HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0700012_Application_20010403MRi; 30 2001 3:27PM PDnAMRN+RSSOCIRTES 4"^^598121 p.2 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Class 51322, 5R21, 5S23, 5T, 5X25, SZ Wells In Accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title 15A: 02C.0200 Complete application and mail to address on the back page. TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DATE: March 30, 2001 A. PERMIT APPLICANT Name: PCS Phosphate Address: PO Box 48/1530 Highway 306 South City: Aurora State: NC Zip Code: 27806 County: Beaufort Telephone: 252-322-8283 B. PROPERTY OWNER (if different from applicant) Name: Same as Applicant Address: City: State: Zip Code: County: Telephone: C. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: Commercial: X Federal: State: County: Municipal: Native American Lands: D. FACILITY (SITE) DATA (Fill out ONLY if the Status is Federal, State, County, Municipal or Commercial). Name of Business or Facility: PCS Phosphate Address: PO Box 48/1530 Highway 306 South City: Aurora Zip Code: 27806 County: Beaufort Telephone: 252-322-8283 Contact Person: D. Daniel Winstead III E. INJECTION PROCEDURE D rJ Provide a detailed description of all planned activities relating to the proposed injection facility including but not limited to: (1) construction plans and materials; [not annlicable, already constructed] (2) operation procedures; and [see Attachment I, Item 1] (3) a planned injection schedule. [see Attachment I, Item 1] GW-57 OTH (Jan, 2000) Page 1 of 5 MAR 30 2001 3:28PM ?7AMAN+ASSOCIATES 4-598121 p.3 F. HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION (See Attachment I, Item 2) SECTION (F) MUST BE ORIGINALLY SEALED AND SIGNED BY A LICENSED GEOLOGIST Provide a hydrogeologic description, soils description, and cross section of the subsurface to a depth that included the known or projected depth of contamination. The number of borings shall be sufficient to determine the following: (1) the regional geologic setting; (2) significant changes in lithology; (3) the hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone; (4) the depth to the mean seasonal high water table; and (5) a determination of transmissivity and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection (showing calculations). G. MONITORING PROCEDURE (See Attachment I, Item 3) Provide plans for proposed location and construction details of groundwater monitoring well network, including a schedule for sampling and analytical methods. Include any modeling/testing performed to investigate injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. H. WELL USE Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply well(s) for the following? (1) The injection operation? (2) Personal consumption? I. CONSTRUCTION DATA (check one) YES NO X YES NO X X__ EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below to the best of your knowledge. Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record) if available. (See Attachment II.) PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (1) through (7) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form GW-1 after construction. (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: NC Contractor Certification number: (2) Date to be constructed: Number of borings: Approximate depth of each boring (feet): (3) Well casing: Type: Galvanized steel_ Black steel_ Plastic_ Other (specify) Casing depth: From to ft. (reference to land surface) Casing extends above ground inches Ow-57 OTH (Tan, 2000) Page 2 of 5 MAR 30 2001 3:28PM AR1AMAN+ASSOCIRTES 47?T598121 p.4 (4) Grout: Grout type: Cement Bentonite _ Other (specify) .. Grouted surface and grout depth (reference to land surface): around closed loop piping; from to (feet). around well casing; from to (feet). (5) Screens Depth: From _ to _ feet below ground surface. N.C. State Regulations (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring wellhead processes. A faucet on both influent (recovered groundwater) and effluent (fluid being injected into the well) lines is generally required. (6) (7) Will there be a faucet on the influent line? yes no Will there be a faucet on the effluent line? yes_ no SOURCE WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION (if different from injection well). Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record). If Form OW-1 is not available, provide the data in part G of this application form to the best of your knowledge. (See Attachment I. Item 4.) NOTE: THE WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR CAN SUPPLY THE DATA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATION IS UNAVAILABLE BY OTHER MEANS. J. OTHER WELL DATA (See Attachment I, Item 5) Provide a tabulation of data on all wells within Y4 mile of the injection well(s), excepting water supply wells serving a single-family residence, which penetrate the proposed injection zone. Such data shall include a description of each well's type, depth, record of abandonment or completion, and additional information the Director may require. K. PROPOSED OPERATING DATA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Injection rate: Average (daily) 19tgallons per minute (gpm) Injection vohime: Average (daily) 27.400. gallons per. day (gpd) Injection pressure: Average (daily) N/A winds/square inch (psi) Injection temperature: Average (January) 69-74° F, Average (July) 69-74° F Hydraulic capacity of the well: 2tto 4tnnm Der well Expected lifetime of the injection facility: 20 years Give a description of how the above data will be measured and controlled: Infection rate is measured by flow totalizer. Injection rate is controlled by automatic water level controller set to a selectedstatic water level. L. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT (See Attachment L Item 6) Attach a diagram showing the detailed plans and specifications of the surface and subsurface construction details of the system. OW-57 OTH (Jan, 2000) - Page 3 of 5 M$IR 30 2001 3:28PM ?''IAMAN+ASSOCIATES 47598121 p.5 M. LOCATION OF WELL(S) (See Attachment I, Item 7) Attach a scaled, site -specific map(s) showing the location(s) of the following: (1) the proposed injection walks); (2) all property boundaries; (3) the direction and distance from the injection well or well system to two nearby, permanent reference points (such as roads, streams, and highway intersections); (4) all buildings within the property boundary; (5) any other existing or abandoned wells, including water supply and monitoring wells, within the area of review of the injection well or wells system; (6) potentiometric surface showing direction of groundwater movement; (7) any existing sources of' potential or known groundwater conramination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within the area of review of the injection well or well system; and (8) all surface water bodies within the area of review of the injection well or well system. N. INJECTION FLUID DATA (See Attachment I, Item 8) (1) Fluid source, if underground, from what depth, formation and type of rock/sediment unit will the fluid be drawn (e.g., granite, limestone, sand, etc.). (2) Provide the chemical, physical, biological and radiological characteristics of the fluid to be injected O. PERMIT LIST (See Attachment I. Item 9) Attach a list of all permits or construction approvals that are related to the site, including but not limited to; (1) Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA (2) NC Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge penults (3) Sewage Treatment and Disposal Permits (4) Other environmental permits required by state or federal law. GW-57 OTH (Jae, 2000) Page 4 of 5 Mf1R 30 2001 3:20PM ^RMRM+ASSOCIATES 4to j596121 P-6 P. CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." Q. y 5' Marta 214 !X ll'G r en 2 v. AC-Cta 6 • (Sign a of Well Owner or Authorized Agent) If authorized agent is acting on behalf of the well owner, please supply a letter signed by the owner authorizing the above agent. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land rests ownership in the landowner in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conforms to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) (Signature Of Property Owner If Different From Applicant) Please return two copies of the completed Application package to: UIC Program Groundwater Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-6165 GW-57 OTH (Jan, 2000) Page 5 of 5 • MAR 30 2001 3:28PM ?n-71RMRN+ASSOCIATES 4&-" 590121 p.7 ATTACHMENT INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF PERMIT WI0700012 FOR OPERATION OF INJECTION WELL SYSTEM • M$1R 30 2001 3:28PM i7-7AMAM+ASSOCIATES 4 P-c;5S8121 p. 8 ATTACHMENT I INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF PERMIT WI0700012 FOR OPERATION OF INJECTION WELL SYSTEM ITEM 1: INJECTION PROCEDURE The tank farm area remedial action system Injection wells have been in operation since March 24, 1992. The injection well system contains seven 4-inch diameter PVC wells generally 49 feet deep tapping the 17 to 22-foot thick Croatan Formation with its top located 27 to 31 feet below ground surface. These seven wells are designated CIW-1 through CIW 7 (Croatan Injection Well). The seven wells are connected by a common 4-inch diameter PVC header pipe at Elevation 4.0 feet (MSL) connected to a water level control tank near injection well CIW-4. The injection well system is designed to operate at a water level between 5 and 15 feet (MSL) and at a flow rate up to 40 gal/min. Approximately 33% of the injection water is captured by the Croatan Formation withdrawal wells and 67% flows radially east, west and south away from the injection wells. The construction plans and materials and operation procedures were described in the original permit application submitted on March 7, 1991, and are on file with the Department. The injection wells are scheduled to continue to operate 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. The injection of fresh water will continue until the target clean-up values established for the remedial action are achieved at the withdrawal wells. For the last monitoring period for which data have been reported (i.e., November 2000; December 2000; and January 2001), the injection rate averaged 6.2 gal/min. Similar injection rates are projected in the future. ITEM 2: HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION The tank farm area remedial action system was documented in the Ardaman & Associates, Inc. Remedial Action System Design report dated July 31, 1990 and approved by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental • Management - Groundwater Section in their letter of November 26, 1990. Section 2 of this document should be referred to for details regarding hydrogeologic conditions in the tank farm area. ITEM 3: MONITORING PROCEDURE Monitoring ofthe injection well system will continue in accordance with the performance monitoring plan already in place as part of the remedial action plan, and the Part V requirements of the existing injection well permit, WI0700012. Quarterly reports will continue to be submitted to the Department in the same format as currently used. ITEM 4: SOURCE WELL INFORMATION Water for the injection well system consists of water from the depressurizing well water system around the mine. The depressurizing wells tap the upper unit of the Castle Hayne limestone with open hole collection zones within the formation typically extending from 180 to 280feet below land - PURR 30 2001 3:23PM ,yam.7...AMRM+ASSOCIATES 47 598121 p.9 PCS Phosphate Page 2 File Number. 