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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG551782_Application_20210712 ROY COOPER , Governor i ru JOHN NICHOLSON . �. . • Interim Secretary a p"" d�•'` S.DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director - Environmental Quality July 12, 2021 Michael Pope 111 Jasmine PI Durham, NC 27712 Subject: Permit Application Application No. NCG551782 111 Jasmine PI Durham County Dear Applicant: The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges receipt of your application for a new NPDES WW permit, including supporting documentation and your check number 50594 in the amount of$60.00 as payment of the application fee. These items were received in our offices on July 12, 2021. Your application will be assigned to a permit writer within the Section's NPDES WW permitting branch. The permit writer will contact you if additional information is required to complete evaluation of your application. Your timely and direct response to any such request will help to expedite the review process. Please note that acceptance of the application does not guarantee a NPDES permit will be issued for the proposed activity. A permit will only be issued following a complete review of the application, concluding the proposed discharge is allowable per applicable statutes and rules. Information regarding the status of your renewal application can be found online using the Department of Environmental Quality's Environmental Application Tracker at: If you have any additional questions about the permit, please contact the primary reviewer of the application using the links available within the Application Tracker. Sincerely, htil Wren Thedford Administrative Assistant Water Quality Permitting Section cc: Gary MacConnell-MacConnell &Associates ec: WQPS Laserfiche File w/application ®ECrh Carolina Department of EnvIronmental Quaotlty I DNIsIon of Water Resources `v�J/� Raleigh Regional Offlte 13800Barrett Drive I Ralelgh,North CarotIna27609 �7,,c 9919.791.4200 Mr. Michael Pope �® RECE V JUL 122021 Surface Discharge System witoEQIDWINPpES Recirculating EZ Treatment and UV Treatment 111 Jasmine Pl Durham County, North Carolina Project Number: A93801.00 Date of Preparation: June 30, 2021 PROJECT • . E I cit _' SEAL Supporting Information & s 17U69 Technical Specifications Prepared By: ,��qy F;vaila��o�,�= �� MacConnell &Associates, P.C. ��.,s MAco,,, to / Full-Service Consulting Engineers `� tt4 ugs501 Cascade Pointe Lane,Suite 103 ,� Cary,North Carolina 27513 MACCONNELL &ASSOCIATES,r.c. Post Office Box 129 Morrisville,North Carolina 27560 Telephone: (919)467-1239 Fax: (919)319-6510 Mr... Michael Pope RECEIVED JUL 12 2021 Surface Discharge System with NCDEQI®WRINP®Es Recirculating EZ Treatment and UV Treatment i 111 Jasmine P1 Durham County, North Carolina Project Number: A93801.00 Date of Preparation: June 30, 2021 PROJECT MAN A EME y P. SEAL t .. Supporting Information & i i1069 •—�.: Technical Specifications Prepared By: q••.Fw;31141:0,�`�� MacConnell &Associates, P.C. 4 �MAcco`,.` /� - i 4"into Full-Service Consulting Engineers �. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane,Suite 103 � i� Cary,North Carolina 27513 �+ 7471*, MACCONNELL &ASSOCIATES,P.C. Post Office Box 129 Morrisville,North Carolina 27560 i I 4 Telephone: (919)467-1239 Fax: (919)319-6510 Table of Contents 4:, NPDES Application for Coverage (Notice of Intent) & Supporting Documents • Proof of Ownership & Existing Permit • Project Narrative • Project Specifications • Design Calculations • Equipment • Operation and Maintenance Michael Pope 111 Jasmine P1 Surface Discharge System Recirculating EZ Treatment UV Treatment NPDES Application for Coverage (NOI) & S porting Documents _ =i SEAL _ r 17069 s VA IZY 7-01Z0Z) '''��s► iii i Na%,. MacConnell Sr Associates, P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Ste 103 Cary, North Carolina 27513 P.O. Box 129 Morrisville,North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919) 319-6510 P.O.Box 129 _le 501 Cascade Pointe Lane Morrisville,NC 27560 l�izo� Suite 103 � L Cary,NC 27513 919-467-1239 Fax 919-319-6510 MAcCONNELL &ASSOCIATES,'P.C. June 30,2021 Mr.John Hennessy Supervisor NC DEQ-Division of Water Resources Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit-NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Re:Michael Pope 111 Jasmine P1,Durham,NC Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System Project No:A93801.00 Dear Mr. Hennessy: Please find submittal of Proposed Direct Discharge with E-Z treatment system application for 111 Jasmine P1, Durham, North Carolina. The site has been deemed unsuitable by the County Health Department and a request for a Direct Discharge Permit follows. Please find enclosed one original and two copies of the Notice of Intent and Authorization to Construct application package for the above referenced project. With this letter,we are requesting coverage under NCG5S0000 and authorization to construct for the house located at 111 Jasmine P1,Durham,North Carolina. The following is included for your review: • One original letter requesting coverage under NCG550000 and Authorization to Construct(This letter) • One original copy of the Notice of Intent Application • Original Denial letter for an onsite discharge system from County Environmental Department • A check for$60.00 to NCDEQ—Division of Water Quality • One set of plans, calculations, specifications and operation and maintenance plan of proposed treatment system • One electronic copy of the entire submittal as requested We feel that this submittal is sufficient for you to complete your review. If you have any questions or require additional information,please contact me or David Barcal at (919) 467-1239. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Gary S.MacConnell,PE President cc: Michael Pope—Owner National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 'I s,�:` Division of Water Resources t: "? Date Received Application for SURFACE DISCHARGE Year Month Day Environmental Certificate of Coverage (COC)Under Quality General Permit NCGS50000 ao a 0 J I For Single-Family Residences and Similar Discharges Certificate of Coverage(COC) 100%-domestic wastewater-<_1,000 gallons per day N C_G 5 5 •1 g .. Check# Amount Assigned to: The Division of Water Resources will not accept an application package unless all instructions are followed. Failure to submit all required items may result in the application being returned. For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's NPDES Permitting Unit website. (Press TAB to navigate form) 1. Regional Office Contact: Please contact your DWR Regional Office before submitting this application.If you have not met with your appropriate DWR Regional Office Representative,the application will be returned. Please list the DWR Regional Office representative(s)with whom you have discussed this project: Name(s): Jane Bernard Date: 6/22/2021 RECEIVED 2. Owner's Contact Information: Applicant Type: ®Individual 111 Corporation El Partnership JUL 12 2021 Owner Name and Title: NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Michael Pope Street Address: 111 Jasmine Pi City: Durham State: NC Zip:27712 Click here to enter text. Telephone#(H): Telephone#(W):Click here to enter text. Cell/Mobile#: 919-698-8712 Email: 3. Location of Facility Producing the Discharge: Please list the address of the facility.If facility is not yet constructed,give street address or lot number. Street Address: 111 Jasmine PI City: Durham State: NC Zip: 27712 County: Durham County Telephone#: Click here to enter text. Cell/Mobile#: 919-698-8712 Website: 4. Site-Location Narrative: Please describe how to get to the facility from the nearest town,major highway or identifiable roadway intersection(use street names, state road numbers,and/or distances and directions). Page 1 of 6 Revised:A. Orlando NPDES 21Sept2017 Application for Certificate of Coverage(COC) and/or Authorization to Construct(ATC) under General-Permit NCG550000 From Durham take N.Duke BUS 501 N. Take left onto Milton Rd and continue for 2.4 miles,turn right on Whitt Rd for 0.6 miles to the end of street turning right onto Daffodil La then right onto Jasmine Pl. 5. Describe the nature of the project. ["New"means has not yet been physically constructed,"existing" means system already physically exists.Please see 15A NCAC 02H.0103(11) for further clarification]. ❑ Installation of a New Wastewater Treatment System(If yes,skip to Number 9.) ❑ Expansion of an Existing Wastewater Treatment System(for example,adding bedrooms)(Ifyes, skip to Number 9.) 4 Replacement of an Existing Wastewater Treatment System(Ifyes,go to Number 6.) 6. Describe the Existing Wastewater Treatment System: ❑ Conventional Septic Tank/Leach-field—Discharge to Sub-Surface Soils.If previously permitted, please attach a copy of the permit,or enter the permit number_. If you are not aware of an existing permit,check here. ❑ /;4 Sand filter—Discharge to Surface Waters [or other,as defined 15,4 NCAC 02H.0103(11)7.If previously permitted,please attach a copy of the permit,or enter the permit number .If you are not aware of an existing permit,check here. ❑ Filter Media System(Pod System)—Discharge to Surface Waters [or other,as defined 15A NCAC 0211.0103(11)J.If previously permitted,please attach a copy of the permit or the permit number. If you are not aware of an existing permit,check here. ❑ ❑ Other ❑ Check here if submitting proposal for a new system or if no treatment system exists. 7. Check all EXISTING wastewater treatment components: I Septic tank ❑Dosing tank ❑ UV disinfection Primary sand filter ❑ Secondary sand filter ❑ Recirculating sand filter(s) ❑Chlorination ❑Dechlorination ❑ Other components:__ El Self-Contained POD system[describe] ❑Leach Field ❑Post Aeration(specify type) 8. Provide Details of Single-Family Residence(SFR)or Similar Facility: a) Type of facility: I Residential El Commercial ❑Other: b) Amount of wastewater discharged: - Residential:Number of bedrooms 3 x 120 gallons per bedroom=360 gallons per day(flow) Page 2 of 6 Revised:A. Orlando NPDES 21Sept2017 Application for Certificate of Coverage(COC) and/or Authorization to Construct(ATC) under General-Permit NCG550000 - Commercial: How many employees?(25 gpd/person) c) Is your existing treatment system failing? Yes ® No ❑ d) Has the Health Department formally condemned your existing system "unsuitable for repair?" Yes ® No ❑ If yes,please name the Health Department [local,county,or state],and provide the site- inspection date[attach Health Department's judgement letter,if available]:Durham County Health Division Click here to enter a date. If previously permitted[state],provide permit number and date issued[attach copy,if available]: Click here to enter text. 9. Check all PROPOSED new system components Septic tank ®Dosing tank ® UV disinfection El Primary sand filter ❑ Secondary sand filter ❑ Recirculating sand filter(s) ❑Chlorination ❑Dechlorination ® Other components: Recirculation Tank Self-Contained POD system [describe]E-Z Treat Pod Filter System ❑Post Aeration(sped type) El Proposed Modifications to Existing Treatment System-Explain in detail the nature of the modification.Attach all site maps,plans and specifications,signed by an NC Certified Engineer. If prepared by others,plans must conform to 15A NCAC 02H.0139. ® Proposed New Treatment System for Surface Discharge(not constructed)-Attach all site maps, plans and specifications,to be signed by an NC Certified Engineer. If prepared by others,plans must conform to 15A NCAC 02H.0139. Expanding Flow?-Do youpropose to increase permitted or existing flow? El Yes ® No Provide details of the Proposed NEW Discharge [Flow and Source Water]: El Check if same as 6. Existing:Amount of wastewater currently discharged: Number of bedrooms 3 x 120 gallons per bedroom= 360 gallons per day to be permitted(design flow) Expanding: Amount of wastewater proposed to be discharged:Number of bedrooms 3 x 120 gallons per bedroom= 360 gallons per day to be permitted(design flow) 10. Evaluate Alternatives to Discharge to Waters of the State.Please address the feasibility of discharge alternatives as instructed in the NCDEQ Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) Guidance Document found here. (Note:Evaluation for endangered species is not required.) Page 3 of 6 Revised:A. Orlando NPDES 21 Sept2017 Application for Certificate of Coverage (COC) and/or Authorization to Construct(ATC) under General-Permit NCG550000 a) Connection to an Existing Wastewater Treatment System-Provide the distance to the nearest connection,such as a regional or municipal sewer system,and the estimated cost per foot to connect including fees. See Attachment b) Land Application—Assess the land application disposal alternatives such as spray irrigation,drip irrigation,individual/community onsite subsurface systems,and/or innovative ground-absorption. Questions to consider: (1) Are on-site soils suitable for land application? Yes ❑ No Ej (2) Is there sufficient area on-site? Yes El No c) Wastewater Reuse—Evaluate reusing all or a portion of the wastewater generated, such as for golf course irrigation,crop irrigation(e.g.,hardwood or pine plantation,grasses),athletic field irrigation,landscape uses,and/or commercial/industrial uses. d) On-Site Soil Evaluation—Submit an evaluation of the soils on-site, documented by a certified report from a NC Professional Soil Scientist,or by your local or county health department report(if available).Attached e) Cost of Alternatives—Provide an estimation of the cost of each discharge alternative or combination of alternatives.Attached 11. Provide Regional Information: Please provide the following information. If you need assistance in obtaining this information,please contact your local DEO regional office. a) Stream Classification-Verify the stream classification for the nearest downgradient named waterbody. The NC Surface Water Classification map can be found by clicking here. Stream Classification:WS-IV,NSW b) Is it a High-Ouality Water?If so,check if it is bydefinition ordesignation?In order to check g tyby g� this, ask the Planning Unit. Not High-Quality Water. c) Map-Provide a map locating the nearest downstream waters-of-the-State(i.e.where the effluent reaches an unnamed tributary,creek,stream,river,or lake via any surface-water conveyance). Attached. d) Site Evaluation-Contact DEQ's local Regional Office for a site evaluation to confirm the proposed discharge flow path to the nearest waters-of-the-State.The wastewater/stream confluence and stream class must be verified in the field by DEQ's Regional Staff. Please list the Regional Office staff member you contacted for the inspection.Jane Bernard e) Flow Path-Display graphically the flow path of the discharge to the nearest surface Waters of the State. Document any potential hydrologic trespass or right-of-way infringement on any neighboring property(i.e.note all properties encountered prior to reaching waters-of-the-State). Attached. Page 4 of 6 Revised:A. Orlando NPDES 21Sept2O17 Application for Certificate of Coverage (COC) and/or Authorization to Construct(ATC) under General-Permit NCG550000 f) 7Q10/30Q2 Estimate-Contact USGS J.Curtis Weaver(919-571-4043)to provide the estimated 7Q10 and 30Q2 stream-flow estimates for the first downstream point-of-contact with waters-of- the-State. 11. Certificates of Coverage/Notices of Intent to Discharge/Authorizations to Construct-Check ALL of the following information has been provided. Incomplete Applications will be returned, ® An original letter[two(2)copies]requesting coverage under NCG550000. ® This application[two(2)copies].Your signature on this application,certifies that you are legally responsible for the proposed treatment system(see page 6 of 6)for the COC/NOI/ATC. ® A check or money order for$60.00 permit fee made payable to NCDEQ. 12. Additional Application Requirements a) Narrative Description of the treatment system.This narrative should present treatment components in order of flow—influent to outfall,including anti-erosion structures and sample-port location(s). b) Final Plans and Specifications for a wastewater treatment system shall be signed by a North Carolina-registered Professional Engineer,or if prepared by others,must conform to 15A NCAC 02H.0139. All documents are to be stamped"Final Design-Not Released for Construction." Submittal shall include a site map showing the proposed outfall and the effluent proposed path to surface waters-of-the-State.(see Item 1 for location verification by DWR Regional Office staff) c) Submittals by a Consulting Engineer or Engineering Firm shall include: 1. A copy of your written authorization to represent,signed by the legal permit Applicant;and 2. Upon completion of proposed work,a signed copy of DWRs Engineer's Certification form attesting that the project was completed in accord with the DWR approved COC/ATC, as issued. CERTIFICATION I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true,complete,and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: Gary S.MacConnell Title: President,MacConnell&Associates,P.C.'oi `tt (Please review 15A NCAC 02 s 6 for defini ' officials) ,•N• Iwy '• June 30,2021 t SEAL (Signature of Applicant) = I 17069 = (Date Signed) 144)1S0 Cl/7°7 ( NOTE:Treatment System Maintenance is RgyJr �igp'receiving a Certificate of Coverage/Authorization to Construct(COC/ATC),t'J Sion recommends that the Permittee solicit manufacturer-certified training,or solicit a qualified contractor or service to regularly inspect and Page 5 of 6 Revised:A. Orlando NPDES 21Sept2017 Application for Certificate of Coverage(COC) and/or Authorization to Construct(ATC) under General-Permit NCG550000 maintain this treatment system.The Permittee is responsible under this COC/ATC to maintain all components of the approved treatment system,designed to meet Surface Water Quality Standards. Compliance duties include: • paying your annual fee[due on the anniversary of COC/ATC effective date], • following the manufacturer's guidelines, • conducting and documenting inspections, in compliance with General Permit NCG550000, • establishing sources for OEM spare parts and supplies, • taking discharge samples for analysis,and logging the results, • making necessary repairs,documenting said maintenance in logs,and • keeping logs onsite for the life of the permit,available for DWR inspection. North Carolina General Statute ji 143-21.5.6E provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation,or certification in any application,record, report,plan,or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the Commission implementing this Article,shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars($10,000). 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine or imprisonment not more than 5 years,or both,for a similar offense. Application must be accompanied by a check or money order for$60.00 made payable to: NCDEQ . . . . . Mail this application and one copy of the entire package (with check) to: NCDEQ/DWR./NPDES Attention: John Hennessy, Supervisor Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Attn: John Hennessy Note: Submission of this document insures DWR's consideration, but does not guarantee issuance of a Certificate of Coverage/Authorization to Construct. Page 6 of 6 Revised A. Orlando NPDES 21 Sept2017 Engineer's Alternatives Analysis Spray/Drip Irrigation System: There is insufficient room on site for a drip or spray irrigation system considering spray/drip field area requirements and setbacks. Connect to Municipal System: The nearest manhole for the City of Durham is approximately 2,400 linear feet away, see attached map. The cost is prohibitive as projected below: Descrintion Quantity Units Unit Cost Total 8-Inch PVC Sewer 8,400 LF $ 65.00 $546,000.00 Manholes 42 Each $3,500.00 $147,000.00 Engineering 10 % $ 69,300.00 Contingency 10 % $ 69,300.00 Total $831,600.00 Wastewater Reuse: Site not suitable for wastewater reuse system due to size of lot. On-Site Soil Evaluation: Soils deemed unsuitable by Durham County Health Department(See letter) Cost of Alternatives: Shown above. Closet connection point is shown on the following page. Image and distance provide by City of Durham Water Management Division. 7Q10: Septic to discharge to the drainage ditch located in the rear of the property which flows to an existing stream and ultimately goes to Crooked Creek, west of the property. There are other surrounding lots that utilize the drainage ditch as a discharge point such as permit numbers NCG550632,NCG550731,NCG550843,and NCG551505. or / �/, // « IOU ar2_, \%a i w } ®®non q rrov JgIN, � t 0 § IA @ rJ-� � ®F� 2 Ca - f�■ , � { _ 'a @ &es V il V. It e/ ~ `7 ` atm■ mao, a. f y k 2 / 4.7�a� - § '« ® f § 'qr et/®� ¥ & °P.. ...tit' ,L � " k A pMVP:, v ® t �� % > ie �4 n®9l i k�mz q 1,> , ' 41� �,f 4�,fr f G a A ®,\ 1 @ a q § jC i t 2 cAp• » 0 rIJr 4 \ 5 • & ow m,r r rot P.O.Box 129 tohlt 501 Cascade Pointe Lane Morrisville,NC 27560 ,, . Suite 103 �1 Raleigh,NC 27513 919-467-1239 Fax 919-319-6510 MAcCONNELL &ASSOCIATES,P.C. June 18a,2021 I (Michael Pope)give MacConnell&Associates authorization to represent myself for application for SURFACE DISCHARGE General Permit NCG550000 for the property located at Ill Jasmine Pl,Durham,NC 27712. Si ned i' • 7/1/4/ V://7 g �^ Date (Mic ael Pope) 1 ; srakq ROY COOPER U tea; Governor ,' ,"‘ ilk .,,,;, MICHAEL S.REGAN au. � secrrlary S.DANIEL.SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality June 17, 2020 1 MichaeI Stewart Pope 111 Jasmine Place Durham,NC 27712 Subject: Wastewater Treatment System '111 Jasmine Place Durham County Dear Mr. Pope: A review of the DWR's Basinwide Information Database failed to reveal a permit has been issued or that we have received an application for a single family general permit(NCG550000) for the subject wastewater system. The wastewater outlet at the above subject residence and the operation of this system without a permit constitutes violations of the following North Carolina Statutes: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (a)(1) and(2)states"Activities for Which Permits Required.---No person shall do any of the following things or carry out any of the following activities unless that person has received a permit from the Commission and has complied with all conditions set forth in that permit: 1) Making an outlet. 2) Construct or operate any sewer system, treatment works, or disposal system within the State. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PERMITTING PROCESS FOR SINGLE FAMILY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. Any person who discharges or who proposes to discharge pollutants (domestic wastewater)to the surface waters of the state or onto the surface is required to secure a permit. It is recommended that you consult with an engineer who is familiar with the design and permitting of single family wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Since a goal of the Clean Water Act is to minimize or eliminate point source discharges to surface waters, any proposal for a new or expanding wastewater discharge must include an evaluation of wastewater disposal alternatives in addition to direct discharge. In order to apply for a Certificate of Coverage and authorization to construct for a single family wastewater discharge permit(NCG550000);.you must first evaluate the following technologically feasible alternatives: 1) Connection to an existing wastewater treatment plant collection system(public or private). . 2) Land application alternatives,such as individual/community onsite subsurface systems, drip irrigation, spray irrigation. -?) North Carolina Department of Envlrontmcntal Quality I Dtvlslon of Water Resources _...,,..Er,...-;.v"_t t...,.._ l D Er Aalelgh Regional Office 1 3800 8nrrett Drive Raleih;Worth Carolina 27609 1 3) Wastewater reuse 4) Combinations of the above Once you have completed the analysis of technologically feasible alternatives to a single family wastewater permit(NCG550000)and have come to the conclusion that you have no alternatives and that you are eligible for coverage under General Permit NCG550000,you are required to submit the following in triplicate: 1. A completed and signed Notice of Intent(NOT)application(attached) delivered to the address shown at the bottom of the NOI. 2. $60.00 processing fee made payable to NC DENR. 3. You will need a copy of the rejection letter from the County Health Department. This letter must communicate the Health Department's evaluation of the current site and its wastewater treatment system and it must include rationale for why a groundwater absorption system is unsuitable for a sanitary system of sewage treatment and disposal under the criteria specified in 15A NCAC 18A.1940 through .1948. 4. A cover letter stating that: 1) You are applying for a Certificate of Coverage. 2) You have evaluated and rejected all technologically feasible alternatives. 3)All wastewater from the single family home including washing machine water(graywater) is to be conveyed(piped) into the septic tank, 5. Pump out your septic tank and submit a copy of the invoice showing the work done with your NOI application. If your system is failing,you must install a new system. The system must be designed by a professional engineer. Please note that the Division of Water Resources Permitting Unit must review the application packet in order to (1) determine if the application is complete; (2) ensure the treatment system meets design requirements; and (3) confirm that soils, application fields, and/or the receiving waters are present, suitable and appropriate such that a Non-Discharge Permit or NPDES General Permit (Discharge Permit) may be properly issued. Please understand that there may be site- specific constraints that prohibit the issuance of a permit (e.g. space, setbacks, the absence of receiving waters, etc.). The application review process is how the determination of issuing or denying a permit is completed. Once the application is reviewed, there.are three possible outcomes: (1) the application may be approved,and a permit issued; (2)if the application is incomplete,it may be returned and additional information may be requested, or (3) the application may be denied. Your treatment system must have disinfection to include a chlorinator,chlorine contact tank dechlorination or ultraviolet disinfection. Please find attached the wastewater system design and requirements,minimum design criteria for a standard chlorinator,chlorine contact chamber and dechlorinator. General Permit NCG550000 • Pursuant to the Clean Water Act and North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 a permit is required operate discharging wastewater treatment system. • Single family discharging treatment systems are permitted through a general permit (NCG550000). • A Certificate of Coverage is required to use this General Permit NCG550000 • A copy of the permit text,the attached application,and technical bulletin can be found at the following web site: http://portal.ncdenr.ort/web/wq/swp/ts/npdes/generalpermits Please submit your application package within 90 days of receipt of this letter. PIease note, .unpermitted waste water discharges or improper disposal of domestic wastewater is subject to civil penalty assessments of up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00)per 'violation. You are encouraged to properly secure necessary permits and manage your treatment system properly. If you have any questions or need assistance,please do not hesitate to contact Jane Bernard with the Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional office at(919) 791-4236. Sincerely, 70:07-‘44C--- 1//6444-4--;-..-'17 Vanessa E. Manuel Assistant Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources—Raleigh Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality Attachments: General Permit NCG550000 Notice of Intent Engineering Services cc; Raleigh Regional Office Durham County Health Department rr ,r Public Health f 100 Years o/Service•1913.2013 Re: Application for Construction Authorization Repair permit for:111 Jasmine Place,Durham,NC 27712 Property site:111 Jasmine Place Environmental Health Division file number:323637 Dear Michael Stewart Pope, The Durham County Department of Public Health,Environmental Health Division on June 10th, 2020 evaluated the above referenced property at the site designated on the plat/site plan that accompanied your improvement permit application. According to your application the site is to serve a three bedroom residence with a design wastewater flow of 360 gallons per day.The evaluation was done in accordance with the laws and rules governing wastewater systems in North Carolina General Statute 130A-333 including related statutes and Title 15A, Subchapter 1BA,of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Rule.1900 and related rules. Based on the criteria set out in Title 15A,Subchapter 18A,of the North Carolina Administrative Code,Rule.1940 through.1948,the evaluation indicated that the site is UNSUITABLE for a sanitary system of sewage treatment and disposal. Therefore,we must deny your request for an Improvement permit. A copy of the site evaluation is enclosed. The site is unsuitable based on the following: Unsuitable soil topography and/or landscape position(Rule.1940) uitable soil characteristics(structure or clay mineralogy)(Rule.1941) uitable soil wetness condition(Rule.1942)gor nsuitable soil depth(Rule.1943) •resence of restrictive horizon(Rule.1944) nsufficient space for septic system and repair area(Rule.1945) nsuitable for meeting required setbacks(Rule.1950) I her(Rule.1946) These severe soil or site limitations could cause premature system failure,leading to the discharge of untreated sewage on the ground surface,into surface waters,directly to ground water or inside your structure. The site evaluation included consideration of possible site modifications,as well as use of modified,innovative,or alternative systems. However,the Health Department has determined that none of the above options will overcome the severe conditions on this site. A possible option might be a system designed to dispose of sewage to another area of suitable soil or off- site to additional property. For the reasons set out above,the property is currently classified UNSUITABLE,and no improvement permit shall be issued for this site in accordance with Rule 1948(c). 1 Note that a site classified as UNSUITABLE may be classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if written documentation is provided that meets the requirements of Rule.1948(d). A copy of this rule is enclosed. You may hire a consultant to assist you if you wish to try to develop a plan under which your site could be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE. You have a right to an informal review of this decision. You may request an informal review by the soil scientist or environmental health supervisor at the local health department. You may also request an informal review by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services regional soil scientist. A request for informal review must be made in writing to the local health department. You also have a right to a formal appeal of this decision. To pursue a formal appeal,you must file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings,6714 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-6714. To get a copy of a petition form,you may write the Office of Administrative Hearings or call the office at(919)431-3000 or download it from the OAH web site at htip://www, The petition for a contested case hearing must be filed in accordance with the provision of North Carolina General Statutes 130A-24 and 150B-23 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 150B.N.C.General Statute 130A-335 (g)provides that your hearing would be held in the county where your property is located. Please note:if you wish to pursue a formal appeal,you must file the petition form with the Office of Administrative Hearings WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER. The date of this letter June 12,2020. Meeting the 30 day deadline is critical to your formal appeal. If you file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings,you are required by law(N.C.General Statute 150E-23)to serve a copy of your petition on the Office of General Counsel,N.C.Department of Health and Human Services,2001 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,N.C.27699-2001. Do not serve the petition on your local health department. Sending a copy of your petition to the local health department will not satisfy the legal requirement in N.C.General Statute 150E-23 that you send a copy to the Office of General Counsel,N.C.Department of Health and Human Services. You may call or write the local health department ff you need any additional information or assistance. Sincerely, - plc yj Noelle Spence, RE Enclosures: Copy of site evaluation Copy of Rule.1948 Environmental Health Division Human Services Building 1414 East Maki Street,Durham,North Carolina 27701 i yw / (919)560-7800 I Fax(919)580-7830 I dconc.govlpubiichealth Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employe DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH,ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION PROPERTY ID 9• Li ON-SITFi WATER PROTECTION BRANCH COLTN SOIIISITE EVALUATION for ON-SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM (Co®plue all fields is MI) OWNER t "- �OIR- _ APPLICA•fIONDATE2��l 20 ADDS: �1 ll- y� DATE EVAI}�A� • PROPOSED FACIL POP( ED DESIGN FLOW(.1949); )� PROPERTY SIZE: ' I _q PROPERTY RECORDED: LOCATION OF SITE; Ali 1M �• 1 WATER SUPPLY: Private Public Well Spring Other EVALUATION METHOD: Bonin Pit Cut TYPE OF WASTEWATER: Industrial Process Mixed P SOIL MORIHOLOGY '' .frYit r (.1941) PU01514 FACTORS L , 194e • • • 6 • LAN CAPE $gA1TAN . .N • POSITION/. DEPTHPRQFiI� .. .1942 CLASSR I SliA1'E H. ` ') .1941 .1941 SOIL 1943 . ,1990 -1,944 . STRUCTURE/ CONSISTENCE/ WETNESS/ SOIL SAGO RESilit. k LTAR TEXTURE MINERALOGY , COLOR DEPTH. CLASS. noRIZ 0 .3 t f Uy� Il v .,_±_d_ 3-1�1 � �, 5 T1 e.. Ice 1L. 1R-2uf� c, IS!Q �J�o } l+ 1 u� 0-1 _,P\OVS- 01) JN� 2 L 61e, 3 4 DESCRIPTION INITIAL SYSTEM REPAIR SYSTEM OTHER FACTORS(.1946): - (.1948)�)1 C. Available Space{.1945) < / SITE CLASSIFICATION7 ((� � I EVALUATED BY' %, System TYPda) / / , OTHER(S)PRESE Site LIAR ( / COMMENTS: _.- Up,u10-i Ftixvery 1L 14 DURH.M CVVN7Y Public Health t00 Years of Service 7913-2013 gee• Re: Application for Construction Authorization Repair permit for:111 Jasmine Place,Durham,NC 27712 Property site: 111 Jasmine Place Environmental Health Division file number:323637 Dear Michael Stewart Pope, The Durham County Department of Public Health,Environmental Health Division on June 10w, 2020 evaluated the above referenced property a1 the site designated on the plat/site plan that accompanied your improvement permit application. According to your application the site Is to serve a three bedroom residence with a design wastewater flow of 360 gallons per day.The evaluation was done in accordance with the laws and rules governing wastewater systems in North Carolina General Statute 130A-333 including related statutes and Title 15A, Subchapter 18A,of the North Carolina Administrative Code,Rule.1900 and related rules. Based on the criteria set out in Title 15A,Subchapter 18A,of the North Carolina Administrative Code,Rule.1940 through.1948,the evaluation indicated that the site Is UNSUITABLE for a sanitary system of sewage treatment and disposal. Therefore,we must deny your request for an Improvement permit. A copy of the site evaluation is enclosed. The site is unsuitable based on the following: MUnsuitabie soil topography and/or landscape position(Rule.1940) Mt suitable soil characteristics(structure or clay mineralogy)(Rule.1941) a I unable soil wetness condition(Rule.1942) oupo nsuitabie soil depth(Rule.1943) al-resence of restrictive horizon(Rule.1944) I Insufficient space for septic system and repair area(Rule.1945) nsultable for meeting required setbacks(Rule.1950) ether(Rule.1946) These severe soil or site limitations could cause premature system failure,leading to the discharge of untreated sewage on the ground surface,into surface waters,directly to ground water or inside your structure. The site evaluation included consideration of possible site modifications,as well as use of modified,innovative,or alternative systems. However,the Health Department has determined that none of the above options will overcome the severe conditions on this site. A possible option might be a system designed to dispose of sewage to another area of suitable soil or oft- site to additional property. For the reasons set out above,the property is currently classified UNSUITABLE,and no improvement permit shall be issued for this site in accordance with Rule.1948(c). Note that a site classified as UNSUITABLE may be classified es PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if written documentation is provided that meets the requirements of Rule.1948(d). A copy of this I rule is enclosed. You may hire a consultant to assist you If you wish to try to develop a plan under which your site could be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE. You have a right to an informal review of this decision. You may request an informal review by the soil scientist or environmental health supervisor at the local health department. You may also request an informal review by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services regional soil scientist. A request for informal review must be made in writing to the local health department. You also have a right to a torn!appeal of this decision. To pursue a forma/appeal,you PP , must file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings,6714 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-6714. To get a copy of a petition form,you may write the Office of Administrative Hearings or call the office at(919)431-3000 or download it from the OAH web site at htto://www.ncoah.cQmffonns.html. The petition for a contested case hearing must be filed in accordance with the provision of North Carolina General Statutes 130A-24 and 150E-23 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 15013.N.C.General Statute 130A-335 (g)provides that your hearing would be held In the county where your property is located. Please note:If you wish to pursue a formal appeal,you must file the petition form with the Office of Administrative Hearings WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER. The date of this fetter June 12,2020. Meeting the 30 day deadline is critical to your formal appeal. If you file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings,you ere required by law(N.C.General Statute 150B-23)to serve a copy of your petition on the Office of General Counsel,N.C.Department of Health and Human Services,2001 Mat Service Center,Raleigh, N.C.27699-2001. Do not serve the petition on your local health department. Sending a copy of your petition to the local health department will not satisfy the legal requirement in N.C.General Statute 150E-23 �! that you send a copy to the Office of General Counsel,N.C.Department of Health and Human Services. You may call or write the local health department if you need any additional information or assistance. c\Sincerely, IeJ) // y.7j Hoene Spence,REHS-- Enclosures: Copy of site evaluation Copy of Rule.1948 Environmental Health Division Human Services Building 1414 East Main Street,Durham,North Carolina 27701 (919)560-7800 I Fax(919)560-7830 I Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employe AM.* 1 15A NCAC IBA.1945 SITE CLASSIFICATION (a)Sites classified as SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system consistent with these Rules.A suitable classification generally indicates soil and site conditions favorable for the operation of a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system or have slight limitations that are readily overcome by proper design and installation. (b)Sites classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system consistent with these Rules but have moderate limitations.Sites classified Provisionally Suitable require some modifications and careful planning,design,and installation in order for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system to function satisfactorily. (c)Sites classified UNSUITABLE have severe limitations for the installation and use of a properly functioning ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system.An improvement permit shall not be issued for a site which is classified as UNSUITABLE.However,where a site is UNSUITABLE,itmay be reclassified PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if a special investigation indicates that a modified or alternative system can be Installed in accordance with Rules.1956 or.1957 of tbls Section. (d)A site classified as UNSUITABLE may be used for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system specifically identified In Rules.1955,.1956,or.1957 of this Section or a system approved under Rule.1969 if written documentation,including engineering,hydrogeologic,geologic or soil studies,indicates to the local health department that the proposed system can be expected to function satisfactorily.Such sites shall be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE lithe local health department determines that the substantiating data indicate that: (I)a ground absorption system can be installed so that the effluent will be non-pathogenic,non-infectious, non-toxic,and non-hazardous; (2)the effluent will not contaminate groundwater or surface water;and (3)the effluent will not be exposed on the ground surface or be discharged to surface waters where it could come in contact with people,animals,or vectors. The State shall review the substantiating data if requested by the local health department. History Note.'Authority G.S.130A-335(e); Elf July 1,1982; Amended Fir April 1.1993;January 1,1990. ()- MU Applicant shall notify the local health department upon submittal of this application if any of the following apply to the property in quea4kin.If the answer tioany:gni tiob is Ayes'',applicant must attach supporting documentation. yes ❑no Pees, the siterogntain any pxistit}g Wastswgler systems9 ❑yes m no .pees stir•site•eontaip any,jer ictiQtt)a1 )an t ❑yes ta no ls.m wastes aiergo)ng att.-0'2044'00d on bn st:otller-than domestic sewage?- U yes no lt3lift 9110sub)i.t'a ap{t�oV�r bysiny olYlttsr juiblio eng 'f ❑yes no Are tltbre Arjy gas-on#i<it&or OigiedriVii.trn t1ud,Prnp INSTRUCTIONS•FOR.APpl ICATIOAI FOR IMPROVEMENT PERMIT For New Construction. 1) Property lines and corner Ilona shall be marked on the lot pdor to the evaluation. 2) Stake the proposed house site an the lot Wu to the site evaluation. 3) Stake the proposed septic area on the lot prior to the site evaluation(maximum of 2.0 Acres) 4) Submit a copy of the surveyed and/or recorded plat!hewing: a)House location-including house with garage,porch or deck if any;dimensions and distance from front property and nearest sideline. b)Proposed septic area. c)Location and dimensions of any other building or amebae(storage sheds,swimming pools,etc.) d)Any local watershed buffer setback requirements that apply to the lot. e)Any below end/or above ground wells and underground utilities. f)Proposed location ofdriveway and parking areas(including dimensions). .Foi•Repair Permits I)Specific property lines and corner irons may be required to be located and marked. 2)Field location may be required fon a)Any local watershed buffer setback requirement that applies to the Int. b)Any below and/or above ground wells and underground utilities. c)Submit a scaled copy of the plat,if available to assist in the permitting process. In accordance with North Carolina law,approval for construction or replacement of a septic system occurs when the Health Department issues an improvements Permit and a Construction Authnrizalian.The process of obtaining these permits requires a"Site and Soil Evaluation"by Health Department Envirorunental Health Specialists in compliance with the"Laws and Rules for Sewagc Treatment and Disposal Systems"(15 NCAC 18 A 1900).Soli structure,texture,clay mineralogy,topography,landscape position,soil wetness,soil depth,restrictive horizons and available space are among the criteria considered in this evaluation.The results of this evaluation determine whether an Improvements Permit can be issued,the number of bedroom a house can have,end the location of the house and the well serving it. Once the Improvements Permit is issued,the owner is protected for the duration of the permit from subsequent changes in the rules governing septic tank systems unless alterations are made to the property which damages the area reserved for the septic tank system installation and/or the intended use changes.If the septic system Is not installed before permit expiration,the owner must re-apply for an improvement Permit and will be subject to any new regulatory changes that may have transpired.An improvement Permit for which a plat is provided shall be valid without expiration and an improvement Permit for which a site plan is provided shall be valid for 60 months from the date of issue as provided in 0.S.[130A-335(i)and U.S.I30A-336(a). FEES DUE AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT SUBMISSION: THERE ARE NO FEES FORA REPAIR PERMIT APPLICATION Application for Improvement Permit 2.0 acre limit* S250.00 Appeal Charge $200.00 Application for Authorization to Construct(new construction): Type I&11 Systems: $200.00 Type ID Systems: $350.00 Type IV,V.