 Chlordane: g.53D. olpldrin: ' :0 & 55-34 1-3 NON DF'T9CT 8-10 NON DE*OCT 12-13 NON PE'IECT - 55-35 1-3 NON DETECT 8-10 NON DETECT 13-15 NON DETECT 9-10 EJ ECT l NON DETECT 14-15 NON DETECT {\!//. es II,;t• agg�a SS-30 2-3 NOn 9ES9`. 7-8 Aldrin: 0.004. _ Oleldrin: 5312 SS. 31 5-5 Chlordane: Dleldrin: 1.511 10-11 Chlordane: 0. uwero. sGi )QQ\d %4 Garrey . 4-020a‘_a___.__.___.©16 1(}6611 21.2i1-0.1dVA ( ƒ ) 7/WOW ae/ae@ Nkg#K« a Sell Boring Depth(tt) Anatyle(mg/kg) SS-19 1-2 Chlordane: 6.930 DIeldrin: 3.732 8-9 Chlordane.: 11.1.310 DIeldrin: 0132 13-14 _IT,,lane; !W — / g~!9`t !d» 1"2" 2, ƒ 5 / 55-22 2-3 i`11oraane: 5W. DIeldrIn: 0 C915 8-9 Chlordane: C 0024 DIeldrIn: _ SS-23 2-3 Chlordane: ' Dieldrin: 47770 8-9 Chlordane: 0.10 0.3090 Walden: 0.10.00 13-15 Chlordhlord ane: 0.0287 DIeldrin1 \k Q 22� ®. 8/ ; /) Dhlo da: : 3 4 IWO 6-7 Chlordane: e: D.0479 DIeldrIn: 0.03D0. _ ._.. 10-1L_0ieldrip: 0. 'S0 .i% \za±.C\} :d3 ; !% q3 q9k , » , SS-31 5-6 Chlordane Dlelarin: 1.812. 10-11 Chlordane: 9.0336 DIedrin:gala_ SS-32 2-3 1 a-9 NDN DEW_ SS-33 5-8 Alarin: 0.0054 Chlordane: 0.0577 DIeldrIn: D.0749 9-10 Dieldrin: 0.0033 13-14 AldrIn: 0.0034 Chlordane: 0.0536 DIeldrin: A.024 ` Qb 5 . "! SS-35 1-3 NON DE EC? 6-10 NON DETECT 13-15 NON DETECT 55— W 5 3-6.3 Diaidln: ch,2342 9-10 NON DETECT 14-15 NON DETECT __saa______.____1.441.141 ra9b/066•INsi.aaraJdwk O 0 U z M/a 34th ST. M/a 1 N %\�ab1�\\ \\\\ 1.-.3 0 \ --` �°'c� \ \ \ . - L]_ �� m afa a aaaauhaa. 7J{ r e�iiw \^. \ \ y :� tiv �� .Y -`\ \ J} • J CZ co \ S U 3 o z o a ae n Z =re a ce 0 m Z Q 0 0 VI 4 NOTE: BASE DRAWING WAS Ca o� % away sa.ngL'ama\sa.aAuaalAissaaut pmpauaa aswa\NuwaL +2M+e sv9r106,61t\S}WirOJaVA Eapgy sa.ngj p \5.1151ruq}11q}3.U/ [[ +S94d\WIW,+31 a311-19 0796I06611 SI.MarOJdVA ging ghintig .0.....4 Rhig WWI! g ' gs A g# W¢ . f gl II1III z " w M/a 34th ST M/a Ce 0o 0< 0 0 0 8 i c6 Hsfl21 8 • • 8 RIPRAP • W • • • 8 8 3 u> 6 ETD 0 - a 0 K Q 0 m W0 w X 6 LEJ 0 L U 6 cc 0 w 0 0 a_ a En 3 07 2 N G 0 8 0 ad� at 0- C ' O 00 0 ay, ar. 4 sway saaIgj-0 ‘sa.n8gruomathsanu[ IaO+auaa II asaid\q+Waal aa+ig 0191,t06611\ o roJdVA Eapgy sa,nOu oma sauAs\ugyaflgsanu[ laloauag [[ asold\4uNua1 ao^4g oo5Yio66'[[\sy3ajoudvA ob oz ding 0 SRO • . 3 ■0.a®:B4 111II� w I11 I M/a 34th ST. o+p'gV 9a,,,C14-0202\sa..01Sku.10514sawl aswd\muN-++1 oasma6611\•i.+Paced\ g• m/a 34th ST. M/a 0 • • y S S JZU —7" `� SC, Li 7 O 0 M 0 0 0 3 a 0 oZ LOC- O Y M M • M - zz } = w> z Y 0 � N 0 m 0 0, X Z w m O u_ W 0 0 K re cn N 0 0 ro 0 Z 3 y 0 it 3% rr co oo a a•1 E saa^q! Oi02\sa.ngruq}oE10 UI 1a11.auaa II ...Al 00'961066M slz.C..y\A a z 9D CO m/a 34th ST. M/a T 0 0 0 3 ce S 2 ms— • 2 O PT ..++a4-oaoa\ aruasaas••OI fw+f++a a asnydvelupa.tai =rye 065f10664h.sW4eNn a 0 0 O1 ,Ground Surface 0 0 01 3 0 u1 o 1 0 u1 Ln v v 01 01 01 01 u1 0 ur1 rn m N 01 co co 0 N CO Ln 00 .01 ,5 ,0 31VDS 1t3I1113A s - HORIZONTAL SCALE CL/ML- Silty Clay/Silty Clay S>S 3 PROJECT NO: 11.990146.00 thway saxau 0202\sa.nAlWgioCimsa^u4 loiauab [( asWd\Tuvaa1 azeme W5Y1066-mstnaroJd\N W al Ground Surface Approximate Groundwater N M M N Ol Ql Ol 01 CO CO ,0T ,S ,0 immmmTTTTT 31VJS 1VD11213A O O O O C c c C c c c c o o 0 0 ..7., c c G.1c �c Q5 OO 0O =O CL - Sandy CLAY ET: HORIZONTAL SCALE O u1 C 0 Y f0 d CC H E 0 O ,u Z CI, wC Q CO 0 0 V1 V1 0_ 0 CL/ML- Silty Clay/Clayey Silty SM - Silty SAND SC/SM - Silty Clayey SAND Z 0. ce c w Z Le) ce O Vr U O LL Q Q m m w w w o± Q Z x Z yerj ce cd NO Z D0 Lri [L J W w 2 , z 0 0 O Z SCALE: AS SHOWN PROJECT NO: 11.990146.00 co co 0 W 0 C a Q co O Q .N�i mm Z O 3W 0 0 Q ti may 00 W W 5 1- cc ci E E CI; 1;' W