88-144A surface. The upper 180 feet of the wells, through the undifferentiated surficial deposits, Croatan Formation, Yorktown Formation, Pungo River Formation and upper 20 to 30 feet of the Castle Hayne limestone, are sealed with a grouted steel pipe casing. The depressurizing well water system consists of numerous operating wells around the mine at any given time. Water from the wells is discharged into a ditch system from which the water is taken for the injection wells. The ditch system is scheduled to be replaced by a pipeline system from the depressurizing wells to the plant. ITEM 5 - OTHER WELL DATA The locations of the seven withdrawal wells (CWW-1 through CWW-7) tapping the Croatan Formation (i.e., the injection zone) are shown on the attached plan and described in detail in the Remedial Action System' Design report on file with the Department. Well logs for the seven withdrawal wells are included in Attachment III. The locations of seven wells and piezometers tapping the Croatan Fomiation used to monitor the performance of the injection well system (MWTF-1C, MWTF-2C, MWTF-3C, CPZ-1, CPZ-2, CPZ-3 and CPW) are shown on the attached plan, and the well logs are included in Attachment IV. ITEM 6: INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT The layout of the tank farm area remedial action system including the Croatan Formation injection well system was described in the Remedial Action System Design report and the original permit application submitted on March 7, 1991, both of which are on file with the Department. The only significant changes to the system have been: (i) to substitute a multimedia anthracite/sand filter and an ultraviolet tube light filter for the reverse osmosis unit described in the original permit application; and (ii) substituting depressurizing well water for water from the FERT-1 well described in the original permit application. ITEM 7 - WELL LOCATIONS A plan showing the locations of the injection wells was presented in the tank farm area Remedial Action System Design report. A copy of that report is on file with the Department. The attached figure also depictsthe locations of the seven injection wells , seven withdrawal wells and seven wells/piezometers used for performance monitoring. The location of other remedial action system wells in the tank farm area are also shown on the figure. ITEM 8 - INJECTION FLUID DATA The injection fluid consists of groundwater from the upper unit of the Castle Hayne limestone. Wells providing the injection fluid have collection zones tapping the Castle Hayne aquifer between depths of about 180 to 280 feet below land surface. Prior to injection, the groundwater is treated by a multimedia anthracite/sand filter and ultraviolet light filter. The quality of the injection fluid is monitored quarterly and reported to the Department. The last set of analyses performed on the injection fluid on January 12, 2001 are tabulated below and compared with the current permit concentration limits. • MAR 30 2001 3:29PM .^^AMRM+RSSOCIRTES 47 `--7598121 p.10 PCS Phosphate Page 3 File Number: 88-144A Parameter 01/12/01 Sample Permit Requirement pH 7.5 6,5-8.5 Temperature (°C) 12.6 <35.5 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/1) 466 <500 Total Organic Carbon (mgll) 6.4 <10 Sulfate, SO4 (mg/I) 28 50 Chloride, CI (mg/1) 11 <55 Fluoride, F (mg/I) 0.54 <1.0 Total Phosphorus, P (mg/1) 0.15 <0.15 Cadmium, Cd (mg/I) <0.001 <0.005 Chromium, Cr (mg/1) <0.005 <0.05 Manganese, Mn (mgll) 0.043 <0.05 Total Coliiform Organisms (per 100 ml) <1 <1 As shown, the constituent concentrations in the injection water are at or below the permit requirements. ITEM 9 - PERMITS The original permit to construct and operate the injection well system was submitted to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission Department of Natural Resources and Community Development (Form GW--57B) on March 7,1991. The permit, 06-0071-W0-0005, was issued by the Department on December 5,1991. The permit was amended on June 15,1995 (with the new company name and permit number). An application to renew the original permit was filed on May 8,1996, and the permit was renewed by the Department on September23, 1997 as Permit No. WI0700012. The expiration date for the permit is September 30, 2001. T:Wrojecel1M 9&1HaW!-1 Pennfl Renewatwpa r ✓l 3 - SWW-I cww1 OFFICE /— CUT—OFF WALL ma-s Q ASPHALT ROAD cw E SWWs CWW4 - - li S.P.A PLANT Q L 1 WATER LEVEL Lvn I f8)L TANK i IS TFI CWSFE� JL LIWTPJ CLUSTER Q SPZ-6 ON �� SPZ-10 002 LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PIEZOYETER • MONITOR WELL • CONFINED SAND LAYER WITHDRAWAL WELL • CROATAN FO NATpN WITHORAWAA WELL • CROATAN FORYAT)OW INJECTION WELL 10. INJECTION WELL NEAD61 PIPE CLEA►LOOT • WIECTDN WELL IYST[NI WATER LEVEL CONTROL TANK LOCATION PLAN FOR TANK FARM AREA REMEDIAL ACTION SYSTEM WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS S31bI3OSSd+NUWE.. Ul CD CO • MDR 30 2001 3:30PM 7"74RMRM+RSSOC I RTES Oro <,599121 p.12 ATTACHMENT II INJECTION WELL INSTALLATION RECORDS • MAR 30 2001 3:30PM 71RMAM+RSSOCIRTES 40'759E1121 p.13 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMEICAL MANAGEMENT• GROUNDWATER SECTION 0.0. ROk 27OET• RALEIGH. NC M11146e7 PHONE (919)733-0T4 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CIW-1 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. STATE WELL CONSTRUGCCCN DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1275 PERMIT NUMBER: 06 UU71 WI-0238 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No Lat. Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Aurora, North Carolina Nearest Town - ;Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER Texasqulf Inc. •ODRESS P.O. Box 48 (Street sir Rote o.: Aurora, Nortf Carolina 27806 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 5-30-91 USE OF WDLL Injection Well 4 TOTAL DtPTH 50.01 CUTTINGS COLLECTEC D yes ••• No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes r No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 15.8 FT. 0 above 7CP OF CASWG. ® belw TOP OF CASING IS 1.62 FT ABOVE oLA':O SURFACE.** T. YIELD Worn): METHOD OF TEST a. WATER ZONES (depth)- • cows,: Beaufort Doom DRILLING LOG From' To Formation Oast:notion SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount to. CASING: Wall Thickness 11 additional soaca is needed use back of Ioml. Depth Diameter or WelgnIIFt. Material LOCATION SKETCH =rom 0.0 - To 33.42 Fi 4"' Sch.40 PVC :Show directionand dis: r:e from at least two State Roads, -ram 47.67 To 49.67Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* or other map reference :::nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN From To Ft It.GROUT: *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN. Depth Matarlal Method =•on- O.0 To 27.5 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmis **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION From To Ft. 1N FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER 12. SCREEN: Depm Warmer Slat Size Materiel From 33.42 Ta 47.67Ft. 4" fn.0.035in PVC APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL: From To FL In in. From To Ft in. in. :3. GRAVEL PACK: N 82+96 E 127+63 Depth Size Matafial From 31.0 To 50.0 Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From To Ft. 4. REMARKS Bentonite Seal from 27.5' to 30.5' 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 30.5' to 31.0' ; Stainless Steel Centralizer at 38.04' and 43.04'. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTR TED IN ACCQQQqqqpppQQQRDANCE WITH 15 'CAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD H PROVIDED THEW OWNER. 08/05/91 SIGNATURE Of CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE GWt REVISED 2090 Submit anginal to Division 01 Environmental Management and copy to well owner. • MRR 30 2001 3:SOPM 7.1RMRN+RSSOCIRTES 4 :598121 p.14 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTNENTOF ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DwMS IN OF ENVmONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. ROE 2T68T • RALEIGH. NC Eral,-Taar PHONE Ig1an774711 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CIW-2 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. STATE WELL CONST UTLQJN DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1275 PERMIT NUMBER: 05-W71-WI-0238 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' Quad. No. Serial No. Lat Long. Pc Mbtor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent. 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Aurora, North Carolina 2. OWNER ADDRESS ;Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) Texasaulf Inc. 3. DATE DRILLED 4. TOTAL DEPTH P.O. Box 48 (Street or Route No.: Aurora. North Carolina 27806 City or Town State Zip Code 6-03/6-04-91 USE Or WCLL Injection Well 50.5' CUTTINGS COLLECTS:. ❑ Yes LX) No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? Q Yes L No 16.87 FT n above TOP OF CASING. 2.96 FT ABOVE LAND SURFACE.