&VI Systems: S525.00 *Tracts of land of any size that have been previously evaluated by a licensed soil scientist with a seated report submitted will be charged S200.00.Only the area specified by the consultant will be evaluated. **Please make checks payable to DCo Public Health,VISA/MasterCard/Discover accepted in office or Online by request "Our address is:DCo Environmental Health 414 East Main Street,Durham,NC 27701 Phone:919-560-7800 Fax:9I9-560.7830 I have read this application and certify that the information provided herein is true,complete and correct.Authorized county and state officials are granted right of entry to conduct necessary inspections to determine compliance and applicable laws and rules.I understand that I am solely responsible for the proper identification and labeling of all property lines and corners and snaking the site accessible so that a complete site evaluation can be;�e treed. 2-11'-2020 •Ptopc •t • cr.a :gal ell :sighnturel ) Deb 2 1SA NCAC IBA.1948 SITE CLASSIFICATION a treatment and disposal system (a)Sites classified as SUITABLE may be utilized fora ground absorption sewage consistent with these Rules.A suitable classification generally indicates soil and site conditions favorable for the operation of a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system or have slight limitations that arc readily overcome by proper design and installation. and (b)Sites classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage treatment disposal system consistent with these Rules but have moderate limitations.Sites classified Provisionally Suitable require some modifications and careful planning,design,and installation in order for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system to function satisfactorily. functioningand (c)Sites classified UNSUITABLE have severe limitations for the installation and not use b of a properly issued a site is absorption sewage treatment and disposal system.An improvement permitreclassified for site whichPROVISIONALLY is classified as UNSUITABLE.However,where a site is UNSUITABLE,it may be SUITABLE if a special investigation indicates that a modified or alternative system can be installed in accordance with Rules.1956 or.1957 of this Section. (d)A site classified as UNSUITABLE may be used for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system specifically identified in Rules.1955,.1956,or.1957 of this Section or a system approved under Rule.1969 if written documentation,including engineering,hydrogeologic,geologic or soil studies,indicates to the local health department that the proposed system can be expected to function satisfactorily.Such sites shall be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if the local health department determines that the substantiating data indicate that (I)a ground absorption system can be installed so that the effluent will be non-pathogenic,non-infectious, non-toxic,and non-hazardous; (2)the effluent will not contaminate groundwater or surface water,and (3)the effluent will not be exposed on the ground surface or be discharged to surface waters where it could come In contact with people,animals,or vectors. requested the local health department. ' in data ifby The State shall review the substantiating Nisrory Note:Authority G.S.130A-335(e); Elf July 1,1982; AmendedEf.April 1,1993;January 1,1990. RECEIVED _ Please indicate Preferred Payment Method - ,:Use Only FEB 1.3 2020 West East By Mail . ,Online ®• PublcHe It : ' — No surcharge for Online payment. • Jri'ro i>I�it>lf: �r lit �r itxri i ff i`to: titl>§�triict:A,pp kMtioti. Improvement Permit(new constnetioo)_ Authorization to Construct(new)X Authorization to Construct(repair) (Fee required,see page 2) • (Fees Required,see page 2) (No Fee required) IF THE INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION FOR AN IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT IS PA1 1FIED.CJIANNNGEII,C)R•THE?SITE IS ILTEnEnrrilFdfr-THE•IMPROVEME "I:STERMIT;iIND AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT SHALL BECOME-INVALID. ' The permit is valid for either 60 months or without.ex'plratlon depending upon documentation Submitted. (Complete site plan—60moaths;complete plat=without expiration) APPLICANT INFORMATION. Applicant Name MICHAEL STEWART POPE JR Address 111 JASMINE PL City DURHAM state NC Zip27712 Applicant Email MI CHAEL.S.POPE.Jit_()MAIL COM Phone(H) (C)919-698-8712 - ownerNama MICHAEL STEWART POPE JR Addras111 JASMINE PL eityDURHAM - stale NC �p27712 - - MICHAEL.S.POPE.JRIP©MAIL.COM 919-698-8712 Owner Email Phone(li)• (C) • PROPERTY INFORMATION 111 JASMINE PL.DURHAM,NC zn12 NORTH PARK - Street Address Subdivision Name SeotionlPhas&Lot# 83 Parcel ID# �� PIN# Parcel Slza(acres).4 pEVEL.OPMENT INFORMATION RESIDENTIAL SPECIFICATIONS, CI New Single-Family Residence Max number of bedrooms: 3 ❑Expansion of Existing System Max number of occupants: 5 IN Repair to Existing Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Ifexpansion: Current nuniber of bedrooms: • Ts a garbage disposal planned?Oyes€no • Will there be any plumbing stubbed into unfinished areas of the house(such es an attic or basement)?❑yes!no If yes,describe location • - WATER SUPPLY ❑New well Q Existing Well ❑Comnwnity Well ❑Public Water Please IedtoateDesired System Types) (systems can be malted to order of yourprefbeece) 2 Any Type Aecepted _Alteraative 1 Conventional `Innovative(type - 7/31 i2019 Page i of 2 Environmental Health Division Human Services Building 1414 East Main Street,Durham,North Carolina 27701 (919)560-7800 I Fax(919)590-78301 heallhlnspectotCidconagov Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employer • i r The Applicant shall notify the local health department upon submittal of this application if any of the following apply to the �t operty io question.if theanswer a say gne on Is"yes",applkattt must attach supporting documentation. / yes ❑no 4. the site apptain any existing.wastpwpler system ❑yes m no •�Joeothe•Ire.00t 41 e,Y...10d.jctlonaf lvgilan0s?. ❑yes r❑no Isar wash eMer;Ooing stq.fip sjl Otl er.than domestic sewage? Q yes Ono 111 it alterlub ci.t 4jiptoirafby tiny oZ�ar+ubli'aegati'g ❑yes Ono Are rThe njyasotti'Mgt.*t lido v$gt+:Qtt tliit;prti �tty? INSTRUCTION-PO R•APPLiCAT1ON FOR IMPROVEMENT PERMIT For New Construction. 1) Property lines and corner irons shall be marked on the lot;Amin the evaluation. 2) Stake the proposed house site on the lot P!L to the site evaluation. 3) Stake the proposed septic area on the lot mine to the site evaluation(maximum of 2.0 Acres) 4) Submit a copy of the surveyed and/or recorded plat showing: a)House location-including house with garage,porch or deck if any;dimensions and distance from front property and nearest sideline, b)Proposed septic area. c)Location and dimensions of any other building or structure(storage sheds,swimming pools,ate.) d)Any local watershed buffer setback requirements that apply to the lot. e)Any below end/or above ground wells and underground utilities. f)Proposed location of driveway and parking areas(including dimensions). .rot Repair Permits I)Specific property Lines and owner irons may be required to be located and marked. 2)Field location may be required for. a)Any local watershed buffer setback requirement that applies to the la: b)Any below and/or above ground wells and underground utilities, c)Submit a scaled copy of the plat,if available to assist in the pemiltting process. In accordance with Norih Carolina law,approval for construction or replacement of a septic system occurs when the Health Department issues en improvements Permit and a Construction Authorization.The process of obtaining these permits requires a"Site and Soil Evaluation"by Health Department Environmental Health Specialists in compliance with the"Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems"(1 S NCAC 18 A .1900).Soil structure,texture,clay mineralogy,topography,landscape position,soil wetness,soil depth,restrictive horizons and available space are among the criteria considered In this evaluation.The results of this evaluation determine whether an Improvements Permit can be issued,the number of bedroom a house can have,and the location of the house and the well serving it. Once the improvements Permit is issued,the owner is protected for the duration of the permit from subsequent changes in the rules governing septic tank systems unless alterations are made to the property which damages the area reserved for the septic tank system installation and/or the intended use changes.If the septic system Is not installed before permit expiration,the owner must re-apply for an Improvement Permit and will be subject to any new regulatory changes that may have transpired.An Improvement Permit for which a plat is provided shall be valid without expiration and an Improvernent Permit lbr which a site plan is provided shall be valid for 60 months from the date of issue as provided in G.S,[130A-335(f)end O.S_130A-336(e). FEES DUE AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT SUBMISSION: THERE ARE NO FEES FORA REPAIR PERMIT 4PPL!CA770N Application for Improvement Permit 2.0 acre limit" S250.00 Appeal Charge S200.00 Application Ito Authorization to Construct(now construction): Type I&It Systems: $200.00 Type ID Systems: S350.00 Type IV,V,&VI Systems: S525.00 r Tracts of land of any size that have been previously evaluated by a licensed soil scientist with a scaled report submitted will be charged 5200.00.Only the area specified by the consultant will be evaluated. "Please make checks payable to DCo Public Health,VISA/MasterCard/Discover accepted in office or Online by request "Our address is:DCo Environmental Health 414 East Main Street,Durham,NC 27701 Phone:9I9.560-7800 Fax:919-560.7830 E-mail:healthinspectorI I have read this application and certify that the information provided herein is true,complete and correct.Authorized county and state officials arc granted right of entry to conduct necessary Inapectioni to determine compliance and applicable laws and rules.I understand that l am solely responsible for the proper identification and labeling of all prop -lines and corners and making the site accessible so that a complete site evaluation can belie- .used, 2-11-2020 '. -r-•s ,fir owner.s 1 ail :signature( Trod) Date 2 . . - • Durham County Health Department • SEPTIC TANK PERMIT No 20 13 Area Durham, N. C., Ju I y 30 19....7 Owner, Address ter Location of Property Lot_..:L...1.$.,... ik....#...e., PERMISSION is hereby granted to install a Septic Tank and Secondary Treatment system, to receive wastes from fixtures enumerated on PlumbingPermit No 2Q13►.... in accordance with Chapter I, Art. p VI, Sections 1 & 5, Durham CountySanitaryCode, at the above location, consistent with existing con- ditions, tang p ditions, as described below: Septic Tank ....wide, long, ... deep (or..900 go. Dist. Box ....3.... outlets. 0 Nitrification Field lines Ft long inches wide, Iaid to proper grade and depth, using 'r only approved absorbent material. x Sand Filter Trench 6' x 42 ' Other NOTE: Installation to be made according to sketch on reverse side; DO NOT cover any part of installa- tion until after final inspection by Health Department. Plumbing by• hiln...I.+...Garmed Septic Tank by• Cra 0. L. AderR M.D . ,M. P. H. Inspected by . .. , .d Date...2.L3.QJ?.d Director wir Sand filter trenches are based or W. G. Parrish sound sanitary engineer/mg prop. BY tices and are widely used; however, should Deputy Director unforeseen developments make It necenery to sitar or abandon the system, this *ash i Depanrnent assumes no responsfbillly; a 111111111111111111U1111111k11111111111111110111111111111111MINIMMIRINIMMEME MN 1111M111111111111111•111WRIMMIENIMIlimummillillMINIMIMIMINIIIIN IIEIIMII1MrigMIIIffliilIMIIIIIIIIIP'gllIMUNIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRZMMMUIII.• •""-""-"r""""illiiiiiiillikillill immowil ma , , . i 1 immpaimmuna iniumimpunOwmalliplE111111118111,111ii: mintiniumeniummonommo 111/11111 II 11111111111111111411 DURHAM !.:. y HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT,4444ggloR ABANDON A WATER SUPPLY WELL t Date 6 -f -1/ Well taear6055 Pf Permit By 7 ( 66-Lt Owner Cb,.., .tr c. id ()red* Locaaten 1(( Ta Sti..._!PIP r/Q (e' Subdivision TM# all- Block Or Lot 0 ) House Mobile Home Business J_ Other New Construction Replacement Well Repair(/ Abandonment NEW OR REPLACEMENT WELL Layout by Date Casing Depth Casing & Grout Slab Date Water Sample Taken by Date Coliform Bacteria Found Coliform Bacteria Not Found Total # Positive Samples MPN Well Log Rec . Date Certification of Completion by Date WELL REP cover Repairs to be Made: Ext. of-Casing Lasing Liner Slab Other _ Depth Liner to be Installed JO ft. Length of Exist. Casing Ib ft. Comments: g4,011.4P ellikoN. Z 53-4 - i o .dio --Ltdm/. • ave, Approved by Date WELL ABANDONMENT Type of Well Method of Abandonment Inspected and Approved by Date . r________ ,p, 61/4. e aini7mvita . r -, ' ,.___I .... 4.4. _ , 1-L.! I it _ { ii ; 1 : 1 t Znv, ; ; ! ' t I t The installation of a liner 016ses a risk that part or all of the water bearing zones in the well may be sealed off . The result of this sealing could mean partial or total loss of the productivity of the well. Although the risk of such sealing is minimal, the Durham County Health Department assumes no liability in the event a partial or total sealing of well should occur from the installation of a liner. 1 GoMaps ...., _ .- - .. ..\ ,...._____._______ 4,.1 ; ••••42:' ...FL UR, 717 it,I, ....,L__ .\..._.\......\---- ....op-- _ Jardnirk.pi ...11, . Iv. 00 trodii kn ,,4 r N1/4 11-....t• lee*,, /01 64 10 ,-,4 11 4-.-----.......,.......N I \ , 1,41Y I I iclo:- '72e 724 _____: Jonquil St i 1 ..,....„,.., .,,•17.,, Wi: ::',•Ei . .- June21„2021, I 2,257 a 0,0 t 75 •..)0:1':, 0.07 mi Is , ', ', - . , 1 il 044 .5vmet.L's. rialiCit,FIE:.4J.S.'„).‘Joarm4, 4•41*MENT I ,..1.7., L.1• Michael Pope 111 Jasmine P1 Surface Discharge System Recirculating EZ Treatment UV Treatment Proof of Ownership Existing Permit MacConnell & Associates, P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Ste 103 Cary, North Carolina 27513 P.O. Box 129 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919) 319-6510 Book8114 - Page134 Page 1 of 2 For Registration Sharon A. Davis Register of Deeds Durham County, NC Electronically Recorded 2017 Jan 27 11:58 AM NC Rev Stamp:$ 350.00 Book: 8114 Page: 134 Fee:$ 26.00 Instrument Number: 2017002824 DEED NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax 350.00 Tax Parcel ID No.187634 Verified by County on the day of , 2017_ By: MailfBox to Grantee:111 Jasmine Place, Durham, NC 27712 This instrument was prepared by. Darin P. Meece,Attorney Brief description for the index NORTH PARK DEVISEC:02B/BLK:CiLT#15 The deed made the latest day set forth In the notary acknowledgment below, by and between GRANTOR: RICKEY G. INGLE and MARGARET KNOX-INGLE, a married couple whose mailing address is 1016 Hazelton Lane, Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 GRANTEE: MICHAEL STEWART POPE, JR.AND JESSICA B. POPE, a married couple whose mailing address is 111 Jasmine Place,Durham, NC 27712 (include mailing address for each Grantor and Grantee;marital status of each individual Grantor and Grantee;and type of entity, e.g.,corporation,limited liability company, for each non-individual Grantor and Grantee.] WITNESSETH: For valuable consideration from Grantee to Grantor,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,Grantor hereby gives,grants,bargains,sells and conveys unto Grantee in fee simple,subjectto the Exceptions and Reservations hereinafter provided, if any,the following described property located in the City of Durham, County of Durham, State of North Carolina,more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 15 in Block C of North Park Development,Section 2-B,as recorded in Plat Book 67,at Page 3 of Durham County Registry,to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of same. Said property having been previously conveyed to Grantor by instrument(s)recorded in Book 4304, Page 707-709,and being reflected on plat(s)recorded in Map/Plat Book 67, page/slide 3. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed • includes or__X does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto Grantee,togetherwith all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging,in fee simple, submitted electronically by "Neece Law Firm, PA" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Durham County Register of Deeds. Book8774 - Page135 Page 2 of 2 subject to the Exceptions and Reservations hereinafter and hereinabove provided,if any. And Grantor hereby warrants that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee and has the right to convey same in fee simple, that title is marketable and Is free and clear of encumbrances other than as set forth herein,and that Grantor will forever warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons or entities whomsoever. This conveyance is made subject to the following Exceptions and Reservations: Al references to Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include the parties as well as their heirs, successors and assigns,and shall include the singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly executed the fo :.. = of . - d-1 and year first above written. t &pW*Spencer Earnest "46'5:/—1A/P.A.40.'- 45r. - r "Mr arne: /i; r4?'47'rr1,!r .ii n4 , aralt Chatfram► �Nc State of N G.. (Official/Notarial Seal) County of r v ilk{ I certify that the following person(s)personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: RICKEY G. INGLE Date: 1/' t r I J NORELIC Ew alt o It ah if 1; 04am Notary Public r• NO Notary's Printed Typed Name My pa2P`m ssion ti ao State of Pc-- (Official/Notarial Seal) U County of , t•( I certify that the following parson(s)personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: MARGARET KNOX-INGLE Date: 1 /11 f t/ lt� St Earnest otary ARYPURUC Public Chatham . ,NC fr ry's Printed or yped Name pli(ACorrabb t b'7-3 41- -3 3 .1 UM r Gee 3 3t�IPt'11 Am•,w..•m__:...Yra.::�.:ti.• J.314$11313 EEUit'fEll lM ......_ DUIINAM CUU IFil ,.• i,"•• 1 PG r•t C'C' \ ® ' 99.6 RP \ �• 1 1 s.4 \ Q •�4 2 i O O •O _ J ,3.2�i•�, S .4.00.1\c' s" '..' 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Michael Pope 111 Jasmine P1 Surface Discharge System Recirculating EZ Treatment UV Treatment »m i7 ` '-44± /4 ° 'Narrative 11" 'I'" MacConnell & Associates,P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Ste 103 Cary,North Carolina 27513 P.O. Box 129 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919)319-6510 Project Narrative General The site at 111 Jasmine PI, Durham, North Carolina consist of a 0.48-acre lot with a 3-bedroom single-family home constructed in 1971. The Durham County Health Department has determined that the original permitted septic system had been compromised and the lot was unacceptable for a repair system. A copy of the existing permit from Durham County is included with this report. The existing septic system currently utilizes a 900-gallon septic tank with gravity discharge to a sand filter consisting of a single 42-foot-long sand filter trench. The owner plans to replace the septic system with a new E-Z treat discharge system. The proposed treatment system includes a new septic tank,combined E-Z Treat recirculation and discharge tank, E-Z Treat treatment unit, ultraviolet disinfection unit, and the necessary appurtenances. The system is designed to treat and discharge 360 gallons per day of domestic wastewater. The design flow of 360 gallons per day is based upon a 3-bedroom house(120 gallons per day per bedroom). Septic, Recirculation, and Discharge Tanks The proposed wastewater treatment repair system will provide both anaerobic treatment and solids removal in a new 1,000-gallon septic tank. This tank will provide greater than 2 days of detention providing for adequate anaerobic treatment and solids removal from the wastewater. Septic tank effluent will drain into the recirculation chamber of the E-Z Treat recirculation/discharge tank as wastewater flows into the septic tank. The septic tank will contain a Polylok PL-68, SimTech Brush Filter, or approved equal effluent filter to prevent solids from reaching the recirculation chamber. The E-Z Treat recirculation tank is a new 1,000-gallon pump tank. The E-Z Treat recirculation tank will serve as a holding tank for both the septic tank effluent and E-Z Treat treatment unit effluent. An effluent bypass valve located in the E-Z Treat recirculation tank will separate the flow once the E-Z Treat treatment unit is dosed. The effluent will be returned to the E-Z Treat recirculation tank until the bypass valve is closed, the remaining effluent will then flow to a discharge tank. Effluent will be recirculated through the E-Z Treat treatment unit until additional septic tank effluent enters the E-Z Treat recirculation tank causing the bypass valve to close. The discharge tank is a new 1,000-gallon tank. The influent to the discharge tank will be disinfected prior to entering the tank to prevent re-growth within the tank. The discharge tank will provide greater than 1 day of storage time per 15A NCAC 18A.1952(c). Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 Effluent from the ultraviolet disinfection unit will flow by gravity into the discharge tank. The treated and disinfected effluent will be pumped to the drainage ditch located at the rear of the property. The effluent will flow to an existing unnamed tributary on the back edge of the adjacent properties on the cul-de-sac, ultimately flowing into Crooked Creek. Additionally, the adjacent properties have also been previously permitted to use direct discharge to the same tributary. E-Z Treat Treatment Unit The E-Z Treat treatment unit will be used to provide additional treatment to the septic tank effluent as well as remove any suspended solids not removed by the septic tank. The E-Z Treat treatment unit includes housing, piped distribution system, sprinkler heads, and styrene media. The underdrain system will transport the E-Z Treat treatment unit effluent back through an effluent bypass valve into the recirculation chamber or to the ultraviolet disinfection unit. Ultraviolet Disinfection The effluent from the E-Z Treat treatment unit will be disinfected by ultraviolet light prior to being discharged into the drainage ditch inside the property line. The ultraviolet disinfection unit shall be by E-Z Set Company(Model UV-102 Dual Lamp)or approved equal by engineer. Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacCormell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 2 Project Contacts Names,addresses,phone and fax numbers of the homeowners and engineer are as follows: Homeowner: Michael Pope 111 Jasmine PI Durham NC 27712 Phone: (919)698-8712 Engineer: Mr. Gary S. MacConnell,PE MacConnell&Associates,P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Suite 103 Cary NC 27513 Mailing: P.O. Box 129 Morrisville NC 27560 Phone: (919)467-1239 Fax: (919)319-6510 Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 3 Michael Pope 111 Jasmine PI Surface Discharge System Recirculating EZ Treatment UV Treatment Mill I SEAL 17069 Li F. %7%. fe•ol tri7 V011' --i)- '••••2•••• Project Specifications ,11S IM"ip``�� MacConnell & Associates, P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Ste 103 Cary,North Carolina 27513 P.O. Box 129 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919) 319-6510 Project Specifications Excavation and Backfilling 1. Excavated materials acceptable as backfill shall be stockpiled in a location approved by the Owner. The materials shall be located away from the edge of any excavations. Excavated materials shall not be stored within the driplines of existing trees. 2. All open excavations shall be barricaded when construction in the area has stopped. Night barricading should include posted warning lights. facilities from damage 3. Protect existingstructures, utilities, avemen and other ti sidewalks, pavement, caused by settlement, lateral movement,undermining,washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. Protect root systems from damage or dry-out to the greatest extent possible. 4. Soil materials shall be free of boulders,roots, sod,organic matter,and frozen material. 5. Bedding materials for pre-cast concrete structure installation shall be#57 washed stone to the dimensions and depth shown on the construction drawings. 6. All excavation is unclassified and includes excavation to subgrade elevations indicated on the construction drawings regardless of character of materials and obstruction encountered. In the event that rock is encountered,the Contractor shall remove it at no additional cost to the Owner. 7. Stability of excavations shall be maintained by sloping of the sides and shall comply with local codes,ordinances,and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. Where space restrictions prevent sloping of the sides, shoring and bracing of the walls shall be employed in full compliance with OSHA requirements. In the case of pipe installations, sheeting shall remain in place until backfilling progresses to a stage where no damage to the pipe will result from removal. 8. The Contractor shall attempt to prevent surface and subsurface water from flowing into excavations. The Contractor shall provide equipment, materials, and work necessary to dewater any accumulation of water in the excavation to prevent softening of the soils, undercutting of footings, and changes to the soils detrimental to the stability of the improvements. 9. Excavations for structures shall conform to dimensions and elevations shown on the construction drawings within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 feet and to the standards of ASTM C891-90. 10.Backfill shall be installed to excavated spaces in 8-inch lifts and tamped by hand or pneumatically around pipe or structures. Tamping shall be performed evenly on both sides of pipe and around sides of structures to a depth such that damage to the pipe or structures is Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 avoided because of subsequent methods of compaction. Extreme care shall be exercised in backfilling operations to avoid displacement of pipe and structures either horizontally or vertically. Backfill consolidation by ponding water is not permitted. Compaction of each layer of backfill and the top 6 inches of subgrade shall achieve a 90 percent maximum dry density as measured by AASHTO method T-99. 11. Remove all waste materials including unacceptable excavated material, trash, and debris and legally dispose of it off Owner's property. Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during project warranty period,the Contractor shall remove surface finish,add backfill material,compact,and replace surface treatment to a quality and appearance matching adjacent areas of previous work. Pre-Cast Septic and Recirculation Tank Installation and Testing 1. Septic tanks shall conform to criteria in 15A NCAC 18A .1952-.1954. The septic and recirculation tanks should be installed on a 12-inch minimum layer of No. 57 washed stone aggregate. 2. Place bell ends of pre-cast sections or the groove end of the concrete facing down. In preparation for making joints, all surfaces of the portion of the section to be jointed and the factory-made jointing materials shall be clean and dry. Each joint,seam,and pipe penetration inside and outside of joints shall receive liberal applications of non-shrink grout as well as liberal amounts of bitumastic waterproof sealant. 3. Lifting holes and other penetrations of the pre-cast structure wall shall be sealed with non- shrinking grout. Pipe connections shall be made so that the pipe does not project beyond the inside wall of the structure. Grout connections as necessary to make smooth and uniform surfaces on the inside of the structure. 4. Before placing any tank into operation,remove any dropped grout,sand or other imperfections and obstructions from the interior of the structure. Specifically, the inside walls of the tank shall be smooth and uniform. Smooth-finish inverts so that wastewater flow is confined and directed through the inlet and outlet pipes with easy transition. 5. Tanks shall be backfilled in accordance with the applicable specifications herein before described. 6. All pipe penetrations shall be through Press-Seal Cast-A-Seal 402 rubber connectors or approved eq ual. eq al. 7. All joints(mid-seam,top-seam)shall be sealed using Concrete Sealants butyl sealant#CS-102 meeting ASTM C-990. Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 2 8. All service access openings will be a minimum of 24 inches. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with E-Z Treat's and Engineer's prior written approval. All access openings shall be fitted with E-Z Set riser assemblies unless otherwise shown. 9. A 24-hour static water test or vacuum test, in accordance with ASTM standards, shall be performed on all precast tanks to ensure they are watertight. a. The testing shall be performed in the presence of the engineer or his representative. b. Each tank shall be filled with water and the initial water level shall be measured. c. At the end of the 24-hour period,the level of the water shall be measured again. d. The engineer shall pass the tank if the water level did not drop more than 0.5 inches or if the total volume of the displaced water is less than 1 percent of the total effective liquid capacity of the tank. e. Tanks may also be leak-tested by applying a vacuum of 5-inches of Hg with riser assemblies in place. f. Each failed tank shall be tested again. if the tank does not pass the second test, the Contractor shall remove and replace the tank at no additional cost to the Owner, 10. Septic Tank and E-Z Treat Recirculation/Discharge Tank shall meet the following additional criteria: a. Minimum liquid depth of 36 inches. b. Minimum airspace of 9 inches. c. Length shall be at least twice if the width(septic tank only). d. Septic tank shall be constructed with a baffle wall dividing the tank interior 2/3' to 1/3". The baffle wall shall be constructed to permit passage of effluent through a slot or holes located between 45 and 55 percent of the interior depth. 11. Septic tank shall be fitted with a Polylok PL — 68 effluent filter, SimTech Brush Filter, or Engineer approved effluent filter that extends down to 50 percent of the liquid depth of the tank. Piping Installation and Testing 1. Piping shall be PVC and of type and size as shown on the construction drawings. Piping shall be installed with a minimum of three (3) feet of cover unless shown otherwise on the construction drawings. Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 3 2. Piping shall be installed to be able to meet a pressure test whereby the pressure remains constant for a minimum of two hours, and the allowable leakage is not more than 10 gpd/inch of pipe diameter/mile. 3. Any line installed under a driveway shall be sleeved in Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe and extend a minimum of 5 feet on either side and as shown on the construction drawings. 4. Forcemains installed through ephemeral streams shall be sleeved in Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe as shown on the construction drawings. E-Z Treat Recirculation Pump and Control Panel 1. The E-Z Treat recirculation pump shall be a Sta-Rite (Catalog Number STEP 30) 'h horsepower multi-stage submersible 30 gallons per minute pump for operation on a single phase, 115 Volt service. 2. The control panel shall be an E-Z Treat simplex panel. The panel shall have a recirculation pump load sensor/alarm, on/off timer,high water alarm, dose enable, and low water level/run dry pump protection. 3. The control panel shall be in a NEMA 4X enclosure, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and within 10 feet of the E-Z Treat treatment unit. 4. No splices may be placed in the pump tank or riser. All splices shall be made above ground in a NEMA 4X junction box. 5. Control and alarm circuits shall be on separate circuits. 6. The audible/visual alarms shall be external to any structure. 7. Treatment unit recirculation ratio shall be set between 4.0 and 7.0 times per day. Discharge Pump and Control Panel Specifications 1. The discharge pump shall be as specified on the construction drawings, or approved equal by Engineer. The motor shall meet the horsepower requirement for operation on a single phase service. The control panel shall be a NEMA.4X control panel with a two stage timer, elapsed time meter, event counter, and alarm (both audible and visual) system. The alarms shall be external to any structure. Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 4 EZ Treat Combo Control Panel 1. The control panel shall be EZT-1CD4Z-230-16 provided by E-Z Treat. 2. The control panel shall be in a NEMA 4X enclosure, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations,and within 10 feet of the E-Z Treat treatment unit. 3. No splices may be placed in the pump tank or riser. All splices shall be made above ground in a NEMA 4x junction box. 4. Control and alarm circuits shall be on separate circuits. 5. RMSYS telemetry control panel or equal shall be connected to a phone line. If the local health department does not have access to the RMSYS website, a direct interface must be provided. System operator must be able to access the panel directly on site and shall be available with a 24-hour notice to the county in the event a direct connection is necessary. 6. The audible/visual alarms shall be external to any structure. E-Z Treat Treatment Unit Installation 1. The E-Z Treat treatment unit shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. Effluent Bypass Valve 1. The effluent bypass valve shall be by E-Z Treat and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. Ultraviolet Disinfection Unit 1. The ultraviolet disinfection unit shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the contract drawings. The unit shall be by E-Z Treat (Model UV-102 Dual Lamp)or approved equal by engineer. 2. A visual alarm shall be provided that alerts the homeowner when the primary bulb fails. After primary bulb failure, the backup bulb shall be good for 10,000 hours. Control/alarm panel shall be mounted within 6 feet of ultraviolet disinfection unit. 3. Casing shall be filled with water prior to powering up lamps. Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System MacConnell&Associates,P.C.Project No.: A93801.00 5 Michael Pope 111 Jasmine P1 Surface Discharge System Recirculating EZ Treatment UV Treatment Design Calculations MaeConnell & Associates, P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Ste 103 Cary, North Carolina 27513 P.O. Box 129 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919) 319-6510 MacConnell&Associates,P.C. Project: Discharge System with E-Z treatment system Owner Name: Michael Pope Project Number: A98301.00 Location: Durham County,North Carolina Subject: Septic Tank/E-Z Treat Filter/Reetrculation Tank Design Date: June 21,2021 Assumptions And Calculations: Note: input Calculated 1. Treatment flow is based on unadjusted flow. 2. Irrigation Bow is based on reduced Bow Number of Bedrooms: 3.0 Rooms Given Average Daily Flow per Bedroom: 120 GPD 1 SA NCAC ISA.1949 Unadjusted Design Flow: 360 0 GPD Flow Reduction: 0% 15A NCAC ISA.1949 Adjusted Flow: 360.0 GPD Sizing Calculations Per Innovative Approval Table 1-Model 600 and Tank Volumes Design Daily Minimum Septic Minimum Recirculation/Pump Tank Flow(gpd) Tank Volum(gallons) Volume(gallons)** Number of Media Pods <480 1,000 I,250 1 Model600 pod 4 Bedrooms 1,000 1,800 1 Model 600 pod 5 Bedrooms 1,250 2,000 I Model 600 pod 6 Bedrooms 1,500 2,200 2 Model 600 pod 601-1,500 V=1.17Q+500 V=1.17Q+500 1 Model 600 pod per 600 gallons 1,501-3,000 V 0.75Q+1,125 1V=0.759+1,125 I Model 600 pod per 600 gallons **Recirculation/pump tank minimum size based on total internal tank volume. Recirculation/Pump Tank Volume=Recirculation Tank(Chamber)Volume+Pump Tank(Chamber)Volume SEl'1'IC TANK DESIGN: Minimum Septic Tank 1'olume Required: 1000.0 Gallons Septic Tank Volume Provided: 1000.0 Gallons Septic Tank storage and effective volume calculations: Septic Tank Total Void Volume=L W x D: Tank length: 8 0 foot Tank Width: 3-8 foot Tank Depth: 5.2 foot Total Void Volume: 1172.3 Gallons Septic Tank Effective Volume=L*W"Lowest Invert To Tank Bottom: Tank length: 8.0 foot Tank Width: 3.8 foot Lowest Invert: 4.5 foot Effective Volume: 1021.0 Gallons Septic Tank Storage per Bedroom: 340.3 Gallons Septic Tank Storage/Detention: 2.8 Days Effective Volume/ADF E-Z TREAT DESIGN; Pod Dimension-Length 7.3 Feet Given Pod Dimension-Width 4,0 Feet Given Pod Dimension-Height 3.3 Feet Given Pod Surface Area 28.9 ft2 L x W Rated Loading Rate per Pod 700.0 GPD Given E-Z Treat Pods Required: 0.5 ADF/Pod Loading Rate E-Z Treat Pods Used: 1 Pod E-Z Treat Dose per Pod: 34.0 Gallons Given E-Z Treat Volume per Dose 34 0 Dose per Pod x Number of Pods Re-Circulation Timer On: 2.5 Minutes Given Re-Circulation Timer Off: 12.0 Minutes Given E-Z Treat Re-Circulation Cycles per Day: 99.3 Cycles Time per Day/Time per Cycle Total E-Z Treat Flow per Day: 3376-6 Gallons E-Z Treat Volume/Dose x C'ydes/Day E-Z Treat Re-Circulation Ratio; 9.4 E-Z,Treat Flow per Day/ADF Denitrification Gallons Returned: 993.1 GPD Denitrification Return Setting: 4.0 GPM E-Z Treat Surface Area: 28 9 ft2 E-Z Treat Loading Rate: 12.5 GPD/ft' ADF/Surface Area E-Z Treat Recirculation Pump Selection Shall Be As Shown On Drawings, Minimum Pump/Re-Circulation Tank Volume Required: 1250.0 Gallons Minimum Recirculation Tank Volume Available: 1000.0 Gallons Recirculation Tank Volume Provided: 1000.0 Gallons Discharge Tank Volume Provided: 1000 0 Gallons Discharge/Re-Circulation Tank Volume Provided: 2000.0 Gallons Recirculation Tank storage and effective volume calculations: Dosage Tank Total Void Volume=L"W*D: Tank length: 7 3 font Tank Width: 4,5 foot Tank Depth: 4.2 foot Total Void Volume: 1013.2 Gallons Recirculation'Tank Effective Volume=L"W*Lowest Invert To Tank Bottom: Tank length: 7 3 foot Tank Width: 4 5 foot Lowest Invert To Tank Bottom: 3.4 foot Effective Volume: 830.8 Gallons Recirculation Tank Effective Volume 10 Pump Off=L`W"Lowest Invert To Pump-Off Elevation: Tank length: 73 foot Tank Width: 4.5 foot Lowest Invert To Pump-Off; 1 9 foot Effective Volume: 466.1 Gallons Recirculation lank is an all-time-filled storage/pump tank. Discharge Tank storage and effective volume calculations: Dosage Tank Total Void Volume=L°W°D: lank length: 7.3 foot Tank Width: 4.5 foot Tank Depth: 42 foot Total Void Volume: 1013 2 Gallons Discharge Tank Effective Volume=L W*Lowest Invert To Tank Bottom: Tank length: 73 foot Tank Width: 4.5 foot Lowest Invert To Tank Bottom: 3.4 foot Effective Volume: 830,8 Gallons Discharge Tank Effective Volume to Pump Off—L•W*Lowest Invert To Pump-Off Elevation: Tank length: 7 3 fool Tank Width: 4.5 foot Lowest Invert To Pump-Off: 1,9 foot Effective Volume: 466.1 Gallons Total System Effective Storage= 1661.6 Gallons MacConnell&Associates,P.C. Project: Discharge System with E-Z treatment system Owner Name: Michael Popc Project Number: A98301.00 Location: Durham County,North Carolina Subject: E-Z Treat Treatment Calculations Date: dune 21,2021 Assumptions And Calculations: Notes: Input Calculated Influent Characteristics2 BOD(5-Day): 300 mg/ Front EPA Design Manual TSS: 300 mg/1 From EPA Design Manual NH3: 25 mg/I N-Organic: 34 mg/l TKN: 59 mg,1 N-Organic+NH3 NO3+NO2: 1 mg/I TN: 60 mg/I TKN+NO3+NO2 Total Coliforms: 75,000.000 Number From NSF 350 Approval Effluent Limits Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand(CBOD): <10 Proposed Effluent Limit per 15A NCAC 18A.1970 Total Suspended Solids(TSS): <10 mg/I Proposed Effluent Limit per I5A NCAC 18A.1970 Ammonia Nitrogen-NH4-N <10 mg/I Proposed Effluent Limit per 15A NCAC ISA.1970 Total Nitrogen(TN) <20 mg/I Proposed Effluent Limit per 15A NCAC 18A.1970 Fecal Conform: <1000/100 ml Proposed Effluent Limit Geometric Mean per 15A NCAC 18A..1970 ;?e ttt Tank, Deafen: BOD Removal: 60.0 Percent Given TSS Removal: 70.0 Percent Given NH3 Removal: 0.0 Percent Given N-Organic Removal: 35.0 Percent N-Organic Converted to NH3: 50.0 Percent NO3+NO2 Denitrified: 90.0 Percent Total Coliforms Removal: 50.0 Percent Septic-Tank Effluent Concentrations: BOD(5-Day): 120.0 mg/ Concentration-Percent Removed TSS: 90 0 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed NH3: 42 0 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed+N-Organic Converted to NH3 N-Organic: 17 0 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed-N-Organic Converted to NH3 TKN: 59 0 tng/l N-Organic+NH3 NO3+NO2: 1.0 mg/1 NO3+NO2 Effluent+Return from Recirc Tank-Denitrified TN: 60.0 mg/1 TKN+NO3+NO2 E.Colifor ms: 37 500,000.0/100 ml Concentration-Percent Removed Media Fillets(E-Z Treat Pod): BOD Removal: 95.0 Percent Given TSS Removal: 95.0 Percent Given NH3 Removal(to Air): 2.0 Percent Given NH3 Nitrified to NO3+NO2: 95.0 Percent Given N-Organic Converted to NH3: 95.0 Percent NO3+NO2 to Septic for Denitrification: 90.0 Percent E.Coliforms Removal: 50.0 Percent E`Z Treat/Re-Circ.Tank Effluent Concentrations: BOD(5-Day): 6.00 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed TSS: 4-50 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed NH3: 2.87 mg/1 Concentration-Percent Removed 4(S.T.Cone.+(N-Organic to NH3)Nitrified) N-Organic: 0.85 mg/1 Concentration-N-Organic Converted to NH3 TEN: 3 72 mg/1 N-Organic+NH3 NO3+NO2: 2-05 mg/I NO3+NO2 S.T.Effluent 4 Nitrified NH3-Return to Septic Tank TN: 5 76 mg/I TKN+NO3 4 NO2 Total Coliforms: 18.750,000 0/I00 ml Concentration-Percent Removed Ultraviolet Disinfection: Design UV Dosing Rate: 25-0 gpm Flow Rate Number of Units: 1 Units Pump Flow/Dosing Rate BOD Removal: 0.00 Percent Given TSS Removal: 0.00 Percent Given NH3 Removal: 0 00 Percent Given N-Organic Removal: 0.00 Percent Given NO3+NO2 Removal: 0.00 Percent Total Coliforms Removal: 99.999000000 Percent Ultraviolet Disinfection Effluent Concentrations: BOD(5-Day): 6 00 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed CBOD: <6.00 mg/I CBOD<BODs as CBOD only measures oxidation of carbons. TSS: 4.50 me Concentration-Percent Removed NHa: 2.87 mg/I Concentration-Percent Removed+(S.T.Conc.+(N-Organic to NH3)Nitrified) N-Organic: 0.85 mg/I Concentration-N-Organic Converted to NH3 TKN: 3 72 me N-Organic+NH3 NO3+NO2: 2.05 mg/I NO3+NO2 S.T.Effluent+Nitrified NH3-Return to Septic Tank TN: 576 me TEN+NO3+NO2 Total Coliforms: 187.50/100 ml Concentration-Percent Removed Fecal Colifotms: <187.50/100 ml Fecal Colifonns<Total Colifonns<200 cokmies/100m1—Okay Dosing Tank Pump Design Michael Pope Discharge System with E-Z Treat Treatment System Durham County,NC Date:6/30/21 Designed by: DCB Checked by: GSM Total Dynamic Head: Hazen Williams"C"Factor C,= 140 SCH 40 PVC Determine Static Head C2= 140 SCH 80 PVC Pump Station Design Flow High FM= 480.50 feet Pump Off Elev= 477.00 feet Flow set by design. 