Ugly saun6u OZOZ\saun6ld\uoI o6n.sanui palpamab II asnyd\xlulmJal a7n.lg 00'94I0661I\s}7a(ro.ad\,/q array sa 14 O202\sa.n014\uq}n0I}sanut InPadaL 11 asnyd\9Wa-+a1 20n4 O091,106611 51. ar°JdVA VENT PIPE FIGURE 11 ACTIVATED CARBON INJECTION SYSTEM DIAGRAM (TYPICAL) 2 IN DIAMETER PVC 12-17ft. VALVE ACTIVATED CARBON SOLUTION • 2 FT Bentonite Surface Seal TOP OF SCREEN 10 -15 FT SCREEN (PVC 0.101 SLOT) SAND FILTER PACK BOTTOM OF WELL 300 GALLON POLY TOTE J 1- uJ 0 >- >- H J N a LLJ I— D/ LU V LL z 0 0 0 Lu a 0 AJ— S0 a) Y P 0 Ed 1:1 0 C W Bentonite Seal O oui O - 9- r� — 0 0 — iD C Ta C Ns- NT EN U U u) In T (n r Ii,,,pIl„l ,11u1nun11y1u� n 111111111111M s _iInu U• Borehole Diameter T Nesting Observation No. 2 Filter Sand .0 0 O_ (/) C a) 0 0 o L() IO N Lo laml^^ V/ Nesting Observatio Bentonite Seal No. 2 Filter Sand 6Mp av sa.an61 f 0202\sa,Jn6Id\uoI .o61}sanuI lnlpawaa II asnyd\0049tI0661t\s}oaro.)d\�M APPENDIX A General Carbon Powdered Activated Carbon Specification Sheet "CLEANING THE WORLD WITH ACTIVATED CARBON" GC POWDERED powdered activated carbon GC Powdered Activated Carbon is a virgin carbon. Derived from selected grades of bituminous coal its high activity and surface area make it ideal for many purification applications including the treatment of potable water and the removal of taste, odor and organic contaminants. It meets the requirements of AWWA B600-90. Specifications Mesh Size, (US Sieve): - 100 mesh, %: 99 (min) - 200 mesh, %: 95 (min) - 325 mesh, %: 90 (min) Iodine Number, mg/g: 800 (min) Surface Area, m2/g: 900 (min) Moisture, % (as packaged): 5 (max) Typical Density, lbs./cu.ft.: 29-33 g/cc: 0.48-0.52 *Standard packaging is in 55 Ib. vinyl bags. Other packaging is available upon request. Caution! Wet activated carbon removes oxygen from air causing a severe hazard to workers inside carbon vessels. Confined space/low oxygen procedures should be put in place before any entry is made. Such procedures should comply with all applicable Local, State and Federal guidelines. 33 Paterson Street, Paterson, New Jersey 07501 Tel: 973 523 2223 Fax: 973 523 1494 www.generalcarbon.com sales@generalcarbon.com APPENDIX B Initial Abatement Design Calculations APPENDIX B DESIGN CALCULATIONS Initial Abatement Work Plan — Powdered Activated Carbon Soil Treatment Bruce Terminix 3495 Leo Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina IHSB Site ID No. NONCD0002238 Assumptions Concentrations of treatment solutions are based on reported activated carbon adsorption capacities of various commercial pesticides (2016, Adsorption of emerging pollutants on activated carbon). Reported maximum adsorption capacities range from 25 milligrams per gram (mg/g) to 720 mg/g; however, for most commercial pesticides especially those with similar constituents to the contaminants found at the site, maximum adsorption capacities range from 100 to 200 mg/g and the mean of the reported maximum adsorption capacities was 100 mg/g. A normal distribution of particle size was assumed for the milled powdered activated carbon product supplied from General Carbon (2018, The Hydrogen Adsorption Behavior of Mechano- Chemically Activated Carbon). Therefore, we estimate 15 to 20 percent of the product is of a particle size (less than 15 microns) which may be transported the proposed radius of influence (10 feet). In the calculations below, we use 17.5 percent content less than 15 microns. The average chemical concentration of subsurface soil from a depth of 2 feet to a depth of 15 feet of 5 mg/kg was used as a very conservative estimate. The average