** 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL - TOP OF CASING IS 7 YIELD (9omk METHOD OF TEST - 8. WATER ZONES (depth): 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount 10. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Maternal From 0.0 To 34.12 Pt 4" Sch.40 PVC From 48.38 -ro 50.5 Pt 4" Sch.40 PVC* From To Ft 1 t. GROUT: From 0.0 From To Ft' 12. SCREEN: Depth To 25.0 ,Material Method FL Neat Cement Tremnie Depth Diameter Sot Size Material From 34.12 To 48.38 Ft 4' en. 0.035 in. PVC From To Ft. in in. From Td Ft in. in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth From 29.5 To 50.5 Ft From To Ft. 14. REMARKS. Bentonite Seal from 25.0' to 29.0' ; 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from Size 8/20 • Material Silica Sand county:. Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE If additional space is needed use back at Corm. LOCATION SKETCH :Show direction and dis:arse Irom at least two State Roads. or other map reference :::nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IN FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL: N 83+04 E 128+71 29,5'; Stainless Steel Centralizer at 3.75' and 38.75'. 29.0' to I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CO UCTED IN CCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPT OF THIS RECORDVEEN PRO ED TG THE WELL OWNER. GW I REVISED 210 1yt� 08/05/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR Oir GENT DATE Submit original to Division of Environmenml Management and copy la well owner. MAR 30 2001 3:31PM771RMRN+RSSOCIRTES 4' 753E1121 p.15 2. OWNER ADDRESS 3. DATE DRILLED TOTAL DEPTH NO1int CAROLINA D®ARTIIENFOF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH NID NATURAL RESOURCES oMSmN OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • GROUNDWATER SECTION 13.O.9OX 27357- RALEIGH. NC .R8114537 PHONE 1e19pt-3Ta1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. Pa Minor Basin Basin Coda Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. WELL NUMBER CIW-3 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. WELL CONS u DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1275 • PERMIT NUMBER: uO-��j� +-1U'0238 i. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Neems: Town* Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Cammumty. or subdWlsion and Lot No.) Texasqulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 caveat r Route No.: Aurora, North Carolina 27806 City or Town State Zip Code 6-05-91 USE OF WELL Injection Well • county: Beaufort 50:0 CUTTINGS COLLECTS- 0 Yes al] No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes g NO 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 16.94 FT. 0 abe TOP OF CASING. 3 belovow TOP OF CASING IS 2.88 FT ABOVE LA::D SURFACE. ** 7. YIELD (gpm) , - METHOD OF TEST 6. WATER ZONES (depth). 9. CHLORINATION: 10. CASING: =ram From From 11. GROUT: From From 12. SCREEN: Type None Amount Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Matadai 0.0 To 33.04F1 4° SShi41! PVC 47.29 To 49.46F1 4° Sch.40 PVC* From From From t3. GRAVEL PACK: To FI. Depth Material Method 0.0 To 27.0 FL Neat Cement Tremmie To Ft Depth Diameter 33.04 To 47.29FI 4° To Ft. To Ft. Slot Site Material kL 0.035 in. PVC in. in. Depth From To DRILLING LOG Formation Descdpdon . SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE 11 addlponal space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH :Show direction and distant) from et least two State Ronds. 7r other map reference:::nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IN FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL: N 83+10 E 129+54 Depth Stle Mamrial From 30.0 To 49.46F1. 8/20 Silica Sand From To FL 14. REMARKS. Bentonite Seal from 27.0' to 2g.5' ; 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 29.5' to 30.0'; Stainless Steel Centralizer at 3 67' and 42 67'. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS COIN RUCTED IN dC F•ANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECO BEEN PRO EDT E WELL OWNER 08/05/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE• Gobi REVISED 2 a0 Submh anginal to Division of Environmental Management and dopy to well away. • PURR 30 2001 3:31PM -7RMRN+RSSOCIRTES 4- 598121 p. 16 From 30.5 From 14. REMARKS: 2. OWNER ADDRESS NORTH cANOLINA DEPARTMENT ENATURAL NVIRONNENTMAL MANAGEMENT• GRO NDYIATTION DIVISION OFRESOURCES P.O. SOX VW • RALEIGN. NC :7611.7EE7 PHONE te191775-e711 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. Na. Serial No. Lat. Long. Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. Pc GW-I Ent WELL NUMBER CIW-4 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTAN DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1@75 PERMIT NUMBER: B0-0ur1-WI-0238 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town. Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) Texasquif Inc. P.O. Box 48 Aurora, Notr oaoina 27806 City or Town State Zip Costa 3. DATE DRILLED 6-04/6-05-91 USE OF WELL Injection Well 4 TOTAL DEPTH. 49.5' CUTTINGS COLLECT" ❑Yes Z' No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes E No 6. STATIC WATEP. LEVEL: 17.05 FT ❑ above TOP OF CASING. \ TOP OF CASING IS 3.0 FT. ABOVE LA.XD SURFACE.** 7. YIELD (gpm): - METHOD OF TEST Gounly: Beaufort Depm From To DRILLING LOG Formation Description SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE 8. WATER ZONES (depth)' 9. CHLORINATION: t0. CASING: Prom Frain From 11. GROUT: From From t2. SCREEN: Type None Depth 0.0 To 32.83 47.08 : 49.33 C 0.0 Death TO 27.5 To Amount Wall Thickness Diameter or weight/Ft. Ft ,A" _ Sch.40 Ft 4" Sch.40 Ft. Malorial PVC PVC* Materiel Momad Ft. Neat Cement Trertm!ie Fi. Depth Diameter Vol Size material From 32.83 To 47.08 Ft, 4" !n.0.035 !n. PVC From To Ft n. in. From To Ft. In. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Deem Size Material To49.5 Ft, 8/20 Silica Sand To Ft Bentonite Seal from 27.5' to 30.0' : 20/30 30.5'; Stainless Steel Centralizer at 37. 1 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTR TED IN AC( STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD H EN PROVIDEQ 11 additional space is needed use back al form. LOCATION SKETCH :Show direction and dialer -Ca Iron at toast two. State Roam or other mao reference :tints) SEE ATTACHED -WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING'FOR INSTALLATION IN FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER . APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL: N 83+06 E 130+63 GAL REVISED 2/90 Uteet SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Silica Sand Filter from 30.0' to 6and 42.46' RDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C,.WELL CONSTRUCTION o TIt WELL OWNER 08705/91 DATE • MAR 30 2001 3:32PM RMRN+RSSOCIRTES 47"508121 p. 17 NORTH CAROLIIA DEPARTMENT OFENVIIlONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES CNISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT• GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX WRIT. RALHON, NC 376N•73a7 PHONE WI 17334 I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Lone Po Minor Basin Basin Coda Header Ent. GW-1 Ent WELL NUMBER CIW-5, DRILLING ccumAcToR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1275 PERMIT NUMBER: 0'T071WI-0238 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town. Aurora. North Carolina (Road. Community. or Subdivision aria Lot No.) 2. OWNER Texasgulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 NrCar rRnNao.: Aurora, 27806 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE -•FILLWO 6-06-91 USE OF WELL Injection Wel l 4. TOTAL '=oTH 50.0' CUTTINGS COLLECT:: LI Yes al No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELLY 0 Yes g No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 17.64 FT ❑ above TCP OF CASING. 3.B below TOP OF CASING IS 08 FT ABOVE LA'.D SURFACE.** 7. YIELD fOnm1: - METHOD OF TEST - 8. WATER ZONES (depth). 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount - 10. CASING: Watt Thickness DEARDiameter or Waignt/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 32.96 Ft 4" • Sch.40 PVC From 47.20 -0 49.33 FI 4" Sch.40 PVC* Fro.•n To FI 11. GROUT: From From 12. SCREEN: County: Beaufort DODth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Deaconon SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE 11 additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH :Show director and distar:e from at least two State Roads. or other map reference :::nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN Depth Material Method 0.0 -026.0 FI. Neat Cement Tremmie To FI **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IN FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 32.96 To 47.20 Ft. 4" in.0.035 tn, PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. In 1. __ 13. GRAVEL PACK: APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL: N 83+09 E 131+60 Depth Size Material From 29•5 To50.0 Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From To Ft 1a REMARKS' Bentonite Seal from 26.0' to 29.0' : 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 29.0' to 2R '• Stainless Steel Centralizer at 37.58' and 42.58' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTF CT£D IN C0RO NCE WITH 15 =AC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD EN PRO TO WELL owe. 08/05/91 SIGNAT PE CONTRACTOR 0 A DATE Gw.l REVISED 290 Submit original to Division of Environmantat Management and copy 10 weft owner. •SENT,BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR "1 4:02PM; PAGE 2/19 I1ORTN CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH AIM NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGQaENT • GROUNDWATER SECTION e.0.1104 MOT• RAI.EIGLNC r,TAr1.ner PNONERNEY/S74Y.I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CIW-6 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Mao. No Serial Nc. Let ' ono Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent, GW-1 Ent.__ . I DRILLING CONTRACTOR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. 1275 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 06-0071—WI-0238 I. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketan Of tho laCation below) Nearest Town. Aurora, North Carolina county Beaufort ;Road, Community. or Subdivision and Lot NO.) 2. OWNER Texasqulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 (Street r Rot NO.:Aurora, North CYaro'lina 27806 City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED 6-06-91 USE 0= W=LL Injection Well TOTAL DEPTH 48,0CUTTINGS CCLLECTE: ❑ Yes tE No 5 DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? W Yes £ NO 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: FT C above TOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING IS 2.54 below FT. ABOVE LA::O SURFACE** 7. YIELD (gOml: METHOD OF TEST 6. WATER ZONES (depmY 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount 10. CASING: Welt Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Pt. Material LOC =,T)ON SKETCH From 0.0 To 31.33 Ft 4" Srh. 40 PVC :Show diraehon and dlatar.^e note et least two State Roeoa. From 45.58 Tp 47.75 Ft 4" SCh.40 PVC* or other mao reference :::his) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN From To Ft : I, GROUT: *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN Depth Metenai Metnod From 0.0 To 24.0 Ft Neat Cement Tremmie **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION From To Ft IN FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE If additional space is neeoeo use beck of form. 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot size Materiel From 31.33 To 45.58 Ft. 4a in 0.035 in. PVC APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL: From To Ft. irk in. N 82+74 From To FI N. m. E 132+44 IS. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Malarial From 27.75 To 48.0 FI. 8/2D Silica Sand From To FI. IA REMARKS' Bentonite Seal from 24.0' to 27.0': 20L30_Silica Sand_ Filter from 27.0' to 27.75r• Stainless Steel Centralizer at 5.96' and•40.96' I DO HERESY CdhTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED I AC4OROANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORQ N,},4 BEEN PR EOIf0 THE WELL OWNER. GW.1 RE1fISED 290 08/05/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owaef. 'SENT,BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR4., "1 4:02PM; PAGE 3/19 NORUl CAROLNA OEPARTNENT OF ENVINONMENT,NEALTN AFO NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIHONIrENTAL MANAGSMENT. OROUNOwATER SECTOR P.O. nox 27187- RAI.EIGH. HC :Mn-0NT PHONE 01T9)713.e741 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CIW-7 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Burnett Contracting and Drilling Co. 1275 STATE WELL CONS UGT[�j�1 DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 0 -0071-WI-0238 FOR OFRCE USE ONLY Ouad. No Serial Nc. Lat Long Pc Minot Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent. 1. WELL LOCATION; (Show sketch CI Me IoWOdon below) Nearest Town: Aurora, North Carolina (ROad, COmmomty. Or SUDOWision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER Texasoulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 Aurora, North Ceet arolina 27806 City or Town State Zit Code 3. DATE ORILLcD 6-07-91 USE OF WELL Injection Wel l 4. TOTAL DEPTH 48.0 CUTTINGS COLLECTS- L . Yes E No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes E No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: TOP OF CASING I5 3.33 FT ❑ above TOP OF CASING. 09 below FT ABOVE LA:.] SURFACE.** 7. YIELD room): METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (deem)• 9. CHLORINATION: Type None 10. CASING Amount Well ThiekneRsa Depth Diameter or we;gnitFt. =rem 0.0 To 31,0 Et " 4 Sch.4D 45.25 to 47.75ot 4" Sch.40 From Prom 11. GROUT: To Depth From 0.0 To From To 12. SCREEN: Ft. Material PVC PVC* Material Meihod 25.5-rt. Neat Cement Tr!,mnie Ft. Oepm Diameter 5:ot Size Material From 31.0 To 45.25Ft 4" in, 0.035 in PVC From To_ FI. in. in. -ram To Ft in, ,;r< 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth From 28.5 To 48.0 Ft cram To FI Size Material 8/20 Silica Sand County: Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE / 11 additional space is needed mu back Ot torm. LOCATION SKETCH :Show direction anddisle-:e from al leas) two State Roads, or other map tolerance a:;n:s) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR'INSTALLATION IN FLUSH MOUNT WELL COVER APPROXIMATE PLANT COORDINATES OF WELL; N 82+67 E 133+29 14 semen- Bentonite Seal from 25.5' to 28.0' % 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 28.0' to 2100 HEREBY GEATIFY THAT THISSWELLL WAS COU T$pry$JlCTEO IN t AtORIDDNCE d WIITH 215 �NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS FECORmtdtSIBEEN PRO V TO WELL OWNER. 08/05/9.1 G'Na REvtSEO2E90 SIGNALURE OF CONTRACTOR l5R AE3EN* DATE Submit original to Division al Environmental Management and dopy to web Owner. •9ENT,8Y: 407 850 8121; MAR-£(" "1 4:03PM; PAGE 4/19 ATTACHMENT III WITHDRAWAL WELL INSTALLATION RECORDS 'SENT,RY: 407 A59 B121; MAR-t ''I 4:03PM; PAGE 5/19 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, IMAM AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OP ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT -GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 2759T • RALEIGH. NC :7511.7607 PHONE (9I9)771.7211 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CWW-1 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 Quad No serial NO. Lat Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Erd OW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSu01-WR-D226 PERMIT NUMBER: 06007 1. WELL LOCATION; (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot NO.) 2. OWNER Texasgulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 (Street or Route No.1 Aurora, North Carolina 27806 county: Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE fRILLFD 6-12-91 USE OF WELL Recovery Well 4. TOTAL DEPTH 55. Q' CUTTINGS COLLECTED :J Yes El No 5. DOES '+ELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes E No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 13.3E FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING, belowLA TOP OF CASING IS 2.25 FT. ABOVE ND SURFACE.** 7. YIELD Wm): - METHOD OF TEST - WATER ZONES (deDtN' 9. CHLORINATION: Typo None Amount 10, CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 33.27 Ft, 4" Sch.40 PPC From 52.68 To 54.85 Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* Frorn To Ft 11. GROUT: D60m Material Method II addltlonal space :s neededuse back of form. LOCATION SKETCH :Snow direction and dime- :e from at least two State Roads, or other map reference :::nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN From 0.0 To24.5 Ft Neat Cement Tremmie **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION From To Ft. 12. SCREEN; Depth Diameter Stot Size material From 33.27 To 52.68 Ft. 4" in.0.035 in. PVC From To_ Ft. In. in, From To Ft. in in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: IN SERVICE BOX WELL LOCATION: N 87t51.85 E 127+65.85 ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 10.60' (MSL) Depth Size Material From 28.5 To55.0 Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From To Ft ,.REMARKS- Bentonite Seal from 24.5' to 27.5' ; 20L30 Silica Sand Filter from 27.5' to 28.5'• Stainless Steel Centralizer at 37.89', 42.93' and 48.02'. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CO TRUCTED I ACC• -DANCE WITH 15 ::CAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORQF S BEEN PRO DED L THE WELL OWNER. 07/19/91 eat SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR •R AGENT DATE CW-1 REVISED 2190 Submit original to Division 01 Environmental mznagement and copy to well owner. •SENT,BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR -<'A ";1 4:00PM; PAGE 6/19 2. OWNER ADDRESS NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, REALM AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVInONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- GROUNOWATER 5ECn0H P,O. PDX 276e7 . RALEIG)H, NC Arai I.1ae7 PHONE Iafel7aa-2Z1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CWW-2 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. N0. serial Mc. Lat. Long. Pc...� Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSu171 WR-D226 PERMIT NUMBER: 0600 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town' Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No,) Texasqulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 (St lot or Ro No.) Aurora, Nortff CarolIina 27806 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILL°D 6-12/6-13-91 USE OF WELL Recovery Well 4. TOTAL DEPTH 52.151 CUTTINGS COLLECTED D Yes r' No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes E No S. STATIC WATEP. LEVEL: 13.67 FT ® above TOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING IS 7. YIELD (gem): METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES (depth]. county Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Deseription SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE 9. CHLORINATION: 10. CASING: 3.0 FT. ABOVE LowAND SURFACE** Type None Amount Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. (Material From 0.0 To 30.57 Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC From 49.82 To 52.15 Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* From To Ft 11. GROUT: • Depth Material From 0.0 To 21.5 F1 Neat Cement From 12. SCREEN: From 30.57 To Ft. Depth TO 49.82 From To, Ft Ft. Method Trettmi e Diameter Stot Size material 4" In.0.035 in. PVC itt (n. From_ To Ft. in. In. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material F(OM 25-5 Tp52.15 Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From REMARKS: 11 additional space is needed use back o1 form, LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction end disteroe from a1 least two Stale Roaos, or other map reference ;;inta) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IN SERVICE BOX WELL LOCATION: N 87+58.03 E 128+54.32 ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 10.23' (MSL) To Ft. Bentonite Seal from 21.5' to 25.0' ; 20/30 Silica Sand Filter 25.5' : Stainless Steel Centralizer at 35.20' and 45.20'. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS 0 STRUCTEACC; RDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS nee BEEN P/IDED I A THE WELL OWNER. GWI REVISED2/90 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR eR AGENT Submit original to Division Of Environmental Management from 25.0' to WELL CONSTRUCTION 07/19/91 DATE and copy to welt owner. •8ENT,BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR-^/" "1 4:03PM; PAGE 7/19 GW1 REVISED 2190 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT• ORDUNuwATER SECTION P.D. e0X 27687 • RAI.EIGH, NC nsti•Tea7 PHONEIBISPTa.3Ya1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CWW-3 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Cued. No. Soria' NO. Let Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. OW-1 Ent. STATE WELL. CONSTRUMN 06-0071 WR-0226 PERMIT NUMBER 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of m0 !Deakin be!cvr) Nearest Town: Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER Texasgulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 (Str et or RO I No.. Aurora, North Carolina 27806 City or Town State Zio code 3. DATE DRILLED 6-13-91 USE OF WELL Recovery Well 4. TOTAL DEPTH 53.0' CUTTINGS COLLECT!3 G Yes M No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes & NO 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 14.20 FT, O above TOP OF CASINO. TOP OF CASING IS 3.08 FT A OVE Lr.ND SURFACE.** 7. YIELD (9pm): - METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES (depth). 9. CHLORINATION: 10. CASING: Type None Amount Well Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Ft. Malarial From 0.0 To 36.42Ft 4" Sch 40 PVC From 50.67 To 53.0 Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* Rom To Ft county: Beaufort Oepth DRILLING LOG Formation Description From To SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE II additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH :Show direction and dlscar:e from at least two`State Roads. or other map reference :::nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN 11. GROUT: *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN Depth Materiai Method FrOm 0.0 To 28.0 FI. Neat Cement Tretlmlie **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION From To F(. IN SERVICE BOX 12. SCREEN: DOOM Diameter S!ol Size Materiel From 36.42 To 50.67Ft. 4" in.0.035 in. PVC WELL LOCATION: N 87+55.61 E 129+65.64 From- Ta Ft. in. in. From To Ft in in ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 9.95' (MSL) 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 31.75 To 53.Q_Ft. 8/20 ' Silica Sand From To Ft. REMARKS. Bentonite Seal from 28.0' to 31.0' i 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 31.0' to 31.75'; Stainless Steel Centralizer at 41.04' and 46.04'. 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS C TRUCTED I ACC!RDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECO S BEEN IDEO +• THE WELL OWNER, -.ow% P 07/19/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR • R AGENT DATE Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and Copy to well owner. •SENT, BY: 407 859 8121; MAR-' "1 4:04PM; PAGE 8/19 GW-I REVISED2'90 2. OWNER ADDRESS NORni CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION DP ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • GROUNDWATER SECTION PA. PDX 276a7 • PALEISH. NC ^.7e11.7t87 PHONE I919)77}a221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad No Seral No. Lat. long. Pc Minor Saab Basin Code Header Ent. 1 GW-1 Ent. WELL NUMBER CWW-4 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION GRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 PERMIT NUMBER. O6-0071-WR-0226 I. WELL LOCATION: (Shcw sketch of the location below) Nearest Town. Aurora, North Carolina county, Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) Texasaulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 Aurora, North Cro N 27806 City or Town State Zip Cade 3. DATE DRILLED 6-11-91 USE Or WELL Recovery Well 4. TOTAL DEPTH 53.0' CUTTINGS COLLECTED G Yes rj No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes Ili No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 14.22 FT. D above TOP OF CASING, 2.75 gl below TOP OF CASING IS FT ABOVE LAND SURFACE** 7. YIELD (gpm)• - METHOD OF TEST - ^ WATER ZONES (depth): SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount 10. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material. From 0.0 To 41.67Ft 4" Sch.40 .140 From 50.92 Tp 52.92Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* From _ To Ft i1.GROUT: *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN Depth Material Method From 0.0 TO 34.0 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie **PRIOR CCUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION X From To ' FL 12. SCREEN: II additional space 15 needed use book of form. Depth Diameter skitsize Materiel From 41.67 To 50.92Ft 4" in.0.035 in. PVC From To - Ft. in. From To Ft in. m. - 13. GRAVEL PACK: LOCATION SKETCH ;Show direction and dista is from at least two State Road^., or other Mao reference ;WIC SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN WELL LOCATION: N 87+62.10 E 130+84.77 ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 10.73' (MSL) Depth Site Material From 37.5 To 53.0 FI. 8/20 Silica Sand From To Ft .REMARKS. Bentonite Seal from 34.0' to 37-0' : .O/30 Silica Sand Filter from 37.0' to 3g77 51• Stainless Steel Centralizer at 46.29' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS STRUCTEo ACC RDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECO AS BEEN PFigVI ELL OWNER. 07/19/91 SIGNATLME OFCONTRACTOR AGENT DATE Suhmit original to Division of Environmental Management and Copy to well owner. •SENT,BY: ; 407 850 8121; MAR -FT 4:04PM; PAGE 0/19 • 2. OWNER ADDRESS NORTH CAROLINA IMPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, NEALIH ARO NATURAL R6SOURCEZ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAdEMENT• GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. P.O% 276aT. RALEIGH, NC ^.761r•T697 PHONE (919)1334221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CWW-5 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial N- Let Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. Gw-1 Ent. IN PERMIT NUMBER. WELL 06uUU71-WR-0226 1. WELL LOCATION: (Snow sketch of the location below) Nearest Town• Aurora, North Carolina (Reed. Community, Of subdivision and Lot No.) Texasqulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 (Street or Rot No.: Aurora, North Carolina 27806 cminty:. Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Descriohon SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 6-11-91 USE.OF WELL Recovery Well 4. TOTAL DEPTH 53.17I 'CUTTINGS COLLECT:_:-. LJ Yes in No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes E No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 14.90 FT ❑ shove TOP OF CASING, 2.58 (8 below TOP OF CASING IS FT ABOVE LAMD SURFACE.** 7. YIELD :Wm): - METHOD OF TEST wATER ZONES (depth): 9. CHLORINATION: Typo None Amount 10. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Ft. Materiel From 0.0 To 41.75Ft. 4" Sch.40 PVC From 51.08 To 53.17Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* From TO FI it GROUT: From 0.0 From 12. SCREEN: Depth To 35.0 Ft. To Pt. Material Method Neat Cement Tremmie Depth Diameter Slot Size Materiel From 41.75 To 51,08Ft 4" in.0.035 in. PVC To Ft. in. in. To Ft in in. From From 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material II additional spate :s needed use back of form. LOC=TION SKETCH (Show direction and "istaree from at least two State Roads, or ether map reference ee:nts) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IN SERVICE BOX WELL LOCATION: N 87+61.37 E 131+46.35 ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 10.74' (MSL) From 38.0 To 53.17Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From To - Ft. ,.REMARKS: Bentonite Seal from 35.0' to 37.5' ; 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 37.5' to 38.0'; Stainless Steel Centralizer at 46.42' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CO !ROOTED 11 ACC•RDANCE WITH 15 CAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS REC R S BEEN P DEED 0 THE WELL OWNER 07/19/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTQR •R AGENT DATE Gw•1 RLLISED2/90 Submll original to Division of Environmental Management and Copy to well owner. •SENT, BY: 407 859 8121; MAR-2' ^1 4:04PM; PAGE 10/19 GWI REVISED 2190 NORTH cARouN► DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, t1EALT14 AND NATURAL RESOURCES ONISX1N OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT• GROUND WATER SECTION P.O. PDX 2 F417 . RAL€IAK, NC z7611.7W7 PNONE(919paaaft WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CWW-6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY clued. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. - Pc Minor Basin Basin Coda Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTIION PERMIT NUMBER: 06- 071-WR-0226 I. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch 01 the locadon below) Nearest Town. Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot NO.) 2. OWNER Texasqulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 SEE ATTACHED SQIL PROFILE ADORERS (Street or Rote No.) Aurora, North Carolina 27606 City or Town Siete WellZiP e 3. DATE DRILLED 6-10-91 USE OF WELL Recovery 4. TOTAL DEPTH 53.0' CUTTINGS COLLECTED G Yes 11. No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes E No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL:, 14.82 FT. ® be1O S TOP OF CASING, TOP OF CASING IS 2.92_ FT. ABOVE I.M D SURFACE.** county Beaufort Depth GRILLING LOG From To FOrnation Description 7. YIELD (;pm): - WATER ZONES (depth' METHOD OF TEST - 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount - 10. CASING: Waa Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 36.62 P1 4" Sch.40 PVC From 50.88 T. 52.96 Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC* From To F1• it, GROUT: Depth Material Memcd From 0.0 To 31.5 FL Neat Cement Treffeni e From To F1. 12. SCREEN; Depth Diameter 5101 Size material From 36.62 To 50.88 Ft 4" ;, 0.035 in. PVC From To. Ft. in in. From To Ft. In in. - 13. GRAVEL PACK: If addleonal space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction auto distance IrOm at least two State Roads, or other map reterenee D Dints) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN **PRIOR TO CUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IN SERVICE BOX WELL LOCATION: N 87+64.69 E 132+53.89 ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 9.92' (MSL) Depth Size Material From 35.0 To53.0 Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From, To Ft. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal from 31.51 to _34.5' ; 20L30 Silica Sand Filter from 34.5' to 35.0'• Stainless Steel Centralizer at 46.25' an 5' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS q�{�1 STRUCTEDD,I ACC-ROANC f 15 sNCAQ 2C, WELD CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECQRWJ9A>a BEEN •ry�•D •THE WELL OWNER. 07/19/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE Submit original 10 Division of Environmental Management ano Copy to well owner. 'SENT, BY: ; 407 85D 8121; MAR --`1 4:05PM; PAGE 11/10 GW t REVISED 2/90 2. OWNER ADDRESS NORTH CANOUNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT. neALTN Alto NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. SOX 2Teet• RALEIOH. NO t751I4fieT PHONE (919)T33447t WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER CWW-7 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (Ned. No. Serial Ne. Lat. Long. Pe Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCT(ON WR-0226 PERMIT NUMBER: 6UUUn1 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Aurora, North Carolina (Road, -Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) Texasqulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 (Street pr Rote No.) Aurora, North Carolina 27806 City or Town State Zip Code _ 3. DATE DRILLED 6-7/6-8-91 USE OF WELL Recovery Well 4. TOTAL DEPTH 53.01 CUTTINGS COLLECTED' GJ Yes 'LM No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes E No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL; 13.66 FT. Q above TOP OF CASING. II bebw TOP OF CASING IS�FT. ABOVE LAUD SURFACE.** 7. YIELD (gpm): - " 'VATER ZONES (depth): METHOD OF TEST 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount 10. CASING: Well Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material 0.0 To36.58 Ft 4" Sch.40 PVC 50.83 T053,0 F1 4" Sch.40 PVC* From From county: Beaufort Depth From TO DRILLING LOG Formation Descripnon SEE ATTACHED SOIL PROFILE If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction end oistarce from at least two State Roads. or other map reterence :=rots) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN From _ To Ft 11.GROUT: *TAILPIPE BELOW WELL SCREEN Depth Material Method From 0.0 To31.75 Ft. Neat Cement' Trenenie. **IRIORRTOCCUTTING CASING FOR INSTALLATION IFrom To Ft. 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 36.58 TO50.83 FI 4" in0.035 in. PVC WELL LOCATION: N +62.97 E 133+55.827 Fram To Ft. in. in. From TO Ft. in- -In ELEVATION OF TOP OF CASING: 9.95' (MSL) 13. GRAVEL PACK: Frain 35.25 Depth " Size Material To53.0 Ft. 8/20 Silica Sand From To FI. REMARKS: Bentonite Seal from 31 T5,'t9 34.51 20/30 Silica Sand Filter from 34.5' to 35.2511Stainless Steel Centralizer at 46:21' and 41.21'. I D0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CON RUCTED IN A CORD CE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS REC JE BEEN PRO TO WELL�OWNER. 07/19/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR A NT DATE Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy 10 well owner. •SENT, BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR-a"--"1 4:05PM; PAGE 12/19 ATTACHMENT V OTHER WELL INSTALLATION RECORDS .SENT, BY: ; 407 850 8121; MAP -€"-"1 4:05PM; PAGE 13/19 2. OWNER ADDRESS NOR711 caaap=A OEPABThC r or NATURAL RtaOU = A/O WMWTY ovvactw ► mom of tir.so1SRAL MANACOeHfT - w nnwaTm szCIICN P.O. SOX Reee7 - nAutiO14N.G. 27e11. F70E (Ole) 733-60821 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER MWTF1-C DRILUNG CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. Na. Serial Nu. Lat. Lone. Po -- Minor Satin ealdn Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 06-0071-WM-0156 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of mo location below) Nearest Town. Aurora, North Carolina CO1IttI Beaufort (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) Texasgulf Inc. Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description P.O. Box 48 SEE ATTACHED BORING LOG Aurora, NorttNLarolina Na•) 27806 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 10-26-88 USE OF WELL Monitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH 42.01 CUTTINGS COLLECTED 0 Yes • No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yee . No 5. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 14.65* FT El above TOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING IS nit* IN ABOVE beLAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD Wpm): X METHOD OF TEST X S. WATER ZONES (depth)• X 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount X O. CASING: Was Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/FL. Material From 0.0 To 38.7 Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC From TO Ft From To Ft. t. GROUT: From From t2. SCREEN: If additional Space is needed use beck o1 form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and elstance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) SEE ATTACHED MONITOR WELL LOCATION PLAN Depth Material Method 0.0 To 34.1 Ft_ Neat Cement Trennlie *Static water level on 12-07-88 To Ft. **Monitor well in leak resistant steel manhole Depth Diameter Slot Sixe Material From 38.7 To 40.7 Ft. 2 in. 0.01 in. PVC NOTE; Total depth of well, and the casing, From To Ft in in. grout, screen, gravel pack and bentonite From ,To Ft. M in. seal depths are referenced from the top of I3.GRAVEL PACK: the PVC well casing in the steel manhole. From From 4. REMARKS: Depth Size Material 36.3 To 42.0 Ft 8/16 Silica Sand TO Ft.- Bentonite seal from 34.3 to 36.3 feet 'TOO HEREBY 'CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONS STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD GW-1 Revised 111R4 CTED IN AC RDANCE WITH IS NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION TWO 0 WELL OWNER i23- 12-27-88 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR I(GENT GATE Submit original to Division 01 Envirnnn►nrsr , ...w... -n.-1 ..nnu tin well n.-n•r •SENT, 8Y: ; 407 859 8121 ; NORTH OAROUNA DEpARn eo OF NMWAL tit:BOtallla AND cotton manioc DIMON OP elvmnit&NTAL Man - GROU OWAI'FA SEcnen P.O. BOX 27ee7 - RMOGOUI.C. 27611. MOMS (018) 733-e083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD NELL NUMBER MWTF2-C DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. 7RILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 MAR-S" "1 4:06PM; PAGE 14l19 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad No. Serial No. Let Long. pc Mirror Basin Basin Coda Header Ent GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER; 06-0071-WM-0156 WELL LOCATION: (Stow seethe of the location below) Nearest Town- Aurora, North Carolina County: (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) , OWNER ADDRESS Texasqulf Inc. Depth _ DRILLING LOG From To Formation Daecnptlon P.O. Box 48 SEE ATTACHED BORING LOG Aurora, Naraktarolina Np') 27806 City or Town Slaw Zip Code DATE DRILLED 10-22-88 USE OF WELL Moni.torinq . TOTAL DEPTH 42.5' CUTTINGS COLLECTED D Yea No . DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes • No STATIC WATER LEVEL: 16.03* FT O above TOP OF CASING, 3.23 II below TOP OF CASING IS FT ABOVE LAND SURFACE. YIELD (gpml• X METHOD OF TEST X . WATER ZONES (depth): X . CHLORINATION: Type None Amount L CASING: X Wall Thickness 11 additional apace is needed use back of form. Depth Diameter or Wepht/Ft. Motorist From 0.0 To 39.7 Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. From To Ft Or other map reference points) From To Ft SEE ATTACHED MONITOR WELL LOCATION PLAN . GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 36.0 Ft Neat Cement Tremmie *Static water level on 11-30-88 From To Ft. I SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 39.7 To 41.7 FL 2 in. 0.01 M. PVC From To Ft in in. From To Ft. in. in. I. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 38.0 To 42.5 pt. 8/16 Silica Sand From To Ft. I. REMARKS. Bentonite seal from 36.3 to 38.0 feet —roc) HEREBY -CERTIFY TRAT THIS WELL WAS CONS STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD LOCATION SKETCH TED IN ACCJJROANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION PROVIDED OWELL OWNER. • TbYJ� 12-27-88 IW-1 Reeilted IIIRA SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR A Snhmn !molest to Ilivicinn of PMtrr-.•..•••••-. ,. DATE r.-...-mil -.so. -. •...-... -..�. 'SENT, BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR-C" 1'1 4:O6PM; PAGE 15/19 • NORTH CAROtau IWPARTIOWY OF mann tRnwi 1031 MO CO►aa.tTY bt:vaontetr _ DEMON OF SAL MANAAFMNU • PRoUNDMA,m SECTION P.O. sox 27ae7-RALE161ULC. 27011. Plat fatal 739.eoes WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD WELL NUMBER MWTF3-C ' DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY quad No, Serial No. Lat. L0pg. Pc Minor Basin BOOM Cod. Header Ent OW-1 Ent, STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 06-00714M-0156 .. WELL LOCATION: (Show Match of the toeation below) Nearo5I Town: Aurora, North Carolina (Road. Community, der Subdivision and Lot No.) • OWNER Texasgulf Inc. County: Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Desdfpttnn ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 SEE ATTACHE! BORING LOG Aurora, Nortlfitriarol t nee N0') 27806 City or Town Stale Zip Code . DATE DRILLED 10-24-88 USE OF WELL Monitoring . TOTAL DEPTH 47.71 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes • No • DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes t No . STATIC WATER LEVEL: 14.58* FT. 0 above TOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING 15 1) ■ VEow F7 ABOVE LAND SURFACE. . YIELD (gpm): X METHOD OF TEST X . WATER ZONES (depth)* X - CHLORINATION: Type None Amount ). CASING: x Well Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 T.44.7 Ft 2n Sch 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 1. GROUT: From 0.0 Rom 2. SCREEN: II additional space is needed use back of term, LOCATION SKET,pH (Show direction and distance tram at least two State Roads, der other map reference Points) SEE ATTACHED MONITOR WELL LOCATION PLAN Depth Material Method To 41.8 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie *Static water level on 12-07-88 To Ft. '*Monitor well in leak resistant steel manhole Depth Diameter Slot Size Matenal From 44,7 To 46.7 FL 2 im 0.01 in. PVC Fram ro Ft n in. NOTE: Total depth of well, and the casing, From, To Ft, in, grout, screen, gravel pack and bentonite seal depths are referenced from the top of ).GRAVEL PACK: the PVC well casing in the steel manhole. Depth Size Material From 43.5 To 47.7 Ft. 8/16 Silica Sand From To Ft - I. REMARKS. Bentonite seal from 42.1 to 43.5 feet TDO HEREBY CERTIFY TAT THIS WELL WAS COryyTgUCTED IN A COR NCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL C0NsTRUCTiON STANDARDS AND THAT A COPY OF TH15 RECOj E� F PROVi . TOT WELL OWNER iW-1 Revised 11/81 • 12-27-88 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE Submit ori°inaf to Division of Envlmnm•n,.r ...