3.50 feet Q= 12.5 GPM Single or Dual Single Total Static Head= 3.50 feet Force Main Size 1.5 inches Determine Losses in the Force Main(HI+Hf) Determine Equivalent Length of Force Main Size(in.) Size(in.) 1.5"SCH 80 3"SCH 40 Size(in) Number Eq.Length 1 Discharge(Sch.80) 1.5"SCH 80 50 1 50 0 1.5" Gate/Ball Valve 1.5"SCH 80 1 1.2 1.2 1 Discharge Gate Valve(3/4 Closed', 1.5"SCH 80 1 105 105 0 Check Valve 1.5"SCH 80 1 12 12 0 90 Degree Elbow/Tee 1.5"SCH 80 4 2.75 11 0 Total Eq.Length(feet)= 179 0 HI+Hf=0.2083*(100/c)A 1.85*(Q^1.85/d^4.87)`(Eq.Length/100)= 2.97 0.00 Total Head Loss(HI+Hf)= 2.97 (I otal Dynamic Head=Static+HI+Hf= 6.47 feet Septic Tank (1,000 ST-502) Basic Dimensions Lid Thickness (L) 0.33 (feet) Lid Hole Diameter (H1) 24.00 (inches) Lid Hole Diameter (H2) - If tank has only one hole, leave 24 00 (inches) blank. Lid Hole Diameter (H3) - If tank has only one hole, leave 0.00 (inches) blank. Length of Tank (A) 8.88 (feet) Width of Tank (B) 4.29 (feet) Height of Tank Excluding Lid (C) - This value includes the 5.50 (feet) base thickness but excludes the lid thickness. Depth of Bury (Y) - This measurement extends from the 1.50 (feet) ground level to the top of the lid. Wall Thickness (T) 0.25 (feet) Base Thickness (E) 0.33 (feet) Distance to Groundwater (GW) 0.00 (feet) Customizations To Add Ballast Add Concrete Inside the Tank: Initial Inside Height of Tank - This measurement is the value 5.17 (feet) of C-E. Add concrete inside the tank to make thicker base? If yes, how much? (U) If no, enter a value of 0. Please note: 0.00 (feet) The value entered must be less than the inside height of the tank. Increase Thickness of the Base: Initial Base Thickness - This measurement is the value of E. 0.33 (feet) Add concrete below the base of the tank to make thicker base? 0.00 (feet) If yes, how much? (F) If no, enter a value of 0. Create Lip: Extend the base horizontally to create a lip? - The lip will be the thickness of E plus F, below, and it will extend this 0-00 (feet) horizontal distance, P, from all four tank walls. If yes, how much? (P) If no, enter a value of 0. Septic Tank (1,000 ST-502) Summary of Final Measurements after Ballast Customizations _ Final Base Thickness - This measurement is the sum of E 0.33 (feet) and F. Lip Thickness - This measurement is the sum of E and F. 0.33 (feet) Total Height of the Tank from the Top of the Lid to the Bottom of the Base- This measurement is the sum of L, C, and F. 5.83 (feet) This is equivalent to the sum of L, C-E, E, and F. Final Inside Height of Tank - This measurement is the value 5.17 (feet) ofC-E- U. Final Volume of Tank 164.17 (cf) Final Volume of Tank 1228.11, (gallons) Unit Weights _ _ Unit Weight of Water 62 40 (1b/cam Unit Weight of Dry Soil 110.00 (Ib/cf) Unit We ght of Submerged Soil 47.60 (Ib/cf) Unit Weight of Saturated Soil �— 120.00 (lb/cf) Unit Weight of Concrete 150.00_ (lb/cf) Changes in Total Concrete Weight Due to Customizations Weight of extra concrete inside tank used to create thicker 0 (Ib) base (Weight of extra concrete due to U) Weight of extra concrete on bottom of tank used to create 0 (lb) thicker base(Weight of extra concrete due to F) Weight of extra concrete due to lip(Weight of extra concrete 0 (Ib) due to P) Weight of concrete removed due to lid hole 311 Lb) Soil and Concrete Wei l Weight of Soil on Lid 2720 (Ib) Weight of Soil on Lip 0i (Ib) Weight of Lid Alone 1574 (lb) Weight of Empty Tank - This value is the sum of weights of the body of the tank, the tank lid, the lip(P, if applicable), the thickened base(F, if applicable), and the extra concrete inside 8371 (Ib) tank(U, if applicable), minus the weight of the concrete removed due to the hole in the lid. Septic Tank (1,000 ST-502) Water in Tank Water Level in Tank - Please note: The value entered must 0.00 (feet) be less than the final inside height of the tank. Weight of Water in Tank 0 (Ib) Weight of System Components Total Weight of Soil on Tank 2720 (Ib) Total Weight of Concrete 8371 (Ib) ,Total Weight(Tank,Water in Tank, and Soil) 11091 (lb) Sliding Resistance Specific Gravity of Soil, SG 2.75 Friction Factor(Found in Table 1.1 f 0.30 Void Ratio(Found in Table 3), e 0.85 Ratio of Lateral to Vertical Earth Pressure(Found in Table 2), 0.33 Ka Sliding Resistance 16577 (Ib) Uplift Force Uplift Force 13856.31 (Ib) Safety Factor 1.50 Uplift Force with Safety Factor 20784.46 (lb) Additional Ballast Required NONE (lb) I 'Recirculation/Discharge Tank (1,000 PT 237) Basic Dimensions Lid Thickness (L) 0.33 (feet) Lid Hole Diameter (H1) 24.00 (inches) Lid Hole Diameter (H2) - If tank has only one hole, leave 24.00 (inches) blank. Lid Hole Diameter (H3) - If tank has only one hole, leave 0.00 (inches) blank. Length of Tank (A) 7.79 (feet) Width of Tank (B) 4.96 (feet) Height of Tank Excluding Lid (C) - This value includes the 4.50 (feet) base thickness but excludes the lid thickness. Depth of Bury (Y) - This measurement extends from the 1.50 (feet) ground level to the top of the lid. Wall Thickness (T) 0.25 (feet) Base Thickness (E) 0.33 (feet) Distance to Groundwater (GW) 0.00, (feet) Customizations To Add Ballast Add Concrete Inside the Tank: Initial Inside Height of Tank - This measurement is the value 4.17 (feet) of C-E. Add concrete inside the tank to make thicker base? If yes, how much? (U) If no, enter a value of 0. Please note: 0.00 (feet) The value entered must be less than the inside height of the tank. Increase Thickness of the Base: Initial Base Thickness - This measurement is the value of E. 0.33 (feet) Add concrete below the base of the tank to make thicker base? 0.00 (feet) If yes, how much? (F) If no, enter a value of 0. Create Lip: Extend the base horizontally to create a lip? - The lip will be the thickness of E plus F, below, and it will extend this 0.00 (feet) horizontal distance, P,from all four tank walls. If yes, how much?(P) If no, enter a value of 0. Summary of Final Measurements after Ballast Customizations Final Base Thickness - This measurement is the sum of E 0.33 (feet) and F. Lip Thickness - This measurement is the sum of E and F. 0.33 (feet) Total Height of the Tank from the Top of the Lid to the Bottom of the Base- This measurement is the sum of L, C, and F. 4.83 (feet) This is equivalent to the sum of L, C-E, E, and F. Final Inside Height of Tank - This measurement is the value 4,17 (feet) ofC-E-U. Final Volume of Tank 135.45 (cf) Final Volume of Tank 1013.26 (gallons) Unit Weights Unit Weight of Water 62.40 (lb/cf) Unit Weight of Dry Soil 110.00 (lb/cf) Unit Weight of Submerged Soil 47.60 (lb/cf) Unit Weight of Saturated Soil 120.00 (lb/cf) Unit Weight of Concrete 150.00 (lb/cf) Changes in Total Concrete Weight Due to Customizations Weight of extra concrete inside tank used to create thicker 0 (Ib) base(Weight of extra concrete due to U) Weight of extra concrete on bottom of tank used to create 0 (Ib) thicker base(Weight of extra concrete due to F) Weight of extra concrete due to lip(Weight of extra concrete 0 (!b) due to P) Weight of concrete removed due to lid hole 311 (Ib) Soil and Concrete Weights Weight of Soil on Lid 2758 (Ib) Weight of Soil on Lip 0 (Ib) Weight of Lid Alone 1601 (Ib) Weight of Empty Tank - This value is the sum of weights of the body of the tank, the tank lid, the lip(P, if applicable),the thickened base (F, if applicable), and the extra concrete inside 7361 (Ib) tank (U, if applicable), minus the weight of the concrete removed due to the hole in the lid. Water in Tank Water Level in Tank - Please note: The value entered must 0.00 (feet) be less than the final inside height of the tank. Weight of Water in Tank 0 (lb) Weight of System Components Total Weight of Soil on Tank 2758 (Ib) Total Weight of Concrete 7361 (lb) Total Weight(Tank,Water in Tank, and Soil) 10120 (Ib) Sliding Resistance Specific Gravity of Soil,SG 2.75 Friction Factor(Found in Table 1),f 0.30 Void Ratio(Found in Table 3),e 0.85 Ratio of Lateral to Vertical Earth Pressure(Found in Table 2), 0.33 Ka Sliding Resistance _ 11971 (Ib) Uplift Force Uplift Force 11643.88 (Ib) Safety Factor 1.50 Uplift Force with Safety Factor , 17465.82 (Ib) Additional Ballast Required NONE (lb) Subject: E-Z Treat UV Basin Flotation Uplift Calculations 11 Basin Diameter= 2.50 ft. Assume the folowing densities: Basin Height= 4.00 ft. Soil Depth= 3.50 ft. Concrete= 150 #/cu. Ft. Water= 62.4 #/cu. Ft. Concrete Slab Length= 4.00 ft. Soil= 100 #/cu.Ft. Concrete Slab Width= 4.00 ft. Concrete Slab Thickness= 0.50 ft. Determine Upward Forces: Basin Area= 4.91 sq.ft. Basin Buried Volume= 17.18 cu.ft. (Total Buoyant Force of Basin= 1,072 # Concrete Area= 16.00 sq.ft. Concrete Volume= 8.00 cu.ft. Total Buoyant Force of Concrete= 499 # I s Soil Area Over Concrete= 11.09 sq.ft. Soil Volume Over Concrete= 38.82 cu.ft. Vote!Buoyant Force of Soil= 2,422 # jTotal Upward Forces= 3,994 # Determine Downward Forces: Concrete Area= 16.00 sq.ft. _ Concrete Volume= 8.00 cu.ft. Total Weight of Concrete= 1,200 # J Soil Area Over Concrete= 11.09 sq.ft. Soil Volume Over Concrete= 38.82 cu.ft. Total Weight of Soil= 3,882 # 1 ),Total Downward Forces= 5,0B2 # Factor of safety= Total Downward 1.27 Total Upward= 1.27>1.00=OK Subject: E-Z Treat Pod Flotation Uplift Calculations Pod Length= 7.75 ft. Assume the folowinq densities: Pod Width= 7.75 ft. Pod Height= 3.00 ft. 5/4 Trex Board = 60 #/Cu. Ft. Natural Soil Depth(for Flotation)= 0.50 ft. Water= 62.4 #/Cu. Ft. Fill Soil Depth(for Ballast)= 2.50 ft. Soil = 100 #/Cu. Ft. 5/4 Trex Board Length= 8.00 ft. 5/4 Trex Board Width= 0.46 ft. 5/4 Trex Board Thickness= 0.09 ft. Number of Boards= 4 Determine Upward Forces: Pod Area= 60.06 sq.ft. Pod Buried Volume= 30.03 cu.ft. Total Buoyant Force of Basin = 1,874 # 5/4 Trex Board Area= 14.67 sq.ft. 5/4 Trex Board Volume= 1.34 cu. ft. 'Total Buoyant Force of Trex Board = 84 # Soil Area Over 5/4 Trex Board= 14.67 sq.ft. Soil Volume Over 5/4 Trex Board= 7.33 cu.ft. Total Buoyant Force of Soil = 458 # Total Upward Forces= 2,415 # Determine Downward Forces: 5/4 Trex Board Area = 14.67 sq.ft. 5/4 Trex Board Volume= 1.34 cu.ft. Total Weight of Trex Board= 81 # Soil Area Over 5/4 Trex Board = 14.67 sq.ft. Soil Volume Over 5/4 Trex Board = 36.67 cu.ft. Total Weight of Soil= 3,667 #1' Total Downward Forces= 3,747 # Factor of safety= Total Downward= 1.55 Total Upward= 1.55>1.00=OK *Weight of pod, mattress, and piping are not counted in downward forces. Michael Pope 111 Jasmine P1 Surface Discharge System Recirculating EZ Treatment UV Treatment ti .• SEAL +G1k now t r. MAcco ��`'� 3 z i Equipment 04, MacConnell & Associates, P.C. 501 Cascade Pointe Lane, Ste 103 Cary, North Carolina 27513 P.O. Box 129 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: (919) 467-1239 Fax: (919) 319-6510 V O 01 a � i I .- • N _1'` c0 0 SO o OD • l •-1 < J� f� V to rn 0 co O / A O 5N 1 . . • Z 4. 0j-; 211 w 1 CO rn rn m - J z DAVID BRANTLEY&S0 nnum►a: 37 Mo OAS IR*1LTM MOD& /� 37 P1. Rd. n°F'Mhr SI mwe se.nm n. 1,000 t7 1 JVL tr'i°'we usm ZeCWon,NC 27997 MA:pnnm4 Cads 252-478-3721 COMET War_ Fax 919-573-0443 CORY""f'E' Itsdian 3 131.EET NUMBER ina>alsr godeLoom Yoder SA 1 of 1 - s . h I - • , • T {0 CO N 0) 10 U • • • • O A � „, .1 1 co5 NI � O N •• 0 • • .. • - • , I DAVID BRANTLEY&SONS MIMED FOR: aR s.. 11flA9011 NO. CATE BfseNR.Et TAM emeL n PM 1410oe bel "PI''23"37 1000 PT 237 Me �+� Zekxlorq NC 27597 a1:w,,It 2014 office 252-478-3721 C OTAti: ""Olen 2 Fax 919-573-0443 mpr WARD a SHEET NUMBER InMaGer+gnal corn Mate`Se` 1 of 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION ON-SITE WATER PROTECTION BRANCH INNOVATIVE WASTEWATER SYSTEM APPROVAL INNOVATIVE WASTEWATER SYSTEM NO: IWWS 2015-03-R2 Issued To: E-Z Treat Company PO Box 176 Haymarket,VA 20168 703-408-2911;Fax: 703-753-5043 Contact: Carl Perry,President Michael Stidham,Vice President For: E-Z Treat Model 600 Pretreatment Systems Approval Date: April 24,2015 June 15,2015 Tank Size and Sampling Revisions January 6,2017 Addition of Single Bulb UV Unit In accordance with General Statute 130A-343, 15A NCAC 18A.1969 and.1970,a proposal by E-Z Treat Company for an approval of subsurface wastewater systems utilizing the E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems has been reviewed, and found to meet the standards of an innovative system when all of the following conditions are met: I. General A. Scope of this Innovative Approval 1. Design,installation,use,and operation and maintenance guidelines for E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems to meet TS-I and TS-II effluent standards pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 18A.1970. Refer to Rule.1970(a)Table VIII—Effluent Quality Standards for Advanced Pretreatment Systems for treatment performance levels. 2. Operation,maintenance and monitoring requirements for E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems and associated subsurface systems to ensure the treatment performance standards are met. B. This Innovative System Approval is applicable to domestic strength sewage systems (non-industrial wastewater)utilizing E-Z Treat Pretreatment Systems that have a design flow not exceeding 3,000 gallons per day(gpd). Use of E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems for facilities with an influent waste strength that exceeds domestic septic tank quality effluent standards pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 18A.1970(b)may be proposed by E-Z Treat Company and a North Carolina Professional Engineer to the Department for review and approval on a case-by-case basis,prior to permitting by the local health department(LHD).The system design must include the proposed raw wastewater strength (BODS,COD,TN,TSS,fats,oils and grease,etc.),the expected organic loading rate(in pounds NVWS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 2 of 10 of BOD),and hydraulic loading rate on the pretreatment system,and the calculations,references, and any other needed information to support the proposed design. C. Any site utilizing these systems shall have wastewater with sufficient alkalinity to facilitate biological treatment processes. The influent shall not have a pH or toxins that significantly inhibit microbial growth. D. Use of E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems that have a design flow exceeding 3,000 gallons per day may be permitted after approval by the Department on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Large Systems State Review/Approval Process(Rule 15A NCAC 18A.1938). Il. System Description The E Z Treat Pretreatment system consists of the following components: a Department approved septic tank; a recirculation tank(or chamber); single or multiple E-Z Treat Pretreatment pods; and a final dosing tank (or chamber). Additional treatment may be used to ensure that treatment performance standards shall be met. The E-Z Treat Pretreatment system can utilize either a two tank configuration or a three tank configuration. The two tank configuration has the following components: the first tank is a septic tank and the second separate tank has a recirculation chamber and final dosing chamber. The three tank configuration consists of three separate tanks: a septic tank, a recirculation tank, and a final dosing tank. III. Siting Criteria The E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems and associated drainfields shall be sited and sized in accordance with Rule .1970 for TS-I and TS-ll systems. Drip irrigation systems used with E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems shall be sited and sized in accordance with the manufacturer specific drip approval. The E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems and associated drainfields shall meet all applicable horizontal setback requirements and be located to prevent surface/subsurface water inflow/infiltration. IV. System Sizing The system sizing criteria shall be based upon the long term acceptance rate specified in the appropriate portion of the rules or the Innovative and Experimental system approval for the type of ground absorption system to be used. V Special Site Evaluation A special site evaluation may be required based on the proposed ground absorption system. Refer to manufacturer specific drip approvals and Rule .1970(p). VI. Design Criteria A. The E-Z Treat Pretreatment system shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria. 1. All tanks, septic, recirculation, and dosing, must be approved by the Department and E-Z Treat Company specifically for use with the E-Z Treat Pretreatment system. 2. The E-Z Treat Pretreatment system can utilize either a two tank configuration or a three tank configuration. The two tank configuration has the following components: the first tank is a IWWS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 3 of 10 septic tank and the second separate tank has a recirculation chamber and final dosing chamber. The three tank configuration consists of three separate tanks: a septic tank, a recirculation tank,and a final dosing tank. 3. The E-Z Treat Pretreatment system consists of a septic tank, a recirculation tank/chamber, a final dosing tank/chamber,and E-Z Treat media pod(s)as specified in Table 1 below. Table 1—Model 600 and Tank Volumes Design Daily Minimum Minimum Number of Media Flow Septic Tank Recirculation/Pump Pods (gpd) Volume Tank Volume (gallons) (gallons)** <480 1,000 1,250 1 Model 600 pod 4 Bedrooms 1,000 1,800 1 Model 600 pod 5 Bedrooms 1,250 2,000 1 Model 600 pod 6 Bedrooms 1,500 2,200 2 Model 600 pods 601- 1,500 V= 1.17Q*+ V= 1.17Q+500 1 Model 600 pod per 500 600 gallons 1,501 —3,000 V=0.75Q+ V=0.75Q+1,125 1 Model 600 pod per 1,125 600 gallons *Q—design daily flow **Recirculation/pump tank minimum size based on total internal tank volume. 4. Septic tanks will have an inlet sanitary tee and a Department approved, appropriately sized effluent filter on the outlet end approved by the E-Z Treat Company for use with the E-Z Treat. 5. The minimum required volume in the recirculation chamber/tank prior to discharge to the dosing tank/chamber shall be the design daily flow. 6. The recirculation tank/chamber will contain the recirculating splitter valve or an external splitter box may be used. The recirculation tank/chamber shall have an inlet sanitary tee. The sanitary tee shall be visible and reachable from the riser opening to serve as the influent sampling point. 7. When the recirculation tank and dosing tank are combined,the baffle wall between chambers shall extend to the top of the tank and shall be constructed so that the liquid levels in either compartment are independent. Liquids will not by-pass between compartments except as designated by the system's treatment flow path. 8. The final dosing tank must meet the minimum size requirements of Rule .1952(c)(1). For drip irrigation systems,the requirements of the manufacturer specific drip approval for dosing tanks shall also be met. 9. A drainback configuration without a pump check valve is required for the force main supplying the media pod. 10. Recirculation pump shall be either Sta-Rite Model number STEP 20 or manufacturer approved equal. 1]. The E-Z Treat media pod is constructed of a polymer suitable for use in contact with wastewater. The Model 600 pod is approximately 7 ft 4 inches x 4 ft with a surface area approximately of 30 square feet and is 42 inches in depth. The pod is fitted with a weatherproof cover properly secured. The pod is designed and constructed to create channels down the sidewalls to facilitate air flow. The sidewall channels provide airspace to the bottom of the pod. The bottom of the vessel is designed to provide total drainage of the treated effluent back to the recirculation tank/chamber. IWWS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 4 of 10 12. As the effluent enters the recirculation tank/chamber, this tank/chamber acts to further separate the septic tank effluent. The effluent entering the recirculation tank/chamber is charged by the recirculation pump to the media pod(s). The effluent is sprayed over the media mattress(es) using a spray manifold of evenly spaced wide-angle spray nozzles. The nozzles are manufactured with a free passage of 0.0625 inches in diameter. The system is set to recirculate effluent through the media pod on an average of 4 to 6 times prior to discharge. 13. The effluent is sprayed on mattress(es) measuring a total area of 30 square feet. The mattress(es) are fabricated from a non-biodegradable, chemically resistant, loose weave polypropylene material. The openings in the weave allows for effluent and air flow while containing the media. The media inside the mattress(es)are made of a styrene material. The specific gravity of this material meets the following criteria: light enough to prevent compaction which results in a loss of effective surface area, and provides a reduction in channeling across the media(short-circuiting). 14. Effluent passes through the media and enters a schedule 40 pipe located at the bottom of the pod. The effluent than gravity feeds back to the recirculation tank/chamber and the process is repeated. 15. The effluent bypass valve or splitter box is piped to intercept filtered wastewater and deliver it to the recirculation tank/chamber or the dosing tank/chamber,based on liquid volumes. 16. The Control Panel for the E-Z Treat System will consist of: recirculation pump on/off timer, discharge pump alarm,and high/low water alarm. Control panels shall meet the requirements of.1952 and shall be approved in writing by E-Z Treat Company for use in their systems. 17. Separate control and alarm circuits will be provided. The E-Z Treat systems will utilize a device for the recording of measurements of daily water flows. The device shall provide a means for determining at least the daily, 7-day,and 30-day flow monitoring requirements of Rule .1970. This information will be stored in the data logger for drip irrigation systems (provided by the manufacturer of the drip irrigation control panel).For pressure manifold and LPP systems,the Aquaworx control panel or manufacturer approved equal shall be used. The operator in responsible charge (ORC) of the system authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company must be able to access the panel directly on site and shall be available to the LHD with 24-hour notice in the event a direct connection is necessary. 18. The UV disinfection system shall be rated for the appropriate discharge rate from the E-Z Treat pod. The UV disinfection system will be one of the following: a. E-Z Set UV-1000S(single bulb); b. E-Z Set UV-1000(dual alternating bulbs);or c. Other UV systems specifically approved by the Department and E-Z Treat Company. 19. All access riser hatches shall be secured by approved tamper-resistant hardware approved by the manufacturer or by other means approved by the manufacturer as equal. Riser construction, attachment to tanks and security systems shall be pre-approved by the Department and E-Z Treat Company in accordance with the E-Z Treat specific approvals for the septic tanks and pump tanks,as applicable. 20. Buoyancy calculations shall he completed by a NC Professional Engineer if any parts of the tanks, pods, or other system components are installed in a seasonal high water table. Additional ballast may be required. 21. Influent samples shall be taken from the inlet sanitary tee into the recirculation tank. Effluent samples shall be taken from the final pump doing tank or a spigot or sampling port that is placed on the force main from the fmal dosing tank. B. E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems shall be designed by a designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company or a NC Professional Engineer. Systems over 1,000 gallons per day shall be designed by a NC Professional Engineer. IWWS-2015-03-R2 January 6, 2017 Page 5 of 10 VII. Installation and Testing A. A preconstruction conference shall be required to be attended by the designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company,engineer(if applicable),installer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company,and LHD prior to beginning construction of the E-Z Treat Pretreatment system. B. All E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems shall be installed according to directions provided by E-Z Treat Company. Additionally,all E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems and components used with,but not manufactured by E-Z Treat Company shall be installed in accordance with all applicable regulations and manufacturer instructions. C. All individuals/companies installing E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems shall be in possession of all necessary permits and licenses before attempting any portion of a new or repair installation. The company/individual must be a Level IV installer and authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company. D. Watertightness of the tanks shall be tested by either of the following protocols: 24-hour hydrostatic test or a vacuum test. 1. Hydrostatic Test'.2 a. Temporarily seal the inlet and outlet pipes. b. Fill tank with clean water to a point at least two inches above the pipe connections or the seam between the tank and the riser,whichever is highest. c. Measure the water level. d. Allow the tank to sit for 24 hours. e. Re-measure the water level. f. If the water level change is'/2-inch or less or one percent of the liquid tank capacity,the tank passes the leak test. g. If the water level change is greater than 1/2-inch,any visible leaks can be repaired and the tank may be topped off with water and allowed to sit for a minimum of one hour. h. The tank passes the leak test if there are no visible leaks(flowing water or dripping in a steady stream)and no measureable drop in water level after one hour. Otherwise,the tank fails the leak test. 2. Vacuum Test3 a. Temporarily seal the inlet and outlet pipes. b. A vacuum of four(4)inches of mercury should be pulled on the tank and held for five(5) minutes. c. During the testing,the tank manufacturer or their representative can seal the tank if it is found to be leaking. d. If the tank is repaired,the vacuum must be brought back up to four inches and held for five minutes. E. The distribution of flow to the E-Z Treat Pretreatment system and to the septic tank shall be measured during start-up and set to be in accordance with the system design with start-up settings recorded. Victor D'Amato and Ishwar Devkota,Development of Prefabricated Septic and Pump Tank Construction and Installation Standards for North Carolina. 