chemical concentration of near surface soil from ground surface to a depth of 2 feet of 10 mg/kg was used as a very conservative estimate. Estimate of the total contaminant load within the cylindrical radius of influence (10 feet) of an injection well to a depth of 15 feet: Volume of cylindrical radius of influence = 3.14(10 ft)2 x 15 ft = 4,712 ft3/ 27 ft3/yds3 = 175 yds3 Mass of cylindrical volume of soil = 175 yds3x 1.3 tons/yds3= 227 tons x 907 kg/ton = 205,792 kg Mass of contaminant = 205,792 kg x 5 mg/kg = 1 kg Estimate of the mass of powdered activated carbon product required for treatment of 17 foot injection well: Mass of activated carbon required to adsorb 1 kg of contaminant = 1 g of carbon/100 mg of contaminant/ x 1 kg of contaminant = 10 kg x 2.2 Ibs/kg = 22 Ibs of carbon Mass of activated carbon required for appropriate treatment particle size = 22 Ibs / 0.175 = 125 Ibs Estimate of the total contaminant load within the cylindrical radius of influence (10 feet) to a depth of 2 feet: Volume of cylindrical radius of influence = 3.14(10 ft)2 x 2 ft = 628 ft3 / 27 ft3/yds3 = 23 yds3 Mass of cylindrical volume of soil = 23 yds3 x 1.3 tons/yds3 = 30 tons x 907 kg/ton = 27,425 kg Mass of contaminant = 27,425 kg x 10 mg/kg = 0.27 kg Estimate of the mass of powdered activated carbon required for surface application of one well radius (10 feet): Mass of activated carbon required to adsorb 0.27 kg of contaminant = 1 g of carbon/100 mg of contaminant/ x 0.27 kg of contaminant = 2.7 kg x 2.2 Ibs/kg = 6 Ibs of carbon Mass of activated carbon required for appropriate treatment particle size = 6 Ibs / 0.175 = 33 Ibs Limiting factor for surface application of powdered activated carbon and water solution: Available water capacity (AWC) of upper two feet = Published AWC rate (2021, Soils — Part 2: Physical Properties of Soil and Soil Water) for sandy loam 0.12 in water / in of soil x 24 in of soil = 2.88 in of water (not a limiting factor) Infiltration rate = range of Published infiltration rates (2021, Minnesota Stormwater Manual) for silt loam to sandy loam = 0.3-0.8 in/hr; at an application rate of 1 gal/min = 1 gal/min x 1 ft3/7.48 x 60 min/hr = 8 ft3/hr over an area of 3.14 x 102 = 314 ft2. 8 ft3/hr / 314 ft2 x 12 in/ft = 0.3 in/hr (limiting factor) In order to not flood soil or cause runoff of applied solution 0.2 inches of water will be applied over the radius of influence of each well (314 ft2) at an application rate of 0.5 gal/min. 0.2 in x 1 ft/12 in x 314 ft2 x 7.48 gal/ft3 = 39 gal. Therefore, the estimated surface treatment volume is 40 gal x 65 injection wells = 2,600 gal. Volume of water for injection wells (10 foot radius of influence): Using the same logic for the surface application, if we apply 20 gal/ft over the radius of influence of each well over the screened interval (10 or 15 feet) = 20 gal/ft x 10 ft = 200 gal or 20 gal/ft x 15 ft = 300 gal. Subsurface application will have the additional influence of 2.6 psi from the elevation head of water in the full tote at a depth of 2 feet (top of the well screen) to 9.1 psi at a depth of 17 feet (bottom of the well screen). Volume of water for injection wells (15 foot radius of influence): 0.5 gal/min. 0.2 in x 1 ft/12 in x 3.14(15 ft)2 x 7.48 gal/ft3 = 44 gal. 44 gal/ft over the radius of influence of the screened interval (15 feet) = 44 gal/ft x 15 ft = 660 gal. To keep it simple, use 600 gal (two totes). Concentration of powdered activated carbon solution for injection wells: 125 Ibs powdered activated carbon per 300 gallon tote = 125 Ibs / (300 gal x 8.34 