- ,....•...•... .., ....,,-.,.•.r GENT, BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR- r'' t,I 4:O6PM; PAGE 16/19 F r=m From 1. GROUT: NORTH CAROLINA OEEPANTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT• HEALTH ANO NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX U6a7- RALEIGH. NC 276114667 PHONE (919)733•3I2f WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD PIEZOMETER CPZ-1 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Cued. NO. Sariel No. Lat. Lang. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 06-0071-WM-0237 i. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the locadon below] Nearest Town: Aurora Texasqulf Phosphate Operations (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER Texasqulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 (Street Route N Aurora, North Carolina 27806 county: Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description SEE LOG FOR NEARBY BORING TF-102 Clay or Town state Zio Code 3. DATE GRILLED 06/29/91 USE OF WELL Monitor* 4. TOTAL DEPTH 45.0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes al No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes Iaa NO 5. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 9.95 FT. 0 above !CP OF CASING. below TOP OF CASING IS -0.32 FT. A OVE LAND SURFACE** 7. YIELD (gpm)- - METHOD OF TEST - 8. WATER ZONES (depth): - 9. CHLORINATION: Type 10. CASING: None Amount - wait Thickness Depth Diameter or weipnVFt. Material From 0.32 -0 34.0 ,Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC -0 Ft -0 Ft. Depth Matenal MOIOd From 0.5 To 28.0 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmle From To Ft 12. SCREEN: From 34.0 From From 13. GRAVEL PACK: From II additional soace is needed Use back of form, LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction ano distance from al least two State Rocas. or other map reference coitus) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *Piezometers are used to monitor water level only. **Piezometers are installed in flush mount well covers Deem Diameter Slot Site Material To 43.0 Ft 2 4n,0.020in. PVC PIEZOMETER LOCATION: N 86+64.91 E 126+49.92 To Ft. in. in. Pt :n in. Deptm Size Material 32.0 TO 45.0 Ft, 8/20 , Silica Sand TOP OF CASING EL. 10.51 ft (MSL) From To FI 14 RE)MARKS.Bentonite seal from 28.0' to 32.0'; 1 stainless steel centralizer on well screen. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS C N RUCTED IN A COP NCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECCRQ BEEN PROVI TO TE WELL OWNER. 08/05/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR t)R AGENi DATE n..��..-•.-.�-1 .- rli.....w.. w/ .. sash a -w en wall nwrler. .BENT; BY: ; 407 850 8121; MAR "'1 4:06PM; PAGE 17/10 2. OWNER ADDRESS NOnTH CAPOLWA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT. HEWN ANO NATURAL RESOURCES otv15ION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT -GROUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 279E7 • RALEIGl+. NC 27e11•Ts8T PHONE (919)73142Zr WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD PIEZOMETER CP2-2 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates. Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 Serial No. Lora. 1 Cued. No. Lat. Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Pc GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 06-0071-WM-0237 t_ WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the Iocalon below) Nearest Town. Aurora Texasaulf Phosphate Operations (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) Texasqulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 Aurora, Nort¢aarOiin2N8 6 3. DATE DRILLED 4. TOTAL DEPTH City or Town State Zip Coda 66/30/91 USE OF WELL Monitor* 40.0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED D Yes aa No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes alti NO a. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 9.90 e•T, rJ above TOP OF CASING. TOP Or CASING IS -0.23 FT AGOVE beloLwAND SURFACE* 7. YIELD (gem): METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth): 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount - tG. CASING: watt Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.23 To 30.0 Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC From 7o Ft From -o Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth Matenat Magma From 0.5 To 24,0 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie From To Ft 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter SIOt Sin Material From 30.0 To 39.0 Ft. 2 ;n. 0.020 in. PVC From To FL in. in. From To FL 'n trt. 13. GRAVEL PACK: From From 14. REMARKS. County: Beaufort Depth From To DRILLING LOG Formation Description SEE LOG FOR NEARBY BORING TF-2 I1 additional space i3 fleeciest use buck of form, LOCATION SKETCH (Show oirection and distance from at least two State Roaos, or other map reference points) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *Piezometers are used to monitor water level only. **Piezometers are installed in flush mount well covers PIEZOMETER LOCATION: N 88+26.79 E 128+97.44 TOP OF CASING EL. 10.25' (MSL) Depth Sin Material 26.5 To 40.0 Ft, 8/20 Silica Sand To Ft Bentonite seal from 24.0' to 26.5'; 1 stainless steel centralizer on well screen. I D0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS C. .TRUCTED IN COR ANCE WITH 15 NCAC 20. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS REC^A BEEN PRO TO WELL OWNER. 0$/05/91 ra SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR A OATE ...-. _..A ..r.......wall nwn r. SEN , BY: ; 407 859 8121; MAR Ir—t,1 4:07PM; PAGE 18/19 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, }IEALTN AND NAWEAL RESOURCES amSmM OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT•GR0UNOWATER SECTION P.O. BOX VS87 • RALEIGH, NC 7.7611.76a7 PHONE (919)7364221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD PIEZOMETER CPZ-3 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates, Inc. DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 Cued No. Lat. Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Serial No. Long. Pc GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 06-0071-WM-0237 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town* Aurora ' county: Beaufort Texasgplf Phosphate Operations (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot Na.) Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 2. OWNER Texasoulf Inc. P.O. Box 48 SEE LOG FOR NEARBY BORING TF-103 ADDRESS Aurora, Nortcro'R06 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 08/22/91 USE OF W'LL Monitor* 4. TOTAL DEPTH 41.0 CUTTINGS COLLECTED LJ Yes ix No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes al No 8. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 11.49 FT. 0 above T OP OF CASINO. El below TOP OF CASING 15 -0.26 FT ABOVE LAND SURFACE** 7. YIELD (Qom): - METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (Depth) - 9. CHLORINATION: Type None Amount - 10. CASINO: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Wetgnt/Ft, Material From 0.26 To 31.0 Ft 2" Sch 40 PVC From 'o Ft From '•o Ft 11. GROUT: Depth Material Method Fram 0.5 To 27.5 Ft. Neat Cement Tremmie Fram 12. SCREEN' To Ft. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Fram 31.0 To 40.0 Fi. 2 in. O'.020In, PVC From To FI. in. in. ___ From To Ft 'n in. 13. GRAVEL PACK: II additional space is needed Use back of form. LOCATION SKETCH ;Show direction ana distance from at least two State Roads. Or other map reference oointe) SEE ATTACHED WELL LOCATION PLAN *Piezometers are used to monitor water level only. **Piezometers are installed in flush mount well covers Depth Size Material From 30.0 TQ 41.0 Ft. 800 Silica Sand From To Ft._ 14. REMARKS: Bentonite seal from 27.5' to 30.0'; 1 st�a_i,UCTED IN�n'less steel centralizer on well screen. I DO HEREBY STANDARDS. ANDRTH TTIFY TA COPY OF THIS RECOR C. RF BEENwPRt/v�yED TO CCO ANCE WELL OWNER.CAC 2C. WELOL$C/23 9RUCTON hlr SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR LFENT DATE ............. stall tutorial'. •SENT4 BY: 407 959 8121; MAR-: 1 4:07PM; PAGE 19/19 MOTH Cana n®AmatOP MAIM& REIOUNOIM ANDCOMaMIY pa%esOFl W DNa11OiOF ENVPROMMITM M1N.teeee17-ORaOAAVAT tr aacleptt PA ep* etea- RMOIMC 27e11. PIOL-btni t31-1K01 WELL. CONSTRUCTION RECORD CELLNO. CPW MILLING CONTRACTOR Ardaman & Associates. Inc. )HILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Coed N0. Serial Na LaL Loop. Pc Minor Saris Benin Coda tloed.r tad QW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 06-0071-WG-0194 WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location balow) Near.et To.m• Aurora. North Carolina (Road. Community. or Subdtyiston and Lot No.] OWNER Texasoulf Inc. ADDRESS P.O. Box 48 t ix Aurora, Northt6treeCarolina27806 DATE DRILLED City or Town State zip Cade Test Well 05-24-90 USE OF WELL TOTAL DEPTH 55.0' CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yen M No DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yea III No STATIC WATER LEVEL: 13.21 FT. it baTOP OF CASING. TOP OF CASING IS 3.46 FT ABOVEbort LAND SURFACE. YIELD (gpmk X METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES (deot* X X CHLORINATION: Type None Amount . CASING: From Fran From . GROUT: From From . SCREEN: Depth Diameter 0.0 To 36.95 Ft. 2e 51.95 To 53.95F1 2" To Ft Wall Thickness or Weight/Ft. Malone, Sch 40 PVC Sch 40 PVC* Depth Material 0.0 To 34.24 Ft. Neat Cement To Ft Method Tremmie Depth Diameter SW Size Material From 36.95 to 51.95 Ft. 2 its 0.02 in. PVC Frain To Ft. In. In. From To FL M. h GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Count. Beaufort Depth DRILLING LOG Fran To Formation Deeatption SEE ATTACHED BORING LOG If additional apace is needed use bads of form. LOCATION SKETCH (Show dir.cdon and distance (ram at Meet two State Roads. or other map reference points) SEE ATTACHED MONITOR WELL LOCATION PLAN *2'-long sump below screen section From 36.5 To 55.0Ft 4/20 Silica Sand From To Ft. REMARKS Sand from 34.24' to 35.54' and bentonite seal centralizer on well screen. t DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONS TED IN STANDARDS. AU4 THAT A COPY OF THIS from 35.54' to 36.5'; 1 stainless steel Of1DANCE WITH 16 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION NIL OWNER. 