2 National Precast Concrete Association,Best Practices Manual Precast Concrete On-Site Wastewater Tanks,Second Edition,October 2005,24. National Precast Concrete Association,Best Practices Manual Precast Concrete On-Site Wastewater Tanks,Second Edition,October 2005,24. IWWS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 6 of 10 F. Specified site preparation steps and construction specifications for the ground absorption system shall be strictly adhered to,including specified depth of trenches in relation to site limiting conditions,cover material specifications(if needed),trench installation method,etc. G. The installer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company,the engineer or designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company,and the ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall conduct an inspection/start-up of the E-Z Treat Pretreatment system and all associated system components. The LHD personnel will attend and observe the inspection/start-up. During the inspection/start-up to include: 1. System watertightness testing. 2. Control panel operation and alarm settings. 3. Pump model numbers and time clock settings. 4. Pressure head on the E-Z Treat pod wastewater distribution system. 5. Return flow to the septic tank set per design and recorded,when applicable. 6. Riser hatches have tamperproof bolts,and/or riser lock ring. VIII. Operation,Maintenance,Monitoring,and Reporting A. E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems shall be classified,at a minimum,as a Type Va system in accordance with Table V(a)of Rule.1961(b). Management and inspection shall be in accordance with Rules.1961 and.1970. B. All E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems require an operation and maintenance agreement between the system owner and E-Z Treat Company, Inc., its authorized representative, or with an operator authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company as per Rule .1970. The system shall be inspected according to Rule .1961 by a certified subsurface operator authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company according. The ORC shall be either an employee of E-Z Treat Company or authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company to operate and maintain the system. The operator authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company must have proper equipment and training to access and program the control panels on site. C. All E-Z Treat Pretreatment systems shall be operated and maintained according to the latest version of E-Z Treat Company's O&M manual. D. At each E-Z Treat Pretreatment system inspection the ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall,at a minimum,observe,monitor,and record the following: 1. Wastewater level in all the tanks. 2. Sludge,scum,and grease levels in all the tanks. 3. Clogging of effluent filter. 4. Watertightness of tanks,risers,and pipe penetrations at the tanks. 5. Operation of pumps,floats,valves,electrical controls,and alarms. 6. Drainfield pump delivery rate(drawdown test),determination of the average pump run time, and drainfield dosing volume. 7. Any structural damage, accessibility issues, adequate ventilation, excess odors, ponding of effluent, insect infestations,vegetative growth over the drainfield, or surfacing of effluent on the drainfield area. 8. Sample of E-Z Treat Pretreatment system effluent collected from the sampling point to check for effluent clarity and odor and a sample of influent,as required. IWWS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 7 of 10 9. Readings from pump cycle counters and run time meters and any water meter readings, as applicable. 10. Current operational set up for TS-II nitrogen removal enhancement(percent returned to septic tank),and recommendation for modifications(if needed). 11. System operating conditions, from the review stored data for indication of 7-day and 30-day flows and flow variances or other abnormal conditions. E. The ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall also conduct other additional observations,measurements,monitoring,and maintenances activities as specified in the Operation Permit and as recommended by the manufacturer. F. Sampling and Testing 1. All sampling shall be done in accordance with Rule .1970(n)(3) and (5). E-Z Treat systems shall be sampled annually (semi-annually for systems with a design flow of 1,501 to 3,000 gpd). 2. TS-II systems influent shall be analyzed for TKN. 3. Effluent for all systems shall be tested for effluent CBOD5 and NH4-N. Systems specified to meet the TS-II standard shall also have the effluent analyzed for TN (TKN and NO3 N). Systems designed to meet the TS-II standard with design flows of 1,501 gpd to 3,000 gpd shall have the effluent analyzed for fecal conforms. 4. Additional sampling of effluent or influent may be determined to be necessary by the ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company during a system inspection to assist with troubleshooting or to verify system performance. 5. Effluent samples shall be taken from the final dosing tank/chamber or a sampling port located downstream from the final treatment process. 6. Influent samples shall be taken from a sampling port located between the septic tank and recirculation tank/chamber. 7. Adjustments in the monitoring schedule and number of parameters sampled may be proposed by E-Z Treat Company and approved by the Department pursuant to Rule .1970(n)(3)(B) or (C). G. Notification and Performance of Maintenance and Repairs 1. The ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall alert E-Z Treat Company, the LHD, and the system owner within 48 hours of needed maintenance or repair activities including but not limited to landscaping, tank sealing,tank pumping,pipe or control system repairs,media replacement,and/or adjustments to any other system component. 2. System troubleshooting and needed maintenance shall be provided to maintain the pump delivery rate and average pump run time within 25% of initial measurements conducted during system startup. The ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall notify the system owner, E-Z Treat Company, and the LHD whenever the pump delivery rate efficiency or average pump ran times are not within 25%of initial measurements conducted prior to system start-up. 3. The septic tank will be pumped as needed upon recommendation of the ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company and in accordance with the E-Z Treat Pretreatment system operation and maintenance instructions. However, at a minimum, the septic tank will be pumped whenever the solids level exceeds 25%of the tank's total liquid working capacity or the scum layer is more than four inches thick. 4. The tanks shall be pumped by a properly permitted septage management firm,and the septage handled in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B.0800. 5. The ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall notify the LHD, E-Z Treat IWWS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 8 of 10 Company, and the system owner in writing whenever repairs are indicated. All maintenance activities shall be recorded in the ORC reports provided to the system owner,LHD, and E-Z Treat Company. H. Reporting 1. The ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall provide a completed written report to the system owner, E-Z Treat Company, and the LHD within 30 days of each inspection.At a minimum this report shall specify: a. The date and time of inspection, b. System operating conditions according to Section VILD,VILE,and VII.F. c. Results from any laboratory analysis of any influent and effluent samples, d. Maintenance activities performed since the last inspection report, e. An assessment of overall system performance, f. A list of any improvements or maintenance needed, g. A determination of whether the system is malfunctioning,and the specific nature of the malfunction, h. Any changes made in system settings,based on recommendations of the manufacturer, and i. A summary report of data retrieved from the control panel verifying actual daily,7-day, and 30-day flows,flow variances,and other operating conditions. IX. Responsibilities and Permitting Procedures A. Prior to the installation of an E-Z Treat Pretreatment system at a site,the owner or owner's agent shall file an application at the LHD for the proposed use of this system.After the LHD conducts a soil and site evaluation,the LHD may issue an Improvement Permit or Authorization to Construct or amend a previously issued Authorization to Construct allowing for the use of a E-Z Treat Pretreatment system. B. The Improvement Permit and Authorization to Construct shall contain all conditions the site approval is based upon, including the proposed used of the Innovative system. The Operation Permit will include all conditions specified in the Improvement Permit and the Authorization to Construct. C. When a special site evaluation is required pursuant to Rule .1970(p)(1) or a drip approval, as applicable, an evaluation and written, sealed report from a Licensed Soil Scientist regarding the site shall be provided to the LHD. The report shall contain the information as specified in Rule .1970(p)(2) and "Requirements for Submittals of Soil Reports and Pretreatment and/or Dispersal System Designs". The LHD may request the assistance of their Regional Soil Scientist in evaluating this report prior to permit issuance. D. The E-Z Treat Pretreatment system shall be designed by one of the following: a designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company or a North Carolina Professional Engineer. Systems over 1,000 gallons per day, or as otherwise required for drip irrigation systems, shall be designed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. E. Prior to issuance of an Authorization to Construct for an E-Z Treat Pretreatment system, a design submittal prepared by a designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company or a North Carolina Professional Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the LHD. The IWWS-20 1 5-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 9 of 10 design submittal shall include the information required in "Requirements for Submittals of Soil Reports and Pretreatment and/or Dispersal System Designs". F. It is recommended that local authorized environmental health practitioners attend a design training session offered by the manufacturer/authorized representative prior to permitting the system. Also,at the request of the LHD,a Regional Engineer will review the design. G. The designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall certify in writing that the E-Z Treat Pretreatment system was installed in accordance with the approved design prior to Operation Permit issuance. H. A North Carolina Professional Engineer shall certify in writing that a system designed by an engineer was installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications prior to Operation Permit issuance. I. For sites required to be evaluated by a Licensed Soil Scientist or Professional Geologist (see Section V and DC.C), the health department may specify as a condition on the Improvement Permit and Authorization to Construct that a Licensed Soil Scientist or Professional Geologist oversee critical phases of the drainfield installation and certify in writing that the installation was in accordance with their specified site/installation requirements prior to the Operation Permit issuance. J. The ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company shall be present during the final inspection of the system prior to the issuance of the operation permit. The ORC shall be certified as a NC Subsurface Operator and authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company. K. The LHD issues the Operation Permit after the following: 1. Field verification of installation completion; 2. Receipt of written documentation from the designer authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company or the engineer,as applicable,that the system has been designed,installed,and is operating in accordance with the approved plans;and 3. All necessary legal documents have been completed,including the contract between the system owner and the ORC authorized in writing by E-Z Treat Company. K. On an annual basis,E-Z Treat Company shall provide a report to the On-Site Water Protection Branch including the number and location of new system installations during the previous year, and effluent data and operator reports for each operational E-Z Treat Pretreatment system installed in North Carolina under this Innovative Approval. Effluent data should be compiled and submitted electronically.If available,a web-based system for data posting of laboratory results should be utilized. These reports shall provide information to the Department based upon the monitoring data and observations made from the Innovative systems installed pursuant to this Approval. This should include an assessment of system performance in relation to the established treatment performance standards; an assessment of physical and chemical properties of the materials used to construct the system,in terms of strength,durability,and chemical resistance to loads and conditions experienced,recommended areas of applicability for the system;and any conditions and limitations related to the use of the system. The report shall also include an updated list of authorized designers,installers,and ORCs. X. Repair of Systems lW WS-2015-03-R2 January 6,2017 Page 10 of 10 The provisions of 15A NCAC 18A.1961(1)shall govern the use of the E-Z Treat Pretreatment System for repairs to existing malfunctioning wastewater systems. Approved By: Date: :tvot : ! 72 $p..,*. ire,....- 18, 1OXS V.O. Boat 176 area rksta VA 20620 703-753 d770 F c 1ttlt intact 1bsit, eta eefilleitY if,AI) ainaMIVADY 7coQ rea ono laav 16-4". Mt,. e� � ; �r:•,F.r 4.v t,9a ;+a,.:r ..d.,A,410F.1a1: +evi1U$t . t '_ � ltBY- ky :' C01736Q� i .� NI9�'Siai to-0104)0 Kir•, m *,thaa 4Raidedeediera ► .eke tmai >4 tmoott Y.O. Spec 176 Raymm4amt, TX 2061$ 7D3-762-4770 faailimp flow wont. ma Rated Meat z 2+P�ty aicfiear/bsf CireeRfieatioa fyYe UN 660 Cia.e II *Atm/tee WOO 1200 Class R 1Rsrxoortai CAST-A-SEAL 4021402F PIPE TO MANHOLE & TANK CONNECTOR • " l M T The Cast-A-Seal 402/402F is a simple cast-in pipe-to-manhole connector that offers a g watertight flexible connector that is cast into the structure when the concrete is poured. , z The key lock is integrally cast-in during the I production process providing a secure seal for storm water and sanitary collection systems. rn M How It Works ! 90 • The connector is folded into the casting 0131. position. 2 • It is placed on the reusable mandrel and 107 then placed on the form. • After curing, the mandrel is removed. C) • The connector is then simply unfolded at the *4\ ,Z C.)jobsite. iill° Z • Take-up clamps made from series 304 stainless steel with quick adjusting screws - 1 secure the connector to the pipe. `0 iy 's-T3ette t Where To Use =0 71 • Durable and reusable mandrel forms. • Manholes • Integrally cast into the structure at time of • Wet wells casting. • Square pump and lift stations • Contractor can backfill immediately after • Stormwater structures pipe insertion. • On-site treatment structures • The 4" connector is available in either open • Junction chambers or closed end face. • Grease interceptors • Contractor can save time and money by backfilling immediately. t i PAGE 5 moms . Press-Seal believes all information is accurate as of its publication date.Information,specifications,and prices �_ / are all subject to change without notice.Press-Seal is not responsible for any inadvertent errors.Copyright 2020, 5 Phone: 800-348-7325 PRESS-SEAL CORPORATION Email:sales 63 Fax: (260)436-1908 Protecting Our Planet's Clean Water Supply ISO 0001:Reghtc.c./•Version CAST-A-SEAL 402/402F T. SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATIONS ( A flexible pipe-to-structure connector shall be employed in the connection of the sanitary Selection of the proper size connector for O sewer pipe to precast structures.The connector the structure and pipe requirement, and installation shall be Cast-A-Sealy 402/402F as manufactured thereof, shall be in strict conformance with the `g, by Press-Seal Corporation, Fort Wayne, Indiana, recommendations of the connector manufacturer. • or approved equal.The connector shall be Any dead end pipe stubs installed in connectors the sole element relied on to assure a flexible, shall be restrained from movement per ASTM C watertight seal of the pipe to the precast structure. 923. The connector shall consist of a rubber gasket 0 and an external take-up clamp. The finished connection shall provide sealing to 13 psi(minimum)and shall accommodate The rubber gasket element shall be deflection of the pipe to 7 degrees (minimum) pa constructed solely of synthetic or natural rubber, without loss of seal. and shall meet or exceed the physical property requirements of ASTM C 923. Vacuum testing shall be conducted in • I strict conformance with ASTM C 1244 prior to "Zr The external take-up clamp shall be backfill. Other testing shall be conducted in • constructed of Series 300 non-magnetic stainless strict conformance with the requirements of the t) steel and shall utilize no welds in its construction. connector manufacturer. The clamp shall be installed by torquing the adjusting screw using a torque-setting wrench Z available from the connector manufacturer. Product Performance Cast-A-Seal 402/402F meets and/or exceeds all requirements of ASTM C 923, including physical O properties of materials and performance testing, including: • 13 PSI minimum in straight alignment CO • 10 PSI at minimum 7° angle • 10 PSI minimum under shear load of 150 ibs/in. pipe diameter Cast-A-Seal 402/402F meets and/or exceeds the requirements of the following Standards, Specifications, Codes, and Test Methods: • IAPMO/ANSI 71000 Standard for Prefabricated Septic Tanks • IAPMO/ANSI Z1001 Standard for Prefabricated Gravity Grease Interceptors • NPCA Best Practices Manual for Precast Concrete On-Site Wastewater Tanks • NOWRA Model Code Framework • ASTM C 1227 Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Septic Tanks • ASTM C 1644 Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete On- Slte Wastewater Tanks and Pipes (CAS 402) • ASTM C 1613 Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Grease Interceptor Tanks • ASTM C 923 - Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes, and Laterals • ASTM C 1244 Standard Test Method for Concrete Sewer Manholes by the Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum)Test • ASTM C 1478 - Standard Specification for Storm Drain Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Structures, Pipes, and Laterals immoi Press-Seal believes all information Is accurate as of its publication date.Information,specifications,and prices mmum are all subject to change without notice.Press-Seal is not responsible for any inadvertent errors.Copyright 2020. 64 Phone:800-348-7325 PRESS-SEAL CORPORATION Email: sales 5 Fax: (260)436-1908 Protecting Our Planet's Clean Water Supply ISO➢001,Registered•Version f1.20.20.1007 CAST-A-SEAL 402/402F SELECTION GUIDE " :.. _, 'a _ m PIPE SIZE CAST-A-SEAL 402 PIPE O.D.RANGE _ WALL THICKNESS* APPLICATION 1.25"-2" 1.5"-2.75" 2.5"-6" 452.0250 STANDARD 31 -51 mm 38-70 mm 64-150 mm 4" 452 0450 4 2"-4 7' 2 5"-6" STANDARD 100mm 107-119mm 64-150mm > 4" 452.0402F1 4.2"-4.T 2.5" 4.0" Closed Face Z 100mm 107-119mm 64-102mm 6 452.0650 6 2" 6 7" 2.5`-6' STANDARD trr' 150mm 157-170mm 64-150mm 3" CAS ADAPTER 3.2"-3.6" Use with 4'CAST A- 75 mm 81 -91 mm SEAL 20 z 01 0 z z m C) �--Y-+�Y I x i 1 0. I I ii I I i i / �\ Press-Seal believes all information is accurate as of its publication date.Information,specifications,and prices Pare a0 subject to change without notice.PressSt respone or Inadvertent errors.Copyright 2020. �T (.,,, Phone:800 348-7325 PRESS-SEALeal CORPORATION any Email:sales 65 i Fax:(260)436 1908 Protecting Our Planet's Clean Water Supply 150 0001:Reglarorod•Version EZscI by INFILTRATOR EZset by Infiltrator risers and lids are made from glass reinforced polypropylene, providing superior strength and durability. They come in green or black and in 20", 24", and 30" diameters making them ideal for use with any concrete or plastic tank. The slip resistant lids are fastened using stainless steel screws and can be further secured by installing locking rings. 20" Riser System 24" Riser System 30" Riser System • 20' x 6" Risers (Green or Black) • 24"x 6" Risers (Green or Black) • 30"x 12" Risers (Green or Black) • 20" x 12" Risers (Green or Black) • 24"x 12" Risers (Green or Black) • 30" Lids (Green or Black) • 20" Lids (Green or Black) • 24"x 18" Risers (Green or Black) • 24" Lids (Green or Black) IIIIII 4 1 20"x 6"Riser 24"x 6"Riser 74 gig 30"x I •• er _. - aig , 1 20",i1 lser A 4 t' ser • 30"Lid 4.1. ' t 20"Lid 2 4111111 24"Lid Available Accessories Include: - Silicone 20" Locking Rings 20" Safety Pans 24" Locking Rings ki.....0411"6 EZset 24" Safety Pans 24" Adapter Rings by INFILTRATOR 30" Locking Rings . f or tec hroicol ;;!: s1sttoncc. onst,.11::tiorn rnstruc.tioris or customer se.rvio .calf lntiltratcir Systems at 800.689.7759. • EZset by INFILTRATOR Riser System Specifications: II ,26 TIP. I r_-- 2.— �,. WALL THICW&SIS 1 f .125TV?.. r 20'--- WALL THICKNESS 1 = 1 t lit 12.OS .