Ibs/gal) = 0.05 or 5 % solution of powdered activated carbon and water. Concentration of powdered activated carbon solution for surface application: 33 Ibs powdered activated carbon per 40 gallons of water = 33 Ibs / (40 gal x 8.34 Ibs/gal) = 0.1 or 10 % solution of powdered activated carbon and water. References: The Hydrogen Adsorption Behavior of Mechano-Chemically Activated Carbon from Indonesian Low -rank Coal: Coupled Langmuir and Dubinin-Astakhov Isotherm Model Analysis, October 2018, International lournal of Technology 9(5):993. Adsorption of emerging pollutants on activated carbon, 2016, Rev Chem Eng, Zahra Jeirani, Catherine Hui Niu and Jafar Soltan, downloaded from New York University Bobst Library Technical Services. Soils — Part 2: Physical Properties of Soil and Soil Water, The Plant and Soil Sciences e-Library 2021, maintained by the University of Nebraska -Lincoln, Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska — Lincoln, NE 68583-0915, access: https://passe12.unl.edu/view/lesson/Ocff7943f577/10. Minnesota Stormwater Manual, Design infiltration rates, 2021 by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, access: https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Design_infiltration_rates. NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY 1N THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE • SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 16 CvS 3652 BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY, ) ELISABETH MURRAY, CARtLINE ) HUGHES, JANE BROWN and ANNE )d ELLIS, ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. ) WHITEHEART and YADKIN VALLEY ) INVESTMENTS, LLC, ) ) Defendants. ) CONSENT ORDER This cause was scheduled to come for trial before the undersigned presiding during a regularly scheduled session of Forsyth County Superior Court commencing on September 24, 2018. Based upon a review of the record and statements of counsel in open court, the Court finds and concludes that the Parties have reached an agreement to fully and finally resolve this action upon the terms and conditions set forth below: THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERD, ADJUDGED and DECREED that: 1. The Estate of William H. Whiteheart (the "Estate") shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Bruce-Terminix Company ("Bruce-Terminix") payment in the total amount of $250,000 (the "Settlement Funds"), to be received by counsel for Plaintiffs within 30 days hereof. 2. Upon delivery of the Settlement Funds, Plaintiffs shall file a voluntary dismissal with prejudice, dismissing all claims asserted against Defendants in this action. 3. Bruce-Terminix shall be responsible for relnediation of pesticide contamination (the "Pesticide Remediation") on, at or emanating from the property located at 3495 Leo 1 4814-8576-6517.v1 Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (the "Property") and the two adjoining properties to the north and south (the "Adjoining Properties") owned by Defendant Yadkin Valley Investments, LLC ("Yadkin Valley"), to the extent such pesticide contamination migrated from the Property or was otherwise caused by the historic activities of Bruce-Terminix. In general, the parties believe that Bowen Branch represents a divide on the southern Adjoining Property and there shall be a presumption that any further soil contamination on the southern Adjoining Property is the result of an independent release. The Pesticide Remediation may include, but is not necessarily limited to, site assessment, cleanup, containment, and natural attenuation. 