HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03526_Well Construction - GW1_20210607 E Print Foim- WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD fGW-1_l For hmnai Use only: dd 1.Well Contractor Information: David L Harder, Jr. t4.WAT=ZONBS x . MOM Tp Wall Conneet"Name 2906 A ft NC Well ContractorCa dfiaatianN=*= MD RCA�D fo mw � OR UM madam Aqua DOI, Inc. mom ZG lm -j/G Company flame ¢ . r�'-11 t,/j�2 01 f 4 is, + Tu>�Ifrc 2.Will Coustrnctioa Perutit#. �11 � To n �' ' LW all applicable hell constrnetfen permfu(te.U1C.Cam%State,Yarfanes.wJ & &fL itl' 3.Well Use(check well use): ia. Water Supply Well: t7.SCRB)�T m 1TO Agricultural 13Munia paUPublic 0 it, fw fa. PGeothemtai(HeethWCooling Supply) GResidendal Water Supply tie) . tt. ft. in. IndusWW1Commet W OResideatial water supply(shared) IL UT . hri en Non-Water Supply Well: Ott r ! c Monito' R R on . R R Recharge �t;rotmdaRamediation Stomp and Recovery Osalinity Banner 1IRM 9.SAIVD/GRT PA i+ill fif t . AQuifer Test OStormwaW Drainage ft. ' Experimental Technology. OSubsidmoe Coatl ft• j GW temaal(ClosedLoop) OTincer -2LDRVJMGIM atteeb&WdW 1 ff FROMt3eothemtel eati ool ltetnm Odtm( lain uaft#21 Remarks iZ $ 4.Date Well(s)Completed:j 1� 4�`� Wen WO R' f'-' I Sa.Well Laeationt � � � ! , ` it: & fL F�awlety NamaN�ta FaerlitylDOC +PFliaabta) m �� / r R a�— _ >G 4- 1 AIN PomlIdeniGationNo.{PlfTy ri'. t'sOl1 Prc^esstR 5L Latitude and kougltude In degreedtalnuteAcconds or decimal degrees: Gt field,one 1eUlamg is aafilafeat) cats 6 Is(are)the weit(s}jUPermaueut or �emparary wofiftecan"Wacwhew Date 7.Is this a re By s�Nng thbt fmm,I hereby cc*that the wWfs)was t�1 aarrt aaW br a--bnee pair to an existing well: DYes or Jio wt►h iSA jWAC ox.OIZV or 15A ACAC 02C.02M Well Con o-Who lr and dbat a Ifd&fs a mpa[P.P11 ombrmm wo f omadudfm f1*=t1onaad arptafn*Ono&"ofthe cWcf&ls teawrdhas been provided to ft wetl owner repair under eel remarAssecllar or on the heal afthlsjbrns 23.Site diagram or additional well deta0st &For GeoprobetDPT or Ckased-LoopC*thermd Wells having the same You may use the baelr of this p$gs to ovtde additioaai wall site detm7s well eonsttuction,only 1 OW-1 is needed. Most*TO`1'AL NEBOOt ofvtefis construction details.L You may also attach additional pagan if tom'. drilled: � "�AI��'I�tICTIONS 9 Total well depth below had smtaee: 19 24&For Alt W - Submit this form within 30 days of compledon of well Farmattt�e wdisltstattdcFing let('errnttmrompto.3(rr1200•laad2(aJ100ry constm dion tothe following: 10 Stacie water level-below top of easing: l,"o J _.._.(ft) Dtvlsian of Water Resanrcea;Infornatton Processing us%. lfwamrlad is abov Calft use f" 1617 Mail Service Centers Rddgth NC 276991617 11.BoreM►le diameter: /NO 24b.for In( A V1reDsr In addition to sending the form to the addmss in 24a s also submit one copy of this flum within 30 days Of txuaplation of well IL Well construction method: ,r emtstnrctiorr oo the fogowiag 1 {ie.anger,rotary able.diteetpua6,etei , Division of Water Resouices,Undeirground Injection Central Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 16M M H Service Centee,Raieigb,NC 276991616 13L Yield(Rpm) I Method of test: . A 24c.For Water Smasfi&Inieetion Welke In addition to sending the foma to y j/ #tu address(es)above, also,submit one copy of this fomt vvititk 30 days of 13b Disinfeetion type: ! f/ Amonob G completion of wall construaian to the�ounty health department of the county where camstrttcted. � i Form OW-1 RaviWN222016