� -.121 i _ SECTION A-A SECTION A.A 1 SCALE 1:S 9p0 SCALE 1:S J - 22.375' 22 375' 20"x 6'Riser Cutaway 20'x 12"Riser Cutaway .125 TYP. --24'— --+, WALL THICKNESS 1 I 2E .125 TYP, �- - WALL THICKNESS] - _ ------1 J lot 12 DE 1-.12I L . I I 1 SECTION MA 5EC170h'A-A ( SCALE 1:6 ,900 SCALE 1:S J 26.97E- _. --26.3?T ---� 24'x 6'Riser Cutaway 24"x 12"Riser Cutaway .14iTNT. --— 24' I 1 WALL THICKNESS 1 97- TNK'.K .CI TIP. 30 WALL NE55� }I Il f 21 12.05' 21 - _� SECTION AA' SECTKYN AA SCALE 1;6 SCALE I:6 .900 —25.375'--- 24"x 18"Riser Cutaway 301"x 12"Riser Cutaway INFO 1NAT➢R SYSTEMS,INC.4-lnMMirMw'1 NNi",Ator I IIMTED WARRANEY ONE IT)YEAR MATEAIALI AND VALAAMANSMP LIMED WARRANTY _ -, t'"'4.4,44 r t1K► LRT 1 Iamo E 1Ae1�161•11►41.1.4, ,..f.fR l.p r^.a•is...rdaa 1.5 04Ir r..c...—A`CP•0W' SHr 4,14 AA,:lf` 0.low* / •... ir)YO1H EXCLUSIVE REMEDY WITH RESPECT IO ANY AND AU LOSSES OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER STALL RE SPECE ED IN SUB- (Y PARAGRAPH III ABO✓E.NFLTRATOR SHALL N NO EVENT 0E 11A01 E FOR ANY CONSEOUENTIAL OR NCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND.HOWEVER OCCA- SIONED.WHETHER SY TIEOLIGEIICE OR OTHERWISE.SOME STATES DO IIOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR I IMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEOLENTMI DAM- AGES. SO THIS LIMITATIDN OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS VMICHVWA FROM STATE ATUTO STATE I . INFILTRATOR' RE THE EIMRET)S E THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY GIVEN BY II DECLAIMS AND EXCLUDES DESSUPER6EDE5 ANY PRIOR.CONTRARY EDI RV OR OTHER UEM REPREEENTATICRA.WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN NFLTNATOR DLSCLAIME AND EXCLSAIES TO 771E LTIHATEST EXTENT Al.LOWED BY LAW AU OTHER WAR. RANTIES.WHETHER EXPRESS ORD.(PLIED.OR STATUTORY.NCI LDNG ANY WARRANTY OF 6IEFCHAWTABLITY FINESSE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY rj stems Inc. IMPLIED WARRANTEE OTHERWISE ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING.COARSE OF PERFORMANCE,DR USAGE OF THANE. NO PERSON II ICLUDI G MN L EMPLOYEE AGENT DEALER.OR REPRFPEH.ATIVEI IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION 0R WARRANTY CONCERNING THIS PRODUCT EXCEPT TO REFER YOU TO THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.EXCEPT AS ESFRESSLY SET EOSIN HEREIN THIS WARRANTY IS NOT A WARRANTY OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE DUT 6 Business Park Road• P.O. Box 768 ONLY A WARRANTY TO REPAIR OR REPLACE. I51 YOU MAY ASSIGN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY TO A SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER OF YOUR HM'F Old Saybrook,CT 06475 111 NO REPRESEITAIIVE Of NEILTRATOR 144.6 THE NITHORnY TO CHANGE 1HIS LIMITED WARRANTY Ill MY 6114-2(ER WHATSOEVER,OR TO EXTEND THIS 860.577.7000• FAX 860.577.7001 L PM it LI WARRANT V .6 wLI.;M.aii*. ti Li�"0:4i oolo-,a .!tt+___ 800.221.4436 I�..»�en"M.,,�IIF�� �j►' �{l �!i•INyd'�4 M >MI!'�r11�11'S�y� �•�I?��' .1.1.Einit lit ft"'0.L4.4!*e*!' w+i�° + +rwtw,aErW1 rtiriff • W flD&ER b s Inc.11 $K01s a 7iedlste7ed%demo*in Fame.tniklitiftimalli IS 6 leEi;;(elaj IC >P (10470or Systems Inc.Printed in 11.S.A. SETO112O91S1-O V. 7bli Free: 888-999-3290 F`t -_ ,. ' Bristle Filter Instructions For STF-110 4" (Installation & Maintenance) Instructions for installation in standard 4"outlet"Tee"of septic tank • Onieat the filter so that the wire handle faces opposite the discharge outlet. • Push filter into top of"Tee"until the 90 degree wire handle touches the top of the "Tee". The fitter is now"installed",as shown in the picture to the right. • The flexibility of the STF-11 Q bristle filter allows it to be used in just about any situa- tion. If you need help with a custom installation please call Sim/Tech Filter toll free at 888-999-3290. Installed Pater Recommended maintenance schedule For maximum protection,it is recommended that the filter be replaced annually. If not,it should be inspected at least once per year. The filter is capable of lasting three years under normal conditions. Such factors as garbage disposals,pets,laundry,etc.may cause the need for more frequent inspection or service. Instructions for performing maintenance in standard 4"outlet"Tee" of septic tank. Before removing falter,one of two options must be performed. These options need to be performed to prevent any outflow of unfiltered effluent from the tank while the filter is removed. Option 1 Insert a STF-130 maintenance sleeve(sold separately)with the handle coupling on the same side of the"Tee"as the outlet hole. Push the sleeve Into the"Tee"until the handle coupling hits the top of the"Tee". Do not remove the sleeve until a filter has been put back in the"Tee". Option 2 Have the tank pumped down by a professional septic service company. After performing one of the options above,remove filter by pulling up on the Mainteusnce filter handle. sieeve partially PIace the used filter in the provided plastic bag for proper disposal. inserted into , Install a new replacement filter as described in the installation instructions at "The " sTR-13o the top of the page. Maintenenee ;. If a maintenance sleeve was used(option I),remove the sleeve from the outlet u.S.Patent# Sleeve "Tee". 6,811,692 Effluent Fitter (Brush Style) RBT-STF-1 1 Q-4 EGUIPMENT OVERVIEW t - Our standard STF-110 disposable,passive septic tank filter can be manifolded in multiples of up to 6 for over 6000 GPD.These _ systems are designed for advanced residential and commercial septic system applications. • These light weight manifold assemblies are easily added to standard septic tank exit pipes in place of the standard'T". Allowing for easy access to all filters through a standard 24" diamiter riser opening. (3-/titer msnnoid system ete ("- ---,' pictured,2.8 titter*yokel's Each new filter is shipped in a 4mil plastic ar it.t te) bag for easy disposal of the old filter after 141111P replacement. 11 Easy In... Easy out... A sleeve is available for servicing high level O moving parts..• N � prevents tanks.The STF-13Q tool NO moving parts... particulate NO clogging... from leaving the tank during servicing. NO cleaning... r NB hassle... A long reach grabber is also available. The with betted filtration STF-120 is used for deep tanks.It grabs and holds the filter for easy removal and installation, Truly... making replacment of the filters clean and the most versatile hassle free. and effective filter on the market,.. Easy In,easy out, a bay for disposal, It can't and Its disposable) get any easier I 000110 J. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE: REX-BAC T d� L:��:!inuloctiu;= P.D.Box 661 I Cumming,GA 30026 I (BBB)886-1461 r 1 , � i 1/ti * • • ' fi7K1u aB a 4 _ • aft Ilia Ci1�-it9. t An t � iTf•11�w t * ►t'laB attar C os nor " r v tsi.�M mid Indtnrbvrrl SlF 11Q �" festarinz*id Olt maw difficault t • Wham and housings .alsoritilw hei !i simple to mishear Arid a nnficlr.imam I~ llnnikprd sst� •lialMegigNif Alireld'/n hold this'dint'ferceig " In glom With no rimed far rllrcidiowo or ' - - *lialitaisawpanstliaGusto .Y ottomdlingto oleo and sswass for loopy Maw eta :: * ,AMMO iiklall~misiesateg - R_ . -?4rarsetsmeMIL eggIlthiesti -0 Ilissibla•Ilpaeght 9*Ile#mKNre1 mid -•• :u ,- to be lagrsrtld • Eaviraeigraii aetiatletl for piotorting+nnd s eindicMlg of�' ' 7iltileril i sit$ or tip col t:of banana'disitg 114 r_r" Designed mar our pavan 8W-lie element nor that currently praleds msidentia is syatemi a o'rer the world,We West addihoas to this serIee of Mere were designed with snosaading residendel.moments!ts!and Indwolrial systems with larger housings and pre- with bufil in square barges in mind. .‘rrt, i We adtteve ammonia'titration of the most common solids found in todey's wastewater systems with our aoradmlkurn bristle design.This dedpn Is much more•#/Icier&than uniform t abried designs Mich can pees latter mom'mad debris Into the system. ' The fieodble salt-loddng bd ties crake t simple to inMR sad rondos.omen in e>ratame with Dodged moms.They also hold the filter firmly in piece with no need fox naivete or amnion iii and diminiie li tfi a 4iP. Tire Mars employs a debris separation*pane which rnturaily sods solids aoaordbrg to size and mass.This makes the filler thecdon more efficiently and greedy increases lie Wepsn. t t it also allows for biological trwtclt ng'r �0 series is filters in#ll wastewater traMment systemts. use hi gi The c 18 Ma less#teed cote. wtustd r with tt 8 M bristles together r, v: This makes than thimble enough to be servioed and c N ° ed.economical enough to be repiao This provides an - anonomintd octagon for protecting and servicing ai typos erRrtatRer re` - i of wastewater systems eta traction of he east of interior mew amihrstioway, i dew' C 4rr I l�leelt lam aas� s sNwrnr♦s��f Atop dim ltiitMG IOU f�/ ♦ w r rl�" 1{r' � .. ... ♦�♦ 1r37111 ♦1C ,w }f _ '��Aza Irk.,r ttrt! priltt•L(kUri sti tl f]trfarrnitttr.t' tl f %1 itigirothetiltr ill ;hu ran:rcr, to rre .,, _ ,,c ow ii L' >- 1l8 Patent Ili.8fi.892 r' -a f woo ipsame-delbm4vA 4AtiA mills Pima lri:CLIO-la I OZavtB9-to ago ONE-66O-sse=4 uat tt ard aeL-its POW 8fi06t-312 r Old -0IL i1,s aid Willi SLaf1QOdd Q3LV T tom,Ara Ut a •n*+p v CM A A 07 ot- 41.9 0tt-ate eN ued"No 11-4 ,7 Atg aiptun eezlutpoew Fun uedsgg d" • euof a 1c eteesn AIN twka 687f$ue taFf 4 _ 'seew PUS aaA W Buguoaan swap ewe - _ hlerraeu i teum weds uogeiedes low e swam adage patA. p snag tam 4 woo•S'S 9t€a 4A J9419601 Ins '99i9991 aus!,klo,dApd to 3 4 azawq a meg eta nuloeldw seam Pun amid pant O t4 u1 Ile %Awa *Wed 4 ,dn peou Jaw&mammainum AN e41 RN satin euploot-Aas • edb.r>a kR01 908W 4 law pue unTiolletele sa.lot eipua4 0909P oe 4 Enid o sots.10 9904 uuoiun aau 4y!*`e3e9ins Buus%gl a q siaanop uatp cucou aqi aq Jandenaq enbtun Laim Pew sl=WM atittatIlA• 4 seiatuWP AWL W Buualpl'Ode 000 9,90 W aJ M 9 940119*elmsQuWIµ3o1n baglZ'L 4 61106013 alcuPela nt t*dola +u M egg MCI 1441 uopetktlo egw AM pee SOPACtlell4 *An agdae aawoavw a1 fiu441019 pus Baumeul 19005010e1$M0 Y 4 luenUle/0mat PermimunJot ea 191 taim130eselleCi 4 Pula udas 6upfrues 104 awpttp$0141114101 4 Lad rtivah i THIRD PARTY 11 GARY f.J NS uTlok MIS!#32831 WISCONSIN it E-25985 MINNESOTA*41217 SDK/TECH FILTER NEW STF-4 10 DISPOSABLE SEPTIC TANK FILTER THIRD PARTY VERIFICATION The D spoa dde Sepik Task VOW is constructed as a twisted-is-who With with 26"beg brush body,54"tip sod 2 W'long handle end with 90 woe bead. Tlsashbody will have a major dhaineter of 313"for a k ogth of 9 Sr starting' 'tomtit 90 degree handle bend,then wilt twain down to 3 I4"diiameteer owr the seat 2 54"and held at 3 I4" diameter for the mad 14". Themwm be a scallop cut into the the insjoar dlamocet g 2 54"foam the top, down to 3 W'over the next 2",and then tranaitiarang tip to the major diameter over the next 2". The stun will be 11-gauge stainless steel and the fill naderial will be.012 yellow low The filter has a total of 2,962 lineal is et of kink equaling 35,544 lineal Wes of brinie. By Ong the total kqph.x the total perimeter of SrbdTech'a uniquely shaped bristle,it gives us a Sheriag surface of 2,215 aquae ladies. Volume of a 4"x26"Septic Tee 326.7 cubic inches Volume of the STIR-110Filter •4.265 cubic inches Volume as open thr fluid 322,435 cubic itches * OW R * ,4 •RY R. '- 1t SON * &2 SS et 111 MIDLAND CAC 32831 MI CH •s/sale.'" ' • AL THIRD PARTY VERIFICATION of FILTRATION ON THE STF 110 AND THREE OTHER GRAVITY SEPTIC TANK FILTERS • Test was ellor.»+g for filtering qualities with particulate that could be found in septic tank eft • This test used fiv+e.types of particulate added to a elegy tank • The five types ofprrticulate were Bair,seeds,tissue paper,lint,raid cat sew c (see table A bebw) fr Tess tank was ailed naeswsUy every five minutes wb&e performing tests to represent a large influx of war • Water was introduced into the test tank at 210 gallons per hour • Test was runt to a 2"had hurt abuse outlet Sow • Recorded length oftime to achieve a 2"Lead height(see table B below) • Recorded whet was in a 1500 mi iron sieve during the total run tint(see table B below) • Recorded what was caught in a 600 mi en in sieve below the 1500 micron sieve during total nun time(see table B below) • Recorded particulate caught while cbanglog fibers 13 minutes after encling test using manufacturers reconemoried instructions(see table B below) • Recorded particulate moved with films themselves(all filters were zxoaoved slowly)(see table B below) • Al pestadatie was recorded in grans wing a Cdf A,US Scout 11 Stale(Serial#B1360398)with cry 400 times Rig(pined resale 11/17/01) TABLE A Gras Mufti heir 2 Hoarse halt 2 Dashtir 1 Kitt,a/Names. Cst , 1 y 'r * GARY �* Ta o Needle , , ' c;. . at, rrappasraaa ads 2 ' JOHNSON fir Or " j Caasabe r dreads 2 * E-26986 NO. INN csa g a 2 A., MIDLAND g 32831 4. tilllmc paper 2 ... eaed►• • .71,8 0 ' Scott time paper 2 Mortise&Same papa .2, '. IL1st r 2 C_aalaasaw eddsrc 4 TABLE B Sikafreek , ' Tbs Zabel Tom' pace la Want 2"lead hdlat l k r.40 min. 7 min. 6 rain. •2 lea Pardeabste exeslit 15011 anima dam 0 0 0 0 . Palikelatae amid ilk+fW*duce Oen 0 0.2 , 0.3 1.2 Psslterwlara___while daraglasfiliter 0 0.3 0 0 Pitaallrsinec edssst�iruedwidths meat ir�earilise>r 13.0 _ 6.3 _ 2.2 , 23 *Ended test sot 2 hears,total head height was at i%" Note:Al filters except S;an/Tech caught seeds in 1500 micron sieve but was not recordable in 1/10g sole THIRD PARTY VERIFICATION OF FLOW RATES ON TTIE STD 110 AND THREE OTHER GRAVITY SEPTIC TANK FLIERS • Teat dome with dean water and no particulate • Mere placed in a standard outlet tee of 8&D type with a 17"tailpiece to outlet level • Test tank was a plastic 55 saki desmi • There was an accurate method to meaauae lead height above oudet level • Test was done for a'h"and 1"head latight above outlet level • All fttas tested swing the above conditions FILTER FLOW RATES SbnlTedt Taff-TI Zabel Zoeller %"bead Wert Above sweet now 1,84O f PD 1,440 MD 1,195 GPD 900 GPD 1"heed beIght above Ott llrw , 5,040 OPD 4,680 GPD 4,858 GPD 1,800 GPD- at eV wise, , ,•glo 4r1R1C!<. w 4i8! \ a 'v • * 3 MIDLAND safrrslot It is my opinion that the SimfTeoh filter will prove to be a cedar aeptie tank filter because of it basic dew;bristles to catch any'paper Re"debris on the otttsida surface (guided there because ofthe bristle's baudiag et the ends under pressure of the flow). A dead zone neer the neater tia collect smell patties as they fall tut of the flow.Plus the incalculabk water paths through,ant!srmm&the filter fibers. Guy B.Johnson F.B. 363 Sever Creek Rd Petoskey,Mii 49770 1 f .0,es*� +sr�Alf A r • ~ 1. Vris1s''.i • - 0 PL-68 Filter and Tee PL-68 is much more than just an effluent filter.The housing can also be used as an inlet baffle(tee)or an outlet baffle.The housing is designed to acceptPolylok's snap in gas deflector io deflect gas bubbles away from the tee and to keep the solids in the tank. Fattener 1/16"Filtration Slots Accepts 3/4"PVC Offers 68 linear feet of 1/16"filter slots,which Extension Handle significantly extends time between cleaning. son GPD Accepts 3/4"PVC handle, Lucks in any 36ft°position when used with PLEB Tee. PL-68 Housing can be used as an inlet or outlet tee. fits Any Tie • • Gasket prevents bypass On The Market x' } PLO Installation ' Gasket PrevettY;— 68 Linear Ft of Ideal for residential waste flows up to 800 gallons per day Hypo: 1/16"Filtration (GPD).Easily installs in any new or existing 4"outlet tee. ' s? 1.Locate the outlet of the septic tank. Easy Installation Accepts 3"&4" - " Pllter Lockain Any 2.Remove the tank cover and pump tank if necessary. (SCHD 40 & 360"Position 3.GIue the filter housing to the outlet pipe,or use a SDR 35 Pipe) ' Polylok Extend&Lok if not enough pipe exists. 4,Insert the PL-68 filter into tee. 5.Replace and secure the septic tank cover. FL-68 Maintenance: The PL-68 Effluent Filter will operate efficiently for several years under normal conditions before requiring clearing.It is recommended that the filter be cleaned 16 le" Site Inert to evey time the tank is pumped,or at least every three years. Available dttafxeds.ell 4e 1,Do not use plumbing when filter is removed. - 2.Pull PL-68 out of the tee. a Hose off filter over the septic tank.Make sure all solids Riser fall back into septic tank. Calserate Y. .^ - Babe 4.Insert filter back into tee/housing, Po•—t'. Related Products. ' PL-68 Filter Concrete Raffle Extend&Lokru Extsad fc Lok" Spacer Hushiag Spacer Bushing r Ertander Basal?imps 4"SCIID 40 4"SCHt7 40 into ekdatfeg tanks. to SDR 35 to 110mm Pipe Polylok.Inc. 3 Fairfield Blvd Wallingford;CT 06492 Tull Free:877.765.9565 Far 203.284.8514 1-74--ii _ , i TVA a ; l 7 �7'. ig' Iliad" iii: socKETAccepTs —7 ,1 -- —.2-!-1 7-- ---1 , , , 0011111141- . 4'SCHD 10 , - 1 NMI 1 • ,i 1 iiiiibmwar_ _..__=- _-__I i r illion_k Faiiiiiiim_ f ::: iI ______IL ,t- , , ,, 00 1 i . - . . . --OPTIONAL BUSHING4 (FOR 4'T IN WALL PIPE) PART NO.30142-R [4O.9 cm] ' I 22.01 [55.9 cnt7 15.09 WfrrENsIQN ; t; I WITH IX DIA. err - _ ._ I y END ACCEPTS 4'SDR�5 MI FOR EKTENsfON SOCKET AC POLYLOK PL-68 HOUSING 4" OPTIONAL GAS BE:CTION A� `. DEFLECTOR PART NO.3U142.68-4 PART NO.3025 1 MATERIAL-ABS COLOR-BLACK I . SO FT.(20.73 METERS OF 1118'(.158 CM SLOTS) '`'''..• . :>" 9E:PrENE:x Lc t€c . . . i �IllbsiNf ' i\, :: .4, 4,r . g ,i4itiLk. f , .,.- ia t 22.08 CRS.1 an] I ACCEPTS 314'11PS 14.2s C3N3z andtt - — - FOR HANDLE .96 i,yv,tj ----gm • 7 - ... . --^*�a _ jw--- NIL L £-0 PL-88 FILTER CARTRIDGE (FOR USE IN A CONCRETE BAFFLE) — PAINT NO.-30130-CB MATERIAL- POLYPROPYLENE MR• MIcHAEL POPE IX F- w w o > W T- O i U • SURFACE DISCHARGE SYSTEM WITH z �w w1- �Q REC IRC U L AT IN G E -Z TREATMENT AND UV TREATMENT Illa.a gN a Z E w wV Qc.6 ra c03 a ZZ =N O o o S.-2NQ Tw M a2 0z a Z_ o li '7 0H Z N ;� 5 LL 0 Ij PROJECT No. A93801 .00 �o U w I woz j tY °' O o Saint Matthew 0 O CVO 0 Catholic Church o 111 JASMINE PLACE - M el = O CV m 00 O 9a Imo DURHAM NC 27712m 00 i 7 M . 0 L. 3 w M N O °°' IT ~ N °' _,,,-,) St PIN #: 0826-03-23-4191 W Q U Z ? Q1 ix `1 J O U X w tre X a SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS: o = ci m o M O Beauty By Drones 9 w . a Z `_ 0 co no J co E. C-100 COVER SHEET a Z _I 't .c_ C-101 EXISTING CONDITIONS a a w '',r C-102 PROPOSED CONDITIONS co C-103 PLAN AND PROFILE T Lower LevelCi. C-104 TREATMENT SCHEMATIC & � l Heckman'sa MAINTENANCE NOTES V o Gradinq Services Read N Wr• _ o � It!Tutoring D-101 DETAILS 1 OF 8 ° `'- 1/-'1�-4 d VICINITY MAP D-102 DETAILS 20F8 LOCATION MAP C/� • D-103 DETAILS 3 OF 8 w b cp D-104 DETAILS 4 OF 8CCS z co D-105 DETAILS 5 OF 8co 0, D-106 DETAILS 6 OF 8 ,,, U D-107 DETAILS 7 OF 8 ��� •"0(�t's 0 0 • D-108 DETAILS 8 OF 8 I;'O F i/9 - _ 1 70 9 ,J_ `'Q .'111 cp — COPYRIGHT 2021 , , ** r_.... s. 'detart, ..-:. o °'�,, , MP ' "G ,o/ v / - ,„0' I/` 1 rA / / / LEGEND U) / 7 \ BOUNDARY (PROPERTY) Z 0 \ LOT 12O CONTOURS - INDEX ~ • / N. \ CONTOURS - INTERMEDIATE X Z // LOT 13 // ►�0/ \492� N SUPPLY LINES w 0 O / _ LOT 11 \v W WATER LINE \ \ / ADJACENT BOUNDARY F _ / / I- \ / / �i \\ tg�\ N. RIGHT OF WAY W 2 2 492� / / //05 \ A �\ CREEK Q \. 7 // \ — — — — — SETBACK �@ \., W lL d' Z — / - - - - - ROAD 0 gn W > >- C �� \ as 0� z /al ago-_ / \ \ /\ X FENCE LU W Z Q aS p0 CO 4/ I \ -\_ / ,¶.o = �L V w O / JASMINE \ \ <I o z a N / — so' R/ PP LACE \ NOTES �o a Ex N - ---488 \/ UBLIC i 1. PARCELS AND TOPO TAKEN FROM DURHAM COUNTY D. j O o CC o — / / ` aae —� \\ -- i190 JEREMY SITE PLAN UNT. SOURVEYOR.RMATION FROM PLOT PLAN BY y ix N. U —� 2. KEEP TREATMENT SYSTEM A MINIMUM OF 10' OFF cc LOT 14 / OF PROPERTY LINES. / � yea 3. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. p (NA m / /y N79' 16' 20.71"W '— N APPROX. 23.2 . 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION = p 00 \ 50' L4 S CK _LOCATION OF OF ALL TRADES AND SUBCONTRACTORS. m 00 M o EX. WELL CONTRACTOR IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD U m H c0 co / VERIFYING DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND LOCATIONS ) O Q O \ \ .1� /1 LOT 1�J / OF ALL EXISTING CONDITONS AND UTILITIES. m a 0 Q ST4, 'L 4) / /�/ 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE MFri c) Cr' Wy ,E.0 4D6. SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL o kO 4; / / \ / REQUIREMENTS. u, M N \ F�•'fit, g�� /„ \ EXISTING co 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE 5 N Z `� -a-) / EXISTING DWELLING a OSHA, NCDOT AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. N J `o -484— DRIVEWAYLij co L / 7. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ALL Z rn =' CONSTRUCTION DAMAGE EXPEDITIOUSLY AND AT NO Q J r Q 0 '� \ \ \ // / EXISTING / 2 iota ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. W m X = u_ NCD N \ Y GARAGE 8. DESIGN IS FOR A 3-BEDROOM HOME WITH A Z_ < m re /\ DESIGN FLOW OF 360 GPD. O = • O c') O O \ co�� LOT 16 LOT 17 a1- ° Z �°' \ \ \ <Ns\ \ EX. 900 GALLON EX. OUTFACE LINE 9. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE W O a Lyj r ee PRE—APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. J to ro N, ry 9B t \ SEPTIC TANK Q Z J a 9 0 \ Bs N' EX. DISTRIBUTION N 10. EXISTING SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE PUMPED BY A 0 } > °i \ s oQ \ BOX EX. INSPECTION TANK N LICENSED SEPTAGE HAULER, BROADCAST WITH LIME, Q Q m N \ \ \ \AF / X. CRUSHED IN PLACE, AND BACKFILLED W/ CLEAN U o Ce J I ct Qy \ �Cf Q \ / aa' FILL TO ORIGINAL GRADE. o 0 W Y \ \ FA / EX. SAND FILTER \ F \ \ V A A 42' X 6' EACH \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' \ (PRIMARY TREATMENT) \ m \ \ \ \ \ SS7. \\ \� \v ` vV ��R• •g�\ex \ I N GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 " = 40' • \ \ LOT 1 \ \ \ " �� ;: "8 2 a \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ 0 20 40 80 120 T...) cA 0Ct 0 \\ \ \ 9�\ 9p `1P v6s \ \a ` 1J/ \\ \f9e\ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ s \\ \ \ \=�e \., \ \ \ \ %N O O a CV \ \ \ \ \\ CA \ \ T- �— \ \ \ \ O . F Cm) v� \ \ \\ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � � I _ SEAL � � J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ (\--- = 17069 _, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ >� LOT 2 -LOT 3 =�-9 R EtiP �'�.•� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `Y :'M A GO,; I it �` N rill, , Z:\T-Drive(Projects)\Library\2021\A93801.00-Pope,Michael-111 Jasmine Place-Direct Discharge\Drawings\A93801.00-Base.dwg Jul 09,2021 10:03am '/ /' I / // / / / / me / I �i / / / / / / / / � ,� f / l / /_ / / / / / / / / \ I / / / / / / / I // // Ab„ / / / I / / ( / ( ( 1 / ( 1 ( �/ / I I I 1 Ir" / / / o,o/ / / I i_3 p I \/ I/ / / / / o \ / / �, / / / 8 1 \ / / / / / 11 \ / /bV/ 56p/ // / \ \ / 1 \ \ / C3' / / RI' 2 i \/ -P / Q \%. \ \y i / / / // / mo Ste*. \ / �" /. • • vino o m� sss Ca ' / / / � m \— / // m � �0� 12 \\ \ I / / � $0go \ 90 vp 2 oovo. z \ \\--\\ / / y vo zz mmm \ o-, N \ \„/ / s_ ' '�_-- ,,,;11.1' \ A / V �/ \,/,, tied 3 . z / / \ \ \ ° - I rim \ ( \ / .-------\ 1 %.1\ / r /2 v \ \ XmI \ mo \ /N OS O . ' . \ O _� /N I �� / 4 ct A // ') / / —,.. i ,' CD ,' N tr:� ) a ti / 1 QoI v i o // I e' n /ell %1 I / r / \ I / 0 / CO N I / / c I- / \ / / I / I F-• , / �'a / 1-, �p 1 �/ I A / W I /q� / // I I I / / / / ,/ ) /// r4 \ /// \ „\4/ \ \ / 7 / / \ \/ \ // / I / / ' ./ \ 19 \ /_„ O N O o x D = 1I r 4, 5 1 m o I I GI N x I I m eNt. O D I I I o .c) J 7.