4. The Parties anticipate that the cost of the Pesticide Remediation will be substantial. In addition, the Plaintiff has already incurred substantial costs associated with environmental issues at the Property, including environmental consultant fees and attorneys' fees. 5. Bruce-Terminix shall undertake the Pesticide Remediation in coordination with DEQ and/or under the Registered Environmental Consultant Program, and shall work in good faith to obtain a No Further Action ("NFA") letter from DEQ related to pesticide contamination at the Property within two (2) years of the entry of this Consent Order. 6. The Settlement Funds shall be held in a segregated account and shall be used by Bruce- Terminix for the Pesticide Remediation, and the parties agree that Plaintiff will account for the expenditure of Settlement Funds as such expenditures become necessary. 7. Other than the Pesticide Remediation, Plaintiffs shall not be liable for remediation of any contaminants, pollutants, or hazardous or toxic substances (collectively "Pollutants") at the Property or Adjoining Properties (including in the soil, groundwater, or surface 2 4814-8576-6517.v1 water), or of Pollutants that have migrated to or from the Property or Adjoining Properties. 8. Other than the Pesticide Remediation, if it is determined that pollutants are found and additional remediation is required, which Defendants specifically deny, Yadkin Valley shall be responsible for remediation of those Pollutants at the Property or their Adjoining Properties (including in the soil, groundwater, or surface water). 9. Bruce-Terminix and Yadkin Valley shall enter a site access agreement sufficient to allow Bruce-Terminix to undertake the Pesticide Remediation. The site access agreement shall not affect or modify the terms of this Consent Order. 10. Plaintiffs Elisabeth Murray, Caroline Hughes, Jane Brown, and Anne Ellis represent and warrant that they are the sole known heirs or assigns of John Detgen entitled to enforce the Purchase and Sale Contract dated March 28, 2000 between John and Marianne Detgen, on the one hand, and William H. Whiteheart, on the other, for the sale of the Property (the "Contract"). Plaintiffs agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Estate for liability, costs, and expenses incurred in connection with any claim asserted against the Estate by any third party seeking to enforce Addendum B, ¶ 2 of the Contract as an heir or assign of John Detgen. 11. The parties shall each bear their own costs and attorneys' fees related to this action. This the 21 day of January, 2019 3 The Honorable Edwin G. Wilson Superior Court Judge Presiding 4814-8576-6517.v1 To the foregoing, WE CONSENT: George W. House N.C. State Bar No. 7426 Joseph A. Ponzi N.C. State Bar No. 36999 BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON HUMPHREY & LEONARD, L.L.P. Post Office Box 26000 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420-6000 Telephone: (336) 373-8850 Attorneys for Plaintiff BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY By: Burns Blackwell, President Elisabeth Murray Caroline Hughes Jane Brown Anne Ellis Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 Attorneys for Defendants 4 ES' OF WILL WHITE ltr 04 BS Bryan C. Ti mpson, Estate Administrator LEY INVESTMENTS, LLC B * Tki—ak SL Its: tlioNG 4814-8576-6517.v1 To the foregoing, WE CONSENT: eorge w . use N.C. S Bar No. 7426 Joseph A. Ponzi N.C. State Bar No. 36999 BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON • HUMPHREY & LEONARD, L.L.P. Post Office Box 26000 