7/16/90 SIGNATUREOF CONIRAOTOR OR A JT DATE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL FOR INJECTION (NON -HEAT PUMP SYSTEM) This is not the proper form for injection wells to be used in a closed -loop groundwater remediation system. Wells of this type require a separate Groundwater Remediation Permit Application. Class 5 Wells TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE: `578 - , 19 Re" In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143; and regulations pursuant thereto, APPLICATION is hereby made for a PERMIT to 'construct and/or use an injection well or well system as described below and in any accompanying data submitted as part of this APPLICATION. Please type or print clearly. A. PERMIT APPLICANT Name: Pes PAospAeole Company, rnc. Address: y.0. Box 448 nto w/ty 306 AinAny City: if / eat/ / NC Zip code: a 1806 County: BEauFo27- Telephone: (9/q) 3 za - 4r/// B. STATUS OF APPLICANT Federal State Private X Public Commercial Other Native American Lands C. PROPERTY OWNER (if different from applicant) Name: Sane as 19 A. Address: City: County: Telephone: D. FACILITY (SITE) DATA Name of Business or Facility PC S Pliospha- Ieornpetn %e. Address: P.0. Pox rfB N9Aua y 306 °.-4L City: Anna- Zip code: a7B06 County: ,etarrf'ort Telephone: (q/q) 32Z — ti/// Contact Person: Lion attab onsERv'- E. INJECTION PROCEDURE (Briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used.) 1/sed'fo svirbi, reslt wafer ,.t +It grovnJ for9rovadwa+er re...edlnflon. Waite -from ike frcr'/1:y3 Veoressue..af! /,Je/I wafer system is 'Sa 'l+er'I'Iten d's...fec.j-eeQ we* Okay/clef ike wo.ter ike... -Plows fn+o a wafer level eon+rol tank- ,'ad yravri^1 feeds 4krov5tn a kea4tr pipe +Inaf' suypl4 s eat.h well• There art seven (9) Injec.hon wefts, F. WELL USE Will the injection well(s) also be used as the supply well(s) for either of the following: Zip code: (a) (b) The injection operation? YES Your personal consumption? YES NO X NO X GW-57N (October 1994) Page 1 of 4 G. CONSTRUCTION DATA (check one) EXISTING WELL being proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data } in (1) through (7) below to the best of your lmowledge. Attach a copy of 1 Porm GW-1 (Wei1 Construction Record) if available. (6W` �ormc s. o.deed) PROPOSED WELL to be constructed for vse as an injection well. Provide the data in (I) through (7) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form GW-1 after construction. NOTE: THE WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR CAN SUPPLY THE DATA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATION IS UNAVAILABLE BY OTHER MEANS. (1) Well Drilling Contractor's Name; See orf,: ra,l Appl 'ca kor jk {ed povernst, 1, 199 f ai a cd. NC Driller Registration number: (2) Date to be constructed: Approximate depth: (3) Well'casing: (a) Type: Galvanized steel Black steel Plastic Other(specify) (b) Inside diameter: inches; Wall thickness inches or schedule r (c) Casing depth: From to ft (reference to land surface) (d) Casing extending above ground inches (must be at least 12 inches) (4) Cement group (a) Around inner or "primary' casing: From to ft. (must be from the land surface to the point of injection) (b) Around outer (pit) casing, if presenc From to ft. Screens (if applicable): (a) Type: Inner diameter. inches (b) Depth: From 10 feet below land surface (6) Gravel (if applicable): From to feet below land surface (7) N.C. State Rezulations (Tide 15A NCAC 2C Section .0200) require the permittee to make provisions for monitoring wellhead processes. A faucet on both influent (recovered groundwater) and effluent (water being injected into the well) lines is generally required- Will there be a faucet on: (5) (a) the influent line? yes_Xno_ (b) the effluent line? yes x no H. PROPOSED OPERAT tNG DATA (a) Injection rate: Average (daily) I q.3 gallons per minute (gm) How will the rate be measured? Orffiu rhe+cr (b) Injection volume: Average (daily)a 1.2 kgallons per day (gpd) How will the volume be measured? L tli s<r -Prom orr41'cc ,.ne k r (c) Injection pressure: Average (daily) NA pounds/square inch (psi) (6retvaii Feed) How will the pressure be measured? (d) Injection temperature: Annual Average AMaIEMaegrees F How was this determined? (e) Hydraulic capacity of well(S) (°-) (f) Expected lifetime of injection facility a 0 vears GW-57N (October 1994) Page 2 of 4 I. INJECTION FLUID DATA (1) Fluid source. If underground, from what depth, formation and type of rock/sediment unit will the fluid be drawn (e.g., granite, limestone, sand, etc.). Depth: 0200 t+ Formation: CAsn.e• ijA4Q6 Rock/sediment unit binEsto.i6 (a) SOURCE WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION (if different from injection well). • Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction R"cord) If Form GW-1 is not available, provide the data in part G (1) through (7) of this application form to the best of your knowledge. (2) Chemical Analysis of Source Water. The following chemical characteristics MUST accompany this application: pH ; Total hardness - ppm (parts per million or mg/1); Iron ppm; Chloride ppm; Nitrate ppm; Coliform bacteria counts/100 nil. Substances added to injected fluid. Some substances may be added to (1) enhance in -situ treatment of contaminated soil and/or groundwater and (2) improve well operation. Only substances that can be demonstrated to have advantages that outweigh disadvantages will be considered. Will any substances be added to the effluent? No If yes, provide a detailed description of these substances, including quantity and schedule of substances to be added- Eoidemiologic data should be submitted to aid evaluation. Provide copies of published reports or pilot studies that justify the type, quantity and schedule of additivies proposed. (3) J. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout of the (1) injection equipment, and (2) exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. Describe the method for determining mechanciai integrity of the injection well over a five (5) year period. K. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Attach a scaled topographic map which extends one mile beyond the property boundaries of the facility and indicates the location of the facility. L. HYDROGEOLOGIC MAPS AND CROSS SECTIONS Attach scaled maps and cross sections indicating the vertical and lateral limits of all underground sources of drinking water within 3,000 ft. Include their position relative to the injection formation, and the direction to water which may be affected by the proposed injection. M. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach a detailed, scaled map of the site of the facility, showing the location of and distances between the proposed wells(s) (source wells and injection wells) and any waste (including hazardous waste) treatment, storage or disposal facilities; buildings; property boundaries; surface water bodies; and any other potential source of groundwater contamination. Additionally, indicate on the map the direction and distance to existing wells (injectidn wells, water supply wells, dry wells, abandoned wells) located within 1,500 feet of the proposed injection well(s). Include with the map a description of each existing well, incorporating type, construction information, date drilled, and depth. Indicate on the map at least two nearby reference points such as roads, road intersections, streams, etc., and identify them by US, NC or SR (county secondary roads) numbers or name. Label all features clearly. Include a north arrow on the map to indicate orientation. GW-57N (October 1994) Page 3 of 4 . N. HYDRAULIC CONTROL Attach calculations/models which demonstrate the expected changes in pressure, foutnation fluid displacement and direction of movement of the injected fluid. Describe any plans tco monitor fluid movement. It contaminants are present, the operation of an injection well must notresult in the migration of a contaminant off property boundaries. O. CONTINGENCY PLANS Attach a brief plan to address emergency control methods that will be utilized in case of an injection well failure or loss of power so as to prevent the discharge of fluids outside the injectioazone area. P. CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, bawl -Lion my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said informational believe that tte information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and I agree to, if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in acco -•r ce with the approved pt,el specifications and conditions of the Permit" (Signature of Applican t Authorized Agent) PLEASE SUPPLY ALEII at.SIGNED BY THE OWNER AUTHORIZING THE ABOVE AGENT, IFAUTHORILED AGENT IS SIGNER. Q. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner means any person who holds the fete or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land mats ownership in the land owner in the absence of contrary agreement in writing). If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant CO construct each injection well as outlined in this applicanon•and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that each injection well conforms to the Viwell Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) Name of Property Owner (Print): Mailing Address: (Signature of Property Owner if Different From Applicant) Please return the completed application package to: UIC Program DEM/Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 (telephone: 919-733-3221) GW-57N (October 1994) Page 4 of 4