-3,a CD r- • - CO --; p) I i ,d 1 % 6., 8 8 §009 I I '` 9 Z c g/ F 2 ................ 1 1 Q m 0 ; N 5 O BY: MR.MICHAEL POPE 0 MacCONNELL 501 CASCADE POINTS LANE,SUITE 103 CARY,NORTH CAROLINA 27513 DCB, HGM 111 JASMINE PLACE PROPOSED DURHAM,NC 27712 JOB CONDITIONS > P.O. BOX 129 #' fit$ & Associates P. C. MORRISVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 27560 A93801.00 SURFACE DISCHARGE SYSTEM Jr� ° TEL:(919)467-1239 FAX:(919)319-6510 DATE: RECIRCULATING E-Z 8 UV TREATMENT 06/30/2021 DURHAM COUNTY,NC C-102 w Z J_ \ I i / 1- J i el O CONTROL \ \ PANEL \ i / Q Z a_ U E-Z TREAT POD/O BOO \ -- i/ 0 Q 0 IO \ \ / / Q �_ z EXISTING .14111111111111:11/110b 0+48 Off/sp Z DWELLING i ��.. W / DISCHARGE ,,uf��1I / 0 ill Q ill TANK �'+.]e,�° W wN > IY Z RECIRC. TANK a ro • / w W Z < otl Z co o / 1.5" SCH. 40 PVC RIPRAP AERATION/ = � V w OU 0 SEPTIC TANK PRESSURE MAIN PAD U_ NQ to Q2 p Z Q o / / / / �� U N / Qi Ce W I Q, N 10' LENGTH OF 4" �� G 0 \— 4" SCH. 40 PVC TYP SCH. 40 PVC SEE GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 " = 20' cc 0 ® 2% MIN. SLOPE DETAIL 2/D-104 W / / / / U w 0 10 20 40 60 ai cd 1 PROPOSED GRAVITY MAIN PLAN (STATION 0+00 - 0+48)ci) I ° N cCi0 0 0 I '- N a O co 490 490 01 co m p o Q o 0 g M o0 m 489 - 489 48822 488 0 N Z - 487 487 w Z O m - Z m re Q 486 ---- 486 gCeXUQ HQOFti ° 485 485 zc� mcco, aO1- Oz CN 484 EXISTING GRADE 484 w a ui ro Z up d 483 Z 10• LENGTH OF 4" 4a3 U _J o SCH. 40 PVC SEE U > > a' DETAIL 2/D-104 Q Q --- m E 482 482 U U IX ti CC J O O w co 481 RECIRC. 481 v' 2 1— TANK ♦ 07 7/, 480 480 i Tr (0 �/ o 479 479 ^^ • 0 478 478 n 0 CL VD 477 477 el A ' o 1.5" SCH. 40 PVC 0 0 476 DISCHARGE PIPE 476 (t co co - g 475 I 475 I`N 0(' C..)CA 00+50 O Co Lo) CA N -0+25 0+00 0+75 U as PROPOSED POINT OF DISCHARGE. INSTALL 1/4" S.S. WIRE MESH RODENT • SEAL • _ Q, Zi SCREEN (OR EQUAL) AROUND DAYLIGHT END OF PIPE AND SECURE WITH if • iHOSE CLAMP. STABILIZE OUTLET WITH RIP RAP. PIPE OUTLET SHOULD BE 17069 :J - t A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE AERATOR TO ALLOW FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION. -4 2 PROPOSED GRAVITY MAIN PROFILE (STATION 0+00 0+48) ,,).—• �0,, • o C-103 HORIZONTAL SCALE 1"=20' ; VERTICAL SCALE 1"=4' ��,,,,,s. MA,IL 0613i/f-- 7�~�4 N rA 05 W U MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE w U Q ITEM FREQUENCY TASK ij w W o . SEPTIC TANK 3 - 6 MONTHS CHECK FOR SOLIDS ACCUMULATION, E_Z EAT } W Z = U BLOCKAGES, OR BAFFLE DAMAGE, POD FILTER = < IN/EXFILTRATION, PUMP SEPTAGE. o LEGEND 0 CLEAN EFFLUENT FILTER. ? I 12 MONTHS PUMP OUT ACCUMULATED SOLIDS IF NECESSARY. REPLACE EFFLUENT FILTER EACH TIME SEPTIC TANK IS PUMPED. L FORCE MAIN Z II GROUND W RECIRCULATION TANK WEEKLY CHECK PUMPS, CONTROLS, ALARMS, CP CP w GRAVITY LINE FIELD DOSING TANK ELAPSED TIME METERS. 1,000 GALLON • FLOW DIRECTION ► w wry }w Z 4" SCH{ 40 PVC_ 1,000 GALLON E-Z TREAT a U04 h 3-6 MONTHS CHECK FOR SOLIDS ACCUMULATION, _ DWEWNG - ft SEPTIC TANK �� RECIRCULATION 0 Qn w y IN/EXFILTRATION. TANK a an O D I- ro 12 MONTHS PUMP OUT ACCUMULATED SOLIDS IF — w LEI Q aC 7 1,000 GALLON Z o NECESSARY. 5'-0" MIN. -I 2T-0" ] O Q ? = N 0 FIELD DOSING TANK = i U w U o MIN. SUPPLY LINES, FORCE 6-12 MONTHS CHECK FOR EXPOSED PIPE AND UV Ii 0 aQ 6 C9 a (15' 0" MIN. g Q= p Q N MAINS LEAKAGE. W/BASEMENT) -,CC W - X 2 7p Qg Ce o DISTRIBUTION FIELDS 2-4 WEEKS MOW VEGETATIVE COVER IF APPLICABLE. U p ce CHECK FOR EROSION, OR PONDING OF U= U 3-6 MONTHS EFFLUENT. W r 1.5" SCH. 40 PVC TO CREEK Q 6 PUMPS, FILTER SYSTEM, MONTHLY CHECK FLOW METER READOUT AND co & DISTRIBUTION PIPING COMPARE TO RECORDED FLOWS, CHECK 0 O N CO PUMPS AND FILTER SYSTEM FOR LEAKS. 1 TREATMENT SYSTEM PLAN SCHEMATIC I co QUARTERLY REMOVE FILTER COVERS AND INSPECT (-1 04/ NTS 00 co FOR ACCUMULATION OF DEBRIS. CHECK >'U m < 1-- _, co DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGE BEFORE E0 Co Q C O g AND AFTER FLUSHING (D.P. SHOULD RETURN TO ORIGINAL OPERATING D.P.) c•> o 0 CHECK PUMPS FOR ABNORMAL o to u� A 3 VIBRATION, TEST THE ALARM FUNCTIONS. i'l N c?w E I- m 0 a> SEMIANNUALLY REMOVE AND LUBRICATE 0-RINGS ON N Z `' FILTER CANISTER, REPLACE IF DAMAGED, 1111 Q JO o .c CLEAN 1-1/2" FILTER SCREEN AT Z Z rn ce rn HYDRAULIC UNIT. E-Z TREAT a Q X p POD FILTER U 75 ANNUALLY REMOVE FILTER SCREEN AND REPLACE, GROUND EL. ±483.0' INV.EL. Fw- Q XO = LL CLEAN USED FILTER SCREEN IN MILD DWELLING _ ±479.0' GROUND EL. ±483.0' Z U CO ce o O ACID SOLUTION AND STORE FOR NEXT F.F.E. ±310.0' ,j J- — - — _ _ O I . O ") ANNUAL REPLACEMENT, (ASSUMED) 4" SCH. 40� VC 0 2.00% MIN. INV. EL. _ — - — - d Z O Z • a) ±479.0' INV. EL. INV.EL. YPASS" INV.EL. w O a w FLUSH FIELD SUPPLY AND RETURN ±478.8' INV.EL. p Z J fD d MANIFOLDS BY REMOVING (UNSCREWING) ±307.0' t478.6' O t478 4' t478.2' ��- 1.5" SCH. 40 PVC TO CREEK Q J a> AIR/VACUUM BREAKERS. (INV. OUT) 1,000 GALLON 1,000 GALLON N } > rn c SEPTIC TANK E-Z TREAT 1,000 GALLON FIELD < <cc - Cr) E-Z TREAT TREATMENT MONTHLY INSPECT CONTROL/ALARM PANEL, RECIRCULATION TANK DOSING TANK U U IX ca SYSTEM PUMPING SYSTEM EFFLUENT o O CC W FILTERS/PUMP SCREENS, RECIRCULATION NOTES: 4" SCH. 40 PVC N 2 F TANK, AND E-Z TREAT POD FILTER. 4" SCH. 40 PVC (TREATMENT UNIT) 1. TANK LOCATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE SO AS • ANNUALLY TO SHOW EACH TREATMENT ITEM. l co CHECK AND/OR REPLACE BATTERIES IN V 5 FLOW METER. (IF APPLICABLE) 2. ALL GRAVITY LINES SHALL BE 2% SLOPE MIN. • ll ^ ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION 3-6 MONTHS WIPE (CLEAN) UV LAMPS. F�1 F�-�•I a UNIT CD TREATMENT SYSTEM PROFILE SCHEMATIC CHECK INTENSITY AND REPLACE LAMPNTS FTC WHEN REQUIRED. Fyl • o o ANNUALLY CHANGE BULB.0 co_ N I9t /7 0 0 SEAL .. C4 ��y 17069 'J= , o` 1�IIIIIII��` FL. 06/3� ij` NOTES 1. ALL PIPING SHALL BE SCH 40 PVC UNLESS N co 4- cp OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. ALL PVC PIPES SHALL Q BE BURIED A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. w o 2. ALL TANKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 28-DAY r IT -1 CONCRETE STRENGTH OF 4500 PSI. 3/4" GATE VALVE (FIELD!ADJUST TO 4 GPM FOR E-Z TR SPIN 3. TANKS SHALL MEET REINFORCING REQUIREMENTS TO FILTER RETURN FLOW) ACCOMMODATE 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. 3/4 SCH. 40 PVC RECIRC. LINE EITHER STEEL REINFORCING WIRE. REBAR OR Z APPROVED FIBER MAY BE USED. - _=_3 W __ 4. ALL SERVICE ACCESS OPENINGS WILL BE A MINIMUM H CLEAN 411111kOF 24 INCHES. EXCEPTIONS MAY BE MADE ON A a OUT --� , CASE BY CASE BASIS WITH E-Z TREAT'S PRIOR W Ww >CC Z SEPTIC FLOW ice/ \` 4" SCH. D-101 O U� cn WRITTEN APPROVAL. ALL ACCESS OPENINGS SHALL BE Q E FROM HOUSE —y ' _ / \\ _ / IP 40 PVC FITTED WITH E-Z SET RISER ASSEMBLIES. SERVICE a JN 0> 1- v - + I DAVID BRANTLEY Sc SONS I ACCESS OPENINGS FOR THE RECIRCULATION CYLINDER J 0- Z o „'� O _ O 1,000 GALLONS SEPTIC TANK I A.C\0111...., SHALL BE A 30-INCH OPENING AND FITTED WITH AN Q ZZ =N O o — ST-502 OR APPROVED EQUAL - \ E Z SET 30-INCH RISER ASSEMBLY. TRAFFIC RATED = EFFLUENT (SEE D-102 FOR TANKS SHALL HAVE CONCRETE RISERS. _V W c� \ -) _--,� FILTERWar CONTINUATION) E a= oZ a 0 5. ALL JOINTS (TOP-SEAM) SHALL BE SEALED USING �� W- _ CV FILTER CONCRETE SEALANTS BUTYL SEALANT # CS-102 I ,-m V Q~ tY rn SERVICE MEETING ASTM C-990. ;� aJ o HANDLE u_m a 24"0 E-Z SET RISER W/COVER 6. TANKS SHALL BE LEAK-TESTED PRIOR TO SYSTEM U (TYP. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) START UP BY APPLYING A VACUUM OF 4-INCHES OF y V IF BELOW DRIVEWAY OR PARKING LOT THEN MERCURY WITH RISER ASSEMBLES IN PLACE OR WITH W -0 USE ONLY H-20 TRAFFIC RATED DEVICES APPROVAL BY E-Z TREAT, A 24-HOUR STATIC WATER = ui TEST, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARDS. ca L J a) 7. NON-CONCRETE TANKS SHALL NOT BE USED IN (,e p csi O CONJUNCTION WITH THE E-Z TREAT SYSTEM WITHOUT 0 108" 1 PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL BY E-Z TREAT. _ p 23 O 8. ALL PIPE PENETRATIONS THROUGH PRECAST m 00 M 1- M •• (1) CONCRETE TANKS SHALL BE PRESS-SEAL m 0 0 aQ Q CD rnco CAST-A-SEAL 402 RUBBER BOOTS AND GROUTED. cn CD PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK 9. THE FILTER POD INVERT OUT SHALL BE A MINIMUM M O o• OF 6" ABOVE THE INVERT IN OF THE RECIRCULATION o roNTS TANK OR 1/4-INCH PER FOOT SLOPE, WHICHEVER IS W c� N `O 24"0 E-Z SET RISER GREATER. I- °' W/COVER (TYP. UNLESS N Z 7') PRECAST OTHERWISE NOTED) 10. CONTRACTOR MAY USE LARGER TANKS. < r CONCRETE 11. MAXIMUM COVER OVER NON H-20 TANKS SHALL BE Z am 0 °' o "DONUT" OPTIONAL NOTE: FIELD VERIFY PRIORL a J cs• a X �1 30" OR AS SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. • TO ORDERING RISERS i n J O '- V WATER TIGHT SEAL W < 0 = U- fO 12. SYSTEM INFLUENT SAMPLE SHOULD BE TAKEN FROM °_ 3 111111„��%/ , /?� GROUND EL. +483.0' N ON RISER ASSEMBLY INLET TEE IN SEPTIC TANK RISER Z 0 0 ct rn I'I�'/ r•I Y W. / ;/ /�/W 'SVVVV`/lV*/�/�V/����W 3 4" pVC 1�`A 13. LENGTH, WIDTH, AND DEPTH OF TANKS WILL VARY 0. I- 0 Z a �N.N.V /•/•�/••• / * �l\lam. /�/�/��� /��`,�/�I���/`/� / - �/� PER MANUFACTURER. Wce a ,� //.l� �.///.//.//. ✓i. /�f� //�/�//�//�I/�%/����//���//�//�//� GATE VALVE M����p i n d �`�� %/`%��`% iv ,. /// `'•`' `%/.."ivO%'`;%\%/`//'`%/`.4.,",,,,y/��%�`/0,,,,N7.�_w,i I �/V,/*3/4" SCH. 40 PVC RECIRCULATION 14. MAY USE COMBINATION SEPTIC TANKS AND 0 in Z J v E• yu<_���iN� �NA:eN)NiNi����.A�N�iN+.Njh.iNANN•NA •ap �.��/‘LINE FROM E-Z TREAT TEE RECIRCULATION TANKS RATHER THAN SEPARATE IF C > °i ``, /`````."� ".; `, • • • �;Q NECESSARY OR DESIRED BY OWNER. a a m ' 1 2- VENT - _ 1,, 4' SCH. U CJCL 40 PVC 15. IN AREAS WITH LOW ALKALINITY WATER, INSTALL ±55 c 0 W NV. IN (SEE D-102 FOR LBS. OF MARBLE ROCK (1"-3" DIAMETER) IN �n " 24"x24" MESH BAGS. USE 1 BAG PER E-Z TREAT MIN. 18" BELOW LOWEST WATER LINE • CONTINUATION) POD. PLACE MARBLE ABOVE "BEAD" PILLOWS. • F.F.E. WITH WATER FIXTURE _ • , I INV. OUT C`/1 ca 0'� 1 -2" BELOW INVERT IN ✓ CAST-A-SEAL 402 - j w • RUBBER BOOT 4.; 4" SCH 40 PVC o 0 a (TYP.) . PROP TEE (TYP.) I o CAST-A-SEAL a _ o 402 RUBBER l o ' cC " BOOT (TYP.) W d LII o IN Ili * CONFIRM SIMTECH STF 110 3 f SERIES, POLYLOCK PL-122 Ct ao rn N 3-OR ENGINEERS NSTA p OVED g � . I.,, 0 .O N 12' , o MIN. (TYP.) 1 •1'. �i - ?..^ i tt 1 'i IDTANK FLOOR EL. ±474.7' : O c' 7/ f - CA TANKS REQUIRE A 6" TYPICALTHICK STONE BEDDING - SEAL .o F 1/3 TANK LENGTH 1'Q69 �si a PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK SECTION cs9:'•ENGINE: ���`� � ��4 o D-101 NTS '.,��y S' MAC��,. ` ��l/�i N (SEE D 104 FOR I TO E-Z 1" SCH. 40 PVC CONTINUATION) I TREAT POD . R\ J CO CV FROM E-Z CD I TREAT POD 1- 0 6 T r � , — � inLLJ I I 1 EFFLUENT BYPAS VALVE 30"0 E-Z SET RISER I I RESTRICTOR TO S 0 GPM W/FLOW W/COVER (TYP) 1 _ -a--3/4" SCH. 40 PVC RECIRC. LINE TO SEPTIC I I w12" MIN. LENGTH OM I 4" X 2" REDUCER 2 2 CLEAN �--_ FLEX PVC OUT i \�� 4,11140� HQ (SEE D-101 FOR • ■ • (C I 11 D-103 @aItaIiiir3ii ." :- a gN .> Y E CONTINUATION) il.a O II�0 r a ~ o I \ /I1300 GALLON RECCULATION PUMP TANKil �\ 3 ' 4/11.4: �' 'i/ D-102 U w¢ Nw u o ---- 1,300 PT 459 art , I wZ = N TURBINE PUMP e�� �_ II Ci Q= UQ~ re SPIN FILTER ~� CC U W UNIT I I I 4" X 2" REDUCER y V (SEE 1/D-103 FOR DETAIL) ce L -- — II1I � — J p 1-", TO DISCHARGE 0 Q C o 126" POINT oM II p, 7, mp O Q < p o co 1 RECIRCULATION TANK w ALARM LIGHT ,- D-102 NTS 30"0 E-Z SET RISER w ''' N 0O, 0 W/COVER (TYP) CONTROL PANEL (LOCATED 5 Q M PRECAST CONCRETE aN N Z WITHIN 10-FEET OF TANKS) _J Cr) m "DONUT" (OPTIONAL) /� 3/4" BALL VALVE . ul Q O .c (TYP.) 3/4" SCH. 40 1 Z Z m w to PVC RECIRC. LINE • Q N Q in 3/4" UNION �� • DIRECT BURY O U i< `!`! LL - "' �%✓/���%`'` �Q����O'� ♦,ROUND `l tow' v` �'�"'.! gilt) r 11., •`I-. . ! CAB TO vPANE` `'`I/> _I Q O a \/�//�����'!-, `/` •7/ I/ •• '\'� �� •�'� �' \••' ♦'�'N��4 • � _���//�,1�� S.\iss;;I�/§/4/\/ p x p M �` <4..:" .�� �', It✓I/**4. t4: :/\1\1/Ic//.f•//✓c/�\1\I•/.I'✓N. ✓/.4.//.'_. •..�1�.c0.?6 ;�j�� ♦ /�j�7. a F- p e, cu e0,4*(4(4.?�! I%�I/ 'r`I/r✓/%/iI/�ItI4 %/l '1'��I%//�/� 3 "1'1. 'I `//``�``//``/ CHECK" PVC VALVE /``✓``/` w aZCO / ./# .#. .j ��zAitz �ii?�`:/.;.,�j/.4/i��/i;/i�:44:�i�2`4 -�j,NiN'N a •••kee Q z_ a. /i� . , b� .�� 1-1/2" SCH. 40 PVC U y E ,�/`/``j`j/`/`) `/ FULL UNION (TYP.) co Q N m I //`j/.`�.4vl FL06RATCRKET U U re J o O w - am (., 1" SCH. 40 PVC LINE (SEE D-103 FOR CAST-A-SEAL 402 t TO FILTER POD CONTINUATION) \ m RUBBER BOOT (TYP.) HIGH WATER ALARM= -- NOTE: Cm) 40" ABOVE FLOOR UV UNIT NOT SHOWN FOR • o • CLARITY. SEE DETAIL 1, D-103 I� 4" SCH. 40 PVC " I 1 F.L.� ai DROP TEE (TYP.) a i EFFLUENT BYPASS l 0- ^ _ DOSE s di VALVE BY E-Z TREAT M-� ^ o _ 41 " 22 ABOVE FLOOR �� SEEIEFFLUENT BYPASS CD o r7 VALVE SECTION A, D-104 o • PUMP OFF. CI - 3/16" ANT1-SIPHON rn 18" ABOVE FLOOR HOLE (TYP) V 3" eo MERCURY FLOAT %%% O N r •r 1-1/2" SCH. 40 SWITCHES (4) �� . O PVC FLOAT TREE 3__� 'I .. v. .r! r.r�� r..r••••• rr•r•rr• rrrr.....rrrr�..r. .r"rr...!_._, r r-.i t:r . 5 ..• -r•.. . Eq. ..'. ...:...... ..,,.:.....,f..r.r.._ r :,".g ,, z i, r SEAL - in- ALL TANKS REQUIRE A STA RITE MULTI STAGE _ 7069 • - atii SUBMERSIBLE PUMP PART 3" PVC STAND 1 +1 = 0 6" THICK #57 STONE NUMBER 4. BEDDING (TYP.) OR EQUALSTEP PER Eo Z/2 TREAT 'G7 Q'' �` ��+ / FNGINE�' ��: I® A RECIRCULATION TANK SECTION .9�-' �o ; �►1.�►��` IL D 102 NTS ,,+II t i, s,,>j37Z��7 la: ���1 N (/b! co 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —I coM ...1 Q L 0 H O p W M a A TURBINE PUMP D-103 1- `\\ Z W \ 1,000 GALLON PUMP TANK \ 1-1/2" W + BY DAM BRANTLEY Sc SONS 0 I1U1L711 4U a U W U \ 1,000 PT 237 OR APPROVED EQUAL W W cs4 }a' Z TO HYDRAULIC a U.- w E \ // �/ UNIT O 5N C7j > a z v 1J wU <'5 o Q ZZ 2N O o FLOAT TREE 2 �� U W U (TYP.) g Q= 0 Z Q -)2 QQ cc 0 LL 7 o yU W cc m 95" it - E o O 0o 0 _ N_ O 2 O m M W M TS 1 FIELD DOSING TANK PLAN m o o a o 0 g D-103 NTS m 1-1/2" SCH. 40 o cc) o PVC FULL UNION n to 22 . Z GROUND EL. t483.0' H N w o `° >= j n Q M m � , \ DIRECT BURY N Z E TO cr) o n S.S.CABLE OR CHAIN AN ZrnL NN • /o �/////� �j. ���� � � I�I�'� �''','�' ''' /\ / •j` ./, (. v� � �44 .I / / �4 CL H U ' O II N ix E N. ' C FLOAT TREE BRACKET ��� ���� U Q - °' „ 'up EAL WATERTIGHT WITH \/�//' .4N o cc O W (SEE D 102 FOR • w aI . T,f BUTYL SEALANT AND {�` it u ? r \ ,o CONTINUATION) .. -11 w o N NON-SHRINK GROUT (TYP.) `//`/`�/�/�/�, ` i i/�///�/` ~• r //✓/\//\//\// `//\//�//\//\//\/ • w 1-1/2' REMOVABLE PVC �'\�•��• '��'� .��.��.�.��,�� r \ a) 7 HIGH WATER ALARM PIPE FOR SUSPENDED ✓✓/✓ /' ✓\' \' ' ' v _C A �' FLOAT TREE (TYP.) `�`;`;�; /`;%`; '*' U o *. 3/16" ANTI-SIPHON ✓� � ✓ a 6 * PUMP ON HOLE (TYP.) a i� n d *A • MERCURY FLOAT rTl C/� 3" ' PUMP OFF SWITCHES q 4' 45 BEND -�i • o I R (TYP. OF 3) 4" WYE 100°' co (1) ZOELIER MODEL 53, ,C..)°� 3/10 HP PUMP. N ` • +1 MIN MAIM ``c��ccci.0/,, ' O O O I 1 , r-•.r.r.•...r i;r:r:i,r..r r;r.•: is•.r.r r,r:r.r �i.r.r:r.r.•r.r r r r 01 ± . • V r=. . r. r_r. . r . .rrr:. r. r .. . r.:.r . r;r.r . rcr-:. . . r . r NOTE: _ Ct - - - -- -- - �:=- --- - - - -=-- - =- -- - - - A1- - • Y 1. PIPING TO BE 4" SCH. 40 PVC. SE _ o - 17069 ' 2 GRAVITY CLEANOUT ..-./ �r .$ A FIELD DOSING TANK SECTION li. D-103 NTS „1:5) • NGINE 4; �/ o D-103 NTS •,,, S. rog, ',0 7/I1111' N 100% 4" WELL CAP arm BACKUP DISCONNECT EFFLUENT BYPASS PRIMARY LAMP LAMP UNION (TYP.) TREAT VALVE BY E-Z-' ` ,4: FINISHED_ GRADE 4" 7�' 2" 2" 4' U NOTES: Q o av- `4(-N`/L/�`4c* I������\ ?� JJJ �I" �•L�� O ) 1. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT PURIFIER I I ��`�/ft �4/./` �'\ ' 4' x 2" / H 17" UV-102 BY E-Z TREAT.REDUCER) 4" x 2" 2. PROVIDE DUAL GA RECEPTACLE ��/N.&..N♦� ` • REDUCER 4" 90 BEND 1/2" BALL FOR UNIT AND HEAT TAPE. FIELD IMIIIIIIIIIII VALVE ROUTE 2-#12,1-#12G, IN 3/4' ME TOP VIEW PVC CONDUIT TO 120 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 20 AMP BREAKER ~ I►�1 Io AT HOUSE. W 4" FROM FILTER POD 4" SCH. 40 PVC FLOW CONTROL CONTROL um W 1- CROSS (TYP.) WEIR 4" TO WITH ALARM 3. ORIENTATION PER SITE I-a REQUIREMENTS. N W U WATER LEVEL ULTRAVIOLET W III N }a z PLATE DISINFECTION 4. INSTALL 1/2" BALL VALVE FOR a UQ n to 4" SCH. 40 PVC O J W EUNIT SAMPLING DOWNSTREAM OF U.V. a aN c D 22 FLOAT BALL . 2'x2"x1/2' UNIT. W WU <a5 • o REDUCING TEE 5. MAY LOCATE IN RECIRCULATION < z z =W rli 0 TANK IF ACCESS PROVIDED. (-) ma u0i W 2 2 ro LLg o 4" 2" ii _—2" 4• j 0 ALL TANKS ' Iii full,, ` ill UU III• �U Q REQUIRE A 6" 412" THICK STONE ' ce ( I BASE (TYP.) 4" x 2" 'i I 1 2" BALL .( I MIN. REDUCER ALVE REDUCER O z 30" DIA. Z, 0 O 0O a `O 'i E-Z SET -N DISCONNECT M. N o • f RISER UNION (TYP.) O G PRIMARY 100% m CO M •W t` M LAMP BACKUP } Q O Q Q O s RECIRCULATION TANK SECTION J• L^""P m o cn 03) 1NTS ,��, M O o i o ,- 1 IA .3 W fh N (D NON-CORROSIVE ,n r1 REFLECTIVE AND SECTION VIEW 5 Hcsi z 2 PROTECTIVE SLEEVE J a1 LU O � t z ? rnwa, bu'u1 ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION g ° , W 0: X a LL 7.5 D-104 NTS zca.> miia, a I- GzN m OLij U aLii NI' a aZ _1 .0 U } C 0 a inm E 0 CJ cc 4' PVC GRAVITY BACK FLOW o O w DISCHARGE PIPE OR SCREEN u, g I- 30"0 E-Z SET RISER T W/COVER (TYP) U ro 3/4" BALL VALVE \\\\\��� \� \\/ //��\\ \ \/\� o \�\//\i\\ \\/i\/i�\\\\\�\%\.��_\\ 3/4' UNION �•."•••ev.,.. 1Ij' DIRECT BURY I CABLE TO PANEL ROCK/RIPRAPo aA- _ .���� `•• v��.����.w��.�-. �� '\\\ \ /\\\\/ \\\ %/\, .V( //\\\\ \\ 11..til+,_ _ �� >:,,�jO.O' 1 1/2" PVC !st,§�� \ //\/`'.�r.T.�. .� �--.) o •�,\AN/0'• ✓�I47sr/\'/'CHECK VALVE /eI\'/' •C_� O1 �I I lireS.!.. 1-1/2" SCH. 40 PVC FILTER CLOTH �11,,,1, ,� () S FULL UNION (TYP.) ��� 7!0 �� / O O o FLOAT TREE BRACKET I ° (/A 1" SCH. 40 PVC LINE DfTCH f TO FILTER POD SEA y c DENITRIFICATION RETURN LINE 2 DISCHARGE POINT DETAIL 17069 • D-104 NTS D-104 NTS '%C"r FNG�N�� �4�J ��+� o ',„,,S.}' "M AGG•� 7110 ��i N Z:\T-Drive(Projects)\Library\2021\A93801.00-Pope, Michael- 111 Jasmine Place-Direct Discharge\Drawings\A93801.00-Details.dwg Jul 09,2021 10:04am w v cD 6' 0 f....,,,,„„„ tri 11.4IN.T _ o cn cn N f .4_. _ _ c, N / _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) cmA 1 zr; '4 rT f 70 �o� I I i I o / _ _ rn > 0 o o - 46' (REF.) m o. o I �o o XI N / m 0 0 m O c D , o� o m tr') -I 9 D ~ O -9 EO C •m x -0v m 0 N I Z j 0 in r Z j 1 0 + II •) . r, (•) O r�)A CND !* iz a - Z T j N > p ��//�� Z -i Z V• c o 1 A mc131 ^ o r . m,m D o — moo= Z o 0 0 Z 0�"� 0 1 i ` I ' v _ m � -nP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� 0 0 0 0 ) \ 1 x -Lt m�� rnrncor.> 11lii, �t-. O O O x m -00 vdi --i �Dal GI) o q--13 zmf )n nox 0—0 K m 'i=oz vA *C ix m 0 7, �• `,,a o ,� to �'ti�. ;. ? O • ,yF.i.-..- ' - BY: MR.MICHAEL POPE MacCO1�T ELL 501 CASCADE POINTE LANE,SUITE 103 DCB, HGM DETAILS CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27513111 JASMINE PLACE ,� JOB #; DURHAM, NC 27712 5 OF 8 �1tkii% & Associates, P. C. P.O. BOX 129 � MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27560 A93801.00 SURFACE DISCHARGE SYSTEM AroTEL:(919)467-1239 FAX: (919)319-6510 DATE: RECIRCULATING E-Z 8 UV TREATMENT 06/30/2021 DURHAM COUNTY,NC D-105 co Co 0 Q LL 0 Q u, 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 9 Branch Circuit Protection Device/Disconnect Means Field Provided- 2 X Pump Load Legend Field Wiring Size per manufacturing specifications for Pump/Motor Field Supplied 120/230 VAC 0-16A MAX 60 Hz Alarm/Control Source Pump Source Pump Source Pump must contain integeral Device Tag Description Z BALLAST Ballast 120 VAC,60Hz 120/230 VAC,60Hz 120/230 VAC,60Hz thermal overload protection. BALLAST 2 Circuit Breaker 2 Pole 20 A 45 In-lb W w Bottom Feed Bottom Feed Bottom Feed Ground Motor PE to Ground Lug CB3 Circuit Breaker 1 Pole 10 A 45 In-lb 1-W Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker CS1 Current Switch NO0.5-100A ICJ W N }2Z L1 N L1 L L1 L N F1...F3;F8 Fuse Terminal Block 0. U.- COI- q � W E Ft 5 A Control Fuse a gN cam Z ( 7 PUMPI;PUMP t Customer Supplied AC Pump W W V Q a6 0 1.4 1.5 M1 2 PWSPowerSupply24VDC30W < ZZ IN Lii V o \ \ N 1 N2 C'B/1 5L3 6T3 T2 SW2 Toggle Switch V N� y TB6 02 A A 31 TB1;TB6 Terminal Block 30A 2 Q x G Z Q 0 12 4 i 3 B`K 3L2 4T2 _ TB2 Double-Level Terminal Block 20A 2 .-M V I-- 2 W- 18 \ O PUMP1 TB3;TB4 Terminal Block 20A � 4=g O 02)----\ �` l 32x 1 �., TB5 Terminal Block 20A 2 V CB3 01 T64 0-0 ' 2 02 20 O 1L1 I 2T1 r1 PE ,l TB5 Terminal Block 20A y a TRANSI Transformer,24V W ♦ ♦ ♦V . L re ws N3N4 N5N6 C62 5L3 6T3 2 T2 2 c RED 1.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 S3 (7 C p r- N o �2 6 40 l 3 BZK 3L2 4T2 PUMP2 CO t>o M 0 �BLK l 34 ti M \6 CO TB3 01 \ 40 02 O O \z 1L1 I 2T1 Ti 1 PE II m Ci 0 Q 0 O cD F8 1.1 1.1 2.3 o p c RED 1�1 IF2 Ni N2 0 ^� Q N 24 N Z o ; BLK ,yj Q O to Z Z co') ee - 5 rA RED RED RED GRN 1NMT 1WHT 5 O �- V X 0 \6 \8 \6 \6 \6 PE 16 Ce x =LL 5 3 H Q O L' 1 1 PWS zc) mreo, _ L0 0 0 PE N G N D 1 = COM 120 206 240 Q.i- m F1 F2 _ o White Black Red Orange Wce a a 2 2 \1 T Power Supply 0 Z J 44 Q J 6) 4 6 PSSR-VC24 F1 -F3, F8 Fuse must be replaced with 5 Ampere N e RED RED BALLAST1 Black White Yellow RED 24 VDC 30W TRANSI re 0) �6 �6 • • • • v+ v- type 5mm x 20 mm fast acting 250 V max 0< �' 003 0 • • Spare fuses provided in packet N ♦ TB1 01 02 , Blue Yellow io O W .0 .1 24 VAC OVAL ~ 12OVAC.1 8K ` 8 T 8 EL ' 8° b 2.2 \ \ \- `- e u e` s HTR1 TB5 •1 •2 •3 • • 28 29 35 36 0 1 %2 4 BLU BLU WHDBLU NelT/B.0 fl 1 19 1 •3 27 18 16 ,..18 18 • a 2.5 -LJ Lr- RED T EL ORG \ \ \ CAUTION: Nonmetallic enclosures does not provide a a R 24 ,6 8 8 6 ♦ ♦ F3 • grounding between conduit connections. Use grounding B OVDC.1 2 bushings 0 t CS1 4 UV Lamp 24VDC.1 gs and jumper wires. W 0 ED BLU N3 2.s V 2.1 -ED ATTENTION: Les bothers non-metalliques ne permettent -4--, e Red Blue 1e t SW2 e4 o \ 1.1 24 VDC.2 V pas de mise 6 la terre entre les connexions de conduits. , cocoM0 •iNo> TB2 •27 •28 3.4 OVDC.2 Utilisez des manchons de mise a la terre et des fils de liaison. �,,,,,, �� C.) g UV Lamp 3.4 24VAC OVAC `lN 0 0 0 o INTRODUCTION/2 Schematic 2.4 2.7 2--• 4 r �ALDERON'" This drawing contains proprietary infomaton Model Quote Number Drawn By B.Nelson Page Number 0 ; F U dustrlars which must not be duplicated,used,ordisctased DWG Number EZT-1 CD4Z-230-16 _ y 1 OF3 •�_ Coo LeadingEdgeControl Products in whole or in part without prior written consent. Checked B B.Klabunde d 110 1Sm sr.SOUTH Notes:1.WARNING!Electrical Shock Hazard!Disconnect power before servidng this product.A qualified service person must install and service this product according to applicable electrical and plumbing codes . •; i NAWIEv MN,sss.v 2.Install In accordance with National Electric Code.NFPA 70,Seal all boxes,fittings.and conduit with appropriate seal devices to prevent moisture and gasses horn entering enclosure. Date 1/19/2021 - : SEAL .N .. 3.Connect all grounds to a good ground.4.Dashed lines represent field wiring-Use mnimum 60 deg C Copper Vitro 5,Branch Circuit Protection Device/Disconnect Means Field Provided. Revision U 1�069 41 E-Z TREAT COMBO CONTROL PANEL (1 OF 3) • 1*. -., )•• ......GOc�%• j.�1~ ` o D-106 NTS ,I�,��.9. r r'g/30/ 0°/ ,I n v