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420-6000 Telephone: (336) 373-8850 Attorneys for Plaintiff BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY By: Burns Blackwell, President Elisabeth Murray Caroline Hughes Jane Brown Anne Ellis Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 Attorneys for Defendants ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. WHITEHEART By: Bryan C. Thompson, Estate Administrator YADKIN VALLEY INVESTMENTS, LLC By: Its: 4 4814-8576-6517.v1 To the foregoing, WE CONSENT: George W.'House N.C. State Bar No. 7426 Joseph A. Ponzi N.C. State Bar No. 36999 BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON HUMPHREY & LEONARD, L.L.P. Post Office Box 26000 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420-6000 Telephone: (336) 373-8850 Attorneys for Plaintiff BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY By: Burns Blackwell, President Elisabeth Murray --- Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 Attorneys for Defendants ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. WH1TEHEART By: Bryan C. Thompson, Estate Administrator YADKIN VALLEY INVESTMENTS, LLC #71MIART By: Its: Caroline Hughes Jane Brown Anne Ellis 4 4814-8576-6517 vl To the foregoing, WE CONSENT. George W. House N.C. State Bar No. 7426 Joseph A. Ponzi N.C. State Bar No. 36999 BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON HUMPHREY & LEONARD, L.L.P. Post Office Box 26000 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420-6000 Telephone: (336) 373-8850 Attorneys for Plaintiff BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY By: Burns Blackwell, President Elisabeth Murray °U 1/(1/ ittit Caroline Hughes Jane Brown Anne Ellis Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 Attorneys for Defendants ESTA 1F OF WILLIAM H. WHITEHEART By: Bryan C. Thompson, Estate Administrator YADKIN VALLEY INVESTMENTS, LLC By: Its: 4 4814-8576-6517.v1 To the foregoing, WE CONSENT: -George W. House N.C. State Bar No. 7426 Joseph A. Ponzi N.C. State Bar No. 36999 BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON HUMPHREY & LEONARD, L.L.P. Post Office Box 26000 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420-6000 Telephone: (336) 373-8850 Attorneys for Plaintiff BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY By: Burns Blackwell, President Elisabeth Murray Caroline Hughes Anne Ellis 4814-8576-6517.v1 Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 Attorneys for Defendants ESTA'I'h OF WILLIAM H. WHITEHEART By: Bryan C. Thompson, Estate Administrator YADKIN VALLEY INVESTMENTS, LLC 4 By: Its: To the foregoing, WE CONSENT: George W. House N.C. State Bar No. 7426 Joseph A. Ponzi N.C. State Bar No. 36999 BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON HUMPHREY & LEONARD, L.L.P. Post Office Box 26000 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420-6000 Telephone: (336) 373-8850 Attorneys for Plaintiff BRUCE-TERMINIX COMPANY By: Burns Blackwell, President Elisabeth Murray Caroline Hughes Jane Brown 4814-8576-6517.v1 Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 Attorneys for Defendants ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. WHITEHEART By: Bryan C. Thompson, Estate Administrator YADKIN VALLEY INVESTMENTS, LLC By: Its: 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that on this date, I served a copy of the CONSENT ORDER by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Steven D. Smith Matthew L. Spencer Smith Law Group, PLLC 500 Olive Street Winston Salem, NC 27103 This the 24Lh day of January, 2019.